Opinion: For what Belarusian girls love foreigners.

 Opinion: For what Belarusian girls love foreigners.
Opinion: For what Belarusian girls love foreigners.

I have a friend, let's call him A., who is very vigorously experiencing a certain "genophobe nation". At sight sweet couplewhere, in the role of a strong half, it is clearly not a descendant of radar - it is too dark, Chernovolos and brilliant with the eye - A. Zokat as a sign of disapproval. Two-speed Swedes with a red beard, he also dislikes, but the Swede in our territories is a rare bird. So historically it happened that guests often fly to us Turkish Airlines airplanes. Arrive, and then captivated female hearts.


« This is all because you, women, compacted. Prices do not know. Go beyond the first who will adorn the finger"," Says A. And confidently leans in the chair: I solved infinity sign, no less.

I do not know. Maybe the opposite? We believe that the flowers in our lives should appear so often to be photographed with them no longer wanted. We believe that worthy of the words "Favorite", "the only" (or "bunny" at a thin end), and in what language the tenth business is. Multivated A., you will not blame us, girls, in the desire to hear compliments, especially if the eloquence of the interlocutor is inspired by the "beautiful eye". And although the "compliments" and "complexes" are the words similar, the last here seems to be with nothing. Even beautiful girls Fall asleep with a photo of a boy who taught them to dive in the Red Sea.

« Few gifts - but an economical husband will be, all in the house, and no squeezed gestures"," Grandma says. Ah, grandma, why do I need all these multicookers without love? Without love in carrot cake will always miss nuts ...

« Behind modesty hidden deeper feelings"," Promotes us not the latest idea of \u200b\u200bthe next series. But you do not need to be seven spans in the forehead to understand: not every modist is an enviable party. Suddenly a man is not at all modest and economical, and boring and greedy, the forest of Shakespearean Sheilok?

« Exactly! And on the money go"," Indulsion grinning by A., as if put the mat with a cheat booster. It is impossible, they say, seriously love a man with a tummy. And with Lysina. Yes, and in the years ... Stop-stop-stop. Since when has the tummy become a sign of ethnicity? In the Belarusian streets, not only Apollors (and well, because the production of Afrod, we also do not put on the conveyor).

Even the very patriotic girl who uses Tinder, with difficulty will be able to ignore absolutely all foreigners. Is that it will specifically pay attention to the names. The reality is as follows: if the avatar is a well-kept and courageous man with an infectious smile in all 32, this is an overwhelming majority of cases.

Read entirely in the photo source:


Foreigners see the "HI" seizure and easely bring acquaintance in Offline. Our guys after mutual lady are more often silent as grandfathers-partisans. Marinate them, husky. Statistics are collected. At the same time look sternly. It is understandable: autumn, dollar exchange rate, car loan ... Of course, a hurricane passion can hide behind the ice wall, but not everyone has enough heat to check this theory. And then, suddenly Kai ... all? In the sense, resuscitation is not subject to. Someone does not smile, because the weather is November, but the other is just just a misanthrop, from which you need to run, and as soon as possible!

The tumors do not check the coat of arms on the passport. The tumors are growing at all. And, by the way, there is a huge difference between the cargo, eternally displeased decades in the training pants and fake Rolecas, in whose look: "I am the same type that is always How Hamit in the queue," and a jotty fat man who prepares the world's best pizza and knows how laugh so that the walls are trembling.

On Lysin, by the way, there are also fans.

Read entirely in the photo source:


« In the country no one gives birth"Turning A. So I see him at the table of the Minister of Labor and Social Protection. By the way, A. Kaby himself while smoothly zero. I do not know what prevents him from creating blue-eyed charming for a whole hockey team. The dollar or autumn rate, and most likely, the fact that A. does not understand the main thing. If the girl married a foreigner, flew into Munich and sick for Bavaria, then she is so better. Other (their majority), no matter how much the speeches are sweeters, much more importantly experience with the chosen one's emotions at the sight of an electronic toy, where the wolf is from "Well, wait!" Catching eggs, and laugh at the same moments in the "Christmas tree".

Cultural community often outweighs imported openness. Gives ten points of the fory. But at least five can be earned, if in addition to the knowledge of the chords "Splin" learn in the right moment Switch seriousness in hibernation mode. Worth trying.

Being in abroad, nostalgia always appears. AND best tool For the soul - to hear something about your homeland. I tried to figure out what Europeans know about Belarus and how do they relate to our culture?

Alexander, 35 years, Munich, Germany:

It always seemed to me that Russia and Belarus are one country. But, nevertheless, we separately call the country Russia and "White Russia". I heard that you are incredibly clean, I also know a little about your president. Oh, yes, and the capital of Belarus - Minsk. I, fortunately, the highest score on political geography ( laugh).

Francesca, 41 years old, Brno, Czech Republic:

I know a lot about Belarus. For example, about your Christian traditions: you are completely differently celebrating Easter. I have a girlfriend from Minsk, and she often teaches me interesting statementswho are completely unusual for our edges, for example: "I'm in the morning, like a cucumber." It is incredibly funny! Sometimes I use your Belarusian statements in the company of your friends, and they believe that I went crazy a little ( laugh). In addition, I know what Dianki is. In the chairs kitchen there is a similar dish.

Lina, 37 years old, Vilnius, Lithuanian Republic :

I really love Belarus. You are our neighbors. But the most important thing is that you are very responsive people. And Minsk is a beautiful and pure city. I use your cosmetics "Belita". We sell toys "Polesie" and some brand brands of clothing or a wonderful lingerie - many years I wear some things. By the way, very often I come across the Belarusians at work - I am delighted with the kindness of these people, ready to always help, in any situation.

Roger, 28 years old, Rotterdam, Netherlands:

Belarus? Where is it? Just kidding, I know about your country. Never been, but I know that you drink a lot and eat oily food. I know what the name is your president. On this, perhaps, everything. We must use Googl.

Abi, 31 years old, Paris, France:

I was born in Omsk and moved to live in France when was still small. Sorry for my Russian - he is already with a noticeable accent. As far as I know, Belarus is very beautiful country. We somehow discussed her with friends, and they said that Minsk is a sterile pure city. However, most of all, they like Brest and Grodno. I know, by the way, who are "Krambambul". I want to visit Belarus and, I think next year it will work.

Belarus is a country in which there is no Eiffel Tower, Gaudi architecture or some miracle of light, but, nevertheless, Europeans know about us. Know, experiencing warm feelings, a desire to come and explore. Appreciate the purity and the pristine beauty of nature. Is this not enough?

Facts about Belarus who shock foreigners. And many Belarusians too.

Usually, foreigners in their own country and the city show attractions and tell the standard facts from the guidebook. On The Question website, readers share interesting and incredible facts About Russia, which can be surprised by a foreigner. For example: Russia's area is more pluton area. The Village Belarus made a selection of facts about our country that can

However, if your foreigner is completely dense and nothing about Belarus has heard, be sure to provide it with a pack of suitable facts. Belarus made Viber, World of Tanks, MSQRD and FLO; Belarus in the leaders in the production of potatoes, on consumption of alcohol and by the number of per capita per capita; Alexandra Lukashenko is called the last dictator of Europe and in power it has been almost 25 years old; in Belarus on the lake sho is the Geographical Center of Europe (one of several - depending on how to count); In Belarus, half of the entire world population of the birds called a sparkling swamyvka.

In Belarus, it is impossible to live in the amount for which it is necessary to reside

Budget subsistence minimum (The amount that, in the theory, should be enough for existence) is 199 rubles 32 kopecks (a beautiful figure of $ 99.99 at the current rate). For this money you can buy about 25 kilo sausages, or 200 loaves, or about 60 kilo apples, or about 900 largest chicken eggs, or 145 liters of 95th gasoline. For pensioners, the budget of the subsistence minimum is even less: 153 rubles, and the size of the minimum retirement by age - 191 rubles.

In Belarus may prohibit a concert for a low artistic level.

In Belarus, this and case prohibit concerts of individual performers or musical groups for ensuring that their artistic level does not reach high standards of socially oriented Belarus. A certain commission is in advance studying the work of guests and then decides, to issue permission to a concert or not. Popular couple russian rappers With matratic poems, I have already drove past Belarus, but at the same time there are free concerts of the Chanson performers who chant the prison-camp romance and a criminal lifestyle.

In Belarus, they can pick up for silence

In Belarus, anything can become a reason to take you into the police. Flapped on the square in your hands - Welcome to the "Funks", just silent on Square - Welcome to the Avtozak. Once in Slonim, the police tied the guys who rode sleds from the mountain: they took the fact that those announced their "unauthorized mass action" on the Internet. It is noteworthy that in the Slonima was released fruit-berry wine "Slings", on the label of which children riding on sleds were drawn.

Minsk is one of the largest cities, and Belarus is one of the largest countries in Europe

Traditionally, Belarus abroad is considered a "small country somewhere near Russia." Meanwhile, Belarus in the area occupies the 13th place in Europe from the fifth countries. Of course, we are far from France, Germany or Ukraine. But some Denmark, Switzerland or the Netherlands are generally like the Minsk region. On the territory of Belarus would fit all the Baltic with Belgium or Bulgaria with Hungary. And by the population of Minsk is at the 10th place in Europe. We have a really big country and a big capital.

Inside Belarus there are Russia

And we are not only about the 43rd node of the Navy of the Navy of Russia under Wila or the town of Klezk-2 with the Volga radar station under Gantsevichi, which serve the Russian military. Inside Belarus, there is a real Russian exclave: part of the territory of another country. And this is a big rarity even by world standards. Once in the world, and in Belarus, the enclaves and excavations were more. For example, in the BSSR there was a piece of the Lithuanian USSR. Only Russian Earth remained in Belarus: in the Dobrushsky district of the Gomel region there are villages of Sankovo \u200b\u200band Bear, administratively related to the Bryansk region of Russia. True, there were no logs from Hat from the villages themselves, now it is almost 5 square kilometers of land, overgrown with chiznyak and contaminated by Chernobyl radiation. But still one can argue: Belarus surrounded Russia.

Before Belarus was called Lithuania

Not even any Belarusian with the go will figure out how it happened that the name of Lithuania (the Grand District Lithuanian), several hundred years ago, extending to the territory of the current Belarus and still many lands around, suddenly, the Zmmud (Zhemiteytia) has deployed, which when he occupied well if tenth. Approximately alone is not easy to explain to a foreigner how it happened that Russia began not in Russia, but in the territory of the current Ukraine. Be that as it may, and the first capital of inclues was our Novogrudok, and the office work was conducted in the Starobalorussian language. Some of the Svyatomi Moldzі and now claims that he is Litvin and that in fact Belarus is correctly called Lithuania, and the current Lithuanian republic - hemitey and self-health.

Four Nobel laureates were born in Belarus

The world knows only about Svetlana Aleksievich (Nobel-2015 laureate in literature), but in fact the Belarusian land presented the world more of all laureates. In 1971, American Simon Kuznets received a prize in the economy, who was born in Pinsk and originally called Semen. It was he who introduced into economic science the term "gross national product". In 1978, the Peace Prize received Menachem Begin, born in Brest. Begin became Israeli Prime Minister and received Nobelka together with the Egyptian President Anvar Sadat for the signing of Camp-David agreements. In 1994. Nobel Prize The world (for his contribution to a peaceful settlement in the Middle East), received Shimon Perez, about which we will tell below and which at that time was not yet president. In 2000, a native of Vitebsk Zhores Alferov was received in the physics premium - for the development of semiconductor heterostructures. At least at least six other Nobel Prize laureates are children or grandchildren of immigrants from Belarus. But Svetlana Aleksievich was born not on the territory of Belarus.

In Belarus at the plants of electronics make rags

IN soviet years A lot of high-tech plants was created in the Belarusian SSR, including defense. But conversion, diversification, crises, selector meetings, integration, consolidation and struggle for survival led to the fact that many of them are doing things far from high technologies. In the Soviet years, equipment for submarines and spacecraft manufactured at the factories, but innocent names were assigned to conspiracy. And now in Belarus exactly the opposite: as if to confuse foreign spies, innocent things are produced at military factories. In some places, the production of electronics, but also a foreigner, and Belarusians may surprise the "export-oriented witch witch", which is done at the BELIT TV plant (postal), toy dump trucks from BelAZ (Zhodino), canboatrut cars from MTZ (Minsk ), folding chairs from the Military Radio Layout "Measurer" (Novopolotsk), ear tags for labeling large cattle From the Factorone Electronics Plant (Brest), the glass container from the Coral Kinesca plant (Gomel) and so on. On the other hand, there is reverse examplesshown by the partisan essence of the Belarusian heavy and high-tech industry. The enemy will not pass (because it will not find)! For example, in the city village of Kohanovo on Vitebshchina, where only four thousand people live (all the same, that several high-rise buildings in the metropolitan microdistrict), two excavator-building factory operate at once.

Tractor "Belarus" is drawn on Vietnam's money

Until 1987, only Belarus tractors were supplied to Vietnam. They have proven perfectly, therefore at bills in 200 dong, which came out in the same year, depicted model MTZ-50. The bill is officially still in circulation, although it is very rarely found: at the current rate, it corresponds to about 2 Belarusian kopecks. At the auctions of the bill in good condition you can buy for dollar-different.

Loadosts do not fly to Belarus

More precisely, not quite so. Until 2011, we had our own Lourogenger "Gomelavia", and now only Spanish Vueling from Barcelona flies to us, exposing an atypical price tag in 95 euros (however, in Kiev the same Vueling flies for 85 euros). And from Moscow, Utair flies, the cheapest ticket will cost 39 euros - the same price of a ticket to second-class car. In general, at relatively low prices it is possible to fly away, but the famous loupes do not fly to us and, as the aviation authorities assure, they did not even appeal to open the flight.

In Belarus, marshes more than in North America

Belarusians know, but foreigners may be in the wonder that Belarus and swamp are like a degass and ballerina. According to the Atlas of the BSSR of 1958, the wetlands occupied 34% of the country's territory, and the lattern actually - 21.7% of the territory ^; There were 7,066 swamps in the country. The acelioration made their own business, and by 2002 (data from the National Atlas of Belarus) remains only 11.4% of the territory under the swamps. The cumulative area of \u200b\u200bthe ten largest swamps of the country is 3,116 square kilometers - it is more than Luxembourg and Andorra, combined. The area of \u200b\u200bthe company's alone "Olmansky swamps" (942 square kilometers) is like three Minsk, and 8 times more than the area of \u200b\u200bcranberry swamps in all over North America.

Belarus - the birthplace of "three and a half" presidents of Israel

Indeed, in Belarus there were three full-fledged President of Israel and one temporary acting. This is the first president of the country of Haim Weizman (born in the village of Motol under Ivanovo), I.O. President Kadishe Luz (after the death of the second president, was born in Bobruisk), the third President Zalman Shazar (born in the village of the world) and the ninth president of Shimon Perez (born in Vishnevo village). Until 2014, Belarus was led by the number of Presidents of Israel. But now we have parity: the current, tenth president of the country is the third of those that were born on the Jewish land.

In Belarus make the world's largest cars

In 2004, the German company Liebherr presented the career dump truck model T282B, which became the most lifting lifting of the world: 363 metric tons, or 400 so-called "short" tons (these units operate on career developments in the USA). Over the next few years, four more dump trucks have appeared: Canadian Terex MT6300AC, American Caterpillar 797F, Belarusian BelAZ-75601 and Chinese Xuzhou XCMG DE400. And in September 2013, Zhodinsky automakers showed the BelAZ-75710 model with a nominal carrying capacity of 450 metric tons (500 "short" tons). In January 2014, he established a global record, crossing 503.5 metric tons of cargo (555 "short" tons) according to the test polygon. BelAZ can transport 12 standard Lokeing Boeing 737-800 if they are reckoned into powder.

Euro bills make from Belarusian flax

This became known in 2003: the Belorussky Lenss Association supplies the so-called short fiber to export - low-class waste, which are formed in the manufacture of tissues. From such waste, even bags are not sewn, but for the Eurocupür they were just right: Belgium, where banknotes are printed, purchased these waste at $ 220 per ton, while high-quality flax costs 2-3 thousand dollars per ton. Borisov Linobasa on these waste for the European Union earned one and a half million dollars per year.

Program invented Beloruska

The prototype of the bra was known in the ancient Greece and Rome. Several people are claimed to the authorship of the modern bra: Francisians Ermine Cadoll and Gaja Saro, Germans Christina Hardt and Sigmund Lindaur, American Mary Phelps Jacob and Ida Rosenthal. This latter migrated in the USA from the Belarusian village of Rakov on Volozhinchin - then her was called ITEL KOGANOVICH. The company Ida and her husband William Maidenform, founded in 1922, developed the standard volumes of the bra, depending on the volume and completeness of the breast, adjustable on the length of the fasteners and the other familiar details of the linen. It is believed that it was Rosenthal who came up with a bra in his modern video. The company still exists, and in the cancer in 2013 they promised to put a monument to the bra.

In Belarus, the police ride on tractors

Yes, goes. Not all, of course, but only the one that is engaged in the evacuation of cars from the streets. Tractors-evacuators are also in other countries, but, perhaps, only we have painted them into the mask white-blue colors, put the proud word "Milіtsya" and equipped with flashing beacons. And in some places, police tractors equipped dumps to clean the roads from snow. The policeer next to such a "patrol" tractor is an excellent reason for foreigners to say, as if Belarus is such a backward, that, they say, even the police ride tractors.

From Belarus by train you can go further than from the rest of Europe

Maybe everything is not very good in Belarus with Lookes, but there are no problems with cheap and long-distance trains. The longest regular railway route from Western Europe Such: Nice - Moscow, is 3,352 kilometers. And from Belarus you can leave even further: the train number 104 Brest - Novosibirsk - this is as much as 4 391 kilometers. The longest route inside the Belarus itself stretched 876 kilometers. We say: Belarus is one of largest countries Europe.

And the longest railway passenger route in the world is Moscow - Pyongyang (trailed car to Vladivostok train): 10,314 kilometers, on the way - eight and a half days.

In Belarus make furniture IKEA, but no iKea brand stores

The fact that in Belarus does not have a brand store IKEA, not so strange. IKEA has 418 stores in 49 countries, and in many countries of the shopping salons, including in Europe. For example, in Estonia. But amazing makes the situation that several factories are working in Belarus that produce furniture on IKEA. Two of them are immediately in the free economic zone "Mogilev".

In Belarus, it is difficult to play the city

This fact has little about what a foreigner will say, but may surprise the Belarusians themselves: there are no city and urban village in Belarus, whose name in Russian would start with the letter A. If you are a fan of the city, know: cities and towns on C, S, uh, yu and I don't have too (but one village on I).

Images: 1 - 10kilogramm.ru, 2 - Dancingastronaut.com, 3 - Zampolit-RU, 4 - Yaklass.by, 5 - Wikimapia.org, 6 - History-Belarus.by, 7, 8 - BELIT.BY, 9 - Ebay.com, 10 - Origo.hu, 11, 12 - Bahna.land, 13 - Drive2.ru, 14, 15 - Samoylova-olga.ru, 16 - Salvabrani.com, 17 - KNL-1983.LiveJournal.com, 18 - Train-photo.ru, 19 - Wikipedia.org, 20 - Aquatek-Filips.LiveJournal.com

Residents of Switzerland, Albania, Latvia and Luxembourg told Kyky, as rendered Belarus. The answers were controversial: authoritarianism, "part of Russia", dishes from the internals of animals - a composite portrait of the country in the West. It pleases that at least an Albanian girl with a Belarusian guy to meet simply - say in Russian: "Hi, I love you. All, come on! "

Mattias, Switzerland: "Men and guys in Belarus are strong and large, and wearing sweaters who tied their grandmothers"

I know that the capital is Minsk, but what is the city, I can not say. Your president, Lukashenko called the "last dictator of Europe" - in power, it is probably 15-20 years old. The political system is quite autocratic, democracy is not well developed, and in addition Belarus is quite closed for the European country.

Probably in Belarus it is cold, because you are not far from Russia. In winter, the temperature is -10 or -15, and even -20 - when the wind goes from the northeast, with Siberia, here it must be very cold. But in the summer it is hot - above 30 degrees. Fox live in Belarus, maybe the sands, many small fluffy squirrels.

I do not have a clear idea how Belarusians look like: girls and women probably almost always wear skirts. Men and guys in Belarus are strong and large, and wear sweaters who have tied their grandmothers, and hats (but not French). Hipster here is a bit - can, 0.5% of everything. Maybe popular something related to Militari: Military Boots, Camouflage, short haircut. These are not skinheads, not political activists - just they like a military style.

I have the feeling that Belarus is a rather conservative country regarding gender roles: men are strong, and women are mostly sitting at home, children are growing. Therefore, to get acquainted with the Belarusian girl, I would act in this direction. It is necessary to seem strong that you are able to provide family and so on.

In their free time, Belarusians are engaged in the same way that the Swiss: watch TV, guys play football. Maybe you play chess? You are close to Russia, and her culture influenced you, and the Russians love chess. Probably you still love fishing.

Arild, Albania: "The Belarusian writer won the Nobel Prize - Honestly, I expected it to be imprisoned"

I study in Lithuania and know a lot about Belarus. Your president is in power since you gained independence. Therefore, it is authoritarian: trying to control not only politics, but also society. The most cool thing that you can not clap on the street because of the protests that were a few years ago. The Belarusian writer won the Nobel Prize - to be honest, I expected that, on returning to Belarus, it will be put in prison.

I wanted to visit Belarus, and I had the opportunity: the university organized a trip for foreign students In several countries, including to you.

But I did not give a visa: I had to provide an invitation and ordinary tourist could not get. In Male it was written: "You can't go, because your nationality is prohibited."

Why - it is unclear. Although I did not have a chance to visit Belarusian cities, but I can assume that they look a little in Soviet - like Klaipeda, for example.

About this theme: Architectural chips of Minsk who like foreigners

It seems to me that the Internet and social networks Here are more limited than in Europe: there is no access to all sites. You use "VKontakte" instead of "Facebook" - and therefore, as it may be separated from the Western world and more connect to the Russian community, because only Russians and Belarusians use this network. I think you also use Instagram and Snapchat ( messaging app with attached photos and video. Users ask the limit how long recipients will be able to view them - approx. Kyky.).

Belarusians eat borsch, maybe something similar to Lithuanian clospets. But a special product - potatoes. Probably Belarusians eat it three times a day. Belarusians, which I know, very quiet, do not like to talk and show your feelings - even when I ask about them about the country, do not want to tell something. To meet them beautiful boyfriend In Belarus, I would say in Russian: "Hi, I love you. All, come on. "

Laina, Latvia: "Belarusians have soft features. For me, a little round look "

Your president is Lukashenko, and people call him "baty". Your flag is pretty beautiful, because on the left side is depicted national Pattern. I know the hymn - but I can not sing now. I was in Belarus, came to the competition. True, I do not remember that it was outside the city. Know that there is a stadium where preparations for winter olympic Games and training in biathlon.

Belarusians are very kind and responsive people. We broke the car, and I had to stay for another three days. Not only are the money ended, so we did not even know where you can repair the car - we were in an isolated place. But we were given a good room for free, fed and helped get to the border - it was very saved.

I noticed that Belarusians have soft features of the face: there are no sharp lines on the jaw, the nose. For me, even a little round look. Women are quite low growth, and men - on the contrary, very high. At least, so I can talk about people who met. How to get acquainted with the Belarusian guy? I think I would say: "I think you should be able to dance!"

Richard, Spain (Catalonia): "Probably, the authorities are in power"

Belarus is the post-Soviet country. It is medium sized, but less than Spain. Probably, the authorities are located in power - it seems so, because your past is connected with communism. I heard of your president, and that he is not completely democratic. Perhaps he is in power for 25 years.

I think the Belarusians are high, white-skinned, with clean clear eyes. Girls wear braids - because it is a traditional hairstyle. Free time, Belarusians usually spend at parties and drink vodka. Eating a lot of soups and wild animals: Kabana, maybe elk, like in Estonia. I think more potatoes and vegetables, for example, broccoli.

To get acquainted with the girl, I would pretend to be a Spaniard ( Richard considers himself Catalan - approx. Kyky.). There is little southern here, and it is different from what is accustomed to the north - therefore something from the south seems steeper.

Leonor, Luxembourg: "It seems to me that Belarus has always been part of Russia before

I do not want to talk for the entire Western European youth, but I personally know little about Belarus. But I largely associate it with Russia - for me it is almost the same thing, because the names of the countries are consonant and they are nearby. It seems to me that Belarus has always been part of Russia before.

Belarus has gained independence after the Bolshevik revolution or after the First World War.

Probably, the country wanted to become independent for a long time, but after these events such an opportunity appeared. I do not know how Belarusian national symbols. Definitely eat red, because communism ( laugh), dark green. Perhaps he is similar to the flag of Lithuania. Surely there is a third color - but I have no idea what.

I think the Belarusians are like Russians. Belarusians have a strict face and eyes, women cold and removed. In Belarus is strong family tradition: You have many children, three or four. Probably you love political jokes, irony and satire. For Belarus, IT-sphere is important. For some reason, it seems to me that Belarusian men love informatics very much. Agriculture It can hardly be the main sectorate of the economy - the Belarusian climate is not very suitable for it.

Stella, Germany: "In the free time, Belarusians drink"

The only thing I know is the name translates from German as "White Russia". Plus-minus I know where it is not in the EU, but borders with the Baltic and Ukraine in the north. Probably, it will sound in racist: the Belarusians do not slavic type appearance, and more Russian. But Russia is a very mixed country, so I will say that Belarusians are similar to Sibiryakov, northern people: blondes with blue eyes.

In their free time, Belarusians drink, but I say not because of the stereotype. All people do this: in Spain, in Germany, in the Czech Republic ... I think, on Belarusian money, famous and important personalities are depicted: poets, musicians.

Aireng, Cyprus: "Belarusians eat hot fish soups with fish and herbs or meat, with animal entrails"

I learned about Belarus a few years ago at the lesson of geography at school - before that did not have that such a country exists. And the only thing I know is: the capital is Minsk. Belarusians are similar to Russians and Ukrainians, because they are closely related to each other. Probably, Belarusians have blue eyes, blonde hair and necessarily white leather! Belarusians eat hot fish soups With herbs or meat, with the insides of animals - as in Edinburgh, because it is a cold country.

Probably the most profitable classes - an economist or businessman. I say so, because I have a friend from Minsk, which is studied by Marketeg.

It comes out to the idea that this area is in demand in the country and, perhaps, people employed in this is waiting for a good future.

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The world tourist organization, Belarus occupies one of the last places in Europe by the number of visits to foreigners. Estimating groups popular Show We rarely visit travel about traveling, although you can find many issues taken in all neighboring countries. Tut.by looked that foreigners talk about Belarus in video blogs and a travelel show.

In 2009, the leading cult program TOP GEAR. Richard Hammond said several times the word "Minsk" on camera. It was connected with his trip on the pink motorcycle manufactured by MMVZ on the roads of Vietnam. And a year later, in the framework of the popular American TV show "Who Do You Think You Are?" The star of the series "Friends" Lisa Kudrou found her roots in Belarus. Recently, the National Geographic channel has released a film about the company Wargaming, and Animal Planet showed the program "". Most of the other references to Belarus in the rating television programs in the United States and Europe were associated with politics, Chernobyl and Lee Harvey Oswald.

"Non-notes" with Dmitry Krylov

The creators of the Russian and Ukrainian journey show only recently discovered Belarus. In 2012, the shooting of the program was held in Brest and Kamenets scampish notes»Journalist Dmitry Krylova. Two years later, the presenter again visited Brest Fortress And released another transmission by June 22.

"15 republics"

In 2014, in the framework of the project "15 republics", the film crew of the Ukrainian television channel "1 + 1" arrived in Belarus. On the YouTube video Scored 109 thousand views. Journalists visited Zhlobin, Mogilev, Soligorsk, Minsk, Zaslavl and Belarusian villages to explore how Belarus has changed after the collapse of the USSR.

The presenter struck that they were asked to hide them on the Mogilev railway station, as this is a military object, and surprised the paid roads. True, the driver's driver later bought the BelToll sensor and on the way back the transport inspection wrote them a fine of 200 euros. In the same issue, they went to Vilnius and compared the countries.

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If the popular Russian youtube bloggers have come to shoot new videos in Minsk for several years, then for the editors of the entertainment television programs 2016 he became the year of the opening of Belarus. Spring in Minsk passed the program "Eagle and Rushka. Shopping, "returned to Belarus and the British leading television channel NTV John Warren. After filming the show about the country, "we will eat" he with Tut.by, that Belarus needs to be changed.

In October tV channel STS. The 17th series of the second season of the Russian show "Rousseau Tourist", dedicated to Belarus. In it, leading Leonid and Ekaterina Morgunov got used to the new Belarusian money, they prepared a librarian and traveled many museums. "Minsk is a chic city. It is still possible to try drilled cheese cheese, chips from potatoes and birch juice From birch. Minsk is one of those cities that are addictive. Here you want to come again and again, "the authors concluded.

"I travel around the world" and "Mirror"

Last year, two filmmaking groups of popular Turkish TV shows came to Belarus. In the summer, for Kanal 7, the program "I travel around the world" with the TV presenter known in the homeland. The show appeared in 2010 and won several television awards in Turkey. A month later, the popular Turkish leading Syam Orhan removed the report about Belarus for his project "Mirror".

"I travel around the world" came out two episions, one of them scored more than 150 thousand views on YouTube. Ovel Tuncha arrived in Belarus with a small child who often appeared in her hand on her hands and tasting the Belarusian honey in Dudukovka and red currants in the Komarovsky market. In two forty-champion episodes, the film crew showed worldly and non-ventures, a wedding in a folk style, the construction of a cathedral mosque, a residential complex "Lighthouse Minsk" and listened to the classics from the Moscow Town Hall. At the end of the release, the presenter met with the Ambassador of Belarus in Turkey Andrei Savinov and thanked for the organization of filming.

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Saima Orhans were interested in some other Belarusian attractions. In the release of "Mirror", he went to the "Stalin line", where he was up different species weapons visited the museum belarusian costumes And he talked with the children who are studying Turkish in Minsk. The video looked at a little more than 22 thousand times.

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"Belarus - how is it really?"

The video shot by Pole Mikhal Sikorsky in September 2015, scored more than 473 thousand views. Blider decided to get acquainted with Belarus closer, got into the car and drove through several cities. He began his journey in Grodno. Throughout the route, Mikhal praises Belarusian roads, and the first point of the journey made it an impression on him a clean, even sterile place, which architecture is very similar to Polish cities.

In Novogrudok, he visited Adam Mitskevich's house-museum and tried to resolve the age-old dispute, which nationality belongs to the poet. The director of the museum convinced him that Mitskevich always considered himself Novogrudchan.

Under Bobruisk, Michal visited the village of Velichkovo, where the estate of his ancestors was once located, which were Polish aristocrats. After talking to S. local residentsHe came to the conclusion that many Belarusians originated from the Poles, but many Poles originated from Belarusians. And he suggested his subscribers to search for roots in Belarus.

Minsk made a megapolis impression on a blogger, in which people are normally dressed, a lot good cars and overseas products in stores. And prices are the same or slightly higher than in Poland. In general, Belarus seemed to him by the country in which you can live. Here, according to him, he felt free and safely, as in the city a lot of police. In conclusion, he came to the conclusion that Belarusians were accustomed to live in the world of orders and prohibitions, and led to an example forbidding stickers on the doors of restaurants and cafes.

Mikhala's visit coincided with the election campaign of 2015, therefore, agreed on the differences of election campaigns, he concluded that, on the basis of the cultural and historical past, Belarus and Poland must be allies, and made a visa abolition among countries.

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"Geography Now! BELARUS »

On YouTube Channel Geography Now! The lead named Paul introduces viewers with the countries of the world. For 10 minutes, he tells basic information about states using statistical data, foreign media and local assistants.

The video about Belarus begins with the phrase: "This is a country where people in Russian say:" Don't call me Russian. " The roller was released on May 15, 2015 and he looked more than 402 thousand times.

Talking about the country, the floor utters the word "Rushnik" and beats the name of the city Brest (Breast - Breast in English. - Approx. Tut.by). In more detail, it stops on tourism issues: "Border guards have the right to refuse to enter everyone who will consider unworthy. If you are not from nationality of Eastern EuropeYou will be a little more difficult to get into the country. And this is one of the reasons why Belarus is one of the least visited countries in Europe. If you do not speak Russian or Belarusian or if you do not have a Belarusian friend who could vouch for you, the trip can be quite problematic and expensive for you, not counting a visa. However, Belarusians love guests, they simply relate suspiciously to you. "

Next, the presenter tells about the urbanization of the late 1980s associated with the accident on the Chernobyl, the most common natural resource - Peat, hockey and praises Belovezhskaya Pushcha, in which you can meet a bison.

"The average temperature in the summer is about 18 degrees, so here you will not see bikini. The Belarusian people - this is what really highlights this mysterious country"," Says Paul and is surprised that with 80% of people who consider themselves Belarusians, only 20% speak Belarusian.

The video was burly discussed by foreigners, and the most popular comment sounded like this: "bison, hockey, many forests, the presence of a powerful ally, at the same time the effort to create cultural differences so that in the world they do not think that you are the same culture ... Belarus is European Canada ? "

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"Minsk: Amazing Attractions"

Norwegez Garald Baldr visited Belarus in the fall last year. The video about the country became the most popular on his channel and scored more than 88 thousand views.

In Minsk, Garald arrived in the train from Gomel with a friend. Judging by the video, during a trip to the coupe with fellow travelers, they fully felt the Belarusian hospitality. The capital seemed to him clean and picturesque. After sightseeing, Norwezhez went to the Club "Dozari", where, according to his observations, more hot girls than in Bucharest. The next day, he decided to visit the event that took place near the Palace of Sports. After passing the inspection, he described his feelings: "In totalitarian Belarus, you will always be supervised and under the video."

During walks around the capital, Norwegian concluded that the most beautifully dressed young mothers live in Minsk, and led a few personnel on which they walked with husbands and children around the city.

The next evening, Harald again went on Minsk clubs, where she once admired the friendshipiness of Belarus: "No Minsk girl cached when I approached her." Then he, together with a friend, was in the police station for drinking alcoholic beverages in the wrong place. Video shot without comment, later he described his impressions about Belarus:

"We enjoyed a cold beer on a bench shopping center With several girls. It was good until there were two dressed in the shape of a pumped out and did not arrest us. It turns out to drink in in public places illegally. When, at the police station, my friend recognized our ignorance and stated obvious: we did not know that it was illegal, one of the officers answered: "Everything is illegal here!"

Apparently, this incident in one of the last days imposed a negative at the time of stay of the Norwegian in the country. In a blog, he writes that in Belarus it is impossible to preserve the anonymity of stay: you are searched everywhere, remove to the camera and interrogate about intentions.

Belarusian service he called "Adov" and led to an example purchase of railway tickets and service in one of the Minsk cafes, after which he decided to go to the institution with a self-service system: "All Belarusians who met me, without exceptions more or less awesome, overwhelming Most waiters, sellers and government bureaucrats are complete idiots. They clearly try to pour you out, even if everything you did is, it tried to buy a train ticket. My fellow traveler who speaks Russian well, has encountered one such woman at the railway station. After the request to buy three tickets and completing the proposal by the word "please", she rolled his eyes, sighed and looked away. "

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The most positive impressions of the tourist called the Museum of the Great Patriotic War And Belarusian women: "They all look like well enough. How can they afford it - great Mystery. With an average salary of 300-400 dollars a month, the girls should spend on it a huge share of income to look so good as they do. I expected that Belarusian women will be cold and non-contact. It turned out that this is 110% incorrect. All the girls with whom I spoke, always smiled and wanted to communicate, even married. "