Schubert vocal works. Schubert vocal work

Schubert vocal works. Schubert vocal work

Ancient song World - brown, green,
Not only forever young
Where Nightingale Lip Rocky Crowns
With the insane rage shakes the king of the forest.
(O. Mandelstam)
As you know, in order for music to live, three acting persons are needed - composer, performer and listener. The composer puts his feelings and thoughts into a note record. The performer seeks to most accurately transfer everything encrypted in notes and inevitably adds something to his own. For a careful listener, communication with excellent music can be a step towards the discovery of something new in itself and in the surrounding world. Today we will get acquainted with outstanding samples of composer and performing skills. You have to become outstanding listeners to you. It is not as hard as it seems at first glance. You just need to focus and try to understand what is hiding behind a musical way.
Listen to the song
The Austrian composer Franz Schubert "Double" performed by the great Russian singer Fedor Ivanovich Shalyapin. "Notes - this is a simple entry, you need to make music, as the composer wanted," said F. I. Shalyapin , The striking to achieve the greatest truth in his execution. "Only truthful - fine," - another phrase of the famous singer.

Creativity Franz Schubert

contributed to the spread of a song genre in Europe. Schubert songs are small music scenes with a certain plot. Accompanent as it comments, sometimes illustrates content.

Most of his works Schubert wrote for the Vienna Music lovers, for meetings with friends he called "Schubertiad".

M. von Schwind. Schuberes evening (Schubert for the piano).
A special kind of song is the ballad.
F. Schubert is considered the creator of vocal ballad. In the music ballad, a narrative character is combined with the picture of the image, the dramaticness of the expression of the feelings. Often the story is built on comparing contrasting images with continuous development of music. One of the most famous works of the composer - the Ballad "Forest Tsar" on the verses I. V. Goethe.
Schubert composed her when he was 18 years old. Here's how one of the composer's friends talked about the process of writing the work:
"We found Schubert in a completely tricued state, spent loud by the" Forest King "book. He went with the book several times
back and forward on the room, Suddenly sat down - and in the shortest time the ballad appeared on paper. "
Listen to the Ballad "Forest Tsar". Pay attention to how melody and accompaniment are combined, the image and expressiveness of the accompaniment.

Forest king
I.V. Goethe. Translation V. A. Zhukovsky

Who is jumping, who rushes under the cooling haired?
Roution is late, with him a young son.
To the Father, the whole Strong, the baby is a trick;
Hugging, he holds it and warms the old man.

"Child, what did you like you so timidly?" -
"Major, the forest king flashed to me:
He is in a dark crown, with a thick beard. "-
"Oh no, then whites fog over water."

"Child, look around; Baby, to me;
Merry a lot in my side:
Flowers of turquoise, pearl jets;
My gold is merged from gold. "

"The Large, the Forest Tsar says to me:
He is gold, pearls and joy of sulit. "-
"Oh no, my baby, heard you:
That wind, waking up, slammed sheets. "

"To me, my baby; in my dubrov
Learn the beautiful my daughters:
At the month will play and fly,
Playing, flying, sleeping you. "

"Large, forest king convened daughters:
I see, nod from the dark branches. "-
"Oh no, everything is calmly at night:
Then the hot gray stands aside. "

"Child, I was captivated by your beauty:
Unilles Ile Will, and you will be mine. "-
"Large, forest king wants to catch up with us;
So he: I have stuffy, I breathe hard. "

Rolling or do not jump, flies;
Baby saddles, baby shouts;
Routhing drives, rides shotcalls ...
In his hands, his dead baby lay.

The genre of ballads lives in our time. An example of modern ballads can be called song O. Feltsman on the words R. Christmas "Huge Sky",
in which is describedthe case actually happened With our pilots who served in Germany.

1. What composer is considered the creator of the vocal ballad genre?
2. What about two paintings in the application most consonant with the Ballad "Forest King"?
3. Why can the song "Huge Sky" can be called Bladlae?
4 *. Name at least one address in St. Petersburg, associated with the name F. I. Shalyapin.

In the field of vocal lyrics earlier, the individuality of Schubert was also manifested, the main theme of his creativity. Already at the age of 17, he became an outstanding innovator here, while early instrumental works do not differ particularly bright novelty.

Schubert's songs - this is the key to understanding all his creativity, because The composer was produced safely used in the work in the instrumental genres. Almost in all its music, Schubert relied on images and expressive means borrowed from vocal lyrics. If you can say about Bakha that he thought of the categories of Fugue, Beethoven thought Sonato, then Schubert thought "Soon".

Schubert often used his songs as a material for instrumental works. But the use of a song as a material is not all. The song is not only like material sensing as a principle -this is what significantly distinguishes Schubert from his predecessors. The widely flowing stream of song melodies in Symphony and Sonatas Schubert is the breath and air of a new globility. It is through the song that the composer accentuated that which was not the main thing in classical art - a person in the aspect of his immediate personal experiences. The classic ideals of humanity turn into a romantic idea of \u200b\u200ba living person "as it is."

All components of the Schuberes song - melody, harmony, piano escort, formation - differ in a truly innovative character. The most outstanding feature of the Schubert song is its huge melodic charm. Schubert possessed an exceptional melodic gift: his melodies are always easy to get along, they sound perfectly. They are distinguished by the large association and continuity of the flow: they are deployed as it were "in one breath." Very often, the harmonic base is clearly detected in them (the movement on the sounds of chords is used). In this song melody of Schubert detects a community with the melody of the German and Austrian folk song, as well as with the melody of composers of the Vienna classical school. However, if in Beethoven, for example, the movement on chord sounds is associated with fanfarity, with the embodiment of heroic images, then in Schubert, it is lyrical in nature and is associated with the intrastallic mission, "reticiency" (at the same time, Schubert is usually limited to two sounds on the syllable ). The intonation of the machines are often finely combined with declamination, speech.

Schubert's song is a genre of multifaceted, song-instrumental. For each song, he finds an absolutely original solution of piano escort. So, in the song "Gretchen for a busty", the accomonent imitates the buzz of spindles; In the song "Trout", short arpeggled passes resemble light bursts of the waves, in the "Serenade" - the sound of the guitar. However, the accompaniment function does not boil only to the pictorial. Piano always creates the desired emotional background to the vocal melody. For example, in the Ballade "Forest Tsar", the piano party with an octonic triol rhythm performs several functions:

  • characterizes the overall psychological background of action - an image of feverish alarm;
  • depicts the rhythm "jumps";
  • it provides the integrity of the entire musical form, because it remains from beginning to end.

A varied forms of Schubert songs, from a simple ticket to through, which was new for that time. The through the song shape allowed the free flow of musical thought, a detailed following text. Schubert in a through (ballad) form written more than 100 songs, among which the "Skitalets", "Premonition of the Warrior" from the collection "Swan song", "The Last Hope" from the "Winter Path", etc. Top of the Baladen Genre - "Forest Tsar",created in the early period of creativity, shortly after "Gretchen for a spicy".

The poetic ballad Goethe "Forest King" is a dramatic scene with the dialogic text. The musical composition relies on the refrain shape. Refrenomes are the exclamations of the despair of a child, and episodes - appeal to him of the forest king. Text from the author forms the entry and conclusion of ballads. The agitated small-town intonations of the child contrast to the wood phrases of the forest king.

Child's exclamations are carried out three times with increasing voice testing and a tonal increase (G-Moll, A-Moll, H-Moll), as a result - an increase in drama. The phrases of the forest king sounds in Major (I episode - in B-DUR, 2nd - with a predominance of C-DUR). The third holding of the episode and refrane is set out by S. in the same music. Stroof. This also achieves the effect of dramatization (contrasts come closer). The last time the child sounds with the limit voltage.

In the creation of the unity of the end-to-end form, along with a constant tempo, a clear tonal organization with a tonny center G-Moll, the role of a piano party with an urgent triol rhythm is especially great. This is the rhythmic form of Perpetuum Mobile, since the triol movement first stops only before the final response of 3 tons. From the end.

The Balland "Forest King" was included in the first Schubert Schubert Collection of 16 songs on the words Guete, who the composer's friends sent a poet. This includes "Grechkin for a spank"marked with genuine creative maturity (1814).

In the "Faust" Goethe Song of Gretchen is a small episode that does not apply to the completeness of the outcome of this character. Schubert also invests a bulk, comprehensive characteristic. The main image of the work is deep, but the cubed sadness, memories and dream of unnecessary happiness. Before the obsession of the main thought causes the repetition of the initial period. It acquires the importance of refrain, capturing the touching naivety, the simplicity of Gretchen appearance. Sadness Gretchen is far from despair, so in music there is a shade of enlightenment (deviation from the main D-Moll in C-DUR). Alternating the sections of the songs (their 3) are developing in nature: they are noted by the active development of the melody, the varying of its melody-rhythmic turns, the change of tonal paints, mainly major, and transmit the impulse of feelings.

Culmination is based on the approval of the image of the memoil ("... Shallow hands, his kiss").

As in the Ballade "Forest Tsar", the role of the accompaniment forms the cross-cutting background of the song is very important here. It organically merges the characteristics of the internal excitation, and the image of the strainers. The topic of the vocal party directly follows from the piano accession.

In search of plots for their songs, Schubert turned to verses of many poets (about 100), very different to the scale of diving - from such geniuses, like Goethe, Schiller, Heine, to amateur poets from their closest environment (Franz Schober, Mayrhofer). The most resistant was attached to Goethe, on the texts of which Schubert wrote about 70 songs. From the young years admired the composer and poetry Schiller (more than 50). Later, Schubert "discovered" for himself poets-Romantics - Robelstab ("Serenade"), Schlegel, Wilhelm Muller and Heine.

Piano fantasy "Skitalets", piano quintet a-dur (sometimes called "trout", because the IV part here represents variations on the song of the same name), the D-Moll quartet (in the second part of which the melody of the song "Death and Girl" songs are used).

One of the rondo-shaped forms, which takes place due to the repeated inclusion of the refreven in the end-to-end form. It is used in music with complex content, depicting events in the verbal text.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Secondary school №3 s.tolbaz

Open music lesson

"Musical image in the work

Franz Schubert


music teacher

Cyrilova Z.I.


Theme of the lesson: "Musical image in the work of Franz Schubert"

The purpose of the lesson: formation of the emotional and conscious perception of the musical image on the example of the ballads "Forest Tsar" F. Schubert.


    educational - introduce the concept of "musical ballad", with the biography of F. Schubert, to determine the musical image in the Ballade "Forest Tsar";

    developing - develop communicative abilities, skills in self-work with information, ability to analyze and synthesize the information obtained;

    educational - raising a personal attitude to music, aesthetic taste.

Music material: F. Schubert Song-Ballad "Forest Tsar", inserted into the presentation.

Equipment: Computer, video projector, musical instrument.

Additional material: Presentation to the lesson, printing table for filling in options and biographies F. Schubert with questions, T.I. Naumenko, V.V. Aleev Tutorial on music Grade 7.

During the classes

I.Organizing time. Message themes and objectives of the lesson.

Slide 1.

Good afternoon, dear guys, dear guests. Today, at the lesson, we will get acquainted with the very famous piece of composer Franz Schubert, we define the musical image that the composer Schubert conveyed in his song.

II. Repetition passed.

What images exist in music? (Lyrical, epic, dramatic).

Slide 2 (click on oval after the appearance of hands on them).

What works by Franz Schubert are you already familiar and what image in them prevails? ("Ave Maria", "Barcarol", "Trout" - lyrical image).

III. Studying a new material.

1) - What kind of man was Schubert, if he could create such lyrical works? We will be able to answer this question after independent acquaintance with the biography of the composer. I distribute to each desk printing text and questions that you answer.

or .

(Execution of the task of the parties. Each pair reads the biography of the composer and responds to 3-4 questions, which are distributed by a teacher on separate leaflets with a biographies option).

Slide 3.

2) Questions to verify work performance.

    Who is Franz Schubert?

    When and where was Schubert born?

    Who were the parents of Schubert?

    Where did Schubert get a musical education?

    How old is Schubert accepted in court chapel?

    How old is Schubert started writing?

    What works got the greatest fame during the lifetime of Schubert?

    How many songs wrote F. Schubert?

    What is the role in the songs of Schubert plays piano escort?

    Which singer began to promote the work of Schubert?

    What person was Schubert?

    What was the name of Schubert's musical meetings with friends?

    What composer Schubert bastville?

    Representative of which musical direction was Schubert?

    When did the real success come to Schubert?

    How many years did Schubert live?

(Teacher, calling the sequence number, asks questions. Each student in order answers his question, the biography of Schubert is built out of the answers. All the answers appear on the slide.)

Slides 4-6 (click on each question after the appearance of hands on it).

3) hearing the ballads "Forest Tsar" F. Schubert in Russian.

Listen to one of the most famous works of Schubert and answer the following questions:

Slide 7.

What feelings does music express?

What image gave the composer in his music?

Who performs this musical work?

(Listening to ballads. Responses of children for questions set.)

What is the name of this work?

What is the ballad?

Slide 8.

This is a solo narrative song with fiction elements. In it, the composer created a living picture in which the deformed shades of human feelings are revealed.

Slide 9.

How many actors in the ballad?

How does the theme of each hero sounds?

What intonation prevails in speech characters?

What did you hear in accompaniment?

We generalize our conclusions using text in the tutorial on page 42. Fill in the table you see on the slide.

Slide 10.





Musical accompaniment



Forest king

You will work according to options: 1 option characterizes speech, melody and escorting father, son and narrator, and 2 option - the forest king.


(According to options, there is a fragment of the table. Children fill it using a tutorial (p. 42). Checking the filling of the table by the slide.)

Slide 10 (click on each square after the appearance of hands on it).

Listen again to the ballad, follow the text (text on page 40 in the textbook) and answer the following questions:

How was Schubert able to transfer the tragedy, the pain and cry of the human soul?

How is the development of the plot in the ballad?

What role does the piano play in the work?

Slide 11.

(Listening to ballads in Russian with a lecture. Answers children to questions.)

Franz Schubert Ballad "Forest Tsar" - a sample of a dramatic work. It represents a whole scene with the participation of various actors.

4) The history of the creation of ballads "Forest Tsar" F. Schubert.

The ballad is written on the poem of the German poet Johanna Wolfgang Goethe.

Slide 12.

The best translation of Gothev's ballad into Russian Almost two centuries ago made Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky - contemporary A. S. Pushkin, a peculiar, very thin, deeply lyrical poet.

F. Schubert enchanted poetry V. Goethe. She worried, captivated fantasy, mind, soul of a young composer. The ballad "Forest Tsar" Schubert composed when he was only 18 years old.

Slide 14.

This is how one of the friends of Schubert describes the birth of this song: "We found Schubert in a completely deceitable condition, spent loud by the book of the" Forest King ". He walked with a book several times back and forth along the room, suddenly sat down, and in the shortest time the ballad appeared on paper. In the same evening, the "Forest Tsar" was fulfilled and adopted with delight. "

IV. Fastening.

In conclusion of our lesson, I suggest you perform a test option. You have a piece of leaflets on which you will record the answers to my questions.

Slide 14 (click on the questions on the options alternately).

(Perform test tasks by options. Mute.)

1 option

Option 2

1. In which country was F. Schubert born?
A) France
B) Italy
In Austria
2. How many songs wrote Schubert?
A) 600.
B) 500.
C) 400.
3. Who is the author of the German Text Ballads?
A) Schiller
B) Goethe
C) Shakespeare
4. How many characters in the song-ballad "Forest Tsar"?
A) 4.
B) 5.
AT 6
5. Speak of what character ballad sounds gently, ingratiatingly, gently, taking carefully?
A) Father
B) the forest king
C) Son.
6. What is in musical accompaniment of ballads help you feel the dramatic image?
A) dotted rhythm
B) rhythm march
C) Rhythm Rhythmic Jump
7. What images affected the construction of all musical development?
A) love and hatred
B) life and death
C) war and world

1. How many years did F. Schubert lived?
A) 27.
B) 31.
C) 37.
2. What how old is Schubert wrote a "forest king"?
A) 28.
B) 23.
C) 18.
3. Who made the best translation of ballads?
A) Pushkin
B) Lermontov
C) Zhukovsky
4. What image in the song-ballad "Forest Tsar"?
A) Lyrian
B) dramatic
C) Epic
5. How does the author of the author, the Father and Son sound?
A) excitedly
B) setting up
C) Skratchivo
6. What character characterizes smooth, rounded, singing melody?
A) Son
B) Father
C) forest king
7. What character has a ballad as a whole?
A) quiet and calm
B) excited and disturbing
C) cheerful and naughty

1 option

Option 2

1. B.
2. A.
3. B.
4. A.
5 B
6. B.
7. B.

1. B.
2. V.
3. V.
4. B.
5. A.
6. B.
7. B.

Slide 15.

Answers for mutual test: 7 - "5", 6 - "4", 5 - "3", 4 - "2".

V. The result of the lesson.

What product of Franz Schubert did we meet today at the lesson?

What image in the song-ballad "Forest King"?

Slide 16.

What helped us in music to feel the dramatic image created by the composer?

(Evaluation of the work of students. Improvement for work in lesson.)

Vi. Homework.

Draw a drawing corresponding to the nature of the ballads "Forest Tsar" F. Schubert.

Thank you for your creative work. Bye.

Created throughout life. In his heritage there are more than six hundred solo songs. Of course, all of them are far from equal. Schubert more than once, infinitely delicate, wrote music on a little inspired by his texts that belonged to fellow arts or were recommended by friends and just familiar. This does not mean that he believed casually to the selection of poetic texts. Schubert extremely sensitively perceived beauty in all its manifestations, whether nature or art; There is a lot of certificates of contemporaries about how his creative spirit ignited the creative spirit of the images of real high poetry.

In the poetic texts, Schubert was looking for an echo of thoughts, the feelings that folk himself. He paid attention to the music of the verse. Poet Grillparter said that the poems of a friend of Schubert Mayrhofer, "Always like text to music", and Wilhelm Muller, whose words are written by Schubertov song cycles, he himself intended his poems for singing.

In the history of vocal lyrics, Schubert entered the songs of Goethe, finished his short life with the songs for the words of Heine. The most perfect, which was created by Schubert in the period of early maturity, was inspired by Götte Poet. According to Spane, addressed to the poet, Göthev "Beautiful creations he (Schubert. - V. G.) It is obliged not only to the emergence of most of its works, but to a large extent that he became a singer of German songs. "

The leading place in Schubert songs belongs to vocal melody. It reflected a new romantic attitude to the synthesis of poetry and music, in which they seem to change roles: the word "sings", and the melody "says." Schubert, thinly combining intonation of sneaking, songs with declamation, speech (otzvuki operability), creates a new genus of expressive vocal melodes, which becomes dominant in the music of the XIX century. He gets further development in the vocal lyrics of Shuman, then Brahms, at the same time captures the scope of instrumental music, re-transforming in the work of Chopin. Schubert in his vocal works does not seek to follow every word, does not seek complete coincidence, the adequacy of the word and sound. Nevertheless, his melodies are able to respond to different turns of the text, having shared its nuances.

Despite the "privileges", which the vocal party is endowed with, the role of the accompaniment is extremely significant. The piano batch of Schubert treats like a mighty artistic characteristic factor, as an element with its "secret" expressiveness, without which the existence of an artistic whole is impossible.

(Schubert was repeatedly reproached for, allegedly, irresistible difficulties of accompaniment. At the current level of pianism, such reprocesses seem unfounded, although the support of the "Forest King" and now requires virtuoso possession of piano technology. Schubert was considered primarily with the requirements put forward a specific artistic task, although not Sometimes the possibilities and a more lightweight option were eliminated. Much of the modest performing opportunities for music lovers who predominantly addressed the composer of a song-romantic genre mainly. Often publishers for the purpose of greater dissemination and accessibility were entrusted to shift the piano accompaniment for the guitar. Yes, and Schubert himself belongs to some vocal works accompanied by this tool, widely extensive in the circle of lovers.)

Schubert has always been inherent in a subtle sense of form generated by character, movement of a musical and poetic image. He often uses a song bought form, but in each particular case it often introduces changes, sometimes essential, sometimes barely catchy, which makes closed, "standing" shape elastic and mobile. Along with a variety of polished, often varied population, Schubert has song-monologues, scene songs, where the wholeness of the form is achieved through dramatic development. But even in difficultly developed forms for Schubert typical symmetry, plasticity, completion.

The new principles of vocal melodes, the piano party, song genres and forms found by Schubert, was based on the basis of further development, stimulated the entire further evolution of vocal lyrics.

The first collection of sixteen songs, which in 1816, Schubert's friends assumed to send to the poet, contained such perfect works as "Gretchen for a hollow", "field rose", "Forest Tsar", "Complaint of the Shepherd". Many beautiful songs on the verses of Goethe did not enter this first notebook. The idleness of the folk song and the exquisite simplicity, the plasticity and capacity of artistic images of Gîtvskaya poetry infinitely multiplies the beauty of Schubert music. Nevertheless, each of the songs created by Schubert has its own concept. Music images inspired by Götte poetry live by their independent life, regardless of their primary source.

The songs on the verses of Goethe show, with what sensitivity he was penetrated by Schubert into the intimate meaning of poetic images, both various and individual musical techniques and means of incarnation. Already in early work, along with Balladic, dramatic songs or just a bull song, there are works representing a new variety of vocal lyrics. There are in mind the Arfist's songs on the poettes of Goethe from Wilhelm Maister - "Who with tears did not eat bread," "Who wants to be alone." The mournful wisdom, embedded in the mouth of a stray musician, satuned the images of Schubert songs with the significance of philosophical lyrics. Schubert acts here as a prostatenitarian of a new music genre - Elegy.

Special place in the vocal lyrics of Schubert belongs to the song cycles.

His predecessor in this new vocal music was Beethoven. In 1816, Beethoven's songs appeared "to the distant beloved." The desire to show different moments of the mental experiences of one person suggested the form of a song cycle, in which several finished songs combines the commonality of the plan.

The development and assertion of cyclic forms is the phenomenon of symptomatic for romantic art with its burden for self-examination, autobiographicity. In the literature and poetry of the end of the XVIII and especially the first third of the XIX century, lyric stories appear, having the nature of diary records, large poetic cycles. Song cycles arise in romantic music; Their flourishing is associated with the work of Schubert and Shuman.

Wilhelma Muller's poems for Schubert, Heinrich Heine for Shuman was also a creative incentive and poetic basis. The most principles of formation of a romantic cycle are borrowed from poetry - the presence and development of the storyline. The stages of the plot deployment are revealed in consistently replacing songs transmitting the thoughts of one hero. The narratives usually from the first person, the author contributes to such works a significant element of autobiographicity. Just like in the literature, the cycles acquire the character of confession, diary, "novel in songs".

Two cycles of Schubert's songs - "Beautiful Mellenchikha" and "Winter Way" - a new page in the history of vocal genres.

Between them there is immediate and close tie. The poetic text belongs to one poet - Wilhelm Muller. In both cases, one person is "acting" - a wanderer; He is looking for happiness and love in life, but constant misunderstanding, the human disunity is circumscribed on the mountain and loneliness. In the "Beautiful Mellenchikha" the hero of the work - the young man, cheerfully and joyfully coming into life. In the "winter path" - this is already a broken, disappointed person who has everything in the past. In both cycles, life and experiences of the person are crowded with nature with nature. The first cycle is deployed against the background of the spring nature, the second - harsh winter landscape. Youth with her hopes, illusions is identified with blooming spring, spiritual devastation, the cold of loneliness - with a cured snowy in winter nature.

The last collection of Schubert songs was compiled and published by the composer's friends after his death. Believing that the songs found in the legacy of Schubert were written by him shortly before death, friends called this collection "Swan songs". There were seven songs on the words of Robelstale, of which the "evening serenade" and "shelter" acquired the widest popularity; Six songs for the words of Heine: "Atlas", "her portrait", "fisherman", "city", "by the sea", "twin" and one song for the words of Zeidla - "pigeon mail".

Songs on the words of Heinrich Heine - the top of the evolution of the Schubert vocal lyrics and in many ways the starting moment of the subsequent development of the song-rusted genre.

Themes and musical images, composite principles, means of expressiveness, known at the best songs of the "Winter Path", crystallize in songs to Heine. These are already freely built dramatic vocal miniatures, the end-to-end development of which is concentrated on the in-depth transfer of the psychological state.

Each of the six Geinovsky songs is an incomparable artwork, brightly individual and interesting in many details. But "Double" is one of the last vocal essays of Schubert - summarizes his quest in the field of new vocal genres.

Franz Schubert. Songs and dancing

Austrian composer Franz Schubert, contemporary Mozart and Beethoven, Schubert lived very little - only 31 years old. But but his heritage is huge. For her short and more than a hard life, Schubert managed to create more than a thousand works and in them she gave humanity with real plasrers of musical jewels.

This is primarily his songs to vote with the piano, which he wrote more than six hundred, lifting the genre on the unprecedented art height. Many masterpieces and among other works are symphony, piano sonatas and plays, chamber instrumental ensembles.

However, the most popular writings remain songs and piano plays. None of the young musicians passed past Waltz or other dances for piano.

It is a pity that the composer lived such a short life. But the way he lived, makes it talk about a real creative feat.

Young Franz Schubert still began to compose music in school years, and he did it so professionally that it caused his father's alarm. Schubert's father knew well how difficult was the path of musicians, even world-wide recognized, such as Mozart and Beethoven. The father wanted to protect his son from a similar fate, and his efforts broke out in a serious quarrel with her son, with the result that young Schubert was forced to leave the house.

During the whole life, the composer did not have his own angle. He lived in one of his buddies, then another. Mostly, he lived in the capital of Austria - the city of Vienna. And the crowns learned and loved his music. Mainly his songs. The secret of their expressiveness was in the proximity to the People's Austrian, Hungarian, Slavic.

The songs were held in the work of Schubert in the work of Schubert. It is interesting to note that in his works Schubert brings the new hero - a simple modest man who tells with the help of music about his little life events, about the episodes of happiness or suffering. In short, Schubert's songs tell about what every person usually faces life.

Often the only friend of Schubert's hero is becoming nature. Nature he believes his thoughts, hopes and sadness. Therefore, in the songs there are images of a crouse, forests, colors, birds, night space. These artistic images surround the hero of the songs, share his wanders, joy and sorrow.

One of the songs is called "on the road." This song opens the Schubert's whole musical cycle called "Beautiful Mellenchikha". The young man Melnik goes to the path in search of happiness. This is a story about the first meeting on the way of a wanderer - a meeting of the joyful, consonant mood.

The musical accompaniment of the song "On the way" draws the game of water in a gentle and friendly stream. Water mill with spinning wheels, running water creates an image of a cheerful movement. A simple inefficient melody very well conveys the joyful mood of the miller.

Schubert's song "Trout" - one of its most popular works. The song says how the poet is watching the game of cheerful silver fish in a mountain stream. But the fisherman, catching fish to catch her, climbed the water in the creek, and the poor trout came across his rod. The poet is making a poor fish, describing the alarm of the fisherman: "He took her with a smile, I gave a tears to the will." The song melody sounds against the background of rapid sliding up phrases resembling water bursts.

Eternal material insecurity and continuous life failures hardly affected Schubert's health. However, none of his friends noted that Schubert fell into a gloomy mood. Little growth, dense, chunky and short-sighted, Schubert turned meetings with friends in real musical holidays, which even called "Schubertiad". At such evenings, the composer did not move away from the piano, in front of the public, writing his wonderful waltza.

But at the same time, the composer was a big worker. He worked a lot, systematically, day after day. He himself said that "I compose every morning. When I finish one play, I start the other. " There were days when he composed up to ten songs a day!

Also Schubert could write to several different melodies to the same words. So, to one version of the text, he once composed seven different melodies. Music thoughts attended him even during sleep. Then he woke up and sought to write them soon. So he even slept in glasses! And friends tried to help him buy a tank paper.

This pearl vocal lyrics is "Serenade" F. Schubert. Songs called Serenad were usually performed by the young men under the windows of the beloved. They sang in the evening or night. Performers serenad accompanied themselves on guitar or mandoline. Serenade Schubert is full of bright, dreamy moods. Her melody pours smoothly and leisurely, but it is written in the soft rhythm of the Waltz. The piano support of the Serenade reminds us the sound of the guitar.

"AVE, MARIA" is one of the brightest and lyrical vocal works of F. Schubert. The unearthly beauty of this music made the prayer of the Virgin Mary's most popular religious essay of Schubert. "Ave Maria" - the initial words of the Catholic prayer facing the Holy Virgin Mary, which we call the Virgin Mary.

The text for this song Schubert took from the poem "Deva Lake" of the English writer Walter Scott - the author "Ivanho" and many other fascinating novels. In the poem, the action of which is happening in the XVI century, these are the words of the song that the young girl Ellen sings. Together with his father, brave warrior, slandered in front of the King of Scotland and expelled them, and the faithful old bart, she hides in the deaf wilderness - the edge of wild rocks, gloomy forests and crystal lakes. (In medieval Scotland, the bards were called wandering poets singers.) In his song, which bard accompanies at the harp, Ellen appeals to the Virgin Mary, asking for protection against cruel pursuers.

Schubert's song captivates the beauty of his smooth melody, combining lyrical expressiveness, femininity and elevation of the mood.

The musical moment is a small tool play in which various experiences of a person can be expressed: light sadness and sadness, excitement and anxiety. For the first time in music, this name is a musical moment - Franz Schubert appeared.

The "Music Moment" of the F Minor uses exceptional popularity. It is one of the few samples of lyrically opoethized Czech folk dance - polka. In ten years after the occurrence of this charming small play, Schubert Polka began to acquire broadly fame in many countries of Europe, including Russia, like a worshiper of a balloon with a characteristic ending lining. The music of Schubert can dance, perhaps, someone is young - and graceful, and shy, only timidly discovering her affectionately, sometimes slightly evil playing.

The play sounds with gentle sadness, then jokingly, brightly, decisive, playfully, then very fragile and easy. In this music, many decorations (small, light sounds), which give her sophistication and sophistication, make it very beautiful. This play is admirement as precious, thin and with the skill of the thing made things, I want to consider in it every pattern and curls, follow how it sparkles and overflows.

Vienna, in which the composer lived, was always famous for the wals. Such dance places composed and Schubert himself. Usually their melodies have arisen in the evenings of "Schubertiad", on the balas or country walks. There he improvised, accompanying dancing or just glad her game of friends. It is a pity that he did not manage to write down their musical plays. But here is one of the waltz - Si Minor - you probably know the young musicians. This waltz is simple, he has a special light, soft sound. But in the middle of the Waltz, he changes his tonality with minor on a major, becomes more vigorous, decisive. Probably writing this waltz, Schubert recalled something joyful from his life, and maybe he dreamed of his future.

Schubert's music itself was similar to a river that repeatedly rang in his songs. Like a light stream, it was passed away from the singer to the singer, and ordinary people who lived in the outskirts of Vienna loved her. We hope that you love the music of Franz Schubert.

Questions and tasks:

  1. How many songs are written by Schubert?
  2. Who is "Hero" Schubert songs?
  3. Is there more closely in Schubert songs in Schubert songs?
  4. What role did the piano party belong to Schubert's songs?
  5. What is the content of the Serenad genre? What is the nature of the vocal melody and what is the piano party in Serenade Schubert?
  6. From which literary work the words of Schubert "Ave Maria" are taken? What is the content of this song and what is its character?
  7. What genres in the field of piano music addressed Schubert?
  8. What genres in this area he introduced first?
  9. What features are characteristic of the works of Schubert for piano?
  10. What is noteworthy in your character Waltz Si Minor?
  11. What dance genre opocentized Schubert in the Music Moment of the F Minor?


1. Presentation - 18 slides, PPSX;
2. Music sounds:
" Ave Maria!" (2 version options), MP3;
"On the way" from the "Beautiful Mellenchikha" cycle, MP3;
Waltz Si Minor, MP3;
Musical moment number 3 in Minor, MP3;
Serenade (2 versions), MP3;
Trout, MP3;
3. Accompanying article, DOCX.