P P BAZHOV stories. Pavel Bazhov

P P BAZHOV stories. Pavel Bazhov
P P BAZHOV stories. Pavel Bazhov

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Biography Bazhova Pavel Petrovich

Bazhov Pavel Petrovich(January 27, 1879 - December 3, 1950) - the famous Russian Soviet writer, the famous Ural Talenik, Prose, the talented handler of folk legends, legends, the Urals.


Pavel Petrovich Bazhov was born on January 27, 1879 in the Urals near Yekaterinburg in the family of the hereditary Gornozavodsky master of the Sute Plant Peter Vasilyevich and Augustus Strefanovna Bajhev (so then this surname was written).

The last name Bazhov comes from the local word "BUY" - that is, to burn, foreshadow. Bazhova and nickname, the boy was streets - sorcerers. And later, when the Bazhov began to print his works, he subscribed to one of his pseudonyms - sorcerers.

Peter Vasilyevich Bajhev was a master of the Pudling and welding shop of the Sysert Metallurgical Plant near Yekaterinburg. The mother of the writer, Augustus Stefanovn, was a skillful lace. It was a great help for a family, especially during the forced unemployment of her husband.

The future writer lived and was formed in the Ural miners. The impressions of childhood were for the Bazhov the most important and bright.

He loved to listen to other old experienced people, connoisseurs of the past. Good storylors were the Somserts of Aleksey Efimovich Kranjwa and Ivan Petrovich Konta. But the best of all those who had the opportunity to learn Bazhov, turned out to be the old field miner Vasily Alekseevich Khmelinin. He worked as a wardrobe warehouses at the factory, and the children were going to listen to interesting stories at his womb on the twum mountain.

Childhood and adolescence Pavel Petrovich Bazhov was held in the town of Sysert and in the Polevsky plant, which was part of the Sysert Mountain District.

The family often moved from the factory to the plant, which allowed the future writer well to know the life of the extensive mountainous district and reflected in the work.

Thanks to the case and its abilities, he got the opportunity to learn.

Bazzov studied in the men's three-year school, in which there was a talented teacher of literature, who managed to captivate the guys with literature.

So, a 9-year-old boy Once upon a heart, he read the entire school collection of poems N.A. Nekrasov, learning to them on their own as well.

Stopped at the Yekaterinburg Spiritual School: in it the lowest training fee, it is not necessary to buy a form, and there are still students who shot up by the school - these circumstances were decisive.

Perfectly passing entrance exams, the Bazhov was enrolled in the Ekaterinburg spiritual school. The family's promotion was needed because the spiritual school was still not only, so to speak, professional, but also class: I prepared the main ministers of the church, and they studied mainly the children of the clergy.

At the end of the school at the age of 14, Paul entered the Permian spiritual seminary, in which he studied 6 years. It was the time of his acquaintance with classic and modern literature.

In 1899, the Bazhov graduated from the Perm seminary - the third by the amount of points. It is time to choose the path in life. The offer to enter the Kiev Theological Academy and learn there on the full content was rejected. He dreamed of university. However, the path was closed there. First of all, because the spiritual department did not want to lose their "footage": the choice of higher educational institutions for graduate seminary was rigidly limited to Derptsky, Warsaw, Tomsk universities.

Bazhov decided to teacher in elementary school in the area inhabited by the Old Believers. He began his work journey in the deaf Ural village of Shaydurich, near Nevyansk, and then in Yekaterinburg and Kamyshlov. He taught Russian, drove a lot in the Urals, was interested in folklore, local history, ethnography, was engaged in journalism.

For fifteen years, every year during the school holidays, the Bazhov was walking on the native land, everywhere looked at the surrounding life, talked with the workers, recorded their talkers, conversations, stories, gathered folklore, studied the work of borders, Kamnezes, Steelhelov, Lattechikov , gunsmiths and many other Ural masters, talked with them about the secrets of their crafts and conducted extensive records. A rich stock of life impressions, samples of people speech very much helped him in the future in the work of the journalist, and then in the writer. He replenished his "storage room".

Just at this time, a vacancy was opened in the Ekaterinburg spiritual school. And the boxes returned there - now as a teacher of the Russian language. Later, the Bazhov tried to enter the University of Tomsk, but was not accepted.

In 1907, P. Bazhov switched to the diocessed (female) school, where before 1914 led classes in the Russian language, and at times - for the Church Slavonic and algebra.

Here he is familiar with his future wife, and at that time just his student, Valentina Ivanitskaya, with which they got married in 1911. The marriage was based on the love and unity of aspirations. A young family lived a more informative life than most Bazhov colleagues who spent their free time by cards. The spouses read a lot, were in theaters. Seven children were born in their family.

When the First World War began, two daughters had already grew at the Bazhava. In connection with the material difficulties, the spouses moved to Kamyshlov, closer to the relatives of Valentina Aleksandrovna. Pavel Petrovich was transferred to the Kamyshlovsky Spiritual School.

Participated in the Civil War of 1918-21. In the Urals, in Siberia, in Altai.

In 1923-29, he lived in Sverdlovsk and worked as the editorial office of the "Peasant Newspaper". At this time, they were written over forty taller on the themes of the Ural Folklore.

Since 1930 - in the Sverdlovsk Book Publishing.

In 1937, Bazhov was excluded from the party (in a year - restored). But then, having lost her usual work in the publishing house, he dedicated all his time to told, and they were frozen in the "Malachite box" with genuine Ural Gems.

In 1939, the most famous work of Bazhova is coming out - a collection of fairy tales "Malachite Casket", for which the writer receives a state award. In the future, the books replenished this book with new ties.

The writer's writer began relatively late: the first book of Essays "Urals was" was published in 1924. Only in 1939, the most significant works were published - a collection of tapes "Malachite Casket", which received the USSR State Prize in 1943, and the autobiographical story about childhood "Green Falling". In the future, the Bazhov replenishes the "Malachite Casket" with new ties: "Key-stone" (1942), "Taji about the Germans" (1943), "TSAZY on gunsmiths" and others. Its late works can be defined as "tales" not only due to their formal genre signs (the presence of a fictional narrator with an individual speech characteristic), but also because they go back to the Ural "secret say" - oral legends of miners and prospectors, which differ in the combination is real - intensive and fabulous elements.

The works of Bazhov, ascending to the Ural "secret say" - oral legends of miners and prospectors, combine real-household and fantastic elements. The tales that have absorbed plot motives, the colorful language of the people's legends and folk wisdom, embodied the philosophical and ethical ideas of modernity.

Above the collection of tapes "Malachite Casket" he worked from 1936 to the last days of his life. For the first time a separate publication, he came out in 1939. Then from year to year "Malachite Casket" was replenished with new ties.

The "Malachite Casket" are a peculiar historical prose, in which the events and facts of the history of the Middle Urals of the XVIII-XIIX centuries are recreated through the identity of the Ural workers. The tales live as aesthetic phenomenon due to the completed system of realistic, fantastic and semi-infantastic images and richest moral and humanistic issues (themes of labor, creative searches, love, loyalty, freedom from the power of gold, etc.).

Bazhov sought to develop his own literary style, looking for the original forms of the incarnation of his writer dating. It succeeded in the mid-1930s, when he began to publish his first tales. In 1939, the Bazhov united them into the book "Malachite Casket", which subsequently complemented new works. Malachite gave birth to a book because in this stone, according to Bazhov, "the joy of the Earth is collected."

Directly artistic and literary activities began late, aged 57 years. According to his recognition - "it simply did not have time for the literary work of this kind.

The creation of tales has become the main business of Bazhov's life. In addition, he edited books and almanacs, including through the Urals.

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov died on December 3, 1950 in Moscow, and was buried at home in Yekaterinburg.


For the first time, he also heard the boy for the first time about the mysteries of the copper mountain.

Good storylors were the Somserts of the old men - the best of them was Vasily Khmelin, he worked at the wagon of wood warehouses at the time of the Polevskaya factory, and his guys were going to listen to interesting stories about the fabulous snake poloz and his daughters of serpents, about the mistress of the copper mountain, about the grandmother Sonyushka. For a long time I remembered Pasha Bazhov stories of this old man.

Bazhov chose an interesting form of the story "Tale" - it is primarily an oral word, the oral form of speech, transferred to the book; In the taller, the voice of the narrator is always heard - grandfather heard - involved in the events; He speaks by a colorful folk language, full of local words and expressions, promscar and sayings.

Calling his works by saying, the Bazhov took into account not only the literary tradition of the genre, implying the presence of a narrator, but also the existence of ancient oral traditions of the Ural miners, which in folkore were called "secret says." From these folklore works of the Bazhov adopted one of the main to take his tales: mixing fabulous images.

The main theme of the Bazhavsky tales is a simple person and his work, talent and skill. Communication with nature, with secret bases of life is carried out through powerful representatives of the magical mountainous world.

One of the most striking images of this kind - the hostess of the copper mountain, with which the Master Stepan is found from the malachite box. The hostess of the copper mountain helps the hero of the tale of a stone flower Danil to uncover his talent - and is disappointed in the wizard after he refuses attempts to independently make a stone flower.

The works of mature Bazhov can be defined as "tales" not only due to their formal genre signs and the presence of a fictional narrator with an individual speech characteristic, but also because they go down to the Ural "secret say" - oral legends of miners and prospectors, a different combination of reality household and fabulous elements.

The Jaji Bazhow absorbed plot motifs, fantastic images, color, the language of people's legends and popular wisdom. However, the Bazhov is not a folklorist handler, but an independent artist who used the knowledge of the Ural miner's life and oral creativity for the embodiment of philosophical and ethical ideas.

Talking about the art of the Urals craftsmen, reflecting the painfulness and peculiarity of the old Minor-gorn household, the Bazhov at the same time puts the general questions about true morality, about the spiritual beauty and dignity of the labor man.

Fantastic chairs of the tales personify the natural forces of nature, which trusts their secrets only brave, hardworking and pure soul. Bazhov managed to give fantastic characters (the hostess of the copper mountain, the Great Poloz, Fir-Pozkushka) an extraordinary poetry and endowed them with a subtle complex psychology.

Bazzova's fiction is an example of the workshop of the folk language. Carefully and at the same time creatively belonging to the expressive possibilities of the people's language, the Bazhov avoided the abuse of local speakers, the pseudo-free "Foaming of phonetic illiteracy" (Bazhov expression).

Skazy P.P. Bazhova is very colorful and picturesque. The color of him is set aside in the spirit of folk painting, the People's Ural Embroidery is one-piece, thick, ripe. The color wealth of the tales is not by chance. It is generated by the beauty of russian nature, the beauty of the Urals. The writer in his works generously used all the possibilities of the Russian word to convey the color gamut variety, its saturation and juicity, so characteristic of the Ural Nature.

Taja Pavel Petrovich is an example of the workshop of using the folk language. Carefully and at the same time creatively belonging to the expressive opportunities of a folk word, the Bazhov avoided the abuse of local considerations and the pseudo-free "Foaming of phonetic illiteracy" (the expression of the writer himself).

Bazzow's tales have absorbed plot motifs, fantastic images, color, the language of people's legends and their popular wisdom. However, the author is not just a folklorist handler, he is an independent artist who uses the magnificent knowledge of the Ural Gorry Diet and oral creativity for the embodiment of philosophical and ethical ideas. Talking about the art of the Urals craftsmen, about the talency of the Russian worker, reflecting the colorfulness and peculiarity of the old mining household and the social contradictions characteristic of it, the Bazhov, at the same time, sets general questions about true morality, about the spiritual beauty and dignity of the labor man, about aesthetic and psychological laws of creativity. Fantastic characteries of the tales personify the natural forces of nature, which trusts their secrets only with brave, hardworking and clever soul. Bazhov managed to give his fantastic characters (the hostess of the copper mountain, the Great Poloz, the fire-downtry, etc.) an extraordinary poetry and endowed them with a thin and complex psychology.

The tales recorded and processed by the Bazhov - initially folklore. Many of them (so-called "Secret Skazy" - ancient oral traditions of the Ural miners) he heard the boy from V. A. Khmelinin from the Polevsky plant (Khmelinin-helyko, grandfather heard, "cup" from the "Urals"). Grandfather is heard - a storyteller in the "Malachite Cack". Later, the Bazhov had to officially declare that this was a reception, and he didn't just record stories, but really is their writer.

Later, the term "tale" entered Soviet folkloristic with Bazhov's light hand to determine the working prose (workers' prose). After some time, it was still established that it does not indicate any new folk phenomenon - "Skazy" turned out to be legends, legends, fairy tales, memories, that is, the genres that have already existed for many hundreds of years.


Ural is the "rarest place and masters and beauty." It is impossible to know the beauty of the Urals, if not to visit the amazing, charming peace and peace of the Ural ponds and lakes, in pine bodies, on the legendary mountains. Here, in the Urals, the talented masters lived and worked in the Urals, only here he could put his stone flower Danila-Master, and somewhere here the Ural masters saw the hostess of the copper mountain.

Since childhood, people, legends, fairy tales and songs of the Native Urals liked him.

Creativity P.P. Bazhova is firmly connected with the life of the Mining and Plant Urals - this cradle of Russian metallurgy. The grandfather and great-grandfather of the writer were workers and held all their lives in the copper smelters in the Ural plants.

By virtue of the historical and economic features of the Urals, life of the factory villages was very peculiar. Here, as everywhere, the workers barely reduced their ends meet, were dispersed. But, unlike other industrial areas of the country, the Urals was characterized by significantly lower earnings of workshops. There was an additional dependence of workers from the enterprise. Free use of land breeders represented as a reduced salary compensation.

Old workers, "Valtsy" were the keepers of folk mining legends and believes. They were not only a kind of "folk poets", but also peculiar "historians."

The Ural Earth itself gave birth to legends and fairy tales. P.P. Bazhov studied to see and understand the wealth and beauty of the Mountain Urals.

Archetypacy images

The hostess of the copper mountain is a keeper of precious breeds and stones, sometimes appears in front of people in the form of a beautiful woman, and sometimes - in the form of a lizard in the crown. The origin leads its own, most likely from the "Spirit of the Area." There is also a hypothesis that this is refracted by the folk consciousness the image of the goddess Venus, whose sign, for several decades in the XVIII century, branded field copper.

Great Poloz - responsible for gold. His figure was created by the Bazhov based on the superstitions of ancient kantov and Mansi, the Ural legends and the signs of the Gorvers and Runes. Cf. Mythological snake.

Grandma Synyushka - a character, a childbab-yaga.

Fire-dance - dancing over the gold deposit (connection between fire and gold).

We went once two of our factory grass to watch. And they had a long-range rest. Over the Severushka somewhere.

Festive day was, and hot - passion. Pynes clean. And both robili in the mountain, that is, that is. Malachite ore was mined, Lazorovka too. Well, when the king with the turns came across and there a protector, which is suitable.

One young guy was, a negress, and in the eyes of the greenery it became. Another older. This and invertible. In the eyes of green, and the cheeks seemed by the greens. And he coughed the beloved man.

In the forest is good. Ptashchi sing-rejoice, from the ground. Reference, the spirit is light. They, hear-ko, and crushed. Reached to the Krasnogorsk mine. There, then the iron mines mined. Loilde, it means that they are on the grass under ripper and immediately fell asleep. Just suddenly young, - exactly his who pushed him under the side, "woke up. Looks, and in front of him on the breast of ore from a large stone, a woman sits some kind of. Back to the guy, and in the spit see - a girl. Spita-black and not as our girls hang out, but smoothly adhered to the back. At the end of the tape, not the red, not the green. Through the light and finely blocks are called, as if sheet copper. The guy is divided into braid, and he himself takes further. The girl of a little growth, from himself a bad and such a cool wheel - it won't sit on site. Ahead will be leaning, exactly under your feet is looking for, then again it will be thrown back, it will be angry at that side, on the other. I will jump on my feet, hands over your hands, then again bent. One word, artut-girl. Pray - I will burst something, and in what is unknown, and with whom he says - not visible. Just a laugh of everything. Fun, visible to her.

The guy wanted to pray the word, suddenly it was knocked on his head.

Mother you are mine, but the mistress itself is! Her clothes. How did I immediately notice? I took my eyes obliquely my own.

And just and true such that you will not find another in the world. From silk, hear-Co., Malachita dress. The variety is so. Stone, and eye as silk, even though to stroke. "Here," the guy thinks, "the trouble!" As if only legs to carry, until noticed. " From the old people, he, hear, heard that the mistress of this - Malachyman - she loves to wise over man. Just thought so, she looked back. Fun on the guy looks, teeth scalit and says joke:

What are you, Stepan Petrovich, on the virgin the beauty of the eye of the eye? For the loyalty, they take money. Go closer. Let's talk small. The guy was trivial, of course, but it does not. Fastened. Although she is a secret force, but still the girl. Well, he is a guy - he, it means, and ashamed to the girl to endure.

Once, - says, - I speak. Without cheap, and the grass went to watch.

She laughs, and then says:

There will be a naigry news. Go, I say, there is a case.

Well, the guy sees - there is nothing to do. I went to her, and she looms, wander-de ore, on the other hand. He walked around and sees the lizards here is increasingly. And everyone, hear-ko, different. Some, for example, green, other blue, which in blue fall, and then like clay or sand with golden specks. Some like glass or mica, shine, and others, as the grass faded, and which are again patterns. The girl laughs.

Do not rip, - says, my army, Stepan Petrovich. You are won as much so heavy, and they are small. - And herself sledged her own, lizards and fled, Dali's road.

But the guy approached closer, stopped, and she again sledged in his palm, and he says, and everything is laugh:

Now you have nowhere to step. Let us dissolve my servant - the trouble will be. He looked at his feet, and there and the lands of the frank. All the lizards came down in one place, - as the floor was patterned under his feet. Stacking Stepan - Batyushki, but this is a copper ore! All sorts of grades and well polished. And the micother is right there, and the deception, and glitters are all sorts of, who go to Malachite.

Well, now admitted me, Stepanushka? - asks Malachnitsa, and the laugh itself is flooded. Then, little weather, and says:

You do not let. I woof you woof.

The guy worked out that the girl was mocking on him and still these words say. He was sorted hard, even shouted:

Who can I be afraid, if I rob in the mountain!

Well, okay, - Malachymansky answers. "I just need this that is not afraid of anyone." Tomorrow, how to descend, there will be your factory quarry here, you will tell him yes, look, do not forget the words: "The mistress, they say, the copper mountain ordered you, a stuffy goat, so that you remove the Krasnogorsk mine. If you still wake this my iron cap, so I'll go there all copper in the hums in Humushki that I could not get it anyhow. "

She said it and squinted:

Did you understand, Stepanushko? In Mount, you say, Robish, are not afraid of anyone? So tell squeezing, as I told, and now go and what is with you, nothing, look, do not say. He is crushed by a man that he was disturbed and inserted into this business. And so Von Ladadoevka said that she had a little longer for him.

And again praised in the palm, and all the lizards ran away. He also jumped on his feet, grabbed his hand for the stone, jumped up and, too, like a lizard, ran through a stone. Instead of hand-legs - paws from her green steel, the tail was leaned, the black strip is half a half, and the head of man. Raced to the top, looked around and says:

Do not forget, Stepanushko, as I said. Tried, they say, you, - a silent goat, - to get out of redogorki. You will do in my opinion, married you!

The guy even slipped in the warmness:

Ugh, you fucking thumb! So that I got married on the lizard.

And she sees how he spits, and laughs.

Okay, - shouts, - then let's talk. Maybe you think up?

And now, for a slide, only the tail Green flashed.

The guy remained alone. At the mine quietly. It is only audible, as the baby's baby swells over the baby. Woke it up. They went to their shorts, looked at the grass, in the evening home was packed, and Stepan had one on the mind: how to be? To tell Claudist Such words is not small, and he is still, - and right, - there was some kind of grinding in the larger in His rot, it was. Not to say - also is afraid. She is the hostess. What kind of hisp ore can perch up. Perform then lessons. And worse, ashamed to give himself a shame.

I thought, thought, leaked:

Was not, I will do how she ordered.

The next day, in the morning, how the people gathered for the trigger drum, the factory quarry approached. All, of course, the caps were removed, silent, and Stepan fits and says:

I saw the mistress of the copper mountain, and ordered you to tell you. She tells you, a stuffy goat, to get out of redogorks. If you are talking to her this iron hat, so she will lower all copper on the hums in her hums, that it does not get anyone.

At the order, even the mustache shook.

What are you? Drunk, Ali's mind decided? What is the mistress? Who do you say such words? Yes, I'm sorrowing you in Mount!

Will Your, - says Stepan, - but only so I have been keen.

Shoot it, - shouts the clarifier, - Yes, to lower in the mountain and in the bottom of it! And not a heart, give him dog bunting and the lessons ask without a cross. A little bit - to dry mercilessly!

Well, of course, a guy's population and mountain. The warden is mining, "the dog is also not the latter," the hammer took him - there is no place worse. And the wet here, and the ores are not good, it would be necessary to quit. Here and chained Stepan on the long chain, so that it was possible to work. It is known what time it was, the fortress. Begotten over a person. The warden also says:

Cool here alone. And the lesson with you will be pure malachite so much, - and appointed at all unagusable.

Nothing to do. How the warden was deployed, became Stepan Caelak to flush, and the guy is still taks. Looks, - okay because. So malachite and rolls, exactly who throws his hands. And the water left the slaughter somewhere. It became dry.

"Here," thinks, "well. I remembered, it can be seen, about me the mistress. "

The name of Pavel Petrovich Bazhova is known to each adult. When mentioning the name of this Russian writer in our consciousness, there are wonderful original fairy tales about the malachite box, a stone flower, hardworking and good Urals and skilled craftsmen. The works of Bazhov led to the world of the Ural underground and mountain kingdom and introduce his magic inhabitants: the hostess of the copper mountain, a fire-robust, a silver hoof, a great poloz and a blue snake.

P.P. Bazhov - Master of the Ural Square

Paul in the Urals in 1879. His family went a lot, and much of what was in childhood was heard and seen by the boy in Sysert, Polevsky, Seversky, the top-siserti, formed the basis of his tales about the Urals and his life. Pavel Bazhova always attracted folklore.

He treated with great respect for the history of his people, to his distinctive character and oral creativity. The writer constantly collected and updated folklore records and based on them created his unique tales. Heroes of his works are simple workers.

Displaying historical events in Tags P. Bazhov

The serfdom existed in the Urals until the end of the XIX century. Works p.p. Bazhova describe the time when the people lived under the gift of the Lord. Plant structures in pursuit of income did not think about the price of human life and the health of their wards, forced to work in dark and raw mines from morning to night.

Despite difficult times and hard labor, the people did not fall in spirit. Among the workers were very creative, smart people who know how to work and deeply understanding the world of beautiful. The description of their characters, life and spiritual aspirations contain works by Bazhov. Their list is quite large. Writing merit Pavel Bazhov was assessed in dignity. In 1943 he was awarded the Stalinist award for the Book of the Ural Square "Malachite Casket".

The message of the Ural Fantasy

The tales are not the early works of Pavel Bazhov. Despite the fact that the journalist, the publicist and the revolutionary of the Bazhov was always interested in folklore, the idea of \u200b\u200bwriting tapes appeared not immediately.

The first tales of the "Copper Mountain Mountain" and "expensive name" were published before the war, in 1936. Since then, the works of Bazhova began to appear in print regularly. The purpose and meaning of the tallery was to raise the combat spirit and the self-consciousness of the Russian people, awareness of themselves with a strong and invincible nation capable of feats and opposition to the enemy.

It is no coincidence that the works of Bazhov appeared before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War and continued to go out during her. In this respect, pp Bazhov was a seer. He managed to foresee the offensive of trouble and contribute to the opposition to the world evil.

Mystical images in literary creations p.p. Bazhova

Many know what works wrote Bazhov, but not everyone is clear, from where the writer borrowed the magical images of his tales. Of course, the folklorist only passed the folk knowledge about otherworldly forces, which helped good heroes and punished evil people. It is believed that the name Bazhova occurred from the word "Bourge", which is a Ural dialect and literally meaning "burning", "foreshadow."

Most likely, the writer was a man who disassembled in mystics, once decided to recreate mythological images of the Great Poliasis, Firewall-Pokakushki, Hostess of the Copper Mountain, Silver Coils and many others. All these magic heroes are the forces of nature. They have reasonable wealth and open them only to people with clean and open hearts, opposing evil forces and need help and support.

Bazhov's works for children

The meaning of some tales is very deep and does not lie on the surface. It must be said that not all works of Bazhov will be understood to children. To the years, addressed directly to the younger generation, traditionally refer to the "silver hoof", "Fire-Pokakushka" and "Blue Snake". The works of Bazhov for children are written in a very concise and affordable language.

It does not pay much attention to the experiences of heroes, but focus on the description of wonders and magical characters. It is frightened here the fire-dork in a fiery sundress, in another fairy tale, a silver hoofs suddenly appears and embarrasses the gems for the girl or a good hunter of Kokobani. And, of course, who do not want to meet with a blue snake, which spins the wheel and shows where the gold lie?

Bazzov's tales and their use in talentherapy

Bazhov's works are very convenient to apply in talentherapy, the main task of which is the formation of positive values \u200b\u200band motivations in children, durable morale, the development of creative perception of peace and good intellectual abilities. Bright scales, simple, spiritual, hardworking people from the people, fantastic characters will make the world of the child beautiful, kind, unusual and fascinating.

The most important thing in the tales of Bazhov is Moral. Her child must learn and remember, and adult assistance in this is very necessary. After the fairy tale is told, with children in the same friendly manner you need a conversation about the main characters, about their behavior and fate. The kids will be happy to tell about those characters and their actions that they liked, they will express their opinion on the negative heroes and their behavior. Thus, the conversation will help consolidate the positive effect of talentorate therapy, contributing to the solid rooting of the knowledge gained and the images in the mind of the child.

List of Bazhov's works:

  • "Diamond match";
  • "Amethyst business";
  • "Bogatyreva Mittens";
  • "Vasina Mountain";
  • "Veselukhin spoons";
  • "Blue Snake";
  • "Mountain Master";
  • "Dalveta loan";
  • "Two lizards";
  • "Demidov Kaftans";
  • "Expensive name";
  • "Dear land of the turn";
  • Swan Ermakov;
  • "Zhebreyev walker";
  • "Tires";
  • "Livinka in business";
  • "Live light";
  • "Snake Track";
  • "Gold hair";
  • "Mountain gold flow";
  • "Golden dikes";
  • "Ivanko-Krylatko";
  • "Stone Flower";
  • "Key of the Earth";
  • "Indigenous seraity";
  • "Cat's ears";
  • "Circular lamp";
  • "Malachite Box";
  • "Markov Stone";
  • "Copper Share";
  • "Copper Mountain Mistress";
  • "At the same place";
  • "Inscription on the stone";
  • "Not the Heron";
  • "Fire-Pokakushka";
  • "Eagle Feather";
  • "Customer soles";
  • "About the Great Poliasis";
  • "About diving";
  • "About the main thief";
  • "Rudyan Pass";
  • "Silver Kopytz";
  • "Sinaushkin Well";
  • "Sunny stone";
  • "Jeans pebbles";
  • "Old Mountains Give";
  • "Cocking soap";
  • "Tutekino Mirror";
  • "Herbal bendet";
  • "Heavy pin";
  • "The old mine";
  • "Fragile twig";
  • "Crystal varnish";
  • "Casting grandmother";
  • "Silk slide";
  • "Wide shoulder."

Bazhova's works, a list of which parents are desirable to study in advance, help you to form a sense of sympathy for good characters, such as the old man of Kokovan, Darenka, and a negative attitude, the censure to others (the order from the fairy tale "Copper Mount Hospital"). They will bring the child a feeling of kindness, justice and beauty and teach him to sympathize, help others and act decisively. The works of Bazhov will open the creative potential of children and will contribute to the appearance of valuables and the qualities necessary for a successful and happy life.

Bazhov fairy tales. Bazhov, Pavel Petrovich (1879-1950), Russian writer, for the first time performed the literary processing of the Urals tales. The collection includes the most popular and favorite children.
Bazhov P. P. 15 (27) January 1879 in the Sysert Plant near Yekaterinburg in the family of hereditary mining masters. The family often moved from the factory to the plant, which allowed the future writer to find out the life of the extensive mountainous district well and reflected in creativity - in particular, in the sketches of the Urals (1924). Bazhov studied in the Ekaterinburg spiritual school (1889-1893), then in the Permological Seminary (1893-1899), where training was much cheaper than in secular educational institutions.
Until 1917 he worked as a school teacher in Yekaterinburg and Kamyshlov. Every year, during the summer holidays traveled through the Urals, collected folklore. About how his life has developed after the February and October Revolutions, the Bazhov wrote in autobiography: "Since the beginning of the February Revolution, public organizations went into the work. Since the beginning of open hostilities, he has entered a volunteer in the Red Army and participated in combat operations in the Ural Front. In September 1918, I was adopted in the ranks of WCP (b). He worked as a journalist in the Division newspaper "Troops True", in Kamyshlovskaya newspaper "Red Way", and from 1923 - in the Sverdlovsk "peasant newspaper." Working with letters readers-peasants finally defined the hobby of the Bazhov Folklore. According to his later recognition, many of the expressions found by him in the letters of readers of the "peasant newspaper" were used in its famous Urals. In Sverdlovsk, his first book of Urals was released, where the boxes depicted in detail both the factors and the "Barsky armrests" -cakers and simple craftsmen. Bazhov sought to develop his own literary style, looking for the original forms of the incarnation of his writer dating. It succeeded in the mid-1930s, when he began to publish his first tales. In 1939, the Bazhov united them into the book Malachite Casket (State Prize of the USSR, 1943), which subsequently complemented new works. Malachite gave birth to a book because in this stone, according to Bazhov, "the joy of the Earth is collected." The creation of tales has become the main business of Bazhov's life. In addition, he edited books and almanacs, including in the Ural local history, headed the Sverdlovsk writer, was the editor-in-chief and director of the Ural Book Publishing House. In Russian literature, the tradition of a tale literary form dates back to Gogol and Leskov. However, calling his works by says, the Bazhov took into account not only the literary tradition of the genre, implying the presence of a narrator, but also the existence of ancient oral legends of the Ural miners, which in folkore were called "secret says." From these folklore works of the Bazhov, one of the main will take his tales: the mixing of fabulous images (poloz and his serpentine servers, fireproof, the mistress of the copper mountain, etc.) and the heroes written in the realistic vein (Danila Master, Stepan, Tanyushka and Dr.). The main theme of the Bazhavsky tales is a simple person and his work, talent and skill. Communication with nature, with secret bases of life is carried out through powerful representatives of the magical mountainous world. One of the brightest images of this kind - the hostess of the copper mountain, with which the Master Stepan is found from the malachite box. The hostess of the copper mountain helps the hero of the tale of a stone flower Danil to uncover his talent - and is disappointed in the wizard after he refuses attempts to independently make a stone flower. The prophecy comes true about the hostess in the jail of the soles of the soles: "I wisely meet with her - grief, and good - the joy of little." Bazhov belongs to the expression "Zhivinka in business", which became the name of the name of the same name, written in 1943. One of his heroes, Grandfather Nefed, explains why the mastery of His student Timofey: "And therefore," says that you looked at the book, " To the fact that it is done; And how from above glanced - how best to do it, here the gulling and picked up you. She, you understand, in any case, there is, ahead of the skill is running and man pulls. " Bazhov gave tribute to the rules of "Socialist realism", in the conditions of which his talent developed. The hero of several of his works was Lenin. The image of the leader of the revolution acquired folklore features in written during the Patriotic War said Sunny Stone, Bogatyrea Mitten and Eagle Feather. Shortly before death, speaking in front of countrywriters, the Bazhov said: "We, Uraltsam, living in such a region, which represents some Russian concentrate, is a treasury of accumulated experience, big traditions, we need to reckon with this, this will strengthen our Positions in the show of a modern man. " Bazzov died in Moscow on December 3, 1950.

Pavel Petrovich Bazhova's biographers say that this writer had a happy fate. The great age has lived a long and peaceful life saturated with events. All political coups Master Feather perceived relatively calmly and in those troubled times managed to achieve recognition and fame. For many years, the Bazhov was engaged in his loved one - she tried to make a fairy tale.

Its works are still popular with young people and older generation. Perhaps, there are few people who have not seen the Soviet cartoon "Silver Kopyts" or did not read the collection of stories "Malachite Casket", which includes the "Stone Flower", "Sinaushkin Well" and "expensive name".

Childhood and youth

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov was born 15 (27 in a new style) January 1879. The future writer grew and brought up in the average family. His father Peter Bazhov (initially the surname was written across the letter "E"), a leaving of the peasants of a field volost, worked at the mining site in the town of Sysert, that in the Sverdlovsk region. Later, the Bazhov moved to Polevskaya village. The parent of the writer earned a hard work for bread, and did not do agriculture: there were no arable land in Sysert. Peter was a hardworking person and a rare specialist in his business, but the heads of the man did not complain, so the older progress changed not one workplace.

The fact is that the head of the family loved to catch a hot drink and often leaving. But not this bad habit became a stumbling block between the leaders and subordinates: the junction of the boxes did not know how to keep the tongue of his teeth, so it criticized the working top in the fluff and dust. Later, the "talkative" Peter, who for this reason was called the drill, took back, because such professionals are valued for gold weight. True, the factory authority did not immediately bonded to forgiveness, the Bazhov had to wade a workplace for a long time. At the moments of the thunderness, the Bazhov family remained without livelihood, they saved the random earnings of the head of the family and the crafts of his wife Augustus Stefanovna (Osintseva).

The writer's mother took place from Polish peasants, led a household and raised Paul. In the evening he was fond of needlework: the lace was blurred, the openwork stockings knitted and created other cozy little things. But because of this painstaking work, which was carried out in the dark, the woman had a strong impaired vision. By the way, despite the initial character of Peter, he had friendly relations with his son. Grandmother Paul even used to say that his father had plunged all the time and forgives any leprosy. And in August, Stefanovna had a soft and flexible character at all, so the child was brought up in love and harmony.

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov grew up diligent and inquisitive boy. Before moving, he visited the Zemsto school in Sysert, studied perfectly. Paul grabbed items on the fly, whether it is Russian or mathematics, and every day he pleased the relatives with five in the diary. Bazzov recalled that thanks to managed to get a decent education. The future writer took the Tomik of the Great Russian Writer in the local library in harsh conditions: the librarian jokingly ordered the young man to learn all the works by heart. But Paul treated this task seriously.

Later, his school teacher told about the student to a friend-veterinarian as a gifted child from the working family, who knows the creation of Alexander Sergeevich. Impressed by the talented young men, the branch gave the boy a ticket to life and provided a decent education from the poor family. Pavel Bazhov graduated from the Ekaterinburg spiritual school, and then entered the Permian spiritual seminary. The young man was invited to continue learning and get a church san, however, a young man did not want to serve in the church, but dreamed of korping over textbooks on a university bench. In addition, Pavel Petrovich was not religious, but rather a revolutionary man.

But there was not enough money for further education. Peter Bazhov died of liver disease, had to be content with the pension of Augustus Stefanovna. Therefore, without having received a university diploma, Pavel Petrovich worked as a teacher in the spiritual colleges of Yekaterinburg and Kamyshlov, taught students Russian and literature. Bazhova loved every lecture was perceived by a gift, he read the works of great classics sensually and with a soul. Pavel Petrovich was one of those rare teachers who could even interest even an avid two and fume.

Girls in the school had a kind of custom: they piled a bows of multicolored satin ribbons to their favorite teachers. Pavel Petrovich Bazhova did not have a free space on the jacket, because "the signs of differences" he had the most. It is worth saying that Pavel Petrovich participated in political events and perceived the October revolution as something proper and fundamental. In his opinion, the renunciation of the throne and the Bolshevik coup should have committed to social inequality and provide a happy future to residents of the country.

Until 1917, Pavel Petrovich was a member of the party of socialist revolutionaries, a civil war fought on the side of the Reds, organized underground and developed a strategy in case of falling Soviet power. Also, the Bazhov was at the post of head of the trade union bureau and the Office of National Education. Later Pavel Petrovich headed the editorial activity, released a newspaper. Among other things, the writer organized schools and called on to struggle with illiteracy. In 1918, the master of the word joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.


As you know, being a student, Pavel Petrovich lived in Yekaterinburg and Perm, where instead of wildlife around were solid railways, and instead of small houses - stone apartments in several floors. In cultural cities, life beat the key: people went to theaters and discussed secular events behind the restaurants tables, but Paul adored to return to the native land.

Illustration for the book Pavel Bazhova "Mistress of Copper Mountain"

There he met a semi-mounted folklore: the local old nickname is heard ("cup") - the watchman Vasily Khmelinin - he adored to tell folk tales, the main characters of which were mythical characters: silver hoofs, hostess of the copper mountain, fireproof, blue snake and grandma Synyushka.

Illustration for the book Pavel Bazhova "Firetushka-Pokakushka"

Grandfather Vasily Alekseevich explained that all his stories are based on life and describe "ancient life". This difference between the Ural tales from the fairy tales, Khmelinin emphasized especially. Local bastard and adults did not hear each grandfather's word. Pavel Petrovich was also among the listeners, who absorbed the amazing-magical stories of Khmelinin as if sponge.

Illustration for the book Pavel Bazhova "Silver Kopytz"

Sincere time and his love for folk creativity began: the books carefully led the notebook, where the Ural songs, legends, legends and riddles were collected. In 1931, a conference on Russian folklore was held in Moscow and Leningrad. As a result of the meeting, the task was to study the modern worker and collective farm folklore, then it was decided to create a compilation "Pre-revolutionary folklore in the Urals". Searching for materials was to do local history Vladimir Biryukov, but the scientist did not find the necessary sources.

Illustration to the book Pavel Bazhova "Blue Snake"

Therefore, the publication was headed by Bazhov. Pavel Petrovich collected folk epics as a writer, and not as a folkloride scientist. Bazhov knew about passporting, but did not spend it. Also, the master of the pen adhered to the principle: the heroes of his works - immigrants from Russia or the Urals (even if these assumptions were contrary to the facts, the writer rejected everything that was not in favor of his homeland).

Illustration for the book Pavel Bazhova "Malachite Basket"

In 1936, Pavel Petrovich published the first work entitled "Girl Azovka". Later, in 1939, the collection of the Malachite Casket came to the circulation, which during the life of the author was replenished with new tale from Vasily Khmelinin. But, according to rumors, once Bazhov admitted that he did not rewrite his stories with alien mouth, but composed them.

Personal life

It is known that for a long time Pavel Petrovich was not involved in relations with women. The writer was not deprived of the attention of lovely ladies, but at the same time was not and Donzhuan: the Bazhov did not dip himself with his head into fleeting passions and novels, and led a ascetic bachelor life. Why up to 30 years Bazhov remained lonely, it is difficult to explain. The writer was fond of work and did not want to spray on the ladies passing past, and also believed in sincere love. However, it happened: the 32-year-old folkloride suggested the hand and heart of 19-year-old Valentina Aleksandrovna Ivanitskaya, a former student. A serious and educated girl answered consent.

It turned out to be a marriage for life, beloved raised four children (seven had been born in the family, but three died in infant age from diseases): Olga, Elena, Alexey and Ariadna. Contemporaries remember that the house reigned the comfort and did not occur, so that the spouses burden household or other differences. From Bazhov it was impossible to hear the name of Valya or Valentine, because Pavel Petrovich called his sweetheart nicknames: Valyanushka or valest. The writer did not like to be late, but even going to the meeting in a hurry, returned to the threshold, if forgot to kiss the farewell to a hot beloved wife.

Pavel Petrovich and Valentina Aleksandrovna lived happily and supported each other. But, as in any other mortal, in the life of the writer, there were as cloudless and the seaside days. Bazhov had to survive a terrible grief - the death of a child. Young Alexei died due to an accident at the factory. It is also known that Pavel Petrovich, though he was a busy person, but always allocated time for conversations with children. It is noteworthy that with the siblings, the father conspired as adults, gave the right to vote and listened to their opinions.

"The ability to know everything about your loved ones was an amazing feature of the Father. He has always been busy anymore, but he had enough peace of mind to be aware of the worries, joys and grief of each, "said Ariadne Bazhov in the book" Eyes of his daughter. "


Shortly before the death of Pavel Petrovich stopped writing and began to read lectures, which strengthened the spirit of the people during the Great Patriotic War.

The Great Writer died in the winter of 1950. The grave of the Creator is located on the hill (central alley) in Yekaterinburg in the Ivanovo cemetery.


  • 1924 - "Urals were"
  • 1926 - "For Soviet Truth";
  • 1937 - "Formation on the go"
  • 1939 - "Green Falink"
  • 1939 - "Malachite Casket"
  • 1942 - "Key-stone"
  • 1943 - "Takes about the Germans"
  • 1949 - "Far - close"