What is the real glucose name? Singer Glucose (Natalia Chistyakova-Ionova) Biography, photo, personal life of the singer glucose real name and surname.

What is the real glucose name? Singer Glucose (Natalia Chistyakova-Ionova) Biography, photo, personal life of the singer glucose real name and surname.
What is the real glucose name? Singer Glucose (Natalia Chistyakova-Ionova) Biography, photo, personal life of the singer glucose real name and surname.

Glucose is one of the most popular pop singers. This is a creative pseudonym Natasha ionovoy. At first, music lovers saw a gaming image of the artist. For several months, no one knew about who hidden under the name of Glucose. The media appeared in the media. Some wrote that this is a computer program. Others assured that one of the popular actresses hides under this pseudonym. Only on the finals of the factory, the stars became known that glucose is Natasha Ionov, who starred in several releases "Yelasha".

Currently, the actress actively acts. Her schedule is scheduled for several months forward. Despite the employment of creativity, the girl is engaged in the upbringing of children who love.

From the first appearance of a clip of the song in the performance of glucose, the listeners began to be interested in who is hidden under a halagral image. Appearing on the final of the Star Factory, the young artist only pushed interest. Soon the show program was released on the Culpture Channel, it was here that the girl answered the questions of teleadia, including it was possible to know what growth, weight, age, how old glucose (singer). In 2018, the popular pop artist will celebrate its 32nd anniversary.

Glucose, a photo in youth and now which is of the interest of numerous admirers of her talent, with an increase in 152 cm weighs 50 kg. Many fans think that a young singer is above his real age.

The girl is engaged in yoga every day. She believes that it is Eastern technique that will help her to preserve youth for many years.

Glucose biography (singer)

Glucose biography (singer) began in the mid-1980s of the last century in the capital of the Soviet Union. Present girls - Natalia. For some information, Ionov was born in Syzran, but the most popular performer does not confirm this data.

Father and mother supported the future singer in all endeavors. She often had fun from ornament. The girl was friends only with boys. In school years she did not like to learn. She tried to answer well, and then sit down for 2 weeks. At the age of 7 began to visit and music school. A few months later Natasha ceased to go to music, considering it not her.

In the school years, Glucose was fond of dancing, learned to play chess, attended classes in a ballet studio, etc. In adolescence, a lot of time paid to computer classes. The girl was invited to filming into the popular children's magazine "Yerals". Then she starred in the "Triumph" movie.

In the youthful years, the artist began writing songs. Writing the song "Shuga", she decided to find Max Fadeev, who wrote music to the soundtrack of the "Triumph" movie soundtrack. At Christmas, the song was on the air. The performer was published in the form of a similar one, according to her, Masyani. Throughout 2002, students suffered a mystery, who hidden under the picture. Max Fadeev assured that this is a invented character. The sound he invented on the computer.

In 2003, the show program "Star Factory", which was led by one of the most popular producers Max Fadeev. A real glucose was presented at the final show concert.

Singer since the appearance on the screen has become popular and incredibly popular. She regularly receives awards of the most popular songs of festivals, including glucose received a large number of premiums "Song of the Year", "Golden Gramophone" and others.

The actress tourists regularly. Her delight is waiting for the public throughout the territory of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries.

Personal life glucose (singer)

Personal life glucose (singer) for many years is associated with Alexander Piselikov. The star of the Russian Olympus itself assures that she loved once. The popular singer prefers to silence about their previous relations. The girl says that before meeting with the future spouse, was sure that she would not enter into marriage, the rest of the days was alone.

The spouses were met in an airplane halfway to Grozny (Chechen Republic). A few years after the first meeting, they understood that they would love each other. Soon decided to register marriage officially.

Recently, rumors have appeared in the media about the relationship of a popular performer with another man. But it turned out to be only a gossip. The artist appears with his spouse at various secular events. She literally glows from happiness. And Alexander says his spouse is the best woman in the world.

Glucose family (singer)

The Glucose family (singer) is currently consisting of herself, the beloved spouse Alexander and three children.

Together with the popular singer and her spouse, the son of a man lived from the first marriage, who was named after Father Alexander. He treated the girl well, considering his mother. In kindergarten, the boy told that glucose is his mom, but no one believed. When the performer itself came to the garden behind the boy, then everyone was amazed even more.

Soon after the wedding, the family was replenished with a girl who spouses decided to name Natasha Lydia in honor of her grandmother. The girl was brought up in Nege. In a few years, the family has become more familiar. Another daughter was born, who was named faith.

Children are brought up with 10 nanny, the actions of which are controlled by video cameras placed throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe house.

Children Glucose (singer)

Glucose children (singer) are brought up in great love. Currently, Alexander and Glucose are engaged in raising three children. They dream of the birth of a son. The media has repeatedly reported on the emergence of the family. But the actress itself assures that the daughters ask parents about the brother. Therefore, the baby will appear in a short time, but when it comes it, it is unknown.

Daughters are actively engaged in creativity. Son Alexander is currently educating in one of the best American colleges. He often comes to Russia, visiting sisters and parents.

A popular performer often visits one of the metropolitan children's homes. She brings gifts to pupils. Often, the artist gives concerts for children who fell into a difficult life situation.

Glucose daughter (singer) - Lydia Chistyakova

The first time the star stage became mother in mid-2006. The childhood of the daughter, named after the beloved grandmother Natasha Lydia, passed in one of the best Spanish clinics. After childbirth, a woman lived along with Spanish relatives of the spouse.

For the first time, the girl starred in one of the clips Mom. At that time she was fulfilled a year and a half.

Glucose daughter - Lydia Chistyakova is studying at school. She does not like to receive knowledge, but brings the girl invariably good marks. He is fond of lid by the performance of songs. The artist on his instagram page often posts video with songs performed by his beloved daughter.

Glucose daughter (singer) - Vera Chistyakova

Glucose daughter (singer) - Vera Chistyakova appeared on the same clinic as her older sister. In honor of the birth of the girl, her mother was released a video clip. This time, the baby called the name of Gabli's spouse, who made a lot for him.

All spring girl spends in Spain, as she is allergic to birch pollen. The popular singer sends a girl to Spain to reduce the risk of developing an allergic reaction.

Vera loves to dance, for the success of the girls can be observed on the page in Instagram.

Glucose husband (singer) - Alexander Cleanov

When there was a meeting of future lovers, at that time a man worked in one of the largest oil production companies. Glucose husband - Alexander Cleanov Shortly before the meeting with the future beloved broke up with a former wife. Son born in marriage, a man began to raise himself.

Shortly after a meeting with glucose, Alexander realized that I was in love. But in no hurry to confess the feelings. It was restrained by a 13-year-old difference in age. Natasha says he has made a lot of effort while the beloved made her an offer.

Cleaning assures his spouse - the best thing happened to him. She gave him two wonderful daughters. Currently, he dreams of the appearance in the family of the Son.

Glucose (singer) naked

Popular singer is a booty artist. It often appears in a frank form in their clips, placing them in instagram.

Glucose (singer) naked causes interest among its numerous fans. But the spicy pictures of the stars often cause discontent with native actors. Glucose itself says that this is the outside of her life.

The photo session was recently announced, which will pass for the magazine for Maxim men. Photos should appear soon. Most likely it will occur in October 2018.

Instagram and Wikipedia Glucose (singer)

Instagram and Wikipedia glucose (singer) are incredible. They contain the most detailed information about the life of the star.

Wikipedia makes it possible to find out how the biography of the girl has developed from birth to the present. The page lists information about the compositions performed by glucose.

On the Instagram page, you can learn about loved ones and native artists. Account is constantly updated with new pictures. In addition to the favorite daughters, the son and spouse, the star of the stage is pamping fans with pictures of pets, which in the family set.

The singer leads his pages on Twitter, Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte. Here fans can read some of the singer's thoughts about a variety of things.

Hello.ru continues to acquaint readers with the style of the most fashionable children of celebrities. Following the only daughter of the singer of Christina Orbakaite and businessman Mikhail Zemtsov - Claudia, the heroines of our heading are the daughters of the singer Natalia Chistyakova-ionovaya (glitch "Oza) and a businessman Alexander Chistyakova - Lida and Vera.

click on the photo to view the gallery:

Click on the photo to view the gallery Daughters glitch "Ozy and Alexander Chistyakova - Lida and Vera

On May 8, 2007, the glitch "Oza first became a mother - her daughter of Lida appeared in the Spanish city of Marbella. For her husband, Alexander Chistyakova, the child became the second - from the first marriage businessman raises the son of Alexander. But soon the family was waiting for another replenishment: September 8 In the same Spanish, Natalia gave birth to a second daughter. The baby weighing a 3.03 kilogram and an increase in 49 centimeters called Vera in honor of her grandmother Alexander Chistyakov.

I was not afraid to give birth a second time. Rather, he was in a volatile impatience as soon as possible to get acquainted with faith. When I first saw her, burst out of happiness! Waiting for Lida, I went to the usual hospital, it happened, sat in line at the reception. And I took a simple duty officer, to which I brought "ambulance". With faith I had my own doctor,

Told in the same interview with Natalia. She also admitted that after the birth, he was very recovered, and to get rid of extra kilograms to her jogs with her husband and diet. Now the figure of the singer causes the envy of the most revealed "phytonisy", and the daughters fully share the love of moms to an active lifestyle. For example, from Early Years, Lida and Vera copied asans, which Natalia takes during yoga classes, go to the pool, are dancing - and this is not the limit.

Vera cleanyakova Alexander Cleanikov with daughtersAlexander Cleanikov with daughters
Lida and faith cleaningNatalia Chistyakova-Ionova with his daughter faith

Both of my daughters are leaders in kind. Both need my attention. They are not shy and can say: "You have been doing longer today than with me!" But in general, I'm calm for my daughters. They have independent, each of your routine of the day. Go to kindergarten, on ballroom dancing, in the pool, tennis,

Natalia Chistyakova-Ionov is proud of his girls and is happy to share their achievements with their fans

It seems to be the usual photo, but ... "Stars in the sky are burning when you're next to me ..." Thanks to our beloved @todes_official! You are well done !!! With Creative, everything is in order!

The little Golden asterisk caused delight not only from the audience, but also from colleagues in dance - girls who participated in the concert, the sameness of her older sister, 10-year-old Lida, very much wanted to touch and hug a baby. But adult Lydia came to the rescue and how he managed, destroyed the situation.

Lida promising manager!) Quickly oriented! The fact is that faith everyone loves in Todes and constantly want to squeeze. Well, and Lady I ordered this moment, so that everyone defended their turn to receive a portion of Mimimier!))

Natalia Ionova's daughters grow creative personalities, of course, not without the efforts of their mom - both love dancing. "Verochka is a very plastic girl, sometimes it seems to me that on the beginning to dance, as soon as I learned to walk," Natalia Ionova talks about his daughter. When the faith turned three years old, she passed the competition to the school of dance, which he was headed by Alla Dukhov.

Lida is already an experienced dancer, besides recently - she took part in the filming of the children's television journal "Elash". Natalia reminded fans that her career began with her career in distant childhood. In addition, the girl is seriously interested in equestrian sports, Mom even gave her a riding saddle.

Recall, Natalia Chistyakova Ionova is married to a businessman Alexander Chistyakov for more than 11 years. Everyone in their family is perfectly folded, Natalia supports friendly relations with Mom's husband, it was in honor of her the younger daughter gave the name of Vera. Communicates with the adult son of Chistyakova from his first marriage. On May 8, 2007, Glucose gave her husband to her daughter, and on September 8, 2011 her sister Verochka appeared on the world. Both daughters Natalia Ionova gave birth to Spain.

As a child, the loss of a pet is, perhaps, one of the most complex life tests. Glucose singer's daughter, just recently experienced grief.

Loss of daughter singer

The older daughter of Glucose Lydia has become a death witness for his beloved guinea pig nick Koko: a pet died in his hands in the girl. Of course, for her it is a very difficult test, filled with negative emotions and experiences.

Glucose wrote about it in "Instagram": "I don't even know why it is here, but, honestly, I just can not imagine why it could happen. For Coco worked well, the conditions of detention were suitable. Moreover, we all tried to give our baby. We did not oversee her, did not endure it, but three days ago, Coco as if she was caught up, and now she was not. Lydia is very bored. We are talking to her about death, we explain that the loss is always insanely hard, and we do not decide who to live, and who to die. This is the first such tragic loss for my daughter. "

The story of another loss

Singer herself tells a similar case from his childhood.

Then Natasha with his parents was in the summer in the summer, where the pet girl was taken and the Kuzyu hamster. Future celebrity went outside and took her fluffy pet with him. She decided to let him go to run on herbal, but then Kuzu noticed a cat.

The hamster ran, trying to hide, Natasha tried to drive off the predator, but did not have time: she burned her mother's husk. Natasha's pet survived in that fight, but three days later sick and eventually died. So the future singer found out what pain losses. Now she is trying to maintain a daughter morally.

Name: Glucose - Natalia Chistyakova-Ionova

Age: 29 years

Place of Birth: Moscow

Height: 165 cm

Weight: 52 kg

Activity: singer, actress cinema, TV presenter, songwriter

Family status: married to Alexander Chistyakov

Glucose biography

Glucose - Russian avant-garde singer, actress and TV presenter of popular gear and show.

This glucose name is Natalia Chistyakova-Ionova. Natalia was born on June 7, 1986 in Moscow. Some sources claim that the city of Syzran should be considered the place of birth, but the singer itself and her PR agent deny this, and the myth of this city was created to break Natalia and her story about how she appeared in the musical world.

Parents Natalia - Programmers (Tatiana Mikhailovna and Ilya Efimovich).

Sister - Alexander Sidorov - Cook-confectioner was by profession.

In 1993, when the singer turned 7 years old, Natasha Ionova went to school with a musical bias, where he studied to play piano. However, just a year later she abandoned training.

As a child, Natalia was a hyperactive child, and attended absolutely all available entertainment - from ballet to playing chess. It was engaged in a girl in the Central Moscow School No. 30, which graduated from 9 classes, and then translated into the evening Moscow school number 17, in which the school education completed.

When Natalia ionova turned 11 years old, she passed Casting from Boris Grachevsky in the children's television journal "Yelash". In the following years, the future singer Glucose took part in the filming of several series of television channel. In the near future, through the shooting of this magazine, there will be a lot of people known in our time, such as Vlad Topalov, Julia Volkova, Sergey Lazarev.

At the turn of the 20th and 21st century, the singer starred in the film "Princess War", which was published only in 2013.

In 2001, Glucose (Ionov) published its first "Shuga" composition on the Internet, which was noticed by Max Fadeev. Subsequently, the famous producer proposed Natalia cooperation.

History of the project Glucose

Maxim Fadeev became the initiator of the creation of the Glucose project, where Ionova received the role of soloist.

At the turn of 2001 and 2002, the first disc - glucose "Shuga" was released. Hit was launched on some radio stations, but he did not gain great popularity.

Meanwhile, in Ukraine "Shuga" entered the 10-ku radio songs. And only then Moscow producers became interested in a new young performer. The most advantageous offer made "Monolith Records". In mid-2002, Natalia has signed a contract with them.

In 2003, the singer released his own album, many songs from which were heard on various radio stations for a long time.

After her marriage in June 2006, the singer decided to leave the scene briefly.

And in 2007, Natalia returned, and still continues to delight his fans.

Glucose: personal life

On May 8, 2007, spouses had pleasant changes in their personal life: the daughter of Lydia was born. And on September 8, 2011, the second daughter appeared on the world - faith. Both girls were born in Spain. 14997.