Why it is impossible to remain indifferent to Pechorin. My attitude to Pechorin (based on the novel by M

Why it is impossible to remain indifferent to Pechorin.  My attitude to Pechorin (based on the novel by M
Why it is impossible to remain indifferent to Pechorin. My attitude to Pechorin (based on the novel by M

My attitude to Pechorin.

Why is he a hero of his and our time?

For more than a century and a half, the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" has been living in Russian literature. Is it not outdated for our time? How can it be useful for the generation of people at the beginning of the 21st century? Lermontov very aptly named his novel, the reader is already, as it were, warned in advance of his hero in modern times. What is the secret of the longevity of this novel? The very longevity of the work already suggests that it is a great work. It has outgrown the scope of its time due to the fact that it contains great artist Lermontov showed the most important laws human life that work in our lives. In the novel, the heroes ask the most important questions, solve problems not of the moment, but eternal ones, over which people thought in the past, they think now and will think in the future.

What are these questions? First of all - about the meaning of life. How differently the characters of the “Hero of Our Time” relate to them: they either think about them, or they are not known at all.

But first of all, I would like to understand what the writer means in the concept of "hero", which of the meanings is used in the novel? Since the central place in the novel is given to Pechorin, this word refers primarily to him. Can we say about Pechorin that he is "an outstanding man in his bravery and valor, selflessly performing feats"? His bravery is confirmed in the novel by Maksim Maksimych, who witnessed how Pechorin alone "went to the boar." But "selflessness" and "exploits" - these concepts clearly have nothing to do with his life. He himself in his journal, which is like his confession to himself, says that he never sacrificed anything for anyone. Even in love. He loved only himself or someone for his own sake, or his pleasures. And his insanely brave deeds: the abduction of Bela, duels, romance novels- you can’t call it feats, because they brought death or severe suffering to people. And he himself notices this and says: "How many times have I played the role of an ax in the hands of fate, as an instrument of execution I fell on the heads of the doomed: often without malice, always without regret ..." passion, but cold and calculating. "Always without regret" - this is especially scary in him, that is, he is completely indifferent to human grief, and moreover, this is a constant state of his soul: an icy desert that sheltered all living things under a layer of permafrost.

He realized that he is the cause of many, many troubles and even tragedies for all those who come into contact with him. As if his main occupation is to make people unhappy: Bela and Grushnitsky die, Princess Mary suffers severely, Bela's father becomes a victim of Pechorin's cunning, whom Kazbich kills, Maksim Maksimych is deeply insulted in his friendly feelings for Pechorin, the life of "honest smugglers" is disrupted, and the blind boy is left completely alone, and this also turns into a tragedy for him. What was the purpose of all these actions? Why did he interfere in someone else's life and destroy it? Out of boredom and for your own pleasure! All this makes this person extremely unattractive and dangerous for society, because in order to get pleasure, he transcends not only moral laws, not only goes against his conscience, but also commits criminal offenses. And although no one punishes him, the crimes are committed! And the most unpleasant thing is that he does not feel any guilt behind himself, but justifies himself by bad morals in society, which allegedly spoiled him. But, just as the disease does not strike a strong organism, so external influences will not have a bad effect on a strong soul with high morality. This means that his soul turned out to be weak, not rooted in goodness! Self-justification has a terrible result: he has nothing against being an instrument of execution for others. He likes power over people, he likes to torment people - all this is a consequence of terrible pride, which torments him, because he also does not experience happiness. The boredom of life haunts him, torments him, pushes him on meaningless adventures with a risk to his life, and in the end he dies, because he has nothing to live with, all the strength of his soul has been depleted for empty entertainment. He never found the high meaning of his life, which he suspected and for the sake of which he was given both intelligence and health and mental strength... Life was wasted in vain, did not bear good fruit, did not leave behind a good memory. And is this a hero?

There is also the meaning of the word "hero" - "a person who embodies specific traits era or environment ". Pechorin stands out among the characters in the novel, he seems strange and kind to Maxim Maksimych, and a wandering officer, on whose behalf the story about Pechorin is being told. What makes it stand out? All around him live and enjoy life, do not think about the meaning of it. Pechorin thinks about it, and analyzes his actions, unlike others. This speaks of him as a person of a deeper nature than the people around him, of a more high level development of his consciousness. It is not enough for him just to live, as animals do, he needs to live for the sake of something. But he could not grow up to answer the question about the meaning of life. He took the path "to live - for pleasure", which was prompted to him modern society, and he went along this path farthest and found at the end of the path - a dead end. And the way out of the impasse is only up! And he did not grow up to God. Life without God is a life without meaning, it is not life, but suicide. So, can Pechorin be called a "hero" in the sense - " characteristic representative society? " Unlikely. He's the only one in the novel. But maybe there are more and more such people in life? Pechorin is an image-symbol. He convincingly shows that life for the sake of pleasure is devoid of meaning, happiness, leads to crime and, ultimately, to death.

There are two more meanings in the word "hero", and it seems to me that they explain the meaning of the image of Pechorin: he is the "main character" in the novel and "the person who attracted attention", in this case Lermontov, with his originality and outstanding abilities , or "a person who is the subject of admiration and imitation." Lermontov obviously likes his hero, he admires his courage, his knowledge of people, his mind. He sympathizes and justifies his hero, and nevertheless shows the inevitability of his death, because worldly pleasures have dried up his heart, made him incapable not only of love, but also of friendship. He completely lost interest in the service. He is indifferent to everything and everyone, he is dead at heart.

Pechorin is a hero not only of his own, but also of our time. Since then, little has changed in people's lives. As then Pechorin was one of the few who thought about the meaning of life and the purpose of a person, so now there are few such people. And now people who live according to the principle "Live for the good of your neighbor!" - seem strange to the majority of life-giants who live by their own principle: "Live in high!" As in the time of Lermontov, the ideals of society were wealth, career and fame, so now people live mainly to acquire material wealth, achieve ranks and awards by all means, and they are quite happy with this. And few of them are happy, because only serving lofty goals and ideals, self-sacrifice for them, love for people, a sense of a fulfilled duty give a feeling of happiness and fullness of life!

For many years, students have been asked to write at school. And this is no coincidence. For more than a century and a half, the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov under the title "Hero of Our Time". Why is it still not outdated? How can this work be useful for people at the beginning of the 21st century?

What are the features of the composition "My attitude to Pechorin"? First of all, it should be based not only on personal feelings, but also on the analysis of the text, actual material. Good job- This is an analysis of the causes and consequences of the actions of the protagonist. It is on it that the work "My attitude to Pechorin" should be built. An essay with examples, quotes, and text analysis is rated much higher.

The relevance of the work today

Lermontov named his work very well, so the reader seems to have been warned in advance that the main character of the work is modern. The longevity of the novel testifies that this is indeed a great creation of Lermontov. It has already outgrown the framework of its era due to the fact that Mikhail Yuryevich showed in it the main laws of human life that operate at all times. The characters in the work set the most important questions, decide not momentary, but eternal problems, over which humanity will reflect in the future. All this can be written in the introduction of the work on the topic "My attitude to Pechorin". The essay must be in general outline the described work.

Is heroic dedication inherent in the main character of the work?

First of all, one of the eternal questions is the question of the meaning of life. After analyzing the work, we can say that its characters respond to it in very different ways. However, who can be considered the real hero of the work? Since the central place in the novel belongs to it, it is safe to say that this word, first of all, refers to him. Can we consider him a person of outstanding valor and courage, performing selfless feats? In the novel, there is evidence of his courage - the story of Maxim Maksimych, who saw him "go to the boar" alone. However, "exploits" and "dedication" are concepts that have nothing to do with his life. The essay "My attitude to Pechorin" should also include evidence of this thesis. For example, Pechorin himself in the magazine, which can be considered his confession to himself, says that he did not sacrifice anything for anyone. This applies even to this hero exclusively himself, and if he was carried away by another person, then again for his own sake, for his own pleasure. And actions that can be called insanely brave: duels, the abduction of Bela, romance novels - can in no way be called exploits, since they brought extreme suffering or death to people.

Ax in the hands of fate

Pechorin himself notices this and says that he acts as a kind of ax in the hands of fate. He acts "always without regret," "often without malice." "Without malice" here means not under the influence of passion, not accidentally, but calculatedly and coldly. "No regret" - it is especially scary in him, because it testifies to indifference to human grief. In addition, this is his usual ice desert, which shelters all living things under a layer of permafrost.

How Pechorin destroyed the fate of others

The main character realized that he was the cause of many troubles and often even tragedies for people with whose lives he came into contact. The main occupation of this person is to make others unhappy: Grushnitsky and Bela die, Princess Mary suffers severely, is a victim of treachery this hero Bela's father, who was struck down by Kazbich's hand. Even Maxim Maksimych, who shows friendly feelings for him like no other, is deeply offended in them. The life habitual for "honest smugglers" is destroyed, there is only one blind boy left, which also turns into a tragedy for him.

Why did Pechorin make people unhappy?

A natural question arises: "What was the purpose of these actions? Why did he interfere in the lives of others and destroy them?" For my own pleasure, out of boredom. In the essay, it can be mentioned that this statement makes Pechorin extremely unattractive, as well as dangerous for society. Only in order to get rid of boredom, he transgresses moral laws, goes against his conscience, even commits criminal offenses. At the same time, Pechorin does not feel guilty, justifying his behavior by the bad morals prevailing in society, which allegedly spoiled him.

Weakness and pride of Pechorin

However, just as a strong organism does not hit the disease, it will not have external influences of a destructive effect on the soul, which has high morality and inner strength... From this we can conclude that Pechorin's soul turned out to be weak, in goodness, not rooted. This can also be noted in the work "My attitude to Pechorin". It is very interesting to write an essay based on the work "A Hero of Our Time" - the author reveals the psychology of the heroes very deeply. The terrible result has self-justification: Pechorin does not object at all to playing the role of an instrument of execution for people. This hero likes power over them, he loves to torture people. All these features are a consequence of terrible pride, which nevertheless does not give his soul peace, since Pechorin also does not feel happiness. He is haunted by the boredom of life, which torments, encourages senseless adventures, and in the end Pechorin dies. He deserved it. This conclusion can be drawn in the work "My attitude to Pechorin". It is no coincidence that Lermontov's writing ends early death hero. His life ends because this person has nothing to live with, all the strength of his weak soul has been expended on empty entertainment. He never found a high meaning in his existence, which, by his own admission, he suspected of himself and said that for this he was given mental strength, health, and mind. Life was wasted in vain, without bearing fruit, without leaving a good memory in itself. AND

In what sense is Pechorin still a hero?

However, let's not rush to conclusions and deny him this definition. "My attitude to Pechorin" is an essay that should not be one-sided. Let's consider one more meaning of this word... "Hero" also means a person who embodies characteristics environment or era. This value also does not apply to Pechorin - he sharply differs from others. In the novel, he is alone. Only the following two meanings will fit this character: the hero as the main character and to himself. Lermontov himself clearly sympathizes with Pechorin. He admires his intelligence, knowledge of people, courage. It will only be a plus in your work if you note Lermontov's attitude to Pechorin. The author was pleased with the composition of this image. The resulting hero has outstanding abilities. However, his death is inevitable - he

Pechorin is a hero of our time. Little has changed in people's lives since then. Just as then there were few people who thought about why we exist, so now the situation has not changed. The ideals of Lermontov's time (fame, career, wealth) remain relevant today. The main character saw human shortcomings, which can also be indicated in the work "My attitude to Pechorin". You can end your essay with the fact that now many people follow the principle: "Live in high!" However, few of them are happy, since only serving high ideals and goals, love for people, self-sacrifice for their sake, a sense of duty bring a feeling of fullness of life and happiness.

These are just basic recommendations on how to write a work on the topic "My attitude to Pechorin" (essay). In the novel "A Hero of Our Time", however, there are no unambiguous assessments. Therefore, you can argue with some opinions, present your own point of view. "My attitude to Pechorin" (composition according to the plan) - interesting topic that can be developed for a long time.

Discipline: Russian language and literature
Kind of work: abstract
Topic: My attitude to Pechorin


I think that Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin is very

vivid image created by M.Yu. Lermontov.

He is a young aristocrat who actively intervenes in the life around him. From the very first pages of the novel, we are faced with a hero who is not indifferent, inquisitive, who wants to take from life as

as much as possible. Pechorin is an adventurer, a person who constantly tests his fate. At first it seems that he is fearless - he throws himself into various adventures, plays with death.

However, Pechorin has a secret, but very strong fear - he is afraid of marriage. Once a fortune teller predicted his death by the hand of an evil wife, and since then Pechorin has been afraid of marriage like fire.

However, this did not save him: in the chapter “Maxim

Maksimych "we learn that Grigory Alexandrovich died on the way from Persia.

I cannot express my attitude towards Pechorin in just one phrase. This is a hero who cannot be treated unequivocally.

Of course it is clever man who knows his own worth, calculates situations in advance. But he is unfamiliar with feelings such as friendship, love. Grigory Alexandrovich perceives the world as

raging ocean of passions.

He is loved by the girl Vera, who does everything to see her lover. And this despite the fact that she is married. Pechorin, it seems, also loves Vera, respects her and

regrets. But at the same time, this does not prevent him from courting Princess Mary and having tender feelings for her. Pechorin steals a girl he likes, not thinking about the actions that can

to follow this act. He sincerely believes that he is in love with the “maiden of the mountains”, that this love will become a saving bridge, along which the hero will be able to pass into a new for him, full

meaning, life. But soon Grigory Aleksandrovich realizes the futility of hopes: “I was wrong again: the love of a savage to a few better than love a noble young lady, "he confesses to Maxim


It turns out that Pechorin first deceives women, makes them fall in love with him, gets their trust, and then? Then, when the girls begin to hope for a marriage proposal,

Grigory Alexandrovich either disappears, or makes the woman disappointed in him. In the latter case, this happened to Princess Mary. The first opinion about Pechorin can be

erroneously: \ "He's just an egoist! \" Belinsky defended Pechorin from such accusations: \ "You say that he is an egoist? But doesn't he despise and hate himself for this? Isn't his heart

longs for pure and unselfish love? \ "In fact, the hero of the novel arranges tests for others, he asks himself: \" Can we be friends? \ "

Pechorin is a contradictory and ambiguous person. It combines so many different qualities.

That it is very difficult for the reader to determine whether Pechorin is a negative character or a positive one. But real man is not exceptionally good.

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The novel by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time", in my opinion, is an unusual phenomenon of literature as such and, in particular, Literature XIX century. This work, like no other, makes the reader think, reason, delve into the thoughts and feelings of the characters, try to understand and explain their actions for themselves. The story told by Lermontov captures how interesting game because almost all people love riddles ...
And the main mystery in the work, of course, remains the image of Pechorin. This is undoubtedly a multifaceted, voluminous, ambiguous character, and the author's goal is to reveal it as fully as possible in all possible manifestations. It is remarkable how the writer implements his idea: he seems to be analyzing Pechorin, putting his actions, thoughts, feelings on the scales. The reader gets acquainted both with the impression of the people around the hero, with the events that actually happened, and with his state of mind, the course of reasoning, the inner side, the seamy side of his life. This helps to understand who the hero of our time is.
Even in the preface, Lermontov says that the hero of our time is "... a portrait made up of the vices of the whole ... generation, in their full development." Therefore, from the very beginning, the image of Pechorin is perceived as entirely negative, which is later confirmed by his actions and views. But, in my opinion, it is not worthwhile to unequivocally negatively relate to this hero, because it is not by chance that the author ends the preface like this: “There will be the fact that the disease is indicated, but how to cure it - that’s already God knows!”. I think that is why it is impossible to categorically condemn Pechorin: people who suffer from any ailment should feel more sympathy than hostility. And in this case, the hero was really struck by a disease, but not a physical one, but a spiritual one, widespread in modern writer a society, a disease, the echoes of which have not disappeared even today.
So what is this amazing, incomprehensible ailment? And why the society so easily succumbed to its influence: Obviously, this is disappointment in ideals, boredom, purposelessness of existence, inability to find the meaning of one's life, coldness of feelings, selfishness, indifference. Yes, perhaps, these are the causes, and the symptoms, and the results of the disease, which consists entirely of vices.
Pechorin seems to be an extraordinary, albeit negatively, personality, although he is only a typical representative, a collective image of society. And he personally evokes sympathy, compassion and even some sympathy in me. At first, incomprehensible and intriguing, the image of Pechorin is revealed, exposed, all his numerous shortcomings and undoubted advantages become obvious, such as: a sharp analytical mind, decisiveness, insight, deep knowledge human soul... Thanks to a detailed acquaintance with the character of the hero, we get the opportunity not only to more objectively evaluate, but also to understand his actions, once to understand, then at times to justify, even forgive. And sometimes - just agree.
My more positive than negative assessment of this image is most likely due to the fact that Pechorin was written out by the author not as a cold-blooded, prudent villain, deliberately destroying human destinies, but as a person gifted by fate with many talents and merits, but due to the illness that struck him, he was not capable of to realize them, to develop in the direction called good. It is quite obvious that his soul is spoiled, that he is often a voluntary or involuntary cause of other people's suffering, but it is impossible to say with certainty that the hero himself does not feel torment at the same time: Pechorin often talks about himself, about his life, his internal dialogues are conversations judge and criminal, he strictly examines his feelings and passions, indifferently passing sentences. However, this person also knows how to suffer.
But I cannot but agree with the fact that Pechorin is the personification of cruelty: he feeds on the feelings that others have for him, but he himself does not know how to truly disinterestedly neither love nor wish for good. This, apparently, is also a consequence of selfishness and indifference. In some situations, Pechorin's behavior causes condemnation, misunderstanding, fear, in others - admiration and empathy. One involuntarily thinks about what would have happened if the hero had used his capabilities for good, if he had found a real goal ... Most likely, he would not have broken spiritually, which is especially clearly reflected by the author in the chapter "Maxim Maksimych", he would not have died like that early, could become unconditionally positive character, a man of action, capable of achieving happiness ...
Thus, my attitude towards Pechorin is ambiguous. This image is very interesting, multifaceted, it is possible to evaluate it, it is possible to argue about it endlessly. Pechorin is curious to guess, to weigh his actions, he bewitches with his complexity, behind which there is emptiness. On the one hand, he makes a repulsive impression, he is poisonous, evil, on the other hand, even this evil is attractive in its own way, especially if you understand that it will not happen to meet such a person in reality. And it pleases.
With a deeper assessment, Pechorin evokes compassion, sympathy, sadness from the fact that it would be simply impossible to correct his fate, just as it is impossible to save a dying person from incurable disease.
Pechorin, by his existence on the pages of the novel by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, reminds us that at the present time, perhaps, there are such characters, albeit under a different mask, but no less dangerous from this. The author wisely did not indicate a cure, and therefore, apparently, everyone should think about this problem on their own and try to save ... at least themselves!

In the novel "A Hero of Our Time" Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov shows the society of the middle of the nineteenth century using the example of one person. This man is Pechorin. He is the main actor novel. The natural talent of Grigory Alexandrovich strikes the readers' eyes sharply. This talent manifests itself in a deep mind, strong passions and "steel" will. Reading this novel, I saw in Pechorin a hero, much higher than other characters. In my opinion, other heroes of the novel only help us to follow the actions and actions of Pechorin, to comprehend them and try to explain. Grigory Aleksandrovich's sharp mind helps him to correctly judge people, life, and to be critical of himself. The characteristics given to them by people are also true labels. In Pechorin, I see a strong, strong-willed nature, thirsty for activity. Drawing a portrait of Pechorin, the author pays special attention to his appearance, as if emphasizing the strangeness of his hero. Pechorin's eyes "did not laugh when he laughed." Lermontov says: "This is a sign - either of an evil disposition, or deep constant sadness ...". "His look - short, but penetrating and heavy, left on itself an unpleasant impression of an immodest question and could seem impudent, if it were not so indifferent - calm." Pechorin's gait "was careless and lazy, but I noticed that he was waving his arms - a sure sign of some reticence of character." On the one hand, Pechorin has a "strong build," while on the other, he has "nervous weakness." And I would note one more oddity in him: Pechorin is about thirty years old, and "there was something childish in his smile." All these oddities underline the complexity inner peace Grigory Alexandrovich. From the chapter "Maksim Maksimych" we learn that Pechorin is not capable of friendship, and from the chapter "Bel" one could safely say that Pechorin is not capable of love either. But, after reading the novel in full, after comprehending, we can unequivocally say that Pechorin is not such a heartless egoist. He is capable of deep love. This is what his attitude to Vera tells us. But in general, I think that love for Pechorin is too difficult a feeling, but most of all he values ​​his own freedom and says that he will not exchange it for anything. I believe that Pechorin's soul is heterogeneous and contradictory. And therefore, I would single out in it the most, in my opinion, a strange contradiction: "the immense powers of the soul" - and small deeds; he strives to "love the whole world" - and brings people only misery and suffering. Who is to blame for the fact that Pechorin turned into "street uselessness", into an imaginary person? The hero himself answers this question as follows: "My soul is corrupted by the light", that is secular society, in which he lived and from which he could not. But I think that this is not only a matter of noble society... The fact is that Pechorin is a man of the thirties, typical hero of its time. I think that Pechorin's character is very complex and multifaceted. This can be learned from the words of the hero: "there are two people in me: one lives in the full sense of the word, the other thinks and judges him." In some cases, Pechorin can be justified, but sometimes his behavior is completely beyond the bounds of decency. And the hero himself explains why he is like this: “My colorless youth proceeded in a struggle with myself and the light; my best feelings, fearing ridicule, I buried in the depths of my heart: they died there. " Disappointment in life is evident from these words. Pechorin is a rare person who is separated from the rest of society by his unwillingness to obey. His life began normally. He was frisky and young, he could become a good man, but under different conditions. And his trouble is that he “did not guess this appointment, ... was carried away by the lures of empty and ignoble passions; ... lost forever the ardor of noble aspirations, best color life ". But he is still trying to find a way out. V.G. Belinsky said about Pechorin: “This man is not indifferent, not apathetic, carries his suffering: he is madly chasing after life, looking for it everywhere; bitterly he blames himself for his delusions. " I believe that the image of Pechorin is the image of a living person who cannot be ideal in all respects. My opinion is that Pechorin cannot only be blamed and condemned, he must be pitied, because Pechorin is the fruit of that society. He violates the laws of morality. He is a victim of society and at the same time an avenger to him. AND the main reason the existence of such a person must be sought in the society of that time.