Strengthening spinal muscles. How to stop negative processes and strengthen the spine at home: Gymnastic exercises, rules and features

Strengthening spinal muscles. How to stop negative processes and strengthen the spine at home: Gymnastic exercises, rules and features
Strengthening spinal muscles. How to stop negative processes and strengthen the spine at home: Gymnastic exercises, rules and features

Regularly to train your back is needed not only by weightlifters and bodybuilders. A good set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and the spine will help form a muscular corset. This is important for both smooth posture and for the prevention of spinal column deformations. The latter often arise in adulthood, especially the leading low-wear lifestyle of people. Paying out only half an hour at half an hour, you can save the flexibility of the spine for many years and avoid many problems with your back.

How to do exercises correctly

Before starting regular back muscle training, it is important make sure there is no contraindications. If there is a history of disease or damage to the spine, then you need a doctor consultation. Even if the loads are allowed, a number of rules should be observed to avoid the injuries of the musculoskeletal system:

  • perform all elements smoothly, without sudden jerks;
  • constantly listen to sensations in the problem area (discomfort - a signal for termination of classes);
  • rail the load gradually, dumb increasing the number of repetitions as muscles strengthened;
  • you need to do regularly, increasing discipline and fixing the results achieved;
  • beginners should not be chased by quantity Repeated and sets, as well as to ask a too frisky pace at the very beginning of the lesson.

The following complex of exercises for the spine is contraindicated in chronic diseases at the aggravation stage, bleeding of any etiology, the presence of pronounced pain in the zone of the waist, blades and neck.

Complex of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back of the house

Four simple exercises for which inventory and practical skillsWhen regular execution will help create reliable muscle support for the spinal column:

  • Bridge Berdrami. The element is performed from the initial position of the lying, bent legs while resting in the feet in the floor, the hands are located along the torso. Exhausted, lift the hips up to the straightening of the body in the hip joints, linger slightly at the top point and smoothly lower the pelvis. Exercise is preferably at least 15 times. As Muscles are strengthened, you can raise the load, straightening one leg in the knee when the hip is lifted.
  • "Bird and Dog" - Interesting and effective exercise for all groups of spinal muscles. Run on all fours (dog posture), you need to strain the press and straighten your back. The transition to the pose of the bird is to simultaneously picked up the right hand and the opposite (left) leg. The limbs are straightened, located strictly horizontally and fixed for a couple of seconds. After returning to the original position, the opposite hand and foot operate (make at least 5 times for each side).
  • Side Plank Especially useful with long-term static load on the spine (standing hours). Lokia on the side and leaning on the elbow of one hand, the second place on the waist. Then tear the hodges from the surface and straighten the body, fixed in such a position no less than half a minute. Repeat the element for the other side. To complicate the task, you can raise your leg in the process of execution or rely on the palm of a direct hand.
  • Deposits Designed to improve coordination are made from the standing position. Fixing the palms on the waist, you need to quickly step forward, bent the legs in the knee joints at right angles. Make 10 repetitions for each leg. You can increase the load with burden (hold dumbbells in your hands).

In addition to the prevention of deformations and diseases of the spine, this simple set of exercises will provide a magnificent posture. Thin waist and graceful gait will become another pleasant bonus.

People whose work implies long-term static loads on the back and attending a simulator room, it is recommended to perform more special elements.

Additional set of exercises to strengthen the spine (video)

The simulators in the gym allow you to diversify a set of standard elements for the formation of a muscular corset.

  • Stretching performed on hyperextension, perfectly strengthen the muscles rectifiers. From the source position, you need to fully straighten the body, staying up for 30 seconds at the top point.
  • Dead craving - Another excellent element for pumping rectifiers. Exercise is intended for the prevention of disorders and contraindicated with pain syndrome. Perform slopes and extension smoothly by holding the bar in the hands of a straight grip.
  • Element "Prayer" It is the thrust of the vertical block performed on the knees. At the bottom point when flexing the body, the head needs to touch the floor.
  • Hyperextenzia You can do on the phytball. The initial position is a legume on a stomach on a projectile with palms recorded on the head and lowered torso. When extending the body to straighten and linger on half a minute in this posture.
  • Stretching with Fitbol - One of the simplest, but very useful for the back of the exercises. You just need to lie on the shell of the stomach and relax the muscles of the whole body. It is possible for a long time in such a posture.

Listed exercises - not only guarantee of strong muscular corsetbut also excellent tools from back pain. Complement the standard workout program, you can do not fear scoliosis and osteochondrosis Even with the many hours of sitting in the office. It is important to get up every hour from the workplace to break the muscles slightly and activate blood circulation.

Efficiency of exercises for the back for diseases of the spine

Scoliosis and osteochondrosis - The most common pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. The first diagnosis is made at any age, since the curvature of posture can be earned in childhood. Wherein atrophy muscles of the back and hold the vertebral post in incorrect position. Special exercises for stretching and strengthening muscles - the optimal way fixing situations.

Set of exercises with scoliosis (video)

Osteochondrosis - more "age" disease, which is degradation of cartilage fabric Intervertebral disks. Accompanied by a violation of the mobility of the spinal column, periodic pains and deterioration of fabrics. In this case, it should be done carefully, however, if the case is not very neglected, exercises they will help restore mobility and get rid of pain.

Osteochondrosis training (video)

After performing a complex of simple exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine daily, you can return health and save it for a long time.

Human health depends on 80% of the state of the spine, or rather, on his health. The spin of a person is his "Achilles Fifth". People remember her when she starts to root or cease to function. Most already by 40 years feel unpleasant sensations in the spine area and in the spine area. This causes many diseases.

The spine of man constantly tolerates huge loads. Due to unnecessary loads, scoliosis, S-shaped curvature, osteochondrosis, pinching blood vessels and nerve plexuses appear. The consequence of these all violations entails a number of diseases:

  • reduction of visual acuity;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • pinching muscles;
  • headaches;
  • migraine;
  • inflammation of the sciatic nerve;
  • poor blood access to limbs;
  • cardiovascular diseases, other.

If you do not do exercises to strengthen your back muscles at home, then they will easily weaken. Because of this, certain areas of the spine will be too magnified and, therefore, intervertebral discs will become inelastic.

The paravertebral zone of intervertebral disks is reduced and the lubricant does not fall in due quantity, the discs wear out and erased. Frequently appear congestion due to poor blood outflow. Also appear spots - osteophytes or salt deposits. Very often, the development of spinal muscles depends on the lifestyle of a person and worsens from sedentary work, or the presence of excess body weight, the absence of a press, and most importantly - this is from laziness to do any exercises to strengthen the muscles of the spine.

Those who regularly pay attention to their backs are less vulnerable to disease. They are not so tired and less felt in the back pain even after loads.

In order to help its back, it is worth understanding the muscular structure of our body. On our back are: the widest and trapezoid muscles of the back.

The broadest back muscle is located from the waist and ends in the armpit area, covers the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe back. To train this muscle of one exercise will not be enough. This muscle builds a shape and helps the spine, removing half of the loads on itself from it.

The trapezoidal muscle is at the top of the back and has the form of a trapezium. She is responsible for moving with hands, shoulders, necks and blades. The development of this muscle improves posture and eyesight, relieves pain in the neck.

Strengthening these muscles will improve the overall condition of a person, to make prevention of diseases, normalize the robot of intervertebral discs and facilitate the transfer of heavy loads.

Exercises for strengthening the muscles of the back prevents the appearance of deformation changes of intervertebral discs. For a more accurate result, it is worth a survey from a specialist doctor. Check the spine and, if necessary, undergo treatment. Also regularly do exercises at home or visit the gym.

Strengthening muscles back at home

Home exercises are effective, but only with regular execution. Exercises must be done no later than 5 hours before sleep. During classes, there should be no feelings of pain in the joints and muscles. If they are, then they must gradually subside, and after all disappear.

The load should be gradually increased. Before each charging, you need to warm up to warm up the muscles. It is very useful to make a workout before each hard work or other type of load.

The warm-up helps to improve the inflow of blood to the muscles, and also enriches oxygen. The performance of the muscles increases, the probability of muscle break is reduced, so they become more flexible.

We start with a warm-up

Each exercise should be performed on two approaches, five times.

  1. Become smoothly, relaxing all the muscles, and make deep breath and exhale. This contributes to abstraction from the outside world.
  2. Make tilts head left, right, back and forth. Doing the exercise slowly and smoothly.
  3. Circular exercises shoulder strands and back.
  4. Rising shoulders up and lowering down.
  5. Mahi hands up and down. Spring Mahi forth and back.
  6. Circular movements with hands back and forth.
  7. Mahi hands with a rotation of the housing 180º.
  8. Circular movements of the Berdes left and right.
  9. Slop forward. To lean so that the tips of the fingertips touched the floor.
  10. Walking in place.
  11. Running on the spot.
  12. Slopes back.
  13. Make a deep breath and at the same time raise both hands up. Make exhale and lower your hands down.

Complex exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back

These exercises may gradually. For their execution, you need a soft carpet or a foam mattress. These exercises should be performed every day for 2 approaches and 5 times. It will go for about 30 minutes. And these 30 minutes will bring much benefit. Performing these exercises need to be taken as a rule and necessarily do everything.

Consider an exemplary set of exercises:

  • To lie on the belly, put the hands along the body, lay the legs smoothly. In this position, lift your head, fixing the look into the distance, and hold 10 seconds.
  • Pronation. Raise legs and shoulders, as far as the back will allow and hold out in such a state of 15 seconds.
  • Lying on the stomach, raise your head and legs at the same time.
  • Lie on the back and bend legs in the knees. Strip palms to the knee joints.
  • Position lying on the back. It is necessary to touch the left knee right to touch the left knee and vice versa. The hand is the second on the floor.
  • Lying on the back, at the same time lift the leg and elbow your hands reach the knee. Alternately change hands.
  • To lie on the stomach, lock the legs, folded into the castle behind your head. Do the back of the back as much as possible.
  • Sit on the floor and cross legs. Make mahu hands: up and down to touch the floor with hands.
  • Station standing on the knees. Right up the right hand, and left to pick up and make circular movements. After 5 times, the hands change.
  • Sit, legs to push the width of the shoulders, the hands bend at the chest level. Next, the hands are not sinking down. And make a tilt forward. Finger and pull out as deep as possible.
  • Be a smooth and raise hands up. Tighten your belly. Gradually make the tilt until the fingertips touch the floor. And also gradually and slowly make the housing. This exercise is stretching the entire spine. The main thing is to constantly keep the drawn belly.
  • Standing standing smoothly with a drawn belly. Make a slope, forward by moving back like a cat, and to relax hands.
  • Standing on smooth legs, making tilts torso. Hands with a slope to raise up, and head down. When lifting straightening hands in front of you.
  • Standing standing. Tighten the belly, legs on the width of the shoulders, the hands are lowering down with the body and make mahi hands in a tilted position so that the hands would touch the floor as much as possible. And after the opposite, they can touch the floor as far as possible in front of them.
  • Stand on your knees, stretched out your hands to rely on the floor. Raise pelvis on stretched legs, passing body weight on hands. And after returning to its original position.
  • To lie on the stomach and put the hands under your head. Experts bend inside. Leg align and make Mahi alternately.
  • To lie on the back and bend legs in the knees, hands along the body. Lift the pelvis so that the pelvis, the knee and the torso were on the same line, and lower down.

Exercises of the general direction for the whole back are very influenced by posture. They make it stronger and even. These exercises are often called straightening. They are also very important for people who have sedentary work.

These exercises contribute to improving the work of the spine, strengthen the muscles of the back, the prevention of the degeneration of intervertebral discs. With the help of these exercises, you can adjust the load on those or other muscles, so that some correctly relax, and others correctly strengthen. Consider some of them:

  • Position: Rack on the knees, hands straight. In this position, alternately raise your straight leg and pull forward a straight arm. Hand, foot and torso with head should form a straight line. Lay in each position for three seconds. Subsequent times should increase the rack time from three seconds to 30 seconds.
  • Stand smoothly. Hands at the chest level are bent in the elbows. Making the turns of the body with mahams of the hand back.
  • To become on the bridge from the position lying. Be so deep so deep as much as the back and the spine will allow.
  • Scatter on the floor box of matches. Become near them near and make slopes for each match. Raise only with two hands at the same time. Such a simple exercise perfectly strengthens the lower back and the sacral department.


To strengthen the back muscles, some special expensive exercise simulators are needed. Each person can strengthen his health at home. The main thing is the patience and the power of will. It is not necessary to give way of laziness, you need to fight it for your beauty and health.

Video with exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back

Video with a complex of exercises for the back

Video about strengthening muscles back at home

Welcome all guests of our site! Today, "I and Fitness" will tell you how to strengthen the muscles of the back at home. This topic is extremely relevant in modern conditions of life. People every day are becoming more passive, spend a lot of time for computers, phones and tablets, are incorrectly fed.

All together it weakens the muscles of the back (the loin, inter-opacculent region and neck), negatively affects the vertebral pillar, distorts posture and causes many diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

A little anatomy

Correct the situation and improve health condition, if you carry out the strengthening exercises at home or in the gym. Before making a program of training, it is necessary to understand the anatomical structure of the back. This area includes:

  • broad muscles;
  • lumbar;
  • diamond-shaped;
  • trepacyivoid;
  • longest;
  • muscles of the backyard of the back (small and large round, as well as sibwise).

The lack of physical exertion will entail dystrophy and muscles atrophy. The muscles will not be able to maintain the spine, the muscular corset will weaken, all internal organs will shift down. That is why it is important to upload your back to strengthen the spine and save the posture.

Classes at home and hall

To strengthen your back, you need to understand what exercises do, and how to perform every movement. Training can be carried out only after consulting with an experienced doctor, since osteochondrosis, scoliosis and hernias on the spine should be engaged with caution, besides, not all sports are allowed with such diseases. If there are no contraindications, and you paid attention to the problems in time, you can safely begin to the housekeeping.

We offer you exercises with photos that will be useful to include in the training process:

  • Diagonal. Become on all fours. One hand, for example, rummage forward, at the same time we tear away from the floor a variety of leg, i.e. left. The tips of the fingers on the leg, the spine and the hand should form one line. We stand in such a position a minute. Then change your arms and legs, repeat another 60 seconds.

  • Smooth deflection. We go to the gymnastic mat face down, rest in the floor with my palms and raise up the shoulder belt, at the same time be flexing as much as possible, the head moves along with the torso. We slowly return to the PI, repeat at a convenient pace for 1 minute. Movement helps strengthen the long, rhombid and breast muscles of the back.

  • Jagged bridge. Going back on the rug, the hands stretched along the body, the legs bent in the knees, the feet are firmly on the floor. It is necessary to tear the pelvis from the plane and lift it up. At the maximum point, fix the position and return back. We repeat 20 times.
  • Boat.. This is a static exercise that is equally efficient for a young girl and an elderly woman, be sure to use during training aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back. It is necessary to lie on the stomach, the hands stretch forward. At the same time, both hands and legs come off from the floor. Back is bent. We remain in this position 30-60 seconds, then relax.
  • Snake. You should lie on the stomach. Hands located along the body and deploy palms up. We try to tear up the top shoulder belt from the floor and explicitly. Then take the starting position. Make a move within 60 seconds.

Training in fitness club

So you have more incentive for training, get a subscription to the gym. In fitness centers, you will receive simulators and sports equipment, which is not at home to help your backs. What simulators are effective in working back muscles, not everyone knows. The following exercises should be performed:

  • Hyperextenia. Lay down the hips on the simulator, go down. In the hip joint should be 90 degrees. It is necessary to raise the case so that the body is extended into the solid line. Fix the position for 10-20 seconds, we relax and repeat 10-15 times.

  • Dead thrust. Keep the neck straight grip. Legs are arranged and slightly brought. It is necessary to lean forward, then straighten up. The back and hands are kept straight. We repeat 20 times.

  • Prayer. Exercise is performed in the block using the rope attached to the top of the frame. It is necessary to take it in the hands, sit on the knees, and then perform twisting so to touch the floor head. We repeat 20 times.

You can also exercise with phytball. It will not be superfluous to carry out morning gymnastics. Sign up into the pool and for massage, swimming perfectly strengthens your back.

Procedure for training

It is worth understanding that the back will not work quickly. The systematic and fulfillment of the basic principles of training is necessary. Only subject to all conditions will be able to achieve the goals. The first changes and improvement of well-being can be seen after 2-3 weeks of permanent training.

To improve the quality of the training process, if you remember:

  • Graduality. Start training with simple exercises and minimum load. Increase the intensity of classes gradually.
  • Smoothness. All movements must be smooth and measured, without jerks and twitching.
  • Frequency of classes. Optimally exercising 3-4 times a week.
  • Proper breathing. It is necessary to breathe dimly and deeply.
  • Concentration. It is important to focus on performing exercises, working out certain muscle groups.
  • Constancy. We need to train systematically without skips and excuses.
  • Security. Observe the exercise technique, use the safety elements.
  • Convenience. It is necessary to engage in comfortable clothes and shoes. During the exercise, nothing should fade movements or cause discomfort.
  • Active lifestyle. Try to move more in addition to training. , bike walking, hiking - all this is favorable on the well-being of the back and the work of the nervous system.

The video in which Dr. Sergey Bubnovsky shows his exercises to strengthen the back:

Put yourself, and go to it. It is very important to realize that such workouts are needed not only to maintain beautiful forms and ideal parameters, but also their own health, extension of life.

We hope that our article helped you understand what you need to download the back, as well as to strengthen the spine. If so, make a couple of clicks with a mouse and share it with friends on social networks. Perhaps they are also looking for a way to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine. Thank you in advance. To new meetings!

The spine is the basis of the human body, the frame, which is responsible for the vital activity of the whole body as a whole. Whatever strong is the spine, the moment comes when a person feels pain in the back of the back, the waist, fatigue. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, prevent their appearance, you need to be able to relax the appropriate muscles. Throughout the day when we stand, sit, move, the spine strains. Even goes to bed, only in certain poses we give him a partial rest. What to do to help your back and strengthen her without leaving home?

How to pump your back at home

For people restricted in time to visit the fitness centers and gym, exercises for the back at home were created. Performing a daily complex that can last only 15-20 minutes, will help you easily feel better feeling. Stiffness, heaviness, muscle tension gradually leaves, to replace them there are eases in the region of the lower back and back. The backs of the back will be easier to hold the spine in a smooth state, softening the load.

Effective set of exercises with photos

In order for the spine correctly function, without delivering a hassle to its owner, classes need to start with gradual stretching. This will help you to purchase flexibility, teach the relaxation of this important part of the human body, the muscles will acquire elasticity, and the former mobility will return to the joints. If you want to have a healthy back - take yourself a rule to make a daily charge. All exercises are divided into two subgroups: those that are devoted to even beginners, and those for the fulfillment of which already pumped muscles.

Beginners should try to make simple stretching exercises and strengthen the spine. Need a rug:

  • In the standing position, leaning forward, try to touch your hands to the floor, without bending your knees, relaxing as much as possible. In the first stages it will be difficult to do this, then over time you can not only with the tips of the fingers, but also completely palms touch the floor.
  • To lie on the back, tighten your knees to the chin, grab legs with your hands, a semicircular back to make rushes. This exercise is well massage the spine, making it stronger.

    To lie on the side, pull out the legs, the body of the body lift, making focus on the hands. The thigh, located on top alternately throw back and forth, increasing the amplitude as much as possible.

    Having focused on the heels, located in the width of the shoulders, and the hands behind the back, lift the body body, forming a "semicramility". Reaching a flat back of the back in the upper position, head back back.

    To lie on the floor face down, alternately fully straightening and bending hands, flexing back, fixing the position of the body for a few seconds. This exercise will help not only stretch the spine, but also strengthen the breast muscles.

Exercises with dumbbells is better to start when the body has already adapted a little to physical exertion and is ready for pumping deeper back muscles. Apply dumbbells is allowed both to men and women. Adjust the weight of the sports projectile in their physical abilities:

  • To strengthen the interscapular region - get up straight, keeping the dumbbells in the hands, bow the body body parallel to the floor. Hands bend in the elbows and working with shovels, alternately tightening them up and breed in different directions.

  • Stand straight, holding dumbbells in your hands. Not straining and without moving hands, while no hurry to raise the shoulders on the breath, fix and slowly lower, exhausted.

How to strengthen the muscles

Without strengthening the muscles that support the lumbar of the spine, it is difficult to remove periodically emerging pain in this area of \u200b\u200bthe back. Relying on well-being and initial physical training, a set of exercises, aimed at rehabilitation of the lower back and pumping muscles of this department should be performed:

  1. In the standing position, one leg is put on the stop, about 50 cm high from the floor. Do not bend knees, make the maximum tilting forward.
  2. Stop on all fours, holding back smoothly, parallel to the floor. Bending up-down arc, return to its original position.
  3. To lie on the back, throwing hands behind your head, the legs need to bend in the knees. Alternately raise and lower the pelvis.
  4. Lying on a rug, bent in her knees to cross the legs, clasping the back of the hip with his hands. Using hands to pull the legs to the belly as much as possible.
  5. Without changing the position, lie on the back. Feet bent in the knees, attract to the chest, trying more stretch the lumbar department.
  6. Lying on the back, put on the belly, slightly bent legs turn to the left-right, trying to touch the knees of the floor. The back should not repeat the movement of the legs.
  7. Exercise that helps strengthen the press and make pumping muscles of the lower back. Position lying, feet half-bent, helping their hands, partially lifting the body body.
  8. Stop on all fours, holding back smoothly, parallel to the floor. At the same time lift the left hand, right leg, make mahs, holding them on one line with the body. Change limbs to opposite, continue the exercise.

Exercises for straightening and stretching the spine

A good way to reduce pressure on intervertebral departments and stretching the spine is the exercise "VIS". While in the gym, it is better to use the Swedish wall. For home conditions, the absence of such, the exercise is performed using the interior door. Thanks to the implementation of a simple exercise, you can achieve spinal alignment:

  1. Stand back to an open fixed door, crawl hands for the top edge. To mitigate, put a towel or other fabric. Bending the knees, hang on the door, completely straightening hands. Property position Save at least 1 minute. Resuning, repeat the exercise 2-3 times.
  2. By turning face to do the door, hang on the hands, bent the legs back at an angle of 90 degrees. Shake your feet in different directions without changing the degree, gently twisting the spine. Hang so much how power will allow.

If at home allows place, get the phytball - a large elastic ball that will not only assist your spine, but also turns classes to an interesting game. Such a sports projectile will have to do with all family members, including children. The photo below shows some simple exercises for the back, available at home. Rolling, softened by the ball, at the same time massage the muscles, relaxing them to the desired level.

Video training for slimming back home

Healthy spine and straight back - it's just great. But the appearance of the body also plays the last role for the image of a person. The ceiling training complex, shown in the video below, will help you purchase a beautiful posture, back without unnecessary fat folds and a healthy mind. Start these exercises are better if you have previously done any time with charging or small exercise. System of training for weight loss (in video) will help you keep your already healthy body in perfect form.

The strengthening of the muscles of the back at home is useful to conduct in order to prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system. So that the back remains healthy and beautiful, you need to do a charge regularly (or at least periodically), and it is better to make yourself a full sports workout several times a week. What exercises to strengthen your back muscles should be performed and how to do it right?

The strengthening of the spine has favorably affect overall well-being, stimulates metabolic processes, and also improves the emotional state of a person, increasing his self-esteem. Gymnastics to strengthen the back muscles along with the improvement of aesthetics of the body is quite powerful weapons in the prevention and treatment of most diseases of the spine.

Before creating a healing physical education to strengthen the spine at home, read the contraindications and make sure there are no:

  • Pronounced pains;
  • The presence of bleeding;
  • Aggravated chronic disease;
  • Spinal injury;
  • Kidney diseases or cardiovascular system;
  • Pregnancy.

With an imperative exercise on the strengthening of the back at home, instead of facilitating painful sensations, the opposite may occur.

That is why it is important to adhere to the general principles of gymnastics for the spine:

  • Schedule: Start quietly, do not rush to make the entire exercise at once, increase the load intensity carefully.
  • Smoothness: Avoid, jerks, high jumps, sharp attacks, twists.
  • Frequency: Watch that weakened muscles are involved, and unnecessarily tense gradually relaxed on the contrary.
  • Frequency of classes: Come 3-4 times a week for 2 approach with a break for rest between them. Repeat each exercise slowly increase from 2 to 10 times.
  • Quality: Try to make the most clearly follow the instructions to not harm yourself opposite. It is better to do less, but better.
  • Proper breathing: All exercises for the back are performed on inhale and end in exhalation.
  • Constancy: Enter charging into the habit, since if it is systematically implemented, it will certainly save from the bouts of pain and will be prevented from their occurrence.
  • Control: When strengthening painful sensations in the back or the occurrence of headaches, general weakness or nausea, you should immediately stop the exercises and consult a doctor.
  • Convenience and hygiene: Clothes should be made of natural fabrics, easy, comfortable, breathable and elastic to not make it difficult to move movements. The workout premises should be well ventilated and spacious.

Special gymnastics will eliminate painful spasms, strengthens the muscular system, will help you to adjust the vertebra or intervertebral disk, normalizes blood circulation and improve the condition of the whole body.

How to strengthen the back muscles at home?

The exercise to strengthen the back is better to do under the supervision of a professional trainer in the gym, and in case you are worried about pain in the back of the back, the more need to consult a doctor who will appoint individual exercises of the FFC to strengthen the muscles of the back. But the modern pace of life does not always allow you to carve out at this time, so sometimes it is easier to perform their homes.

The strengthening exercises for the spine usually affect only two of the seven major muscles of the back, namely the widest and rhombid. This is quite enough, since the rest of the big role in maintaining the vertical position of the body and, accordingly, is not playing to get rid of pain in the lower back.

Preparation for training spinal muscles

Charging to strengthen the muscles of the back must begin with a warm-up. It will take 5 minutes, but the risk of their stretching is thus declining noticeably. Stand straight, legs on the width of the hips. Each item perform approximately half a minute.

  1. Inhales the air through the mouth - to hold your breath for a couple of seconds - exhale all the air through your nose;
  2. Rotational movements shoulders first together, then alternately;
  3. Move the neck muscles, tilting the head up and down and from side to the side;
  4. Alternately swing the hands up and backward;
  5. Raise your hands up in the "Castle", lean first to the right, then left;
  6. Remove the thighs (imagine that turn the hoop);
  7. Make tilts down, touching the legs of the legs, after straightening, arcing a little back;
  8. Go in place, raising your knees, help yourself;
  9. Running on the spot;
  10. At the end of a deep breath and full exhalation.
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Complex exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back

  1. Standing, tighten on the socks, pull up and pull the stomach strongly. Now slowly bent forward, pick up your ankles, trying to "work out". After slowly check out, taking the initial position.
  2. Stand straight, legs together, cross hands on the chest (palm on the shoulders). Take a tilt forward, flashed well, then straighten up again. After pulling your hands forward, bend low and slowly straighten, then fold your hands again on your shoulders again.
  3. Legs on the width of the shoulders, from the "standing" position, the back as much as possible, keep the body straight, hands freely "on the seams". Make squat, back, in source. Then lean forward, make wide maugh hands back, make a deep deflection and pull your hands right in front of yourself. After checking the original position.
  4. Widely spread the legs to the sides, bend low, hands are lowered down. Make your hands so that they can go further behind them. Next, you need to pull your hands forward and make the tilt so that you can touch the floor as far as possible in front of yourself.
  5. Stand on the knees, pull your hands in front of you. Adjust the tilt forward and down until they are tapered in the floor. Spread your hands with a jerk by performing them with them in different directions, and come back to the initial position of the hand with the floor.
  6. "Walking" with hands: Being on all fours, not shifting your feet, move your hands left and back. The right side is the same.
  7. Lie on the stomach and stretch the straight hands far ahead. Rising, beyond the back of the palm of the head. When returning to the initial position, pull your hands forward.
  8. Lying on the stomach, join the bent hands under his forehead. Primary the maximum impress. Try "Socks" and slowly raise your feet from the floor, make alternate mahs up and down and do not rush down back to the floor.
  9. Turn over the back and bend your legs in your knees, putting them in the width of the hips and tightly pressing the feet to the floor. Hands relaxed along the body. Highly tearing the pelvis from the floor, lift the thigh up, fix this position for a few seconds and slowly go back to the floor.
  10. Sit on the rug and twist the legs together. Bending the right leg closer to the knee to the stomach and rejecting the hands up and backward, perform progressive movements, without changing the position of the bent leg. After a deeply lean forward, try to reach your hands to the left sock. Mirror repeat the exercise. After graduation, repeat the workout.

Exercises for strengthening the spine is better to do in the morning or in the evening before bedtime.

  • Be sure to read:

Prevention of disease

Along with the performance of exercises for strengthening the muscles of the spine, it is desirable to follow useful advice to avoid their injury. Each habit always keep your back smoothly, it will support muscular tone well.

Right posture

If you work a lot sitting, try to take break every hour. Make a mini: PRESSED, WATCH TALKS, If possible, go a little. Do not pay attention if you plan to look at you, think about what is more important to you: opinion of colleagues or a healthy back?

If you have long stand in relative immobility, then to reduce the load on the spine, put one leg on a low step or some kind of stand and change your legs alternately. When lifting heavy items, the legs are slightly in the knees, the back remains straight. This will reduce the load on the lumbar department.