Tribal girls. Sexual traditions tribes: from the girl - in a woman

Tribal girls. Sexual traditions tribes: from the girl - in a woman
Tribal girls. Sexual traditions tribes: from the girl - in a woman

In the age of asphalt, concrete and computer technologies, we are little thinking about the fact that there are whole civilizations developing in parallel to ours. They have no idea about such phenomena as an economic crisis, but are familiar with the consequences of flood or drought. They do not know how to use calendars, but at the same time know about the stars and phases of the moon.

Amazon, namely, about them and there is a question, gradually disappear under the pressure of civilization, but by some miracle they managed to preserve an original culture. And the most amazing thing is that many small Indian groups have absolutely unique traditionsnot similar to those that have their nearest neighbors.

Amazonian tribes: small peoples with rich past

To date, the Amazon Delta officially registered the presence of several dozen little wild tribes, which live isolated from each other in the most remote jungle corners.

The life of the Amazon tribes scientists began to study not so long ago, but it is already clear that the number of such groups is rapidly reduced. For example, Sinta Larga's tribe has numbered more than 5,000 members, but today their number barely reaches 1500 people.

Another group of Amazon Indians is known all over the world as a boron boron. The history of this tribe also goes to its roots in the depths of centuries. Despite the constant interaction with the civilized world in the face of tourists and scientists, its members continue to comply with their traditions and customs.

It is worth noting that almost all the tribes on including Bora Bora, happily accept the "white" guests. However, few of the Aboriginal are addicted to life in cities, preferring dense thickets of the jungle and endless freedom from prejudice, which are peculiar to a modern person.

Casual life in the tribe, aboriginal classes

The wild tribes of Amazon and Africa are very similar in terms of living in that their daily classes are based on the satisfaction of the basic needs of a person: nutrition and the continuation of the kind. The main occupation of a woman in them is the gathering, the manufacture of items of clothing, economic utensils and care of the younger generation. Men are engaged in mainly hunting, fishing, the manufacture of the simplest tools of labor and weapons.

The wild tribes of the Amazon, despite its insolation from each other, have a lot in common. For example, many are used on Luke hunting and with poisoned arrows. At the same time, one tribe enjoys exclusively in one type of weapons. In addition, many groups of aborigines who never met each other are manufactured by the form of clay dishes, beads, clothes. Leisure in the Arazonian tribes never passes aimlessly. Even ordinary dances carry a special ritual meaning.

Customs, beliefs and traditions of wild amazon tribes

From the moment the scientists have established contact with some tribes on the banks of the Amazon, attempts were made to understand the essence of their faith and find something in common between the beliefs of the tribes. Then it was found that in the monothist, the wild, Amazon tribes begin to believe with great difficulty, and more often perceive information about Jesus, for example, as beautiful fairy tale. They are more understood by the world of spirits, good or evil - it does not matter. Literally every creature and plant they have identified with some kind of deity affecting their existence.

In each tribe there are its own unique customs: one with the onset of a new period in their lives (puberty, family creation, the birth of a child, etc.) change their names, others are not taken even for everyday work without the "blessing" of the tribal shaman, and Third people will eat like that. Of course, such a phenomenon like cannibalism is very rarely found, since many of the wild tribes of Amazon refused it. To date, there is only one that still makes raids on small villages Aboriginal - Corbar.

Amazonian woman: What is beauty?

Beauty in the concept of Amazonian Indians is not at all what the most civilized people represents. Almost every tribe has its own distinctive featureswho are especially visible in women. The painting on the body of color clay is common. Because of the deposits of which of them are in close proximity to the place of residence of the tribe, the colors of the villagers depends. If one aborigines paint their bodies with white stripes and curls, others prefer to decorate their bodies with drawings of black, red or yellow color.

Sometimes "Beauty" Aboriginal may cause shock, as in the presentation of a particular tribe, it consists in an exorbitantly long neck or inserted into the cut of the lower lip of the clay plate. A slightly more acceptable in a civilized society is considered to be embossed tattoos, piercing, full or partial discharge of the hair on the head, the delabming of the woven in the braids of the hair.

Communication of tribes with the outside world

Despite the recent isolation and the lack of contacts with the outside world, the aborigines of the Amazon tribes in most cases willingly go to contact with tourists. Sometimes it becomes the only way to survive for them, because the photos, the presence of the rite or consultation at Shaman is paid well.

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The main part of Africa's nation includes groups consisting of several thousand, and sometimes hundreds of people, but at the same time - does not exceed 10% of the total population of this continent. As a rule, such small ethnic groups are the wildest tribes.

It is to such a group that refers, for example, the Mursi tribe.

Ethiopian tribe Mursi - the most aggressive ethnic group

Ethiopia - ancient country in the world. It is Ethiopia that considers the ancestor of mankind, it was here that the remains of our ancestor, modestly named Lucy, found.
More than 80 ethnic groups live in the country.

Residing in the southwestern Ethiopia, on the border with Kenia and Sudan, who settled in Mago Park, the Mursi tribe is distinguished by unusually tough customs. They are rightfully nominated by the title of the most aggressive ethnic group.

Affected to frequent alcohol consumption and uncontrolled weapons. IN everyday life The main weapon of men tribe is the Kalashnikov machine, which they buy in Sudan.

In fights, they often can score each other almost to a suicide state, trying to prove their primacy in the tribe.

Scientists refer to this tribe to mutating nero-shaped race, from distinctive features In the form of low growth, broad bones and foot curves, low and strongly compressed LBs, flattened noses and puffed short necks.

Women's bodies in Mursi often look with flabby and painful, stomachs and chest barks, and the backs are stunned. There is practically no hair, which was often hidden under intricate headquarters of a very fantasy type, with the use of everything as a material that you can pick up or catch nearby: coarse leather, branches, dried fruits, marsh mollusks, someone's tails, dead insects and even incomprehensible smelly fell.

Samoa famous feature Mursi tribes is a tradition to insert plates on the lips to girls.

In more public coming in contact with civilization, Mursi can not always see all these characteristic attributes, but the exotic appearance of their lower lip is business card tribe.

Plates are manufactured different size From wood or clay, the form can be round or trapezoid, sometimes with a hole in the middle. For beauty, plates are covered with a pattern.

The lower lip is cut back in childhood, the woods insert there, gradually increasing their diameter.

Mursi girls begin to wear plates aged 20 per six months before marriage. The lower lip is pierced and a small disk is inserted into it, after the lip stretches, the disk is replaced with a larger and so until the bottom of the desired diameter (up to 30 centimeters !!).

The size of the plate is important: the greater the diameter, the more the girl is appreciated and the more cattle will pay for her groom. Girls should wear these plates. Continuing the time of sleep and feeding, they can also take them out if there are no men's men.

When the plate is pulled out, the lip will unscrew the long circular harness. Almost all Mursi lacks front teeth, tongue-cracked before blood.

The second strange and frightening decoration of Women Mursi are Monista, which are scored from human phaling fingers (NEC). One person has only 28 such bones in their hands. Each necklace usually consists of the phalange of the five-six brushes, some of the jewelry of "jewelry" are wrapped in a few rows.

Gently glitters and makes a sweetly rotting smell of funeral human fat, every bone is rubbed daily. The source for the bead never dedicates: a priestess of the tribe for almost every misconduct is ready to deprive the hands of a man's hands who violated the law.

This tribe is made to make scarification (applying scars).

Men can afford only after the first murder of someone from their enemies or ill-wishers. If they kill a man, then decorate right handIf a woman, then left.

Their religion - animism, deserves a longer and shocking story.
Short: women are dresses of death, so they give their husbands daily to their husbands and poisons.

Antidote distributes the Supreme Priestess, but sometimes salvation comes not to all. In such cases, the widow is drawn on the plate white CrossAnd it becomes a very distinguished member of the tribe, which is not eaten after death, and bury in the trunks of special ritual trees. The honor is made in such a priest due to the fulfillment of the main mission - the will of the death of the death of the Yamda, which they were able to fulfill, destroying the physical body and freed the highest spiritual essence from their man.

The rest of the dead is waiting for collective eating to the whole tribe. Soft fabrics are welded in the boiler, the bones are used for amples-amulets and thrown on the tops, to indicate dangerous places.

What seems very wild for Europeans for Mursi is commonplace and tradition.

Bushmen tribe

African bushmen are the most ancient representatives human race. And this is not at all assumptions, but a scientifically proven fact. Who are these ancient people?

Bushmen called a group of hunting tribes South Africa. Now it is already remnants from the numerous ancient African population. Bushmen are distinguished low rise, wide cheekbones, a narrow eye cut and much swelling centuries. Real color It is difficult for them to determine with them, because in Calahari spend water on washing, they are not allowed. But it can be noted that they are much brighter their neighbors. The shade of their skin is a bit yellowish, which is more characteristic of residents of South Asia.

Young buds are considered the most beautiful among the female population of Africa.

But as soon as they reach sexual maturity and become moms, these beauties just do not know. In women, buds, thighs and buttocks are excessively developed, and the stomach will constantly break. This is a consequence of improper nutrition.

To distinguish the pregnant bud from the rest of the women of the tribe, it is deprived of ashes or okra, since it is very difficult to do it in appearance. Bushmen men already by 35 years old become similar on eighty-year-old, due to the fact that their skin saves and the body is covered with deep wrinkles.

Life in Kalahara is very Surov, but even here there are their laws and rules. The most important wealth in the desert is water. There are old men in the tribe that can find water. At the place that they will indicate representatives of the tribe or root wells or bring water using plants stalks.

Each Bushmen tribe has a secret well, which is thoroughly laid by stones or covered with sand. In the season, the drought Bushmen dig a hole at the bottom of a dry well, take the stalk of the plant, through it the water, dialing into the mouth, and then spin it in the shell of an ostrich egg

South African Bushmen Tribe - the only nation On Earth, the men whose constant erection is observed, this phenomenon does not cause any unpleasant sensations or inconvenience, excluding the fact that during the walk of hunting men have to attach a penis to the belt, so as not to cling to them over the branches.

Bushmen do not know what private property is. All animals and plants growing on their territory are considered common. Therefore, they hunt both wild animals and farm cows. For this, they are very often punishable and destroyed with whole tribes. No one wants such neighbors.

Among Bushmen tribes is very popular with shamanism. They have no leaders, but there are elders and a signs that are not only treated, but also communicate with spirits. Bushmen are very afraid of the dead, and sacred believe in afterlife. They pray for the sun, the moon, the stars. But they ask not health or happiness, but success in hunting.

Bushmen tribes speak Koisan's languages, which are very difficult for Europeans. Feature These languages \u200b\u200bare clicking consonants. They say the representatives of the tribe among themselves very quietly. This is the old habit of hunters - so as not to scare the game.

There are confirmed data that another hundred years ago they were drawing. In the caves still find cave drawingsdepicting people and different animals: buffaloes, gazelles, birds, ostriches, antelope, crocodiles.

There are unusual in their drawings fairy tale characters: Monkey people, eared snakes, people with a crocodile muzzle. In the desert there is a whole gallery under open skywhich presents these amazing drawings of unknown artists.

But now Bushmen are not engaged in painting, they are gorgeous in dance music, pantomime and legends.

It seems to us that we are all competent, smart people, We use all the benefits of civilization. And it is hard to imagine that there are still tribes on our planet, not far from the Stone Age.

Papua New Guinea and Barneo tribes. It still lives according to the rules taken by 5 thousand years ago: men go bare, and women cut off their fingers. There are only three tribes still engaged in cannibalism, it is Yali, Vanuatu and Kapaffa. . These tribes with great pleasure eaten both their enemies and tourists, as well as their own old men and deceased relatives.

In the highland regions of the Congo lives a tribe of Pygmeys. They call themselves Mong. Amazing is that they have cold bloodlike reptile. And under cold weather, they were able to fall in anabiosis as lizards.

On the shore of the Amazon River, the Mikeka lives small (300 individuals) Tribe Pirach.

The inhabitants of this tribe there is no time. They have neither calendars, no watches, no past and tomorrow. They have no leaders, everyone decide together. There is no concept of "mine" or "yours", all over: husbands, wives, children. Their language is very simple, only 3 vowels and 8 consonants, there is also no account, they cannot count even up to 3.

Sapadi tribe (ostrich tribe).

They have an amazing property: only two fingers, and both are big! This is a disease (but is it possible to call this unusual structure of the foot?) It is referred to as the progress syndrome and caused, according to physicians, in the influence. It is possible that the reason for him is some kind of unknown virus.

Sinta Larga. Live in the Amazon Valley (Brazil).

Family (husband with several wives and children) usually have own housewhich is thrown when the land in the village becomes less fertile and from the forests goes to game. Then they are filmed and looking for a new area for home. When moving, Sinta Larga change their names, but the "true" name every member of the tribe holds in the secret (only a mother and father know). Sinta Larga has always been famous for its aggressiveness. They are constantly fighting both with neighboring tribes and with "strangers" - white settlers. Battles and murders - an integral trait of them traditional image Life.

In the western part of the Amazon Valley, coar live.

In this tribe, in the literal sense of the word, survives the strongest. If a child is born with any defect, or ills in an infectious disease, it is simply killed. They do not know bows or copies. Armed with batons and wind tubes shooting poisoned arrows. Corrupts are directly like small children. You should smile to smile, how they begin to laugh. If you notice your face on your face, you begin to wander around. It's almost primitive tribewho did not touch the civilization at all. But it is impossible to feel calm in their surroundings, as they can come into rage at any time.

There are approximately 100 more tribes that do not know how to read and write, do not know what television, cars, moreover, still practiced cannibalism. Remove them from the air, and then celebrate these places on the map. Not in order to study them or enlighten, but in order for anyone if you do not let them. Contact with them is not desirable not only because of their aggressiveness, and for the reasons that the wild tribes may not be immunity from contemporary diseases.

Africa as always pleases (everyone decides for himself, whether it is necessary to quote this word) the most striking the imagination by tradition. But what is commonplace for us, then for members of the tribes "black" continent - a real reason for the accomplishment of bloody rituals. Today we "walk" in virgins.

And Seryozha too!

Remember, we wrote about the traditions of initiating boys in Papua New Guinea? Do not think that members of the tribe are more condescending. Although, of course, everything is known in comparison: the rite of defloration of girls takes place much more humanely. In this "procedure" also inherent participation supreme Priest (there is no one embarrassing, what is he and girls, and on boys walker?). During the wedding, his main duty is to break through the virgin spruce specially prepared ritual wooden knife. After these manipulations, suffering do not end: future husband The new woman should offer to "test" his bride to other members of the tribe. The marriage ceremony occurs only after all bullying traditional for the tribe. In marriage, the wife is obliged to remain solely true, and treason punishes death penalty. Aboriginal Zakaev's tribe on the island of Sumatra are adhered to such traditions. There, too, the bride is first given to the confusion of all men of the genus, after which a wedding can take place. Sometimes near the lodge of the unfortunate, you can count about thirty men aged from eighty to ten years. And, of course, becoming his wife, she is just as required to keep loyalty, otherwise the betrayal will pay life. Such a logical African logic.

King Kong is not the same

How do you feel about monkeys? So funny to watch them in the zoo, right? But the virgins of Equatorial Africa, these cute animals are so pleased. Moreover, a simple mention of monkeys can drive women into a state of horror close to the obeying. And you would have pleased if your first man became ... Male Gorilla? Yes, girls tribes central Africa Send to the jungle with a well-defined goal. By the way, it is believed that if she could not attract the gorilla, it is subject to expulsion and the censure - they say, even a monkey in her direction did not look! Naturally, such barbarism ends with an inevitable attack of a wild animal on a mountainous virgin. But there are also good luck, which, squeezing, decide to "help" the girl - hawkening in the jungle wildlings, they attack her instead of Gorilla. And then already literally try on it all their dreams, desires and fetishes. Do you need to say that the poor thing does not remain on the body after an execution not a single living place, and she herself does not want anything else for life about sexual relationship? The most amazing (although it would seem to be surprised no longer anywhere else) - the aborigines believe that the more the women can already count on the body, the higher the position it will take in the tribe hierarchy. Peculiar compensation for moral disabilities.

Fort Noks African

But do not think that the best way Avoid all these mockery - to remain an eternal virgin. All in the same Africa there are tribes that, on the contrary, fight in every possible way for the purity and preservation of the girl for granting. True, of course, with a flavor, peculiar to this continent. Do not want connections before the wedding - please! Just do not be surprised that your vagina is simply lingering, and they will do it in early childhood. And only before the marriage, the specially convened advice of the elders of the tribe "will reveal" it for your future husband. The very moment, when before the wedding, nor, and after the wedding somehow it is hardly wanting.

Here we have in lately Some sorry fashion to scold a place where you were born. And we believe that our homeland is great. Especially when unsatisfied elders and gorilla-fetishists roam a distance of ten thousand kilometers away.

About the initiation of boys, read here:

Photographer Jimmy Nelson travels around the world and removes wild and film tribeswho manage to maintain traditional life lifestyle in modern world. Every year this peoples are becoming more difficult and harder, but they do not surrender and do not leave the territories of their ancestors, continuing to live as well as they lived.

Tribe Asar

Location: Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Shot in 2010. Asaro Mudmen ("People from the Asaro River, covered with mud") for the first time met with the western world in the middle of the 20th century. From time immemorial, these people are smeared with mud and put on masks to catch the fear of other villages.

"Also, all of them are very miles, but since their culture is under threat, they are forced to stand up for themselves" - Jimmy Nelson.

Tribe of Chinese fishermen.

Location: Guanxi, China. Shot in 2010. Fishing with cormorant - one of the most ancient ways fishing With waterfowl. So that they do not swallow the catch, fishermen tie their neck. The little fishing cormorants are easily swallowed, and large bring to the owners.


Location: Kenya and Tanzania. Shot in 2010. This is one of the most famous African tribes. Young Masai pass through a number of rituals to develop responsibility, become men and warriors, learn to protect cattle from predators and ensure the safety of their families. Thanks to rituals, rites and instructions of the elders, they grow by real bravests.

The central place in the culture of Masayev occupies cattle.


Location: Siberia - Yamal. Shot in 2011. Traditional occupation Nenets - reindeer herding. They lead a nomadic lifestyle, moving through the Yamal Peninsula. For more than millennium, they survive at temperatures up to minus 50 ° C. The route of the annual migration of 1000 km long lies through the frozen river Ob.

"If you do not drink warm blood and do not eat fresh meat, then you are doomed to death in the tundra."


Location: Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Shot in 2010. Cows - one of the few Papuass tribes that do not wear kophek, peculiar boxes for the penis. Men of the tribe hide their penises, tightly taking their leaves along with the scrotum. Cows - gathet hunters living in houses on trees. This nation has strictly distributed rights and obligations between men and women. Their number is estimated at about 3,000 people. Until the 1970s, cows were confident that other peoples in the world did not exist.

Tribe Yali.

Location: Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Shot in 2010. Yali live in the virgin forests of Highlands and officially recognized as pigments, as the growth of men is only 150 centimeters. Kotka (pumpkin case for penis) serves as part traditional clothes. On it, you can determine the personality of a person to the tribe. Yali prefer long thin kophek.

Tribe Karo.

Location: Ethiopia. Shot in 2011. The Omo Valley, located in the Great Rift Valley of Africa, is called the birthplace of about 200,000 indigenous peoples who inhabited it for thousands of years.

Here, the tribes since the years have traded each other, offering each other beads, food, cattle and fabric. Not so long ago, the turnover entered guns and ammunition.

Tribe Dasanech

Location: Ethiopia. Shot in 2011. For this tribe is characterized by the absence of strictly defined ethnicity. To admit in dasanech a person can almost any origin.


Location: Argentina and Ecuador. Shot in 2011. For a thousand years, Amazon raindrops of Ecuador served as a house for the People of Guarani. They consider themselves the most brave indigenous group in the Amazon basin.

Tribe Vanuatu

Location: Lava Island (Banx Islands Group), Province of Torba. Shot in 2011. Many people Vanuatu believes that wealth can be achieved by ceremonies. The dance is an important part of their culture, so in many villages there are a dance floor called Nazar.

Tribe Ladakhi

Location: India. Shot in 2012. Ladakhi share the beliefs of their Tibetan neighbors. Tibetan Buddhism, mixed with images of fierce demons from Dobddy Religion Bon underlies Ladakh beliefs for more than a thousand years. The people live in the Indus Valley, it is mainly engaged in agriculture, practicing Polyandria.

Tribe Mursi.

Location: Ethiopia. Shot in 2011. "It is better to die than not killing." Mursi - farmers - farmers and successful warriors. Men are distinguished by horseshoe scars on the body. Women also practice shock, and also insert a plate into the lower lip.

Rabari tribe

Location: India. Shot in 2012. 1000 years ago, representatives of the Rabari tribe had already wandered over the deserts and plains, which today belong to Western India. Women of this people long hours are devoted to embroidery. They also manage farms and solve all cash issues, and men graze herd.

Tribe Sambur

Location: Kenya and Tanzania. Shot in 2010. Samburu is a semi-soul people, which moved from place to place every 5-6 weeks to provide their cattle pastures. They are independent and much more traditional than Masai. In society sambura reigns equality.

Tribe Mustang

Location: Nepal. Shot in 2011. Most of the representatives of the Mustang people still believe that the world is flat. They are very religious. Prayers and holidays are an integral part of their lives. The tribe is a mansion, as one of the last optics survived to today Tibetan culture. Until 1991, they did not let any strangers in their own on Wednesday.

Tribe Maori.

Location: New Zealand. Shot in 2011. Maori - Adepts of Multimitations, worship many gods, goddesses and spirits. They believe that the spirits of the ancestors and supernatural creatures are omnipresent and help the tribe in difficult times. In the Mori myths and legends originated in the distant times, their ideas were reflected on the creation of the universe, the origin of gods and people.

"My tongue is my awakening, my tongue is the window of my soul."

Tribe Goroka

Location: Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Shot in 2011. Life in alpine villages is simple. The inhabitants are plenty of food, families are friendly, the people honorab wonders of nature. They live at the expense of hunting, gathering and growing crops. There are often internecine collisions here. To frighten the enemy, the warriors of the rod tribe use combat coloring and decorations.

"Knowledge is just rumors while they are in the muscles."

Huli tribe

Location: Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Shot in 2010. This indigenous people are fighting for land, pigs and women. A lot more efforts they spend to impress the opponent. Houli paint their faces with yellow, red and white paints, and also famous traditions to make elegant wigs from their own hair.

Himba tribe

Location: Namibia. Shot in 2011. Each member of the tribe belongs to the two clans, to the Father and Mother. Marriages are arranged with the purpose of expanding wealth. Here is vital appearance. He talks about the place of man inside the group and about his phase of life. Responsibility for the rules in the group bears the elder.

Tribe Kazakhov

Location: Mongolia. Shot in 2011. The Kazakh-nomads are descendants of the Turkic, Mongolian, Indoran group and Huns, who inhabited the territory of Eurasia from Siberia to the Black Sea.

The ancient art of eagle hunting is one of the traditions that the Kazakhs managed to save to the present day. They trust their clan, count on their herds, believe in the associate cult of the sky, ancestors, fire and in supernatural powers Good and evil spirits.