Theater circle at school: program, scripts, plays. Teenage Studio

Theater circle at school: program, scripts, plays. Teenage Studio
Theater circle at school: program, scripts, plays. Teenage Studio

"Talentino" is not only a children's school actor, but also a children's actor agency. Casting manager from the very beginning of the course teaches children not only to open on stage, but also to present themselves on casting. He also leads them in the future, during the shooting and performing performances. You can become actors in Talentino from three years.

ul. Big Tatarskaya, D.7

Theater Studio "Home Theater" 6+

Students " Home theater"You do not have to worry that someone will not get a role: they put here new spectacle Once a month, so for the year everyone has time to try different amplua. Children not only participate in production, but also study the history of the theater, prepare stage costumes, Mastery of the scenery and write scripts. Also, all students of the school will automatically fall into the acting base of the Teatasting Agency.

Per. Grenade, d. 12

Ballet-theater Studio "Actor"

Want your child to be comprehensively developed? Give it to the ballet and theater studio. The result will be not only slim posture and a good relationship with your own body, but also knowledge of classic plots, as well as interest in art.

ul. Skak, d. 3

Children's Theater Studio "We"

"We" - Studio for those who are tuned seriously. Here for several years prepare for admission to the best theatrical universities, so if you understand that growing a born actor, write it down on the courses. Perhaps in the future he will ask autographs on the streets.

ul. Novogireevskaya, 14a

Theatrical Studio "Triumph" 0+

Studio for those who are interested in everything and immediately. In "Triumph" teach and pop vocal, and modern dance, and acting skill. Graduates are becoming confident in themselves versatile developed peopleAnd these qualities are never superfluous.

ul. Kedrov, d. 13, Corp. 2.

ul. Trade union, d. 27, korp. 3.

ul. Ostrovyanova, d. 19/22

ul. Khachaturian, d. 20

ul. Sedova, d. 3

Theater Studio "Celabritis" 0+

Even if the child is not going to become an actor, a visit to theater studio will not hurt: here it is taught to be confident, cope with emotions and communicate with other people. Well, if the talent itself breaks his freedom, he is a direct journey to the studio "Celibriti", where teachers of Vgika, Gityism and other legendary theater schools teach skills.

ul. Small Dmitrovka, 5/9

Children's Theater and theatrical Studio "Klyax"

If you doubt whether to record this theater studio, first go to the play of the same name children's Theater.. You will see that everything is truly here: the game, scenery, plots and, of course, the effort of young actors.

ul. Burakova, d. 27, Corp. four

Amazing Theater Studio Yury Martynchev

The "Amazing Studio" has several advantages: first, it is possible to start doing at any time, since there is no separation on the levels of training; Secondly, the first trial occupation can be visited for free. In addition to acting skills, special attention is paid to the technique of speech and oratorical art. In addition, one lesson takes place in English.

ul. Khachaturian D.20

House of Culture "Seagull"

In the House of Culture "Chaika" for almost forty years, a children's Theater Studio "Ogonyok" has been operating. Here they do not play the theater, and truly do it: for example, the team became the winner of the Golden Key festival in Berlin and constantly conquers new peaks.

PR-T Budenny, d.14

Youth Theater Kirill Korolev

The main advantage of the Children's Theater Studio Kirill Korolev is an opportunity to participate in the performances of the same theater with a large history and permanent anchlats. Many graduates of the studio enter theatrical universities and become professional artists, including in the theater Kirill Korolev. In the future, everyone is participation in festivals, telecasts, films and TV shows.

ul. Dmitry Ulyanova, d.42

Children's Creative Center "Gessomino"

Place for the most fonding children. Here they will tell and teach the most different adult professions - from the actor and director to the TV host and photographer. Among other things, a nanny can sit with the child, and you can also start learning foreign language Or prepare for school.

ul. Zorge, d. 6

birch grove, d. 8

Theater School "Art Master" 12+

Parents most often give children to learn from acting skills, while forgetting that there is no less important theater profession - producer. "Art Master" is one of the few schools, where there is both the acting and directorial directions.

ul. Krasnaya Presnya, D.9

Moscow Estrada Children's Theater

Do you want a child to immediately plunge into the profession? Sign up to the School of the Moscow Children's Estrada Theater. The whole season, children prepare productions on which not only parents come, but also numerous fans of young talents.

ul. Baumanskaya, d. 32, p.1

The training program in this theatrical studio is divided into two courses, the "basic" and "acting", and they are calculated for 9 months and three years, respectively. The first option is suitable for those who are just starting the way to the stage. For them most time to train on training, the remaining time goes on creative work. The program of the Aktera course is more designed to receive stage experience, and in this case focus on preparation of material for performances. In addition to weekly classes for Roskids pupils, there are electives for makeup, vocals, stage battle, fencing basics, work with the camera and other areas.

ul. Plipok, d. 28

Company professional teachers And practitioners are ready to develop creative abilities in children. You can try yourself in the role of an actor every child, starting from five years. The program of occupations includes lessons on acting skill, artistic words and speech development. Also, every novice actor is waiting for participation in performances and studio production, in excerpts from dramatic and literary works, in concerts and poetry evenings.

prosp. Leningradsky, d. 30, p. 3

Every September Chamber Theater. Boris Pokrovsky opens up a set in a children's group of young artists from four to 13 years. Education in it passes for free, but to get there, you must meet two important points: you want to join the actors should be excellent musical and vocal data. In the future, they are expected to participate in repertoire and premiere performances, "Chipollino", "Peter and Wolf", "Cherevichki" and many others.

ul. Nikolskaya, d. 17

Central House Actor offers to choose from immediately ten theater studios for children of different ages. The only condition: the set passes in the presence of free places. the main taskWhile in front of them is all the teachers, it is a love for the literature and music from the children, to initiate interest in creativity, expand their cultural outlook. Here the guys will make their first steps in the acting skills, find out how to move and speak and talk on the stage, study music, vocals, dancing and rhythm. All studios take part in the New Year's shows, and at the end of the season prepared performances.

ul. Arbat, d. 35

The most young hypocrites take under the wing of actors and teachers Seasons Project. In the younger theatrical troupe invite to play and fantasize children from four to six years. On the course of the guys will open for themselves the world of the theater, find out what the scene is will reveal their talents and expand the horizons. Trainings and exercises that undergo aware are aimed at the development of attention and observation, motor abilities and plastic expressiveness, as well as a coherent and competent speech. But a special meaning is given to imagination.

ul. Kareny series, d. 3

Here, students are gaining two compartments: for preschool from four to six years and for schoolchildren from eight to 15. Not only the program of classes, but also time depends on this. If the lessons for the smallest take place on weekdays in the morning, then for those who are older - on Saturdays and Sundays. But there, and there, classes are conducting teachers in acting skill, choral singing and choreography. By the way, the lessons in those who are older, last longer than that of a very beginning gentleman.

ul. Small Dmitrovka, d. 8, p. 4 (preschoolers)

Existing on the basis of DC "Moscow" for several decades, the studio takes into its walls of children with four years and adolescents. You can do here at least the whole family, with moms and dads, grandparents. Parents help not only behind the scenes, but also go to the scene in small roles. There are paid and free compartments where they are taken as a result of listening and interviewing, and you can join classes at any convenient time throughout the year. The studio learn from acting skills, dance and vocals, and pupils put performances and take direct participation in urban events.

Moscow, microdistrict 1, d. 49

At theatrical I. dance school Irbis in Moscow at once 17 branches within walking distance from the subway. They employ more fifty teachers, graduates of Hitis and the Theater Institute named after Schukin. Besides educational program Pupils waiting for participation in the evenings of readers, cabbagers, urban holidays and television gears. Moreover, children involved in performances and dance rooms participate in festivals throughout Russia. In his free time, students "Irbis" go to theaters and theatrical universities in order to get closer to the life of adult actors, and during the winter and summer holidays Go to the theater camp "Artist" in the suburbs, where they put full-fledged performances.


In the Theater Studio "Benefis" a competent approach to the training of acting skills and the main proof of this individual approach. It is possible only when dividing all students in groups: children's, adult and theater studio for teenagers. Our teachers understand that each group should have a different approach, purpose, the atmosphere studied material.

When teenagers at the age of 12-16 are coming to us, we understand that these are no longer children, but also not adults and our task to help them become adults.

Studio of acting skills for teenagers in Moscow at the Benefis Theater

When forming the program of acting skills, it proceeds from the characteristics of this age, namely:

Our theater studio for teenagers in Moscow is different and the fact that we have disciples are involved not only in theatrical productionsBut even regularly visited informal events. They are waiting for mass trips to theater, cabbagers, games in "Mafia", thematic meetings and classes. In Moscow, many theater studios for adolescents, but not every can boast such an interest as a result of their students and such cohesion and after the course passing.

  1. Teenagers and children are often prone to closetness, compactness, shyness. With the help of classes and trainings on theatrical scene The guys learn to freely keep themselves with peers and people older than them. They not only improve speech, diction and replenished vocabularyBut the shoulders are elementary straighten and the posture is improved. Pupils of our studio note an increase in their own self-esteem and rejoice that now they can start a conversation with unfamiliar man And, moreover, competently to defend your opinion in a conversation, to be inclined to your side.
  2. Children and adolescents are often quick-tempered, they do not control their emotions and break off on their parents and loved ones. It often happens not only because the girl or young man seems to be not understood, limit, but also because he has simply no exit for his creative potential His personality. Teenagers want to sing, dance, have fun and often, forbiving them it, they tend to leave "in all serious." After writing around to theatrical teenage studio, our students in classes receive a legal platform for the "rebellion".
  3. A visit to theatrical sessions is a beautiful hobby that is not only useful and removes the clips and complexes, but also a pleasant leisure in the party of friends. We read classic literatureWe instill good taste, studying high-quality material, penetrate the world of art. And with children we have a special feed and atmosphere.

Present acting Mastery for Children And adolescents, we did not set the goal of every student to make the actor theater and movies. For this we have other courses and trainings. We wanted to give a birth new personality: Free from stiffness, complexes. Our students in the framework of the Theater Studio communicability learns, comprehend the secrets of charismaticness, leadership, oratory skills. After all, in conditions modern realities Without it, nowhere.

Classes for adolescents in the theater studios are held in a relaxed atmosphere in a circle of peers who have common interests, goals and problems. In class teachers, it is taught to express his emotions, control his voice and body, effectively lead discussions. Experienced teachers are engaged in teenagers who become mentoring friends for them.

  1. Teenagers want to like the opposite sex, be able to joke, be the center of attention, it is beautiful to speak and looks awesome. Acting skills for adolescents is what they need during this period. After all, improvisation skill came to us from the theater. We can safely declare that several performances within theater school And the child or teenager is no longer as stamping when it turns out the focus, he owns his voice and body, knows how to interact with the partner, appreciates collective work And at the same time, learns to be responsible for their part of the common cause.
  2. Becoming an adult, the teenager thinks about what he wants and knows how to do in life. He dreams of O. prestigious workwho would please him and brought him good income. But only an adult understands that unnecessary skills, skills and crafts do not happen. Theatrical courses are becoming an additional guarantor of the device in difficult life.

It is difficult to imagine successful man without skills of oratory skills, beautiful and competent speech, clear diction, charismaticness. It is important not to forget that all these advantages are not always the gift of nature, but often the result of man's work on oneself! And our task as a theater studio for children and adolescents to help buy these necessary for everyday life Quality.

Purpose: The introduction of students to theatrical art, enriching the spiritual needs of the child, the development of its creative activity.


  • awaken an aesthetic feeling and creative beginning;
  • master the necessary acting equipment skills;
  • develop the ability to stay on the scene and call the audience
  • emotional response;
  • develop natural children's abilities guys: fantasy,
  • imagination, attention, contact.

Quick description

When working out the stage movement, much attention is paid to plastic, expressive movements.

The work of the circle involves acquaintance with the basics of acting skills, viewing telecons, departure to the theater, setting mini-performances.

The structure of the program is the introduction and three main sections, including the issues of the technology of the organization and setting mini-performances.

Circle classes are held 5 hours a week (during the year 170 hours should be held) for senior group, and 4 hours a week for the younger group (140 hours)



Explanatory note

Acting Circle "Creativity"

Purpose: The introduction of students to theatrical art, enriching the spiritual needs of the child, the development of its creative activity.


  • awaken an aesthetic feeling and creative beginning;
  • master the necessary acting equipment skills;
  • develop the ability to stay on the scene and call the audience
  • emotional response;
  • develop natural children's abilities guys: fantasy,
  • imagination, attention, contact.

Quick description

When working out the stage movement, much attention is paid to plastic, expressive movements.

The work of the circle involves acquaintance with the basics of acting skills, viewing telecons, departure to the theater, setting mini-performances.

The structure of the program is the introduction and three main sections, including the issues of the technology of the organization and setting mini-performances.

Circle classes are held 5 hours a week (during the year 170 hours should be held for the older group, and 4 hours a week for the younger group (140 hours)

The program is designed for 1 year of study.

Activity control form Mug - Reporting Concerts

The identity of the modern child consists in the atmosphere of creative creation, so the diverse use is relevant theatrical creativity Schoolchildren.

Maintaining an acting circle "Creativity" in secondary school able to effectively affect the educational process, because The collective cohesion occurs, the cultural range of students and teachers is expanding, the culture of behavior increases. Acquaintance with the position of the actor - Creator accumulates their emotional, intellectual, moral, labor experience And develops it.

Acting creativity not only activates the interest of the student to the art of the theater and art in general, but also develops fantasy, imagination, memory, attention and other qualities, brings up and improves the psychological atmosphere in the team. Classes Mug teach students to communicate with each other, share thoughts, skills, knowledge. Methods, shapes and content of theatrical exercises are implemented simultaneously three goals: immerse the children in the element of the element of the game, they develop psychological structures (attention, thinking, will, memory), give an educational day attractive for children of the quality of interesting and fun labor.

With the help of the teacher, young artists work on their roles, with the word, its pronouncement and sound, purity of intonation, clear articulation, faithful, accuracy of the rhythmic pattern, find required paints and means of expressive for the disclosure of an artistic image. The choice of role occurs by the mutual consent of the teacher and students.

Circle classes contribute to the disclosure and intensification of the originality, identity, independence of each child. This task of the disclosure "I" of the student's personality serve the game performing tasks, where they can be different variants Performances, and every child can offer its own option in accordance with your understanding and fiction.

Educational area and subject

The acting circle is a house where there is a place and the case in the soul of any child and teenager. Theater is, on the one hand, universal art, where the final result, the work, is created by the works of various artists: playwrights, artists, directories, composers, painters. On the other hand, only joint efforts of people different professions, them collective work can embody a miracle theatrical performance. It is not by chance that the interests of both children and adults and the theater and to the center are so great. Not only viewing performances in a professional theater, but the desire to embody the other person on stage to the stage, go to theatrical layouts, to participate in the creation of a performance - the desire to touch the world of the theater is familiar, probably everyone.

This program includes a program."Acting Mastery"

  • Novelty, relevance, pedagogical feasibility of the course

When developing this program, the experience of similar educational associations and theatrical circles was taken into account. It is based on the training system to acting in higher theatrical educational institutionsThe foundations of which were laid by K.S. Stanislavsky and developed by his students and followers. The program also includes elements of modern techniques and trainings used in various countries.

From the acting groups only the average - puts in children and teachers purely acting tasks, that is, the creation and rental of performances, participation in concert Programsdesigned for viewers. The first stage of the circle is the younger group - introduces a child to the world of the theater, introduces his traditions, history and life.

  • Objectives and objectives of an additional educational program

The goal is to introduce the child to the world of art through theatrical activity.

The main task of the mug is the socialization and personal growth of each child. More specific tasks are formulated by each age group.

  • The age of children involved in the implementation of the program

This program is offered for children aged 6 to 14 years and is designed for two age groupsIn each group, a child can deal with one year.

  • Junior - children 6-11 years old (1-5 class of secondary school);
  • Average - children 12 - 17 years old (6 - 11th grade)

Despite the fact that each group has its own tasks and areas of activity, mutual communication between groups occurs both during everyday occupation and during collaboration.

The main direction of the work of the circle - Classes on acting during the year are unevenly distributed, that is, in certain periods of time, the Group is engaged only by training, or combine these classes with rehearsals, or all the time dedicated to the rehearsals of the performance or concert.

  • Prospects for the development of a circle

The acting circle is "live" organism in constant development and search. In the future, it would be desirable to introduce vocal teaching and a more in-depth study of the history of the theater.

In addition, in the future it is possible to create on the basis of theatrical mug amateur Theater, the troupe of which would make graduates of the mug.

Junior group

  • assistance to the child in the process of self-knowledge and self-development, the activation of his cognitive interests;


  • Education of the cultural audience, understanding and loving theater.
  • Adaptation of the child in the team.


  • Development of personal and creative abilities of children;
  • Removal of internal clamps;


Medium group

The main goal of working with children of this group is the following:

  • disclosure of the creative personality of the child;

The prevailing tasks at this stage are the following:


  • The development of the creative abilities of children;
  • Removing internal clamps.


  • Acquaintance with the main components of the actor profession.


  • Education of the culture of communication in the team, attentive and responsible attitudes towards work;
  • Education of the audience culture.
  • Methods of work and pedagogical activities

The basis of classes is the principles of learning actors in theatrical universitiesHowever, they are all adapted to use in working with children and adolescents: the maximum amount of time is given to practical lessons, That is, the development of the material occurs in the process of solving students of fascinating creative tasks.

  • Brief description of themes;

At the first stage, children are offered by disciplines in the following directions:

  • Introduction to the world of scenes (training classes).
  • Visiting performances;
  • Theater History;
  • Development of creative abilities (educational classes).
  • Theatrical game;
  • Plastic;
  • Scenic speech.
  • Estimated result and mechanism for assessing the knowledge gained.

The main indicator is the personal growth of each individual member of the Group, which is detected due to the observations of teachers working with children, as well as the transformation of the group into a single team capable of cooperation and joint creativity.

The successes achieved by students in developing disciplines are demonstrated by educators, parents and other school students at concerts and events.

By the end of training, children must have the following knowledge, skills and skills:


  • Know the rules for the behavior of the viewer, etiquette in the theater before, during and after the performance;
  • Distinguish between the species and genres of theatrical art (opera, ballet, drama; comedy, tragedy;, etc.);
  • Know the main structure of the theater, its origin;
  • Know the main types of theatrical dolls.


  • To be able for a long time (20-40 minutes) concentrate on watching the play, concert, listening to music, etc.;
  • To be able to build a connected story about your impressions from what have seen, compare with previous impressions;
  • Be able to warm up, prepare your body to work under the guidance of a teacher;
  • Be able to perform articulation and respiratory gymnastics under the guidance of the teacher.


  • Carry out the exercises of acting training for attention, memory and fantasy in the presence of an outsider;

. Methodical support

  • Forms and mode of classes

Classes take place 5 times a week for 3-4 hours (depending on the middle age of the group). IN junior group no more than 10 people should be engaged, as it allows the teacher to pay enough attention to every child, which is especially necessary in younger aged. IN medium group May be engaged up to 15 people: such a number of children is optimal both for classes and to organize performances and concerts.

  • Expected results

The disciplines included in this union is designed to prepare a child for a full-fledged performance in a play or concert. In addition, he aims to develop the personal characteristics of the child, his creative abilities.

  • Forms of summing up

The results achieved by students in classes are demonstrated by them both during concerts and events, and in the process of work in the association "acting skills", that is, when creating and performing a performance.

  • Logistical equipment.

For full occupations and event events, a circle is needed:

  1. Hall - Theatrical or assembly, equipped with a scenic platform, visual sites, as well as equipped with special theater lighting and sound-reproducing equipment - for performances, rehearsals, general sales activities and classes.
  2. Premises for classes - a spacious, well-ventilated class with a free middle and minimum number of furniture used both by direct intended purpose, as working surfaces and as a weiglier.
  3. Make-up room - Premise for dressing and preparation for classes.
  4. Decoration-costume - Premises for storing costumes, props and other assets of a mug.

Information support program

  • References for teachers and pupils
  1. K.S. Stanislavsky "Work of the actor over himself"
  2. K.S. Stanislavsky "Work of the actor over the role"
  3. B.Y. Zakhava "The skill of the actor and director"
  4. M.A.hekhov "On the Technique of Actor"
  5. V.K.lvova, N.K. Shtymatov "Stage etudes"
  6. P, M, Ershov "Director as practical psychology"
  7. P, M, Ershov "Acting Technologies"
  8. VI Nemirovich-Danchenko "On the work of the actor"
  9. V.O.Toporkov "On the Technique of Actor"
  10. N.A. Akimov "Theater Heritage"
  11. B.Golubovsky "Plastic in the art of actor"
  12. I.ko "Fundamentals of the stage movement"
  13. V.I.Gugova "Stage speech"
  14. V.N. Berezkin "History of Scenography"
  15. Sat "Meyerhold and Artists"
  16. J. SBODA "Mystery of theatrical Space"
  17. Sat "Scene technique"
  18. S.V. Merzalova "Costume History"

Thematic work plan mug





Briefing on TB. Actor - What does this mean?!

Work with the scenario "Tragedy Beslan"


Scenario "Tragedy Beslan"

Creative interaction with partners on the scene. Training


Working with script. Talk on stage. Scene "Press Conference".


Play the etude "on the thing".



Basics of acting skills.



Gesture, Mimic, Movement.

Work on the script "Rus, handicraft!"


Acting lesson for memory development. Work on the script "Rus, handicraft!"


Practical activity on the development of attention.


Speech "Craft Rus"


Work on speech technique.

Study of poems "Ninochka"


Work on speech technique.

Study of poems "Letter Son" R.Kipping


Work on speech technique.

Study of poems "Ballet ticket" A. Barto


Distribution of roles. Reading on roles.


E. Sucansky "About the girl Faith and Monkey Anfisu"



Preparation of the performance of the performance.



"My Russia, native" s.Senin's birthday


Organization of participants, viewers and guests of the premiere. "My Russia, native" s.Senin's birthday


Preparation of poster.

"My Russia, native" s.Senin's birthday


The release of the performance. Premiere.

"My Russia, native" s.Senin's birthday


Analysis of the premiere.


Creative action in conditions of scenic fiction.


« New Year's journey around the world"


Creative interaction with partner.

"New Year's trip around the world"


Clemented household etude.

"New Year's trip around the world"


Etudes in motion.

"New Year's trip around the world"


Etude on the expectation status in a given situation. "New Year's trip around the world"


Bottime Etude on Contrasts.

"New Year's trip around the world"


Premiere. Performance "New Year's trip around the world"


Technology communication in the process of people's interaction. New Year's carols


Technology communication in the process of people's interaction. Studying christmas carols


Dialogue. Studying christmas carols


Representation "Christmas carols. Epiphany fun "


Intonation, mood, character character


The image of the hero. Character and selection of actions.


Imitation of animal behavior.


Plastic improvisation on the go in a given image.


Foaming of costume elements.


Preparation K. literary and musical Compositions "under the peaceful sky blue"


Targeted action and proposed circumstances.


Choosing a work and work on it.


Work on speech technique.

Literary and musical composition.


Scenario folk Holiday "From Nedruz to Maslenitsa"


Distribution of roles. Reading on roles


Rehearsal classes on speech technique.


Rehearsal activities on movement technique.


Expressiveness of the wordless behavior of a person


Rehearsal activities on movement technique.


Preparation of poster.


The release of the performance. Premiere.


Analysis of the premiere.


Competitions "Mime" and "Gait".


The expressiveness of the wordless behavior of man.


We put the play "Mute Cinema".


Choosing a work and work on it.


Distribution of roles.


Rehearsal classes for faithful and scenic movements.


Theatrical statement of 71 years of victory


Analysis of the theater program. 71 years old Victory


Visiting the theater. 71 years old Victory


Discussion of the performance. 71 years old Victory


Situationally massive scene "At the train station."

71 years old Victory


Creative interaction with partner. Exercise "Meeting at the train station." 71 years old Victory


Premiere of the play dedicated to the Great War



Preparation for the holidays " Last call"," First Certificate "


Preparation for the holidays "Last Call", "First Certificate"


Preparation for the holidays "Last Call", "First Certificate"


General rehearsal of holidays


Final lesson. Summarizing

To make sure that visit theater mug is not children's occupation You should go to a free trial.

We tried very hard to make acting So that all students can get full-fledged theoretical knowledge and a sufficient number of practical training.

We do not give superficial knowledge, the entire program is divided into blocks, each of which solves certain tasks. We also suggest choosing a specific acting course. Each client has the right to get answers to his questions and expect a solution to specific problems. Someone wants to liberate and learn to communicate, someone needs to pronounce serious public speeches, and someone belongs to the work on acting skill as a light leisure and wants to give will their creative potential.

Acting Circle for Adults

Theatrical Acting Mugs solve numerous speech and diction problems. Fast or slow speech, not a clear pronunciation, accent and talk, broken retelling and not an interesting flow of text, unpleasant voice, monotony.

Every day we communicate in the team, there are many forms of dialogues, genres public speeches, human characters and ways to interact with them. In order to effectively cope with them, special knowledge and trainings are required, which are carried out on theatrical courses.

Scenic speech is significantly different from the conversational: there are no smallest things in it. The content and expressiveness, the originality of the feed and, of course, the image of the speaker is taken into account.

Theatrical mugs for adults in Moscow is also a unique platform for working out special techniques of influence on the audience. The teachers of the acting studio tell how to avoid inconvenient questions, one-time respond to them, to decline in their direction.

Theatrical circles in Moscow offer a special adapted to any level of preparation. literary material. As a rule, adults can put 1-2 performances of the intermediate and reportable type.

If you want an in-depth study of the acting technician, to penetrate the methods of reincarnation and work on the role, learn the secrets of famous, talented actorsT. theatrical circles For adults just suitable for these purposes.

In them, students teach how faster to remember the replicas of their hero, to understand what emotion is experiencing a character and how using generally accepted "stamps" to demonstrate their viewer. In class teacher on acting skills teaches improvisation, art to be reliable, bright, memorable.

Many adults cannot boast the ability to self-cultivating an independent process. They can't or do not like to do with the tutorial or call acquaintances to help them make a role with him. In this case, you need theater classes for adults. They gathered like-minded people, the persons united certain common goal. It is not difficult for them and not ridiculous 30 minutes to work on the pronunciation of difficult to recoverable sound. Here together work on the same goals.

Theatrical mugs and acting schools may include and jointly add-on outputs "in the light": literary eveningshiking to theater or movie. Groups meet for cabbage and games in Mafia.

If you like the game on stage, it can easily become your hobby. Circle of acting skill will help you with it. That is, you are implementing in practice what you have a soul.

It often happens that the hobby of a person carries it much more than work. It even happens that the work of a person does not like at all, but the game in the theater is hanging it. Now if he tied all his professional activities With the theater, it would be much better, because it is recommended to deal with exactly what the soul is. Then the potential is implemented, hidden in man.

The problem of most people is that they do not consider their hobbies seriously. And they remain simple hobbies, a means of getting rid of excess stresses. And the potential remains to sit in a person for a long time, often all his life. It may be necessary to engage only in what causes the most real joy, the fact that he is painting what is pulling, to the area in which fate gives maximum opportunities? And then, perhaps a person realizes itself in life at the maximum.