Varlam Shalamov Works. Biography

Varlam Shalamov Works. Biography
Varlam Shalamov Works. Biography

18.06.1907 – 17.01.1982

Writer Vamlam Shalamov was born in Vologda in the family of the priest Tikhon Nikolaevich Shalamov and his wife's hope of Alexandrovna. In 1914 he entered the gymnasium named after Alexander Blessed G. Vologda. In 1923 he graduated from a single working school of the second stage No. 6, located in the former gymnasium. In 1924, he left Vologda and went to work a baton to the Kuntsevo Kuntsevo Troil Plant.

In 1926, he comes towards the 1st year of the Moscow Textile Institute and at the same time on a free set of the Faculty of Soviet law of Moscow State University. Chooses MSU.

On February 19, 1929, it was arrested at the region in the underground printing house when printing leaflets called "Lenin's will". Gets for it as a "socio-dangerous element" 3 years of imprisonment in camps. After the content in the Butyrsa prison, comes with stage in the Visherian camp (Northern Urals). It works on the construction of the Bereznikovsky chemical factory under the leadership of E.P.Berzin, the future chief of the Kolyminsky farm. The camp is found with Galina Ignatievna Goodz, the future first wife (got married in 1934).

In October 1931, he was released from a correctional labor camp, restored. In 1932 it returns to Moscow and begins to work in trade union magazines "For Herrarmantry" and "For Mastering Technique", from 1934 - in the magazine "For Industrial Frames".

In 1936, Shalamov publishes the first novel "Three Death of Dr. Austino" in the magazine "October" No. 1.

On January 13, 1937, the writer was arrested for counter-revolutionary Trotskyist activities and again placed in a Butycan prison. A special meeting was condemned for 5 years of imprisonment in corrective labor camps using in difficult work. On August 14, with a large party of prisoners on a ship arrives in the bay of Nagaevo (Magadan). Until December 1938, he works in the gold mining fears of "Partizan". In December 1938, arrested on the camp "lawyers". Located in the investigative prison in Magadan ("House Vaskov"), after which it was translated into the Typhoic Quarantine of the Magadan Prison. From April 1939 to May 1943 he has been working in a geological exploration party on the "Black River" view, in coal slaves of the camp "Kadykchan" and "Arkagala", in general work at the penalty area of \u200b\u200b"Jelgala".

In May 1943, he was arrested according to the donation of Solagers "for anti-Soviet statements" and for praise to the address of the writer I.A. Bunin. June 22, 1943 at court in the village. The berry is convicted of anti-Soviet agitation for 10 years of the camps. In the fall of 1943, the "Beliche" camp hospital is in the state of the "Belichya" hospital. Berry. After discharge, it works in a mine on the "calm". In the summer of 1945, the patient is in the hospital "Belichya". Using sympathizer doctors comes out of the suicide state. It remains temporary in the hospital by cultory and the utility workers.

In the fall of 1945, it works with loggers in a taiga at the "Diamond Key" zone. Without handling the load, it is decided on escape. The punishment is sent to the general work on the penalty area of \u200b\u200b"Jelgala". In the spring of 1946, it is in general work on the "Susuman" view. With suspicion of dysentery again falls into the hospital "Belichya". After recovery with the doctor A.M. Pantyukhova is heading for studies on the courses of Feldsher to the camp hospital on the 23rd kilometer from Magadan. After the end of the courses, the surgical department of the surgical department is sent to the central hospital for the prisoners "Left Bank" (pos. Traffic, 400 km from Magadan). Folds by the paramedic in the village of Lesorbov "Duskanya key". Begins to write poems that are then included in the cycle "Kolyma Notebooks". In 1950 - 1951 Works by the reception room of the Hospital "Left Bank".

October 13, 1951 the term of conclusion is over. In the next two years, in the direction of the Dalstroy trust, he works as a paramedic in the villages of Baragon, Kubum, stronger (Ohmyakan district, Yakutia) to make money for departure from Kolyma. Continues to write poems and written sends through the familiar doctor E.A. Mamuchashvili to Moscow to B.L. Pasternaku. Gets the answer. The correspondence of the two poets begins.

November 12, 1953 returns to Moscow, meets with his family. Immediately occurs with B.L. Pasternak, which helps to establish contacts with literary circles. In 1954, Shalamov begins work on the first collection of "Kolyma stories". By the same time, marriage is terminated with G. I. Goodz.

In 1956, he moved to Moscow, concludes marriage with O.S. Sorrow. It works with freelance correspondent of the magazine "Moscow", publishes the first poems from the Kolyma Notebooks in the magazine "Banner", No. 5. In 1957 - 1958 Transferred severe disease, attacks of Meniere disease, is treated in the Botkin hospital.

In 1961, publishes the first book of poems "Fires". It continues to work on the "klyas stories" and "essays of the criminal world." In 1964, publishes the book of poems "rustling of leaves". A year later completes the collections of the stories of the Kolyma cycle "Left Bank" and "Artist shovels".

In 1966, Shalamov divorced with O.S. Sorrow. Get acquainted with I.P. Sirotinskaya, at that time the employee of the central state archive of literature and art.

In 1966 - 1967 Creates a collection of stories "Resurrection of larch". In 1967, publishes the book of poems "Road and Fate". In 1968 - 1971 Works on the autobiographical story "Fourth Vologda". In 1970 - 1971 - Above the "Vishero Antioman".

In 1972 in the West, Kolyn Stories were published in the publishing house. Shalamov writes a letter to the "literary newspaper" with a protest against unauthorized illegal publications that violate the author's will and the right. Many writer colleagues perceive this letter as a refusal of "Kolyma stories" and bring relations with the writer.

In 1972, Shalamov publishes the book of poems "Moscow clouds". Accepted into the Union of Writers of the USSR. In 1973 - 1974 It works on the "glove, or cr-2" cycle (the final cycle of "Kolyma stories"). In 1977, publishes the book of the poems "boiling point". In connection with the 70th anniversary, it is presented to the Order "Hall Sign", but the award does not receive.

In 1978 in London, in the publishing house "Overseas Publications", the book "Kolyma stories" in Russian. The publication is also coming out of the author's will. Shalamov's health deteriorates sharply. Begins to lose hearing and vision, the attacks of Menier's disease with loss of coordination of movements are rapidly. In 1979, with the help of friends and the Writers' Union, headed to the pension for the elderly and disabled.

In 1980 he received news about the award of the French Pen-Club award, but did not receive award. In 1980 - 1981 - Transfer stroke. In minutes of lifting, it reads poetry visiting him to the amateur poetry A.A. Morozov. The latter publishes them in Paris, in the "Bulletin of the Russian Christian Movement".

On January 14, 1982, the medical examination was transferred to the pension for psycho-cells. January 17, 1982 dies from the bruboral inflammation of the lungs. Buried in the Kuntsevsky cemetery of Moscow.

Biography compiled I.P. Sirutinskaya, clarifications and additions - V.V. Esipov.


Russian writer. Born in the family of the priest. Memories of parents, the impressions of childhood and adolescence were subsequently embodied in the autobiographical prose Fourth Vologda (1971).

In 1914 he entered the gymnasium, in 1923 he graduated from the Vologda School of the 2nd stage. In 1924 he left Vologda and settled to work a tanner at a leather factory in Kuntsevo Moscow region. In 1926 he entered Moscow State University at the Faculty of Soviet law.

At this time, Shalamov wrote poems, participated in the work of literary circles, visited the literary seminar O. Like, various poetic evenings and disputes. It sought to actively participate in the public life of the country. I established a connection with the Trotskyist organization of Moscow State University, participated in the demonstration of the opposition to the 10th anniversary of October under the slogans "Down with Stalin!" February 19, 1929 was arrested. In the autobiographical prose, Vishero Antioman (1970-1971, not completed) wrote: "This day and an hour I consider the beginning of my public life - the first true test in harsh environments."

Shalamov was convicted for three years, which spent in the Northern Urals in the Vishero camp. In 1931 was released and restored in rights. Until 1932 he worked on the construction of the chemical factory in the city of Beresniki, then returned to Moscow. Until 1937, he worked as a journalist in magazines "For Herrarmum", "For Mastering Technique", "For Industrial Frames". In 1936 his first publication was held - the story of the three deaths of Dr. Austino was printed in the October magazine.

On January 12, 1937 Shalamov was arrested "for counter-revolutionary trocquies" and convicted for 5 years of imprisonment in camps using in physical work. He was already in a detention facility, when his story of the Woman and Tree came out in the magazine "Literary Contemporary". The next Publication of Shalamov (poems in the magazine "Banner") took place in 1957.

Shalamov worked in the slaughterhouses of the golden appearance in Magadan, then, being convicted for a new time, got on earthworks, in 1940-1942 worked in a coal slaughter, in 1942-1943 at the penalty area in Jelgale. In 1943 he received a new 10-year term "for anti-Soviet campaign", he worked in a mine and a logger, tried to run, after which it was on the penalty area.

The life of Shalamov Saved the doctor A.M. Pantyukhov, who sent him to the paramedic courses at the hospital for prisoners. At the end of the courses, Shalamov worked in the surgical department of this hospital and paramedic in the village of Lesorubov. In 1949, Shalaov began writing poems that made a collection of Kolyma Notebooks (1937-1956). The collection consists of 6 sections entitled with a shalamy blue notebook, postman bag, personally and confidential, golden mountains, Cyprus, high latitudes.

In verses, Shalamov considered himself a "plenipotentiary" of prisoners, the anthem of which was a poem toast for the River Ayan-Uryach. Subsequently, the researchers of Creativity Shalamov celebrated his desire to show in verses the spiritual power of a person who is capable of thinking about love and loyalty, about good and evil, about history and art. An important poetic manner of Shalamov is the slannik - a Kolyma plant, surviving in harsh conditions. The end-to-end topic of his poems is the relationship of man and nature (the nation of dogs, the ballad of Losenka, etc.). Shalamov's poetry is permeated by biblical motifs. One of the main works of Shalamov considered the Poem Avvakum in Epos, in which, according to the author's comment, "the historical image is connected with the scenery, and with the features of the author's biography."

In 1951, Shalamov was dismissed from the camp, but for two years he was forbidden to leave Kolyma, he worked as a parapuncture from the parapunction and left in 1953. His family broke up, an adult daughter did not know the Father. Health was undermined, he was deprived of the right to live in Moscow. Shalamov managed to get a job as a supply agent on peat-workers in the village. Turkmen Kalininskaya oblast In 1954, began working on the stories that made a collection of Kolyma stories (1954-1973). This chief labor of the life of Shalamov includes six collections of stories and essays - Kolyma stories, left bank, artist shovels, essays of the criminal world, resurrection of larch, glove, or KR-2. All stories have a documentary basis, they are present in them - either under its own surname, or called Andreev, Golubev, Crystom. However, these works are not reduced to camp memoirs. Shalamov considered invalid to retreat from the facts in the description of the living environment, in which the action occurs, but the inner world of heroes was created by them not documentary, and artistic means. The style of the writer is emphasized by anti-pathic: the terrible life material demanded that the Prosper embody it exactly, without the declamation. Prose Shalamov tragedy in nature, despite the presence of a few satirical images. The author has repeatedly spoke about the confessional character of Kolyma stories. He called his narrative manner, "new prose", emphasizing that he is "it is important to resurrect the feeling, extraordinary new details are needed, descriptions in a new way to force to believe in the story, in everything else not as information, but as in an open heart wound." . The camp world appears in Kolyma stories as an irrational world.

Shalaov denied the need for suffering. He was convinced that in the puchin of suffering there was no cleansing, but the plant of human souls. In a letter to A.I. Solzhenitsyn, he wrote: "The camp is a negative school from the first to the last day for anyone."

In 1956, Shalamov was rehabilitated and moved to Moscow. In 1957 he became a freelance correspondent for the magazine "Moscow", at the same time his poems were published. In 1961, the book of his poems is lightingily. In 1979, in serious condition, the pension for the disabled and the elderly was placed. He lost sight and rumor, moved with difficulty.

The books of Shalamov's poems went out in the USSR in 1972 and 1977. Kolyan stories were published in London (1978, in Russian), in Paris (1980-1982, in French), in New York (1981-1982, in English). After their publication, global fame came to Shalamov. In 1980, the French Pen Club Office awarded his freedom.

Russian writer, poet.


Father - Tikhon Nikolaevich Shalamov, priest and preacher. Mother - Nadezhda Aleksandrovna. The first wife is Galina Ignatievna Huds, the second wife is Olga Sergeevna Neklyudova. He had a daughter from the first marriage of Elena, a premained son from Sorrow Sergey.

In 1914 he began training in the gymnasium. In 1923, after graduation, the second stage in the hometown went to Moscow. At first, he worked as a tanner on a leather plant in Kuntseva. Then he entered the faculty of the Soviet law of Moscow State University, he studied here from 1926 to 1929.

On February 19, 1929, he was arrested as a member of the underground Trotskyist group, which was engaged in the spread of the addition to the "will of Lenin", in which the Soviet leader wrote about the danger of coming to power. Being convicted for three years camps, served a sentence in the Vishero camp in the Northern Urals. In 1932, Shalaov returned to Moscow and began working in magazines, print their essays and articles.

In January 1937, he was re-arrested for counter-revolutionary Trotskyist activities. He received five years of the camps, his term was departing on Kolyma (Svitul - Northeast Correlation and Labor Camp). Shalamov performed heavy work on the golden curls "partisans", a black lake, Arkagala, Dzhelgala, was in Taiga business trips, repeatedly got into the hospital for prisoners.

In June 1943, Shalamov was re-convicted ten years old camps for anti-Soviet agitation. In 1951, Varlam Tikhonovich was released, but he could not return to Moscow at once. At first, since 1946, after the passage of Feldsher courses, he began to work in the Central Hospital for prisoners in the Kolyma settlement of the Deputy and on the forest trip of lumberjacks. Returning from Kolyma in 1953, Shalamov settled in the Kalinin region, worked at peat enterprises in reshetnikovo. The result of many years of the camps was the decay of marriage with G. Goodz and the loss of every spiritual relationship with a daughter who did not see the Father before. In 1956, V.T. Shalamov was rehabilitated, after which he returned to the capital. Then he married O.S. Sorrow (divorced her in 1966).

Already since 1949, Shalamov, in the conditions of Kolyma, makes their creative work - he began to record his verses, which then amounted to the collection "Kolyma Notebook" (1937-1956). With which Shalamov managed to send poems, very highly appreciated them. From 1954 to 1973, the writer created his famous "Kolyma stories". They were not published in their homeland during the author's life, it happened only in 1988-1990.

Separate poems Varlam Tikhonovich were printed in Soviet magazines ("Youth", "Banner", "Moscow"), but this was not enough for the poet, the author of a number of poetic collections ("Fire", 1961; "Lests of Leaf", 1964; "Road and Fate ", 1967), who understood and felt true poetry.

Besides B.L. Pasternak, great importance in the life of Varlam Tikhonovich played, (Shalamov worked for some time in the "New World"), widow O.E. Mandelstam N.Ya. Mandelshtam. Acquaintance in 1966 with I.P. The Sirotinskaya, who became the next friend of the writer and subsequently his successor, was for the Chalam himself a very important milestone in life.

In 1973 he became a member of the Writers' Union. From 1973 to 1979, Shalamov led the working notebooks, who subsequently disassembled and prepared for the publication I.P. Sirotinskaya. For the past three years of life, Vamlam Shalamov, seriously ill (all his life, the writer suffered a Menieret's disease, in addition, the years of life had affected the camps), lived in the house of disabled people and the elderly lithofand in Tushina. On January 15, 1982, after a superficial examination, it was translated into a boarding school for psycho-cells. During transport, the writer witned and fell ill with the inflammation of the lungs. Died on January 17, 1982. Buried on the Kuntsevsky cemetery in Moscow.


The fate of the writer was incredibly difficult: almost twenty years of the camps, the inability to print the most important works, lack of understanding of power and society. As I said rightly. Sirotinskaya, "he had no good luck in his life, whose support of the power, coincidence of accidents. Everything was given to him with frantic labor, everything was paid by pieces of blood, nerves, lungs. But God gave the talent, the strength and height of the spirit, moral hardness - a lot, but in the help of earthly life - nothing. " It is the moral hardness, integrity, the correspondence of the word and the case inherited to them (in the spiritual sense) from the heroes of their childhood, Serc and People, in many ways helped him survive.

Shalamov had a very important quality that was embodied in his work, "he recognized other people the right to their own truth, there was no desire to build his point of view in Absolut, and, consequently, the lack of sermon, teaches in his literature:" Shalamov Does not learn how to survive in the camp, does not try to pass the experience of camp life, but only indicates that it is a camp system. " In this regard, the prose of Shalamov was a continuation of the Pushkin tradition, in many ways lost and lost the place of the classic Tolstovsky tradition, whose representative was A.I. Solzhenitsyn.

The most important work of the writer was the "Kolyma stories" (1954-1973), which the author himself divided into six cycles: "Kolyma stories", "left bank", "artist shovel", "Resurrection of larch", as well as "essays of the criminal world" and "Glove, or KR-2". They argued the impossibility of sermons in the terrible twentieth century. Varlam Tikhonovich believed that the literary work should fulfill the role of a document fixing event. But the formula "Prose as a document" does not reduce the works of Shalamov to simple essays. So, the "Kolyma stories" became a real psychological study of the camp theme. The same can be attributed to the so-called. Antioman Shalamov "Vishera" (1961). It consists of two parts: "Butyrskaya prison (1929)" and "Vishera". In it, the writer talks about his condemnation in 1929, the conclusion in the first time in Visher camps. In the book, we can find observations of the camp system of the 20s and their differences from Stalinist, reflections on Stalin itself, thoughts about camp life.

In the autobiographical story "Fourth Vologda" (1968-1971), the writer remembers his childhood and his youth, talks about how his convictions were formed, as a sense of justice and hostility of any violence was strengthened. He talks about the disgusts, their sacrifice and heroism. It was they who became his youth ideal, a sample of spiritual strength.

In the 1960s V.T. Shalamov were written memories.

In the tragic choir of votes, chasing the horrors of Stalin camps, Vamlam Shalamov performs one of the first parties. Autobiographical "Kolyma Stories" tells about inhuman tests that have fallen out to the share of a whole generation. Having survived the circles of hell of totalitarian repression, the writer prevented them through the prism of the artistic word and stood in a number of classics of Russian literature of the 20th century.

Childhood and youth

Vamlam Tikhonovich Shalamov was born in Vologda on June 5, 1907. He came from the hereditary family of priests. His father, as grandfather and uncle, was a shepherd of the Russian Orthodox Church. Tikhon Nikolayevich was engaged in missionary, preached by Aleutian tribes at the distant islands (now the territory of Alaska) and perfectly knew English. The writer's mother was engaged in raising children, and in the last years of life worked at school. Varlam was a fifth child in the family.

The boy learned to read in 3 years and greedily absorbed everything that came across the family library. Literary addictions with age became more complicated: he passed from adventure to philosophical essays. The future writer possessed a subtle artistic taste, critical thinking and desire for justice. Under the influence of books in it, ideals close to People's People were early formed.

Already in childhood, Varlam writes the first poems. At 7 years old, the boy is given to the gymnasium, but education is interrupted by the revolution, so he will finish school only in 1924. The experience of children's and youth years writer summarizes in the "fourth Vologda" - a story about the early years of life.

After graduating from school, the guy goes to Moscow and flows into the ranks of the metropolitan proletariat: he goes to the plant and 2 years is honing the skill of a tanner in leather production. And from 1926 to 1928, herself receives higher education in Moscow State University, studying the Soviet law. But from the university, it is excluded, having learned classmates from the denunciations about "socially disagreeable" origin. So the repressive car first invades the biography of the writer.

In the student years, Shalamov visits the literary circle organized by the magazine "New Lef", where he gets acquainted and communicates with progressive writing youth.

Arrests and conclusions

In 1927, Shalamov participates in protest shares dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the October Revolution. As part of the group of underground trotskistov, stands with slogans "Down with Stalin!" And calls back to the true covenants. In 1929, for participation in the activities of the Trotskyist group, Vamlam Shalamov was first taken into custody and "without trial" leaves for 3 years in correctional camps as a "socially harmful element".

From this time, his perennial artantic mitardia, protracted until 1951 begin. The first term writer is serving in Vishaga, where in April 1929 comes with stage from Butyrsk prison. In the north of the Urals, prisoners participate in the largest construction site of the first five-year plan - the chemical plant of all-union value in Berezniki is erected.

Freed in 1932, Shalamov returns to Moscow and earns a living by writing work, cooperating with production newspapers and magazines. However, in 1936, a man again recall the "dirty Trotskyist's dirty" and accused of counter-revolutionary activities. This time he is condemned for 5 years and in 1937 they are sent to the stern Magadan to the hardest work - gold mining supports.

The sentence ended in 1942, but prisoners refused to produce until the end of the Great Patriotic War. In addition, Shalamov constantly "sewed" new terms in different articles: here is the camp "case of lawyers", and "anti-Soviet statements". As a result, the writer's term has grown to 10 years.

Over the years, he managed to change the five mines in Krymsky camps, nomaded in villages and mines as a designer, logger and excavation. He had a chance to lie down in medical barracks as "dotting", which is no longer capable of any physical work. In 1945, exhausting from unbearable conditions, with a group of prisoners trying to escape, but only aggravates the situation and the punishment is determined in the penalty area.

Once again in the hospital, Shalamov remains there an assistant there, and after receiving the direction for the courses of the paramedics. After graduating from 1946, Varlam Tikhonovich to the end of the prison period works in the camp hospitals of the Far East. Having received liberation, but being struck in rights, the writer works for another a year and a half in Yakutia and sails money to a ticket to Moscow, where it returns only in 1953.


Departing the first term of concluding, Shalamov worked as a journalist in Moscow trade union publications. In 1936 his first artistic story was published on the pages of October. 20-year expulsion influenced the work of the writer, although in the camps he does not leave attempts to record his poems that will form the basis of the Kolyma Notebook cycle.

Kolyma stories are considered to be the programatic work of Shalamov. This collection is dedicated to the abused years of Stalin camps on the example of the life of the prisoners of SevVostlak and consists of 6 cycles ("left bank", "artist shovel", "essays of the criminal world, etc.).

In it, the artist describes the life experience of people broken by the system. Defined freedom, supports and hopes, exhausted hunger, cold and unbearable work, a person loses his face and the most humanity - in this writer deeply convinced. In prisoner, the ability to friendship, compassion and mutual respect, when the survival issue goes to the fore.

Shalamov was against the publication of "Kolyma stories" by a separate publication, and in the complete meeting they were published in Russia only posthumously. Based on the work in 2005, the film was shot.

In 1960-70, Vamlam Tikhonovich produces poems collections, writes memories of childhood (the story "Fourth Vologda") and the experience of the first camp conclusion (Vishera Antioman).

The last cycle of poems is coming out in 1977.

Personal life

The fate of the eternal arrestant did not prevent the writer to build a personal life. With his first wife Galina Ignatievna Goodz Shalamov gets acquainted in the Vishero camp. There, according to him, he "beat" her with another prisoner, whom the girl came to visit. In 1934, the couple got married, and a year later, Elena's daughter was born.

With the second arrest of the writer, the repressions were subjected to the repression: Galina was exiled to the remote village of Turkmenistan, where she lived until 1946. The family meets together only in 1953, when Shalamov returns from the Far Eastern settlements to Moscow, but in 1954 the spouses are bred.

The second wife of Varlam Tikhonovich was Olga Sergeevna Neklyudova, a member of the Union of Soviet writers. Shalamov became the fourth and last her husband. Marriage lasted 10 years, there were no children from the couple.

After the divorce in 1966 and until the death of the writer remains lonely.


In recent years of life, the state of the writer's health was extremely difficult. Decades of exhausting works at the limit of human resources were not in vain. In the late 1950s, he transfers the grave attacks of the Meniere disease, and in the 70s hearing and vision is gradually deprived.

A man is not able to coordinate his own movements and moves with difficulty, and in 1979, friends and colleagues transport him to the house of persons with disabilities. Testing difficulties with speech and coordination, Shalamov leaves no attempts to write poems.

In 1981, the Writer had a stroke, after which the decision was made to send him to the boarding house for people suffering from chronic mental illness. There he dies on January 17, 1982, the cause of death is the bruboral inflammation of the lungs.

The son of the priest, Shalamov always considered himself unbelievers, but he was sent according to Orthodox ritual and buried in the Kuntsevsky cemetery of Moscow. Preserved photos from the funeral of the writer.

The named after Shalamov is devoted to several museums and expositions located in different parts of the country: in Vologda, in the author's small homeland, on Kolyma, where he worked as a paramedic, in Yakutia, where the writer was serving his last exile days.


  • 1936 - "Three Death of Dr. Austino"
  • 1949-1954 - "Kolyma Notebook"
  • 1954-1973 - "Kolym Stories"
  • 1961 - "Floor"
  • 1964 - "Ruest Leaf"
  • 1967 - "Road and Fate"
  • 1971 - "Fourth Vologda"
  • 1972 - "Moscow clouds"
  • 1973 - "Vishera"
  • 1973 - "Fedor Raskolnikov"
  • 1977 - "Boiling point"

Varlam Tikhonovich Shalamov

This man possessed a rare feature: one's eye was short-sighted, the other is farsighted. He was able to see the world near and at a distance at the same time. And memorize. He had an amazing memory. He remembered many historical events, small household facts, individuals, surnames, names, life stories ever heard.

V. T. Shalamov was born in Vologda in 1907. He never said, but I had an idea that he was born and grew up in the family of a clergyman or in the family very religious. He knew Orthodoxy, his story, customs, rites and holidays before the subtleties. It was not deprived of prejudice and superstitions. She believed in the Hiromantia, for example, and he wondered himself. He has repeatedly spoke about his superstition and in verses, and in prose. At the same time, he was well educated, read and he loved before selflessness and knew poetry. All this fell in it without noticeable conflicts.

We got acquainted with him early in the spring of 1944, when the sun has already become harvested and walking patients, having looked around, went out on the porches and the Zavaling of their offices.

In the Central Hospital of Seven, seven kilometers from the village of Berry, the center of the Northern Gnocking District, I worked as a paramedic, the operating brother of two operating rooms, was the operating brother of two operating rooms, conducted a blood transfusion station and the clinical laboratory was organized, which was not in the hospital. I performed my own functions every day, around the clock and without days a week. A relatively little time passed, as I escaped from a slaughter and was unresarison, having gained a job that was going to devote my life, and in addition, I did the hope of saving this life. The room under the laboratory was assigned in the second therapeutic department, where with a diagnosis of alimentary dystrophy and polyavitaminosis was for several months already.

War went. Golden curls were for the country number one shop, and the gold itself was called "Metal Number One". The front needed soldiers, sizes - labor. It was a time when Kolyma camps were no longer replenished so generously as before, in a pre-war time. The replenishment of camps from the front has not yet begun, no replenishment began with prisoners and repatriated. For this reason, the restoration of labor in the camps began to attract great importance.

Shalamov had already segregated in the hospital, got warmed, meat appeared on the bones. His large, leaning figure, wherever he appeared, rushed into the eyes and teased the bosses. Shalamov, knowing his this feature, hardly looking for ways to somehow cling to, stay in the hospital, push back to the wheelbarrow, Kyle and shovel as possible.

Somehow Shalaov stopped me in the corridor of the department, asked something, asked, from where I, what article, the time was accused of, I love verses, if I show interest to them. I told him that I lived in Moscow, I studied at the third Moscow Medical Institute, which in the apartment of a well-deserved and famous photo artist M. S. Podpelbaum gathered poetic youth (the youngest daughter of the Upperbaum studied at the first courses of the station's poetry institution). I have been in this company, where you read our own poems. All these guys and girls - or almost all - were arrested, accused of participating in a counter-revolutionary student organization. In my accusation there was a reading of the poems Anna Akhmatova and Nikolai Gumileva.

With Shalamov, we immediately found a common language, I liked it. I easily understood his anxiety and promised than to help.

The head physician of the hospital was at that time a young energetic doctor Nina Vladimirovna Savueva, a graduate of the 1st Moscow Medical Institute of 1940, a person with a developed sense of medical debt, compassion and responsibility. When distributing, she voluntarily chose Kolyma. In the hospital for several hundred beds, she knew every serious patient in his face, knew everything about him and personally followed the course of treatment. Shalamov immediately got into the field of her view and did not leave it, until it was put on his feet. Pupilian Burdenko, she was also a surgeon. We met every day with it in operating rooms, on dressings, on bypass. She was located to me, shared his concerns, trusted my estimates of people. When I found people with good, skillful, working, she helped them, if she could have employed. With Shalamov turned out to be much more complicated. He was a man, Lyuto hate every physical work. Not only a subyqual, forced, camp - every. It was its organic property. Contrast work in the hospital was not. On what kind of economic work it is neither put, the partners complained about him. He visited a brigade, which was engaged in harvesting firewood, mushrooms, berries for the hospital, caught fish, designed seriously sick. When the harvest was heard, Shalamov was a guard at the primary big garden, where potatoes, carrots, turnip, cabbage were already matured in August. He lived in a halate, could not do anything around the clock, was full and always had a tobacco (the central Kolyma route was held next to the garden). He was in the hospital and cultory: he walked around the chambers and read the patients with a camp multi-time newspaper. Together with him we produced a wall newspaper of the hospital. He wrote more, I decorated, painted caricatures, collected material. Something from those materials I have preserved to this day.

Training memory, Varlam recorded in two fat homemade notebooks poems of Russian poets of the XIX and the beginning of the twentieth centuries to presented those notebooks Nina Vladimirovna. She keeps them.

The first notebook is opened by I. Bunin, poems "Cain" and "RA-Osiris". Next follow: D. Merezhkovsky - Sakia-Muni; A. Blok - "In a restaurant", "Night, Street, Lantern, Pharmacy ...", "Petrograd sky suffered, .."; K. Balmont - "Dying Swan"; I. Northerner - "It was by the sea ...", "Girl cried in the park ..."; V. Mayakovsky - "NATE", "Left march", "Letter Gorky", "in full voice", "lyrical retreat", "Epitaph Admiral Kolchak"; S. Yesenin - "I don't regret, I don't call, I don't cry ...", "I'm tired of living in my native land ...", "All the living special method ...", "not to wander, not to mine ..." "Sing me, sing! ..", "the grove of the golden ...", "Goodbye, my friend ...", "Evening black eyebrows was called ..."; N. Tikhonov - "Ballada of Nails", "Ballada of a vacation soldier", "Gulliver plays cards ..."; A. Smemetsky - from Felix's poem; S. Kirsanov - "Bull Bulls", "Autobiography"; E. Bagritsky - "Spring"; P. Antocolsky - "I don't want to forget you ..."; I. Selvinsky - "Thief", "Motka Malhamowes"; V. Khodasevich - "I play cards, I drink wine ..."

In the second notebook: A. S. Pushkin - "I loved you ..."; F. Tyutchev - "I met you, and all the past ..."; B. Pasternak - "Subsignant"; I. Northerner - "Why?"; M. Lermontov - "Mountain peaks ..."; E. Baratsky - "Do not tempt me ..."; Berance - "Old Capral" (Kurochina Translation); A. K. Tolstoy - "Vasily Shibanov"; S. Yesenin - "Do not curvate a smile ..."; V. Mayakovsky - (deathbed), "Sergey Yesenin", "Alexander Sergeevich, allow you to introduce yourself - Mayakovsky", "Lilechka instead of the letter", "Violin and a little nervously"; V. Inbert - "Sorryokozki"; S. Yesenin - "Letter's letter", "The road was thinking about the red evening ...", "Niva is compressed, groves goals ...", "I am on the first snow delirium ...", "not to wander, not to mive .. . "," Never I was on the Bosphorus ... "," Shagana are mine, Shagana! .. "," You said that Saadi ... "; V. Mayakovsky - "Kemp" Nit Gedagge "; M. Gorky - "Song of Falcon"; S. Yesenin - "In the region, where yellow nettle ...", "You do not love me, do not regret ...".

I, provincial guy, such poetic erudition, amazing memory to the poems was amazed and deeply worried. I sorry was this greeted person, Ironing the unknowing forces thrown out of life. I sincerely admired them. And I did everything that was in my power to pull his return to the fores, these polygons of destruction. On the Belichy Shalamov spent until the end of 1945. Two more than a year of response, recreation, accumulation of forces, for "the place and of that time - it was a lot.

In early September, our chief physician Nina Vladimirovna was translated into another management - South-West. A new chief doctor came - a new owner with a new broom. On November 1, I ended my eight-year term and waited for liberation. A doctor of A. M. Pantyukhova for this time in the hospital was no longer. I discovered Koch sticks in his wet wet. X-ray confirmed the active form of tuberculosis. He was saturated and sent to Magadan to exemplate from the disability camps, followed by sending to the "mainland". The second half of life this talented doctor has lived with one easy. Shalamov did not have friends in the hospital, there was no support.

On November 1, with a small plywood suitcase in his hand, I left the hospital to the berry to receive a liberation document - the "twenty-fifth form" - and start a new "free" life. Up to half the road was accomplished by Varlam. He was sad, concerned, depressed.

After you, Boris, - he said, - My days here are considered.

I understood it. It was like the truth ... We wished each other good luck.

In berry, I was long forgotten. Having received the document, was sent to work in the hospital of the Utinsky Gold Plant. Until 1953, I had no news about Shalamov.

Special signs

Amazing! The eyes, in which I so often looked for a long time, did not survive in memory. But they are remembered by the inherent expressions. They were light gray or light karium, planted deeply and looked from the depths carefully and zorko. His face was almost devoid of vegetation. A small and very soft nose he was constantly sick and folded the side. It seemed that the nose was deprived of bones and cartilage. Small and movable mouth could stretch into a long thin strip. When Varlam Tikhonovich wanted to focus, he raised his lips with his fingers and kept them in his hand. When I indulged in memories, I threw my hand in front of myself and carefully looked at the palm, while his fingers were curled into the back side. When he argued something, threw both hands forward, breaking the fists, and as if he made his arguments on the opened palms to your face. With his great growth his hand, her brush was small and did not contain even small traces of physical work and tension. It was sluggish.

He often devoured the tongue on the cheek, then in one, then to another and drove from the inside the tongue on the cheek.

He had a soft, kind smile. Smiled eyes and slightly noticeably mouth, his corners. When he laughed, and it rarely happened, strange, high, as if sobbing sounds were broken out of his chest. One of his favorite expressions was: "The soul of them is won!" At the same time he cut the air with the edge of the palm.

He said it's hard, looking for words, speaking a speech by interdometics. In his household speech, much remained from camp being. Perhaps it was Bravada.

"That bought new wheels!" He said, pleased, and spread his legs in new boots.

"Yesterday all day was conntived. Heathing a couple of sinks is crazy and on the new one on the bed with this book. Yesterday read. Great book. So you need to write! - He handed me a latitive book. - You do not know? Yuri Dombrovsky, "Keeper of antiquities." I give you. "

"Dark, reptiles, Chernukhi spread out," he said about someone.

"Will you eat?" He asked me. If I did not mind, we went to the common kitchen. He removed from somewhere in the box with the remnants of the wafer cake "Surprise", cut into pieces, sentenced: "Excellent burning! You do not laugh. Delicious, satisfying, nutritious and cook. " And they were in his action with a latitude cake, freedom, even a certain delete. I involuntarily recalled Belich, there he ate differently. When we got something to cheat something, he searched to this case without a smile, very seriously. He bit down gradually, leisurely, chewed felt, carefully looked at the fact that he ate, brings close to his eyes. At the same time, in all his appearance - face, unusual tensions and alertness were guessed. This was especially felt in the leisurely, calculated by his movements. Every time it seemed to me, I do something sharp, unexpected - and Varlam will dice lightning up. Instinctively, subconsciously. Or will also instantly throw the remaining piece in the mouth and shut it. It took me. Perhaps I myself eaten exactly the same, but I did not see myself. Now the wife often reproaches me that I eat too fast and enthusiastic. I do not notice it. Probably, it is probably "from there" ...


In the February issue of the "literary newspaper" for 1972 in the lower right corner of the strip in the black mourning frame printed a letter of Varlam Shalamov. To say about the letter, you need to read it. This is an amazing document. It should be reproduced completely so that the works of this kind are forgotten.

"To the editorial office of the Literary Newspaper. It became known that the anti-Soviet magazine published in Western Germany in the Russian language "Sowing", as well as the Anti-Soviet emigrant "New Journal" in New York decided to use my honest name of the Soviet writer and the Soviet citizen and publish my "Kolyma Stories" in their slanderous "

I consider it necessary to declare that I have never entered into cooperation with the anti-Soviet magazine "Sowing" or "new magazine", as well as with other foreign publications leading the shameful anti-Soviet activities.

I did not provide any manuscripts, I did not enter into any contacts and, of course, I'm not going to enter.

I am an honest Soviet writer, my disability does not give me the opportunity to take an active part in social activities.

I am an honest Soviet citizen, well-giving a report in the meaning of the XX Congress of the Communist Party in my personal life and life of the whole country.

The subtraction method of publication, applied by the editors of these filked magazines - according to the story-two in the room, is to create the reader from the reader that I am their permanent employee.

This disgusting snake practice of the Lord from "Poking" and "New Journal" requires Beach, stigma.

I am aware of what dirty goals are pursued by such publishing maneuvers of the Lord from "Sowing" and their also well-known owners. The long-term anti-Soviet practice of the journal "Sowing" and his publishers has a completely clear explanation.

These gentlemen, breathing hate towards our great country, her people, her literature, go to any provocation, any blackmail, to any slander to defame, stain any name.

And in the past years, and now "sowing" was, there is and remains a publication, deeply hostile to our construction, our people.

No self-respecting Soviet writer drops its dignity, he does not spare honor of publications in this silent anti-Soviet sheet of its works.

All of the above belongs to any other White Guard publications abroad.

Why did they need it in his sixty-five years?

The problems of "Kolyma stories" have long been removed by life, and to represent me the world as an underground anti-Sovetchik, "internal emigrant" gentlemen from the "sowing" and "new magazine" and their owners will not be able to!

Yours faithfully

Varlam Shalamov.

When I came across this letter and read it, I realized that another violence, coarse and cruel, was interpreted over Varlam. Not public renunciation from the "Kolyma stories" struck me. The old, patient, exhausted man I was not difficult to force it. Language struck me! The language of this letter told me about everything that happened, he is an irrepoundation of evidence. In this language, I could not express myself, I could not, did not know, was not capable. Can not speak in such a language a person who belongs to the words:

Let me ask

And devoted to the fire,

Let my dust dispel

On the mountain wind

No fate is sweeter

Welcome end

Than ashes knocking

In human hearts.

So the last lines of one of the best poems of Shalamov, bearing a very personal character, - "Avvakum in Naverossk". That's what the "Kolyma stories" meant for Shalamov, from which he was forced publicly to renounce. And as if preparing this fatal event, in the book "Road and Fate" he wrote the following:

I will shoot me on the border,

The border of my conscience,

And my blood will fool the pages,

That so worried friends.

Let it imperceptibly

I'm going to the terrible zone

The arrows will taken obediently.

While I will be in sight.

When will enter such a zone

Non-societic country

They will be done by law,

The law of our party.

And so that there were flour,

To die for sure

I am given to your own hands,

As in the hands of the best arrow.

I became clear: Shalamov was forced to sign this amazing "work". This is at best ...

No matter how paradoxically, the author of "Kolyma stories", a person who since 1929 to 1955 was dragging in prisons, camps, shipping through the disease, hunger and cold, - never listened to Western votes, did not read "Samizdat." I know that for sure. He did not have the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bimmigrant magazines and hardly heard them earlier than the noise was raised about the publications of their individual stories ...

I read this letter, you might think that Shalamov was a subscriber of "fetid magazines" and conscientiously studied them from the crust to the crust: "And in the past years, and now" sowing "was, there is and remains ..."

The most terrible words in this message, and for Shalamov they are just killing: "The problems of" Kolyma stories "have long been lifted by life ..."

The organizers of the mass terror of the thirties, the forties and early fifties would very much wanted to close this topic, shut down the mouths to her survivors and witnesses. But this is such a page of our story, which to divert, like a sheet from the book of complaints, is impossible. This page would be the most tragic in the history of our state, if it were not overlapped with another big tragedy of the Great Patriotic War. And it is very possible that the first tragedy largely provoked the second.

For Varlam Tikhonovich Shalamov, who passed all the circles of hell and the surviving, "Kolyma stories", addressed to the world, were his sacred debt of the writer and a citizen, were the main thing about his preserved for this life, and these stories given.

I could not voluntarily renounce "Kolyma stories" and the problems of Shalamov could not. It was equivalent to suicide. His words:

I like those fossils,

What appear by chance

To deliver peace to the world

Geological mystery.

September 9, 1972, having gone with Magadan, and my wife and I returned to Moscow. I went to V., as soon as the opportunity appeared. He first spoke about the ill-fated writing. He waited for a conversation about him and seemed to prepare himself for him.

He began without any bias and approaches to the question "almost without greeting, from the threshold.

You do not think that someone made me sign this letter. Life forced me to do it. And what do you think: can I live on seventy rubles pension? After printing the stories in the "crop", the doors of all Moscow editions were closed for me. It was worth it to go to any editorial board, as I hear: "Well, you, Varlam Tikhonovich, our rubles! You are now a rich man, get the currency ... "I did not believe that I didn't get anything except insomnia. They let, bastards, stories in spill and on removal. If printed a book! There would be a different conversation ... And then one-two story. And there are no books, and here all the roads are closed.

Well, well, "I said to him," I understand you. But what is written and how is it written there? Who will believe that you wrote it?

No one forced me, no one raped! As wrote - I wrote so.

Red and white spots went on his face. He rushed around the room, opened and closed the window. I tried to calm him, said I believe him. I did everything to go from this topic.

It is difficult to admit that you are raped, even for yourself it is difficult to admit this. And it's hard to live with this thought.

From this conversation we both have - with me and I have a heavy sediment.

V. T. T. did not tell me then that in 1972 the new book of his poems "Moscow clouds" was preparing for the exit in the Publishing House "Soviet writer". She was signed to print on May 29, 1972 ...

Shalamov really did not enter into any relationship with these magazines, there is no doubt about it. By the time of publication of the stories in the "crop" they have long walked in the country of hand. And there is nothing surprising in what they got abroad. The world became crazy.

It is surprising that honest, truthful, in many ways the autobiographical Kolyma stories of Shalamov, written by blood of the heart, were not published at home. It was reasonable to do it for the lighting of the past, in order to be calm and confident could go to the future. Then it would not be necessary to splash the saliva in the direction of "fetid magazines". The mouths would be plugged, take away the "bread." And it was not necessary to break the spine to the old, a patient, a trapped and surprisingly gifted person.

We, as a rule, kill their heroes before it is possible.

Meetings in Moscow

After the arrival of Shalamov from Baragona to us in Magadan in 1953, when he did the first attempt to escape from Kolyma. "We did not see each other with him. Meets in 1957 in Moscow randomly, not far from the monument to Pushkin. I went out from Tver Boulevard on Gorky Street, he - from Gorky Street descended on Tver Boulevard. Was the end of May or the beginning of June. The bright sun looked loosely blindly. To meet me, I walked a slightly spring gait, in a summer dressed man. Perhaps I would not delay the look at him and passed by, if this person did not spread his hands and a high, familiar voice did not exclaim my voice: "Ba, this is a meeting!" He was fresh, cheerful, joyous and immediately told me "that, that's just that he managed to publish in the" Evening Moscow "article about Moscow taxi drivers. He considered it great for himself luck and was very pleased. Talked about Moscow taxi drivers, about editorial corridors and heavy doors. This is the first thing he told about himself. He told that he lived and registered in Moscow, which was married to the writer Olga Sergeyevna Nekvudova, with her and her son Sergey takes a room in a communal apartment on Gogol Boulevard. He said that his first wife (if I am not mistaken, nee Guards, the daughter of the old Bolshevik) refused him and their common daughter Lena brought up in hostility to his father.

I got acquainted with Olga Sergeyevna V. T. in Peredelkino, where she was gaining some time, coming from his "one hundred and first kilometer," as I think, to see Boris Leonidovich Pasternak.

I remember that Lena, daughter V. T., was born in April. I remember because in 1945 on the squirrel, it was in April, he told me very sadly: "Today my daughter has a birthday." I found a way to celebrate this event, and we drank medical alcohol with him.

At that time, his wife often wrote him. The time was difficult, military. The profile for his wife was, frankly, crazy, and lived with her child very sadly, very difficult. In one of the letters, she wrote to him about the following: "... he entered the courses of accountants. This profession is not very bread, but reliable: we always think everywhere else. " I do not know if she had any profession before and if it was, then what.

According to V. T., his return from the Kolyma wife did not please. She met him extremely disliked and did not accept. She considered him a direct culprit of his ruined life and managed to inspire this daughter.

At that time in Moscow, I was traveling with my wife and my daughter. Big Northern Vacation allowed us not to save time. We stayed in Moscow to help my mom, published from the camp with disabilities, in 1955 rehabilitated, in the troubles about the return of living space. Stopped at the North Hotel in Marina Grove.

Varlam really wanted to introduce us to Olga Sergeyevna and invited to himself. Olga Sergeyevna didn't like: a sweet, modest woman, which, apparently, life was also not very balung. It seemed to us that there were harmony in their relationship, and we were happy for Varlam. A few days later, Vamlam and O. S. arrived at the hotel. I introduced them to my mother ...

From that meeting in 1957, regular correspondence was established between us. And each of my arrival in Moscow we met with Varlam.

Even before 1960, Vamlam and Olga Sergeyevna, from Gogol Boulevard, moved to the house 10 along the Khoroshevsky highway, where two rooms were obtained in a communal apartment: one medium size, and the second is very small. But Sergey had his own angle to overall joy and satisfaction.

In 1960, I ended the All-Union Correspondence Polytechnic Institute and lived in Moscow for more than a year, passing the latest exams, coursework and diploma projects. During this period, we saw with Varlam often - and he is on a good, and I have in Novogireevo. I lived then at Mom, who after a long hassle received a room in a two-room apartment. Later, after my protection and return to Magadan, Varlam was and without me at Mom and rewritten with her when she left in Lipetsk to her daughter, my sister.

In the same 1960 or early 1961, I somehow caught the Chalamian man who was going to leave.

Do you know who it was? - said Varlam, closing the door behind him. - Sculptor, - and called the surname. - Wants to make a sculptural portrait of Solzhenitsyn. So, I came to ask me about mediation, about protection, on recommendation.

Acquaintance with Solzhenitsyn then V. T. flatted to the highest degree. He did not hide it. Shortly before, he visited Solzhenitsyn in Ryazan. It was adopted restrained, but favorably. V. T. I introduced it to the "Kolyak Stories." This meeting, this acquaintance was painted by V. T., helped him self-affirmation, strengthened the soil under it. The authority of Solzhenitsyn for V. T. At that time was great. And the civilian position of Solzhenitsyn, and writing skills - all then improved Shalamov.

In 1966, being in Moscow, I chose free hour and called V. T.

Vali, come! - He said. - just fast.

Here, - he said, when I arrived, - I was going to the Publishing House "Soviet writer" today. I want to leave there. Let not be printed, the hell with them, but let them come.

On the table lay two typewritten sets of "Kolyma Story".

Many of his kolyma stories I knew already, the top two was given to them. He knew when and how some of them were written. But I wanted all selected for my publishing house together.

Okay, he said, "I give you a second copy for a day. I did not have anything except Chernivikov. At your disposal day and night. I can no longer postpone. And this is a gift, the story "Fire and Water". - He handed me two schoolbooks.

V. T. T. lived on the Khoroshevsky highway in a close room, in a noisy apartment. And we for this time in Moscow stood an empty one-bedroom apartment. I said, why would he not put a table and chair there, he could safely work. This idea he souls.

Most of the tenants of our cooperative house (ZhSK "Northernik") has already moved to Moscow from Kolyma, including the Board of the ECC. All of them are very jealous, painfully related to those who still remained in the north. The general meeting was made a decision prohibiting, pretending or simply to let anyone in the absence of owners in the empty apartments. All this was shocked on the board when I came to inform me that I give a key from the apartment V. T. Shalamov, my comrade, a poet and a journalist, living and registered in Moscow and waiting for improving its apartment conditions. Despite the protest of government, I left a written application addressed to the Chairman of the HSC. I have preserved this application with the argument of refusal and signature of the Chair. Considering the refusal illegal, I turned to the head of the passport table of the 12th police station, Major Zakharov. Zakharov said that the question for which I appeal is solved by the general meeting of shareholders of the Russian Academy of Sciences and lies beyond his competence.

This time I could not help Varlam even in such a trifle case. It was summer. Collect a general meeting, and one question failed. I returned to Magadan. And the apartment was empty for another six years, until we paid debts for her acquisition.

In the sixties, Varlam began to drastically lose his hearing, the coordination of movements was disturbed. He lay on a survey in the hospital named after Botkin. A diagnosis was established: Myign's disease and sclerotic changes of the vestibular apparatus. There were cases when V. T. Telled Equilibrium and Fallen. Several times in the subway it was raised and sent to the detox. Later he enlisted with medical certificates, certified by seals, and she facilitated his life.

V. T. I heard worse and worse, and by the mid-seventies stopped approaching the phone. Communication, the conversation was worth him of a large nervous tension. It affected his mood, character. His character was not easy. V. T. T. became closed, suspicious, incredulous and therefore - uncommunicative. Meetings, conversations, contacts, to avoid which could not, demanded from his side of tremendous effort and exhausted it, removing for a long time from equilibrium.

In his last single years of life, household worries, self-service with heavy loads lay down on it, devastating internally, distracting from the desktop.

V. T. was disturbed sleep. He could no longer sleep without sleeping pills. His choice stopped at the nonbutale - the center is cheaper, but the doctor's prescription is strictly on the prescription, with two seals, triangular and round. The recipe action was limited to ten days. I believe that he has developed addiction to this drug, and he was forced to increase the dose. Delivery Nebutala also took his time and strength. At his request, even before our return from Magadan to Moscow, we sent himself to the nebutal, and recipes without an affected date.

The stormy stationery of the pore penetrates all the pores of life without making exceptions and medicine. Doctors were prescribed to have personal seals. Together with the seal of the medical institution, the doctor was obliged to put his personal seal. Forms of prescription blanks often changed. If the doctor earlier received recipe forms with the triangular printing of the clinic, then later the patient had to go from the doctor to the hospital sheet window to put the second seal. The doctor often forgot to say about this patient. Pharmacy did not let the medicine. The patient was forced to go again or go to his clinic. This style exists today.

My wife, a surgeon, in Magadan, the last before retirement care for several years worked in a physical investigation dispensary, where drugs are not prescribed, and the provision of V. T. Nebutal for us also became a challenge problem. Varlam nervous, wrote irritated letters. This unexpected correspondence has been preserved. When we moved to Moscow, and in Moscow, the wife no longer worked, the problem of recipes was complicated even more.

Lessons of good tone

In the late sixties, I was in Moscow four times. And, of course, at each arrival, I wanted to see Varlam Tikhonovich. Somehow from the auto plant name-Likhachev, where I came to share experiences, I drove to V. T. on the good. He stormyly welcomed me, but he regretted that he could not give me a lot of time, as it should be in an hour in the publisher. We exchanged our main news while he dressed and was going. Together they reached the bus stop and drove into different directions. Saying good, V. Tov said to me:

You call when you can arrive to make me catch me at home. Call, Boris, and we will agree.

Sitting on the bus, I began to scroll through the latest impressions of our meeting. Suddenly I remembered: In my past visit to Moscow, our first meeting with V. T. was very similar to today. I thought about the coincidence, but did not delay the long time on this.

In the year seventy second or third (at that time V. T. V. V. Vasilyevskaya Street, and we returned to Moscow), being somewhere very close to his house, I decided to look at him, to spend. The door opened V. T. and said, ranking his hands that he could not accept me now, since he had a visitor "with him a long and difficult business conversation. Asked to excuse him and insisted:

You come, I'm always happy to you. But you call "please" call, Boris.

I went out a little confused and embarrassed. I tried to imagine myself in his place, as I return it from the threshold of my house. It seemed to me then impossible.

1953 remembered, the end of winter, the late evening, a knock at the door and on the verge of Varlam, with whom we did not see and did not communicate from November 1945, more than seven years.

I'm from Oymyakon, "said Varlam. - I want to bother about the departure from Kolyma. I want to settle some things. I need to stay ten days in Magadan.

We then lived next to the bus station on the proletarian street in the hostel of medical workers, where the doors of twenty-four rooms were opened in a long and dark corridor. Our room served us and a bedroom, and a nursery, and a kitchen, and a dining room. We lived in her with my wife and a three-year-old daughter, then painful, and hired a nanny for her, Western Ukrainian, who served a long time in camps for religious beliefs. At the end of the term she was left in Magadan on special settlements, as well as other evangelists. Lena Kibic lived with us.

I and my wife and the unnecessary appearance of the Varlam did not cause any doubt nor "confusion. We compared even more and began to share her shelter and bread with him.

Now I thought that I could write Shalamov about your arrival to write ahead or give a telegram. We would have come up with something more convenient for all of us. Then such a thought did not come nor to us.

Varlam lived with us two weeks. In the exit, he was denied him. He returned to his taiga medplex on the border with Yakutia, "where he worked as a paramedic after liberation from the camp.

Now that I write about it, I understand it very much. I have long understood. Now I am more than the years what was Varlam in the sixties. We both with my wife are not very healthy. Thirty-two and thirty-five years on Kolyma did not pass for us for nothing. Unexpected guests are now very shy. When we get the door to an unexpected knock and see on the threshold of very distant relatives, rising in the seventh floor on foot, despite the serviceable elevator, or old friends who came to Moscow by the end of the month or quarter, we involuntarily ask for words: "What are you, Cute, did not write about the intention to come, did not call? They could not catch us at home ... "Even the arrival of neighbors without warning makes us difficult, causing often not in shape and be angry. This is with all location to people.

And here is a companion on the camp, where everyone was naked to the limit, the man with whom you shared bread and the Balant, turned one for two cigar ... Warning about the arrival, coordinate meetings - did not occur! Did not come long.

Now I often remember Varlam and his lessons of good tone, and if more precisely, the simplest norms of the hostel. I understand his impatience, his right thing.

Before, in other of our life, other were points of reference.


When Varlam Tikhonovich broke up with Olga Sergeyevna, but remained still under one with her roof, he changed with semi-in-room: Seryozha switched to mother in the room, and a small room took V. T. Under a narrow window on a plywood box on a bedside table near Wamlam, settled Black smooth cat with smart green eyes. He called her fly. Fly led free, independent lifestyle. All the natural recipients made on the street, out of the house and returned through the open window. And kittens gave birth in a box.

To Mukh V. T. was very tied. In the long winter evenings, when he was sitting at the desk, and the fly was lying on his knees, he was a free hand with her soft, moving casket and listened to her peaceful cat rumbling - a symbol of freedom and a homely hearth, which although not your fortress, but And not the camera, not Barack, in any case.

In 1966, the summer of Fly suddenly disappeared. V. T., without losing hope, I was looking for it all over the district. On the third or fourth day, he found her corpse. Near the house where V. T. T., opened the trench, changed pipes. In this trench, he found a fly with a broken head. This led him to an unbearable state. He was rapid, rushed at repair workers, young, healthy men. They looked at him with a great surprise, as the cat looks at the mouse rushing on her, tried to calm him down. The whole quarter was raised to his feet.

I think I will not exaggerate if I say that it was one of his biggest losses.

Lyed Lira,

Cat cradle -

This is my apartment,

Shiller gap.

Here is our honor and place

In the world of people and animals

Guarding together

With a cat's black cat.

Cat - plywood box.

Me-penny table

Klocheya poems rustling

Snow covered floor.

Cat named fly

Sharpets pencils.

All - tense hearing

In the dark apartment silence.

Muhu V. T. buryed and remained for a long time in a depressed, depressed.

With a fly on my knees, I photographed somehow Varlam Tikhonovich. In the picture, his face radiates peace and peace. Varlam called this picture the most beloved of all the pictures of post-year life. By the way, this snapshot with a torch was a duplicate. At one of them, flies turned out as if dual eyes. V. T. It scary intrigued. He could not understand how this could turn out. And this misunderstanding seemed to me that it was funny - with his versatility and gigantic erudition. I explained to him that removing in a slightly excluded room, I was forced to increase the exposure, excerpt. Responding to a click of the apparatus, the cat blinked, and the device recorded her eyes in two positions, Varlam listened to distrust, and it seemed to me that he was dissatisfied with the answer ...

V. T. I photographed many times and at his request, and at wish. When he was preparing for the press, his book of poems "Road and Fate" (I consider this collection one of the best), he asked him to remove it for the publisher. It was cold. Varlam was in a coat and a hatching hat with chatting ribbons. A courageous, democratic look at this picture. V. T. I gave it to the publisher. Unfortunately, well-free retouching smoothed harsh features. I compare the original with a portrait on a dust pack and see how much lost.

As for the fly, as for the cat, she has always been for the Varlam symbol of freedom and home focus, the antipode of the "Dead House", where hungry, wild people eaten the eternal friends of their hearth - dogs and cats.

The fact that the Spartak Banner was depicted a cat's head as a symbol of freedom and independence, I first recognized from Shalamov.

Cedar stabel

Keedrach, or cedar squabble - a bush plant with powerful tree branches reaching the thickness of ten-fifteen centimeters. His branches are covered with long thicken needles. In the summer, the branches of this plant are almost vertically, asking her magnificent cheese to not very hot the kolya sun. The staber branch is generously soaked with small bumps, filled with small, but tasty real cedar nuts. Such kedrach in the summer. With the onset of winter, he lowers his branches to the ground and presses her. The northern snow covers it with thick fur coat and retain to spring from the junior kolya frost. And with the first spring rays, he breaks his snow cover. All winter it is steel on the ground. That is why Kedrach is called a staber.

Between the sky Spring and the sky autumn over our land is not so big gap. And therefore, as it should be expected, not very tall, not very catchy, not very magnificent northern flora hurries, hurry to frustrate, promise, replicate. Hurry up trees, rushing shrubs, hurry flowers and herbs, rushing lichens and mosses, everyone is in a hurry to meet the timing allotted by him.

Great Werelessness, the stabel pulled tightly to the ground. Lit snow. Size smoke from the tube of the Magadan bakery changed the direction - he reached out to the bay. Summer ended.

How do you meet on the Kolyma New Year? With the Christmas tree, of course! But spruce on Kolyma is not growing. The Kolymskaya "Christmas tree" is done like this: the larch of the desired size will be cut down, the branches are brazed, the barrel is observed, the branches are inserted into the holes. And the wonder-tree is placed in the cross. Lush, green, fragrant, filling the room with a tart smell of warm resin, a Christmas tree - a big joy for children and for adults.

The Kolynes, who returned to the "Mainland", cannot get used to the real Christmas tree, with tenderness recall the composite Kolyma "Christmas tree".

Shalamov about the cedar staber is written a lot in verses and in prose. I will tell about one episode, which caused two works of Varlam Shalamov - Prosaic and poetic - a story and poem.

In the vegetable world of Kolyma, two symbolic plants are a cedar staber and larch. It seems to me that the cedar staber is symbolic to a greater extent.

To the new 1964 by Aviabanderol, I sent from Magadan to Moscow Varlam Tikhonovich several freshly cut stabel branches. He guessed to put the stabe in the water. The stabel lived in the house for a long time, filling the dwelling by the smell of resin and taiga. In a letter dated January 8, 1964, V. T. wrote:

"Dear Boris, a cruel flu does not give me the opportunity to thank you with a worthy way for your excellent gift. The most amazing thing that the stabel was an unprecedented beast for Muscovites, Saratov, Vologda. Nuhali, the main thing was said: "smell like a Christmas tree." And smells a stabel not a Christmas tree, but a must in her family value, where there is pine, and spruce, and juniper. "

Prose artwork inspired by this New Year's gift, "the story. He was dedicated to Nina Vladimirovna and me. It is appropriate to say that Nina Vladimirovna Savueva, the former head doctor of the hospital on the Belich, in 1946, a year after my liberation, became my wife.

When Varlam Tikhonovich retells the content of the future story thoughtful, I did not agree with some of its provisions and details. I asked them to remove and not call our names. He won my wishes. And the story was born, which we now know under the name "Resurrection of larch".

I am not medicinal herbs,

In the table is stored

Do not touch them for fun

A hundred times the day.

I save amulets

In the center of Moscow.

Folk magic objects -

Glove grass.

In your long-distance

On your way

I took Moscow -

Like that Tsarevich Polovtsy

Emshan Grass, -

I am a branch of the stabel with him

Brought here

To manage your fate

From the kingdom of ice.

So sometimes a slight reason causes an artistic image in the imagination, gives rise to the idea that, enveling flesh, begins a long life as a work of art.


In 1961, in the Publishing House "Soviet writer", the first book of Pychs Shalamov "Flood" was published in two thousand copies. Varlam sent it to us with the following inscription:

"Nina Vladimirovna and Borisu with respect, love and deepest appreciation. Belichea - Berry - Left Bank - Magadan - Moscow. May 14, 1961. V. Shalamov. "

My wife and I were pleased with this book, read it to friends and acquaintances. We were proud to Varlam.

In 1964, the second book of poems "rustling of leaves" in circulation is ten times big. Varlam sent her. I wanted all the camp Kolyma to know that a person who passed through all her millowans did not lose their ability to high and deep feeling. I knew that no newspaper would print what I would like and could tell about Shalamov, but I really wanted to know about him. I wrote a review, calling both books, and suggested that Magadan truth. He was printed. Several copies I sent Varlam to Moscow. He asked to send how many possible numbers of this newspaper.

A small response to the "rustle of the leaves" faith Inber in "Literary" and mine in Magadan Pravda - it was all that appeared in the press.

In 1967, V. T. T. The third book of the poems "Road and Fate", like the previous ones, is in the Publishing House "Soviet writer". Every three years - the book of poems. Stability, regularity, thoroughness. Mature wise poems are the fruits of thought, feelings, extraordinary life experience.

Already after the second book, people with the name, worthy of respect, offered him their recommendations to the Union of Writers. About the proposal L. I. Timofeeva, Literary critic, members of the USSR Academy of Sciences told me V. T .. In 1968, Boris Abramovich Slutsky told me that he also offered his recommendation to Shalamov. But V. T. I did not want to join the SP. He explained to me by putting his signature under the declaration of this union him not with his hands, to take over dubious, as it seemed to him, he considers it impossible. It was his position of that time.

But the time, stock, impassively, and the action of it is inevitably and destructive. And age, and the whole insane, inaccessible understanding of a normal person, the terrible prison camp Odyssey Shalamov showed itself more and more noticeable.

Somehow I drove to Khoroshevskoye, 10. Varlam Tikhonovich was not at home, I met me Olga Sergeyevna, as always. It seemed to me that she was glad to my arrival. I was the person who knew their relationship with V. T. from the very beginning. I turned out to be the one to whom she was able to throw out all her longing, bitterness and disappointment.

Flowers that she installed on the table, made her sadder, sad. We sat against each other. She said, I listened. From her story, I realized that they were no longer husband and wife with Varlam, although they continue to live under the same roof. His character became unanimous. He is suspicious, always annoyed, intolerant to all and everything that contradicts his ideas and desires. It terrorizes saleswoman shops of the nearest district: outweighs products, carefully recounts delivery, writes complaints to all instances. Closed, embittered, rude.

I left her with a heavy heart. It was our last meeting and conversation with her. Soon V. T. received a room too in a communal apartment, floor above.

From the book correspondence by Shalamov Varlam

V.T. Shalamov - N.Ya. Mandelshtam Moscow, June 29, 1965, Maidoaya Nadezhda Yakovlevna, at that very night, when I finished reading your manuscript, I wrote about her a great letter to Natalia Ivanovna, caused by the everight of my need for immediate and still writing "return".

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V.T. Shalamov - N.Ya. Mandelshtam Moscow, July 21, 1965, Maidoaya Nadezhda Yakovlevna! I wrote to you, so as not to interrupt the conversation, but I did not guessed the address of the Veresky, when I was in Lavrushinsky, and my damn deafness detained more than a day, telephone searches. BUT

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