Women's images of the novel War and the World - an essay. Essay on the topic "Women's images in the novel L.N

Women's images of the novel War and the World - an essay. Essay on the topic
Women's images of the novel War and the World - an essay. Essay on the topic "Women's images in the novel L.N

Female images in Roman L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

In the novel "War and World" Tolstoy draws, masterfully and convincingly, several types of female images and destinies. All Heroin has its own fate, their aspirations, their own world. Their lives are intertwined in an amazing way, and in various life situations and problems they behave differently. Many of these well-thoughtful characters had prototypes. Reading the novel, unwittingly live life with his heroes. In the novel, a huge number of wonderful images of women began the beginning of the XIX century, some of them would like to consider in more detail.

Central Women's Characters Roman is Natasha Rostov, her older sister Vera and their cousin Sonya, Marya Bolkonskaya, Helene Kuragin, and Marya Dmitrievna Ahrosimov.

Natasha Rostov is a favorite Tolstoy heroine. Her prototype is considered the sachet of the writer Tatyana Andreyevna Bers, in the marriage of the Kuzminskaya, who possessed musicality and a beautiful voice, and his wife Sophia is fat.

For the first time we encounter it in the names. Before us is a cheerful, fun, energetic thirteen-year-old girl. But she is not beautiful: black-eyed, with a big mouth ... From the very first meeting, we see her naivety, children's simplicity, and it makes her more attractive and interesting. Tolstoy depicted in the nature of Natasha's best features of the girl. One of the main features is her in love, because love is her life. This concept includes not only the love of the bridegroom, but also love for parents, nature, homeland.

Watching Natasha, we notice how she changed, grows up, becoming a girl, but she is her children's soul, opened and ready to give good the whole world, so, is accompanied by a heroine.

During the war of 1812, Natasha behaves confidently and courageously. At the same time, she does not appreciate and is not thinking about what it does. She obeys a kind of "rooye" instinct of life. After the death of Petit Rostov, it is home in the family. Natasha is cautious for a seriously injured Bolkonsky for a long time. This is a very difficult and dirty work. The fact that Pierre Duhov saw in her immediately when she was still a girl, a child, - a high, clean, beautiful soul, Tolstoy opens to us gradually, step by step.

Natasha Wonderful daughter and sister, become a beautiful mother and wife. That is what should personify the woman, her inner beauty.

Vera Rostov is the older sister of Natasha, but they are not like that on each other that we are even surprised by their kinship. It is brought up according to the existing canons - in French teachers.

Tolstoy draws it as a beautiful, but cold, unsubscribe a woman who too much by the opinion of light and always comes in accordance with his laws. Faith is not similar to the whole family of growth.

There was no rays eye, nor a cute smile, which means her soul was empty. "Faith was good, was not stupid, I studied fine, I was well brought up my voice was pleasant ..." So describes Tolstoy faith, as, would hint on what is all that we need to know about it.

Faith acutely felt that her mother did not love her very much, apparently, therefore, she often walked around everything around and felt someone else's brothers and sisters. She did not allow himself to sit on the window and was nice to smile to her friend, as Natasha and Sonya did, from that she scolded them.

Maybe not in vain Tolstoy gave her the name of Vera - the name of a woman is closed, in-depth, with contradictory and complex character.

Sonya is a nephew of a graph, and the best friend of Natasha Rostova. Tolstoy condemns and does not like this heroine, makes it in the end of the novel lonely and calls "empty-flower."

It was reasonable, silent, careful, kept, in it the highest degree of self-sacrifice ability, but the tops are not available. Sonya is full of dedicated and noble love for the whole family "Everything was ready to donate for their benefactors." "The thought of self-sacrifice was her thoughtless thought.

tolstoy female image of Natasha

Sonya sincerely loves Nicholas, it can be kind and selfless. In their gap with Nikolai, it is not guilty she herself is to blame the parents of Nicholas. It is Rostov that insist that the wedding of Nikolai and Sony was postponed to a later date. So, Sonya does not know how Natasha admire the beauty of the starry sky, but this does not mean that she does not see this beauty. Recall what beautiful this girl was on the shield at fortune telling. She was not hypocritical, was sincere and open. Nikolai saw it and saw it. With his love Sonya could do a lot, even with such a person as share. Maybe she would have revived and cleaned this person.

Maria Bolkonskaya - daughter of Old Prince Nikolai Bolkonsky and Sister Andrei. The prototype of Marya is the mother of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy - Volkonskaya Maria Nikolaevna.

She was a dull, unattractive, scattered girl who can only count on marriage thanks to his wealth. Marya, brought up on the example of his proud, arrogant and incredulous father, and soon becomes such. His secrecy, restraint in the expression of own feelings and innate nobility is inherited and daughter. They say that eyes are the mirror of the soul, in Maryi they are in fact the reflection of its inner world.

Marya is waiting for love and ordinary female happiness, but she does not confess even himself. Its restraint and patientity helps it in all life difficulties. Princessed there is no such all-consuming feeling of love for one person, so she tries to love everyone, still spends a lot of time in prayers and everyday worries.

Marya Bolkonskaya with her gospel humility is especially close to Tolstoy. It is its image that personifies the celebration of natural human needs for asceticism. Secretly dreams of a princess about marriage, about his own family, about children. Her love for Nikolay Rostov is a high spiritual feeling. In the epilogue of Roman Tolstoy draws pictures of the family happiness of growth, emphasizing it that it was in the family who found the princess of marry the authentic meaning of life.

Helene Kurabina - Daughter of Prince Vasily, and later the wife of Pierre Lamb.

Helen is the soul of society, all men admire her beauty, her praise, in love with her, but also ... moreover, because of the injection outer shell. She knows what she knows what it costs, this is what uses it.

Helen - Beauty, but she is a monster. This mystery revealed Pierre, however, only after approached her, after she married him to himself. Whatever it may be low, she forced Pierre to pronounce the words of love. She decided for him that he loved her. This very sharply changed our attitude towards Helen, made you feel the cold and danger in the ocean of her soul, despite the surface charm, sparkling and warmth.

About her childhood in the novel is not said. But from its behavior, during the entire action, it can be concluded that the upbringing given to it was not exemplary. The only thing that Kuragina needs from any man is money.

"Elena Vasilyevna, never loved anything, except for his body, and one of the most stupid women in the world," Pierre thought, "it seems to be a riding mind and refinement, and they bow down." With Pierre can not disagree. There may be a dispute only because of her mind, but if you carefully examine the entire strategy to achieve the goal, then you will not need to mind your mind, rather awareness, calculation, everyday experience.

Anna Pavlovna Shersher - the hostess of the famous St. Petersburg salon, to visit which was considered a good tone. Sherler was a Freillan and approximate empress Mary Fedorovna. Its characteristic sign is the constancy of cases, words, internal and external gestures, even thoughts.

A restrained smile constantly plays her face, although not going to the talked features. She reminds how L.N. Tolstoy, spoiled children who do not quite want to be corrected. When they spoke about the emperor, the face of Anna Pavlovna "represented a deep and sincere expression of devotion and respect, connected with sadness." This "represented" is immediately associated with the game, with the behavior of artificial, and not natural. Despite its forty years, she is "filled with revitalization and gust."

A.P. Sherler was destruct, tactful, Mila, possessed a superficial, but rapid mind, a secular sense of humor, all that is suitable for maintaining the popularity of the salon.

It is known that for a thick woman, is, above all, the mother, the keeper of the family hearth. In the Great Lady, the owner of the salon, Anna Pavlovna has no children and her husband. She is "pigtail". This is the worst punishment that could only come up with Tolstoy for her.

Maria Dmitrievna Akhrosimova - Moscow Baryna known to the entire city "not wealth, not honors, but a directness of the mind and frank ease of communication." The prototype of the heroine is known in Moscow A.D. Offshimov. Marwe Dmitrievna knew in two capitals, and even the royal family.

She always says loudly, in Russian, she has a thick voice, a fat body, Ahrosimova holds his own five-year-old head with gray-haired booklets. Mary Dmitrievna is close to the family of growth, more than all loving Natasha.

I consider this woman truly patriotic, honest and disinterested.

Lisa Bolkonskaya is a small heroine of Roman, the wife of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky. Tolstoy showed us very little, as short as her life. We know that with Andrei they did not quite fit the family life, and the father-in-law considered it the same as all other women who have more flaws than advantages. Nevertheless, this is a loving and faithful wife. She sincerely loves Andrei and misses him, but submissively suffers a long lack of her husband. Lisa's life is short and invisible, but not empty, a little Nicholya remained after it.


  • 1. L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"
  • 2. "Roman L.N. Tolstoy" War and Peace "in Russian criticism of 1989.
  • 3. http://sochinenie5ballov.ru/ssay_1331.htm
  • 5. http://www.kostyor.ru/student/?n\u003d119
  • 6. http://www.ronl.ru/referty/literatura-zarubezhnaya/127955/

Essay in literature. Women's images in the novel L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

In the Roman L. N. Tolstoy "War and the World" shows the life of the Russian society of the beginning of the XIX century period of the war of 1812. This is the time of active public activity of various people. Tolstoy is trying to comprehend the role of a woman in the life of society, in the family. To this end, he displays a large number of women's images in his novel, which can be divided into two large groups: the first includes women - carrier of folk ideals, such as Natasha Rostov, Mary Bolkonskaya and others, and the second group includes women of higher world Such as Hehlen Kuragin, Anna Pavlovna Sherler, Julie Kuragin and others.

One of the most striking female images in the novel is the image of Natasha Rostova. As a master of the image of human souls and characters, Tolstoy embodied in the image of Natasha's best features of the human person. He did not want to depict her smart, calculating, adapted to life and at the same time completely soulless, which he made another heroine of the novel - Helen Kuragin. Easy and spirituality make Natasha more attractive than helen with her mind and good secular manners. Many episodes of the novel tell about how Natasha inspires people, makes them better, kinder, helps to find love for life, find the right decisions. For example, when Nikolai Rostov, losing a large amount of money in Magniya Dolokhov, returns home annoyed, who does not feel the joy of life, he hears the singing of Natasha and suddenly understands that "all this is: and misfortune, and money, and share, and malice, and honor "All nonsense, but she is a present ...".

But Natasha not only helps people in difficult life situations, she just brings them joy and happiness, makes it possible to admire themselves, and it makes it unconsciously and disinterestedly, as in the episode of dance after hunting, when she "became, smiled solemnly, proudly and slyly "Differently, the first fear that was covered by Nicholas and all those present, the fear that she would not do, passed, and they were already admired."

Just like the people, Natasha and to understand the amazing beauty of nature. When describing the night in an opposite author, the author compares the feelings of two sisters, the nearest girlfriends, Sony and Natasha. Natasha, the soul of which is full of bright poetic feelings, asks Sonya to approach the window, look into the extraordinary beauty of the starry sky, breathe the smells, which are full of quiet night. She exclaims: "After all, it never happened for the adorable night!" But Sonya cannot understand the enthusiastic arousal of Natasha. There is no such inner fire in it, which felt thick in Natasha. Sonya Good, Mila, Honest, Friend, she does not make a single bad act and carries his love for Nikolai through years. She is too good and correct, she never makes mistakes, of whom she could extract life experience and get a stimulus for further development.

Natasha makes mistakes and draws out of them the necessary life experience. She meets Prince Andrew, their feelings can be called sudden unity of thoughts, they understood each other suddenly, they felt something uniting them.

Nevertheless, Natasha suddenly falls in love with Anatol Kuragin, even wants to run with him. An explanation of this can be the fact that Natasha is a common ordinary person with his weaknesses. Her heart is inherent simplicity, openness, credulity, she just follows his feelings, without knowing how to subordinate their mind. But real love woke up in Natasha much later. She realized that the one who she admired who was her roads lived in her heart all this time. It was a joyful and new feeling that swallowed Natasha entirely, who returned her to life. An important role was played by Pierre Duhov. His "Children's Soul" was close to Natasha, and he was the only one who brought joy and light into the house of growth, when she was bad when she suffered from the remorse of conscience, suffered, hated himself for everything that happened. She did not see in the eyes of Pierre Break or indignation. He walked her, and she was grateful to him for the fact that he was in the world. Despite the mistakes of youth, despite the death of a loved one, the life of Natasha was amazing. She was able to experience love and hatred, create a magnificent family, having found such a desirable peace of mind.

Something looks like Natasha, but in something opposed to her Princess Marya Bolkonskaya. The main principle to which his whole life is subordinated is self-sacrifice. This is a self-sacrifice, fate is humble in it with the thirst for simple human happiness. The submission of all the pleasures of their powerful father, a ban on the discussion of his actions and their motives - so understands his duty of the daughter of Princess Marya. But it can show the hardness of character, if necessary, which is found when it is offended by her sense of patriotism. She not only leaves the generic estate, despite the proposal of Mademoiselle Brying, but also prohibits to let his companion, when he learns about her connections with the enemy command. But for the sake of saving another person, she can sacrifice with his pride; It can be seen when she asks for forgiveness from Mademoiselle, forgiveness, forgiven for himself and for the servant, on whom the anger of her father fell. Nevertheless, removing their sacrifice in principle, turning away from the "living life", Princess Marya suppresses something important. And yet, it was the sacrificial love that led her to family happiness: when meeting with Nikolai in Voronezh "For the first time, all this clean, spiritual, inner work, which she still lived, spoke out." Princess Marya manifested itself to fully, when circumstances prompted her to everyday autonomy, which happened after the death of his father, and most importantly - when she became his wife and mother. About harmony, the wealth of the inner world of Marya Rostova, they also say her diaries dedicated to children, and its refining effect on her husband.

These two, in many ways similar, women are opposed to the ladies of higher world, such as Helen Kuragin, Anna Pavlovna Shero, Juli Kuragin. This woman is largely similar among themselves. At the beginning of the novel, the author says that Helen, "When the story made the impression, I looked around at Anna Pavlovna and immediately took the most expression that was on Freilin's face." Anna Pavlovna's characteristic sign is the staticness of words, gestures, even thoughts: "A discreet smile, who played constantly on the face of Anna Pavlovna, although he didn't go to her who had learned, expressed, as the spoiled children, the constant consciousness of her cute disadvantage, from which she was not He wants, can not, does not find it necessary to get rid ". This characteristic hides the author's irony and hostility to the character.

Juli is the same secular lady, the "richest bride of Russia", which received the state after the death of the brothers. Like Helen, wearing a mask of decency, Julie is Mask Melancholy: "Julie seemed disappointed in everything, he said to anyone that she does not believe in friendship, nor in love, in any joy of life and await only" there. " Even Boris, concerned about the search for a rich bride, feels artificiality, the unfortunateness of her behavior.

So, women close to natural life, people's ideals, such as Natasha Rostov and Princess Marya Bolkonskaya, gain family happiness, passing a certain path of spiritual and moral quest. And women, far from moral ideals, cannot experience true happiness due to their egoism and commitment to empty ideals of secular society.

Roman-epic L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" - the work, grandiose not only on the monumentality of historical events described in it, deeply studied by the author and artistically processed into a single logical integer, but also by the diversity of the created images, both historical and fictional. In the image of the historical characters, Tolstoy was rather a historian than a writer, he said: "Where historical persons speak and act, they did not invent and used materials." Fictional images are described artistically and at the same time are conductors of the thoughts of the author. Women's characters convey the ideas of Tolstoy about the complexity of human nature, about the features of relations between people, about family, marriage, maternity, happiness.

From the point of view of the image system of heroes, the novel can be divided into "living" and "dead", that is, in developing, changing over time, deeply feeling and experiencing and - as opposed to them - frozen, not evolving, and static. In both "camps" there are women, and women's images so much that it is almost impossible to specify in the composition of all; Perhaps it is wiserfully to stop more on the main actors and characteristic minor characters who play a significant role in the development of the plot.

"Live" heroines in the work - above all Natasha Rostov and Marya Bolkonskaya. Despite the difference in education, family traditions, atmosphere of the house, a warehouse of character, they at the end become close friends. Natasha, which grew up in a warm, loving, open, sincere family atmosphere, which has absorbed carelessness, violence, enthusiasticity of the "Rostov breed", with adolescence conquering a heart with its comprehensive love for people and thirst for reciprocal love. Beauty In the generally accepted sense of the word, she replaces the mobility of the feature, eye abilities, grace, flexibility; Wonderful voice and ability to dance enchant many. Princess Marry, on the contrary, clumsy, the urgency of the person is only occasionally illuminated by "radiant eyes". A deadlose life in the village makes her dyed and silent, communication with her is heavy. Only a sensitive and insightful person may notice the purity, religiosity, even self-sacrifice (after all, in quarrels with the father of Princess, Marya blames himself, without recognizing his quick temper and rudeness). However, at the same time, two heroines combines a lot: a living, developing inner world, a lot of feelings, mental purity, clean conscience. Their fate is confronted with Anatola Kuragin, and only the case saves Natasha and Princess Marius from communication with him. By virtue of its naivety, the girls do not see the low and mercenary goals of Kuragin and believe in his sincerity. Because of the external difference, the relationship between the heroines is not easy, misunderstanding arises, even contempt, but then, having learned each other better, they become indispensable girlfriends, making up an indivisible moral union combined by the best spiritual qualities of the favorite Heroine of Tolstoy.

In the construction of a system of thoroughly far from schematics: the line between "alive" and "dead" permeates. Tolstoy wrote: "For the artist, there can be no heroes, and there should be people." Therefore, women's images arise in the tissue of work, which are difficult to specifically attribute to "alive" or "dead". This can be considered the mother of Natasha Rostova, Countess Natalia Rostov. From the conversations of the acting persons it becomes clear that in his youth, she rotated in the world and was a member and welcome guest of the salons. But, having married Rostov, she changed and devotes himself to the family. Rostov as a mother is a sample of heartiness, love and tact. She is a close friend and children's adviser: in touching conversations in the evenings, Natasha dedicates the mother to all their secrets, secrets, experiences, looking for advice from her, help. At the same time, at the time of the main action of the novel, its inner world is statical, but this can be explained by significant evolution in his youth. She becomes a mother not only for his children, but also for Sony. Sonya is to the "dead" camp: it does not have that raging cheerfulness, which is in Natasha, it is not dynamic, not impulsive. This is especially emphasized by the fact that at the beginning of the novel Sonya and Natasha always together. Tolstoy endowed this in general, a good girl with noble fate: Love in Nikolai Rostov does not bring her happiness, since for reasons of the well-being of the family, Nikolai's mother cannot resolve this marriage. Sonya is grateful to Rostov and is emphasized on it, which is docked on the role of the victim. She does not accept Doolokhov's suggestions, refusing advertising his feeling to Nikolai. She lives with hope, in principle, drawing and demonstrating his unrecognized love.

In the novel "War and World" Tolstoy draws a lot of female images. Natasha Rostova, one of the author's favorite heroines, Marya Bolkonskaya, to which Tolstoy belongs to the same warmth and sympathy, opposed to the beautiful, corrupt and pathologically stupid Princess Henen Kuragin, embodying the whole of the capital of the metropolitan society, Princess Drubetskaya - Mother-Zazka, young "Little Princess" Lisa Bolkonskaya is a gentle and sorrowful angel. Less place is left in the Roman Roman Rostova, Sona - a pupil family of growth and other women who play an episodic role. The ratio of Tolstoy to all women is quite peculiar. It was notched by bitter when he wrote about the thickness: "He talked about God most of all about a man and a woman. To a woman, in my opinion, was irreconcilable hostile and loves to punish her, - if she is not Kitty and not Natasha Rostov, a woman is a creature limited ... "Yes, Tolstoy really loved his heroin Natasha Rostov. Her image is most fully revealed in the novel. Who is Natasha Rostov?
When Mary Bolkonskaya asked Pierre to tell about Natasha, he ended up in a dead end: "I strongly do not know what kind of girl. She is charming. And why, I do not know. That's all you can say about her. " Natasha is not at all interested in intellectual life and public interests. It is impossible to even say whether she is smart, "she does not honor to be smart," Pierre put on the same conversation with Prince Maria. But she surprisingly has a powerful impact on the moral formation and mental life of Prince Andrei and Pierre. For Natasha, there is no complicated question about the meaning of being, over which they think and who are trying to solve Andrei and Pierre. But this question she decides as if between the other than the very fact of its existence.
After meeting with Natasha, Andrei's views on life change dramatically.
Natasha always Mila, beautiful. Being close to another person, she heals and updates it, and no one can understand how it turns out. Natasha, without suspecting that the public behavior of people is determined by its role in the life of Prince Andrei and Pierre. Natasha's behavior takes off people from everything false, promotes them to unite on a common basis. Even Drubetsky attracts the force emanating from Natasha. Firmly at the beginning of gathering to give to understand Natasha that they had no time to understand them, completely in childhood, the relationship could not resume, Boris finds the wrong Natasha, which he knew earlier. Now he can no longer see her, less often happens at Helen, leaving both in the fog, not knowing what it can end, and is completely confused.
Natasha sincerely loves Andrei Bolkonsky, returns him to life. Episode with Anatolam Kuragin no more than a mistake. Clean her soul could not see the falsehood of this man, because she could not allow unclean thoughts from other people.
In the epilogue we see a happy Natasha. Tolstoy paints her loving and beloved wife and a caring mother and admires this new role to this.
Also, the beloved Heroine of Tolstoy is the princess Marya Bolkonskaya. The meek and gentle princess Mary brought up without a mother, father, although he loved his daughter insanely, presented an increased demand for her. Nevertheless, she always blew the whims and quarrels of the father, never reworked him and did not consider punishment unfair. Submor and religiosity, over which he drove his father, combined in it with the thirst for simple human happiness. Her submission is the humility of the daughter, which has no moral right to judge his father. But at the same time, it is a strong and courageous nature with a developed sense of self-esteem. It was this feeling that helped her to show the necessary hardness when Anatole Kuragin was launched. Marya is eager for happiness, but she cannot marry the unloved.
The same strength of the Spirit manifests Marya when he insults her patriotic feelings. She even forbade the companion-ku Frenchwoman to himself, learning that she was connected with the enemy command. The richness of her inner world speaks her diary dedicated to children, and its refining effect on her husband. Tolstoy with love describes "radiant eyes", which make it beautifully her ugly face. Princess Marya is a deep and sincere nature, she, like Natasha, alien petty, envy, false, hypocrisy. Her peaceful softness, the inner nobility was opened in Nikolae Rostov sincere love. The softness of Maryia has a beneficial effect on their family life.
In the images of Natasha Rostova and Marya Bolkonskoy Tolstoy displays typical features of the best representatives of the nobility of the XIX century.
If Natasha and Marya is beautiful in the inner beauty, then Helen Kuragin is very beautiful outwardly, but there is no sublime in its beauty, it excites disgust. Elene is selfish and therefore in all its actions is guided only by his own whims. Helen is really beautiful outward, but ugly sincerely, it is undeveloped and vulgar. Helen is aware of his beauty and knows how it acts on others. Yes, she admire, but admire only as a beautiful and precious thing. It uses for personal purposes. Recall the episode when Helen seduces Pierre. Did she love him? Unlikely. She loved his money. After all, when Pierre was just going to the illegitimate son of the Count of Zuhova, they were more interested in the society of Enlen and her like. Only after receiving the inheritance, he became welcome in all houses. Helen arranged his trap. She, we can say, forced him to pronounce it: "I love you." The outcome was predetermined. She married Pierre, became rich, which means he got into his hands.
Helen is also checked by a war of 1812, which reveals a birth and insignificant creature. She dreams of a new marriage with a living husband, for what even goes to Catholicism, while all the people unites against the enemy under the banner of Orthodoxy. Sich Elene is natural and inevitable. Tolstoy does not even indicate the exact cause of her death, it is no longer important. Helen is dead spiritually.
Vera Rostov plays an episodic role in the novel. This older sister of Natasha, but they are not like that on each other that we are even surprised in their kinship. Tolstoy paints it as a cold, unsubstituted woman who is too much valued by the opinion of light and always comes in accordance with his laws. Faith is unlike the whole family of growth.
Another woman's growth woman is Sonya. Tolstoy condemns and does not like this heroine, makes it in the end of the novel lonely and calls "empty-flower." But, in my opinion, it can cause sympathy. Sonya sincerely loves Nicholas, it may be kind and selfless. In their gap with Nikolai, it is not guilty she herself is to blame the parents of Nicholas. It is Rostov to insist that the wedding of Nicholas and Sony will be postponed. Yes, Sonya does not know how to admire the beauty of the starry sky like Natasha, but this does not mean that she does not see this beauty. Recall what beautiful this girl was on the shield during fortune telling. She was not hypocrisible and did not pretend, was sincere and open. Nikolai saw it and saw it. I do not quite agree with the author's statement that it was curved wings for love. With his love, Sonya could do a lot, even with such a person as share. Maybe with his devotion and dedication, she would have revived and cleaned this person. After all, he knows how to love his mother.
Lisa Bolkonskaya is a small heroine of Roman, the wife of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky. Tolstoy showed us very little, as short as her life. We know that with Andrei they did not quite fit the family life, and the father-in-law considered it the same as all other women who have more flaws than advantages. Nevertheless, this is a loving and faithful wife. She sincerely loves Andrei and misses him, but submissively suffers a long lack of her husband. Lisa's life is short and invisible, but not empty, a little Nicholya remained after it.
The ratio of Tolstoy to their heroes is shown in the epilogue. Natasha is happy with Pierre, they have three daughters and son. Happy and Marya with Nikolai. The family of Nicholas and Princess Mary Tolstoy generally considers the perfect, sample of family happiness. It is not without reason to them stretch everything and everyone gather under the roof of the Lyssoga estate: both Bezukhov, and Denisov, and the old Countess, and Sonya, who has found the meaning of life in the home service, and has long been orphaned Nikolek Bolkonsky. Even the peasants of the surrounding villages ask for growth to buy them and turn on, so in their world.

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L. Tolstoy created a great picture, where described the problems of war, as well as the world. Women's images in the novel "War and Peace" reveal the inner side of public peripetias. There is a global war - when peoples and countries are fighting, there are local wars - in the family and inside a person. The same thing is with the world: the world is between states and emperors. People in personal relationship come to the world, a man comes to the world, trying to solve internal conflicts and contradictions.

Prototypes of female characters in the Roman-Epopea "War and Peace"

Lion Tolstoy was inspired by people who surrounded him in everyday life. There are other examples from the biographies of writers, which indicate that the authors, creating a work, borrow features for book heroes from real personalities.

For example, Marseille Proust was doing the French writer. His characters are the synthesis of the traits who possessed people from the author's environment. In the case of L. Tolstoy, female images in the epic "War and Peace" are also discharged, thanks to the appeal to women from the circle of communication writer. We give examples: Character Mary Bolkonskoy - Sisters Andrei Bolkonsky, L. Tolstoy created, inspired by the Personality of Maria Volkonskaya (Writer's mother). Another, no less lively and bright female character, - Countess Rostov (senior), written off from the author's grandmother - Pelagia Tolstoy.

However, some characters have several prototypes at the same time: already familiar to us Natasha Rostov, for example, as a literary hero, has common features with the wife of a writer - Sofia Andreevna Tolstoy, as well as sister Sophia - Tatyana Andreevna Kuzminskaya. The fact that the prototypes of these characters were close relatives of the writer, explains the torch and the gentle attitude of the author to the heroes created.

Lion Tolstoy showed himself a subtle psychologist and a sign of human souls. The writer is equally well understanding the pain of young Natasha Rostova, when the girl's doll breaks, but also the pain of a mature woman - Natalia Rostova (senior), which is experiencing the death of the Son.

The name of the novel says that the writer is constantly referring to contrasts and oppositions: war and peace, good and evil, male and women's start. The reader (due to stereotypes) seems that the war is a male matter, and the house and the world, respectively, is a female business. But Lev Nikolayevich demonstrates that it is not. For example, Princess Bolkonskaya shows courage and masculinity when she protects the tribal estate from the enemy and bury the father.

Note that the contrast is also built by the separation of characters on positive and negative. However, negative heroes remain endowed with negative features throughout the novel, and positive characters undergo internal struggle. The writer calls this struggle with spiritual searches, and shows that the positive heroes come to spiritual growth through hesitation, doubts, the flour of conscience ... They are expected to be a difficult path.

Let us dwell on the characteristics of young Natasha and the Countess Rostova, as well as on Figure Maria Bolkonskaya. But before that, briefly refer to the image of Andrei Bolkonsky's wife.

Lisa Bolkonskaya

Lisa is a character who balanced the abdomen and depressiveness inherent to Andrei. Andrei was perceived by man closed and silent man. Even the appearance of the prince hinted on it: dryness and stretch of features, a difficult look. Another appearance was at his wife: a living princess, low growth, which constantly fussed and seed with small chambers. With her death, Andrei lost his balance and began a new stage of spiritual searches of Prince.

Helene Kuragin

Helen - Anatola's sister, was discharged as a corporate character, selfish. Kuragin is interested in entertainment, she is young, self-love and windy. However, it is frivolous and does not show patriotic senses, continuing to conduct a familiar lifestyle in the captured by the troops of Napoleon Moscow. The fate of Helen is tragic. An additional tragedy in her life brings that she never managed to escape from the vicious circle of low morality.

Natasha Rostov

The younger Rostov is definitely - one of the central female characters. Natasha - beautiful and Mila, at first it is inherent in naivety and windiness. Prince Andrei, having fallen in love with her, understands that between them - the abyss of life experience. This thought of the prince is justified when Natasha gives in to the fleet of anatoly by Anatola Kuragin.

The reader may possibly observe how the image of Natasha is changing: first - a small, briggway, funny and romantic girl. Then - on the ball - the reader sees it a flourishing girl. Finally, during the retreat from Moscow, Natasha shows his patriotism, sympathy and compassion. Maturity in Rostova wakes up when she cares for dying Andrei Bolkonsky. At the end - Natasha becomes a wise and loving wife and mother, although it loses some of the former beauty.

Natasha is not alien errors: this is her passion for Kuragin. The spiritual improvement and deepening of the inner world is associated with Natasha's relations with Prince Andrey. Calm and harmony come to the heroine, when she marries Pierre Progness.

Natasha is characterized by Empathy and Mercy. The girl feels pain of people, sincerely trying to help those who need help. During the war, Natasha understands that material values \u200b\u200bare nothing, compared with the life of a person. Therefore, she sacrifice by htized family property to save the wounded soldiers. The girl drops things with a wagon and transports people in this way.

Natasha - beautiful. However, its beauty proceeds not from physical data (certainly also outstanding), but from mentality and inner world. The moral beauty of the growth is a bud, which at the end of the novel turns into a rose.

Rostov Countess (senior)

Countess Natalia as a mother tries to seem strict and serious. But she shows himself a loving mother, which only pretends to be angry and annoyed to the excessive sentimentality of children.

Countess Rostov depends on the rules adopted in the society. Violas these rules is embarrassing and not easy, but Natalia does it if you need to help close relatives or friends. For example, when Annette - her friend - it turned out to be in a difficult position, Countess, embarrassed, asked that the money was asked - it was a sign of attention and help.

Countess raises children in freedom and liberty, but it is only visibility: in fact, Natalia is a stirring about the future of his sons and daughters. She does not want the Son to marry the idleness. Elder Rostov does everything to terminate the outlining attitude of the youngest daughter and Boris. Thus, a strong sense of maternal love is one of the main qualities of the Countess Rostova.

Vera Rostov

Sister Natasha Rostova. In the story of Leo Nikolayevich, this image is always in the shade. However, faith did not inherit a smile, which decorated the face of Natasha, and therefore notes Lev Nikolayevich, the girl's face seemed unpleasant.

Faith is described as an egoistic nature: the older Rostov does not like brothers and sister, they annoy it. Faith loves only himself. The girl marries the Colonel Berg, who was like her character.

Marya Bolkonskaya

Andrei Bolkonsky's sister - a strong character. The girl lives in the village, all her steps controls the evil and cruel father. The book describes the situation when Marya, wanting to look beautiful, paints and dresses in the dress of Masaka. The father is dissatisfied with her outfit, expressing despotism in relation to his daughter.

Dear readers! We offer to familiarize yourself with Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy.

Marya ugly, sad, but deeply thinking and clever girl. Princess is characteristic of uncertainty and pressure: father all the time says that it is not good and is unlikely to marry. What attracts attention to the face of Marya is big, radiant and deep eyes.

Marya is the opposite of faith. Altruism, courage and patriotism, as well as the responsibility and strength of the Spirit distinguishes this woman from the "war and the world". In the female images of the novel "War and Peace" there is something in common - these are strong personalities.

Princess Bolkonskaya at first rejects Rostov (younger), but after the loss of father and brother, the attitude of the princes to Natasha is changing. Marya forgives Natasha for the fact that she broke Andrei's heart, carried away by Anatola Kuragin.

Princess dreams of happiness, family and children. Feeding in love with Anatol Kuragin, the girl refuses to suit the young man, as she is a pity, Mrs. Bullie. So, Marya expresses the nobility of character and sympathy for people.

Later, Marya meets Nikolai Rostov. This connection is beneficial for both: Nikolai, marrying the princess, helps the family with money, because Rostov has lost a fair share of the state during the war. Marya sees salvation from the burden of lonely life.

The Great Lady, which embodies False and hypocrisy, often found in the salons.

Thus, the Lion Tolstoy depicts good, and bad women's images in the epic "War and Peace", making a piece of the world.

Women in the novel

Many female images in the novel "War and Peace" Tolstov have prototypes in the real life of the author. This, for example, Maria Bolkonskaya (Rostov), \u200b\u200bher image of Tolstoy wrote from his mother, Volkon Mary Nikolaevna. Rostov Natalia Sr. Sr. is very similar to the grandmother of Lion Nikolayevich - Pelagey Nikolaevna Tolstoy. Natasha Rostov (Bezuhova) has even two prototypes, this is a writer's wife, Sophia Andreevna Tolstaya and her sister, Tatiana Andreevna Kuzminskaya. Apparently, therefore, the thickness with such warmth and tenderness creates these characters.

Amazing, with what accuracy he transfers the feelings and thoughts of people in the novel. The author finely feels the psychology of the thirteen-year-old girl - Natasha Rostova, with her broken doll, and understands the grief of an adult woman - Countess Natalia Rostova, who lost the younger son. Tolstoy seems to show their lives and thought so that the reader seems to see the world through the eyes of the heroes of the novel.

Despite the fact that the writer tells about the war, the female theme in the novel "War and Peace" fills the work of life and a variety of human relationships. Roman is full of contrasts, the author constantly opposes each other good and evil, cynicism and generosity.

Moreover, if negative characters remain constant in their pretendation and inhumanity, the positive heroes make mistakes, tormented by the flour of conscience, rejoice and suffer, growing and developing spiritually and morally.


Natasha Rostov is one of the main figures of the novel, it felt that Tolstoy applies to her special tenderness and love. Throughout the work, Natasha is constantly changing. We see her first a small milk girl, then with a piercing and romantic girl, and at the end - this is an adult mature woman, wise, the beloved and loving wife Pierre Lobyov.

She makes mistakes, sometimes mistaken, but at the same time the inner flair and nobility helps her understand people, feel their mental state.

Natasha is full of life and charm, therefore, even with a very modest, as describes Tolstoy, appearance it attracts her joyful and pure inner world.

Senior Natalya Rostov, the mother of a large family, a kind and wise woman, seems very strict at first glance. But when Natasha stuck in her skirts, the mother "pretended angrily" is hosted on the girl and everyone understands how much she loves her children.

Knowing that the girlfriend is in a serious material position, Countess, embarrassed, gives her money. "Annette, for God's sake, not refuse me," said Suddenly the Countess, blushing, that it was so strange with her elder, a thin and important face, getting money from under the handkerchief. "

With all the external freedom, which it provides children, the Rostov Countess is ready to go on a lot for their well-being in the future. She dries Boris from the youngest daughter, prevents the marriage of the son of Nicholas with a sleepy Sonya, but at the same time it is completely clear that all this she does only from love for her children. And maternal love is the most disinterested and bright of all feelings.

A little mansion is the older sister of Natasha - faith, beautiful and cold. Tolstoy writes: "The smile did not decorate the faces of faith, as it can usually happen; On the contrary, her face became unnatural and therefore unpleasant. "

It is annoyed by the younger brothers and sister, they interfere with her, the main concern for her - she herself. Selfish and immersed in himself, faith is not like their relatives, she does not know how to love sincerely and disinterestedly, as they.

To her happiness, Colonel Berg, for whom she got married, was very suitable in nature, and they made a beautiful pair.

Marya Bolkonskaya

Locked in the village with an old and despotic father, Marya Bologna appears in front of the reader with a ugly sad girl who fears his father. She is smart, but not confident in herself, especially since the old prince constantly emphasizes her urgentness.

At the same time, Tolstoy speaks about her: "The eyes of princes, big, deep and radiant (as if the rays of warm light sometimes came out of them), were so good that very often, despite the urgency of the whole face, these eyes were attractive than beauty . But Princess has never seen a good expression of his eyes, the expression they took in those minutes when she did not think about themselves. Like all people, her face took a stretched-unnatural, bad expression, as soon as she looked in the mirror. " And after this description, I want to look at Marya, watch her, understand what is happening in the shower of this timid girl.

In fact, Princess Marya is a strong person with his prevailing look at life. This is clearly visible when she, along with his father, does not want to take Natasha, but after the death of his brother, she still forgives and understands her.

Marya, as many girls dream of love and family happiness, she is ready to marry Anatol Kuragin and refuses the marriage only for the sake of sympathy to Madmoiselle Brying. The nobility of the soul saves it from a grantic and nasty handsome man.

Fortunately, Marya meets Nikolai Rostov and falls in love with him. It is difficult to immediately say, for whom this marriage becomes a big salvation. After all, he saves Mari from loneliness, and family growth from ruin.

Although it is not so important, the main thing is that Marya with Nikolai love each other and happy together.

Other women in the novel

In the novel "War and Peace", women's images are drawn not only in beautiful and rainbow tones. Tolstoy depicts and very unpleasant characters. He always indirectly determines his attitude towards the heroes of the story, but never speaks directly.

So, turning on at the beginning of the novel in the living room of Anna Pavlovna Sherler, the reader understands how fakes she is with their smiles and eye-headed hospitality. Sherler "... filled with a revitalization and gusts", because "to be an enthusiast was made by its public situation ...".

The coquette and stupid princess Bolkonskaya does not understand Prince Andrew and even afraid of him: "Suddenly, the angrily of the Belich, the expression of a beautiful princess, was replaced by an attractive and exciting fear expressing compassion; She looked at her beautiful eyes to her husband, and on her face it seemed a timid and recognizing the expression that the dog happens, quickly, but a weakly extinct sacrificing tail. " She does not want to change, develop, and does not see how she missed her frivolous tone, reluctance to think about what she says and what it does.

Helene Kuragin, cynical narcissistic beauty, lying and inhuman. Without thinking, for the sake of entertainment, she helps his brother to seduce Natasha Rostov, destroying not only the life of Natasha, but also Prince Bolkonsky. With all its outer beauty, Helen is ugly and soulless internally.

Rasskowning, flour conscience - all this is not about her. She will always find a justification and the more immoral it appears in front of us.


Reading the novel "War and Peace", we plunge into the world of joys and seals along with the characters, proud of their successes, empathize their grief. Tolstoy managed to transfer all those subtle psychological nuances of human relationships, which make up our lives.

Finishing an essay on the topic "Women's images in the novel" War and Peace ", I want to once again pay attention to how accurately and with what understanding of psychology female portraits in the novel are written. With what tremble, love and respect treats some female characters. And how ruthless and clearly shows the immorality and falsehood of others.

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