The topic of man's fate in totalitarian society. Writing: Solzhenitsyn A

The topic of man's fate in totalitarian society. Writing: Solzhenitsyn A


  • know idean composite features Story A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrinin Dvor",
  • know features of the era 60 years depicted on the pages of the work
  • know the main forms state Device and form primary the concept of the electoral system Russian Federation,
  • know the concept political regime,
  • to be able to distinguish political regimes on characteristic features.


  • form ability to analyze and evaluation of language phenomena within the framework of the artistic text,
  • develop, communicative skills and skills providing readiness and ability to speech interaction and mutual understanding.


  • educate citizenship and patriotism,
  • educate active life position and the desire to analyze what is happening in society,
  • educate need estimated participation in the political life of the country.
  • form legal culture Pupils I. positive attitude to the electoral process.


  • Flag of Russia,
  • Portrait of A.I. Solzhenitsyn,
  • Texts of the story A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrynin Dvor",
  • The texts of the poem Y. Levitansky "Everyone chooses for itself ...",
  • Video recording "News" with the plot of elections in municipalities,
  • Newspapers
  • Flyers with an invitation to elections.

During the classes

Epigraph to the lesson:

1. Opening conversation

Teacher: Good day! Today we have a very serious conversation about life, about the ability to make a choice. You are graduates, so very soon many will go to the first elections in life. And some may not want to go? Let's try to figure out is it possible to afford not to go to the elections? Theme of our lesson: The theme of the tragic fate of a person in the totalitarian state and the responsibility of the people and its leaders for the present and future of the country

(according to the story of A.I Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor"). But we will begin a lesson with reading the poetic lines of Yuri Levitansky:

Everyone chooses for itself -
Woman, religion, road,
Devil serve or prophet -
Everyone chooses for himself ...

Teacher: Do you think why these lines are chosen?

Estimated answer: Probably there is a relationship between these literary texts: the story of Solzhenitsyn, which we read at home and this poem. I see this relationship in the word choice.

Teacher: And what choice did you find in the story? Who and when does the choice?

Estimated answer: First, the hero chooses a job - teacher "And I was drawn to teacher", place of residence - village "I wanted to win and get lost in the interior of Russia" and a specific place of residence - Matriyna Grigorieva House "I settled the Matrion Vasilyevna."

Teacher: Agree. But I would like to draw your attention to the newspapers lying on the tables and leaflets with an invitation to the elections.

The alleged answer: probably, we will talk about those injustices that Solzhenitsyn told us about the injustices.

Teacher: And what relationship you see between the elections I.toy Life, in which the protagonist dipped into the village of Talnovo?

Estimated answer: In the story, the criticism of the modern writer is pronounced, calling for personal and public responsibility For what is happening. The author criticizes the social structure, and after all, someone once chose ...

2. Checking homework.

Teacher: Indeed, Solzhenitsyn was serving the term for their political views, for disagreement with reality. In February 1956 Solzhenitsyn was rehabilitated by the decision of the Supreme Court of the USSR, which makes it possible to return to Russia: it teaches in the Ryazan village, living at the heroine of the future story " Matrenin Poult" From 1957 Solzhenitsyn teaches at school. All this time goes Poted writing work Above the novel "In the First Circle", the design of the "Archipelago" ripens. As you can see, I had to write secret. We will quote the article "Political Mode" from the textbook "Social Studies":

"To formulate and express interests, first of all is needed FREEDOM OF SPEECH:every citizen ideally should be able to specify society on important, in his opinion, problems and ways to solve them».

So, the writer could not speak outdoor, but in the text we see repeated reproaches to both local authorities and the state as a whole. Let's check that you wrote down at home in the notebook.

Note: I needed at home write questions (addressed to the authorities) arising in the way Self readingstory.

Estimated questions:

Why did Matrion not received a pension, despite the fact that for many years worked in the collective farm?

In the text: " There was a lot of injustices with Matroi: she was sick, but was not considered a disabled person, a quarter of a century worked in a collective farm, but because not at the factory - it was not supposed to her pension. "

Why Matters took the garden that fed her ?

In the text: "The Chairman, the new, recent, sent from the city, the first thing cut off disabled (and it is not disabled!) Garden. Fifteen across the sand left Matrön, and ten hectares and empty behind the fence "

Why Workers, mining peat, did not receive it as a firebox for the winter, and received only the bosses?

In the text: "They stood around the forest, and the fireboxs were not nowhere, did not sell to the inhabitants, but only brought the bosses and who under the authorities. Fuel was not supposed, and did not have to ask. The chairman of the collective farm walked around the village, which he used to speak, just not about fuel. Because it itself is a stock. "

Why For a simple reference, Matriyan had to walk several times in the long village?

In the text: "Sobes was twenty kilometers to the east, rural council - ten kilometers to the West. From the office in the office chase her two months - then behind the point, then for the comma. It goes to the village council, and the secretary today is not, just here there is no, as it happens in the villages. Tomorrow, it means again to go. Now the secretary is there, and it does not have print. Third day to go. And the fourth day to go because not on that piece of paper ... "

3. Formation of new concepts

Teacher: Probably, I would now want to hear the opinion of the specialists of our rural administration, How legitimate were the actions of the Chairman of the collective farm and the controlling "peatproduct"?

Estimated answer 1:

- Indeed, on all your "why" - the answer is one - gas begging.

1956-1957 - this is the time of established totalitarian power. We quote: "One of the forms of the state (totalitarian state) is characterized by its full (total) control over all spheres of society, the actual elimination of constitutional rights and freedoms, repression against opposition and dissenting. Totalitarian political regime characterized by the full suppression of all non-state institutions and comprehensive control over behavior and thoughts of people".

The story there is a liquidation of constitutional rights and freedoms: for example, the right to pension provision: "Year after year, many years, Matrön Vasilyevna did not earn the ruble. Because pensions did not pay her. And in the collective farm she worked not for money - for wands ".

Estimated answer 2:

- The injustices that Solzhenitsyn writes, cannot but indignant the reader. As a representative local governmentsI can say that there was real self-government in the village of Talnovo. Neither in relation to the garden, which was cropped in disabled people (and they should be the most protected in our society!) Neither in relation to fuel for the winter of the authorities were not legitimate.

4. Application in the practice of knowledge gained.

Group 1. Task: Make discharge from text on the question: "Signs of the era of the 60s on the story pages."

Group 2. Task: Check out the plot of news about elections in municipalities and analyze Possible causes of bad turnout of young voters.

Group 3. Creative.

Task: Come up with the text of the slogan calling it is young Take part in the elections. The answer argue, relying on the facts from Solzhenitsyn's story.

Group 4. Task: Prepare from the face Matriyn Grigorieva story: "Where and how I was looking for the truth?"

Note: All tasks are aimed at raising an active civil position.

5. Fastening and generalization

Listening to the prepared answers .

Purpose: Develop speech and mental activityCommunicative skills and skills providing readiness and ability to speech interaction and mutual understanding.

Teacher: Thanks to everyone for work. Let's talk now about life position Matrius. What is your attitude to the heroine?

Estimated answer 1: Matrön is difficult to condemn or justify, although sometimes you want to do both. This is a man generous soul, Absolutely disinterested, otherwise the author would not call her righteous. But her life position is absolutely passive. So it is impossible to live! She never reread, respected everyone and agreed with everyone. She did not have to choose: everything was decided for it. "It's not a collective farm only, and any relative or just a neighbor came to Matrön in the evening and said:

"Tomorrow you will come to pretend." Potatoes will dig.

... And Matrius could not refuse. "

Estimated answer 2: It seems to me that not only Matriyn, but for everyone in those days it was decided. And talk about active civilian position did not have to. For example, the author of his active position was worth ten years of life ...

Estimated answer 3: Indeed, the fate of a person in the totalitarian state is unlosable.

6. Summing up

Teacher: Let us read the poem and again draw a parallel with the theme of our lesson:

Everyone chooses in itself -
I choose, too, as I can.
I have no complaints:
Everyone chooses in itself.

Teacher: So what important conclusions We will do after the conversation held?

Estimated answer 1: To be satisfied with life , not to have complaints we must be able to choose.

Estimated answer 2: to wantto choose.

Estimated answer 3: need to have active civil positionand always go to the polls. After all, if you do not vote, then it is perhaps your voice is not enough.

Teacher: Here it would be more appropriate to turn to the epigraph, remember the wordsA. Aadamovich : The world can save only one person, and this person - you ".

Teacher: And how do you understand words from the poem: "I choose, too, as I can ..."?

Estimated answer 1: I choose the way he tells the heart.

Estimated answer 2: I choose as you have taught.

Teacher: And then the last question.Let's, based on the meaning of the word "choice" (one of the values \u200b\u200b- "election by voting by voting", and the other - "Take, select, determine for yourself the necessary, preferred" ) We define whether it is possible that this poem is dedicated to the elections to the authorities state power? Why?

Estimated answer 1:. I think that in the poem it is just about the life choice (the choice of profession, the choice of satellite life, etc.) and this is equally important for me, as well as elections to the authorities. Therefore, I believe that in the poem we are just about vital choiceWhich for each of us should be including ANDChoosing power.

Teacher: After all, as the topic of the lesson, and the words of the epigraph, in response for the fate of the people and the country - each of us!

7. Reflection

Teacher: Judging by your answers, now, probably, it's time to fill out the questionnaire.

Questions questionnaire:

  1. Do you think the choices are purely personal? WELL NO
  2. Did you have changed after a conversation in today's lesson your concept about life position? WELL NO
  3. Can you argue that you are ready to deliberately make a choice? WELL NO
  4. Do you think that young people are the powerful force in the election? Well no.

Count the result. If you scored 4 points, then you have the right to answer the last question:

Will you be able to convince anyone in the need to participate in the elections?

Yes - 3 points, not quite - 2 points, I do not know - 1 point, no - 0 points.

Evaluation System:

Scored 7 points - "five"
Scored 6 points - "four"

We scored less than 6 points have the ability to "rely on" the score of the homework.

Houses: Creative Task to choose from:

1) Considering the nature and life position of Matriol Grigorieva, write from her face letter to the district newspaper

2) Create a leaflet sketch with an invitation to elections to the board of high school students.

Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn (1918 - 2008)

Man, writer, philosopher ...

Topic of the lesson: "The lives of A.I. Solzhenitsyn"

The purpose of the lesson :

  1. introduce students with the pages of the biography and creativity of an unusual person;
  2. abstract skills, identify the main thing, generalize, reflect;
  3. education.


  1. alexander Sokurov film "Knot" (video equipment);
  2. portrait of a writer;
  3. records on the board:

A) themes of the lesson;

B) epigraphs;

C) dictionary: dissident; Zurich; Vermont, America.

Dissident - (SET) - the one who rents from the dominant religion dominating in the country; apostate.

(LAT) - dissentless, contrary.

D) record of the main works:

  1. I am not me, and my literary fate is not mine, and all those millions who did not helprafal, did not appreciate, did not prejudge his prison fate, his camp discoveries.

A. Solzhenitsyn

  1. ... Solzhenitsyn is more than any other writer to the question of who we, the current, through the question: What happens to us?

S. Zaligin

During the classes

  1. Orgmoment
  2. 1. The word of the teacher.

In the early 1980s, President Reagan invited the most prominent Soviet dissidents living in the West for breakfast. One A.I. Solzhenitsyn refused from the entire host, noticing that he was not "dissident", but a Russian writer, who did not talk with his hands with the head of state, whose generals on the Council of Scientistsseriously develop the idea of \u200b\u200bselective destruction of the Russian people through directional nuclear strikes. Expressing polite refusal, Solzhenitsyn, however, she invited Reagan, when his authority expires, visit his house in Vermont and there in a relaxed atmosphere to talk about the urgent issues of the relations of the two of our countries, unobtrusive emphasizing thatpresidential position is engaged in one face for eight years oldcalling the Russian writer for life.

2. Who is this person?

To learn this person, the film Alexander Sokurov "Knot" will help us (23 minutes I parts ), demonstrated in December 1998, when the writer turned 80 years.

  1. It was born in December 1918. in Kislovodsk.

Father came from the peasants, became a student, then the volunteer went to the first world War And he was awarded the St. George Cross. He died from an accident on hunting six months before the birth of his only child.

After High School Solzhenitsyn ends in Rostov-on-Don Physics and Mathematics University (1941. ) At the same time comes by a boss at the Moscow Institute of Philosophy and Literature.

It goes to war, from 1942 to 1945. Commands on the front of the battery, awarded orders and medals.

In February 1945 In the rank of captain arrested due to the criticism of Stalin subsequent in the correspondence and convicted for 8 years:

1 year - on the investigation and shipment

3g. - in prison

4g. - Common work in political polg.

1953 - Cancer - he underwent. Miracle.

Camping time ended on Stalin's death on March 5, 1953, and immediately Cancer was discovered when the doctors sentence remains no more than three weeks ... However, I did not die (with my hopelessly launched malignant tumor it was God's miracleI didn't understand anything otherwise. The whole life returned to me since then is not mine in the full sense, it has a nested goal).

Then he was exiled to Kazakhstan "forever"; However, the man-made eternity continued "only" for three years, after which the determination of the Supreme Court of the USSR of February 6, 1957. Rehabilitation followed.

After rehabilitation, he worked as a school teacher in Ryazan.

Following the publication in 11m. The "New World" room for 1962 The works of "One Day Ivan Denisovich" adopted in the Union of Writers, but besides several more stories and one article, everything written was forced to give with "Samizdat" or to print in abroad.

In 1969 - from the joint venture is excluded.

In 1970 - awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

In 1974 - In connection with the release of the 1st volume of the "Archipelago Gulag", forcibly expelled to the West.

Until 1976 lived in Zurich, then moved to the US stateVermont , Nature resembles the middle band of Russia.

Married by the second marriage on Natalia Svetlova, they have three children - Yermolai, Ignat and Stepan. Currently - adults.

Yermolai - phenologist (study of wildlife phenomena)

Ignat - musician

Stepan - urban planner.

Instead of creative labor at the very end of the war of war, he is comprehended by arrest, prison and camp, but:

- It is terrible to think so that I have become for the writer (and would be) if I did not plan.

1955-1968. - Roman "In the first circle"

1955-1967. - Tale " Cancer»

1958-1968. - "Archipelago Gulag" (designation of the camp country)

1963-1964. - 227 Witnesses

1956 - Zakhar-Kalita story

1959-1963. - Story "Matrenin Dvor"

By 1994 - 10 volumes "Red Wheel" (narration of revolution)

! Let us turn to his ideas about the purpose of art in the life of people.

Art, rightly considers Solzhenitsyn, the secret inner light is peculiar, and all it is not given to grab a person.

Solzhenitsyn believes that there are two types of artists:

  1. one "misses herself the Creator of an independent spiritual world and boils the act of the creation of this world to his shoulders"
  2. another knows the highest strength, not this world is created.
    The artist is given only to the sharper of others to experience the harmony of the world, the beauty and disgrace of the human contribution to it - and sharply transfer it to people»

? - What type of artists do you assume Solzhenitsyn?

Determining its understanding of art, Solzhenitsyn reflects over the "mysterious" phrase "The world will save beauty".


  1. History of creating a work

f №5, 89g, p.21

  1. Camp, his device, its mode, its purpose
  2. Social hierarchy of camp life. Her laws. Lamps.
  3. The main hero of the story:

a) Autobiography - from the face of Shukhov.

b) what a figure in front of us. What an impression causes.

5) speech matter from which the Solzhenitsyn Hero is created.

6) collective farm life illuminated in the work.

The subject of the lesson: "The theme of tragic fate in
totalitarian state

(Tale A.I. Solzhenitsyn "One Day Ivan Denisovich")

The purpose of the lesson :

  1. based on the analysis of the story to penetrate the world of a person from the people, to find out how he relates himself to forcibly imposed reality and its ideas;
  2. an expression of skills to analyze, prove his thoughts about the read work;
  3. education of a creative reader.


  1. portrait of the author;
  2. epigraphs to the topic;
  3. dictionary: Totalitarianism, righteous

Totalitarianism - One of the forms of the state characterized by the full (total) control by state authorities over all spheres of society, the physical elimination of constitutional freedoms and rights.

Righteous - 1. A person who lives according to the commandments prescribed by any religion;

2. The one who is guided by the principles of justice, honesty, does not violate the rules of morality.

Which Niva the executioners were trampled,

Pressed with a merciless wheel.

Oh if all the tortured stood up

And they told the truth about everything.


I was very lucky that I was in the camp and, most importantly, I survived there.

"I" survived to find myself in art and revitalize the faces of those who are stubborn behind alphanumeric signs.

A. Solzhenitsyn

During the classes

I. Orgmoment

II. Work on speech breathing "Start"

III. Express survey (at the house reading)

  1. Name the full name of the main character of the story (Ivan Denisovich Shukhov)
  2. Camp number Ivan Denisovich (Sh-854)
  3. What years events are illuminated in the work?


  1. How old is the main hero of the work?
  2. List the heroes of the work, their own classes for freedom (0,5b for each)

IV. 1. The word of the teacher, turning into the analysis of the work.

The conversation is accompanied by commented text reading.

The strongest impression produces the thoughts of Shukhov, transmitted by the monologic speech of the mystery of his inner life.

Let's, perhaps, with thought, to which Ivan Denisovich thought.

Ended the working day, everyone returned to the camp.

And this thought:

"Five roads come to watch ..." (p. 77) Text.

For tomorrow's streets, urban planners go to work - slaves: in the morning - to objects, in the evening - back.

Squares walk along the camp rule, hands holding a back, and dropped head down.

The columns go like a funeral "and you can see", "Yanvan Denisovich annotates," only the legs at the front two-three shoes of the earth are resettleged, where with their legs to cross.

Night for a second does not cease the mental activity of Ivan Denisovich Shukhov.

He clocks the camp time on the clock and minutes.

2. … Camp. Its device, its mode, its purpose.

Per barbed wire Life flows.

What saves a person in this inhuman life?

As always involvement in the community of people. Here is a brigade, annals families in free life. Father Brigadier ...

Brigadier in the camp is all ... (p. 30, p.34)

3. Social hierarchy of camp life. Her laws.

Lagniki (Buinovsky Caesar)

Law Taiga

  1. The main character of the work

a) autobiography (indium)

b) How did you get to the camp?

c) what a figure before us. What impression produves

d) speech matter from which Solzhenitsyn Hero is created

  1. Collective farm life

Conclusions, generalizations.

The camp life, as it is regulated, offered seams of choice: there were executioners and wardens, assholes and informants, and just raw zacks.

? What did Chukhov chose?

Quiet and imperceptibly for all became the righteous.

Every day and an hour had to choose between good and evil, strength and weakness, dignity and humiliation.

The most difficult choice is to find a support.

! And again the reader covers the feeling of the absurdity of what is happening by the will of the camp: a young poet for some reason in the camp hospital adds poems unacceptable in the wild.

The peasant Glukhov from the war was brought to the forestry.

And the guards themselves, convoy, Russian people who are in the cold on the towers and guard someone? And for what?

? What kind of robbing horde seized the country and sent one part of the people to another?

! The theme of the responsibility of the people and its leaders for the present and future of the country.

The results of the lesson


1. Find the start of the action, the string of the plot

2. Who are they, the main characters of the story

Group tasks:

I. Natility

II. Matryna

Topic of the lesson: "Do not stand without the righteous"

The purpose of the lesson :

1) to trace what is shown the image of the "magnifier of Slavs" in the work of A.I. Solzhenitsyn;

2) Development monologic speech, the ability to support the dialogue;

3) Parenting personality.


1. Portrait of a writer;

2. Records on the board.

During the classes

I. Orgmoment

II. Teacher's introductory word.

The study of a Russian nature continued in other works A.I. Solzhenitsyn end 50x - N.60 X years.

In the original version, the work was called "not worthwhile without a righteous", and the action in it occurred in 1956 (in the published editorial office, the event developed in the Darkhushki time in 1953). The changes were aimed at giving a narrative more private meaning.

III. Conversation for the content of the work.

What event concentrates the plot of works?

By 184 Oh. km from Moscow on the branch, which goes to Murom and Kazan

What did we know about the narrator?

She passed the way to the "Mattering Dvor" "From" of the dusty hot desert, where "Delighted the year for ten". To carry out his dream to return to the "interior" Russia, he succeeds, when in the country the beginning "something to suffer ..." (allegory of liberation from the camp, a memorable "camp charter". Long years Did not settle in the soul of the evil story ...)

What did you find out about Matriol's life?

The heroine is out of society, merging with nature. Darkness, uneducation. Memories of my youth Matriol that in his youth she didn't think about five pounds, "and once" Zudda grabbed, stopped Sani "

Noncarsky heroine:

In the game, she does not see her horse

In trouble - does not raise - save:

The horse will stop the horse

In the burning hut will enter!

The heroine turns out to be in the center of the eternal confrontation of good and evil, trying to "conscience for his", to connect the edges of the abyss itself.

The culmination in the external and domestic plot plans is the moment of Matters's death on moving.

Matriot is still trying to restore the "LAD" general Life, bringing his bright contribution to the case, the launched by the "ladies - not builders", for which "good" is the concept of material.

Matrius - Faddey

Among his fellow villagers, Matrion remains "incomprehensible", "someone else's".

In the final story folk wisdom It becomes the basis for the evaluation of the heroine: "... she is the same righteous, without which, according to the proverb, is not worth the village."

Overview of the Gulag Archipelago.



1. №5, 1990. Literature at school

One hour, one day, one man's life in the works of A.I. Solzhenitsyn

2. Akimov "In the winds of time"

3. No. 5, 1989. Literature at school

Alexander Solzhenitsyn: Travel Guide

4. №4, 1997. One day…

Conflict of temporary and eternal in the story "One day ..."

5. Weekly application to the newspaper "The Oven" No. 17-18 1993.

State autonomous educational institution

Secondary vocational education

Novosibirsk region

"Barabinsky Medical College"

Methodical development

Combined classes for the teacher

Specialty 060501 Nursing

Discipline "Literature"

Section 2. Literature of the XX century

Topic 2.23. A.I. Solzhenitsyn. The theme of the tragic fate of a person in a totalitarian state. "One day Ivan Denisovich"

Approved at a meeting of the cycle methodical commission of common humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines

Protocol No. _____ from _____________ 20 _______ g.

Chairman ___________________________

    Methodical sheet ............................................................ ..4

    Extract from the working program ..............................................5

    Approximate chronokart classes ............................................. ..6

    Source material ............................................................ .7

    Appendix number 1 .............................................................. ... 14

    Appendix No. 2 ...................................................... .. ......... 15

    Appendix №3 ................................................................ ..16

Methodical sheet

Type of occupation -combined occupation.

Duration -90 min.

Objectives class

    Training goals:

To form a skill to analyze and interpret the artwork, using information on the history and theory of literature (theory, problems, moral pathos, the system of images, features of the composition, pictorially expressive means language artistic detail); determine the genus of the work; The main facts of the life and creativity of the Classic Writers of the XIX-XX centuries.

2. Educational purposes:

Promote the development of knowledge of the basic facts of the life and creativity of the Classic Writers of the XIX-XX centuries; understanding the essence and social significance of their future profession, sustainable interest in it;

To form the ability to analyze life situations, draw conclusions, make independent decisions, be organized and disciplined; form practical creative thinking.

3. Educational goals:

Promote the development of communicative culture, sense of responsibility.

Teaching methods - Reproductive.

Place of class - College audience.

The relevance of the study of the topic. A.I. Solzhenitsyn - Writer with world name, man with unusual biography, a bright person, who has entered into martial arts with a political system of a whole state and deserving respect and recognition of the whole world. The genuine interest of readers to the figure and creativity of Solzhenitsyn determines its place and a role in the modern world literary process. Study of life and creativity outstanding writer Indicates the recruitment to the history of his homeland, the approach to the awareness of the reasons that have led society to a political, economic and moral crisis. In this regard, it is necessary to replenish their knowledge in the field of literature to every educated person, including future medical professionals.


    Russian literature XX in-11 class. Textbook for general education institutions. In 2 parts. Part 2 [Text] / V.A. Chalmaev, O.N. Mikhailov et al.; Cost. E.P. Prone; Ed. V.P. Zhuravleva. - 5th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 2010. - 384 p.

    Solzhenitsyn, A.I. One day Ivan Denisovich [Text] / A.I. Solzhenitsyn. - M.: Enlightenment, 2013. - 96 p.

Extract from thematic Plan Disciplines "Literature"

Topic 2.23.

A.I. Solzhenitsyn. The theme of the tragic fate of a person in a totalitarian state. "One day Ivan Denisovich"

The main facts of the life and creativity of the writer. "One day Ivan Denisovich". Tragic fate man in a totalitarian state. Organic unity of artistic and journalistic. Problems of traditions in innovation. Publicistic artwork.

Laboratory works

Practical lessons

Test papers

Independent work of students:

Work with the textbook;

Work with a lecture abstract (argued to formulate their attitude towards the work);

Reading and analyzing the work (knowledge and reproduction of content literary work).

Approximate chronokart classes

Name stage


Purpose of stage





Organizational stage

Organization of the start of classes, preparation of the workplace of students

Notes missing students in the journal

The headman calls missing students. Students lead in line with appearance, prepare jobs.

Magazine, notebook

Poetic minute

Repetition of the creativity of Russian poets

Listens to verses performed by students, evaluates the expressiveness of reading

Persons read

Magazine Group for Evaluation, Appendix 3

Motivational stage

Development of interest in the new topic

Explains to students the importance of studying this topic

Listen, ask questions

Objectives class

Installing priorities when studying the topic

Voiced goals

Listen, write a new topic in the notebook

Methodical development of the class

Knowledge Control on the previous topic

Identifying the degree of training of students to the lesson and the degree of learning material on the previous topic

Answer questions about the topic passed, retell

Attachment 1.

Output of source information

Promote the development of knowledge of the basic facts of the life and creativity of the Classic Writers of the XIX-XX centuries; Understanding the essence and social significance of its future profession, sustainable interest in it

Sets out a new material

Listen, read the material in the textbook, write down

Methodical workshop development (source material)

Making tasks for consolidation of knowledge

Consolidation of knowledge, text reading, work on subgroups

Instructs and controls the execution of tasks, discusses the correctness of the answers

Perform tasks, work in subgroups on prepared issues

Appendix 2.

Preliminary control of new knowledge

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the occupation and identification of shortcomings in new knowledge, text analysis

Instructs and conducts control

Speakers with the tasks performed, read the text in compliance with the basic rules, listen to other answers, make adjustments

Appendix 2.

Task for independent extracurricular work of students

Formation and consolidation of knowledge

Gives a task for independent extracurricular work of students, instructs the correctness of the execution

Record task

- Repeated work on educational material (lecture summary);

- work on the textbook;

- Reading and analyzing works


Systematization, consolidation of material, development of emotional sustainability, objectivity of assessing their actions, the ability to work in a group

Assesses the work of the Group as a whole, individually, the motivation of the assessment

Listen, ask questions, participate in the discussion

Group Journal


Childhood and youth

Alexander Isaevich (Isaakievich) Solzhenitsyn Born on December 11, 1918 in Kislovodsk.

Father - Isaac Semenovich Solzhenitsyn, Russian Orthodox peasant from the North Caucasus. Mother - Ukrainka Taisiya Zakharovna Shcherbak, the daughter of the owner of a rich in Kuban economy, with the mind and difficulty rising to this stage of the Tauride Shepherd Batraka. Parents Solzhenitsyn met during training in Moscow and soon got married. Isaac Solzhenitsyn during the First World War went to the front volunteer and served as an officer. He died before the birth of the Son, June 15, 1918, after demobilization (as a result of an accident on the hunt). It is depicted under the name of Lazhenitsyn's Sani in the epic "Red Wheel" (based on the memories of his wife).

As a result of the revolution and civil War The family was ruined, and in 1924 Solzhenitsyn moved with her mother in Rostov-on-Don, from 1926 to 1936 he studied at school, living in poverty.

In younger classes, it was subjected to ridicule for wearing a baptizing cross and unwillingness to join Pioneers, he received a reprimand for visiting the church. Under the influence of the school adopted a communist ideology, in 1936 he joined Komsomol. In high school, underwent literature, began writing an essay and poem; interested in history social life. In 1937 he conceived " big novel About the revolution "1917.

In 1936 he entered the Rostov State University. Not wanting to make literature by the main specialty, chose the physico-mathematical faculty. According to the memoirs of the school and university friend, "... I studied for mathematics not so much by calling, how much because on the physics were extremely educated and very interesting teachers." One of them was D. D. Mordukhai-Boltovskaya (under the name of the Governorate-Shakhovsky Solzhenitsyn, he will bring him in the novel "in the first round" and in the poem "Roast"). Solzhenitsyn's university studied at the "excellent" (Stalinist scholarship), continued literary exercises, in addition to university classes, independently studied history and Marxism-Leninism. He graduated from the university in 1941 with honors, he was awarded the qualifications of the scientist II of the category in the field of mathematics and the teacher. The dean recommended him to the post of university assistant or graduate student.

From the very beginning literary activity Acidly interested in the history of the First World War and Revolution. In 1937, he began to collect materials on the Samsonovsky catastrophe, wrote the first chapters of Augusta of the fourteenth (from orthodox communist positions). In 1939 he entered the correspondence department of the Faculty of Literature of the Institute of Philosophy, Literature and History in Moscow. Interrupted training in 1941 due to war.

Interested in the theater, in the summer of 1938 tried to pass exams in theatrical school Yuri Zavadsky, but unsuccessful.

In August 1939, he made a trip to Kayak on the Volga with friends. The life of the writer since that time until April 1945 - in the Poem "Roast" (1948-1952).

On April 27, 1940, he married a student of Rostov University Natalia Retovskaya (1918-2003), which met in 1936.

During the war

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Solzhenitsyn was not immediately mobilized, because it was recognized as "limitedly suitable" health. Actively sought a call to the front. In September 1941, together with his wife, he received the distribution of a school teacher in Morozovsk Rostov region, However, on October 18, it was called up and sent to the cargo equestrian tow truck.

Events of the summer of 1941 - Spring 1942 are described by Solzhenitsyn in the unfinished story "love the revolution" (1948).

Sought directions to the officer school, in April 1942 he was sent to the Artillery School in Kostroma; In November 1942, Lieutenant was released, sent to Saransk, where there was a spare regiment on the formation of the divisions of artillery instrumental intelligence.

In the current army, from February 1943 served as a commander of the battery of sound exploration. He was awarded the orders of the Patriotic War and the Red Star, in November 1943 he received the title of senior lieutenant, in June 1944 - Captain.

At the front led the military diaries, I wrote a lot, sent my works by the Moscow writers for the review; In 1944 he received a benevolent feedback B. A. Lavrenova.

Arrest and conclusion

At the front, Solzhenitsyn continued to be interested in public life, but began to critically treat Stalin (for the "distortion of Leninism"); In the correspondence with the old friend (Nikolai Vitkevich) persecuted crugatively about the "Pahan", under which Stalin guessed, kept in his personal belongings, together with Vitkevich, "Resolution", in which he compared Stalinist orders with serfdom and spoke of the creation after the war "Organization" To restore the so-called "Lenin" norms. Letters caused a suspicion of military censorship, and in February 1945 Solzhenitsyn and Vitkevich were arrested.

After the arrest of Solzhenitsyn was taken to Moscow; On July 27, in absentia, he was sentenced by a special meeting for 8 years of correctional labor camps.


In August, he was sent to the camp to the new Jerusalem, on September 9, 1945, was transferred to the camp in Moscow, whose prisoners were engaged in the construction of residential buildings at the Kaluga posture (now - Gagarin Square).

In June 1946, the NKVD specialtime was transferred to the NKVD specialtime, in September, sent to a special institute for prisoners ("Sharashka") with an aircraft factory in Rybinsk, after five months - on the "Sharashka" in Zagorsk, in July 1947 - to a similar Institution in Marfino (near Moscow). There he worked in a specialty - mathematician.

In Marfin Solzhenitsyn began work on the story "love the revolution". Later, the last days at the Martinian Sharashka are described by Solzhenitsyn in the novel "In the Circle of the First", where he himself was derived under the name of Gleb Nazhin, and his cellmates Dmitry Panin and Lev Copellev - Dmitry Sologdin and Leo Rubin.

In December 1948, his wife divided into Solzhenitsyn.

In May 1950, Solzhenitsyn because of a tightness with the authorities "Sharashki" was stupked into a Butycan prison, from where he was sent to Steglage in August - special camp in Ekibastuz. Almost a third of their prison and camp - from August 1950 to February 1953 - Alexander Isaevich departed in the north of Kazakhstan. In the camp was on the "common" works, for some time - brigadier, participated in the strike. Later, the camp life will receive a literary incarnation in the story "One Day of Ivan Denisovich", and the strike of the prisoners - in the filmceneuria "know the truth of tanks."

In the winter of 1952, Solzhenitsyn found a cancer tumor, it was operated on in the camp.

In the conclusion, Solzhenitsyn was completely disappointed in Marxism, over time she believed in God and bent to the Orthodox-Patriotic ideas (the total denial of the communist ideology, the dissolution of the USSR and the creation of the Slavic state in Russia, Belarus and Parts of Ukraine, the establishment of an authoritarian system with a gradual transition To democracy, the direction of resources of future Russia for the spiritual, moral and religious development of the people, primarily Russians). Already in "Sharashka" returned to the writer, in Ekibastuz, poems, poems, poems ("Roasts", "Prussian Nights") and play in verses ("captives", "Fear of winners") and memorized them by heart.

After the liberation of Solzhenitsyn was sent to the link to the settlement "forever" (Village Blick of the Koktterki district of the Jambul region, South Kazakhstan). He worked as a teacher of mathematics and physics in 8-10 classes of the Kirov Local High School.

By the end of 1953, health deteriorated sharply, the examination revealed a cancer tumor, in January 1954 he was sent to Tashkent for treatment, in March was discharged with a significant improvement. Disease, treatment, healing and hospital impressions have formed the basis of the story of the "cancer corps", which was conceived in the spring of 1955.


In June 1956, the decision of the Supreme Court of the USSR Solzhenitsyn was liberated without rehabilitation "for the absence of a crime in his actions."

In August 1956 returns from the reference to Central Russia. Lives in the village of Milsevo (Klovlsky district Vladimir region), teaches mathematics in the Mesinskaya secondary school of the Gus-Crystal District. Then he met with his ex-wife, who finally returned to him in November 1956 (re-marriage was concluded on February 2, 1957).

Since July 1957 lived in Ryazan, he worked as a teacher of Astronomy High School No. 2.

First publications

In 1959, Solzhenitsyn wrote the story "Sch-854" about the life of a simple prisoner from the Russian peasants, in 1960 - the stories "not worth the village without the righteous" and " Right brush", The first" crumbling ", the play" The Light, which in You "(" Candle in the Wind "). I survived a certain crisis, seeing the inability to publish my works.

In 1961, under the impression of the speech of Alexander Tvardovsky (editor of the magazine " New world") At the XXII Congress of the CPSU, handed over to him" Sh-854 ", pre-seized from the story the most politically sharp, obviously not passable through the Soviet censorship fragments. Tvardovsky appreciated the story extremely highly, invited the author to Moscow and began to seek the publication of the work. N. S. Khrushchev overcame the resistance of the members of the Politburo and allowed the publication of the story. The story called "One Day Ivan Denisovich" was printed in the magazine "New World" No. 11, 1962, immediately reissued and translated into foreign languages.

Shortly thereafter, in the magazine "New World" (No. 1, 1963) were printed "not worth the village without a righteous" (called "Matrinin Dvor") and "Case at the Kochetovka Station" (called "Case at the Station of the Kingcheivka").

The first publications caused great amount Responses of writers, public figures, critics and readers. Letters of readers - former prisoners (in response to Ivan Denisovich) laid the beginning of the Gulag Archipelago.

Solzhenitsyn's stories have highlighted sharply against the background of the works of that time with their artistic advantages and civilian courage. It was emphasized at the time many, including writers and poets. So, Vamlam Shalamov in a letter Solzhenitsyn wrote in November 1962:

The story is like poems - everything is completely in it, everything is advisable. Each line, each scene, each characteristic is so laconic, smart, thin and deep that I think that the "new world" from the very beginning of its existence is nothing so solid, so strong did not print.

In the summer of 1963, he created another, fifth on the score, truncated "under censorship" the editors of the novel "In the Circle of the First", intended for printing (out of 87 chapters). Four chapters from the novel were selected by the author and proposed to the New World " ... for the sample, under the guise of "Open" ...».

December 28, 1963 The editors of the magazine "New World" and the Central State Archive of Literature and Art nominated "one day of Ivan Denisovich" for the competition for the Lenin Prize for 1964 (as a result of the voting of the Prize Committee, the proposal was rejected).

In 1964, first gave his work in Samizdat - the cycle of "poems in prose" under common title "Crochetot".

In the summer of 1964, the fifth edition "in the first circle" was discussed and adopted for printing in 1965 "New World". Tvardovsky meets the manuscript of the novel "Crack Corps" and even offers it to read Khrushchev (again - through his assistant Lebedev). I had a meeting with Varlam Shalamov, who had previously responded to Ivan Denisovich, and suggested that he jointly work on the "archipelago".

In the fall of 1964, the "Candle in the Wind" play was adopted to perform in the theater named after Leninsky Komsomol in Moscow.

"Krochotka" through samizdat penetrated the border and called "Etudes and tiny stories" in October 1964 in Frankfurt in the journal "Riz" (No. 56) - this is the first publication in the foreign Russian press of the work of Solzhenitsyn, rejected in the USSR.

In 1965, with Boris Mozhaev went to the Tambov region to collect materials about the peasant uprising (on the trip, the name of the Roman-epic is determined about the Russian revolution - "Red Wheel"), begins the first and fifth of the "Archipelago" (in Solotche of the Ryazan region and on the farm Copli meroys near Tartu), finishes work on the stories "What a pity" and "Zakhar-Kalita", publishes in " Literary newspaper».

September 11, the KGB is searching for the apartment of a friend Solzhenitsyn V. L. Teusha, who has Solzhenitsyn kept part of his archive. The manuscripts of poems, "in the first round", "crumbling", the "Republic of Labor" and "Fishing Winners" are seized.

CPSU Central Committee issued a closed circulation and distributed among the nomenclature, " for holding the author"," Feast of the winners "and the fifth editors" in the first circle ". Solzhenitsyn writes complaints about illegal withdrawal of manuscripts to the USSR Culture Minister Demichev, Secretaries of the Central Committee of the CPSU Brezhnev, Suslov and Andropov, reports the "Circle-87" manuscript for storage in the central state archive of literature and art.

Four stories are offered by the editorial board "Overand", "October", " Literary Russia", Moscow" is rejected everywhere. Newspaper "Izvestia" scored the story of "Zakhar-Kalita" - ready set Scattered, "Zakhar-Kalita" was transferred to the newspaper "True" - the refusal of N. A. Abalkin, the head of the literary and art department.


Already by March 1963 Solzhenitsyn lost the location of Khrushcheva (the unguardment of the Leninist Prize, the refusal to print the novel "in the first circle"). After coming to power, Brezhnev Solzhenitsyn almost lost the opportunity to legally printed and act. In September 1965, the KGB confiscated the archive of Solzhenitsyn with its most anti-Soviet works, which aggravated the position of the writer. Using certain inaction of power, in 1966 began active social activities (meetings, performances, interviews to foreign journalists). At the same time I began to distribute my novels "in the first round" and "cancer corps." In February 1967 secretly graduated from the GULAG Archipelago Artwork.

In May 1967, he sent a "letter to the congress" of the Union of Writers of the USSR, who gained wide fame among the Soviet intelligentsia and in the West. After the "writing" authorities began to perceive Solzhenitsyn seriously. In 1968, when the novels "in the first" and "Cancer Corps" were published in the United States and Western Europe, which brought popularity to the writer, the Soviet press began a propaganda campaign against the author. In 1969, Solzhenitsyn was nominated for the Nobel Prize in literature. The premium was not awarded to him, but soon after that he was excluded from the Union of Writers of the USSR. After the exclusion of Solzhenitsyn began to openly declare his Orthodox-Patriotic beliefs and sharply criticize power. In 1970 Solzhenitsyn again nominated for the Nobel Prize in literature, and this time the award was awarded him. The writer emphasized political aspect Awards to the Prize, although the Nobel Committee denied. In the Soviet media, a powerful propaganda campaign against Solzhenitsyn was organized. Soviet authorities Offered Solzhenitsyn to leave the country, but he refused.

Back in August 1968, I met Natalia Svetlova, they had a novel. Solzhenitsyn began to seek a divorce with the first wife. With great difficulties, the divorce was received on July 22, 1972. Soon Solzhenitsyn managed to register marriage with Svetlova, despite opposition to the authorities (the marriage gave him the opportunity to register in Moscow).

A powerful propaganda campaign against dissidents was deployed in the USSR. September 24 KGB through former wife Solzhenitsyn suggested that the writer officially publish the story of the "cancer corps" in the USSR in exchange for refusal to publish the "Gulag Archipelago" abroad. (In later memories, Natalia Rutivovskaya denies the role of the KGB and claims that he tried to achieve agreement between the authorities and Solzhenitsyn on his personal initiative.) However, Solzhenitsyn, saying that it does not object to the printing of the "cancer corps" in the USSR, did not express and the desire to associate themselves Agreement with the authorities. (Different descriptions of these events are located in the book of Solzhenitsyn "Bade by calfs with oak" and in the memories of N. Rutovskaya "APN - I - Solzhenitsyn", published after the death of the Rutovskaya.) In the last days of December 1973, it was announced in the light of the first Tom "Gulag Archipelago". In the Soviet media, a massive campaign of Solzhenitsyn's outline as a traitor to the Motherland with a label of "Literary Vlasoves" began. The emphasis was not on the real content of the "Gulag Archipelago" (artistic study of the Soviet camp-prison system of 1918-1956), which was not generally discussed at all, and Solzhenitsyn's solidarization with "Mother's Treasters during the war, policemen and Vlasov who had occurred.

In the USSR, in the years of stagnation, the August of the Fourteenth and the Gulag Archipelago (as well as the first novels) were distributed in samizdat.


On January 7, 1974, the exit of the GULAG Archipelago and the measures of "anti-Soviet activities" of Solzhenitsyn were discussed at the Politburo meeting. The question was submitted to the CPSU Central Committee, Yu. V. Andropov and others were expressed for the expulsion; For the arrest and link - Kosygin, Brezhnev, Podgorny, Shelepin, Gromyko and others. The opinion of Andropova prevailed.

On February 12, Solzhenitsyn was arrested, accused of treasoning his homeland and deprived of Soviet citizenship. On February 13, he was expelled from the USSR (delivered to Germany by plane). March 29, the USSR left the Solzhenitsyn family. The archive and military awards of the Writer helped secretly to take out an assistant to the US military attachment to William Odom.

Shortly after the expulsion of Solzhenitsyn made a short journey through Northern Europe, as a result he decided to temporarily settle in Zurich, Switzerland.

March 3, 1974 in Paris published "Letter of leaders Soviet Union"; Leading western editions and many democratically minded dissidents in the USSR, including A. D. Sakharov, appreciated the "letter" as an anti-democratic, nationalist and containing "dangerous misconceptions"; Solzhenitsyn's relations with Western press continued to deteriorate.

In the summer of 1974, the gorera's fees were created by the "Russian Public Foundation for Assistance to Pursued and their families" to help political prisoners in the USSR (parcels and money transfers In the place of detention, legal and illegal material assistance to families of prisoners).

In April 1975, he made a trip to Western Europe together with his family, then headed to Canada and the United States. In June-July 1975, Solzhenitsyn visited Washington and New York, made speeches at the trade union congress and in the US Congress. In his speeches, Solzhenitsyn sharply criticized the communist regime and ideology, called for the United States to abandon cooperation with the USSR and the discharge policy; At that time, the writer continued to perceive the West as an ally in the liberation of Russia from "Communist Totalitarianism".

In August 1975, he returned to Zurich and continued working on the epic "Red Wheel".

In February 1976, he traveled through the UK and France, by this time, anti-Western motives were noticeable in his speeches. In March 1976, the writer visited Spain. In the sensational speech on Spanish television, he approvingly spoken about the recent mode of Franco and warned Spain from "Too rapid advance towards democracy." In the Western press, the criticism of Solzhenitsyn, leading European and American politicians declared disagreement with his views.

In April 1976, he moved to the United States and settled in the town of Cavendish (Vermont). After arrival, the writer returned to work on the "red wheel", for which he spent two months in the Russian emigrant archive at the Hoover Institute.

Again in Russia

With the arrival of perestroika, the official attitude in the USSR to creativity and Solzhenitsyn's activities began to change, many of his works were published.

On September 18, 1990, at the same time in the "literary newspaper" and "Komsomolskaya Pravda", a Article Solzhenitsyn article was published on the paths of the country's revival, about reasonable, in his opinion, the basics of building the life of the people and the state - "How do we have to equip Russia? Fat considerations. " The article developed the long-standing thoughts of Solzhenitsyn, expressed by him earlier in the "letter of leaders of the Soviet Union", the article "Removal and self-restriction as a category of national life", other prosaic and journalistic work. The author's fee for this article Solzhenitsyn listed in favor of the victims of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP. The article caused a huge number of responses.

In 1990, Solzhenitsyn was restored in Soviet citizenship.

For the book "Archipelag Gulag" in 1990, a state bonus was awarded.

Together with the family, he returned to his homeland on May 27, 1994, coming from the United States to Vladivostok, passing by train through the entire country and finished the journey in the capital. Speakers in the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

In the mid-1990 Personal Order of President Boris Yeltsin, he was presented with the state cottage "Sosnovka-2" in Trinity-Lykov. Solzhenitsyna was designed and built there a two-storey brick house with a large hall, a glazed gallery, a living room with a fireplace, a concert piano and a library, where portraits of Stolypin and Kolchak hang.

In 1997, he was elected a valid member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In 1998, he was awarded the Order of St. Andrew of the First Called, but the award refused: "From the supreme power, which brought Russia to the current disastrous state, I can not accept the award."

Awarded a large gold medal named after M. V. Lomonosov (1998).

Awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements in the field of humanitarian activities (2006).

On June 12, 2007, President Vladimir Putin visited Solzhenitsyn and congratulated him with awarding the State Prize.

The writer himself shortly after returning to the country established literary Prize His name for awarding writers, "Whose creativity has high artistic advantages, contributes to the self-knowledge of Russia, contributes a significant contribution to the preservation and careful development of traditions domestic literature».

Last years Life spent in Moscow and in the Moscow region dacha.

Shortly before death I was sick, but continued to engage creative activity. Together with his wife Natalia Dmitrievna - President of the Foundation, Alexander Solzhenitsyn - worked on the preparation and publication of his most complete, 30-volume collected works. After his undergoing heavy operation, he acted only right hand.

Cum and burial

The last confession of Solzhenitsyn accepted Archpriest Nikolai Chernyshov, the cleric of the church of St. Nicholas in Klowni.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn died on August 3, 2008 in the 90th year of life, in his house in Trinity-Lykov. Death came at 23:45 Moscow time from acute heart failure.

Stories and Tale

    One day Ivan Denisovich

    Matrynin Dvor


    Archipelago Gulag


    In the first circle

    Red Wheel.

Memories, essays, journalism

    Boiled calf with oak

    Russia in Obvale

    Live on lies (essay)

    Two hundred years together, M., Russian Way, 2001 (studies of the latest Russian history) ISBN 5-85887-151-8 (in 2 tt.)

    How do we equip Russia (article)


    Russian Dictionary of Language Expansion

Perpetuation of memory

On the day of the funeral. President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree "On the perpetuation of memory A. I. Solzhenitsyn", according to which since 2009 established personal scholarships named after A. I. Solzhenitsyn for students of Russian universities, the Government of Moscow is recommended to assign the name of Solzhenitsyn one of the streets of the city And the Government of the Stavropol Territory and the administration of the Rostov region is to carry out measures to perpetuate the memory of A. I. Solzhenitsyn in the cities of Kislovodsk and Rostov-on-Don.

The Government of Moscow on August 12, 2008 adopted a resolution "On the perpetuation of the memory of A. I. Solzhenitsyn in Moscow", which Renamed the Street of a large communist in the street Alexander Solzhenitsyn and approved the text of the memorable board. Some residents of the streets protested with her renaming.

In October 2008, the Mayor of Rostov-on-Don signed a resolution to assign the name of Alexander Solzhenitsyn to the central avenue of the Livenzovsky microdistrict under construction.

On September 9, 2009, Roman Alexander Solzhenitsyn "Archipelag Gulag" entered the obligatory school curriculum in literature for high school students. Earlier in the school curriculum already included the story "One Day of Ivan Denisovich" and the story "Matrenin Dvor". The biography of the writer is studied in the history lessons.


"In the first circle" (2006) - Solzhenitsyn himself is a co-author of the script and reads text from the author.

"One day Ivan Denisovich" (1970, Norway - England)

Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn's literary debut took place in the early 60s, when the story "One day Ivan Denisovich" (1962, No. 11) was printed in the "New World" (1962, No. 11), the stories "case at Kochetovka station", "Matrenin Dvor" (1963, No. 1). The unusualness of the literary destiny of Solzhenitsyn is that he debuted in a solid age - in 1962 he was forty-four years old - and immediately declared itself as a mature, independent master. "I have not read anything like this for a long time. Good, clean, big talent. Not a drop of falsehood ... "This is the very first impression of A. T. Tvardovsky, who read the manuscript" One day of Ivan Denisovich "at night, in one sitting, without taking off. And with a personal acquaintance with the author, the editor of the New World said: "You wrote an excellent thing. I do not know what schools did you study, but came a completely formed writer. We do not have to teach you or educate. " Tvardovsky took incredible efforts to ensure that Solzhenitsyn's story saw the light.

The entry of Solzhenitsyn in the literature was perceived as a "literary miracle", which caused a strong emotional response from many readers. Notable is one touching episode that confirms the unusual of the literary debut of Solzhenitsyn. The eleventh number of "New World" with the story "One Day of Ivan Denisovich" went to subscribers! And in the editors itself, there was a distribution of this room with the chosen lucky. There was a quiet Saturday day. As A. T. Tvardovsky later told about this event, it was like in the church: everyone quietly approached, paid money and received the long-awaited number.

Readers welcomed the appearance of a new remarkable talent in the literature. This is what Solzhenitsyn Varlaam Shalamov: "Dear Alexander Isaevich! I did not sleep for two nights - I read the story, reread, remembered ...

Tale - like poems! It is all appropriate. Each line, each scene, each characteristic is so laconic, smart, accurate and deep, which, I think, "New World" from the very beginning of its existence is nothing so solid, so strong did not print. "

"I was stunned, shocked," Vyacheslav Kondratyev wrote about his impressions. - Probably, the first time in life really realized, what can really. It was not only a word, but also a matter. "

The story "One day Ivan Denisovich" attracted the attention of readers not only by its unexpected theme, novelty material, but also by their artistic perfection. "You managed to find an exceptionally strong form," Solzhenitsyn Shalamov wrote. "A small form is elected - an experienced artist in this," Vardovsky noted. Indeed, in the early hours of his literary activity, the writer prefers the story genre. He adhered to his understanding of the nature of the story and the principles of working on it. "In small uniform, he wrote," you can place a lot, and this is a great pleasure for the artist - to work on a small form. Because in a small form you can hire a face with great pleasure for yourself. " And "one day of Ivan Denisovich" Solzhenitsyn attributed to the genre of the story: "Ivan Denisovich" - of course, the story, though large, loaded. " The genre designation "story" appeared on the suggestion of the Tvardovsky, who wanted to give the story "more weight."

Attachment 1

Knowledge control on the previous topic "V.T. Shalamov. Life and art. " Kolyma stories»

Shalamovskaya Prose is not just memories, man memoirs who have passed the circle of Kolyma hell. This is a special kind of literature, " new prose", As her writer himself called her.

The works and life of Varlam Shalamov vividly reflect the fate of the intelligentsia during the times of large repression. We should not reject the literary works, like "Kolyma stories" - they must serve as an indicator for the present (especially considering the degradation, which occurs in the consciousness of people and which is so brightly traced through the quality of today's culture).

Shalamov's decision to describe the "life" of prisoners in concentration camps, which brightly reflects the Stalinist dictatorship, - heroic deed. "Remember, most importantly: camp - negative school from the first to last day For anyone. Man - Neither the boss, nor the arrestant to see him. But if you saw him - I must say the truth, no matter how terrible it is. For my part, I have long decided that I dedicated the rest of my life for this truth, "Shalamov wrote.

The task. Tell the biography of V.T. Shalamov, retell any story from the collection "Kolyma stories".

The main criteria for estimating the oral response on literature

"Delicately":it is set for a comprehensive, accurate answer, excellent knowledge of the text and other literary materials, the ability to use them for argument and independent conclusions, the free possession of literary terminology, the skills of analyzing the literary work in the unity of the form and content, the ability to express their thoughts consistently with the necessary generalizations and conclusions , expressly read by heart program works, speak correct literary language.

"OK":it is put for the answer that detects good knowledge and understanding of the literary material, the ability to analyze the text of the work, leading the necessary illustrations, the ability to express their thoughts consistently and competently. In response, the argument may not be fully fully deployed, individual difficulties in the wording of the conclusions are possible, illustrative material may be not presented enough, individual errors in reading by heart and separate errors in the speech design of statements.

"SATISFACTORILY":it is put for the answer in which it is mainly correct, but the material is solved schematically or with deviations from the sequence. The text analysis is partially replaced by retelling, there are no generalizations and conclusions in full, there are significant errors in the speech design of statements, there are difficulties in reading by heart.

"Unsatisfactory":it is set, if you show ignorance of text or an inability to analyze it if the analysis is replaced by retelling; There are no necessary illustrations in the answer, there is no logic in the presentation of the material, there are no necessary generalizations and an independent evaluation of facts; Skills are not formed enough oral speech, there are deviations from literary norm.

Appendix 2.

Tasks for consolidating knowledge (independent work of studentsby the work of "One Day of Ivan Denisovich")

1. Why did the literary debut of A. I. Solzhenitsyn be perceived as an event as a "literary miracle"?

2. Give readers about the prose of Solzhenitsyn. Comment on them.

3. Why does the writer prefer the story genre?

4. How did it affect the story "One day of Ivan Denisovich" the camp experience of Solzhenitsyn himself?

6. Comment on the scenes collisions: Buynovsky - Volkova, Brigadier TURIN - DERESS

7. Expand the moral subtext of situations: Shukhov - Caesar.

8. What role in the story play the biographies of heroes?

9. How Solzhenitsyn convinces that he does not lead to the history of totalitarianism since 1937, and from the first post-beater years?


Reading criteria by heart (for poetic minute)

2. Cleaning reading.

3. Expressive reading (whether it is right logical stress, pauses, the intonation is correctly chosen, the pace of reading and the power of the voice).

4. Effective use of facial expressions and gestures.


"5" - All requirements criteria

"4" - Not one of the requirements

"3" - Made two of the basic requirements

With her patience hopeless ,. With her cramming without Seine, and with hardening empty, and with a work job - not one hundred and more ... with all the trouble - the war yesterday and the grave of the current misfortune.
A. T. Tvardovsky

Almost all creativity A. I. Solzhenitsin - about the tragic position of a person in the totalitarian state, about the prison state. And now we will analyze the story "Matrenin Dvor" (the initial name - "not worth the village without the righteous", autobiographical workdedicated to some Matrene Vasilyevna Zakharova, who has a writer withdrawn the room in the 1950s.)

This story shows a picture of a severe peasant lobe in Stalinist mode. But against the background of the traditional Solzhenitsynskaya theme, there is a classic image of a Russian woman who will support and understand, accepts, will accept and survive all adversity (in this image of a woman from Solzhenitsyn is similar to Nekrasovsky).

A. T. Tvardovsky The session of the Steering Council of the European Association of Writers spoke about this story as follows: "Why is the fate of the old peasant, told on a few pages, is such great interest for us? This woman is unailed, small, simple worm. And, however, her mental world is endowed with such quality that we talk with her, as with Anna Karenina. " A. I. Solzhenitsyn answered this: "There is nothing to say that the paragraph of your speech relating to Matrey, a lot for me means. You pointed to the very essence - the woman loving and suffering, whereas all the criticism ruined all the time on top, comparing Talnovsky collective farm and neighboring. "

In the center of the story - the life of the peasant woman who worked all his life in the collective farm is not for the days of I "for wands of workday in a dyed book book"; She did not receive a pension, did not accumulate property to death. Dirty and white goat, a quilegi cat, ficuses - that's all she had. On the slope of years; It is seriously ill, Matrena does not have peace and is forced literally in the feet of the face to extract himself a piece of bread.

But Solzhenitsyn showed Matren not only a lonely and disadvantaged woman in the totalitarian I state, but a rare person of immense kindness, generosity, with a disinterested soul. It is shown how to live individuals in this society. Burned by six children who lost her husband on the front, the patient, Matrona did not lose the desire to respond to someone else's need and grief was optimistic. "Not a single smell of garden without matrery. Talnov's women installed at a dotary, which one to divert their garden to the blatment is heavier and longer than, while taking a hust and a guide, he suffer, plow six villages. That was called Matrene to help.
- Well, did you pay her? - I had to ask later.
- She does not take money. I misstive to her ".
Her hard work was enough for seven. In his own Yurbu, he dragged bags with peat, which ^ n simple peasants had to steal from the state (then the peat was allowed only to chiefs).

She could not refuse to help anyone, whether it is a relative or state:
"- Tomorrow, Matrena, will you come to send me? Potatoes will be shoved.
And Matrena could not refuse. She left his turn of affairs, she walked to help her neighbor ... ";
"" Ta-Ak, "the chair of the chairman said separately. - Comrade Grigoriev? It will be necessary to help! Collective farm! It will be necessary to ride the manure tomorrow! Matcher's face was evolving in an apologetic semi-cough - as if she was conscientious for his wife9 Chairman, that she could not pay for her work.
"Well," she pulled. - I am sick, of course. And to your business is now not joined.-And immediately rush fixed:
- What hours come about? "

She sincerely rejoices someone else's good crop, although it never happens on the sand: "Ah, Ignatich, and a large potato! In the hunt, digging from the site did not want, she is true! " Nothing, in essence, without having, Matrena knows how to give. She is embarrassed and worried, trying to please your guests: cooks in a separate bowler, potatoes are bigger - the best that she has.

Unlike the rest, Matrain "... did not chase along the outfits. For clothes, embellishing freaks and villains. "

This woman is capable of a selfless act: "Once with fright Sanya carried in the lake, the men looked off, and I, however, I grabbed, stopped. Oatmeal was a horse. We have guys loved the horses to feed. Which horses of oatmeal, those and tizels do not recognize. " She literally repeated the words "... the horse will stop the horse ...".

But not all are in Talnovo. Do not understand sisters Matrena, "in a stupid working for others! is free". I did not understand her sacrifice returned from the Hungarian captivity of Faddey. When Matrain after the death of his mother married him younger brotherbecause "they didn't have enough hands," he told a terrible phrase, which Matrain all his remaining life remembers with his shudder: "He became on the threshold. I like screaming! In the knee b it was rushed! .. You can not ... Well, says, if any brother is my native - I would cut you both! "

Matrena was someone else's among his, incomprehensible, condemned, ridiculous, strange, all believed her "not from this world." But these deficiencies of Matrena, on the other hand, are its advantages.

Through the whole story passes the question of why people are so different and why the crowd of hypocritical and calculating is only one such spiritualized, moral, unique, outstanding person - such as this good-natured worm-old woman? Probably because he is "the righteous, without which, according to the proverb, is not worth the village. Neither the city. Neither our Earth "(these are the last words, and they again return us to the first version of the name of the story).

And all these neighbors and "relatives" are only a background for greater contrast.
Mature's death is the same tragic as her life. Her house was taken away, and she herself was ridiculously died under the wheels of the train, giving him: the house was inextricably connected with his mistress (therefore the story is so called), did not become at home - she died and mature. Who is to blame for the death of Solzhenitsyn's heroine? She was killed by someone else's care, greed, greed - these eternal destroyers of life, humanities that do not choose victims and make them all those who find themselves in the field of their impact.

Probably, everyone wishes himself another destiny, not like Matrena. Dreams may not come true, happiness - do not take place, success - do not come, but a person must pass his way, not by loss of humanity and nobility. And it does not depend on how this person lives in: in totalitarian or in capitalist.

The writing

Slant, friend. Under this howl does not sleep something, it does not feel. Now February. And we and March and Mart will not smile. Lion Platonovich Karsavin
Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn became known in the 60s, during the "Khrushchev thaw". "One day Ivan Denisovich" shook readers with knowledge about the forbidden - camp life under Stalin. One of the countless islets of the Gulag Archipelago was first opened. It was the state itself, a merciless totalitarian system, an overwhelming person.
The story is devoted to the resistance of a living - inanimate, man - camp. Solzhenitsynsky camp camp is a talentless, dangerous, cruel car, grinding all who fall into it. The camp was created for the murder, aims to exterminate in the man of the main - thoughts, conscience, memory.
Take at least Ivan Shukhov "The local life was quenched from lifting to the abundance." And remember the hut native "smaller and less was his reasons." So who is: camp - man? Or a man - camp? Many camp won, grinding into dust. Ivan Denisovich goes through the sophisticated temptations of the camp. In this endless day, the drama of the resistance is played. Some win in it: Ivan Denisovich, Kavograng, the convict X-123, Aleshka-Baptist, Senka Klevshin, Pombrigadyr, the Brigadier of Tyurin himself. Others are doomed to perfection - film director Caesar Markovich, "Shakal" Fetyukhukhov, Designant DER and others
The camp order mercilessly pursues all the human and implies inhuman. Ivan Denisovich thinks about himself: "Work - she is like a stick, the end in it two: they make the quality of the people - you do the quality, they do it - give a show. And otherwise it would have come good, the business is known." Ivan Schukhov firmly remembered the words of his first brigadier Ku-Zemvoy - an old camp wolf, which was sitting since 1943 for 12 years. "Here, the guys, the law - Taiga, but people live here. In the camp, who dies: who licks the bowls, who hopes for the Sunchast but who goes to Kum." Such is the essence of camp philosophy. He dies the one who falls in spirit, becomes a slave of a sick or hungry flesh, unable to strengthen himself from the inside and resist the temptation to pick up unrivals or to convey to the neighbor.
How can a person live and survive? Camp - the image is simultaneously real and irreal, absurd. This is the commonness, and the symbol, the embodiment of the eternal evil and the usual low malice, hatred, laziness, dirt, violence, the intense taken by the system.
A man is fighting with a camp, for he takes freedom to live for himself, be sob. "Not to substitute" the camp nowhere is the tactics of resistance. "Yes, and never to yawn. It is necessary to try to have no warden to do not see you alone, but in the crowd just," is the tactics of survival. Contrary to the humiliating system of the rooms, people persistently call each other by name, patches, surnames faces, and not screws and non-camp dust, in which the system of people would like to turn.
To defend freedom in the religious camp - it means as little as possible internally depend on its mode, from its destructive order, belong to himself. Not counting the sleep, the stagnik lives for himself only in the morning - 10 minutes after breakfast, and for dinner - 5 minutes, yes for dinner - 5 minutes. Such is the reality. Therefore, Shukhov even eats "slowly, thoughtfully." This is also released
The main thing in the story is a dispute about spiritual values. Aleshka-Baptist says that it is necessary to pray "It is not about sending the parcel or to have an extra portion of the Balance. It is necessary to pray about the spiritual one, so that the Lord from our heart is sculpted the evil ..." Final Tale Paradoxal for perception: "Ivan Denisovich Ivan Denisovich Fully satisfied ... a day passed, no darkened, almost happy. " If this is one of the "good" days, what are the others?!
Alexander Solzhenitsyn struck Breach in " iron curtain"And soon he became outcast himself. His books were banned and seized from libraries. By the time of the violent expulsion of the writer," in the first circle "," Crack Corps "," Archipelago Gulag ". It was pursued by the power of the state punitive machine.
The time of oblivion passed. The merit of Solzhenitsyn is that he first spoke about a terrible distress, which was tested by our long-suffering people and the author himself. Solzhenitsyn raised the veil over dark night Our history of the Stalinism period.

Other writings on this work

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