The most handsome young man. The most beautiful actors of a man

The most handsome young man. The most beautiful actors of a man
The most handsome young man. The most beautiful actors of a man

Beauty issues are very popular and always cause live interest and many discussions among readers and observers of famous gloss.

At the same time, the topics are very popular female beauty and attractiveness, but also male.

Proof of this is the annual compilation of the "Top Most Beautiful Men" rating, which publishes well-known and top glossy editions, including People, Heat World, Vogue, Elle, Men's Health, GQ, Cosmopolitan and many others.

Men's beauty is a rather controversial and very ambiguous concept, which at the same time causes great interest and many disputes on this topic.

After all, the man is attracted rather not beauty, but charisma, masculinity, a sharp mind and a sense of humor.

For the most part, these are the most sought-after and popular Actors of Hollywood, which appear in cash and rating films, collecting millions of viewers around the world.

Top most beautiful men in the world of 2019: photo of the most beautiful men in the world

Top most beautiful men in the world 2019: Ryan Reynolds, Canadian actor and film crewsser
Top most beautiful men in the world 2019: Ryan Gosling, Canadian film actor
Top most beautiful men in the world 2019: Ben Affleck, actor
Top most beautiful men 2019: Chris Hemsworth, Australian actor
Top most beautiful men 2019: Tom Hardy, British actor
Top most beautiful men 2019: Scott Eastwork, actor, model
Self handsome men World of 2019: Brad Pitt, actor, producer
The most beautiful men of the world of 2019: Robert Downey (younger), actor, producer and musician
The most beautiful men of the world 2019: Hugh Jackman, actor, producer
Top most beautiful men 2019: Leonardo di Caprio, actor, producer
The most beautiful men of the world 2019: Johnny Depp, actor
The most beautiful men of the world of 2019: Chris Evans, actor
The most beautiful men in the world of 2019: Michael Fassbender, actor
Top most beautiful men in the world 2019: Christian Bale, actor, film crew
The most beautiful men of the world 2019: Matt Damon, actor
The most beautiful men of the world of 2019: Jake Jillenhol, actor
The most beautiful men of the world of 2019: Matthew McConaja, actor
The most beautiful men of the world 2019: Jason Staten, English actor
The most beautiful men of the world of 2019: Josh Duhamel, actor
Chris Pratt, actor
Jared Summer, actor, singer
The sexiest men in the world of 2019: David Beckham, English football player
The most sexy men in the world of 2019: Colin Farrell, film actor
Beautiful men Actors 2019: Channing Tatum, actor, producer and model
The most beautiful men of the world of 2019: Jamie Dornan, British actor, model and musician
Beautiful Men Actors 2019: Benedict Cumberbatch, actor
George Clooney, actor, film director, producer, screenwriter
Liam Hemsworth, Australian actor
Gerard Butler, Scottish Camera Actle
Bradley Cooper, actor
Robert Pattinson, actor, model and musician
Matt Bomer, actor
Ian Somerhalder, actor
Orlando Bloom, film actor
Justin Timberlake, actor and singer
James Franco, actor
Chris Pine, actor
Zach Efron, actor
Jeremy Renner, actor
Wentorth Miller, actor and screenwriter
Cristiano Ronaldo, Portuguese Footballer
Adam Levin, singer, actor

More than 80,000 journal readers Glamour.(mostly readers western countries) Voted in the annual survey, which should find out who is the sexiest man in the world.

So, in front of you a hundred winners:

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100. Ashton Kutcher

In the photo: Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis

Age: 37 years

American actor, producer and TV presenter. In March 2015, grown millions of his fans, married to the actress Mile Kunis.

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99. Kellan Lutz

In the photo: Kellan Christopher Lats

Age: 30 years

Popular American actor and model. It has gained wide popularity after filming in a series of films "Twilight" as Emmette Callen. Is a person new Mark. Clothes from Calvin Klein.

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98. Jeremy Renner

In the photo: Jeremy Whether Renner

Age: 44 years

American actor who played the roles of roles in popular films, such as the "Lord of the Storm", "The City of Thieves", "Mission Impossible: Protocol Phantom", "Avengers", "Witch Hunters", "Avengers: Era Altron".

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97. James Franco.

In the photo: James Edward Franco

Age: 37 years

American actor, producer, screenwriter, director, writer, artist, filmmaking teacher. Known according to the main roles in the films "Spiderman", "Great Raid", "Tristan and Isolda", "Fighting" and "Lafayette Squadron".

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96. Garrett Hedlund

In the photo: Garrett John Hedlund

Age: 30 years

The American actor who was popular after the role of the Patrole in the film Wolfgang Petersen Troy and Sam Flynna in the film "Throne: Heritage".

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95. Justin Teru.

In the photo: Justin Tera

Age: 43 years

American actor, director, screenwriter. Debuted to the movies as an actor in 1996. In 2006, she took off his own film "Dedication". And in 2010, the film was released " iron Man 2 ", to which Justin Tera's script wrote. Since 2011, it is found with famous actress Jennifer Aniston.

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94. Jason Momoa

In the photo: Joseph Jason Namacaha Momoa

Age: 35 years

The American actor, known for shooting in the film "Conan-Barbarian" in the role of Conan, as well as along the rollers, drowned in the "Games of Thrones", and as Ronon Dex in the TV series "Stargates: Atlantis".

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93. Tom Odell

In the photo: Tom Peter Odelel

Age: 24 years

English singer, composer and musician. His first album came out in June 2013. Since then, its popularity is only growing.

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92. Joseph Gordon-Levitt

In the photo: Joseph Leonard Gordon-Levitt

Age: 34 years

American actor and film director. He began to act in the cinema still at the age of 7. Known to the Russian public on the TV series "Third Planet from the Sun". In 2005, Joseph Gordon-Levitt became widely famous and received recognition of the public worldwide for the role of street hastler in the film "Mysterious Leather". Has a huge filmography. Starred in leading role In the film "Snowden".

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91. John Hamm.

In the photo: Jonathan Daniel Hamm

Age: 44 years

The American actor, to whom the glory came after filming as Don Driver in the television series "Madness". For this role, he even received the Golden Globe.

Men's beauty and sexuality on the counterweight female beauty canons often does not fit into certain norms.

The most beautiful I. related men The world is not necessarily prettier handsome.

Such an opinion has been one of the years old important factors drawing up such ratings as "the sexiest men 2018-2019", among which the most sexy men of the world are not rarely appear different countrieswho do not possess very beautiful appearance, but their external data is still considered particularly attractive among the representatives of the fine sex.

Most female magazines Traditionally make up the rating "The Youngest Men of the World" to demonstrate to our readers who, according to millions of women around the world, are worthy of carrying the title "The most sexy male planet."

In the authoritative rating of "the sexiest men", as a rule, enter the sexiest men - celebrities, because they are known in the face of the woman of the whole planet, they are who Breeding the imagination of beauties, women in different corners Earth.

The most beautiful and desired men of the world are celebrities of cinema, sexy stars of show business, the most sexy sports men and the model industry - all of them unites one thing: they love and recognize how the most desirable handsome and semolisters of female hearts.

Many women do not agree with the opinion of experts who allocate among the first one or other male representatives.

Most often, a woman commented on the list of sexiest men, insisting on the presence of their pet.

The TopxStyle team also decided to make a small photo of the "Sexual Men - Top 50" rating, offering their list to readers famous world This, which excite the hearts and are a dream for many girls.


The fame of these men is no doubt, because they are bright representatives of the world of cinema and other spheres public Lifewho do not cease to appear before the public and, which always speak in the news of the secular chronicle.

Presented in our top the sexiest men possess not only memorable appearance, beautiful bodyBut are very talented in their business.

Undoubtedly, we expect many of our readers to appreciate those who hit the "Sexual Men - Top 50" rating, but, no doubt, many will return to our list, and will call those who, in their opinion, more worthy to have a loud title " The sexiest man. "


List and photo Overview of the most desirable men in the world

Actor Shahid Kapar also got into our top 50, because he is one of the sexiest men of India. Costas Martajis is the sexiest man from Greece. Building his career in the film industry and model business. The most sexy men models - Top 50: Marcus Shenkenberg is not only an actor, a well-known showman, but also world celebrity in the model business. The most sexy men are models - the top 50: Nick Beitman, undoubtedly, handsome. To whom, as it does not demonstrate fashionable brands on the podiums. Right from Canada. Rating The most sexy men of the world - Top 50: English actor Teo James.
Rating The most sexy men of the world - Top 50: Cinema Personality with a special charisma, charming Hugh Jackman.


Rating The most sexy men in the world - the top 50: sexual intellectual and sociopath - this is exactly what the British actor Benedict Cumberbatch of the woman is perceived.
In our rating, the most sexy men of the world - the top 50 hit the Turkish actor and pet pet Chagatai Ulusoy.
Rating The most sexy men in the world - the top 50 continues the actor, producer and screenwriter from Britain Tom Hardy. Rating The most sexy men in the world - Top 50: Actor from Ireland with German roots Michael Fassbender. Rating The most sexy men of the world - Top 50: American actor and pets of women Ben Affleck for many years under the row not coming out of such ratings. Rating The most sexy men in the world - Top 50: American actor with fascinating and piercing look Ian Somerhalder.
Rating The most sexy men in the world - Top 50: Actor from Scotland Gerard Butler. Rating The most sexy men in the world - Top 50: Actor, director and singer, who is often removed in the series, Jensen Eclas. Rating The most sexy men in the world - Top 50: Actor with typical appearance Female pet Chris Pine. Rating The most sexy men of the world - Top 50: Australian actor Chris Hemsworth.
The sexiest men are the top 50: hollywood actor And the leading Ashton Kutcher is married to actress Mile Kunis, loving father and good husband. The sexiest men are the top 50: Turkish actor Talkhan Saolyman. At the beginning of this year he married Almeda Abazi. The most sexy men are the top 50: American Cinema, Captain America (Marvel) - Chris Evans. The sexiest men are the top 50: Charismatic actor Hollywood with a charming smile Will Smith. The sexiest men are the top 50: actor, model and musician from Britain Jamie Dornan, who became one of the most discussed actors after the release of the film "50 shades of gray." The sexiest men are the top 50: actor and producer from Canada Ryan Reynolds. Married to Blake Lavli. Sexic Men 201-2019 - Top 50: Star model business Stein de Jong. The sexiest men are the top 50: Enrique Iglesias - famous spanish singer And the author of the songs went in the footsteps of Hulio Iglesias Father. Meets Anna Kournogova. Dreams to become a father.
The sexiest men are the top 50: Matt Bomer is American Cinema. He became popular after the release of the series "White Collar". American actor from the Film Family Jake Jillenhol also enters our rating the most sexy men - the top 50.
The most sexy men are celebrities - the top 50: Channing Tatum is not only an actor, but also a model. Also implemented itself as a producer. Robert Downey - Truly one of the most charming and attractive men Star Olympus. He is also in our top 50. The sexiest men are the top 50: Handsome André Ziehe from Brazil became famous for the whole world, becoming a model. Rating The most sexy men of the world - Top 50: Actor with great creative potential Johnny Depp. Rating The most sexy men of the world - Top 50: Handsome of the UK - Actor Henry Cavill. Rating The most sexy men in the world - Top 50: Actor Keanu Reeves has always been great among the beautiful sex. The sexiest men are the top 50: Ryan Guzman - Handsome, an actor and model Pot two meters in growth declared himself, starring together in the picture with Jennifer Lopez. The most sexy celebrity men - Top 50: Actor Bradley Cooper, Husband Irina Shayk, Happy Dad Little Princess Lea de Cien Shake Cooper. The sexiest men are the top 50: Writer and Hollywood actor Matt Damon is now removed in the film "Eight friends of Owen". The sexiest men are the top 50: Daniel Radcliffe, familiar to everyone on the fantastic film "Harry Potter" already grew, and is now ready for new creative incarnations and roles.
Once a sex character of Hollywood Brad Pitt, who is now in life not the most best times Due to the divorce with Angelina Jolie, although not young, but still enters the top 50 sexiest men of the world of almost all ratings. The sexiest men are the top 50: american singer, author and composer Justin Timberlake - one of the most popular foreign performers. Married to Jessica Bil. The sexiest men 2018-2019 - Top 50: Hollywood actor Dave Franco tried himself in all spheres of the film industry, engaged in producing, creating scripts and directorial work. The sexiest men are the top 50: Josh Duhamele the world learned else when he was a model. Now he is a successful actor, happy husband and father. Married to Fergie. Rating The Yoursic Sexy Men - Top 50: English Film Actor, known as James Bond - Daniel Craig. The most sexy stars men - Top 50: Actor Jud Lowe exchanged the fifth tenth, but, as before, conquers the hearts of fans with blue screens. Always speaks in an interview, as far as he loves his children.
You have undoubtedly remember on the film "Alexander". Another sexy man is a celebrity - actor Colin Farrell. Our top 50 continues the actor from Australia Sam Worthington. The most sexy men's men - the top 50: Liam Hemsworth - Actor from Australia. Another handsome in our list is Chris Prett. Famous football player David Beckham is not only an example of a successful personality, but also a sample good father and husband. The most desirable men 2018-2019: Another cinema and model, went in the footsteps of a talented father. Scott Eastwood - the son of the actor Klinte Isovda. Sexy actor Zak Efron with a pretty face was successful after filming in the pictures of "128 heart blows per minute", "Lucky", etc. The most sexy men actors - Top 50: Canadian actor Ryan Gosling broke up with Eva Mendez because of her jealousy. The most sexy men in the world - the top 50: 56-year-old Hollywood actor George Clooney is no longer young, but still welcome and charismatic. Now the actor tries himself in the most difficult role - the father of his own kids. (Recently u famous actor Double born).

There were already those times when it was believed that a man should be a little more beautiful monkey. Therefore, at present, beauty does not only apply to representatives of beautiful sex. After all, the heart of any woman will tremble when a beautiful, charismatic, brutal man will appear before her gaze. Thanks to demand for male beauty Different ratings appear, among which there are the most beautiful men in the world.

The most beautiful men in the world in history

Frank Sinatra - famous singer And the actor who was the benchmark of the style of the last century. His manners appearance And even the clothes shouted about his charisma. And blue eyes and fascinating voice have been crazy with many women. In addition, the man himself loved women, he had many beloved. Frank starred at 20 kinocartines, he left 70 albums with his singing creativity.

Known by Ratt Batler in the picture " gone With the Wind» Clark Gables Enjoyed success in many women. He was not " blue blood", I started my career with roles in the crowd. Then he began to be filmed in Western films, after which he had the roles of seductors. The received Oscar brought him several main roles. And the game in the film "Worked by the Wind" gave the actor world glory.

Famous American singer Elvis Presley He was a cumome of millions of girls around the world. Beautiful, charismatic, talented and successful Elvis deserved the title of "King Rock and Roll" and the most beautiful man of the last century.

Robert Radford For a long time was considered the sexiest man of the world. The actor talent revealed in the 60s of the last century. Since then, the handsome has not been deprived of female attention, although in childhood the actor did not differ in attractive external data. But soon Robert was transformed, and a huge talent and charm joined the beautiful appearance.

Carey Grant - Hollywood handsome, who was distinguished by the manners of the real gentleman, was Mr. Perfection. By the way, it was this actor that was the prototype of James Bond. This is not surprising, because in the grant, beautiful external data, elegance, style, masculinity were awkling. In the 30s of the last century, he was considered a sex symbol.

I have already become a none name Alena Delon Familiar to every girl. French actor It is known for the whole world not only due to its beauty, but also excellent acting talent. Despite its easy childhood, Alain was constantly evolving, and that is why he achieved huge achievements, won the hearts of many women. If the most beautiful men of the world are mentioned, then Alain in most cases will be present in the list.

American actor Marlon Brando - The brightest representative of the beautiful men of the XX century. In the 50s, starring in several films, the man did not go unnoticed and was recognized as a sex symbol of America. The actor was subject to different roles, it was easily reincarnated, and that is why he was able to achieve great success.

Intellectual beauty Marchello Mastroanni became a sip fresh air in the last century. The Italian actor attracted not only with his beautiful appearance, but also by the mind, restraint and seriousness.

By education, the doctor, and in the end the actor Robert Taylor. possessed unearthly beauty. The agent of one film studio who noticed his agent propheted to him the glory of the Hollywood actor, and was not mistaken. Even men were not shy to admit that Taylor is a handsome man, in which attractive appearance, unconflubbility, manners and talent.

The most beautiful men of the 21st century

Johnny Depp - Fancy inhabitants of handsome ratings. An American actor often shines on the covers of fashionable gloss, as a handsome recognized by the whole world. With age, Johnny does not lose its beauty and charisma, and, on the contrary, will increase them, than pleases their fans with new interesting roles.

In addition to the fact that Johnny Depp is a handsome man and an excellent actor, he also plays wonderful guitar. One of the evidence is the clip of Paul McCartney "My Valentine"

Hero Sagie "Twilight" Robert Pattison Often appears in various ratings of the most beautiful men. Around this often flared up, but still it is worth recognizing that it has a unique beauty that is inherent in many British.

Handsome family from Portugal and part-time footballer Cristiano Ronaldo Forces women's hearts Beat much more often. Sexy body, black hair and dazzling smile influenced representatives of a beautiful floor, attracted them to the TV screens and stadiums to see Cristiano on the field. In the ranking, the most beautiful men of the world he is undoubtedly deserved.

High blonde Chris Hemsworth I remember my roles in Tore and Avengers. The man perfectly combines the work of the actor and the dad three of wonderful kids. In addition, he monitors his body, so it is not surprising that female Half The population of the world is crazy about him.

Does not lag behind her beautiful and sexual wife Brad Pitt. Of course, the actor has already become the position and is inferior to youthful handsome, but no longer can do one rating without him, especially if these are the most beautiful men in the world. Nevertheless, with age, the actor does not become less attractive, he also plays in films that have global success.

Sexy handsome Tom Hardy In any case, it deserves to be in this ranking. It looks for children's directness in combination with masculby and brutality. Tom is another confirmation that the British are rather attractive men.

Recently Zac Efron He was a young young man, but now he is a generated man, whose fans are not only teenage girls. In addition, the Hollywood actor has long been in the list of the richest celebrities according to Forbes.

American frontman mAROON groups 5 Adam Levin. Conquers women with their tattooed body and unbridity. Voice, smile and glance can be crazy any girl.

Prince Pierre Caisirgi - Son Princess Monaco. Handsome has not only an attractive appearance, but also extremely versatile interests - extreme sports, languages, a game on a saxophone.

Where the most beautiful men of the world live

On any continent you can find your handsome. But still there are countries where their number simply rolls.

Many girls, having been in Spain, unambiguously say that the most beautiful men of the world are born there. Passionate, dark, burning - they certainly attract the attention of women. Bright representatives Spaniards are world celebrities - singer Enrique Iglesias, actor Antonio Banderas, actor Mario Casas, football player Gerard Peak, Rontaper Fernando Alonso.

Australia - sunny country, surrounded from all sides by the endless ocean. This state presented the world a lot of beautiful men. These are actors, and athletes, and singers. Actors Russell Crowe, Jesse Spencer, Liam Hamsworth, Hugh Jackman - all these handsome people from the distant Australian mainland.

The United States of America is another habitat of beautiful men. This country gave the world many actors, singers, athletes who head all sorts of ratings of the most beautiful men in the world - George Clooney, Tom Cruise, Hugh Grant, Ryan Gosling, Chris Pine, Yen Somerhalder, Justin Timberlake.

Many believe that Sweden, Israel, Italy, France and the United Kingdom are also rich in beautiful sexy men. In these countries, men have a certain taste in clothing, as well as their own unique style.

The most beautiful men of Russia

Young actor Danil Kozlovsky It is a symbol of a Russian cinema focused on Hollywood. Black hair, brutal bristle, high growth Supplement the beauty and talent of the actor, making it attractive for many girls not only from Russia.

Even outside the set Danil Charismatic and artistic. In addition to the stylish photo session on the video below, the actor answers interesting questions.

Russian football player Alexander Kerzhakov It is often glowing in the ratings of the most beautiful football players of the world. Beautiful bright appearance combines with kindness and modesty. A man often participates in charitable promotions and helps funds.

Ivan Urgant - Brilliant, positive TV presenter and actor. Charisma, an excellent sense of humor, high growth and a stunning smile gave him a lot of fans. And his hardworking and dreams helped a man to succeed in the media sphere.

Singer Egor Cryd. Not so long ago broke on russian scene, but already has a crowd of fans in his arsenal who boldly call him the most beautiful. Sweet voice, attractive appearance and talent did their job. Now the singer is called the "Russian Justin Timberlake".

Alexander Ovechkin He glorified Russia for the whole world with his playing hockey. Lovelace and a walk - he attracts women to himself. Hockey player was able to charm the Hollywood beauty Fergi, but their relationship before the wedding did not reach, however, like other novels of the Handsome.

Loves of millions of women in Russia Sergey Bezrukov Wrags his own actor's game and a stunning smile. Any woman who looked at least one film with Sergei will be able to find out a handsome voice. The appearance of the actor is also not forgotten.

Russian singer Dima Bilan. He knows the whole world after his brilliant speech at the Eurovision contest. The handsome is actively watching his appearance and body, but in a personal life hides. But it does not prevent many girls in secret dream about him.

Mannequin Arthur Kulkov It is the most sought-after mannequin from Russia, which shines on world podiums. He comes from Siberia, but in adolescence moved with his parents to the states. Thanks to his beautiful appearance and hard work on himself, the guy entered the top five leaders of the most highly paid Men models according to Forbes.

Created image "Macho" Dmitry Nagiyev He began to give his fruits. The hero of the TV series "Fizruk" was able to restore the title of sex symbol of Russia again. Strong, courageous, brutal and punched man can not help women. And Dmitry is exactly the same, and thanks to his charisma, the actor won universal love.

Popular actor Vladimir Mashkov Like women of all age. No wonder it is called the first sex symbol of the country. By the way, the handsome lit up in Hollywood, playing in the film "Mission Impossible: Phantom Protocol". Despite the fact that the actor lives on two houses - Russia and America, he has time to actively starve in Russian films and TV shows.