3 families in the war world. Writing: Comparison of families in the novel L.N

3 families in the war world. Writing: Comparison of families in the novel L.N

Plan-abstract literature lesson. Topic: Family thought in Roman L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

purpose: On the example of families of Rostov, Bolkon and Kuragin, to identify the ideal of the family in understanding L.N. Tolstoy.
1. Know the text of the novel "War and Peace", the Tolstsky ideal of the patriarchal family.
2. To be able to compare the material and draw conclusions,
Tining material close to the text.
3. Rise in students a sense of respect for family values.
Theoretical occupation
Equipment: writing on the board, portrait of a writer, multimedia material.

During the classes.

1. Orgmant. (5 minutes)
2. Teacher's word. (7 min.)
The family is one of the most important topics in the Russian literature of the 60-70s of the 19th century. The family chronicle writes Saltykov-Shchedrin, the fate of the random family is assessed by F.M.Dostoevsky, and Tolstoy - "Family thought.
Thus, the purpose of our lesson: on the example of a comparison of families of growth, Bologna and Kuragin, to identify the ideal of the family in understanding L.N. Tolstoy.
The world of the family is the most important "component" of the novel. Tolstoy traces the fate of entire families. His heroes are associated related, friendly, love relationships; Often they are separated by mutual hostility, enmity.
On the pages of "War and Peace" we get acquainted with family nests of the main characters: Rostov, Kuragic, Bolonski. The family idea finds its highest embodiment in the text of life, the general atmosphere, in relations between the close people of these families.
You, I hope, reading the pages of the novel, visited these families. And we have to figure out today, what family for Tolstoy - the ideal, what family life he considers "real."
The epigraph to the lesson will take the words V. Zenkovsky: "Family life has three sides: biological, social and spiritual. If any one side is arranged, and other parties are either directly absent or are in launch, then the family crisis is inevitable. "
So, we will dwell on the family of Graph Rostov.
Film (5 min)
Count Rostov (student's performance 5 min.): We are simple people, we do not know how to preserve or multiply. I am always happy to guests. The wife even complains sometimes: they say, the visits tortured. And I love everyone, I have everything cute. We have a big friendly family, I have always dreamed of such, the whole soul is tied to his wife and children. In our family, it is not customary to hide feelings: if sad - we are crying, joyfully laugh. I want to dance - please.
Rostov Countess (student performance 5 min.): I want to add to the words of a husband that in our family there is one main feature that connects everyone together, love. Love and trust, because "Zorko is one heart." We are all attentive to each other.
Natasha: (Student's performance 5 min.) And I can also say. We have the same names with Mama. We all love her very much, she is our moral ideal. Our parents were able to raise their sincerity and naturalness. I am very grateful to them for being always ready to understand, forgive, help in the most difficult moments of life. And there will be a lot of such situations. Mama is my best girlfriend, I can not fall asleep until she behaves all his secrets and excitement.
(Student's speech 7 min) The world of growth is the world whose norms are approved for their simplicity and naturalness, purity and cordiality; Causes the admiration and patriotism of the "Rostov breed".
Mistress at home, Countess Natalya Rostov - Head of the family, wife and mother 12 children. We note the scene of receiving guests - "Congratulations" - Count Ilya Rostov, who, without exception, "as above and below his standing people" said: "Very, very much grateful to you for yourself and for dear birthdays." The count says with guests more often in Russian, "sometimes on a very bad, but self-confident French." The conventions of the secular tact, secular news - all this is observed in conversations with guests. These details suggest that Rostov is the people of their time and their class and carry his traits. And in this secular situation, like the "ray of the Sun", the young generation breaks. Even jokes in growth are clean, touching and naive.
So, in the family of growth simplicity and guilty, naturalness of behavior, cordiality, mutual love in the family, nobility and sensitivity, proximity in the language and customs to the people and at the same time compliance with the secular lifestyle and secular conventions, beyond which, however, do not stand Calculation and care. So in the storyline of the family of growth Tolstoy reflects the "life and activities of the local nobility". We appeared to a variety of psychological types: good-natured, the bomber slack of the graph of Rostov, gently loving his children's countess, reasonable faith, charming Natasha; sincere Nikolai. Unlike Sheron Shannel The atmosphere of fun, joy, happiness, sincere care for the fate of the Motherland reigns in the house.
L.N. Tolstoy stands at the origins of the People's Philosophy and adheres to a folk point of view on a family - with its patriarchal affair, the authority of parents, their care for children. The spiritual community of all family members is the author indicates a word - Rostov, and the proximity of the mother and daughter emphasizes with one name - Natalia. Mother - Synonym for the world of the family in Tolstoy, that natural challenge, which will be checked by the children of Rostic: Natasha, Nikolai, Petya. They will unite the important quality laid down in the family by parents: sincerity, naturalness, simplicity. Openness of the soul, pleased - their main property. From here, from the house, this ability of growth to attract people, talent to understand someone else's soul, the ability to worry, sympathize. And all this on the verge of self-denial. Rostovs do not know how to feel "slightly", "half," they are completely given to the feeling that took their soul.
Tolstoy it was important through the fate of Natasha Rostova to show that all her talents are implemented in the family. Natasha - Mother will be able to bring up in his children and love for music, and the ability to the most sincere friendship and love; She will teach children the most important thing in the life of the talent - the talent to love selflessly, forgetting sometimes about himself; And this study will be not in the form of notations, but in the form of daily communication of children with very kind, honest, sincere and true people: Mother and Father. And this is the real happiness of the family, because each of us dreams of the most good and fair man next to you. Pierre this dream came true ...
How often it consumes the thick word "family", "family" to designate the house of growth! What warm light and comfort fows from this, so familiar and good the word! For this word - peace, consent, love.
Name and write down those main features of the Rostov family. (3 min)
View of the notebook:
Rostov: love, trust, sincerity, openness, moral rod, ability to forgive, heart life
Now we characterize the family of Bolkon.
Film (5 min)
Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky: (Student's performance 5 min) I have firmly established views on the family. I passed a harsh military school and I believe that there are two sources of human defects: idleness and superstition, and only two virtues: activity and mind. I was always engaged in raising my daughter to develop these virtues, gave the lessons of algebra and geometry. The main condition of life is order. I do not deny, I am sometimes cutting, it is too demanding, sometimes exciting fear to himself, respectfully, and how else. I honestly served my homeland and would not suffer treason. And if it were my son, me, an old man, it would doubly hurt. I handed my children patriotism and pride.
Princess Marya: (Student's performance 5 min.) I, of course, Robe in front of the Father and I am a little afraid of him. I live, mostly reason. I never show my feelings. True, they say that my eyes are treacherously give away excitement or love. It was especially noticeable after acquaintance with Nikolai. In my opinion, relatives with the growth of us the overall feeling of love for the Motherland. At a minute of danger, we are ready to sacrifice everyone. We will be brought up in our children pride, courage, spirit hardness, and more kindness and love. I will demand themselves as my father was demanding to me.
Prince Andrei (Student's performance 5 min): I tried not to bring my father. He managed to raise a high concept of honor and debt in me. Sometime dreamed of personal glory, but did not achieve it. In Shengraban battle, I looked at a lot with different eyes. I especially insulted the behavior of our command for the real hero of the battle to Captain Tushina. After Austerlitz revised his world, in many respects disappointed. Natasha "breathed in me" in me, but, unfortunately, it was not possible to become her husband. If we had a family, I would bring goodness, honesty, decency, love for my homeland in my children.
(Student's speech 5 min) Distinctive features of Bolkonsky - spirituality, mind, independence, nobility, high ideas about honor, debt. The old prince, in the past, Ekaterininskoye noble, friend Kutuzov is a state person. He serving Catherine, served Russia. Not wanting to adapt to a new time, which required not to serve, but to serve, he voluntarily sharpened himself in the estate. However, both is supposed, he did not cease to be interested in politics. Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky tirelessly cares about the children to develop their abilities, they knew how to work and wanted to learn. The old prince did the upbringing and training of children himself, not trusting and without rearring it to anyone. He does not trust anyone not only the upbringing of his children, but even their fate. With which "external tranquility and inner malice" he consent to Andrei marriage with Natasha. And the year for testing the feelings of Andrei and Natasha is also an attempt to be as much as possible from randominess and misfortunes of the Son: "There was a son who is a pity to give the girl." The impossibility of separating with Prince Marya pushes him into the desperate actions, evil, bile: the bride will say daughter: "... there is nothing to disappear - and so bad." Watching Kuragin, he was insulted "for his daughter. The insult is the patient, because it was not related to him, to the daughter he loved more.
Nikolai Andreevich, proud of his son and the spiritual peace of his daughter, knows that in their family between Marya and Andrey not only complete mutual understanding, but also sincere friendship, based on the unity of views and thoughts. Relationships in this family are not built on the principle of equality, but they are also full of concerns and love, only hidden. Bologkoe are all very restrained. This is a sample of a genuine family. They are inherent in high spirituality, true beauty, pride, sacrifice and respect for other people's senses.
What are the house of Bolkonsky and the house of growth like? First of all, a sense of family, spiritual relationship of loved ones, patriarchal structures, hospitality. Both families are distinguished by the vast care of parents about children. Rostov and Bolkonsky children love more than themselves: Rostov - the elder does not tolerate her husband and younger petition; The old man lovers loves children passionately and precisely, even the rigor and demanding of him only from the desire of good children.
The life of the Bolkonsky family in the Bald Mountains in some elements is similar to the life of growth: the same mutual love of family members, the same deep cordiality, the same naturalness of behavior, as well as in growth, great proximity to the people in language and in relationships With ordinary people. On this basis, both families are equally opposed to the Higher Society.
There are differences between these families. Bolkonsky distinguishes from growth deep work of thought, high intelligence of all family members: and the old prince, and the princes Marya, and her brother, which are prone to mental activity. In addition, the characteristic feature of the "breed" of Bolkonsky is pride.
Name and write down the main features of the Bolkonsky family: high spirituality, pride, courage. Honor, debt, activity, mind, strength of the Spirit, Love is natural, hidden under the mask of coldness
Turn to the Kuragin family.
According to the roles of the Dialogue of Prince Vasily and Anna Pavlovna Sherler. (5 minutes)
Prince Vasily (student speech 3 min): I do not have a bump of parental love, but she and nothing to me. I think all this is superfluous. The main thing is the material well-being, the situation in the light. Didn't I try to make my children happy? Hehlen was married to the richest bridegroom of Moscow Count Pierre Zuhova, Ippolita attached to the diplomatic corps, Anatol was almost married at the princess Mary. To achieve goals, all means are good.
Helen: (Student's performance 3 min) Your high words about love, honor, kindness are not clear to me at all. And with Anatola and Ippolite always lived in my pleasure. It is important to satisfy your desires and needs, even at the expense of others. What am I tormented by remorse of conscience if you have time to change this mattress with Doolokhov? I am always in all right.
(Student's speech 5 min) The external beauty of the Kuragin is replaced with spiritual. In this family there are many human vices. Helen makes fun of Pierre's desire to have children. Children, in her understanding, mortgage hindering. According to Tolstoy, the worst thing for a woman is the lack of children. The purpose of a woman is to become a good mother, wife.
Actually, Bolkonsky and Rostov are more than families, these are whole life stackers, each of which is Oveyan with its poetry.
Simple and such a deep for the author "War and Peace" Family happiness, the most who know Rostov and Bolkonsky, it is naturally both familiar - this is a family, "peaceful" happiness will not be given by the family of Kuragin, where the atmosphere of universal calculation and confusion reigns . They are deprived of labor poetry. Their family proximity and the relationship of non-efficient, although it undoubtedly there is an instinctive interpretee and solidarity, a kind of pie handpiece of egoism. This family relationship is not positive, the real family relationship, but, in essence, its denial.
Make a service career, "make" a profitable marriage or marriage - so understands his parental duty Prince Vasily Kuragin. What are his children essentially - it is not interested in it. They must be "attached." Immorality, allowed in the family of Kuragin, becomes the norm of their lives. This is evidenced by the behavior of Anatol, the attitude of Helen with a brother, about which Pierre remembers with horror, the behavior of Helen himself. In this house there is no place of sincerity and decency. You noticed that there are even a description of the house of Kuragin in the novel, because the family bonds of these people are weakly expressed, each of them lives apart, considering above all their interests.
About the false family of Kuraginy, Pierre said very accurately: "Oh, a seal, heartless breed!"
Vasil Kuragin is the father of three children, but all his dreams are rumped up to one: to attach them boostable, sell from the hands. Shame of walling all the Kuragines are easily transferred. Anatol, who was inadvertently met on the day of the matchmaker Marya, keeps in the arms of violence. Helen calmly and with a frozen smile, beauty condescendingly related to the jet of relatives and loved ones to marry her for Pierre. He, Anatol, only slightly annoyed an unsuccessful attempt to take Natasha. Only once will change their "excerpt": Helen will shout from fear to be killed by Pierre, and her brother will pay, like a woman who losing his leg. Their calm - from indifference to everyone, besides himself: Anatol "was precious to light the ability of calm and no confidence of anything." Their mental worn, meanness is glimpse the honest and delicacy of Pierre, therefore he will be charged from his mouth, as a shot: "Where are you, there are debauchery, evil."
They are alien to tolstovskaya ethics. Egoists are closed only on themselves. Empties. They will not be born from them, for in the family it is necessary to be able to give to others the warmth of the soul and care. They can only take: "I'm not a fool to give birth to children" (Helen), "We must take a girl while she is still a flower in bud" (Anatol).
The features of the Kuragin family: the lack of parental love, material well-being, the desire to satisfy their needs at the expense of others, the lack of spiritual beauty.
3. Approach the outcome (7 min).
Only those who are eager for unity, Tolstoy, in the final of his epic, finding families and peace. A happy family of Natasha and Pierre appears in epilogue. Natasha his love for her husband creates the amazing atmosphere that inspires and supports him, and Pierre is happy, admiring her feelings, that wonderful intuition, with which she penetrates his soul. Understanding each other without words, by expressing the eyes, gesture, they are ready to go to the end along the road of life, while maintaining an internal, mental connection between them, and harmony.
L.N. Tolstoy in the novel shows its ideal of women and family. This ideal is given in the images of Natasha Rostova and Marya Bologkoe and their families. Favorite Heroes Tolstoy want to live honestly. In family relations, heroes keep such moral values \u200b\u200bas simplicity, naturalness, a noble sense of self-esteem, adolescence in front of motherhood, love and respect. It is these moral values \u200b\u200bper minute of nationwide risk saves Russia. Family and female guardian of family foci, have always been moral foundations of society.
Since the appearance of Roman L. N. Tolstoy passed many years, but the main values \u200b\u200bof the family: love, confidence, mutual understanding, honor, decency, patriotism - remain the main moral values. Christmas said: "Everything begins with love." Dostoevsky said: "A person will be born not for happiness and deserves his suffering."
Each modern family is a big complex world in which its traditions, relationships and habits, even their look at the upbringing of children. They say that children are echo of their parents. However, that this echo sounded not only by virtue of natural affection, but mainly due to conviction, it is necessary that the customs, orders, rules, life rules are strengthened in the family circle, which cannot be expected from fear before punishment, but from respect for Family polls, to its traditions.
Do everything to childhood, the future of your children was wonderful for the family to be strong, friendly, family traditions were stored and passed from generation to generation. I wish you happiness in the family, in the one in which you live today, which you will create tomorrow. Let a mutual assistance and mutual understanding always reign under the roof of your house, let your life be rich and spiritually, and financially.
4. Homework.(3 min)
Write a mini essay on the topic "My future family."

Reflection on family values \u200b\u200b(on the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace")

Family is one of the greatest values \u200b\u200bin the life of every person. Family members will value each other and see in loved ones the joy of life, support, hope for the future. This is provided that the family has the right moral attitudes and concepts. The material values \u200b\u200bof the family are being studied for years, and spiritual, reflecting the emotional world of people, are associated with their heredity, education, environment.

In the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" in the center of the narration three families - Kuragin, Bolkonoe, Rostov.

In each family, the tone asks the head of the family, and he transmits his children not only the properties of character, but also its moral essence, the vital commandments, the concepts of values \u200b\u200bare those in which the aspirations, inclinations, goals and senior, and younger family members are reflected.

Kuragin family is one of St. Petersburg famous in the highest circles. Prince Vasily Kuragin, the person is insincere and not far, nevertheless managed to build the most favorable position for the son and daughter: for Anatoly - a successful career, for Helen - marriage with one of the richest people in Russia.

When the soulless handsome Anatole talks with the old prince Bolkonsky, he barely holds away from laughter. He is represented by "Chudatsky" and the prince himself, and the words of the old man that he, the Kuragin, it is necessary to serve "King and Fatherland". It turns out that the regiment, to which "ranked" Anatole, has already performed, and an anatoly not to be "in the case", which is not confused by the secular hanging. "What am I lying, dad?" - He cynically asks his father, and it causes anger and contempt of the old Bolkonsky, General-Annef in resignation, a man of debt and honor.

Helen is the smartest wife, however, the extremely naive and kind Pierre Progness. When Pierre's father dies, the Prince of Vasily, Senior Kuragin, is building a dishonest and dying plan, according to which the illegitimate son of Crafa Bezuhova could not get inheritance or the county title. However, the intrigue of Prince Vasily failed, and he with his pressure, cynicism and cunning almost force connects the wedding dresses of the good Pierre and his daughter Helen. Pierre is striking that in the eyes of Elene's light was very smart, but only he knew as much as she was stupid, vulgar and depraved.

And the Father, and young Kuragins are predators. One of their family values \u200b\u200bis the ability to invade someone else's life and break it in favor of its selfish interests.

Material benefits, the ability to seem, but not be - here are their priorities. But the law is triggered, according to which "... There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, good and truth." Life will be afraid of them terribly: on the Borodin field amputically anatol (he had to "serve"); Early, the heyday of youth and beauty, Elene Baughzova dies.

Family of Bolkonsky - from a native, famous kind of kind, rich and influential in Russia. Old Bologna, a person of honor, one of the most important family values \u200b\u200bsaw how much his son would fulfill one of the main commandments - to be, not to seem; meet the status of the family; Do not exchange life on immoral deeds and low-lying goals.

And Andrei, a man is purely military, is not delayed in the adjutant "lightly", Kutuzov, since this is a "Lacéic post". He is in advanced borders, in the center of battles in Shenagraben, in the events with Austerlice, on the Borodin field. Uncompromising and even stiffness of character makes Prince Andrey man, extremely difficult for others. He does not forgive people of their weaknesses, as demanding to itself. But gradually, over the years, wisdom and other life evaluations come to Bolkonsky. In the first war with Napoleon, he, being a famous man at the headquarters of Kutuzov, could be welcomed by anyone who is not famous to Drubetsky, who was looking for the patronage of influential people. At the same time, Andrei could afford carelessly and even with contempt of treating the request of a combat general, a well-deserved person.

In the events of 1812, a young Bolkonsky, a lot of suffering and strongly understood in life, serves in the existing army. He, colonel, commander of the regiment and thoughts, and ways of action with his subordinates. He takes part in the inglorious and bloody battle near Smolensk, goes a heavy expensive retreat and in the battle of Borodina receives a wound that has become deadly. It should be noted that at the beginning of the 1812 campaign. Bolkonsky "forever lost himself in the court world, not asking to remain with the person of the sovereign, and asking the permission to serve in the army."

Good spirit of the Bolkonsky family - Princess Marya, who, with her patience and all, focuses on the idea of \u200b\u200blove and kindness.

Rostov family - these are the favorite heroes of L.N. Tolstoy, which embody the features of the Russian national nature.

The old Graph of Rostov with his wastefulness and generosity, fonding Natasha with constant willingness to love and be beloved, Nikolai, who sacrifices the well-being of the family, defending the honor of Denisov and Sony, - they all make mistakes that are expensive to themselves and their loved ones.

But they are always true "good and truth", they are honest, they live by the joys and disasters of their people. For the whole family, these are the highest values.

Young Peter Rostov killed in the first battle without making a single shot; At first glance, the death of his velipe and random. But the meaning of this fact is that the young man does not spare through his life in the name of the king and the Fatherland in the highest and heroic sense of these words.

Rostov is completely ruined, leaving their property in the captured by enemies. Natasha proves with all the hotness that save the unfortunate wounded is much more important than to save the material values \u200b\u200bof the family.

The old Graf is proud of a daughter, gusting her beautiful, bright soul.

On the last pages of Roman Pierre, Nikolai, Natasha, Marya is happy in the families built by them; They love and loved, they face firmly on earth and rejoice in life.

In conclusion, we can say that the highest family values \u200b\u200bfor the favorite Heroes of Tolstoy - the purity of their thoughts, high morality, love for the world.

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  • family theme in the novel war and world
  • Family in the novel war and world
  • families in the novel war and world

Reply from џn Creamer [Guru]
In the novel "War and Peace" the author shows a fifteen-year-old reservoir of the life of many people during the Great Shocks and Changes in Russia. Along with the image of the grand historical events, with philosophical reflections of the author, a significant attention is paid to the novel as the basis of the foundation. In the center of the novel, there are two main families: Rostov and Bolkonoe. The first time the Growth family meets the names of the Countess. Immediately you can see here the atmosphere of a welcome, love and goodwill, since "in the house of growth loving air." Count and Countess are kind and simple people, all the soul and heart open to children. They are glad to everyone who comes to them. To live in such a house where the world reigns, mutual understanding and respect is happiness. In the family, everyone is frank each other: sincerely having fun and cry, the screen is experiencing life dramas. All children feel parent tenderness and affection. Natasha is a sincere, disinterested, charming girl, ready to love the whole world. The younger son Petya is kind, honest and childish naive. Sonya - Girl tender and sensitive. Despite the fact that she is not a native daughter in this house, she is cozy here, because it also loves her, ka and other children. This family is truly an amazing world, although she is far from complete harmony. The strange, cold and egoistic behavior of the eldest daughter of faith does not fit in any way with the family atmosphere. "Something at Snodnyushka Namudril", "said Father. According to the novel, it can be understood that in the youth of the Countess Rostov was friends with the princess Drubets. And it is her influence that it felt in the upbringing of faith, because her son Boris also brought up selfish. Apparently, the mother raised her first child as it demanded the light. All family members of the growth extraordinarily close to each other. Even the yard people Tikhon, Proophyal, Praskovya Savvshna are very devoted to this family. But Tolstoy shows us this family and in the difficult moments of their lives, when their destinies are closely intertwined with the fate of thousands of Russian noble families during the war1812. Until the last minute, Rostov remains in Moscow. But an hour comes when you need to make a decision: go or stay. Rostov decide to leave. But the house remains wounded, people who defended the city. And the question arises: to help them and go broke. Natasha intervention solves the problem. Rostov are leaving without things, taking with them only the most necessary, and the veils are given under the wounded. A slightly different picture represents the family of Bolkonsky. Tolstoy showed three generations of this family: Prince Nikolai Andreevich, his children - Andrei and Marya and the grandson of Nikolek. From generation to generation were transferred in this family such qualities as a sense of debt, the concept of honor, nobility, patriotism. But this family is based on another basis than the family of growth. The mind reigns here, not a feeling. The old prince Bolkonsky, who believes that in the world "there are only two virtues - activities and mind," always follows their beliefs. He is constantly working: it writes a new military charter, it works on the machine, he is engaged with his daughter. These features are inherent in his son, prince Andrei. The desire to benefit people makes Prince Andrei to participate in working with Speransky, to carry out transformation in the village and constantly look for its place in life. From the Father, the participant of the hikes of Suvorov, the spirit of patriotism passed by Andrei. Senior Bolkonsky, having learned about the campaign to Moscow, wants to help his country at least. He becomes commander-in-chief of the militia and is given to this case throughout the soul. Andrei love to the homeland and life merged together, he wants to take a feat in the name of Russia. And we can say that he succeeded. Relationships Princess Mary and Father are different. Nikolai Angerevich very much loved her daughter, but in every way hid his feelings, sometimes he was too severely dealt with her. From such a relationship of Marya suffered very strongly.

(375 words)

The novel "War and the World" of Tolstoy was written in 1869. Despite the fact that the scene of the battles and war with Napoleon, the main storyline is the history of families. The author describes Russian society in a military period, and through pedigree bonds it is best to show the behavior and feelings of people during historical shocks. The thought of the family in the Roman-Epopea "War and Peace" also reveals the philosophical and moral credo of the writer.

We are shown the lives of three different families of secular type. They are absolutely not similar to each other, but their lives are closely intertwined. These are homes of Bolkonsky, growth and kuraggic, on their examples the author represents the names of several generations.

The reader comes to visit Bolkna. The most important member of the kind - Prince Nikolai, he believed that everything and all in his family should obey strict order. The hero independently taught his daughter with sciences, and also brought up such qualities in it as the mind and character activity.

Princess Marya loved his father, she had listened to him and cared for him with diligence. Her brother Andrei also loved Nikolay Bolkonsky and respected him, but he could not tolerate his despotic morals for a long time.

Relations between them were calm, everyone was busy with what he shoulded, and had his place. They were honest and decent people and besides the true patriots, but did not like light and fellowships to the Higher Society.

Unlike the previous family, Rostov was close to tender love, sincerity, mutual understanding and support. They actively participated in each other's fate, helped even when the actions of the defendants turned out to be represented. Patriotism, which manifests itself in growth, proves the importance of "family thought" in "War and the World". The eldest son became Gusar, Natasha gave a cart for mutilated, parents donated their home to the shelter of the victims, and the younger son Peter's heroic died in partisan battle.

Kuragin - family, absolutely opposite to two first. In this family, no one can love and worry over each other. Prince Vasily lives only for the sake of benefits and always knows with whom to make the engagement of children with whom you should be friends to make a profitable in life. It is adjusted to the situation, but about devotion to the homeland and speech can not be in their family.

At the end of the novel, the family of Bolkonsky and Rostovy Raman. They always connected spiritual relationship. Tolstoy showed each genus as an individual and unique cell of society, where all members actively live and raise new generations in the best traditions of the ancestors.

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Grain twisters in the family,
The family grows in the family.
And everything that happens then,
Comes to it not from the outside.

Family is a relationship not only in blood.

In the novel "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy family fulfills its high true purpose. The formation of a person's personality largely depends on the family in which he grows. As Sukhomlinsky said, the family is the primary environment where a person must learn to create good. However, there are not only good in the world, but also in contrast to him evil. There are families associated only by the surname. Her members do not have anything in common. But I wonder who a person becomes, whose personality was formed in the atmosphere of indifference and absence of affection? Three families - Blocks, Kuragin and Rostov - as it were, the most good and evil. In their example, you can consider in detail all the family-human, which is only happening in the world. And having gathered them together, get the ideal.

Representatives of the older generation are completely different. Considers idleness and superstition, virtues - the activities and mind of Blocks. Harm, soothed, simple, gullible, generous Natalia and Ilya Rostov. A very famous and fairly influential person in society, who occupies an important court post Kuragin. There is nothing in common between them, except that all of them are family people. They have completely different hobbies and values, a different motto under which they go along with their family (in the event that this family exists).

Relations between the older generation and children are different in different ways. After examining and comparing this "quality", you can confirm or challenge the term "family", which these people are combined.

The family of growth is filled with gullibility, cleanliness and naturalness. Respect for each other, wanting to help without tedious notations, freedom and love, lack of tough educational standards, loyalty to family relations. All this includes, it would seem, the perfect family, the main thing in the relationship of which is love, life according to the laws of the heart. However, such a family has vices, something that does not allow it to become a benchmark. Perhaps some stiffness and rigor would not hurt the chapter of the family. Inability to keep the farm led to ruin, and blind love for children really closed her eyes to the truth.

The family of the Bolkonsky is alien manifestation of sentimentality. Father - continued authority, causing reverence from the surrounding. He himself was engaged in Marya, denying the rates of upbringing in the court circles. Father loves his children, and they worship and love him. They are associated with trembling feelings to each other, the desire to take care and protect. The main thing in the family is life according to the laws of the mind. Perhaps the insufficient manifestation of feelings gives this family from the ideal. Pupils in rigor, children carry masks on themselves, and only some kind of tiny part of them radiates sincerity and enthusiasm.

Is it possible to call the family of kuraggic? Their history does not carry that "generic poetry", which is peculiar to the families of Bologkoe and growth. Curagin unites only kinship, they do not even perceive each other like loved ones. Children for Prince Vasily only burden. He relates to them indifferent, wanting to rush them quickly. After rumors about Ellen's connection with Anatola, the prince, taking care of his name, removed his son from himself. "Family" here - blood bonds. Each member of the Kuragin family got used to loneliness and does not feel the need for supporting close. Fake relationships, hypocrisy. This Union is one big minus. The family itself is negative. It seems to me that this is the most "evil." An example of a family, which simply should not be.

Family for me is a real little cult. The family is a house in which you want to stay forever, and people who love each other should be the foundation. The qualities of two families are Rostov and Blocks - I would like to bring in my family. Sincerity, care, understanding, love, experience for loved ones, the ability to estimate the situation and not idealize your children, the desire to raise a full-fledged person - this is what should be a real family. The rigor and prudence of Bolkonsky, love and peace of growth - this is what is able to make a family truly happy.

The concept of a family in the novel is described on all sides.