Where was the singer Ricky Martin born. Love Adventures of the Hottest Gay Ricky Martin

Where was the singer Ricky Martin born. Love Adventures of the Hottest Gay Ricky Martin

In 2010, the famous Puerto Rican musician and actor Ricky Martin made a camining out than he struck all his fans, because he had met for a long time with TV presenter Rebecca de Alboy.

Already in 2018, the 46-year-old singer spread with the status of a bachelor and married a 33-year-old Swedish artist of Kurdish origin Jwan Yosef. Recently, Ricky Martin frankly spoke about meeting his spouse.

In an interview with ATTITUDE magazine, he shared the most intimate: "We began to communicate online. And our conversations continued online for six months. We talked to him about everything except sex. But when I first saw him, I stopped breathing. "

Their relationship developed rapidly: "My feelings grew like a snowball for half a year. It was an incredibly romantic time. At the first meeting, I said: "I get married to this guy." Apparently, he thought in the same way, just told me about it later. "

The musician also admitted why long hid a non-traditional orientation: "I completely devoted myself a career. I once had to join new relationships, and I am not only about romantic say. "

He was pursued by the idea that the mystery would soon be revealed: "I was afraid to just communicate with people. Even with producers and business partners. It seemed to me that if I spend with them at least a few hours, they recognize everything about me and my nature. I spent so much strength and time to hide my nature. "

Martin said that he completely felt all the negative roads of homophobia: "For a long time I was a closed gay, forced my partners to hide. I had a relationship with men who hid their orientation, and with those who did not hide, but because of me was forced to lead a recovery life. "

According to the singer, he became much easier for him when he finally stopped silent, who he really did, and allowed himself to enjoy life.

- Matteo and Valentino, which they gave birth to a surrogate mother in 2008.

Fans are worried about the question: the orientation of parents will affect the future of children? What do you think?

Ricky Martin, the real name of which Enrique Martin Morales, - Puerto Ricansky pop musician, actor and writer. As the singer Rica became famous for participating in the Menudo teenage group, and already in adult with the help of Hit "Livin 'La Vida Loca" contributed to the promotion of Latin American music to the American and European market. Martin also became the voice of the World Championship in France, where after the final performed the song "La Copa de La Vida".

Ricky was born in San Juan, the capital of Puerto Rico. Mom singer Nared Morales worked by an accountant, and Pope Enrique Martin Negroni is a psychologist. When the boy was 2 years old, the parents parted, and Martin alternately lived in the new family of his father, then the grandmother on the father's line. In addition to him, two brothers and sisters appeared in the house, and in the new family of the mother - two more consolidated brothers.

Ricky Martin since childhood dreamed of scene. While peers chased the ball or played a war, Enrique took a wooden spoon and represented that this is a microphone. Seeing the interest of the eldest son, Dad found in the newspaper an announcement of listening on television and led Rica there. The boy liked the producers, and in the younger school to Martin came first popularity thanks to advertising toothpaste, fast food and carbonated water.

At 13, the teenager was selected for the Menudo youth pop group. Ricky turned out to be the smallest participant, and at first the leadership of the project twice refused Ricky, but the boy stubbornly continued to come to castings and eventually received a vacant place for perseverance. With the team, the guy traveled all southern America, where Breed BD was very popular. But by 1987, the interest in "Menudo" began to fall, and after the 4 years of cooperation and 11 full-format albums, Ricky Martin leaves the group.

The 17-year-old parenchy decided to try himself abroad. He moves to the United States and enters the TISK School of Arts. But he did not have time to start the classes, as it gets interesting proposals at the same time from the Mexican theater and a record studio.


Ricky Martin accepted both suggestions and on both fields achieved success. In Mexico City, he played with great enthusiasm in the musical "Mom loves rock", where film producers pay attention to him. As a result, he began to shoot a television melodraman to "reach the star", where he appeared in two seasons, and then in the full-length version "even closer to the star." In the film, he not only played, but also sang, because in the plot was one of the participants of the "Paper Dolls" ensemble.

Later, Martin could be seen in the Sitkom "get", the medical drama "Main Hospital" and the youth parody of the horror film "Hand-Killer". The last film, in which Ricky Martin took part, was a musical comedy "Luzers", where he played David Martinez.

I did not forget the actor and about theatrical scene. In 1996, he fulfilled the main role in the "Molded" play on the novel, and in 2012 he returned to Broadway and sang in the musical "Evita".


In parallel with the acting career, the solo musical life of Ricky Martin began. He signed a contract with the Latin American branch of Sony Music Entertainment, and put the signature, not even reading the contract. As a result, he began to receive only one cent from each disc from each.

But at that time, Ricky was little interested in the fees: he wanted to become a real star. The first recorded album in Spanish "Ricky Martin" became gold not only in South America, but also in the United States. And such hits like "Fuego Contra Fuego" and "El Amor De Mi Vida" hit the world rotation on the radio. Then no less successful disks "Me Amarás" and "A Medio Vivir" followed.

The last album showed fans that Martin does not intend to stay always a singer of dance songs. On the third plate there were Penetrated Ballad "Te Extraño, Te Olvido, Te A Amo" and the philosophical "Maria", which producers were not very recommended to include in the final entry, but the singer insisted on his. As a result, "Maria" became a super-hit in South and North America and, most amazing, in most European countries.

In 1998, the new album of Ricky Vuelve was released, but the main achievement of this year was a performance at the Final Football World Championship in France with the composition "La Copa de La Vida", which was transformed into a kind of anthem of the championship. Moreover, this hit became the "song of the year" according to the overwhelming majority of world charts.

By this moment, Ricky Martin was no longer famous. He was the brightest Latin American star, and to expect something even more large-scale from him. But the singer managed to surprise everyone again. First, he publishes the English album "Ricky Martin", which was then in a novelty for artists from South America.

And secondly, releases the single "Livin" La Vida Loca ", which becomes his business card and remains very popular until today. This composition was not just a dance song. This composition has changed the biography of Martin Ricky, but also this song has become a passing ticket On the English-speaking market for other musicians from Latin America, such as, and.

Another early hit of Ricky Martin became no less inective dance track "Ole, Ole, Ole".

In 2000, Ricky Martin records the Compositions "Nobody Wants to Be Lonely" and "Solo Quiero Amarte" along with. Subsequently, among the people who collaborated the musician will also be, Maya, Fatjoe, Ameri, Matt Pokor, Wisin & Yandel and.

Later, Ricky Martin released another 6 studio albums, the most successful of which turned out to be "Life" 2005. After him, however, the artist paused for several years and moved away from creativity, returning only in 2011 with the Música + Alma + Sexo plate. Also in 2011, the musician released the Greatest Hits collection, and in 2015 he presented the album "A Quien Quiere Escuchar". In 2015, the incendiary composition "La Mordidita" came out in 2015.

Every year Ricky Martin presents two or three clips on their own songs. Also officially released three collection of music videos.

In general, it should be noted that the originality of Martin's music is determined by the compound of modern dance rhythms with classical national genres - Salsa, Meringue and Bolero.

Personal life

In the young years, Riki Martin repeatedly stated that it was found with the Mexican TV presenter Rebecca de Alba. It seems that young people even planned to get married and become family. But in 2005 it was announced that Ricky and Rebecca after 14 years of romantic relationships no longer together. There were no children from the pair, but, nevertheless, today Ricky is a happy father.

After 3 years, Martin became the father of two twins Matteo and Valentino, which the musician gave birth to a surrogate mother.

In 2010, Ricky Martin wrote on his own official website, which is gay. According to the musician, the years of silence and hiding the truth pressure on it, and to say about their own sexual orientation seems correct.

In the same year, the singer's show repeated that he actually had a unconventional orientation. Soon the musician even presented his partner - Economist Carlos Gonzalez Abela. But the opening of this information Gay Pare did not benefit, and after 4 years they broke up. However, while the partners were together, men. For the sake of the future husband, Ricky Martin even changed citizenship to Spanish, because after it was decided to marry, lovers could not stay in Puerto Rico. The wedding between the people of one sex is not permitted in this state. Subsequently, it facilitated the life of the musician already in new relationships.

At the "show" Ricky Martin also acted in support of same-sex marriages.

Ricky Martin now

In 2016, Ricky Martin released a new single, and later video clips on the new composition "Ventepa" CA ".

In 2016, the singer began to meet with Swedish-Syrian artist Jwan Yosef. On the relationship of men Press learned in April 2016, in November of the same year, the lovers were announced on the show. Also, Jwan began to regularly appear in the "Instagram" of the singer. Rica lays out on its own page photos on which the daily life of the musician is captured. Account Ricky Martin verified, and 9 million people signed on the page.

Also in 2016, Ricky Martin gave an interview in which he explained his own sexual orientation. The singer repeatedly called himself a gay, but also, according to Ricky, a musician is closely within the boundaries that establish such labels. Martina Ricky attracts both men and women. But in the romantic relationship, the musician is interested only with men. Nevertheless, if a woman seems an attractive rick, the singer does not mind spending her night.

Also in 2016, the musician announced that he became a vegetarian. Fans associate this step with the fact that the musician is penetrated by Buddhist spiritual teachings. Ricky has always been tied to sports. Ricky Martin is an excellent swimmer and surfist, many times performed a parachute, and recently began to practice yoga, to master which even specially traveled to Thailand and India.

In December 2016, Ricky Martin and Jwan Josef. Men began to appear in secular events with the same rings.

In June 2017, the musician announced that the solemn ceremony would only have to say that the wedding would be ambitious and will be held in Puerto Rico. Ricky Martin confessed to fans that the wedding was organized by a wilderness.

Happy troubles do not distract artist from creativity. In November 2017, a trailer was released by the second season series "American History of Crimes", dedicated to the murder of a designer, in which Ricky Martin appeared as partner of Versace by Antonio D "Amiko.

Also, Ricky does not forget about music. The singer spent a concert pending due to earthquakes. The performance passed on the Constitution Square in Mexico City and gathered a hundred thousand spectators.


  • 1991 - Ricky Martin
  • 1993 - Me Amaras
  • 1995 - A Medio Vivir
  • 1998 - Vuelve.
  • 1999 - Ricky Martin
  • 2000 - Sound Loaded
  • 2003 - Almas Del Silencio
  • 2005 - Life.
  • 2011 - Música + Alma + Sexo
  • 2015 - A Quien Quiere Escuchar


  • 1991 - reach the star
  • 1991 - reach the star 2
  • 1992 - even closer to the star
  • 1992 - Get
  • 1999 - Kindle Hand
  • 1999 - Main Hospital
  • 2011 - Lusera

Ricky Martin, Puerto Ricansky pop musician, actor and writer, said she finally gained personal happiness. The other day, he legalized the relationship with his boyfriend, Swedish-Syrian artist, Jwan Yosef, with whom he began to meet in 2016.

"I have already husband, we exchanged oaths, signed all the papers that need. In the next couple of months, we will arrange a magnificent celebration - I will give everyone to know "- So commented on the singer his wedding in one of the interviews.

The fact that men are engaged, Ricky Martin announced back in November last year at Ellen Dezhereshes show. It was he who did a proposal, got up on one knee and dressed a ring.

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"I sank to one knee, presented him with a bag with a ring and instead of" Will you marry me? " Said: "I have something for you!" Not the best words! But then I said that I want to spend the rest of my life with him. He clarified: "So what was the question? Will I come for you?" That's all. It was wonderful! After 30 minutes, I grabbed my head: "Wait, so you told me yes?" And he said: "Yes!" " - Singer shared in detail.

At one time, he hid his orientation for a long time, and she was not immediately manifested. At first, he supported the unstable relationship with the Mexican TV presenter Rebecca de Allabo, in which there were many episodes with parting and reconciliation.

After in his surroundings began to notice representatives of the gay community. In this regard, in the address of Ricky Martin began to raise uncomfortable questions to which he reacted aggressively. "No one concerns, I was in bed with a cow, with a broom or a woman. I'm not going to report anyone, I'm gay or not. ", he said to the Mirror journalist in one of the 2000 interviews.

Over time, his reactions softened. Obviously, he bother with his new role so much that she stopped calling internal contradictions in it ..


"I am pleased to inform you that I am a happy homosexual man. I am very happy to be the one I am. All these years, silence and critics made me stronger and reminded me that the recognition comes from the inside that such a truth gives me the power to deal with the emotions, which I didn't even know about- This application recognition was published on the official website of Ricky Martin in 2010.

At the "show Oprah Winfrey" in 2011, he acted in support of same-sex marriages: "Talking about the fact that I gay seems right ... If I knew how good it was, I would do it ten years ago."

Relations with the representative of its sex is not the only thing that interests the singer. He also thinks over the question of continuing the kind. In 2008, Ricky Martin was already the father of two children, twin boys Matteo and Valentino, who gave birth to a surrogate mother for him.

Now they are 9 years old. Rica intends to continue to engage in their upbringing. He argues that with his new spouse, the sons get wonderfully and belong to his parish in the family extremely positively: "They love each other! Everything is perfect and special. "

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Ricky Martin.

Singer Date of birth December 24th (Capricorn) 1971 (47) Birthplace of San Juan Instagram @Ricky_martin

Ricky Martin is a singer and an actor from Puerto Rico, which became widely known as the performer of Latin American compositions. His popularity is high all over the world, but his work is especially loved in America. In just every creative career, the singer released 10 solo albums, in each there are compositions that became real hits. Riki attracts an increased interest in his person not only excellent vocal data: he created his own charity foundation, opposes slavery and discrimination, and also recognizes what refers to homosexuals.

Biography of Ricky Martin

A truly singer is named Enrique Martin Morales. He was born in Puerto-Rican San Hawner on December 24, 1971. His dad was a psychologist, and Mom worked by an accountant. When Enrique turned 2 years old, the parents diverged. And Mom, and the father of Ricky soon met other beloved, so now he has 4 brothers and 1 sister.

Brought up the little Enrique Mom, and in strict Catholic traditions. The boy studied at the local priest, and also visited church school on Sundays. Despite the fact that Catholics are very strict in their upbringing, a small ricky allowed to show their talents from childhood. I barely learned to walk, he danced from the mirror, singing something, holding a comb holding instead of a microphone.

When the boy has already fulfilled 9, the father led him to the casting, where the actors were selected to participate in advertising shooting. Then he was filmed several years in lemonade commercials, toothpastes and hamburgers.

Enrique was musically gifted, so repeatedly tried to break through into the group "Menudo", in which the participant was required instead of the departed Rickle of Melendza. Because of a small growth, he was twice denied samples. However, the persistence of a young singer took the top - on the third listening, he threw off the fear, was given to the music and demonstrated all his talent, so soon became a member of this group.

Ricky opposed the team from 1984 to 1989. In total, songs for 11 albums were recorded in this group with the participation of Ricky Martin. And at the age of 17, the young man decided to leave the team to start the solo career. Such a decision was given to the singer very hard, too "bought" his soul to the team. But Ricky always oppressed the terms of the contract, which did not allow to reveal to his talent completely. Thanks to the participation in the group, he learned a lot about the world show business and learned a lot. Therefore, stopping the contract with the group, Ricky resumed training at school, where he "knocks out" 18.

Having reached the age of majority, he was able to open an account in the bank and left to live in New York, anticipating many opportunities for himself.

In New York, Ricky wanted to enter the school of arts, but fate ordered otherwise. He was invited to the musical "Mommy like rock". On the scene of the singer, the producer of Mexican television, who chose him to the role in the "soap opera" "to reach the star". In 1990, Ricky began to sing solo, signing a contract with Sony Discos. After that, immediately revealed his debut album, calling him "Ricky Martin".

Signing a contract, he did not read all the conditions carefully, so with the sale of one album received only 1 cent. The first album of the artist was out of 500,000 copies, so he earned only $ 5,000 from it. But this was not at all embarrassed and did not wicked the singer, and forced to work with a new force. His first single "FUEGO Contra Fuego" was recognized as gold and everywhere met loud applause.

The second album of the singer was released in 1993. Although songs from it were warmly accepted by listeners, the album did not use much popularity. At the same time, with the release of the plate, Ricky starred in two seasons of the series "Getting by" and one "soap opera", which was subsequently recognized as the longest of all famous television series. In the same period, the performer learned an intimate relationship with a man, but at first hid his unconventional orientation.

In 1995, he introduced the world a new album, which in the root turned the presentation of the English-speaking world about Latin American music. Of the 300,000 copies of albums, almost half bought listeners from Europe. Many very much loved the song "Maria". Then the recognition of Ricky as an actor came on - he played in the Broadway performance "Molded" major role. After 11 weeks after the play, Ricky issued a fourth album released in 80,000,000 copies.

In 1999, he first signed in English, releasing the next record. It was the composition "Livin" La Vida Loca, "in the future, which became a business card of the performer. By the end of 2000, another album Ricky was released in English. In 2001 he released a song collection in Spanish. A little later - a collection of remixes of the best hits in English.

The next album was presented to the courts of listeners in 2003. The singer noted that, thanks to this album, he wanted to remind himself the same, emotional. After another couple of years, the singer revealed the world's next album "Life", but this record was perceived coldly and he stopped writing composition for a while.

In 2006, the show "Diaries of Ricky Martin" appeared on the screens, where shots were presented from the singer's backstage. In 6 years, the performer again released a new album, carefully selecting the songs from the songs accumulated from him during the idle time.

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Learn it from a thousand: how to determine a man of non-traditional orientation

Martin brings up twins - Valentino and Matteo. Children gave birth to a surrogate mother in 2008. And in 2010, Riki said officially that he is gay. But in 2016, in one of the interviews, he admitted himself to be a bisexual and is ready to have sexual relations not only with men, but also with women.

By that time, the singer had already met with the artist Jwan Yosef and for which he needed such a statement is not clear. Soon the couple declared the engagement, and now that's about the wedding, which, according to Rica, will be held in the coming months.

Photo Instagram.com `

"We exchanged oaths, signed all the documents that had to sign, the marriage contract and everything else", - Martin said to journalists.

He also told that they will arrange a beautiful and memorable ceremony, the celebration will continue for at least three days. Pare left to decide on the wedding venue:

"I became my husband, we will arrange a big party in the coming months, I will tell you".

Photo Instagram.com `

And in a recent conversation with journalists on the "Golden Globe", Martin said that there are few sons to him:

"I want four more couples twins. Yes, I would really like to have a big family. But at the moment I have a lot of work and plus I am getting ready for the wedding. We want to finish it with these things first, and later we will prepare for the adoption of children".

Photo Instagram.com `

So soon you need to expect a lush wedding, and then reports about children - everything, like people.

As you know, on September 20, Puerto Rico Island survived the natural disaster. A monstrous hurricane "Maria" collapsed on him. Ricky Martin brought the inhabitants of the island.