The further into the forest the more firewood. Further in the forest more firewood value on the forest is more than firewood

The further into the forest the more firewood. Further in the forest more firewood value on the forest is more than firewood
The further into the forest the more firewood. Further in the forest more firewood value on the forest is more than firewood

Hour from the hour is not easier

"Hour from the hour" - with each passing hour.
Meaning: With each new news, the message becomes anxious, worse. Speaks with annoyance at the news of the new, no longer the first, trouble or new difficulties.
An example from the literature:
- How could he hit the front? - I ran to the detachment to you ... - It's not easier from the hour, it was outraged by the bulls (V. Sayanov, "Heaven and Earth").

Than rich in the same glad

They say when they ask to refer to the condesception to what they have and what is welcome with others.
Examples from literature:
1) Colonel Manukianz reached out to a basket hanging on a hook near the window, and began to get a provision from there. Sausage, cheese, fried chicken, eggs, salted cucumbers appeared on the table, ... - Command the parade, female comrades! - Pronounced Colonel. - than rich, those and glad (V. Giller, "Quiet Tirant");
2) began to call for a visit to themselves .. - Milicia, please, Comrade Commissioner: What is rich, the more pleased (A. Neverov, "what happened from it").

Whatever the child either overwhelmed, just not to cry

"TURN" - toys, having fun.
Meaning: Let him do what he wants, if he likes it and at the same time does not interfere with anyone, no one distracts and does not annoy. It is said when they relate to condescendingly to anyone who do not deserve attention and no one needs lessons, to non-serious behavior, actions.
Examples from literature:
1) Lukov did not limit the old man and provided him with complete freedom. They, apparently, believed that whatever child would do, just not cry (V. Kurochkin, "Last Spring");
2) - What do you write everything there? - Tatyana Markovna asked, - drama or all the novel, or what? "I don't know, my grandmother I am writing life - life comes out." And what will be finally, - I do not know. - whatever child would do, just not cry, - she noticed and almost correctly identified this proverb the importance of the Scriptures of the Paradise (I. Goncharov, "open");
3) The girl was a little more than a year, when parents began to leave her alone with a sheet of paper. At first glance, the usual everyday reason: whatever the child would do, just not cry (magazine "Shift", June 1, 1978).

They say when they see that the farther events are developing, the more difficulties, surprises arise, complications, of which it is not easy to find a way out.
Examples from literature:
1) I saw that it was much easier for them to lie, than to speak truthfully and express exactly the things of the most ordinary. But - the farther in the forest, the more firewood. Every day lying to the talent began to show not only to children, but much larger, enormous size (Uspensky, "Three letters");
2) with his wife hysteria. Daughter declares that she is not able to live with such violent parents, and dresses to leave home. The farther in the forest, the more firewood. It ends the fact that an important guest takes on the stage of the doctor, applied to the head of her husband lead grades (A. Chekhov, "Waterville");
3) - as in every case, Misha: the farther in the forest, the more firewood. Nesterov laughed with successful compared .. - on our excavations almost also said: the deeper into the ground, the more land (Markov, "Testament").

Related Pages:

1. The word is not a sparrow, will fly away - you can't catch
2. With lousy sheep at least wool
3. Fisherman fisherman sees from afar
4. No Hud without good
5. Murbs, flour will

To the main

Starting from ancient times, people learned to notice some relationships between different phenomena and analyze them. And then then they still did not mean much, but they found their expression in various proverbs, sayings and statements.

Table of contents [show]

What is the role of folk wisdom in the life of people

Wise thoughts and advice on all occasions that are contained in proverbs accompany us throughout our life. And despite the fact that some proverbs are not one hundred years, they will always be relevant, because the basic vital laws will never change. There are a lot of wise statements, for example: "The farther in the forest, the more firewood," "seems to be not sweet to the tooth," "praised - a young female", "you will live - see, wait - you will hear" and others. All of them briefly and clearly characterize certain actions, relationships, phenomena, give important life advice.

"The further into the forest, the more firewood." The meaning of the proverb

Even in antiquity, without knowing how to count, people have noticed certain patterns. The more game will be achieved on the hunt - the longer time the tribe will not suffer from hunger, the brighter and the fire burns longer - the greater will be in the cave, etc. The farther in the forest, the more firewood is also a fact. On the edge, as a rule, everything is already assembled, but in the deep more often, where the person's leg did not go - there is no wonderless. However, in this saying, there is a much deeper meaning. The forest and firewood do not need to be perceived literally, the people expressed simply the relationship of these concepts of these concepts, which occurred in our lives.

In the proverb "The farther in the forest, the more firewood" the meaning is: the more deeper into any business or the idea, the more the "pitfalls" pops up to the surface. This expression can be applied to many concepts and situations. For example, the deeper you begin to study any question, the more details of it recognize. Or the longer you communicate with a person - the better understand the features of his character.

In what situations most often used the proverb "The further in the forest, the more firewood"

Despite the fact that the meaning of the proverb allows it to be applied in many situations, most often it is used when it comes to the emergence of unforeseen difficulties and complications in any launched. Not in vain in the proverb they say about firewood. Everyone knows that the expression "to block firewood" means "make a mistake, enrolling the courtyard", that is, it is interpreted in a disapproving key.

You can apply this proverb not only in relation to some specifically started. "The further into the forest, the more firewood" - so we can say about the person who, for example, is constantly deceiving others, and the lie delays it into a vicious circle, generating all the new and new lies. Or, for example, someone wants to climb the career ladder and for all this is ready for everything. If, to achieve his goal, he leads a dishonest game, the higher it rises along the "steps", the more non-deposition actions he has to do.


The folk wisdom, laid in proverbs and sayings, briefly and is characterized by all sides of life - the relationship between people, attitudes towards nature, human weaknesses and other aspects. All proverbs and wise statements are a real treasure that the people collected in grains not one century and transmitted to future generations. According to proverbs and sayings, you can judge the values \u200b\u200bthat are inherent in different cultures. It is in such statements that the world's vision is as a whole and in various private life situations. It is difficult to overestimate the importance and role of proverbs and sayings in society. They are the spiritual heritage of our ancestors, which we must honor and take care.

With transom headers recently appear in Nasya NIVE.

I do not believe our eyes!

After all, "our niva" is not ours for a long time. But so that such a wrap - the mind is incomprehensible!

However, if we take into account who orders music, yes to add the events of the last months, everything is drawn.

The West finally changed tactics. It is not needed by the destroyers of the last outpost of Soviet times. Their mission is exhausted.

Due to the inertness of the labor layers of the population, the electoral resource of the new idea, of course, remained the same. This is an intelligentsia, studentism and high school students.

Opposition is invented and the main culprit "of our troubles and our evils" is Putin's Russia. On it under sanctions, you can hang all dogs, ranging from Ivan the Terrible. Sorpit.

Now - with the filing of Dubovets - to her the company added, oddly enough, an ardent Rusophobe of the Perestroika and post-Soviet time - Zenona Poznyak.

What is the novelty of the approaches of the West and his whistle to dismantle calm in our society?

The new task is now the emphasis of the same intelligentsia and young people with a quiet sap. But without the cultivation of radical nationalist sentiment, and by creating intellectual sites, where the brother with Russian liberals would be the norm.

After all, our Cicero translated, and the bulk and others - in Russia in sight.

I think that for this reason the opposition gradually turned into Russian-speaking.

It is this purpose that the strange appearance and replication of the quotes of the newly low literary division of Svetlana Aleksievich, who spoke quite definitely, is explained:

"To do what I did, it was impossible in the Belarusian language."

And finally, the point. Finally, the most important - appearance of puppeteers passionate desire to create in our base to radically change their rhetoric portal intellectual platform for fans to scratch the language involving liberastov promoted abroad (read - Russian renegades).

After all, they, like no one, are close to us by mentality.

I would not be surprised if we declared Schanderovich or a few Savik Schuster as the leading sites.

After all, he never spoke nothing unilent to Lukashenko. Others spoke, and he, without visible emotions on his face, listened and did not give in.

I will return to Poznyak about Dako.

Honestly, this very bright propagandist, who managed in the late '80s to become the central figure of the BPF, and then a small force to ride the Belarusian parliament and decide the priorities of the country's independence, I, like many, am understanding.

The main thing: he is the ideological opponent of the entire Soviet, but not a traitor. He did not believe in his pocket "iudushkiny pieces of silver," and the oppression of their line, because he believes, because it is convinced that they are right and defend their point of view.

The rectilinescence and independence of the judgment of Poznyaka in the West did not like, and he was deployed on the backyard of the Russophobic politics.

He is not their man. They do not need people with their own opinions. They need performers.

What does it blame on the pages of "Our Niva" і "Swabody" the revolutionary Sergey Dubovets widely known in the narrow circles?

Not a lot nor little - in the most important thing: "Gіstorey Maghan B Slastsі іnaksh, Kali b People Front of the 90s Pavel Siauba Іnchay".

His, you see, then "Sidnyў Japbel" The folk front of microscopic and quiet Estonia.

It was there, and not in Lithuania and Latvia with a huge number of residents of the Russians, in his opinion, the most successful cakes were baked.

Maybe it was and it was, because in Estonia, people did not sit in the skirmishes with a special forces, and there were no special russian needs. But the application of Dubovets to the fact that he allegedly mastered the situation in the post-Soviet space and could define priorities, very dubious.

Being then in Euphoria Dubovtsu "Zdaval INTO Belarus greatly nіkolі nya Budza raneyshay - zalezhnay i nastolkі nebelaruskay, yak BSSR".

But in Belarus, at the beginning reigned to the throne "ADJECTIVE DJAZHAўNA ASOBA" - Shushkevich. In parliament, they raged then Poznyak with comrades, then Lukashenko.

What a line then spent a Dubovets, it was not very clear, because he was not and floated only now - with reasoning about mistakes Poznyak.

D Aley he promotes why everything did not go as in Estonia, why we are not there, where Estonia, and not as Estonia with its higher level of living than in the post-Soviet space.

Let's not argue with Dubovets. He either does not understand or do not consciously want to understand the difference of mentality, lack of comparability of production capacity and scale of production relationships that characterize our economies.

He does not think about the current information, how many people left to the West from the Baltic republics in comparison with Belarus.

He is not interested in the state of the real sector of the economy and what are the prospects for the economic development of Estonia, etc.

For him, Estonia is paradise, since "There is not Daelіlі people on the civady і's unreamed Estonians? І TAMU, STATE PETOLOGY FRONT FINDED DEMACHATS? І TAMU, SATO YANA ADRAZA ў SUY COUNTRY ON NEFTELLYA - NATO - EўPU? "

It is asked, and in our early 90s it was different?

Did we have a BNF headed Partyiosse? Didn't you come to us and did not give a bench in the partridge US President Clinton?

In the end, did the accumulated politician may believe that the path in "Non-residents"lies through NATO membership?

In his rantors, Dubovets, of course, could not pass by "Moўnag torture."

80 percent of the Communists voted for Movu, the Soviet generals, even Yankovsky from the Russian theater, but in the fact that it was not all right, to blame "Teatral_zavana Radykalіm" - "Yong, an intelligence swelling of the adsіncy of Belarusў, it was Vasova Mova. The parallel s Estoniani was evil. "

Even the dullness is difficult to call it. After all, the Belarusians rush to change at that time was not due to the insatiable thirst to enjoy the Belarusian MOV and sown distrust among the people to the authorities, Chernobyl and infantile fears of those who stood at the helm of the young republic.

D. Alya Dubovets argues that the split on Svyazhnoy and Nonviyadykh happened not immediately after the formation of BNF, and after the election of the Supreme Council of the XII convocation. And the fault of this is Poznyak.

He's writing: "Adnachasova paўstala" elіta "- menavіta pavodle geta prykmety - svyadomyh, geta znachyts, lepshyh for іnshyh, matsoryh, lіchy INTO" estontsaў "yakіya ўzvyshalіsya over astatnіmі belarusamі".

We arrived.

After all, everyone remembers that this so-called "elite" began to be born when he ran from one room to another called Talaka.

She, "Elite", acquired her breath when the sons of party workers realized that in the changed conditions, the chance to rise to the level of power of their fathers is represented only on the wave of national radicalism, and not obedience.

After all, then life has put the question: or - or. Avalanche was not welcomed, as it was tired of all in perestroika times.

D Aley Dubovets confirms the inertness of its own thinking:

"Spareb_lovaya 25 Gadoў, and Mozhai і Greater, we know the wagon of Adchwatsi Siabe in Belarusamі - Roseti, Ale of the Tago, the Tracama Tracama Roshai.

It turns out that the situation is not the one that Diphet. Clicking happened: a survival and "MONURICANCE". (Facebook is not counting).

But this visibility of reconciliation is not profitable. It is running to kick again Poznyak and his environment:

"A Zeper Skajseza - Yaki People Patodsіzza on Gatki Padzel, We are Belarusians, Alla Oirsy Greater Belarusian Belarusians? It is clear, the "Greater Belarusian" of the "simple Belarus" side of the abstructs are "simple".

D Lukashenko left. It turns out "Will the Move of Gramadskaga ўZhtka", because she "became adkatchy civady", and lohs Belarusians "Adchival Satyssfaksyu Hell Tago, Kuzkіn Mats, Kuzkin Mats.

School of School of School of Trekzіlі debelurus ".

Well, just like Ememyushki: "Sani goes, go yourself, ride yourself without a horse."

And this is the nationwide riot, born by the radicalization of Svyazhnikov, led to a fall of BNF as a powerful mass movement and contributed to "Ustalyavannyu aўtarytarnay madelі ўlady, bo" nesvyadomy "people aўtamatychna pazbaўlyaўsya sub'ektnastsі ¢ palіtytsy and" elіta "stratsіla sub'ektnasts, zamyknuўshysya on Saba."

What does the subjectivity of the people in politics and who prevented the "elite" not to lose it, Dubovets and not chewed, each time remembering Estonia loved by him.

In rare minutes of enlightenment, he says the truth:

"... Zeper Skin Estonian says to you, HTO SAI LUKASHENKA, ALLE TOLKI AZINIKI ў Belarusі Zigadayuts, Hto there Priesident Estonіі."

And then nostalgic:

"... Neakali himself so thinks - eight, Atrand of Cvatey Belarusў, adkrytya yes ўxіh Belarusў, we are Klіchami іh yes Syab, Atratsa Rassez і ўрестце Ahopіць Sabloy me people."

About clutch for a minute and imagine what would have been the result if Lenin and his surroundings Marylіor "Klіkalі yes xy" In 1917?

The Bolsheviks were not infantile intellectics. They were armed with modern theory, strategy and tactics of thoughtful actions. They persistently, competently and purposefully conducted everyday work among the workers and soldiers and success.

On some spells and humiliation of the current power of the revolution in the minds of people are not made. And the aggravation of national issues in multinational republics is always fraught with a slaughterhouse. For examples, it is not necessary to walk.

Thank God, Zenon Poznyak and the revolutionaries of the first wave of Will-Neils, but were raised in a decent society. They then did not hide her hands to unleash the fratricide conflicts on a very unstable national and language soil.

There was a controversy, broken pens broke, but not a spear.

And here the Dubovets frankly flashes, stating that "Atrand Musіў Bazaazztsz at Damakraty Padstavakh. Ni ¢ yakіm raze not kanservatyўnyh i radykalnyh - ies, yakіya Subst pashyrennya patrabavalі, naadvarot, zvuzhennya elіtnaga Atrada i nyaspynnay chystkі radoў. SATO ўRESTCE І Сдарил ".

After all, we remember well: the whole opposition did not at all dealt with a detailed study of the country's economy return strategy into a steady position, but hit in search of the future in the past On the soil alien to people of nationalist sentiment.

Surely the same Dubovets ripped the shirt for "Movu і aslanenna hell of Balshavіm" Instead of campaigning for the national consensus and the translation of public controversy in the direction of economic problems and ways to solve them.

Our National Humanitarians, who did not think in the economy, served "Eўroph's shelves." As if we were looking forward to us and there were no life without us.

At the end of his narrative, Dubovets sincerely recognize in his intense:

"On TEM, Zrazommets Gata, Schmat Gate, Spatriates, Schmat Gadoў and the Soywod" Svladiyy Belarusў "- Onshya Civo Tsi Іnshya Krasina, Tsi on Insya Pazitsi."

However, today, his arguments did not receive at least some kind of replenishment with new ideas and do not go further "Moўnag torture."

He states that "Znikkla samazvany"El_ta Greater Belarusian Belarusў", Cvladiyy, "but, as a woodpecker, remains a faithful to be the standard, with which religious hopes are connected: "... we tsі zmozham znoў paraўnats syabe of estontsamі, tsі getaya magchymasts strachanaya nezvarotna?"

And the degree of Dubovets without recognizing their own miscalculations, naturally caused a resonance in the opposition community.

It should be noted that many reasoning participants in the discussion look quite sound.

For example, someone under the clikuha "Svyorya", arguing about Poznyak, declares:

"Nya could have a PERAKANўCH PADTRYMKE MET MET PERMADE ... Yago Chukāў would have a forest of Gamsakhurdii in Gruzhіі ... Hatsya TEY SEO WELCHI WHO Could, Bo Zej's sfarmavatsi awheld Veritkal I Garyzantal, at the Adrosennі hell Shushkevіcha."

"... Shmat hto s aktyўnyh Ruhaўtsaў vyrashylі" ўso right zroblena, Palitychnaya sіstema pabudavana - treba i ab syabe padumats "dzelavyya kіnulіsya rabіts bіznes, svyadomyya - Praz syabroў of shyrokay fraktsyі apazіtsyі in parlamentse (there bylі nya tolkі chaltsy BPF) , stalі labіravats pile ulasnyya іntaresy: Pasadena hto hto kavalak zyamlі in adpachynku zone, hto marriageable svaіh tvoraў for dzyarzhaўny Costa, hto uvogulle zehaў in Lіtvu, room zhytsі in starazhytnay Belarusian stalіtsy ".

"M M AE" and somety "Benedzіk":

"Sachu for abmerkavannem i vymushany zaўvazhyts - not abmyarkoўvaetstsa Adna nadzvychay important prablemy (vyglyadae INTO menavіta yang" spodvіgla "Dubaўtsa (i do not tolkі Iago) on napіsanne getaga aburalnaga artykula).

Spiritna Palagaya ў Assurance - Agulnyavad Machine, a scandal of the Assurances - the facts of AB of Nahambranes, the falsified subishesў "L_DAMI" PAHAVAў UKHYMII "LІDAMI" PAHAVAў UCHEKH GET DZHIUCHOў VACHAH SHERAGOVA APAZITSII.

Sprudesyasya TEY, CAZў Z. Paznyak AB Dzeinastsi Pseenpazіtsky structureў ".

What do you say? That's right. The way it is.

We must pay tribute to Poznyaka. Despite all his rates of recent time, he is the only significant figure that does not come in principles and does not see the tail before those who order music.

If his nervous system did not enter the resonance with Ukrainian events, which in no way correspond to his own ideas about good and evil, he could become a non-evaluable leader of alternative thinking, but a real Belarusian politician who had no need to fight with windmills of communism - they are already in the past.

In conclusion, I wanted to write something clever, but one expression of Dubovets caused a smile and dropped the desire to the crowned water in a step:

"... Usa Dreva ў Dubrov Tracama Roshaya, Tolki Kohdamі Yana Head Gathaga Nia Robytz. І The very adkanki is such a thing - Oak, Dubaiysh for Oinsy Oaks - not Іsnuye ў jersee. "

It seems to be truth than said Dubovets. But, as you know, there are exceptions in every process.


The farther into the forest, the more firewood (further to the forest is more than firewood) - everything is endlessly and interrelated. Knowledge give birth to new questions, with a response to which the following arise. On the way to the difficult goal of obstacles multiply and multiply. The more money, the harder it is to part with them, save them, to increase, even attach

Every decision is changing new problems (law of the Merphy)

Analogs of expression "Farther in the forest, more than firewood"

  • The more in the dispute, the more words
  • Life live doesn't go
  • Without learning grief, you do not know and joy
  • Gave God day, give and food
  • Did not catch a crucian - you caught a pike
  • How many days of God are talking so much
  • Century we live, eyelids
  • What will happen, then it will not mines
  • Further to the sea - more grief
  • Where fire, there and smoke

Applications of proverbs in literature

« When you finally climb upstairs - he went on the Apollo - it turns out that you'll get a fight with the giant spider - and the farther into the woods, the thicker the spiders"(Viktor Pelievin" Batman Apollo ")
« There was still talking about tobacco, about the bottle of vodka, until then, one way or another, they could help him, but the farther in the forest - the more firewood, and the Kornev with Kartashev were lost, seeing that, in fact, the requirements of the end of the end will be"(N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky" Gymnasists ")
« The farther in the forest, the more firewood: all the arkovs should, their debt grows with each new sowing, with each of the lives of livestock, and some it extends to non-payment numbers - two and even three hundred rubles per soul"(A. P. Chekhov" Sakhalin Island ")
« Anninka was convinced that the farther in the forest, the more firewood, and began to finally say goodbye"(M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin" Lord Golovyov ")

Author Jurasev Andrei Yuryevich

Further more

From the book before and after dinosaurs Author Jurasev Andrei Yuryevich

Next - more during the Great Ordor Radiation, the marine world of the planet has changed much compared to Cambrian. Radiation in biology is called the rise of diversity for a short (in the geological sense) of the time period (5 - 10 million years). By the seabed yet

Take more - drove on ...

From the book with Antarctica - only on "you": notes of the pilot of polar aviation Author Carries Vasily Mikhailovich

Take more - drove further ... Suitable by the end of the sixth day of my stay in Antarctica at the station "Youth". Buzzing a blizzard, the head of the flight manager moans under the winds of the wind, which beats in it heavy panels of snow at a speed of up to 30 meters per second ... it seems

18. The further in the "forest", the more "firewood"

From the book of the mirror of my soul. Volume 1. Good in the country of Soviet live ... Author Levashov Nikolay Viktorovich

18. The farther in the "Forest", the more "firewood" meanwhile, the time has flowed as their own man. Weekdays replaced each other. In May 1989, one very interesting experiment was performed. He was held at the Brain Institute. In a special chamber in which no electromagnetic penetrate

Further to the forest - more than firewood

From the Book of Nature Kras Author Sanzharovsky Anatoly Nikiforovich

Further in the forest - more than firewood further into the forest - more than firewood, Dale in the dispute - more words. The forests in the forest do not walk along the firewood. Where firewood cuts, here and chips are falling. Schedule from the deck flies away. As Firewood hack. He's arson and firewood do not burn. It is raw firewood - a subtopka, on

More real estate - more problems - more money

From the book investment in real estate Author Kiyosaki Robert Toru

More real estate - more problems - more money the following point in the curriculum has become taxes. We sell three apartments, I put a lot of money in my pocket - and spent them. The next year I discovered that it was time to pay taxes. I earned money

Further in the old days - more wonders

From the book among the secrets and miracles Author Rubakin Nikolay Alexandrovich

Further in the old days - more miracles when you read and turn such books, it also blows a distant-distant old old one. In the old books there are a lot of things that in new books will not find at all. Ancient people had their own special language, special ways to express their thoughts, special

Further more…

From the book by journalistic investigation Author Collective authors

Further - more ... And then we draw attention to the fact that the names of policemen who conducted detention or participating in all of these three criminal cases ... repeated. And one - C-B - and generally appears in all three cases. And here, finally, in the investigation service

The farther, the more questions

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The farther, the more questions in our family starvation mastered everything and a long time ago. Years passed, children grew, they, too, when the appetite disappeared, simply did not eat a few days, and when they grew up, they used the classic RDT scheme. This method was mastered in our example and many

The farther - the more

From the book of the Lapture against "Black Death" [Review of the Development and Action of the German and Soviet assault aviation during World War II] Author Zephyrov Mikhail Vadimovich

The farther - the greater the number of pilots-attack aircraft who received the title of Heroes of the Soviet Union in 1943, increased by thirty percent compared with last year. There were 43 people awarded, while fifteen of them were posthumously. The number of combat departures,

Secret 7: Live a full-blooded life, or how to make it so that he wants you more and more, and more

From the book you are a goddess! How to drive men crazy by the author Troyo Marie.

Take more, throw further

From the book Literary newspaper 6299 (No. 44 2010) Author Literary newspaper

Take more, you throw further the newest story of Take more, throw further how to work the 75th anniversary of the work of Stakhanov, the media promotes the productivity of labor. About the topic on which the taboo was superimposed for many years of economic reforms. For the established in Russia

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Chapter 18. 1. Disgrace of students about who is more in the kingdom of heaven. 1. At that time, the disciples began to Jesus and said: who is more in the kingdom of heaven? (MK. 9:33, 34; Luch. 9:46, 47). Parallel story of weather forecasters (to Matt. 17:23; MK. 9:32; Luch. 9:45) was interrupted insertion at MF. 17: 24-27 Schedule Schedule

Chapter 18 1. Disgrace of students about who is more in the kingdom of heaven

From the book of the Clean Bible. Volume 9. Author Lopukhin Alexander

Chapter 18 1. Disgrace of students about who is more in the kingdom of heaven 1. At that time, the disciples began to Jesus and said: who is more in the kingdom of heaven? (MK. 9:33, 34; Lux. 9:46, 47). Parallel story of weather forecasters (to Matt. 17:23; MK. 9:32; Luch. 9:45) was interrupted insertion at MF. 17: 24-27 Schedule Schedule

Starting from ancient times, people learned to notice some relationships between different phenomena and analyze them. And then then they still did not mean much, but they found their expression in various proverbs, sayings and statements.

What is the role of folk wisdom in the life of people

Wise thoughts and advice on all occasions that are contained in proverbs accompany us throughout our life. And despite the fact that some proverbs are not one hundred years, they will always be relevant, because the basic vital laws will never change. There are a lot of wise statements, for example: "The farther in the forest, the more firewood," "seems to be not sweet to the tooth," "praised - a young female", "you will live - see, wait - you will hear" and others. All of them briefly and clearly characterize certain actions, relationships, phenomena, give important life advice.

"The further into the forest, the more firewood." The meaning of the proverb

Even in antiquity, without knowing how to count, people have noticed certain patterns. The more game will be achieved on the hunt - the longer time the tribe will not suffer from hunger, the brighter and the fire burns longer - the greater will be in the cave, etc. The farther in the forest, the more firewood is also a fact. On the edge, as a rule, everything is already assembled, but in the deep more often, where the person's leg did not go - there is no wonderless.

However, in this saying, there is a much deeper meaning. The forest and firewood do not need to be perceived literally, the people expressed simply the relationship of these concepts of these concepts, which occurred in our lives.

In the proverb "The farther in the forest, the more firewood" the meaning is: the more deeper into any business or the idea, the more the "pitfalls" pops up to the surface. This expression can be applied to many concepts and situations. For example, the deeper you begin to study any question, the more details of it recognize. Or the longer you communicate with a person - the better understand the features of his character.

In what situations most often used the proverb "The further in the forest, the more firewood"

Despite the fact that the meaning of the proverb allows it to be applied in many situations, most often it is used when it comes to the emergence of unforeseen difficulties and complications in any launched. Not in vain in the proverb they say about firewood. Everyone knows that the expression "to block firewood" means "make a mistake, enrolling the haze", that is, it is treated in a disapproving key.

You can apply this proverb not only in relation to some specifically started. "The further into the forest, the more firewood" - so we can say about the person who, for example, is constantly deceiving others, and the lie delays it into a vicious circle, generating all the new and new lies. Or, for example, someone wants to climb the career ladder and for all this is ready for everything. If, to achieve his goal, he leads a dishonest game, the higher it rises along the "steps", the more non-deposition actions he has to do.


The stated in proverbs and sayings, briefly and heels characterizes all parties to life - the relationship between people, the attitude towards nature, human weaknesses and other aspects. All proverbs and wise statements are a real treasure that the people collected in grains not one century and transmitted to future generations. According to proverbs and sayings, you can judge the values \u200b\u200bthat are inherent in different cultures. It is in such statements that the world's vision is as a whole and in various private life situations. It is difficult to overestimate the importance and role of proverbs and sayings in society. They are the spiritual heritage of our ancestors, which we must honor and take care.