Reswarns resigned. Science called: The head of the Ministry of Culture of the Rostov region resigned

Reswarns resigned. Science called: The head of the Ministry of Culture of the Rostov region resigned

The SK Rostov-on-Don football club was punished for the behavior of fans on the match with Legion Dynamo (Makhachkala). By decision of the QDK RFU, the club will pay 10 thousand rubles for chanting the audience of non-nucleus vocabulary. The game was held on April 27 in Rostov at SKA stadium. The match ended the victory of guests with a minimum score of 0: 1. The only goal was clogged with a penalty at the very end of the game.

Lada Granta and the minibus collided Day on May 2 in Rostov on Malinovsky Street. Eyewitnesses report the victims, a century formed on the highway. The message about the collision of the car with a minibus appeared in the social networks of Rostov about 15.50 Thursday, May 2. The accident occurred at the intersection of Malinovsky and Kashirskaya. Participants of the accident blocked two stripes. Movement along Malinovsky Street is paralyzed in both directions, the plug begins from All-Union and Zack ...

The heroev alley will be opened near the building of the South Military District in Rostov-on-Don. The solemn ceremony will take place at 11.00 Monday, on May 6, the press service of the district reported. For the building, the building was put on four bust of famous military leaders. This is three times the Hero of the Soviet Union Clement Voroshilov, twice the heroes of the Soviet Union Semen Tymoshenko, Ivan Konev and the army general Issa Pliev. All of them in different years commanded the troops of the district. White covered with isvyan ...

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the city of Mine was headed by Colonel Igor Litvichenko. The new leader was presented to personnel on the eve of the May holidays, April 30, told the site a source in law enforcement agencies of the Rostov region. Litvichenko - a resident of the city of Shakhty. In the police divisions, he passed the whole career staircase, worked in several departments in different positions. By the time of destination, he was the Deputy Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Litvichenko has a number of award ...

The legendary participants in the battles of the Great Patriotic War, T-34 Tank and the Katyusha reactive installation, will lead the column of technology at the Victory Parade in Rostov. According to the press service of the Southern Military District, all cars are ready for celebrations. According to the military, over 60 units of modern weapons and technology will also be held on the theatrical square. Among them, Iskander-M missile systems, "Bastion", the reactive systems of the tornado-g, combat Masters ...

Police summoned to the train Moscow - Vladikavkaz in the Lykhovskaya district. As the inspection showed, law enforcement officers were needed to calm the 69-year-old resident of Kamchatka Territory. He got drunk and swore Mat. Asked the site in the press service of the Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in SPO, the man was taken to the duty of the transport police. It made a protocol for petty hooliganism. Deboschir threatens to 15 days of arrest.

An eight-year-old girl died, three adults were injured as a result of a double accident with a bus number 700 on the M-4 DON highway. The accident happened on Wednesday, May 1. According to CP-Rostov information, it all started with the collision of two cars. They received mechanical damage, but no one was injured. Drivers began to slow down to drive around the participants of the accident. But at this time the bus number 700 Rostov-on-Don - boards at speed crashed into a passing "Skoda", which slowed down ...

14:47 — REGNUM. October 11, the Cabinet of Minister of Culture of the Rostov Region was emptied. Alexander RadvanovHe headed the departments for seven years, filed a resignation. Document governor. Vasily Golubev Approved, transmits IA REGNUM..

The government of the Don region clarified that the official left the post at his own desire and is going to continue the scientific activities that he was engaged before the public service. Until 2010, there worked in the post of dean of the Faculty of Innovative Business and Management of the Don State Technical University.

IA REGNUM. Reminds that in 2016, the Ministry of Culture of the Rostov Region, led by Keepwan, deserves "Podleukhu" from the governor. The department "fell under the distribution" for the breakdown of the construction of the People's Military Historical Museum Complex "Sambek heights". For two years, funds for the development of the project never went into business. As a result, the complex dedicated to the Great Patriotic War was never opened.

"You must not be officials, but people standing on earth and understand the importance of this task. Why do we talk a lot about patriotic education, if there is no concrete case? The task is set, it cannot be not fulfilled. " - He head of the region was angry in the winter of 2016.

It is worth noting that the idea to build a museum emerged in the middle of 2013. Then the authorities assured that the complex should appear to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, that is, by May 9, 2015. But WHO and now there. The stone on the basis of the museum was laid only in August 2015. Then it was announced that there is no money to the complex in the budget, and it will be built on folk money. Approximately the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory.

Another question that Alexander needs to be addressed concerns the state of cultural heritage. "Lost heritage" - so you can characterize an amazing architectural and historical and natural complex, nicknamed by the people of Paramonian warehouses. It is located on the beach street in Rostov-on-Don.

In 1985, the grain complex was assigned the status of a monument of history and culture of local importance, later - the status of a monument of federal significance. But the abandonment of "Paramonov" is depressing. True, despite this, attention to the complex of tourists does not weaken. The townspeople and guests of the Rostov region regularly declare the significance of an old object. But, unfortunately, there is not even a little small supervision of the departments of the departments for this territory.

Alexander Anatolyevich Rabbanov is one of the most effective managers in the field of culture of the Rostov region. What is the secret of his success? Of course, in the ability to solve the tasks set by creatively, getting pleasure from work.

The future Minister of Culture of the Rostov region was born on September 26, 1964 in the Don Capital in the family of employees. His mother, Galina Ivanovna, graduated from the Rostov Theater School (the class of recognized master of theater and cinema Mikhail Ilyich Bushnov) and brought up the quality of the intelligent person in the Son of the Quality, the truthfulness, a sense of debt, moral responsibility for their actions. Moreover, she instilled these qualities to the child is not by edifying, which will often meet in our families, and in the process of the game, forming creative abilities from the boy.

Alexander Rasvanov received secondary education at school No. 60 of the Soviet district of Rostov-on-Don. He and today, after a quarter of a century, a pedagogical team recalls the pedagogical team, the first director of the Gregory Sergeevich Kolomiytseva, who later became the honored teacher of Russia. "The school is very strong," Alexander Anatolyevich shares the impressions. - She carries the name of the 5th Don Cossack Cavalry Budapest Corps. There is a museum of combat glory of the building, in which I was often a guide ... ".

In 1981, after graduating from high school, Alexander settled to work for the enterprise Junergochermet with a laboratory director of the workshop, at the same time enrolling at the evening branch of the Bio-Soil Faculty of Rostov State University. After the first year, in November 1982, he was encouraged to the army. He served ordinary distributors in the North Caucasus Military District. Two years later, returned to his native enterprise, where from 1985 to 1987 worked as an engineer of the workshop.

In 1987, our hero graduated from RSU, and a new stage of life was opened for him, full of creative ideas. "A wave of Komsomolskaya work was overlooked," Alexander Anatolyevich recalls. - First, the Bureau of the Leninsky district of the VLKSM, then they took the instructor of the ideological department in the Obda Komsomol. " At the same time, he entered the correspondence department of the Planning and Economic Faculty of the Rostov Institute of National Economy (RINX). "By the way, my portrait hangs," Alexander Anatolyevich says not without pride. - It's nice to realize that once he studied in this university. " Rinh Alexander Relvanov graduated in 1993 with honors.

In 1991, the GCCP happened, as a result of which neither Lenin Komsomol, nor the Communist Party, nor in the whole country called the USSR. It was necessary to somehow survive, and the handbooks creates a tourist enterprise. "It was interesting," he admitted. - I traveled a lot, looked at the world. Moreover, always tried to be exotic countries. After all, I still graduated a biological and soil faculty. "

In 1997, Radovanov was invited to work in the Government of the Rostov Region, where he was a deputy minister for physical culture, sports and tourism - the head of the tourism department and the sanatorium-resort complex. "I don't think that I pose, but I wrote the first tourism program in the field," said Alexander Anatolyevich. - We implemented this program, created the Rostov Regional Office of the Russian Association of Tourist Enterprises. "

In 2000, Alexander Rusvanov offered the position of the Chairman of the Committee on Youth Policy in the regional government. The experience gained in the Komsomol was useful. For eight years, that he worked in this area, a lot has been done. I did not forget, of course, he and the increase in scientific knowledge. In 2002, she defended his dissertation and became a candidate of sociological sciences. "And I defended my doctoral thesis in 2009, I noticed Alexander Anatolyevich, - already working by the Dean of the Faculty of Innovative Business and Management of the Don State Technical University." According to A. Prevanova, he resigned from the state service to sit down for his doctoral dissertation. Her Alexander Anatolevich defended in the Southern Federal University, having received a scientific degree of Doctor of Sociological Sciences.

In December 2010, Alexander Radovanova was invited to the Government of the Rostov region, offering the position of Minister of Culture. But the thoughts and memories of professorship in DGTU memorated to him so far. "Here you give your energy and feel fatigue at the end of the day," he argues. - And talking to students, with young people, tired as hand shoots. This will meet only in teaching work. "

Alexander Rabbanov - a universal specialist in the social sphere. After all, he learned almost all components of the social life of the region: physical culture and tourism, education and culture. Moreover, I knew on the professional level. What are the most important directions he determined for himself? The main thing is to increase the salary of don culture workers. According to the May 2012, Russian President Vladimir Putin's wages of state employees (doctors, teachers, cultural workers) should be higher in the region, and in some categories - even exceed them twice. "In 2010, when I came to this sphere, the average salary of our cultural workers was 7 thousand rubles," says Alexander Rabbanov. - Now, in mid-July 2017, it is already about 17 thousand 600 rubles. By the end of the year we plan to bring it up to 20 thousand, and in 2018 it must be equal to the average salary in the economy in the region. "

As you can see, progress in this matter is obvious. What does the Minister of Rabbans consider a personal achievement? "When I came to the ministry, our budget was $ 1 billion 200 million rubles. Today, the budget of the ministry - 2 billion 353 million rubles. That is, in seven years, a little more than a billion have grown. I hope not to roll back, because President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and Governor Vasily Yuryevich Golubev asked the vector to develop culture. "

There is, of course, the Minister RESTVANOV and other achievements in the sphere of culture of the Rostov region. For example, the ministry acquired car clubs, bibliobuses, other transport. So, for the ensemble of the song and dances of the Don Cossacks, comfortable buses "Man" and a cargo car were purchased. "Today, the average salary in the ensemble is 38 thousand rubles," said Alexander Anatolyevich. - And in 2010 it was only 16-17 thousand. There is a difference?".

Heads the Minister of Culture of the region and the Rostov State Music Theater. According to RESTVANOV, the creative team annually receives more than 100 million rubles from the federal budget for increasing wages. "Therefore, the theater can invite talented foreign artists," says Alexander Anatolyevich. - Now, for example, prima-ballerina from Japan, many artists from Moscow, St. Petersburg, other cities work in the theater's troupe. At the same time, the preparation and its creative personnel are improved. So, College of Culture and College of Arts prepare ballet artists, musicians, actors. The Art School named after the Grekova is actively preparing artists and designers. The annual release of these educational institutions is more than four hundred people. "

The Minister of Radivani and the creative team of the Rostov Theater named after M. Gorky helps. This year, according to Alexander Anatolyevich, from the federal budget add to repairs, for example, the burners of Sergey Korolkov, adorning the theater, 25 million rubles. Over the past three years, more than 200 million rubles were allocated to the restoration of the building of the Gorky Theater from the federal and regional budget. And this work continues.

And one more achievement Alexander Radvanov can write to their asset - repair of rural houses of culture. "Because this is social well-being, the quality of life of people in the village, he shared his thoughts. "After all, we have every third resident of the area lives on the village." A few years ago, a conversation took place from Governor Vasily Golubev that the repair of rural clubs is a vital necessity. And Vasily Yuryevich allocated the necessary funds for these purposes. This year, the United Russia party was started under the name "Rural Club", within the framework of which funds are centrally allocated for the repair of rural houses of culture. For example, in 2017, 150 million rubles from the federal budget were allocated for these purposes, and the same amount from the regional one. 300 million rubles! According to Alexander Relvanova, the region never received such money for the repair of rural clubs. These funds, according to Alexander Anatolyevich, is enough to repair more than 30 rural clubs this year.

"The area is rich in talented people," says the Minister of Rabban. - Moreover, it was always. Recall the names of the talented actress of Fainan Ranenevskaya, the founder of Russian cinema Alexander Khanzhonkova, Olga Schyivtseva ballerina, the artist Martiros Saryan, Master of Batal Painting Mitrofan Grekova - all our countrymen. Today we admire our fellow countrymen: Yuri Bashmet, Leonid Klinijonee - Professor of the Rostov Conservatory, an artist Oleg Mayboroi. This list is very large. I am happy that I work with such managers of the industry, as a Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Vyacheslav Kushchev, Honored Worker of Culture of Russia Alexander Larionov, with Evgenia Kolesnikova, Galina Kulikova, Elizabeth Lipovenko. This is the Golden Done Culture Foundation.

The Minister Alexander RESVANOVAN has a beautiful family: Svetlana's wife, with whom he is married for more than 30 years, daughter and son, and Alexander Anatolyevich loves his granddaughter to Alice, who this year went to the first class. And there are still waves proud of His grandfather Ivan Alekseevich Ignatiev, who defended the Brest Fortress and then reached Berlin.

In the environment of employees of the sphere of culture - artists, sculptors, architects, other representatives of art - our hero uses well-deserved respect. And he achieved the authority with his creative labor, which brings joy and him, and his wards.

Nikolay Astashkin