Fabulous patrol what are their favorite colors. Fantasy Patrol (TV series)

Fabulous patrol what are their favorite colors.  Fantasy Patrol (TV series)
Fabulous patrol what are their favorite colors. Fantasy Patrol (TV series)


What is the reason for such all-round love? Let's learn more about the features of creating characters and the series itself.

The idea comes from childhood

In childhood (and not only) I really want to believe in my exclusivity, originality. And often we fantasize, imagining ourselves as someone who has magical powers. This is how the idea of ​​creating the TV series "Fairy Patrol" arose.

The story of girls who, on the one hand, live the usual life of adolescents, solve the most ordinary, everyday problems, but on the other hand, the lives of girls are filled with magical adventures

Work on the project began back in 2015. Then I remembered the cozy, atmospheric town of Myshkin, where he had once visited. He decided to settle the heroes here in order to best reflect the atmosphere of comfort and charm of the fairy tale.

The project team was not faced with the task of embodying Myshkin in the animated series.It seems that this is best achieved thanks to the legend of the city's formation.

Here the legend ends and reality begins ...

Once, Prince Fyodor Mikhailovich Mstislavsky, driving through his lands, decided to stop for a rest on the banks of the Volga. The prince fell asleep, but, unexpectedly, his sleep was disturbed: a little mouse ran over the prince's face. Fyodor Mikhailovich was angry, but suddenly he saw that a poisonous snake was crawling towards him. Then the prince realized to whom he owed his life, and ordered to put an icon on this place, to cut down the city and name it Myshkin.

It will be possible to get acquainted with the legend about the brave and wise mouse in the “mouse kingdom-state” - the Museum of the Mouse, which is located in the city.

How the atmosphere is created

In the series, there is no city of Myshkin, reproduced with topographic accuracy, but the atmosphere of the city and the general peaceful mood of its inhabitants are conveyed.

This environment will surround the characters throughout the series. The visual style of the image is looking for the production designer. After a few references have been selected (images, photographs, paintings that inspired the project team), the director and artistic director of the project approve the concept.

The complexity of this process lies in the fact that the selection of references can be dealt with endlessly, thereby complicating the task for yourself. Coming up with an idea and putting it into practice are two different actions.

Heroines of the "Fairy Patrol"

We took as a basis the famous fairy-tale heroines, to whom we got used to in childhood. Varya - Varvara-Krasa long braid. Masha - Marya is a master. Snezhka - Snegurochka. Alenka is the sister of Alyonushka.

We endowed them with bright characters based on the four fundamental psychotypes of a person's personality: Choleric (Alenka), Phlegmatic (Masha), Sanguine (Varya) and Melancholic (Snezhka)

- says Maria Parfenova.

Sorceresses were endowed with the magic of four elements in accordance with their characters:

  • Alenka possesses the magic of Fire - it is as explosive, hot and unbridled as the element of fire.
  • Varya possesses the magic of Air - it is strong, emotional, decisive and mobile, like the element of air.
  • Masha possesses the magic of the Earth - it is reasonable, unhurried, unshakable and reliable, like the earth itself.
  • Snowball possesses the magic of Water - it is the most ambiguous, mysterious and unexpected, like the element of water capable of transforming from a liquid state into solid ice.

The actions of the heroines follow directly from their character. As a rule, the impetuous Alenka tries to solve all the problems as quickly as possible and sometimes sharply and boldly. Confident Varya loves to show off and show off her merits. Smart and sensible Masha does not like haste, before making a decision, she will first think it over, weigh everything and draw up a clear plan.

Transformation of heroines

The transformation from an ordinary state into a magical one is a kind of transition, a symbolic transition from the world of the ordinary to the world of magic, immersion in it to the fullest. Girls in their ordinary, everyday state can use magic, but this magic is safe "household". When they take on a magical form, their magical power is concentrated and is able to manifest with all its might.

Age of heroines

By the end of the first season, the girls are 12 years old. We are not trying to make the characters look more mature. The important thing is that during the season the girls grow up mentally! They have to make informed decisions, admit and correct their mistakes, learn to take responsibility, which are signs of growing up.

About love

The romance line in the series will manifest itself very neatly. The relationship between the heroes is not yet falling in love, but rather a romantic friendship.

Boys Sasha and Vasya are ordinary guys, classmates of girls, who were lucky enough to discover the secret of "the existence of wizards among people" and become participants in wonderful adventures.

Where are the girls from and who are their parents?

In the human world, there are magical worlds in the subspaces between reality and a fairy tale. Snezhka lived in the Snow Kingdom in the north with her grandfather, Santa Claus. Masha is in the magical Forest world, her parents are dryads. Varya comes from the Air World, her parents are mighty winds.

About college

Magic College is a school where children of wizards who remained in the human world study magic. He is in a magical subspace hidden between the world of people and the fairy world.

Our girls graduated from college and were sent to "practice" in the city-museum of fairy tales Myshkin - a kind of place of power where fairy tale characters still live.

Mission of heroines

Hone your magical skills and at the same time learn to live among ordinary people.

And the disappointment lies in the fact that this animated series has a score of 5.5. Why? Is he so bad that he deserves such a low mark? No. But, unfortunately, with the release of the first episodes, Syenduk, with his fans, drew attention to this cartoon, and a wave of negativity and hate came over him.

My disappointment lies in the people. At the beck of a media persona, they began to spit not your opinion on a good cartoon.

It so happened that with my younger sister, I watched a lot of cartoons, and most of them were frankly childish garbage. This animated series is different. It has an interesting idea, an interesting concept, interesting damn decorations!

Adaptation of Russian fairy tales wrapped in the wrapper of modernity - what could go wrong? Judging by the experience of Russian works, it can absolutely go wrong. all... But this cartoon has good animation, design, attention to detail, great sound design (I want to spit on most of the Russian songs in cartoons, and here not only great songs - here, in general, VERY good work with sound, and these are exactly those little things which make the piece so attractive). Immediately, I will draw your attention to the fact that everyone did not like it - how in the first episode Alena read out a rap. To be honest, at first I didn't like it either. And then I thought - why not? She's a teenager, now, and even 10 years ago, this is quite a fashionable topic. It also helped me to accept the rap that it wasn't bad (at least it had a cool beat). In literally all, without exception, all Russian works, when the moments with rap began, I wanted to make a displeased face and stop watching. But this was not the case here. Yes, this is not my favorite moment of the series, but it does not evoke particularly negative emotions, and, which is very nice, the authors realized that this was not the best idea, they no longer resorted to this musical direction, and already in episode 4 they wrote a song that I listened to at least 10 times.

I almost never liked 3D cartoons. But not here. Great work here with both graphics and animation. Frequent frame changes from 3d to 2d, good-looking choreography in dances, a lot of interesting camera solutions (if applicable to the animated series), and a lot of references to many things, and this is very pleasing to the eye. All this is done in a stylish, interesting, pleasant and dynamic way.

This is a cartoon in which the creators have put their soul into. This is a Russian cartoon that I liked and attracted me, which was pleasant to watch. Someone out there compares him to Graffiti Falls. I watched only a few episodes, he did not hook me. But because of this, I did not run to complain to everyone and give low marks.

One of my biggest disappointments is all these people who complain that in Russia they remove one garbage. But when someone filmed something really good, instead of supporting, these people went to "criticize".

This animated series isn't perfect, but it's the best (or at least one of the best) Russian cartoon I've seen. I would put 8, but damn it, how nice it is to listen to Russian voices, not voice acting, but the original track, in a really good title. And how nice it is that someone has finally started to create something so high quality and cool.

Russian animated series "Fairy Patrol" combines stories about girls with supernormal abilities and the world of Russian fairy tales.

Snezhka, Alenka, Masha and Varya are cheerful, courageous, lively and, at first glance, the most ordinary schoolgirls. However, in reality they are young sorceresses. Their task is to observe all the fairy-tale characters in the city of Myshkin: how they behave, try to help them in everything and guard the tranquility of ordinary residents of the city. Fairy Patrol maintains a balance between the world of fairy tale magic and the world of people.

App Store
Download the game "Fairy Patrol" in Google Play

Main characters:

  • Varya is cheerful and responsible, she is the leader of the “Fantasy Patrol” team. Magic: teleportation and air.
  • Masha is the brain of the team: quick-witted and inventive. Magic: nature.
  • Snow is kind and calm. Granddaughter of Santa Claus Magic: snow.
  • Alenka is a cheerful and restless local resident of the town of Myshkin. She is just beginning to wield magic. Magic: fire.

Minor characters:

  • The scientist cat (or simply the Cat) is a grumpy, eternally disgruntled intellectual cat, an employee of the museum of magical artifacts in the city of Myshkin. He considers himself "dark gray", although all other characters call him black, which annoys him very much. He is a fan of the singer Malvina.
  • Goblin is a powerful guardian of a gigantic forest. Appears in the first episode, where he tries to catch Green Tosca, as it turned out, for her own good.
  • The Mouse King is a multi-headed mouse monarch who dreams of bringing his subjects the moon, which he believes is made of cheese.
  • Malvina is a blue-haired doll-singer working for Karabas-Barabas. Unlike the heroine of the same name in the fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio", she is not "alive" and acts like a robot.
  • Karabas-Barabas is Malvina's evil "producer", unlike his prototype from the aforementioned fairy tale, who owns dark magic - as soon as he photograph a person and attach it to the wall with a magic pin, he will turn into a doll.
  • Harlequins are Karabas's assistants. They do not know how to speak, and obediently carry out all his orders.


  • The music for the animated series was written by the Russian rock group "SLOT".
  • The main characters of the cartoon speak with the voices of famous Russian actresses. So, Alenka is voiced by Miroslava Karpovich, familiar to many from the TV series "Daddy's Daughters". Masha's voice is actress Yulia Aleksandrova ("The Best Day", "Bitter", "Bitter 2"). Snow's voice belongs to Polina Kutepova, actress of the Pyotr Fomenko Workshop Theater.
  • Based on the fairytale patrol universe, a book by children's writer Oleg Roy “Beware, brownie!” Was released. A total of 12 books are planned to be released in the series.
  • At the festival "Multimir-2017" the musical group "Fairy Patrol" was presented.
  • Icarus National Animation Award, 2017.
  • Laureate of the Startup Prize - Everybody Dance!
  • On Tlum.Ru it became available for viewing already

The Fairy Patrol, which is designed to keep order in the magic city, includes four girls. But these are not ordinary children, but those with magical abilities. Varya, Masha and Snezhka studied at a magic college, and after graduation they arrived in the city of Myshkin for practical training. And they were instructed to meet a resident of Myshkin Alyonka, the same age as three friends. She immediately won the sympathy of the magical girls with her spontaneity and sociability.

Alyonka showed them the city, which had something to see. It is not for nothing that tourists constantly come to it to take pictures of local monuments and attractions. There is a mysterious legend that explains the origin of the city. Once upon a time there was a gate in its place, separating the world of people from the world of magic. And everyone got along well and were friends, until the greedy prince wanted to rule over the fairy-tale characters. Lacking magical powers, he negotiated with a black mirror.

After that, he received the strength to transform into any object or character. His name is Morok, and he does not give up the hope of getting the magic key. And the gates were closed, many fairy-tale characters fled, and those who remained are trying to live like ordinary people who arrange a performance for tourists. Visitors think that everything around in Myshkin is beautiful scenery and actors in disguise. But in fact, the excursions are conducted by Yadviga Petrovna, that is, Baba Yaga.

A shop with souvenirs is kept by two of the casket, and a real Leshy lives in the forest. There is a Lukomorye in the park, and inside a large oak there is a storehouse with various magical objects, which are in charge of the scientist Cat. Four girls must keep order in the city, the behavior of the characters. Moreover, they were made the keepers of Myshkin. They thought for a long time what name to come up with for their team. Supergirls, or magical girls? But in the end, they decided to call themselves the Fantasy Patrol.

She considers herself an unspoken leader, so she often commands her friends, directing and distributing responsibilities. She has dark hair and deep purple eyes. The magic element that Varya controls is air. The girl is able to direct the currents of the wind in the right direction. She also knows how to teleport herself and her friends, pick up objects. Together with the other two girls, she studied at a magic college. Varya knows how to skate well, causing the envy of her friends. She loves to play the guitar in a group of members of the Fantasy Patrol, she dreams of getting a red electric guitar for the New Year.

Responsible, quick-witted and calm Masha does not part with the magic computer. She believes that anything can be found on the Internet, including answers to questions. She has a notebook in which she writes down the necessary information. She is smart, resourceful, able to analyze and draw the right conclusions. The element that Masha possesses is the earth. Therefore, when it is necessary to use magic, she uses leaves, grass and other vegetation, twisting it into a whirlwind or spreading it like a blanket. She has brown hair and green eyes.

Blond Snow with blue eyes is the granddaughter of Santa Claus. Controls water, which with the help of a staff that releases cold balls, can freeze or turn into snowflakes. She is calm and romantic, kind, creative nature. She wants to learn to skate as well as Varya. She dreams of getting skates with rhinestones.

A local resident, unaware that she has the ability to sorcery. For a long time she was jealous of the girls-sorceresses and tried to learn at least some sorcery. But in the end it turned out that she can conquer fire, which is her element. She is very sociable, lively and energetic. Loves rap, dreams of becoming famous and performing on stage.

Having met her friends, she immediately managed to join their team, defeating Tosca Green. Alyonka always smiles, never gets discouraged and always gets into adventures. Helping the fairytale stove, she received a magic bracelet from that stove, which made her a real sorceress. She's just learning to use magic. Alyonka has red hair and brown eyes.

Scientist Cat

For many years he was in the service, being the keeper of Myshkin. Everyone calls him black, which is very annoying for the cat, since he sees himself as dark gray. Sits inside the curvature, where he monitors the map of the city and all magical items. Very responsible and serious. I do not like it when they interfere in his affairs, but considers the fabulous patrol to be amateurs in the world of fairy tales. She dreams of catching Moroka on her own, thanks to her prophetic stone. After he mistook Morok for Vasilisa the Wise, he was removed from office, advised to take a break from grueling duties. At first, the cat was offended, but then got a taste and took up cooking, music and fishing.

A very strict fairy-tale curator, whom the girls-magicians know from the magic college. In abbreviated form, they call her Vasya-Vasya behind her back. She regularly checks how things are in Myshkin. For her arrival, the city is carefully prepared for order. She sent the scientist cat on an indefinite leave, and instead appointed the entire Fairy Tale Patrol to the post of keeper.

She is Baba Yaga. Looks like a serious, modern old lady riding a hoverboard around the city. He leads excursions, since he has lived in Myshkin for several centuries and knows everything about it well. He owns a stupa, a broom and a hut on chicken legs, which he presents to tourists as an architectural monument. Can turn into a young, beautiful girl.

Two from the casket

Foma and Erema own a shop where you can find any magic items. Kind and stupid, executive and indecisive.

Looks like a talking cactus making funny words. Masha ordered it through an online store to help her friends. But she did not use the petals, and the flower in the pot now stands at the girls' houses, sometimes giving them strange advice.

The main villainous character that no one has seen. After all, he knows how to turn into any person or object. Having assumed the guise of Vasilisa the Wise, he deceived the Kota, managing to later steal the casket, which contains the magic keys to the Portal. He was imprisoned in a dungeon, but managed to escape and now they are trying to catch him.

I came to the city with my show, in which a doll performed under the guise of singer Malvina. While all the residents of Myshkin stood in the park in front of the stage where the concert was going on, Karabas was going to clean the city with his Harlequins.

He got out of the musical apparatus in which he was for a hundred years, outwitting Thomas and Erema. In the city he began to be mischievous and mischievous, forcing everyone to dance, not even wanting to.

Mouse King

The three-headed rodent from the fairy tale Nutcracker, leads the mouse people. Believes that the moon is made of cheese and dreams of getting it to feed his subjects.

Who voices the heroes

The already beloved characters of the cartoon Fairy Patrol, which everyone loves to watch online, for free and in good quality, speak in the voices of many actors. Moreover, the image voiced by them is very suitable for all artists.

Alyonka is voiced by the actress Miroslava Karpovich, known to many for the TV series "Daddy's Daughters". For Masha, the actress Yulia Aleksandrova speaks, whose filmography is very rich. Varya speaks in the cartoon in the voice of Olga Kuzmina, the star of the Kitchen series. Snowball is voiced by the Honored Artist of Russia, Polina Kutepova. The learned cat is voiced by comedian and TV presenter Andrei Rozhkov. Baba Yaga - Evelina Bledans. Vasilisa the Wise - Julia Zimina. Several minor characters are voiced by Diomid Vinogradov.

Fairy Patrol is a domestic animated series from Maria Parfyonova and Evgeny Golovin. The project was directed by Nail Mubinov, who made his first debut in the children's genre. The release date of the animated series Fantasy Patrol Episode 31 is expected on May 16, 2019, the first season will consist of 26 episodes.

The animated series tells the story of the adventures of four friends who stood up to protect ordinary people to control the fabulous creatures. In each episode, Alenka, Masha, Snezhka and Varya face magical powers and creatures, help them, and restore the balance of power.

Episode 30 premieres on April 28, 2019, and Episode 31 of Fantasy Patrol is expected to air - May 29, 2019 in the application "Mult". ...

Who is on the patrol?

Alenka is a local resident of the town of Myshkin, who knows everything about fairy-tale creatures. She has a perky character and just a talent for getting involved in new adventures. Vary is a confident girl, a born leader, but gives way to Alenka. Masha is the smartest of the girls , who has repeatedly stopped her friends from rash acts, but has difficulties in communicating with guys. Well, Snezhka is a creative person who knows how to find a common language with all fabulous creatures.

Together, young sorceresses are able to overcome any difficulties, working together. The girls have already managed to defeat Tosca, gin, save the mouse king, and other extraordinary heroes. In the fourth episode, the organizer of the Malvina concert became the villain, in others - Vanichka and other characters.

Later, the girls were appointed guardians of the city of Myshkin, which was previously guarded by a black cat. The sorceresses did an excellent job with the new mission despite the obligation to go to school and the usual daily chores. What other adventures await the four friends, we will find out after the release date of the series.

Why is the release of the 29th episode postponed

Animation studio "Parovoz" is simultaneously developing several animated series, which become more interesting with each episode. Creators could you start episode 29 and 30 in a week or two, but then you would not like its content. After the release of each episode in the "Moolt" application, the estimated release date of the next episode is announced. But its creation may take a long time, so there are transfers that you do not like so much.

Episode release schedule

All episodes of season 1

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5

Episode 6

Episode 7

Episode 8

Episode 9

Episode 10

Episode 11

Episode 12

Episode 13