Reclamation is an example of rational nature management. What is environmental management, examples

Reclamation is an example of rational nature management.  What is environmental management, examples
Reclamation is an example of rational nature management. What is environmental management, examples

For a long time, mankind has been satisfying its needs for food, heat, rest at the expense of natural resources. In some cases, our activities cause irreparable harm to the environment. Therefore, we must use natural resources rationally.

This will allow us to economically and justifiably consume the gifts that our planet gives us. Rational nature management, examples of which will allow us to delve into this issue, requires detailed consideration.

The concept of nature management

Before considering examples of rational and irrational use of natural resources, it is necessary to define this concept. There are two main interpretations.

The first definition considers the use of natural resources as a system of rational consumption of resources, which allows to reduce the rate of processing, allows nature to recover. This implies that a person does not prejudice himself in the use of the gifts of the environment, but improves his technologies for the full use of each natural resource.

The second definition states that environmental management is a theoretical discipline that considers ways to improve the rationality of the use of available resources. This science is looking for opportunities to optimize this issue.

Resource classification

Rational use of natural resources, examples of which should be considered in more detail, requires thoughtful use of resources. It is necessary to understand what is meant by them. Natural resources are not created by man, but are used for his purposes.

These funds are classified according to various criteria. In the direction of use, there are industrial, recreational, medical, scientific and other resources. There is also a division into renewable and non-renewable groups. The first category includes the energy of wind, sun, ocean water, etc.

Natural resources are non-renewable. First of all, this should include oil, gas, coal and other fuel types of raw materials.

These approaches to grouping are arbitrary. After all, even the energy of the sun will one day be inaccessible to us. After a huge number of years, our star will still go out.

Types of natural resources

It is customary to divide existing natural resources into several groups. They need to be considered in more detail. First of all, water resources are widely used in the modern world. We consume them, use them for technical purposes. It is necessary to preserve the purity of these resources without disturbing the original habitats of underwater flora and fauna.

The second important group is land resources. An example of rational nature management is plowing, for example, natural landscapes for crops that, after their growth, do not impoverish the soil.

Also natural resources include minerals, forests, flora and fauna. Energy resources are very important to us.

Signs of rationality

Considering today's human actions, for example, industrial production, agriculture, tourism, changing natural landscapes, it is sometimes difficult to say unequivocally which of the above is an example of rational nature management. After all, human activities affect our environment.

Rational use of natural resources is the most harmonious interaction between us and the world. This concept has several characteristic features.

The use of the gifts of nature is rational if, in the course of his activities, a person applies new technologies, as well as intensive approaches to production. For this, methods of waste-free manufacturing of new products are being introduced, and all technological processes are being automated.

This approach to management is typical for the developed countries of the world. They serve as an example for many other states.

Irrational use of natural resources

Examples of rational nature management are found everywhere today. But there is also a reverse approach to housekeeping. It is characterized by a mass of negative phenomena, representing a dangerous tendency both for the producing country and the whole world.

Irrational use of environmental resources is characterized as unreasonable, predatory consumption. At the same time, people do not think about the consequences of such their actions. The irrational approach also has its own characteristics. First of all, this includes an extensive approach to doing business. At the same time, outdated technologies and production methods are used.

Such cycles are illogical, not thoroughly thought out. The result is a lot of waste. Some of them harm the environment, human health and even lead to the death of entire species of living beings.

Irrational use of natural resources leads humanity into an abyss, an ecological crisis. This approach to management is typical for the countries of Latin America, Asia and Eastern Europe.

Basic examples

There are several main activities that can be clearly attributed to one or another group of use of environmental resources. An example of rational nature management is the use of waste-free production technologies. For these purposes, enterprises of a closed or complete processing cycle are created.

In this matter, it is important to constantly improve the technique, approaches to the manufacture of products. One of the main examples can also be the creation of protected areas, where activities are being actively carried out to protect and restore flora and fauna.

Human activity deprives many species of animals and plants of their habitats. The changes are sometimes so strong that it is almost impossible to reverse them. Also, an example of rational nature management is the restoration of sites for the development of natural resources, the creation of natural landscapes.

Generally accepted principles

A common system has been adopted in the world, according to which national principles of nature management are recognized as expedient. They must not cause irreparable damage to the environment. This is the main principle that puts the interests of nature above economic benefits.

Several principles have been developed that can be an example of rational nature management. Is the drainage of swamps, thoughtless deforestation, the destruction of rare species of animals, according to these postulates, a real crime? Undoubtedly! People must learn to consume the minimum amount of resources.

Ways to improve the situation

Considering the rational use of natural resources, examples of which were given above, it should be said about the real methods of its improvement. They are successfully used all over the world. First of all, it finances enterprises conducting research in the field of increasing the completeness of the development of natural resources.

Also, methods are being introduced for the well-thought-out location of production facilities in each specific environmental zone. Production cycles are changing to minimize waste. Taking into account the peculiarities of the region, the economic specialization of enterprises is determined, environmental measures are developed.

Also, taking into account the peculiarities of the ecological situation, monitoring and control of the consequences of one or another type of human activity is carried out. The world community is faced with the need to introduce the latest technologies, to carry out environmental measures to maintain the ecological characteristics of the environment in which mankind can exist. Indeed, from the point of no return, when it will be impossible to restore the previous natural conditions, we are only a few steps away.

Examples of the global community

The world example of rational nature management is the organization of economic activities in New Zealand. This country has completely switched over to inexhaustible sources of energy, has established the priority value of protected areas.

It is a leader in eco-tourism. Forests in this country remain unchanged, their cutting, as well as hunting is strictly prohibited here. Many economically developed countries are also gradually switching to solar and wind energy. Each state undertakes, as far as possible, to apply methods that increase the rationality of nature management.

Having considered the rational use of natural resources, examples of which were presented above, one can understand its importance. The future of all mankind depends on our attitude to the world around us. Scientists say an ecological disaster is close at hand. The world community is obliged to take all measures to improve the organization of human economic activity.

PLEASE ANSWER CORRECTly, BECAUSE MY ANNUAL ASSESSMENT DEPENDS ON THIS) 1) Which of the listed plants are typical for the tundra? A) lichen and cloudberries ___ b) feather grass and fescue ___ c) spruce and larch ___ d) wormwood and ecological problems. tundra is: a) mining ___ b) agricultural activities ___ c) logging ___ d) the growth of large cities. 3) What natural and economic zone of Russia has been most changed by man? a) tundra ___ b) taiga ___ c) steppe ___ d) semi-desert 4) A group of foreign tourists decided to relax in Russia and spend a week in the mountains on an area with little changed landscape. On which of the following protected natural areas can they do this? nature management is: a) carrying out snow retention ___ b) draining swamps in the upper reaches of rivers ___ c) creating forest belts in the steppe zone ___ d) land reclamation. 6) The composition of forest vegetation of the forest-steppe zone of the East European Plain is dominated by oaks, not birches and aspens, as in Western Siberia, because here: a) the amount of solar radiation is less than ___ b) soils are less fertile ___ c) winter is milder ___ d) summer colder. 7) What soils are most typical for the taiga zone? a) brown forests ___ b) gray forests ___ c) chernozems ___ d) podzolic. 8) A typical representative of the fauna of the steppe zone are: a) arctic fox ___ b) ground squirrel ___ c) chipmunk ___ d) elk 9) Locate natural economic zones in ascending order of the steppe indicator of the favorable natural conditions for the life of the population. 1) MIXED FORESTS ___ 2) TUNDRA ___ 3) TAIGA. 10) Arrange the natural zones in ascending order of their characteristic values ​​of the moisture coefficient. 1) TAIGA ___ 2) TUNDRA ___ 3) FOREST STEPPE 11) (ON THIS IT IS NECESSARY TO GIVE AN ANSWER IN THE SIZE OF 2-3 SUGGESTIONS) Oil and gas pipelines laid in the tundra zone are an obstacle to the migration of reindeer, their cortex mobile base is shrinking, natural pastures are being destroyed. Suggest 2 ways to lay pipelines to solve this problem.

1) An example of unsustainable use of natural resources is: a) planting forest belts b) construction of sewage treatment plants c) rafting timber along rivers

d) land reclamation

2) natural complexes least modified by man are

a) deciduous forests

c) arctic islands

d) taiga zone

hi, i need to urgently answer questions tomorrow

states. Give examples of countries 2) an explanation of the content of the concept of "irrational use of natural resources." Give examples of irrational use of natural resources 3) Explain the concept of "international division of labor (MGTR)." Give a definition of the concept of international geographical division. 4) what determines the specialization of the countries included in the IHTR? 5) Make a diagram of the links between mechanical engineering and other sectors of the world economy.

Geography Grade 8 13. The indigenous inhabitants of the Caucasus are 1) Komi 2) Buryats 3) Ingush 4) Nenets

11. An example of rational nature management is

1) drainage of the bolt in the upper reaches of small rivers

2) open pit mining

3) Use of wind and solar energy

4) conversion of thermal power plants from natural gas to coal

12. Which of the statements contains information about the natural reproduction of the population?

1) Less than a quarter of the population of Russia lives in Siberia, which is concentrated mainly along the Trans-Siberian Railway.

2) In the 90s of the twentieth century, the outflow of the population from the Far Eastern region exceeded 840 thousand people (11% of all residents)

3) In 2007, in many constituent entities of the Russian Federation, there was an increase in the number of births and a decrease in the number of deaths.

4) In Russia, there are 153 thousand rural settlements, and a little more than a thousand cities.

15. Why are there many swamps and wetlands on the territory of the West Siberian Plain? State one climatic and one terrain.

Write down the answer on a separate sheet or form, first indicating the task number.

18. Distribute the listed cities in order of increasing their height above sea level.

Write down the resulting sequence of letters.

A) Gorno - Altaysk B) Ekaterinburg C) Smolensk

Being a part of nature, man for many centuries has used its gifts for the development of technologies and for the benefit of human civilization, while causing colossal and irreparable harm to the surrounding space. Modern facts of scientists indicate that it is time to think about the rational use of nature, because the thoughtless waste of earth's resources can lead to an irreversible environmental catastrophe.

In contact with

Environmental management system

The modern environmental management system is a holistic structure covering all areas of human activity at the present stage, including the public consumption of natural resources.

Science considers environmental management as a set of measures for the rational use of natural resources, aimed not only at processing, but also at restoration, using improved methods and technologies. In addition, it is a discipline that provides theoretical knowledge and practical skills to preserve and enhance the natural diversity and wealth of the entire world space.

Classification of natural resources

By origin, natural resources are divided into:

By industrial use, there are:

  • World land fund.
  • The forest fund is a part of the land resources on which trees, shrubs, and grasses grow.
  • Hydro resources are the energy and fossils of lakes, rivers, seas, oceans.

By the degree of depletion:

Rational and irrational use of natural resources

Rational use of natural resources is a continuous influence of a person on the surrounding space, where he knows how to manage relationships with nature on the basis of its preservation and protection from unwanted consequences in the course of his activities.

Signs of rational nature management:

  • Restoration and reproduction of natural resources.
  • Conservation of land, water, animals and flora.
  • Gentle extraction of minerals and harmless processing.
  • Preservation of the natural environment for human, animal and plant life.
  • Maintaining the ecological balance of the natural system.
  • Fertility and population regulation.

Rational use of natural resources implies the interaction of the entire natural system on the basis of maintaining the laws of ecology, rationalizing the use, conservation and augmentation of available resources. The essence of nature management is based on the primary laws of mutual synthesis of various natural systems. Thus, rational nature management is understood as the analysis of a biosystem, its careful operation, protection and reproduction, taking into account not only the current, but also the future interests of the development of economic sectors and the preservation of human health.

Examples of environmental management are:

The current state of nature management shows an irrational approach that leads to the destruction of the ecological balance and very difficult recovery from human impact. In addition, extensive exploitation based on old technologies has led to a situation in which the environment is in a polluted and depressed state.

Signs of unsustainable use of natural resources:

There is a fairly large number of examples of irrational use of natural resources, which, unfortunately, prevails in economic activity and is characteristic of intensive production.

Examples of unsustainable use of natural resources:

  • Slash-and-burn agriculture, plowing slopes on hills, which leads to the formation of ravines, soil erosion and the destruction of the fertile layer of the earth ( humus).
  • Change in the hydrological regime.
  • Deforestation, destruction of protected areas, overgrazing.
  • Discharge of waste and sewage into rivers, lakes, seas.
  • Pollution of the atmosphere by chemicals.
  • Extermination of valuable species of plants, animals and fish.
  • Open pit mining.

Principles of rational nature management

Human activity, in the search for ways to rationalize the use of natural resources and improve methods of environmental safety, is based on the following principles:

Ways to implement the principles

At the present stage, many countries are implementing political programs and projects in the field of applying rational methods of using natural resources, which relate to:

In addition, within the framework of a separate state, work is being carried out aimed at the development and implementation of regional plans and environmental measures, and the leadership and control of activities in this area should be carried out by both state and public organizations. These measures will allow:

  • to provide the population with environmentally safe work in production;
  • create a healthy environment for residents of cities and villages;
  • to reduce the dangerous impact from natural disasters and catastrophes;
  • preserve the ecosystem in disadvantaged regions;
  • introduce modern technologies to ensure environmental standards;
  • regulate acts of environmental legislation.

The problem of rational use of natural resources is much broader and more complex than it might seem at first glance. It must be remembered that everything in nature is closely interconnected and none of its components can exist in isolation from each other.

We will correct the damage caused in the course of centuries of economic activity only if society consciously approaches the solution of problems in the global environmental situation. And this is everyday work for an individual, state and world community.

In addition, before preserving any biological subject, it is necessary to thoroughly study the entire agrobiological system, acquire knowledge and understand the essence of its existence. And only by knowing nature and its laws, a person will be able to rationally use all its benefits and resources, as well as increase and save for the future generation of people.


1. “This is one of the largest countries in the world in terms of area, has access to three seas. On its territory is one of the extreme points of the mainland, on which it is located. By land, it borders on only one single country. In the south, along the border with this country, most of the population is concentrated. The country is rich in various minerals, as well as forest, water and land resources "

2. “This developing country in the north borders on a highly developed country: it has access to two oceans. Most of its territory is occupied by mountains and highlands; its bowels are rich in non-ferrous metal ores, oil and natural gas. The country is crossed by the northern tropic, the capital of the country is one of the largest in terms of population and one of the most ancient cities in the world "

3. This country is the world's largest archipelago, washed by the waters of two oceans. On its territory, there is an increased seismicity and intense volcanism. In the bowels of the country there are significant reserves of minerals: oil, natural gas, coal, copper, iron, aluminum ores. The abundance of atmospheric precipitation (more than 2000 mm per year) and high values ​​of air temperature throughout the year determined the presence of evergreen moist forests here.

4. In this island country there is no change of seasons, it is always hot here and there is a lot of atmospheric precipitation. The length of the day and night is approximately the same throughout the year. It is washed by the waters of two oceans. The country is rich in such minerals as oil, tin ores, bauxite. Earthquakes often occur here, there are active volcanoes. This country is predominantly agricultural. Most of its population is engaged in agriculture, the basis of the agricultural crop is rice.

5. This is one of the largest countries in the world in terms of number and area. It is located in the south of the mainland, in the subequatorial belt. The main part of its territory is occupied by a plateau, to the north turning into a lowland, composed of sediments of two rivers. The greatest mountain system stretches to the northeast of the lowland.

6. This is an archipelago country - one of the most developed countries in the world. Most of its territory is occupied by mountains, earthquakes are frequent here, and there are volcanoes. The country is poor in minerals. Due to the great elongation of its territory, climatic conditions are diverse. A warm ocean current passes along the Pacific coast of the country. The country is located on the path of tropical typhoons that originate in the vastness of the Pacific Ocean, which bring great disasters.

7.This country is located in the Southern Hemisphere and has access to the Atlantic Ocean. Its territory stretches in the meridional direction for more than 3.7 thousand km and therefore is located in three climatic zones: tropical, subtropical and temperate. A cold ocean current runs along its coast. One of the main natural resources is the fertile soils of the subtropical steppes. This natural area is called the pampa.

8. This country is one of the largest countries in the world in terms of territory and population. Has access to three seas of one ocean. Two great rivers flow through its territory. The country is home to many cultivated plants: rice, millet, tea, soybeans. Coal, iron ores and many non-ferrous metals are mined.

9. It is one of the largest in terms of area and population. Countries of the world. It is washed by the waters of three seas. According to natural conditions, it can be divided into western and eastern parts. In the eastern part of the country there is a plain composed mainly of river sediments; a monsoon climate is formed in the coastal territory of the country. The relief of the western part is mountainous: one of the largest highlands in the world is located here; in the western part, a sharply continental climate is formed. Until recently, one of the main problems in the country was the rapid population growth.

10. It is one of the largest in terms of area and population. A feature of its geographical position is the presence of a state border with Russia and the availability of access to the seas of the Pacific Ocean. According to natural conditions, the country can be divided into two parts. In the western part there are the highest highlands of the globe with an average altitude of 4500 m, high mountain ranges and high plains with deserts, the climate of this part of the country is sharply continental. The peculiarities of the nature of the eastern part of the country are the flat relief, the monsoon climate, and violent summer floods on the rivers. The large population is located extremely unevenly, the average population density exceeds 100 people. for 1 sq. km, the highest average population density is typical for the eastern part of the country.

11. This country is one of the largest in terms of area on the mainland, washed by the waters of two oceans; the capital is not the largest city in the country. Its bowels are rich in various minerals: the extraction of diamonds, gold, platinum, uranium, iron ores, this country occupies one of the first places in the world. The leading branches of specialization are the mining industry, ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, and the chemical industry. Agriculture has reached a high level. The country has the densest transport network on the continent.

12. This Asian country in terms of territory belongs to the largest countries in the world. In the north of the country, in the mountains, coniferous, mixed and deciduous forests are widespread, in the south of the country semi-desert and desert landscapes prevail. Its territory is characterized by a sharply continental climate of the temperate zone. The country has a land border with only two states.

13. This is one of the largest in area, but one of the least populated countries in the world. The average population density is no more than three people per 1 sq. km. Most of the population is concentrated in the east and southeast of the country. The capital is not its largest city. One of the characteristic features of nature is the widespread occurrence of deserts. The country is rich in many types of natural resources, only water and forest resources are limited.

14. The territory of this country has access to one of the seas of the Atlantic Ocean. The extreme northern point of the mainland, on which this country is located, is located on its territory. The nature of the country is diverse: here you can see desert landscapes, olive and orange groves, evergreen Mediterranean forests. The country has a land border with only two states. The name of the capital is the same as the name of the country.

15.This is one of the largest countries of the mainland on which it is located. Its northern coastal part is located in the subtropical zone, the rest in the tropical zone. The country's territory is crossed by the Greenwich meridian. In the north of the country there are folded mountains. Oil and natural gas deposits are the main wealth of the country. Desert occupies about 4/5 of the country's territory. More than 95% of the total population of the country lives in the northern part, and in a narrow coastal strip, the average population density exceeds 200 people. for 1 sq. km.

16. This is one of the largest countries in terms of area on the mainland, it has access to the sea. Its northern part is located in the zone of subtropical hard-leaf evergreen forests and shrubs, where the highest population density of the country is observed. Most of the country is occupied by tropical deserts. The name of the country coincides with the name of the capital. The country is rich in numerous minerals, but the main wealth of the country is oil and natural gas.

17. This developing country, which is the largest land area on the mainland, is home to large plateaus and lowlands. This country is one of the richest in natural resources countries in the world. It occupies one of the first places in the world in terms of reserves of iron and manganese ores, bauxite. Water, forest and land resources are huge. Most of the population lives in cities. The capital is not the largest city in the country. Main agricultural crops: coffee, cocoa beans, cotton, sugar cane.

18. It is one of the most populous countries in Europe. The country is located on lands at the estuaries of the Rhine, Meuse and Scheldt rivers. From the soils deposited by these rivers, a delta and a vast flat lowland were formed. Half of the territory lies below sea level, and only in the south the area rises to 30 meters. They are followed by lands once reclaimed from the sea, called polders and protected by dunes and dams from sea waters.

19. The territory of this European country stretches in a narrow strip) the widest part is less than 420 km) along the coast of the peninsula. The relief is extremely mountainous. Most of the territory is occupied by a huge highland, consisting of gneiss, granite and other formations of the Archean and Paleozoic periods. In the eastern part of the territory it is indented by large valleys, and in the western and northern parts - by sea bays or fjords deeply protruding into the land.

20. This European country has overseas territories in the Americas, the Indian and Pacific Ocean, and Antarctica. Its western and northern regions are plains and low mountains; in the center and in the east there are medium-altitude mountains. In the southwest and southeast, there are rather high mountainous regions. The climate is temperate maritime, transitional to continental in the east, subtropical Mediterranean on the Mediterranean coast. Currently, population growth is mainly due to immigrants from Muslim countries, which caused political unrest in the country. Clothes, footwear, jewelry, perfumes and cosmetics, cognacs and cheeses produced in this country are very well known in the world market.

21.The state is located in the southwest of Asia, in the Eastern Mediterranean. As an independent state, it was founded on May 14, 1948 on a part of the Mandatory Palestinian Territory. During its short history, the state participated in six wars with neighboring states. It is currently one of the ten richest countries in the world in terms of per capita income. Ranked first in the world for the use of solar boilers in homes.

22. This European state is located on a peninsula. The form of government is a constitutional monarchy. In the past, the largest maritime power. The rich cultural heritage of the country attracts tourists. Tourism is a branch of international specialization of this country.

23. This small state currently occupies several islands in the Pacific Ocean, and during the Second World War it conquered vast territories of Asia up to Indonesia. After 1945, with the participation of the United States and European countries, its economy experienced a long period of rapid growth. The automotive industry, high technologies, the production of household appliances, and the chemical industry were actively developing. Since the mid-1970s, this country has been one of the most economically developed countries in the world.


1. Canada

2. Mexico

3. Indonesia

4. India

5. Japan

6. Argentina

7. China

8. South Africa

9. Mongolia


11. Tunisia.

12. Algeria.

13. Brazil.

14. Netherlands .

15. Norway.

16. France.

17. Israel.

18. Spain.


“This is one of the largest countries in the world in terms of area, it has access to three seas. On its territory is one of the extreme points of the mainland, on which it is located. By land, it borders on only one single country. In the south, along the border with this country, most of the population is concentrated. The country is rich in various minerals, as well as forest, water and land resources "


“This developing country in the north borders on a highly developed country: it has access to two oceans. Most of its territory is occupied by mountains and highlands; its bowels are rich in non-ferrous metal ores, oil and natural gas. The country is crossed by the northern tropic, the capital of the country is one of the largest in terms of population and one of the most ancient cities in the world "


This country is the world's largest archipelago, washed by the waters of two oceans. On its territory, there is an increased seismicity and intense volcanism. In the bowels of the country there are significant reserves of minerals: oil, natural gas, coal, copper, iron, aluminum ores. The abundance of atmospheric precipitation (more than 2000 mm per year) and high values ​​of air temperature throughout the year determined the presence of evergreen moist forests here.

More about Indonesia

In this island country there is no change of seasons, it is always hot here and there is a lot of atmospheric precipitation. The length of the day and night is approximately the same throughout the year. It is washed by the waters of two oceans. The country is rich in such minerals as oil, tin ores, bauxite. Earthquakes often occur here, there are active volcanoes. This country is predominantly agricultural. Most of its population is engaged in agriculture, the basis of the agricultural crop is rice.


This is one of the largest countries in the world in terms of number and area. It is located in the south of the mainland, in the subequatorial belt. The main part of its territory is occupied by a plateau, to the north turning into a lowland, composed of sediments of two rivers. The greatest mountain system stretches to the northeast of the lowland.


This is an archipelago country - one of the most developed countries in the world. Most of its territory is occupied by mountains, earthquakes are frequent here, and there are volcanoes. The country is poor in minerals. Due to the great elongation of its territory, climatic conditions are diverse. A warm ocean current passes along the Pacific coast of the country. The country is located on the path of tropical typhoons that originate in the vastness of the Pacific Ocean, which bring great disasters.


This country is located in the Southern Hemisphere and has access to the Atlantic Ocean. Its territory stretches in the meridional direction for more than 3.7 thousand km and therefore is located in three climatic zones: tropical, subtropical and temperate. A cold ocean current runs along its coast. One of the main natural resources is the fertile soils of the subtropical steppes. This natural area is called the pampa.


This country is one of the largest countries in the world in terms of territory and population. Has access to three seas of one ocean. Two great rivers flow through its territory. The country is home to many cultivated plants: rice, millet, tea, soybeans. Coal, iron ores and many non-ferrous metals are mined.

More about China .

It is one of the largest in terms of area and population. Countries of the world. It is washed by the waters of three seas. According to natural conditions, it can be divided into western and eastern parts. In the eastern part of the country there is a plain composed mainly of river sediments; a monsoon climate is formed in the coastal territory of the country. The relief of the western part is mountainous: one of the largest highlands in the world is located here; in the western part, a sharply continental climate is formed. Until recently, one of the main problems in the country was the rapid population growth.

More about China.

It is one of the largest in terms of area and population. A feature of its geographical position is the presence of a state border with Russia and the availability of access to the seas of the Pacific Ocean. According to natural conditions, the country can be divided into two parts. In the western part there are the highest highlands of the globe with an average altitude of 4500 m, high mountain ranges and high plains with deserts, the climate of this part of the country is sharply continental. The peculiarities of the nature of the eastern part of the country are the flat relief, the monsoon climate, and violent summer floods on the rivers. The large population is located extremely unevenly, the average population density exceeds 100 people. for 1 sq. km, the highest average population density is typical for the eastern part of the country.

South Africa

This country is one of the largest in terms of area on the mainland, washed by the waters of two oceans; the capital is not the largest city in the country. Its bowels are rich in various minerals: the extraction of diamonds, gold, platinum, uranium, iron ores, this country occupies one of the first places in the world. The leading branches of specialization are the mining industry, ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, and the chemical industry. Agriculture has reached a high level. The country has the densest transport network on the continent.


This Asian country belongs to the largest countries in the world in terms of territory. In the north of the country, in the mountains, coniferous, mixed and deciduous forests are widespread, in the south of the country semi-desert and desert landscapes prevail. Its territory is characterized by a sharply continental climate of the temperate zone. The country has a land border with only two states.

Australia or the Commonwealth of Australia.

This is one of the largest in terms of area, but one of the sparsely populated countries in the world. The average population density is no more than three people per 1 sq. km. Most of the population is concentrated in the east and southeast of the country. The capital is not its largest city. One of the characteristic features of nature is the widespread occurrence of deserts. The country is rich in many types of natural resources, only water and forest resources are limited.


The territory of this country has access to one of the seas of the Atlantic Ocean. The extreme northern point of the mainland, on which this country is located, is located on its territory. The nature of the country is diverse: here you can see desert landscapes, olive and orange groves, evergreen Mediterranean forests. The country has a land border with only two states. The name of the capital is the same as the name of the country.


It is one of the mainland countries, large in area, on which it is located. Its northern coastal part is located in the subtropical zone, the rest in the tropical zone. The country's territory is crossed by the Greenwich meridian. In the north of the country there are folded mountains. Oil and natural gas deposits are the main wealth of the country. Desert occupies about 4/5 of the country's territory. More than 95% of the total population of the country lives in the northern part, and in a narrow coastal strip, the average population density exceeds 200 people. for 1 sq. km.

Once again, Algeria.

It is one of the largest countries in terms of area on the mainland, it has access to the sea. Its northern part is located in the zone of subtropical hard-leaf evergreen forests and shrubs, where the highest population density of the country is observed. Most of the country is occupied by tropical deserts. The name of the country coincides with the name of the capital. The country is rich in numerous minerals, but the main wealth of the country is oil and natural gas.


On the territory of this developing country, which is the largest in terms of area on the mainland, there are large plateaus and lowlands. This country is one of the richest in natural resources countries in the world. It occupies one of the first places in the world in terms of reserves of iron and manganese ores, bauxite. Water, forest and land resources are huge. Most of the population lives in cities. The capital is not the largest city in the country. Main agricultural crops: coffee, cocoa beans, cotton, sugar cane.

Netherlands .

It is one of the most populous countries in Europe. The country is located on lands at the estuaries of the Rhine, Meuse and Scheldt rivers. From the soils deposited by these rivers, a delta and a vast flat lowland were formed. Half of the territory lies below sea level, and only in the south the area rises to 30 meters. They are followed by lands once reclaimed from the sea, called polders and protected by dunes and dams from sea waters.


The territory of this European country stretches in a narrow strip (the widest part is less than 420 km) along the coast of the peninsula. The relief is extremely mountainous. Most of the territory is occupied by a huge highland, consisting of gneiss, granite and other formations of the Archean and Paleozoic periods. In the eastern part of the territory it is indented by large valleys, and in the western and northern parts - by sea bays or fjords deeply protruding into the land.


This European country has overseas territories in the Americas, the Indian and Pacific Oceans, and Antarctica. Its western and northern regions are plains and low mountains; in the center and in the east there are medium-altitude mountains. In the southwest and southeast, there are rather high mountainous regions. The climate is temperate maritime, transitional to continental in the east, subtropical Mediterranean on the Mediterranean coast. Currently, population growth is mainly due to immigrants from Muslim countries, which caused political unrest in the country. Clothes, footwear, jewelry, perfumes and cosmetics, cognacs and cheeses produced in this country are very well known in the world market.


The state is located in the southwest of Asia, in the Eastern Mediterranean. As an independent state, it was founded on May 14, 1948 on a part of the Mandatory Palestinian Territory. During its short history, the state participated in six wars with neighboring states. It is currently one of the ten richest countries in the world in terms of per capita income. Ranked first in the world for the use of solar boilers in homes.


This European state is located on a peninsula. The form of government is a constitutional monarchy. In the past, the largest maritime power. The rich cultural heritage of the country attracts tourists. Tourism is a branch of international specialization of this country.


This small state currently occupies several islands in the Pacific Ocean, and during the Second World War it conquered vast territories of Asia up to Indonesia. After 1945, with the participation of the United States and European countries, its economy experienced a long period of rapid growth. The automotive industry, high technologies, the production of household appliances, and the chemical industry were actively developing. Since the mid-1970s, this country has been one of the most economically developed countries in the world.