R.i.p. Dorn: In the network buried singer for statements about Ukraine

R.i.p. Dorn: In the network buried singer for statements about Ukraine
R.i.p. Dorn: In the network buried singer for statements about Ukraine

Ukrainian singer Ivan Dorn, who the other day gave an interview with Russian blog Yury Duda, outraged Ukrainians with their conversations about the fraternity with Russia.

In addition to the conversations of the singer with a blogger about his work and personal life, Yuri Dwell tried to ask as many provocative issues as possible in the context of the conflict of Ukraine - Russia.

It all started when Dorn asked, with which such a striking rise of Ukrainian music is connected. Dorn it argued the "two brothers" quarrels.

The Russian blogger also asked about the reaction of Ukrainians to the tour in Russia in 2016. Dorn replied that there were two festivals, which he decided to go and that such festivals are absolutely "harmless."

Yuri Dwell remembered such a fact that when other countries remember Ivan Dorn, he remembers him as a person who sponsors the ATO. To which the singer answered completely categorically.

"Money was given on the victims in Mariupol, when sheepings arose, and the volunteer who ordered my money, publicly thanked me for it on the net. Woney gathered too much about this, and I said he to delete that post. I do not help volunteers associated with ATO, "said the singer.

The young performer also commented on the situation with one of his concerts in Moscow, when he handed out from the stage with the Russian public with Kiev and said that there were no hostility between the countries.

Politicians do not quite like it, because the very fact that I perform in Russia is outrageous. And for those who are Yarm Russophobe - they also do not like my position. Other people, honestly, in general on the drum, it seems to me. My music is more important
- Added Dorn.

What was surprised by the Russian blogger, Dorn's concerts after Russian tour were blocked in Ivano-Frankivsk and in Ternopil, but not in Lviv.

In the scandalous interview, the blogger also remembered the case from a concert in Jurmala in 2014, when Dorn went to the scene to perform the "Penguin dance" in a sweatshirt with Ukrainian TRAMUB. The singer commented on this situation in that at that time he collaborated with the Russian producer Igor Steepy and did not want to bring it with a performance.

Cool allowed to make a performance, as I want. And when the question arose about clothes, the stench rose about the fact that our participant from Ukraine was still dressed in Tricolor, there were questions why she rides in Jurmala, why it adjusts to the Russians, etc. Therefore, I thought to go with the Ukrainian song, to bear Ukrainian culture in this case, and that we need to get out with the TRUZUB, so that no one "smelled" about the costume, "the performer told.

Ivan Dorn admitted that he was worried about because of his bold speech, because he was afraid to quarrel with Igor Cool.

For the final questions, Yuri Dorn was launched by phrases from the last popular song of the Ukrainian group "Mushrooms" "melts". Dorn said that Ukraine with Russia will soon come down, because the thaw has already begun.

And the question that Ivan would like to ask Vladimir Putin, sounds like this:

"Listen, you also have a scale (zodiac sign) any uncertainty constantly? Constantly depend on the opinions of others when everyone says that everything is good - it means that everything is fine, and when everything is bad, then everything is bad. It's peculiar Only me or all weighs? " - replied Ivan.

Dorn in an interview also casually mentioned that the group of "Normal" acted on the campaign concerts of the "Party of Regions".

And on the question of the victory of Jamala on Eurovision in 2016 with her song, the singer stressed that first of all should win the song, and not a policy.

"From a musical point of view, I really liked it. But there should be no politics, despite the" sorrow "of history, but should win music. We played as if on some kind of pity, but the music is really cool," Dorn said.

Read Ukrainian

Ivan Dorn explained why I decided to go out a few years ago with the TRUZUB in front of the Russians

Ivan Dorn explained how belongs to the Russians © JBL - Press Service

The Ukrainian singer continues to ride with concerts to Russia. And this is no secret. In an interview with the Russian journalist Yuri Dudu, Ivan Dorn told, as belonging to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and also said when two people will stop being enjoyed.

Yuri Dudia remembered Ivan the case that occurred with Dorn on the "New Wave" in 2014. Then the artist went to the scene with TRUZUB. According to Dorn, he wanted to avoid a scandal in Ukraine.

We went there with the "Penguin dance". Then the question was a little sharper, because the stench began to rise that our participant from Ukraine put on the costume with the tricolor. How so, we have such problems, such a quarrel, and she goes in this sports suit ... it was necessary to solve something. Therefore, I thought it was necessary to go with the Ukrainian song, first to carry a culture, since such a thing. And secondly, I thought, you need to get out with the trizubets, so that no one stink about the costume

said Dorn.

Read also:

At that time, as Dorn himself says, he "was not so that the artist is established." Dorn did not want to spoil relations with Igor steep. He could not refuse, so I decided to get out of the TRUZUB and the Ukrainian song on the stage of the "new wave".

Well, listen, this speech is called "not to get into the prosk." You have already agreed to participate in the "New Wave", confirmed its participation. In principle, you confirmed him again when I started as leading there to participate. Close, good relationship with Igor steep. I did not want to bring it ... You never know what they will do if I say "no." Therefore, in 2014, I agreed. Then I was still not so that the perfect artist is. On the "new wave" to go to go

specified the singer.

Ivan Dorn © JBL - Press Service

Note that it really became enchanting. At that moment, he simply did not go from the pages of the media.

As for his personal attitude to the Russians, he is still nice to think that Ukrainians and Russians are brothers. That is why during his concert in Moscow, who, he called on Moscow to transfer Hi Kiev.

People say that there are problems. Problems in their heads are where their problems are, and let them be filled with them, these problems, once and for all. There is nothing between us! There is nothing but friendship! Let's give the whole Moscow to the friendly hello to Kiev. Let everyone see it!

dorn pronounced from the scene.

Dorn believes that the Ukrainians and Russians will no longer begun. They are already on the way to reconciliation.

We offer to personally listen to the interview with Dorn, which he gave the Russian journalist:

It is worth remembering that now Ivan Dorn is actively working above your English-language album.The artist confesses that he will try his strength in the United States, where he created a new album. Dorn repeatedly stated that he wants to expand his audience and prove that in Ukraine there is also worthy music.

I decided to find out the reasons for the scandal and public opinion on this.


Ukrainian musician Ivan Dorn gave a great interview with Russian journalist Yuri Dudu. During the conversation, the singer made several ambiguous statements about the situation between Ukraine and Russia, who immediately caused a wave of indignation.

The journalist noticed that still Dorn knows how a person who sponsored ATO.

"Not. The money was given on the victims in Mariupol when shelling occurred. But one of the volunteers who wrote this post decided to dispose of money differently and temporarily thanked me for it. I said: "Come on, somehow do something, an uncomfortable situation turned out. Woney got too much about this. Let's somehow delete this post or tell me what happened. And he says: No, "Dorn said.

A journalist reminded the singer's concert in Moscow, held a year ago. Then Ivan Dorn asked Muscovites to transfer Hi to Kiev.

"People say that there are problems. Problems in their heads are where their problems and let them be filled with them, these problems once and for all. There is nothing between us! There is nothing but friendship! Let's give the whole Moscow to the friendly hello to Kiev. And let everyone see it, "said the singer on stage.

The situation between Russia and Ukraine the musician called the "quarrel".

"When a quarrel of two fellow people occurred, the younger brothers said" no "from the older brother," said Dorn.

Also, the speech of the singer on the "new wave" in Jurmala in 2014 was also not adopted. The artist went onto the scene with TRUZUB on a T-shirt to avoid the scandal in Ukraine.

"We went there with the" Penguin dance ". Then the question was a little sharper, because the stench began to rise that our participant from Ukraine wore a suit with the tricolor. How so, we have such problems, such a quarrel, and she goes in this sports suit ... it was necessary to solve something. Therefore, I thought it was necessary to go with the Ukrainian song, first to carry a culture, since such a thing. And secondly, I thought, you need to get out with the trident, so that no one smelled about the costume, "said the singer.

He also said that Ukraine and Russia will soon come up, and the thaw is already beginning. He likes to think that Russians and Ukrainians are brothers.

Blider Anton Khodza wrote on Facebook that Dorn and was not a patriot.

Polittechnologist Vladimir Petrov advised the performer to "go to the bottom" for a while.

Ukrainian singer Ivan Dorn, who the other day gave an interview with Russian blog Yury Duda, outraged Ukrainians with their conversations about the fraternity with Russia.

In addition to the conversations of the singer with a blogger about his work and personal life, Yuri Dwell tried to ask as many provocative issues as possible in the context of the conflict of Ukraine - Russia.

It all started when Dorn asked, with which such a striking rise of Ukrainian music is connected. Dorn it argued the "two brothers" quarrels.

The Russian blogger also asked about the reaction of Ukrainians to the tour in Russia in 2016. Dorn replied that there were two festivals, which he decided to go and that such festivals are absolutely "harmless."

Yuri Dwell remembered such a fact that when other countries remember Ivan Dorn, he remembers him as a person who sponsors the ATO. To which the singer answered completely categorically.

"Money was given on the victims in Mariupol, when sheepings arose, and the volunteer who ordered my money, publicly thanked me for it on the net. Woney gathered too much about this, and I said he to delete that post. I do not help volunteers associated with ATO, "said the singer.

The young performer also commented on the situation with one of his concerts in Moscow, when he handed out from the stage with the Russian public with Kiev and said that there were no hostility between the countries.

Politicians do not quite like it, because the very fact that I perform in Russia is outrageous. And for those who are Yarm Russophobe - they also do not like my position. Other people, honestly, in general on the drum, it seems to me. My music is more important
- Added Dorn.

What was surprised by the Russian blogger, Dorn's concerts after Russian tour were blocked in Ivano-Frankivsk and in Ternopil, but not in Lviv.

In the scandalous interview, the blogger also remembered the case from a concert in Jurmala in 2014, when Dorn went to the scene to perform the "Penguin dance" in a sweatshirt with Ukrainian TRAMUB. The singer commented on this situation in that at that time he collaborated with the Russian producer Igor Steepy and did not want to bring it with a performance.

Cool allowed to make a performance, as I want. And when the question arose about clothes, the stench rose about the fact that our participant from Ukraine was still dressed in Tricolor, there were questions why she rides in Jurmala, why it adjusts to the Russians, etc. Therefore, I thought to go with the Ukrainian song, to bear Ukrainian culture in this case, and that we need to get out with the TRUZUB, so that no one "smelled" about the costume, "the performer told.

Ivan Dorn admitted that he was worried about because of his bold speech, because he was afraid to quarrel with Igor Cool.

For the final questions, Yuri Dorn was launched by phrases from the last popular song of the Ukrainian group "Mushrooms" "melts". Dorn said that Ukraine with Russia will soon come down, because the thaw has already begun.

And the question that Ivan would like to ask Vladimir Putin, sounds like this:

"Listen, you also have a scale (zodiac sign) any uncertainty constantly? Constantly depend on the opinions of others when everyone says that everything is good - it means that everything is fine, and when everything is bad, then everything is bad. It's peculiar Only me or all weighs? " - replied Ivan.

Dorn in an interview also casually mentioned that the group of "Normal" acted on the campaign concerts of the "Party of Regions".

And on the question of the victory of Jamala on Eurovision in 2016 with her song, the singer stressed that first of all should win the song, and not a policy.

"From a musical point of view, I really liked it. But there should be no politics, despite the" sorrow "of history, but should win music. We played as if on some kind of pity, but the music is really cool," Dorn said.

Alexey Tarasov on how to be smarter

Ukrainian musician Ivan Dorn gave an interview to the Russian sports journalist and video blogger named Yuri Dor. This is a living conversation with jokes and mate, during which the artist relaxed so much that he suddenly began to speak on topics, far from music and career.

It turned out that he had some abstract ATO in his head, to whom he did not help with money, contrary to what was reported in the press. In 2014, in the midst of a military conflict with Russia, he went on the stage of the "New Wave" in a T-shirt with a trident, so that "there was no vony", as with the Ukrainian participant of the competition, which put on the Russian tricolor. And with a hypothetical meeting with Putin, he will ask him not about Russian tanks in the Donbas, but about what it is like is to be the scales on the sign of the zodiac.

Does he have the right to think so and do? Yes of course. Can such an artist who do not care about the audience in his country? Oh my God, no. But for this you need to have brains.

Now there will be a huge scandal around his words - and in some sense, we yourself are to blame for this, because you always overestimate the level of mental abilities of those who sings the mouth.

It should be noted that Ivan Dorn is the most creative and free musician of the Ukrainian pop scene, the patron saint of young progressive talents and our big hope. At the end of last year, he said that he was moving to America to try his hand in the West. What Dorn does not understand - he does not shine anything until he has a toothy Publicist, a press agent is a separate high-paid professional, without approval of which no Western star stands for a step.

A publicist will cut out any uncomfortable quote from an interview - during the work by a journalist and editor I have passed them all.

According to the legend, which cannot be confirmed, neither to refute the documented concern about the environment of the environment continues to develop with one goal to distract the public attention from the fact that he fucks a new model from the Victoria "SECRET. During telephone A conversation with Dustian Hoffmann his agent will hang on the parallel line all the time and intervene in an interview at the same second as soon as the legend of the movie will go away from its usual scenario and starts talking about tits. And even the publicist of Tildon Tildon will not allow reprinting the text where the smallest Ironize her status of the goddess and patroness of the arts.

Understand correctly, this is not a matter of honesty. You just do not want to know that these people think about politics and the device of the world as a whole - just as you are not interested in the opinion of a taxi driver for the same topics. The fact is that any singer, an actor or artist is the same taxi driver: during the time limited by the duration of the concert, film or exhibition, it transports you from point A to point B, and you need to travel to be pleasant and in his final You have become a little happier than were at the very beginning.

Artists live in their parallel world from darisa clothing and promotional contracts. They operate with ridiculous terms "My Creativity" and "Love Hall". They are more stupid and smarter, but in general the chances are that a person with an impeccable musical taste, which moves well on stage, will be an outstanding thinker, negligible. Smart and beautiful - this is still different people.

Every time we are upset that our idiot has no brains, we only paint in our incompetence.

And for Ivan Dorn there is only one advice - it is necessary to be shy.