Facts about the royal family of Saudi Arabia. Al Saud: the royal dynasty of Saudi Arabia

Facts about the royal family of Saudi Arabia.  Al Saud: the royal dynasty of Saudi Arabia
Facts about the royal family of Saudi Arabia. Al Saud: the royal dynasty of Saudi Arabia

The Saudi dynasty. Where are they from and what is their real origin?

Part one

Excerpt from Saudhouse.com, researched and provided by Muhammad Saher, killed by order of the Saudi regime for the following research:

1. Do the members of the Saudi family belong to the Anza bin Waiel tribe, as they claim?

2. Is Islam their real religion?

3. Are they of Arab origin? The following facts cast doubt on all the claims of the Saudi family and refute all the false claims made by the hypocrites who sold themselves to this family and distorted the real history of the Saudi family. I mean the journalists and historians who, due to the large funding, have a forged and altered genealogy of this family, and that supposedly our greatest Prophet Muhammad (DBAR) said that the Saudis are evidence of the power of Allah on Earth. And it is very clear that this flattery is meant to justify the crime and autocracy of the Saudis and that it guarantees stability to their rule and is the basis of their oppressive regime, which is a dictatorship of an extreme form and completely compromises our great religion of Islam.

The very concept of monarchy is unacceptable in our religion, Islam, in the Holy Quran, because it concludes power in one person and in the members of his family, suppressing the people and drowning out the voices of any "opposition" opposing royal despotism and dictatorial rules. And the kings are condemned in the following ayat of the Holy Quran: "Kings, entering a (foreign) country, destroy and ruin it, and the noblest of its inhabitants are deprived of respect and honor, - this is what (all) kings do" (Surah an-Naml, 27 Meccan , ayat 34. Koran. Translation of Meanings and commentaries. Imam Valery Porokhov).

Despite this, the Saudi family ignores the Quranic verses and falsely claims that they are the strictest adherents of the Holy Quran: under their strict supervision, radio and television programs are broadcast, using the Quranic verses to protect their order. At the same time, the publication of other ayats in the press is strictly prohibited, because printing and reading them may affect their throne!

Who are the Saudis? Where are they from? What is their ultimate goal?

Ibn Saud's family members are well aware that Muslims around the world know their Jewish origins. Muslims are aware of all their bloody deeds in the past and ruthless, despotic cruelty in the present. At the present time, they are trying in every possible way to hide their Jewish origin and, hiding behind the religion of Islam, begin to invent their genealogy, trying to bring it to our most precious Prophet Muhammad (DBAR)

They have completely forgotten or in every possible way ignore the fact that Islam has never attached importance to genealogy or the "Family Tree"; here respect and honors are given to all people, without exception, if their actions comply with the principles proclaimed in the following verse of the Holy Quran: “O people! We created you from (a couple): husband and wife, and created (family) clans and (different) nations out of you, so that you can know each other. After all, before Allah, the most honored is the one who will become the righteous of all of you. Indeed, Allah is all-knowing and knows about everything and everyone! " (surah al-Hujurat, 49, Medina, ayat 13).

Anyone who is unjust and greedy cannot be close to our Prophet Muhammad (DBAR), even if he is a close relative to him. Bilyal, an Abyssinian slave who was a true Muslim, has much more respect in Islam than the pagan Abu Lahab, who was a blood relative (uncle) of our Prophet (DBAR). There is no preference for people in Islam. Allah gives the degrees of comparison in Islam according to the piety of a person, not his origin or belonging to any dynasty.

Who is the real founder of the Saudi dynasty?

In 851 AH, a group of people from the al-Masalikh clan, a clan of the Anza tribe, equip a caravan to buy grain (wheat) and other food from Iraq and transport them to Najd. The leader of the caravan was a man named Sahmi bin Haslul. The caravan arrived in Basra, where the caravan men went to a grain merchant, a Jew named Mordahai bin Ibrahim bin Moshe. During the negotiations, the Jew asked them: "Where are you from?" They replied: "From the Anza tribe of the al-Masaleh clan." Hearing this, the Jew began to hotly squeeze each of the newcomers, saying that he was also from the al-Masaleh clan, but he lived in Basra because of a quarrel between his father and some members of the Anza tribe.

After he told the story he had invented, he ordered his servants to load the camels with much larger quantities of food; this act seemed so generous that the representatives of the al-Masaleh clan were very surprised and they were overwhelmed with pride in their relative, who managed to become a successful trader in Iraq; they believed his every word and agreed with him, because he was a very rich grain merchant, which they so needed (this is how the Jew began to call himself a representative of the Arab clan al-Masaleh).

When the caravan was ready to leave, the Jew asked to take it with him, because he really wants to visit his homeland, Nejd. Hearing his request, the caravan men gladly agreed to take him with them.

Thus, the Jew secretly reached Najd. In Najd, through his supporters, whom he passed off as his relatives, he began to diligently propagandize himself. But, unexpectedly, he faced opposition from supporters of the Muslim preacher of the area al-Qasim Sheikh Salih Salman Abdullah at-Tamimi. A Jew (the true ancestor of the ibn Saud family) preached in the territories of Najd, Yemen and Hejaz, going from al-Qasim to al-Isha, on the way to al-Katif, he changed his name from Mordahai to Marwan bin Diriya and began to invent stories about our shield Prophet Muhammad (DBAR), that he was taken as a trophy from an Arab pagan during the battle of Uhud between Arab pagans and Muslims. He said that "this shield was sold by an Arab pagan to the Jewish tribe Banu Kunayka, who kept it as a treasure." Gradually, by telling the Bedouins such stories, he increased the authority of the Jewish tribes, as very influential. He decided to permanently settle in the town of Diriya in the area of ​​al-Qatif, which he considered as the basis, a springboard for the creation of a Jewish state in Arabia.

To achieve such ambitious plans, he began to closely approach the Bedouins and in the end he declared himself their ruler!

At the same time, the Azhaman tribe, in alliance with the Banu Khalid tribe, realizing its essence and the fact that the insidious plan drawn up by this Jew is beginning to yield results, they decided to destroy him. They attacked his city and captured it, but they could not capture the Jew who was hiding from the enemies ...

This Jewish ancestor of the Saudi dynasty, Mordahai, hid in a farm that at that time was called al-Malibed-Usaybabliz al-Arida, the current name of this area is ar-Riyad

He asked for asylum from the owner of this land. The host was a very hospitable man and allowed the Jew to stay. Less than a month later, the Jew killed all the family members of the owner of the farm, hiding the traces of his crimes and showing as if the thieves who had penetrated here had destroyed the family. Then he announced that he had bought these lands before the death of the former owner and remained to live there. He renamed the area, giving it the name ad-Diriya, as well as the area that he had lost.

This Jewish ancestor (Mordahai) of the ibn Saud dynasty built a seating court called "Madafa" on the lands of his victims and gathered around him a group of his henchmen, the most hypocritical people who began to persist in saying that he was a prominent Arab leader. The Jew himself began to weave conspiracies against Sheikh Salih Salman Abdullah at-Tamimi, his true enemy, who was later killed in the mosque of the city of al-Zalafi.

After that, he felt safe and made ad-Diriyah his permanent place of residence. He had a lot of wives who gave him a huge number of children. He gave all his children Arabic names.

Since that time, the number of his descendants increased, which allowed the creation of a large clan of Saudis, following his path, controlling the Arab tribes and clans. They ruthlessly took away agricultural land, and physically eliminated the recalcitrant. They used all kinds of deception, deceit to achieve their goals, they offered their women, money to win over as many people as possible. They were especially zealous with historians and writers in order to forever obscure their Jewish origin and connect it with the original Arab tribes of Rabia, Anza and al-Masaleh.

One of the most famous hypocrites of our time - Muhammad Amin at-Tamimi - Director of the modern Library of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia compiled a genealogical tree for the Jewish Saudi family and linked them with the Greatest Prophet Muhammad (DBAR). For this fictional work, he received a reward of 35,000 Egyptian pounds from the KSA ambassador to Cairo, Egypt, in 1362 AH - 1943. The ambassador's name is Ibrahim al-Fadel.

As mentioned above, the Jewish ancestor of the Saudis (Mordahai) practiced polygamy, having married a huge number of Arab women and, as a result, had a large number of children; his descendants are now repeating the actions of their ancestor, exactly increasing their power - taking in quantity.

One of the sons of Mordahai, whose name was al-Marakan, an Arabicized form of the Hebrew name Makren, the eldest son was called Muhammad, and the other was called Saud, whose name now bears the Saudi dynasty.

The descendants of Saud (the Saudi dynasty) began to kill prominent Arab figures, under the pretext that they had abandoned Islam, violated the Qur'anic precepts, and thereby aroused the anger of the Saudis.

In the Book of History of the Saudi Dynasty, 98-101 pages, their family historian claims that the Saudis considered all the inhabitants of Najd apostates, so they were allowed to shed their blood, seize property, and the Saudis could turn their women into concubines as captives. Muslims who do not share the views of the Saudi ideologue - Muhammad ibn Abdulvahabhab (also has Jewish roots from Turkey) were subject to complete destruction. Under the cover of this, the Saudis killed men, stabbed children, ripped open the womb of pregnant women, raped, robbed and slaughtered entire villages. And as the basis of their cruel program, they took the teachings of the "Wahhabis" sect, which allowed them to destroy dissidents.

This disgusting Jewish dynasty patronizes the Wahhabis sect in every possible way, who allow violence in cities and villages under the cover of Islam. This Jewish dynasty has been doing lawlessness since 1163 Hijri, since they named the Arabian Peninsula after themselves (Saudi Arabia) and consider the entire region their property, and its population are servants and slaves of the dynasty who should work for the benefit of their owners (dynasty Sauditov).

They have completely appropriated natural resources and consider them their own. If someone asks questions that are inconvenient for the dynasty or starts protesting against the despotism of the Jewish dynasty, they publicly cut off his head in the square. The Saudi princess once visited Florida, USA with her courtiers, she rented 90 suites at the Grand Hotel for a total cost of about US $ 1 million per day. Can the subjects ask what this extravagant trick is? If anyone asks a similar question, then he will immediately be overtaken by the punishment of the Saudi sword in the execution square !!!

Witnesses of Jewish descent of the Saudi dynasty

In the 1960s, South al-Arab radio station in Cairo, Egypt and the Yemeni radio station in Sana'a confirmed the Jewish origins of the Saudi dynasty.

King Faisal al-Saud at the time could not deny his family's close relationship with the Jews when he stated in an interview with the Washington Post on September 17, 1969: “We, the Saudi dynasty, are relatives (cousins) of the Jews: we do not share the Arab point of view or Muslims in general on the Jewish question ... we must live in peace and harmony. Our country (Arabia) is the ancestral home of the first Jew and it was from here that they spread throughout the world. " This was the statement of King Faisal al-Saud bin Abdel Aziz !!!

Hafez Wahbi, a Saudi legal adviser, mentioned in his book entitled "The Arabian Peninsula" that King Abdul Aziz al-Saud, who died in 1953, said: “Our activities (Saudi propaganda) came across opposition from all Arab tribes. My grandfather is Saud al-Awwal once imprisoned several sheikhs of the Maziir tribe, and when another group of the same tribe came to intercede for the prisoners, with a request for the release, as Saud al-Awwal ordered his people to cut off the heads of all prisoners, and invited those who came to taste dishes from his boiled meat. victims, whose heads he put on the dishes! The petitioners were very frightened and refused to eat the flesh of their relatives, and because of their refusal to eat, he ordered his people to cut off their heads as well. This heinous crime was committed by order of the Saudi ruler against to people whose only fault was the condemnation of his cruel methods and extreme despotism.

Hafez Wahbi goes on to say that King Abdul Aziz Al Saud told a bloody story that the sheikhs of the Mazeer tribe who visited his grandfather to intercede for their prominent leader of the time, Faisal Al Darwish, who was imprisoned in the king's prison. He told the story with them in order to prevent them from asking for the release of their leader, otherwise they would suffer the same fate. He killed the sheikh and used his blood as a liquid for ablution before praying (not prohibited by the doctrine of the Wahhabi sect). Faisal Darwish's fault was that he criticized King Abdel Aziz al-Saud, when the king signed a document prepared by the British authorities in 1922, in which the British authorities declare the granting of Palestinian lands to Jews, his signature was put at a conference in Al Akira in 1922.

This was and remains the basis of this regime of the Jewish family (Saudi dynasty). The main purpose of which is: plunder of the country's wealth, robbery, falsification, all kinds of atrocities, lawlessness and blasphemy. Everything is done in accordance with their religious convictions - a fictional Wahhabi sect that legalizes all these atrocities and has absolutely nothing to do with Islam.

Recently, Saudi Arabia has been in the spotlight of numerous experts on the Middle East, many of whom, noting the kingdom's increased role in regional affairs after a series of “color” revolutions in the Arab world and the latest steps by Riyadh in the interests of the United States to dump oil on the world market. , nevertheless, indicate that at the same time this richest country in the Arab world is on the eve of radical changes and even possible disappearance as a state entity. Moreover, almost all analysts agree that the ruling Al Saud dynasty, which has long been a brake on the path of modernization and reform of the country, is increasingly degrading, plunging into all mortal sins and vices and not taking soberly the complex political processes taking place inside and around the KSA. And what is dangerous for the whole world - it continues to encourage Islamic radicalism, extremism and terrorism.

The world's premier sponsor of terrorism

One of the main reasons that threats to the kingdom's national security are rapidly increasing, which cast doubt on the very preservation of Saudi Arabia as a unified state in its current form, is the stubborn commitment of the royal family to support terrorist and extremist organizations and groups, with the help of which Riyadh often realizes its foreign policy ambitions in the Arab and Islamic world, overthrowing unwanted rulers, imposing Salafi-type Islamism and unleashing wars and conflicts in neighboring countries in order to weaken them. In fact, Saudi Arabia itself has already become an extremist and terrorist state, and not only within the country, where society is governed by the harsh suppression of dissent of any kind, from ideological and political to religious, based on discrimination of the Shiite minority, gross violation of human rights and freedoms. , violence and police terror.

Al Saud has been imposing its vision of modernity on the entire Arab world, doing it by force, which has been open since 2011. Before that, everything was done secretly, through financing terrorist and extremist movements, training ideological and religious "cadres" of Salafis in special schools, training field military commanders and militants both on their own territory and on the territory of countries bordering the zones

conflicts. Having switched from 2011 to open interference in the internal affairs of Arab and Islamic countries, the KSA simply threw off the mask of a decent state that claims to be the defender of the interests of all Muslims in the world. And the victims of this have already become Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, plunged at the behest and with the direct participation of Al Saud into the abyss of wars and civil conflicts. The main allies of the KSA are also well known: Al-Qaeda with its regional branches, the Muslim Brotherhood, numerous jihadist groups, Jabhat al-Nusra and, until recently, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, until this structure came out in June of this year. out of the control of their Saudi creators and masters.

On the conscience of the Saudi rulers are tens of thousands of civilians killed by the Salafis, including women and children, with the most vile and heinous methods - from cutting off heads to publicly eating internal organs from people still alive. This alone is enough to bring the aged King Abdullah and his security forces, led by Prince Bandar, now the former head of the KSA intelligence service, to an international court in The Hague for crimes against humanity both within the kingdom and in the aforementioned Arab and Islamic countries, and also for the genocide against Shiites inside Saudi Arabia, and the Sunnis too. And for a start, it would be good to put all of them in a cage and lead them to places of "military glory", where atrocities were committed with their money and at their direction.

Moreover, there is no need to look for special evidence. Suffice it to recall that all this is organized at the state level through Idarat Hayat al-Buchus Wal Daawa Wal-Irshad ( organization based in Riyadh) , commonly known as Hayat ad-Daawa , as well as " Front" in Mecca - League of the Islamic World (Rabitat al-alam al-islami ) , that are the highest military command "of the Wahhabis-Salafis. This is the main financial and organizational mechanism of the activities of the Wahhabis-Salafis around the world. They are generously funded by the Saudi government. And it is the Saudi government that appoints the leader of the Salafis. In addition, the family is in the support of the Al Saud. Aal al-Sheikh (translated as the sheikh's family), which consists of the descendants of Muhammad Abdel Wahhab and ranks second in KSA after them in prestige. In fact, the heads of the ministries of justice, religious affairs, the national mufti and the head of the head Salafi organization Ad-Daawah (as well as persons occupying a number of other posts, such as the chief of the royal protocol) come from the Aal al-Sheikh clan. This is the Wahhabi political leadership of the Salafis. While verbally condemning the overly radical Takfiri Salafis, the royal family is actually funding the Salafi movement. It owes to the Wahhabis the legality of historical origin, since the Al Saud clan was elected by them to rule Arabia, and also uses them to oppose the Shiite ideas of Khomeinism, which Al Saud fear most and fear like plague.

The complete moral decay of the Al Saud family

But terrorism is only part of the royal dynasty's problem. No less serious danger to its further existence is the extreme moral decay of the majority of the members of the Al Saud clan and the so-called princes, whose number exceeds 300. Moreover, the highest ranked members of the royal family are most decomposed.

In the first place of vices is sexual debauchery. The king, the crown prince and their closest relatives of the highest level, including in the system of government, are polygamists, often married to almost still girls or young girls, with an age difference of up to 40-50 years. Hence - the numerous offspring that make up this huge community of "princes" of royal blood. If earlier the institution of polygamy in Islam served Muslims to rapidly increase the number of Bedouin Arabs who formed the backbone of the army of Muhammad and subsequent Arab conquerors, as well as to consolidate positions in the conquered territories by marrying representatives of their local elites, then in the modern world, when the overwhelming most Muslims have one, maximum two wives, the Saudi rulers use it to satisfy their sexual desires. Moreover, in KSA it is considered quite normal to often get rid of old wives by divorce and marry new, young women. It is quite normal for the Al Saud dynasty if a “sheikh” in his 65-70 years old marries an 18-year-old girl. And if there are few wives, then there is the institution of concubines, which remained only in the conservative monarchies of Arabia, mainly in Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Moreover, there can be many concubines - sometimes their number reaches a hundred. Girls are bought in all corners of the globe - from blond Europeans to black African women. Moreover, according to those who at one time entered the inner circle of members of the Al Saud clan, but then fell into disgrace and fled the kingdom, the Saudis are very actively practicing collective sex, making love with several wives and concubines at the same time. The "sheikh" or "prince" can no longer be satisfied with a relationship with one woman. At the same time, natural sexual intercourse with women is also not sufficient: hence the use of oral and anal sex. All of this is detailed in the book by Gene P. Sasson. "A princess. The true story of life under the veil in Saudi Arabia "(http://www.litres.ru/pages/biblio_book/?art=154457).

And for some, the status of a woman is also important for sex. So, according to stories "from the inside", one of the high-ranking Al Saud wanted the dark-skinned Condoleezza Rice when she was the US Secretary of State. They say that the "sheikh" was ready to pay 5 million dollars for having sex with her. Interestingly, after one of his visits to Riyadh, the head of the US Foreign Ministry got an expensive diamond set. And she herself was an ardent supporter of the development of a strategic partnership between Washington and Riyadh. Although, in theory, an American woman politician, and even a dark-skinned one, should have sought to end discrimination against women in Saudi society, and not indulge an absolute monarchy ruled by sexual perverts.

And to the sexual orgies of representatives of the Al Saud family, one should add other "entertainment" of an absolutely immoral plan. And first of all, it is homosexuality (sodomy). Not being homosexual by nature, many Saudis satisfy their sexual desires with men, since they are no longer entirely interested in women. And they do it in the most perverted form, having read the relevant literature published in the West. Understandably, when they were Bedouin goat herders and camel herders, the Al Saud practiced this in the absence of women. But now, when they can buy almost all available and inaccessible beauties in any corner of the planet for their petrodollars, this cannot be justified by the harsh everyday life of a shepherd in the Rub al-Khali desert. For "active" homosexual Saudis, it is preferable, as "experts" from within the kingdom, are European men, for passive ones - blacks, Arabs or Pakistanis.

Another sin that many "worthy" members of the KSA royal family are subject to is pedophilia, which flourishes among the "princes" and "sheikhs" not as a natural defect from birth, but simply a moral perversion from satiety due to an excess of petrodollars. Moreover, both young girls and boys are used. Especially popular are blue-eyed children - blondes from Europe, who are bought for a lot of money in poor large families. But, if you need to and really want to, and the parents do not agree to such deals, then it comes down to the banal kidnapping and delivery of children by special planes of the Al Saud clan under the guise of diplomatic passports. Apparently, Washington is aware of this, but prefers to pretend not to know. After all, dealing with such a regime where polygamists, sexual maniacs, homosexuals and pedophiles rule the ball is a shame and a threat to come under harsh criticism from our own human rights structures. So the White House turns a blind eye to the "pranks" of representatives of the "blue blood" Al Saud. After all, the main thing for the American elite is that the royal family of the KSA has trillions of petrodollars, and not high morals.

But what is really there, although it is disgusting to write about it, but bestiality is also common among members of the Al Saud dynasty. Apparently, copulation with animals - from dogs to sheep and camels, is already the only way for some "sheikhs" and "princes" to satisfy their sexual fantasies, when sex with people is already tired. We need animals. Moreover, the ancestors of Al Sadov, grazing goats in the desert, also did this. But, they did it in the absence of other ways to have sex, and even 1500 years ago, when the Bedouins of Arabia had moral standards at the level of the Stone Age. This, perhaps, partly explains the fact that Saudi sponsors do not hesitate to finance armed extremist organizations, whose militants massacre prisoners, hostages and civilians in the most brutal way. Animals prefer animals.

Against this background, drug use and total alcoholism among the Al Saud seem childish. By banning the sale and consumption of alcohol within the KSA, the royal family is the main controller of the $ 3-4 billion a year smuggling of alcohol. After oil, this is the second largest source of income for the "princes". The main channels for the import of alcoholic beverages are Jordan and Dubai, from where the whiskey is delivered directly in multi-ton trucks. Then a bottle of Black Label, which costs $ 30 in a duty free shop, is sold to their own subjects for $ 200. They do not disdain anything. Including drug trafficking.

Saudi Arabia is doomed

With such a government of the country and in the light of the development of internal processes in the kingdom and around it, it is quite obvious that Saudi Arabia is simply doomed to collapse and disintegration. Al Saud today is one of the few royal families who have absolute power in the country. All posts in the government and in the regions are held by representatives of the Al Saud, who are appointed by the king. Today the head of the dynasty is King Abdullah ibn Abdel Aziz Al Saud, and the total number of Saudis reaches 25 thousand people. The current 90 year old ruler,

the son of the first king of the KSA, Abdullah was born in August 1924. He was one of the 37 sons of the first king. He received a traditional Islamic education at court under his father, but spent a lot of time in the desert with his mother, where he was accustomed to the Bedouin way of life. Abdullah became the new king of Saudi Arabia in 2005, inheriting the title of "Servant of the Two Shrines". King Abdullah was the richest government leader, according to Forbes magazine in 2006, his personal fortune was $ 21 billion. He has a whole "bouquet" of diseases and in fact he can no longer rule the country, often disappearing from sight for months for treatment. The second person in the kingdom - Crown Prince Salman bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud was born on December 31, 1935, that is, he is almost 80 years old. He is also the son of the first king of Saudi Arabia. Prince Salman was appointed heir to the throne and first deputy prime minister in June 2012 after the death of his brother Crown Prince Naif, becoming the third heir to the throne during the reign of King Abdullah, who died of old age and disease one after another. In recent years, he suffered a stroke, as a result of which his left arm did not work, and in August 2010 he underwent surgery on the spine. It was also rumored that he was suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

A factor that indirectly undermines the unity of the ruling family is the second generation of Al Saud - the so-called young princes , which are mostly over 60 years old. Representatives of this group lead the middle management in a number of key departments, occupy the most significant positions in governorates, the armed forces, the National Guard, special services, and conduct successful business activities. Having received a higher secular education in the West, "young princes" are often dissatisfied with the ambivalent course of the country's leadership aimed at preserving the Islamic traditions of the 17th century as the basis for the existence of the Saudi state and at the same time at the implementation of modernization, as well as their insignificant degree of participation in state affairs. The informal leader of the “young princes” is Walid bin Talal, a leading representative of the Middle East business world and one of the “top ten” owners of the largest personal fortunes. And he is clearly striving for power, but is unlikely to receive it. And the most powerful person among the "grandchildren" - Prince Bandar bin Sultan was recently removed from his post as head of the intelligence services for failures in Syria and Iraq. Under these conditions, it is difficult to predict what will happen to the KSA after the death of King Abdullah. Unless, of course, KSA falls apart earlier under the pressure of internal and external factors.

Inciting "color" revolutions in the Arab world at their side, encouraging extremism and terrorism in the region, entering into sharp confrontation with Shiite Iran and Iraq, lowering oil prices to please the United States and to its own detriment, Saudi Arabia received a hostile environment around the entire perimeter their borders - Syria, Iraq, Yemen. Created with the money of the KSA, ISIS has recently announced the expansion of its jihad into the territory of the kingdom. There was a new outbreak of violence against the Shiites in the Eastern Province. The first landmark terrorist attacks have already happened. The situation inside the country was heated. In these conditions, it is obvious that the ruling dynasty of Al Saud, consisting of elderly and sick perverts, homosexuals, pedophiles and zoophiles, can in no way resist external and internal threats. The disintegration of the kingdom will be the natural end of the rule of the Bedouin Al Saud family, who created an artificial state 85 years ago with the support of Great Britain. And hardly anyone will be surprised at this.

This weekend in Saudi Arabia, there were massive detentions of members of the royal family and people associated with it. Among the suspected corruption was Prince Alwaleed, who tried to forge ties with Russia.

Al-walid (Photo: Philippe Wojazer / Reuters)

"We put personal interests above public interests"

On the evening of November 4, the King of Saudi Arabia Salman ibn Abdul-Aziz Al Saud issued an anti-corruption decree and announced that he intends to completely end abuses in the country's power structures. As the monarch explained, in the highest government circles there were people "who put their personal interests above public interests" in order to illegally enrich themselves.

Shortly thereafter, Al Arabiya TV reported on the mass arrests: 11 members of the Saudi royal family, four current ministers and "dozens" of former ministers were suspected of corruption. Among them are Prince Al-Walid bin Talal bin Abdel Aziz Al Saud and the former head of the Ministry of the National Guard, Prince Mitab bin Abdullah bin Abdel Aziz Al Saud. What exactly the representatives of the Saudi dynasty did is not explained. However, Bloomberg reported that Alwaleed, in particular, was detained at his camp in the desert.

On Monday, November 6, a senior Saudi official said. Billionaire Alwaleed is suspected of money laundering, bribery and extortion from officials. Prince Mitab bin Abdullah is accused of embezzlement, hiring dead souls, transferring government contracts to his own companies, including a $ 10 billion deal for the supply of walkie-talkies and body armor. Former finance minister Ibrahim al-Assaf is accused of embezzling funds to expand the Great Mosque of Mecca. In addition, he is suspected of using his official position and confidential information in the implementation of land transactions. The ex-governor of Riyadh, Prince Turki ibn Abdullah, according to the authorities, also supplied contracts to his own companies, and also committed abuses during the construction of the metro.

Prince vs prince

Against the background of fragmentary data from Saudi Arabia, different versions emerged of what the 81-year-old monarch was pursuing. According to Bloomberg, the arrests have only reinforced rumors that King Salman is thus clearing the way for his 32-year-old son, Mohammed ibn Salman Al Saud, to the throne. It was his supporter Khaled Ayaf who replaced Mitab as head of the National Guard Ministry. The interlocutors of the agency pointed to the fact that in recent months it was people from the circle of the crown prince who held responsible posts, and Mitab barely held his position.

Mohammed ibn Salman Al-Saud (Photo: Yuri Kochetkov / EPA)

Middle East expert Hani Sabra told Bloomberg that the crown prince's rise to power had previously caused discontent among many influential Saudis. Now that Khaled Ayaf is heading the agency that was considered the stronghold of the clan of the former King Abdullah, it is almost impossible to predict the reaction within the royal family.

Experts were very surprised by the detention of Al-Walid, who has repeatedly expressed his loyalty to both King Salman and his son. For example, in September, a huge portrait of the monarch was displayed on the Alwaleed Kingdom Tower in honor of the national holiday. However, Market Watch indicates that the prince may have been reminded of his relatives. If Alwaleed himself did not claim a leading role in governing the state, then his father Talal bin Abdul Aziz actively opposed the promotion of Prince Mohammed. Sources of the publication associate the quick clean-up inside the ruling dynasty with Salman's alleged decision to retire at the end of this or early next year.

Face to Iran and back to Trump

Alwaleed's arrest has caused surprise among his business partners. According to The New York Times, it was no accident that he was called the Middle Eastern Warren Buffett. Forbes estimates the fortune of Prince Alwaleed at $ 18 billion, which puts him in 45th place in the ranking of the richest people in the world. He owns a 95% stake in Kingdom Holding and is the largest shareholder of Citigroup, one of the international financial conglomerates (over 6%). He also owns shares in such companies as Four Seasons (together with Bill Gates they own 95% of shares), Twitter, 21st Century Fox, Disney. He also owns the George V in Paris and the Plaza in New York.

According to The New York Times, the prince's arrest was made against the backdrop of a growing friendship between Prince Mohammed and American President Donald Trump. Alwaleed, despite the difficult relations between Riyadh and Tehran, several years ago was going to invest in the Iranian economy and abandoned this idea because of the tough position of King Salman. Mohammed, on the other hand, does not contradict Trump in his views on Tehran.

Mohammed Ibn Salman Al Saud and Donald Trump (Photo: Mandel Mgan / EPA)

At the same time, it is worth noting that Trump did not have a relationship with Alwaleed. Even during the election campaign in the United States, businessmen exchanged barbs. The prince named the Republican candidate "

Karim al-Saud and Sultana al-Saud

A wedding in a Muslim family, and even more so in the royal family of Saudi Arabia, has always been a ceremony hidden from prying eyes. Especially from the eyes of Europeans. And only in the 90s of the twentieth century, when the books of the American Jean P. Sasson began to be published, the veil of secrecy over the wedding ceremonies of the Saudis was slightly opened.

Jin has been interested in oriental culture since childhood. The researcher's curiosity led Jean to take a job in 1978 as Administrative Coordinator at King Faisal Hospital and Research Center in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Jean worked there for four years, after which she married the Englishman Peter Sasson. Jean lived in Saudi Arabia until 1991. In 1983, at a reception at the Italian embassy, ​​Jean met a woman from the Saudi royal family of al-Saud. The women became friends. A Saudi princess told an American woman about life in the female half of the Arab world. And she agreed for Jean to write a book from her words, setting the only condition: to change the names. Since then, not a single curious and cunning journalist has been able to find out who is hiding under the name of Sultana al-Saud. Because the discovery of this truth could cost a woman her life.

The banquet hall where the wedding of the Sultana and Karim al-Saud was celebrated

Among other things, Sultana talked about how weddings are held in Arab royal families. First, about the traditional one, which she witnessed in 1969, when her sister Sarah was married. The wedding of the Sultana herself, which took place three years later, was no longer so traditional, already with a Western bias. At least, without open coercion, besides, Karim and Sultana went on their honeymoon to Europe at the end of the ceremony.

1969, Sarah's wedding:

“At least fifteen women scurried back and forth anxiously, trying not to miss anything important in preparing the bride for the wedding. The first ceremony, halava, was performed by the mother and one of the older aunts. All hair is supposed to be removed from the bride's body, except for eyelashes and hair on the head. A special mixture of sugar, rose water and lemon juice, which is applied to the body, simmered over low heat in the kitchen. When the sweet mass dries on the body, it is ripped off along with the hair. The scent of the mixture was very pleasant, but the procedure is terribly painful, and Sarah's screams can still be heard in my ears, making me shudder with horror.

Henna was prepared for washing the hair, which was supposed to give Sarah's luxurious hair a slight sheen of polished mahogany. The fingernails and toenails were painted a bright red, which reminds me of the color of blood. A pale pink wedding shirt adorned with gorgeous lace hung from a hook by the door, and a diamond necklace with a matching bracelet and earrings lay on the dressing table. The jewelry was sent to Sarah a few weeks ago as a wedding present from the groom, but she never even touched it.

When a Saudi bride is happy and marries for love, the room in which she is being prepared for the wedding is filled with laughter and joy. On my sister's wedding day, an oppressive silence reigned in her room - one would have thought that women were preparing her body for burial. Everyone spoke in whispers, and Sarah did not utter a word at all. It was strange for me to see her like this after the events of the last weeks, but later I realized what trance she was in by that time.

His father, worried that Sarah might ruin the wedding by expressing his disgust for the groom, ordered one of the doctors on the wedding day to inject her with a strong tranquilizer to deprive her of the strength to resist. We later learned that the same doctor had given the groom a pill to take Sarah's anxiety medication. The groom was told that Sarah was too excited about the upcoming marriage and that she needed the pills to avoid unwanted stomach symptoms. Since the groom had never seen Sarah before, he, apparently, for some time after the wedding, was confident that his new wife was a very quiet and docile woman. On the other hand, many old people in our country marry young girls, and I am sure they are aware of the fear that their young brides have in front of them.

Drum rolls announced the arrival of the guests. The women finally finished preparing the bride. They put on a beautiful dress, zipped her back, and put on her legs in soft pink shoes. Mother fastened a diamond necklace around Sarah's neck. I loudly proclaimed from my seat that this necklace is no better than a loop or a lasso. One of the aunts gave me a slap, and the other twisted her ear painfully, but Sarah did not react to my words. Everyone gathered around her in delighted silence. None of those present have ever seen a more beautiful bride in their life.

For the ceremony, a huge canopy was installed in the courtyard of the villa. The whole garden was filled with flowers sent from Holland and playing in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow. The spectacle turned out to be so beautiful that for a while I even forgot about what tragic event was taking place in my sister's life.

Many guests gathered in the shade under the awning. The women of the royal family, literally hung with diamonds, rubies and emeralds, gathered together with representatives of the lower strata of society, which in itself rarely happens in Saudi Arabia. Commoners are allowed to attend the weddings of noble girls, provided that they do not take off their chador and do not enter into conversations with aristocrats. One of my friends told me that there were times when some men changed into a woman's dress with a veil in order to be able to look at the faces of those who would never appear to a man. The men themselves celebrated this event in one of the largest hotels in the city, where they had fun in the same way as the women in the bride's house - chatting, eating and dancing.

In Saudi Arabia, during a wedding, women and men gather in different places. The only men allowed to attend the women's celebration are the groom, the groom's father and the bride's father, and the priest performing the ceremony. In our case, the groom's father was excluded - he was no longer alive, so, apart from the priest, only my father and the groom were present at the ceremony.

Finally, the slaves and servants began to serve food, around which immediately there was pandemonium. The first to be admitted to the tables were the commoners who came to the feast in a veil. These poor women greedily grabbed food that they too rarely tasted. Their hands flickered as they sent piece by piece under their coverlet. After them, the rest of the guests went to their tables and started eating smoked salmon from Norway, Russian caviar, quail eggs and other delicacies. Four huge tables were crushed under the weight of food. Appetizers were on the left, main courses in the middle, desserts on the right, and refreshments were on a separate table. The alcohol forbidden by the Koran was of course absent, although I saw that many women brought small flasks with them in their purses and, giggling, from time to time retired to the bathrooms to take a sip.

Finally came the most interesting part of the holiday, in my opinion. Egyptian dancers appeared who were supposed to perform a belly dance. The crowd of women of all ages fell silent, watching the dance with alert interest. We Saudis are used to taking ourselves too seriously and are suspicious of any kind of fun, so I was pretty stunned when one of my elderly aunts suddenly ran into the center and joined the dancing Egyptians, showing surprisingly high class, which led me in complete admiration, despite the disapproving whispers of the rest of the relatives.

The drumming was heard again, and I realized that the bride was about to appear. All the guests looked expectantly at the doors through which she had to go out into the courtyard. Indeed, a few seconds later the doors opened and Sarah appeared, accompanied by her mother and one of the older aunts.

Sarah's face was covered with a translucent pink veil supported by a pink pearl tiara. My sister was dazzlingly beautiful, and everyone in the audience gasped with admiration and clucked their tongues. Under the veil, one could see how tense her face was with fear, but this in no way embarrassed the guests - after all, the young bride should be frightened.

Following Sarah, a dozen or two female relatives came out of the door, expressing their joy at the upcoming ceremony with loud exclamations and clattering. The women in the courtyard also burst into cheers. Sara staggered, but her mother supported her by the elbow.

Soon my father appeared, accompanied by the groom. I knew that the groom is older than my father, but it's one thing to know, and another to see with your own eyes. He seemed to me a very ancient old man, but in appearance he resembled a fox. I even shuddered when I imagined how he touches my bashful, tender sister.

The groom lifted Sarah's veil and broke into a satisfied grin. The sister was too pumped up with sedatives to react, and she didn’t move as she gazed at her new master. The real wedding took place much earlier, and there were no women present. The men gathered separately and signed a marriage contract with each other, specifying details that made my sister neither cold nor hot. Today, just a few words will be said, and poor Sarah will forever be deprived of that illusory freedom, which she possessed while living in her father's house.

The priest announced that Sarah was now a legal wife and that the bride ransom due in such cases had been paid in full. Then he looked at the groom, who, in turn, said that he was taking Sarah as his wife and from that moment she was under his protection and protection. None of the men even glanced at Sarah during the ceremony. After reading several passages from the Koran, the priest blessed my sister's marriage. All the women present again erupted in cheers and claps. It is finished! Sarah is married. The satisfied men shook hands, smiling.

Sarah still stood motionless, and the groom took out a purse from his toba pocket (a long robe, like a loose, toe-length shirt worn by Saudi men) and began distributing gold coins to the guests. I shuddered in disgust when I heard him accept congratulations on marrying such a beautiful girl. He grabbed my sister's arm and hastily led her away. "

1972, wedding of the Sultana:

“Nura came to us and said that I was going to marry Karim, one of our cousins. When I was a little girl, I had to meet his sister, but I don't remember anything she said about her brother, except the mention that he likes to command. At that time he was twenty-eight, and I was to become his first wife. Nura said that she saw his photo and he seemed extremely attractive to her. He was an educated young man and even graduated from law school in London. Nura said that unlike the rest of our cousins, he is serious about business and has real weight in the business world. He was the head of one of the largest law firms in Riyadh. I was very lucky, Nura said, since Karim told my father that he wants me to complete my education before I get married, since he is not interested in a wife with whom he could not communicate at the proper level.

On the occasion of my wedding, the room in which I was being prepared for the ceremony was full of fun. Surrounded by the women of my family, I could not make out a single word of what they were saying, as their simultaneous chatter merged into a continuous cheerful, cheerful hum.

My dress was made from the brightest red lace I could find. I felt great satisfaction that I could once again shock my family, who strongly advised me to wear something pale pink. As always, I insisted on my own, as I was sure that I was right. In the end, even my sisters had to admit that the bright red color favorably sets off my skin and eyes.

I experienced true bliss when Sarah and Nura put on a dress and buttoned all the buttons on me. A slight sadness gripped me when Nura fastened on my neck Karim's gift - a necklace of rubies and diamonds.

It's time to start a new life. There was a rumble of drums, drowning out even the sounds of the orchestra, which had arrived from Egypt specifically to play at our wedding. Accompanied by Nura and Sarah, I walked out with my head held high to the guests who had been crowding impatiently in the garden for a long time.

As is customary in Saudi Arabia, the official ceremony was held ahead of time. Karim and his relatives were in one half of the palace, I was with mine in the other, and the priest walked from room to room and asked us if we would agree to the marriage. Neither Karim nor I was allowed to have a word with each other. The celebration had already lasted four days and four nights, and after our appearance with Karim, the guests had three more days of fun.

The present day was dedicated to the union of the newlyweds on the marriage bed. It was our day with Karim! I haven’t seen my fiancé since we first met, although there wasn’t a day when we didn’t have long telephone conversations. And then, finally, I saw him again.

He walked slowly towards the pavilion, accompanied by his father. Excitement gripped me when I thought that this handsome man would now become my husband. All my senses sharpened, I noticed every little thing: how nervously his hands were trembling, how the vein in his throat was beating, giving out a quickening heartbeat.

I imagined how his heart was beating in his chest, and I thought with pleasure that this heart from now on would belong to me. Now it depended on me whether it would fight from happiness or from grief. I realized that I was taking responsibility.

When Karim finally approached me, I was suddenly overwhelmed with a wave of emotion. My lips trembled, tears welled up in my eyes, and I could hardly restrain myself from bursting into tears. However, this lasted literally a few seconds, and when my groom carefully lifted my veil and opened my face, we both laughed with joy.

The women around us burst into cheers and stomped their feet loudly. It rarely happens in Saudi Arabia that the bride and groom meet each other with such joy. I looked Karim in the eyes and literally drowned in them, unable to believe my happiness. I grew up in darkness, and my husband, who, according to all laws, should have become another source of fear and grief for me, actually promised me deliverance from the shackles of slavery.

Karim and I so wanted to be alone that we did not stay among the guests for a long time, accepting congratulations. While Karim was throwing gold coins among the merry guests, I quietly slipped away to change for my honeymoon. "

The Sultana turned out to be a freedom-loving woman and could not forgive Karim when, many years later, he wished to take a second wife for himself. She moved to live in Europe and fought the oppression of women in her native country, telling the truth about how the prisoners of golden cells actually live in semi-fancy Arabia. Nowadays, books written under the dictation of the Sultana are of interest mainly because they depict the life of Saudi women, which is secret for a European.

The Saudi dynasty. Where are they from and what is their real origin?

Part one

Excerpt from Saudhouse.com, researched and provided by Muhammad Saher, killed by order of the Saudi regime for the following research:

1. Do the members of the Saudi family belong to the Anza bin Waiel tribe, as they claim?

2. Is Islam their real religion?

3. Are they of Arab origin? ©

The following facts cast doubt on all the claims of the Saudi family and refute all the false claims made by the hypocrites who sold themselves to this family and distorted the real history of the Saudi family. I mean the journalists and historians who, due to the large funding, have a forged and altered genealogy of this family, and that supposedly our greatest Prophet Muhammad (DBAR) said that the Saudis are evidence of the power of Allah on Earth. And it is very clear that this flattery is meant to justify the crime and autocracy of the Saudis and that it guarantees stability to their rule and is the basis of their oppressive regime, which is a dictatorship of an extreme form and completely compromises our great religion of Islam.

The very concept of monarchy is unacceptable in our religion, Islam, in the Holy Quran, because it concludes power in one person and in the members of his family, suppressing the people and drowning out the voices of any "opposition" opposing royal despotism and dictatorial rules. And the kings are condemned in the following ayat of the Holy Quran: "Kings, entering a (foreign) country, destroy and ruin it, and the noblest of its inhabitants are deprived of respect and honor, - this is what (all) kings do" (Surah an-Naml, 27 Meccan , ayat 34. Koran. Translation of Meanings and commentaries. Imam Valery Porokhov).

Despite this, the Saudi family ignores the Quranic verses and falsely claims that they are the strictest adherents of the Holy Quran: under their strict supervision, radio and television programs are broadcast, using the Quranic verses to protect their order. At the same time, the publication of other ayats in the press is strictly prohibited, because printing and reading them may affect their throne!

Who are the Saudis? Where are they from? What is their ultimate goal?

Ibn Saud's family members are well aware that Muslims around the world know their Jewish origins. Muslims are aware of all their bloody deeds in the past and ruthless, despotic cruelty in the present. At the present time, they are trying in every possible way to hide their Jewish origin and, hiding behind the religion of Islam, begin to invent their genealogy, trying to bring it to our most precious Prophet Muhammad (DBAR)

They have completely forgotten or in every possible way ignore the fact that Islam has never attached importance to genealogy or the "Family Tree"; here respect and honors are given to all people, without exception, if their actions comply with the principles proclaimed in the following verse of the Holy Quran: “O people! We created you from (a couple): husband and wife, and created (family) clans and (different) nations out of you, so that you can know each other. After all, before Allah, the most honored is the one who will become the righteous of all of you. Indeed, Allah is all-knowing and knows about everything and everyone! " (surah al-Hujurat, 49, Medina, ayat 13).

Anyone who is unjust and greedy cannot be close to our Prophet Muhammad (DBAR), even if he is a close relative to him. Bilyal, an Abyssinian slave who was a true Muslim, has much more respect in Islam than the pagan Abu Lahab, who was a blood relative (uncle) of our Prophet (DBAR). There is no preference for people in Islam. Allah gives the degrees of comparison in Islam according to the piety of a person, not his origin or belonging to any dynasty.

Who is the real founder of the Saudi dynasty?

In 851 AH, a group of people from the al-Masalikh clan, a clan of the Anza tribe, equip a caravan to buy grain (wheat) and other food from Iraq and transport them to Najd. The leader of the caravan was a man named Sahmi bin Haslul. The caravan arrived in Basra, where the caravan men went to a grain merchant, a Jew named Mordahai bin Ibrahim bin Moshe. During the negotiations, the Jew asked them: "Where are you from?" They replied: "From the Anza tribe of the al-Masaleh clan." Hearing this, the Jew began to hotly squeeze each of the newcomers, saying that he was also from the al-Masaleh clan, but he lived in Basra because of a quarrel between his father and some members of the Anza tribe.

After he told the story he had invented, he ordered his servants to load the camels with much larger quantities of food; this act seemed so generous that the representatives of the al-Masaleh clan were very surprised and they were overwhelmed with pride in their relative, who managed to become a successful trader in Iraq; they believed his every word and agreed with him, because he was a very rich grain merchant, which they so needed (this is how the Jew began to call himself a representative of the Arab clan al-Masaleh).

When the caravan was ready to leave, the Jew asked to take it with him, because he really wants to visit his homeland, Nejd. Hearing his request, the caravan men gladly agreed to take him with them.

Thus, the Jew secretly reached Najd. In Najd, through his supporters, whom he passed off as his relatives, he began to diligently propagandize himself. But, unexpectedly, he faced opposition from supporters of the Muslim preacher of the area al-Qasim Sheikh Salih Salman Abdullah at-Tamimi. A Jew (the true ancestor of the ibn Saud family) preached in the territories of Najd, Yemen and Hejaz, going from al-Qasim to al-Isha, on the way to al-Katif, he changed his name from Mordahai to Marwan bin Diriya and began to invent stories about our shield Prophet Muhammad (DBAR), that he was taken as a trophy from an Arab pagan during the battle of Uhud between Arab pagans and Muslims. He said that "this shield was sold by an Arab pagan to the Jewish tribe Banu Kunayka, who kept it as a treasure." Gradually, by telling the Bedouins such stories, he increased the authority of the Jewish tribes, as very influential. He decided to permanently settle in the town of Diriya in the area of ​​al-Qatif, which he considered as the basis, a springboard for the creation of a Jewish state in Arabia.

To achieve such ambitious plans, he began to closely approach the Bedouins and in the end he declared himself their ruler!

At the same time, the Azhaman tribe, in alliance with the Banu Khalid tribe, realizing its essence and the fact that the insidious plan drawn up by this Jew is beginning to yield results, they decided to destroy him. They attacked his city and captured it, but they could not capture the Jew who was hiding from the enemies ...

This Jewish ancestor of the Saudi dynasty, Mordahai, hid in a farm that at that time was called al-Malibed-Usaybabliz al-Arida, the current name of this area is ar-Riyad

He asked for asylum from the owner of this land. The host was a very hospitable man and allowed the Jew to stay. Less than a month later, the Jew killed all the family members of the owner of the farm, hiding the traces of his crimes and showing as if the thieves who had penetrated here had destroyed the family. Then he announced that he had bought these lands before the death of the former owner and remained to live there. He renamed the area, giving it the name ad-Diriya, as well as the area that he had lost.

This Jewish ancestor (Mordahai) of the ibn Saud dynasty built a seating court called "Madafa" on the lands of his victims and gathered around him a group of his henchmen, the most hypocritical people who began to persist in saying that he was a prominent Arab leader. The Jew himself began to weave conspiracies against Sheikh Salih Salman Abdullah at-Tamimi, his true enemy, who was later killed in the mosque of the city of al-Zalafi.

After that, he felt safe and made ad-Diriyah his permanent place of residence. He had a lot of wives who gave him a huge number of children. He gave all his children Arabic names.

Since that time, the number of his descendants increased, which allowed the creation of a large clan of Saudis, following his path, controlling the Arab tribes and clans. They ruthlessly took away agricultural land, and physically eliminated the recalcitrant. They used all kinds of deception, deceit to achieve their goals, they offered their women, money to win over as many people as possible. They were especially zealous with historians and writers in order to forever obscure their Jewish origin and connect it with the original Arab tribes of Rabia, Anza and al-Masaleh.

One of the most famous hypocrites of our time - Muhammad Amin at-Tamimi - Director of the modern Library of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia compiled a genealogical tree for the Saudi Jewish family and linked them with the Greatest Prophet Muhammad (DBAR). For this fictional work, he received a reward of 35,000 Egyptian pounds from the KSA ambassador to Cairo, Egypt, in 1362 AH - 1943. The ambassador's name is Ibrahim al-Fadel.

As mentioned above, the Jewish ancestor of the Saudis (Mordahai) practiced polygamy, having married a huge number of Arab women and, as a result, had a large number of children; his descendants are now repeating the actions of their ancestor, exactly increasing their power - taking in quantity.

One of the sons of Mordahai, whose name was al-Marakan, an Arabicized form of the Hebrew name Makren, the eldest son was called Muhammad, and the other was called Saud, whose name now bears the Saudi dynasty.

The descendants of Saud (the Saudi dynasty) began to kill prominent Arab figures, under the pretext that they had abandoned Islam, violated the Qur'anic precepts, and thereby aroused the anger of the Saudis.

In the Book of History of the Saudi Dynasty, 98-101 pages, their family historian claims that the Saudis considered all the inhabitants of Najd apostates, so they were allowed to shed their blood, seize property, and the Saudis could turn their women into concubines as captives. Muslims who did not share the views of the Saudi ideologue - Muhammad ibn Abdulvahabhab (also has Jewish roots from Turkey) were subject to complete destruction. Under the cover of this, the Saudis killed men, stabbed children, ripped open the womb of pregnant women, raped, robbed and slaughtered entire villages. And as the basis of their cruel program, they took the teachings of the "Wahhabis" sect, which allowed them to destroy dissidents.

This disgusting Jewish dynasty patronizes the Wahhabis sect in every possible way, who allow violence in cities and villages under the cover of Islam. This Jewish dynasty has been doing lawlessness since 1163 Hijri, since they named the Arabian Peninsula after themselves (Saudi Arabia) and consider the entire region their property, and its population are servants and slaves of the dynasty who should work for the benefit of their owners (dynasty Sauditov).

They have completely appropriated natural resources and consider them their own. If someone asks questions that are inconvenient for the dynasty or starts protesting against the despotism of the Jewish dynasty, they publicly cut off his head in the square. The Saudi princess once visited Florida, USA with her courtiers, she rented 90 suites at the Grand Hotel for a total cost of about US $ 1 million per day. Can the subjects ask what this extravagant trick is? If anyone asks a similar question, then he will immediately be overtaken by the punishment of the Saudi sword in the execution square !!!

Witnesses of Jewish descent of the Saudi dynasty

In the 1960s, South al-Arab radio station in Cairo, Egypt and the Yemeni radio station in Sana'a confirmed the Jewish origins of the Saudi dynasty.

King Faisal al-Saud at the time could not deny his family's close relationship with the Jews when he stated in an interview with the Washington Post on September 17, 1969: “We, the Saudi dynasty, are relatives (cousins) of the Jews: we do not share the Arab point of view or Muslims in general on the Jewish question ... we must live in peace and harmony. Our country (Arabia) is the ancestral home of the first Jew and it was from here that they spread throughout the world. " This was the statement of King Faisal al-Saud bin Abdel Aziz !!!

Hafez Wahbi, a Saudi legal adviser, mentioned in his book entitled "The Arabian Peninsula" that King Abdul Aziz al-Saud, who died in 1953, said: “Our activities (Saudi propaganda) came across opposition from all Arab tribes. My grandfather is Saud al-Awwal once imprisoned several sheikhs of the Maziir tribe, and when another group of the same tribe came to intercede for the prisoners, with a request for the release, as Saud al-Awwal ordered his people to cut off the heads of all prisoners, and invited those who came to taste dishes from his boiled meat. victims, whose heads he put on the dishes! The petitioners were very frightened and refused to eat the flesh of their relatives, and because of their refusal to eat, he ordered his people to cut off their heads as well. This heinous crime was committed by order of the Saudi ruler against to people whose only fault was the condemnation of his cruel methods and extreme despotism.

Hafez Wahbi goes on to say that King Abdul Aziz Al Saud told a bloody story that the sheikhs of the Mazeer tribe who visited his grandfather to intercede for their prominent leader of the time, Faisal Al Darwish, who was imprisoned in the king's prison. He told the story with them in order to prevent them from asking for the release of their leader, otherwise they would suffer the same fate. He killed the sheikh and used his blood as a liquid for ablution before praying (not prohibited by the doctrine of the Wahhabi sect). Faisal Darwish's fault was that he criticized King Abdel Aziz al-Saud, when the king signed a document prepared by the British authorities in 1922, in which the British authorities declare the granting of Palestinian lands to Jews, his signature was put at a conference in Al Akira in 1922.

This was and remains the basis of this regime of the Jewish family (Saudi dynasty). The main purpose of which is: plunder of the country's wealth, robbery, falsification, all kinds of atrocities, lawlessness and blasphemy. Everything is done in accordance with their religious convictions - a fictional Wahhabi sect that legalizes all these atrocities and has absolutely nothing to do with Islam.