Talent - what is it? Talented man. What is talent and genius in psychology

Talent - what is it? Talented man. What is talent and genius in psychology
Talent - what is it? Talented man. What is talent and genius in psychology

In the world, many talented people were, there will be. They give the world new masterpieces, bring ingenious intentions and solve virtuoso riddles. Nobody knows, perhaps children who are studying today in schools, tomorrow will be well-known researchers and will find Atlantis, the teleport portals will be invented or new planets will open. But so far in history there were a lot of outstanding personalities. We present the list of "the most talented people in the world."

1. Guy Julius Caesar (July 12-13, 100 years BC - March 15, 44 BC)

Julius Caesar is known to everyone. He was a talented commander, small politicianworthy of the emperor and a versatile person. A lot of information has been preserved about it in ancient sources, a lot of artists devoted to him their paintings, very many writers and poets depicted the life of Caesar in their creations. He introduced the Roman Empire in the heyday. Interesting fact About him: He knew how to make three things at the same time - write, talk and watch the fights of gladiators. It is interesting that so far no one can repeat these actions.

2. Leonardo di Same Piero da Vinci (1452-1519)

The 15th century gave the world not one outstanding talent, but the most famous of them is Leonardo da Vinci. Neither before nor after that genius history did not meet such versatile personalities. He at one time became famous for the whole world not only as brilliant artistBut also as a scientist, writer, musician, sculptor, inventor, engineer. They write about it in the books, films are removed about him and they are told epic. Young Leonardo early showed his talents and went far in time from his era. He surpassed his teacher - the painter Verokko, and after he created unique masterpieces, such as "Mona Lisa", "Lady with Mornosta", "Madonna Litta". One of the most famous creations Da Vinci is a drawing "Vitruvian man." Many of his works still make in themselves unborn riddles And many secrets.

3. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

Johann Sebastian Bach is one of the greatest composers in history. He created " new music"Refusing all the traditions of previous times. He came against the rules and showed the world new confluence of sounds, began to use the prohibited intervals, became famous Master Polyphony. Bach is the first composer Barochko. He presented the world more than 1000 brand new works style.

4. Katsusik Hokusai (1760-1849)

Among the most talented people in the world, Katsusik Hokusai found their place. This is one of the most prominent Chinese engravers and illustrators. For his life, he worked more than 30 pseudonyms than a lot of his colleagues surpassed. According to a special unique style, anyone can distinguish his work from the rest. The most famous works are considered " A big wave in Canhanwa "and" Manga "." Manga "still modern art historians call the encyclopedia of China's life and consider it invaluable cultural Heritage.

5. Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)

It is unlikely that someone can imagine life without electricity. For this discovery, thank the Austrian physics Nikola Tesla. He made a huge contribution to the development of science. Among the merit of the scientist also work on the study of AC and Ether. One of the most famous experiments was his work on the study of lightning. Its name is called a unit of measurement of magnetic induction. It is thanks to this greatest scientist who can use the power grid.

6. Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Among the well-known scientific figures, Albert Einstein is occupied by the last place. It outstanding personality In the world of physics. This German scientist made a huge contribution to the development of theoretical physics, became a laureate Nobel Prize. For his life Albert Einstein wrote about 300 scientific work, about a hundred books and articles on scientific topics. He became the founder of many theories, also provided gravitational waves and "quantum teleportation" in advance. In life, an outstanding physicist was a humanist and did not recognize evil until the death.

7. Coco Chanel (1883-1971)

Gabriel Boner Chanel - one of greatest women The twentieth century, the most famous fashion designer, the founder of the new style for women, the founder of the House of Fashion "Chanel". This woman brought something new to the world, unprecedented. She dared to show the world something surprisingly daring and elegant. She is the first one who "dressed a woman in men's suit"Coco Chanel is the first fashion designer who sewed female trousers. She also showed the world a female fit jacket and a little black dress. Fashion Coco Chanel still remains one of the elegant and revered. She also invented her own spirits" Shannel number 5 ". This The fragrance became the most popular in the twentieth century, they used Marine Monroe, which also starred in their advertising.

8. Salvador Dali (1904-1989)

The list of "the most talented people in the world" is undoubtedly, Salvador Dali. This Spanish genius had time to become famous artist, original director, unique schedule, sculptor and writer. He is rightfully considered the most outstanding representative of surrealism. Looking at his works of art, you can easily break your head over the thoughts about silhouettes, forms, colors and plots.

Salvador Dali - one of unique geniuseswhich the world has not yet knew. The most famous pictures of the "Giraffe in Fire", "Venus with drawers", "sleep, called the bee bee for the moment to awaken" and "constancy of memory". Salvador Dali wrote several autobiographies, the most famous of which is the "diary of one genius."

9. Maillin Monroe (1926 - 1962)

The norm of Jean Mortenson is known to the world as Marilyn Monroe. This woman for her, unfortunately, a brief life managed to conquer the hearts of millions and stay in the memory of their fans on long years forward. Marul Moro was a famous movie actresant and singer. She also deserved the title of sex symbol of the 1950s. Movies with her participation collect crowds of viewers from the screens and today, her talents admire the fans, and her manner of games and behavior are trying to imitate many televisions of our time.

10. Montserrat Caballe (1933 - our time)

The Spanish Opera Singer Montserrat Caballe is considered a talented person of modernity. She became famous, thanks to his unusually strong voice And the special technique of Belkanto. The monserate participated in a multiple opera, performing a wide variety of roles. One of the most famous songs It is "Barcelona", filled together with the soloist of the group "Queen" of Freddi Markuri. Opera singer - The owner of many awards and ranks. Her talent is recognized worldwide and does not leave any lovely connoisseur indifferent.

11. Jimmy Hendrix (1942-1970)

Jimmy Hendrix - Original rock musician, guitarist and virtuoso. This is a person who forced all the canons of guitar music from the legs on the head. In 2009, he was officially recognized by the greatest guitarist of all time.

During his lifetime, he was called the genius of their business. Jimmy Hendrix changed the face of the guitar rock and forced the guitar to sound in a new way. With this phenomenal musician admired and admire many musicians, including Freddi Marquiri, Richie Blackmore and Kurt Kobane.

In life it happens anything. Often, work does not like it, the area of \u200b\u200bresidence is not one or a family does not apply to a person as he would like. It is a thought that it is clearly not the most complete disclosure of our potential. So to speak, life on the "Troika" is peculiar to many people in our time. What is caused and how to change it, the BRIGHT expert will tell. About who is such a talented man below.


Antram Egyazaryan

coach, coach, LETSENZIAT of international applied education.
Career and Education Consultant

Do not break what is given to you.

Today, I took my nine-year-old relative in the clinic. On the way, she told me something lively, and I diligently did a look that I listen, the potential formulations and suggestions were spawned in the head, which in the future should have become part of this article. To support the conversation, I asked the girl that, in her opinion, means the word "talent"?
To my surprise, she suddenly became scary serious and stated that talent is a special gift that all people are endowed without exception. Someone talentedly draws, someone embroiders, someone sings, and someone helps others. "And if no visible signs of talent is observed? - I ask. - neither voice nor hearing, nor artistic taste, no distinctive features? " "No, this does not happen, talent is usually manifested by itself in childhood, but he can hide, and then parents must help find him. If they did not do this, then the talent is sleeping until the person wakes himself himself, well, or until he becomes good. This is also talent. But there are no people without talents. " So, understand? There are no people without talents. The opinion of the child of nine years, which struck me. Many are sure that people are divided into those who are given and to whom it is not given, sincerely believing in the aphorism "Talented man is talented in everything", and if not in everything - that is not talented at all. They do not allow the thoughts that talent is a mandatory component of any person, like nose, heart or leather, and not the privilege of the elected lucky. A new understanding of the problem puts a number of questions: what then actually is talent? Is it true that people are originally born talented, but simply not everyone implements their potential? And if talents have everything without exception, then how to find your talent in yourself, how to develop it?

About talent as such

So, let's start with the beginning, "talent" is ... The ancient Greeks talent is the highest unit of weight and coins measured in gold. Origin modern definition "Talent" is rooted in New Testament, in the parable of three slaves and three coins - "talents", one of which was buried, the other exchanged, and the third is multiplied. From there and went popular expression "To burn talent to the ground," but they mean not a coin under this, but divine talent. Dictionary of Brockhaus gives next definition: Talent is high natural talent, outstanding ability to activities in any area. Talented man, accordingly, the one who has these outstanding abilities. And who exactly? In what field? Names immediately come to mind famous actors, singers and writers, of course. But to allocate someone as simply failed. It is difficult to imagine, for example, modern Hollywood without such actors as Tom Hanks, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, Kevin Spacy and without many others. Which of them talented? Everyone in its own way. The essence you catch? Talent is an indicator of adaratence, but not selected, this is what can distinguish not only one, but many people even within one professional area. What about those who are not representatives of Beaumd? It is easy to apply the word "talented" to the one whose name is heard, and face, sorry for vulgarity, in sight. But in ordinary life We also often hear and use this epithet themselves relatively kind of ordinary people of the most ordinary professions. What to go far for example? While I drank my coffee and thought about the article, a view started at the bar desk: the bartender has twisted the bottles, I soldered something incredible with a shaker, got along, frozen, forced the cocktails to spout white dense couple clubs. And it seems to be nothing here. Many bartenders know how to have masters who twist him in two bills. However, all visitors sincerely applauded the boy for a long time, and the woman at the next table admired the longest of the others and in the end summarized: "Talented boy." But the truth is a talented guy, and the tricks here, in general, without something. His talent was in himself itself, and not in worked and extracurricular skills. First of all, in charm and the ability to charm, which he demonstrated. A sincere smile addressed to everyone and everyone individually, a friendly, but discreet tone and ultra-performance. Even during the tricks, he managed to pour coffee, not forgetting to put a small moisture on a saucer near the cup and wish a nice evening every new guest. Isn't that talent? He is. This observation pushed me to quite logical output. You can divide talented people into two large groups, which, however, do not exclude each other. There are people who their persistence, improving skills, hardly develop the challenges initially embedded in them. And then there are talented lawyers, indispensable economists, outstanding chemists and nuclear physicists, striking the imagination designers, Oscar-and-axle actors, singers-grahmmivtsi and Pulitzer Writers. And there is a second category, in my opinion, no less significant. In our ambiguous time, special talent is the ability to remain decent, responsive, fair, faithful and good manClimbing at the same time every day with immorality and wildness. Even be friendly and friendly - already some separate talent. Education in itself requires no less effort and labor than professional skills. It is good or bad, but to be today a real sympathy person is a big and rare talent. However, I repeat that one does not exclude the other. A talented lawyer may well be a responsive benefactor, like a talented nuclear physicist - true friend. So what happens? So, talent is not only congenital gifting, this is what depends entirely and completely from our desire and perseverance. Whether it is an unprecedented kindness to people or writing skills.

Talented children

But let's talk about what. You noticed that lately On the channels there are increasing gears about talented children? Much more than about adults. And this is not good. Scientists have long proved that almost all children potentially possess outstanding abilities and have a tendency to any type of activity, sometimes to several. The task of parents is to recognize and help develop these abilities. They become pronounced at the age of 10-13 years old, but there are kids who exhibit themselves in very early age. So, personally struck me the baby on one of similar Shaw. In his three years, he already had a second level of chess! And the other boy found his calling in the study of space. He focused among the stars and the planets so easily, as if he studied them for many years. Or a girl, without even really learning to speak, I could easily call the capital of all countries of the world. What does it say?
The fact that children really show themselves pretty early, and parents need not to miss the moment to help the child develop this veil into themselves. Of course, in many respects, it is similar to the transmissions that the surge of talented children in the country contributed, but it is probably even plus, since the parents inspired by someone else's example became attentive to look at their own chad, listen to them. But, as it was said, not all parents can see, and not every child knows what he wants. But this is by no means reason to consider yourself a mediocre. You need to try, experience yourself. We, adults, very worried seem funny, are afraid to be convicted, and therefore do not risk looking into yourself, to look for the same thread. We always think that it's too late. But late - on the light. This is what I am. You can not throw attempts to find yourself, no matter how many years you have, you can not be afraid to open yourself to the world from the new side. It is important to remember that man is initially already talented, you just need to allow the talent to express yourself, and then not to be lazy to work for him in the sweat of the face.


If you summarize all the above thoughts of thoughts, then it will be approximately the following.
1) In all people, the potential was laid, already initially each of us wears talent grain.
2) Talent is not only brought to perfection skills, just to be a person is also a big talent, as be friendly or responsive. Are you worried that time is going, and the talent is not manifested? Critically take a look at yourself. If it turns out that you are a kind and responsive person, if you are the soul of the company, if you go to advice, and even if you dress stylish and tastefully without the advice of Evelyna Chromchenko, then I congratulate you, you are already a talented person. Just not in the generally accepted sense.
3) Learn to "see" your children, they live great scientists, astronomers, geographers, athletes and ballerinas. And from adults, in many ways, it depends on how fast the child can show himself and start growing and developing, improving his talent.
4) Adults are big panties who are afraid to make an extra step or, God forbid, make a mistake. But you need to take steps, first of all, inside yourself. Lives there talented childwho is waiting for its o'clock.
5) Laziness is destructive, like fear. Therefore, no matter how difficult it was, do not refuse your gift, the one who knows how to wait - always wins. It will become easier. And do not be lazy.
Zabolotsky has a wonderful poem "Do not let the shower be lazy ...", it helps me, perhaps it will help you. There is talent and the highest point - This is a genius. She suffered such great people like Jackson, Chaplin, Tolstoy, Mendeleev and others. You know, in addition to the most genius, unites them and the other common feature: They are all dead. Not in vain say that ingenious becomes posthumously. Therefore, you live here and now, do not be afraid of anything, listen to yourself, look deep into, do not break what is given to you, and remember: "There are no people without talent."

Do not go out what is given to you!

Talent As a personality quality is a tendency to show natural gifting and outstanding abilities in any sphere of vital activity.

Music teacher says to the disciple: - I warn you if you do not behave correctly, I will tell the parents that you have a talent.

Talent is divine energy, the starting capital of the personality. Talent is responsibility to the world. Initially, the word "talent" indicated gold coins. The Bible describes the parable, as the owner presented three to his slaves on one coin - "Talent". One buried it into the ground, the second exchanged, and the third imaginary. Expressions appeared from here: I buried, I exchanged and multiplied (developed) my talent. But then this word began to use in a different sense - how the divine gift is to create something new, innate in man. M. Weller writes: "Talent is a perpendicular. This is a swim against the flow. This contempt for the crowd and indestructible desire to stand out from it so that it is surprised and respected. Nonconformism, in general, and the ability to do something such that most cannot, or does not want, or does not even understand. "

One of the main lessons Life - Find your destination, find the sphere of vital activity, where the "highlight" of the talent will manifest itself in full force. Someone is intended to be a talented artist, someone a talented mother, and someone is a talented veterinarian. If they go on a different way of life, there will be a conflict existence, there will be discontent with both work, will envy to more successful colleagues. With work there should be mutual love, otherwise every day will turn into a painful flour. A talented man engaged in his favorite business is going to work with joy, and returns with pleasure. In short, you do not need to give in to persuasion to play the violin when you get a knock on the drum. This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita, 3.35: "Much better man To fulfill your duties, even an imperfect way than others - perfectly. It is better to notice failure, fulfilling your own debt than to fulfill someone else's way, because it is dangerous for someone else's way. "

Wise words. Scientists held a curious study in clarifying when people often occur in people and what is their main reason. It turned out that at nine in the morning on Monday. The survivors after the heart attack asked the question, as they consider, the main cause of their heart disease. And that's what came up. They all hated their work and walked on her as on the boat. People daily with the call of the alarm closed stress, raped themselves and, overcoming their reluctance, went to the unloved job. That's why follow someone else's way dangerous. We must look for your destination.

There is such a parable. Before putting a pencil in the box, the pencil master put it aside. "There are five things you need to know before I send you to the world," he said a pencil. - Always remember them, never forget, and then you will become best pencilwhich can only be. First: You can make a lot of great things, but only if you allow someone to keep you in your hand. Second: You will experience painful crawling from time to time, but it will be necessary to become the best pencil. Third: You will be able to correct the mistakes that you make. Fourth: Your most important part will always be inside you. And the fifth: for no matter how the surface you did not use, you should always leave your mark. Regardless of your condition, you must continue to write. " Pencil understood and promised to remember this. It was placed in a box with a vocation in the heart.

And now, putting you in place a pencil, I want to tell you: always remember these five rules, never forget them, and you will become the best personwhich can only be. First: You will be able to do a lot of great things, but only if you allow God to keep you in my own hand and allow other people to have access to many gifts that you have. Second: You will experience painful scratching from time to time, passing through various problems. But you will need it to become more strong man. Third: You can correct the mistakes that you committed or can "grow" of them. Fourth: Your most important part will always be inside you. And the fifth: everywhere, wherever you go, you have to leave your mark.

"There are many people in the world," the Spanish writer Carlos Ruis Safaf, who possesses the abilities and desire, and many do not achieve anything. It is only prerequisites to make something in life. Congenital gift is akin to athlet power. It can be born, possessing large or smaller abilities, but a person does not become an athlete only for the reason that he was born high, strong or fast. An outstanding athlete or artist makes hard work, improving in its craft and technical techniques. The natural mind is nothing more than strategic stock.

It is always sad to look at the unrealized, "buried to the ground" talent. Trouble, Kohl Pieces will begin the stove shoemaker. Doing not by your business, a person passes by his happiness, does not open his true me. The feeling of guilt for not found or deliberately not accepted the purpose will be all his life gnawing his soul and poison existence. As capital is overflowed from one industry in a more profitable industry, and man, yielding to mercantile reasons, sometimes begins to drift in life, consciously forgetting about his talent. Total: The exam is not commissioned, the purpose is ignored, the personality is lost, the happiness will definitely be unambiguously. Remember Richard Baha: "Each of us at birth is given a marble boulder and tools to turn it into a statue. Some so drag this block with them all their life, never touching it. Some quickly break it on small fragments. And some, it is possible to create a great masterpiece from it! " In some countries there are traditions how to determine the talent of the child. For example, in India, there are various items - books, money, weapons in India. What he will crawl and start playing, then there will be a sphere of its activities in the future.

Talent - Inclosure with hard work and purposefulness. Laziness and sweetness - rust for talent, only in the atmosphere of constant, intense and hard labor, it turns into a real creative force, only in the acquisition of skills and experience, it reveals all its potential. Talent without hard work is like fireworks - dazzling moment and darkness. If talentedness goes along the path of its purpose to its goal, work for it turns into a conscious need, to the work of the soul, in pleasure. Therefore, by and large, the presence of tension is evidence that the person is busy not with his work and, under the influence of other people's opinions and ratings, refers to his lesson. For example, those surrounding in one voice say: "You are a talented doctor," and for some reason, he feels a talented doctor and for some reason, he monitors the exchange news in every free minute and in secret dreams of becoming a broker.

Someone came up with a statement: "Talented man talented in everything." Not in everything. If there is no purpose, interest, skills and experience - nothing will work. There is a wonderful statement of Francois de Larochefuky: "The granks that the Lord have endowed people are as diverse as the trees he decorated the earth, and each has special properties and brings only inherent fruits. That's why the best pear tree will never give birth to even stray apples, and the most gifted man will leave before the case, although the ordinary, but giving only to the one who is capable of this case. "

The talency is lazy only where it is not her place, in his beloved area about Lene there can not be any speech, where everything goes - the eyes shine, they do not pull out his work for the ears, the working capacity of the crazy, the person does not even feel fatigue. How to determine, is your occupation or imposed on circumstances? Very simple, it can be felt even on the physical level. If, leaving the case, you begin to feel worse - this is a sure sign of deviation from the vocation.

Talent - means to get away from templates and stereotypes, act fundamentally in a new way, most best way Realizing its abilities under any circumstances of life. I. E. Repina Doctors will be banned to work with paints, but also a simple stubby, he manages to make talented things. F. M. Dostoevsky every attack of epilepsy reduced him mental capacityand he did not remember acting persons His works. Despite this, the master with love created new offices.

Talent is sincere. In the world of human estimates, only one thing is important for it - sincerely or fake, truly or fake. Outdoor snobism, talent does not care at all about the "good" or "bad" taste of his creations. The taste for her, as Rolan's Bulls said - "This is tasty." Talent is absenting imitation and copying. As Durer Pupils said, "Beware of the thoughts to create something more perfect than the work created by God." Do not competing with God, talent is experiencing interest and love for what sees. This allows it to see and evaluate the real beauty of the world.

There is a wonderful aphorism of the poet of Lion Lakes: "Neglecting the words, life convinces us again: talents must be helped, there are progress." Talent is a protected area, it needs to be protected. Talented people There is a hardest thing in life. They always serve as an object of attacks, envy and malice, they are not protected, open to everyone and for everything. Studacity shakes from no other unpredictability of others. Talent passes by vital success due to weak motivation to succeed, expaning others to get to the feeder of life. She is passionate about his business and does not look around, where greedy and unprincipled media show a mad initiative, capturing "warm" places and key posts. While talent is selflessly alone thinks over the solution of any task, concentrating all its attention and the potential of the mind over its speeding resolution, the media is disastrously multiplied by creating some groups, unions, societies, parties. Talent plows for decades, and one prisitude can destroy dozens of talents. A. P. Chekhov accurately noticed: "People are not talented, but with complaints, nothing else remains how to make real talents."

Peter Kovalev 2013 year

It is difficult to disagree with the opinion of the German writer Lyon Feakhthanger "Man talented, talented in all areas." Agreeing, we will have to admit that a talented musician writes no less talented poems, and the time is free from muizitization and rectifies, it creates ingenious picturesque canvas. A person's passion otherwise is also called a hobby. I think that there are no such people in the world who would not have their own hobbies. Turn to the facts, in particular, to the piping of the biography famous writers and poets.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol experienced a passion for needlework. Knit on the spokes of scarves, crown the sisters of the dress, the belt tilt, the neck scarves sewed to the summer.

Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov was generously endowed with Nature not only by a poetic gift, but also the talent of the painter. Artistic abilities The future poet was already manifested in childhood when he began to draw watercolor and sculpt whole compositions and scenes from wax. Lermontov did not receive any systematic art Education. His household teacher was an artist Alexander Stepanovich Solonitsky. Being an organic part of the whole creativity of the poet, drawings and paintings by Lermontov thematically close to his poetic creatures. At the same time, a number of drawings, watercolors and paintings have a plot community with literary works Lermontov.

He wrote landscapes, was fond of creating portraits, showed himself as an outstanding cartoonist. The picturesque and graphic heritage of Lermontov make up: 11 paintings performed by oil, 51 watercolor, 50 drawings on separate sheets, two albums - one relating to the time of stay of the poet in a Junker school containing about 200 drawings, and the other belonging to 1840-1841 GG, in which there are about 20 drawings and sketches that displays his battle life in the Caucasus inscribed in it in 1840 and life 1840--1841 Finally, about 70 sketches that are in the manuscripts of the poet. (Attachment 1)

Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy, the Father of the Russian intelligentsia was an extraordinary person and hobbies chose strange. For example, Lion Tolstoy loved to bargain in a plow and plow. This representation collected a mass of zoo. Another famous nobleman with joy mastery boots for relatives and friends. Unusual hobbies The writer was not combined with his aristocratic origin. The witness of the outstanding cycling hobby of Graph Lion Tolstoy was the manor "Clear Polyana", currently being memorial and natural Reservewhere it will be possible to make a fascinating journey on those routes that remember the Great Russian Writer. Soon he has already traveled freely not only in the Moscow streets, but also made moving from Moscow and Casual Polyana in Tula. The quality of our roads and now leaves much to be desired, but 100 years ago it was necessary to be a real extremal to successfully overcome them, especially in a solid age.

He was fond of horse riding, walked well, ran skiing, the sports routine always reigned in his house, he loved her hunt very much, always switched off with physical work To mental, any exercise tried to do with a joke. And rods of firewood, and kits, horse riding, tennis, and a game of Volan, and checkers with chess, and a crockety, and fast skates, and two-hundred-meters hiking - all these side classes helped him feel the joy of life and the extraordinary beauty of nature, Which, according to L. Tolstoy, will wake up dead. Lev Nikolayevich did not stop wondering the novelty all his life and welcomed it sincerely, both in her three years and eighty-two. (Appendix 2)

The famous poet and the thinker Goethe soul did not care in small fragrant colors - violets. The legendary German was not just admired by these flowers - he raged them, and very interesting way. Goethe liked to walk around the surroundings of Weimar. During such walks, the poet always took the seeds of violets. He sow flowers everywhere where he saw a suitable place. Soon, the suburb of Weimar was literally dressed up with blue fragrant flowers, which still call "Goethe flowers".

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov loved to collect brands. About 15,000 brands collected by the writer are stored in the House-Museum in Yalta. Chekhov sent and received a lot of letters and postal cards, which contributed to the replenishment of his collection. In the memoirs of contemporaries and correspondence Chekhov, it is possible to find a lot of confirmation of how carefully did Anton Pavlovich treat the correspondence received, which great interest showed to postage stamps. Later in memory of Chekhov went out stamps and other philatelic materials in the Soviet Union, Russia and others foreign countries. (Appendix 2)

Conclusion: A man, enthusiastic and fondant, lives as if several lives, and it is truth.

Leonardo da Vinci - artist, inventor, writer, long-lived ...

Leonardo da Vinci - outstanding italian artist, scientist, engineer and an anata, one of the prominent representatives of the art and science of the Renaissance. In addition to the world famous world, Leonardo left a manuscript on many areas of knowledge: engaged in mathematics, hydromechanics, geology and physical geography, meteorology, chemistry, astronomy, nerd, as well as anatomy and human and animal physiology. He playedly played on Lira. When the Leonardo case was considered in the court of Milan, he appeared there exactly as a musician, and not as an artist or inventor. Now he is perceived by many as the inventor "total in the world."

All Life Leonardo went through Europe, working on one mighty patron, then another. In addition to its main classes (painting, sculpture, architecture, engineering), the master did, it would seem completely unworthy for the genius - entertained by the aristocrats of singing, the game on Little, recited the poems of his own essay, was engaged in the organization of celebrations. Leonardo left behind about 13,000 pages of various manuscripts - notes, diaries, drawings, treatises, canons, "Codes". It must be said that the works of the master were not ordered, although the author tried to somehow systematize them, numbering the pages.

However, Da Vinci was not only scientists and an artist, but also a gifted narrator, a storyteller. He wrote and poems, sonnets, Madrigals, who have not reached us. Some Leonardo fairy tales became part of the Italian folklore and are perceived now as folk art. (Appendix 3) These stories are a certain mixed genre: there are many stories that resemble a fable or parable with clear morality, but there are simply any household humorous sketches, but come across with works about various animals, whose habits Leonardo knew very well , watching the nature of the whole life, and stories about fantastic creatures.

Recently, various talent shows have become very popular, thanks to which we learned that among ordinary people - a lot of talents! What is talent?

At first glance, everything is simple. Talent is a manifestation of bright abilities in a certain area, this is a special giftedness that cannot be noticed.

But here is the question: Is the talent for a gift that only exceptional individuals are endowed, or can you develop it?

Talent - Dar of Nature?

In the Brochaus Dictionary, talent is defined as high natural talent, an outstanding ability to activities in any area.

Immediately recall the names of famous actors, scientists, musicians, writers. Dostoevsky, Beethoven, Mendeleev, Mironov - this is whom, undoubtedly, can be called people talented, that kind of generously laid the nature!

A talented scientist, as if living in the world of abstractions, reflecting on a new product a writer or creating music composer sometimes seem to other people are somewhat strange ...

That is, a talented person is special, the one who has from birth has outstanding abilities? And only favorites can be the owners of talents?

Yes, talent is undoubtedly the indicator of special giftedness. But not selected!

And in application to ordinary people We also often use the word "talent". And even more - every person in nature is talented.

How to find talent

Not everyone is given to be a genius in one of the sciences, possess a unique artistic or musical gift. And what prevents ordinary person Start developing data from the ability? But first you need to find them in yourself. How to do it?

Listen to your desires, remember what they dreamed of in childhood. After all, the ability primarily manifests itself in an insurmountable desire to engage in some kind of specific activities, to show themselves in something.

This desire may arise in childhood or adolescence. And it happens that the spark of talent flashes and in adulthood. In any case, you need to not ignore this inner feeling, but to trust him.

What are the talents

A talented person - what is he? And what are the talents?

Back in 1980, American psychologist Howard Gardner in his book "The Rocky Mind" allocated seven types of talent. And although after it, more than 30 species were described, these seven are also considered the main. Here they are.

Goodwill and love for people - also talent!

Today, there are more and less people who can truly sympathize, help, substitute shoulder. The ability to remain a decent person in our time can also be considered a special and rather rare talent. Even sincere friendly and benevolence is definitely talent. And it is no less important for the development of mankind than the talent to move forward science or develop art.

If the ability to humanity is not given from nature, it is worth an effort to raise it.

So it turns out that talent is not only giftedness, given to God; He, above all, depends on human perseverance and desire to become more perfect.

Talented children

Almost all children have a special tendency to something, and sometimes there are validations at once in several spheres. To help the child to inflate the emerging spark, parents must detect these abilities on time and as early as possible to start developing creative talent in the child.

After all small man It is unlikely to learn to play on musical instrument Or write paintings on their own, even if he has non-free abilities to these classes. And if a talented person does not have the opportunity to face the subject of his giftedness, he may never know about his talent.

Therefore, it is so important to give the child to test yourself in different cases and determine what kind of baby likes most of all what his soul is.

Try your strength and abilities Children can, visiting various circles and sections, as well as participating in children's creative contests that are organized specifically to find young talents.

And finding the child's info in the child, you need to cherish them and develop. After all, if this is not done, he can remain just fond of a loved one. Yes, he will delight with his gift of loved ones and friends, but no more. But receiving proper training and development, tranquility can cool to change their entire life.

But the talent is so pronounced and bright that he himself will not let you forget about myself, breaks out, as if gentle flower, breaking through the asphalt, and "buried it into the ground" will not work even under adverse conditions.

Two values \u200b\u200bof expression "buried talent in the ground"

Previously, the expression "buried talent in the ground" was a completely different meaning than the one that we invest in it today. Like the word "talent", which initially meant the largest monetary unit in Ancient Greece, Persia, Babylon.

The expression "buried talent in the ground" went from the evangelical parable about how one rich man before leaving to another country distributed talents (coins) to his slaves to another country. One of them he gave 5 talents, the second - 2, the third - 1. The first two slaves invested their coins in the case, and the third buried his silver talent in the ground.

When Mr. returned, two slave gave him more money than they got. The third returned only one coin, which retained in the ground. The praise was received by those who did not cut their talents, but imagined them. The third gentleman called the custody and lazy.

IN modern language "Easy talent in the ground" means not to develop this over the gift.

How to develop talent

Detected abilities need to be developed, and this requires considerable effort. After all, talent is not only extraordinary gifts given from birth, but also developed under the influence of exercises.

Many people achieve great success and achieve fame due to the fact that the deposits laid by nature are hardworking and persistence. Out of these, out of time, outstanding economists and lawyers, outstanding scientists, creative designers, talented musicians, Actors and writers.

After all, the talent itself does not have strength and no one is interested. It requires processing as if gemstonewho is inhabited, not visible to anyone. In order to the ability in man, the giftedness was transformed into talent, you need to spend a lot of time and effort. But it's worth it!

In each person laid a grain of talent. You need to be able to consider in our children future great scientists, athletes, artists, musicians to help them develop and implement data from the nature of the ability.

Also, it is not necessary to forget that it is never too late to find the talent in yourself, it is worth only to see the child inside yourself and remember what he dreamed about ... and the main thing - not to be afraid to realize these dreams! You should be afraid to burrow into the ground with this nature talent.

No less important than extraordinary abilities for sciences or creativity is a talent being a man - kind, compassionate, responsive. If our reader is exactly such - he is undoubtedly extremely talented.