Characteristic of visual learning methods. Demonstration illustration. Practical methods

Characteristic of visual learning methods. Demonstration illustration. Practical methods

Under visual learning methods Methods are understood under which the learning material assimilation is substantially depending on the visual benefits and technical means used in the learning process. Visual methods are used in relationships with verbal and practical learning methods and are intended for visual sensual acquaintance of students with phenomena, processes, objects in their natural form or in a symbolic image using all sorts of drawings, reproductions, schemes, etc. In modern school, the on-screen technical means are widely used.

Visual learning methods can be conditionally divided into three groups:

² method of illustrations

² demonstration method,

² video meter.

Method illustration Ensures showing the disciples of illustrative aids, posters, tables, paintings, cards, sketches on the board, flat models, etc.

Demonstration method Usually associated with the demonstration of instruments, experiments, technical installations, movies, diamers, etc.

Objectives of the method of visibility in elementary school:

Enrichment and expansion of the immediate sensual experience of children,

Observation development

Study of specific properties of objects,

Creating conditions for the transition to abstract thinking, learn for self-teaching and systematization of the studied.

In primary classes, visibility is used:






The demonstration serves mainly to disclose the dynamics of studied phenomena, but is widely used and for familiarization with the appearance of the subject, its internal device or location in a number of homogeneous items. When demonstrating natural objects, it is usually started with an appearance (value, form, color, parts, and their relationship), and then go to the internal device or individual properties that are specifically highlighted and underlined.

The demonstration begins with a holistic perception. This method is truly effective only when an active cognitive process is carried out - the children themselves study the items, processes and phenomena, perform the necessary actions, establish dependencies.

The process of demonstration should be built so that:

All students were well seen a demonstrated object;

Could perceive it if possible by all the senses, and not only with their eyes;

The right side of the object was made to students the greatest impression and attracted maximum attention.

The illustration involves showing and perceiving objects, processes and phenomena in their symbolic image with posters, cards, portraits, photos, drawings, schemes, reproductions, flat models, etc.

Recently, the practice of visibility has been enriched with a number of new funds.

Demonstration and illustration methods are used in close connection, complementing and enhanced joint action. When the learning process or phenomenon should perceive in general, a demonstration is used, when it takes to realize the entity of the phenomenon, the relationship between its components is resorted to the illustration. The effectiveness of the illustration depends on the display technique. Election of illustrative benefits and form of illustration, the teacher thinks out their didactic purpose, place and role in the cognitive process. It also has the problem of determining the optimal volume of illustrative material. Experience shows that a large number of illustrations distract students from clarifying the essence of studied phenomena; Illustrations are preparing in advance, but show only at the moment when they are necessary in the course of study.

In modern elementary school, screen technical means are widely used to ensure quality illustration.

Video meter It is considered as a separate method of learning due to intensive penetration into the practice of work of educational institutions of new sources of screening information:



Cinema equipment

Training television,

Video players and video recorders,

As well as computers with display reflection.

Video meters successfully performs all didactic functions: it serves not only to prevent knowledge, but also for their control, consolidation, repetition, generalizations, systematization. The training and educational functions of this method are due to the high efficiency of the impact of visual images and the ability to manage events.

Practical learning methods Based on the practical activities of students. These methods form practical skills and skills. Practical methods include:

² exercises,

² laboratory and practical work,

² didactic games.

Exercises- multiple execution by students of certain actions in order to develop and improve skills and skills in academic work.

The nature and technique of exercises depend on the characteristics of the educational subject, the specific material under study and the age of students.

Didactics formulates a number of common rules of exercise:

Bringing to the consciousness of students and the procedure for performing exercise;

Variety of exercises;

Systematics of exercises;

After explaining the new material, the exercises are more often given;

The gradual increase in the difficulty of exercises.

Immediately after studying the new material, the teacher gives typical exercises in which students studied signs are most bright and convex. When the new material is learned by students, it is possible to give tasks and exercises to fulfill the children use the knowledge of other topics.

The efficiency of exercises increases if the children are accustomed to self-control in training work. Properly organized exercises have a great educational value. The nature of the effects of exercises on students depends on the degree of independence of their implementation. The content of exercises is equally important.

In primary grades, many diverse written exercises are given.

Laboratory works - One of the practical learning methods, which consists in holding students to the task of a teacher of experiments using instruments, the use of tools and other technical devices. In the process of laboratory work, there is observation, analysis and comparison of observation data, formulation of conclusions. Thinking operations are combined here with physical acts, with motor acts, since students with technical means affect the studied substances and materials, cause their phenomena and processes that are interested in that significantly increases the productivity of the cognitive process.

Laboratory work can be held

in illustrative planwhen students in their experiments reproduce what was previously demonstrated by the teacher;

in research planWhen students themselves decide the informative task for the first time and on the basis of experiments they independently come to new conclusions for them.

The execution of laboratory works is accompanied by the recording of the obtained data and the graphical image of the studied phenomena and processes in the form of a report on the experiment.

Cognitive (Didactic) Games - These are specially created situations that simulate reality, of which students are invited to find a way out.

Modern didactic elementary school games are predominantly playing the rules. Games have many features:

Activate cognitive processes;

Raise the interest and care of children;

Develop abilities;

Enter children in life situations;

Teach them to act according to the rules;

Develop curiosity, attentiveness;

Enchant knowledge, skills.

Properly built game enriches the process of thinking by individual feelings, develops self-regulation, strengthens the will of the child. The game leads it to independent discoveries, problems solutions.

In the educational process, only the elements of the didactic game can be used - a game situation, reception, exercise. The general structure of the didactic game contains components:

Motivational - needs, motives, interests that determine the desires of children to participate in the game;

Approximate - the choice of gaming activities;

Executive - actions, operations that make it possible to implement the gaming goal;

Evaluation - correction and stimulation of activity of gaming activity.

Questions and tasks

1. What is the essence of each type of visual methods? Describe their positive and negative sides.

2. Expand the essence of each type of practical methods, their positive and negative sides.

Visual learning methods

The role of visual methods is enormous.

Training Methods should ensure not only the acquisition of new knowledge in the lessons of natural science, but also to teach them to perceive them correctly, to see essential signs, establish links in studied phenomena. The choice of training methods depends on the content of the material being taught, the degree of exploring the student and their life experience. This or that method helps students, first, master the ready-made knowledge that teacher settles, secondly, to work independently under the control of the teacher, thirdly, to work independently without any assistance. On the other hand, the method also reflects the activities of the teacher aimed at managing the process of learning knowledge and the development of cognitive abilities of schoolchildren. During this work, children learn to learn, that is, they master the way knowledge of knowledge. The same method, depending on the purpose of the lesson, the content of the educational material and the nature of cognitive activity receives a different orientation and degree of presentation. The teacher is obliged to strive for a variety of methods used by him, gradually taking students to high independence when studying the material and applying knowledge gained in practice. In primary classes, one method is rarely used during the lesson. As a rule, the method is combined with other methods or techniques. The use of visual methods in teaching is closely related to the implementation of the principle of visibility. Visuality as the principle of learning is implemented under any methods. The role of visual methods in learning natural science is one of the main topics. Visual methods are essential instruments in the hands of a teacher to lead the learning process by natural science. They are necessary to determine the physical, chemical and biological properties of substances or bodies, disclosures and explanations of those or other phenomena occurring in nature. They allow you to organize educational activities of students. They contribute to the formation of students from the ability to observe, initial concepts that are important in concretizing knowledge. This is the relevance of our work.

Visual methods can be used both in the study of the new material and when it is secured. When studying a new material, they are a way to form new knowledge, and when it is secured - a way of knowledge practices. The study of nature through a demonstration of natural objects allows you to form enough full and reliable ideas about the studied object. The study of natural visual benefits is useful to combine with visual visibility.

The application of the method of demonstrating images of natural objects and phenomena is of great importance when studying natural science. It also allows you to form the ideas of children about the subjects and phenomena of nature. The method of studying nature through the demonstration of experiments is applied in cases where the subject or phenomenon must be studied under conditions that are artificially changed or some artificial element is brought into them. Experiments can be short-term, conducted in one lesson, but can be long. In short-term experience, the conclusions, new knowledge is formed in the same lesson, and in long experiments the conclusion, the new knowledge is formed after an expiry of any time.

The main problem of our work is to determine the effectiveness of visual methods in learning natural science. And therefore, the object of study will be the process of learning in the lessons of natural science, and the subject is the use of visual methods in learning natural science.

Practical methods include written exercises - the fulfillment of tasks in native and foreign languages, mathematics and other subjects. In the course of exercise

the student applies in practice the theoretical knowledge. One of the specific types of training exercises are commented exercises, in the execution of which a student more actively comprehends the upcoming actions, to itself or loud, comments on the upcoming operations. Commenting actions helps the teacher to detect typical errors, make adjustments to the actions of students.

14. Ecological education of junior schoolchildren.

Currently, the ecological education of schoolchildren becomes a priority in pedagogical theory and practice. This is due to the difficult environmental situation on our planet: the important principle of this system is the continuity of environmental education, which means the interrelated process of learning, education and development of a person throughout his life: This is explained by the fact that children of younger school age are very inquisitive, responsive, susceptible . At this age, the active process of targeted formation of knowledge, feelings, assessments, emotions, the development of abilities and interests is underway. Under environmental education, the continuous process of learning, education and development of the individual, aimed at the formation of a system of scientific and practical knowledge, value orientation, behavior and activities that ensure responsible attitude towards the surrounding social environment. The purpose of environmental education is the formation of an environmental culture, which is based on the responsible attitude towards the environment. Environmental culture is considered by scientists as a human unity culture with nature, a harmonious merger of social needs and the needs of people with the normal existence and development of nature itself. "A man who mastered the environmental culture subordinates all the types of its activities to the requirements of rational environmental management, takes care of the improvement of the environment, does not allow its destruction and pollution of the excursion to nature - the classical form of environmental study. On excursions, favorable conditions are created to identify the aesthetic value of the world of nature, its scientific and educational significance, the formation of competent behavior in the natural environment. The leading method of studying nature on excursions - observation. Here, the tasks of the environmental characteristic type of activity of younger schoolchildren in nature are working on the "ecological trail". The educational "ecological trail" is a route in the park, forest park, etc., which is placed so that it has places and natural nature, and anthropogenic landscape. This allows you to compare the natural and transformed medium, teach children to evaluate the nature of human activity in nature. Install environmental signs, pointers, hang feeders for birds, decay food for animals. Field workshops as a form of environmental education also recently began to be used in elementary school. Their goal is to consolidate theoretical knowledge of the environment, assessing its condition, the formation of practical skills and work skills in nature to improve its condition. The conversations of the environmental content are intend to actualize the knowledge of children, expand and deepen them, reveal the new verge of the interaction of man and nature. Including information about the negative and positive activities of a person in nature contributes to the formation of the ability to evaluate this activity and predict its consequences. The solution of environmental problems and the analysis of environmental situations is also aimed at identifying environmental ties. Children's games - reflection of life. Imaginary conditions available in the game contribute to the fact that knowledge of the environment is not only understood, but also easily fixed. Moral norms and rules of behavior in the environment are absorbed. Didactic games are games with rules. Didactic games of environmental content include games with lotto type cards, a wonderful bag of a wonderful bag, a "floral dance" or "who lives?"; Role-playing, environmental content are based on modeling social content of environmental activities. For example, the game "What will happen?". Imitation environmental games are based on the simulation of environmental reality and substantive maintenance. For example, the game "Who lives?". Environmental content competitions are based on stimulating the activity of participants in the acquisition and demonstration of environmental knowledge and skills.: Crosswords, projects, riddles, travel, etc.

In recent years, teachers began to apply project method. Extracurricular forms of environmental education include holidays - a set of various entertainment events. The culmination of the holiday is the holding of KVN.

16. Characteristics of visual teaching methods of primary natural science.

B. P. Esipov believes that methods are the ways of working as a teacher and students, with which the masculine, skills and skills are achieved, the worldview of students is being formed, their abilities are developing. By definition of Yu. K. Babansky, the method is a way of ordered, interrelated activities of the teacher and trainees, aimed at solving the problems of education, education, development in the learning process. Rayakov made up a binary nomenclature of methods, putting the basis of the classification two signs: the nature of the perception of the educational material and the direction of the logical process. Based on this, he allocated three groups of methods: verbal, visual, motor. The use of visual methods in teaching is closely related to the implementation of the principle of visibility. However, these concepts are not identical. Visuality as the principle of learning is implemented under any methods. The function of the method is visible when it becomes the main source of knowledge, techniques of practical actions, developing and educating the impact on the student. Visual manuals are widely used in verbal methods. Visual manuals in visual methods are a source of independent reasoning, generalizations, conclusions. It is valuable that the use of these methods is sufficient to increase the activity of students, their independent cognitive activity. Visuality allows you to exclude verbalism in the teaching of environmental education, creates good conditions for practicing knowledge. Veliko and developing influence of visual methods for a student: They develop empirical thinking, without which the development of thinking theoretical, improves speech, observation, self-assessment skills and self-control, creative imagination, skills of study labor, etc. The difficulties of the use of visual methods are related primarily , with the presence of objects themselves for studying and auxiliary equipment. The study of nature through a demonstration of natural objects allows you to form enough complete and reliable ideas about the object being studied, facilitates the formation of ideas about objects and phenomena of nature, which for different reasons cannot be studied in nature itself.

The application of the method of demonstrating images of natural objects and phenomena is of great importance in the study of environmental education. It also allows you to form the ideas of children about the subjects and phenomena of nature. This is especially important in cases where the natural object cannot be submitted to children in nature. The relationships with this medium. The method of studying nature through the demonstration of experiments is applied in cases where the subject or phenomenon must be studied under conditions that are artificially changed or some artificial element is brought into them. Experiments may be short-term, conducted in one lesson, but can be long

Verbal learning tools.

On the importance of applying visual learning tools in the educational process in natural science, wrote in the XVIII century V. F. Zuev: A. L. Gerd, V. P. Waerov, Yagodova, M. N. Shotkun, in his works indicated the great importance of visual learning tools in the acquaintance of children with nature verbal - textbooks, teaching aids for students; Natural - Collections, Herbaria, Live Objects; Images of Nature Objects and Phenomena: Plane - Tables, Pictures, Maps; Volumetric - models, units; Audiovisual - range, diameters, transparencies, movies and videos, recording. The textbook, by definition of S. G. Shapovalenko, - "This is a means for assimilating the basics of sciences intended for the student" 2. The new generation of environmental education and natural science textbooks helps the teacher to organize a diverse cognitive activity of schoolchildren, stimulates the desire to "extract" knowledge independently, contributes to the development of creativity, interest in the subject, aims of schoolchildren on the practical application of knowledge and skills. The content of modern textbooks is aimed at creating students a bright, memorable scientific painting of the world. The textbook is developed in accordance with the program. The textbooks allocate two main block of structural components: texts; Vnet components.

Texts are divided into basic, extra and explanatory. The main texts transfer the main information. They outlines facts, describing and determining concepts are given, relationships and patterns are revealed. They are presented in textbooks by stories and business articles. Additional texts are close to their main. Their content may have a concretizing, commenting, descriptive nature, but may be more comparison with the main text. As additional texts, stories, proverbs, sayings, riddles, fairy tales, popular science information are used. Explanatory texts include dictionaries, reference information of a different nature, notes, etc.

Vomethop components are also diverse. The apparatus of the organization of knowledge is presented in textbooks by the system of questions and tasks. According to D. D. Zuev, with the help of issues and tasks, the most focused and productive processing of the textbook material in the consciousness of the schoolchildren is achieved by enhancing his mental and emotional efforts in the process of independent learning of knowledge "1. Questions and tasks included in school textbooks can be distributed in groups: - Questions and tasks requiring the practical application of the knowledge gained; - Questions and tasks aimed at reproducing knowledge, like "tell us." - Questions and tasks requiring logical understanding of knowledge: on comparison, comparison, concretization, the establishment of causal relations, generalization, is a special place in the textbooks of natural science and environmental education for independent observations in nature. The role of these tasks is great. The illustrative apparatus in natural science textbooks is very important. Not all the subjects and phenomena of nature, the student can see personally, not always at school there are necessary visual funds. Photos transfer the documentary of the object without distortion - in this particular value. Drawings of individual objects of nature (for example, mushrooms), landscapes (autumn, winter), landscapes (tundra, steppe) help the formation of correct and clear ideas. These training drawings are emphasized by those signs of objects that need to assimilate children. Instructions drawings play the role of manual to action. Using them, children perform practical or laboratory work: collect devices for experience, models, etc.

Schemes transmit basic (main) signs of the subject, process. In modern textbooks, multiplication drawings are widely used, the cards are iconic illustrations. They help the formation of spatial ideas in children. The orientation apparatus includes table of contents, signals symbols, different fonts, a variety of conditional signs (for example, strips, circles, exclamation and question marks), numbering pages. With the help of the table of contents, the schoolboy finds the text you need. Signs symbols help him orient in the lesson material. Font alllations and signs send the attention of the student to the main position, the rule, the term, output, etc. Acceptance of work with the text is varied. Full reading of the text makes it possible to form a holistic idea from schoolchildren about the objects of nature, about their relationships. When choosing a reception, the volume of text and knowledge of children on this issue should be taken into account. Texts of a small volume can be read completely, not separating them into parts. Large articles are usually divided into logically completed parts. Selective reading - a reception that can be widely used in the lessons. In this case, it is necessary to carefully work out the content of the article, select fragments for reading, think about how to allocate them in the text and enter into the lesson. It is advisable to use such techniques to work with the text, as finding a response to the textbook's questions, descriptions to a specific illustration, drawing up an article plan, the allocation of the main idea, reading the definition and description of concepts. Additional texts are mainly recommended for reading at home. Their reading is not mandatory for all students.

In the next lesson, the teacher asks about the read. Children are enthusiastically talked about the new things that they found out. It causes interest among the rest and encourages them not only to read the textbook texts, but additionally children's books about nature. Currently, in addition to textbooks, notebooks are being developed on a printed basis. Included the textbook players the test role, and the notebook contributes to concretization, deepening and expanding the knowledge set in the textbook; The formation of practical skills and skills, techniques of independent work. Working with a notebook in the lesson is carried out when checking knowledge, consolidate them ..

27. Natural learning tools.

The importance of applying visual learning tools in the educational process in natural science wrote in the XVIII century V. F. Zuev: A. L. Gerd, V. P. Watters, Yagodova, M. N. Skhatkin, in his works indicated the great importance of visual funds training in the acquaintance of children with nature verbal - textbooks, teaching aids for students; natural - collections, herbaria, live objects; Images of Nature Objects and Phenomena: Plane - Tables, Pictures, Maps; Volumetric - models, units; Audiovisual - range, diameters, transparencies, movies and videos, recording. According to their value in the process of learning, the leading place among the training facilities belongs to natural - collections, herbaries, live objects, as they are particles of nature itself brought to the class. This allows students to directly perceive the subject studied, which stimulates cognitive activity, interest in the subject, makes the learning process effective. Collections. To study natural science, collections of minerals, soils and insect collections have been developed. In the collection "Minerals" are presented the most common minerals and rocks. They are selected by genetic sign. The collection includes large-scale samples for demonstration and small, used as a handout. The "Soil" collections present samples of various types of soils of Russia. Both collections of factory manufacturing. Herbarium. For primary classes, educational herbariums of cultural and wild plants of our country have been created. A collection of fruits and seeds attached to herbaries. In addition to the herbaries of factory production, in schools, as a rule, there are self-made, in which plants are collected.

Live objects of nature are houseplants that are selected taking into account the program and requirements of plants to life conditions, as well as animals that can be kept in the corners of wildlife or in the abstract office. Working with a collectible material (for example, "minerals") can be organized differently. Large samples are used to demonstrate in order to form a general presentation of the subject. The distribution material is used to clarify and specify the ideas about it, identifying its hidden properties. In this case, students perform experiments. Then children make it, and the teacher helps them and control their actions. Another approach - the teacher and students perform practical actions in parallel using the work plan in the textbook or developed by the teacher and recorded on the board. Another option is also possible - the teacher develops its instruction in which it includes specifying what actions and in which sequence should be performed, where and how to fix the results. Collections of minerals are used not only on the current, but also on generalizing lessons, as well as in extracurricular work. When working with the insect collection, the leading method is observation. When working with herbaria, a leading form of training is a practical work. To compile the characteristic, children can offer such a work plan:

1. Plant Name. What is this tree, shrub, grass? 3. Where is growing - in the forest, in the meadow, in the reservoir, in the swamp, in the field? 4. Value, shape, coloring of leaves, flower, fetus, stem. Compare Herbars or Illustrations are needed with plants, well-known children .. When checking knowledge, schoolchildren find parts of plants on herbaric copies, they call and show them, performing, for example, a task by classification. Objects of wildlife in practice are most often represented by indoor plants. When working with them, several tasks are solved: the expansion and deepening of knowledge about the variety of plants, the diversity of their organs, adaptive features, and also form practical skills of plant care

28. Image of objects and phenomena.

On the importance of applying visual learning tools in the educational process in natural science, wrote in the XVIII century V. F. Zuev: A. L. Gerd, V. P. Waerov, Yagodova, M. N. Shotkun, in his works indicated the great importance of visual learning tools at the acquaintance of children with nature verbal - textbooks, teaching aids for students; natural - collections, herbaria, live objects; Images of Nature Objects and Phenomena: Plane - Tables, Pictures, Maps; Volumetric - models, units; Audiovisual - range, diameters, transparencies, movies and videos, recording. Planny learning tools are traditionally widely used when studying nature in elementary school. This is explained by the fact that planar benefits contribute to the formation of clear and correct, as well as spatial ideas about those subjects and phenomena of nature that are not available for direct perception. Tables. At the rate of Nature, two series of tables have been created: "Tables according to nature" for the II-III classes "and" Tables according to nature "for III-IV classes." Each of the series is accompanied by a methodological manual with a description of the content and exemplary recommendations for their use in the lessons. According to the method of transmitting information, natural studies are in picture, and in content they are divided into the following types: subject ("Birch", "Proteins", "Orag"), seasonal ("Autumn", "Summer"), landscape ("Tundra" , "Steppe"), etc. For all nature tables, the image of objects and phenomena in generalized form is characterized. Tables are used at all stages of the lesson of natural science. The task of the teacher is to, based on the theme and objective of the lesson, select the desired tables, determine their place in the lesson, the didactic load and the working methodology with them. For example, when meeting with signs of spring in an inanimate nature, it is advisable to use the "Winter" and "Spring" tables. They are postponed on the board and with the help of questions are made compared: what changes in inanimate nature occurred in spring compared to winter, as the color of the sky has changed, which is happening with snow, with the river, what are the weather in the weather? Tables are widely used when repetition and fixing the material. Driving work with them can be different: with support for the image, students are told by the past material, make up a response plan to the question, make a comparison with its observations depicted on the table, etc. Pictures. When studying natural science, reproductions of painting works ("Golden Autumn" I. Levitan, "Rye" I. Shishkin and others). The main value of paintings as learning tools is that along with the image of typical natural objects and their characteristic features, they transmit an emotional attitude, the attitude of the artist to nature. Cards. Geographical maps refer to the iconic learning tools, since all the information on them is transmitted using conventional signs and colors, that is, in the abstracted logically completed form. This allows you to see all objects available on Earth, assess their interpordability and position in space.

In the initial natural science, the following types of cards are applied - physical maps of their terrain, Russia, hemispheres and the map of the natural zones of Russia, location plans, as well as the Atlas "Peace and Man". . Using the reception of comparison of the plan of the area and the map on such signs as the value of the territory depicted, the scale, methods for determining the parties of the horizon and the conditional notation, will help students identify the specifics of the card, and therefore, to understand its essence.

The next step is to form the skill to read the card. To form this skill, numerous and diverse methodological techniques are used, for example, comparison of the conditional sign and its image, attracting the impressions of children from observations of the relevant objects of nature, showing various objects on the map on the instructions of the teacher and classmates, a story about them. For example, when meeting with conventional flowers, denoting the mountains, the teacher shows the "mountains" table and their designation on the height scale, after which the children find the mountains on the map. Using the Card as a source of information suggests that children are already owned by certain card knowledge. Another example. When familiarizing with the Hemispheus, the teacher offers to compare the scale of the physical map of Russia (1 cm - 50 km) and the scale of the hemispheres card (1 cm - 220 km). Schoolchildren establish that the second scale is smaller, therefore the entire globe is shown on the map, and on the physical map of Russia is only our country. Volumeful learning tools. These include models, doubts, layouts. The model is a volumetric image of the subject in a reduced form. In the initial natural science, various models are used. They are static, dynamic, collapsible. On dynamic models, you can show the principle of work, movement. For example, the movement of the earth around the sun. Moilazzi is three-dimensional manuals, exactly transmitting the shape, color, value of nature items. For the course of nature, we produce ulting vegetables and fruits. They are used when familiar with cultural plants as an illustration for a teacher's story or as a source of information.

29.Audiovisual learning tools.

On the importance of applying visual learning tools in the educational process in natural science, wrote in the XVIII century V. F. Zuev: A. L. Gerd, V. P. Waerov, Yagodova, M. N. Shotkun, in his works indicated the great importance of visual learning tools at the acquaintance of children with nature verbal - textbooks, teaching aids for students; natural - collections, herbaria, live objects; Images of Nature Objects and Phenomena: Plane - Tables, Pictures, Maps; Volumetric - models, units; Audiovisual - range, diameters, transparencies, movies and videos, recording. ES), screen-sound (ESS) and sound (ZS). The allocation of these groups is based on the method of transmitting information. Screen learning tools include diapositives, diameters and transparencies to the graphector. These benefits are considered static, but it must be borne in mind that in each frame there is an internal hidden dynamics. Diaposes are colored or black and white photos on the film, less often on the glass. The ranges were the first on-screen agent that appeared at school, but still widely used in practice. This is explained by a number of reasons. First of all, the fact that the image of nature objects in the photo is transmitted without distortion. L. P. Pressman allocates three stages of this process. The first is the holistic coverage of the entire range. The teacher calls the frame and gives students the opportunity to consider it, for which she assigns 1-1.3 minutes. After that, it comments on the details of the range. The second stage of work is to consider. It should be noted that the child's eye will constantly and involuntarily perform frequent movements, comparing the details with the whole. Therefore, the third stage is important - the synthesis of details, returning to a holistic coverage after analysis. When preparing for the lesson, the teacher not only selects the ranges, based on its topic and purpose, determines the sequence of their demonstration, but also makes it necessary to observe the auditorium in such a way that the children "believed" all the information. A diapositive film, or aiming, is also diapositives, but located in a certain sequence on a film, combined with a common topic. Information in the diameters is transmitted in two ways - using the image (visual) and short text (subtitles). A diapositive film, or aiming, is also diapositives, but located in a certain sequence on a film, combined with a common topic. Information in the diameters is transmitted in two ways - using the image (visual) and short text (subtitles). Transparencies for the graphector also belong to static learning. However, this static is largely conditional. Due to the gradual imposition of one transparency, the illusion of motion and development is created. Static images acquire a certain dynamics. Children become witnesses a developing process, can discuss every new stage during the submission of educational material. Transparencies are used in various training situations: with the explanation of the new material, when it is consolidated, to verify the independent work of students. Screen learning tools are distinguished by dynamism in the supply of material and sound design. These include movies, film filters and videos. The value of the training films is that they allow you to introduce schoolchildren with such phenomena and processes that are difficult or impossible to see in nature: blooming the kidneys on the branches of trees, freezing of the river, sea surf, etc. Training films as learning tools have some features ( Karpov G.V., Pressman L. P., Romanan V. A.): 1) The dynamism of the image is the most significant methodatory feature of the training films. It allows you to consider phenomena in the process of movement, development, that is, the most truthful, vital; 2) the possibility of viewing the phenomenon as a whole and in parts, which contributes to the formation of full and clear ideas: 3) transfer of a large amount of information in a short time; 4) The use of animation, with which you can show objects and processes that cannot be observed (the work of the human body organs; life inside the hive, anthill), as well as what is not in reality, but created by the imagination of a person (life in remote times). Of all the types of training films, the most effective is a film reflection. In it, information is transmitted in a brief, compressed form, which makes film films not only effective, but also convenient to use. Currently, movies are gradually replaced by video films. The Film Foundation is still small, work on their creation. In practice, homemade video films are widely used.

The video film has its own characteristic features: 1) the ability to stop the frame and analyze its content in detail, compare with the observations of children or other visual means; 2) return the record to clarify, specify, comparisons; 3) to remove the sound and instead of the speaker text to make up their own (teachers and children) and children); 4) simplicity and ease of handling. Sound learning products are gramzing of birds votes, mammals, forest noise, surf. In addition, the lessons are used by records of scientists, travelers, etc.

The computer has great opportunities for demonstrating many processes and phenomena of natural science using graphic media. According to researchers, computer programs contribute to understanding and learning to students of the main, substantial in the content of the material, identifying causal relations, the formation of knowledge of the laws that exist in nature.

30. Assiversal learning tools.

On the importance of applying visual learning tools in the educational process in natural science, wrote in the XVIII century V. F. Zuev: A. L. Gerd, V. P. Waerov, Yagodova, M. N. Shotkun, in his works indicated the great importance of visual learning tools at the acquaintance of children with nature verbal - textbooks, teaching aids for students; natural - collections, herbaria, live objects; Images of Nature Objects and Phenomena: Plane - Tables, Pictures, Maps; Volumetric - models, units; Audiovisual - range, diameters, transparencies, movies and videos, recording. Equipment is needed to perform experiments in the lessons of environmental education. In elementary school, there should be a set of tubes, a tripod for them, glasses of thin glass, carnations or a glass plate to determine the hardness of minerals, a stand for demo burning, a wire asbestos, laboratory tripod, funnels, filter sets, flasks, flasks with a plug in which A glass tube is inserted, a demonstration table. Equipment The teacher is preparing in advance: until the lesson, he puts the necessary equipment to his desktop. If experiments spend students, then the equipment must be distributed to each workplace. For excursions, you need to have excursion equipment. It includes: Boxes for soil samples and minerals of this area, a scoop for digging plants, a small (spernaya) blade with a short handle, carpackers and aquatic, bucket, boxes for insects, a rake for measuring snow cover (for winter excursion). In class, students are treated with materials. To do this, we need a press, damping on butterflies, entomological pins and boxes with a bottom of peat plates. In elementary school, excursion equipment is easy and, if necessary, can be manufactured by its own or using high school students. Technical learning tools are televisions, video recorders, dia- and graphoprojectors, film equipment, etc.

Implementation of the principle of visibility in the course

"Concepts of modern natural science"

A.V. Zakharova-Solovyova

The training course "Concept of Modern Natural Science" ("KSA") in

current time is the basis of natural science education when preparing in

universities of qualified humanitarian and socio-economic personnel

united States.

The course "Concept of Modern Natural Science" is interdisciplinary

darna, covers a wide range of issues.

The practical purpose of this course is the upbringing of students is not

only the natural science culture of thinking, but also a competent attitude towards

nature and living beings, i.e. "Household" environmental culture.

According to the State Educational Standard of the Higher Pro-

fessional education to the main tasks of the discipline "Concept of the Council

the variable natural science "can be attributed as follows:

Understanding the specifics of humanitarian and natural scientific components

culture, its relationship with the peculiarities of thinking, the nature of the alienation and necessary

the bridges of their reunion based on a holistic view of the world around;

Knowledge of the norms of the scientific way to master the world and the specifics of their manifestations in

classic and modern natural science;

Studying an understanding of the essence of a finite number of fundamental laws

nature defining modern natural sciences to which many

private laws of physics, chemistry and biology, as well as acquainted

with the principles of scientific modeling of natural phenomena;

Formation of a holistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe physical picture of the world;

Understanding the principles of continuity, conformity and continuity in

study of nature, as well as the need to change adequate description language

extent complications of natural systems: from quantum and statistical physics for chi-

mii and molecular biology, from non-living systems to a cage, living organisms,

man, biosphere and society;

Consciousness of nature, basic needs and human capabilities,

possible scenarios of human development due to crisis phenomena in bio

the sphere, the role of natural knowledge in solving social problems and maintain

life on earth;

Formation of ideas about changing types of scientific rationality,

revolutions in natural science and change of scientific paradigms as key stages

development of natural science;

Formation of ideas about the principles of universal evolutionism

and synergetics as dialectical development principles in an application to inanimate

and wildlife, person and society.

Thus, the purpose of the discipline "KSE" is the formation of

salt idea of \u200b\u200bthe modern picture of the world and development prospects,

knowledge of universal methods of knowledge and laws of nature, society. Obvious

but that the course base is natural sciences that are known to

there are sciences of visual images.

An important role in the formation of students in the holistic painting of the world

a clarity in learning.

Tools of visibility are used in the presentation of educational material, in

course of independent activities of students to acquire knowledge and form

the mating of skills and skills, when monitoring the master's assimilation and with other

dahk activity and teacher, and students. Visuality tools

consistently delivered didactic task, the characteristics of the educational

theology and specific learning conditions.

Visuality is a property, a feature of the mental image of the object

or phenomenon that is created by a person as a result of processes of perception,

mint, thinking and imagination; There is an indicator of simplicity and clearness of this

times, and the visuality of the image from the characteristics of the personality depends on the level of development

her cognitive abilities, from her interests and inclinations, from the need

and desire to see, hear, feel this object, create a bright,

the image of this object.

Visuality, as a rule, performs many functions:

Helps to recreate the form, the essence of the phenomenon, its structure, connection,

intelligence to confirm theoretical provisions;

Helps lead all analyzers and related activities to the state of activity

mental processes of sensation, perception, ideas, as a result

what arises a rich empirical basis for a generalized analytical thought

recovery activities;

Forms visual and auditory culture;

Gives teacher reverse information: according to the questions of students

you can judge the assimilation of the material, about the movement of the thought of students to understand

the essence of the phenomenon.

The principle of clarity is the initial position of didactics,

referring to work with a visual material providing for

the aging of its use in the educational process.

Classical didactics set the principle of visibility, based on

obvious fact that such training is successful, which begins

with consideration of things, objects, processes and events of the surrounding

. Visuality and in particular the observation of natural objects,

in their natural conditions, undoubtedly, is of great importance and serves

the initial point of knowledge about the objective world. Clarity of learning

in close connection with the activity of students.

Thus, it can be noted that clarity is the source

tom learning.

The theory of visibility was developed: Ya.A. Komensei, k.d. Ushshinsky I.

a lot others. Subsequently, such scientists were visited by the problem

like R.G. Lamberg, M.N. Skhatkin, I.Ya. Lerner, D.B. Elkonin, MA Danilov, I.T.

Gardeners and many others. Research currently in this area

conduct A.A. Shapovalov, A.N. Krutsky.

In modern didactics, the concept of visibility refers to various

ladies of perception (visual, auditory, tactile, etc.). None of the species

visual benefits do not have absolute advantages over others.

When studying nature, for example, the greatest value, have natural

objects and images close to nature. Very often the need arises

use various types of visual funds when familiarizing with one and

the same questions.

To date, there is a large variety of species

sTI. Most often, in the content and nature of the depicted, three groups are distinguished

py of clarity:

Visual visibility;

Conditionally graphic clarity;

Subject clarity.

It is very important to use visual funds purposefully. Place I.

the role of visual material in the learning process is determined by the attitude of that

the activities of the student in which this material is able to occupy the structures

a place of purpose (subject) of his actions, to the activity that leads to

knowing what you need to learn.

It is necessary to distinguish the concept of the principle of visibility and visual

todov training.

The visual method is a way to implement this source

and is to build a system of learning using funds


Under visual learning methods, such methods are understood when

the absorption of the educational material is depending on

the process of learning a visual benefit and technical means. Visual methods

used in relationships with verbal and practical methods of training

and are intended for vividly sensual familiarization with phenomena,

processes, object in their natural form or in the symbolic image with

power of all sorts of drawings, reproductions, schemes, etc. Widely used

for this purpose, on-screen technical means and computers.

Visual learning methods can also be conditionally divided into two

large groups: method of illustration and demonstration method.

Using visual funds not only contribute to the creation of

denis figurative ideas, but the formation of concepts, understanding

connections and dependencies, which is one of the most important provisions of

dactics. Feeling and notion - various steps of a single process of knowledge.

Today there is a sufficiently large variety of popular science films

revealing many course themes: cosmological models of the Universe, evolution

living matter and dr.

Not a unavailable role in the learning process belongs to technical

pros (TSO).

Under technical means of learning (TSO), such technical

ski devices that, not be the objects of study, contribute to

learning tasks and increase training efficiency with the help of

didactic (educational-methodical) materials in them. TSO in the educational

students of students perform training, educating and developing

functions. They serve carriers of educational information, her means

transmission, processing and storage. On TSO assigns the transfer of messages

formative, they are used to control and control assimilation

student knowledge.

The use of TSO in the learning process helps to strengthen the communication

with practice, strengthens the visibility of learning, allows the student better

remember learning material, saves school time.

As an integral part of training materials, TSOs are obliged to

completed with printed educational and visual manuals, devices

mi, layouts, natural objects, existing models and other tra-

digestary learning tools.

The effectiveness of technical means of upbringing and learning is determined

their compliance with specific educational purposes, tasks, specific

teaching material, forms and ways to organize the work of the teacher and

students, material and technical conditions and opportunities.

With the help of modern hardware can be visualized

invisible objects and phenomena, particles, sound, abstract theoretical concepts

tiya, i.e., the creation of a certain didactic image is created.

Visualization of images related to the mathematical description of phenomena and

physics laws using modeling and playback methods in

animation mode of experiments in which these phenomena are manifested is

an indispensable element of the cognition of the physical characteristics of nature in the

daving the KSA course (concept of modern natural science). Thanks to the modern

credit computer technologies, multimedia capabilities of a computer

tera can in all details to implement static models of illustration,

submit these models in the dynamics. Using information computers

turning technologies (ICT) in the training of the KSA helps improve quality and

the work efficiency of the teacher: with their help, the time saves, increases

the clarity of learning increases the accuracy of the material. Modern

cancel information technologies significantly increase the quality of the

it becomes brighter, more colorful, more dynamic. Huge

the ability to have multimedia technology in this plan.

Multimedia technologies (MT) call the set of techniques, methods

dov, methods that allow using technical and software

multimedia tools produce, process, store, transmit information

the formation presented in various forms (text, sound, graphics, video, animated

с) Using interactive software.

it has a complex structure and allows you to satisfy the most

creation of information needs of the participants in the educational process -

teacher and student; improves the quality of professional knowledge, skills,

skills; and also activates cognitive activities, develops

to creative creative thinking of students and


Multimedia presentations may have various forms, use

which depends on the knowledge, the preparedness of the author, as well as the estimated

audience. Most effectively use presentations during lecture

, practical classes, laboratory work, independent work,

stream. Computer models allow you to develop systemic thinking


Due to the use of MT, visual and written memory develops; by-

is the ability to view missed on slides in case of lag

from the general rhythm; information is remembered easier and for a longer period;

the time of explanation of the new theme and fixing the material is reduced; increase

independence in choosing what to write in the abstract; easier perception

schemes and examples.

For students of the full-time compartment, students in the specialty "Philoso-

fIA "was developed and read a lecture course" Concept of modern nature

knowledge "using multimedia technologies. Lectures were drawn up in

the program for POWER POINT presentations, which allows us to design and de

monster a set of slides (static images, photos, drawings,

schemes, diagrams, text fragments, as well as video phrases). Classes

were found in a lectured audience equipped with a multimedia complex, and

also a regular board, which allows you to combine in the educational process

multimedia technology.

Students noted that these lectures have improved understanding

material; decreased fatigue at the lecture, due to the change of activity (hearing

, aspectation, study of slides, conversation).

Control testing has shown that the material that was presented

students using multimedia, was all the better and not

caused difficulties when answering questions data.

As well as students independently perform presentations on topics

astronomical bloc: "Stars and their evolution", "Solar System", "Galak-

teaks "and others. Work on the creation of a presentation includes knowledge on astronomer

mia, knowledge of computer equipment, the ability to analyze the material and accent

present important points in the presentation of information. This type of work

it is not only the formation of systemic thinking, but also upbringing in student

information culture and creative activity, which is priority

the tasks of the modern education system.

With all the diversity of tutorials at the rate of "Contemporary Concept

natural science, "should be noted the problem of their shortage. This problem

easily solves such a type of benefits as electronic textbooks. Today - this is

may, the relevant form of an electronic study manual expanding Didak

the nature of the usual, printed, textbook. Electronic textbook

zadan for the purposes of self-education, the formation of systemic knowledge, individual


In our university are designed and used in the process of training

kSA textbooks with hypertext structure that allow students

there work more efficiently than with printed publications.

At the same time, it should be noted, the resources of GL-

ball Internet. Existing textbooks and methodical

biya at the rate "KSE" reflect mainly the formation of naturally scientific

worldview and, unfortunately, do not fully comply with modern

the requirements of the modern educational environment. And from the global network

thornet could have learned additional information on physics, chemistry,

biology, etc. Students with great interest enjoy information

internet resources for the creation of presentations and abstracts on the studied themes

cSE course.

For example, the server of the American geodesic society

( contains a huge amount of information about the earth's crust,

atmosphere, oceans, etc. The server contains many photos

graphiz and illustrations on cosmology (solar system, stars, planets, aste-

road, comet). Extremely interesting natural science sites are

http: // www. Nature. COM, http: // www. Nature. RU, http: // www. ScienceFirst - Hand. RU and others.

It should also be noted that the KSA is one of the leading disciplines

block of general mathematical and natural science disciplines of the federal

component of the state VPO intended for computer testing, with

lia the certification of educational programs of universities and checking the level of knowledge

denis. Internet testing technology, estimation and rehearsal system

oN-LINE Testing is set forth on the HTTP: // www website. FEPO. RU.

Thus, it can be noted that the use of modern visual

methods (multimedia, Internet) in the training of the KSA contributes to increasing

qualified specialists training, efficiency of training

the productivity of the teacher's labor productivity: with their help increases visual

the accuracy of the presentation of the material increases, time saves.

A lot of important point is: solving the problem of lack of literature and

methodical materials; Flexible mode of work of the student, and the main study

the disciplines of the "Concept of Modern Natural Science" becomes more modern

credit and interesting in shape and saturated in content.

List of references:

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Mishchenko, E.N. Shihanov.-4th ed.-M.: School press, 2002.- 512 p.

2. Chernilevsky D.V. Didactic technologies at the highest school.:

Studies. Location. For universities. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2002.- 437 p.

3. Semenova N.G., Boldyreva T., Ignatova T.N. Influence of multimedia

technologies for cognitive activity and psychophysical state of training

messenger // Bulletin Ogu. №4. - Orenburg, 2005. - C.34 - 38.

4. Kodjaspirova G.M., Petrov K.V. Technical learning tools and

methods of using them. - M.: Academy, 2001. - 256 p.

5. Vasilyeva I.A., Osipova E.M., Petrova N.N. Psychological aspects

you are applying information technology // Questions of psychology. - 2002. -

6. Kalyagin I., Mikhailov, new information technology and studies

naya technique // Higher education in Russia. - 1996. - №1.

7. Mikhailovsky V.N., Hon G.N.Dialectic formation of modern

scientific picture of the world. - L.: LSU, 1989.

8. Zankov L.V. Visuality learning // Pedagogical Encyclopedia in

4 volumes. T. 3 / Chapters. Ed. I.A. Cairo. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1966.

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9. Staynov G.N. Didactic abilities of computer training

programs and their implementation in learning technology. Guidelines

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bestity 030500 "Vocational training." - M.: MgAU them. V.P. Goryachkin

1994. - 41 p .__

The role of visual learning methods in the formation of the cognitive activity of children of younger school age

In the modern world, environmental problems (environmental problems) have become of paramount importance. The exacerbation of the environmental situation dictates the need for intensive educational work on the formation of the population of the environmental consciousness, culture of environmental management. Of paramount importance is attached to the environmental education of the younger generation.

A number of official documents appeared in our country, which emphasizes the need to form a system of continuous environmental education, starting with preschool children: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On measures to improve the environmental education of the population", 1994; Resolution "On the Environmental Education of students in educational institutions of the Russian Federation", 1994. In 2000, a project "Environmental Education Strategy in the Russian Federation" was developed, in which a whole section is devoted to preschoolers and younger schoolchildren.

It is possible to achieve the goals that are declared in the concept of sustainable development of Russia only through education. That is why it highlighted the section "Environmental education, environmentalization of public consciousness", in which the importance of the formation of all accessible to the ecological worldview of citizens of Russia, primarily children, is emphasized.

The main content of environmental education is the formation of a child conscious and right attitude towards natural phenomena and objects. It is based on the sensual perception of nature, an emotional attitude towards it and studying the peculiarities of life, growth and development of individual living beings, some biocenoses, knowledge of adaptive dependencies of the existence of living organisms from the factors of the external environment, interrelations within the natural communities. Cognitive activity of children plays in this an important role.

The transformation of the cognitive sphere occurring in the younger school age is extremely important for further full-fledged development. Many young children have insufficient attention, memory, ability to regulate mental actions. At this age, the transition from visual-shaped to verbally logical, conceptual thinking. The attention is still weakly organized, has a small volume, unstable and badly distributed. In children of younger school age, involuntary memory is well developed, fixing bright, emotionally saturated images and events of his life. Since cognitive processes function interrelated, the impact on memory, attention and thinking will be reflected on the cognitive activity of the younger schoolboy. Given the psychological features of children of this age, the formation of cognitive activity will be promoted by the use of visual learning methods: observations, demonstrations, illustrations, as they are of interest, make it possible to use various activities, develop various psychological processes of the child.

The problem of the development of the cognitive activity of younger students was in the center of attention of teachers from a long time. Ya.A. Komensei, k.d. Ushinsky, D. Lokk, Rousseau, I was determined by cognitive activity as a natural desire of students to knowledge. Pedagogical reality proves daily that the learning and education process is more efficient if the child has cognitive activity. This phenomenon was recorded in the pedagogical theory as the principle of "activity and independence of students in learning" (Babansky Yu.K.).

Modern domestic researchers studied the features of cognitive activity and how to enhance it with younger students. This is Markova A. K., Lozovaya V. I., Telnova J. N., Schukina G. I. and others. Cognitive development is a complex process. It has its own directions, patterns and features. A child in nature is an inquisitive and researcher of the world (N.N. Poddyakov).

Visual learning methods are such training methods in which the learning material assimilation in the learning process depends on the use of visual aids and technical means.

Visual teaching methods must be used when working with children of younger school age. This rule follows from the psychological characteristics of the attention of the younger schoolboy.

Among the visual teaching methods allocate observation, illustration and demonstration. Thanks to the observation, it is possible to initiate interest among the students and teach analyze natural and social phenomena, as well as to teach them to concentrate attention on the main thing, allocate special signs. Thanks to the demonstration, the attention of students turns out to be aimed at significant, and non-randomly detected, external characteristics of the subjects under consideration, phenomena, processes. The illustration is especially well used with the explanation of the new material.

To date, there are ecological and biological focus programs that reflect the search for methods for improving the ecological culture of students. Programs, having a purpose to develop the skills of studying, research, preservation of wildlife, are diverse on topics, both theoretical and applied, practical, experimental research. Relying on the program for a mug of zoologists from the collection "Nature Researchers" for extracurricular institutions and general education schools (Moscow 1983) and the experience of the St. Petersburg zoo program was created by the program "Young Zoologist", most suitable for additional education of children of primary school age (Attachment 1).

The program of additional education of children "Young Zoologist" is focused on the formation of cognitive activity in children through a permanent and systematic study by children of wildlife. Without well-thought-out learning methods, it is difficult to organize the absorption of software. That is why those methods and learning tools should be improved, which help to engage students in a cognitive search, in the work of exercises: help teach students actively, independently mined knowledge, excite their thought and develop interest in the subject.

The formation of cognitive activity in the younger school age with targeted pedagogical activities has a positive effect on the development of the person. The educational program of additional education of children "Young Zoologist" is experimental.

It takes into account the features of the natural and climatic conditions of our region. The harsh climate does not make opportunities for practical work in nature - excursions, observations, field research in winter. In this regard, the role of the knowledge of nature is increasing through the use of visual learning methods. The content of the program provides for visual sensual acquaintance of children with phenomena, processes, objects in natural form (mini-zoo animals) and perception of objects, processes, phenomena in their symbolic image with posters, cards, portraits, drawings, schemes, etc. which significantly facilitate the process of forming concepts.

The foundations of environmental culture are laid at an early age when the child enters the world of knowledge about nature. The further attitude of children to nature will largely depend on whether they are aware of its value, as far as the aesthetic and moral attitudes towards natural objects will be brought. Formation in children responsible attitudes towards nature is a complex and long process. The effectiveness of environmental education and raising children depends on the level of development of the cognitive activity of children.

However, many teachers face their practice with the intellectual passivity of children. The reasons for the intellectual passivity of children lie in the limitedness of intellectual impressions, the interests of the child. At the same time, being unable to cope with a simple task, children quickly fulfill it when the task is translated into practical activity or in the game. The use of visual didactic material allows you to expand, systematize the knowledge of children about what cannot be observed in nature, to establish causal relationships, abstractly think.

In its practical activity, each teacher should strive to ensure that the students are active in the classroom. With the correct selection of didactic material on the subject and age of children, it is possible to form not only certain knowledge, but the cognitive activity of students.

The ability to expand the database of knowledge in the field of wildlife, to identify the inclined and ability of children to the types and forms of research, practical, internical activities can be implemented under the program of the children's association of the zoological direction.

The educational program "Young Zoologist" provides for the development of cognitive activity in classes, diverse by a methodological solution, using visual-doedactic benefits and observations of alive objects.

The traditional use of visual benefits is due to their advantages in comparison with natural objects. They help to go out for the circle of phenomena available for direct observation, and show what is removed geographically, in time or just invisible for the naked eye of the child.

Visual manuals can be used to give the ideas about the growth and development of animals. Static the images in the pictures makes it possible to consider how young animals grow, what conditions provide the normal course of this process, which is the role of the maternal individual (Appendix 2). Children seems to have the growth and development of wild animals, which is almost impossible to organize in vivo.

Using visual methods allows you to acquaint children with the diversity of the animal world, because Children get acquainted not only with specific animals, but also receive summarized knowledge about individual groups (home, wild, forest, etc.) (Appendix 3).

When viewing paintings, i.e. In the process of indirect acquaintance with animals, the formation of realistic ideas is easier in children if a special reception is used - the introduction of measurement and comparison with an animal, for example, in comparison with the growth of man. The work has shown that visual benefits can be used in different ways. Each picture can be considered separately. In this case, students get acquainted in detail with one or another side of the life of the animal. Simultaneous examination of several pictures, combined by any content, allows you to form in children generalized ideas about the diversity of the animal world.

The content of the program includes classes in which the modeling of natural objects is applied. Models of individual animals are most accessible to perception and understanding by children. For example, when studying the external structure and lifestyle of the hydra polyp, a model of a freshwater polyp hydra is used, made by learning from yarn themselves. The model allows you to demonstrate not only the features of the external structure of the animal, but also methods of movement, the reaction to irritation (Appendix 4, Appendix 5).

The use of visual-doedactic benefits is an important means of forming a diverse understanding of nature, in particular the relationship between animals and habitats, about the role of a person in their lives. They successfully complement the observations of nature, significantly expand the circle of phenomena that are available to the knowledge of children.

In the area of \u200b\u200bassociation, various methodological techniques are used, contributing to the learning of knowledge: the implementation of schemes showing the relationship of concepts and their classification; The use of visual and schematic visibility, often in the form of dynamic visual schemes. A special role is given to video, film and diameters, which give a dynamic picture of natural phenomena, allow to observe the characteristics of the structure, behavior, the hairdogs of living objects. The specificization of concepts provides widespread use in natural clarity classes: Herbarians and collections, but the main place is given to observation of animals.

Special attention is given to a deductive approach in the study of a new material: Theoretical knowledge of environmental laws The children apply to solving problem situations, explaining the observed in nature phenomena. Based on the understanding of causal relationships in nature, the dependence of the condition of the living organism on the conditions in which he is located sympathy, the gravy of moral responsibility for his life, willingness to help. The emotional attitude of children to their pets can be used as the basis of education of sympathy for wildlife, admiration for her, careful to her relationship.

The effectiveness of the use of experience is manifested primarily in the development of the cognitive activity of children - intellectual feelings arise from meeting the need to know the new one. Students successfully behave research activities.

The program "Young Zoologist" can be used by educators of additional education, primary school teachers, heads of the extended day, i.e. In those institutions where the transition from traditional familiarization with nature to solving issues of environmental education of children.

The program is variable, so it can be used to work with children with disabilities or senior preschoolers.

The development of the cognitive activity of the younger schoolchildren are relevant, important for each teacher, because The level of its development depends on the activity and aspiration of children to acquire new knowledge.

Teaching methods. Classification of learning methods

Method (from Greek. The words metodos - literally the path to anything) means a way to achieve the goal, a certain way ordered activity.

The method of learning is called the method of ordered interrelated activities of the teacher and trainees, activities aimed at solving the tasks of education, education and development in the learning process.

Training methods are one of the most important components of the educational process. Without the relevant methods of activity, it is impossible to realize the goals and objectives of training, to achieve learning to learn a certain content of educational material.

The concept of "method", as is known, is used primarily in a wide general methodological plan, when they talk about the method of dialectical materialism, which is opposed to an idealistic, metaphysical method of knowledge of reality. Only the method of dialectical materialism is truly a scientific basis for an objective description and effective application in practice of all other methods of human activity, in particular methods of learning.

Soviet pedagogy accumulated a rich arsenal of teaching methods. All of them can be divided into several groups, applying a specific principle of approach to their allocation. Since learning methods have a number of parties and can be considered in different aspects, then quite naturally the existence of several approaches to their classification.

Methods are divided into sources of transmission and nature of the perception of information on verbal, visual and practical (S. I. Pepovsky, E. Ya. Galvan).

Depending on the main didactic tasks implemented at this stage of training, the methods are divided into methods for acquiring knowledge, the formation of skills and skills, the use of knowledge, creative activities, consolidation, testing of knowledge, skills, skills (M. A. Danilov, B. P. Esipov).

In accordance with the nature of the cognitive activity of students to absorb the content of education, such methods as explanatory and illustrative (informational and receptive), reproductive, problem presentation, partially search, or heuristic, and research (M. N. Skhatkin, I. Ya Lerner).

Classifications are proposed that combine teaching methods with relevant methods of teachings: information and generalizing and performing, explanatory and reproductive, instructive and practical and productive and practical, explanatory and prompting and partially search, encouraging and search (M. I. Makhmutov).

Approaches to the classification of training methods simultaneously on sources of knowledge and logical justifications (N. M. Verzilin), according to the sources of knowledge and the level of independence of students in educational activities (A.N. Aleksyuk, I. D. Zverev, etc.)

V. F. Palamarchuk and V. I. Palamarchuk proposed a model of training methods, in which the sources of knowledge, the level of cognitive activity and independence of students, as well as the logical path of educational knowledge, are combined.

The classification in which four sides of the methods are considered: the logical-mean, source, procedural and organizational and administrative, proposed by S. G. Shapovalenko.

The presence of different points of view on the problem of classifying methods reflects the natural process of differentiation and integrating knowledge about them. Multilateral, integrated approach to the characteristic of their essence is increasingly denoted.

In modern conditions, real opportunities were ripened for generalizing and systematizing ideas about learning methods based on the methodology of a holistic approach to activities.

Since in Soviet psychology, it is generally accepted now to consider thinking as living human activity, having the same principled structure as the activities of practical (A. N. Leontyev), it seems necessary when describing the teaching methods directly proceed from the theory of human activity.

K. Marx in "Capital" considers the labor process as a human activity, in which elements of mediation, regulation and control are dedicated. Accordingly, activities in the learning process should be carried out with the help of such methods (methods), which in unity combine the organization of actions on mediating educational information, the regulation of the activity of the individual primarily in various ways of stimulating it, as well as operational control over the course of activity.

With a holistic approach, it is necessary to allocate three large groups of learning methods:

1) methods of organization and implementation of educational and educational activities; 2) methods of stimulating and motivating educational and cognitive activity; 3) methods of control and self-control over the effectiveness of educational and cognitive activity.

In each of the three groups of methods, the interaction of teachers and students is reflected. The organizational influences of the teacher are combined here with the implementation and self-organization of students. Stimulating the influence of the teacher lead to the development of the motivation of the teachings from schoolchildren, the TE. Internal stimulation of teachings. The controlling actions of teachers are combined with students' self-control.

Each of the main groups of methods in turn can be divided into subgroups and the individual methods in them. Since the organization and the process of implementation of educational and cognitive activity assumes the transfer, perception, comprehension, memorization of educational information and the practical application of knowledge and skills obtained, in the first group of learning methods it is necessary to include the methods of verbal transmission and auditory perception of information (verbal methods: story , lecture, conversation, etc.); Methods of visual transmission and visual perception of educational information (visual methods: Illustration, demonstration, etc.) Methods of transmission of educational information through practical, labor actions and tactile, kinestezic perception (practical methods: exercises, laboratory experiments, labor actions, etc.)

The selection of verbal, visual and practical methods cannot be considered justified only in the external plan from the point of view of information sources. It has a certain base in the internal plan through the characteristic of thinking forms.

The learning cognition process necessarily implies the organization of comprehension of educational information and its logical assimilation. Therefore, it is necessary to allocate subgroups of the organization's methods inductive and deductive, as well as reproductive and problem-search activities of students.

Perception, understanding and application of knowledge can flow under the direct supervision of the teacher, as well as during the independent work of the student. It is possible to allocate independent work methods, bearing in mind that other teaching methods are implemented under the guidance of the teacher. Each subsequent subgroup of methods is manifested in all previous ones and therefore now they are talking about the mandatory use of methods in certain combinations with the dominance of one of them in this situation.

So, we showed possible subgroups of methods that are included in the first group providing the organization and implementation of educational and educational activities in the educational process.

(...) The proposed classification of training methods is relatively holistic because it takes into account all the basic structural elements of the activity (its organization, stimulation and control). It intersects such aspects of cognitive activity as perception, comprehension and practical application. It takes into account all the main functions and parties of the methods identified to this period of pedagogical science, without discing not one of them. But it does not just mechanically connect the well-known approaches, but considers them in relationships and unity, requiring the choice of their optimal combination. Finally, the proposed approach to the classification of methods does not exclude the possibility of supplementing it with new private methods that arise during the improvement of the learning process in modern school. Before switching to the characteristic of individual learning methods, it should be noted that each method can be imagined consisting of a set of methodological techniques. On this basis, sometimes methods are determined as a set of methodological techniques that solve the learning tasks. This definition, being faithful in the aspect under consideration, still does not disclose the activity of the learning methods, and therefore at the beginning of the chapter we gave the definition of training methods as methods of interaction between teachers and students to achieve learning goals. But the said does not reduce the usefulness of identifying in each particular case of those methodological techniques, of which any method consists. Therefore, in the future, with the characteristics of various methods, we will mark the methodological techniques that are included in them. Although it should be noted that the problem of more complete identification and analysis of teaching techniques is one of the very relevant didactic studies.

Let us turn to a more detailed description of all major groups of training methods in secondary school.

Visual learning methods

Visual learning methods can be conditionally divided into two large groups: methods of illustrations and demonstrations.

The method of illustrations implies showing disciples of illustrative aids: posters, cards, sketches on board, paintings, portraits of scientists, etc.

The demonstration method is usually associated with the demonstration of instruments, experiments, technical installations, various types of drugs. Demonstration methods also include showing movies and diamers. Such a division of funds for illustrative and demonstration historically developed in the practice of teaching. It does not exclude the possibility of classifying individual means of visibility both to the group of illustrative and demonstration methods. This concerns, for example, show illustrations through an epidiascop or a codeoscope.

During the use of visual methods, techniques are used: show, ensuring better visibility (screen, tinted, lighting, lifting devices, etc.), discussion of the results of observations, demonstrations, etc.

In recent years, practice has enriched in a number of new funds for visibility. New, more colorful geographical maps with plastic coating, albums of illustrations on history, literature, geographic atlases with photos implemented from satellites were created. In the practice of learning, LETI devices were entered, codoscopes, allowing in daytime without dimming the class to show drawings, diagrams, drawings made by a teacher on a transparent film. The lessons began to draw sketches on watman sheets with wide markers, allowing to disclose the dynamics of the studied phenomenon, gradually illustrating one after another all the necessary stages. Finally, in many schools, day-mill screens are equipped when the film equipment is installed in the laboratory manual, demonstrates a film on a matte glass placed above the blackboard. All these funds found particularly widespread use in the Cabinet training system.

Modern didactic requires the most rational options for the use of cumulative means, allowing to achieve a greater educational and educational effect. It orients teachers to such an application of visual learning methods to simultaneously be able to develop and abstract thinking of students.

The use of the method of demonstration of training cinema has become quite common in the practice of learning. In all cities and large areas, films created, which at the request of teachers send the necessary film. The list of basic training films has now been reflected in school programs, which greatly facilitates the choice of their teachers. In the educational process, both full films on the topic and film filters and film films are used. Film fagments are devoted to individual issues of the appropriate topic. The film collectors usually demonstrate closed processes, for example, the process of operation of the internal combustion engine, the process of takeoff, flight and landing of the aircraft, etc. Practice shows that the film films and film films and film films are especially useful. Full films on the topic are effectively used to secure the entire topic. Of course, a variant of fragmentary use of full films is possible while studying a new topic, which is trying to do many teachers.

When preparing for the use of a film in the educational process, the teacher must preview it, draw up the main issues that will be placed in front of the students along the demonstration, to identify the fragments that will be shown at the corresponding moment of the lesson. It is useful to outline places where replicas will be given, focusing on the most important thing. Finally, it is necessary to outline the final conversation on the film.

Using training television. A new visual method that came to school in the last decade is the massive use of training television. For high school, technical schools and universities, numerous educational televisers have been created, and training telecasts are underway. Programs of the upcoming gears of central television are published in the "teacher's newspaper", multiply by the Institutes of Teachers Improvement and are brought to teachers. Taking into account this, schools make up the schedule of training sessions and provide for conducting them in the appropriate cabinets.

Video recorders will be promoted by the expansion of television, allowing you to record a TV shows and repeat it to determine the difficulties and deepening the perception of the issues under study. Now the construction of cheaper video recorders will be completed, which will be available to each school.

Communication of visual and verbal methods

A feature of visual learning methods is that they necessarily suggest in one way or another combining them with verbal methods. The close interconnection of the word and clarity follows from the fact that the dialectical path of knowledge of objective reality involves the application in the unity of living contemplation, abstract thinking and practice. The teaching of I. P. Pavlova on the first and second signaling systems shows that with the knowledge of reality phenomena, they should be applied in relationships. Perception through the first signal system must organically merge with the operating in the word, with the active functioning of the second signal system.

L. V. Zankov, several basic forms of combination of words and clarity were studied: with the word, the teacher manages the observation, which is carried out by students, and knowledge of the appearance of the object, its directly perceived properties and relationships of students is removed from the most visible object in the process of observations;

with the word, the teacher, on the basis of the observation of visual objects implemented by schoolchildren and on the basis of their knowledge, conducts students to understand and form such connections in phenomena that cannot be found in the process of perception;

information about the appearance of the object, the students of his directly perceived properties and relationships are obtained from the verbal messages of the teacher, and visual funds are confirmed or the specificization of verbal messages;

going from the observation of a visual object, the teacher reports such stations between the phenomena, which are not directly perceived by students, or makes a conclusion, combines, summarizes individual data. Thus, there are a variety of forms of communication words and visibility. To give some of them complete preference would be erroneous, since, depending on the specifics of the tasks of learning, the content of the topic, the nature of the visual funds, as well as the level of preparedness of students, is necessary in each particular case of choosing their most rational combination.

Terms of effective use of visibility

There are several methodological conditions, the execution of which ensures the successful use of visual learning tools: 1) a good review, which is achieved by applying the appropriate paints in the manufacture of lifting tables, highlighting screens, reuters, pointers, etc.; 2) a clear allocation of the main, main when displaying illustrations, as they sometimes contain and distracting moments; 3) a detailed thought out of the explanations (introductory, in the course of display and concluding) necessary to determine the essence of demonstration phenomena, as well as to summarize the learning educational information; 4) Attracting the students themselves to find the desired information in a visual manual or a demonstration device, setting up of problematic tasks of a visual nature.

In a demonstration of chemical, physical and other technical installations, it is necessary to strictly follow the safety regulations that are clearly defined by the relevant instructive documents. Practical training methods cover a very wide range of various types of student activities. During the use of practical methods, techniques are applied: setting the task, planning its implementation, management process, operational incentive, regulation and control, analyzing the results of practical work, identify the causes of deficiencies, troubleshooting learning to fully achieve the goal.

Practical methods include written exercises - the fulfillment of tasks in native and foreign languages, mathematics and other subjects. During the exercises, the student applies theoretical knowledge in practice. One of the specific types of training exercises are commented exercises, in the execution of which a student more actively comprehends the upcoming actions, to itself or loud, comments on the upcoming operations. Commenting actions helps the teacher to detect typical errors, make adjustments to the actions of students.

The second large group of practical methods make up laboratory experiments. In recent decades, the school practices have firmly included front laboratory work, training workshops in physics, chemistry, biology and other subjects. The frontal experiments and observations, which, compared to frontal laboratory work, do not have a whole lesson compared to front laboratory work, and only a small part of it and serve as introductory exercises applying to the assimilation of the theoretical part of the new topic.

The practical methods also include the fulfillment of labor tasks in workshops, educational and industrial workshops, student brigades. These tasks can be worked out training. These include all the work in learning workshops to work skills to work with paper, cardboard, wood, metal, use various tools, control machines and mechanisms, work with the "Designer" type sets. The training methods are applied, in which students perform the production tasks of enterprises.

Practical methods also include exercises performed by students with recording and sound-reproducing equipment. A special kind of practical learning methods make up classes with training machines, with simulators and tutoring machines. These machines usually suggest programming of educational material, a dose unit, selection of control issues for each dose, reinforcement of an answer or the formulation of new leading issues.

Practical methods are used in a close combination with verbal and visual learning methods, as practical work on exercising, experience, labor operation should be preceded by an instructive explanation of the teacher. The verbal explanations and display shows usually accompany the exercise process itself, and the analysis of its results is completed.

16. Training methods

16.1 Concept of learning methods, their classification

The training method is a way of streamlined interconnected activities of the teacher and trainees aimed at solving the problems of education (Yu.K. Baban).

The training method is a system of targeted actions of teachers, organizing students' training activities leading, in turn, to achieving learning goals (I.I.Lerner).

In determining the concept of "learning method", the main thing is a way of activity that is revealed as a system of actions leading to the goal. It should be remembered: there is teaching and teaching. Therefore, it is correct to talk about the goals and actions of the teacher (teaching) and about the purpose and actions of the student (teaching), which are interrelated. And therefore, some Didakta believe that the methods of the teacher are consistent with the methods of a student, that is, the methods are binary, there are not one and in a pair (M.I.Makhmutov). Most doidaks, however, describe the method as a system of uniform actions of the teacher and the student. Knowledge and choice of training methods in practice is of the first value, for determines the didactic actions, the operations leading to the achievement of the target. There is no strictly scientific classification of teaching methods in didactics, since science can not yet find one base for allocating all methods.

Therefore, there are several classifications on various reasons. Here are the most designed of them.

2. By the nature of cognitive activity

Explanatory-visual (reproductive)

Problem presentation

Partial search (heuristic)


3. According to the didactic goal

Methods of studying new knowledge

Methods of consolidation of knowledge

Control methods.

4. In place in the structure of activity

Y.K. Baban offered to classify methods based on the structure of the activity. It highlighted elements of the organization, regulation, control. Accordingly, according to Y. Babansky, there must be three groups of methods on their place in the structure of training:

1. Methods of organization and implementation of educational activities,

2. Methods of its incentive and motivation,

3. Methods of control and self-control for educational activities.

Each group has a combination of methods. So, in the 1st group, methods were placed according to the above classifications. In the 2nd group - methods of forming motifs, in particular, didactic games. In the 3rd group - methods of oral, written, laboratory explicit control and self-control. Below are the basic learning methods.

16.2 Training Methods for Source

16.2.2 Visual Methods

The source of knowledge is an image, a visual representation of the study object in the form of schemes, tables, drawings, models, devices. Claimed methods include: Illustration - Show and organizing cognitive activities based on the exposed object (static); Demonstration - show dynamic models, devices that allow you to observe processes, measure them, detect their essential properties.

The use of visual methods is combined with verbal, based on the first and second signaling system. Functions of visual methods: to ensure the perception of the subject of the study; form an idea of \u200b\u200bit; - Create conditions for the development of the essential characteristics of the observed phenomenon, not limited to external, irrelevant features. In other words, clarity through perception and idea should lead to the formation of concepts, laws, theories. If this does not happen, the visuality inhibits the formation of knowledge and the development of thinking.


The visual method 88 needs to be understood incomparably wider, not even in the sense of sensual perception, but as an exercise, the development of independent work skills, why actually the very term "visuality" can be recognized as not responding to the actual content of this concept. Finally, it is impossible not to mention clarity in applied to verbal perception, when this verbal material is supplied in a bright form causing visual images from the listener. T. Ob. In a wide understanding of N. m. It covers both the use of visual benefits in the proper sense of the word, somehow: drawing, table, diapositive, model, dwelling, preparation, and the use of things and items around us in nature and in everyday life, For learning purposes. In this direction, the excursion sweep is important, which is essentially one of the types of N.M. In his broad sense. Its completed expression N. M. Fits in the museum-plant business, where there are extensive collections of visual benefits. The research method in which students deal not only with a book in the meaning of independent studies, but also with certain labor processes (in particular independent creation of visual aids - collecting and processing plants, collecting data and drawing up diagrams, etc.), also founded On the widespread use of the visual method of the city of N.M. quite long enough. N. M. It was used in training in ancient Greece and even earlier in Egypt. Heraclit, one IE founders of dialectics, said: "Eyes are the best witnesses than ears." For clarity, Quintilian (2nd in. AD). The era of feudalism, marked by the oppression of the church, brought dead scholasticism to the place of clarity. The word becomes higher than the real ideas and knowledge of things. With the reception of commercial capitalism, the reflection of the Rena was the era of the Renaissance and Humanism, shifts occur in pedagogy. The Rabl was the first in his famous novel "Gargaptua and Pantagruel" in the system of new pedagogical views allotted a great place for clarity, and in particular the excursion method. Following the bacon, which his inductive philosophy nominated the observation in the first place, the largest teacher of this turning point of Yang Amos Komeneki (1592-1670) spoke. In his "Great Didactics", K-RAP put the foundation of bourgeois pedagogy, he put forward visuality in the first place; In this book, it gives examples of applying N. M. Not limited to theoretical provisions about N. M., he created the book "Peace in pictures" (ornisplctus), in K-Roy gave the first sample of application II. m. In textbooks. Following him, the English philosopher Locke was made by chambers (he said: "It would be absolutely useless and not interesting for children to tell them about such things, they have no idea about them; about specific knowledge of knowledge is acquired in any way and words, and from the things themselves and their images ") and Jean-Jacques Rousseau in his famous novel" Emil or about the upbringing ", where he acts as an ideologist of the petty bourgeoisie of the pre-revolutionary era. Rousseau is already further and puts the question of not about the images, but about the subject matter; The study of wildlife is highlighted on the fore (Rousseau rebelled even against the globe and cards in teaching geography). - The next stage of the history of the issue of N. M. is associated with the presents of Pestalozzi, Freblie, and others. German teachers. In his book "Like Gertrude. He teaches his children "(1801) Pestalotzi said:" Claim the basis of all knowledge; Any learning is based on observation and experience. " Fubell joined the element of activity to elements of contemplation, expanding so The concept, clarity as an exercise of the body of the vision also muscular feeling; Every visual allowance must be done by the students themselves. From other active conductors N. m. It is still necessary to name Bases (from the group so called "Philanthropists") and Herbert. The Russian school, remaining until the recent years of tsarism under the oppression of classicism, far from life and nature, has been carried out by N. m. In extremely limited sizes. Group of teachers of the 60s., Actively developed questions by N. m. (In particular, for the lowest school, the Ushin-sky), it could relatively little to do in the conditions existing conditions. The use of I. m. To the revolution, it was mostly purely demonstrative in nature and was expressed in visual illustrative clarity, thanks to which the sensual perception, although extended compared to verbal perception, still remains passive. This explains the reaction, K-paradise arose among modern teachers in relation to the use of visual benefits. Already at the I All-Russian congress of teachers of natural science in Petrograd in 1921, a sharp protest against visual benefits was observed. "It is not about promoting clarity and expanding the use of visual benefits, but to temper the fervor in this direction in order not to distort and do not diminish the values \u200b\u200bof the excursion. and laboratory research methods of teaching, not to replace nature, its huge educational value to dead trash and benefits .- "The use of visual benefits is closely related to demonstrative teaching techniques. They are intended only to look at them, they are their essence of their essence of the adjustment to verbal learning. They ignore other senses organs and do not give the opportunity to exercise motor abilities. " Therefore, "one of the school is all models, schemes, schematic tables and drawings .-" The principle of visibility has tested his own century and should give way to the place of independent, creative work in studying the environment "(report V. F. Natali). However, undoubtedly, this inflection was caused by one-sided use of N. m. In the old school and as a result of this, an improper understanding of his essence. When in the old school, the excursion method was almost at all applied and the study of wildlife was replaced by contemplation of colors in the figure or in the finished herbarium, and Elekoe in the box under glass, such a N. m., Of course, did not go anywhere. But after all, N.M. It is not exhausted by demonstrating the drawings. After all, in research work, elements of visibility play a big role. Along with this, great importance is the nature of the use of visual benefits. A look at the right way: "First of all, such benefits should be the necessary material, the addition of the fact that it cannot give a direct study of nature objects. Secondly, many manuals can highlight "and allow those details that, by virtue of certain reasons, may not be clear and understandable on natural objects" (Ulyaninsky). T. O. Requirements for N. m. It can be formulated as follows: 1) N. m. It should be the subject, that is, the study of natural things, and not their images. Only in the event that it is impossible to familiarize with the subject of classes, then its image is quite appropriate (for example, in the image zoology of tropical beasts. etc., in medicine. Tables, etc.); 2) Application N. m. It should not wear a passive-contemplative nature, and serve material for amateur performance. In this respect, it should be recognized as the right position that " Currently, it is necessary to talk about visual benefits, but about working material for independent knowledge and student research "(conversions). However, we must recognize that it is nothing more than the highest form of N. m., published from the borders of a narrow formal understanding at WHO method. All these provisions retain their power completely and in relation to the use of N. m. In San. Enlightenment, not to mention the teaching of hygiene at school, where tables are on anatomy, skeleton, models of certain sanitary installations, Anat. Microscope, preparations, in one word a variety of forms visual. benefits will find the widest application; N. Method in mass San.-lumen is especially important. work., 89 Visual Method 90 Having its ultimate goal Activating the amateurness of the wide masses in the struggle for improving labor and life, the mass work itself compared to the school where there is a stability of the audience and a large reserve of time, gives less opportunities for the active method in the process of san .-lumen, work. Therefore, in mass work, contrary to the opinions of opponents of N. M., given above, are of great importance and purely illustrative benefits. The value of visual benefits can be reduced to the following: they facilitate the perception of new information, reduce the time to explain, increase the assimilation and promote the creation of shaped views. However, the growth of self-identity masses, the root restructuring of the entire mass work is completely different and the task of applying N. m., T. K., involving the broadest masses to work on improving the work of health sections, healthy, san. Commissions, commissions of labor protection, etc., we are not on artificially created visual allowances, but directly in life, in practical daily work, we carry out visual-san. Training of millions of mass, an example of which is to conduct a san. minimum. New forms of labor-socialist competition and impact - to an even greater extent clearly teach the masses of the struggle for a new life. The period of reconstruction of the national economy, the construction of the foundation of socialism in our country presented to the work of health care completely different requirements. The root restructuring of the whole health care business also requires new approaches and huge scope in the spread of mass san. Culture. All this is completely different in this stage the question of N. m. And visual benefits. Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) from 5 / VIII 1931 Oh Technopagan de, which opens a new stage and in the case of San. Enlightenment, fascinating the attention of the entire Soviet public on this most important task, directly emphasizes the importance of visual benefits. At school, where visual benefits have particularly large use in connection with the active forms of work and the growth of amateur activities, N. M. It also takes other character and is carried out directly on real objects. The school's polytechnation undoubtedly increases even more important learning importance, conducting it in paintings and images, but directly on labor processes, in the machine, in the field, etc. d., giving him the nature of the greatest vitality. This very visual manuals are by no means strike out from Arsenal San.-Light. Methods, but they are given a purely important value of an important subsidiary methodical moment. Content visual. The benefits can serve any issues of medicine and health care, but the relevance of the topic, its compliance with the needs of socialist construction are one of the most important requirements for visual benefits. Basic requirements for visual manuals are reduced to the following: scientific literacy (not only in the sense of formal accuracy, but in particular with regard to the interpretation of certain processes on the basis of the Marxist-Leninsky methodology and preventing the vitalistic and mechanism. Lighting, examples of what can be found in German gig . Museum in Dresden in the department "Man", where in visual guides are occupied by the position of neutrality between both ideological directions, equally hostile for consistent dialectic. materialism, on the basis of which only can be built. Enlightenment; as a similar example, you can call the table "human body ", Placed in the Kahn book" A: "DaslebendesMenschen" and released several years ago "beep" and "scientific thought"; it is a worst model of vulgar-mechanistic simplistic: the whole body of a person is represented in the form of a series of machines). In each a visual allowance political clarity and pointedness along with the struggle with the specified sectors Appendixes should find their expression in the political saturation of each visual manual, which should serve not to the goals of naked culturality, but to be an instrument of the struggle for a socialist offensive, should be the activity of labor workers on improving labor and life, san. The minimum, for reducing the incidence, thereby speeding up the pace of our construction. Only under these conditions, visual manuals are currently may be recognized as suitable; Every neutrality and visual manuals as well as in other areas should be recognized as harmful and intolerable. The third requirement for visual benefits is the artistic performance. From certain types of visual benefits, it is possible to call consistently: use of the surrounding nature and life, natural items taken in their usual setting, the same items taken in isolated and transferred to the training situation in nature or in preparations, their images as quite documentary (photos), So the creative (drawing, table, poster), and you can talk both about pre-prepared print images, and about the improvised immediately in front of the audience with the help of the board and chalk. Along with these flat images, three-dimensional benefits are of great importance, the models, dules, layouts should be attributed to the to-ry. The last group make up devices and experiments. In the first place in a visual method, use should be used for visual training around us and life, the use of natural items. It should be borne in mind that the most familiar items in the process of everyday life are precisely usually analyzing and perceived by us almost unconsciously. Therefore, the analysis of the most familiar subject as a visual manual may have a great methodical interest. As a sample, you can call two bright for 91 visual method 92 of your time of example, data in the books of the Nikitinskaya "Glass of Water" and "Cork Bread", where the use of such simple objects, as specified, for the purposes of visual and integrated deployment of the topic. In the application of such a substrate, you can use San. Bypass (inspections) of this hostel, school, club, collective farm, etc., furnace or battery of central heating in the room, ventilation * and a number of others. In anatomy class, before proceeding with the appropriate table, you should familiarize yourself with a number of features of the structure Human body on one of the students, show them a natural bullish heart, brain and kidney, which can always be reached in advance, having agreed with the nearest meat or slaughter; Only for a pathologically changed body (alcoholic liver, tube. Easy, etc.) You can use the drug, a duzhuya or model. For food classes, such programs such as a piece of meat, a salary, egg, milk, showing the appropriate experiments with them (for example, the appropriation of the protein in milk under the influence of acetic k-you or the formation of a starch in bread under the influence of sugar Saliving bird's actions). In first-aid classes, students should familiarize themselves in nature with dressing material, its properties, show and teach the manufacture of improvised tires from straw, rods, etc., show that it is impossible to apply to the wound (sheet, earth, litter), then go to Developing technical skills, with all the occupation, of course, will wear and clearly demonstrative and at the same time active. When teaching the care of an infant child, it is natural to wear a whole visual nature, along with a demonstration and exercise in such processes, how to get a child, how to keep it, you can show a homemade collection of objects, it is impossible to feed the infant, toys, C-ry should not be given to a child (tin, painted by harmful paints, etc. ). A similar collection can also be compiled for the topic "What follows and what it is impossible to eat pregnant." Widely use local material, which is especially important in rural work. So for example. Pure spoon and dirty, searched when San. An inspection of the working hostel, somewhere under the pillow or behind the top, dirty dishes, cigarette, dirty rags from under the oil, etc. - all this can serve as an excellent visual manual for San.-Light, work. Such examples could be offered a significant number and undoubtedly every doctor himself will find them enough in his everyday practical work. This widespread use of the subject is especially important in the work of a precinct doctor, a reason for the lack of funds cannot acquire expensive benefits. Turning to illustrative visual benefits, it should be particularly noted the meaning of the benefit being created right in front of the audience, together with her or her itself. That is why it is so important to use in the lecture work in small groups of school or murgome chalkboard and me-l a. This alphabet of the technique has an exceptional value. Especially valuable if the teacher (lecturer) is able to sketch not only a diagram or a diagram, Noah drawing. Photo as a visual manual received exceptional distribution in recent years. International Gig. The exhibition in Dresden in 1930 showed it especially clearly; Photo in a wide variety of combinations there was in the center. Undoubtedly, this success is associated with documentary photography, its persuasive in the sense of reliability compared with the deliberate pattern and the ease of giving it the necessary sizes (in the mentioned exhibition there were photos of 4x 8 g). It should be mentioned about photographing objects. Often prefer the front pictures (dead, without people who are broken laboratories, groups, meetings, etc.). Meanwhile, every photo should be dynamic, life itself should speak from it; Each snapshot made in order to subsequent visual propaganda should teach concrete actions to call for practical work on rehabilitation. This basic requirement determines the selection of objects and moments of shooting. Wide distribution received recent T. N. Photomontage, in which several photos (often several dozen), through certain combinations, provide a connected and dynamic illustration of a particular topic or process (we do not mean the old-fashioned dead monta, which were reduced only to the total framing of several heterogeneous photos , not to their processing in content in something new). Photomontage was given not only in mass magazines, but also in visual allowances. Often they are abused into the detriment of clarity and clearer, but essentially this technique you can achieve great dynamism. You should mention one technical technique of using the photo to the museum exhibition. The case, which can give a good effect, reviving the photo, at the same time it allows you to save the exposition area, although, on the other hand, it requires close and more in-depth attention. The main type of flat visual benefits are drawing, table, diagram. The division between all these terms is sufficiently conditional. We relate to the figure simultaneous image of a small size. A poster (see), who received exceptionally widespread over the years of revolution, is predominantly campaigning and does not serve as a teaching aid, although we often meet a propaganda poster. The diagram (see) is a graphic image of digital values. The graphic images also need to include schemes that are of great importance due to their simplicity, which led their popularity. Schemes are both organizational and scientific, such as anatomical, etc. Under the table, we conventionally understand a visual allowance that serves purely educational goals and consisting often of numerous drawings with significant explanatory text. Let us dwell on these latter, since the remaining types (poster, diagram) are described in from-del. Articles. From San.-Education. Tables published most often by series or albums should be called: Tables on the anatomy, published by Dr. Kane, the 3rd edition back in 1920, weak on artistic implementation and containing a number of scientific errors; Inconsistently, the Gosmedizdat Anat is standing in 1929-30. Tables ed. prof. Karuzina; The fulfillment of them is as good as the scientific side. Best in art. The benefitment was published by the State Armedius of the veins. B-Yum (art, an album containing up to 40 tables as a clinic of veins. B-it and social prevention), on tuberculosis (similar type of publication), alcoholism, maternity protection and infancy. A series of series was released over the years for individual infectious diseases (children's infections, Siberian ulcers, malaria-Rostov edition, etc.). In addition to them, you need to name several series of tables on first aid, according to prof. Hygiene, a series of tutorials on military hygiene and a number of others. Along with the center (Moscow-ed. Drug Advocracy, Gosmedizdat, Moszdravotel, Kharkov - ed. "Scientific thought") published benefits and places, printing tables for lack of printing capabilities from linoleum and painting them from hand. Along with the series consisting of separate tables suitable for hanging, a number of albums were issued, valuable as a visual manual, but not designed for hanging out, and more suitable for library use. Of these, you can call albums for patient care, first aid (ed. Rockc), etc. All these benefits (posters, tables, albums) can be used by Perse, as they are, and in the form of installation, when individual parts of the table Cut and mounted completely differently in accordance with the task of this manual (health board, etc.). This processing makes it possible to replenish the lighting of the topic by local material, revitalize it. Often, the drawings are pasted on the phaneer and cut down (sage. Obr. Homemade layouts are preparing). In general, it should be said that despite the incessant complaints about the lack of visual benefits, their absence on the market (indeed, the edition of them all the time lags behind the huge growing need), the center of gravity is not in this lack of ready-made visual aids, but in the underestimation of local visual benefits . Meanwhile, a number of benefits (first of all charts, photomontuses, as well as more complex, eg layouts) can be easily prepared on the ground up to the district of B-TSA, K-Paradise in their San.-Light, work must first of all use his , Local material (incidence, San. The state of the collective farm, etc.). In school practice, such homemade visual benefits can and should be made by children in the order of their academic work. The use of children's drawings in order to clarity San. Learning is very important. Along with the specified specially developed visual allowances, we should mention the use of portraits of great scientists and leaders as a visual allowance (Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin), accompanying them with the relevant quotes about the recovery of the proletariat, about the upbringing of a new person, etc. Not to mention About exhibitions, where in the relevant departments, portraits of the creators of this discipline or created an era are mandatory in a particular area, but also in lectures, the demonstration of portraits with portraits is also very desirable. It should include portraits in the corners and exhibitions, arranged in the exhibitions. institutions. From portraits of scientists, you can call Levwenguka, Pasteur, Koch, Mechnikov, Lista, Pirogov and many others. It is even more important to use for visual-san. Propaganda x U-delusted painting. Starting with classical painting (Rembrandt, Rubens, Murillo, Golbaine, etc.) and ending with modern artists, you can call a large number of paintings, reproductions with the to-rym could be used for the purpose of San. Enlightenment. These pictures have their own content of a wide variety of topics: anatomy (there are a number of pictures depicting an autopsy), B-NE (skin-different rashes, surgical production of operations, mental-type of mentally ill, furnishings of "crazy houses"), treatment, or rather healing b Little, gig. Procedures (many paintings of drawing baths), maternity protection, physical education, etc. From embossed, spatial visual benefits, first of all, should be said about the models under which we mean exactly with the observance of the three-dimensional scale. The image, respectively, reduced or increased or in a natural value, of one or another item, building, installation, organism, etc. Anatte can serve as an example. Models, which, in contrast to the corresponding tables, giving a flat image, give a deep display. Of these, you can call common model-torso, etc. except Anat. Gigs are made of models. Filter models, ventilation, heating and other installations. Models are most often made of papier-mache and plywood (Fig. 1-6). The uniforms represent an image that is precisely transmitting the form of the corresponding object, the details of the structure of the surface and its natural painting. This "photographic" is different from the model, which allows known conventions and schematics (in detail, cm. Make T-conditional three-dimensional artistic image of a scene, the process that transmits is not in the plan, but promising. Layouts can be made 95

Under visual training methods Methods are understood under which the learning material assimilation is in significant dependence on the instrument of visual benefits and technical means. Visual methods are used in relationships with verbal and practical learning methods and are intended for on-dimensional-sensual acquaintance of students with phenomena, processes, objects in their natural form or in a symbolic image with all sorts of drawings, reproductions, schemes and schemes and T.P. In modern school, the on-screen technical means are widely used.

Visual learning methods can be conditionally subdivided into three groups:

- method of illustrations,

- Demonstration method,

- video metal.

Method illustration Ensures showing students of IL-lustration benefits, posters, tables, paintings, cards, sketches on the board, flat models, etc.

Demonstration method Usually associated with the demonstration of instruments, experiments, technical installations, movies, diamers, etc.

Objectives of the method of visibility in elementary school:

Enrichment and expansion of the immediate sensual experience of children,

Observation development

Study of specific properties of objects,

Creating conditions for the transition to abstract thinking, led to self-teaching and systematization of studied.

In primary classes, visibility is used:






The demonstration serves mainly for the disclosure of the Dina-Mika studied phenomena, but is widely used for means of comment with the appearance of the subject, its internal device or location in a number of homogeneous items. When demonstrating natural objects, it is usually started with an appearance (value, form, color, parts and their relationships), and then go to an internal device or from-sizing properties that are specifically highlighted and underlined.

The demonstration begins with a holistic perception. This method is truly effective only when an active cognitive process is carried out - the children themselves study objects, processes and phenomena, perform the necessary actions, establish dependencies.

The process of demonstration should be built so that:

All students were well seen a demonstrated object;

Could perceive it if possible by all the senses, and not only with their eyes;

The right side of the object was made to the disciples the highest impression and attracted maximum attention.

The illustration involves showing and perceiving objects, processes and phenomena in their symbolic image with the help of posters, cards, portraits, photos, drawings, schemes, reproductions, flat models, etc.

Recently, the practice of visibility has been enriched with a number of new funds.

Demonstration and illustration methods are used in close connection, complementing and enhanced joint action. When the learning process or phenomenon should perceive in general, a demonstration is used, when the OSOS is required, the entity of the phenomenon, the relationship between its components, resort to illustration. Effective illustrations depending on the show technique. Election of illustrative benefits and form of illustration, the teacher thinks out their didactic on-meaning, place and role in the cognitive process. It also has the problem of determining the optimal volume of IL-lustration material. Experience shows that a large number of illustrations distract students from clarifying the essence of studied phenomena; The illustrations are preparing in advance, but showing only at the moment when they are needed, along the course of learning.

In modern elementary school, screen technical means are widely used to ensure high-quality illustrations.

Video meter It is considered as a separate method of teaching due to intensive penetration into the practice of ra-bots of educational institutions of new sources of the on-screen behavior of information:



Cinema equipment

Training television,

Video players and video recorders,

As well as computers with display reflection.

Video meter successfully performs all didactic functions: it serves not only for the presentation of knowledge, but also for their con-trol, consolidation, repetition, generalizations, systematization. Educational and raising functions of this method are due to the high efficiency of the impact of visual images and the ability to manage events.

Practical learning methods Based on the practical activities of students. These methods form practical skills and skills.

Practical methods include:

- Exercises,

- laboratory and practical work,

Exercises- multiple execution of students with defined actions in order to develop and improve skills and skills in academic work.

The nature and technique of exercises depend on the characteristics of the educational subject, the specific material studied by the issue and age of students.

Didactics formulates a number of common rules for exercises:

Bringing to the consciousness of students and the procedure for performing exercise;

Variety of exercises;

Systematics of exercises;

After explaining the new material, the exercises are more often given;

The gradual increase in the difficulty of exercises.

Immediately after studying the new material, the teacher gives typical exercises in which signs studied by students are the most bright and convex. When the new material is learned by students, it is possible to give tasks and exercises to fulfill the children use the knowledge of other topics.

The efficiency of exercises increases if the children are accustomed to self-control in training work. Properly organized exercises have a large re-nutrient value. The nature of the effects of exercises on students depends on the degree of independence of their implementation. The content of exercises is equally important.

In primary grades, many diverse written exercises are given.

Laboratory works - One of the practical methods of learning, consisting in conducting students on the task of a teacher of experiments using instruments, the use of in-trints and other technical devices. In the process of laboratory work, there is observation, analysis and comparison of observation data, formulation of conclusions. Thinking operations are combined here with fans with motor acts, since the participating with the help of technical means affects the IZU-Fair substances and materials, they are interested in their phenomena and processes, which significantly increases the productivity of the cognitive process.

Laboratory work can be carried out:

- in an illustrative planwhen students in their experiments reproduce what was previously demonstrated by the teacher;

- in research planWhen students themselves decide for the first time, the informative task assigned to them and the experiments on themselves they independently come to new conclusions for them.

The execution of laboratory works is accompanied by a recording of the racing data and the graphic image of the studied tests and processes in the form of a report on the experiment.

Cognitive (Didactic) Games - This is a special creation of situations that model the reality, of which it is proposed to find a way out.

Modern didactic elementary school games are predominantly playing the rules.

Games have many features:

Activate cognitive processes;

Raise the interest and care of children;

Develop abilities;

Enter children in life situations;

Teach them to act according to the rules;

Develop curiosity, attentiveness;

Enchant knowledge, skills.

Properly built game enriches the process of thinking by individual feelings, develops self-regulation, strengthens the will of the child. The game leads him to independent opening, solutions to problems.

In the educational process, only the elements of the didactic game can be used - the game situation, reception, exercise.

The general structure of the didactic game contains components:

Motivational - needs, motives, interests, defining the desires of children to participate in the game;

Approximate - the choice of gaming activities;

Executive - actions, operations that make it possible to implement the gaming goal;

Evaluation - correction and stimulation of activity of gaming activity.

Questions and tasks

1. What is the essence of each type of visual methods? Describe their positive and negative sides.

2. Expand the essence of each type of practical methods, their positive and negative sides.

Forms of organization of training in elementary school: General, group and individual

The form(from Latin "Forma") - outdoor form, external outline, established order.

In philosophy the form - This is a structure of some content.

Form of learning organization denotes the external side of the learning process, which is associated with the number of students, time and place, as well as the procedure for its implementation (I.F. Kharlamov).

In scientific pedagogical studies, different points of view are considered on the concept of "organizational forms of education."

So I. M. Camerics The form of study is considering as a special design that characterizes the "external side of the learning process, due to content, methods, techniques, means, types of educational activities, the peculiarities of the interconnection of the teacher and students when working on educational material.

Analyzing this pedagogical phenomenon, Yu. K. Babansky believes that under the form of training organization, an operating and activity component of training should be understood and is an external expression of the agreed activity of the teacher and students carried out in the prescribed manner and a certain mode.

B. G. Likhachev under the form of the organization of training understands purposeful, clearly organized, meaningful saturated and methodically equipped system of cognitive and educational interaction, teacher's relations and students.

S. A. Smirnov under the form of training understands the way of organizing students' activity, which determines the number and nature of the relationship between participants in the learning process.

The form of training is an external expression of the agreed activity of the teacher and students, "Packaging" for the content "(I. P. Podlavy).

The determinations of the concept of "form of study" talk about its complexity and ambiguity.

In the history of pedagogy allocate two main forms of training: individually groupand Cool-urgent.

The individual training system was distributed in the early stages of the Company's development, when the teacher was engaged in one student, as a rule, his successor. Gradually arose individually-group training when the teacher was engaged with a group of students in 10-15 people. Training in the group was also individually, therefore, in the group there were disciples of different ages, a different level of preparation. Training time, the beginning and end of classes were also individual.

In the Middle Ages, due to an increase in the number of students, the need for the emergence of a new form of training organization arose. I got the distribution group form of training. She found his finished decision cool-term learning systemdeveloped and theoretically substantiated Ya. A. Komensky. It assumes the presence in the group of permanent composition of students of one age; Permanent place and duration of classes, stable schedule of classes.

The history of the school's development knows various training systems, in which the advantage was given to those or another forms of organization: individual (in the ancient states), individually group (in the Schools of the Middle Ages), mutual education (Belle-Lancaster system in England), differentiated student's ability learning (Manneimskaya system), brigadier training (existing in the 20s in the Soviet school), the American "Trump Plan", according to which 40% of the time student was carried out in large groups (100-150 people), 20% in small groups (10 -15 students) and 40% of time was assigned to independent work.

For primary school teachers, interest is of interest to the so-called Dalton Plan - the form of individualized training (E. Parkherst, Dalton, beginning of XX century). Children were offered complete freedom to choose the content of learning, alternation of studied objects, using their own time, etc.

Forms of study historically established continue to exist in the practice of learning and now.

Individual form of training -it is used to adapt the degree of complexity of learning tasks, assisting the individual characteristics of the student and the optimization of the educational process.

Pair shape -it is related to the communicative interaction between the teacher and the pair of students who undergo under its leadership the overall learning task.

Group form - Communication of the teacher is carried out with a group of children of more than three people who interact, both among themselves and a teacher in order to implement educational tasks.

Collective form (general education) learning - One of the most complex forms of organizing students, considering the training of a holistic team. This form is focused on the active interaction of students, their mutual understanding, mutual education, cohesion.

Frontal form ("Addressed to the audience") Supports learning a group of students or a whole class, deciding the same type of tasks with subsequent control of the results by the teacher.

The more advanced organizational registration of the pedagogical process found its expression in uRALY SYSTEM. Her contours were proposed by the Dutch teacher D. Silom, the German professor I. Storm, the theoretical substantiation of this system was described in the "Great Didactics" Ya. A. Komensky.

Lesson - A unit of the educational process, clearly limited by temporary framework, age-related composition of students, plan and curriculum of work.

Lessonit is the main form of organizing current academic work. In this form, all the components of the educational process are presented: goal, tasks, content, means and methods.

Typology lesson One of the complex didactic tasks. S. V. Ivanov, M. A. Danilov, B. P. Esipov, G.I. Schukin allocate the following types of lessons Depending on the didactic problem:

Introductory lessons, lessons of primary familiarization with educational material;

Lessons for the formation of concepts, the establishment of laws and rules;

Lessons applying knowledge gained in practice;

Skill workors;

Repetition and generalization lessons;

Control lessons;

Mixed or combined lessons.

These types of lessons are widely used in elementary school.

I.P. Submitted separately considers the lesson in malokompleneticelementary school, where children of different age are studying in one classroom.

Here are three main types of lessons:

A lesson on which new material is studied in both classes;

The lesson on which the new material is studied in one class, and in another class, work is organized to consolidate knowledge and skills, repetition of the studied or accounting of knowledge and skills of children;

The lesson on which work in both classes is carried out on the repetition of the studied early.

Integrative lesson (from Lat. "Full", "holistic") is a lesson in which the material of several objects is combined around one topic. Such a lesson is the most productive for younger schoolchildren, because Promotes the information enrichment of the content of learning, thinking and senses of schoolchildren by incorporating an interesting material that allows you to know the phenomenon or subject of study from different sides.

Non-standard lesson - This is an improvised learning occupation having an unconventional structure. For example: Lessons are contests, business games, auctions.

Under the structure The lesson implies its inner structure and the sequence of individual stages reflecting the goal, didactic tasks and features of their practical implementation.

Excursion - This is one of the forms of educational work with children transferred in accordance with certain pedagogical tasks to enterprises, in museums, to the exhibition, in the field, to the farm, etc.

Depending on the solved didactic tasks, excursions of various types are allocated: depending on observation objects (natural, local lore, literary, geographical, etc.); in educational purposes (review and thematic); At the location of the structure of the pedagogical process (introductory, or predatory; current, final).

Recently, in primary grades, the distribution is obtained complexexcursions. Comprehensive excursions will not only save time, but also help combine knowledge blocks in different subjects subordinate to one topic. For example, knowledge of familiarization with the world, music, music, is interested in the excursions. Fine activities.

Independent work Pupils Didakta (I.Ya. Lerner, Yu.K. Babansky, I.P. Podlavy, etc.) characterize both the mastery of scientific knowledge, practical skills, skills in all forms of training, as under the guidance of the teacher, and without it.

Independent work of students classify:

According to the didactic purpose of its use - cognitive, practical, generalizing;

According to the types of tasks being solved - research, creative, cognitive, etc.

On problem levels - reproductive, productive, research, research;

According to the nature of the communicative interaction of students - frontal, group, individual; At the place of its execution - home, cool.

Questions and tasks

1. Highlight the main features characterizing the form of training organization. Give the definition of the concept of a "form of training organization".

2. Determine the factors affecting the choice of organizational forms of training.

3. Describe the features of a cool-term training system, its advantages and disadvantages, its advantages over other systems.

Methods of oral presentation of the new material by the teacher, as a rule, are combined with the use of means of visibility. That is why the method of illustration and demonstration of tutorials play a large role in the didactics, which is sometimes called an illustratively demonstration method. Consequently, the essence of this method is that in the process of academic work, the teacher uses illustrations, i.e. Visual explanation, or demonstrates this or that tutorial that can, on the one hand, facilitate the perception and understanding of the material being studied, and on the other - to act as a source of new knowledge.

The effectiveness of the use of illustrations and demonstrations largely depends on the skillful combination of words and visibility, from the ability of the teacher to decay those properties and features that more clearly reveal the essence of the subjects and phenomena.

When considering the methods of oral presentation of knowledge, the teacher should highlight on issues related to the initiation of students' activity on perception and reflection of the material being studied.

The perception of material for rumor is a difficult matter, requiring focus on focusing and volitional effort. No wonder K.D. Ushshinsky noted that with an inepture of lesson, students can only externally "attend classes", and internally - to think about their or to completely remain "without thought in the head." This was written by S. T. Shatsky, pointing out that often students can dive into a lesson in "Pedagogical Sleep", i.e. Save only the visibility of attention, but be completely indifferent in work and not to perceive the outlined material. These disadvantages, however, are due not to themselves by the methods of the oral presentation of knowledge, as such, and their inept use.

How can the passivity of students be prevented with the oral presentation of the educational material and ensure active perception and understanding of their new knowledge? Two didactic conditions are determining in solving this problem: first, the statement of the material teacher must be meaningful in scientific relations, alive and interesting; Secondly, in the process of oral presentation of knowledge, it is necessary to apply special pedagogical techniques that excite the mental activity of schoolchildren and contributing to the maintenance of their attention.

One of these techniques is that, with the oral presentation, the teacher creates problematic situations, sets the cognitive tasks and questions that they should be solved in the process of perception and reflection of the outlined material. The simplest in this case is a fairly clear definition of the theme of the new material and the allocation of the main issues in which students should deal with. So, when explaining in the IX class in the physics of the topic "Friction. Friction power "Teacher can start with a reminder of famous schoolchildren facts that when a person goes on ice, he is experiencing instability and slip. And on the contrary, passing through asphalt or boardwalk, it keeps quite steadily. These examples allow him to put questions: why is the pedestrian sliding on ice, and on the asphalt of this slip he does not feel? What is friction force? It can be assumed that students will not be able to respond to these questions and will be in a situation of cognitive difficulty, the informative problem will be in front of them. Then the teacher says that to answer these questions they need to explore the topic "friction. Friction force "and indicates the provisions that they must learn. In such a situation where students experience the internal contradictions between knowledge and ignorance, they have a need to resolve these contradictions, and they begin to show cognitive activity.

In stimulation of cognitive activity, the teacher's ability to encourage students to understand the logic and the sequence in the presentation of the topic under study, to the allocation of the main and most significant provisions in it. If, for example, the Kulikov battle is studied at the history lesson, the teacher can pre-give students a task to, that listening to his explanation, they focused their attention on the most important issues and compiled a topic plan. This will definitely stimulate their active thinking in the lesson.

A good effect in the activation of the mental activity of students with the oral presentation of knowledge gives the reception that puts them before the need to compare, compare new facts, examples and, provisions with what we study earlier. In particular. K.D. Ushinsky pointed to the huge role of comparison in the intensification of cognitive activity of students and believed that the comparison is the basis of any understanding and thinking that everything in the world is not different, as through a comparison.

The psychological mechanism of the impact of comparison on the mental activity of a person was trying to reveal even gelvels at one time. "Any comparison of items among themselves," he wrote, "he assumes attention; All attention involves an effort, and every effort is a motivation that makes it make it. "

The receipt of comparison requires students to comprehend internal ties in the educational material, pay attention to the causes that cause or another phenomenon.

In active perception and understanding of the material being studied, the teacher's ability to attach a fascinating nature to its presentation, to make it alive and interesting. First of all, it should not be forgotten here that the training material itself contains many incentives exciting curiosity and mental activity of students. These include: novelty of scientific information, the brightness of the facts, the originality of the conclusions, a peculiar approach to the disclosure of the prevailing representations, deep penetration into the essence of phenomena, etc. Given this, the teacher needs to constantly take care of not to reduce their presentation for the simple retelling of the textbook, but to make it deeper in content, complementing it with new details and interesting examples. K.D. Ushnsky wrote that the studied "The subject must submit to us the news, but the news is interesting, i.e. Such a news that or supplemented, or confirmed, or denied, or crashed that already exist in our soul, i.e., in one word, such a news that would change anything in the tracks, we already have rooted " .

The big effect in learning gives, as already noted, the use of the principle of visibility: a demonstration of paintings, schemes, drawings, devices, as well as experiments, etc. No wonder k.d. Ushinsky pointed out that the teacher who claims to develop the mind in children must, first of all, exercise their ability to observe, lead them from unrelated perception to a targeted and analyzing.

These are the most important general admission of the intensification of the cognitive activity of students with the oral presentation of the knowledge of the teacher.

Work on a new material with oral presentation, as a rule, should end with a brief summary, formulating theoretical conclusions and patterns. These generalizations are not always necessary to do the teacher himself. Often, he encourages the students themselves to formulate the main conclusions arising from the material being studied, especially if this material is set out by the conversation method. All this also activates the mental activity of schoolchildren.

The considered provisions allow to allocate the most important methods of presenting a new material by the methods of the story, explanations, school lecture and the heuristic conversation in combination with illustrations and demonstrations. These techniques include the following:

a) setting the topic of new material and identifying issues that should comprehend and assimilate students;

b) the presentation of the material by the teacher using illustrations and demonstrations, as well as techniques in the intensification of the mental activity of schoolchildren;

c) generalization of the stated material, formulating the main conclusions, rules, patterns.

These didactic basics of educational work on the new material are inherent in all methods of oral presentation of knowledge by the teacher.

Here, however, it is necessary to dwell on those features that are inherent in the school lecture. Since the lecture sets out a significant training material in terms of volume, the topic plan is preferably not only to report orally, but also to record on the board or hang out in the class as a special table. This plan should be recommended to students to write to their notebook.

The use in the process of reading a variety of methodological techniques in the process of reading the lectures of students and maintaining their attention, which was discussed above. In addition to these techniques, the prompting of students to make brief records is played or leading a lecture ability.

In pedagogy, a variety of learning methods are known, which differ in particular, according to students in the process of obtaining new knowledge. Depending on the role, the methods can be passive, active and interactive. Inside each of these groups, you can identify subgroups. One of the subgroups of methods that can be included in any of the above-mentioned methods of methods is visual comprising a variety of ways to present information.

The demonstration is a show of various visual aids, tables, paintings, schemes, diapositives, as well as objects, conducting experiments and the like. Especially often this method is used when reducing the generalization of the previously studied material, as well as when learning a new one. A big role is played when demonstrating verbal explanations. Method of illustrations are used on all subjects - these are various mutations, layouts, fragments of films, excerpts of literary and musical works, cards, graphics, and so on.

Due to the fact that the technical equipment of many educational institutions increased, the projectors, video recorders, televisions, computers and other video equipment appeared in class lessons, video meters mediated in an independent method from a large group of "visual learning methods". This also includes work with a book and other printed sources. The method includes techniques such as output, disinfect, quoting, drawing up plan, annotation, review, certificate compilation, etc.

Visibility revives the lesson, makes living contemplation into it. Visual learning methods are very effective, since training is not built on distracted images, but on specific, understandable students. Using such methods, you can create a specific idea of \u200b\u200bsome subject or event.

Any teacher knows the situation when children are not interested in the lessons and boring. Why is the life of the school is often so not similar to the very brightest and colorful world of childhood, which accompanies the child in everyday life? It would seem that the school should pass the child, leading it on the wonderful way of knowledge in a new beautiful world, but it turns out not always.

Just do not need to make hasty conclusions and say that the school cannot serve as a source of knowledge, which can already be found in the media. Although sometimes such allegations may be completely reasonable. The fact is that a school has always been peculiar to some share of conservatism without allowing the process of transferring knowledge to the younger generation to keep up with the times.

Thus, a kind of contradiction arose between a new rapid time, a characteristic feature of which was the full penetration into the daily life of a person of modern technologies, and the routine of traditional school education, little receptive to any innovations.

However, overcome this contradiction is quite possible. Outstanding teachers of modernity have long thought about it and made every effort to overcome this situation.

Visual learning methods are designed to become the first link in the chains of other methods leading to the goal methods that can do for children to receive new knowledge available and exciting, and so that there can be no speech about boredom. In fact, success in learning may depend not only on the techniques used - it must be remembered that uniform universal methods suitable for all occasions simply do not exist. Success can directly depend on the personality of the teacher.

Using the game you can diversify the learning process and make it fascinating. In higher and secondary special educational institutions, professional learning methods are also often active and interactive, which allows you to absorb training material in the best possible way.

The question of methods remains very relevant, and a single answer to the question "how best" simply does not exist.