Very cunning riddles. Logic riddles for primary classes

Very cunning riddles. Logic riddles for primary classes
Very cunning riddles. Logic riddles for primary classes

Summary - Wedge, and unfold - damn.

* * *
Five Chulanov, one door.
* * *

The farmer had a flock of eight sheep: three white, four black, one brown.

How many sheep can answer that in the herd there is at least one sheep as suit like it?

(No, sheep do not speak)
* * *
There is no language, and the truth will say.
* * *
I have no fire, nor the heat, but everything is setting.
* * *

Ourselves - riding, and the legs are behind the ears.

What sign to put between numbers 5 and 4 so that the answer was less than 5, but more than 4?

(Need to put a comma)
* * *
Without which a person cannot live?
(No name)
* * *
Not a bird, but flies.
* * *
What in your hands do not hold?
* * *

In the forest, it is not found,

In the river she is alone

In the barn it does not fit

And in the wallet of them 2!

(Letter K)
* * *

How to jump from a ten-meter staircase and not injured?

(If you jump off the bottom steps)
* * *
God does not know, but tears sheds.
* * *
You go, you go, and you will not find the end.
* * *
What is not in the world:
neither measures or weight, no prices?
(The fire)
* * *
Blue tent covered the whole world.
* * *
Without head, but with horns.
* * *
What flies without wings and fires without fire?
(The sun)
* * *
Gray grandfather at the gate to all the eyes of the challenges.
* * *
It flies not a bird, however, does not be a beast.
* * *
Where can not go or ride?
* * *

Not a bird, but flies, with a trunk, not an elephant,
* * *

What does the horse differ from the needle?

(On the needle first sit down, then bounce,
to sit on the horse: first jump, then sit down)
* * *
There is a language, but does not say
There are wings, but does not fly.
(A fish)
* * *
In winter, it stretches, and in the summer rolled out.
* * *
Crumbled peas at seventy roads,
No one will pick it up:
Neither king nor the queen nor a red maiden
* * *

Baron is, and the emperor does not have.
Bogdan has in front, and Zuraba has behind.
The grandmother has two, and the girl is none.
What is it about?

(About the letter "B")
* * *

Shakes a wet beard over dry furrows.

(Watering can)
* * *
Yesterday it was, today there will be tomorrow.
* * *

What makes the day and night?

(Soft sign)
* * *

What goes from the city to the city, but does not move?

* * *
Not fire, but burns.
* * *
White carrot in winter grows.
* * *

What disease do not hurt on land?

* * *

What is in Russia in the first place, and in France on the second?

(Letter "R")
* * *

Two nails fell into the water. How is Georgian surname?

* * *

* * *

Ducks flew: one ahead and two behind,

One behind and two ahead

One between two.

How many were there?

* * *

From the birth of all dumb and curves.

Stand in a row - Conspiring!

* * *

Saw and - Rada,

But all the looks.

(The sun)
* * *
Tubers, and not bite.

* * *

Once a collector of vintage money saw a coin in an antique store, on which the date was stood: 175 BC. The Roman coin was damaged, but was greater value. However, its cost was not high. The collector did not bought it. Why?

(The collector understood that this was a fake.
The master who made a coin did not know that "lives to our era")
* * *

Lies on the back - no one needs.

Levels to the wall - she will come in handy.

* * *

What kind of women's name ends on a sign?

* * *

It is possible to tie, and it is impossible to unleash.

* * *
What is among the Volga?

(Letter L)
* * *
They say here, and in Moscow heard. What is it?

* * *
There is no mind, and hecta is a beast.

Vova and Sasha played in the attic. The face of Vova was swirling soot, and Sasha was left clean.
When the guys went down, looked at each other at the light of the day, but I didn't want to wash it,
and Sasha. Why?

(Sasha looked at Vova and decided that he was also evolved and went washed.
And Vova did not even think that could be chumazim)
* * *

You are in the chair of the aircraft, the car goes ahead, the horse jumps behind.
Where are you?

(On the carousels)
* * *

There are no roads - it is impossible to drive,

Earth is - you can not plow,

Meadow is - it is impossible to mow

In the rivers, seas, no water oceans.

(Geographic map)
* * *

What are them more, the weight is less. What is it?

* * *

If there is a grip in a smelter,

Then answer the question: -

Who has a heel's nose,

Or before the heel nose? ...

* * *

All me is trampled, and I am only better from it.

* * *

Imagine that you are participating in the marathon race.
You managed to overtake the second athlete.
Where did you find yourself?

(If you overtook the second, then it took its place, and
consequently, run second, and not the first)
* * *

What is impossible to keep, although it is lighter than the Pyryshka?

* * *

What can be taken only in the left hand, but can never take right?

(Elbow right hand)

The network walks the legend that in the area of \u200b\u200bthe 80s in the magazine "Murzilka", which was published for children of younger school age, were printed very ambiguous riddles. Whether this "secret sex-libez" was a sophisticated author's revenge of Puritan censorship in the USSR in general and editors in particular, whether it was just entertainment. Or maybe even unconscious Freudian projection of sexual complexes in creativity.
I don't remember this in the "Murzilka". Yes, and I heard some of them much earlier than the 80s, and before I started reading. I think you should attribute them to interpretation of folk creativity.
The riddles, however, are walking and to this day: who did not hear the famous "back and forth, you and I am pleased with it" or "Which well done dries from the end"?

If for some kind of wild reason you do not know, you can try to solve the answers under the mystery, you need to highlight the mouse.

To stroke in front, you need to lick behind.
(Postage Stamp)

Which well done is dripping from the end?
(Kettle, samovar, water tap)

Circle of the hair, in the middle of sausage.

From above black inside red, how to shove it so beautiful.

Hair on the hair, body on the body and the dark matter begins.

There and here, back, and I am pleased.

What do you look at me? Understand your!

Hairy head per cheek comes cleverly.

We are guys removed Lazim in the gap floor!

Lies on the back - no one needs. Levels to the wall - she will come in handy.

In a dark room, on a white sheet 2 hours of pleasure.

Small, black, wrinkled - every woman has.

You remember him a little, will become solid as potatoes.

I will take it in my hands, sorry him hard - it will become elastic and hard as repka.

Red head in a hole climbs deftly.

If you do not grandmother lochmatushki - the grandfather of the beater would be frown.

Not horseradish, not carrot - red head.

Rear came up, put and went.

I take two hands, Suyu between my legs, I make moving, I get a pleasure.

It is cold - then hot, then hanging - then standing. From three letters consists, in the middle of "y" stands.

A boy with a girl in the grass did something on "E".
(Ate blackberry)

When it works, it costs when it cums - it is bowed, from three letters it consists, on "x" ... begins.

How to get up - it will get to the sky.

How good to you and me when you lie on your back ...
(Hedgehog with an apple)

Without hands, no legs, and from panties climbs.

From the shaggy cannon, threatened my goat. Guess the children who threw Masha Petya.

The day dangles, and at night sticks out.
(Caid door hook)

Baba hole applies - Dage tip fills. Swimat and sleep so all night.
(Caid door hook and loop)

Between the legs dangles, it is called "X".

Such is inserted, wet removed, out of three letters is compiled, it ends on "th".

Schwarzenegger has a long one, Jackie Chan has a short, Madonna is not at all, and the Pope has long been not using this for a long time.

Above the knee, below Pup, the hole is such that the hand will fit.

Take it with two fingers, insert into the hole with hair. There is a dry and strong, from there - wet and powerless.

Step on the garden to fuck Lochmatch. If a quiveless yes weak - you do not speak with a woman.
(Reapes Cleaning)

Looks like his hands, hug his lips, insert her in a hole, make a look, and she squeezes!

Long, red, seemingly not dangerous, man wants - jumpers, and Baba will wait.

Half an hour you sweat - five minutes you caning.
(Roller skiing on sledes)

The red head, under it - a beard, in the morning it rises early, Masha does not give to sleep!

Red, stinky, between the legs shaking.

Without hands, without legs, on the Babo Skok.

What is the boy and the girl in the same place? Does the boy of the three letters, have a girl out of five? Hint: The boy in the middle of the word the letter y, in the girl the word ends on A.
(Chub and Chelka)

The thicker and longer - those maiden mile!

Solid in soft is inserted, and the balls are dangling next?

Most of the famous puzzles we have already heard and gone out, which means they remembered the correct answer. The kids of 4-5 years sometimes love to "guess" to the hundredth time the same light riddles, but already schoolchildren will not give any pleasure to the migration "in winter and in summer in one color."
We bring a selection of complex riddles with the answers (so that you can check yourself).
When you offer the child a complicated riddle, and he, thinking, calls not the answer that is listed as correct, do not rush to correct immediately. Perhaps the child's answer is also quite consistent with the conditions of the riddle and can be accepted.
Riddles with trick are often funny. Well, a smile will bring exactly the answer. After all, it is assumed that the answer to such a riddle is not easy, and it is not so predicted, as it seems. Most often in the riddles with a trick there is some appropriate contradiction in the condition.

  • Without work - hanging, when working - it is worth it, after work - dries. (Umbrella).
  • Although I found it in the forest, but did not even look for.
    And now I have been carrying home because I did not get it. (Zanozoza)
  • What has the head, but does not have brains? (Cheese, onions, garlic).
  • No - the sea, nor - the Earth. And the ships are not swimming, and you can not walk. (Swamp).
  • From the ground, it and the child will raise, and through the fence and strongly will not reincarnate. (Pooh).
  • Eats quickly, finely chewing, herself swallows nothing and does not give another. (Saw)
  • He is thrown when he is needed, and raise when they do not need it. (Anchor).
  • In the competition, the runner overtook another runner who served a second position. What position does it take now? (Second).
  • You overtook the last runner. What position are you now? (Such an event is not possible, because to overtake the last runner no one).
  • What stone in the sea will not find? (Dry).
  • Who is talking in all languages? (Echo)
  • If it costs - you can recalculate it on your fingers. But if she is lying - you do not count fores! (Figure 8, if it falls, then turns into infinity)
  • What allows you to see through the walls? (Window)
  • If it is broken out, a new life will appear. And if it breaks it inside, for him is death. What is it? (Egg)
  • The room was sitting in the room. He got up and left, but you can't take his place. Where did he sit? (You have on your knees).
  • What builds locks, breaks the mountains, blinds some, helps to see others? (Sand)
  • My yesterday is tomorrow. My tomorrow is Sunday yesterday. What day day me? (Friday)
  • Imagine that you are a driver. The train is eight cars, in every car on two conductors, younger of them are 25 years old, the oldest is Georgian. How old is the driver?
    Answer. The catch lies in words: Imagine that you are a driver. Machineist as many years as responsible.

Complex riddles on logic

  • The tired man wanted to sleep. He gathered to go to bed at 8 pm and started alarm clock for ten o'clock in the morning. How many hours will he sleep before the call? Answer. Two hours. The alarm clock does not distinguish the morning and evening.
  • Consider in the mind, without a calculator. Take 1000. Add 40. Add a thousand more. Add 30. more than 1000. Plus 20. Plus 1000. And plus 10. What happened?
    Answer: 4100. It is often answered 5000.
  • Two fathers went and two sons, they found three oranges. Began to share - everyone went to everyone. How could it be? (These were grandfather, father and son)
  • Father Mary has five daughters: 1. Chacha 2. Chechia 3. Chichi 4. Checho. Question: What is the name of the fifth daughter? (Mary).
  • Two people are suitable for the river. The shore has a boat that can withstand only one. Both people crossed the opposite shore. How did they succeed? (They were on different shores)
  • Four birch grew,
    On each birch of four large branches,
    On each big branch of four little branches,
    On each little branch of four apples.
    How many apples?
    (None. On Birch, apples do not grow!)
  • How much do you need to make actions to plant hippo in the refrigerator? (Three. Open refrigerator, plant hippo and close the refrigerator)
  • And how much do you need to make actions to plant a giraffe in the refrigerator? (Four: open a refrigerator, get hippopotamus, plant a giraffe, close the refrigerator)
  • And now imagine: they arranged the race, hippopotamus, giraffe and turtle participate. Who comes running to the finish line first? (Hippopotamus, because the giraffe in the refrigerator sits ...)
  • How many peas can enter one glass? (None, because pea do not go)
  • Small, sulfur, on an elephant look like. Who! (Baby elephant)
  • What makes the day and night? (Soft sign)
  • When is the black cat easier to get into the house? (When the door is open. Popular answer: at night).
  • In which case, looking at the number 2, we say "ten"? (If we look at the clock, and on "2" there is a minute arrow).
  • Your acquaintances use this more often than you, although it belongs to you. What is it? (Your name).
  • Seven sisters are in the country where every busy is some kind of business. The first sister reads the book, the second - prepares food, the third - plays chess, the fourth - he solves Sudoku, the fifth - engaged in laundry, the sixth - cares for plants.
    What does the seventh sister do? (Plays chess with the third sister).
  • What disappears, as soon as you call it? (Silence).

A complex mystery to the logic from the book of Lyubina Dilova "Star Adventures of Well and Nicky"

The girl is well, from the planet Pyrrh, asks the earthly boy nickname a mystery:
One glof and two mulphs weigh how much one dubel and four Lazi. In turn, one Dubel weighs as much as two Latsi. One glof and three Lazi weigh together, how much one dubel, two mulfa and six crane. One gloof weighs how many two Dubel. It is asked how many krack need to add to one mulfe to get the weight of two dubel and one Lazi?
Answer with a stroke of the decision:

So, Nikolai Buyanovsky pulled a draft notebook from his portfolio, or, as he dubbed her, a notebook in all kinds of use, and the handle, and well, slowly began to dictate the weight of all these mysterious Dabelov, Mulf, Lazi and Krak. And when he, writing everything in order and changing in the mind of something in some places, made several short equations, and then, suddenly guessing, led the weight of all data to the weight of the same mysterious creatures, the answer seemed to be his own. The task was logical, and in this part of the Nicky Buyan was God and the king.
"Eight," he said confidently. - It is necessary to add eight crane to this muulf.

If you have a favorite complex riddles on the comment - write in the comments, and we will try to guess!

Riddles love children and adults. This type of folk creativity helps to develop a smelter, expands the horizons.

It reflects the reality around us. From how we perceive it, finding the correct answer. Often, people in their thinking use ready-made patterns, while ridiculous riddles with the answer are destroyed by the logical chains built by them.

An unexpected answer surprises and fun. At the time when we are trying to build a slender argument system, the solution lies on the surface, but it is not obvious. Of course, each riddle should be the answer, otherwise you can go crazy, trying to find it. There are many types of trick mysteries: simple for children, more complied with the development of logic, comic, difficult.

To solve a funny riddles with a response, a person should have a good sense of humor and abstract thinking. Often, it is possible to find an answer to the child, because he has children's directness, there are no prevailing stereotypes, he perceives the world differently.

A child since childhood listens to fairy tales, where the heroes are often asked for riddles. Such folk products train memory, attention and intelligence, teach an understanding that one and the same thought can be formulated in different ways. Teenager, children with pleasure ask friends funny riddles with trick, and fun together.

An example of children's riddles with trick

1. What are preparing, but do not eat?Lessons 1. What are preparing, but do not eat? ( Lessons)

2. Why is the cat runs?On the ground 2. Why is the cat runs? ( On the ground)

3. Where is the cat when goes the road?3. Where is the cat when goes the road? ( On the other side of this road)

4. When a black cat is more convenient to sneak into the house?When the door is open4. When a black cat is more convenient to sneak into the house? ( When the door is open)

5. Under what bush during the rain hides the hare?Under wet 5. Under what bush during the rain hides the hare? ( Under wet)

6. How can you jump from the staircase ten meters high and not break?6. How can you jump from the staircase ten meters high and not break? ( Need to jump from the lowest steps)

7. What hand is more convenient to stir in cup tea?7. What hand is more convenient to stir in cup tea? ( The one in which the spoon is)

8. How can I pull the water with the network?If the water turns into ice8. How can I pull the water with the network? ( If the water turns into ice)

9. How many sandwiches can you eat an empty stomach?9. How many sandwiches can you eat an empty stomach? ( One, the second will not be considered an empty stomach)

10. How many pieces of peas can enter the glass?10. How many pieces of peas can enter the glass? ( None, pea do not know how to walk)

11. If the green ball is thrown into the Red Sea, how will it become?Wet 11. If the green ball is thrown into the Red Sea, how will it become? ( Wet)

12. From which dishes it is impossible to eat?From empty 12. From which dishes it is impossible to eat? ( From empty)

Questions and riddles with response are used in adult companies to discharge the atmosphere. Sometimes when applying for a job during an interview, a potential new employee is asked questions with trick to test its creativity and non-standard thinking.

Often, funny riddles with the response of trick contain a metaphor, they compare incomparable things. It puts a person trap, directs along the false path. He is looking for a difficult explanation, while the answer lies on the surface and often paradoxal.

An example of ridiculous riddles with trick for adults

(Move the mouse to find out the answer)

1. How can I be lit underwater matches?Being in a submarine1. How can I be lit underwater matches? ( Being in a submarine)

2. What do all people on Earth do at the same time?Live 2. What do all people on Earth do at the same time? ( Live)

3. What is impossible in space?Hang out 3. What is impossible in space? ( Hang out)

4. What does not fit in the biggest saucepan?Her cover 4. What does not fit in the biggest saucepan? ( Her cover)

5. In a 9-storey building on the first floor, two tenants, on the second - four, and then the number further increases from the floor to the flood. What button click most often?5. In a 9-storey building on the first floor, two tenants, on the second - four, and then the number further increases from the floor to the flood. What button click most often? ( Button "1", since all residents enter and go through the 1st floor)

6. What questions you can not get a positive answer?Are you deaf down? You died?6. What questions you can not get a positive answer? ( Are you deaf down? You died?)

7. How many months do you contain 28 days?12 months 7. How many months do you contain 28 days? ( 12 months)

8. Specify five days, while not denoting them with numbers and not calling the day of the week.8. Specify five days, while not denoting them with numbers and not calling the day of the week. ( Today, yesterday, the day before yesterday, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow)

9. How can the abandoned egg fly four meters and do not break?9. How can the abandoned egg fly four meters and do not break? ( Need an egg to throw so that it flies more than four meters)

10. What end the night and day?Soft sign 10. What end the night and day? ( Soft sign)

11. There were 5 puppies in the room, 4 kits, 3 rabbits, 3 hamsters. He entered the owner with a dog. How many legs become in the room?11. There were 5 puppies in the room, 4 kits, 3 rabbits, 3 hamsters. He entered the owner with a dog. How many legs become in the room? ( Just two, because animals have paws)

12. Which bird does not carry eggs, but will they hatch with them?Cock 12. Which bird does not carry eggs, but will they hatch with them? ( Cock)

13. What can happen between the hedgehog and milk?The ability to turn out13. What can happen between the hedgehog and milk? ( The ability to turn out)

14. They have to guess, although they do not burn. What is it?Debts 14. They have to guess, although they do not burn. What is it? ( Debts)

15. Is it possible to jump above the five-story building?You can, at home do not know how to jump15. Is it possible to jump above the five-story building? ( You can, at home do not know how to jump)

16. Name the Word Having at the beginning of the three letters "G" and at the end three letters "I".Trigonometry 16. Name the Word Having at the beginning of the three letters "G" and at the end three letters "I". ( Trigonometry)

17. It is always before us, but we cannot see it.Future 17. It is always before us, but we cannot see it. ( Future)

18. What disease does not suffer on land?Nautical 18. What disease does not suffer on land? ( Nautical)

19. What crew is impossible to comb your hair?Petushin 19. What crew is impossible to comb your hair? ( Petushin)

20. What do people do when they see a green man?Transfer the street 20. What do people do when they see a green man? ( Transfer the street)

When you solve funny riddles with a trick, you should not hurry with the answer, first need to think well and understand what the catch lies.

Riddles not only help learn something new, remember some feature of the phenomenon or subject, but also can cheer. At the same time the attentiveness and emotion.

Riddles with trick (with answers)

Funny riddles are suitable for the company. By the fire in the evening, on the veranda during the rain. The guys are responsible to the leader's question. The most important thing is not to give a lot of time to think about the answer. Then everyone will be fun.

They are drawn up so that the wrong answer falls into rhyme. If you respond quickly, it turns out ridiculous. The host corrected him, every time making a perplexed person: "Didn't you know this?".

On the ice field of the grief, on the ice field.

Goalkeeper at hockey players grieved at the gate ...

/ No, not the ball, but the goal /

On an elegant head - the royal crown.

There are no other birds to call her ...

/ No, not crow, and peacock /

To the store with great hope

We came to buy clothes.

Dad to measure our dad

A couple of mittens for ...

/ No, not for legs, and for hands /

Petya loves her very much

Finely her cabbage rubit.

She seems to be two hundred years old

This pethino ...

/ No, not the bride, but a turtle /

In the store go old women to buy yourself ...

/ No, not toys, but to tea drying /

On the path was land - I have a dry ...

/ No, no ears, I have dry legs /

At night looks in the window,

Light lights ...

/ No, not the sun, the moon shines in the window /

Promised us frost - tension cap on ...

/ No, not on the nose, stretch it stronger on the ears /

Near the apotea roamed

Kosolapy ...

/ No, not a crocodile. And not Michael, but just a bear /

That summer has become closer,

Soon we will get ...

/ No, do not ski. We will get roller skates /

Children dad fed,

Borsch meat poured him.

Well, he confessed to bass,

That he eats candy with ...

/ No, not with meat, but with nuts /

Very closely to us

Someone looks in one eye.

And has one horn,

Who is it?

/ No, not rhino. This is a single cow winks /

Our dad in the solution is soon, cutting the fabric takes ...

/ No, not ax, fabric cut scissors /

Now we will ask kids:

Who is afraid of a cat? ..

/ No, the cat is afraid of not mice, and dogs /

Caught a mouse and catches the second

sandy redhead angry ...

/ No, cows do not catch mice. This is a fox /

Logic riddles

Not all children spend the summer in the camp, where teachers are engaged in them. For family recreation, some other riddles are suitable for guessing which there is no cheerful crowd.

What a beast: tail like a cat, a face like a cat, but not a cat. Who is it?

Sit you in the cockpit. Looks like you are in the car.

But in front of you a horse, and behind you - galosha. What kind of place is it?

/ You are sitting on the carousel /

For older guys there will be interesting tasks more interesting. Mom with dad can burn them on leaves, roll and put in a hat. Especially in helping parents - logical riddles with answers, with trim, funny:

When does a person find himself in a room without a head?

/ This happens if he kept her window /

What is the same end of the day and night?

/ Soft sign /

When the red dog is easiest to penetrate the house?

/ When the door is open /

For children's quiz

Uncomplicated questions for children's quiz should not be boring. Pondering the answer, the guys enjoy the selection of options. There are very funny solutions. How to prepare for the event? Children's riddles with sucks with answers, funny:

On five oysuners - five branches, on each branch - five pears. How much is pears?

/ On the aspen pears do not grow /

Seven oxen fled, how many of the tails?

/ Neck tails are not growing /

Babul was wrapped in Oku, met three men, each man - in the box, and in each box - on a puppy. How much did it go to OKU?

/ One granny /

In which month, the girlfriend is the least chatting?

/In February/

On the smelter

When carrying out the quiz "Umnitsa and Magniki" or "What? Where? When?" Do not do without simple, it would seem questions. But each can hide a secret.

Two brothers run ahead,

For them two hurry.

But do not catch up with the first two

Do not turn back.

/ This is four wheels in the car /

Listening carefully, it is easy to guess the riddles with a trick. With answers, funny of their options:

Masha gathered 12 ammorov, Peter - 2 less, and Kolya - 2 more. How many edible mushrooms have guys?

/No one/

What head grows without nose?

/ Cabbage /

Short riddles

Promult, with answers, funny, short - just such easily remembered. They can be made from the scene, choosing who will receive a prize. Here are some options:

It is small, gray,

Looks like an elephant. Who is it?

/Baby elephant/

What was never and never will be, but it really is?


What hand is the sugar in tea left-handed and right-hander?

/ They stir sugar with spoon /

What you can't have breakfast?

Imagine that you saw a green man. Your actions?

/ Go Road /

Why is the cow?

/ She lies because it does not know how to sit /

What is the goose sail?

/ He sails from the shore /

You have a ruler, gum, circus and pencils. How do you need to start to draw a circle?

/ You have no paper. Start by getting paper /

Name stones that are not found in the river.

/ The river does not have dry stones, all wet /

Who can speak in all languages?

Riddles with trick with answers, funny, complex

And these questions will be forced to think about some adults. Of course, there was no joke without a joke. The development of fantasy and humor is the following options:

Two riders argued: everyone claimed that he would come to the finishment last. So they stood for a long time, not deciding to give spurs with horses. Passed by man. They asked him advice. After his words, they rushed like a wind. What did the passersogue tell them?

/ He said: "Change horses" /

The boys tell the amazing stories they were witnesses. And one says: "Yesterday my father forgot the umbrella and a hat and came home, moving up to the thread. But he could not wet no hair on his head. He did not cover his head with his hands and did not pull a jacket on her. " Is this history of amazing?

/ No, father shaves his head /

One person argued that he would put a bottle room in the middle, and then crawling into it. He had a huge success. How did he do it?

He crawled into the room, and not in the bottle. From laughter, he applauded /

Of course, some answers guys already know. But remember the riddles with a trick with the answers, nobody will refuse ridiculous. Yes, so they are remembered better. And soon they will begin to quote them to discharge the tense atmosphere in the team. This is a culture of speech. So the upbringing passes unnoticed and fun even on vacation.