Comparative characteristic: Pechorin and Pereshnitsky. Comparative characteristics of the pears with the peopling

Comparative characteristic: Pechorin and Pereshnitsky. Comparative characteristics of the pears with the peopling

On the question Comparative characteristics Pechistan and pearshnitsky? Preferably table. Thank you) asked by the author Daria Serebryakova The best answer is Pechorin by origin Aristocrat received secular education. Coming out from under the care of relatives, he "got into the big light" and "began to enjoy madly with all the pleasures." The frivolous life of the aristocrat was soon the opposite, bored and reading books. After the "surviving history in St. Petersburg," Pechorina refers to the Caucasus. Drawing the appearance of his hero, the author of several strokes does not indicate its aristocratic origin: "pale", "noble forehead", "Little aristocratic hand", "dazzling-clean linen." Pechorin is a physically strong and hardy person. It is endowed with an outstanding mind, critically evaluating the world. He reflects on the problems of good and evil, love and friendship, above the meaning human life. In the evaluation of contemporaries self-critical: "We are not capable of more than great sacrifices for the good of humanity, nor even for our own happiness." It dismantled in humans is not satisfied with the sleepy life of the "Water Society" and gives the characteristics of the capital aristocrats. Most fully and deep inner world Pechorin is revealed in the story of "Princess Meri", where his meeting is happening with Grucnitsky.
Grushnitsky - Juncker, he is the most ordinary young man who dreams of love, "asterisks" on the pursuit. Effect is his passion. In a new officer uniform, painted, smelling in spirits, he goes to Mary. He is mediocrity, he is inherent in one completely prosperous weakness at his age - "to drag into unusual feelings", "passion to reclaim". He seems to play fashionable at that time the role of a disappointed hero, "a creature, immunified by some secret suffering." Grushnitsky is a completely successful parody of Pechorin. That is why the young Juncker is not so pleasant to him.
With his pathetic behavior, the pearshnitsky, on the one hand, emphasizes the nobility of Pechorin, and on the other, as if she was erased by all sorts of differences between them. After all, Pechorin and spoke himself and prince Mary himself, which, of course, was not a deed noble. Yes, and the princess he never loved, but simply used her gullibility and love for the fight against Grushnitsky.
The pearshnitsky, as a narrowed person, at first does not understand the relationship with Pechorina him. Hushchnitsky seems to himself self-confident, very insightful and significant: "I feel sorry for you, Pechorin," he condescendingly. But events are not catching up by Pechorin's plan. And now the Juncker, besophured by passion, jealousy and indignation, appears before us in a different light. It turns out to be not so harmless, capable of revenge, dishonest and meanness. One who recently played a nobility, today is capable of shooting in an unarmed person. The duel scene reveals the essence of the Pereshnitsky, shoot, I despise myself, and I hate you. If you do not kill me, I will drop you at night because of the corner. We have no place together on Earth ... Grushnitsky rejects the reconciliation of Pechorin chlorinously shoots it. The situation becomes irreversible, the Pereshnitsky dies by drinking a bowl of the shame of repentance and hatred to the end.
On the eve of the duel, remembering the living life, Pechorin is thinking about the question: why did he live? What goal was born? And immediately answers: "And right, she existed, and, right, it was a high appointment, because I feel in my soul of my strength." And then Pechorin understands that he has long played "The role of the ax in the hands of fate"
So, the image of the pearshrick helps to reveal the main thing in central hero novel. Grushnitsky - false mirror Pechorina - the truth and significance of the experiences of this "suffering egoist".

In the novel "Hero of Our Time" Lermontov tried to oppose the chief hero another character. This allowed the most clearly disclosure and show how much they coincide their views on life.

The comparative characteristic of Pechorin and Grushnitsky in the "Hero of our time" novel will help the reader understand that despite external similarity characters between them are not enough and they are completely different personalityBut from this to observe their actions throughout the work even more interesting.

Childhood and upbringing

Gregory Alexandrovich Pechorin nobleman. In whose spent the aristocratic blood flowed. Education of the parents gave him good, as she applies to the people of their level. Rich and educated. A resident of St. Petersburg.

Grushnitsky noble origin. Guy from the people. Provincial. His parents are very ordinary people. He always went out in the village, he always sought to leave his native places to achieve something in life, and not to stive in the wilderness of boredom. Got a good education. Romantic by nature.


Grigory Young young man, 25 years old. In all the aids, the breed was evoked. Blondes whose hair marveling from nature. Black mustache and eyebrows. High forehead. Karie, cold eyes. Medium height. Well built. Pale color Persons. Little hands with long, thin fingers. Gait slightly careless. Dressed Pechorin is good, rich. Clean clothes, always lowered. He does not attach appearance Values \u200b\u200bdo not try to impress.

Grushnitsky 20 years old. Black-haired. Small skin. Well built. Whiskered. Face features expressive. Loves to make an impression. Attaches great importance appearance.


  • it is reasonable. Self-assured;
  • perfectly disassembled in people and relationships;
  • has an analytical mindset;
  • cynic. Craven and peeled into the tongue. Manipulates people for their own purposes;
  • proud;
  • restrained in the manifestation of emotions;
  • secretive;
  • well uses its advantages.
  • romantic;
  • emotional;
  • does not manipulate people;
  • loves to depict an sufferer. Inclined to dramatize everything;
  • smart;
  • self-causing by nature;
  • evil and envious;
  • seeks to all please;
  • capacked betrayal.

The role of Pechorin and Grushnitsky in society

Pechorin Always behaved as if he had challenged himself and the world around. He is disappointed with life. Can not find a place in society and work in the soul. These eternal search for the meaning of life turned him and empty. Tired and lonely. It makes fun of metropolitan aristocrats, seeing their vices through.

Grushnitsky Enjoying life B. modern society. He is soul of secular evenings, where it is possible to show yourself and feel like one of them. For him, such a lifestyle is acceptable. He sought him with all his soul, dreaming about it from ornamental years.

They look like each other, but at the same time too different. Grushnitsky pathetic parody of Pechorin. In the desire to keep up with the peopling, it is ridiculous and ridiculous. The character of Hushchnitsky revealed the depth of his soul in Pechorin, the main quality of nature.

Pechorin by origin Aristocrat received secular education. Coming out from under the care of relatives, he "got into the big light" and "began to enjoy madly with all the pleasures." The frivolous life of the aristocrat was soon the opposite, bored and reading books. After the "surviving history in St. Petersburg," Pechorina refers to the Caucasus. Drawing the appearance of his hero, the author of several strokes does not indicate its aristocratic origin: "pale", "noble forehead", "Little aristocratic hand", "dazzling-clean linen." Pechorin is a physically strong and hardy person. It is endowed with an outstanding mind, critically evaluating the world around. He reflects on the problems of good and evil, love and friendship, above the meaning of human life. In the evaluation of contemporaries self-critical: "We are not capable of more than great sacrifices for the good of humanity, nor even for our own happiness." It dismantled in humans is not satisfied with the sleepy life of the "Water Society" and gives the characteristics of the capital aristocrats. The most fully and deep inner world of Pechorina reveals in the story of "Princess Meri", where his meeting is happening with Grucnitsky.
Grushnitsky - Juncker, he is the most ordinary young man who dreams of love, "asterisks" on the pursuit. Effect is his passion. In a new officer uniform, painted, smelling in spirits, he goes to Mary. He is mediocrity, he is inherent in one completely prosperous weakness at his age - "to drag into unusual feelings", "passion to reclaim". He seems to play fashionable at that time the role of a disappointed hero, "a creature, immunified by some secret suffering." Grushnitsky is a completely successful parody of Pechorin. That is why the young Juncker is not so pleasant to him.
With his pathetic behavior, the pearshnitsky, on the one hand, emphasizes the nobility of Pechorin, and on the other, as if she was erased by all sorts of differences between them. After all, Pechorin and spoke himself and prince Mary himself, which, of course, was not a deed noble. Yes, and the princess he never loved, but simply used her gullibility and love for the fight against Grushnitsky.
The pearshnitsky, as a narrowed person, at first does not understand the relationship with Pechorina him. Hushchnitsky seems to himself self-confident, very insightful and significant: "I feel sorry for you, Pechorin," he condescendingly. But events are not catching up by Pechorin's plan. And now the Juncker, besophured by passion, jealousy and indignation, appears before us in a different light. It turns out to be not so harmless, capable of revenge, dishonest and meanness. One who recently played a nobility, today is capable of shooting in an unarmed person. The duel scene reveals the essence of the Pereshnitsky, shoot, I despise myself, and I hate you. If you do not kill me, I will drop you at night because of the corner. We have no place together on Earth ... Grushnitsky rejects the reconciliation of Pechorin chlorinously shoots it. The situation becomes irreversible, the Pereshnitsky dies by drinking a bowl of the shame of repentance and hatred to the end.
On the eve of the duel, remembering the living life, Pechorin is thinking about the question: why did he live? What goal was born? And immediately answers: "And right, she existed, and, right, it was a high appointment, because I feel in my soul of my strength." And then Pechorin understands that he has long played "The role of the ax in the hands of fate"
So, the image of the pearshrick helps to reveal the main thing in the central hero of the novel. Grushnitsky - Kryvoy Pechorin Mirror - the truth and significance of the experiences of this "suffering egoist" is determined.

In his novel, the "Hero of Our Time" M.Yu.lermonts depicts typical representatives of its time - the thirties of the nineteenth century. The depth and inconsistency of the nature of the main character is most clearly manifested in the correlation of it with the rest of the characters, one of which is Gruchnitsky.

Junker Grushnitsky is a narcissistic type that only his own person cares. Pechorin is also used to "pampering his pride ...", but it does not prevent him from carefully studying the people around him.

Grigory Pechorin Presidet elite With his insignificant interests and cunning intrigues. Herashnitsky, on the contrary, dreaming to get into social SocietyIt seeks to get acquainted with the aristocrats and master the generally accepted manners.

Pechorin painfully suffers from solitude and lack of noble goals in his life. For a pear disappointment - only tribute to fashion and the chance to "ask."

The junker is not distinguished by a special mind. "You're a fool!" - tells him the Dragun captain. In Gregory, Alexandrovich, we see a living and deep mind, which allows him to give a taking characteristics of others and philosophically to argue about the nature of people, friendship, love.

Grushnitsky - man cowardly. "Coward!" - throws him captain. Pechorin disappeared: before neutralizing the murderer of the vool, he thinks over his actions.

Junker "says ... Soon and preponderantly ...". The main character Little-class: "... First, because listening to less tiring; secondly, it is impossible to say; Thirdly, you can find out someone else's mystery ... "

In the sharp moments of Roman, Grushnitsky becomes petty and even dangerous. Failure Mary pushes a Juncker to frank lowness: it becomes a source of rumors about it. On the eve of Duele, Grushnitsky commits new meanness, releasing a bullet in an unarmed person. In the nature of Pechorin, courage and nobility are clearly manifested. The protagonist not only "defended ... from slander" Knuckle Mary on a duel, but honestly interrupted a romantic connection with her.

There is a certain similarity between the pechers and the peushnitsky: both noble origin, both military, both very proud. At the same time, the spiritual, moral and social abyss, turning them into irreconcilable opponents, runs between young people.

Essay 2.

From how the relationship between heroes in a particular work is developing, understanding, resolving its conflict, determination of the main thought.

Memorable events of the novel M. Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time", in which Pechorin and Grushnitsky became participants, contain full characteristics People of that generation, whose images the author revealed on the pages of the novel. Opposition to heroes, demonstrating them general damn Presented to identify deficiencies that spoil people lead to undesirable consequences.

Youth, education, beginning military Career "Everything you can wish to wish to any respected yourself, aspiring to a brilliant future person. That is the heroes. However, each of them uses the opportunity submitted by fate.

Being the main character of the novel, Pechorin attracts the attention of each member of society, wherever appeared. Grushnitsky by all means achieves attention to himself. In addition to the fact that it was "well complicated," hesitated the pompous speeches.

The toastfulness of Pechorina's mind, the observation make his inner world is richer, since it is distinguished by the desire and ability to study people, analyze their actions. Grucnitsky "does not know people and their weak strings," he is not interested in the process of knowing someone else's soul. Characterized only superficial judgments, set beautiful phrases. Focusing on yourself, confident in the action of a similar way to people.

Full indifference to those surrounding, to love, the friendship of Pecherin speaks of his fatigue. Curiosity causes only what can decorate it for a while free timeGet rid of boredom. The opponent will gladly dip in the atmosphere of fun and love.

In the subconscious, a psychological experiment with people who are next to him, Pechorin understands that it often causes them offense and cornopiness. But does not leave himself without criticism, does not spare, opening the causes of the actions. Grushnitsky is not able to find weak and strengthsSince his self and confidence overlap the mind. He is always trying to impress appearance or new. Does not see the reasons for condemning himself.

Each of the heroes are endowed with the grief, but the Grucnitsky will not kill anyone in one word. " The comments of the same Pecherin are sometimes offensive, humiliate the addressee.

Mystery always reigns around the main character of the novel. Hushchnitsky is artificially trying to create it, but it is simple in any atmosphere, no different difference from others.

Despite the endless mental processes of Pecherin, a storm of emotions, he acts as an insensible interlocutor, who does not notice anything on his face. " Coldness, calculation, secrecy are an external manifestation internal struggle feelings. Each thought of the Pereshnitsky has an expression on his face. This is suffering, and tenderness, and thoughtfulness.

Based on the differences and similarities in the characteristics of heroes, it is possible to conclude about the errors of the generation of people who wanted to portray the author.

Option 3.

M.Yu.Lermontov set itself to portray in the novel "Hero of our time" all generation. One of the main characters, which helped to reveal the image of Pechorin, is a pears. It was he who arose in the novel "Princess Mary."

This episode here is most deeply detected. spiritual world Character. The moment when Pechorin meets with the pearshnitsky, is considered to be a stronger story. After all, it was then that the whole life of Pecherin is an experience not only over himself, but also other people. Hushchnitsky does not act as tools, with whom it would be possible to fight, but Pechorin refers to it contemptuously. Why doesn't the young junker do not like Pechorin? After all, this is an ordinary young man that dreams about love relationship, honors and emergences of an officer. He is an ordinary young man striving to play fashion trend among young generation The hero who is disappointed in life and is doomed to experience. It may be a pear, thus wants to show how presented in this society Pechorin, and therefore he hates the Junker. But he is so fake, and arrogance and duplicities just Grigory and does not carry out.

Pechorin, while offended by the Pereshnitsky, hesitates him, in love with the Mary, in which his opponent is in love. The rest of Pecherin's relationship is not clear to him, namely his games against him, which has already begun. Initially, he even applies to Gregory condescendingly, as it represents it is inspired and an important person. However, when Marya flashes with feelings to our character, then the pearshnitsky appears to be vengeful and mean.

The act, conceived by the people, becomes tragic. When he called Grushnitsky to the duel to protect the honor of Mary, he experiments on the Junker, forcing him to shoot himself, knowing that the weapon was idle. And the one who recently boasts her generosity shoots a unarmed person. In this case, the demonic forces of Nature of Pechorin showed out, namely he did evil with great art. Gregory remains to live, but kills the opponent.

In the work, the image of Grushnitsky acts as a crooked mirror of Pechorin, sharing the real experiences of a selfish person and an outstanding nature. But in the situation with Hushchnitsky, the whole danger in the philosophy of individualism is especially revealed. The author is only deeply penetrated in all corners. human soulwhich was without faith and imbued with full disappointment.

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Two bright character Roman Mikhail Yurevich Lermontov "The Hero of Our Time" is a Juncker of Grignitsky and officer Grigory Pechorin.

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Comparative characteristics of the pears and Pechorina

In the work of Lermontov "Hero of our time", or rather, in one of its parts, there are two heroes, one of which is the most important, and exists throughout the novel. This personality is Pechorin.

Grigory Pechorin is a person who is not subject to anyone. No one could take this person, as well as to understand it to the end. After all, Pechorin is a very original and mysterious, since never really had friends, and did not share with anyone with his innermost thoughts.

Pechistan never fell in love and did not like truly. He ruined all those who did not risk him to love. He very successfully enjoyed people, and often despised them, since in nature was arrogant and even turned out. But at the same time, he was beautiful, and the breed was felt in it, what distinguished him from other people.

Pechorin is a person who does not need a marriage way, as he called it. He always wanted to stay free in his actions. He also did not tolerate boasting in humans, as he considered it the highest nonsense and worthlessness. That is why he did not tolerate the Grucnitsky, who had these qualities in the police. Pechorin is the one who remained in the hearts of many of someone is clearly unusual, cold, even a bit arrogant, and at the same time - so mysterious, and so brave. This character was not everyone liked, but still this person is worthy of some degree of admiration.

Grucnitsky is precisely the type of people who despises everyone who is below him, and all those who are a little above the situation and the title above - respects or just flattering with a premium smile, when as for his eyes - scolds and envies. He did not see Pechorina above himself, although somewhere on the subconscious level it was worried about him, because he understood that Pechorin could not be below his position in everything, although he did not want to believe - which is higher. That is why he hated Pechorin, although it seems to have very friendly relations.

Grushnitsky is a man who loves to boast and show himself to everyone - what is good, smart and beautiful. This is what led him - excessive pride never leads to good end. He did not see himself from the side, and did not know how to think over something too far ahead. And never paid attention to others, especially on their feelings. Although he was very pretty, and also an officer, but he could only interest appearance in the first impression, as well as the smartness, but not more. When as Pechorin, I was interested in all from the moment of the meeting and away.

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