Holy Trinity: Disclosure of the Unity of the Three Divine Ipostasses. Holiday Holy Trinity

Holy Trinity: Disclosure of the Unity of the Three Divine Ipostasses. Holiday Holy Trinity
Holy Trinity: Disclosure of the Unity of the Three Divine Ipostasses. Holiday Holy Trinity

Many people believe in God, but at the same time, extensive knowledge concerning religion is not all. Christianity is based on belief in the Unified Lord, but it is often used by the term "trinity" and that he actually means, knows a few.

What is the Holy Trinity in Orthodoxy?

Many religious flows are based on multibies, but Christianity does not enter this group. The Holy Trinity is customary to call three ipostasis of a single God, but these are not three different creatures, but only the faces merging together. Many are interested in who enters the Holy Trinity, so the unity of the Lord describes the Holy Spirit, father and son. There is no distance between these three horses, since they are indivisible.

Finding out what the Holy Trinity means, it should be indicated that these three creatures have a different origin. The spirit has not started because it comes, and not born. The son personifies his birth, and his father is eternal existence. Three branches of Christianity perceive each of the hypostasis in different ways. There is a symbol of the Holy Trinity - trickulos, woven into the circle. There is another ancient sign - an equilateral triangle, inscribed in a circle, which means not only the trinity, but also the eternity of the Lord.

The value, what helps the icon "Holy Trinity"?

The Christian faith indicates that the exact image of the Trinity cannot exist, because it is incomprehensible and great, and the Lord, judging by the biblical statement, no one has seen. The Holy Trinity can be shown symbolically: in the presence of angels, a festive icon of the Epiphany and. Believers believe that all this is a trio.

The most famous is the icon of the Holy Trinity, which he created Rublev. It is also called "Hospitality of Abraham", but it is connected with the fact that a specific Old Testament plot is presented on the canvas. The main characters are presented at the table in silent communication. For the external types of angels, three Persons of the Lord are hidden:

  1. Father is a central figure that blesses the bowl.
  2. Son is an angel that is on the right and dressed in a green cape. He bowed his head, which personifies his agreement to the role of the Savior.
  3. The Holy Spirit is an angel depicted on the left side. He raises his hand, thereby blessing his son on his feats.

There is another name of the icon - the "forensic advice", which personifies the communication of the Trinity about the salvation of the people. The presented composition is equally important, in which the circle is of great importance indicating the unity and equality of the three hatchers. The bowl, located in the center of the table - the symbol of the victim of Jesus in the name of the salvation of the people. Each Angel is in the hands there is a Scepter, denoting the symbol of power.

A huge number of people pray in front of the icon of the Holy Trinity, which is miraculous. It is best suited to read the professing prayers, because they will immediately reach the Most High. You can contact the facial with different problems:

  1. Sincere prayer appeals help a person return to the righteous way, cope with different tests and come to God.
  2. Pray before the icon to fulfill their cherished desire, for example, or achieve the desired one. The main thing is that the petition does not have evil intent, since the wrath of God can stick.
  3. In difficult life circumstances, the Trinity helps not lose faith and gives strength for further struggle.
  4. Before the face you can cleanse from sins and a possible negative, but here the unshakable faith in the Lord is of great importance.

When and to whom was the Holy Trinity for the first time?

One of the most important holidays for Christians is the baptism of the Lord and it is believed that during this action there was the first phenomenon of the Trinity. According to the legend, John the Baptist in the river Jordan baptized people who repent and decided to come to the Lord. Jesus Christ, who believed that the Son of God should fulfill the human law. At the moment when John the Baptist performed the baptism of Christ, the Holy Trinity appeared: the voice of the Lord from Heaven, Jesus himself and the Holy Spirit, which descended in the form of a dove to the river.

Significant is the phenomenon of the Holy Trinity Abraham, to whom the Lord promised that his descendants would become the great people, but he was already at the age, and he had never had children. Once he and his wife, being in the Mamvre Dubrav, broke the tent, where three travelers came to him. In one of them, Abraham recognized the Lord, who said that he would have a son next year, and it happened. It is believed that these travelers were the trinity.

Holy Trinity in the Bible

Many will be survived that the term "Trinity" or "Trinity" is not used in the Bible, but are not important words, but the meaning. The Holy Trinity in the Old Testament is viewed in several words, for example, in the first verse, the word "Eloh" "them" is used, which is literally translated as the gods. The bright manifestation of the trinity is the appearance of three husbands from Abraham. In the New Testament, the testimony of Christ is of great importance. Specifies the Bologosc.

Orthodox prayers of the Holy Trinity

There are several prayer texts that can be used to appeal to the Holy Trinity. It is necessary to pronounce them before the icon, which can be found in the temples or buy in the church shop and pray at home. It is worth noting that it is possible to read not only special texts, but also to refer separately to the Lord, the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ. The prayer of the Holy Trinity helps in solving different problems, execution of desire and healing. You need to read it every day, in front of the icon, holding a lit candle in the hands.

Prayer of the Holy Trinity for the fulfillment of desire

You can contact the highest forces for, but it is important to take into account that it should not be banal things, such as a new phone or other benefits. The prayer icon "Holy Trinity" helps only if the fulfillment of mental desires is required, for example, you need help in achieving your goals, providing support to a close person and so on. You can pray in the morning, and in the evening.

Prayer for children of the Holy Trinity

Parental love for his children is the strongest, since it is disinterested and comes from a pure heart, therefore the prayers spoken by their parents have huge abilities. The worship of the Holy Trinity and the pronouncement of prayer will help protect the child from a bad company, improper decisions in life, to heal from diseases and cope with different problems.

Prayer Holy Trinity about Mom

Special prayer text designed for children so that they pray for their mother, but it is possible to read a universal simple prayer that helps to transfer their sincere petitions to the highest forces. I find out what prayer to read the Holy Trinity, it is worth noting that the text presented below needs to be repeated three times, be sure to be baptized after each and make a belt bow. After reading the prayer, you must contact the Holy Trinity in your own words, asking for your mother, for example, protection and healing.

Holy Trinity Prayers in Healing Diseases

Many people come to God during the period when they or some of the close people are seriously ill. There is a huge number of confirmation that the Holy Trinity in Orthodoxy helped people cope with different diseases, and even when medicine did not give a chance to recovery. You need to read prayer in front of the way to put the patient near the bed and light next to the candle. Contact the highest forces follows daily. You can boil prayer to holy water, and then give it to the patient.

The Christian Holiday Trinity is one of the Orthodox two-month holidays, which is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter, on Sunday. The Church of the Western tradition is celebrated on this day the descent on the apostles of the Holy Spirit, Pentecost, and the Trinity itself - the next resurrection for her.

The value of the Holiday Trinity

The Bible says that grace given by the Apostles of the Holy Spirit designed on them that day. Thanks to this people, the third face of God was shown, they joined the sacrament: the unity of God manifests itself in three faces - father, son and spirit. From this day, the message is preached throughout the land. In general, the value of the Trinity as a holiday is that God people reveal in stages, and not immediately. In modern Christianity, the Trinity means that the Father, who created all the living, sent the Son to People, Jesus Christ, and then the Holy Spirit. For believers, the importance of the Blessed Trinity comes down to the praise of God in all his hints.

Traditions Celebration of Trinity

The Holy Trinity, the history of the celebration of which is calculated by thousands of years, today is also noted wide. The people celebrate the Trinity for three days. The first day is a clergy or green resurrection, when people needed to be extremely careful because of the aggressiveness of mermaids, Mavels, loss and other mythical uncleani. In the villages, the feast of the Russian Trinity is noted with the observance of traditions and certain rites. Paul churches and houses adorned herbs, icons - birch branches. Green symbolized renewing and life-giving power of the Holy Spirit. By the way, in some Orthodox churches, golden and white colors are endowed with the same meaning. Girls on green Sunday are guessing with wicker wreaths. If wreaths are brushed on the water, then this year is the modules crouched. On this day, the cemeteries were remembered by the deceased relatives, leaving the treatments on the graves. And in the evenings, the crumbs and muddles were entertained by Sellian.

Monday comes in the morning. After serving, the clergymen went to the fields and read prayers, asking for the Lord Protection for the future harvest. Children at this time participated in interesting fun games.

On the third day, Bogandov day, the girls "drove the toppol." Her role was performed by the most beautiful unmarried girl. It was adorn to unrecognizable wreaths, ribbons, drove in rural yards so that the owners generously treated her. Water in the wells on this day was consecrated, getting rid of the unclean spirit.

Christian western tradition

Lutheranism and Catholicism share the Holidays of Trinity and Pentecost. The cycle opens Pentecosts, a week later, the Trinity is celebrated, on August 11, after Pentecost - the feast of the blood and body of Christ, for the 19 day - the Most Holy Heart of Christ, on the 20th day - the feast of the immaculate heart of St. Mary. In Poland and Belarus, the Catholic churches of Russia these days are decorated with birch branches. The public holiday is the Trinity in Germany, Austria, Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Iceland, Luxembourg, Latvia, Ukraine, Romania, Switzerland, Norway and France.

Trinity and modernity

Nowadays, the Trinity is especially celebrated in the countryside. Before this afternoon, the hostess usually leads order and in the house, and on the courtyard, festive dishes are preparing. Collected early in the morning, the flowers and the grass decorate rooms, doors and windows, believing in the fact that they will not be empty into the house.

In the morning, festive worships are committed in the temples, and in the evening there are concerts, folk festivities, to participate in merry competitions. Most of the traditions, unfortunately, is lost, but the holiday is still one of the most important for believers.

Day of the Holy Trinity

This article is about church celebration. About Slavic ritual, see Trinity Day. The request "The Descent of the Holy Spirit" is redirected here; See also other values. Request "Pentecost" is redirected here; For a Jewish holiday, see Shavuck. Type Otherwise, the date in 2016 in 2017 is celebrated in 2018. The celebration is associated with
Day of the Holy Trinity

El Greco. "The descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles."

christian, in a number of countries

Week Svyaty Pentacity, Pentecost, Trinity Day, Trinity

in honor of the Descent on the Apostles of the Holy Spirit in the 50th day for Easter

most Christians of the Mira

Day 50 (8th Sunday) for Easter, 10th An Ascension Day

worship, festivals, folk festivals

Easter and Day of the Holy Spirit

Holy Trinity Day at Wikisklad

Day of the Holy Trinity (Sokr. Trinity), Pentecost (Greek. πεντηκοστή), Week Saint Pentecost, (Greek. κυριακή της ἁγίας πεντηκοστής), sometimes Whit Monday - One of the main Christian holidays.

Orthodox churches celebrate the Day of the Holy Trinity on Sunday a day Pentecost - The 50th day after Easter (Easter - 1st day). The holiday is among the two-month holidays.

In the Western Christian tradition, this day is celebrated by Pentecost or the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles, and the very day of the Holy Trinity is celebrated on the next Sunday (57th day after Easter).

In the New Testament

The descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles on the Day of Pentecost (Shavuot) is described in the Acts of the Holy Apostles (Acts 2: 1-18). On the fiftieth day after the resurrection of Jesus Christ (the tenth day after His Ascension), the apostles were located in the Zion Gornice in Jerusalem, "... Suddenly there was noise from the sky, as if from the carriageless wind, and filled the whole house where they were. And they came to the sharing languages, as it were, fiery, and retired one at each of them. And all the Spirit of the Holy Spirit was fulfilled, and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them to walked. " (Acts 2: 2-4).

On this day, the city on the occasion of the holiday was Jews from different cities and countries. Hearing noise, they gathered in front of the house where the apostles were located, and since "Everyone heard them speaking him with adverbs" (Acts 2: 6), everyone came to amazement. Some of them mocked the apostles and "Talked: they got drunk sweet wine" (Act. 2:13). In response to such a reaction:

Peter, becoming eleven, elevated his voice and headed them: Juda's men, and all living in Jerusalem! This will be known to you, and listen to my words: they are not drunk, as you think, for now the third hour of the day; But this is the predetermined Prophet Ioyle: and will be in the last days, God says, Ice from my spirit on all flesh, and your son and your daughters will prophesy; And your young men will see the vision, and the elders will be your dreams will be perfusable. And on the slaves of my and on the slaves of my in those days, I am plenty of my spirit, and will prophesy.
(Act. 2: 14-18)

Title and interpretation

His first name holiday was received in honor of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, which Jesus Christ promised to her ascension to heaven. The descent of the Holy Spirit pointed to the tripod of God. What writes on this occasion of John Zlatoust:

"And filled the whole house." Stormy breathing was like a fastener of water; And the fire serves as a sign of abundance and strength. This never happened to the prophets; So it was only now - with the apostles; And with the prophets - otherwise. For example, Ezekiel is given a scroll of books, and he eats something that he had to say: "And it was," he says, "in the mouth of my sweet, like honey" (Iz. 3: 3). Or more: the hand of God concerns the language of another prophet (Ier. 1: 9). And here (everything does) Holy Spirit itself and thus is a self-esteem and son

On the Day of Pentecost, according to Bishop Alexander (Mileanta), the Universal Apostolic Church was formed (Acts 2: 41-47).

In the New Testament it is not directly mentioned that the Mother of God was with the apostles with the descent of the Holy Spirit. The tradition of her presence on the icon-painted images of this event is based on the instructions in the Acts of the Apostles, which after the Ascension of Jesus's disciple "Unanimously stayed in prayer and sampling, with some wives and mariey, the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers" (Dean. 1:14). On this occasion, Bishop Innokenti (Borisov) writes: " Could at the time of the arrival of the Holy Spirit, not to be present, what did you conceive and give birth through it?».


In Orthodoxy

Trinity (Icon Andrei Rubleva, beginning of the XV century)

Name in liturgical books: "Week of Svyaty Pentitations" (Church. Glory. NєDѣlѧ Svetѧyѧ ѧннαήήή τςἁ ἁυριαήή της ἁγίας πεντηκοστής) On this day, one of the most solemn and beautiful services per year is committed in Orthodox churches. On the eve, on Saturday evening, the festive all-night vigil, on the Great Evening of which three Palevia read: The first one tells about how the Holy Spirit went on the righteous in the Old Testament (numbers 11: 16-17 + s. 11: 24-29 ), the second (Joyl. 2: 23-32) and the third (Iz. 36: 24-28) Parema, according to the faith of the Orthodox Church, are prophecies about the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles in Pentecost; For the first time after the great post, the famous church of the sixth charm of the king of Heavenly, who repeats even twice after that, on the morning of the Vigil Vigil, From this day, the prayer of the king of Heavenly becomes the first prayer of the usual beginning of both church and home prayers. On the morning it serves rainfall and read by the Gospel of John, the 65th (John 20: 19-23); On the morning there are two canon of this holiday: the first is written by the Cosma Mauman, the second John Damascus. The holiday itself serves the festive liturgy, which reads the apostle, the 3rd (Acts 2: 1-11) and read the composite gospel from John, 27th (John 7: 37-52 + John 8:12 ). After the liturgy serves the ninth hour and the Great Evening, on which the stimites, glorifying the descent of the Holy Spirit, during the evening, at the time of the evening, the crankshake led to the priest, arise, and the priest reads seven prayers (the first and second time of the crankshake of Ieri reads two Prayers, and the third time - three prayers) about the church, about the salvation of all praying and the rest of the shower of all the departed (including " in the hell holds") - This postshalnial period ends, during which the knees and earth bows are not performed in the temples.

Tropear, Kondak and wanders per week of St. Pentecost on Greek at Church Slavonic (transliteration) in Russian

Farming of the holiday, voice 8 (ἦχος πλ. Δ ") Εὐλογητὸς εἶ, Χριστὲ ὁ Θεὸς ἡμῶν, ὁ πανσόφους τοὺς ἁλιεῖς ἀναδείξας, καταπέμψας αὐτοῖς τὸ Πνεῦμα τὸ ἅγιον, καὶ δι" αὐτῶν τὴν οἰκουμένην σαγηνεύσας, φιλάνθρωπε, δόξα σοι. The blessedness of Esi, Christ, God, and the wisdom of the ceremonies of Jaws, Nisposlav to them the Spirit of the Holy You are blessed, our God, who, who, who, who, who, who, who he had wished fishermen, Nasposlav the Holy Spirit and through them the caught universe. Audio, glory to you!
Kondak holiday, voice 8 (ἦχος πλ. Δ ") Ὅτε καταβὰς τὰς γλώσσας συνέχεε, διεμέριζεν ἔθνη ὁ Ὕψιστος· ὅτε τοῦ πυρὸς τὰς γλώσσας διένειμεν, εἰς ἑνότητα πάντας ἐκάλεσε, καὶ συμφώνως δοξάζομεν τὸ πανάγιον Πνεῦμα. Ever the Languages \u200b\u200bof the Language of Dliya, dividing the languages \u200b\u200bof the Vyshniy, and, if the ignition languages \u200b\u200bare distributed, into the connection is the whole of the urban, and according to the gloriousness of all the Spirit. When the Most High and Languages \u200b\u200bcame down, he divided the peoples; When the fiery languages \u200b\u200bdistributed, he called to unity everyone, and we are according to the Slavs of the All-Laying Spirit.
Holiday wrapper, voice 4 (ἦχος δ ") «Χαίροις Ἄνασσα, μητροπάρθενον κλέος. Ἄπαν γὰρ εὐδίνητον εὔλαλον στόμα. Ῥητρεῦον, οὐ σθένει σε μέλπειν ἀξίως. Ἰλιγγιᾷ δὲ νοῦς ἅπας σου τὸν τόκον Νοεῖν ὅθεν σε συμφώνως δοξάζομεν» Rejoice, Queen, Mother-appoinhorous, all kind of convenienceful degrees of melting, can not, petition you are worthy, I am inhabited by the mind of your christmas of intelligence. Shames in accordance with Slavm. Rejoice, the queen, mothers and devans of glory! For no moving eloquent mouth, yelling, cannot sing you worthy; Exhausted and every mind, seeking to comprehend the birth of Christ from you; Therefore, we are altogether.

According to the Russian tradition, the floor of the temple (and believing houses) on this day will be resurposed with fresh grass, the icons are decorated with birch branches, and the color of the rusties - the green, depicting the life-giving and renewing power of the Holy Spirit (in other Orthodox churches also uses whites and gold colors). The next day, the day of the Holy Spirit is celebrated on Monday.

In Catholicism

Main article: Holy Trinity Day (Roman rite)

In the Catholic Church and in Lutheranism, the celebration of Pentecost (the Descent of the Holy Spirit) and the Day of the Holy Trinity is divided, the Day of the Holy Trinity is celebrated on the next Sunday in Pentecost. In the Catholic tradition, the Fathest of the Holy Spirit opens the so-called "Pentecost" cycle. It includes:

  • Holy Trinity Day (Sunday, 7 Day Pentecost)
  • Holiday Body and Blood of Christ (Thursday, 11 Day Pentecost)
  • Holiday of the Blessed Heart of Jesus (Friday, 19 Day Pentecost)
  • Holiday of the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary (Saturday, 20 Day Pentecost)

Holidays Trace the Holy Spirit and the Day of the Holy Trinity have the highest status - celebrations in the Roman liturgical calendar. The colors of the versions of the priests on the day of Pentecost - red, in a reminder of the "fiery languages", which have come down on the apostles; And on the day of the Holy Trinity - white, as in other great holidays. On the Estractions of the Holy Spirit, there are two masses in various ranks - Mass forever (on Saturday evening) and Mass Day (on Sunday afternoon).

In some Eastern European countries (Poland, Belarus) and in the Catholic temples of Russia, there is also a tradition to decorate the temple branches of trees (birch).


Read more on this topic, see the Orthodox Iconography of the Trinity. Descent of the Holy Spirit
(Gospel Rabuly, VI Century) Dome of the Descent of the Holy Spirit Cathedral of St. Brand in Venice.
Fire languages \u200b\u200bcome from ethimasia with a pigeon; Below apostles between windows depicted representatives of different peoples Descent of the Holy Spirit
(Icon from Svyatokhovsky Temple Novodevichy Monastery, XVIII century)

The development of the iconography of the holiday begins with the VI century, its images appear in the facial gospels (Robula's Gospel), mosaics and frescoes. Traditionally, the Zion barns are depicted, in which the apostles gathered according to the book of apostolic acts. In their hands put books, scrolls or give them to the fingers a blessing gesture (historically being a gesture of a speaker or preacher).

Traditional characteristics of the scene of the Fatitude of the Holy Spirit are:

  • 12 apostles, and the place of Judas Iskariot usually takes not Matthew, but Paul;
  • sometimes - the Virgin (is already known for the miniatures of the VI century, then disappears in an east tradition (persist in Western) and reappears on icons from the XVII century).

The empty place between Peter and Paul (in the compositions without the Virgin) is reminded of the presence of the spirit of the absent on this second "secret evening" of Jesus Christ. The apostles are usually located so similar, which is also close to iconographically to the "Christ between teachers." The same composition associated with the transfer to the plane of the traditional image of the descent in the temple dome will be repeated to repeat the images of the Ecumenical Cathedrals, since their task is to express the idea of \u200b\u200bcattole, community, pronounced here.

"The descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles." Archbishopskaya workshop in Veliky Novgorod. Rubbrozh XV-XVI centuries.

At the top of the icon, light or flame rays are usually depicted. This descending fire is based on the biblical description (Act. 2: 3) The method of image of the Fathest of the Holy Spirit, along with which, especially in Western tradition, can use the image of a lower dove moved from the description of the Baptism of the Lord.

At the bottom, the dark space, denoting the first floor of the house in Jerusalem, under the hill, where the event occurred was left inside the horseshoe-shaped composition. It can remain not filled, thus associated with the empty tomb of Christ and the future resurrection of the dead either with the world, not yet enlightened by the apostolic preaching of the Gospel. On medieval miniatures here they were usually depicted (following bribing compositions) crowds of the people from different countries, which witnessed the Descent of the Holy Spirit. Later they replace them (occasionally depicted with them) The figure of the king with twelve small scrolls on the canvas. There is a interpretation of this image as the king of David, whose prophecy of the resurrection of Christ quoted the Apostle Peter in his sermon (Acts 2) and whose grave is believed to be located on the first floor under the Zion Gornice. It is less common to interpret it as a prophet of Joil, also cited by Peter, Adam, who eased Judah (Wed. Dean. 1:16) or Jesus Christ in the image of the Old Denima, who stays with his students to the protrusion of the century.

Modern Greek icon of Pentecost.
On the ground floor there are representatives of different peoples on the holiday in Jerusalem, in the sings - David and Joel with the texts of the prochest quoted by Peter.

Traditional, although late interpretation is the understanding of the king as an image of the people, to which the gospel sermon is facing and which is represented by the ruler. In the hands, the king holds a stretched bedspread, on which 12 scrolls were laid, - they symbolize the apostolic sermon (or, in another interpretation, the combination of the peoples of the Empire). In connection with this interpretation near the figure, the Greek inscription κόσμος - "Peace" began to be placed, according to which the image of the king received the name "King Space".

According to the philosopher Yevgeny Trubetskoy, the image of the king on the icon symbolizes space (universe). In his work, "creating in the colors" he wrote:

... at the bottom of the dungeon, the captive is tomited - "Tsar Sosmos" in the crown; And in the upper floor, the icons are depicted Pentecost: fiery languages \u200b\u200bare designed to the apostles sitting on the thrones in the temple. From the opposite of Pentecost, the king's space is seen that the temple where the apostles are squeezed, it is understood as the new world and the new kingdom: this is the space ideal that should bring valid space from captivity; To give a place to this royal prisoner, which should be released, the temple must coincide with the Universe: he must include not only a new sky, but also a new land. And fiery languages \u200b\u200bover the apostles clearly show how the power that should produce this space coup.

This interpretation, based on the extended interpretation of the Greek word "κόσμος", is also found in a number of art historians. In the church environment, the concept of tsar-space is used, but in the significance of the world (universe), without interpretations, characteristic of secular philosophy.

Folk traditions

In Italy, in memory of the miracle of the convergence of fiery languages, it was customary to scatter rose petals from the ceiling of churches, and therefore this holiday in Sicily and in other places Italy was called Pasqua Rosatum (Easter roses). Other Italian name Pasqua Rossa., It happened from the red color of the priests of the Trinity.

In France, during worship, it was taken to blow in the pipes, in the memory of the sound of a strong wind, which accompanied the descent of the Holy Spirit.

In the north-west of England, church and chapel processions, the so-called "Spiritan Walks" were held in the north-west of England in the Trinity. Whit Walks.). As a rule, brassy orchestras and choirs participated in these processions; Girls were dressed in white. Traditionally, "Okrug Fairs" (sometimes called "Trinity Alemi"). The traditions of cooking beer were connected with the trinity, to dance Maurescu, archery raw races and tournaments.

According to the Finnish saying, if you do not find a couple to the Trinity, the whole next year will remain lonely.

In the Slavic folk tradition, the day is called the Trinity or Trinity Day and is celebrated as a holiday or one day (Sunday), or three days (from Sunday to Tuesday), and in general, the period of Troitsky holidays includes the learning, ascension, a semit prior to the Trinity, the Trinity itself Week, individual days of the week following the Trinity, which are celebrated to avoid drought or hail or as a commemoration of unclean beds (first of all Thursday), as well as Petrovsky prison. The trinity completes the spring cycle, and after the next Petrovsky post after it, a new summer season begins.

Read more on this topic, see Tritizn Day. See also: May Tree

Pentecosts in different languages

From Greek. Πεντηκοστή "Pentecost" from Lat. Rosālia, Pascha Rosata"The holiday of roses, Pink Easter" from Art.-Glory. Trinity from "Spirit" from "White Sunday" (in color of CateHumen clothes) Other

Holiday Trinity: What do we know about him?

The history of Christianity keeps the memory of many great events. In order to easier in them to navigate and not to miss an important day, many believers use the Orthodox calendar. However, the main holidays are only a few, and one of them is the feast of the Holy Trinity. Do we know much about him? If you ask the first person's first person about, in honor of which the Trinity Holiday is celebrated in the Christian world, he will most likely say that this day symbolizes the trinity of the Divine Entity: God's God, the Son God and the Holy Spirit. Although it is true, but at the same time it is not all that you need to know about this great day.

How did the Trinity Holiday

According to the Holy Scriptures, the fiftieth day after Christ rose, the real miracle happened. At nine o'clock in the morning, when people gathered in the temple for prayer and sacrifice, noise appeared on the Zion hill, as if from a stormy wind. This noise was heard in every corner of the house in which the apostles were located, and suddenly fiery languages \u200b\u200bappeared above their heads, which slowly sank to each of them. This flame had an extraordinary property: it shone, but did not burn. But even more surprising were those spiritual properties that filled the hearts of the apostles. Each of them felt a huge tide of energy, inspiration, joy, peace and a hot love for God. The apostles began to Slavor the Lord, and then it turned out that they were not talking about their native Jewish, but on other, unclear languages. So the ancient prophecy was accomplished, predicted by the John the Baptist (the Gospel of Matthew, 3:11). The church was born on this day, and in honor of this, a holiday of Trinity appeared. By the way, not everyone knows that this event has one more name - Pentecost, meaning that it is celebrated after fifty days after the occurrence of Easter.

What value is a trio

Some people consider this event just a fantasy of the authors of the Bible. Since most often this disbelief is explained by the ignorance of the Holy Scriptures, we will tell what happened next. Seeing what is happening with the apostles, the people began to gather around them. And even then there were skeptics who laughed and explained everything that happened to the influence of wine. Other people wondered, and seeing this, the apostle Peter came forward and explained to the crowd that the descent of the Holy Spirit is the fulfillment of ancient prophecies, including Joil's predictions (Ioil. 2: 28-32), which is aimed at saving people. This first sermon was very brief and at the same time, but since Peter's heart was filled with Divine grace, many on that day decided to repent, and in the evening the number of kept and adopted Christian faith grew out of 120 to 3,000 people.

No wonder this date, the Orthodox Church considers his birthday. After that, the events of the Apostles began to preach the Word of God around the world, and everyone had the opportunity to gain their true path and find the right landmarks in life. Knowing all the details of this grand event, it is difficult to remain a skeptic and unbelievers. It remains to add that the Trinity Holiday in 2013 was celebrated on June 23, and in the next, 2014, this event will be celebrated on June 8th. Meanwhile, Easter of the next year falls on April 20.

What is the Holy Trinity? Prayers of the Holy Trinity.

Quote Messages Lunar_Svet-Zharicina Read ORDERIVE HIS CITACTOR OR COMMUNITY!
What is the Holy Trinity? Prayers of the Holy Trinity.

The Holy Trinity - God, one is essentially a threefold in the faces

(Hypostatas); Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
God Father, God's Son and God of the Holy Spirit - a single and only God,

cognizable in three equivalent, isometric, not merging between them,

but inseparable in a single creature, faces, or hypostatas. The images of the Holy Trinity in the material world
How can Lord be at the same time one and the Trinity?

No need to forget

that the earthly dimensions are uncomfortable for us to God, including

space, time and forces. And between the people of the Holy Trinity no

no interval, nothing plug-in, no section or separation.

Divine Trinity is an absolute unity. The mystery of the trocherity of God

inaccessible to human mind (see more details).

Some visible examples, it can serve as rude analogies:
The sun is its circle, light and warm;
The mind, a deliberate word (thought), expressed by breathing;
hidden in the ground water source, key and stream;
Inherent in the bogid human soul mind, word and spirit.
Single nature and three self-consciousness
Being one by nature, the face of the Holy Trinity differ only in personal properties: the saint of the father, the birth, the son, in St. Spirit.

Father is hard, not created, not created, not born; Son - bortal

(in the last time) Born from father; The Holy Spirit - eternally comes from the Father.
Personal properties of the Son and St. Spirit are indicated by the Symbol of Faith: "From the father of born

before all the century, "" from the father of the outgoing ". "Birth" and "discharge" cannot be thought of either as a single act, nor as some long

process because the deity exists out of time. Terms themselves:

"Birth", "discharge" that the Holy Scriptures opens to us,

are only an indication of the mysterious communication of divine persons,

these are only imperfect images of their ingrowth communication. As says

sv. John Damaskin, "Birth Animation and Image of Justice for Us."
In God, three personalities, three "I". But the analogy of human individuals is not applicable here,

Persons are connected without merging, but mutually penetrating so that they do not exist

one outside another person of the Blessed Trinity are in constant mutual

communication between him: Father is in the Son and St. Spachele;

Son in the father and St. Spachele; Holy Spirit in the Father and Son (John 14:10).
Three persons, have:
- one will (desire and will),
- one force,
- One Action: Any action of God is one: from the Father through the Son in the Holy Spirit. The unity of action against God should be understood not as a certain amount

three mutually solidaries of persons, but as literal, strict unity.

This action is always redeference, merciful, holy ... Father - the source of the life of the Son and St. Spirit
Father (being initial) is a single start, source

in the Holy Trinity: he always gives rise to his son and always exists the Holy Spirit.

The Son and the Holy Spirit simultaneously take place to the Father as a reason, while the origin of the son and the Spirit does not depend on the will of the Father. The word and spirit, according to the articulation of St. Irinea Lyon, the essence of the "two hands" of the Father. God is one not only

because his nature is one, but also because they go to the only person

those persons that of it.
Father does not have greater power and honor than the Son and the Holy Spirit.
True knowledge about God-Trinity is impossible without internal transformation

Experienced knowledge of the trocherity of God is possible only in a mystical revelation

according to Divine Grace, a person whose heart is cleaned from

passions. Holy Fathers experienced a single trinity, among them

especially allocate the great Cappadocians (Vasily the Great, Grigory Theologian,

Grigory Nissky), SVT. Grigory Palamu, PrP. Simeon of the New Theologian,

pS Seraphim Sarovsky, PRP. Alexandra Svirsky, PRP. Silian Afonovsky. Saint Gregory Theologian:
"I have not yet started thinking about the unit, as the Trinity illuminates me with his shine.

As soon as I started thinking about Trinity, as a unit again covers me. " How to understand the words "God are love"
According to the definition of this apostle and the evangelist John theologian,

God is love. But God is love is not because he loves the world and

humanity, that is, his creation, - Then God would not be full of

and besides the act of creation, there would be no perfect being in herself,

and the act of creation would be not free, but the forced "nature" of God.

According to the Christian understanding, God is love itself in itself, because

the Being of the Unified God is the CO-being of the divine hypostasis, staying

between themselves in the "Eternal Movement of Love", according to the word Theology of the VII century, the reverend Maxim of the confessor.
Each of the faces of the Trinity does not live for himself, but without the rest gives himself

other hypostatas, while remaining fully open for their response, so that all three are sober in love with each other.

The life of divine persons is interpenetration, so the life of one

it becomes the life of another. Thus, the existence of God the Trinity is carried out

like love in which his own self-existence is identified

with dedication. The doctrine of the Holy Trinity is the basis of Christianity
According to the word sv. Gregory Theologian, Dogmat About the Holy Trinity is the most important

of all Christian dogmas. St. Athanasius Alexandrian defines the Christian faith itself as faith "into the unchanging, perfect and blissful Trinity".
All the dogmas of Christianity rest on the teaching of God in one essentially

and the trophy in the faces, the Trinity is unique and inseparable.

The doctrine of the Blessed Trinity is the highest goal of theology, because to know

the mystery of the Blessed Trinity in its fullness means to enter the Divine Life.
To clarify the mystery of the Holy Trinity, the holy fathers indicated

on the human soul, which is the way God.

"Our mind is the image of the Father; the word ours (disassemmed word we usually

we call the thought) - the image of the Son; Spirit - the image of the Holy Spirit, "-

he teaches the saint of Ignatius Bryanchaninov. - How in the Trinity-God three faces are inside

and inseparably make up one divine creature, so in the Trinity

three persons make one being, without mixing between themselves, without merging

in one person, not divided into three creatures. My mind gave birth and never ceases

give rise to thought, thought, born, never ceases to be born and together

so dwells born, intimate in mind. Mindless

can't, the thought is crazy. The beginning of one certainly has and the beginning of another; The existence of the mind is certainly the existence of thought.

Similarly, our spirit comes from the mind and promotes thoughts.

That's why every thought has his own spirit, every image of thoughts has

your separate spirit, every book has its own spirit.

Can't thought without spirit, the existence of one certain

it is accompanied by the existence of another.

In the existence of the other is the existence of the mind. "
The very doctrine of the Holy Trinity is a doctrine

"Mind, words and spirit - a single quiritance and divinity", as he said about her

sv. Gregory Theologian. "The first mind is, God unique in himself has

The word with the spirit of the sacrificent, without the word and the spirit is never happening. "-

teaches St. Nikita Studius.
Christian doctrine of the Holy Trinity is the doctrine of the divine mind (father), the Divine Word (Son) and the Divine Spirit (Holy Spirit) -

Three divine faces with a unified and inseparable divine being.
God has a misunderstanding mind (mind). The divine mind is absurd

and endless, impresses and unlimited, omniscient, knows the past, present

and the future, knows no existing as already existing,

he knows all the creations before their being.

In the divine mind there are ideas of all the universe,

there are plans about all creative beings.

"Everything from God has its existence and existence, and all before being is

in his creative mind, "says St. Simeon is a new theologian.
The divine mind is boring the divine word he

creates peace. The divine word is "The Word of the Great Mind,

superior to any word, so there was no, no and there will be no word,

which is above this word, "teaches St. St. Maxim Confessor.

The divine word is competently, inventical, silently, does not require human tongue and symbols, it is inceptually and infinitely, forever.

It is always inherent to the Divine Mind, it is born from him eternally,

why the mind is called Father, and the Word is the only bend son.
The Divine Mind and the Divine Word of the Spiritual, because God is intangible,

interactive, is loved. He is a distressed spirit.

The Divine Spirit is out of space and time,

there is no image and species, above all restrictions.

His profitable being is infinitely, "intense, and not having a form,

and invisible, and indescribable "(St. John Damaskin).
The divine mind, the word and spirit is entirely personal, so they are named

Persons (hypostatas). Iposta or face is a personal way of being

Divine essence, which equally belongs to the Father,

Son and the Holy Spirit. Father, Son and Holy Spirit one

according to its divine nature or entity, one and uniqueness.

Father is God, and the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God.

They are completely equal in their divine dignity.
Every person has omnipotence, all-stock,

perfect holiness, the highest freedom, uncooked and independent

from something creative, non-resident, forever. Each person carries all the properties of the deity. The doctrine of three faces in God means that relations

Divine faces for each face are triple.

It is impossible to imagine one of the divine faces without

so that there are no two others.
Father has a father only in the ratio with the son and spirit.

Well, before the birth of the son and the proceedings of the Spirit, one implies another.

God is "the mind, the abyss of the mind, the parent of the Word and through the Word of the Spirit's belt,

Who opens it, "teaches St. John Damaskin.
Father, Son and the Holy Spirit - are three full-fledged person personalities,

each of which possesses not only the fullness of being,

but he is all the God. One hypostage is not a third of the common entity,

but it contains all the completeness of the Divine Entity.

Father is God, and not a third of God, the Son also has God and the Holy Spirit - also God.

But all three together are not three God, but one God. We confess "Father and Son

and the Holy Spirit - the Trinity is a unique and inseparable "

(From the liturgy of St. John Zlatoust).

That is, three hypostasis do not divide a single essence for three entities,

but the uniform entity does not merge and does not mix three hypostasis in one. Can a Christian contact each of
Three people of the Holy Trinity?


in the prayer of "Our Father" we appeal to the Father, in Jesus Prayer to the Son,

in the prayer "King Heavenly, Comforter" - to the Holy Spirit. For some of the divine persons aware of themselves and how we are able to realize

our appeal, so as not to fall into the pagan confession of the three gods?

Divine faces do not realize themselves as separate personality.
We appeal to the Father, the ever born sown,

the expressive of which is forever coming from the Father of the Holy Spirit.
We appeal to the son eternally born from the Father,

whose expressive is forever coming from the Father of the Holy Spirit.
We appeal to the Holy Spirit, as an expressant of the Son,

which is always born from his father.
Thus, our prayers do not contradict the teachings on unity (including will and actions) and the inseparalism of the saint Trinity.
* * *
According to legend, when Blessed Augustine walked along the seashore,

reflecting on the secret of the Holy Trinity, he saw a boy,

who dug the hole in the sand and bluncing water there,

which stroked the shell from the sea. Blessed Augustine asked

why he does it. The boy answered him:
- I want to delete all the sea into this pit!
Augustine grinned and said that it was impossible.

What did the boy told him:
- And how are you trying to exhaust

inexhaustible Mystery of the Lord?
And then the boy disappeared.
Source http://azbyka.ru/dictionary/17/svyataya_troitsa-all.shtml

Prayer for the Blessed Trinity

Most Holy Trinity, nice us;
Lord, to clean our sins;
Vladyko, forgive our lawlessness;
Holy, visit and healed our gentlemen, the name of yours for the sake.
Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy.
Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and Nіn and dream and forever.

Prayer to God Father

Almighty Vladyko, wisdom and all-grade Lord
Light Son of the Priest Parent,

and life-giving the spirit of yours
Eternal and proper self-propeller,
Eagle Majesty is accurate, the glory is incompatible, and the grace is immense
Thank you, Yako called us from non-existence

and honored with your precious way,
Yako gave us to us unworthy not for nothing to know and love the
But hedgehog there is a sweet, and his father to none.
Thank you, God of mercy and generotes, the bonus of the commandment of your commandment
I did not leave us in the middle of sin and Seni Mortal

but in favor of the only beggar of your son,
Guess and eyelids are created the essence, to shoot our land for the sake of salvation,
yes in the course of him and the terrible suffering of the torque

and the death of the Mortal Freedom.
Thank you, God of Luzva and Forces, Yako,

on the ascension on the sky of the Drugly Savior of our
Fallen by the cross of His, low-grade Esi and the Spirit of Your Most
On the elected his students and the apostles,

yes, the power of the bewildered preaching them,
Place the whole world with the rampant light of the Gospel of Christ.
Himself, human-loving Vladyko,

hear now humble prayer unworthy of yours
Yes, I created us for one goodness.

i redeemed this for a uniteratotobia of yours,
Tako and sponsings for us for a single unappladful mercy of yours:
in the case of our deceased to the rescue of Imam,
But the aspiration of the righteous revenge and excommunication from the preword facial of your face:
More than bo and about a single idol, the verbose will be recovered on the day of the court and testing,
about the wrong lawlessness, imaging the sorry before you, cue,
Poor, Imams Return Answer;
then for the sake of our desperate justification, to your one,
everyone is the mind and in any word superior, resort to good, southerly,
Aki solid foundation of hope Imusche, Molima:

Sigger, clean, Lord!
Unplann, sorry, Vladyko!
Prodevikha, reconciled, long-suffering!
And save all the mind, conscience and heart our heart from the mirous, save
and save from multi-member stormies of passions and falls,
free and unwitting, led and unknown,
And in a quiet government, the refuge of faith, love and hope of life is eternal.

Remember us in your grace, Lord,
give us all, but to salvation, petitions,

page is clear and sinless live;
You love us to love us, and fear of our heart,

and create in all the will your holy,
Prayers Mercharts Our Mother of God and all saints,
Jaco, the good and the human body of God,

and you are glory and thanksgiving and worshiping
with the only beggar son, and with the Most Holy and Good

and life-giving your spirit
Now and are confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer to God Son

Son the Son and the Word of God,
the original for the sake of salvation is embodied and the death of underwhelves, now,
And with the plurality of the flesh, it is for heaven on the throne with his father Sedyai
and managing the world, do not forget with your mercy,
the proportion of both many people and sorrow of temptations,
It is also anxiety and very unclean and unworthy of the ESMA, but in you,
Of our savior and gentlemen, believe

and other guided and hopes of salvation are not veam.
Gone, about the redeeor of all-storey, and remember will be taken out,
Columous torment of your soul and body of yours required by the Beach,
In hedgehog to satisfy our eternal truth of your father,
And even even before He Hell from the cross lowered Esi, the soul is yours,
Yes, we are the power and tormenting of Adova Freough:
Mondaying the same about this, yes we are moving away from passions and sins,

And yes love the truth and virtue, herself there is a pleasant one in us.
Jaco sophisticated in all sorts, the weight itself, about all-store,

kohl is a great mind of the spirit and flesh, our friend,
And the enemy is our Silen and Zlokhitr, Yako Lev Ryka walks, Yiski to swallow:
Do not leave us, we have our own help, and wake up with us, keeping and covering,
Testing and strengthening, glad and the fun of our spirit.
We, on LUNO LUBO and the mercy of your shutter, our whole belly,
temporary and eternal, you betray, our owl, the Redeemer and the Lord,
Praying from the depths of the soul, yes, imagine weight fate,
coordinate to us to prime sneakly gloomy lives of this farmer yudol,
and the Bogosnago is reached by your title, he promised to prepare everyone,
Believers in your name, and your subsequent divine footsteps. Amen.

Prayer to God Holy Spirit

The king of the Heavenly, the comforter of all-storey, the soul of truth,
Father is boring from the Father and in the Son it will be sent out,
Unlucky sources of divine giving, sharing their intelligent,
Schever Khoshchechi,

They are also unworthy of sanctifying and appointed Esma on the day of the baptism of our!
Watch on the prayer of his slave, come to us, messed out, and to clean our souls,
May we prepare for the housing of the Most Holy Trinity.
She, about all common, not to miserably our sewage and wounds of sinful,
But I healed with the excavation anointing of yours.
Enlighten our mind, so we mean the bustle of the world and Lazh in the world, expect our conscience,
Yes, it is inexorably proclaims to us, I like Codybeat and not to mark

adjust and update the heart,
yes it does not exude other day and nosta crumbs of evil and desires of universities,
Take the flesh and fade by the Ronas Breathing Your Frame of Passions,
It should be thrown into us the gem of God.
The spirit of idleness, despondency, the lips and celebrations of the discharge from us,
Gone to us the Spirit of Love and Patience, the Spirit of Meekness and humility,

spirit of purity and truth,
Yes, fixing the rake and the knee,

unplantable about the path of the commandments of Saints, and Tako,
avoiding some sin and fulfilling all the truth,

will advise you to depart the demise of peace and the physician,
Remove in Jerusalem Heavenly and Tamo to worship you, I am buying with Father and Son,
Singing the eyelids: the trinity is holy, fame to you!

Prayer for the Blesses Trinity

The Most Holy Trinity, a one-way holding, all good wines,
what will be repudent for you for all, I gave us a sinful and unworthy to us before
Gaze to light, for the whole, the worship of us on all days,
And I can't prepare all of us in the future!
Odds, for toliking blessings and generotes,

thank you, do not give the words to the first,
But the Page of Deli, is stored and fulfilling your commandments:
We, our passions and evil usually,
In the loan from youth, the sins and lawlessness will overthrow.
This for the sake of the sake of it is unclean and desecrated,

not for the first tricky face Your fadedly appeal,
But below the name of your Most Highlights are pretty

whether you would not be fragrant myself,
In the reflection of our, tackle, IKO is clean and the righteous loving,
And sinners attending Milouseski and the prudence of acceptable.
Woof's pride, about a trip to the Trinity, from the height of the Holy Holy Glory
on us, multi-faceted, and good militia, instead of good deeds, typing;
and handing us the spirit of truth repentance, yes having any sin,
in purity and truth, until the end of our days, we will live, the creature of the Most Holy Will
And the famous pure thoughts and good deeds are the sweet and magnificent name yours.
Believe in the One God of God Father, Almighty,

Creator of the sky and the Earth, visible to all and invisible.

And in the unagnago gentlemen of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only beggar,

It is also from the father born in before all century;

Lights from the light, God is true of God

true, born, is unprecedented, one of the father,

I am very good.

For the sake of the person and our for the sake of rescue ssenchago from heaven,

and embodied from the Spirit of Holy and Mary of the Virgin and the same.

Crucifago the same as Pilate Pilate, and suffering and buried.

And resistant on the third day by Scripture.

And it is worthwhile to heaven, and the stern father's father.

And Paki Supilo with Glevai Sudiuti Live and Dead,

The Energ of the kingdom will not end.

And in the Spirit of the Saint, gentlemen, life-giving,

Izh from father outgoing

It is also with the Father and Son of Spolarm and Sizlivima, Glagolavsago prophets.

In one, the Holy, Cathedral and Apostolic Church.

We confess the baptism of resting sins.

The resurrection of the dead, and the life of the future century. Amen.

diary Moonlight

What does "Holy Trinity" mean?

What does "Holy Trinity" mean? Under this implies the despercy of the essence of the Lord?

Olesya Astakhova.

In Orthodox Christianity (rather than in Catholic Christianity and Protestantia, where only one God, Christ and his mother, the Virgin Mother) represent the three components - God Father (the one who in the sky, that is, is a macromir, space - if in modern), God Son (the one who on Earth, the representative of people - Jesus Christ, he proved it, that is, this is the living organisms of the planet - the sons or the creatures of God), the God of the Holy Spirit (what connects God of the Father and the Son's God, that is spirituality, Morality, faith in God, the laws for which everything exists). In general, such an interpretation of God can be taken and submit ... Why not.. . Only God should have everyone (his understanding of God) .. Must be faith in it .. But you need to understand and respect others in their spirituality, in their faith, in their religion ... Although God common to everyone is nature and its laws ... That's all.

Fullness of Divine Life in Trinity
To make the teaching about the Trinity more accessible to understand, the holy fathers sometimes resorted to the analogies and comparisons. So for example, the trinity can be compared with the Sun: When we say the "sun", we mean the heavenly body itself, as well as sunlight and sunny heat. Light and heat are independent "hypostasses", but they do not exist from the sun. But also the sun does not exist
without heat and light .. Another analogy: water, source and stream: one does not happen without another ... In man there is a mind, a soul and the word: the mind cannot be without a soul and the word, otherwise it would be without silent and without verbal, but also a soul and word cannot be without smart. In God, there is a father, the Word and Spirit, and, as the defenders of "Uniform" on the Nicene Cathedral said, if God had ever existed a word without God, then he was without wonderful or non-reasonable.
But this kind of analogy, of course, also cannot explain anything in essence: the sunlight, for example, is neither a person or independent being. The easiest way would be to explain the mystery of the Trinity, as the saint Spiridon trimifuntsky, participant of the Nicene Cathedral. According to legend, being asked about how it may be that three simultaneously be one, he instead of answering a brick and squeezed him. The flame broke out of the softening in the hands of the holy clay, and the water flowed down. "As in this brick there is fire and water," the saint said, "there are three faces in one God ..."

Slavik Cherkisov

why Muslims are so concerned that means Trinity I said that this means the father of the Son and the Holy Spirit more than once they say this type does not answer
On their side, the sideways are stupidly says and hulyans to strike on the Father on the Holy Spirit and Son in my opinion

(Valery Dukhanin, Candidate of theology, Lecturer of the Nikolo-Ugreshkaya Theological Seminary)

In the chronicle of the Glinsky Monastery, such a case is stored. Lieutenant colonel of the Guards Artillery Vasily Milonov in the youth was a man unbelievers. Served in the guard, distinguished by the wrongness of the wrongness, laughed at Christian piety and shrines. Once, after a feast in a circle of comrades, Milonov returned to his apartment and recruited. I did not have time to close my eyes, as a voice hears from behind the stove: "Take a gun and shot." Mylons examined the room, did not find anyone and thought it was the game of imagination. But again the same voice from the same place demanded to take a gun and shoot.

Alarmed, Mylons shouted the twin and told him everything. The day was a believer, said that it was an unclean, demonic obsession and advised to cross and pray to God. Lieutenant Colonel chose a break for such a "superstition", but when a voice heard from behind the stove again, he still crossed himself. "In the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Voice instantly silent. It struck Milonov, in his soul there was such a coup, which soon he resigned and left the obedient to the Glinsky monastery.

Throughout the millennium, the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit makes miracles.

Why? Because this is the name of God.

God is the Most Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

But first let's remember that unspoken truth that God is one of the merits.

God one is essentially

In the Holy Scripture it is said: "The Lord God is our Lord one" (MK. 12: 29). That is, God is one and unique. This truth is inherent in sensible consciousness and does not require special arguments. After all, the creator owns the completeness of the most advanced being. And the fullness of the injury can be only one.

If there were two or more at all, they would still be limited to each other, did not have complete freedom, which means they would not be at all. In this sense, the ancient Christian writer TERTULLYAN said: "If God is not alone, then there is no God." And the Saint Athanasius the Grande adds: "Multi-litigation is blessing."

So, the Lord God is essential one and unique.

At the same time, God is threefold in faces.

God is three in faces

Among all the secrets that the Lord wished to open people, there is one particularly superior ability of human mind and logic. What is this mystery? In the fact that God is one of the merits and is threefold in faces.

Are the philosophy or the path of the natural gig aware of themselves to achieve this mystery? Not. Belief in the Holy Trinity is exclusively divine revelation. And the doctrine of the Trinity is given the only religion of Christian, in any other religion there is no such idea of \u200b\u200bGod.

The faces of the Holy Trinity - Father, Son and the Holy Spirit - are still referred to as hypostatas. They are not just the properties, strength, phenomena or the actions of God. But three hipostasis are three different faces of one deity.

It is this faith in criticism of Christians, folding the fingers of the right hand in the three-reader known to you, - at which three fingers are complied with one piece, because the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit - one God, and not three.

How to comprehend?

In the IV century, the famous theologian Blessed Augustine, being a bishop in the African city of Ippon, wrote the book "On the Holy Trinity". Tired by an emergency tension of the mind, he went to the seashore. Augustine enjoyed the evening air, but did not stop thinking about the subject of his research. Suddenly he noticed a strange hotel on the shore, which had a small silver spoon with water from the sea and poured into the deepening.

What are you doing? Augustine asked him.
- I want to lean the sea and accommodate it in the pog.
- But this is unreal! Said Augustin.
"Of course, it is impossible, but rather pull out my spoon this sea and keep it into a hole than you will penetrate your mind in the unknown mystery of the Holy Trinity and deliver it to your book."

Our mind comes to a dead end before the cognition of the mystery of Divine Life. How can God be at the same time alone and Trinity? To God, in general, the category of numbers is generally uncomfortable for us. After all, you can calculate only objects, separated by space, time and forces. And between the persons of the Holy Trinity there is no gap, nothing inserted, no cross section or separation. Therefore, such real numbers are not applicable to God in general, as 1 and 3. The Divine Trinity is absolute unity. Each face of the Holy Trinity has a divine being in completeness.

Poet P. A. Vyazemsky wrote such lines:
Our mind, darling blind highly,
Ready to recognize a dream and children's superstitious
All that can not keep under its calculation.
But is it a hundred times not superstitious
Whoever believes in itself, and himself mystery,
Who proudly leaned to her mind shaky
And there is no own idol in it,
Who in the person of his focus on the world,
It takes to prove how twice two four,
Is everything inaccessible to him in the soul and in the world?

The mystery of the Divine Life for us seems to be something else, but there are no contradictions in the Divine Life. What conclusion can be done from here? Only the one to know the holy Trinity is impossible to disperse. Only clearing the mind and heart from all earthly impressions, you can build up to the contemplation of the Trinity.

To some extent to the knowledge of the Holy Trinity, the spiritual truth is brought to us that "God is love" (1 in. 4: 8).

God is love all the same, and this means that the three people of Holy Trinity are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit - forever stay with each other in the unity of continuous love.

What does the Holy Scripture talk about this?

Pages of the book of life indicate the terrain of persons in God. But the human mind is landed and rude, so many testimonies are inxulated in nature. To understand, they require spiritual insight. However, there are in Scriptures and such evidence that openly indicate the trocheus of persons in God. We will stop on them.

In the Old Testament

The Book of Being is reported to the wonderful phenothman Abraham: "And the Lord of the Lord had a Dubrava Mamre when he was sitting at the entrance to his tent, during the daily daily. He erected his eyes and looked, and now, three husbands stand against him. Seeing, he ran towards him from entering the tent (his own) and bowed to the earth, and said: Vladyka! If I gained your favor before your eyes, do not pass by the slave of yours "(Gen. 18: 1-3).

In the form of three angels Abraham prostrate the visit of God; Holy understood who came to him. This image of the Trinity was reflected on the world-famous icon of Rev. Andrei (Rublev).

And Blessed Augustine specifically draws attention to this passage of the Scripture and offers such a remark: "You see, Abraham meets three, and worships one ... Surrection three, he enlightened the sacrament of the Trinity, and wondering how to concerned one of God in three faces."

With all certainty the truth of the Trinity is revealed in the New Testament.

In the New Testament

During the baptism in Jordan, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God in the flesh, when "Jesus, having prayed," the sky was rejected, and the Holy Spirit launched on him in bodily form, like a dove, and was a voice from heaven, the verbal: you are my son beloved; In you, my favor! " (Luke 3: 21-22).

So God the Son in Human Nature takes water baptism. God father testifies to him as his son. And God the Holy Spirit descends on him in the form of dove, confirming the truth of the evidence of the Father.

The Lord himself commands the apostles on the resurrection: "So go, teach all the peoples, the kreat of them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" (MF. 28: 19). In the data of the Lord, it contains a direct indication of the trinity of the Divine.

The same writes a favorite student of Jesus Christ the Apostle John theologian: "Three testify in the sky: Father, Word and Holy Spirit; And these are three essence of one "(1 in. 5: 7).

And the Apostle Paul in his greetings use the following expression: "The grace of the Lord of our Jesus Christ and the love of God's Father and the Communication of the Holy Spirit with all of you" (2 Cor. 13: 13).

This is just some evidence in a number of many others. As you can see, for the Holy Scriptures and the Old and New Testament, the terrain of persons in God is an obvious truth.

Angelic Song of the Blessed Trinity

In the V century, a strong earthquake happened to Constantinople, from which houses and villages were destroyed. The Byzantine Emperor Feodosia II collected the people and appealed to God with a general prayer. During this pray, one boy suddenly in front of everyone was invisible raised by the sky. After some time, he also got lost back.

Since then, the Angelic Song of the Holy Trinity was introduced into church service. It is used in almost every prayer. Three times read: - Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Seeless, have mercy. In this prayer, God we call the first face of the Holy Trinity - God's Father; Strong - God's Son, because he is also omnipotent, like God Father, and it was through the son who was the salvation of people (we will talk about it later); Surfaceless - the Holy Spirit, because he is not only eternal, like the Father and Son, but also the existing life gives life, and people are immortality.

Because the Trinity is one God, then the song is ends with the appeal in the singular - "Homes of us." And since the name of the holy (that is, the saint) is mentioned in this prayer three times, then it is also called "Truce".

In the church after the "TRIsWhy" is always read or soverees the Slavs to the Blessed Trinity:

Slava Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, and now, and dreamily, and forever.

Slava means praise, glory; now - now, now; Conference - always; forevermen - in endless eyelids, that is, forever; Amen - Truth, True, may it be so. In this prayer, Christians are famous for the Most Holy Trinity, which gives people life and all the benefits and which always belongs the same eternal glory.

Therefore, when you rose in the morning or are going to go to bed if you go to the path or you want to have lunch, but also before any thing, do not forget to stand up with a procession (only right to left) with the words:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Say with sincere faith, then God himself will be with you and protects you from the troubles, as fenced the aforementioned lieutenant colonel.

Solovetsky novice M. (subsequently by Hieromona), fulfilling the work on the economic yard, was very mutilated by wild cow. In an insensible state, with a broken head, wounds on the face and injuries on the body, he was sent for healing to the monastery. Upon arrival, before the treatment, he went to the old Naumu, and only entered the corridor, where he was the fame of the elder, as the eaten himself came to him towards him and he accepted him with a cheerful look. Not allowing to speak out of misfortune, Naum immediately asked the novice:
- What, brother, do you believe that God is everything possible that he can heal and your illnesses?
For the affirmative answer again asked:
- Do you really believe everything with your heart that there is nothing impossible for God?
After secondary confirmation, the elder Naum poured into a wooden bucket of water and, crossing, filed, saying:
- Pey in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The novice drank.
- Pey still.
The novice drank, but from the third reception resolutely refused, saying:
- I can't drink anymore.
Then the old man poured the third bucket on his head, saying:
- In the name of the Holy Trinity, be healthy.
Water from the head was poured on the neck and all over the body, and at the same time the suffering felt completely healthy. Wounds on the head soon healed, and a few days later, the novice returned to his work again.

What is important to know about the faces of the Holy Trinity

Three persons have the same divine dignity. There is neither older nor the youngest, nor little. And God Father, and God Son, and God of the Holy Spirit is a single true God. In three persons, one divine creature, they can not be represented in the break one from the other.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit - Trinity Single and inseparable. Consider that Sacred Scripture says, opening the trinity of the Trinity that is incomprehensible to the human mind.

God Father

Scripture in such words is expressed about the first person's deity: "We have one God Father, from which everything ..." (1 Cor. 8: 6); "Grace you and the world from God's God" (Rome. 1: 7). God Father is not born. He does not have any beginning to his being. This is the personal property of God Father as the first Holy Trinity Ipostasis. God Father is the source of eternal goods.

God Son.

About the Deity of the Second Face Sacred Scripture says: "The Son of God came to giving us light and mind ... This is the true God and the eternal life" (1 in. 5: 20). Like God Father, the Son of God - a truly true God.

Often the second face of the Holy Trinity is called the Word of God: "In the beginning there was a word, and the word was God, and the word was God" (John 1: 1). Why is such a name assigned to the son of God? As the word, his word is born in the Trinity from thought, his word is born in the Trinity from the Father. His birth is birching, that is, out of time. The New Testament calls the Son of God's only beef (John 1: 14; 3: 16, etc.), because God the Son is the only one who is born from the God of Father in Nature.

As Saint Vasily wrote, Vasily's great, should not represent the birth of God's Son from the Father in the image of the birth of human. Notice of human human. What is the concept of the birth of a son? It indicates the deep intimacy of the Father and Son, on the unity of their divine nature. As people from humans are born only by man, and from God is born a valid, true God.

The birth of God's Son from Father is the personal property of the Son as the second Holy Trinity Ipostasis.

God of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is just like the Father and Son, according to the testimony of the Holy Scriptures, there is a varying, true God. The book of Acts leads the words of the Apostle Peter, facing a person who lied: "Why did you allow Satan to put your thought in the heart to lie to the Holy Spirit? .. You lied not to people, and God" (Acts 5: 3-4).

The Holy Spirit is referred to as a comforter (John 14: 16-17, 26), the spirit of truth (in. 16: 13), the Spirit of God (1 Cor 3: 16). The difference between the Holy Spirit of the God Father and the Son's God consists only that the Holy Spirit eternally comes from God Father. "The spirit of truth, which comes from the Father," says Holy Scripture. In this - the personal property of the god of the Holy Spirit as the third Holy Trinity Ipostasis.

Small remark

So, God the Father is hard and not born, God Son is born from his father, God the Holy Spirit erupts from his father. In God Father - a single start for the Son and the Holy Spirit. At the same time, it is important to take into account the remark of St. John Damaskina: "Although we are taught that there is a distinction between birth and emergence, but what is the birth of a son and the excess of the Holy Spirit from the Father, we do not know." Concepts such as "birth" and "discharge", the God of Trinity in the Holy Scripture himself opened, and what we are openly, we are talking about. It is impossible to penetrate into the inner secrecy of people of the Holy Trinity.

The visible world is broadcasting about Trinity

However, the properties and attitudes of Persons of the Holy Trinity can be partly comprehended, peering into the phenomena of the surrounding nature. You all see the sun on the sky, as the light comes from it, feel like it gives its warmth. This was paid to the holy equivalent Cyril (869), the enlightener of Slavs: "See the circle in the sky brilliant (sun) and the light is born from it and heat comes from it? God Father, like a sunrior, without beginning and end. From him, the Son of God is energetally born, like from the sun - light. And both from the Sun together with the bright rays and warmth, the Holy Spirit comes. Everyone distinguishes separately and the circle is solar, and light, and warm (but it is not three suns), and one sun in the sky. So the Holy Trinity: Three persons in it, and God is united and inseparable. "

The example of fire is evidenced by the example of a fire, which also gives light and heat that have unity and distinction.

Some similarity can be found in the source of water, which is hidden under the ground, but the key of the spring beats and then the water flow flows. The source, key and stream are inextricably interconnected and, however, differ.

An analogy will notice in your own nature. According to many of the holy fathers, the human soul is inherent in the mind, the word spoken word is a thought) and the spirit (the totality of heart feelings). These three forces, without mixing, constitute one creature of the soul in man, as in the Trinity, three persons constitute one creature of the Divine.

However, it is always necessary to remember the insufficiency of any earthly analogies. In this regard, it is important for the warning of St. Ilaria: "If we, arguing about the Divine, we use comparisons, let no one thinks that this is an exact image of the subject. There is no equality between the earth and God ... "Analogies from the environment or from their own human nature are only some benefits in the knowledge of the Holy Trinity, but do not open it the very essence of the Divine.

Holy Righteous John Kronstadt, touched by the depths of spiritual contemplation, prayed: "O, the most advanced deity, which is in three equal, equivalent, equivalent persons of the Divine! Oh, kindness is triswall! Oh, the beauty is three-piece! Oh, unity of all, solidity, inseparable, inseparable! Oh, from a deity! Oh, a coupled creature! .. With the light of your whole enlightenment and the darkness of the sin of the outlines. "

For many centuries, the Saint Gregory Theologians also chased the same centuries.

"I sing you, living trinity, the united and only uniform, nature is unchanged, the original, the nature of the inhaulous essence, the mind is incomprehensible in wisdom, the heavenly power, uncompromising, unaffected, unforgettable, radiance, unprofitable, but all overlooking, from land and to the abyss Nothing knows for itself! "

The same prayed and the reverend Simeon New Theologian:

"On the father, the Son and the soul, the saint's Trinity, the benefit of the inexhaustible, for all current, the beauty is multiplying, which does not have saturation, after the faith one and over hope will save me."


  • How, in your opinion, maybe it is possible to comprehend the secret of the terrain of persons in God?
  • What testimonies of Holy Scripture about the Holy Trinity do you remember?
  • In what sense the Sacred Scripture calls the Son of God in the Word?
  • What does the name of the Son of God are only beehive?
  • What analogies of the Trinity from the visible world are especially remembered?

Valery Dukhanin

What do Christians believe in the Holy Trinity?

Speaking the most simple words, Christians believe that there is only one God, and this God exists in three personalities (persons). These three personalities are God Father, God Son, God of the Holy Spirit.

Some Christians use this diagram to explain the Trinity. Father and Son, and the Holy Spirit - one God, and not the three name of the same person. Personality is different from each other: Father is not a son, son is not the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is not a father.

Trinity and Bible

God is one absolutely perfect divine creature in three personalities. We call Father, Son and Holy Spirit Personality, as they have personal properties. There are personal relationships between them.

When Christians talk about their faith in one God in three faces (Trinity), they do not mean one of God in the three gods, or one person in three gods.

They believe in one God who knows in three personalities.

Father is God, the first person of the Trinity; Son - God, the second face of the Trinity; The Holy Spirit is God, the third face of the Trinity.

Why do Christians believe in the Trinity?

The Bible clearly says that there is only one God, but all three personalities are referred to as God.

There is only one God:

· Listen, Israel: Our Lord is our, the Lord is one ().

· Before I was not God, and after me there will be no ()

Father - God:

· Grace and the world from God's god of our and gentlemen Jesus Christ ().

Son - God:

· ... The word was God (). Jesus is referred to in the word.

· I and father one ().

· Thomas, a student of Jesus, turned to him: "My Lord and my God" ().

Jesus did not reproach the foma in the error. On the contrary, Jesus accepted this appeal. Other people in Scripture, for example Paul and Varnabas (), forbid people to worship as gods.

· And about the Son: "Your throne, God, in the age of century; The rod of the kingdom of your own - the rod of the wrong ... "().

· Therefore, God exceeded him and gave him the name above all the name, in order to be the name of Jesus, any knee of heaven, earthly and hell, and every language confessed that the Lord Jesus Christ is the glory of God Father ().

About the divinity of Jesus also says in the following verses:; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; .

Holy Spirit - God:

· But Peter said: Anania! Why did you allow Satan to put your thought in my heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and drag from the ground? ... You lied not to humans, and God ().

More than 60 times, the Scripture simultaneously mentions the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

· -17: "And the jesus came out immediately out of the water, - and the Heavens were rejected, and I saw John the Spirit of God, who went like a pigeon, and dusted him. And this, voice from the sky is a verbal: this is the son of my beloved, in which my favor. "

· MF.28: 19: "... So go, teach all the peoples, the kreat of them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit ..."

· 2 Cor.13: 13: "Grace of the Lord (our) Jesus Christ, and the love of God (Father), and the Communication of the Holy Spirit with all of you."

· -6: "One body and one spirit, as you are called to one hope of your title; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and father of all who over all, and throughout everyone, and in all of us. "

· -6: "When there was a grace and humans of our Savior, God, he saved us not for the affairs of righteousness, which we would create, but by their mercy, the Bannet of the Renaissance and the Updates of the Holy Spirit, whom he poured abundantly through Jesus Christ, Savior ours ... "

See also ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; and.

Erroneous ideas about the Trinity

Z.ablusion number 1: "The words" Trinity "are not in the Bible; This teaching was invented by Christians in the IV century. "

True: Indeed, there is no word "Trinity" in the Bible, nevertheless, faith in the trinity has a biblical basis. The term "Bible" is also in the Bible.

The word "Trinity" was used to explain the eternal relationship between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The trinity is reflected in many biblical passages (see below). False performances flourished in the first centuries of Christianity, many of them now. The first Christians constantly had to defend their beliefs. The following are thinkers (and literary creations) of the early church, who defended the doctrine of the Trinity long to 300 g. e.

96 Clement, Third Bishop Roman
90-100 Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, Didach
90? Ignatius, Bishop Antioch
155 Justin Martyr, Great Christian Writer
168 Ferofil, Sixth Bishop Antioch
177 Athenagor, theologian
180 Irina, Bishop Lyon
197 , early Christian apologist

Discussion number 2: "Christians believe that there are three God."

Truth: Christians believe that there is only one God.

Some may consider Christians with politeists (those who believe in numerous gods), because they call the Father God, Son God and the Holy Spirit God. But Christians believe only in one God. The Bible says there is only one God. But she also consumes the word "God" in relation to the three different personalities from each other. For centuries, people tried to come up with Trinity a simple explanation. Each illustration has its own limitations, but some of them can be useful. For example, they said that:

God is not 1 + 1 + 1 \u003d 3

God is 1 x 1 x 1 \u003d 1

Traditionally it is believed that St. Patrick as an illustration of the Trinity was used by the clover chariot. He asked: "Here is one leaflet or three? If one, then why does he have three petals of the same size? And if three, why only one skeleton? If you can't explain such a simple riddle like a clover, how can you hope to understand such a deep secret like the Holy Trinity? "

Discussion number 3: "Jesus is not God."

Truth: Jesus - God, the second face of the Holy Trinity.

1. The words of Jesus himself · He told sins. We can forgive the sin committed against us, but we cannot forgive the sin committed against others. Jesus forgive all sins. (;) · He took a worship as God, therefore, he is equally equal to his father. (;) · He called himself the Son of God - this title of Jews was perceived with a full basis as a claim for equality with God. ()

Unique features of God. The features of Jesus
Creation is "the case of his hands" (;;). Creation is "the case of his hands." Everything is created by him for him (;;).
"First and last" (). "First and last" ().
"Lord dominating" (). "Lord dominate" (;).
Constant and eternal (;). Constant and eternal (;;).
Judge of all nations (;). Judge of all nations (;;;).
The only savior; No other God can save (;). Savior of the world; Without it there is no salvation (;;;).
Especially eliminated by the sins (;;;). Especially eliminated by sins ().
Hears and prayers calling it and responds to them (;;;). Hears and prayers of calling it (;;;;).
No one can pick us up from his hand ().
He worshiped angels (see). He worshiped Angels ().

Discussion number 4: "The deity of Jesus is less than the Father's deity."

Truth: Jesus is equal to God Father. Rejecting this truth can rely on the following arguments and poems. (These heresy go to the times of Aria, 319 N. E.)

Poems mistaken in support of the exercise that Christ was created:

1. Call 1: 15: If Christ "is born before all the creatures," was he settled?

Answer: The expression "Born before" (letters., "Original") cannot mean that Christ was created because Paul says that everything creation was created by him and for him, and that he existed first of all creation, and that everything They are worth (). Traditionally, "original" was the main heir. In the context of the first chapter of Messages to Colossians, Paul says that Christ, being the Son of God, is the main heir of all creation ().

2. In 3: 16: Does the expression mean the "uniform son" that Jesus began?

Answer: "Uniform" ( monogenes) does not mean that Jesus had a temporary start; This means that Jesus is the only, "unique" son of God. In the Old Testament in the Greek language Isaac, the "unique" son of Abraham, although he had other children (). Jesus is the only Son of God, because he is the perfect God and the only eternal son of the Father ().

Poems mistaken in support of the teachings that Christ is in nature less than Father:

1. In.14: 28: If the "Father is more" Jesus, how can Jesus be God?

Answer: During my human life on Earth, Jesus voluntarily divided our natural limitations to save us. Consequently, the words "my father more than me" should be attributed to Christ as a person.

2. 1 Cor.15: 28: If Jesus God, why does he obey his father?

Answer: Here we are talking about the will of Christ as a person.

3. MK.13: 32: If Jesus God, how could he not know his return time?

Answer: Jesus voluntarily humiliated himself to experience the limitations of human life. Like a paradoxically, Jesus remained an alling God (). It is necessary to expect such paradoxes if, as the Bible says, God decided to live a full-fledged human life ().

Misception number 5: "Father, Son and Spirit is just different titles of Jesus, or three different ways that God has had people."

Truth: The Bible clearly shows that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is different personalities.

Some believe that the doctrine of the Trinity contradicts the truth that there is only one God. They claim that one Jesus is the only true God, and therefore Jesus is "the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" (), and not just the name of the Son. Undoubtedly, there is only one God, however, we must let the Bible explain what it means. And the Bible clearly says that the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit - Three Persons:

· Father sends the Son (;)

· Father sends the Spirit (;)

· Son says not from himself, but on behalf of the Father ()

· Spirit says not from himself, but on behalf of Jesus ()

· Father loves her son, and the son loves his father ()

· Father and Son - Two Witnesses ()

· Father and son glorify each other (), and the Spirit glorifies Jesus Son ()

· The son applies to us in front of her father (; Greek. - Parakeletos); Jesus-son sent the Holy Spirit, another guide (in Russian. Translation of the comforter ,; 26)

· Jesus Christ is not a father, but son father ()

In Jesus, he does not call himself father, son and Holy Spirit. He says that Christian baptism testifies to the faith of a person in his father, the son, whom the Father sent to die for our sins, and the Holy Spirit.

Misception number 6: "Jesus was actually not perfect by God and the perfect person."

Many people have long rejected the idea that Jesus is simultaneously perfect by God and a perfect person. They tried to resolve this paradox, calling Jesus a simple person through which God said, or God, who only accepted the type of man, or offered some other "simple" theories. Indeed, we can not fully comprehend your mind, as in Jesus God became a man. But the embodiment is the truth that God became flesh - is the highest confirmation that there is nothing impossible for God (;). And the Bible clearly sets out this truth.

The Bible clearly shows that Jesus was a perfect person:

As a child, he developed physically, intellectually, socially and spiritually ().

He was tired; He slept; He sweated; He felt hunger and thirst; He shed blood and died; His body was buried (; sore blood ().

Paul also said that the rulers of the century on ignorance crucified the Lord Glory ().

All the fullness of the deity is in Jesus ().

The answer of the first Christians for these delusions

The early Christian theologian the world of the first two centuries of our era wrote a lot of books in defense of Christianity from dangers:

· persecution by the Roman Empire. Up to the beginning of the IV century, Christianity was outlawed, and Christians were often brutally persecuted.
· yerezi, perverting the main teachings of Christianity, especially about the divinity of Jesus Christ and the nature of God.

Apostolic symbol of faith It was one of the earliest statements of faith, compiled to clarify the fundamental teachings of Christianity. He emphasizes the true humanity of Jesus, which heretics of that time denied.

I believe in the God of the Father Almighty, Creator of Sky and Earth.
And in Jesus Christ, our Lord, descended from the Holy Spirit, born by the Virgin Maria, who was affected by Pontius, the crucified, deceased and buried, who went to hell, risen from the dead on the third day, ascended to heaven and sitting on the Odessa God Father Almighty, from where He will judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, in a single, holy universal church, in the communication of the saints, on the vacation of sins, on the resurrection of the flesh and into life eternal.

Nicene Symbol of Faith He was written by the heads of the church in 325 N. er, and subsequently supplemented. He was written to protect the faith of the Church into the perfect Divine of Christ and officially reject the doctrine of Aria, who said that Jesus was the created, the lower deity.

Believe in the Unified God Father, Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth, Visible and Invisible.

And in the united Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only beast, from the Father born before all centuries, light from the light, the god of the true, born, not created, a one-way father, through which everything was created; For us, people, and our salvation for the sake of those who came from heaven and taking the flesh from the Spirit of the Holy and Mary of the Virgin, and who became a man, crucified for us when Potta Pilate, who suffered and buried; and resurrected on the third day of Scripture, and admired to heaven, and sitting ones of his father, and again the coming with Govoy to judge the living and the dead; His kingdom will not end.

And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord of the life-giving, from the father of the outgoing, worshiped and glorified is equal to the Father and the Son, who spoke in the prophets. In the Unified Holy Universal and Apostolic Church. We confess the uniform baptism to leaving sins. We expect the resurrection of the dead and the life of the future century. Amen.

Afanasyevsky symbol of faith, written about 400 g. e. and named after Athanasius, the great defender of the teaching about Trinity, says that three personalities are not three God, but one God.

And the universal faith is as follows: we honor a single God in the Trinity, and the Trinity in unity, without mixing the Ipostasis and not separating the divine essence.

For one is the hyposta of his father, the second - the Son and the Third - the Holy Spirit.

But the deity and the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one, the glory is equal, and the greatness is equally forever. What is the father, such and the son, this and the Holy Spirit.

Father is not cooked, the son is not created, not created by the Holy Spirit. The father is incomprehensible, and the son is incomprehensible, incomprehensible and the Holy Spirit. Father is eternal, and the Son is eternal, eternal and the Holy Spirit.

However, not three eternal, but one eternal; As well as not three irrelevant or three incomprehensible, but one is unreserved, and one incomprehensible.

Similarly, the father is omnipotent, and the son of Almighty, Almighty and the Holy Spirit. However, not three almighty, but one almighty.

So, the father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God. However, not three God, but one God.

And the Father is the Lord, the Son has the Lord, and the Holy Spirit is the Lord. However, not three gentlemen, but one Lord.

For as Christian truth encourages us every hypostica, individually confess God and the Lord, so universal piety forbids us to talk about the three gods or three gentlemen.

Father is not created by anyone, not created and not born.

The son's son is not created, not created, but born.

The Holy Spirit of Father (and Son) is not created, not created and is not born, but it comes.

So, one father, and not three fathers; One son, not three sons; One spirit is holy, not three saints.

In this Trinity, there is no first and last, there is no more or less, but three hatchers are equally eternal and equal among themselves; Consequently, as already mentioned, the Trinity should be worshiped in unity and unity in the Trinity.

Therefore, who wish to escape, he think so about the Trinity.

But for eternal salvation, it is also necessary to certainly believe in the embodiment of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Thus, the true faith is to believe and confess that the Lord is our Jesus Christ, the Son of God, there is God, and a person. God, from the nature of the Father born before all times, and man, from the nature of the mother born in time; Perfect God and a perfect person in which a rational soul and a human body, equal to the Father in the Divine, and a smaller father in humanity. But although he and God and man, but not two Christ, but one Christ.

He is one not to turn the divine into human, but the perception of human in a deity.

He is one completely, but not a merger of nature, but the unity of the person.

For as well as a reasonable soul and the body together there is one person, so God and a person there is one Christ, the victims of our salvation, who came to hell, on the third day the resurrected from the dead, ascended to heaven and Slight of the Dead Father, where he comes to judge the living And the dead.

In the coming, all people will resurrect from the dead with their bodies to give a report in their affairs.

And the good things made the eternal, but who made evil - the eternal fire.

Here is the Vera Ecumenical. Who will not be true and firmly holding it, he can not be saved.

Dogmate, formulated on the Chalkidon Cathedral451. In defense of truth from false teachers, it claims that Jesus is a perfect god and a perfect person.

Following the holy fathers, we unanimously teach to profess the same son, the Lord of our Jesus Christ, committed in the Divine and perfect in humanity; true God and true man having a soul and body; a unique father in the Divine and unique to us in humanity, in all of us the like, except for sin; Born before the centuries from the Father in the Divine, in the last days of the days born for us and our salvation for the sake of Mary of the Virgin of the Virgin in humanity; of the same Christ, the Son, the Lord, the only beef, in two scratches, insecually, invariably, inseparably, inseparally learned (the difference between two nature will not be abolished by their union, but the properties of each nature are preserved, connected in one person and in the same IPostasi); on two persons not dissected and not shared, but the same son and the only begotch of God the Word, Lord Jesus Christ; As ancient times, the prophets were told about him, and how the Lord himself Jesus Christ taught us, and as the symbol of our fathers handed us.

*) In the Greek text of this verse, the Holy Spirit is called "Eternal Spirit."

The Holy Trinity is a theological term, reflecting the Christian doctrine of the triipostasy of God. This is one of the most important concepts of Orthodoxy.

The Holy Trinity

From lectures on dogmatic theology in the Orthodox Holy Tikhonovsky theological institute

Dogmat about the Blessed Trinity - the foundation of the Christian religion

God is one of the merits, but three in the face: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Trinity is unique and inseparable.

The word "Trinity" of non-biblical origin itself, in the Christian lexicon introduced in the second half of the II century by St. Feofil Antioch. The doctrine of the Blessed Trinity is given in Christian Revelation.

Dogmat about the Blessed Trinity is incomprehensible, it is a mysterious dogma, incomprehensible at the level of reason. For the human reason, the doctrine of the Most Holy Trinity is controversial, because it is a mystery that cannot be expressed rationally.

Not by chance about. Pavel Florensky called Dogmat about the Holy Trinity "Cross for Human Thought." In order to take the dogmat about the Blessed Trinity, the sinful human mind must reject his claims to the ability to learn everything and rationally explain, that is, to persuade the mystery of the Blessed Trinity, it is necessary to reject their understanding.

The mystery of the Blessed Trinity is comprehended, and only partly, in the experience of spiritual life. This comprehension is always associated with a ascetic feat. V.N. Slovsky says: "The apaffular climb is climbing in Calvary, so no speculative philosophy could have to rise to the mystery of the Blessed Trinity."

Vera in Trinity is distinguished by Christianity from all other monotheistic religions: Judaism, Islam. The doctrine of the Trinity is the basis of the whole Christian loor and moralization, for example, the exercises on God Savior, about God sanctifier, etc. V.N. Slovsky said that the doctrine of the Trinity "not only the basis, but also the highest goal of theology, for ... To know the mystery of the Blessed Trinity in her fullness - it means to enter the Divine Life, in the very life of the Blessed Trinity. "

The doctrine of the TRIMINA of God comes down to the three provisions:
1) God is Troic and Trochnaya is that there are three persons in God (Ipostasi): Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

2) Every face of the Blessed Trinity is God, but they are not the first of God, but the essence of a single divine creature.

3) All three persons are distinguished by personal, or hypostasic properties.

Analogies of the Blessed Trinity in the World

Holy Fathers, in order to somehow bring the doctrine of the Most Holy Trinity to the perception of a person, enjoyed various kinds of analogies borrowed from the world of creature.
For example, the sun and the light and heat outgoing from it. The water source originating the key and, actually, flow or river. Some see the analogy in the arrangement of the human mind (St. Ignatius Bryanninov. Ascetic experiments): "Our mind, the Word and Spirit, on the lump sum of its beginning and on their mutual relations, serve as Father, Son and Holy Spirit."
However, all these analogies are very imperfect. If we take the first analogy - the sun, outgoing rays and heat, then this analogy implies some time process. If we take the second analogy - the water source, the key and flow, then they differ only in our representation, and in reality it is a single water element. As for the analogy associated with the ability of the human mind, then it may be an analogy of the image of the revelation of the Blessed Trinity in the world, but not in any way of intraochy existence. In addition, all these analogies put the unity above the trocherity.
St. Vasily Vasily the most perfect from the analogies borrowed from the tweak world considered the Rainbow, because "the same light and continuous in itself and multilyvet." "And in multicolor, a single face opens - no middle and transition between colors. It is not visible where the rays are distinguished. Clearly see the difference, but we cannot measure the distances. And in the aggregate, multicolor rays form a single white. A single entity opens in multicolor radiance. "
The disadvantage of this analogy is that the color of the spectrum is not independent personality. In general, for St. Theology is characterized by a very wary attitude to the analogies.
An example of such a relationship can serve as the 31st Word of St. Grigory Theologian: "Finally, I concluded that we all better retreat from all images and shadows, as deceptive and far from reaching the truth, to keep the same way of thoughts of more pious, stopping at a few matches" .
In other words, there are no images for the presentation in our mind of this dogma; All images borrowed from the creature world are very imperfect.

Brief history of dogmat about the Blessed Trinity

In the fact that God is one essentially, but three in the persons, Christians always believed, but the dogmatic doctrine itself about the Blessed Trinity was created gradually, usually due to the emergence of various kinds of heretical delusions. The doctrine of Trinity in Christianity has always been associated with the teachings of Christ, with the teaching about the awareness. Trinitarian heresy, Trinitarian disputes had a Christological foundation.

In fact, the teaching about the Trinity became possible due to the awareness. As they say in the path of the Epiphany, in Christ "Troic worship". The doctrine of Christ "for Jews is temptation, but for ELLINOV madness" (1 Cor. 1, 23). Also, the doctrine of Trinity is a stumbling block and for the "strict" Jewish monotheism and for Hellensky Polyteraism. Therefore, all attempts to disrete to comprehend the mystery of the Blessed Trinity were brought to delusions either the Jewish, or Ellensky. The first to dissolve the faces of the Trinity in a single nature, for example, Savellyan, and others reduced the trinity to three unequal beings (Ariana).
The condemnation of Arianism occurred in 325 on the first universal cathedral with Niii. The main act of this cathedral was the compilation of the Nicene Symbol of Faith, which included non-biblical terms, among which the term "Omoxios" was played a special role in trinitarian disputes of the IV century - "Uniform".
To reveal the authentic meaning of the term "Omoxios", the great efforts of the Great Cappadocians were needed: Vasily of the Great, Grigory Theologian and Grigoria Nis.
Great Cappadocians, first of all, Vasily Great, strictly delimited the concepts of "entity" and "Ipostasi". Vasily Great determined the difference between the "essence" and, "hypostasia" as between general and private.
According to the teachings of Cappadocians, the essence of the Divine and its distinctive properties, i.e., the impersonalism of being and divine dignity belongs equally to all three years. Father, Son and the Holy Spirit The essence of her manifestation in the faces, of which everyone has all the completeness of the Divine Entity and is in an inseparable unity with her. The same hypostasis among themselves are only personal (hypostasic) properties.
In addition, Cappadocians were actually identified (first of all two Gregory: Naziazine and the Nissky) concept of "IPOST" and "face". "Face" in theology and philosophy of that time was the term belonging not to ontological, but to a descriptive plan, that is, the face could be called a mask of the actor or the legal role that a person was performed.
Having identified the "face" and "Ipostaska" in the Trunk theology, the Cappadocians thus suffered this term from the plan of the descriptive on the plan on the ontological plan. The consequence of this identification was essentially the emergence of a new concept, which the ancient world did not know: this term is "personality". Cappadocians managed to reconcile the abstractness of Greek philosophical thought with the biblical idea of \u200b\u200ba personal deity.
The main thing in this teaching is that personality is not part of nature and cannot mention in the categories of nature. Cappadocians and their immediate student SVT. The amphiloches of the ICOBI called the divine hypostasis "ways of being of the Divine Nature. According to their teaching, the personality is the hypostasis of being, which freely impostitutes its nature. Thus, a personal creature in its specific manifestations is not predetermined by the essence, which is supplied from the outside, therefore God is not an essence that would precedes people. When we call God by an absolute person, we thus want to express the idea that God is not determined by any external nor inner necessity that it is absolutely free to his own being, is always the way that it wishes and always acts so, As he wants, that is, freely hesitate its triune nature.

Guidelines for trocheus (multiplicity) of persons in God in the Old and New Testament

In the Old Testament there is a sufficient number of instructions on the trocheus of persons, as well as the insertion instructions on the multiplicity of persons in God without specifying a particular number.
This multipleness is already said in the first verse of the Bible (Gen. 1, 1): "At first, God did the sky and the Earth." The verb "Bar" (created) is in the singular, and the noun "emold" is in the multiple, which literally means "gods".
Life. 1, 26: "And God said: Coordinate a person in the image of our and like our likeness." The word "coordinate" stands in the plural. The same life. 3, 22: "And God said: Here Adam became like one of us, knowing good and evil." "Of us" is also a plural.
Life. 11, 6 - 7, where we are talking about the Babylonian pussy: "And the Lord said: ... We will take them away and mix them there," the word "will go" - in a plural. St. Vasily Vasily in the Shestronee (conversation 9) commented as follows these words: "It is truly a strange void - to argue that someone sits himself, orders himself, he superims himself, hears his own and strongly. The second is an indication of the actual three persons, but without the name of individuals and without distinction. "
XVIII head of the book "Being", the phenomenon of three angels Abraham. At the beginning of chapter it says that God appeared to Abraham, in the Jewish text it costs "Jehovah". Abraham, published towards three wanders, bowed to them and appeals to them with the word "Adonai", literally "Lord", in the singular.
In St. Egzegez, there are two interpretations of this place. The first: the son of God, the second face of the Blessed Trinity, accompanied by two angels. We meet such an interpretation at MCh. Iustina of the philosopher, in St. Andlarium Pictavian, in St. John of Zlatoust, in the blissful Feodorite Kirground.
However, the majority of fathers are St. Athanasius Alexandrian, Vasily Great, Amvrosy Mediolsky, Blessed Augustine, are that this phenomenon of the Blessed Trinity, the first revelation of a person about the trinity of the Divine.
It was the second opinion that was accepted by the Orthodox tradition and found its embodiment, firstly, in the gymographic, where the event refers to this is exactly how about the phenomenon of the Triune God, and in the iconography (the famous icon of the Troita Old Testament).
Blessed Augustine ("On the Grada of God", KN. 26) writes: "Abraham meets three, worships one. Nurst three, he enlightened the sacrament of the Trinity, and wondering as it were, as it were, confessing a single god in three faces. "
An indication of the Trochka of God in the New Testament is, first of all, the baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ in Jordan from John, which received the name of the Epiphany in the church leaving. This event was the first explicit revelation of mankind about the derivities of the Divine.
Further, the commandment of the baptism, which the Lord gives his disciples on the Sunday (Matt. 28, 19): "Go and teach all the peoples, the kreat of them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." Here, the word "name" stands in the singular, although it applies not only to the Father, but also to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit together. The saint Amvrosiy Mediologan comments as follows this verse: "The Lord said" in the name ", and not" in the names ", because one God, not many names, because not two God and not three God."
2 Cor. 13, 13: "The grace of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, and the love of God's Father, and the Communication of the Holy Spirit with all of you." By this expression, the Apostle Paul emphasizes the Personality of the Son and Spirit, which are given to the donation along with the Father.
1, in. 5, 7: "Three testify in the sky: Father, Word and Holy Spirit; And these are three essence. " This place from the message of the apostle and the evangelist John is controversial, since this verse is absent in ancient Greek manuscripts.
Prologue of the Gospel of John (John 1, 1): "Initially, there was a word, and the Word was God, and the word was God." Under God here is a father here, and the Son is called in the word, that is, the son was forever with his father and was always God.
The Transfiguration of the Lord also has a revelation of the Blessed Trinity. This is how this event comments is the event of the evangelist history V.N. Slovsky: "Therefore, it is celebrated so solemnly the Epiphany and Transformation. We celebrate the revelation of the Blessed Trinity, for the voice of the father was heard and the Holy Spirit was attended. In the first case, under the guise of pigeons, in the second - as a shining cloud, squealing apostles. "

Differences of Divine Persons by Hitness Properties

According to church teaching, the IPostasi is the essence of the individual, and not impersonal forces. At the same time, the hypostasis possess a single nature. Naturally the question arises how to distinguish them?
All divine properties relate to the general nature, they are characteristic of all three and therefore, the differences in divine persons themselves cannot express. It is impossible to give the absolute definition of each hatchet, using one of the divine names.
One of the features of Personal Being is that the personality is unique and unique, and therefore it cannot be determined, it cannot be brought under a certain concept, since the concept always summarizes; It is impossible to lead to a common denominator. Therefore, the personality can only be perceived through their attitude to other personalities.
This is what we see in the Holy Scripture, where the idea of \u200b\u200bdivine persons is based on the relationships that exist between them.
Approximately starting from the end of the IV century, it is possible to talk about the generally accepted terminology, according to which the hypostasic properties are expressed by the following terms: the father - the saint - the son is Birth (from the Father), and the discharge (from the Father) in the Holy Spirit. Personal properties The essence of the intrinsic properties, always remaining unchanged, solely belonging to this or another of the Divine Persons. Thanks to these properties, the face varies from each other, and we learn them as special hypostasis.
At the same time, there are three hatching in God, we confess the Trinity of a unique and inseparable. Uniform means that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are the essence of three independent divine persons with all divine perfections, but these are not three special separate creatures, not three God, but a single God. They have a single and inseparable divine nature. Each of the Trinity Persons has a Divine Nature perfectly and fully.