Pavel will and laysan divorce. Utyasheva and Freedom are suspected of divorce, someone sold the apartment to Fedoseeva-Shukshina, syabitova closed the marriage agency, and Beckham angered the fans

Pavel will and laysan divorce.  Utyasheva and Freedom are suspected of divorce, someone sold the apartment to Fedoseeva-Shukshina, syabitova closed the marriage agency, and Beckham angered the fans
Pavel will and laysan divorce. Utyasheva and Freedom are suspected of divorce, someone sold the apartment to Fedoseeva-Shukshina, syabitova closed the marriage agency, and Beckham angered the fans

I have always had a strong feeling that this is how everything happens. We met at my home, away from prying eyes. The conversation turned out to be confessional. "

You now eat chocolate, and when you played sports, could you afford it?

Dark chocolate was available. We were definitely given cocoa, even before the start, and, to be honest, I got so used to this particular taste that the milk one seems too sweet to me.

Oh, as I understand you. Even though I'm not an athlete.

Yes, this is too much for me. I teach my children to dark chocolate.

Is it too early to limit the diet of children?

Eating habits are formed precisely in childhood, so it's time. For them, chocolate is a treat. For example, Robert has done an excellent homework in English and says "Mom, a chocolate bar", that is, getting a bar or two of chocolates is motivation for him. But instead of any candy, I'd rather give something useful.

You and I now have the most correct lunch - tea and dark chocolate.

Yes, tea, herbal preparations, I love mint, and also the Altai collection. I try to keep myself in shape, in my life this is already take three - the weight flies up to thirty, and my face becomes like a pancake.

Are you really inclined to be overweight ?!

Terribly predisposed! And I live with a person who never gets better. Not a horse feed. He's like you, Vadim. You are always thin, lean, and in general it is not clear when your breed will leak. (Laughs.)

Thanks. Do not.

And Pashka says so. He boasted that he had gained two kilos over the summer. Made an incredible effort. At first, he and I drove out these toxins, which, in principle, do not allow a person prone to thinness to get better - it was a long process. Then he and his children ran along the sea a lot, so that there was no such thing that we only have a sports mother.

Pashka is actually a sports guy himself, although you can't say that by him.

Yes, he's so slender.

But there are muscles there, he can easily lift children, and he carries me in his arms. True, I had to lose 30 kg so that he would not tear my back. (Laughs.) You know this effect when you walk along the beach, and they look at you like this: "Oh, that's who eats it in the family!" I don't want this association, so I started to get myself in shape again.

Lyaysan Utyasheva

In general, you have to keep yourself in line all the time. As long as I know you, you have always set yourself the most daring goals, your vision, so to speak, is not narrowly focused.

And I think this is what gave the effect that all your life you manifest yourself in completely different areas, and you always succeed one hundred percent.

It's very nice to hear that. You, Vadim, are exactly the journalist who has been watching me for a long time. It seems to me that we saw each other for the first time at some big event organized by Irina Aleksandrovna Viner. Alina Kabaeva and I then came out, as they say. I was sixteen years old, I was a budding star, Alina was already a big star. You and I were introduced to each other, and it seems that since then we began to communicate. Do you remember all my professional manifestations, you know about the injury, about how I fought against stereotypes that an athlete cannot work on television, and even on a federal channel. I am grateful to Vladimir Mikhailovich Kulistikov (General Director of NTV Television Company from July 2004 to October 2015 - approx. OK!) For seeing in me not only an athlete.

This is what is interesting to me in your fate. You are from a small town ...

Even the village.

... the village. Parents are not athletes, an ordinary classic family ...

You know, I didn't have time to live a classic, as you say, life - after all, gymnastics began at the age of 4. In general, you probably know that I wanted to be a ballerina. I was four years old when I saw Maya Mikhailovna Plisetskaya on TV in "The Dying Swan", I fell in love with her and said: "That's it, mom, I'll be a ballerina, take me to the ballet." And mom says: "Are you crazy, what ballet?" - "Mom, I'm a ballerina, can't you see?" And I, as I remember now, wrapped myself in toilet paper - such is the child's performance of the pack, and there was nothing else at hand. And my mother agreed in the end: "Well, if you want it that way, we'll go tomorrow." But they didn’t take me to the ballet, then they recruited only from the age of 7. I was going crazy and at 4 years old did not understand what it was like to wait another three years, this is my whole life. And then everything is like in the film: in line with a little girl in a fur coat, upset that she was not taken to the ballet, a coach came up - and this is how my gymnastics began.

I adore my mother - I always talk about her in the present tense, I have a feeling that she is with us - she was a person of action. “That's it, we'll go tomorrow. Want? Go ahead". No prohibitions, no "ifs", no "oh, you have to think."

I always respected your wishes. Great.

Yes, the wishes of a small child. And this is also a priority for me now. Here Robert or Sophia say something, and I try not to immediately fulfill their desires, but to put myself in their place. A child, for example, wanted to prove himself in tennis - okay, let's go try it, listen to what the coach has to say. Or Sofia wanted to dance: "That's it, come on." I’m the host of the “Dances” project, she came, saw the dancers and went on stage, “participated” in the casting. It is clear that this will not be included in the on-air version, but she experienced this stage sensation and said: "No, Mom, tennis is better."

Now I'll show you one photo.

My God! It's you and Maya Mikhailovna Plisetskaya!

Yes, I made a big film about her when I just started working on television.

Lucky you. In general, this is the woman who made my destiny, honestly. Greatest woman. And for all her such a rather classic strict appearance, she was kind, sentimental.

Did you know each other?

Yes. She once told me: “Baby, dance! Do not agree with the outside world, which will dictate something else to you. "

Lyaysan Utyasheva

Yes, at the Novaya Opera. Plisetskaya madly respected Irina Viner and said: "I will come and just look at the girl." Of course, I was shaking when I found out that she would be in the hall. Me, a seasoned athlete entering the world championship, to a number of serious competitions with broken legs! ..

... what you are famous for too.

Exactly. (Smiling). But now is not about that. I mean, it was the most difficult emotionally for me to dance in front of Maya Mikhailovna.

You know, Maya Mikhailovna for me is a standard of rebelliousness, courage: to dance Bolero on the table, in front of 32 men, it was always 18+. And now the viewers see me dancing "Bolero" in a completely different interpretation - "oh times, about manners", we are broadcasting all this there. I wanted to encourage young people to come to us. As my husband said: “Yours is not about how it should be. You have about what this world comes to if they act the way you show - to total loneliness. " The main character is lonely.

What do you yourself know about loneliness? You have had dramas in your life, there have been losses, but it seems to me that you have never been alone.

I know about loneliness through the prism of my mother, who, after her father, did not let anyone near her, either physically or morally. They had a very difficult divorce. We could not live with a tyrant, it was completely scary, but my mother always continued to love him, he was her first man. I remember she said: “I’m a swan, I have lost my other half, so I’ll live differently.” She was not offended by him, she always said only good things about him. What can not be said about him - he always spoke badly about his mother.

How old were you when your parents broke up?

Such a period of formation.

Yes, and then I asked my father a question head-on: “Why? Why does mom say only good things? And you? There must be so much resentment in you! " But I didn’t receive an answer. I saw my mother's loneliness, her sad eyes. Besides, you don't know much, Vadim, about my personal life before Pasha. There was so much gossip, and I was very secretive and, probably, also lonely, for a long time I did not let anyone near me. I had a lot of male friends, I was lucky, this is now helping me to compose a female course "How to behave with a man."

I knew how to be just a friend, a kid. I walked all the time in some kind of sneakers, no mini, sports suits all the time.

Lyaysan Utyasheva

Amazing, of course, a metamorphosis happened to you: now you are the embodiment of femininity and beauty ... Tell me, what was your secrecy connected with?

I probably wanted this purity. Mom was brought up in a very religious family, in Muslim traditions, she could not even be friends with men. So I was very picky about friendship. In addition, I have a very late female development, only at the age of 19 I began to somehow round up, this is a sport, I had to be a wick on the carpet, 40 kilograms, and that's it. I am now reviewing those photos of mine, I really want to return to that form. I was afraid of the relationship in general. That is, no one offended me, there are no scary stories from childhood, I was just late. And so I howled at home at the moon until almost 25 years old. (Smiles.)

And then Pasha picked you up ...

Lucky, huh? To the boy. (Laughs.) And again, we were friends for a very long time.

Yes. Those were the days when Comedy performed in the Atrium.

I remember, I remember, in the hall on the first floor.

They weren't megapopular yet. I came in the company of my cool athlete friends. I was wearing my mother’s long black sweater and my hair tousled like this. Pasha later said that when he saw the collarbone peeking out from under the sweater, it was "boo!" like in the movies.

We looked at each other, I was wildly shy. He was obviously not free at that moment, obviously a large number of women claimed his body, and this look was enough for me.

I understood everything, realized that he would call, realized that we would be friends, and then I didn’t think ahead, because at that moment I still dreamed of becoming an Olympic champion, I dreamed of it, in this regard I was like a zombie.

So this is normal for an athlete of this level.

Probably, but this obsession interferes with life.

Has Pasha psychologically relaxed you somehow?

It's not even about Pasha, I just realized that it doesn't work, you can't think so fanatically about something. I saw this man, I just thought he was cool, I sent him a ray of goodness. There were no illusions from the series "Oh my God, he definitely fell in love with me." I came home and forgot, and in the morning the call: "Hello, leggy!" - "Hey!" - "How are you?" - "Normal" - "Have a snack at lunch?" - "Let's". That's it, we came and talked. I remember that it was with a soul, somehow immediately penetrating, generally without any flirting.

I arrived with my hairstyle licked like this, absolutely no makeup, with freckles, and he says: “My God, how old are you? You're frozen. " By the way, many people say this phrase to me: "You are frozen." It was somehow very easy, then my phone was stolen, and we were lost for a while. Then I came to Comedy again, told me that my phone was stolen, and Pasha: “Don't make it up, you just don't want to communicate with me.” Of course, I wanted to communicate, our meetings always lasted eight or nine hours, we could not disengage, we talked all the time ... Vadim, by the way, you are the first with whom I opened my heart so much.

Lyaysan Utyasheva

Thank you for your trust, Laysan. Tell me, what did you see in Pasha?

I saw a kind, reliable friend, support. The wheel of the car was punctured - a classic - she typed for him, and he: "Oh, I just have a break between filming." Came, changed the tires. It's always easy with him. Then there was a series of terrible events in Moscow, an explosion at Domodedovo, I was driving and I heard this news on the radio. I know that my mother is at home, Viner flies on her plane, the first person I want to recruit is Pasha. I ask: "Are you all safe?" And I never found out who he has, with whom he is. We did not ask each other these questions. We just talked, that's all.

And how many years did this communication last?

Seven or eight years.

What are you!

Well, look, we met when I was 19-20, and at 26 we got married. Seven years, it turns out.

That is, he did not rush things?

I have a feeling that he, like a lion, has been tracking down prey for a very long time - this is my association. I am wildly grateful to him for this, he did not force events, there was no pressure, but it was as it should be. Perhaps this is fate.

You know what fascinates me: you talk about Pasha as if it was all yesterday. And this, of course, is happiness.

Yes, probably. How is it different? Why do people live together, I do not understand, if you do not love, you are not friends.

Probably, your relationship was also tested?

The biggest challenge is the death of my mother. This, of course, was crazy. Pasha saw how I literally died and was born again, it was all in front of his eyes. The situations were different, emotional, I mean. I might not recognize people, because the doctors prescribed some fierce medicines - they saved my heart, the diagnoses were not very good, I was suffocating, there were seizures.

I lost weight, I don’t know how much, I couldn’t go to the toilet myself, I was under drips. This is the most terrible period, I remember almost nothing, a hole in my head. Friends told me that I threw things in the mirror when, forty days after my mother's death, they could be opened. I could not look at myself, I said that this was a betrayal, I should not look like this, my mother should be in this mirror ... Pasha went through all this with me. The loneliness in Bolero is probably partly the emptiness that formed after my mother left. I was obsessed, my mother and I are best friends, she is my best friend. She knew perfectly well about my tender friendship with Pashka, she always said: invite him home already, let him not be shy. I invited, and he said: "I'm ashamed." He was careful and, probably, was right ... No man can withstand a woman in depression for four months.

In four months I turned into I don’t even know who. Do you remember everyone was waiting for the end of the world in 2012? Mom passed away on March 11, 2012, for me it was the end of the world. And on March 13, next, Pasha's grandmother, who raised him, died. He, like a man, endured it steadily, but I didn't, I broke down.

What do you mean when you say that Bolero is partly about mom's death?

I'm talking about detachment. Staging 18+ not because there are some scenes that people have not seen in films. What can we surprise in this regard now? But an adult in all this nakedness will see my message. A woman in a jacket on a turtleneck sits and just stares aimlessly into the hall, and men and women climb on her and hisses something like snakes all the time ... An adult will not see this as an orgy or something like that. This is suffering. I said to myself: I will not cry, I would rather show it and suffer on the stage. Therefore, I would like you to see it with your own eyes, and not only from the stories to form an opinion.

Lyaysan Utyasheva

Thanks. I'll gladly have a look.

Irina Aleksandrovna Viner said: “I am too old, I have not seen so many performances. Fox (that's how she calls me), I'll come for 15 minutes. " She asked to sit her down neatly, so that it did not cause general indignation, why Viner left after 15 minutes. As a result: “Where is my son-in-law (this is jokingly about Pasha)? - for the whole hall. - Son-in-law, are you there? Well done". Irina Aleksandrovna loves to appear spectacularly in spotlights, we were actually only waiting for her, she called and said that she was a little late. She sat for an hour and twenty minutes, and then she said: “What I saw is so painful, it is so varied. Who is the choreographer? Are they some foreign guys? " Again, I surrendered myself to young people: Katya Reshetnikova, Garik Rudnik - these are the guys who stage dances on our project. So in this project, all the pain that I'm telling you about, that Pasha saw: a crazy woman, a different woman, not understanding, in a fog, not knowing what she wants - that's all there.

I do not know Paul personally, but I imagined him a little differently. I love his humor, this healthy cynicism. You open for me a completely different Pavel Volya - very warm, heartfelt.

I repeat, Pasha all that difficult period with me behaved like a real man. Maybe I speak as a woman who is madly in love with him, who does not see some things ... His shooting ended at two in the morning, he flew to me, he took me to Barcelona so that I somehow switched, he threw out pills: better cry, do not soul them yourself. Mom was still alive when we became a couple, we just did not advertise it. I was the face of a sports brand, and after the shooting, I was offered to take one pair of sneakers as a gift.

Mom took sneakers for Pasha: “You don’t want to give him? I will give. Good boy, why not get him some sneakers. " That was my mother, this is no bribery.

Mom, it turns out, did not see the absolute flowering of her daughter's femininity and her personal happiness.

No, I didn't, but something tells me that she sees everything. I believe in that world because I have such vivid dreams. Mom in a dream shouted at me: “Stop reveling in your grief, this is selfishness, stop crying, you will definitely not bring me back with tears, but you will ruin your life with tears, for yourself and all the people who are around. Stop it, the mourning is too long. " I saw everything so clearly, as if we were sitting in the kitchen talking. I already woke up and thought: it's true, yes, I have grief, but I have no right to make a man unhappy who is next to me now, who is trying so hard, protects me like some fragile vessel.

Fine words, Laysan. I like the fact that you can turn your experience, even the saddest, into creativity. And also, it seems to me, you are constantly breaking your path, going somewhere unknown, looking for new paths.

You're right. I like to reincarnate and step out of my comfort zone.

TV presenter, actress, producer, constantly on the lookout.

Not that in search, in this, probably, just all of me. I lost weight again, got into leggings, constant work on myself makes not only me happy. Pasha says: “I live with such a cascade of women, they are all so different. Either curvy, then the fifth breast size, then a nursing woman, rounded hips, straight Monica Bellucci in her best years, then Angelina Jolie is some kind of dramatic ... "It seems to me that every woman has this, you just need to pay attention to it doesn't need money at all.

Have you always understood that you are pretty?

Of course not, Vadim. You saw this terrible photo - the Bashkir cheeks are huge, the eyes are almost invisible, only the cheeks. A typical ordinary girl, of which there are many. And if the beauty of this girl is in the cheekbones, then they still need to be seen behind the cheeks ...

Lyaysan Utyasheva

You see, and Pavel likes you all.

Yes. He's crazy. He says: now you have black hair, long, now you have short, now slicked, then I run around the house in his big shirts. I have my own dress code at home, we don’t throw away some cool shirts for Pasha, even if they have stains that cannot be removed, I wear them at home.

Are you going to rehearsal now?

Yes, we are constantly improving Bolero, and you know, it inspires me. The main thing is that our family life does not suffer from my constant employment. From the moment Sofia started going to the garden, everything was somehow settled, there is no panic. She is in the garden from nine to five, then she has English, she likes it all. At this moment, I can also go about my business. Robert is generally busy until seven. But on the weekend, all living things die, I am at home, Pasha is at home, we do not pick up the pipes, unless we are on tour. You probably know that we had too long a vacation - first a vacation for two in Iceland, then we went with children to Europe. My work phones are switched off for three months, I am not, I do not exist. All work calls are answered by my director.

Three months - isn't it a lot?

A lot, but we rest like that. During this vacation I lost two kilos. This is all Robert, he is used to playing sports, I ran with him. True, sometimes I thought: "God, I would like to lie down now." (Smiling) And then she ran faster, even faster. This is probably my code. Running from myself to myself, I can't do it any other way. I begin to sour, fade at home, it ruins me.

Don't you like to do household chores? Are you not the mistress?

The hostess, but I manage to do everything very quickly. I love to cook. And for me it is very important that Sofia sees that her mother is cooking. Borsch, mashed potatoes - it's elementary. We all eat our beloved buckwheat, boil an egg in the morning - only mom. It is clear that we have a housekeeper, but no nanny - it is important to focus on this. When I am on tour, the children stay with their grandparents, Pasha's parents, these are just holy people. The grandfather drives the car himself, delivers the children to the sections. When I am at home, I clean (I am a fan of cleaning), the children clean their own rooms.

Makeup: Vova Efremenko / "White Garden"

Hairstyles: Roma Kuznetsov / "White Garden"

The married life of the most hard-working resident of the Comedy club Pavel Volya is open and understandable. He is married to the renowned gymnast Lyasan Utyasheva. Pavel iskrina confesses his love to his wife on stage, they do not hide their children and relationships, but they do not flaunt them either.

The difficult sports fate of Laysan Utyasheva

Laysan Utyasheva was born on June 28, 1985 in the Bashkir village of Rakvskoye. Her mother worked as a librarian and her father as a historian. My mother is Bashkir by nationality, my father has Russian, Tatar and Polish roots.

In 1989, the Utyashev family moved from the village to Volgograd... As a child, Laysan was very flexible, and they wanted to send her to a ballet school. Quite by chance, the rhythmic gymnastics coach Nadezhda Kasyanova drew her attention.

She noted the natural inclinations of the girl, and invited them to take up the most beautiful and feminine sports - rhythmic gymnastics. In 1994, Elena Tatyana Sorokina became her coach, and since 1997 - Oksana Yaninina and Oksana Skaldina. In 1999, Laysan received the title of Master of Sports.

Laysan's most significant victories came at the beginning of the 2000s. In 2001, she became the absolute winner at the World Cup in Berlin, and also received gold in the team championship at the World Cup in Madrid. In the same year, she became an international master of sports.

In 2002, she began to train with Irina Viner and Vera Shatalina.... She took second place in Slovenia, won the unofficial World Championship in France, became the winner in the all-around in Moscow in three types of competition. It would seem that the career reached the very peak of achievements, but then an injury happened.

At the demonstration performances in Samara, due to a low-quality mat, Laysan landed unsuccessfully and injured her foot. At that time, a medical examination did not reveal an injury, and Laysan continued to perform and train in the same mode. The leg hurt more and more, but repeated examinations did not reveal any pathologies. Ill-wishers began to say that Atyasheva was feigning injury.

In 2002, at the insistence of Irina Wiener, a comprehensive examination was carried out in Germany. Only there, according to the results of the MRI ball, an injury was diagnosed: multiple fractures of the scaphoid and the divergence of the bones of the other leg due to the constant transfer of weight to it. In fact, all this time Laysan trained on one leg.

The condition was so neglected that doctors forbade even thinking about sports, and did not give guarantees that the girl would walk. Laysan underwent five operations, a pin was inserted, but the fractures did not heal.

Laysan recalls with horror these two years, when she cried at night, ate kefir with a fork, so as not to gain weight without the usual loads, but still went to the gym. She practiced on her knees, under the whispers and giggles of her rival friends.

In 2004, she took to the carpet. She won a number of more victories, including becoming the European champion in team competitions. She planned to end her career after the Beijing Olympics, but again suffered an injury, this time to the knee. After consulting with Irina Viner, she decided to leave the variety.

Laysan went down in the history of world sports as the only gymnast performing on broken legs. She was the first to perform three difficult elements, which are named after her.


After completing her sports career, she got on television. She was the co-host of the Main Road program on NTV, and hosted morning programs on the same channel. Utyasheva hosted the TV program "Fitness with the Stars" on the "Live" channel, "Personal Trainer" on the "Sport Plus" channel, "Beauty Academy with Lyaysan Utyasheva". On radio "Romantika" she broadcasts "Cafe Romance",

Laysan also released her autobiographical book "Unbroken", in which she talked about her life in sports. In 2014, Utyasheva moved to work for the TNT channel, and this is directly related to her stories of love and marriage.

Interesting notes:

Laysan met Pavel Volya in a television get-together... For a long time, young people were just friends, and Laysan could not imagine that this tender friendship could develop into something else.

The editors of the Comedy club liked to invite the famous gymnast as a star to the program's broadcasts. The girl came exclusively with her mother, which became the subject of jokes for residents.

The wedding of this couple was a complete surprise for the fans of both Volya and Utyasheva. This surprises Laysan: What is so strange about our wedding? I didn't marry an alien from Mars.

Handsome guy, unmarried, smart. I did not take him away from the family, I myself was also free. What's the big deal?

In September 2012, the couple got married., there was no wedding dress, no limousine. One of the most expensive wedding presenters in the country limited himself to registering at the registry office with his beloved woman. Soon, a son, Robert, was born, followed by a daughter, Sophia. Laysan today is engaged in family and children, combining work at TNT as the host of the show "Dances".

One of the most mysterious couples in Russian show business. The lovers managed to hide their relationship until the birth of their son, but we still know something about the star spouses!

Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva

The grief that brings you closer

The Comedy Club resident, who has earned the fame of a sarcastic bully and a lover of hard humor, met his future wife, clever, beautiful and generally "good girl", gymnast Lyaysan Utyasheva at a social event. The future lovers had a party together, after which they began to communicate. Sometimes they met at work, but the relationship did not start immediately. At first, Laysan and Pasha simply considered each other good acquaintances, but then their "nodding acquaintance" grew into something much more.

It's funny, but for several years of a stellar romance, the media did not even know that they were together! “We were not hiding anything,” Utyasheva said in an interview with 7 Days magazine. - For two years we went to theaters, to the cinema, to shops, to walk along Red Square. But the paparazzi - lo and behold! - they never caught us! "

Laysan and Pavel met at a social event

The couple, alas, were brought together by grief - in 2012, Laysan lost her beloved mother, Zulfiya. After her death, the gymnast fell into real despair, and her faithful friend, Pavel Volya, was nearby. “Pasha was next to me, I don’t know how I would have survived that nightmare period without him ... - the gymnast recalls. - It seemed to me that from grief I could not breathe, but Pavel helped! It's hard to explain. It's just that a person enveloped me with all-round care and love ... ”So a romance began between the young people, and in the same year Volya, who had previously seemed an inveterate bachelor, decided to marry.

At the same time, before meeting with Laysan Utyasheva, the showman lived in a civil marriage for several years with TV presenter Maria Kravtsova (aka Marika), but he was in no hurry to make his beloved a marriage proposal, in the end they parted. But with Laysan, everything was easier - Volya somehow immediately realized that he always wanted to be with her. By the way, Laysan herself before Pasha was also noticed in a serious relationship - the gymnast had an affair with figure skater Alexei Yagudin. But in those days, Utyasheva was still an aspiring athlete, and she chose a career, not family life.

Previously, Pavel Volya met with TV presenter Marika

There is no smoke without fire

When the first rumors appeared on the Web that 34-year-old Volya and 27-year-old Utyasheva got married, and they were expecting their first child, many considered this information just. Moreover, all publications began to write about it on April 1, so that everything could easily pass for a joke. Still, they were never seen together, there was no gossip even about a stellar romance! But it soon became clear that there is no smoke without fire, and the at first glance fictitious secular news turned out to be pure truth - the gymnast's pregnancy was confirmed by her trainer Irina Viner.

Laysan Utyasheva was very upset by the death of her mother, and Pavel Volya supported her at a difficult moment

Earlier, the lovers arranged a small party for the closest people and secretly from the journalists. Laysan says: “There was no wedding at all - no white dress, no limousine with dolls. In memory of my mother, we decided to hold the wedding ceremony very modestly. We just went to the registry office in regular clothes and signed. And in the evening we celebrated the event at home, in a narrow family circle: there were Pasha's parents, his sister, my grandparents came from Bashkiria. "

And soon after this small wedding, Pavel Volya left with his pregnant wife to Spain - it was there that Utyasheva decided to give birth. In May 2013, their son Robert was born, after which Volya finally stopped hiding what was happening in his personal life and publicly thanked all fans for their congratulations.

After the wedding, Laysan and Pavel left for Spain, where the gymnast spent the entire pregnancy

A couple of weeks later, Laysan returned to Moscow and herself told about everything - that she really is now a wife and mother, and most importantly, she is very happy. The gymnast still rarely speaks about her family, but sometimes she publishes a photo with her husband on Instagram - for example, when touchingly congratulates her beloved on his birthday.

Recently, the spouses have ceased to hide their relationship and sometimes go out together.

According to Laysan, Pavel Volya became a wonderful father, and little Robert simply adores him. “When the father is at home, Robert doesn't need anything else: his father is his main friend,” says the gymnast. Utyasheva herself took the position of a wise "eastern wife" in the family - the star is convinced that the man is the main one in the house, and affectionately calls her beloved spouse "mentor."

“My husband is generally a life mentor for me,” Laysan admits. - For example, Pasha and I write dictations. Yes Yes! More precisely, I write, and Pasha dictates to me. After all, he is a certified teacher of the Russian language, and sometimes I have problems with spelling ... "

In the meantime, a complete idyll reigns in the family of Pavel Volya, the media have already said that an addition is possible soon - the gymnast has begun to wear very spacious outfits recently. Be that as it may, we have no doubt - the spouses themselves will not tell anything until the last!

The athlete and simply beautiful Laysan was convinced from her own experience that prolonged separation from her husband makes marriage stronger and happier. "Parting is good. We are both very strong people and both leaders. Accordingly, at a distance, our feelings are very much heated.In all our meetings, after a two-day parting, we seem to fall in love with each other again, arrange romantic dinners, even despite the insane fatigue, "the TV presenter admitted with a smile.


In conflict situations, spouses try to hear each other and act together. "You need to talk. In no case should you hide your grievances and hush up something, because then a misunderstanding is formed," the star believes.

According to Utyasheva, when she goes on business trips, Pavel does an excellent job with their young children - son Robert and daughter Sofia. Utyasheva and Volya keep their kids away from prying eyes. And not at all out of superstition.

“We protect children from cameras and video cameras only because they are at an irresponsible age, respectively, they cannot say for themselves whether they want to be photographed or not,” Laysan told Starhit. “As soon as Robert and Sofia reach the age of majority, or at least 12 years and they will want to post all the children's photos with mom and dad on social networks, of course, they can do it. The only thing is that at the moment we are trying to protect them from unnecessary attention. We do not yet understand how much they want this attention. They will decide for themselves further".

As Dni.Ru wrote, the lovers got married in September 2012. On May 14, 2013 in Miami, Laysan gave birth to a son, who was named Robert, and on May 6, 2015, Sofia was born.Caring parents do not post photos of their children on Instagram and are very reluctant to share any information about them with the public. But Pavel has a tattoo depicting two babies on his chest.

May 24, 2018

For several years, the humorist remained only a good friend for the gymnast. But it was he who, at the most difficult moment, brought Laysan back to life - and became her companion, support, ideal husband. The site recalls the difficult love story of one of the most beautiful Russian couples


Laysan moved to Moscow as a girl in 1997. - in 2001, after graduating from the Pedagogical Institute in Penza. She trained, became a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, won numerous cups, medals and awards. At first he worked part-time at a construction site, worked as a screenwriter and radio host. In 2006, after severe injuries, surgery, recovery and new performances, Utyasheva nevertheless ended her career. Of course, she did not stop working: she entered into advertising contracts with brands, performed at events, and later began her career as a TV presenter, training viewers in the Personal Trainer and Fitness with the Stars programs. Pavel Volya also managed to conquer the ether: what was presented at it still remains popular.

Thanks to television, the couple met: they learned about each other in absentia, then they met in person. How it happened, neither Laysan nor Pavel remember: “We seemed to have always known each other,” the woman smiles. At first, the future ones just greeted and could exchange a couple of phrases. Over time, the conversations became longer and more sincere, but without interfering with each other's privacy. Once the artists talked for eight hours, sitting at night in one of the capital's parks - even the guard, looking at the couple, did not chase them away.

Pavel Volya and Lyaysan Utyasheva in 2010. Photo:

Everything changed in 2012, when Laysan's mother passed away.

Zulfiya Utyasheva raised her daughter alone - her father left the family when the child turned 10. The woman gave little Laysan to gymnastics, transported her to Moscow and arranged for Irina Viner. When the big sport was over, Zulfiya became the director and producer of her daughter: she lived with Laysan, worked and even attended parties. It was my mother who at one of the Comedy Club concerts advised the heiress to take a closer look at Pavel Volya:

“... once I went to a Comedy Club show with my mother, and after one of Volya's numbers she whispered in my ear:
- Good boy, pay attention.
- Let's consider that she turned - so what?
- Fool! If a man knows how to joke so beautifully, without slipping into vulgarity, he is very smart and talented. I'm almost sure that Pasha writes poetry. And you, Masya, still need to grow up to understand his jokes. "

Zulfiya Utyasheva was right - Pavel became a wonderful husband for Laysan. But she did not have a chance to observe the happiness of her daughter: the woman died in March 2012 from heart failure. The gymnast does not remember the first days and weeks: she could not eat and sleep, then she lost tens of kilograms, stopped recognizing people, needed the help of psychologists. And the support of close people - then Pavel Volya was always nearby.

“My closest friend, who turned out to be no friend at all. Who has loved me all my life. Who just got up and said: 'Girl, I will carry you in my arms,' ”the gymnast later told about Volya.

After the experience, Laysan and Pavel parted for a short time: the athlete went to work in America and London, the comedian starred in the film "Moms-2" in Paris - in separation, the future spouses talked at night. And having met, we went together to Barcelona - the city of love, according to Zulfiya Utyasheva: “You must definitely come here with your beloved! I see you here happy! " - said the mother to the athlete. There, in Spain, Laysan and Pavel promised to spend their entire lives together.

In November, the lovers got married. Without noise, dresses, ransoms and high-profile holidays: they signed in simple clothes at the registry office, and in the evening they gathered at the table with the closest people - in memory of my mother. For several months, the spouses managed to hide their new status. Although, as Utyasheva assures, no one was hiding anything: he and Pavel walked around the city, visited museums and parks, hugged, but avoided social gatherings. A joke-like news about the wedding of a comedian and a gymnast appeared on April 1, at the same time it became known about the imminent replenishment of the star family.

Laysan spent most of her pregnancy in Spain, and was born in Miami - the couple wanted to avoid public scrutiny during this important period. Volya was not present at childbirth, but he was near the ward and saw his son in the first seconds of his life. And again he supported his beloved wife:

“I had terrible psychological breakdowns. I give birth to Robert, and at that very second, unconscious, I pick up the phone and dial my mother ... Yes, it's scary. Pashka flies in to me, hugs me and says: “Mas, let’s dial my mom.” My mother always liked Pasha. She approved of our union. All this was born before her eyes, ”shares Utyasheva.

Two years later, the couple became parents again - this time their daughter Sophia. The celebrity couple still does not show their children to fans. But they talk about their children: dark-skinned blue-eyed Robert, for example, is a guy with character, and Sofia is a "bead", as her mother calls her, with dark eyes and a cheekbone face. In May 2017, Volya and Utyasheva celebrated two important dates: them, and. A big party was arranged for Rob - with 30 guests, a pirate party and a magician - and close relatives and an animator dressed as a princess were invited to the baby.

Volya and Utyasheva last year celebrated their first anniversary - to their family. The couple celebrated the round date with a walk in Moscow and touching declarations of love to each other.

“Thank you, my dear. There is still a lot of time ahead. I am proud that I am next to you. What you saw, saw and chose me. That I am the father of our children. And I am grateful that you are next to me. That we are together. What are we! I love you very much. Thanks for the five years. And especially for this day, ”Paul said to his wife.

“5 years in one breath. Apparently because you are the part of me that I missed so much. The one without whom it was impossible to breathe deeply, to feel oneself and understand: what does it mean to be loved. My best friend, the man of my dreams, the best husband, father ... Thank you for these 5 years of happiness. I love you immensely. I love you, ”Laysan replied to her life partner.