Earths who voluntarily joined Russia. Lands who voluntarily joined Russia include the inclusion of different peoples in Russia

Earths who voluntarily joined Russia. Lands who voluntarily joined Russia include the inclusion of different peoples in Russia

Peoples of Russia
in the second half of the XVI century.

Goals and objectives: introduce the history of the peoples of Russia in the second half of the XVI century, the stages of the development of Russian new lands; Characterizes the process of spreading Christianity among the population of land attached to Russia in the XVI century.

Planned Results: Subjects: give definitionsdiocese ; apply the conceptual apparatus of historical knowledge and techniques of historical analysis to describe the methods of implementing Orthodoxy; use knowledge about the territory and borders, location and role of Russia in the world-historical process; use information from a historical card as a source of information; express judgments about the process of turning Russia into the largest Eurasian power; describe the essential features of the forms of the state and military device of the peoples of Russia; characterize the policy conducted by Ivan IV in the Volga region and Siberia; describe taxes and duty, which paid the population of land attached to Russia;metaPered Wood - 1) communicative: organize educational cooperation and joint activities with teacher and peers; Working individually and in the group, to find a general solution and resolve conflicts based on the coordination of positions and accounting for the interests of the Parties; consciously use speech tools according to the task of communication to express their senses, thoughts and needs; 2)regulatory: Forming targets of training activities, arrange an algorithm of actions; make the choice of the most effective ways to solve the tasks; apply initial research skills when solving search tasks; represent the results of their activities; 3)cognitive: own the general admission to solve educational tasks; work with different sources of information, analyze and evaluate information, transform it from one form to another;personal Wood: form and develop cognitive interest in the study of the history of Russia; comprehend the social and moral experience of preceding generations; evaluate historical events and the role of personality in history; Respectively refer to cultural and historical heritage through an understanding of the historical conditionality and motivation of the actions of the preceding eras of people.

Equipment: Tutorial, Map "Russia in the XVI century", a package with working materials for work in groups.

Type of lesson: The lesson of the general flow rate.

During the classes

    Organizing time

    Actualization of reference knowledge

(Commented Honor of Homework. Poll by supporting concepts. The teacher asks the student to explain several terms. The following two or three students continue to give definitions. The remaining students can complement, correct classmates.)

    Motivational target stage

At last lessons, we looked at the political history of Russia, the social composition of the population. However, history is not only economics, war and hikes. It is impossible to imagine the life of Russian society, not knowing the traditions, customs of the peoples of Russia. Let's talk about it at our lesson.

The subject of the lesson: "Peoples of Russia in the second half of the XVI century."

    What do you think we will talk about?

    What questions do we have to answer?

(Pupils express their assumptions.)

Lesson plan

    The peoples of Western Siberia and the Volga region.

    Formation of a new administration.

    Mastering Russian attached lands.

    The problem of religion on the attached lands.Problematic question

    How did the process of turning Russia in the largest Eurasian power?

    Introduction to the new material

In the XVI century The territory of the Russian state significantly expanded. It includes new peoples. How did they have their relationship with the royal power? How were new territories managed? We will discuss these and other issues with you at our lesson.

    Work on the lesson

    Peoples of Western Siberia and Volga region

In the reign of Ivan IV, the Volga region and Western Siberia were joined to the Russian state.

    Show on the map attached territory. Describe their peoples with the help of material on with. 76, 77 textbooks and Internet resources.

(Checking the task. When advice, the teacher is filled in table.)






Date of joining new lands



Khanty and Mansi.

Eastern European Plain, Ural and Siberia

End of the XVI century.


Chuvashi, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs

Right and left shores




Markets, Udmurts, Mordva


Astrakhan Tatars, Noga

Lower Volga






Noga, Bashkirs Arggy, Karluki, Kangli, Kypchaki, Nimana

Ural, Lowholder Obi


    Formation of a new administration

It was necessary to develop a model of managing new territories and form a new administration.

    Working in groups with a textbook material (p. 77.78), suggest which steps the Russian state should have made to solve the problem of managing new lands.

Writing in notebook

The Russian government confirmed the rights of local nobility:

    to possession of generic land;

    gathering Dani from the population and management.


    were taken to the service for the salary, and also received estates for it;

    received trade and craft advantages.

Questions for discussion

    What are the advantages of the model of formation of a new administration?

    What are the shortcomings of this model?

    Mastering Russians Attached Lands

The territory of Russia lay in the strip of a sharp continental climate with a short agricultural summer. The country has no way out to the warm seas. In the absence of natural borders (marine or ocean coast, large mountain ranges, etc.), the constant struggle against external aggression required the voltage of all resources of the country. The Earth of the West and the south of the former Ancient Russian state were in the hands of opponents of Russia. Traditional trade and cultural connections were broken and ruined.

Russians began to master the fertile black soils of the wild field (south of the Oka River), the Volga region, South Siberia.

    Perform task 2 to the text of the paragraph.

    The problem of religion on the attached lands

(After examining the material on p. 78-80 textbooks, students respond to questions.)

    Who lay down the main task for the introduction of the peoples of the attached lands to Orthodoxy?(On created in 1555 g. Kazan Diocese.)

    Who and why accepted an active part in missionary activities?(Monasteries who were granted land ownership for it.)

    Working with the map, name the largest cities of Russia XVI century.(Moscow, Tver, Novgorod, Pskov, Smolensk and etc.)

    What document was the leadership for missionary activities?("Natural memory".)

    What methods of spreading Orthodoxy were prescribed by this document?(Non-violent.)

    What privileges received the peoples who took Orthodoxy? (Different benefits - exemption from the payment of Yasaka for three years, to know equated in rights to the Russian servitude.)

    What did people who voluntarily adopted Orthodoxy called?(Novokreshcheni.)

    What goals pursued by the Russian government, spreading Christianity among the newly attached peoples?(Strengthening the central government on newly attached territories.)

    What policy was carried out in relation to those who professed Islam?(VERHORPOSITION.)

    Summing up the lesson

Check how well you learned the new material.

    Make the reference "We think, compare, reflect" with. 81 textbooks.

(Checking the task.)


Prepare a message about one of the attached peoples.

Trepavlov Vadim Vinzservich,
Doctor of Historical Sciences,
Leading Researcher of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

One of the fundamental issues of domestic historiography is a interpretation of the accession of peoples and territories to Russia, building relations between them and the central government.

In the works of historians written over the past one and a half decades, there is a departure from the previous apologetic approach, both voluntary and violent forms of accession are taken into account.

In the Soviet period, often historians with ease declared one or another people who voluntarily entered into Russian citizenship - on the basis of the first agreement, the contract of local nobility with the government or with the provincial Russian authorities. Recurrements of this approach are found in our day. The anniversaries of "voluntary occurrences" began to be celebrated in the Russian republics at the beginning of the XXI century. So, for 2007, there is a whole series of similar festivals. The 450th anniversary of the "voluntary entry into Russia" will be celebrated in Adygea, Bashkiria, Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia, 300th anniversary - in Khakassia; Next year, the corresponding anniversary in Udmurtia will be celebrated (450 years), then Kalmykia (400 years); In 2001 and 2002 Celebrations in Chuvashia and Mari El ... established once, more often in Soviet times (as a rule, on the initiative of regional party leadership), artificial and conjunctural schemes are projected to the interpretation of real historical processes.

In fact, the picture was much more complicated. The relationship of subordination and citizenship The Russian side and its partners were often perceived completely differently, and it is necessary to take into account differences in views on joining Russia and the status of their stay in its composition among Russian authorities and attached peoples.

To illustrate, we turn to some of the regions listed above - Bashkiria and the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement of Adygov (according to modern ethnic nomenclature - Adygei, Kabardians and Circassians).

The joining of the territory of the modern republic Bashkortostan to the Russian state was not simultaneous act. At the same time, the formal entry of Bashkir into citizenship occurred long before the actual inclusion of them in the administrative system of Russia.

By the middle of the XVI century. The region of the resettlement of the Bashkir tribes was divided between the three states: the Western part was part of the Kazan Khanate, the central and southern (i.e., the main part of the current Bashkiria) was subordinate to the Nogai Horde, the northeastern tribes were danutrics of Siberian khans.

After the conquest of Kazan in October 1552, the Government of King Ivan IV appealed to the peoples of Khanate, including Bashkir. They were called upon to pay to the Russian authorities - just like Tatar khans; The population guaranteed the inviolability of local customs and Muslim religion; The king promised to maintain their birth lands for the Bashkirs on the rights of recovery (hereditary) ownership. Within 1554 - 1555 Representatives of Western Bashkir tribes came to the royal governor to Kazan and oath (Watch) confirmed their agreement with the specified conditions.

The chronology of these events is restored analytically, since these information is not survived in official documents. The information is only contained in Bashkir tribal genealogies (six), where the dates are not specified or distorted.

In the middle of the 1550s, the Nogai Horde was covered by internecine smutch and hunger. Most Nogaev migrated to the southern steppes, their nomads were empty. Bashkirs began to distribute them between their tribes and settles. To consolidate employed nomads, protection against Nogai invasions, as well as for the approval of the rapid right to old generic possessions (as well as in the case of Western tribes), the tribes of the Central and South Bashkiria sent a delegation to the king to the king with a request for their adoption under their Protection and patronage. It happened in 1555 - 1557. These events are also reconstructed mainly by six. However, they were reflected in the official chronicle. In the Nikonovsky chronicle, the reporting of the Kazan governor Prince P. I. Shuisky in Moscow is cited that in May 1557, the Messengers from Bashkir confirmed their submission to the king and brought the laid file ("Bashkirs came, finishing with a friend, and Yasak paid" 1 ).

It is believed that this chroniclee is being completed to the completion of the main part of the Bashkir tribes towards the Russian state. It was the message of the Nikonovsky chronicle from 1557, it was the main basis for the celebration of the 400th anniversary of the entry of Bashkiria to Russia in 1957. However, the process of entering the Bashkir to the Russian state began to this date and continued after it.

The foundation of the Russian Fortress in Ufa and houses in it Streletsky garrison of Voivod Mikhail Nazhogi in 1586, the establishment of a special Ufa County marked the actual dissemination of the jurisdiction of the Russian government to this region.

In the same 1586, Russian citizenship was adopted by Zararal Bashkirs - former Siberian Chanov.

In the conditions of constant claims of Nogaev on the South Ural territory and threats from Kalmykov (and later Kazakhs), the mighty rear in the form of Russian governors and the fortress garrisons served as a significant incentive for the loyalty of Bashkir in relation to Russia in the future. The indigenous population of the Southern Urals has never come out of the Russian citizenship since then, and on the contrary, everything is increasingly included in the life of the state.

Life structure and intra-barred relationships in Bashkir were initially in immunity. From previous time, the division of the region was maintained on five provincial roads, and they, in turn, consisted of volosts. All government policies in the region were carried out through the volost biys (elders). For example, to solve important issues did not always attracted the Ufa voivod, and collected a volost-yyyn; Found and community yyyyn.

In general, both parties are Russian (represented by the Administration) and Bashkir - recognized the status of the Bashkir people as voluntarily joining the Russian state and therefore received from Ivan IV the right to live in the congestive administrative mode.

However, in the second half of the XVII century. This mode began to change. In Bashkir pastures and hunting grounds, Russian villages appeared, the authorities increased the norms of taxation. The most significant changes are noticeable in the XVIII century: under Peter I, the Bashkir was distributed to the obligation to depart of stateless contesions, in 1754 the traditional yasade payments were replaced by a salt monopoly. The indignation was called in the XVIII century. Taps (actually - seizures) of large sections under the fortress and plants.

These innovations were not undermined by the economic levels of the local population and were not very severe themselves, especially compared with the position of the Russian fortress peasantry. But the memory of voluntary accession and royal awards brought Bashkir to convincing unilateral violation by the government of their long-term obligations. The citizenship of the Tsar Bashkis was considered as their free choice as the result of mutual agreement with Moscow. Therefore, they considered themselves entitled to defend themselves armed with the right, received once from the government, as well as terminate the former agreements and, in the end, change the suzerena. These reasons, together with the abuse of officials, caused a mass outrage of Bashkir and their worm of the uprising in the XVII - XVIII centuries.

Gradually, with overcoming contradictions and conflicts, the adaptation of indigenous people of the Southern Urals to the new conditions of existence took place. As part of the Russian power of Bashkirs, like other peoples, adapted to its political system and legislation, mastered communication through the dominant Russian language, mastered the achievements of Russian science and culture, bringing their contribution to them.

The active political relations between Russia and the principality of the North Caucasus began from the middle of the XVI century. At the time taken by diplomatic orders, these relations were often made up with wools and accompanied by assurances in the citizenship ("Halopty"). However, in those days of the submission of citizenship, patronage, suzenenitte was sometimes quite conditional. As not only the Caucasian materials, but also Siberian, Kalmyk, etc., "citizenship", declared on the basis of "wool" contracts, should be accompanied by serious reservations. A two-year-old epic of multiple "wrath" Kabardian, Dagestan, Georgian and other ordinal organizations, the Russian kings confirms this feature of the international relations of the late Middle Ages.

Most authors are by no means inclined to literally to perceive the alliances as the transition of Adygs into citizenship to the Russian "White King". They will reasonably interpret as the result of the coincidence of the interests of the local ruling elite and the Russian authorities, as evidence of the political union, directed against the third forces - the neighboring powers that fought for the Caucasus. Avalanche between Persia, Turkey and Russia often constituted the basis of the foreign policy of local rulers. The result of such avalange was periodically arose in the Caucasus "General Half" - recognition of subordination at the same time Russian king and the Persian Shahu or Ottoman Sultan.

In the middle of the XVI century, at the same time with the conquest of Ivan IV Kazan and Astrakhan Khanate and the release of the Moscow state to the Caspian, the friendly connections of Moscow have been established with some Adygh rulers. In 1552, 1555, 1557. Embassy from Kabarda came to Ivan the Grozny and from Western (Zubbansky) Adygov with a request to adopt them into citizenship, about helping the expansion of Crimean Khanov and in the fight against Kazikumukh (Dagestan) Shamhap. In July 1557, representatives of the two Kabardian princes were adopted by the king, which favorably reacted to the request "to teach [their] in Half and help them to teach themselves." Later, Ivan IV even married the Kabardian Princess.

§ 33-34. Peoples of the Russian Empire

Multiethnic country.The population of the Russian Empire in the XVIII century. constantly grew. If in 1720 15.7 million lived in the country, then in 1795 - 37.4 million people. High population growth rates were associated with both raising fertility and an increase in the territory of the Russian Empire.

The expansion of the borders of Russia went through land populated by Ukrainian, Belarusians, Lithuanians, Poles, Finns, Jews and other peoples. In 1795, the share of Russians in the total mass of the country's inhabitants was 49%, Ukrainians - about 20, Belarusians - 8, Poles - 6, Finnov - 2, Lithuanians - 1.9, Tatars - 1.9, Latvian - 1.7, Jews - 1.4, Estonians - 1.1%. Moldovans, Nenets, Udmurts, Karelians, Komi, Mari, Kalmyki, Bashkirs, Chuvashi and many other nations amounted to 1% of the population of the Russian Empire.

Many people were liberated from the grievous burden of recruitment. They did not know the serfdom, which was the lot of Russian, Ukrainians, Belarusians and the peoples of the Baltic.

Many moved to Russia colonists:germans, Moldava, Greeks, Armenians, Serbs, Bulgarian. The process of settling and mastering new land on the outskirts of the country, in which Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars, Mordva, Chuvashi, Mariyza were actively involved.

A special position was held by Jews who lived in the territory of the country after the sections of the Commonwealth, as well as in Novorossia, on the left bank of Ukraine and partially in the Baltic States. The laws adopted in the 1790s were determined by the border of the territories on which they were allowed to reside constantly, - damage settling.The introduction of the deferred feature was infrained with the rights of the Jewish people.

Russian.In the XVIII century Their number rose from 11 to 20 million people, but the proportion of the country's population decreased. Russians mostly lived in the central and northwestern regions of the country. Here, their share in the total population exceeded 90%. In the 1780s. Russian migrants appeared in the North Caucasus, their number grew in Siberia. Russians were moved to Novorossia and on the Earth of the Troops of the Don, in Ekaterinoslav and Tavrichesky provinces.

The life of the bulk of the rural population has changed slightly: the same everyday work on earth, where adults and children worked a significant part of the year, the same terms and obligations in favor of the treasury and landlord. Along with this, the development of market relations led to the bundle of peasants on the rich and poor. The wealthy peasantry sought to imitate citizens in layout of houses, food and clothing.

The peasant life, in turn, affected the life of citizens. Countryside began immediately at the city feature. The development of waste, study, recruitchine, visiting churches and monasteries (Bogomol), the joint participation of citizens and peasants in numerous wars - these and other forms of communication contributed to the mutual enrichment of the peasant and urban culture.

In the XVIII century Most citizens lived in wooden houses. Stone residential buildings were not uncommon only in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Interior rooms at home decorated with wooden carvings, mirrors and curtains, expensive furniture and dishes. Around the house planted garden trees. Usually, the townspeople were single-storey or two-storey. Three- and four-story houses built in Western European style appeared in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In the dark, the windows closed shutters.

Unknown in Russian suit. Artist I. Argunov

Peasant lunch. Artist M. Shibanov

Urban residents used in everyday items of the European sample. In the homes, known forks, knives and spoons were silver (hence the expression - "table silver"), plates and cups - from porcelain, glasses, glasses and decanters - from crystal. The main mass of the townspeople had simple utensils. In the peasant family, it was usually ate from the overall dishes. However, the poor and the rich carefully treated with household items.

Game in Trouten. Artist E. Korneev

From Petrovsky, the clothes of citizens changed. The employees were obliged to appear in public places in foreign or, as he was called, the "German" dress and wig, with the introduction of civilian form - in Mundire. The military wore the shape of bright, elegant colors, with high heads and decorations.

Ukrainians.In the middle of the XVIII century. Left Bank Ukraine with Kiev and Zaporizhia was part of the Russian Empire, right-bank Ukraine (from the average flow of the Dnieper to the Carpathians) was under the authority of the Commonwealth. The lower reaches of the Dnieper to Sivash and Perekap belonged to the Ottoman Empire and her vassal of Crimean Khanate, Transcarpathia was part of Hungary. Left Bank Ukraine was an agricultural district. Huge land owners had Ukrainian gentlemen, Cossack foreman and the highest clergy. They led to the Russian government an active struggle for the preservation of autonomy ("rights and liberties of the Malorosiysk people").

Andreevsky Church in Kiev Architect B. Rastrelli

In 1764, Hetmanism was abolished and the Ukrainian autonomy was eliminated. With the joining of the Azov-Black Sea steppes, former Cossacks accounted for the so-called Black Sea Cossacks. After resettlement, the Kuban Cossack army was formed on the Taman Peninsula.

In 1782, in accordance with the provincial reform, Kiev, Chernihiv and Novgorod-Severski priest were founded. Next year, the population obliged to pay the pillow to submit, the transition of peasants from one landowner to another was banned. The provisions of the quantities of the humility and cities were distributed to the left-bank. Ukraine did not avoid the secularization of church lands.

After joining Russia, the Black Sea region, as a result of the Russian-Turkish wars, the fertile lands of this region of the monarchs were given to the nobility. Thus, the prosecutor General Prince A. A. Vyazemsky received a property of more than 50 thousand tents of the Earth, a little less - G. A. Potemkin and other Ekaterininskoy Velmazbi.

The association of Ukrainian lands in the Russian state was of great importance for fraternal peoples - Ukrainians and Russians, contributed to the mutual enrichment of cultures.

In the development of education and science in Ukraine, the Kiev-Mogilyan Academy was played a major role. The Russian society has been known for the work of the philosopher and writer of the frying pan and the historical writings of G. A. Foytics. In 1789, the first theater was founded in Kharkov. Ukrainian roots had talented composers A. L. Velel, D. S. Borttyansky, artists D. G. Levitsky, V. L. Borovikovsky, A. P. Losenko, Sculptors M. I. Kozlovsky and I. P. Martos. Ukrainians intensively populated the Black Sea Steppes and Crimea, participated in the economic development of this richest edge, and also moved to the lands of the troops of the Don and North Caucasus, in Voronezh and Kursk provinces.

Belarusians.In the middle of the XVIII century. Belarus was part of the Commonwealth. Most peasant farms were worked out by the barbecue, a minor part of the state peasants paid money marks. Freight orders were aggravated by a serious national and religious oppression: the Polish landowners were forcibly anatalized Catholicism, they sought to push the Belarusians, to deprive their own culture. Belarusian gentry and rich citizens received education in Catholic schools, as well as in the Vilen Academy.

In the second half of the XVIII century. Belarus entered the Russian Empire.


Her population was more than 3 million people. The Russian government freed the population of Belarus from paying state taxes, but practiced the distribution of state lands and ingoing their peasants to the Russian nobility.

About 90% of Belarusians lived in Minsk and Mogilev provinces, somewhat less - in Vitebsk and Grodno, in the Vilna province, the main population was Lithuanians.

The entry of Belarus in Russia contributed to the involvement of the regional economy into commodity production and the All-Russian market, the growth of large manufactories, the use of free-alone labor on them. Road construction was actively developed, the channels were laid.

The reunification of the Belarusians and Russians in a single state responded to the interests of two fraternal peoples, related to origin, language, culture and historical past.

The peoples of the Baltic States.After joining Russia, the Baltic States became the marine gates of the country, and the ports of Tallinn, Pärnu, Narva, Riga took an important place in foreign trade. The Russian government confirmed the former privileges of the Baltic and German landowners. They amounted to local administration. The official language in the Estland, Liflyand and Kourneda provinces was German.

Estonian and Latvian noblemen increased the Barchina, which caused folk unrest and made the government to make concessions. D. I. Fonvizin, who traveled by the Baltic States, wrote: "The men against the Lords, and the gentlemen against them so osterveli that they were looking for each other."

Panorama of Riga. Engraving XVIII century.

Most of all Latvians (up to 80% of the population) lived in Kurland; In the liflandia there were few of them, a large part of the population was the Germans. Estonians lived in almost all the districts of Estlandia, and in the Liflandia were almost half of the population of the region. The Lithuanian population prevailed in the Vilen province, his small part settled in the Grodno province and Liflandia.

The peoples of the Volga region and the Urals.In the second half of the XVIII century. On the territory of the Middle Volga region increased by the share of Russian population. Some non-Russian peoples moved to the Volga and Ural, because the landowners captured the Earth and settled them with the fortress peasants from the central regions of Russia. The main mass of serfs in the Volga region was Russians. The government moved state peasants, among whom most of the non-Russian population of the Volga region (Mordva, Mari, Chuvashi, Tatars), for new lands in Bashkiria.

The main occupation of the population of the Volga region remained agriculture. Only the Tatars, along with agriculture, were engaged in breeding livestock for the dressing of the skin and obtaining wool in order to sell them. Mari, Mordva and Chuvashi developed a garden and sold grown vegetables in cities. As forests cut and the expansion of Pashnya, the hunt was no longer one of the main occupations of the population of this region.

Despite the fact that a significant part of the Udmurts, Mari Chuvash and almost all Mordva adopted Christianity, they continued to believe their pagan gods and brought them sacrifices. In the bulk of Tatars remained Muslims. The Tatar language was studied in the Kazan gymnasium in tanking and grammar I. Halphine.

Alphabet and Grammar Tatar language I. Halphine

Most Tatars lived in the Kazan province. Their settlements were in the Symbirian and Penza provinces, as well as in the Lower Volga region. After the conquest of Russia of the Crimea, the Crimean Tatars moved to Turkey, and only part of them remained in the former places.

In the second half of the XVIII century. The territory of Bashkiria was part of the Orenburg province. Bashkirs had benefits: did not pay the pillow to apply and were released from the recruitment service. They did not know the serfdom. The population of Bashkiria was multinational - 70 thousand Bashkirs lived here, more than 100 thousand Tatars, Chuvash, Mari and Udmurts, as well as more than 130 thousand Russians. Bashkirs led a nomadic or half-blood lifestyle. The land was owned by the community. However, Bashkir know used the right of distribution of nomads.

Kalmyks who moved to the Caspian steppes in the first half of the XVII century in the first half of the XVII century in the Lower Volga region. From Central Asia. They confessed lamaism.The authorities belonged to a child name and clergy, the ordinary community workers paid natural or monetary lifts. In case of Ekaterina II of the Earth in the Kalmyk steppe, nobles were actively distributed. In the 1770s. A significant part of Kalmykov went to Dzungaria (North-West China).

Peoples of Siberia.At the end of the XVIII century. In Siberia, there were two provinces - Tobolskaya and Irkutsk, they were divided into the fields, and the area was on the counties. The peoples of Siberia obeyed the local administration on the basis of the "Provisions on the Management of Independents". As a rule, local princes brought oath (wither) about citizenship and gave a commitment to pay Yasak in a timely manner. They retained independence in managing their territories.

Siberia was one of the most multinational territories of the Russian state. Nenets (Samoyed), Khanty (Ostiaria), Mansi (Vogulu), Siberian Tatars, Nganasans, Khakasi, Evenks (Tungs), EVENA, Yakuta, Yukagira, Chukchi, Kamchadaly (Itelmen), Aina (Kuriles) - not a complete list of peoples who inhabited Russia from the Ural Mountains to Kamchatka and smoked.

In the XVIII century There was a further property bundle in the reindeer herbal peoples. Khanty, Mansi and Selkups took Christianity, but baptism was often formal. According to the testimony of contemporaries, the newly painted "traffic email and shamanism".

Widely spread over the territory of Siberia Northern Tungs. Russia peacefully joined the lands of Chukchi and Eskimos.

Yakuts mastered new habitats in the North-West and Northeast Siberia. The strengthening of the property bundle led to the emergence of nobility (toyon), ordinary yakuts - free communities and affiliates (gravity). The Siberia administration laid the duties for the collection of Yasak. In addition, Toyona issued so-called tickets, without which no Yakut had the right to leave his settlement.

The process of property stratification was observed among Buryats. In 1781, a congress of the Buryat nobility took place, approved by the "steppe application". The dominant religion of Eastern Buryat became Lamaism. Lamaist monasteries (datsans) appeared in Transbaikal.

At the end of the XVIII century. Russian settlements appeared on Alaska.

In Siberia, the land belonged to the state. The peasants were shared on state, asscript and monastic. The last after the secularization of church lands formed the category of economic peasants.

During the Northern War in Siberia, the mining and metallurgical industry developed. A significant part of Siberian silver and gold gave a zmeinogorsk mine. Large centers of the local industry became the plants of Altai and Nerchinsky mine in Transbaikalia. The population of Siberia successfully traded with China.

View of the city of Tobolsk

The growth of the Russian population in the region was not only due to the peasant immigrants. Siberia was a place of reference to the Don and Zaporizhzhsk Cossacks, Raskolnikov, landlord peasants and courtyard people who committed "pre-versions" against the Lord.

Kazakhstan.In the XVIII century Kazakh tribes depending on the places of nomads were divided into three Zhuza: senior, medium and younger. Various Khanate, located on the territory of the Zhuza, was among themselves a fierce struggle for power. In 1730 - 1740s. Most of the Kazakhs of the younger and middle zhuza received Russian citizenship.

The main occupation of the Kazakhs was nomadic cattle breeding. Kazakh to know - Khana, Sultany, BAI - collected with natural duties and taxes. The cattle breeders gave their own owners the twentieth of the cattle, the farmers are the tenth of the crop. Patriarchal relations in the region were adjacent to the remnants of the generic system.

The peoples of the North Caucasus.Numerous Adyghe tribes occupied the territory behind Kuban, from the Laba River to the Black Sea coast and the mountainous part of the Western Caucasus. The princes were often among families related to relatives with the Crimean Khan home.

In the cabarda, the nobles themselves choose the owner, and the influence of local princes was fragile. There were folk assemblies that participated folk elders, peasants, communities, princely servants. The main occupations of the population were cattle breeding and farming. The Russian government supported the princes, fixing the land behind them.

In Dagestan, there were about fifteen princely possessions. The largest Avar Khanate was from 30 thousand courtyards. The Hanskaya authorities did not apply to the high mountain regions of Dagestan. Here they reigned their laws.

After Kychuk-Kainardji World (1774), fortresses were built in the North Caucasus in a short time. To protect the military-Georgian road, Vladikavkaz was built.

Colonists settlers from other countries.

Damn smeal - The border of the territory on which permanent residence of the Jews was allowed.

Lamaism buddhism shape, common in Russia in Buryatia, Kalmykia and Tuva.


From the book History of Russia. XVII-XVIII century. 7th grade Author Kiselev Alexander Fedotovich

§ 33 - 34. The peoples of the Russian Empire are a multinational country. The population of the Russian Empire in the XVIII century. It was constantly increased: if in 1720, 15.7 million lived in the country, then in 1795 - 37.4 million people. High population growth rates have been associated with increasing

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Like his predecessors, it was multinational. In Karelia, very extensive possessions of Novgorod Boyar were eliminated. Their peasants have become a protective (state), sat on the lifting. The ownership of the monasteries also confiscated, but partly. Local farmers-peasants, in view of the poor fertility of passed, low yields, seeded quite large plots. Fish fishing, hunting, extraction of the marine animal. In some areas they were engaged in iron, welded salt. In the "rows", in the city of Korele traded the products and products of the crafts. A rich farm had a Solovetsky monastery. One salt he sold throughout the country many thousands of pounds per year. Through the Cola and the mouth of the northern dock, the foods and products of the Pomerania went abroad.

Karelia, by the end of the Novgorod government, began to wear Russian names and surnames. Many spoke and wrote in Russian. Local folk legends used Karel Chudinov, in the history of Karelia and Lapland written by him; Unfortunately, his work was not preserved, he mentions a Dutch traveler who visited Kandalaksha. Russian iconography and church architecture received great distribution in Karelia.

Nervussian peoples in Russia XVI century (unknown artist).

Karelam and Russians had to reflect the gripful invasions from the West. Swedes captured in 1581 Korela with county. But local residents began against them a partisan war. She was headed by the peasant Kirill Ragozin. Their actions continued for many years. Another leader appeared - Karel Luka Rasyainen. As a result of the Russian-Swedish war 1590-1595. Russia returned lost lands - Korela and her county, Izhora Earth, Yam, Coporye, Ivan city. Due to the strong ruin of the Korean county, Boris Godunov liberated him for 10 years from taxes, gave it to residents the right to duty-free trade. These measures have become fruit - residents return to their foci, economic life is restored.

Perm Land in the populated Komi, called the Vyso and Dejected Earth. Far Northeastern areas here began to settle only in the XVI century. Slobods appear at the mouth of the Tsilma, at the Izhme, in other places of the Pechora pool. Agriculture, largely covered, developed weakly due to natural conditions. Bread imported, but it was not enough. Much more productive were other industries - animal husbandry, fishing, hunting. In the last quarter of the XVI century. Seregov salt crafts arose. Komi-artisans made skin, shoes, clothing, blacksmiths; The merchants traded in Pomorie and behind the Urals, in Siberia. Komi-peasants were mainly proteinous. Only the Perm Episki belonged 89 peasant yards in Ust-Vy.

North Karelia, the Kola Peninsula inhabited Saama (Burry, blades). They caught fish, hunted, bred deer. They paid tribute to the Moscow treasury, they gave the training. Russians appear in their lands, monasteries occupied land and fishing grounds. Denmark and Sweden claimed on the Kola Peninsula. But their attempts to capture him ended in failure.

In the extreme north, from the river Mezen to the Lowowev Obi, the Nenets (Samoyed) lived - nomads, their lessons - reindeer herding, fisheries, hunting. Local areas are also vigorously mastering Russian merchants, industrialists. Nenets paid tribute to Moscow.

Already at the end of the 15th century, several campaigns of Russian governors led to the accession of Ugra Earth. Here Khanty (Ostya) and Mansi (Voguli) lived. Local princes collected for Moscow. From the beginning of the 1570s. Kuchum, the ruler of the Siberian Khanate, subjugated to himself the southern Hunting and Mansiysk lands. But after the hike, Ermak, they returned to the Russian citizenship.

Residents of the Middle Volga region - Tatars and Chuvashi (the descendants of the Volga Bulgar), Udmurts, Marie, Mordva-entered the composition of Kazan Khanate. Their classes - agriculture and animal husbandry, hunting and Bortnovnia. The lands belonged to Khanam, Tarkhanam (secular feudalists), clergy (vacufted possession). In cities (Kazan - the capital of Khanate, Arsk, Laishev, Mamadysh, etc.) were developed crafts. Local masters made good skin - yuffy and safyan, blacksmith and mednolothy, gold and silver products, clay and wood, etc.

IN 1552 Hanice with its lands and peoples included in Russia. They managed the edge of the governors, sitting in Kazan, at the end of the century, the Kazan order appeared in Moscow (order of the Kazan Palace). Back in 1555, the Diocese was established in Kazan, and a Christianization of the local population began. Neruvian feudal feudalles, loyal to Moscow, retained their lands, became nobles of Russia.

Bashkaria, like the Kazan kingdom, weed gravestone. In addition, its different parts were obeyed by three suzernets - Kazan, Siberian Khanaters and the Nogai Horde, nomadic between the Volga and the Yik. Khana and Bii, their own and strangers, mercilessly exploited, simply robbed ordinary Bashkir.

After Russia, Western Bashkiria was departed (1552), another part of it did the same five years later (1557); Eastern Painting-after the final defeat of Siberian Khan Kuchuma (1598). Bashkirs began to pay Yasak to the royal treasury and serve in the Russian army. Their cavalry, rapid and terrible, participated in the Livonian and other wars. The rulers of the Nogai Horde were sworn in the citizenship of Russia, they came out of it.

With the accession of the Astrakhan and, the Nogai Horde into her life, economic and political, local Tatars, Nogai and other nations were included.

The entry of all these peoples to Russia had an important meaning for them. They got rid of the raids and the ruin of the militant neighbors, the bloody gravestites of their rulers. Under the influence of Russians, they develop agriculture, sealing, crafts, trade. New cities appear. Russian and non-Russian residents exchange economic skills, elements of folk culture, enclose mixed marriages, become bilingual in some cases.

But, in addition to positive, there were negative points: violence and the oppression of Russian, local and central, administration, spiritual authorities (violent Christianization), land seizure by Russian feudals. All this could not not lead to contradictions and collisions. Local residents have resisted not only passive (refusal to perform dance, poor performance, shoots), but also actively, raised uprisings. During the last years opposed the social and national oppression, the tops pursued their class targets, up to the exit from Russia and the subordination of the former Khansi Khma and Turkey.

The citizenship in relation to Russia accepted the Kabarda in the North Caucasus (1555). At Maria Temryukovna - the daughter of her rulers of Prince Temryuk Idarov - married. This act weakened the onslaught of Crimea and Turkey, dominated in the lower reaches of Don and Skuban. In 1569, when the Turks took a big trip to Astrakhan from Azov, their army rummed Russian, Kabardians and Adygi. Turkish expansion in the Lower Volga failed.

In the North Caucasus, the knot of contradictions between Russia, Turkey and Iran also is tied, and also claimed local lands.


Territory: From the left bank of the Volga in the south-west to Tobol's Leghors in the East, from the Sylvy River in the north to the Middle Middle of the Yaik in the south.

When:1557 year.

The reasons: The Bashkir tribes had no own state, they were part of the Nogai, Kazan, Siberian and Astrakhan Khunni, who were experiencing a period of feudal fragmentation at that time, which had a negative impact on the position of Bashkir. Despite the weakening of Khanate to Russia in the first half of the XVI century, the unfriendly neighbors were not at all intended to abandon their power over Bashkirs and the latter decided to seek the patronage of a powerful ally - the Russian state.

Treaty: "Following diplomas." Conditions of the Agreement: When entering the Russian state, Bashkirs could freely dispose of their territory, to have their own army, administration, religion, but they were obliged to pay Yasak and allocate soldiers for the Russian army. Russia, in turn, provided Bashkirram full protection against external enemies.

2. Georgia

Territory: Kartli-Kakheti Kingdom (Eastern Georgia).

When: 1801.

The reasons: According to the results of the Russian-Turkish war, 1768-1774, the ruler of the Kartli-Kakhetian kingdom asked him to take his country to the patronage of Orthodox Russia and save the Muslims: "Will now see us in such a patronage in order to everyone ... it was seen that I was accurately subject to the Russian state, And my kingdom is addicted to the Russian Empire. "

Treaty: Georgievsky treatise. Contract Conditions: Tsar Irakli II recognized the patronage of Russia, partially refused to foreign policy, while maintaining complete internal independence. The Russian Empire advocated the guarantor of independence and integrity of the Kartli-Kakhetian kingdom.

Output:In May 1918, Georgia proclaimed independence. The Georgian Democratic Republic entered the USSR.

3. Armenia

Territory:Erivanian and Nakhichevan Khanate.

When: 1828 year.

The reasons:Religious. Russia sought to become a defender of Orthodox peoples. As a result of joining, confessional Christianity moved to Eastern Armenia, and Muslims returned to the territory of the Ottoman and Persian empires.

Treaty: Turkmanchai treaty. Conditions of the contract: territories have completely retired Russia with the right of free resettlement of Christians and Muslims.

Output:1918 The Republic of Armenia was formed, which became in the USSR.

4. Abkhazia

Territory: Abkhaz principality.

When:1810 year.

The reasons:Numerous attacks on the part of Muslim neighbors: the Ottoman Empire and Western Georgia, as a result of which, not only the people suffered, but also a Christian culture. Prince Kelshbay, in 1803 asked Russian citizenship, but soon he was killed as a result of the proto-segment. His son Safarbey was suppressed by Turkey's supporters and repeated the proposal of the Father.

Treaty: Alexander I Manifesto on the accession of the Abkhaz Principality to the Russian Empire. Contract Conditions: Abkhazia has retained autonomous control.

Output: In 1918, he became part of the Mining Republic, which became in the USSR.

5. Republic of Tyva

Territory: Part of the North Yuan Empire, as well as the Hotjoyt and Dzhungarian Khanate.

When: 1914.

The reasons:As a result of the proclamation of independent external Mongolia.

Treaty: Stop note of the Minister of Foreign Affairs S.D. Sazonov with the signature of Nicholas II. Conditions of the contract: Tuva entered under the Protectorate of Russia called the Uryanhai region.

Output: In 1921, the Tuvinian People's Republic was formed in the USSR.

6. Ossetia

Territory:on both sides of the Chief Caucasus Range.

When: The joining project was developed in 1775.

The reasons:The need for resettlement due to small earth.

Treaty: It is definitely not known, formally approved by the project of the Astrakhan Governor General P.N. Kechchenikov.

Agreement conditions:Before the formation of the Ossetian district, in 1843 kept internal independence.

Output: In 1922, South Ossetia entered the Georgian SSR.

7. Ukraine

Territory: Left bank.

When: 1654 year.

The reasons:The social and religious oppression of the Polish gentry and the Catholic clergy of the Commonwealth.

Treaty: Pereyaslav Treaty. Conditions of the contract: Ukraine was included in the Russian state, the local Ukrainian administration was recognized by the Russian state authority. Hetman submitted to the king.

Output:In 1917, as a result of the Ukrainian revolution.