A collection of rules for the English language. English grammar

A collection of rules for the English language. English grammar

We present you the first article in the series "English Grammar for Beginners". In this series of materials, we decided to set out all the rules in short and simple words, so that those who begin from scratch or those who do not remember the basics of English well can figure out grammar on their own, understand it and apply it in practice.

Plural in English

In English, as in Russian, all words are divided into countable and uncountable. This is important to understand when forming the plural of a word. Countable nouns denote items that can be counted, for example: table (table), book (book), apple (apple). Uncountable nouns are abstract concepts, liquids, products, etc., that is, something that cannot be counted. For example: knowledge, water, meat, flour. These words have no plural or singular.

Countable nouns can be used in singular and plural forms. The singular noun denotes one thing, this is the form of the word that is indicated in the dictionary: apple - apple. The plural noun denotes several things: apples - apples.

How the plural forms of nouns:

Usually, the plural of nouns is formed by appending the ending -s: book - books (book - books). However, there are several peculiarities of spelling:

  • If the word ends in -o, -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, then add the ending -es: hero - heroes (hero - heroes), bus - buses (bus - buses).

    Exceptions: photo - photos (photography - photos), video - videos (video recording - video recordings), radio - radios (radio - several radios), rhino - rhinos (rhino - rhinos), piano - pianos (piano - several pianos), hippo - hippos (hippopotamus - hippos).

  • If the word ends with -f, -fe, then we change the ending to -ves: knife - knives (knife - knives), leaf - leaves (leaf - leaves), wife - wives (wife - wives).

    Exceptions: roof - roofs (roof - roofs), giraffe - giraffes (giraffe - giraffes), cliff - cliffs (cliff - cliffs).

  • If the word ends with -y, preceded by a consonant, then we change -y to -ies: body - bodies (body - bodies).
  • If the word ends in -y, preceded by a vowel, then add the ending -s: boy - boys.

In English there is also exclusion words, which form a plural not according to the rules. You just need to memorize such words, fortunately, there are not very many of them.

man - manmen - men
woman - womanwomen - women
child - childchildren - children
person - personpeople - people
foot - footfeet - feet
mouse - mousemice - mice
tooth - toothteeth - teeth
sheep - sheepsheep - sheep

Try our test to see how well you have mastered the material.

English plural noun test

Articles in English

There are two types of articles in English: definite and indefinite. They are not translated into Russian. In the overwhelming majority of cases, one of these articles must be placed before a noun in the singular.

The indefinite article a / an is used only with countable nouns in the singular: a girl (girl), a pen (pen). If the word begins with a consonant, we write the article a (a girl), and if the word begins with a vowel, we write the article an (an apple).

The indefinite article a / an is used in the following cases:

  • We call any, some kind of indefinite object, and we have only one, so we use the article a, which comes from the word one (one):

    It is a book. - This is a book.

  • We first mention the subject in a speech:

    I see a shop. - I see (some, one of many) shop.

  • We are talking about a person's profession or indicate that he belongs to a group:

    He is a teacher. - He is a teacher.
    She is a student. - She's a student.

We use the definite article the when it comes to a specific familiar subject. This article can appear before a singular or plural noun.

The definite article the is used in the following cases:

  • We already mentioned the subject earlier in our speech:

    I see a shop. The shop is big. - I see a shop. (This) store is big.

    It is believed that the definite article comes from the word that (that), therefore it is intended to indicate a certain object familiar to the interlocutors.

  • We are talking about an object that in this context is one of a kind, it cannot be confused with something else:

    Honey, I'm washing the car. - Honey, I'm washing the car. (there is one car in the family, so we are talking about a specific subject)
    Look at the girl in the red dress. - Look at the girl in the red dress. (we point to a specific girl in a specific dress)

  • We are talking about a one-of-a-kind subject, there is no other such thing: the sun, the moon, the world, the president of France, etc.:

    The earth is our home. - Earth is our home.

Verb to be

There is always a verb in an English sentence. And if in Russian we can say "I am a doctor", "Mary is beautiful", "We are in the hospital", then in English this is unacceptable: in all these cases, after the subject there must be the verb to be. Therefore, you can remember a simple rule: if there are no ordinary verbs in a sentence, then you need a verb to be.

The verb to be has three forms:

  • We add Am to the pronoun I when we talk about ourselves:

    I am beautiful. - I'm beautiful.

  • Is we put after the pronouns he, she, it:

    She is beautiful. - She's beautiful.

  • Are we use after you, we, they:

    You are beautiful. - You are handsome.

The verb to be in English is most often used in the following cases:

  • We inform you by whom is a person (name, profession, etc.):

    I am a doctor. - I am doctor.

  • We inform you what quality is possessed by a person or an object:

    Mary is beautiful. - Mary is beautiful.

  • We inform you where there is a person or object:

    We are at the hospital. - We're in the hospital.

Sentences with the verb to be in the present tense are constructed as follows:

Affirmative sentencesNegative sentencesInterrogative sentences
Principle of education
I + amI + am not (’m not)Am + I
He / She / It + isHe / She / It + is not (isn’t)Is + he / she / it
We / You / They + areWe / You / They + are not (aren’t)Are + we / you / they
Examples of
I am a manager. - I'm a manager.I am not a manager. - I'm not a manager.Am I a manager? - I'm a manager?
He is awesome. - He's great.He is not awesome. - He's not great.Is he awesome? - He's great?
She is a doctor. - She is a doctor.She isn’t a doctor. “She’s not a doctor.Is she a doctor? - She is a doctor?
It (ball) is red. - He (the ball) is red.It (ball) isn’t red. - He (the ball) is not red.Is it (ball) red? - Is it (the ball) red?
We are the champions. - We are champions.We aren’t the champions. - We are not champions.Are we the champions? - We are champions?
You are ill. - You are sick.You are not ill. - You are not sick.Are you ill? - You are sick?
They are at home. - They are at home.They aren’t at home. - They are not at home.Are they at home? - They are at home?

We think you are now ready to take the test and test your knowledge.

Test for the use of the verb to be

Present Continuous Tense - present for a long time

Present Continuous Tense most often shows that the action is taking place at the moment.

Any English sentence has a subject and a predicate. In Present Continuous, the predicate consists of the auxiliary verb to be in the desired form (am, is, are) and the main verb without the particle to, to which we add the ending -ing (playing, reading).

She is playing tennis now. - She is now plays tennis.
I am reading a novel at the moment. - I am at the moment read novel.

The verb to be in this tense is an auxiliary verb, that is, this word that stands before the main verb (playing, reading) and helps to form tense. You will find auxiliary verbs in other tenses, this kind of verbs include to be (am, is, are), do / does, have / has, will.

Pay attention to the following Present Continuous timing words: now, at the moment (at the moment), today (today), tonight (tonight), these days (these days), nowadays (today), at present (now), still (still).

Affirmative sentences in Present Continuous time are formed as follows:

Usually in this tense, you just need to add the ending -ing to the main verb: walk - walking, look - looking. But some verbs change this way:

  • If the verb ends in -e, we remove the -e and add -ing: write - writing, dance - dancing.

    Exception: see - seeing.

  • If the verb ends in -ie, we change -ie to -y and add -ing: lie - lying, die - dying.
  • If a verb ends with a stressed syllable with a short vowel between two consonants, the final consonant is doubled by adding -ing: begin - beginning, swim - swimming.

In negative sentences in Present Continuous, you just need to insert the particle not between to be and the main verb.

She isn’t cooking at the moment. - At the moment she does not cook.
You are not listening to me now. - You don't listen me now.

In interrogative sentences in Present Continuous, you need to put the verb to be in the first place, and after it, put the subject and main verb.

Is she cooking at the moment? - She trains At the moment?
Are you listening to me now? - You me now listen?

And now we propose to pass the Present Continuous time use test.

Present Continuous use test

We've brought you the first 5 basic English topics. Now your task is to understand them well and work out as productively as possible with the help of exercises. In order not to burden you with a large amount of grammar at once, we will release the next article from this series in a few weeks. Subscribe to our newsletter, then you will definitely not miss important information. We wish you success in learning English!


State educational institution

higher professional education

"Perm State Pedagogical University"

Department of Foreign Languages


Study guide

for correspondence students

2nd edition, revised and enlarged

BBK Sh 143.21-923

R e c e n z n t:

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages, Linguistics and

intercultural communication of the Perm State

Technical University T. E. Rylova

Authors-compilers: Art. Rev. department. foreign languages ​​N.P. Zonina,

Art. Rev. department. foreign languages ​​N.V. Karpenko

К 78 Short course of grammar of the English language: study-method. manual for students of the correspondence department / author-comp. N.P. Zonina, N.V. Karpenko; Perm. state ped. un-t. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - Perm, 2008 .-- 80 p.

The publication covers the main grammatical phenomena of modern English, knowledge of which is necessary for correct writing, conversation and understanding of texts in English. The theoretical material is offered in Russian, English equivalents are given to the names of grammatical terms. Examples from original fiction and grammars of well-known English publishers are used.

The sequence of presentation of the material is based on the experience of working with correspondence students and is based on the principle "from simple to complex." At the same time, the presentation of the material allows you to study some topics independently of others, so the sequence of their study can be changed based on the teaching needs.

Intended for students of the correspondence department.

BBK Sh 143.21-923

Published by the decision of the educational and methodological council

Perm State Pedagogical University

© Zonina N.P., Karpenko N.V., compilation, 2005

© Zonina N.P., Karpenko N.V., compilation, 2008

© GOU VPO "Perm State

Pedagogical University ", 2008


Currently, there are more than two thousand different languages ​​and dialects on the globe. In some cases, it is a language spoken by only a few thousand people. In other cases, the language caters to a huge number of speakers. These languages ​​include Russian, Chinese, English, Spanish, French and Arabic.

English is spoken in all parts of the world. He is the native language of the majority of the population of Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, the United States of America, Canada. Fiction in English is rich and varied.

Learning English is very important today. In most countries of the world, English is widely used in diplomacy, in the preparation of business and commercial documents. It is one of the five official languages ​​of the United Nations, along with French, Spanish, Russian and Chinese.

Every seventh person in the world either knows or is studying English. Learning a foreign language is compulsory in every higher education institution and is based on two main aspects - teaching vocabulary and grammar. We bring to your attention a short course of English grammar and we hope that it will help you either learn again or systematize your existing knowledge of grammar.

1. Noun (thenoun)

A noun is a part of speech that denotes an object and answers the question "who is it?" or "what is this?"

Nouns in English are divided into countable and uncountable. Countable nouns denote things that can be counted: achair - chair, alawyer - lawyer, aquestion - question. Uncountable nouns are the names of substances and abstract concepts that cannot be counted: water - water, milk - milk, freedom - freedom, friendship - friendship, etc. Countable nouns are used in the singular and plural. Uncountable nouns are not plural.

Some nouns in English are used only in the singular: advice - advice, advice; knowledge - knowledge; news - news, news; money - money.

Some nouns in English are used only in the plural: spectacles - glasses, trousers - trousers, scissors - scissors, goods - goods, goods, clothes - clothes, wages - salary.

1.1 Plural of nouns (thePlural)

A noun in English has both thesingularform and plural. Most nouns in English form plural by adding the ending “- s” to the singular form. The ending “- es” is added if:

Singular noun ends in

hissing or hissing sound (-s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -tch, -x):

a bus - buses, a lunch - lunches, a class - classes, a watch - watches, a bush - bushes, a box - boxes;

· The noun in the singular ends with "- y"

with the previous consonant; in this case, “- y” changes to “- i”:

a story - stories, a fly - flies.

Note. If there is a vowel before “- y”, then the ending “- s” is added according to the general rule: boy - boys, day - days;

· The noun in the singular ends with “- o”:

a hero - heroes, a tomato - tomatoes.

Exceptions: a piano - pianos, a photo - photos, a disco - discos.

· The noun in the singular ends with “- f”

or “- fe”, whereby “f” is changed to “v”:

a wife - wives, a shelf - shelves, a wolf - wolves, a knife - knives, a life - lives.

Exceptions: a roof - roofs, a chief - chiefs, a safe - safes.

The ending “- s (es)” pronounced :

[s] - after voiceless consonants:

a lamp - lamps, a lake - lakes

[z] - after vowels and voiced consonants, except:

a train - trains, a sea - seas

After hissing and whistling sounds:

a place - places ["pleisiz], a rose - roses [" rouziz], a wish - wishes ["wiSiz],

a bench - benches ["bentSiz], a page - pages [" peidZiz].

Special cases of the formation of plural nouns

The plural of some nouns is formed

changing the root-vowel (without adding an ending): a man - men, a woman ["wumqn] - women [" wimin], a foot - feet, a tooth - teeth,

a goose is geese, a mouse is mice.

· The plural noun child ["tSaild] has the form

children ["Cildrqn], noun ox –oxen.

Nouns sheep - sheep, deer - deer, fish - fish

have the same form in the singular and plural.

Some nouns of Latin and Greek origin

retain the plural forms they had in those languages:

a datum - data, a phenomenon - phenomena, a crisis - crises, a radius - radii.

Complicated nouns are plural

main noun only: a daughter-in-law - daughters-in-law,

a school-mate - school-mates, a passer-by - passers-by.

1.2 Cases of nouns

Unlike Russian, where there are six cases of a noun, in English there are only two: common (theCommonCase) and possessive (thePossessiveCase).

The general case has no special case endings. The connection of a noun in the general case with other words is expressed by prepositions, and is also determined by the place of the noun in the sentence.

A noun in the general case with the preposition “to” or “for” can correspond to a Russian noun in the dative case:

I gave the ticket to my sister. - I gave the ticket to my sister.

Didn't buy a ball for his son. - He bought a son of a ball.

The combination of a noun in the general case with the preposition “of” mainly corresponds to the Russian genitive case:

the answers of the students - students' answers.

The general case of a noun with the prepositions “by” and “with” often expresses such relationships between words that are rendered in the instrumental case in Russian:

America was discovered by Columbus. - America was discovered by Columbus.

The letter was written with a red pencil. - The letters were written in red pencil.

1.3 the Possessive Case

Possessive answers the question whose? (whose ?, whose ?, whose ?, whose?).

The possessive singular is formed by adding an apostrophe (') and the ending "- s" to a noun, which pronounced :

[s] - after voiceless consonants:

Kate's toy - Kate's toy,

[z] - after vowels and voiced consonants:

UncleTom's Cabin - Uncle Tom's hut,

- after hissing and whistling sounds:

Alice’s ["xlisiz] adventures - Alice's adventures.

· If a singular noun ends in “- s, - ss,

X, ”then in the letter in the possessive case only an apostrophe is added, although the usual designation“ -’s ”is also possible; in both cases, the ending is pronounced:

James ’(or James’s) coat - James’s coat,

Dickens' (or Dickens's) life is the life of Dickens.

If a plural noun ends in

“- s”, then in the possessive case only an apostrophe is added to it, and no changes occur in the pronunciation:

myparents 'car is my parents' car.

If the plural noun does not end in

“- s”, then its possessive case is formed in the same way as in the singular, that is, by adding “–’s”: children’sshoes - children's shoes.

A noun in the possessive case, as a rule, stands in front of another noun and serves as a definition for it. In Russian it is translated noun genitive or possessive adjective: children’snotebook - children's notebook, children's notebook.

In the possessive case are used mostly nouns that denote the names of living things:

a girl's name is the girl's name, the horse's tail is the horse's tail.

In addition, in the possessive case are used :

a) nouns that denote time and distance:

threeweeks ’holiday - a three-week vacation, amile’sdistance - a distance of one mile;

In recent years, learning English has become so popular that some are sometimes even surprised that someone does not know it. This is not surprising, since English can be considered the most "international", it is spoken in almost all countries of the world (of course, in addition to the native language). Those who want further career prospects for themselves strive to learn it first of all, and only then can they, if desired, start learning other languages. Of course, this is not easy, because the rules of the English language, its grammar, are strikingly different from those inherent in a person's native language. And, in addition to them, you need to learn a lot of foreign words in order to be able to express yourself so that you will be understood. But, suppose that you have already begun to study a long time ago, and you need a list of the most common mistakes made when speaking or writing text. We suggest that you take note of the basic rules of the English language, in which mistakes are most often made.

  1. Present Simple verbs (present indefinite tense): they are used when it comes to any action (I do - I do) that occurs at all. For example: I drive a bus - I drive a bus. That is, this action does not necessarily take place at this moment, it happens in general, constantly. Remember that such verbs are used in their "pure" form only in relation to the pronouns I, we, you, they (I, we, you, they). With the pronouns he, she, it (he, she, it), the ending -s- is added to the verbs, for example: Henry works in a bank - Henry works in a bank.
  2. The rules of the English language state that the auxiliary verb will (in this case is not translated), which serves to form the future tense, is not used with words such as while, when, after, before, as soon as, till, until - in that time like, when, after, before, as soon as, bye, until then.
  3. to and must, despite the similarity of values, still differ in meaning. Thus, I have to do it means “I must / have to do it”, and I must to do it should be understood as “I must do it”.
  4. Studying further the rules of the English language, note that verbs with the ending -ing- are used before at, in, of, with, for, instead of, about, in spite of (in, in, from, with, to, a, approximately despite) and after after, before (after, before). For example: are you interested in reading of this book - are you interested in reading this book?

In addition, you need to remember about the correctness of the construction of sentences. We are accustomed to the fact that the Russian language is so large and powerful that it allows an arbitrary rearrangement of words among themselves, and the meaning of the sentence will not change from this and will be understandable. In English, everything is not so: if you rearrange it as you like, then you get nothing more than an ordinary set of words that have no connection. It is for this reason that it is important to learn the rules of the English language, in which there are nine types of sentences, each of which is built according to its own laws. The classification of species is as follows:

1) narrative (subject - simple predicate - other parts of speech);

2) interrogative questions (based on the expected answer: general questions, to which it is quite possible to answer "yes, no"; special ones, requiring only a complete answer; choice questions; dividing ones, consisting of a sentence and the question itself);

3) imperatives (the only one who has no subject);

4) exclamatory (in structure they are identical to the narrative, but with greater expression and intonation);

5) negative (have only one negation);

6) answers to questions (built depending on the question asked);

7) (nominal and verbal, for example: it is cold - cold, or it's getting warm - it becomes warm);

8) indefinitely personal (one can do it easily - it can be done easily);

9) complex sentences (consist of several independent sentences).

Of course, all these are just brief basics of the English language, because, in fact, there are much more rules. But, as you know, nothing is impossible. Therefore, if the desire to learn English is very great, in addition to the rules, do not forget that you need to communicate in this language. The fact is that, having learned a language only on paper, you can hardly understand it in colloquial speech without practice. If there is no one to communicate in English with, the solution is simple: watch films without translation and try to catch intonations, especially the pronunciation of words and other nuances. This will help you start thinking faster and, therefore, speak English as fluently as possible.

What does English grammar look like by level?

In this post, we will discuss in detail what grammar is taught at different levels of English learning - from beginner to advanced. Let's see examples of this grammar and do a little test.

Just in case, let me remind you that grammar is just one aspect of language learning. Necessary, useful, yes. But far from the only one.

And how good it would be - I learned grammar and, consider myself, mastered English))

English grammar by level

You will find that the same grammar is often repeated at different levels. For more information on why this is happening, see. In short:

  • not all grammatical constructions are learned the first time (repetition is the mother of learning)))
  • at low levels phenomena are considered separately from each other, and at higher levels they are compared with each other
  • as the level of English improves, it turns out that each grammatical construction has nuances and subtleties about which insidious teachers are silent for the time being, so as not to create confusion

English grammar by level - in different textbooks - looks about the same. Therefore, I will take one of the most popular textbooks - English File as a basis.

By the way, this English grammar by levels can be a kind of test. Take a look at any section and see - do you understand sentences with grammar examples? But - more importantly - do you use such constructs in speech? If not, it may not be your level yet. If so, go to the next level and do the same.

English grammar level - a short way to the desired section:

Beginner / Starter level grammar

At the Beginner level, the basics of the basics are passed - the simplest constructions. At the same time - and the most important, because all the complex grammar of higher levels will be based on them.

At this level, a lot of attention is paid to forms - again, to achieve a certain automatism in simple things like I am, you are, he is. Beginner-level grammatical constructions are mostly treated separately to avoid confusion of comparisons and nuances.

What grammar
pass at the level
Beginner / Starter

Example grammar

I "m from Russia / You" re in class 2 / He "s 30 years old.
I "m not from Moscow / You aren" t late / He isn "t French.
Am I late? Are you from the UK? Is he French?
How are you? Where is he from?
The only and
a book - books
a watch - watches
an umbrella - umbrellas
this, these
that, those

What "s that? What are those?

he - his / she - her / it - its
Possessive "s
Maria "s children, John" s birthday, my parents "car
It "s a fast car - This car is fast
They "re expensive shoes - These shoes are expensive

I have breakfast at home / She lives in a flat.
I don "t go to work by bus / She doesn" t have a pet.
Do you understand me? / Does she work here?
Where do you live? / When does she start work?
(adverbs of frequency)
always, usually
often, sometimes,
hardly ever, never
Questions with be and do
Where are you from? / Where do you live?
can, can "t
I can play the guitar / I can "t sing. / Can I park here?
like, love, hate
with gerund
I like swimming / I love reading
I hate doing housework
Present continuous
I "m driving to the airport at the moment
What are you doing?
There is / there are
There is bar in this hotel but there aren "t any restaurants.
Past Simple:
was / were
regular verbs
(regular verbs)
irregular verbs
(Irregular Verbs)
I was born in 1988.
Where were you at 7 o "clock last night?
I arrived in Stockholm early in the morning.
What time did you arrive?
I bought some souvenirs.
What did you buy?
Present continuous
for future tense
I "m arriving in Venice on April 10.
Where are you staying?

Elementary grammar

The Elementary level is very similar to the previous level. I will say more, often instead of Beginner, my students and I take Elementary right away, we just go through it a little more thoroughly.

The Elementary grammar repeats almost one-to-one the grammar of the previous level.

What grammar
pass at the level

Examples of grammar
to be: am / is / are
My name "s Anna / You" re early / My email address is ...
I "m not English / It isn" t far
Where are you from? / What "s your phone number?
How old are you?
I - my / you - your / we - our / they - their
he - his / she - her / it - its
The only and
a book - books / a watch - watches
an umbrella - umbrellas
a man - men, a woman - women, a person - people
this, these
that, those
What "s this? What are these? How much is this bag?
What "s that? What are those?
It "s an empty box- This box is empty.
They "re cheap / quite cheap / really cheap
inclination (imperative)
Let "s
Open the door / Sit down / Turn off your mobile.
Let "s take a break / Let" s go to the cinema.

I wear glasses / They drink tea / It rains a lot
I don "t have children / They don" t live here / It doesn "t work
Do you live in a flat? / Does she speak German?
What time does it open?
Possessive "s
Justin Bieber "s sister, George Clooney" s father
Whose bag is it?
Prepositions of time
and places
at 7am, in the morning, at the weekend, in March
on Monday, at school, in the park
always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never
every day, twice a week, three times a year
can / can "t
Where can I park? / I can "t hear you.
Present continuous
What "s happening? What are you looking at?
Object pronouns
I - me / we - us / they - them
he - him / she - her / it - it
like / love / enjoy
don "t mind
hate with gerund
I like / love / enjoy reading in bed.
I don "t mind cooking.
I hate getting up early.

Are you a fan of any band?
When do you usually listen to music?
Past simple
was / were
regular verbs
(regular verbs)
irregular verbs
(incorrect chap.)
Where were you?
I was at a party last weekend / They were angry
They chatted and listened to music.
What did they do?
I wore a black dress.
What did you wear?
there is / there are
some / any
There "s a dining room. There are three bedrooms.
Are there any neighbors? There are some paintings.
there was / there were
Was there a mini-bar in your room?
There were 3 other guests.
Countable and
an apple, a banana
some sugar, some rice
We need some sugar / There isn "t any milk.
How much / how many
a lot of, some, none
How much free time do you have?
How many friends do you have on Facebook?
A proton is heavier than an electron.
Mosquitoes are more dangerous than sharks.
good - better / bad - worse / far - further
It "s the longest river in the world.
It "s the most popular art gallery in the world.
Going to for plans
I "m going to travel round Europe.
Going to for predictions
You "re going to like it.
speak fast, know him well, drive carefully
with infinitive
want to talk to you, would like to learn to cook
need to stop
I "m a student / It" s the oldest university in Europe.
Present perfect
I "ve seen Harry Potter but I haven" t read the book.
Have you ever eaten sushi?

Pre-intermediate grammar

At the Pre-intermediate level, they are already beginning to compare different designs with each other and find out the nuances. Why is it better to say somewhere I study economics, and somewhere - I "m studying economics.

What grammar
pass at the level

Example grammar
Word order
in questions
Do you speak English? What languages ​​do you speak?
Did you go out last night? Where did you go?
Present SImple
She has a lot of hobbies. We don "t get on very well.
Present continuous
John is wearing a suit today! He usually wears jeans.
Past simple
Where did you go on holiday last year? We went to Italy.

When you called me, I was talking to my boss.
although, but, so, because
Going to

What are you going to do when you leave school?
We are going to be late for work!
Present continuous
for future

I "m meeting Joe at 3 o" clock.
When are you coming back?
Relative clauses
This is the restaurant where they make great pizza.
Present perfect
yet, just, already
I "ve just started a new job.
I "ve already seen this film. / Have you finished yet?
Present perfect
and Past Simple
Have you ever been to Mexico?
When did you go there?
something / anything
nothing (where / one)
Did anyone phone? No, no one.
Is there anywhere to park?
and adverbs
Driving is more dangerous than flying.
I "m as tall as my brother.
Can you speak more slowly, please?
It "s the best film I" ve seen this year.
It "s the worst meal I" ve ever eaten.
how much / how many / too / enough
will / won "t / shall
spontaneous decisions
promises, etc.
Shall I open the window?
You "ll like it.
I think I "ll go home now.
I "ll always love you.
Try not to talk about politics.
I came to this school to learn English.
Be careful not to drive too fast.
Using -ing form
Waking up early in the morning makes me happy.
He left without saying goodbye.
Modal verbs
have to, don "t have to
must, mustn "t
I have to get up at seven every day.
I don "t have to wear a uniform.
You mustn "t leave your bags here.
What do you think I should do? You should see a doctor.
First Conditional
(first conditional)
If I miss the last train, I "ll get a taxi.
mine, yours, theirs, ours
his, hers, its
Second Conditional
(second conditional)
I "d do more exercise if I had more time.
What would you do if you won a million dollars?
Present perfect
for, since
How long have you lived here?
I "ve known her for 15 years / since we were children.
present and past
Nowadays a lot of toys are made in China.
This morning I was woken up by the neighbor "s dog.
used to
She used to wear glasses.
mightShe might come with us, she "s not sure yet.

into, out of, over, along, across, through
So do / am / did I
Neither do / am / did I
I "m married. - So am I.
I don "t know him. - Neither do I.
Past perfect
The show had already finished by the time I arrived.
Reported speech
(indirect speech)
He said that he was hungry.
She told me that her car had broken down.
Questions without
How many people came to the meeting?
Who invented the radio?

Intermediate grammar

At the Intermediate level, already familiar phenomena are also compared with each other and, of course, new ones are studied.

What grammar
pass at the level
Example grammar

action / non-action
I never cook vs What are you cooking?
I have a dog vs I "m having lunch
I think it "s a good idea vs I" m thinking about you
will / won "t
going to
Present continuous

I "ll help you. Do you think it" ll rain? You "ll love this film!
I "m going to buy a new car. Barcelona are going to win.
They are getting married in October.
Present perfect
vs Past Simple
I "ve been to London before. He hasn" t found a new job yet.
When did you go there? How did the interview go?
Present perfect
Pres. Perf. Continuous
for, since
They "ve known each other for 5 years / since 2010.
I "ve been studying English for 10 years.
How long have you been waiting?
Degrees of comparison
(comparative adj.,
superlative adj.)
My brother is a bit / much taller than me.
This chair isn "t as comfortable as that one.
It "s the most expensive city in the world.
He "s the smartest person I" ve ever met.
I saw a nice house with a fancy porch.
The porch was decorated with plants.
can, could, be able to
I can sing. I could swim when I was 4.
I "ve never been able to dance. I" d like to be able to draw.
must / mustn "t
have to / don "t have to
should / shouldn "t
You must wear a seatbelt / You mustn "t exceed the speed limit.
Do I have to pay now? / You don "t have to come.
You should stop smoking / You shouldn "t drink so much coffee.
Past simple
Past Continuous
Past perfect
When I got home, my family had dinnner.
When I got home, my family were having dinner.
When I got home, my family had dinner.
vs used to
I usually get up at 6am.
I used to get up at 11 when I was unemployed.
The passive
(all times)
A lot of films are shot on location. The film is being shot.
The film has been shot. The film will be shot on location.
might, must, can ("t)
for guesses
She might like the idea. This must be difficult for you!
You can "t be serious!
First Conditional
Future time clauses
The boss won "t be happy if you are late for work again.
As soon as you get your exam results, call me.
Second Conditional
What would you do if you met a celebrity?
If I were you, I "d buy a new car.
Reported speech
(indirect speech)
I asked him if he wanted to join us.
She told me she had lost her wallet.
Gerund and infinitive
and infinitive)
I "m not good at remembering names. I don" t mind getting up early.
Shopping is my favorite pastime. I don "t know what to do.
My house is easy to find. Try not to make a noise.
Third Conditional
If I had known about the party, I would have gone.
I eat a lot of chocolate. She earns a lot. We have plenty of time.
There aren "" t enough parks. There "s too much traffic.
Relative clauses
That "s the house where I was born.
Question tags
They live in New York, don "t they? You aren" t angry, are you?

Upper-intermediate grammar

To the advanced level Upper-intermediate usually comes the enlightenment of the fundamentals of the foundations already passed. It remains to repeat them a little and proceed to the interesting things and subtleties of grammar.

What grammar
pass at the level

Examples of grammar
Question formation
(word order
in questions)

Are you talking about me?
What are you talking about?

What time does it open?
Do you know what time it opens?

Auxuliary verbs
I like dogs, but my wife doesn "t.
- I loved the film! - So did I.
- I "ve finished. - Have you?
the ... the ...
The sooner, the better.
The longer you wait, the worse it gets.
Present Perfect vs
Present perfect
She has been writing novels
since she was a student.
She "s written 30 novels.
Adjectives as nouns
Adjective order
order of adjectives)
The Chinese invented paper.
The poor are getting poorer.
They need to create more jobs
for the unemployed.

I bought a beautiful Italian leather bag.

Narrative tenses:
Past Simple,
Past Continuous,
Past perfect
Past Perfect Continuous
We had been flying for about two hours
when suddenly the captain told us to
fasten our seat belts because we
were flying into a thunderstorm. When
this happened, most passengers
hadn "t finished their meals yet.
so ... that
such ... that
There was so much traffic that we nearly missed the flight.
It was such a great show that I want to see it again.
Position of adverbs
and adverbial phrases
He walks slowly.
I "ve almost finished.
Ideally, we should leave at 8.
Future perfect

Future continuous

They will have finished painting
the house by Monday.
Don "t phone between 6 and 7, we" ll be
having dinner then.
Zero and First
Future time clauses
If you haven "t been to Paris, you haven" t lived.
If we are lucky, we "ll have sold the house by Christmas.
I "ll call you as soon as I" ve talked to the boss.
Unreal conditionals
If you exercised more, you "d be much healthier.
He would have died, if he hadn "t been wearing a helmet.
with wish
I wish I was 20 years younger!
I wish I hadn "t bought this car! / If only I hadn" t bought ...
I wish you would stop calling me at night.
Gerunds and infinitives
(gerund and infinitive)
Remember to lock the door VS I remember locking the door.
I stopped to smoke VS I stopped smoking.
Used to, be used to,
get used to
I used to live in the countryside. I was used to the peace
and quiet. I can "t get used to the noise of the city.
must have been / done
might have been / done
can "t have been / done
It must have been difficult for you.
They might have left.
I can "t have lost it.
Verbs of the senses
(verbs of perception)
It smells good. It feels comfortable.
You look tired. Sounds interesting.

(passive voice)
+ it is said that ...
+ have something done
My car has been stolen. You can be fined for making noise.
The church was being renovated when I last saw it.
The criminals are believed to have fled the country.
I need to have my car fixed.
Reporting verbs
He persuaded me to quit my job.
She apologized for not being on time.
Clauses of contrast
and purpose
(subordinate clauses
and goals)
I went to work even though I wasn "t feeling well.
Although I was tired, I didin "t want to go to bed.
In spite of / Despite the fact that she "s 85, she" s very active.
I went to the bank in order to speak to my bank manager.
I wrote it down so as not to forget.
whatever, whenever
Have a seat wherever you like.
Whatever happens, stay calm.
and plural nouns
(uncountable nouns and
noun in sets. number)
I need some advice. I "ll give you two pieces of advice.
It "s made of glass. Can I have a glass of water?
The hotel staff is very friendly / The hotel staff are very friendly.
The police are canvassing the area.
All fruit contains sugar VS All the animals in this zoo look sad.
She wanted to study either physics or mathematics.
My father is in hospital. They "re building a new hospital.

Advanced grammar

What grammar
pass at the level

Examples of grammar
Have - auxiliary
or main verb
(have like
and main verb)
Do you have any money on you?
Have you got any cousins?
I haven "t a clue.
Do I have to pay now?
I need to have my eyes tested.
Discourse markers
and linkers
(conjunctions and ligaments)
Despite / In spite of her age, she "s still very active.
Despite / In spite of the fact that she "s 85, she" s very active.
I keep checking my email in case there "s an urgent message.
They say it "s never too late to change your life.
We decorated the house ourselves.
Past events:
habitual or specific
Habitual and
single events
in past
I "d wanted to buy a new car for a long time. I" d been saving up
for 2 years and when I finally bought it, I was over the moon.

I used to have a car but I don "t anymore.
Every night my mom would tell me a bedtime story.

The values
and use
Let "s get a taxi. / It" s getting dark. / He might get sacked.
I need to get my passport renewed.
Get Jane to call me.
Discourse markers:
adverbial expressions
As a matter of fact, I don "t like football.
On the whole, I believe women are better drivers than men.
As far as the price is concerned ...
and deduction
Guesses and
I must have forgotten to lock the door.
You might have been injured.
It can "t have been easy.
It ought to have arrived by now.
(change of order
words in a sentence)
Never have I heard such a ridiculous argument.
Not only is he attractive, (but) he "s also smart.
Little did I know.
It appears that the situation is going to get worse.
There seems to be a mistake in the bill.
There is thought to be some tension between them.
Unreal uses of
past tenses
If only you hadn "t forgotten the map!
I "d rather you left the dog outside.
It "s time we stopped arguing.
Verb + object +
infinitive / gerund
We expect the bus to arrive at 7.
I want Real Madrid to win.
+ mixed conditionals
They won "t get a table unless they" ve booked it in advance.
Provided the bank lends us the money, we "re going to buy it.
If I "d listened to your advice, I wouldn" t be in trouble now.
Permission, obligation
You don "t need to take a jacket VS You needn" t lock the car.
You aren "t supposed to park here.
of the senses
You seem to have made a mistake.
I saw him cross the street VS I saw him crossing the street.
Complex gerunds
and infinitives
She thanked him for having helped her.
By the time I "m 30, I hope to have started a family.
Future plans and
My brother is due to arrive at 8.
I am about to get promoted.
The Prime Minister is to visit India next week.
- You must see his latest film. - I already have.
He did it even though I told him not to.
- It wasn "t my fault. - Well, if you say so ...
-s "
compound nouns
I borrowed my mother "s car / She" s at the hairdresser "s.
She "s got ten years" experience.
Can you remember the name of the film?
I opened the car door, got in and fastened the seat belt.
Adding emphasis
Cleft sentences
What I need is some rest.
What happened was we left our umbrellas in the taxi.
The reason why I bought it was because it was cheap.
Relative clauses
My brother who lives in Australia is a programmer.
My brother, who lives in Australia, is a programmer.
I haven "t seen him for 2 weeeks, which is a bit worrying.

That's all English grammar by level.

Does English grammar end after the Advanced level? No, of course not)) If you look at the levels, there is also the Proficiency level, but the lines of conversational courses really end at the Advanced level.

Perhaps this is because:

  • even an ambitious user of English rarely needs a level higher than Advanced (not to mention the average learner who stay in the Intermediate area)
  • at high levels, people already know how to find the necessary authentic materials on their own and independently organize their training
  • at high levels, many are thinking about a more practical and targeted use of English - for example, preparing for international exams (IELTS, TOEFL and others) or specialized courses in the profession

And there are still a lot of subtleties even after the Advanced level!

How do you level English grammar?

Did you manage to determine your level with her help? Share in the comments!

English grammar for beginners seems overwhelming. Articles, pronouns, verbs - the English language has a huge number of rules that are not so easy to translate into Russian. Hence doubts arise, is it worth starting at all? Is it worth diving into English grammar without some certainty that you can master it? No, with such an attitude, you will definitely not be able to swim far in study. Therefore, it is important to discard all doubts and stereotypes. Believe me, English grammar can be learned independently and in no time. All that is required of you is constancy and perseverance, and with everything else we will help you.

First, let's figure out what the grammar of this language is. The English grammar or English grammar is a set of all the rules that relate to prepositions, prefixes, parts of speech, types of English verbs and their tenses, sentence members, and so on.

In simple words, everything that is in the English language is its grammar. Accordingly, a frequent question about how to learn grammar , has a very simple answer: to learn English grammar, you just need to learn that language. Of course, it will not work to make out all the nuances in one article. Why, even books that promise to show you all the grammar of the English language from scratch with exercises, in fact, will never tell you about all the grammar. Therefore, we have collected only the most basic rules that are best suited for beginners.

How can you learn English grammar without even knowing the pronunciation rules? Let's start with them. The rules for reading letters in English - the topic is quite extensive, since with a certain combination, their pronunciation can change. However, let's not go too deep and consider the standard pronunciation of letters, which, by the way, in English, 26. When mastering the topic of pronunciation, special attention is paid to transcription, which, as a rule, is indicated in square brackets:

Letter Transcription Pronunciation
1 A a Hey
2 B b bi
3 C c si
4 D d di
5 E e and
6 F f ef
7 G g ji
8 H h heych
9 I i ah
10 J j jay
11 K k kei
12 L l e-mail
13 M m Em
14 N n [ɛn] en
15 O o [əʊ] OU
16 P p pi
17 Q q q
18 R r [ɑː] a
19 S s es
20 T t ti
21 U u NS
22 V v in and
23 W w [‘Dʌbljuː] double
24 X x the ex
25 Y y wye
26 Z z zed

English grammar: articles

When studying the grammar of the English language, there can be a lot of confusion with, since they have no analogues in Russian. Articles, as a rule, are used with nouns in order to indicate whether we are talking about a specific object (that bag) or an indefinite ((some) person). In total, there are 3 types of articles:

  1. Zero article or lack thereof:
  1. The indefinite article a / an, which is used when you are not paying attention to a certain thing, but simply talking about the subject as a whole. The indefinite article is also used when you first mention something to the other person:

Note that if the noun or adjective that describes it begins with a consonant, the article "a" is used, and if with a vowel, "an" is used.

  1. The definite article the, expressing specific objects:

In speech, they are constantly encountered, so they must be remember.

Nouns in English grammar

English grammar from scratch very often starts with nouns. Perhaps this is because nouns in English have a lot in common with Russians. For example:

  • they are also divided into proper and common nouns:
  • can vary numerically, forming a plural with the ending -s (-es):
  • have cases, although their number is limited to only two:
  • perform the roles of all members of the proposal, examples:

The difference is that, unlike the Russian language, English nouns do not change in gender. Only pronouns have it.

English grammar: pronouns

Pronouns in English are divided into 9 subgroups, but personal pronouns are rightfully the most popular. They vary in cases, times and numbers:

English grammar: verbs

The verb in English is perhaps the main part of speech. He can be personal and impersonal. Personal verbs are those that are used with all persons and in all tenses. They can be used in both the real and the passive voice:

The impersonal ones include the gerund, infinitive and participle:

Both regular and irregular verbs have 3 forms. The correct ones are formed as follows:

Incorrect ones have 3 individual forms that need to be memorized, for example:

It is necessary to know all these forms, since with the help of them the formation of species-tense verb forms occurs.

In addition, verbs have three moods:

Particular attention should be paid to modal verbs. Modal verbs are verbs that are not used on their own. They are necessary to show the speaker's attitude to some action. Some of the most commonly used modal verbs are:

should You should stop drinking alcohol. (You need to stop drinking.)
can (can) Every person can achieve everything he dreams about. (Everyone can achieve whatever they dream of.)
must (must) The pupils must wear uniforms here. (Students are required to wear uniforms here.)
have to (necessary / necessary) I have to wake up early because of work. (I have to get up early because of work.)
need (need) I need you like no one else. (I need you like no one else.)
used to (formerly) I used to watch this cartoon when I was a child.

((Formerly) I watched this cartoon when I was a kid.)

English grammar: adjectives

An adjective in English denotes a feature of an object and answers the questions "what?" and "whose?" In simple terms, it is used to describe objects and persons. By their structure, adjectives are divided into 3 groups:

These and other adjectives can be used in 3 degrees of comparison:

English grammar: adverbs

The descriptive function is also typical for adverbs that are responsible for expressing the sign of action. It can be of several types:

They can also have degrees of comparison:

English grammar: numerals

Numerals, as in Russian, are quantitative and ordinal:

Except for the first 3 digits, the rest of the ordinal numbers are formed using -th (-eth). In English ordinal numbers can be written using a number and the last two letters of the ending: second - 2 nd, ninth - 9 th, sixteenth - 16 th, and so on.

English grammar: interjections

It should be noted the independent part of speech, the use of which helps to convey emotions and feelings, namely interjections. They can be divided into 3 groups:

Service parts of speech

Service parts of the English grammar are used quite often. Let's consider some of them:

  • Unions connect members of a sentence, as well as simple sentences in a complex one. By structure, they are divided into:

According to their functions, they will be subdivided into compositional and subordinate:

  • Prepositions are used as often as conjunctions. By their structure, they are divided into exactly the same groups:

In addition to their main purpose, prepositions are always used with the following verbs:

  • Particles are another service part of speech. There are as many as 5 types of particles in English:

English grammar: word order in a sentence

Sentences in English are affirmative, negative and interrogative. They are built as follows:

These tables are used to draw up proposals at any time.

English grammar: tenses

There are 12 temporary forms in English. They are formed using 3 times and 4 temporary types:

Times / Views Simple Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous


V2 to be (in the past) + V-ing had + V3 had + been + V-ing
Present V1 to be (present) + V-ing have / has + V3 have / has + been + V-ing


will + V1 will be + V-ing will + have + V3 will + have + been + V-ing

Knowing these forms, you will be able to form any sentences.

English grammar: types of sentences

By the way, about the proposals. As in Russian, English sentences are divided into simple and complex. Complex ones are subdivided into complex and complex.

It is worth noting that, despite the fact that mostly sentences in English are complete, it is permissible to use incomplete sentences. As a rule, this option is used in colloquial speech, so this is more likely a practical grammar of the English language:

These were the basic rules of grammar. Of course, it is, alas, impossible to fit all the material here. However, knowing at least the mentioned rules of the English language, you will already feel quite confident during the conversation. As for the conversations. A collection of exercises in English or other descriptive information is, of course, good. However, believe me, practical English grammar cannot be compared to anything else in its effectiveness. Language learners can learn much more through communication than they can by sitting at a book. So feel free to chat with native speakers.