The attitude of Onegin to the plain nobility briefly. What seems to and how does the capital and local nobility differ in the novel "Eugene Onegin"? Exemplary word text

The attitude of Onegin to the plain nobility briefly. What seems to and how does the capital and local nobility differ in the novel "Eugene Onegin"? Exemplary word text

In this article, we offer you an essay about the nobility, which Pushkin shows in the novel "Eugene Onegin".

Nobility (higher light) in the novel "Eugene Onegin".

A.S. Pushkin in his novel "Eugene Onegin" depicted the life of the Russian nobility of the twenties of the XIX century. According to V. G. Belinsky, " he decided to imagine the inner life of this class ».

Special attention The author of the novel gives the St. Petersburg nobility, whose typical representative is Evgeny Onegin. The poet in all details describes the day of his hero, and the day of Onegin is a typical day of the capital's nobleman. Thus, Pushkin recreates the picture of the life of the entire St. Petersburg Society.

Pushkin speaks of the St. Petersburg Supreme Society with a fairing fraction of irony and without special sympathies, because the life of the capital's "monotony and sand", and "light noise" is very quickly bored.

Local, provincial nobility is presented in the novel very widely. This is Uncle Onegin, the Larina family, guests in the name of Tatiana, Zaretsky.

Bright representatives of the provincial nobility gather at Tatiana in the names: Grozdin, " the owner is an excellent, owner of the beggars "; Petushkov, " county France "; Flans, " heavy Gossip, Old Plut ". If the story of Pushkin introduces real historical persons, for example, Caverin, in this case, the author uses the names of famous literary characters: Cattlenins - the heroes of "inexpressible" Fonvizin, Buyanov - Hero "Dangerous neighbor" V.L. Pushkin. The author also consumes speaking surnames. For example, trick means " broken stick "- a hint that he cannot be accepted in a higher society, but in the province he is welcome.

The world of the local nobility is far from excellence, because there are spiritual interests in it, the needs are not determining, as they do not differ in the intelligence of their conversations:

Their conversation is prudent

About Senokosa, about wine,

About Psarn, about his relatives.

However, Pushkin writes about him with greater sympathy than about St. Petersburg. In the provincial nobility, the naturalness and immediacy as the properties of human nature remain.

The neighbors of a kind family,

Necanemonious friends.

Local nobles in the sense of the world weight, life was quite close to the people. This is manifested in relation to nature and religion, in compliance with traditions. The Moscow nobility of Pushkin pays less attention than Petersburg. It takes several years since Pushkin wrote the 1st chapter of his novel, and A.S. Griboedov finished the comedy "grief from the mind," but Pushkin makes it in the epigraph of the seventh chapter Griboyedovsky lines, thereby emphasizing that since then there has been little in Moscow. The second capital always differed by patriarchal. So, for example, Tatyana meets at the Tatyana Sedoy Kalmyk, and Fashion on Kalmykov was at the end of the XVIII century.

Moscow Nobility - the image is collective unlike Petersburg, where Eugene Onegin is the main character. Pushkin, speaking of Moscow, as if inhabiting her heroes of Griboedovskaya comedy, which did not change time:

But they are not visible to change,

All in them on the old sample ...

Appears in Moscow society and a real historical person:

To her (Tatiana) somehow the Vyazemsky hooked ...

But in Moscow, the same bustle, " noise, laughter, running, bows "Who leave indifferent and Tatiana and the author

Pushkin managed to give in the "Eugene Onegin" a detailed picture of the life of the noble class, and at the same time, according to Belinsky, and all of the society "in the one in which from the era chosen by him, that is, in the twenties of the current XIX century."

Here is the written characteristic of the highest society in the novel "Eugene Onegin".

The great Russian critic V. G. Belinsky did not accidentally named Roman A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" "Encyclopedia of Russian Life." This is also due to the fact that no product of Russian literature can compare with an immortal novel in the breadth of the coverage of the modern writer of reality. Pushkin describes his time, noting everything that was essential for the life of that generation: life and morals of people, the state of their souls, popular philosophical, political and economic flows, literary addictions, fashion, etc. During the action of the novel and in lyrical deviations The poet shows all the layers of Russian society, including the highest light of St. Petersburg, noble Moscow and the local nobility.

Petersburg of that time was a real center of cultural political life, a place where the best people in Russia lived. There "blown Fonvizin, a friend of freedom," they conquered the public of the princess and Istris. The author knew well and loved Petersburg, and therefore he was accurate in descriptions, not forgetting any "about salt of a secular anger" or about the "necessary fools", "starchy nahalah", etc. Petersburg is clearly focused on the Western lifestyle, and this It is manifested in fashion, in the repertoire of theaters, in the abundance of "invalid words". The life of the nobleman in St. Petersburg from morning to night is filled with entertainment, but at the same time "one-dimensional". With all his love for the northern capital, Pushkin cannot not be noted that it is the influence of the Higher Petersburg light that the system of education and education and lifestyle adopted in it impose an indelible imprint on the consciousness of a person, making it either empty and worthless or prematurely disappointed in life. The main hero of the novel - Evgeny Onegin is, of course, a capital resident, even though he is on the step above the secular society.

The eyes of a resident of St. Petersburg showed in the Moscow Roman - "Brides Fair". Moscow is provincial, in something patriarchal. Its image consists of nouns, which emphasizes the stillness of this city. And indeed, from the moment the mother of Tatiana left Moscow, in her essentially nothing has changed:

But they are not visible to change;

They are all on the old sample ...

Describing the Moscow nobility, Pushkin is often sarcastic: in the living rooms, he commetes the "incoherent vulgar nonsense" and notes with sadness that in conversations of people who meet in Tatiana's living rooms, "Thoughts will not bother for days."

Modern poet Russia - Russia Rustic, and Pushkin emphasizes this game of words in the epigraph to the second chapter. Probably, therefore, representatives of the security nobility are most brightly shown in the novel. Local nobles live once and for all initiated life order. In the shakers of his uncle, Onegin finds the "Calendar of the Osm Year", for "old man, having a lot of cases, did not look into other books." The life of the local nobility is unisexual, one day is similar to another, and the landowners themselves are "similar" one to another.

It differs from other local landlords only Vladimir Lensky, "with a soul of straight Ghettingen", and even then because he received education in Germany. However, Pushkin notes that, not the perception of Vladimir for a duel, he became such as all the location nobles, in twenty years later repeated the life of the old Larina or Uncle Onegin:

Would recognize life in fact

Gout for forty years had,

Saw, ate, missed, Tolstie, Harel

And finally in his bed

Died in in the middle of children

Flossy women and drugs.

Ironically describes Pushkin and a secular rustic society. It is no coincidence that some guests have the names of the Characters of Pieces Fonvizin. The provincial nobility is largely funny, ridiculous and pity and circle of their interests. Rustic life has, according to Pushkin, to ensure that from the world of romantic dreams, go to the world of everyday worries. But it is no coincidence that it is the "cute ideal" of Pushkin - Tatyana, in the upbringing of which the traditions of high education and folk culture are combined. According to Pushkin, it is the local nobility that lives in close proximity to the people, and therefore it probably laid the idea of \u200b\u200bthe revival of Russia, returning to the whole Russian, to our roots.

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  • Metropolitan and local nobility in Roman A. S. Pushkin "Evgenia Onegin"

    Many pages of the novel "Eugene Onegin" are devoted to the image of the metropolitan and provincial nobility - a lifestyle, the businesses and tastes.

    The poet was an opponent of home education. Superficial training ("something and somehow") becomes the beginning of the surface ratio of young nobles to art (Onegin yawns in the theater) and literature ("He could not have a Yamba from Chorea ... to distinguish"), the reason for the ladies ", Inability to work.

    Describing the way of life of the metropolitan "Hard" (morning walk on the boulevard, lunch in a trendy restaurant, visiting the theater and, finally, a trip to the ball), the author in his departures gives an essay of secular morals ("Big Light Trudes!").

    The author causes the contempt of the morals that reign in the Wednesday of "Svetkaya Cherni": the "cold-blooded debauchery" in this environment, the attitude towards love as to "Science", the dismissed virtue and "fashionable cost" of secular ladies:

    They are harsh behavior

    Frightening timby love

    She was able to attract again ...

    In the medium of "secular mobile" such high concepts as love and friendship are distorted. "Friends" from the number of secular mobile worms, and sometimes dangerous.

    Uncommon, spiritually free, thinking natures are poorly fit into the restrictive framework of secular lzhamorali:

    Fast shower negligence

    Proud insignificance

    Ile insults, Ile is laugh ...

    The secular environment rejects independent minds and welcomes mediocrity. "Society" approves those

    Who did not indulge in strange dreams,

    Who is not strangering secular

    Who in twenty years was Frant Il Vushka,

    L in thirty profitable married ...

    However, representatives of old nobility are also among the metropolitan nobles, in the environment of which the education and mind are valued, the nobility of the manner, a strict taste, the rejection of the vulnerable and vulgar - in a word, all that is customary to communicate with the concept of aristocracy. Becoming the princess, Tatyana "firmly to his role entered", became a genuine aristocrat. She learned to own himself, to restrain his feelings: "As she was, neither she was / surprised, he was amazed ... It preserved the same tone ..." The narration of the evenings in the house of Prince N. Pushkin recreates a special atmosphere of these secular rounds, on which There was a "color of the capital." The author admires the "order of slim oligarchic conversations," describes a relaxed conversation of guests, in which there is no "stupid chemmery", vulgar topics or "eternal truths".

    Metropolitan nobility is a medium in which Onegin rotated for many years. It was formed by his character, hence he made life habits, for a long time identifying his fate.

    The local nobility is represented in the novel, primarily the Larina's family, as well as the neighbors of Onegin (whom he avoided, fearing conversations "about Senokos, about wine, about Craarn, about his relatives"). On the example of the Larina family, the author talks about the lifestyle of the local nobles, about the circle of their reading, tastes and habits. Larina-senior married his will, at the insistence of parents. Initially, she "rushed and cried", being in the village; True virgin habits, she wore a narrow corset, wrote sensitive poems, called the servants to the French way, but later got used to her new life and was mastered in the role of the hostess. As many provincial landlords, Larina "autocarenly" managed his spouse and actively engaged in the economy:

    She drove on the work,

    Solished mushrooms for winter,

    Led expenses, Brill Libi ...

    Patriarchal lifestyle brings places with simple people. Tatiana washed with snow like peasant girls. The closest person for her is nanny, a simple peasant. The wife of Larina observe posts and celebrate the carnival, love "round swings", dance and reflubs. Their house is always open for guests. If Onegin, living in St. Petersburg, was eased exclusively dishes of French or English cuisine, then in the family of Larina, traditional Russian food was adopted. Onegin spent several hours before the mirror. Larin "in a bathrobe ate and drank", his wife wore fur cola and sharp. Describing the death of Larina, the author writes not without irony: "He died in an hour before dinner ...", emphasizing the characteristic feature of the local life: the time of all events (even death) is counting on food time. "The habits of Mila Starny" are preserved in the family of Larina, and after the death of the Father. Larina-Sr. remained the same friendly mistress.

    However, life in the province has its own negative sides. First of all, this is a cutoff of the world, the cultural lag from the life of the capitals. On the name of Tatiana, the author leads the whole "color" of the provincial nobility - trifling, Buyanovy, cattle, cockpit ... Pushkin does not accidentally use here "defining" the names that remind the fired literary tradition of the XVIII century: the characters of the past century appeared on the "feast huge" .

    Describing the noble estate in your novel, Pushkin avoids unambiguous estimates. The county depth, as well as the metropolitan light, is permeated with the contradictory influences of the past and present, reflects the bright and dark sides of life.

    In the novel "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin outlines various stakes of Russian life: brilliant secular St. Petersburg, patriarchal Moscow, local nobles.

    The poet's local nobility represents us primarily in the description of the Larina family. This is a "simple, Russian family," welcoming, the breadpage, faithful "habits of cute antiquity":

    They stored in life peaceful

    Habits of cute antiquity;

    They have oily fat

    Russian pancakes were found;

    Twice a year they are govli;

    Loved round swing,

    Prototious songs, dance;

    On the day of Tritizn, when the people

    Yawning, listens to prayer,

    Mighty on the bunch of dawn

    They dropped the tears of three ...

    In the life history of Tatianina Mother, we opens the frequency fate of the county lady. In his youth, she loved the novels (although they did not read them), had "secular" manners, "sigh" about the Guards Sergeant, but marriage changed her habits and character. Husband took her to the village where she was engaged in the house and farm, after throwing "corset, album, Princess Polina, the washers of sensitive notebook." Gradually, Larina got used to a new way of life and even became satisfied with the fate:

    She drove on the work,

    Solished mushrooms for winter,

    Led expenses, Bril's foreheads,

    Went to the bath on Saturdays,

    Said Bila Hovering -

    All this is a husband not asking.

    A typical county lady in the novel appears Olga. "Always modest, always obedient, always as the morning of cheerful ..." - this is an ordinary, mediocre girl, simple-minded and innocent, both in his ignorance of life and in their feelings. She is not peculiar to deep meditation, strong feelings, any reflection. Having lost Lensky, she soon married. As Belinsky noted, she "became a doznut lad, repeating his mammy, with minor changes that the time required."

    Description of the life of the Larina family, the mothers of Tatyanina Mother, her life in marriage, her authorities over their spouse trying through the author's irony, but Ironically, this "so much love." Fixing over his heroes, Pushkin recognizes the importance of those spiritual values \u200b\u200bthat are present in their lives. In the family of Larina, love reigns, wisdom ("The husband loved her cardiovascular"), the joy of friendly communication ("In the evening, sometimes the neighbors of a kind family converged ...").

    As V. Non-1, the culmination of the episode of Larin is a tombstone inscription: "Smalled sinner, Dmitry Larin, Lord's slave and a brigadier, under the stone, the world." In these stitching, the worldview of Pushkin himself, the features of his nature, his scale of life values, where the priority is given to simple Orthodox life, love, marriage, family.

    Entertainment of the Lifestyle Pushkin's List, portraying the village life of Onegin and Lensky.

    Walking, reading, deep sleep,

    Forest shadow, murmur jets,

    Sometimes the whitefish is black

    Young and Fresh Kiss,

    Jedi obedient horse robust,

    Lunch is pretty whimsical

    Bottle of light wine,

    Privacy, silence ...

    But, giving tribute to simple soulful relations in the family of the Larina and the pretabes of the village life, the poet finds the shortcomings in the "cute heart of Starin." So, Pushkin emphasizes the low intellectual level of landlords, their low spiritual requests. Their interests are not further home care, economic affairs, the subject of the conversation is "Senokos", "Psarnnya", stories about "their relatives".

    The most characteristic of the heroes of these outlined in the scene of the Bala, arranged in the Larina House on the occasion of the name of Tatiana:

    With his spouse doodine

    Fantastic trifles arrived;

    Nails, the owner is excellent,

    Owner of the beggars;

    Cattle, couple gray

    With children of all ages, counting

    From thirty to two years;

    County frank Petushkov,

    My brother cousin, Buyanov,

    In the Puhu, in the Cartome with the visor ...

    And the retired adviser to flanges

    Heavy gossip, old plow,

    Grooming, bribemer and jester.

    Here Pushkin creates images in line with a literary tradition. It outlines human types, already known to readers, and at the same time creates new, bright, characteristic, memorable images.

    So, cattle, "Chet Sea", send us to the heroes of the Comedy of Fonvizin "Nepali". The adviser to Flyans reminds us of Griboedovsky Zagoretsky: "Heavy gossip, an old plow, a fitting, bribemer and a jester." The "county fourth" Petushkov then as if reincarnated in Manilov in the poem Gogol "Dead Souls." "Protein" Buyanov, "In Puhu, in the Cartome with a visor" - Portrait of Nozdrev. Nadies, "The owner is an excellent, owner of the men's men," as if precedes Plushkin's "leaning owner".

    Wednesday is deeply alien to Tatiana, no wonder all these people resemble her monsters. D. Bonostu believed that in the images of the monsters who greeted heroine in a dream, was given a caricature for a small nobility. If we compare two disbuffs from the novel, we will really see explicit similarity in the descriptions. In the dream, Tatyana sees "guests" sitting at the table:

    Lai, laughter, singing, whistle and clas,

    Human sulfur and horse top!

    Approximately the "same picture" appears before us, in the description of the name, arranged in the house of Larina:

    Lai Mosek, Chmokhan Devitz,

    Noise, laughter, crown at the threshold,

    Bowlings, Guest Shaking,

    Kormilitz Creek and crying children.

    Critically evaluated the poet and the morals of the local nobles. So, the Zaretsky, a famous gossip, a duelist, "father of a single family," knows how to "smartly fool nicely", "Claims to silence", "friends to embroil the young and on the barrier to put them, Il to make them squeeze them, in order to chain threesome, and after secretly ... »Lies, intrigue, gossip, envy - all this is plentifully in a quiet county life.

    Zaretsky interferes with the quarrel of Onegin and Lensky and one of his participation begins to "ignite passions". And the terrible drama is played between buddies, there is a duel, the outcome of which becomes Lensky's death:

    Instant cold

    Onegin to the young man in a hurry,

    Looks, calling him ... in vain:

    His is not. Judging singer

    Found a missing end!

    Drove the storm, the color is beautiful

    Faded in the morning dawn

    Flood of fire on the altar! ..

    Thus, the "Court of Mille", "public opinion", "the laws of honor" - the eternal and unchanged categories in Pushkin almost for all styles of Russian life. And the local nobility here is no exception. Life in estates, among the beauties of Russian nature, flows slowly and secluded, tuning their inhabitants to lyrical swarms, but this life is full of drama. Here are also played out their tragedies and youthful dreams are rushing.

    (376 words) Pushkin In his novel, "Eugene Onegin" depicts the metropolitan and local nobility, identifying similar and various features. In this analysis, we really see the encyclopedia of the Russian life, which V. Belinsky wrote about.

    Let's start with the metropolitan nobility. The author notes that the lives of St. Petersburg "monotony and debris". This is a later awakening, "notes" with invitations on the ball, called evening or children's holiday. The hero reluctantly chooses any entertainment, then takes care of his appearance and rides. This is how the time spent almost all the noble society of St. Petersburg. Here people are accustomed to the exterior brilliance, care about the cultural and educated, so they devote a lot of time to conversations about philosophy, about literature, but in reality their culture is only superficial. For example, visiting the theater in St. Petersburg has been turned into a ritual. Onegin comes to the ballet, although it is absolutely not interested in what is happening on the stage. As for the spiritual life, Tatyana in the final calls the secular life to Masquerad. The nobility in the capital lives only with the faithful feelings.

    In Moscow, according to the author, less complaints about high European culture. In the 7th chapter, he does not mention the theater, nor about literature or philosophy. But here you can hear a lot of woven. Everyone discusses each other, but at the same time all conversations are conducted within the framework of the received rules, so you will not hear a single living word in a secular living room. The author also notes that the representatives of the Moscow society do not change over time: "Everything is broken by Luker Lvovna, everything also lies Love Petrovna." No change means that these people do not live truly, but only exist.

    The local nobility is depicted in connection with the rustic life of Onegin and the life of the Larina family. The landowners in the perception of the author are people simple and kind. They live in unity with nature. They are close to folk traditions and customs. For example, the Larina family says: "They kept in the lives of the peaceful habit of cute ancient." The author writes about them with a heavier feeling than about the metropolitan nobles, since life in the village is more natural. They are easy to communicate, are able to be friends. However, Pushkin does not idealize them. First of all, the landowners are far from high culture. They practically do not read books. For example, Uncle Onegin read only the calendar, Tatiana's father did not like to read, however, he "did not see harm in the books," therefore allowed the daughters to be carried away.

    Thus, the landowners in the image of Pushkina are people good-natured, natural, but not too developed, and courtesy appear false, hypocritical, idle, but a little more educated nobles.

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