The terrible years of everyborn. Moral, ideological and artistic significance of the poem A.A

The terrible years of everyborn. Moral, ideological and artistic significance of the poem A.A
The terrible years of everyborn. Moral, ideological and artistic significance of the poem A.A

The prerequisites for the "Big Terror" include the murder of Sergey Kirov on December 1, December 1, 1934, the USSR CEC adopted a resolution "On Amendments to the Existing Criminal Procedure Codes of the Union republics" of the following content:

To make the following changes to the current criminal procedure codes of the Union republics on the investigation and consideration of cases of terrorist organizations and terrorist acts against employees of Soviet power:

1. The investigation of these cases to finish no more than ten days;
2. The indictment to present the accused for one day before the case in court;
3. Affairs to listen without the participation of the parties;
4. Cassation appeal of sentences, as well as filing petitions for pardon, prevent;
5. The verdict to the highest punishment to put into execution immediately on the sentencing. Stand on CEC and SNK of the USSR December 1, 1934

When investigating the murder of Kirov, Stalin ordered to develop the "Zinoviev mark", accusing the murder of Kirov. E. Zinoviev, L. B. Kamenev and their supporters. A few days later arrests of former supporters of the Zinoviev opposition began, and on December 16, Kamenev and Zinoviev were arrested. On December 28-29, 14 people directly accused of organizing the murder were sentenced to shooting. In the sentence, it was argued that all of them were "active participants in the Zinoviev Anti-Soviet Group in Leningrad", and later, the "underground terrorist counter-revolutionary group", which was headed by the so-called "Leningrad Center". On January 9, 77 people were convicted in a special meeting at the NKVD of the USSR in the Distribution of the NKVD of the USSR in the criminal case of Safarov, Zalutsky and others. On January 16, 19 accused in the case of the so-called "Moscow Center" headed by Zinoviev and Kamenev were convicted. All these things were rudely fabricated.

For several years following, Stalin used Kirov's murder as a reason for final violence with former political opponents, who headed various opposition flows in the party in the 1920s or participated in them. All of them were destroyed on accusations in terrorist activities.

In the closed letter of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), the lessons of events related to the villain murder of Tov. Kirov ", prepared and sent to places in January 1935, in addition to the presentation of Kamenev and Zinoviev of repeated accusations in the leadership" Leningrad "and" Moscow centers ", which were" in essence the disguised form of the Belong Guard Organization ", Stalin reminded other" anti-party groups ", I existed in the history of VKP (b) -" Trotskyists "," Democratic centralists "," working opposition "," right-wing deconies ", etc. This letter in the field should be considered as a direct indication of action.

In the period 1936-1938, three large open processes took place over the former highest high-functioners of the Communist Party, which were in the 20s associated with Trotskyistkist or the right opposition. Abroad they were called "Moscow processes" (eng. "Moscow trials").

The accused, who judged the military board of the USSR Supreme Court, was charged in guilt cooperation with Western intelligence in order to murder Stalin and other Soviet leaders, the dissolution of the USSR and the restoration of capitalism, as well as the harvest of permit in various sectors of the economy with the same purpose.

  • The first Moscow process over 16 members of the so-called "Trotskyist-Zinoviev Terrorist Center" took place in August 1936. The main accused were Zinoviev and Kamenev. In addition to other accusations, they were incriminated to the murder of Kirov and a conspiracy in order to kill Stalin.
  • The second process (the case of the "parallel anti-Soviet Trotskyist Center") in January 1937 passed over 17 less major functionaries, such as Karl Radek, Yuri Pyatakov and Grigory Sokolnikov. 13 people are shot, the rest are sent to the camps, where they died soon.
  • The third process in March 1938 took place over 21 members of the so-called "right-Trotsky bloc". The main accused was Nikolai Bukharin, the former chapter of the Comintern, also the former chairman of the Council of Alexey Rykov, Christians Rakovsky, Nikolai Krestinsky and Heinrich Yagoda - the organizer of the first Moscow process. All accused, besides three, executed. Rakovsky, Bessonov and Pletnev were also shot in 1941 without trial and investigation.

A number of Western observers at that time believed that the wines of the convicts certainly proved. All of them gave confessions, the court was open, there were no obvious evidence of torture or drug pumping. German writer Leon Feichtvanger, who was present at the second Moscow process, wrote:

People who stood in court, in no case could not be considered tortured, desperate creatures. The accused themselves were a sleek, well-dressed men with casual manners. They drank tea, they were sticking out of the pockets of the newspapers ... In general, it was like more on a discussion ... which educated people were in the tone of the conversation. It was created that the accused, the prosecutor and judges are passionate about the same, I almost did not say sports, to find out with the maximum degree of accuracy all that happened. If this court was instructed to stage the director, he would probably need a lot of years, quite a few rehearsals to achieve such teamwork from accused ... "

Later, the view was the predominant point of view that the accused was subjected to psychological pressure and the wise testimony were doried by force.

In May 1937, Trotsky's supporters founded in the US Dewey Commission. In the Moscow processes, Georgy Pyatakov gave testimony that in December 1935 he flew to Oslo for "obtaining terrorist instructions" from Trotsky. The Commission argued that, according to the readings of the staff of the airfield, on this day, no foreign aircraft landed on it. Another accused, Ivan Smirnov, adopted that he took part in the murder of Sergey Kirov in December 1934, although at this time he was in prison at this time.

On July 2, 1937, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) decided to send the Oblov team to the secretaries, the TSC, the Communist Party of the Union Republics, the following telegram:

"It is noted that most of the former fists and criminals, expelled one time from different areas in the Northern and Siberian districts, and then after the expiration of the expulsion, who returned to their areas, are the main instigators of all kinds of anti-Soviet and sabotage crimes, as in collective farms and Associties and transport and in some industries.

The Central Committee of the CPSU (b) offers all regional and regional organizations and regional, regional, regional and regional representatives of the NKVD to take into account all the fists and criminals who returned to their homeland so that the most hostile of them were immediately arrested and were shot in the order of administrative conduct Affairs through the troops, and the rest are less active, but still hostile elements would be rewritten and sent to the areas to indicate the NKVD.

The Central Committee of CPS (b) offers a five-day period to submit to the Central Committee of the Trok, as well as the number of subjects to be executed, as well as the number of expulsion to be sent. " The telegram was signed by Stalin.

On July 16, 1937, a meeting was held with the heads of the regional offices of the NKVD to discuss issues of the upcoming operation. There are evidence of the individual participants in investigative cases on the People's Commissar of N.I.zhov and his deputy M.P.Frinovsky - Indications S.N.Mironova (Head of the UNKVD in the West Siberian Territory), A.I. Assumption (People's Commissar of the Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian SSR), and N.V. Kondakov (People's Commissar of the Armenian SSR) and others. S.N.Mironov showed: "Eros gave the overall operational and political directive, and Frinovsky was already in development to work with each head of the Operational Limit Office (see: Central Assembly of the Russian Federation. Arch. No. N-15301. T. 7. L. 33), that is, the number of persons subject to repressions in a particular region of the USSR. S.N.Mironov in a statement in the name of L.P.Beria wrote: "In the process of the report of the Yevovo in July, I stated him that such massive extensive operations on the district and urban asset ... risky, because along with valid Members of the counter-revolutionary organization, they very unconvincingly show the involvement of a number of persons. Heds answered me this: "Why don't you arrest them? We will not work for you, put them, and then you will figure it out - who will not be the testimony, then we count. Act the bolder, I have already repeatedly spoke. " At the same time, he stated me that in some cases, if necessary, "with your permission, the heads of departments can apply both physical methods of influence" "(see: TsB of the Russian Federation. Arch. No. N-15301. T. 7. 35- 36). Former internal affairs of Armenia N.V. Kontakov, with reference to his former chief of the Yaroslavl Office of the NKVD A.M. Yershova showed: "hedges allowed such an expression" if during this operation and an extra thousand people will be shot - there is no trouble in this at all. Therefore, it is not particularly shy in arrests "(CA FSB of the Russian Federation F Zoe op 6 d 4 l 207). "Heads of Offices, - showed A.I. Uspensky, - trying to promote each other, reported about the giant figures of the arrested speech of the John, in this meeting, was reduced to the "Bay, thunderless" heroes directive spoke directly, "he continued, - that in connection with the defeat of enemies and some of the innocent people will be destroyed , but that it is inevitable "(CA FSB of the Russian Federation F Zoe op 6 d 3 l 410). To the question of Assumption, how to be arrested by 70- and 80 years old, hedgehis answered "if it keeps on the legs - shoot" (CA FSB of the Russian Federation F Zoe on 6 d 3 l 410).

On July 31, 1937, heders signed an approved Politburo Order of the NKVD No. 0447 "On the operation on the repressing of former fists, criminals and other anti-Soviet elements".

It said:

"The materials of the investigators on the affairs of anti-Soviet formations establishes that there is a significant number of former fists in the village, previously repressed, hidden from repression that fled from the camps, links and workshells. There is a lot of stupid, in the past of the repressed churchmen and sectarians, former active participants in anti-Soviet armed performances. Significant personnel of anti-Soviet political parties (Socialists, Yultihadists, Dashnakov, Mussavatistov, Yultihadists, etc.) remained almost intact in the village of the village, as well as the personnel of the former active participants in the gangster uprisings, white, punishers, repatriates, etc. Part of the elements listed above, From the village to cities, penetrated the enterprises of industry, transport and construction. In addition, significant personnel of criminals are still nesting in the village and the city - stovers, thieves-recidivists, robbers, etc., serving the punishment that fled from the places of detention and hiding from repression. The failure of the struggle against these criminal contingents created for them the conditions of impunity, contributing to their criminal activity. As established, all these anti-Soviet elements are the main instigators of all kinds of anti-Soviet and sabotage crimes, both in collective farms and aggravation and transport and in some industries. In front of state security authorities, the task is to defeat the entire gang of anti-Soviet elements with the most mercilessly, to protect the working Soviet people from their counter-revolutionary registers and, finally, once and for all, to end with their sub-subsensitive work against the foundations of the Soviet state ... 1. Contingents subject to Repression. 1. Former fists who returned after serving the sentence and continuing to lead active anti-Soviet subversive activities. 2. Former fists who fled from camps or workshells, as well as fists hiding from the arms that lead anti-Soviet activity. 3. Former fists and socially dangerous elements held in the rebel, fascist, terrorist and gangster formations that have served punishment, hiding from repression or fled from the places of detention and resumed their anti-Soviet criminal activities. 4. Members of anti-Soviet parties (esters, guesthouses, Mussavatists, ITTihadists and Dashnaki), former white, gendarmes, officials, punishers, bandages, bandcoposters, transfers, reemigrants who focus from repression that fled from the places of conclusion and continuing to conduct active anti-Soviet activities. 5. The most hostile and active participants of the Cossack-White Guard rebel organizations, fascist, terrorist and spy-sabotan-revolutionary formations are exposed by investigative and proven agent materials. The elements of this category contained at this time are also subject to repression, the investigation of which is completed, but are not considered by the judicial bodies. 6. The most active anti-Soviet elements from former fists, punishers, gangsters, white, sectarian activists, clergy and others, which are now contained in prisons, camps, labor settlements and colonies and continue to conduct active anti-Soviet subversive work there. 7. Criminals (bandits, robbers, porridge-recidivists, professionals smugglers, recidivists, scotchonocracy chambers), leading criminal activities and related criminal environments. The elements of this category are also subject to repression, which are delated at this time, the investigation of which is completed, but are not considered by the judicial bodies. 8. Criminal elements in camps and workshops and leading criminal activities. 9. Repressions are subject to all the contingents listed above that are currently in the village - in collective farms, state farms, agricultural enterprises and in the city - on industrial and trading enterprises, transport, in Soviet institutions and construction. II. On measures for punishment by repressed and the number of repressions subject to repression. 1. All repressed fists, criminals, etc. Anti-Soviet elements are broken into two categories: a) the first category includes all the most hostile of the elements listed above. They are subject to immediate arrest and, by consideration of their affairs on the top three - shooting. b) The second category includes all the other less active, but still hostile elements. They are subject to arrest and imprisonment in the camps for a period of 8 to 10 years, and the most malicious and socially dangerous of them, imprisonment for the same deadlines in prisons to determine the top three.

Troika considered cases in the absence of accused, dozens of affairs at each meeting. According to the memoirs of the former Chekist, M. P. Schreidera, who worked in leadership positions in the NKVD system until 1938 and then arrested, the procedure for the Troika in the Ivanovo region was the following: an agenda was made up, or the so-called "album", on each page of which The name, patronymic, surname, year of birth and the perfect "crime" of the arrested person. After that, the head of the regional control of the NKVD red pencil wrote on each page a large letter "P" and signed, which meant "execution". On the same evening or at night, the sentence was performed. Typically, the next day the page "Album-Agenda" was signed by other members of the triple.

The protocols of the Troika meeting were sent to the heads of the NKVD operational groups to bring sentences to execution. The order established that the "first category" verdicts are given in places and order to indicate the addicts of the internal affairs, heads of regional offices and the NKVD departments with mandatory complete preservation in the secret of time and the place of sentencing.

A part of the repression was carried out in relation to persons who were already convicted, and were in the camps. For them, the limits of the "first category" were distinguished, and threes were also formed.

In order to fulfill and exceed the established plans for repression, the NKVD bodies were arrested and transferred to the trips of the case of people of various professions and social origin.

The heads of the UNKVD, having received the scroll on the arrest of several thousand people, were delivered before the need to arrest hundreds and thousands of people immediately. And since all these arrests had to give some appearance of legality, the NKVD staff began to invent everywhere of all kinds of rebel, right-trotskyist, spy-terrorist, sabotage and lubricants, and similar organizations, "centers", "blocks" and simply Groups.

According to the materials of the investigative cases of that time, in almost all parts, regions and republics, there were widespread "law-trotter-terrorist spy-terrorist, sabotage and pesting" organizations and centers and, as a rule, these "organizations" or "centers" were headed by the first secretaries of the Obcomments, Embios or Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Allied Republics.

Thus, in the former Western region, the head of the "counter-revolutionary organization of the right" was the first secretary of the regional committee of I. P. Rumyantsev, in the Tatarstan "head of the Rospectrocyst Nationalist Block" was the former Secretary of Committee A. K. Lepa, the head of the "Anti-Soviet terrorist organization of the right" in Chelyabinsk The region was the first secretary of the regional committee K. V. Zhardin, and so on.

Request of the secretary of the Kirov Regional Republic of Motherland to increase the limit on the "first category" of 300 people, and the "second category" of 1000 people, a red pencil indication of I. V. Stalin: "Enlarge in the first category is not at 300, but by 500 people, but by The second category is 800 people "

In the Novosibirsk region, the "Siberian Committee of the Pov", Novosibirsk Trotskyist Organization in the Red Army, Novosibirsk Trootskist Terrorist Center, Novosibirsk National Nationalistic Party of Germany, "Novosibirsk National Socialist Party", Novosibirsk Nationalistic Socialist Fascist Organization "and other 33 "Anti-Soviet" organizations and groups.

The NKVD of the Tajik SSR allegedly opened the counter-revolutionary bourgeois-nationalist organization. Communication was published on the right-Trotskyist center, Iran, Afghanistan, Japan, England and Germany and the counter-revolutionary bourgeois-nationalist organization of the Uzbek SSR.

The leadership of this organization consisted of 4 former secretaries of the Central Committee of the CP (b) Tajikistan, 2 former Chairpersons of the SNK, 2 former Chairperson of the CEC, 12 People's Commissaries and 1 of the Republican Organizations, almost all the head. Departments of the Central Committee, 18 Secretaries of the RK KP (b) Tajikistan, chairmen and deputy. Chairmen of the district executive committees, writers, military and other party and Soviet workers.

The UNKVD in the Sverdlovsk region "revealed" the so-called "Ural Rebel headquarters of the Block of Right, Trotskyists, Socillars, Churchings and Agents of Kovrov", led by the secretary of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee I.D. Kabakov, a member of the CPSU since 1914. This headquarters allegedly united 200 divisions formed in a military model, 15 rebel organizations and 56 groups.

In the Kiev region, by December 1937, 87 rebel-sabotage, terrorist organizations and 365 rebel-sabotage departments were "revealed".

Only on one Moscow aircraft plant No. 24 in 1937, 5 spyware, terrorist and sabotage and pest groups were "appeared", with a total of 50 people ("Right-Trotskyist" group and groups, allegedly related to Germanic, Japanese, French and Latvian exploration). At the same time, it was indicated that "the plant until this day is clogged by anti-Soviet socio-alien and suspicious on espionaging and sabotage elements. The existing accounting of these elements by one only by official data reaches 1000 people. "

Just within the framework of the "Kulatskaya operation", three of 818 thousand people were convicted, of which 436 thousand people were shooting.

Significant category of repressed were clergy. In 1937, 136,900 Orthodox clergymen were arrested, of which they are shot - 85,300; In 1938, 28,300 were arrested, shot - 21 500.. Thousands of Catholic, Islamic, Jewish clergy and clergy of other confessions were also shot.

On May 21, 1938, the Order of the NKVD "Militia Troika" were formed by the right of law without a court sentenced to reference or sentences for 3-5 years of "socio-dangerous elements". These troops for the period 1937-1938 made various sentences of 400 thousand people. The category of persons under consideration fell, including criminals-recidivists and bidders of stolen.

At the beginning of 1938, the disabled cases convicted on various articles for 8-10 years of the camps were revised by the top three in Moscow and the Moscow region, which sentenced them to the highest punishment, since they could not be used as labor.

The worst operations are in Ukraine - worse than all was carried out in Ukraine. In other areas worse, in others it is better, and in general the quality is worse. The amount of limits met and overfulfilled, they shot a lot and planted a lot, and in general, if we brought a huge benefit, but if you take a level, the level and see, was the hit, really did we truly have a counterrevolution here - I must say No ...

If you take a contingent, so it is more than sufficient, but you know the head, the organizers, the top, then the task is to consist. To remove the asset - cream, organizing their beginning that organizes, started. Is it done or not? - Of course not. Now take, I do not remember who I am reported to me from comrades when they began to spend a new record, then he, it turns out that they still have 7 or 8 archimandritis, they work at work 20 or 25 archimandrite, then all sorts of monks to the devil. All this shows? Why did these people have not been shooting for a long time? This is still not something like that, as they say, but Archimandrite is still. (Laughter.) This is the same organizers, tomorrow he will begin to try something ...

Here were shot half thousands and calmed down on it, and now, when they approach a new account, they say, oh, the Lord, again it is necessary. And what a guarantee that you will again not be in the position in a month that you have the same amount to take ...

The role of propaganda and denunciations during the period of mass repression of 1937-1938

The official propaganda was important in the terror mechanism. Assembly, where they have branded "Trotskyist-Bukharin scum" took place in labor collectives, at institutes, in schools. In 1937, the 20th anniversary of the state security bodies was celebrated, each pioneer camp sought him to give him the name of the Job.

The head of the Leningrad NKVD Zakovsky wrote in the Leningrad Pravda newspaper: "I recently received a statement from one worker, that he is suspicious (although he has no facts) Accountant - Daughter Pop. Checked: it turned out that she is the enemy of the people. Therefore, one should not be embarrassed by the lack of facts; Our bodies will check any application, find out, will understand. "


Officially torture to the arrested were permitted in 1937 with Stalin's sanctions.

When in 1939, local party bodies demanded to remove and submit to the court of NKVD officers who participated in torture, Stalin sent the next telegram in which torture gave theoretical justification to the party bodies and NKVD authorities.

The Central Committee of the CPS has become known that the secretaries of the Obritovov, checking the workers of the UNKVD, put them in the guilt of the use of physical impact on the arrested, as a criminal one. The CCP Central Committee clarifies that the use of physical impact in the practice of the NKVD was admitted since 1937 with the permission of the Central Committee of the CPSU. It is known that all bourgeois intelligence uses a physical impact on representatives of the socialist proletariat, and it applies it in the most ugly forms. It is asked why socialist reconnaissance should be more humane in relation to the avid agents of the bourgeoisie, sworn enemies of the working class and collective farmers. The Central Committee of the CPSA believes that the physical impact method should be used to continue in the form of an exception, with respect to explicit and unreasonable enemies of the people, as a completely correct and appropriate method. The Central Committee of the CPSU requires the secretaries of the Obkomov, Districtcomoms, the Central Committee of National Territories so that they are guided by this explanation when checking the NKVD employees.

I. V. Stalin (Pyatnitsky V. I. Osip Pyatnitsky and Comintern on the scales of history, "MN: Harvest, 2004)

The head of the UGB department of the NKVD of the BSSR Sotnikov wrote in his explanation: "From about the September 1937 of the 1937 of the 1937 of the arrested in interrogations ... A competition was going among the investigators, who is more" split ". This installation proceeded from Bermana (the former drug addict in Belarus), which at one of the meetings of the People's Commissarists' investigators said: "Leningrad and Ukraine give daily for a two album daily, and we have to do this, and for this every investigator should give at least one exposure to day "[espionage cases were considered not three, but" twice ", consisting of Ezhov and Vyshinsky, who considered them on the basis of the so-called albums - lists of the accused with their names, name, patronymic and other installation data, a brief content of the prosecution and Proposals for a sentence].

Beating arrested, torture, reaching sadism, became the main interrogation methods. It was considered shameful if the investigator does not have one recognition per day.

The addict was a solid moan and a cry, which could be heard than a quarter from the People's Commissariat. This was especially distinguished by the investigative department. " (Archive of Jesova, Inventory No. 13).

Goglidze's former drug addict Goglidze, together with Beria, deploying terror in Georgia at the court showed in 1953.

Chairman: Did you receive instructions from Beria in 1937 on the mass beats of the arrested and how these instructions were performed by you?

Goglidze: the mass beats of the arrested began to engage in the spring of 1937. At that time, Beria Returning from Moscow offered me to call me to the Central Committee of the KP (b) of Georgia of all the heads of urban, district, regional UNCVD and the People's Commissaries of the Autonomous Union Republics. When all the profits, Beria gathered us in the Central Committee building and spoke before the gathered with the report. In the report, Beria noted that the NKVD bodies of Georgia are poorly fighting with enemies, slowly behave, the enemies of the people are walking through the streets. At the same time, Beria stated that if the arrested do not give the necessary testimony, they need to beat them. After that, the NKVD of Georgia began mass beating arrested ...

Chairman: Beria gave instructions to beat people before executing?

Goglidze: Beria gave such instructions ... Beria gave instructions to beat people before executing ... (Janibekyan V. G., "Provocateurs and Security", M., Veche, 2005)

Thus, almost all the Poles living in the USSR, as well as people who had any attitude towards Poland and Poland, who had any attitude towards Poland and Poles were falling under the repression. At this order, 103,489 people were convicted, including sentenced to shoot 84,471 people. . According to other data, 139,835 convicted, including 111,091 people sentenced to shoot. This is the most massive NKVD operation within the Big Terror.

  • August 17, 1937 - an order for the "Romanian operation" against immigrants and faders from Romania to Moldova and Ukraine. Executed 8292 people, including sentenced to shooting 5439 people.
  • November 30, 1937 - the Directive of the NKVD on the operation for the Operators from Latvia, Latvian clubs and societies. Courted to 21,300 people, of which are 16,575 people. Shot.
  • December 11, 1937 - Directive of the NKVD on the operations against the Greeks. 12 557 people were convicted, of which 10,545 people. Sentenced to shooting.
  • December 14, 1937 - Directive of the NKVD on the spread of repression on the "Latvian line" on Estonians, Lithuanians, Finns, as well as Bulgarians. According to the "Estonian line", 9,735 people were convicted, including 7998 people were sentenced to execution, 11,066 people were convicted at the Finnish line, 9078 people were sentenced to execution;
  • January 29, 1938 - Directive of the NKVD about the Iranian Operation. 13 297 people were convicted, of which 2,046 were sentenced to shooting.
  • February 1, 1938 - Directive of the NKVD about the "National Transaction" against Bulgarians and Macedonians.
  • February 16, 1938 - Directive of the NKVD on arrests on the "Afghan line". 1,557 people were convicted, 366 were sentenced to shooting.
  • March 23, 1938 - Politburo Resolution on the purification of the defense industry from persons belonging to nationalities for which repression is held.
  • June 24, 1938 - Directive of the People's Commissariat of Defense on the dismissal of military personnel of nationalities not presented in the USSR.

According to this and other documents, repression had to be subjected: Germans, Romanians, Bulgarians, Poles, Finns, Norwegians, Estonians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Pashtuns, Macedonians, Greeks, Persians, Mingrelies, Lakges, Kurds, Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Karelia and Dr.

In 1937, the deportation of Koreans, the Chinese from the Far East, was deported. To lead this action was appointed: the head of the Gulag and the NKVD department for the resettlement of people M. D. Berman, the NKVD Poland in the Far East of the city of S. Lushkova, deputy. Chief of Gulag I. I. Plinner and all the deputies and assistants of Lyushkov. According to memories of the surviving deportation of the Koreans, people were forcibly drove into cars and trucks and a week were taken to Kazakhstan, during the path people died out of hunger, dirt, diseases, bullying, bad conditions at all. Koreans and Chinese were deported to the camp to Kazakhstan, South Urals, Altai and Kyrgyzstan.

"... during mass operations 1937-1938. According to the withdrawal of Poles, Latvians, Germans, etc. Nationalities, "the former chairman of the troika in Moscow and the Moscow region of M. I. Semenov showed at the interrogation of M. I. Semenov, - the arrests were produced without the presetative materials." A. O. Bed, the former head of 3 branches of the 3 UNKVD department in Moscow and the Moscow region, showed: "They were arrested and shot by whole families, including completely illiterate women, minors and even pregnant women and all, like spies, were led by a shot ... Just because they are "Nationals ...". The plan, launched Zakovsky, was 1000-1200 "Nationals" per month.

For example, in early 1938, the operational group led by the assistant chief of the UKVD Irkutsk Region B. P. Clushets left to Bodaybinsky district of the Irkutsk region.

An employee of the NKVD Komov showed: "On the first day of the arrival of the holwell, up to 500 people were arrested. The arrests were produced solely on national and social characteristics, without any compromising materials.

As a rule, the Chinese and Koreans were arrested without exception, all who could move were taken from the Kulac settlements. " (Case of the Culture, t. I, l. 150-153).

In the testimony of the NKVD employee, TRULOVA said this: "The entire operational composition at the request of the culture presented its account. I was transferred to the Clushet's list of persons of foreign origin, about 600 people. There were Chinese, Koreans, Germans, Poles, Latvians, Lithuanians, Finns, Magyars, Estonians, etc.

The arrest was made on the basis of these lists ...

The arrests of the Chinese and Koreans took particularly ugly. In the city of Bodaibo, they were made by the clouds, they installed their apartments, sent people to arrest with the installation to arrest the magnitude of all the Chinese and Koreans ...

In March, the past two, coming to the office where Butaks sat and I said: you reported to me that they were arrested by all the Chinese. So I walked down the street today and saw two Chinese and offered them to arrest. " (Case of the Cultuary, t. I, l. 156).

A bright testimony of the operation is the report of the Holy Advisor addressed to the head of the UNKVD, which says: "German intelligence - I have bad things on this line. True, the Schwartz resident opened ... But the Germans must do more. I will try to dig. Finnish - there. Czechoslavatskaya - there. For a complete collection, I can not find the Italian and the Frenchman ...

The Chinese picked up all. Only old people remained, although some of them, 7 people, are exposed as spies and smugglers.

I think it's not worth spending time on them. They are too shallow. The most cheerful took. " (Case of the Cultuary, t. I, l. 192).

The arrested beat and extorted testimony from them on other persons. Based on these testimony, without any of their verification, new mass arrests produced.

About how the consequence was conducted, the witness of Gritsky showed: "The culture introduced a new method of investigation, that is, the so-called" failing ". A person of 100-150 was driven into one room, they all put them face to the wall and for several days they were not allowed to sit down and sleep until the arrested did not give indications.

There, among the arrested, there was a table and written accessories. Those who wish to testify themselves wrote, after which they were allowed to sleep. " (Case of the Holy, t. I, l. 142-143).

Along with the use of physical falsification of investigative documents, the following falsification of investigative documents was practiced to the arrested measures of physical impact. The following testimony of Trolov is characteristic of this regard: "The case was even worse with the interrogation of Chinese, Koreans and other nationalities, the mass and magnitude arrests of which were produced in March 1938. Most of these nationalities did not owe Russian. There were no translators, the protocols were also written without the presence of the accused, since they did not understand anything ... "(Case of the Cultuary, t. I, l. 157).

"Only today on March 10th, he received a decision for 157 people. Durble 4 pits. I had to produce explosive work, because of the eternal permanent. For the upcoming operation allocated 6 people. I will give the execution of sentences myself. You can't trust anyone and impossible. Due to off-road, you can carry on small 3-- 4-seater sleigh. Chose 6 sleds. We will shoot themselves, carry themselves and so on. We'll have to make 7-8 flights. Extremely take time to take time, but more people not risk people more. So far everything is quiet. We report on the results. "

"That would not read the machinery writing you not printed. The operation on the decisions of the troika conducted only 115 people, as the pits are adapted not more than 100 people. " "The operation was carried out with ambitious difficulties. With a personal report I will report in more detail. While everything is quiet and does not even know the prison. It is explained by the fact that before the operation he conducted a number of activities of secure operation. We also report them with a personal report. "

From August 25, 1937, when the first album was signed, and until November 15, 1938, in the "landscape" and special three on all national operations, cases of 346,713 people were considered, of which 335,513 people were convicted. The number was sentenced to shooting 247,57 people, that is, 73.66% of the total number of convicts.

Some Soviet diplomats, military attache and intelligence officers responded in the USSR guess that they were waiting for arrest, and preferred to stay abroad. Among them were employees of INO NKVD Ignatius Reiss, A. M. Orlov, V. G. Krivitsky, diplomat F. F. Raskolnikov. The most striking example of this was to escape to Japan Polvda NKVD in the Far East Heinrich Lushkova, who, when he was in the Khabarovsk Territory, asked to return to Moscow to enhance.

In 1937-1941, the NKVD abroad was carried out a number of murders of these "non-returns": in 1937, Rissa was killed and died in 1941 with unclear Curvitsky circumstances. Raskolnikov died in 1939, too, with unknown circumstances. Perhaps was poisoned. Relatives and assistants L. D. Trotsky were killed: in the summer of 1938, his son died in france in France; In the same country in August 1938, his former secretary Rudolf Clement disappeared, after some time the Clement's body was found on the banks of the River Seine in the bushes, all brutally chopped, rugged.

In 1936, in connection with the beginning of the Civil War in Spain, the NKVD officers arrived there under the guise of anti-fascists. In fact, by order of the USSR leadership, there were a number of provocations there, as well as numerous killings of Trotskyists - people who fought against Franco and wanted to make a revolution in Spain. Thousands of anti-fascists and civilians died. The General P. A. Sudopovtov, a resident of intelligence, and subsequently, led by General P. A. Eagle, and subsequently, M. E. Koltsov journalist. Chief of IO NKVD S. M. Spigellas. Jeroplats in their memoirs called it "War between Communists".

Terror in the camp of the Gulag and special purpose prisons

By order of the NKVD No. 00447 of 07/31,37, it was provided for, among other things, considering the top three cases of convicts already in the camps of the Gulag and prisons (special purpose prisons). For the solutions of Trok, about 8 thousand prisoners of Kolyma camps were shot, over 8 thousand prisoners Dmitrovka, 1825 Solovetsky prison of special purpose, thousands of prisoners of Kazakh camps. Many by decision of the triples and a special meeting were extended by the deadlines.

Completion of Big Terror

By September 1938, the main task of Big Terror was performed. Terror has already begun to threaten the new generation of party-chased leaders nominated during terror. In July-September, a massive shooting of previously arrested partners, communists, military leaders, NKVD staff, intellectuals and other citizens were carried out, this was the beginning of the terror. In October 1938, all the extrajudicial sentence authorities were dissolved (with the exception of a special meeting at the NKVD, since it received after the parishes at the NKVD of Beria great powers until making death sentences).

In December 1938, like a berry, hedges was translated into a less important addict, took the position of the drug addict. In March 1939, hedes were removed from the post of Chairman of the CCP as "ideologically alien element." At his place was appointed Beria, which was the organizer of the mass terror 1937-1938. In Georgia and Transcaucasia, and then was appointed first deputy addict of the internal affairs.

On April 10, 1939, Jesov was arrested on charges of cooperation with foreign intelligence in the organization of the fascist conspiracy in the NKVD and the preparation of an armed uprising against Soviet power, he also accused of homosexuality (this charge fully corresponded to reality, since he recognized only this). February 4, 1940 he was shot.

The first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus P. K. Ponomarenko demanded from the head of the Republican NKVD Naswkina - what he later reported in writing to the new head of the NKVD of the USSR Beria - to remove from the fulfillment of the official duties of all workers who participated in the beats of the arrested. But from this idea I had to refuse: Naswkin explained to the first secretary of the Central Committee, that "if you go on this path, then you need 80 percent of the entire NKVD BSSR apparatus to remove from work and give a court."

The removal of the junior did not mean the cessation of terror, the flywheel worked with a relaxed force.

Top secret. "On arrests, prosecutor's supervision and conduct of the investigation"

SNK and the Central Committee noted that in 1937-1938, under the leadership of the Party, the NKVD authorities did a lot of work on defeating enemies and cleaning the USSR from numerous spyware, terrorist, sabotage and pestraulic personnel from Trotskyists, Bukharinsev, Suniversity, Mensheviks, Bourgeois Nationalists, White Guardians, Kulakov and criminals, which are a serious support of foreign intelligence in Japan, Germany, Poland, England and France.

At the same time, the NKVD bodies carried out a lot of work on the defeat of the spy-sabotage structure of foreign intelligence officers deployed in the USSR in large quantities due to the cordon under the species of so-called. emigrants and fadepers from Poles, Romanians, Finns, Germans, Estonians and others. Cleaning the country from sabotage groups and spy personnel played a positive role in ensuring the continued success of socialist construction.

However, it is not necessary to think that this is the case of cleaning the USSR from spies, pests, terrorists, the saboteurs are over. The task is now to continue to continue the merciless struggle with all the enemies of the USSR, to organize this work with more modern and reliable methods. This is earlier it is necessary that mass operations by defeat and targeting Trotskyist-Bukharin gangsters, conducted by the NKVD bodies in 1937-1938, under simplified conduct of the investigation and the court could not help but lead to a number of the largest shortcomings and perversions, to the injection of exposing the enemies of the people.

Moreover, the enemies of the people and spies of foreign intelligence officers who have enjoyed in the NKVD bodies, as in the center and not places, continued to keep their subversive work in every way ...

On November 17, the decision of the Central Committee of the CPS (b) and the Council. (Pyatnitsky V. I. Osip Pyatnitsky and Comintern on the scales of history, "MN.: Harvest, 2004)

Moreover, in 1939-1941, mass operations were carried out against a number of nations in Belarus, Ukraine and in 1940-1941 in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

Information about the fate of the shot

The order of the NKVD of the USSR No. 00515 of 1939 was prescribed to the requests of relatives about the fate of one or another shot to respond that he was convicted of 10 years of correctional labor camps without the right of correspondence and transfers. In the fall of 1945, the order was adjusted to the applicants now began to say that their relatives died in places of imprisonment.

Family members repressed

The famous phrase "Son for the Father does not answer" was uttered by Stalin in December 1935. At a meeting in Moscow advanced combines with the party leadership, one of them, the Bashkir collective farm, said: "Although I and the son of a fist, but I will honestly fight for the work of workers And the peasants and for the construction of socialism ", to which Stalin said:" Son is not responsible for his father. "

By order of the NKVD No. 00447 of 31.07.37, it was established that, in accordance with this order, the family members of the repressed, which are "capable of active anti-Soviet actions", with a special decision of the troika to be treated in camps or workshops. Family of those "repressed in the first category", who lived in the border strip, were subject to resettlement outside the borderline bands within the republics, edges and regions, and those living in Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Tbilisi, Baku, Rostov on Don, Taganrog and in the areas of Sochi , Gagra and Sukhumi - were to be evicted from these items to other areas by their choice, with the exception of border areas.

Between 1935 and 1940, "Requiem" was created, published only after half a century, in 1987, and the reflecting personal tragedy of Anna Akhmatova - the fate of her and her son Leo Nikolayevich Gumilyov, illegally repressed and sentenced to death, replaced by the camps.
"Requiem" became a memorial to all victims of Stalin's tyranny. "In the scary years of everyday," she wrote Ahmatov, "I spent seventeen months in prison queues." From here - "Seventeen months I scream, call you home ..."
And the stone word fell
On my still live breasts.
Nothing, because I was ready
Clear this somehow.
I have a lot of things today:
It is necessary to kill memory until the end,
It is necessary that the soul of petrified,
We need to learn to live again.
The lines of such tragedy heat, exposing and implancing the despoty of Stalinskins, at that time when they were created, it was dangerous to record, simply impossible. And the author himself, and several close friends memorized the text by heart, from time to time checking the fortress of his memory. So the human memory for a long time turned into "paper", which was captured by Requiem. Without a "requiem", it is impossible to fully understand any life, no creativity, nor the personality of Anna Andreevna Akhmatova. Moreover, without Requiem, it is impossible to realize the literature of the modern world and the processes that occurred and occur in society.
In 1987, the literary and art magazine "October" fully published "Requiem" on his pages. So the "public domain" was the outstanding work of Akhmatova. This is a stunning, based on the facts of his own biography of a document of the era, evidence, through which tests our compatriots passed.
... again the commemant approached the hour.
I see I hear, I feel you ...
... I would like to name everyone,
Yes, they took away the list, and nowhere to know ...
... I always remember them everywhere,
I will not forget about them and in the new trouble ...
Anna Andreevna deservedly enjoys grateful recognition of readers, and its high meaning of its poetry is well known in a strict relationship with depth and latitude, its votes will never be reduced to the whisper and does not rise to the cry - nor in the clock of popular grief, nor in the watches of the public celebration. Restrained, without screaming and donkey, in an epically impassive manner, it is said about the experience of Mount: "In front of this, the mountains begged." The biographical meaning of this burning Anna Akhmatova determines as follows: "Husband in the grave, son in prison, pray for me." It is expressed with the directness and simplicity found only in high folklore. But it's not just a personal suffering, although his one is enough for the tragedy. It, suffering, expanded within: "No, this is not me, this is someone else suffering," "And I pray not about myself alone, but about everyone who stands with me there."
With the publication of "Requiem" and the works of Anna Akhmatova, the works of Anna Akhmatova, acquire a new historical and literary and public sense. It is in the "requiem" especially tangible laconicism of the poet. If you do not consider prosaic "instead of the preface", here just about two hundred lines. And sounds "Requiem" as an epic.
The text consists of ten poems, prosaic preface, called Akhmatova "Instead of Preface", "Dedications", "Entry" and a two-part "Epiloga". The "Crucifix" included in the "Requiem" also consists of two parts. The poem "so it's not for nothing that we have pushed together ...", written later, is also related to the "Requison". Anna Andreevna took from him: "No, and not under the strangers of the sky ..." As an epigraph, since they, according to the poetess, asked the tone to the whole poem, being her musical and semantic key.
"Requiem" has a life foundation that is extremely clear in a small prosaic part "instead of preface." Already here is clearly felt by the inner goal of the whole work - show the scary years of everyborn. And this story is as follows. Together with other crazy Akhmatov stood in a prison queue.
She says: "Once someone" identified "me. Then the woman standing behind me with blue lips, which, of course, did not hear about my name in life, woke up from his characteristic of all of us and asked me at his ear (everyone said in a whisper):
- Can you describe it?
And I said:
- Can.
Then something like a smile slid because there was no time her face. "
Here's how Ahmatova describes the depth of this grief:
Before that, grief bent the mountains,
Not flowing the Great River ...
We hear only the keys of the shrink ...
Yes Steps Heavy Soldiers ...
In the capital, the wildly walled ..
And the innocent was wrung around Russia.
The words "Rus" and "Wild Capital" with extreme accuracy transmitted to the suffering of the people, carry a large ideological burden. Specific images are given in the work. Here is one of the doomed, whom "Black Marusi" takes off at night, he also means her son:
On your lips your cold icons,
Mortal sweat on the brow.
He was taught at dawn. Dawn is the beginning of the day, and here the dawn is the beginning of the uncertainty and deep suffering. Suffering not only the leaving, but also those who walked behind him "as a removal." And even the folk start does not smooth, but emphasizes the sharpness of the experiences of innocently doomed. In "Requiem", a melody is unexpectedly and grieving, remotely resembling a lullaby:
Quietly pouring quiet don,
Yellow month enters the house,
Enters the cap on the hat,
Sees yellow month shadow.
This woman is sick.
This woman is alone.
Husband in the grave, son in prison,
Pray for me.
The motive of a lullaby with an unexpected and semi-professional way, a quiet Don prepares another motive, even more terrible, - the motive of madness, delirium and complete readiness for death or suicide:
Already madness wing
The souls covered half,
And will eat fiery wine
And manits into the Black Valley.
"Epilogue", consisting of two parts, first returns the reader to the melody and the general meaning of "preface" and "dedication". Here we again see the image of the prison queue, but as it were, as if generalized, symbolic, not so concrete, as at the beginning of the poem:
I learned how feasible faces
How from under the ages looks out of fear,
Like clinopy hard pages
Suffering is removed on the cheeks ..
And then there are such lines:
I would like to name everyone named,
Yes, they took a list, and nowhere to know.
For them, I woven a wide cover.
From the poor, they have overheard words
"Requiem" Akhmatova is truly a natural work. And not only in the sense that he reflected and expressed the great folk tragedy, but also in his poetic form close to the folk parable. Woven from the simple, "overheard", as Ahmatov writes, words, he with a big poetic and civil force expressed his time and suffering from the soul of the people. "Requiem" was not known in the 1930s, none in the following years, but he forever captured his time and showed that poetry continued to exist even when, according to Akhmatova, "the poet lived with a squeezed mouth." The strangled cry of the Stomolarian people turned out to be heard - in this the great merit of Anna Akhmatova.

Not! and not under the strangers

And not under the protection of alien wings, -

I was then with my people,

Where my people, unfortunately, was.

Instead of preface

In the scary years, I spent seventeen months in prison queues in Leningrad. Once someone "identified" me. Then the woman standing behind me with blue lips, which, of course, never heard of my name in life, woke up from the stupor characteristic to us and asked me in his ear (everyone said in a whisper):

- Can you describe it?

And I said:

Then something like a smile slid for the fact that it was once her face.


Before that, grief bent the mountains,

Not flowing the Great River

But strong prison shutters,

And behind them "Cutting holes"

And mortal longing.

For someone, the wind is fresh,

For someone, the sunset is not interested -

We do not know, we are everywhere,

We hear only the keys of the shrink

Yes Steps Heavy Soldiers.

Risen as a dinner early

In the capital, wounded

There were found, dead damaged,

The sun is lower, and Neva foggy,

And hope all sings away.

Verdict ... and immediately tears rushed,

All of all are already separated,

Like with pain, life from the heart is taken out,

As if rudely browned,

But it goes ... stunned ... alone.

Where is the involuntary girlfriend now

Two of my awesome years?

That they are fading in the Siberian blizzard,

What makes them in the lunar circle?

They send me farewell my hello.


It was when smiling

Only dead, calmly happy.

And unnecessary letters swinging

Near the prisar of his Leningrad.

And when, distraught from flour,

Walked already convicted shelves,

And short song separation

Foreign sang beeps,

Stars of death stood above us

And innocent withered rus

Under the bloody boots

And under the tires of black marus.

Led you at dawn

For you, as on the removal, went,

Children cried in the dark hill

The Borean candle has flooded.

On your lips your cold icons,

Mortal sweat on the brow ... Do not forget!

I will be like shooting women,

Under the Kremlin tower to swell.

Autumn 1935, Moscow

Quietly pouring quiet don,

Yellow month is included in the house.

Included in the cap the hat.

Sees yellow month shadow.

This woman is sick,

This woman is alone.

Husband in the grave, son in prison,

Pray for me.

No, it's not me, this is someone else suffering

I could not so, but what happened,

Let black cloth be covered,

And let the lanterns take ...

Show to you, mockery

And the favorite of all friends

Tsarskostskaya cheerful sinner,

What happens to your life -

Like three hundred, with transmission,

Under the crosses you will stand

And his tear is hot

New Year's ice burn.

There is a prison poplar swinging

And no sound - and how much there

Non-clear lives ends ...

Seventeen months shout

Call you home

Rushed to the feet of the executioner,

You are my son and my horror.

Everything was confused forever

And I do not disassemble

Now who is a beast, who is a person

And long to wait.

And only lush flowers,

And ringing Cadyl, and traces

Somewhere in nowhere.

And right in my eyes looks

And the ambulance threatens

Huge star.

Lungs fly weeks.

What happened, I do not understand

Like you, son, imprison

White nights looked

How do they look again

Hawk hot

About your cross high

And they say about death.

Spring 1939.


And the stone word fell

On my still live breasts.

Nothing, because I was ready

Clear this somehow.

I have a lot of things today:

It is necessary to kill memory until the end,

It is necessary that the soul of petrified,

We need to learn to live again.

And not that ... hot silk rustle

Like a holiday for my window.

I have long premeditated this

Bright day and empty house.

You will still come - why not now?

I am waiting for you - it's very difficult for me.

I put out the light and opened the door

You, so simple and wonderful.

Acceptance for this as you like,

Miss the poisoned shell

Il with a girlet sneak as an experienced gangster,

Ile definitely by typhoid tea.

Il a fairy tale invented by you

And all before nausea, -

So that I saw the top of the hats blue

And pale from the fear of the manager.

I don't care now. Fucked by Yenisei,

Star polar shines.

And blue shine beloved eyes

The last horror covers.

Already madness wing

The souls covered half,

And will eat fiery wine

And manits into the Black Valley.

And I understood that he

I must give up a victory,

Listening to your own way

Already as if someone else's delirium.

And will not allow anything

It will be with myself

(No matter how

And how do you buy Moloto)!

Not a son of terrible eyes -

Fossil suffering

No day when the thunderstorm came,

Not an hour of prison dignity

Neither cute hand coolness

Nor lip excited shadows

Neither distant light sound -

The words of the latter consolations.


"Do not scold me, Mati, in the coffin of vigor"


Angels choir Great Hour raised,

And heaven melted on fire.

Father said: "Paul left me!"

And Mother: "Oh, do not cry ..."


She said: "Here I come here, like home."

I would like to name everyone named,

Yes, they took a list, and nowhere to know.

I woven a wide cover for them

Of the poor, they have overheard words.

I always remember about them and everywhere,

I will not forget about them and in the new trouble,

And if my exhausted mouth will be lit,

Who screams the stomil people,

Let them even remember me

Vankoun my memorial day.

And if someday in this country

Erend the monument to me,

I agree on this I give a celebration,

But only with the condition - do not put it

Neither near the sea, where I was born:

The latter with the sea is broken by the connection,

Neither in the royal garden at the cherished stump,

Where the shadow is awesome looking for me

And here, where I stood three hundred o'clock

And where for me did not open the goals.

Then that in the death of blissful afraid

Forget rumble of black marus,

Forget how the short slap door

And the old woman as a wounded beast.

And let the fixed and bronze ages,

Like tears, flowing lowered snow,

And the pigeon prison let gulite away

And quietly go through the Neva ships.

March 1940, Fountain House

Nicholas Nikolai Ivanovich (1895-1940) was a prominent state and politician of the USSR. For merit to the country had government awards: the Order of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner. He was also awarded the breastplate "Honorary Chekist". On February 4, 1940, a sentence of the Military Collegium, the Jobs shot. In January 1941, he deprived all the ranks and awards.

Quick takeoff and rapid drop. Such a life scenario in the 30s of the 20th century has experienced hundreds of thousands of party workers of the USSR. But Nikolai Ivanovich is a mansion in this endless series of people. It was for him that the mission of the destruction of the Lenin Guard was assigned. When he performed it, he was destroyed himself.

Evschina - So called 1937-1938. It was at that time that our hero was the People's Commissar of the Interior, General Commissioner of State Security. At this high post Nikolai Ivanovich and implemented Stalin's repression. That is, in fact, he was an ordinary performer, a doll in the hands of an experienced doll. The same dolls were Khrushchev, Kaganovich, Beria, Kalinin, Voroshilov and many-many thousands of other communists. Who did not want to be content with the role of puppets - shot. An example of this is Ordzhonikidze.

Our hero did not shoot. Careerist motives tightened moral and human values. Nicholas Nikolai Ivanovich received almost unlimited power. He became the second person in the country, and also standing at the head of the entire punitive apparatus. All the power structures, with the exception of the army, were in the hands of this low and enjoyable man. Where did he at all appear on the political scene of those years?

Heds soul Hydra Council
It is in the "Help Mittens" depicted Nikolai Ivanovich in the newspapers during Yevhorn

The Grozny Commissioner of State Security claimed that he had proletarian origin. He worked as a simple worker in the foundry shop of the metallurgical plant in St. Petersburg. Our hero decided to go in the footsteps of the parent and became a student of a locksmith. But the archives do not confirm this. In fact, everything was not a little bit wrong.

Father Kolya served in the police. The young man for the achievement of 18 years of specialty did not acquire any specialty, and in 1915 he was called to the army and hit the front. In the summer of 1916, he was injured and was sent to the rear part, stationed in Vitebsk. In August 1917, he became a member of the RSDLP. Then he got sick, received a long vacation and left for his parents to the Tver province.

In early 1919, Nikolai called for the Red Army. Considering his party, appointed part with the Commissioner. Since that time, the party career of our hero began. In 1927, Nikolai became an instructor of the organizing department of the Central Committee. That is, he fell into Moscow and began to work in the apparatus of the Central Committee of the Party.

Nikolai Ivanovich has always been distinguished by high discipline, perfitary and conscientiousness. He was an ideal apparatchik and felt among the papers as a fish in the water. Thanks to this gift, he is Doros to the Chairman of the Commission of Party Control, and then became the Secretary of the Central Committee.

Why did Stalin make a bet on the heels? The leader perfectly understood in people and apparently saw in the nature of the young secretary just the qualities that he needed to fulfill the bloody mission. High responsibility and thoughtless performance of instructions - this is what the father of nations attracted. Stalin did not need a sadist, he needed a conscientious performer. Our hero was just that and was.

Nikolai Ivanovich proceeded to their duties in the NKVD JSC on October 1, 1936. He sat down in the courtyard of the People's Commissar of the Interior and began to steadily fulfill the Stalin will. But here you need to take into account that nuance that our hero never in life is not responsible for any real case. He just prepared the documents for the bosses and established control over the execution of these the most documents.

That is, it was engaged in purely formal actions. Selected paper, appointed execution timing, got paper with confirmation that everything was fulfilled. Gave or did not give instructions to check the execution. That's all the activities. In a different way, our hero just did not know how to work, and no one could teach him.

Therefore, the irreconcilable struggle in the "enemies of the people" heded was sincerely, selflessly, but only as he knew. That is, on the papers and formally. There are three correctly decorated denunciations per person - to arrest. There is only one denunciation - leave free. And what is the essence of the Donos, why they wrote it and why - it does not matter. The paper is executed correctly, it means that everything is true.

Nicholas Nikolai Ivanovich (in the first row left) with the staff of the NKVD. All these people were shot after the displacement of the Terrible People's Commissar

In its formalism, our hero came to the point that he began in investigative actions, even against Comrade Molotov, who regularly presided over the Politburo. Why not? Correctly decorated denunciations on the hammer? Were. Consequently, you need to make a case, install the surveillance, listen to the phones.

Investigators treated their work in the same way as their chief. They started hundreds of thousands of affairs, and Nikolay Ivanovich was only a joy. After all, it is over-fulfill the task, and in those years the whole country took over increased obligations. However, regular over-fulfillment soon became the planned norm. Therefore, higher rates and standards have already descended from above. In other words, the NKVD worked exactly as the entire Soviet industry. Only for victorious numbers were not tons of coal and steel, but living people.

Evcha is considered the most powerful repression in the entire history of the existence of the USSR. 960 thousand criminal cases against enemies and pests were instituted. That is, each hundred adult men and women accounted for one arrested. The sake of objectivity should be noted that this figure does not go to any comparison with the victims of the cultural revolution in China or the floor of the floor. What, however, does not diminish the guilt of Stalin and Jesov.

Photo from the Soviet newspaper
Comrade Kalinin hands Herbar of Lenin

However, everyone understands that unlimited power corrupts. I could not resist frustration and our hero. His hidden homosexual inclinations awoke, as well as a traction for noisy evening fenders, expensive things, jewels. The unreleased commissar of state security began to degrade slowly and steadily.

But by this time he has already fulfilled his main task. The Leninsky Guard was destroyed, and with her flew to the furnace of the revolution and thousands of fates in any inconspicuous people. It remains only once again to state the cynicism of Stalin. In order to destroy the handful of political opponents, he arranged a mass slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people. After all, it was necessary to somehow ideologically justify violence over those who would never recognize him by the leader and the genius of all times and peoples.

Nicholas Nikolai Ivanovich adequately fulfilled the task set before him. At the same time, he was rooted, as it began to arrest and those people who needed Stalin. All this caused the negative from the leader and other members of the Politburo. Aggravated the situation and the undivided power of the Grozny Commissioner. After all, he was subordinate to all punitive organs, and they were not counterweight.

Sunset Career, November 1938

This serious mistake, the Central Committee subsequently corrected. In February 1941, the NKVD was divided into two equal departments. NKGB and NKVD were formed in a trimmed form. After the war, the CPSU Central Committee was finally in advance. Inside the KGB country, he opposed the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and in external affairs a counterweight, the KGB became GRU. Thus, party leaders secured themselves from the coup. And then after all, the power minister could have to take power in the hands, if nobody was opposed to him.

Clouds over the Commissar of the Interior began to thicken in April 1938. The first swallow was the additional post of the drug transport addict. In August, our hero was appointed a new deputy. They became the Lavrenty Beria. On November 23, 1938, hedges wrote a resignation report, and on December 9, he was freed from the obligations of the head of the NKVD, leaving the People's Transport addict. So ended the Eedsman.

Arrested the former Terrible People's Commissar and Commissioner on April 10, 1939. Accused of preparing the state coup, as well as husbandhood. For homosexuality in those years they gave a prison term, and for terror deprived of life. The execution sentence of the Military Collegium was read on February 3, 1940, and the next day he was performed. It is said that for a moment to death Nikolai Ivanovich shouted: "Long live Stalin!" Maybe this is true, because in life once the Terrible People's Commissar, this man meant almost everything.

About the creative manner of the writer. On the appearance of Averchenko transfers the eye to remove the eye. Satirikon. King laughter. Irony. Rich. General history. Mixing. Books Averchenko. Humor writer. Protear "red" humor. Averchenko-teenager. Emigration. The story "Features from the life of Panthery Grymzin." Reminder. Dates and titles. Adjutant. Encyclopedia wit. Write out the quote from the text. The beginning of literary activities.

Aligierey - took an active part in the political life of Florence; From June 15 to August 15, 1300 entered the government (he was chosen for the position of prior), tried to fulfill the position, prevent the exacerbation of the struggle between the parties of white and black gelfov (see Helfs and Diembalians). Corestatolia is an artificial poverty. Dante Aligierey biography. Dante's family belonged to the city nobility of Florence. The first years of the expulsion of Dante - among the leaders of the White Guelfs, takes part in an armed and diplomatic struggle with the winning party.

"Biography and creativity Anna Akhmatova" - personality. Sayings about Anna Akhmatova. Queen - Tramp. Funeral A. Block. Friends. Lord. Akhmatova. Saying outstanding people. The "royal word" Anna Akhmatova. Single name. Merry mercy. The dark tag wandered along the alleys. Main features lyrics. A family. Poets of the Silver Century. Rust gold. Tsvetaeva. O. Madelshtam. Anna Akhmatova name. Portrait of Akhmatova. Demonunion. It is interesting.

"Writer Aksakov" - Valery Ganichev. Lesson on the work of Sergey Timofeevich Aksakov. Mikhail Chwanov. "Notes on Fish Cook". "A few words about the early spring and late autumn cock." Sergey Timofeevich Aksakov was born on September 20. Memorial House - Museum S. T. Aksakova. Sofiin Alley. Creative task. Anatoly Genatatulin. Aksakov Street. The autobiographical trilogy "Family Chronicle". Memorial Aksakovsky sign.

"Aitmatov" Brons of Films "" - Legend. Space history. The problem of careful relationship. Creativity Aitmatov. Communication problem. Baranla. The arrival in the literature. Brunched firestarts. Genghis Torkelovich Aitmatov. Temple-brown. Problems of novel. Poetry of the native focus. The leitmotif of the novel. Promotion to literature. Titles and rewards. Social and historical problem. Problem problem. The problem of humanity and mercy.

"Innokenty Annensky" - a collection of poems. Printing fragile subtlety. Biography. Annena died on November 30, 1909. Natalia Petrovna Annena. Critic. Artistic images. Silver century poet. Translations of French poets. First publications. Features of the poetic gift. Publications. Innokentiy Fedorovich Annensky.