How people welcome each other in different countries. How greeting in different countries of the world

How people welcome each other in different countries. How greeting in different countries of the world
How people welcome each other in different countries. How greeting in different countries of the world

How greeting in different countries

In different countries, welcome each other in different ways. Traditions welcome each other vary: from a simple handshake to friction of noses and sniffing cheeks. Moreover, the greeting has its own meaning!

Russia. People at the meeting wish each other health and exchange friendly handshake.

IN USA To the question: "How are you" ("How do you do?") Answer: "Everything is fine!", Even if far away. Say "Poor" is the top of an inadvertising!

Some indian Peoples at the meeting remove shoes.

IN Tunisia, Helloing on the street, it is accepted first to bow, bring the right hand to the forehead, then to the lips, then to the heart. "I think about you, I'm talking about you, I respect you" - this is the meaning of this greeting.

Mongolia. When meeting, people speak each other "Is your cattle?".

Israel: "Peace to you!"

Residents of the country TongaLocated on the Islands of the Pacific Ocean, when meeting with friends, stop at a distance, shake their heads, put on the foot and sink with your fingers.

IN Japan Not accepted to greet hands. The Japanese at the meeting are bowed to one of the three types of the lowest, medium with an angle of 30 degrees or light.

Eskimi, welcoming a friend, slightly hit it with a fist on the head and on the shoulders.

Zulusi (people in South Africa). At the meeting exclaimate "I see you!".

Residents New Guinea From the koi-ri tribe, healthy, tick each other under the chin.

Representatives of the African people of Akamba living in the south Kenya, in a sign of deep respect ... spit on the counter.

Residents of the republic Zambia In Central Africa, healthy, clap into your hands and make a renewress.

Tibet. At the meeting, people remove the headdress with his right hand, and put the left hand for the ear and put the tongue.

India. People in the greeting of the hands fold together and respectfully press them to the chest. Also in India in the morning there may be asked: "Wouldn't the mosquitoes disturb you too at night?"

China. At the meeting, people are bowed with their arms elongated along the body.

IN Italy When meeting, each other say "Chao!".

Greetings of the inhabitants of the island Easter: To become straight, squeeze your hands in the fists, pull them out in front of yourself, raise over your head, break the fists and give your hands calmly fall.

W. grenlandians There is no formal greeting, but at the meeting they definitely say: "good weather", even if the window is minus 40 degrees and blows the raw wind.

IN Botswana (A small country in southern Africa, most of whose territory is the Kalahari desert) the traditional national pool translates as a wish: "Let it rain!"

And in ancient times at the tribe tuaregliving in the deserts was a very complicated and long greeting. It began when two more people were meters for a hundred each other and could last half an hour! Tuaregs bowed, jumped, curved ...

It's believed that handshake appeared in primitive times. Then, stretching each other's hands, people showed that they had no weapon that they came with the world.

According to another version, a handshake arose during the times of knightly tournaments. When the duel of two knights was delayed and it was clear that they were equal in their strength, the opponents approached each other in order to discuss the peaceful outcome of the fight. Having gathered, the knights stretched their hands for a handshake and kept them so until the end of the negotiations, thereby defending themselves from possible cunning and deception from the enemy. That is why the handshake is now distributed mainly among men.

Sociologist Spencer believes that the handshake is the residual phenomenon of an ancient custom. In antiquity, the warriors did not leave the living defeated enemies. But later, a person came to mind that the enemy could be kept as a free servant, slave. And recognizing himself defeated and conquered, as a sign of gratitude for the fact that his life was granted, the newly minted slave was at first NIC, as if showing that he was killed, defeated, then slowly climbed, getting on his knees, and stretched to his lord of both palms, showing that he gives himself to him.

Maybe therefore in latin And are single-handed words "hand" - "Manus" and "subjugate" - "Manus Dare", and later "Mansuetus" - "tamed", "Rab".

Thus, if you rephrase the famous phrase about each other, then you can say: tell me how you greet, and I will tell you who you are.

In psychology there is a theory of Milgrea wall - " theory of six handshakes". Its essence is that 2 of any inhabitant of the planet are divided on average only 5 levels of common acquaintances - that is, 6 handshakes. This hypothesis was repeatedly checked in various ways, including computer modeling and Microsoft, but always found a confirmation. She works! Surely, walking through the spaces of the Internet, you were often surprised, having learned that a familiar friend of your friend a long time ago! ...

Workshop on tolerance

Training tolerance for teenagers Lesson 1. Tolerance: What is it? (PART 1) Objectives:

  • introduce adolescents with the concept of "tolerance";
  • stimulate the imagination of participants in search of their own
  • understanding tolerance in three ways: (1) Based on the development of "scientific definition", (2) by means of an expressive form, (3) using an associative series.

Input part Purpose: - Introduction to the problem Required time: 25 minutes.

Procedure for holding: The rules of work in the group are accepted. Then the presenter tells the participants of the group about what "tolerance" and "intolerance" (or intolerance), about their manifestations and the effects of intolerance. The lecture can be prepared by the lead independently or compiled on the basis of introducing to this manual. In conclusion, the presenter represents the written target of the training goal and tells them.

Acquaintance Required time: 15 minutes.

The presenter invites participants to introduce themselves as it would like to be called them in a group (for example, using pseudonyms).

Procedure for holding (possible options). Exercise "Snowball". The band members are sitting in a circle.

The first is presenter. Then the next to the left of the ebony calls the name of the leading and its name. Each next participant calls the names of all represented to him in turn. Thus, the participant closing the circle to name the names of all members of the group.

Exercise "Neighbor on the right, a neighbor on the left"

A participant in whose hands is the ball, calls the names of the neighbors to the right and to the left of herself, and then it seems himself. After that, he throws the ball to any of the group members. The ball received again should call the names of his neighbors to the right and left and introduce themselves to himself and so on.

Workout Objectives:

  • the creation of a relaxed, benevolent atmosphere in the group;
  • increased intragroup trust and cohesion of group members.

Required time: 10 minutes. Exercise "What we look like" Procedure: Members of the group are sitting in a circle. The host invites one of the participants on the basis of any real or imaginary resemblance to him. For example: "Lights, come out, please, to me, because we have the same hair color (or we are similar to the fact that we are residents of the Earth, or we are one growth and T, d.)" Light goes into the circle and invites someone from the participants in the same way. The game continues until all members, groups will not be in a circle. Exercise "Compliments"

Procedure: The presenter offers participants to invent compliments to each other. He throws the ball to one of the participants and tells him a compliment. For example: "Dima, you are a very fair person" or "Katya, you have a wonderful hairstyle." The resulting ball throws him to someone who wants to say his compliment and so on. It is important to trace the compliment to be told to each participant.

Basic content classes Exercise "What is" tolerance "" Objectives:

  • to enable participants to formulate the "scientific concept" of tolerance;
  • show multi-term concept "tolerance".

Required time: 20 minutes. Materials: definitions of tolerance written on large watman sheets (see Appendix 1.2).

Preparation: Write the definitions of tolerance on large sheets and attach them before starting classes to the board or to the walls of the revolving side to the audience.

Procedure: The presenter divides participants into groups of 3-4 people. Each group has to be developed as a result of "brainstorming" its definition of tolerance. Ask participants to include in this definition, what, in their opinion, is the essence of tolerance. The definition should be brief and capacious. After discussion, the representative from each group introduces the definition of all participants.

After the discussion is completed in groups, each definition is written on the board or on a large sheet of Watman.

After the groups appear their wording, the lead turns in advance prepared definitions of the "face" to the audience. Participants have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the existing definitions and express their attitude towards them.

Discussion:The presenter sets the following questions:

  • What distinguishes each definition?
  • Is there anything that combines some of the proposed definitions?
  • What determination is the most successful?
  • Is it possible to give one definition to the concept of "tolerance"?

In the process of discussion, pay attention to the following points:

  • The concept of "tolerance" has many parties.
  • Each of the definitions revealed some faction of tolerance.

Reflection lesson

  • Some of you first got acquainted with the concept of "tolerance." Which of the definitions of tolerance caused you the greatest response?
  • Does you see the topic of tolerance relevant, and if so, why?

Lesson 2. Tolerance: What is it? Workout Exercise "Common Rhythm" Objectives: - increase group cohesion. Required time: 5 minutes.

Procedure for conducting. Participants are in a circle. The lead several times collapses in his hands with a certain speed, setting the rhythm, which the group should maintain as follows: standing to the right of the leading participant makes one cotton, followed by the next, etc. There should be a feeling that one person pops in a given rhythm, and not all members of the group in turn. This exercise rarely manages the first time. After several test circles from the game, participants violate the overall rhythm are gradually reaching.

Basic content classes Exercise: "Tolerance emblem" Objectives: - continuation of work with the definitions of tolerance; - development of fantasy, expressive ways of self-expression. Required time: 20 minutes. Materials: Paper, color pencils or markers, scissors, scotch.

Procedure for conducting. At the previous stage, participants developed their own definitions of tolerance and familiarized themselves with existing ones. The presenter notes that the discussion took place on the intellectual, abstract level.

The next exercise will allow you to approach this on the other side - the participants will have to create an emblem of tolerance. Everyone will try to independently draw such an emblem that could be printed on superstar, national flags. The drawing process takes 5-7 minutes. After completing the work, the participants consider each other's drawings (for this you can walk around the room). After familiarization with the results of creativity, other participants should be divided into subgroups based on similarities between drawings. It is important that each participant independently decided to join this or that group. Each of the subgroups formed should explain what is common in their drawings, and put forward the slogan, which would reflect the essence of their emblems (discussion - 3-5 min.).

Final stage exercise - Presentation of the emblems of each subgroup. Exercise "Pantomime Tolerance" Purpose: The same as in the previous exercise. Required time: 15 minutes.

Materials: several definitions of tolerance written on separate sheets of paper; All that can come in handy for pantomime - Motor rope, ribbon, drawing accessories.

Procedure for conducting. All participants are divided into 3-4 (3-5 people). Each subgroup receives from the definitions of tolerance-posted on the board. The task is to pantomimimically depict this definition so that the rest of the participants guess what exactly the definition is in question. For the preparation of pantomime - 5 min.

Discussion. The presenter sets the following questions:

  • What pantomime was the most "unambiguous" and did not cause difficulties in guessing?
  • What difficulties collided with groups in the process of inventing pantomime?

Exercise "Lukoshko". work with the concept of "tolerance" with the help of an associative series; Development of fantasy, creative thinking. Required time: 10 minutes. Materials: Lukoshko or a package with small objects (for example, toys from "Kinder surprises", Icons p.). The number of objects should exceed the number of participants in the group.

Procedure for conducting. The presenter passes in a circle with a loud in which there are various minor items. Participants, not looking into Lukoshko, take some one subject. When everyone is ready, the presenter offers everyone to find any connection between this subject and the concept of tolerance. The story begins the participant, the first to receive the toy. For example: "I got a ball. He reminds me of a globe. I think that tolerance should be distributed worldwide. " Give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe peculiarities of the tolerant and intolerant personality and the main differences between them. Reflection lesson

  • What new did you learn about the concept of "tolerance" compared to the previous occupation?
  • What parties and aspects of tolerance are mostly characterized by this concept?

The most familiar greeting gesture is a handshake. But even there are differences in this: in Russia, for example, it is supposed to greet the first man, and to stretch the woman with his hand (if she deems it necessary), and in England - the reverse order. But in any case, he removes the glove with his hands, and it is not necessary (but in this case you should not realize the intention instead of a handshake to kiss the hand of the lady).

In the Tajik family, the owner of the house, taking a guest, shakes his hand outstretched him in respect of respect.

In Saudi Arabia, in such cases, after a handshake, the head of the host puts his left hand on the right shoulder of the guest and kisses it in both cheeks.

Iranians, shook each other's hands, then pressed their own right to heart.

In the Congo, in the greeting sign, people met, the people hold on to each other both hands and at the same time they blow on them.

A peculiar handshakes are accepted by African Masayev: before handing a hand, they spit on it.

And Kenyan Akamba does not bother with stretching hands: just spit into his friend in greeting.

Widely common handshake, which initially demonstrated that there are no weapons in the hands of the ever, in the tradition of different cultures there is an alternative.

For example, the Hindus fold their hands in the "Anjali": press the palms to each other in the thumbs up, so that their tips rose to the level of eyebrows. Hugs at the meeting are allowed after long separation and look different in men and women. Representatives of the strong floor are tightly clasped, patting each other on the back; The representatives of the beautiful - holding friend's friend for the forearm, are applied at once with cheeks - right and left.

The Japanese handshakes prefer bows, which are the lower and more durable, the more important person, which they are addressed.

Saykerei is the lowest, but there is still an average when inclined at an angle of 30 degrees and light - only 15 degrees of declination.

Koreans were also ancient times at a meeting.

The Chinese, who are also traditionally more handy, are still quite easily moving to a greeting through handshakes, and when you meet a group of residents of the Middle Kingdom with a new person, they can also settle down, - it is supposed to be in the same way. And the original tradition was the shock here ... myself.

By the way, in Russia, it was also accepted to bow, but during the construction of socialism it was recognized as a remnant of the past.

In the Middle East, a bow with the head lowered when the hands are lowered and pressed to the body when the palm right covers the brush left - a respective greeting sign.

And what is the beautiful greeting ritual in some North African states! There they bring the right hand first to the forehead, then to the lips and after that - to the chest. Translated from the language of gestures it means: I think about you, I'm talking about you, I respect you.

In Zambezi - clap your hands, squeezing.

In Thailand, the United's palms applied to the head or chest and the higher the more significant the status of a welcomed person. This gesture is accompanied by the exclamation of "Wai".

Tibetans are generally unbelievable: remove the hat from the head with the right hand, and the left is laid out for the ear and at the same time tongue tongue. "So the lack of bad intentions in a welcoming one is proved.

Aboriginal New Zealand is also tying tongues and besides the eyes, but before that, they slapp your hips on the hips, they have legs and bend their knees. It can only understand this, so the ritual is designed primarily on the recognition of a stranger.

Even more exotic (of course, only in our opinion) do the Eskimos of the male: they hit each other with a fist on the head and on the back. Not much, of course, but the uninitiated is hard to understand ... However, they can lose their noses, just like residents of Lapland.

Polynesians also greet "gentle affectionate": sniffs, rub the noses and drive each other on the back.

In Caribbean Belize, the local population also keeps the originality of a welcoming tradition: a compressed fistful fists should be applied there. Who would have thought, what is the gesture of peace-loving? Fists are involved in the greeting and on Easter Island: they are pulled out in front of them at the chest level, then raise her heads, squeeze and "throw" hands down.

Traditional welcome pose in a number of Indian tribes - squatting at the sight of a stranger. She shows a peaceful healthy, and the oncoming should pay attention to it, otherwise Indian will be doomed to a long seat, because he needs to note for himself that he understood. According to the laws of the hospitality of African Zulus, at the entrance to the house, it is necessary to immediately sit down, without waiting for any invitation and not healthy - this will be done by the owners, but only after the adoption of the subsequent sitting poses.

It is curious that the Mimic Movement is also used in New Guinea, but for the greeting of foreigners. However, not in all tribes.

So, in Koiri, it is customary to welcome each other with a tinge touch of chin.

Inhabited in Sahara Tuaregs greets no less than half an hour, taking jumping, jumping, bow and take sometimes very strange postures at a distance of a hundred meters from the counter. It is believed that in the process of implemented televitations, they recognize the intentions of this counter.

In Egypt and Yemen, the welcome gesture resembles the rejection in the Russian army, only the Egyptians, applying the palm to his forehead, turn her towards who greet.

And Australian aborigines welcome each other dance.

A handshake says "Hello" in America, but this gesture is perplexed in other parts of the world. Each country has its own traditions. Here are some unusual ways that people greet all over the world:

In some African countries, young people when contacting the elders should do more than saying "yes sir" or "yes ma'am." By tradition, when talking with a man older age, you should fall on your knees. It speaks of respect for them. And male children should actually lie in front of the elders and parents and wait until they are allowed to get up.
And there is one thing that you never have to do is to make each other's hands.

Americans do not like to disturb the personal space of others, but everything is different in France. There, when meeting, it is customary to kiss each other. Even strangers.

"These kisses look very funny, because very often the French do not even know how many kisses to give," says blogger Samson Adepa. It all depends on the region or holiday. For example, on New Year's Eve, you can give an infinite number of kisses.

When Susan Eckent, the owner of the tourist company "Adventures Wumen", was a volunteer of the world building in Sierra Leone, she learned that by making a handshake, you must file your right hand into the left hand of a higher rank man.

"This handshake implies that you respect the you greet you," she said. People, after the handshake, can also touch the heart to heart, amplifying the effect.

"By visiting someone's house in Costa Rica, one should not knock. Instead, it is necessary to scream "Oooooooooope!" - Says James Kaiser, the author of the book "Costa Rica: Full Directory."

This is a greeting that you will not hear anywhere in Latin America, is derived from the longer expression "Ave Maria Santesima Noustra Madre La Virgen de Guadalupe."

To say hello in New Zealand, you can, lose your noses or foreheads. This tradition, called Hong, comes from the ancient Maori tribe from New Zealand. Others call this greeting "breath of life." Even Princess Kate Middleton performed this very personal tradition during a visit to the country in 2014.

When Dag Fodereman from the Brookwood School in Manchester arrived to work on the exchange of teacher to school for girls in Rwanda in 2012, then he was taken away from the local greeting. Here, in order to shake someone's hand, a person squeezes a fist, turns it down and offers his wrist. Fodemman soon learned that if a man had dirty hands, he presents his wrist instead of his palm. And if both people have dirty hands, they will touch the wrists together.

If you are going to Fiji, get ready for a whole greeting ceremony. It is called Cava. In the course of the ritual, you will have to drink from the halves of the coconut Special brews, clap your hands and scream "Bula!" The drink is terrible to taste, but this is part of the daily lifestyle here.

Greeting a little bit like Namaste in Yoga and Sanskrit. Thai Wai is a traditional greeting that includes pressing palms together, and then leaning the head forward. "Welcoming each other with Wai, people show a sign of respect," says Janny Jester, Thai-American scientist at the University of Illinois in Chicago. - "The deeper a bow, the greater the sign of respect."

Traveler Katie Reese, who was visited by the Masai tribe in Kenya in 2012, being on vacation, discovered a touching way of greeting local children. Children tend their heads in respect to visitors to touch their heads, and wait for a hand touching with a palm.

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Tell me how you greet, and I guess where you come from. Greetings reflect the features of a national character. Let's see how people in other countries welcome each other.

Pedantic Germans before 12 days wish each other good morning, from 12 to 17 - good days. Next begins good evening.

The British and Americans are interested in the career and Americans are interested in: "How are you?" Acceptable answer: "Good" or "normal." Talking "bad" is considered indecent.

In France, even unfamiliar people at a meeting and farewell kiss, touching each other with cheeks.

In Europe and New Guinea, the custom is common to greet without words, just raising the eyebrows. Only on the mainland, this gesture is used, welcoming friends and relatives. And on the Pacific Island - foreigners.

Emotional Latin Americans necessarily climb hugging.

Laplanders rub each other noses. Apparently, to warm up a little.

The inhabitants of India in the morning ask the question: "didn't the mosquitoes disturb you too much?"

Curious self-suicide sniffs each other.

Mysterious Tibetans remove the headdress with their right hand, and put the left hand for the ear and put the tongue.

Zulus exclaimed surprise: "I see you!"

The Japanese are very responsible for greetings. They use three types of Pokholimairei (the lowest, for the most respected people), medium (at an angle of 30 degrees) and light (at an angle of 15 degrees).

Jews and Arabs at the meeting say: "Peace to you!"

Greenland always exclaim: "Good weather", even if it does not correspond to reality.

In Malaysia, often greet the question: "Where are you going?" The response is served by vague: "take a walk."

A traditional greeting in Thailand is called "Wi". Palms are folded together and pressed her forehead, nose or chest. The position of the hands is determined by the status of the counter. The more significant person, the higher the palm and the longer the "Wai" lasts.

Representative of the Taareg Taregov, who lives in Sahara, begin to greet each other from a distance of one hundred meters. They jump, bow, are curved - and so for half an hour. Vigilant Africans are trying to recognize, and not a stranger is approaching them. In case of danger, they have enough time to prepare for defense.

In the Akamba tribe from Kenya in the sign of deep respect spit on each other.

Next door to Akamba live Masai, who also love to dissolve saliva. They first spit on hand, and then stretch the palm to the counter.

Not very friendly greet the Aborigines of New Zealand. First, they shout the frightening words, then clap the palms on the thighs, put their feet and bend the knees. Finally, let the eyes and give up languages. Who was not frightened, the one most likely his!

Collecting in a distant journey, do not forget to study at least elementary rules of conduct, adopted in a particular exotic country. A good greeting is the first thing that will not only provide a good mood to you and others, but also will help to find new friends.

IN Greenland It is customary to "kiss" noses, pressing the upper lip and nose to face (nose, cheeks or foreheads) of another person. True, such a greeting is acceptable only between loved ones, and it is not used by strangers. Having met, Greenland say: "Excellent weather!" - Even if on Street -40 ° C. Friction of noses as a greeting is distributed and in New Zealand.

If you are lucky enough to visit Tibet, get ready to wonder: instead of a traditional Ukrainian handshake, passers-by show each other languages. The tradition originates from the IX century, in which the rules of the Tsar Landarma, the persecutor of Buddhism. According to legend, the ruler had a black tongue. Tibetans were afraid that Landarma could be reborn. To prove that you are not reborn after many centuries, a cruel king, relies to show the counter language.

In the Kenyan tribe masayev Before submitting a counterpart, you need to spit on it. And also representatives of the tribe can welcome guests, jumping high. An unusual tradition comes from the Military Dance "Aduma", at the end of which the warriors become one of the ranks and begin competitions in height jump.

IN Africauntil now, there are tribes (for example, Zulusi), in which instead of greeting the words "I see you" are used.

If you are going to say hello to your French friends, do not forget about the famous "La Bise" - a double kiss in both cheeks. French people Adjust to kiss when meeting and send from one to five air kisses.

Philipps There is respect for the eldest, leaning and pressing their forehead to their right hand. And if you are also respectful "MANO PO" ("Let your hand, please") say, you can count on a special location.

In Lapland, at a meeting, it is customary to rub noses. Take care, if you plan to hold Christmas on the homeland of Santa Claus. And here eskimi Lightly hit the familiar head and shoulders (although only men greet so much).

And if you go to China, do not forget: They greet, bow to each other with their hands elongated along the body, or exchange the replicas strange for Europeans: "Are you rice today?" "Yes, thanks, and you?" In fact, anyone is not interested, whether you have had breakfast in the morning - it's just tribute to tradition.

The Japanese has a greeting - a whole ritual. Residents of the country of the rising sun are bowed to each other. Moreover, in Japan There are three varieties of Poklonov: "Skerei" - the lowest bow, is used for the most honored guests; Middle - under the tilt of 30 °; Light - under the tilt of 15 °, as a sign of a friendly greeting. Flaping, the Japanese say: "Day has come."

Traditional greeting B. India(Famous Namaste) looks like this: A man connects the palms, presses his hands to the chest and slightly leans. The word "Namaste" comes from the ancient Sanskrit and means "I bow to you."

An interesting habit of Healthy exists in Zambezia: there is an oncoming applauding, slightly squeezing. But B. Samoa (Island country in the Pacific Ocean) Friends sniff each other.

The traditional greeting of the residents of Botswana - "Pula" - translates as a wish: "Let it rain!" It is not surprising, because the Kalahari desert is occupied by the considerable territory of this African country.

IN Arab countries crosse your hands on the chest, and representatives of some indian tribesremove shoes when meeting. IN Congo Stretch your hands towards friends and blow on them.

Very beautiful greetings in Thailand. It is called such a greeting "Wai" - palms are folded together and bring to the chest or face, slightly leaving.

And if you come to visit to mongol, Be on a check: inviting a stranger into the house, the owners complain HADU - a long segment of silk or cotton. Take it with two hands and bow slightly. Take a gift with one hand - the top of disrespect.