In which age, Mongolian IHO was formed. Golden Horde and Mongolian Igo in Russia

In which age, Mongolian IHO was formed. Golden Horde and Mongolian Igo in Russia
In which age, Mongolian IHO was formed. Golden Horde and Mongolian Igo in Russia

In the late autumn of 1480, the great standing in the thief ended. It is believed that after that, the Mongol-Tatar yoke was not in Russia.


The conflict of the Grand Duke Moskovsky Ivan III with Khan Big Horde Ahmatom arose, according to one version, due to the non-payment of Dani. But a number of historians believe that Ahmat Dan received, but went to Moscow because he did not wait for the personal presence of Ivan III, who had to get a label to the Grand Diction. Thus, the prince did not recognize the authority and power of Khan.

It was not particularly offended by Akhmat that when he sent ambassadors to Moscow to ask Dani and Obroks over the past years, the Grand Duke again did not show proper respect. In the "Kazan History", even so: "The Great Prince was not afraid ... Taking Basma, I spun, I broke, threw the ground and extorted my legs with my". Of course, this behavior of the Grand Duke is difficult to imagine, but the refusal to recognize the power of Akhmat followed.

Confirmation of the pride of Khan is in another episode. At the "Ugorshchina", Ahmat, who was not in the best strategic position, demanded that Ivan III himself came to the Ordane bid and became the string of the Vladyka, waiting for the decision.

Female participation

But Ivan Vasilyevich cared his own family. His wife disliked his wife. Branched, the prince first of all saves his wife: "The Great Princess Sofia (Romanka, as chroniclers expressed), John sent together with the casseau on Belozero, gave an order to go further to the sea and the Ocean, if Khan goes Oku," said the historian Sergey Solovyev. However, it was not rejoiced to her return from the Whitezer: "Sophia's great princess ran from Tatars on Beloozero, and not any nobody chased."

Brothers, Andrei Galitsky and Boris Volotsky, raised the rebellion, demanding to divide the inheritance of the deceased brother - Prince Yuri. Only when this conflict was settled, not without the help of the mother, Ivan III could continue to fight the Horde. In general, "female participation" in standing in the thorough. If you believe Tatishchev, it was Sophia who persuaded Ivan III to take a historical decision. The victory in standing is also attributed to the intercession of the Virgin.

By the way, the size of the required Dani was relatively low - 140,000 Altyn. Khan Tukhtamysh for century before that collected from the Vladimir principality about almost 20 times more.

Did not save and when planning defense. Ivan Vasilyevich gave a decree to burn pose. The inhabitants moved inside the fortress walls.

There is a version that the prince simply looked down from Khan after standing: one part of the money paid in the thief, the second - after the retreat. Behind Okoy Andrey Little, Brother Ivan III, did not attack the Tatars, and gave a "out".


The Grand Duke from Active Action refused. Subsequently, the descendants approved his defensive position. But some contemporaries were different.

With the news of the approach of Ahmat, he panicked. The people, according to the chronicle, accused the prince that he exposes all the dangers of his indecision. Fearing attempts, Ivan went to Red Selo. His heir, Ivan the young, was at that time with the troops, ignoring the requests and letters of his father demanding to leave the army.

The Grand Duke drove still towards the Ugration in early October, but I did not get to the mainstream. In the city of Kremenets, he waited for brothers who came to him. And at this time there were fights in the thorough.

Why didn't the Polish king help?

The chief ally of Akhmat-Khan, the Great Lithuanian Prince and the Polish king Casimir IV, did not come to the rescue. The question arises: why?

Some write that the king was concerned about the attack of the Crimean Khan Meuglia-Hire. Others point to the inner gravestites in the Lithuanian land - "plot of princes." "Russian elements" dissatisfied with the king, looking for support from Moscow, wanted reunion with Russian principalities. There is also such an opinion that the king himself did not want conflicts with Rus. Crimean Khan was not afraid of him: the ambassador from the middle of October led in Lithuania.

And the freezing Khan Ahmat, waiting for frosts, and not reinforcements, wrote Ivan III: "And this is if from the shore of the duty, because I have people without clothes, and horses without late. And the blowjob of the winter of winter is ninety days, and Az again will be on you, but I have a cloudy water. "

Proud, but careless Ahmat returned to the steppe with prey, raving the Earth of the former ally, and remained wintering in the mouth of the Donets. There, Siberian Khan Iwak three months after the "Ugorshchina" personally killed the enemy in a dream. Ambassador was sent to Moscow to declare the death of the last ruler of the Big Horde. Historian Sergey Soloviev writes about it like this: "The latter Golden Horde for Moscow khana died from one of the descendants of Genghishane; He had sons who were also destined to die from Tatar weapons. "

Probably, the descendants were still left: Anna Gorenko considered Ahmata his ancestor on the maternal line and, becoming a poetess, took the pseudonym - Akhmatov.

Disputes about place and time

Historians argue about where there was standing on the thief. They also refer to the area under the cap, and the village of Gorodets, and the place of confluence of Ugra with Okoy. "To the mouth of the Ugra along its right," Lithuanian "shore, a land road from Vyazma, according to which Lithuanian help was expected and which the Ordans could use for maneuvers. Even in the middle of the XIX century. The Russian General Staff recommended this road for the movement of troops from Vyazma to Kaluga, "the historian Wadim Kargalov writes.

The accurate date of the arrival of Ahamat is not known. Books and chronicles converge in one: it happened not earlier than the beginning of October. Vladimir chronicle, for example, accurate up to one hour: "Pride at the Ugric of October at 8 day, a week, in 1 hour of the day." In the Vologda-Perm chronicle it is written: "Away the king will donate from the Ugra on Thursday, the eve of the days" (November 7).

No matter how cool, but the story was, there is also enough ghostly and unreliable, and the facts that we are accustomed to take for the purest coin, often find themselves, with a nearest consideration by foggy and vague. Who exactly, and most importantly, for which it rewrites that the very objective information is often not possible to identify, for the absence of eyewitnesses, who can either confirm it, or refute it. However, it is worth saying that there are inconsistencies, a frank Nausecian, as well as Lyapi, who are still rushing into the eyes. It is worth discussing in more detail, because among the huge number, it is quite possible, it is quite possible, and truth will be detected. Moreover, in the history of our country, such good is also enough, for example, it is possible to discuss the Tatar-Mongolian IHO briefly, not to get into the dark debris of a windy girl, named Klio.

Official version: When Mongolian Igo was formed and to whom it could need

First of all, it is necessary to find out what he says about the Mongol-Tatar Igo 1237-1480 The official version of the story, which we have quite successfully studied at school. It is this version that is considered true, because it is necessary to proceed from this. The fans of this version believe, relying on the available sources, which is early in the spring of 1237, that is, at the very beginning of the thirteenth century, Genghis Khan suddenly appeared at the helm, at that time of living community and scattered, nomadic tribes. Only over a couple of years, this truly talented leader, and roughly speaking - a real, ingenious leader, gathered such a tremendous army, which was immediately able to speak his actually victorious, campaign to the north-west.

Although no, everything was not so fast, because at first, the incomplete state, which previously consisted of completely scattered tribes and communities, conquered a rather strong at that time, China, and at the closest neighbors. Only after all this, the Golden Horde, as if the sea is endless, rushed into our side, filling the spears and playing with long beards, riding on dashing rags, going to put on the mother of Russia, the Tatar-Mongolian Igo, which is about.

Tatar-Mongolian IHO: start and end date, according to the official version, dates and numbers

Horror, fear, horror, covered all the ancient Russia, from the edge to the edge, when millions of troops entered our lands. By burning everything in its path, killing, as well as the population kalece, leaving behind only the ashes, was "Horde" in the steppes and plains, exciting all the large territories, leading to the horror of everyone who met on the way.

Absolutely no one could prevent this incredible, fragrant fat and Sovina, and the epics of our kind wellmen and warriors, apparently, were in front of the furnaces, caused their planded thirty-three years. Having reached the Czech and Poland, the victorious campaign, according to completely unknown reasons, suddenly choke and got up as the inserted, and the Tatar-Mongolian Igo stopped, frosked out on the spot, as if the real sea, setting his own orders, as well as a rather hard of his own regime on conquered with Amazing ease of territories.

It was then that the Russian princes and received special letters, as well as labels from Hana to management. That is, the country, in fact, simply continued to live his usual, everyday life. In order to be clearer, it is worth saying that the yoke is in ancient Russia so called the yarm, put on with powerful animals, oxen, pulling unbearable wear, for example, WHO, loaded with salt. True, the Mongols and Tatars, sometimes, apparently, for consupporting the coolness and prevent perturbation by the regime, they ruined several small villages or cities.

Tan Khan had to pay regularly and very carefully, in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts and the establishment of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia, it took just a bang. Mongols are eastern people - hot-tempered and hot, why tempt fate? So it lasted about three hundred years, while Dmitry Donskoy showed finally Horde Handsman, Khan Mama, where these domestic crayfish winter than the deadly frightened, which seemed completely fearless and invincible, invaders.

Approximately at the same time, in the middle of the fourteenth century of our era, at the River Ugra, Prince Ivan Third and Tatar Ahmat, having stood several days against each other, for some reason simply diverged, even without entered into battle. Moreover, the Ordanets "Glyazhkov" obviously lost. This time is considered to be the official conclusion of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. Data these events, approximately 1380.

The period of the Mongol-Tatar Iga in Russia: years and key dates

However, the invaders were hurt and ravened for several other decrees, and the consequences for the country were simply catastrophic, the Horde managed to ember the Russian princes, and so that those were ready to tear up herring to each other for labels and petitions from Khan. At that time, the son of the notorious Genghis Khan, an elderly young man Baty, who passed the enemy's position to the enemy.

Thus, it turns out that the Tatar-Mongolian IHO, how much about two or three hundred years have lasted, and it ended with nothing. Moreover, the official version of the story offers the dates of the Mongol-Tatar yoke, which are key. How many times did the Tatar-Mongolian Igo go on Russia? Consider themselves, it is not difficult at all, because specific numbers are given, and then clean mathematics.

  • The Mongol-Tatar Igo, briefly about which we and we narrow, began in 1223, when the unmeasised Horde approached the boundaries of Russia.
  • Even the date of the first battle is known, which marked the beginning of the Mongol-Tatar yoke : May 31 of the same year.
  • Tatar-Mongolian IHO: Date of massive attack on Russia - Winter 1237 years.
  • In the same year, the Mongolian IHO in Russia, briefly mentioned, was captured by Kolomna and Ryazan, and after them and the entire Falo Ryazan Principality.
  • In the early spring of 1238, at the very beginning of March, the city of Vladimir was captured, who later became the center, from where Tatar-Mongols were touched, and Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich was killed.
  • A year later, the horde also captured Chernigov.
  • In 1240 Pal Kiev, and it was a full collapse for Russia time.
  • Palo Galico-Volyn Principality was captured, after which the activity of the Ordans was clearly suspended.

However, on this, the Tatar-Mongolian IHO was not completed, and for more forty years, Rusichi paid tribute to the Horde Khan, because the official story says that it ended only in 1280. To obtain a clearer view of the events that occur, it is worth considering the map of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke, everything is quite transparent there and simply, if you take everything on faith.

Tatar-Mongolian IHO: Historical Fact or Fiction

What do you say, so to speak, alternative sources, was the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia really, or was it specially invented for some specific purpose? Let's start with the Genghis Khan himself, the personality to the extreme of interesting and even, can be said entertaining. Who was this "protester's leader", the talented of all existing rulers, leaders and organizers, surrounding, probably, Adolf Hitler himself? Mysterious phenomenon, but Mongol around the genus and tribe, it turns out, was quite European appearance! Historian Persian, contemporary Mongol-Tatar campaigns, named Rashidad Dean, frankly writes in his chronicles:

"All children from the genus Genghis Hana were born with blond hair, and besides, also with gray eyes. The Great itself, possessed yellowly a green look of the Wild Puma. "

It turns out that no one is Mongol, the Great Mongol! There is also information about snack, and quite reliable: in the twelfth-thirteenth century, when there was an invasion, Mongolian and Tatar peoples simply did not have written! Therefore, they could not write their own sources at all physically. Well, they did not know how to write, and that's it! It is very sorry, because we would have a word of their words in establishing truth.

Letters these nations have learned later after five centuries, that is, much later than the Tatar-Mongolian Igo in Russia existed, allegedly, and even this is not all. If it is thoroughly digging in historical reports of other peoples, then references to the black-eyed and black-haired invaders of huge territories, from China to the Czech Republic and Poland, nothing is written. The track is lost and it is not possible to find it.

Mongol-Tatar Igo on Russia lasted for a long time, but no traces left behind

When Russian travelers, exploring all new and new lands, rushed their feet to the east, to the Urals and to Siberia, then on their way, would certainly have to meet, at least some traces of the presence, once a multi-million troops. After all, Tatar-Mongols, according to legend, had to "hold" and these territories too. Moreover, no burials were found, more or less reminiscent of the Turkic. It turns out, in three hundred years, no one died? Cossack travelers did not even find a hint of cities or any "decent" for their infrastructure time. But it was here that the path was supposed to be held in which the tribute was taken from all over Rus. In the people, the centuries occupied these land, there was a strange forgetfulness - they were neither a dream, nor the Spirit, did not know anything ig.

In addition to the complete "lack of presence,", as everyone would say, Mikhail Zadornov who would say, one can note the elementary impossibility of existence, and even more times the victorious procession of the army in half a million people in those dense times! According to the same evidence that the official story relies, it turns out that every nomad had at least two horses at its disposal, and sometimes even three or four. It is difficult to present this herd to several million horses, and even harder to come up with, what to feed such sleeps of hungry animals. In one day, these unpretentious hordes of hoofs should have devoured all the greens in a radius of several hundred kilometers and leave behind the landscape, most of all resembling the consequences of a nuclear attack or zombie invasion.

Maybe, under the attack and the board of Mongols, someone skillfully disguised something else, absolutely not related to poor nomadic peoples? It is hard to imagine that they, accustomed to life in a fairly warm steppe, calmly felt themselves in the laid Russian frosts, and they could not even withstand more persistent and hardy Germans, although they were equipped with the latest technique and weapons. Yes, and the very fact of such a well-coordinated and well-working mechanism of management, from nomads to expect rather strangely. The most interesting thing is that absolutely wild people, sometimes, were depicted in the early paintings dressed in armor and chain rails, and during the hostilities could calmly roll out to the gates of the city of Taran. With the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Tatar-Mongols of that time, these facts somehow do not fit at all.

Such inconsistencies, large and small, can be found if you dig, not for one of the scientific work. To whom and for what you need to falsify the story, "hovering in volatile" on the poor Mongols and Tatars, not even guessing about something like that? To be honest, it should be confessed that these nations learned about their heroic past, and most likely, with the words of Europeans. Funny, isn't it? What did you want to hide from the descendants, leading responsibility for the destruction and years of the unbearable Dani, in Genghis Khan? While all this is only the theory and guesses, and it is not at all the fact that the objective truth will someday will be clarified.

how much did the Tatar-Mongolian Goo last on Russia !! ! Needless

  1. there was no need
  2. many thanks for the answers
  3. from the launched Russians for the cute soul ....
  4. there was no Mongol Mongu Manga with the Turkic Eternal Nice Manga Tatars
  5. from 1243 to 1480
  6. 1243-1480. With Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, it should be used when he received a label from the Khan. And ended in 1480 it is considered. The Kulikovo field was in 1380, but then the Horde took Moscow with the support of Poles and Lithuanians.
  7. 238 years old (from 1242 to 1480)
  8. judging by the numerous facts of the inconsistency of history and were, - can be sun. For example, it was possible to hire nomads "Tatars" to hire any princess and seems to be a "yoke" anything else, as the army hired by the Kiev Prince for the change of faith of Orthodox to Christian ... It turned out.
  9. from 1243 to 1480
  10. There was no yoke, under this covered civil war between Novgorod and Muscovy. They proved
  11. from 1243 to 1480
  12. from 1243 to 1480
  13. Mongol-Tatar Igo in Russia (1243-1480), the traditional name of the Russian land operating system by Mongol-Tatar conquerors. Installed as a result of the invasion of Batya. After the Kulikov battle (1380) was rated. Finally overthrown Ivan III in 1480.

    In the spring of 1238, the Tatar-Mongolian army of Khan Batiya, has repaired Russia for many months, it turned out to be at the Kaluga land under the walls of Kozelsk. According to the Nikonovsky chronicles, the Terrible conqueror of Russia demanded the delivery of the city, however, Kozelchi responded with refusal to decide "heads to possess the Christian faith." For seven weeks, the siege lasted and only after the destruction of the wall with a trumpeted guns, the enemy managed to climb the shaft, where the "brightness is great and sled evil." Part of the defenders went beyond the walls of the city and died in an unequal battle, destroying up to 4 thousand Tatar-Mongolian warriors. Bugged into Kozelsk Battered ordered to destroy all the inhabitants, "Before the sucking of the mamomle," and the city was commanded to call "evil hail." The feat of Kozelchan, which despose death and not conquered the strongest enemy, became one of the bright pages of the heroic past of our Fatherland.

    In the 1240s. Russian princes were in political dependence on the Golden Horde. The period of Tatar-Mongolian yoke began. At the same time, in the XIII century. Under the rule of Lithuanian princes, the state began to develop, which included Russian lands, including part of Kaluga. The border between the Grand Durability of the Lithuanian and the principality of Moscow was established by the rivers Oka and Ugra.

    In the XIV century The territory of the Kaluga Territory became the place of permanent confrontation between Lithuania and Moscow. In 1371, Lithuanian Prince of Olgend in the complaint of the Konstantinople Patriarch, the Philofy at the Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia, among the casualties taken by Moscow, for the first time, calls Kaluga (in domestic sources of Kaluga, first mentioned in Dmitry Donskoy, who died in 1389 .). Traditionally it is believed that Kaluga arose as a border fortress to protect the Moscow principality from the attack by Lithuania.

    Kaluga Cities of Tarusa, Obolensk, Borovsk et al. Attached in the struggle of Dmitry Ivanovich (Donskoy) against the Golden Horde. Their squads participated in 1380 in the Kulikov battle. A significant role in the victory over the enemy was played by the famous commander Vladimir Andreevich Khrabrey (Specific Prince Serpukhovsky and Borovsky). In the Kulikovsky battle killed by Tarusk Princes Fedor and Mstislav.

    After a hundred years, the Kaluga land became the place where the events were occurring the end of the Tatar-Mongolian IGU. The Grand Duke Ivan III Vasilyevich, who turned over during the years of his board from the Moscow specific prince in the Self-dealer of all Russia, in 1476 he stopped paying the annual cash "exit", which was collected from Russian land from the times of Batya. In response to 1480 Khan Akhmat, in the Union with the Polish-Lithuanian King Casimir IV, made a campaign to Russian land. Ahmat's troops moved through Mtsensk, Odoev and Latubest to Vorotynsk. Here Khan expected help from Casimir IV, but did not wait for it. Crimean Tatars, Ivan III allies, distracted Lithuanian troops, attacking Podolsk Earth.

    Without receiving the promised submits, Ahmat went to the thief and, becoming on the shore against the Russian regiments, in advance of Ivan III in advance, attempted to go to the river. Several times, Ahmat tried to break through the coast of Ugra, but all his attempts were taken by Russian troops. Soon the river began to freeze. Ivan III ordered all the troops to Kremema, and then to Borovsk. But, Ahmat decided to pursue the Russian troops and retreated from the Ugra. The last campaign of the Gold Towns on Russia ended with a complete failure. Receivers of the Terrible Batius were powerless before the state united around Moscow.

Today we will talk about the very "slippery" from the point of view of modern history and science, but also no less interesting theme.

Here is such a question raised IHORAKSJUTA orders in the May Table "Now we went on, the so-called Tatar-Mongolian igo, I do not remember where I read, but there was no yoke, it was all the consequences of the Baptism of Russia, they fought the carrier of the faith of Christ with those who did not want, well, as usual, a sword and blood, let's remember the Crusades Camping, here can be more detailed about this period? "

Disputes on the history of the invasion of the Tatar-Mongol and the consequences of their invasion, the so-called yoke, do not disappear, will probably not disappear. Under the influence of numerous critics, including supporters of Gumilyov, in the traditional version of the history of Russia began to be frowning with new, interesting facts. mongolian Igathat I would like to develop. As we all remember from the school year of history, the point of view is still dominant, which is as follows:

In the first half of the XIII century, Russia was subjected to the invasion of the Tatars who came to Europe from Central Asia, in particular, China and Central Asia, which they have already captured by this time. Our historians of Russia are just known: 1223 - the battle on Kalka, 1237 - the fall of Ryazan, in 1238 - the defeat of the united forces of Russian princes on the bank of the City River, in 1240 - the fall of Kiev. Tatar-Mongolian troopsthey destroyed certain squads of the princes of Kievan Rus and subjected it to the monstrous defeat. The military power of Tatars was so irresistible that their dominance continued for two and a half centuries - until the "standing in the thief" in 1480, when the consequences of the yoke, in the end, were completely eliminated, an end began.

250 years, now how old, Russia paid tribute to Horde with money and blood. In 1380, Russia for the first time since the invasion of Batu-Khan gathered the strength and gave the battle of the Tatar Horde on the Kulikov field, in which Dmitry Donskoy defeated the darkness of Mamaha, but from this defeat of all Tataro - Mongols did not happen at all, this, so to speak the battle won in Plain War. Although even the traditional version of Russian history, says that Tataro - Mongol in Math's troops was practically not there, only local from Don nomads and mercenaries of the Genoese. By the way, the participation of the Genoesers, suggests the idea and participation of the Vatican in this matter. Today, in the well-known version of the history of Russia, they began to adoperate, as if fresh data, but intended to add the authenticity and reliability of the already existing version. In particular, there are broad discussions of the number of nomadic Tatar - Mongols, the specifics of their martial arts and weapons.

Let's estimate the versions that exist at the moment:

Start offering with a very interesting fact. Such nationality as Mongol-Tatars does not exist, and did not exist at all. Mongols and Tatars relatives only that they naochesed the Central Asian steppe, which, as we know, is pretty great to accommodate any nomadic people, and at the same time give them the opportunity to not intersect on one territory at all.

The Mongolian tribes lived in the southern tip of the Asian steppe and often produced raids on China and his provinces that the history of China often confirms us. While other nomadic Turkic tribes, referred to as the Poskov of the ages in Russia Bulgars (Volga Bulgaria), settled in the lower reaches of the Volga River. They were called Tatars in those days in Europe (the strongest of nomadic tribes, unreleased and invincible). And the Tatars, the nearest neighbors of the Mongols, lived in the northeastern part of modern Mongolia, mainly in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Buir-Nor and to China's borders. There were 70 thousand families who were 6 tribes: Tatura-Tutukuluty, Tatars-Alcci, Tatars-Chagan, Tatars-Queen, Tatars-Terat, Tatars-Barkui. The second parts of the names, apparently, the self-sizing of these tribes. Among them there is not a single word that would sound close to the Turkic language - they are more consistent with Mongolian names.

Two related people - Tatars and Mongols - a long war with a variable success for mutual extermination, while Genghis Khan seized power in all Mongolia. The fate of Tatars was predetermined. Since the Tatars were the killers of Father Genghis Khan, destroyed many tribal and childbirth close to him, constantly maintained tribes opposing him, " Genghis Khan (Tay-Mu-Chin) commanded to produce universal beating of the Tatar and not one not to leave alive to the limit, which is determined by law (yasak); So that women and small children are also killed, and pregnant in the womb to completely destroy them. ... ".

That is why such a nationality and could not threaten the freedom of Russia. Moreover, many historians and cartographers of that time, especially Eastern European, "sinned" to call all indestructible (from the point of view of Europeans) and invincible peoples, Tatarya or simply on Tatarie Latin.
It can be easily traced in ancient cards, for example, Map of Russia 1594 In the Atlas of Gerhard Mercator, or the Maps of Russia and Tartaria Ortelus.

One of the fundamental axes of domestic historiography is the statement that for almost 250 years on the lands, which inhabited the ancestors of modern East Slavic peoples - Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians there were the so-called "Monglo-Tatar Igo". Allegedly in the 30s - 40s of the XIII century, the old-Russian principalitys were subjected to Mongol-Tatar invasion under the leadership of the legendary Khan Batya.

The fact is that there are numerous historical facts that contradict the historical version of the "Mongol-Tatar IGE".

First of all, even in the canonical version, the fact of the conquest of the northeastern Old Russian Principles is not confirmed by the Mongol-Tatar invaders - allegedly, these principalities were in vassal dependence on the Golden Horde (state education, which occupied the large territory in the south-east of Eastern Europe and Western Siberia, based Mongolian Prince Batum). Like, the khan of Khan Batiya made several bloody robbing raids on these the most northeastern Old Russian Principles, with the result that our distant ancestors decided to go "at the arm" of Batya and his Golden Horde.

However, historical information is known that the personal guardian of Khan Batyu consisted exclusively from Russian warriors. A very strange circumstance for Holiuyev-vassals of the Great Mongolian conquerors, especially for just a conquered people.

There are indirect evidence of the existence of a letter to Batiya to the legendary Russian prince Alexander Nevsky, in which the All-powerful Khan Golden Horde asks Russian Prince to take up his son's education and make a real warrior and a commander from him.

Some sources also argue that Tatar mothers in the Golden Horde scared the name of Alexander Nevsky of their naughty children.

As a result of all these inconsistencies, the author of these lines in his book "2013. Memories of the future "(" Alma-Press ") puts forward a completely different version of the events of the first half and the middle of the XIII century on the territory of the European part of the future Russian Empire.

According to this version, when Mongols at the head of the nomadic tribes (called later than Tatars) came out to the northeast Old Russian principalities, they really entered them into rather bloody combat clashes. But only the crushing victory at Khan Batya did not come out, most likely, the case ended in a kind of "combat noise". And then Bati offered an equal military union to the Russian princes. Otherwise, it is difficult to explain why his guardians consisted of Russian Vityazes, and the name of Alexander Nevsky Tatar mothers scared their children.

All these terrible stories about the "Tatar-Mongolian IGE" were described much later when the Moscow kings had to create myths about their exclusivity and superiority over the conquered peoples (the same Tatars, for example).

Even in a modern school program, this historical moment is briefly described as follows: "In early 13th century, Genghis Khan gathered a numerous army from nomadic peoples, and subdued by their tough discipline decided to conquer the whole world. After defeating China, he sent his army on Russia. In the winter of 1237, the Mongol-Tatars army invaded the territory of Russia, and defeating the Russian army on the river Kalka, went on, through Poland and the Czech Republic. As a result, reaching the banks of the Adriatic Sea, the army suddenly stops, and turning his task turns back. From this period and begins the so-called " Mongol-Tatar yoke"Over Rus.

But wait, because they were going to conquer the whole world ... So why didn't you go further? Historians responded that they were afraid of the attacks from the back, broken and looted, but still strong Russia. But it's just funny. The progress state will run to defend other people's cities and seams? Rather, they will disrupt their borders, and will wait for the enemy's troops to ensure that there is a disgrace.
But on this oddity do not end. For some unimaginable reason, during the reign of the house of Romanov, dozens of christmas disappear, describing the events of the "Horde Times". For example, "the word about the death of the Russian Earth", historians, believe that this document, from which carefully removed the BE, which would testify about the IGA. We left only fragments telling about some kind of "trouble", comprehended Russia. But there is not a word about the "invasions of the Mongols".

There are still many oddities. In the story "On the evil tatars", Khan from the Golden Horde makes a penalty of Russian prince-Christian ... for refusing to bow down the pagan god of Slavs! " And in some chronicles there are amazing phrases, for example, such: "Well, with God!" Said Khan and, crossing, cried to the enemy.
So what was really?

At that time, in Europe, the new faith flourished in Europe, namely, the faith in Christ. Catholicism was common everywhere, and managed to all, from the lifestyle and system, to the state system and legislation. At that time, crusades were even relevant, but on a series with military methods, and "tactical tricks" were often used, akin to the bribery of power and declining them to their faith. And after receiving power through a bought person, appeal to the faith of all his "subordinates". It was such a secret crusade and was accustomed to Rus. By bribery and other ambulances, the servants of the Church were able to capture power over Kiev and near the lying regions. Just relatively recently, the baptism of Russia passed by the standards of history, but the story silent about the civil war on this basis immediately after violent baptism. And this is the moment the ancient-Slavic elevation describes as:

« And they came from the zamor, and they brought faith in the gods of alien. The fire and sword they began to impose the faith to us alone, to shower the Russians and silver the princes of Russians, to bribe them will, and shoot down from the way true. They promised them the life of idle, wealth and happiness is complete, and the vacation of sins of any, for the acts of their dashing.

And then they broke up, the states are different. They retreated Russians to the north to Asgard a great, and called the power of their own names of their patrons, Tarh Great Bog and Tara, his sister Svetomudroi. (The Great Tartaria they ordered it). Leaving alien to the princes purchased in the principality of the Kiev and its surroundings. Volzhsky Bulgaria also did not bow before the live, and did not be faith alone for her to accept.
But did not become the principality of the Kiev world with tartaria to live. They became fire and the sword of the Earth Russian to disintegrate and faith alone alone. And then the army rolled, on the battle. In order to keep his faith and wield their land. And old and young then went to the warrior, in order to return the order to the Russian land. "

So the war began, in which the Russian army, the Earth of the Great Aria (Tatacaria) won the enemy, and kicked him out from the Zhonodnoy Slavic lands. It was alien to the army, with their faith, with the lands of their statutes.

By the way the word of the horde translated by the initiative old Slavic ABCmeans order. That is, the Golden Horde is not a separate state, it is a building. "Political" system of gold order. At which the princes printed on the ground, placed from the approval of the commander-in-chief of the protection army, or in one word he was called Han (ours defender).
So there was no one, two hundred and more years of the oppression, and there was the time of peace and prosperity of the Great Aria or Tartaria. By the way, in modern history, there is also a confirmation, but for some reason no one pays attention to him. But we will definitely turn, and very close:

Mongol-Tatar Igo - a system of political and informed dependence of the Russian principalities from Mongol-Tatar Khan (before the early 60s of the XIII century Mongolian Khanov, after - Golden Horde) in the XIII-XV centuries. The establishment of an IGA was made possible as a result of the Mongolian invasion on Russia in 1237-1241 and occurred over two decades after it, including in non-rated lands. In Northeast Russia lasted until 1480. (Wikipedia)

Nevsky Battle (July 15, 1240) - the battle on the Neva River between the Novgorod militia under the command of Prince Alexander Yaroslavich and the Swedish army. After the victory of Novgorod, Alexander Yaroslavich for the skillful campaign management and courage in battle received the honorable nickname "Nevsky". (Wikipedia)

You do not seem strange that the battle with the Swedes is going on right among the invasion of "Mongol-Tatars" on Russia? Breaking in fires and plundered by the "Mongols" of Russia is attacked by the Swedish troops, which is safely sinking in the waters of the Neva, and at the same time the Swedish crusaders do not face Mongols. And the victorious strong Swedish army of Rusichi lose "Mongols"? In my opinion, it's just nonsense. Two huge armies at the same time are fighting on the same territory and never intersect. But if you appeal to the Old Slavic chronicles, then everything becomes clear.

From 1237 to rail Great Tartaria He began to disintegrate their original lands back, and when the war approached the end, losing to put representatives of the Church requested help, and the Swedish Crusaders were put into battle. Once it did not work out to take the country bribing, then they will take her strength. Just in 1240m, the army of the horde (that is, the Army of Prince Alexander Yaroslavlich, one of the princes of the ancient Slavic kind) faced in the battle with his minions who came to revenue, the army of the Crusaders. Having won the battle on the Neva, Alexander received the title of Nevsky Prince and remained for the jurisdiction of Novgorod, and the Horde's army went further to expel the sacuostate from the Russian lands finally. So she drove the "church and alien faith" until she reached the Adriatic Sea, thereby restoring its original ancient borders. And having reached them, the army turned around and left no north again. Installing 300 summer period of the world.

Again, confirmation is the so-called end of the yoke " Kulikovskaya battle"In front of which 2 Vityaz Peresvet and Leavenies participated in Swatka. Two Russians Vityaz, Andrei Peresvet (superior light) and Helpius (a friend hitting, telling, telling, requesting) information about which was brutally cut from history pages. It was the loss of the Checky and foreseen the victory of the Army of Kievan Rus, restored to the money all the same "clergymen", which from under the floors penetrated on Russia, albeit 150 years later. It is already later when all Russia will plunge into the Bay of Chaos, all sources confirming the events of the past will be burned. And after the coming to power of the Romanov family, many documents will find the view known to us.

By the way, the Slavic army is not the first time protects its lands, and expels the inners from their territories. Another extremely interesting and tangled moment in history tells us about it.
Army Alexander Macedonsky, consisting of a variety of professional warriors was broken by a small army of some nomads in the mountains, north of India (the last campaign of Alexander). And for some reason, no one surprises the fact that the numerous prepared army, which passed the floor of the world and smashed the world card, was so easily broken by the army, simple and not educated nomads.
But everything becomes clear if you look at the cards of that time and just even think who the nomads who came from the north could be (from India), this is just the same territories that Christian belonged to Slavs, and where to this day, the remains of the Etruscsk civilization remains .

Macedonian army was resigned by the army Slavyan-Ariyevwho defended their territories. It was at that time that the Slavs "for the first time" passed to the Adriatic Sea, and left a huge trail in the territories of Europe. Thus, it turns out to be not in the first to conquer the "floor of the globe".

So how did it happen that now we do not know our story? Everything is very simple. Europeans trembled from fear and horror, and did not cease to be afraid of Rusch, even when their plans were crowned with success and they were involved in Slavic nations, they were still afraid that once Russia would be perceived and again would overweight.

At the beginning of the 18th century, the Russian Academy of Sciences was founded by Peter. For 120 years of its existence, there were 33 academician-historian at the historical department of the Academy. Of these, only three were Russians (including M.V. Lomonosov), the rest are the Germans. So it turns out that the history of the ancient Russia was written by the Germans, and many of them did not know not only the styles of life and traditions, they did not even know the Russian language. This fact is well known to many historians, but they do not apply any effort to carefully examine the story that the Germans wrote, and to get to the truth.
Lomonosov wrote labor on the history of Rus, and on this field he often had disputes with German colleagues. After his death, the archives disappeared without a trace, but somehow his works on the history of Russia were published, but edited by Miller. At the same time, Miller struggled in every way Lomonosov in his life. Computer analysis confirmed that Lomonosov's work on the history of Rus, published by Miller, is falsification. From Lomonosov's Labor, there are little left in them.

This concept can be found on the website of the Omsk State University:

We will formulate our concept, hypothesis immediately, without
pre-training reader.

Pay attention to the following strange and very interesting
facts. However, their oddity is based only on generally accepted
chronology and inspired by us from the childhood version of the ancient Russian
stories. It turns out that the change in chronology removes many oddities and

One of the main points in the history of ancient Russia is so
called by Tatar-Mongolian won the Horde. Traditionally
it is believed that the Horde came from the East (China? Mongolia?),
captured many countries, conquered Rus, rolled to the West and
even reached Egypt.

But if Rus was conquered in the XIII century with whatever
there was a parties - or from the east, according to modern
historians, or from the West, as Morozov believed, they would have to
stay information about collisions between conquerors and
cossacks who lived both on the Western borders of Russia and in the lower reaches
Done and Volga. That is, just where they had to go

Of course, in school courses of Russian history we are hard
convince that Cossack troops arose as if only in the XVII century,
supposedly due to the fact that the slaves fled from the authorities of the landowners on
Don. However, it is known - although in the textbooks it is usually not mentioned,
- What, for example, the Don Cossack state existed in
The XVI century, had its own laws and their history.

Moreover, it turns out, the beginning of the history of the Cossacks
by the XII-XIII centuries. See, for example, the work of Sukhukov<> In the journal Don, 1989.

In this way,<>- where it would be not going, -
moving along the natural path of colonization and conquest,
inevitably it would have to join the conflict with Cossack
This is not marked.

What's the matter?

Natural hypothesis occurs:
No ingenic
Russia's conquest was not. The horde is because he did not fight with the Cossacks that
Cossacks were an integral part of the horde. This hypothesis was
formulated not by us. She is very convincingly justifies
for example, A. A. Gordeev in his<>.

But we affirm something more.

One of our basic hypotheses is that Cossack
troops not only made part of the horde - they were regular
troops of the Russian state. Thus, the Horde was
Just regular Russian army.

According to our hypothesis, modern term army and warrior,
- Church-Slavic in origin - were not old-Russian
terms. They entered constant use in Russia only with
XVII century. And the old Russian terminology was as follows: Horde,
cossack, Khan.

Then the terminology has changed. By the way, in the XIX century in
russian folk proverbs words<> and<> were
interchangeable. This is seen from numerous examples.
in the Dalian dictionary. For example:<> etc.

On the bottom there is still a famous city of sevenikarakamum, and on
Kuban - Chang Khan. Recall that the caracorum is considered
The capital of Genghis-Khan. At the same time, - what is well known - in those
places where archaeologists are still stubbornly looking for Karakorum, no
Karakorum for some reason no.

Desperate, put forward a hypothesis that<>. This monastery, existed in the XIX century, was surrounded
earth shaft is just about one English mile. Historians
believe that the famous capital Karakorum was fully placed on
territories, subsequently occupied by this monastery.

In our hypothesis, the Horde is not a foreign education,
capturing Russia from the outside, but there is just an Eastern Russian regular
the army that was part of an integral part in the ancient Russian
Our hypothesis is such.

1) <> It was just a war period
Management in the Russian state. No foreign rus

2) the supreme ruler was the commander-khan \u003d king, and in
Cities sat civilian governors - princes that are required
Were to collect tribute in favor of this Russian troops on his

3) Thus, the ancient Russian state seems
A single empire in which there was a permanent army consisting of
Professional military (horde) and civil part that did not have
His regular troops. Since such troops were already included in
The composition of the horde.

4) This Russian-Horde Empire existed from the XIV century
Before the early XVII century. Her story ended with the famous great
Small in Russia began the early XVII century. As a result of civil war
Russian Ordi kings, - the last of which was Boris
<>, - were physically exterminated. And the former russian
The army of the Ord actually suffered a defeat in the fight against<>. As a result, the power in Russia came in principle
New Pro-Western Romanov Dynasty. She seized power and
In the Russian Church (Philaret).

5) the new dynasty was required<>,
Ideologically justifying her power. This new power from the point
There was illegal vision of the former Russian-Ordan history. SO
Romanov took root to change the illumination of the preceding
Russian history. We must give them due - it was done
Competently. Without changing most facts essentially they were able to
Unrecognizable to distort the whole Russian history. So preceding
History of Russia-Horde with its estate of farmers and military
Class - the Horde, was declared them epoch<>. At the same time its own Russian Horde
Turned, - under the pen of Romanov historians, - in the mythical
Aliens from a distant noticed country.

Nervive<>, familiar to us by Romanovsky
the presentation of the story was just a state tax inside
Rus to the maintenance of the Cossack troops - Horde. Famous<>- every tenth man taking into the Horde is just
state military set. As if calling the army, but only
since childhood - and for life.

Next, the so-called<>In our opinion,
were simply punitive expeditions in those Russian areas,
which for some reasons refused to pay tribute \u003d
state file. Then regular troops punished
civil rebellion.

These facts are known to historians and are not secret, they are publicly available, and everyone who wants without any problems can find them on the Internet. Owning scientific research and justification, koi are already described quite widely, summarize the main facts that refute the big lies about the "Tatar-Mongolian IHE".

1. Chingis Khan

Previously, 2 people answered in Russia for the management of the state: Prince and Khan. Prince answered the management of the state in peacetime. Khan or "Military Prince" took the Brazda of Department for himself during the war, in peacetime on his shoulders they were responsible for the formation of the Horde (army) and maintaining it in combat readiness.

Genghis Khan is not a name, but the title of "Military Prince", which, in the modern world, is close to the post of commander-in-chief of the army. And people who wore such title were somewhat. Timur was the most outstanding of them, it is usually about him, when they talk about Genghis Khan.

In the preserved historical documents, this person is described as a high height warrior with blue eyes, very white leather, a powerful reddish chapel and a thick beard. What obviously does not correspond to the signs of the representative of the Mongoloid race, but it is fully suitable for the description of Slavic appearance (L.N. Gumilyov - "Ancient Russia and the Great Steppe.").

In modern "Mongolia" there is not a single folk epic, in which it would be said that this country conquered almost all Eurasia in antiquity, exactly, like nothing and about the great conqueror of Genghis Khan ... (N.V. Levashov "visible and invisible genocide ").

2. Mongolia.

The state of Mongolia appeared only in the 1930s, when the Bolsheviks arrived in the nomads living in the desert in the desert, and they were the descendants of the Great Mongols, and their compatriot created the Great Empire in his time, which they were very surprised and delighted . The word "Mogul" has a Greek origin, and means "the Great". This word Greeks called our ancestors - Slavs. It does not have any attitude towards the name of any people (N.V. Levashov "visible and invisible genocide").

3. The composition of the army "Tatar-Mongols"

70-80% of the Army "Tatar-Mongols" amounted to Russians, the remaining 20-30% accounted for other small peoples of Russia, actually, as well as now. This fact clearly confirms the fragment of the icon of Sergius of the Radonezh "Kulikovskaya Battle". It is clearly clearly seen that the same warriors are fighting on both sides. And this battle is more like a civil war than a war with a foreign conqueror.

4. What did Tatar-Mongola look like?

Pay attention to the drawing of the tomb of Heinrich II pious, which was killed on the Legnitis field. The inscription is as follows: "Tatar's figure under the legs of Heinrich II, Duke Silesia, Krakow and Poland, placed on the grave in Breslau of this prince, killed in the battle with Tatars at the lignice on April 9, 1241. As we see from this "Tatar" completely Russian appearance, clothing and weapons. In the following image - "The Khan Palace in the capital of the Mongolian Empire Hanbalyke" (It is believed that Hanbalyk is supposedly Beijing). What is "Mongolian" here and what is "Chinese"? Again, as in the case of the Tomb of Heinrich II, we are in front of us - people of clearly Slavic appearance. Russian caftans, shooting caps, the same vane beards, the same characteristic saber blades called "Elman". The roof on the left is a practically exact copy of the roofs of older rubers ... (a. Bushkov, "Russia, which was not").

5. Genetic examination

According to the latest data obtained as a result of genetic studies, it turned out that the Tatars and Russians have very close genetics. Whereas the differences between the genetics of Russian and Tatars from the genetics of the Mongols - colossal: "The differences between the Russian gene pool (almost completely European) from Mongolian (almost entirely centrally Asian) is really great - this is like two different world ..." (OAGB.RU).

6. Documents during the period of Tatar-Mongolian yoke

During the existence of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke, a single document has been preserved in Tatar or Mongolian. But there are many documents of this time in Russian.

7. The lack of objective evidence confirming the hypothesis about the Tatar-Mongolian ig

At the moment there are no originals of any historical documents that would objectively prove that there was a Tatar-Mongolian IHO. But there are many fakes, designed to convince us in the existence of fiction called "Tatar-Mongolian Igo". Here is one of these fakes. This text is called "the word about the death of the Russian Earth" and in each publication is declared "by passage from the poetic work that has not come to us ... About the Tatar-Mongolian invasion":

"Oh, light bright and beautifully decorated Russian land! Many beauties are glorified by many ... Lakes are famous for many, rivers and sources of locally, mountains, steep hills, high dumbers, clean fields, wonderful beasts, various birds, countless cities, villages of the glorious, gardens of monastic, temples of God and Princes of Grozny, boyars honest and Many mokes. All of you are filled, Russian land, about Orthodox Vera Christian!..»

In this text, there is not even a hint of "Tatar-Mongolian Igo". But in this "ancient" document there is such a line: "To all you are filled, the earth is Russian, about the Orthodox Vera Christian!"

More opinions:

In the same way, the Plenipotentiary representative of Tatarstan in Moscow (1999-201 - 2010), the doctor of political sciences Nazif Mirikhanov: "The term" IHO "appeared at all in the XVIII century, - he is sure. - Before that Slavs did not even suspect that they live under the oppression, under the yoke of some conquerors. "

"In fact, the Russian Empire, and then the Soviet Union, and now the Russian Federation is the heirs of the Golden Horde, that is, the Turkic Empire, created by Genghis Khan, whom we need to rehabilitate how they have already done in China," continued Mirihanov. And he concluded his arguments with such a thesis: "Tatars have frightened this time in their time that the rulers of Russia, who chose the European path of development, were disagreeed in every possible way from the Ordane predecessors. Today it is time to restore historical justice. "

The result summed up Izmailov:

"The historical period, which is customary to be called the time of the Mongol-Tatar yoke, was not a period of terror, ruin and slavery. Yes, the rulers from the barn Russian princes paid tribute and received labels from them to the reign, but this is an ordinary feudal rent. At the same time, the church in those century flourished, and beautiful white-named temples were built everywhere. What was quite natural: such construction could not afford the scattered principalities, but only the actual confederation, combined under the authority of Khan Golden Horde or Ulus Juchi, as it would be more correct to call our common with Tatars. "

Rus under Mongol-Tatar Igship existed extremely humiliating. It was completely subordinate and politically and economically. Therefore, the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia, the standing date on the River Ugra - 1480 is perceived as the most important event in our history. Although Russia has become politically independent, but the payment of Dani in a smaller size continued up to Petrovsky times. The complete end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke - a year of the 1700th, when Peter the Great abolished the payments to Crimean Khanam.

Mongolian army

In the XII century, Mongolian nomads united under the rule of the cruel and cunning ruler Techuchin. All interference to unlimited power, he mercilessly suppressed and created a unique army, which won the victory. He, creating a great empire, was named his aware of Genghis Khan.

Conquering Eastern Asia, Mongol's troops reached the Caucasus and Crimea. They destroyed Alan and Polovtsy. The remains of the Polovtsy turned for help to Russia.

The first meeting

20 or 30 thousand were soldiers in the Mongolian army, not defined. They led the jab and subcent. They stopped at the Dnieper. And at that time, Khanyan persuaded the Galich Prince Mstislava removed against the invasion of a terrible cavalry. Mustislav Kiev and Mstislav Chernigov joined him. According to different sources, the general Russian army counted from 10 to 100 thousand people. The military council took place on the shores of the river river. The single plan was not developed. Speakeled one. He was supported only by the rest of the Polovtsy, but during the battle they fled. Without supporting Galician princes should still have to fight with the attacks on their fortified camp Mongols.

Three days lasted battle. Only the cunning and promise did not capture the Mongola entered the camp. But the words did not hold down. Russian governors and Prince Mongols were alive and covered with boards and sat on them and began to send a victory, enjoying the moans of dying. So in the flour killed Kiev prince and his environment. It was 1223 year. Mongols, without going into details, went back to Asia. Thirteen years later they will return. And all these years in Russia there was a fierce gnawing between princes. She completely undermined the strength of the southwestern principalities.


Grandson of Genghishana Bati with a huge half-million army, won in the east and Polovetsky lands in the south, went to Russian principalities in December 1237. His tactic was not to give a big battle, but in an attack on some detachments, breaking all one one. Approaching the southern borders of the Ryazan Principality, Tatars ultimitively demanded tribute from him: the tenth of the horses, people and princes. In Ryazan, almost three thousand soldiers were gained. They sent for help in Vladimir, but the help did not come. After six days, the siege Ryazan was taken.

Residents were destroyed, the city was destroyed. It was the beginning. The end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke will occur in two hundred forty-harder years. The next was Kolomna. There, the Russian army was almost all interrupted. Moscow lies in the ash region. But before that, someone who dreamed of returning to his native places, buried on the treasure of silver jewelry. He was found by chance when a construction was carried out in the Kremlin in the 90s of the XX century. The next was Vladimir. Mongols did not spare no women nor children and destroyed the city. Then Pal Torzhok. But spring fell, and, having afraid, the Mongols moved to the south. Northern swampy Russia did not interest them. But on the way, the defeated tiny Kozelsk began. For almost two months, the city violently resisted. But the Mongols came reinforcement with trumpet cars, and the city was taken. All defending themselves cut out and left from the town of Stone on the stone. So, the whole northeastern Russia was lying in ruins by 1238. And who may have doubts about whether the Mongol-Tatar Igo in Russia was? From a brief description it follows that there were wonderful good neighborly relations, right?

Southwestern Rus

She came the turn in 1239. Pereyaslavl, Chernihiv Principality, Kiev, Vladimir-Volynsky, Galich - everything is defeated, not to mention the cities of smaller and villages and villages. And how far is the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke! How much horror and destruction brought its beginning. Mongols reached Dalmatia and Croatia. Western Europe trembled.

However, the news from the distant Mongolia forced the invaders to turn back. And they did not have enough strength on the re-trial. Europe was saved. But our homeland, lying in the ruins, who expired blood, did not know when the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke comes.

Rus under the IGG.

Who suffered most of the invasion of the Mongols? Peasants? Yes, the Mongols did not spare them. But they could hide in the forests. Townspeople? Sure. There were 74 cities in Russia, and 49 of them were destroyed by Batym, and 14 never recovered. Craftsmen turned into slaves and exported. There was no contingency skill in crafts, and the craft was declining. They have learned pouring utensils from glass, cook glass for the manufacture of windows, has not become multicolor ceramics and decorations with sefoded enamel. Bricklayers and cutters disappeared, and the construction of stone has been suspended for 50 years. But heard all had to be the one who with a weapon in the hands reflected the attack, - feudal and vigilantes. Of the 12 Ryazan princes, three remained three, out of 3 Rostov - one, out of 9 Suzdal - 4. And no one has calculated losses in squads. And there were no less. Professionals in military service changed other people who are accustomed that they are wrapped. So the princes became all the full power. This process is subsequently when the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke will come, they will deepen and lead to an unlimited monarch authority.

Russian princes and golden hordes

After 1242, Russia fell under the full political and economic oppression of the Ordans. In order for the prince to inherit his throne by law, he had to go with gifts to the "free king", as our princes of Khanov called, in the capital of the horde. Being there was quite a long time. Khan slowly considered the lowest requests. The whole procedure turned into a chain of humiliation, and after long reflection, sometimes Multi-month, Khan gave a "label", that is, permission to the reign. So, one of our princes, having arrived at the Bat, called the cooler to keep his possessions.

Be sure to stipulate the tribute to be paid by the principality. At any time, Khan could call the prince in the Horde and even execute in it objectionable. The Ordans led a special policy with princes, diligently blowing them with a distinction. The disunity of the princes and their principalities was on the hand of Mongols. Horde herself gradually became a colossusion on clay legs. In it, centrifugal sentiment was intensified. But it will be significantly later. And at the beginning of her unity tight. After the death of Alexander Nevsky, his sons, Lyuto hate each other and fiercely fighting for the Vladimir throne. Conditionally, the reign in Vladimir gave the prince seniority over everyone else. In addition, decent land of land with those who brings money to the treasury. And for the Grand Diction, Vladimirsky in the Horde flared up between the princes of the struggle, was that and to death. That's how I lived Russia under the Mongol-Tatar ig. The troops of the Ordans in it practically did not stand. But when unsulpent, punitive troops could always come and start cutting and burn everything.

Walking in Moscow

The bloody distribution of Russian princes among themselves led to the fact that the period from 1275 to 1300 on Russia came 15 times the Mongolian troops came. From the gravestics, many principalities came out weakened, of whom people flew into calmer places. Such a quiet principality turned out to be a small Moscow. It went to the youngest Daniel. He reigned from 15 years and led a cautious policy, trying not to quarrel with the neighbors, for it was too weak. And the Horde did not pay close attention to him. Thus, a impetus was given to the development of trade and enrichment in this lot.

It was joined by immigrants from troubled seats. Daniel eventually managed to attach Kolomna and Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, increasing his principality. His sons after his death continued a relatively quiet politics of the Father. Only the princes of Tver saw in them potential rivals and tried, struggling for the Grand Diction in Vladimir, spoil Moscow relations with the Horde. This hatred reached the point that when the Moscow Prince and Prince Tverskova were simultaneously caused by the Orda, Dmitry Tverskaya Zagolol Yuri Moskovsky. For such a self-government he was executed by the Ordans.

Ivan Kalita and "Silence Great"

The fourth son of Prince Daniel seemed to have no chance of the Moscow throne. But his older brothers died, and he began to pronounce in Moscow. The will of the fate was also the Grand Duke Vladimir. During him and his sons stopped the raids of the Mongols into Russian lands. Games Moscow and people in it. Growing cities, their population increased. In Northeast Russia, the whole generation has grown, which stopped trembling at the mention of Mongols. It was closer to the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia.

Dmitry Donskoy

Moscow by the birth of Prince Dmitry Ivanovich in 1350 already turns into a center for the political, cultural and religious life of the northeast. Grandson Ivan Kalita lived a short, 39 years old, but a bright life. He spent her in battles, but now it is important to stop at the Great Battle of Mama, which took place in 1380 on the River Meeting. By this time, Prince Dmitry defeated the punitive Mongolian detachment between Ryazan and Kolomna. Mamay began to prepare a new campaign on Russia. Dmitry, having learned about this, in turn began to collect strength to revel. Not all the princes responded to his call. The prince had to appeal for help from Sergia Radonezh to collect a folk militia. And having received the blessing of the holy elder and two inok, he at the end of the summer gathered a militia and moved towards the huge army of Maama.

On September 8, a great battle took place at dawn. Dmitry fought in the forefront, was injured, he was found with difficulty. But the Mongols were broken and fled. Dmitry returned to the victory. But the time has come, when the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia will come. History says that under the IGA will be held another hundred years.

Strengthening Russia

Moscow became the center of the association of Russian lands, but not all princes agreed to take this fact. Dmitry's son, Vasily I, Rules for a long time, 36 years old, and relatively calmly. He defended Russian lands from Lithuanian encroachment, joined the Suzdal and Nizhny Novgorod Principality. The horde weaker, and it was considered less and less. Vasily for his life only twice visited the Horde. But inside Russia there was no unity. Without end, flashed meters. Even at the wedding of Prince Vasily II broke out a scandal. On one of the guests was a gold belt Dmitry Donskoy. When the bride recognized this, he publicly threw him, causing an insult. But the belt was not just jewel. He was a symbol of great power. During the reign of Vasily II (1425-1453) feudal wars were walking. The Moscow Prince was captured, blinded, bowed all the face and all the subsequent life he wore a bandage on his face and received the nickname "Dark". However, this volitional prince was released, and his co-program was the minor Ivan, who after the death of his father will be the liberator of the country and will receive the nickname great.

End of Tatar-Mongolian Iga in Russia

In 1462, the legal ruler Ivan III entered into the Moscow throne, which will become a converter and reformer. He cautiously and carefully united Russian lands. He joined Tver, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Perm and even the stroke Novgorod recognized him with his state truck. He made the coat of arms of the two-headed Byzantine eagle, began to build the Kremlin. That is what we know him. From 1476, Ivan III stopped paying the horde tribute. Beautiful, but false legend tells how it happened. Having accepted the Ordan Embassy, \u200b\u200bthe Grand Duke met Basma and sent warning to Horde, which will happen to them, if they do not leave his country alone. Enraged Han Ahmed, collecting a big army, moved to Moscow, wishing her to shy for disobedience. Approximately 150 km from Moscow near the river Ugra on the Kaluga lands in the fall opposite the two troops. Russian headed the son of Vasily, Ivan young.

Ivan III returned to Moscow and began to carry out supplies for the army - food, fodder. So there were troops opposite each other, until the early winter came up with nonsense and did not buried all the plans of Ahmed. Mongols turned around and went to the Horde, recognizing defeat. So bloodlessly occurred the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. Date it - 1480 - a great event in our history.

The value of falling iga

For a long time having suspended the political, economic and cultural development of Russia, IHO deployed the country on the backyard of European history. When Renaissance began in Western Europe and bloomed the Renaissance in all areas, when the national self-awareness of the peoples was developing, when the countries of the rich and bloomed trade sent a ship fleet in search of new lands, there was darkness in Russia. Columbus already opened America in 1492. For Europeans, the earth has grown rapidly. For us, the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia marked the opportunity to exit the narrow medieval framework, change the laws, to reform in the army, to build cities and master new lands. And if briefly, Russia gained independence and began to be called Russia.