The most beautiful guys are famous. The most beautiful men

The most beautiful guys are famous. The most beautiful men

Remember the "Top 12 of the sexiest men of 2011 according to People magazine"? Then many of the sexiest can be easily selected, because Even the names of the majority we did not know, but this year the British edition of Heat World decided to publish a much more adequate and fair rating of the most charming, attractive and sexual men of the planet. This, of course, is not "People", but also nothing. The list includes 25 men, some of which "nor to the village, nor to the city", but the rest is very hot, even despite the age (after all, men over the years, as a rule, become better if they do not forget about elementary care for themselves ).

25th place

24th place

Wolp Cup holder for the best male role, Nominee for the Golden Globe Award and BAFTA Michael Fassbender is a new idol of women. He is charismatic and is good. He is 34 years old.

23 place

Something is far from Yen Somerhalder is from the top three. It was possible and higher for such eyes, a figure, charm ... can be infinitely transferred for that, but it is only twenty-third. By the way, I did not think that Ian was already 33 years old.

22 place

The 27-year-old artist from the UK Olli Mars, who took second place in the music TV show "X Factor" awarded 22 lines of the rating. For what? OMG.

21st Last

31-year-old Justin Timberlake decided to marry his long-standing beloved Jessica Bail with what I congratulate him. Finally, the boy matured!

20th place

35-year-old actor and spouse One of the most beautiful models of modern Miranda Kerr Orlando Bloom is located on the 20th place in the ranking. He reminds me of a welcome.

19th place

Spouse Angelina Jolie 48-year-old Brad Pitt is no longer the one that before ... To my deepest regret. Previously, he was a sexy handsome, and now he is a family man (6 children, it can be kicked up). In the list, he apparently for "past merit".

18 place

Boy, who are you? As Harry Stiles fade in the ranks of these handsome, who already for 20, 30 and even 40, I do not know ... so, passed by.

17th place

Im Sorry, Taylor Lautner fans, but he poured the pigs. This is me as gentle. His face does not attract me, but if you close it with cardboard, then it is very different. 20 years, grow up, then let's see what will come out of it.

16th place

Handsome, you can't argue with it. The main thing is that 33-year-old James Franco does not get gay, like Ricky Martin, and then come to and flood. Suspicions about its improper orientation set.

15th place

42-year-old Gerard Butler, it seems to me, ugly age. It used to be better, but you can still change. On these photos, he shaved and well dressed / undressed, but now he has lost the form and acquired many wrinkles.

14th place

32-year-old soloist of the group "Maroon 5" Adam Levin is truly sexy, just like Gerard Butler. And the point here is not even so much in an excellent figure (on the second photo is hard photoshop, do not believe), but in the view. There is in it, something unlocked, but at the same time having. In short, he is not in vain in this ranking.

13th place

41-year-old Harry Barlow I know solely on a duet with Robbie Williams. In the video on the song "Shame" he was gay, but in real life Harry has a normal orientation. A hammer!

12th place

The 26-year-old Harry Judd is very pretty, but I don't even know who he is by profession. Most likely, showman.

11th place

Eternal bachelor 50-year-old George Clooney, as I told Issive Wikipedia more and Childfrey, that is, he does not have the slightest desire to have children. How so? Is there such a handsome and there will be no offspring? Oh, what a mistake from His side ... Moreover, any children are ready to have.

10th place

I have already described a 24-year-old Zack in one of the recent posts, so I summarizing that he is too, too, too good to be sexy. As they say "sex from him and does not smell" (they did not sniff out, but guess). Although how hard the guy is trying!

9th place

43 years old, but how beautiful it is. Everyone would learn from him to keep their body in such a state. Hugh Jackman - a dream man! Bravo!

8th place

What sorry is nothing forever. Even the beauty and sexuality of Johnny Depp. Actor has already been 48 years old, it looks good, but not exactly the hour, when and Depp will have to finish to shine on the screens and disturb the female hearts. Sad sounds, but it is. A worthy shift will grow up, but in any case we will not forget Johnny. "Mock?", As Jack Sparrow would say.

7 place

Oh yeah! 7th place for. I consider it one of the sexiest men in this list, because In it perfectly getting britality and children's viability. Plus, a 34-year-old volume is a wonderful actor and again Briton. The British turns out to be very cool peasants :)

6th place

Without a party, we as without hands. The star of the film "Twilight", and part-time the main vampire of modernity 25-year-old Robert Pattinson is located on the 6th place. I do not understand that in it is so special, but the list of a list knows, because Robert Briton. The pride of the state, you know!

5th place

Good man. I think the dream of all future aunt. The 31-year-old Jake Gillanhol is very peculiar in the choice of girls, so His Passion, Reese Witherspoon and Taylor Swift became His Passiamia at different times. In this, by the way, he is very similar to his now the late friend of the hit Ledger, who for several years suffered because of parting with Michel Williams - a special very mediocre outward (I don't know about internal content).

4th place

The leader of the rating "People" Bradley Cooper, for my taste, nor a bit of sexy, although women find something special and love it before losing memory. Bradley 37 years old, but he looks like a little older, which adds him a few points, because With his "lubricate face" look older \u003d look better.

3rd place

ProfUkala Scarlett Johansson his happiness ... Now 35-year-old Ryan meets with the young beauty of Blake Lively, and Skar, though found another cavaller, but visitedly immediately. Love, of course, paints a man, maybe she is also in the future, but not yet, no, no ... Ryan is breathing in health and demonstrates a wonderful appearance, for which the third place is honored.

2nd place

Maybe Ryan Gosling and not writing handsome man on his face, but his body is amazing. The girls of the whole world appreciated and quietly launching saliva while watching another film with Ryan. I will say exactly what the actor is good, and the man is probably even better. 31 years old, but he is not married, so Hollywood beauties have every chance to conquer such an enviable groom. Eva Mendez, in my opinion, he is not a couple.

1st place

And the British turns out to be patriots, otherwise how to explain the fact that the sexy football player David Beckham turned out to be the sexiest list? Of course, he is damn good, but I would not call him the youngest sexual. Although ... it combines all professions that can only comprehend the star. He is a model, designer, businessman, and whether it is not an indicator of a 36-year-old man's success, which demonstrates a good shape on football matches and an excellent style in clothes outside the field? Definitely, Victoria was lucky, because David is also an approximate family man. Batyushki, yes he is the ideal!

Many people try to attract attention by any ways. And some do not make any effort to this: from the fans of them, rather, you have to fight off. They are really beautiful. The view of many shy girls stops on beautiful guys. Wide cheekbones, honed chin lines, a deep look, a pretty smile and kind eyes are remembered for a long time. They have nothing repulsive: they are deprived of arrogance and self-confidence and really good by themselves.

So, the most beautiful guys in the world, who are they? We look:

Tom Hiddleston (1981, United Kingdom)

British actor and model, as well as: Ambassador UNICEF to protect the rights of children. His most famous works are: "Tor" (2011), "Crimson Peak" (2015) and "Thor: Ragnarök" (2017) and the Motheric film "Night Administrator". Thomas's theatrical debut also did not pass unnoticed, he nominated twice for the Laurence Olivier Prize. And in 2017 the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art entrusted him the role of Hamlet. He, as a true English gentleman, prefers blondes: Toma, brooded with Taylor Swift, noticed on dates with girls, like two drops of water similar to her!

Niall Horan (1993, Ireland)

Famous guitarist and singer. Attractive appearance and musical abilities allowed him to become one of the vocalists of the Irish Boyz-Band "One Direction". The team has conquered the UK singles "Little Things", "What makes you beautiful", "Summer Love", "Same Mistakes", "Everything You", "Taken". In addition, Naila is an impeccable sense of style: it is really well versed in clothes.

Robert Pattinson (1986, United Kingdom)

Robert Pattinson is not only a mysterious and aristocratic vampire with a fascinating look from the film "Twilight". It is producer, model theater actor and writer of lyric ballad ("Never Think", "Let Me Sign"). And the Dobryak: Once he invited a fan on a date simply because she should have followed a beautiful actor everywhere for several weeks. Robert is a great second-plan actor in the films "Nibelung Ring", "Little ash", "Maps to Stars", "Queen of the Desert".

Taylor Lautner (1992, USA)

A handsome man and an athlete with a relief torso breaks the hearts of Hollywood beauties. The mysterious vampire, of course, in the soul, but the aggressive and wild werewolf Jacob from "Twilight" like many more. And Taylor, in the veins of which the Indian blood flows, in this role was rather convincing.

Keith Harington (1986, United Kingdom)

Keith Harington is another "embarrassment for girls." Young English actor, Baron, knitted belly with English kings! One of the highest paid actors on television. Unknown who adore fans more: His or his screen image - John Snow Bantarde from the "Game of Thrones", the applicant for the throne. In addition, China has a rather bright sense of humor. The 7th season of the series ended quite frank scene. When the actor asked what he was engaged in the break between the filming, he replied: "The whole girl of the world now know that I have strong buttocks ... I have a good time!"

Omar Borcan Al Gala (1989, Iraq)

Poet, photographer and actor. Perhaps he would remain unnoticed if not a "happy ticket" for one of the cultural festivals in Saudi Arabia. Police sa monstrine, including, in compliance with the decency on the streets of the city. One of the days of Lobster stopped on the street and asked to leave the country. For the reason that it is too beautiful. At one glance, women lost their heads that in Muslim countries is considered unacceptable. After expulsion from the country, suggestions from the agencies fell out of the country, he receives thousands of messages on social networks daily, and women fall asleep with his gifts (one of them incognito presented him on the birthday of Mercedes G55). Career actor goes to the mountain, he lives now in Canada and is in search of "perfect princess".

Armin Van Buren (1976, Netherlands)

Dutch producer, musician and DJ. It is in the first place in the top 100 DJs according to fans. Starting a musical career, he not only wrote music and became the owner of the Armada Muscy studio. In 2008, first place in the Dutch Charter took his studio album of the dance genre "Imagine", which for the Netherlands is quite diy.

Prince William (1982, United Kingdom)

The appearance of the heir to the British throne attracts a lot of British. He is beautiful, charming, is well maintained, he has an innocent smile. Many attracts his military image: for some time he served in the royal service of the Air Force. His brother Prince Harry, despite the large number of titles, does not have such a number of fans. What do not say, and red in England do not like.

Noah Mills (1983, Canada)

Mills The smallest of five children, his childhood passed in Canada and Australia, and to act as a model, he began pretty late - at the 20th age, presenting the Gucci and Dolce & Gabbana collection. Since 2010, it is periodically removed in comedies and short films: "Sex in the Big City 2" (2010), "Happy New Year!" (2011), "Who am I" (2013). His bright appearance and a gentle look like very many girls. According to colleagues, he is very trusting and pleasant in communication.

Richit Roshan (1974, India)

Famous Indian film actor. Richik is pretty and emotional, it is well folded, has attractive eyes and smile. Many girls literally went crazy from this beautiful guy after his debut role in the movie "Kaha Naa Pyr Hai". He is a very good dancer and easily performs any hard pyruets. He received many awards, including international, for their acting work.

Rohit Handelow (1989, India)

In the world of fashion for burning Indian beauty. The attractiveness of the actor known inside the country and the model did not leave indifferent specialists in the world of male fashion. Rohit won an unconditional victory over 46 challengers in the Mr. 2016 Competition. To get to television and in the model business Rohita had to work a lot on yourself. His hotness and hand brushes admire millions of girls.

Ian Somerhalder (1978, USA)

Model, actor and director. Very handsome guy with amazing blue eyes and well-kept hair. Fans never miss the release of films with his participation. He began his model career from 12 years old, starred in the films "Life as a house", "Sex Rules", etc. As director, he participated in the shooting of television films "The Downward Spiral", "Vampire Diaries", "Days of the Future "And in others. A multifaceted and talented personality.

Chris Evans (1981, USA)

American actor with attractive bright eyes and soft lines of cheekbones. He starred in films "First Avenger: confrontation", "Brutal people", "Fantastic four: the invasion of a silver sief." In any acting role - whether it is a movie or a television series, he remains attractive, the girls only remains to choose between the images, his hairstyle is always the center of attraction.

Godfrey Gao (1983, Taiwan)

Canadian actor of Taiwanese origin and famous fashion model. Bright individuality and pleasant smile are literally attributed. He graduated from the University of Capilano in North Vancouver. Like many beautiful guys, made the appearance of the basis of their career. He became the face of the fashion house Louis Vuitton, his first model of Asian origin, one million is shot a lot in television dramas.

Logan Lerman (1992, USA)

Logan Lerman attracted the attention of American girls-teenagers roles in the movies "Musketeers" (2011), where he played a handsome d'Artagnian and "good to be quiet" (2012). He is well managed by the role of the military ("rage"). Logan is removed from the young years and, according to his own words, began to play "just for the sake of pleasure" and "do something to get out of school."

Table Sandbek (1993, Norway)

Sandbek's table has already earned a place in history as a winner of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games (Slopestile Discipline). But the attention of women, he attracted an extraordinarily attractive appearance and a hairstyle. A strong look, coarse hotness and yet - yes! He is a champion!

Zach Efron (1987, USA)

The American actor does not get out of the gym. And it gives its fruits: he has an extensive filmography ("Lucky", "This awkward moment", "Grandfather of Light Behavior", "Malibu Rescuers", etc.). But other men with sadness perceive it on the set. This "Golden God" is not easy to compose competition.

So our list of the most beautiful and popular guys of the world approached the end. Who do you think should be included in it? Write in the comments!

1 week ago

Well Urnal People annually publishes a list of the most attractive men of the planet. BeautyHack has studied the ratings of authoritative publications and compiled its selection of the most beautiful men in 18 years. , and follow the active links.

Jamie Danan.

This year, the British Glamour called Jamie the most attractive man, putting his name at the head of the top 100 list. This award, a 34-year-old actor has already been honored in 2015. Jami four years married to Amelia Warner actress and very soon you will again see it on the big screen. February 14 goes to rent a picture of "50 shades of freedom". And in September, Jamie will present the film "Robin Hood: Start."

Milo Ventimlia, Justin Hartley and Sterling Kelby Brown

This Troika PEOPLE magazine has not been involved in the list of the most attractive men 2017. The main award actors did not receive, but quite accurately entered the number of recognizable persons of the 21st century. All three are the main characters of the series "These are we", which has already received two figurines "Emmy".

Before the TV series "This" 40-year-old Milo Ventimiglia was filmed four years in "Heroes", where he received fame. Justin Hartley is also known as the actor of the series. In his portfolio there are roles in the "young and daring" and "Mysteries of Smallville." And Sterling Kelby Brown in 2016 received Emmy for a role in the "American History of Crimes" and is playing in the public theater since 2014.

Blake Shelton

But the American Country singer Blake Shelton's reward from People still got. He was called the sexiest man 2017. The 41-year-old singer is ten platinum and gold albums and the best girl in the world - Gwen Stephanie. Forbes Magazine put Blake on the 9th place in the list of the highest paid Country Artists: In 2016, he earned 24 million dollars.

Zac Efron

He jumped from the cliff and sailed with a tiger shark. The main hero of the Malibu Rescuers and the Greatest Showman's "Supreme Spaceman" is 30 years old. "I want to participate in the projects that bring me out of the comfort zone, so I am really looking forward to the next decade," said People magazine. We think that fans are also waiting for new accomplishments - they have them from the order only in Instagram 31.6 million.

Ryan Gosling

The star of films "Running on the blade 2049" and "La La Land" mastered the art of charm, as if not making any effort. When Helen Degensheres asked Ryan to call his favorite part of the body, he replied: "Large finger of the left hand." Although the Top 100 of the British Glamor Ryan takes only 42 place.

The actor has been married to Eva Mendez for five years, together they raise two daughters.

Justin Timberlake

Justin has been married to Jessica for three years on Jessica and raises the Son of Sons. The latest work of the actor and singer - the film "Wheel of Miracles" Woody Allen, where Justin's shooting partner was Kate Winslet.

Adam Levin.

The frontman of the MAROON 5 group in 2013 became the sexiest man according to People magazine. Since then, a sea of \u200b\u200bchanges occurred in Adam's life. He married the model of Behanti mess, became the father of the daughter of Dusty Rose, and next year, they are waiting for another baby from Behacy. This model reported in September in its Instagram.

Channing Tatum

It was he who in 2013 gave way to the title of the most attractive man Adam Levin. Now the actor is 37 years old, and he has been happy for 8 years in marriage with Jenna Duan (they met on the filming of the film "Step Forward"). Together, the couple raises the 4-year-old daughter Everly.

Hugh Jackman

Officially, the most attractive man of Planet Hugh was in 2008 (again thanks to People magazine). But after the actor constantly falls into male ratings. At the same time, Hugh for 21 years already married to actress and producer Deborrere-Lee Farness and willingly shared the secrets of a happy marriage: "Never spend more than two weeks in the separation and do not go to sleep evil on your second half."

George Clooney

Over the past 30 years, George Clooney has twice ranked first in the PEOPLE rating: in 1997 and 2006.

Until 2014, the actor held the title of the main Hollywood bachelor (in the 90s George was married for four years on the actress of the waist of Bolsham), until I was met by Amal Alamuddin and did not become the father of twins.

Johnny Depp

In the 2000 surname, Johnny Depp did not care for any glossy magazine. In 2009, People called him the sexiest man of the year. True, in 2012 the actor spoiled a reputation, swaying with Vanessa Paradi after 14 years of relationship, and then with a scandal for divorce and with Amber Herd.

Now the actor is engaged in work on the films "Gnomeo and Juliet", Richard says goodbye to "and" Fantastic Creatures: Green De Wald Crimes ", which will be released in 2018.

Ryan Reynolds.

In 2010, Ryan proudly wore the title of "the sexiest man of the planet", and two years later, it was easily retrained in perfect husband and father. Together with Blake Lavli, with which they have been married for five years, he brings up two daughters. Couple leads a secretive lifestyle and a couple of times a year appears in the public in full. In 2016, the stars had a serious occasion: Blake with the children supported Ryan during the receipt of his own star on the "Alley of Glory".

Bradley Cooper

People called Bradley the sexiest man in 2011. Since then, the actor starred in 22 successful films and got one of the most beautiful girls of the planet - Irina Shayk! Bravo, Bradley!

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There is nothing special in one famous beer festival, during which the eating cheese also also occurs, besides the fact that it is carried out during the week between Catholic Christmas and Happy New Year. Well, the fact that a person may feel not the most beautiful way, to put it mildly.

Well, now, so that you feel even better, we present to your attention the list of the most beautiful men of 2017 in the opinion of the critics of TC Candler.

Spoiler: There is probably not in the list.

This list appeared for the first time in 2013, distributes space between the famous men from 100 to 1, solely based on their external data. It is worth noting that the women's list has been conducted since 1990.

The first place was obtained by the South Korean man whose name was not familiar with the Western man in half.

The compilers of this list are proud of its diversity, however, they call men in their page "representatives of the modern ideal of beauty" on their page.

"Independent critics on New Year's Eve created a list that appreciates aesthetics and opens the eyes to the whole world for a unique, diverse and international collection of beautiful persons," the following.

The list that promotes cultural diversity, enhances the faith in the fact that the beauty in the eyes of the looking look, since this concept is entirely subjectively.

The most beautiful men

100. American singer Joe Jonas (Joe Jonas)

99. Korean singer THE YON (Taeyong)

98. British man - Bryan Whittaker model (Brian Whittaker)

97. Brazilian man - model Marlon Teisher (Marlon Teixeira)

96. Japanese actor Takanory Iwata (Takanori Iwata)

95. Italian actor Julio Berutti (Giulio Berruti)

94. American actor Essel Elgort (Ansel Elgort)

93. Turkish actor Berk Atan (Berk ATAN)

92. Indonesian actor Joe Taslim (Joe Taslim)

91. Canadian actor Ryan Gosling (Ryan Gosling)

90. Colombian singer Maluma (Maluma)

89. British actor John Boyega (John Boyega)

88. Brazilian actor Daniel Matsunaga (Daniel Matsunaga)

87. American actor Leonardo di Caprio

86. Palestinian singer Lai Abu Joda (Laith Abu Joda)

85. Indian actor Shahid Kapoor

84. South Korean actor Lie Ho (Lee Min Ho)

The most beautiful men of the world

83. American actor Boyd Holbrook (Boyd Holbrook)

82. American actor Duayne Johnson (Dwayne Johnson)

81. Japanese actor Kento Yamazaki (Kento Yamazaki)

80. Spanish actor Maxi Iglesias (Maxi Iglesias)

79. Thailand man - model Nadic Kugimia (Nadech Kugimiya)

78. American actor Brad Pitt

77. Mexican actor Eugenio Siller (Eugeenio Siller)

76. Kazakhstan singer Dimash Kudabergen

75. Russian actor Daniel Kozlovsky

74. British actor and model Ricky Whittle (Ricky Whittle)

73. French actor Vincen Cassel (Vincent Cassel)

72. South Korean singer Vona (Wonwoo)

71. Australian Paralympic Athlete Reed Mc Kraken (Rheed McCracken)

70. American singer Mark Tan (Mark Tuan)

69. American actor Chris Pine (Christopher Whitelaw Pine)

68. Indonesian actor Aliando Syarief (Aliando Syarief)

67. British singer Zain Malik (Zain Javadd Malik)

66. Japanese singer Jin Akanisi (Jin Akanishi)

65. British actor Tom Hiddleston (Thomas William Hiddleston)

64. South Korean singer Pak Chi Min (Jimin)

63. American actor Kofi Siribo (Kofi Siriboe)

62. Moroccan singer Sad Lampjarred (Saad Lamjared)

61. Philippine actor Enrique Gil (Enrique Gil)

60. Chinese rapper Chris Wu (Kris Wu)

59. Australian actor Chris Hemsworth (Chris Hemsworth)

58. Thailand actor Mario Maurer

57. Latin American actor Bruno Galnyasso (Bruno Gagliasso)

The most beautiful men 2017

56. Actor from Tunisia Daffer Labidine (Dhafer L "Abidine)

55. German actor Boris Kodjoe (Boris Kodjoe)

54. British singer Harry Styles (Harry Edward Styles)

53. Spanish actor Javier Serrano (XAVIER SERRANO)

52. Swedish actor Alexander Johan HJALMAR SKARSGåRD)