Message about the famous ballerina Anna Pavlova. Biography of Ballerina Anna Pavlova

Message about the famous ballerina Anna Pavlova. Biography of Ballerina Anna Pavlova
Message about the famous ballerina Anna Pavlova. Biography of Ballerina Anna Pavlova

, Hague, Netherlands) - Russian ballet artist, one of the greatest ballerinas of the 20th century. After the beginning of the First World War, settled in the UK, constantly toured with his troupe around the world, first introducing the art of ballet in many countries for the first time.


Anna Pavlova was born in the country village of Ligovo near St. Petersburg. Shortly before the birth of her daughter, her mother, Lyubov Fedorovna Pavlova, married a retired soldier of the Preobrazhensky regiment by Matvey Pavlov; This marriage soon collapsed. Who was the real father of the ballerina, it is not known for sure. According to the allegations of several contemporaries, including the two of its only one-country brothers, Anna Pavlova's father was one of the largest Moscow bankers, the landselner of Lazar Polyakov. Ballerina hid his origin before the death.

As a child, he lived with his mother in his own home on Nikolaev Street.

The name Pavlova was still legendary during the life of the ballerina.


According to her legend, her last words were: "Prepare my swan costume!". In 2009, these words were made in the headline of the Russian film. [the significance of the fact?] .


  • During the Australian tour, Anna Pavlova issued such an impression on the public that her name was called a very popular cake, which to this day is served for dessert at the restaurants of Australia and New Zealand.
  • In honor of Anna Pavlova, a group of guptophyte algae pavlovophyceae is named
  • Anna Pavlova named with one of the MD-11 aircraft (PH-KCH registration number) of the Netherlands National Airlines KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
  • In her honor, called the Crown Pavlova on Venus.
  • The Music Episode "Dying Swan" appeared in the monospectacle of Andrei Dennikov "Confession of Hooligan" (theater named after the Oblastov, 2002-2011), symbolizing both the image of Anna Pavlova herself and the fate of post-revolutionary Russian emigration.
  • In London Palace Theater still have two places, tickets for which they do not sell: they are intended for the ghosts of Anna Pavlova and Avora Novello.

Addresses in St. Petersburg


  • On the wall of the house number 5 on the Italian street of St. Petersburg in 2002, a memorial plaque was established (Sculptor V. I. Trojanovsky, Architect T. N. Miloradovich) with erroneous dates in the text: "Anna Pavlova Great Russian Ballerina lived in this house in 1909. "
  • In 2009, Anna Pavlova Street appeared in Lomonosov (St. Petersburg).


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  • Krasovskaya V. M. Anna Pavlova: Pages of the life of the Russian dancer. - L.: M.: Art, 1964. - 220 s. - (Coriferation of the Russian scene). - 70,000 copies.
  • N. Arkina. . - M.: Knowledge, 1981. - 56 p.
  • Victor Dandre. Anna Pavlova. Life and legend. - M.: Vita Nova, 2003. - 592 p. - ISBN 5-93898-043-7.
  • Algeranov H. Anna Pavlova: Ten years from the life of the star of the Russian ballet M.: Centerpolygraph, 2006


  • // Bibliographic resource "To remember"
  • // National Portrait Gallery, London.
  • // The Ballerina Gallery
  • // Music Theater Master
  • The disposal of the Governor of St. Petersburg from 09.12.1998 N 1219-r about the installation of a memorial plaque A. P. Pavlova.

Excerpt characterizing Pavlova, Anna Pavlovna

Long Rostov did not have news of Nichochka; Only in the middle of winter, the Count was transferred to the letter, at the address of which he learned the hand of his son. Having received a letter, the count is frightened and hastily, trying not to be seen, on tiptoe, ran into his office, locked and began to read. Anna Mikhailovna, having learned (as she knew everything, what was done in the house) about receiving a letter, a quiet step entered the count and found him with a letter in his hands with a shy and laughing together. Anna Mikhailovna, despite the corrected affairs, continued to live in growth.
- MON BON AMI? - Anna Mikhailovna said in question, and readily said any participation.
Count buried even more. "Nichoshka ... Letter ... wounded ... ... Was ... Ma Chered ... wounded ... My darling ... Shtynushka ... In the officers produced ... Thank God ... Shtynushka how to say? ..."
Anna Mikhailovna hooked to him, his tears with his eye with his eye, from writing, and her tears, read the letter, reassured the count and decided that she would prepare countess before dinner, and after tea I will announce everything, if God She will help her.
All the time Dinner Anna Mikhailovna spoke about rumors of war, about Nichochka; I asked twice when the last letter was received from him, although I knew it before, and noticed that it was very easy, maybe now the letter will turn out. Whenever with these hints, the Countess began to worry and alarmingly look at the graph, then Anna Mikhailovna, Anna Mikhailovna, has reduced the conversation to minor items. Natasha, from the entire family of more than one and the ability to feel the shades of intonations, views and expressions of individuals, since the beginning of lunch alerted ears and knew that something was between her father and Anna Mikhailovna and something relating to his brother, and that Anna Mikhailovna prepares. Despite all his courage (Natasha knew how her mother was sensitive to everything that it concerned about the news of Nichochka), she did not decide to make a question for lunch and did not eat anything on the dinner and drove out on a chair, not listening to the comments of his governess. After lunch, she strive to catch up with Anna Mikhailovna and in a sofa rushed to her neck.
- Auntka, Golubushka, tell me what?
- Nothing, my friend.
- No, dumb, darling, cute, peach, I'm not detached, I know what you know.
Anna Mikhailovna shook her head.
- Voua Etes Une Fine Mouche, Mon Enfant, [You are Vostushka, my child.] - she said.
- From Nicholenka letter? Probably! Natasha screamed, reading the affirmative response in the face of Anna Mikhailovna.
"But for God's sake, be careful: you know how it can hit your Maman."
- I will, I will, but tell. Do not tell? Well, so I'll go now I will say.
Anna Mikhailovna in short words told Natasha the content of the letter with the condition not to say anyone.
Honest, noble word, - Pricing, Natasha spoke, - I won't tell anyone, - and immediately ran to Sona.
"Nicholya ..." wounded ... Letter ... "She said solemnly and joyfully.
- Nicolas! - just said Sonya, instantly palena.
Natasha, having seen the impression made at Sonya News of Brother's Wound, for the first time I felt the whole sad side of this news.
She rushed to Sona, hugged her and sharpened. - a little wounded, but produced in officers; He is now healthy, he himself writes, "she said through tears.
- Here is clear that all of you, women, - Plaks, "Petya said, taking a decisive big steps by taking a room. "I'm so very happy and, right, very glad that my brother distinguished himself." All you nurses! do not understand anything. - Natasha smiled through tears.
- You did not read letters? - Sonya asked.
- I did not read, but she said that everything went, and that he was already an officer ...
"Thank God," Sonya said, hiding. "But maybe she deceived you." Let's go to Maman.
Petya silently walked around the room.
- I was in the place of Nichushka, I would kill even more of these French, "he said," they are frozen! " I would beat them so much that I would have done a bunch of them, "Peter continued.
- Silent, Petya, what a fool you are! ...
"I'm not a fool, and the fools are those who cry from trifles," Petya said.
- Do you remember him? - After a minute silence suddenly asked Natasha. Sonya smiled: "I remember Nicolas?"
- No, Sonya, do you remember him so much to remember to remember everything, "Natasha said with a diligent gesture, apparently, wanting to give his words the most serious meaning. "And I remember Nicholya, I remember," she said. - And Boris do not remember. I do not remember at all ...
- How? Do not remember Boris? Sonya asked with surprise.
"Not I don't remember," I know what he he, but not so I remember how Nikolyku. " His, I'll close my eyes and remember, but Boris is not (she closed her eyes), so, no - nothing!
"Ah, Natasha," Sonya said, enthusiastically and seriously looking at his girlfriend, as if she considered her unworthy to hear what she intended to say, and as if she had said this to someone else, who could not be joking. - I loved your brother once, and no matter what happens to him, with me, I will never stop loving him for life.
Natasha is surprised, looked at Sonya curious eyes and was silent. She felt that something that Sonya said was true that there was such love about which Sonya said; But Natasha had nothing like that yet. She believed that it could be, but did not understand.
- Will you write him? She asked.
Sonya wondered. The question of how to write to Nicolas and whether to write and how to write, there was a question that tormented it. Now, when he was already an officer and a wounded hero, whether it was well to remind him of himself and as if he had about the obligation he took over her.
- I do not know; I think, if he writes, - and I will write, - red, she said.
- And you will not be ashamed to write him?
Sonya smiled.
- Not.
- And I am ashamed to write Boris, I will not write.
- Why is it ashamed? Yes, I do not know. Awkward, shame.
- And I know why she will be ashamed of her, "Petya said, offended by the first remark of Natasha, - because she was in love with this thick with glasses (so called Petya his namesake, a new champion of Lyuhoye); Now in love with the singer of this (Petya spoke about the Italian, Natasha Peña teacher): Here it is ashamed.
"Petya, you are stupid," Natasha said.
"Do not stupid you, Mother," said nine-year-old Peter, just as if he was an old brigadier.
The Countess was cooked with hints of Anna Mikhailovna during lunch. Having leaving her, she sitting on the chair, did not descend the eyes from a miniature portrait of a son, made in Tabakcoque, and the tears screwed toward her eyes. Anna Mikhailovna with a tiptoe letter came to the Countess Room and stopped.
"Don't enter," she said to the old Count, who was walking behind her, "after," and gave me the door.
The count attached his ear to the castle and began to listen.
At first he heard the sounds of indifferent speeches, then one sound of the voice of Anna Mikhailovna, who told a long speech, then a short, then silence, then again both voices talked together with joyful intonations, and then steps, and Anna Mikhailovna took him the door. On the face of Anna Mikhailovna there was a proud expression of an operator who graduated from a difficult amputation and introducing the public in order to estimate its art.
- C "EST FAIT! [Case done!] - She said in a graph, a solemn gesture pointing to the countess, who kept a tobacker with a portrait with a portrait, to another - a letter and pressed her lips, then to the other.
Seeing the graph, she stretched his arms to him, hugged his bald head and looked at the letter again and again and again to press them to her lips, slightly pushed the bald head. Faith, Natasha, Sonya and Peter entered the room, and reading began. The letter was briefly described a campaign and two battles in which Nichushka participated, production in officers and it was said that he kisses Maman and Papa, asking them to blessings, and kisses faith, Natasha, Petya. In addition, it is bowed to M R Sling, and M M M M Sos and Nyan, and, moreover, asks to kiss the expensive Sonya, which he still loves and about which everything remembers the same. Hearing it, Sonya blushed so that the tears came to her eyes. And, unable to withstand the views turned on her, she ran into the hall, fused, spinning and, blowing his dress with a balloon, put her painted and smiling, sat on the floor. Countess cried.
- What are you crying, Maman? - said Vera. "Everywhere he writes, we must rejoice, and not cry."
It was completely fair, but also the graph, and the Countess, and Natasha - everyone looked at her with reprocess. "And in whom she came out!" thought the Countess.
The letter of Nikuliushki was read hundreds of times, and those who were considered worthy of listening to him should have come to the Countess that did not let him out of her hands. Gooverners, nanny, Mitenka came, some acquaintances, and the countess reread the letter every time with the new pleasure and once again discovered new virtues in their Nichochka. As strange, it was unusually joyful that her son was that son, who was a little marked with tiny members moved in her the very 20 years ago, that son, for whom she quarreled with the Balovnik Graph, that son who learned to speak before: " Pear ", and then" Baba ", that this son is now there, in someone else's land, in someone else's environment, a courageous warrior, one, without help and leadership, does some kind of male business there. The entire World Century Experience, indicating that the children are imperceptible from the cradle are made by men, did not exist for the Countess. Mattering her son in every situation was as extremely unusually, as it were, there were never millions of millions of people, just as insusted. As I did not believe 20 years ago, that the little creature, which lived somewhere in her heart, would shout and began to suck the chest and it would say that it could not believe it that the same creature could be the stronger Brave man, a sample of sons and people he was now, judging by this letter.
- What a calm, how he describes cute! She said, reading the descriptive part of the letter. - And what shower! About yourself anything ... Nothing! About some Denisov, and himself, right, the brave of them all. Nothing writes about his sufferings. What a heart! How I recognize him! And how I remembered everyone! Nobody forgot. I always always said, even when he was, I always said ...

Today marks 130 years since the birth of the ballerina Anna Pavlova.

Anna Pavlovna (Matveyevna) Pavlova was born on February 12 (January 31) of 1881 in St. Petersburg. Her mother Lyubov Fedorovna was a laundry, as a father, a retired soldier Matvey Fedorovich Pavlov was recorded. Later, it was assumed that in reality she was an extramarital child and had another father.

In 1891, Anna Pavlova entered the Imperial Ballet School in St. Petersburg. At the end of the ballet school in 1899, it was adopted in the Mariinsky Theater, and made his debut in the ballet "Pharaoh's daughter" to the music of Caesar Puni in the production of Saint-George and Petipa.

A great influence on her work was cooperation with balletmusers Alexander Gorsky and Mikhail Fokin.

In 1906, Anna Pavlova became the leading troupe dancer. She was the first and main performer of roles in Fokina ballet "Shopenian", "Pavilion Armida", "Egyptian Nights" and others.

In 1907, at a charitable evening at the Mariinsky Theater Anna Pavlov for the first time performed by Mikhail Fokin choreographic miniature "Swan" (later "dying swan"), which later became one of the symbols of the Russian twentieth century.

Since 1908, she began to tour abroad, participated in the famous "Russian seasons" Sergey Dyagileev in Paris, who posted the beginning of her world glory. Valentina Serov's billboard with the silhouette Anna Pavlova became the emblem of the Russian Seasons. During the tour in Sweden, the King Oscar II awarded it with the Order "For Merit to Art."

In 1909, Pavlova first made independent production at the Suvorin theater in St. Petersburg.

In 1910, she created his own troupe with which toured in many countries of the world. Especially for Pavlova's troupe, Mikhail Fokin put the "preludes" on the music of Ferenz Leaf and "Seven daughters of the Mountain King" to the music of Alexander Spendia.

Her speeches in the United States had great popularity. However, due to its touring in America, the ballerina's conflict began with the leadership of the Mariinsky Theater, since the trip was a violation of the contract. Nevertheless, at the initiative of the Directorate of the theater in 1913, Pavlova was awarded the honorary title of the Honored Artist of Imperial Theaters and awarded the Gold Medal.

The last speech of the ballerina in the Mariinsky Theater took place in 1913. In 1914, she was last performed in Russia - on May 31 at the St. Petersburg People's House, June 7 at the Pavlovsky Station, June 3 in the Mirror Theater of the Moscow Garden "Hermitage". After that, the ballerina went to England.

In 1915, Pavlova starred in the US film "Musty from Portici". In 1924, miniatures were listed in Hollywood in the performance of Pavlova, who subsequently entered the film "Immortal Swan" (1956).

After the 1917 revolution, Anna Pavlova sent the parcels of the students of the Petersburg ballet school, translated large cash with starving the Volga region, arranged charitable performances.

January 17, 1931 Ballerina arrived on tour in Hague (Netherlands). However, on January 20, the planned speech did not take place due to its illness. On January 23, Anna Pavlova died from pleurrites. Her body was cremated, the dust is located in London.

For a long time, personal relations tied Anna Pavlov with Baron Viktor Dandra, a representative of an ancient French genus. In 1910, the authorities of St. Petersburg accused the official of the Senate Dandra in the embezzlement of funds allocated for the construction of the Okhtinsky bridge. Pavlova made a deposit in order to free it from prison. From 1912, Viktor Dandre lived in London, he performed as impresario Pavlova and the head of the troupe.

In the biography of Pavlova, written by Viktor Dandra and published in London in 1932, contains the most extensive arch of biographical information about the legendary actress, whose art shocked the world at the beginning of the 20th century.

The names of Anna Pavlova called international prizes and premiums. The rooms of her repertoire are dancing leading ballerina in the world. The French balletmaster Roland Petit put the ballet "My Pavlova".

In honor of the Great Ballerina in Holland, the grade of white tulips was named. Anne Pavlova is dedicated to the five-particle film directed by Emil Lotyan, shot in 1983

Material is prepared based on open sources.

Anna Pavlovna Pavlova Born on February 12 (on a new style) of 1881 in St. Petersburg. There are still no reliable information about her father.

IN his autobiographywritten in 1912 Anna Pavlova I recalled my childhood and first steps on the scene:

"My first memoirs is a small house in St. Petersburg, where we lived together with your mother ...

We were very, very poor. But mom always managed to take me some pleasure on big holidays. Once, when I was eight years old, she announced that we would go to the Mariinsky Theater. "Here you will see the wizard." Showed "Sleeping Beauty".

I love to remember this first evening in the theater, who decided my fate.

"We cannot take an eight-year-old child," said the director of the ballet school, where Mom led me, exhausted by my perseverance. "Give it when she is ten years old."

To enter the imperial ballet school is anyway what to enter the monastery, such an iron discipline reigns there. From school, I left sixteen years old with the title of the first dancer. Since then, I have passed to the ballerina. In Russia, in addition to me, only four dancers have the official right to this title. Thought to try yourself in foreign scenes came for the first time when I read the biography of Taloni. This great Italian danced everywhere: in Paris, and in London, and in Russia. Sleeping from her legs and today is stored in St. Petersburg. "

Studying Pavlova in the Imperial Ballet School and Mariinsky Theater

In 1891, the mother managed to arrange a daughter in the imperial ballet school, in which Pavlova spent nine years. At that time, the Italian dancers, who have honed technician and developed muscles, which gives them the opportunity to perform the most virtuoso elements, shone on the ballet scene, and Pavlova remained a miniature, fragile, with a light figure. Her "airiness" seemed to be a shortcoming and her teachers, and she himself. With a big diligence, she took the fishe fat prescribed to her, he felt hard to fix his "disadvantage."

Fortunately, in the senior class teacher Pavlova, the same Pavel Andreevich Gerdtwho appreciated the unusualness of his student, her rare talent. Seeing the Anna diligently performs exercises that contributed to the development of the power of the legs, but absolutely not suitable for her and may damage her body, he tried to convince the young dancer: "Give other acrobatic tricks ... What seems to you with your disadvantage, in fact Rare quality allocating you from thousands of others. "

In early 1903, Pavlova dances on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater for the first time. The brilliant, but the difficult path of Anna Pavlova in the ballet, its triumphal performances in the cities of the Russian Empires begins.

The individuality of the ballerina, the style of her dance, soaring the jump pushed her partner, the future of the famous choreographer M. M. Fokina To create "Chopenians" to the music of F. Chopin (1907). It is stylization in the spirit of elegant revived engravings of the era of romanticism. In this ballet, she danced Mazurka and the seventh waltz with V. F. Nyzhinsky (Youth). Her partner Vaclav Nizhinsky although the entire academic repertoire of the leading soloists danced, but still his individuality was revealed primarily in the ballet masters M. M. Fokina.

The first foreign tours of Anna Pavlova

Since 1908, Anna Pavlova began touring abroad.

Pavlova became the main participant of all "Russian seasons" Sergey Dyagilev in Paris. Here she received world fame.
But in the "Russian seasons" Pavlova spoke not long. She wanted creative freedom.

The first independent performances of Anna Pavlova

Natural for Pavlova was try to put it yourself.

In 1910, Anna Pavlova left the Mariinsky Theater, creating his own troupe.

With his troupe, Pavlova toured in many countries of the world with a triumphal success. She first opened the Russian ballet for America, where for the first time ballet performances began to give full fees.
In the spring of 1914, Pavlova last visited at home.

She no longer returned to his homeland. But the Regulation in Russia Pavlova was not indifferent. She sent parcels to the difficult post-revolutionary years of the students of the St. Petersburg ballet school, translated large cash with starving the Volga region, arranged charitable performances in order to support their distinguished on their homeland.

Big friendship and creative cooperation associated two outstanding masters of the Russian ballet - Anna Pavlov and Mikhail Fokina.. As a result of the Creative Union, Pavlova and Fokina were created works, where the dance was subordinated to spiritual and expressive tasks. So "Chopenian" and "Swan" appeared on the music of K. Saint-Sansa, who became a poetic symbol of Russian choreography.

Personal life Anna Pavlova

The personal life of the ballerina was not easy. However, Anna Pavlova considered it natural:

"Now I want to answer the question that I often offer me: why I do not get married. The answer is very simple. True artist is like a nun, not entitled to lead a life desired for most women. She cannot burden himself with concerns about the family and about the economy and should not demand from the life of a quiet family happiness, which is given to the majority.
I see that my life is a single whole. Pursue nonstop and the same goal - in this mystery of success. What is success? It seems to me that he is not in the applause of the crowd, but rather the satisfaction that you get from approaching perfection. I once thought that success was happiness. I was wrong. Happiness - Moth, who is on a moment and flies. "
Pavlova tied his life with Viktor Dandre. A person is very controversial. Dundra is a mining engineer, in 1910 he was accused by the authorities of St. Petersburg in the embezzlement of funds allocated for the construction of the Okhtinsky bridge. Anne Pavlova had to hurry him to revenue and pay a considerable amount to free it. Despite the subscription of the unseen, Dundra after that fled from Russia and many years lived without a passport.

At the same time, Dudre was one of the most capable impresario of his time, which for the first time understood the power of the press. He constantly satisfied the press conference, invited photo reporters and newsmen to Pavlova's speeches, gave numerous interviews related to her life and creativity. For example, the plots inspired by a romantic manner "Swan" perfectly played. A lot of photos have been preserved that captured Anna Pavlov on the shore of the lake, on the mirror stroy whose gliding beautiful snow-white birds. Such a reservoir was in her estate "Ivi House" in England. There really lived swans, and one of them named Jack was a favorite Anna Pavlova. He did not forget his mistress when she was on long trips. A photograph of Anna with a swan on his knees is widely known, his head trusting is on her shoulder. The photo is made by the famous photographer lafayette, which Dundra specially invited to shoot.
But it was Dundra who tried to squeeze everything possible from the world glory of the ballerina, organizing endless and very tense tours, without sparing her health. Ultimately, the unbearable load and led, apparently, to her untimely death ...

The last days of the life of Anna Pavlova

On January 17, 1931, the famous ballerina arrived at the Netherlands tour, where they knew and loved her well. In honor of the "Russian Swan, the Dutch, famous for their flowers, brought a special grade of snow-white tulips and called them" Anna Pavlova" Until now, at the exhibitions of colors, you can admire their sophisticated beauty. With a large bouquet of these flowers, Anna met at the station Dutch Impresario Ernst Krauss. But the ballerina felt bad and immediately went to the "Hotel Dez and", where she was allotted by the "Japanese Salon" with a bedroom, which was subsequently called "Anna Pavlova's salon". Apparently, the actress was very cold during a trip by train along the winter France. Moreover, as it turned out, the night train, which she rode from England to Paris, ran into a cargo team. Fallen CFR strongly hit her on the ribs. Only close friends Anna told about this incident, although he complained about many.
The doctor was urgently called a doctor who discovered the ballerina acute pleurisy. Queen of the Netherlands Wilhelmin sent a Pavlian personal doctor de Jong. Having inspected it, he came to the following conclusion: "Madame, you are plerating. Operation is needed. I would advise you to remove one edge to make it easier to suck the liquid. " In response, Dundra exclaimed: "How so! After all, she will not be able to dance tomorrow! " Indeed, the bills that were announced throughout the Hague that "January 19 will be the last in the Netherlands. Speech by the greatest ballerina of our time Anna Pavlova with her big ballet." Then there was a long tour of North and Latin America, the Far East. But this was not destined to come true.
Dandre decided to invite another physician. The telegram was urgently caused from Paris the Zalevsky's doctor, who had already treated Anna before. And the ballerina was getting worse. Apparently, then the legend of the "dying swan" was born, which Viktor Dandra leads in his memoirs. Anna Pavlova, assures a memoirist, I wanted to reach the scene at any cost again. "Bring me my swan costume," she said. These were supposedly her last words ...

However, the reality was much more prosaic and tragic. Anna Pavlova's maid of Anna Pavlova Margeryit Lytyenn, the doctors who had her bed were told about this. They remember that Ballerina invited some participants to himself and gave them instructions, believing that, despite her disease, performances should take place, especially in Belgium for the needs of the Red Cross. Then she became worse. All except the maid, retired from the room. Anna, nodding on an expensive dress, recently purchased in Paris at the famous Kuturier, said Margherit: "It would be better if I spent this money on my children." She meant orphans, who have long lived on her funds in one of the mansions. After that, the patient fell into someone. Arriving Zavisky with the help of a drainage tube tried to still pump fluid from the pleura and lungs, but everything was in vain. Anna no longer came into consciousness. It is believed that on the night of January 22nd to January 23, 1931, she died from acute blood infection, listed enough well-disinfected drainage tube ...

After the death of Pavlova

The Russian colony in Paris wanted Pavlov to be buried in the Cemetery of Per-Lashhesis, where she could put a wonderful monument. But Dudre spoke in order for Anna cremated. During the tour in India, it was enchanted by Indian funeral ceremonies, during which the body of the deceased is burned on the burial birefront. She noticed close to what she would like to be cremated. "So later it will be easier to return my dust to the expensive Russia," she would say. Dundra discussed this issue with impresario Krauss, and they decided to consult with the head of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Hague Priest Rozanov, because only the funeral on the cemetery is relying on church canons. Considering the situation, the priest did not object to cremation ...

Viktor Dandra, despite all his assurances, was not an official husband Anna Pavlova, although this is stated in his testament and urn with his ashes installed next to Anna's urn. She herself never called him her husband, they had no shared bank account. After the death of Anna Dandra, he stated his claims to Aini House. When the ballerina's mother, rejecting these encroachments, filed on him to court, Dundra could not present any marriage certificates or wedding photographs, referring to the fact that the documents were not preserved after the revolution in Russia. The lawyer recalled then that he had previously talked about marriage with Pavlova in America. But here the Dundra could not submit documents and even call the wedding place. He lost the process, and he had to leave the Ivi House.
Was Dudra's husband Anna Pavlova or not, but in his will, the text of which is given in the book, says: "I charge my attorney to buy a niche 5791 and 3797 in the Goulders Green crematorium as a place for urns containing my dust and dust of my beloved Anna's wives, known as Anna Pavlov. I give the authority to my attorney to give consent to transfer the dust of my wife and, if they find it possible, also my dust in Russia, if someday the Russian government or the government of any large Russian province will seek the transfer and will give my attorney satisfactory assurances in That the dust Anna Pavlova will receive due honor and respect. "

Legend of the Great Russian Ballerina Anne Pavlova

Pavlova is unique. She did not have loud ranks, did not leave the followers or the school. After her death, her troupe was dissolved, property was sold out. Only the legend of the great Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova remained, whose name is prizes and international awards. It is devoted to artistic and documentaries (Anna Pavlova, 1983 and 1985). The French balletmaster R. Petit put the ballet "My Pavlova" for the national team. The rooms of her repertoire are dancing leading ballerina in the world. And Pavlovsky "Dying Swan" is immortalized performed by Galina Ulanova, Ivet Schuhur, Maya Plisetskaya.

"She does not dance, but flies through the air," said the Petersburg newspaper "Word" about the greatest ballerina of the last century Anna Pavlova. It became the legend during his lifetime, she made an unusually much so that the fame of Russian ballet flashed around the world.

Pavlova rethought the rolled roles, retained the charm with romanticism. Her execution manner gave a new stage in the history of Russian ballet. Classic ballet, hardly dead, acquires modernity, because of eternal value. Its other than other dancers interpretation of Giselle, Nikia, Odettes are adopted by subsequent generations. Therefore, it was in the Russian scene that the frequent, eternal, which was inherent in Anne Pavlovna Pavlova. On her birthday we offer to consider some unusual facts from the biography of the Great Ballerina.

Charm ballet

It seems that Anna Pavlova danced always. She was born, already fascinated by ballet. But real love for the ballet came only after seen at the nine-year-old age of the morning representation of the "sleeping beauty". Interestingly, it was the premiere of the play posed by the Petipa. Ballet made such a strong impression on Pavlov, which, from nature shy and soft, she first expressed her solid will to choose a career of a ballet dancer. You can imagine how many girls who also came to the presentation said: "When I grow up, I will dance as Princess Aurora!" And only one will hold down the word.

The shoes of Anna Pavlova

Anne Pavlovna was difficult to choose ordinary shoes. Therefore, she always drove with them a suitcase for 36 pairs, which was periodically replenished with new ones. The old shoes were distributed.

The same problem was with ballet shoes. Anna Pavlova preferred to order her from the famous Italian master Romeo Nikolini. Ballerina treated very carefully to ballet shoes, because from her quality and convenience, it was dependent on how one or another Pirouette would succeed. Therefore, shoes often had to redo. Once, Nicolini even said: "Yes, it is a great honor that Anna Pavlova is my customer. But if I had two Pavlov, I would die. "

It's amazing, but at the time of Anna Pavlova Poant as such did not exist. This was explained by the fact that the dance technique was somewhat easier than now. Therefore, the shape of the dance shoes was closer to the ball, but, of course, without a heel. They were softer than modern shoes, fine work, differed in grace. But this does not mean that the ballerina was previously dancing on tiptoe. They learned how to hang and maintain a balance at the tips of the fingers. To do this, sometimes the sock of ballet shoes could be flashed for greater ballerina stability.

Pavlova and Dyagilev

Many are confident that it was Dyagilev who opened Pavlov to the world. But it is not. Anna Pavlova has already danced in Sweden, Denmark and Germany for another year before the emergence of the "Russian seasons". Moreover, it was Pavlova who suggested that Dyagilev to include in the Opera season and ballet (the first "Russian seasons" were exclusively operas). Dyagilev initially did not believe that Europeans, and even more so Parisians like the Russian ballet. Dyagilev did not agree for a long time, but after the approval of a certain committee, he still decided to try to turn on the ballet in the Seasons. It is worth noting that the condition of the show of the Russian ballet in Paris was the arrival of Anna Pavlova as part of the Dyagilev troupe.

Pavlova and Chaplin

Charlie Chaplin was a big fan of Anna Pavlova. "We look like you, Anna! - Somehow said Chaplin. - I am a tramp, you are Sylphide. Who do we need? Here and drive us ... ".

For the first time they met on a banquet arranged in honor of Anna Pavlova. Chaplin, referring to the dancer, said that the English could not pass the feelings that he was experiencing to her, and express the greatness, which is Pavlov. Therefore, he intends to speak Chinese. With these words, Chaplin, imitating Chinese speech by entering the rage, kissed Pavlova's hand. So they started their friendship. Later, Charlie Chaplin performed as a consultant Anna Pavlova when writing her numbers to a film.

Charity Anna Pavlova

During World War I, where, where Anna Pavlova came, performances were organized in favor of the Red Cross. At the end of the war, she gave concerts in the "Metropolitan-Opera" and for the entire revenue sent parcels with products to the St. Petersburg and Moscow School. Later, she began to send money to Russia to distribute more needy artists of the St. Petersburg and Moscow troupe.

In Paris, Anna Pavlova decided to arrange a shelter for Russian children remaining orphans. As a result, she organized a female shelter to Saint-Cl. Now most of the money reversed from performances went to the shelter needs. Anna Pavlova was concerned not only so that the girls had shelter, but also gained education, practical training for life, and at the exit of the shelter - work. All girls studied or in Russian gymnasium, or in French colleges. Each Pavlova provided freedom to choose a specialty.

Portrait of Anna Pavlova

Many mistakenly think that Anna Pavlova in his famous room "Dying Swan" was inspired by the grace of her swan. This is not the case, because the number was put long before her pet appears. And initially the dance was called simply "Swan", and only a few years later the epithet "dying" appeared.

Unusual desert scene. No corps, scenery. No orchestra. No chords of the introductory variation. Flames mercilessly sharp, concert light. The dancer stands in the far corner of the scene, dropping his head, dropping crossed hands. After one tact of the entry harp, with the first sound of the cello, it rises to the fingers and quietly and sadly floats through the scene.

Fokin was inserted into the number of lyrical rest the topic. The dance itself was music. It was a monologue. And let the swan still died at the end, but his death was peaceful.

But the appearance of the swan is changing with the arrival of war and revolutions. Anna Pavlova, penetrating his dance in the soul, as if they absorbed their response. Gradually, the lyricism of the swan was painted by tragedy. The meaning of movements changed. The foot of the legs became more tense, sharply referred to the turns of the head and body. Hands-wings rose, fell and suddenly joking to the chest, where now in the White Leeping Blood Flaming Ruby. The face was leaning on the chest.

Ksenia Timoshkin

Sirin Savely Abramovich (1887-1953) Anna Pavlova.

The name Pavlova was still legendary during the life of the ballerina. Her fees were the highest in the ballet those years. She was imitated, she was enthusiastic, in honor of the terrific Balley of the kings arranged techniques, and confectioners called the cakes with her name. They wrote about her, she was drawn, she was dedicated to poems, and the best ballet critic Andrei Levinson spoke about Anna: "Her art was born and dying along with her - to dance, like Pavlov, it was necessary to be Pavlova!".

Brilliant English comedian Charlie Chaplin, all his life dreamed of making her an offer. For the first time they met on a banquet arranged in honor of Anna Pavlova. Chaplin, referring to the dancer, said that the English could not pass the feelings that he was experiencing to her, and express the greatness, which is Pavlov. Therefore, he intends to speak Chinese. With these words, Chaplin, imitating Chinese speech by entering the rage, kissed Pavlova's hand. So they started their friendship. Later, Charlie Chaplin performed as a consultant Anna Pavlova when writing her numbers to a film.

Meeting, they shot a restaurant for two, and Chaplin, joking, taught the ballerina to dance, and she was to wear a cane.

"We look like you, Anna! Said Chaplin in the first meeting in America. - I am a tramp, you are Sylphide. Who do we need? Here we are chasing ... "

Charlie Chaplin and Anna Pavlova, 1922.

To tell about Anna Pavlova is very difficult. The events of her personal life, what happened out of the scene, her own human destiny, characteristics - they all disappear in what happened on stage. If it is very accurate to tell her biography, then it will be necessary to very accurately list the roles and names of cities where she toured. For 22 years, Pavlov's tour gave about 9000 performances, drove by train more than 500,000 kilometers, and there was a period when the Italian shoe master of Romeo Ninolini made 2,000 ballet shoes per year for her. Her record tour of the cities where the ballet never heard and all over the world still do not be broken.

She was born to dance, and when the physical opportunity disappeared to dance, she just disappeared, died. And absolutely sincerely can be said that everything except the scene, everything except her creativity, except for dance, for Pavlova was secondary. Unlike most successful ballerinas of the 19th century, which lived their lives at the bottom and betrayed publicity, everything that happened to them, Anna Pavlova carefully hid her life. She loved to take interviews very much, but all her statements concerned ballet, and were extremely uneconomic when they asked questions about her attachments, about her tastes in addition to music or dance. What she was - to imagine almost impossible, so secretly this is a woman, and even from the book written by her husband, nothing can be understood about her. Today it seems that even its origin and the birth of the mystery is unknown.

According to the official metrics, Anna Pavlova was born in the Lab Guard Guard's Lazarpet of the Transfiguration Regiment in St. Petersburg. The girl was born ahead of time, fragile, painful, and the first years of life she spent in the village, in the house of her grandmother, this is a small village near Petersburg - a leagovo.

In the metric book, it was recorded as a daughter of an ordinary soldier from the peasants of the Tver Province of Matthew Pavlovich Pavlov and his legitimate wife, Lyubovoy Lyubov Fedorovna Pavlova. Who he is such, Matvey Pavlov, the Father of the Great Ballerina, no one knows. Was he, or this marriage was formal - in any case, after a few years, Anna Pavlova's mother has a second husband and a separate passport that it was extremely difficult for a woman in Russia.

Who was the real father of the ballerina, it is not known for sure. According to the allegations of several contemporaries, including the two of its only one-country brothers, Anna Pavlova's father was one of the largest Moscow bankers, the landselner of Lazar Polyakov. Ballerina hid his origin before the death.

Anna Pavlova remembers how Mom led her to the Mariinsky Theater, and she saw the ballet "Sleeping Beauty", which is also strange - Mom worked as a lauree, buy two tickets to the Mariinsky Theater - it is very expensive and very difficult. In general, it turns out that the rich dad was. Nevertheless, this campaign is no matter who was dad - decided the fate of a little girl, and she dreamed of becoming a ballerina.

Ballet made such a strong impression on Pavlov, which, from nature shy and soft, she first expressed her solid will to choose a career of a ballet dancer. "I will dance as Princess Aurora," the girl said firmly, returned home.

For the first time, she was brought to the school too small, she was not accepted, and when she was eight years old, in 1891 Anna Pavlov took to St. Petersburg theater School.

From the memories of Anna Pavlova:

"I remember when I was still in the youngest class in the school, the sovereign was arrived by Emperor Alexander the third with Empress Maria Fedorovna and the Grand Princes. We, pupils, danced ballet on our little scene. After the ballet, everyone was invited to the audience, where there was a royal family, and the sovereign put on his little girlfriend to his knees. I burst out. I began to ask what I was crying about. I also want the sovereign to put me on his knees - I answered, pouring tears. To console me, the Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich took me on his hands, but I was not satisfied with this. I want the sovereign to kiss me. "

All laughed. He did not kiss her. This desire to be first, to be the best, to attract attention is the necessary property of the future star. If you kiss, then with the emperor, or not at all.

She was a fragile girl, she did not always take strength to overcome the difficulties of learning, she physically did not withstand this load. But her fragility was combined with the stubborn power of the will.

Puinta Anna Pavlova

The school graduated in 1899, immediately accepted on an exceptional situation in the theater. Until the dramatic talent of Anna Pavlova was manifested, the criticism constantly reproaches it in the imperfection of technology on stage. If you first read the reviews on the first performances of Anna Pavlova, it is written there that it cares little about the correctness of the legs, it is a romantic mess in the movement of hands. And then very fast intonation change, and all the technical errors of the dance of Anna Pavlova are called her style. It is written that Pavlova has something in dancing, which highlights it from among other soloists.

She bleed at the stage of the Mariinsky Theater for 10 years. In the ballet masters of the academic repertoire, which walked on the stage of this theater did not occur everywhere the opportunity to express something psychologically deep and meaningful. And Pavlova had a lot of passing, optional parties for her. The two of her parties made this ballerina the Great for the Russian viewer is Nikia and Giselle.

Surprisingly for the ballerina, no one treated the ballet parties to Pavlov. She spoke out about "Bayaderk" so: "I want to show a number of experiences, transitions from one feeling to another."

In Russia, except for the classic repertoire, she collaborated with his friend, a school friend, the balletmaster Mikhail Fokin. Fokin first saw in Anna Pavlova, and not in the Karsawin ideal performer of his ballet.

In 1907, he set for her the Swan's concert number to Saint-Sansa's music. This number accompanied her all life, the image of the swan became her beloved, and the last words before the death of Anna Pavlova said: "Serve my swan costume."

In 1910, Pavlova passes to the situation of the tour, it applies to the dismissal from the theater and concludes a contract for individual performances. But at the same time, her private life is being solved, she marries Viktor Dandra. Victor Dandre was a fan of her talent, visited all the performances, was a member of the State Duma, a very large official. He was in the same company who oversees the construction of one of the largest bridges in St. Petersburg - Okhtinsky bridge. It was accused of an embezzlement of stateless money, a criminal process was headed for him, and Dundra sat in prison. He was released under a very large deposit with the prohibition of departure from Russia. Anna Pavlova deposited money for the deposit, and, regardless of the ban on departure, Dundra left Russia and settled in England, became impresario Anna Pavlova. And it turns out that since it became a spouse of a man, the entrance to which was banned in Russia, he became very difficult for her, and her departure from the theater was obviously dictated by family circumstances.

The Directorate in every way tried to keep it in the theater, and she was offered such conditions that did not interfere with Pavlova to keep their troupe and touring around the world, she had already felt like an actress of the world, and she had little of this scene. Two seasons Anna Pavlova performed in Dyagilev Troupe. But she was closely in this community. She was a soloist, solitary, and the general creativity was not necessary.

Anna Pavlova, 1913, Color photo:

The last time in Russia she spoke in 1913, and left the country, never returning when she was 33 years old. The need for a constant change of the repertoire - she moved from one site to another - led to the fact that Anna Pavlova herself began to put her numbers, customizing music to their capabilities. And half of the repertoire is the rooms set by the Novikov and the Anna Pavlova itself, and converted from old roles.

I carry such a fantastic load, moving from one place to another, Anna Pavlova, never sick. The dance itself, obviously gave her strength and restored her. She stubbornly did not notice that she was old that the forces were no longer the forces. Very cruelly describes in his memoirs of the French balletmaster and dancer Serge Liminar: "I so walked you, and I liked your dancing so much that I am ready to kill today's scarlet, so that she does not overshadow that exalted, perfect image." She still continued to dance.

I would like to add that in every country where Anna Pavlova came, she studied national dances and included them in their repertoire. She had Japanese, Indian dances, African dances.

She died during the tour, withered, flew only five days. Just disappeared .

Personal life Anna Pavlova

The personal life of the ballerina was not easy. However, Anna Pavlova considered it natural:

"Now I want to answer the question that I often offer me: why I do not get married. The answer is very simple. True artist is like a nun, not entitled to lead a life desired for most women. She cannot burden himself with concerns about the family and about the economy and should not demand from the life of a quiet family happiness, which is given to the majority. I see that my life is a single whole. Pursue nonstop and the same goal - in this mystery of success. What is success? It seems to me that he is not in the applause of the crowd, but rather the satisfaction that you get from approaching perfection. I once thought that success was happiness. I was wrong. Happiness - Moth, who is on a moment and flies. "

Pavlova tied his life with Viktor Dandre. A person is very controversial. Dundra is a mining engineer, in 1910 he was accused by the authorities of St. Petersburg in the embezzlement of funds allocated for the construction of the Okhtinsky bridge. Anne Pavlova had to hurry him to revenue and pay a considerable amount to free it. Despite the subscription of the unseen, Dundra after that fled from Russia and many years lived without a passport.

At the same time, Dudre was one of the most capable impresario of his time, which for the first time understood the power of the press. He constantly satisfied the press conference, invited photo reporters and newsmen to Pavlova's speeches, gave numerous interviews related to her life and creativity. For example, the plots inspired by a romantic manner "Swan" perfectly played. A lot of photos have been preserved that captured Anna Pavlov on the shore of the lake, on the mirror stroy whose gliding beautiful snow-white birds. Such a reservoir was in her estate "Ivi House" in England. There really lived swans, and one of them named Jack was a favorite Anna Pavlova. He did not forget his mistress when she was on long trips. A photograph of Anna with a swan on his knees is widely known, his head trusting is on her shoulder. The photo is made by the famous photographer lafayette, which Dundra specially invited to shoot.

But it was Dundra who tried to squeeze everything possible from the world glory of the ballerina, organizing endless and very tense tours, without sparing her health. Ultimately, the unbearable load and led, apparently, to her untimely death ...

Anna Pavlova and Enrico Cheketti - the Great Italian Artist of Ballet, Balletmaster and Pedagogue.
The last days of the life of Anna Pavlova

On January 17, 1931, the famous ballerina arrived at the tour in the Netherlands, where they knew and loved her. In honor of the "Russian Swan, the Dutch, famous for their flowers, brought a special variety of snow-white tulips and called them" Anna Pavlov ". Until now, at the exhibitions of colors, you can admire their sophisticated beauty. With a large bouquet of these flowers, Anna met at the station Dutch Impresario Ernst Krauss. But the ballerina felt bad and immediately went to the "Hotel Dez and", where she was allotted by the "Japanese Salon" with a bedroom, which was subsequently called "Anna Pavlova's salon". Apparently, the actress was very cold during a trip by train along the winter France. Moreover, as it turned out, the night train, which she rode from England to Paris, ran into a cargo team. Fallen CFR strongly hit her on the ribs. Only close friends Anna told about this incident, although he complained about many.

The doctor was urgently called a doctor who discovered the ballerina acute pleurisy. Queen of the Netherlands Wilhelmin sent a Pavlian personal doctor de Jong. After examining it, he came to the following conclusion:

"Madame, you are plerating. Operation is needed. I would advise you to remove one edge to make it easier to suck the liquid. " In response, Dundra exclaimed: "How so! After all, she will not be able to dance tomorrow! "

Indeed, the bills that were announced throughout the Hague that "January 19 will be the last in the Netherlands. Speech by the greatest ballerina of our time Anna Pavlova with her big ballet." Then there was a long tour of North and Latin America, the Far East. But this was not destined to come true.

Dandre decided to invite another physician. The telegram was urgently caused from Paris the Zalevsky's doctor, who had already treated Anna before. And the ballerina was getting worse.

Apparently, then the legend of the "dying swan" was born, which Viktor Dandra leads in his memoirs. Anna Pavlova, assures a memoirist, I wanted to reach the scene at any cost again. "Bring me my swan costume," she said. These were supposedly her last words ...

However, the reality was much more prosaic and tragic. Anna Pavlova's maid of Anna Pavlova Margeryit Lytyenn, the doctors who had her bed were told about this. They remember that Ballerina invited some participants to himself and gave them instructions, believing that, despite her disease, performances should take place, especially in Belgium for the needs of the Red Cross. Then she became worse. All except the maid, retired from the room. Anna, nodding on an expensive dress, recently purchased in Paris at the famous Kuturier, said Margherit: "It would be better if I spent this money on my children." She meant orphans, who have long lived on her funds in one of the mansions. After that, the patient fell into someone.

Arriving Zavisky with the help of a drainage tube tried to still pump fluid from the pleura and lungs, but everything was in vain. Anna no longer came into consciousness. It is believed that on the night of January 22nd to January 23, 1931, she died from acute blood infection, listed enough well-disinfected drainage tube ...

After the death of Pavlova

The Russian colony in Paris wanted Pavlov to be buried in the Cemetery of Per-Lashhesis, where she could put a wonderful monument. But Dudre spoke in order for Anna cremated. During the tour in India, it was enchanted by Indian funeral ceremonies, during which the body of the deceased is burned on the burial birefront. She noticed close to what she would like to be cremated. "So later it will be easier to return my dust to the expensive Russia," she would say. Dundra discussed this issue with impresario Krauss, and they decided to consult with the head of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Hague Priest Rozanov, because only the funeral on the cemetery is relying on church canons. Considering the situation, the priest did not object to cremation ...

Viktor Dandra, despite all his assurances, was not an official husband Anna Pavlova, although this is stated in his testament and urn with his ashes installed next to Anna's urn. She herself never called him her husband, they had no shared bank account. After the death of Anna Dandra, he stated his claims to Aini House. When the ballerina's mother, rejecting these encroachments, filed on him to court, Dundra could not present any marriage certificates or wedding photographs, referring to the fact that the documents were not preserved after the revolution in Russia.

The lawyer recalled then that he had previously talked about marriage with Pavlova in America. But here the Dundra could not submit documents and even call the wedding place. He lost the process, and he had to leave the Ivi House.

Was Dudra's husband Anna Pavlova or not, but in his will, the text of which is given in the book, says: "I charge my attorney to buy a niche 5791 and 3797 in the Goulders Green crematorium as a place for urns containing my dust and dust of my beloved Anna's wives, known as Anna Pavlov. I give the authority to my attorney to give consent to transfer the dust of my wife and, if they find it possible, also my dust in Russia, if someday the Russian government or the government of any large Russian province will seek the transfer and will give my attorney satisfactory assurances in That the dust Anna Pavlova will receive due honor and respect. "

Pavlova is unique. She did not have loud ranks, did not leave the followers or the school. After her death, her troupe was dissolved, property was sold out. Only the memory of the great Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova remained, whose name is prizes and international awards.

One of the outstanding British choreographers - Sir Frederick Ashton - decided to devote his life to the ballet after the teenager saw Pavlova's performance in Ecuador. Later, he witnessed her triumphal performances on stage Covent Garden. In the old age, Sir Ashton recalled Pavlova:

"On her there was always a white coat, contrasting with its black hair. She looked great! And her dance was incredible! Hand flexibility, gorgeous legs! She had an amazing speed, which now rarely meet in dance. She was graceful in life and on stage! She was the most outstanding theater person from everyone I knew! "

Facts about Anna Pavlova

1. Shoes

Anne Pavlovna was difficult to choose ordinary shoes, so she always drove with them a suitcase for 36 pairs. The same problem was with ballet shoes. Anna Pavlova preferred to order her from the famous Italian master Romeo Nikolini. Ballerina treated very carefully to ballet shoes, because from her quality and convenience, it was dependent on how one or another Pirouette would succeed. Often shoes had to redo. Once, Nicolini even said: "Yes, it is a great honor that Anna Pavlova is my customer. But if I had two Pavlov, I would die. "

2. Pavlova and Dyagilev

Many are confident that it was Dyagilev who opened Pavlov to the world. But it is not. Anna Pavlova has already danced in Sweden, Denmark and Germany for another year before the emergence of the "Russian seasons". Moreover, it was Pavlova who suggested that Dyagilev to include in the Opera season and ballet (the first "Russian seasons" were exclusively operas). Dyagilev initially did not believe that Europeans, and even more so Parisians like the Russian ballet, and did not agree for a long time, but after some time still decided to try to turn on the ballet in the Seasons. It is worth noting that the condition of the show of the Russian ballet in Paris was the arrival of Anna Pavlova as part of the Dyagilev troupe.

Anna Pavlova during the Australian Tour, 1926.

3. Charity

During World War I, where, where Anna Pavlova came, performances were organized in favor of the Red Cross. At the end of the war, the ballerina gave concerts in the Metropolitan-Opera and for the entire revenue sent parcels with products to the St. Petersburg and Moscow School.

In Paris, Anna Pavlova decided to arrange a shelter for Russian children who remained orphans - so the female shelter appeared in Saint-Cl. Anna Pavlova was concerned not only so that the girls had shelter, but also gained education, practical training for life, and at the exit of the shelter - work. Therefore, all pupils studied either in Russian gymnasium, or in French colleges, and each was given freedom to choose a specialty.

4. Favorite swan

Anna Pavlovna loved animals and birds. The main favorite was Swan John (in different sources there are different names: Jack, Jacques), who helped to tame Anna Pavlovna, a certain gentleman, who was subsequently called the "swan professor". John, did not let anyone, except the hostess, and walked for Anna on his heels like a dog. The ballerina is also improving his dance, he studied with his favorite swan movements. Well known to the photo where John hugs his neck to the neck of Anna.

5. Ballerina's memory in London

The British carefully keep the memory of the Great Russian Ballerina. The London Museum stores a dress in which Anna Pavlova danced. The walls of the old English pub "The Gate" in the barnet area, as well as the ROYAL OPERA HOUSE showcases, are decorated with photos of Anna Pavlova. Ivy House suits the exhibitions dedicated to her life and creativity. And the little Golden Ballerina in the Victoria station district, everything dances and dances for us - the second century, in any weather! London became a favorite place and a cozy home for Anna Pavlova. Here she found her soul peace and happiness.

6. Style "A La Pavlova"

Like any woman, Anna Pavlova loved the world of fashion. She often and with a big hunt posted for photographers of famous fashion houses England, Berlin and Paris. So, in 1926, in Paris, she starred in a panbarkhat manot, trimmed by sweets for the cover of the fashion journal L'Officiel. Anna has come up with their clothing style - multi-layer thin bedspreads, which she with light carelessness watched her slim body. This style of clothing "A La Pavlova" became very popular, Anna wanted to imitate. It is thanks to her to fashion, the manilas shawls in the Spanish manner were entered with brushes and hats.

Anna Pavlova, 1913, Color photo: