How to learn to draw from scratch. Drawing lessons with a pencil for beginners Phased: the basic rules for drawing with a pencil, and video master classes for those who want to learn how to draw a pencil from scratch well

How to learn to draw from scratch. Drawing lessons with a pencil for beginners Phased: the basic rules for drawing with a pencil, and video master classes for those who want to learn how to draw a pencil from scratch well
How to learn to draw from scratch. Drawing lessons with a pencil for beginners Phased: the basic rules for drawing with a pencil, and video master classes for those who want to learn how to draw a pencil from scratch well

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The conviction "I can never draw" - 100% false. You may not be able to create masterpieces as great artists. But to master the initial foundations of the profession, draw pictures for themselves and friends - real. Public stereotypes, such as the presence of creative talent or profile education in the university, are not true. It is enough to be able to keep a brush or pencil. And of course, attach perseverance to an exciting case.

In the article we will tell:

To learn how to draw, you just need to draw

Having mastered the drawing technique, you will increase self-esteem, you will find the method of self-expression and get a tremendous pleasure from the process. As an additional bonus with excellent results - the ability to sell your work and earn.

There are 3 ways to learn to draw: Command from leading masters, learn independently or go to art schools.

The teacher will clearly show different techniques, tells that it will not, correct the shortcomings and praise you for the resulting creation.With online courses you will master drawing without leaving home.And for individual training, hundreds of books-tutorials are issued.

Can I learn to draw from scratch? Is it worth visiting the drawing courses to adult and pay money for them? Irina Shuvayeva, the management of the company "Chocolate Dream", which has become a base for the future company for the future company.

My answer is definitely if you want to learn to draw quickly. I and my close in your time went to different drawing courses. I was fascinated by sketching, my relatives - watercolor. Both and the other we successfully mastered less than a month. After all, it depends only on the desire to create. Maybe, other techniques require longer learning, and not all courses are equally useful. Before visiting your courses, I was interested in style, the results of students and the teacher, how quickly you can master the technique. For me, it was not a vital necessity, but just an interest in the new direction, which I easily gave me in training. Later, I already studied drawing on chocolate, but this is a completely different story.

Irina Shuvaeva, the management of the company "Chocolate Dream"

Drawing techniques for beginner

Fine art contains both traditional drawing methods that have been used for centuries and innovative techniques. Drawing techniques differ in the type of materials used, methods of mixing paints, directions and length of strokes. Using at the same time several directions, the artist determines its style.

Traditional drawing techniques:

  1. Academic drawing. This is an image of objects. For example, a circle, cube or cylinder. Allows you to learn to transmit volume and shape on paper. An example of a more complex execution of an academic drawing in the form of a portrait - "Warrior in the helmet and armor" Leonardo da Vinci.
  2. Oil painting. Old and affordable technique. In professional courses, write the first picture with oil paints in 3 hours. One of the famous paintings in this technique is "Morning in the Pine Forest" I. Shishkin and K. Savitsky.
  3. Watercolor painting. Art work is carried out with the help of water colors. Displays the wealth of tone, building a form and space. The picture of the famous Russian artist K. Bryullov "Horseman" was performed just in watercolor technology.
  4. Graphics. Lines, strokes and stains are used as drawing elements. Lots of work in the style of graphics in I. Repin, for example, "Nevsky Prospect."

Unconventional techniques:

  1. Sand graphics. Used bulk material (sand or mica) and glass highlighted from below. The technique of sand graphics creates static paintings and dynamic short films. The basis of art was laid by Caroline Lif. The first of his painting-animation "sand" attracted the attention of colleagues and viewers.
  2. GRITAZH- This is a scratch technique. Use a sheet of paper covered with wax, black paint and any acute tool for creating (scratching) patterns. For the first time in Russia, the routine was used in 1922 by the artist M. Dobzhinsky when illustrating the book of Dostoevsky "White Nights".
  3. Sketching. Fast drawing reproducing the present moment on paper. As a tool for drawing, markers, pencils or liners are used. Modern allowance of Claus Mayer Pauken "City Sketching Step by Step" represents illustrations in the form of sketching streets of Paris.
  4. Candle graphics. The contour of the drawing is applied by a conventional candle. Then the sheet is covered with watercolor and the original picture is manifested. Another kind of graphics - drawing with a flame from the candle. Canadian artist Stephen Obsukuk so became interested in this method that he wrote several tens of paintings in this direction.

From the manifold technician is easy to pick up the one that is suitable for you. But if you do not know what you like more, you should try yourself in different directions and stay on the most interesting.

Where to start learning to draw

So, do you want to learn how to draw? Why start? It would be nice to visit the courses with the teacher. It can be both individual and group classes. But if there is no financial opportunity, then you can learn from art yourself.

In art institutions, the first task for the beginner is drawing geometric forms. It is necessary to understand the principle of building forms, lighting and creating a composition on a sheet.

All tasks are directed to the "hand setting", which reflects the relationship of the direction of the brush and the thoughts of the author. With each time the exercise, the lines will become confident and clear.

What can you draw

As a basis for drawing in contemporary art, a variety of materials are used. The choice depends on the individual preferences of the author and the style of creating a picture.

1) How to learn to draw on a computer

There are dozens of programs for artists. Some of them are installed on the default computer, others are bought for professional activities.

The most relevant drawing programs:

  • Paint. Enters the Windows shell. Perfectly suitable for newbies. It will help to understand the techniques for creating graphic drawings.
  • Painter. Program for a computer artist. An understandable interface using all sought-after drawing techniques.
  • Ambient Design Artrage. Free drawing program that allows you to create artwork.

To work in programs, only a computer device and a mouse are required. If desired, the finished drawing can be printed.

2) How to learn to draw on the tablet

The tablet is an excellent drawing device. A graphic editor is downloaded for work and a special feather is used. One end is used to apply lines, another to erase them.

Distinguish 2 editor: with raster (Factal Design Painter, Corel Photopaint) and vector graphics (Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW). Programs have their own templates, textures for the background and brush. Start drawing from simple geometric figures, mastering the basics, and then strive for more complex forms.

Most Popular Drawing Services on Tablet:
  1. Adobe Photoshop Sketch.The program uses the full potential of sensory displays. After working in the appendix there remains a real feeling of drawing on paper.

Picture in Adobe Photoshop Sketch
  1. Adobe Illustrator Draw.Designed for vector graphics. The program easily draws complex forms for icons and logos.

Drawing in Adobe Illustrator Draw
  1. MediBang Paint.Japanese invention. Great for genres Anime and Manga. The program has fonts, forms and frames to create comics.

Picture in MediBang Paint
  1. Autodesk Sketchbook.It has a large set of virtual brushes, pencils and drawing markers.

Figure in Autodesk Sketchbook.
  1. ARTFLOW.Contains 20 customizable tools. It is possible to work in multi-layer techniques.

Picture in ArtFlow.

3) How to learn to draw on paper

Many newbies scares the first white sheet. Do not chase at the ideal result. Just take the album and plunge into a fascinating process.

If it is difficult to come up with a composition in the mind, then draw from nature. Take as an example picture in a magazine, book or subject indoors. First apply the contour lines and only then draw the main details.

4) How to learn to draw in notebook

Notebook - a wide field for starting an amateur activity to draw. Draw in the pixel-style art is very simple. The image is created by a handle or pencil. For example, use graphic dictations. Go from simpler drawings to more complex.

5) How to learn to draw on canvas

Usually canvas is used for painting with oil paints. In order to draw something on canvas, buy linseed or cotton material. It must be fixed on the subframe. You can use a cheaper option - canvas stretched into cardboard. It is convenient when transporting and is distinguished by small sizes.

Before starting work, cover the canvas soil so that the paint does not violate the material texture. After that, it is important to carefully dry the foundation. Then proceed to apply the pattern. When using multilayer technology, each stage of work is covered by a special tool to fasten the paint.

For the first time, do not buy expensive materials. If you think this occupation after a while. Working with oil paints on canvas will require you time and patience.

6) How to learn to draw beautifully on the phone

One of the modern ways of self-expression is drawing on a smartphone. Developed applications will help create artistic works of any level and no less masterpiece.

Drawing Applications on Mobile Phone
Drawing applications for Android:
  1. Adobe Illustrator Draw.
  2. Photoshop Sketch.
  3. ArtFlow.
  4. dotPict
  5. Ibis Paint.
  6. MediBang Paint
  7. PaperDraw.
  8. Roughanimator
  9. SCETCH by Sony
  10. Sketchbook by Autodesk.
Drawing applications for iOS:
  1. Adobe Photoshop Sketch.
  2. Adobe Illustrator Draw.
  3. Adobe Capture CC.
  4. Tayasui Sketches App.
  5. Paper by Fiftythree
  6. Sketch Club App.
  7. ProCreate Pocket.
  8. ASKETCH Drawing App.
  10. Adobe Photoshop Mix.
  11. Autodesk Sketchbook.

The better to draw

Before the start of drawing, you need to stock up the quality base of the painting (paper, canvas) and a drawing tool. About the most popular techniques and even advice, how to create the first drawing, read further.

1) How to draw paint

Watercolor uses as paints. Children's "honey" positions do not take. Buy any professional, not necessarily the most expensive. The main thing that you like the existing palette. Choose paper watercolor, it is denser usual and not deformed by water. For a beginner, there will be enough two brushes made of wool proteins: thin No. 2-3 and fat number 7-8.

Try to draw a flower. Pick up colors. With the help of a pencil, apply the contour on paper. Slide the main background, after drying, proceed to drawing a flower. Cover it with translucent paint, after drying, draw a darker palette. Next, spread accents in the picture with more dense strokes to give volume. Drawing ready.

Drawing paints

2) How to learn to draw a pencil

Pencil is the best option for beginners. It will take the tool itself and paper. Try to draw the city. To begin with, notice the silhouettes of the main skyscrapers. Draw windows and panels. The heights of the floors should not differ in size, follow this. Debate the territory of trees and work completed.

Pencil drawing

3) As scientificto draw a handle

Any pen is suitable for drawing: gel or ball. Use paper as a basis. It is more convenient to draw in notebook. The easiest way for beginners is to build a picture by points, creating a contour. Then we combine them into a single composition. It is important to transfer the form of the subject. After 100 exiled trial pages, go to the evaluation of the result.

Hand drawn picture

4) how to learn to paint oil

Oil colors are complex, so suitable for people who have already mastered simple techniques and they tried to try themselves in other directions of painting.In order to start drawing, you will need a pencil for applying contour, primed surface, paint and solvent.

The first stage of work is the formulation of still life. It is possible as an example to use the illustration in any book or simply beautifully make fruit on the table.

Transfer the drawing to the canvas with a pencil. Apply paint on the background and gently grow in their bristles. Go to reproduction of still life. At the end, add shadows and light and do not forget to give a picture to dry completely.

If the painting volume is better to divide it to writing into several stages.

Drawing oil

5) How to learn to draw felt-faucers and markers

Feltolsters and markers - sought-up tools for drawing. Use alcohol-containing options - they dry faster and deform paper less.

Draw the main outline of the future drawing. To do this, first apply large details of the future drawing. Then with markers or floters, add color drawing and background. At the end, a white handle or acrylic draw the smallest details.

Drawing felt-meters

6) How to learn to draw henna

Henna drawing technique is applied not only on the human body, but also on paper. Purchase specialized brushes, paints and stencils for creativity. The main elements that are drawn using henna - tubercles, flowers, smooth lines and dashes.

Drawing Hena

7) How to learn to draw sand

Master the drawing of sand is easier for those who own a pencil. The process relaxes and gives positive emotions. The pinch of the material is clamped between your fingers and gradually pour on the glass. The second method is to dial sand in the hand and clap into the fist. Then, slightly open the hand and pour the contents thin jet. Try to portray zigzags, straight lines, circles or spirals.

Picture drawn sand

8) How to learn to draw shameles

Dry pastel is suitable for drawing a small. This is very "grateful" material that hides the flaws of a novice artist.

For creativity it will take dense paper and the chalk themselves. Create outline, slightly pressed into pastel. Clean large parts and draw small elements. Use lines, strokes, points. Work is ready. Place it under the glass so that it does not appear.

Pastel drawing

9) how to learn how to draw coal

Coal in the visual arts is used for a long time. Now this material is more often used to create sketches.

To draw something coal, buy coal sticks or pencils. They are more convenient in work for a beginner. Also need a klyachka (eraser for coal) and the retainer (spray to secure the result). Choose a rough paper that can hold the material particles. Secure the paper on the solid surface.

There are several coal drawing techniques. The easiest - drawing by a cush. Strike sheet of paper coal. Distribute with soft cloth base. The result is a monophonic dark background. Next, shut down the drawing, for example: Silhouettes of snowflakes, snow-covered trees or mountains.

Call paintings Process with a special fixer fixture. He will create a thin film and will not give out the material.

Picture coal

To learn how to draw, you need to do this every day. The more practice, the faster you master the skills. Do not be discouraged if something does not work the first time.

Even professional artists are constantly learn to their work all life. Dare, learn and then achieve success without significant difficulties!

Every person in life needs to have an intense. Even if the hobby is work, it's still impossible to devote 24 hours in the days. Great way to relax is drawing. How to learn to draw from scratch? A lot of patience will be needed, a good eye and, of course, a lot of practice.

We choose the material

Of course, a professional artist will be able to draw a masterpiece with a simple pencil on a conventional napkin, but people who are asked about how to learn how to draw from scratch, such experiments should not be put. Otherwise, you can disappoint in your abilities, and without learning that I actually put in you Mother Nature.

For the first lesson, you must purchase an album with tight paper or buy a sheet of Watman. Of course, you can draw on the "Snow Maiden" but sheets intended for printing are so subtle that the pencil will "stumble" about the substrate, which is the table or easel. By the way, about the substrate: it is not worth drawing on the table, it is advisable to purchase (or do yourself) an art tablet. It is always more convenient to draw at an angle, since the viewing angle becomes more. And, of course, answering the question of how to learn to draw from scratch at home, it is impossible not to say about pencils. The artist should have no less than 5 pieces. It is desirable to have 2 pencils of various hardness, 2 - different softness and one firm-soft.

Washalka must also be 2: one standard soft, the other is a klyachka.

Basics: Learning the barcode

How to learn to draw from scratch? First of all, you need to train your hand. To do this, there are a lot of different exercises, for example, drawing eights, zigzags or straight lines. These simple exercises, if you make them 3-5 minutes before the start of classes, will be able to liberate your hand, it will better obey you.

The following exercise is the study of hatching. It is straight, inclined or crosswise. In the process of work, each artist produces its unique style, but at the first stage about the style to think early, you need to fill your hand, which means that various stylistic solutions are trying.

After the hatching is studied, you can move to the form. But it is necessary to draw it not by contour lines, but by strokes. So a person will better perceive the volume, and at the same time he will bring his touch to perfection.


Today, the sketch boots are very popular. Moreover, they draw both novice artists and professional illustrators. Why do you need such a notebook? All ingenious simply. The purpose of the sketch beech is always at hand. After all, you never know where you can find interesting topics for sketches. Novice artists who suffer a question how to learn to draw from scratch, just need to start a notebook for sketches. Here you can throw fantastic images or sketch surrounding items. It does not matter what will be shown there, the main thing is daily drawing. And since in modern rhythm it is difficult to find a free minute, if the sketch-beech will always be at hand, the task becomes more easily.

Geometric bodies

Learning to draw from scratch with a pencil can each. Start your creative attempts standing from the image of geometric items. After all, everything that surrounds us can be divided into cubes, spheres or pyramids. And if there is an experience of the image of the base, then draw, for example, the portrait will be much easier.

First of all, it is worth learning to draw a cube.

It is advisable to draw from nature, and not from the monitor screen. After all, the image on the computer is two-dimensional, and it will not fully transmit reality. It should be remembered that the geometry is to build, rather than draw an outer shell, otherwise it is simply impossible to achieve an understanding of the form. After Cuba, you need to learn how to build a ball, the cone, pyramid and all other geometric bodies that exist should be followed.

Body of rotation

How to learn to draw from scratch? Stepodally working first over geometric objects, and then over the body of rotation, you can achieve significant results.

First of all try to portray teapots and mugs. Most of these items have a simple form, which will be easy to portray even a novice artist.

The next stage is drawing vases and glasses. But you need to choose non-elegant crystal objects, but coarse clay products. They are well readed by the form, so they draw them in the graphic version much easier.

Osiving fairly simple items, you can go to more complex objects. For example, depict still life. This task is given in order for the novice artist to understand how items interact with each other. After staged still lifes, you can go directly to more lively drawings. For example, make sketches before or after breakfast.


Having learned to draw all the space in the house well, you can go to the street. Drawing architecture and landscapes is a rather complicated and time consuming process. How to learn to draw for beginners from scratch landscapes? Spend preparatory work at home, consider similar drawings in textbooks. Many artists lay out on the Internet not only ready-made sketches, but also phased rice. Analyzing their work is quite easy to imagine what simple forms can be broken down by one or another bush. As a workout, you can walk from time to time to the park and represent how you can draw a tree, pond or shop. While the image did not leave the head, immediately at home returning to memory, please contact the object that interests you.

Animals and people

How to learn to draw a pencil from scratch in stages, we figured out, and now you need to understand how to start drawing a person or an animal. Of course, the first thing should be taken for an anatomy textbook. Just understanding the structure of the human face and body, the artist will be able to create a realistic figure or portrait.

Of course, you can syrup the contours of the body, but to reliably depict the figure, you need to build. The first thing to be done is to redraw as many sketches as possible from the textbook on anatomy and, of course, to carefully study and master the proportions. It is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow many times the head stacked into the body, on which line the tips of the fingers of the hands are completed, etc.

To learn how to draw portraits, you need to prepare. It will help hardware - the gypsum cast of the human head, whose face is laid out on planes. Any artist, drawing a portrait, should keep the circuit circuit in the head.

And of course, the same applies to animals and birds. To draw any four or feathery creature, you need to look at how it looks without wool and feathers. It is nip by an anatomy, the artist will be able to professionally draw any living being.

You will need

  • - album for drawing or clean sheets;
  • - pencils of varying degrees of rigidity;
  • - eraser;
  • - sharpener or knife;
  • - Planner.


Make a training plan. This is very important because you will represent how much time you will take the study of a particular element or style. Determine in advance what time you can draw, how many hours or minutes you are willing to give this lesson, and whether you have the opportunity to view or text lessons. To begin with, you can spend no more than half an hour, but then this indicator is better to increase.

To understand from scratch, start depicting simple figures. It is important for you to understand how the shadow falls where it is necessary to highlight the glare and how best to depict the form of the subject. Therefore, initially it is recommended to draw geometric shapes. Spend a week to learn how to draw each item separately, and then all together. The task will noticeably ease if you sample from the object that is right in front of you. It can be a tennis ball or an apple.

The next stage is simple animals and plants. He can pay more time, as a variety here is much more. With the help of animals and plants, you can learn to portray smaller details, as well as understand how geometric shapes and exhaust shadows can be converted to real contours. Depending on success, pay this stage for 2-3 weeks.

Start drawing people. It is best to start with the face, then try to draw various parts of the body and man completely. To understand how to learn to draw a pencil from scratch in stages, watch video tutorials. They describe in detail, and most importantly, it is shown how to properly apply strokes, soften the pencil and so on. At the end, try to draw a self portrait and look at how much your skills have come. The length of this phase is 1-4 weeks.

Examine the perspective and start drawing full. Pay a lot of attention to this stage, since it directly depends on it how much you can depict objects in space. Landscapes will allow you to cover not separate blocks, but make comprehensive compositions. Do not forget to use all the knowledge and skills that you could get at the previous stages.

Free creativity. After you learn all the basic elements, start creating something new. Try, for example, to portray the company from several people as detailed as possible. Let me go to it not one week, but you will be proud of the result. Try to improvise and start forming your own style.

Through drawing, a person can learn to express his thoughts on paper and fully reveal its creative potential. Naturally, an unconditional art gift is a rare phenomenon. Much more often to learn how to draw, only the ability to have the ability to this occupation is required, which is quite possible to develop. About how to learn to draw from scratch, and it will be discussed.

How to learn to draw from scratch: Self-development stages

In order to learn how to draw from scratch, it is extremely important to familiarize themselves with the basic rules of fine art, and also begin learning in stages: from the easy to complex one. The following tips will help novice artists competently organize the process of self-study. So, in order to learn how to draw, follows:

  1. Read the drawing textbook in which in an affordable form explains what composition, perspective, contrast, reflex, etc. The textbook should be intended for beginners in drawing, and not for specialists, because, in the second case, it can be missed the highlights. It is desirable that this was a tutorial tutorial containing exercises.
  2. Constantly practicing. To achieve some visible results in the art of drawing, a constant practice is needed. You need to draw often, in any convenient moment for this. To do this, we have a small notebook with you, allowing you to make quick sketches in any conditions.
  3. Making drawings using various techniques: lines of different thickness, painted silhouettes, with drawing main parts. Performing outline, it should be remembered that they are done quickly - it is not necessary to work for a long time, carefully correcting the shortcomings. The purpose of the outlines is to "grasp" the most important in kind. Unsuccessful work should not be erased, it is better to maintain them for a follow-up comparison with other sketches and evaluating your success.
  4. Learn to srink. Copying someone else's work is a good training in drawing skills. To handle it is best to choose the work of this artist, however, not too complicated for copying.
  5. Develop fantasy. To do this, you need to learn how to create images mentally, for example, learning how to draw in memory, or try to draw something according to the verbal description (for example, draw a portrait about the description of the appearance of a person from any book). About how to draw portraits you can read more in the article. It is equally important to simply draw what I want: whether it is an illustration of a read literary product, a decorative pattern or simply an abstraction expressing mood.
  6. Draw, observing the rules of perspective, hatching, proper display in the figure of light, shadow, half, glare. In this case, it is not necessary to hurry. Detailed drawing training still life can take not one day.
  7. Consult yourself from professional artists. It is very helpful to show your work to a person with professional art education and listen to his advice.

Naturally, a little known how to learn to draw from scratch. In order to do this, you need to have a big desire to learn how to draw and hard work.

If you want to master a new interesting occupation and learn how to draw a pencil from scratch, there are special methods for beginners. They facilitate the process of creating an image. Even if you have never walked in an office or art school, if you wish, patience and perfection, it is quite possible to master this technique.

Choosing the main tool

If you decide to learn how to draw a pencil from scratch, first of all, you will need a vulgarity of various hardness. HB or TM in the Russian version is most often used, but it is also necessary to have H (T), B (M), 2B (m). Marking indicates softness, and the figure corresponds to its degree. The number - 2H (2t) is the hardest, which is commonly used. He leaves a very thin, barely noticeable line. If you strongly press a well-sharpened pencil, there may even remain scratch on paper. HB designation corresponds to medium firm softness. The greater the number at the marking B (M), the darker and wider the line will be obtained on the sheet.

To learn quite enough three different griffel. It is worth noting that graphite can be sold both in a wooden frame and in the form of rods for a mechanical tool. Also produce chopsticks with a conventional pencil, which are covered with a special non-stuffing layer outside. In this case, it is convenient to use the side surface of the sharpened part for the stroke of large surfaces. They are more often buying for fast sketches. You can choose any option.

What else is needed?

If you are trying to learn how to draw a pencil from scratch, be sure to prepare a good eraser. It must be soft, not to injure the paper layer once again.

With the same purpose, apply contours thin lines. Keep in mind that pencils should always be sharpened. The newcomer is permissible to use the sharpener, but the professionals apply only a knife. This is due to the resulting form of a pointed part. To perform proper hatching, it is recommended to hollow the tool, that is, the stylograph is released from the tree to one, or even two centimeters, making a gradual transition of the cut to the sides of the cylinder of the pencil. Newbie is worth knowing only for general information. Do as it is easier and more convenient for you.

Possible techniques of execution

Learning to draw pencil from scratch is the easiest way linear. Make it easier than with a tonal study.

Sometimes an inexperienced artist seems to have made a portrait very similar to the original, but in the process of hatching the opinion is changing. For training, you can perform several works precisely linearly, applying light shadows in some places. A quick sketch will be created. After all, it is not necessary to tell everyone that you just don't have enough experience.

In the process of practice, the hand will gain confidence, and you can proceed to perform a black-free study of the form. In the manuals "how to learn to draw a pencil for beginners" more often offer to use decisive. It is a rubbing of graphite on the sheet.

In this option, you will not see individual lines, and the transitions between the tones will be very smooth. The hatching is more complicated. Each individual element should be very tightly located next to the neighboring, otherwise it will not be able to wholeness of the object, and there will be a limit impression, hairiness - anything, just not a single form.

So, at the first stage, use the decisive. You can rub a pencil track with a soft leaf of paper or even your finger, but it is worth remembering that professionals do not do that. If you are going to learn in an art school, you will have to forget about such a drawing method. With serious intentions, it is better to immediately master hatch techniques, gradually working out a hand. This will come in handy in the future.

How to perform hatching?

If you decide to act a professional method, it is better to practice pre-on ordinary sheets.

Try pencils of different softness in action. Try to make tonal transitions with the same styling. The main thing, try to make the strokes firmly fit to each other, do not use the line crossed under the right angle. It is better to impose them in the form, that is, if you have a cube, then the hatching should be performed either in the vertical direction or in parallel with the faces lines. Make exercises anymore. Remember, skill comes with experience.

How to correct errors?

If something does not suit you during the work, the pencil is easily erased.

However, in order not to delete too much, it makes sense to make a cut on an eraser with a knife, forming a thin edge. If you start actively erased the hatching, you can smear too much work done or injury to the paper. On the spoiled surface, the new layer of graphite does not fall badly. To remove a large amount of hatching or partial weakening of the tone if the subject turned out to be too dark, use a special mass for erasing. It resembles plasticine or on professional slang is called a klyachka. It easily absorbs excess graphite. The same property has a romel ball of ordinary bread. So, even if you have stopped in our first experience in something, you can always correct errors. The main thing is to try not to repeat them the next time.

What is better to draw beginners?

If you are interested in how to learn how to draw a pencil in stages, everything is simple - work should always be performed from simple to complex and from the common to the details.

Whatever the plot you choose, the sequence of steps will be similar. Of course, newcomers are better not to use too complex motives with a large number of components. This can be done, only having a clear visual phased instruction. For self-drawing, choose simple items and compositions of them, such as still life of household items, fruits, vegetables lying on the table or in a basket.

You should be patient if you decide to learn how to learn how to draw portraits with a pencil.

This is one of the most difficult tasks even for a professional. The newcomer to master it is very difficult. Of course, everyone has objects that, regardless of the level of skill and experience, I want to portray. Choose your favorite plots, just try to find and explore as much advice and recommendations on their drawing. We are talking about such difficult objects as animals, flowers, architecture, cars, motorcycles, boats, people.

How to learn to draw cars with a pencil? You can draw them from the photo (for example, by cells, more details, the methodology is described in the next section). Beginner artists are the easiest way to portray the car on the side.


Perform a person's face is one of the most difficult tasks. The newcomer can be offered a method for creating an image through cells from a photo.

It allows you to more accurately convey the proportion. To do this, do the following steps:

1. Draw the cellular structure on a transparent film.

2. Overlay it in the photo and consolidate that it does not accidentally move.

3. On your sheet of paper prepared for the portrait, also perform auxiliary construction in the form of cells.

4. Compare how the lines on the original crosses the cells, try to repeat them as accurately as possible.

So, you learned how to learn to draw a pencil. Phased it is quite easy. The most important thing is to follow the sequence of work from the total to the details, and also at first, try to choose simple objects to execute.