Holy Martyr Voniphati: Prayer, Icon, Life. Prayers of the Holy Martyr Vonipatia

Holy Martyr Voniphati: Prayer, Icon, Life. Prayers of the Holy Martyr Vonipatia
Holy Martyr Voniphati: Prayer, Icon, Life. Prayers of the Holy Martyr Vonipatia

Holy Martyr Voniphati lived in Rome, in the III century. He was a slave of a young, windy and very rich aristocrat of Aglaid. But slavery is not too much in vonifati, because he did not have to mined marble in dusty quarries or losing later on plantations. Early remaining without parents, the frivolous mistress laid all the troubles on managing their home and extensive land ownership. The slave manager perfectly led shopping affairs, besides, it was young, beautiful, and was distinguished by a cheerful temper. Need whether it is surprised that he soon turned out to be a lover of his mistress ...

Voniphati and his mistress were Christians. And although they were in the prodigal cohabitation (the marriage of the slave and patrician in Rome was a thing completely impossible), but both were in such a position, they tried to act in a pious and distributed to everyone in need.

One day Aglaid learned that if with a reverence to keep the power of holy martyrs in the house, their prayers are easier to get salvation. She shrugged in the east, where at the time there was a cruel persecution of Christians, and asked to bring the relics of any martyr to become their heavenly intercession. Mrs. gave him a lot of gold - to distribute alms and at the redemption of the relics. Making a lot of servants and horses to help, the vonifaty gathered on the road.

Before the departure, he, hectic smiling, asked his mistress:

And what will happen if I do not find the body of the martyr and will my body bring to you, tortured for Christ? Do you accept him then with honor?

Aglaid, laughing, called him a drunkard and a sinner. And after, he has already added seriously: "Not joking with such things. Remember, you are gonna for the holy relics, for which we have even to look unworthy with you. "

After some time, the Tours of Wonifati arrived at the Cilician City of Tars. Having settled in the hotel, Vonifatiy immediately went to the city square, where the martyrs were tortured. What he saw there is described in his life in all the scary details: "... One martyr hung down his head, and on earth under it was divorced fire, the other was crucially tied to four pillars, other - lying, piled saw, other tormentors They were plasted with sharp guns, in a different eye - the members of the body were cut off, they were kept on the number and raising from the ground, they argued in the ground, so he passed to her neck, the other bones were broken, in other hands and legs They were cut off, and he, like the tangle, rode the land, but on all the faces a spiritual joy was visible, because by carrying unbearable to the man of torment, they were strengthened by the grace of God ... "

We are not given to understand that such spiritual joy on the faces of the people with whom there are similar things. It is impossible to explain this, this can only be seen as I saw the souls in the square in Tars. It is even more difficult to explain what happened then in the soul of a young, secured and quite prosperous person, who about his own martyrdom until that could only speak in a joke. However, what happened that day on the square was recorded not only in church sacraticles, but also in the protocols of Roman officials who made executions. And the following happened: Vonifatius broke through the convoy to the extruded martyrs, and began to kiss her legs, asking them to pray for his soul. Security immediately grabbed him and put it before the judge. He asked: "Who are you?" Vonifatius replied: "I am a Christian," and then refused to bring the sacrifice of idols. He was immediately subjected to as terrible tortures as other martyrs, after which they cut off his head.

All about religion and faith - "holy martyr with vonifaty of prayer" with a detailed description and photographs.

Prayer martyr Vonifatia Tedirss

Memory: December 19 / January 1

Vonifatius was a servant of the Romans of Aglaid, and before the appeal of his faith, Christ spent time in drunkenness and debauchery. Once sent by Mrs. to bring into the house to her a particle of the relics of the Holy Martyrs, confessed Christ, and he himself took torment and death. According to the prayers to it, it has repeatedly delivered and relieves people from the passion of winepitia, and now addiction.

Martyr Voniphati Tirssia. Icon, XVII century

Tropar, voice 4th

Martyrs sent to the class, the martyr was attached to the victim for Christ the tight, unwanted, the power returned to be faithfully sent, the viciousness of Blessed, the moths of Christ the sin of God forgiveness.

Kondak, voice 4th

The bias defaulously brought you to you, and from the Virgin to you for the sake of the sake of the time, holy vencycles, the wisdom of infirplay.

Prayer martyr Vonifatiya

Oh, long-suffering and all-willed martyr's vonifiance! To your intercession now we are resorting, the prayer of us who sing you, do not hold down, but we hear us graciously. We have a brotherhood and sisters, our grave ailment of pianism obsessed, to tempt the sake of the sake of his mother, the christian church, and the salvation falling down. Oh, the Holy Martyrchi is a vonifinti, touching the heart of them by this, thanks to God, will soon argue from the falls of sinful and the saving abstinence bring them. The mind of the Lord God, the Entry for the sake of the sake of the sake of our sake, will not turn away the mercy on his sons, but it will strengthen the sobriety and chastity in us, and it will help his desire to the sober salaries, in it, in it Cheerful and good response to the terrible trial of Dati. We accept, the waters of God, the prayers of mothers, about the children of their tears of sheds; Women honest, about husbands of their sobbing, children of sirah and poor, from Pianitsa left, all of us, to the icon of your fallen, and let this cry will give our prayers to the throne of the Most Himmago to give everyone to the prayers of their health and salvation of souls and televisions, the same kingdom Heavenly. Steply and observe us from Lucavago Locking and all the goat enemy, in the terrible hour of the outcome of our Poszo, the inconsistent air of Nataria and the prayers of your religious condemnation. The sovereign of the Lord to give us to the Fatherland of our love is unlitched and unshakable, before the enemies of churches are visible and invisible, and the mercy of God in the endless eyelids will take us. Amen.

Prayer Second Martyr Vonifatia

Oh, holy passionerpheric of Christ, the warrior of the king of the sky, earthly voluptuousness is despicable and to the city of Jerusalem by the suffering of the occasional, martyr's influence! I hear the sinsmangigago, brought from the heart of prayer singing, and the mind of our Lord Jesus Christ forgive all my sins, in jurisdiction and in ignorance I have been made. To her, the martyr of Christ, the image of repentance with his shown sinning! Budi Mi on the zlago of the skeleton with your prayers to God Assistant and the Intercessor: a lot of bangs to avoid the networks of his shuffles, but the wild sinful is caught and firmly vocatively from him, I can not get rid of it, it's not that you are trying to endure in the circumstances, and inhabit Sculpture, but a lie before God would be. Something for you to resort to you and praying: Save me, saint of God, from all the evils of your context, the grace of the Almost Full of God, in the Trinity of Slavimago and Pokhokhamago, Father and Son and the Saincho spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer martyr Vonifatia Tirssia:

  • Prayer martyr Vonifatiya. There was a servant of the Romans of Aglaid, and before the appeal to his faith, Christ spent time in drunkenness and debauchery. Once sent by Mrs. to bring into the house to her a particle of the relics of the Holy Martyrs, confessed Christ, and he himself took torment and death. On prayers to it repeatedly saved and relieves people from the passion of winepitia, and now addiction

Akathist Martyr Vonifatia Tirssia:

Canon Martyr Vonifatia Tirssia:

Zhitna and scientific and historical literature on martyr Wonifation Trensky:

  • Martyr Voniphati - Orthodoxy.ru.

Read other prayers from drunkenness:

When using our original materials, please indicate the link:

Holy martyr of vonifaty prayer

But both of them felt remorse and wanted to somehow wash their sin. And the Lord regretted them and gave them the opportunity to cleanse the sins with their blood and for the end of a sinful life with repentance.

Aglaid learned that if the relics of holy martyrs in the house were awe in the house, then their prayers are easier to get salvation, because sins are diminished under their fertile effects and virtue agrees.

After listening to Aglaid, VoniFatius gladly agreed to fulfill her will.

Ms. gave him a lot of gold: Part of the distribution of alms with the poor, part of the redemption of the relics: wicked tormentors, seeing the love and reverence of Christians to the remains of the Holy Martyrs, sold them at an expensive price. Prepared a lot of different incense, canvas and everything that is required for a decent transfer of honest martyrs, taking a lot of slaves and horses to help, the vonifaty gathered on the road.

She shrugged in Vonifati to the East, where at the time there was a cruel persecution of Christians, and asked to bring the relics of any martyr to become their leader and the patron.

Voniphati for farewell, laughing, asked: " And what, Mrs., if I do not find the relics, and I myself will suffer for Christ, do you accept my body with honor?»

- You should carefully guard yourself from every desire and mumble:

- The holy deal must be performed honest and reverently. Remember, you are going for the saints, for which we even look not worthy.

Go with the world; God, the image of a man who acted his blood for us and for us his shed, and our sins will forgive and send you an angel of his and send you.

Already in the path of Voniphati began to strive about their former sins.

I decided to fast: there is no meat, not to drink wine and pray hard to come to fear of God.

Fear - father of attention, and attention - Mother of the inner rest, from which the beginning and root of repentance is born.

Voniphati all the time the path was concentrated.

Arriving in Kilicia, to the city of Tara, Vonifatius left his companions in the hotel and went to the city square, where Christians were tormented.

Shocked by spectacular terrible torture, seeing enlightened grace of the Lord of the Lord of the Holy Martyrs, Vonifatiya, to the pleasure of his compassionate heart, rushed to them, kissed them their feet and asked Holy Prayers to get to suffer from them.

Then the judge asked Wonfathy, who he is. Voniphati replied:

« I'm a Christian", And then refused to bring the victim to idols.

He was immediately betrayed on the torment: they beat the meat away from the bones, the needles were imposed under the nails, finally, poured into the throat melted tin, but he remained unharmed by the power of the Lord.

Sacred Martyr Antipa, Rev. Evdokia, Martyr Voniphati

People surrounded by the trial came to the outrage, they began to throw stones in a judge, and then rushed to the pagan capital to overthrow idols.

The next morning, when the unrest was somewhat dumbfounded, the judge ordered to throw a holy martyr into a boiler with a boiling resin, but this did not hurt any harm to suffered:

his angel that came down from heaven, and the resin resulted out of the boiler, broke out and burned to the pains themselves.

Then Holy Voniphati was sentenced to the truncation with a sword. Blood and milk have expired from the Russian Academy of Sciences; Seeing such a miracle, about 550 people believed in Christ.

Satellites of Holy Wonfathy with tears asked him for forgiveness for the ever mind of him and, bought out the remains of the martyr, brought them to Rome.

Aglaid called on clerics, with great honor took honest power, and then built the temple in the name of Holy Martyr on the spot of his burial and put the power there, famous for many miracles.

Distributing all his estate, she retired to the monastery, where he spent eighteen years old in repentance and the wonderful gift was tied in his lifetime.

Buried the holy near the grave of the martyr of vonifati.

Prayers from swallowing and drunkenness

Prayer martyr Vonifatiya

  • Oh Major Vonifatiya, gracious slave of merciful lord!

Hear those who extend to you, obsessed with a detrimental addiction to wine, and as in their earthly life you never refused to help asking, and now get rid of these unfortunate (names).

Once, the Bogomdry Father, Grad broke your vineyard, you, by rewarding thanks to God, ordered a few preserved bunches to put in sharpened and call the beggars.

Then, taking a new wine, you pumped it drops into all the vessels that were in the bishopia. And God, who performs the prayer of the merciful, made the Preslav Miracle: the wine in the sharpe could be multiplied, and the beggars filled their vessels. Oh Holy God! As the prayer of your prayer was multiplied by wine for the needs of the Church and for the benefit of poor, so you are blissfully reduce it where it brings harm to the preferences of the strategic passions of the Winopy of the slaves of God (names), they heal them from a serious age From the demonic temptation, approve of them, weak, give them a weak fortress and the power to adversely postpone the temptation, return them to a healthy, sober life, to direct them on the path of labor, in line with the desire for sobriety and spiritual vigor. Help them, waters of God, when the thirst for wine becomes burning to them, destroy their destructive desire, freshen their mouth with Heavenly Cool, enlighten their eyes, approve their legs on the rock of faith and hope so that, leaving his mental addiction, entailing excuses From the heavenly kingdom, they established themselves in piety, awarded a non-world peaceful death and in the eternal light of the infinite kingdom of glory adequately glorified the Lord of our Jesus Christ with its original father and with the Most His degraded spirit.

  • About the long-suffering and all-willed martyr's infinity!
  • Prayer about getting rid of sin of drunkenness.

To get rid of his loved ones and the passion of drunkenness, pray to the martyr Vonifatia. Vonifatiy himself died from the passion of drunkenness, but turned to the Lord and won the martyrdom.

Hypnosis will help overcome those changes in the person who shot down him from the true path.

A person will start moving from the dead point and will consolidate his progress with the help of installations that strengthen faith in itself and its capabilities.

Prayer vonifatia against alcoholism

Get rid of alcoholism is quite difficult. The effective method is considered to be prayer with vonifaty from drunkenness. After all, alcoholism is a very common problem in today's society.

The origin of prayer

Now we know Wonpathy as a saint, which is resorted by people dependent on alcohol, or their relatives and relatives wishing to help their neighbor. It is known that this saint repeated before God was forgiven.

The legend narrates that the vonifatius, although he managed the estates, was at all no noble origin, on the contrary, served one of the noble Romans of Aglaid. And they had a big sin: they lived alcohol and loved alcoholic beverages. Such a lifestyle they led over the years. And even when they began to be aware of their terrible sins, repent of them still could not and continued to live the same way.

One day, the rich Roman was evaluated that the relics of martyrs helps to abandon evil addiction. She decides to try and sends his servant to the city located nearby. And although the road was not long, on the road Voniphati realized all his sins. The repentance of him was so comprehensive that all that time was on his way, he cried and rushed, praying. In his prayers, he applied to God with a request to give him temptation and suffering, so that he could atone for all his sins.

And God did not leave vonifati. He heard his prayers, forgiving the sin of alcoholism and debauchery, but sent a test. Arriving into the city where they were power, he saw how mocking over one Christian, and came out for him. For the intercession and for faith and the very infinacy, they were subjected to strong abuse. And then he was executed, overwhelming the sword in the chest. And then a miracle happened: no blood was made from the wound, and milk.

At that moment, the pagans on the square believed in God and adopted Christianity. Aglaid, having learned about what happened, repented in all his deed and until the end of the life served her Lord. She gave all his huge wealth to be a poor and sick. And on the place where the Rev. Vonifatius was killed, built a temple. And today there is stored with the power of the saint.

The prayer of the Holy Martyr Vonifaty from alcoholism is the most efficient. And the most unfortunate himself is considered a touch and patron of drinking and lost. The day of reverending his memory January 1 (December 19, old style).

How should I pray?

Before resorting to the prayer of the martyr with drunkenness, you need to know in what cases it will be effective. There are many examples when a person suffering from alcohol addiction does not want to recognize it. Then prayer will help, but the rite should be carried out so that he himself did not know that. If you resort to the help of a narcologist, then the alcoholic will be registered. Prayer will help to cope with the problem without her disclosure.

In addition, it is known that when placing a patient, a specialized clinic will have to lay out a considerable amount of money, which is not all. And the prayer of Saint Vonfatia requires only perception with soul and heart, that is, faith in it. If a person tried to cure an alcoholic disease in many ways and failed, the appeal to the Holy Martyr will help to cope with indecision, uncertainty, and will also help to find faith in itself.

  1. To resort to the help of prayer, preferably after healing from the illness of alcoholism.
  2. Sometimes already "knitting" alcoholics lose faith in themselves and begin to drink again. So that this does not happen, you need to constantly pray.
  3. Prayer will help to believe in their strength and correctness of their thoughts and motivation.
  4. If a person is aware of his addiction to drinking and is ready to proceed with treatment, then prayer can serve as an addition to the main course of therapy.

In addition to all of the above, you should know how to properly ask the Holy Deliverance of the dependent person. First you need to contact the priest with a request to bless it. In the event that son suffers from alcoholism, the mother should read the prayer of the mother. In addition, she must ask the priest to pray for her son in front of the Lord. When a person prays for the salvation of his soul, you need to turn to the Holy Father with a request for a blessing and ask him to pray for him before God.

It should also be ordered in the church of the lunch about the health dependent on alcohol, constantly lit candles in the saints. If you read the morning prayers, you need to constantly remember a person who requires help.

In addition, it is necessary to order in the Church of Prayer Jesus, during which water is being consecrated. This water must be given a patient in the morning on an empty stomach.

Store water is in a closed jar. Such prayers are recommended to order at least 3 times.

  1. To get rid of the drunkenness of her husband, son, father, or himself, to make prayer follows at least 40 days in a row.
  2. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to pray for up to 40 weeks.

As you know, no disease (physical or mental) cannot be defeated in a short period of time. Therefore, it is necessary to have patience. The one who patient will be able to get rid of himself or their loved ones from terrible alcohol addiction.

MOTHERAL MOTHER SUPPLY FOR ASPORT TO MUCHENKIA MOTHERS SUPPLY, as alcoholic children are terrible grief. Praying, the mother should also stick to several tips. First, all the time to support the son or daughter, even if they immediately refuse the alcohol, they do not go out and there are breakdowns.

It is necessary to visit the temple as much as possible, listen to the words that the saint pronounces during the service. In no case cannot be desirable and fall in spirit. It should be explained to his son, which is constantly not to lose control of their desires, not to idle, to engage in useful things and hourly contact God.

Saints prayers

Memory: December 19 / January 1

Vonifatius was a servant of the Romans of Aglaid, and before the appeal of his faith, Christ spent time in drunkenness and debauchery. Once sent by Mrs. to bring into the house to her a particle of the relics of the Holy Martyrs, confessed Christ, and he himself took torment and death. According to the prayers to it, it has repeatedly delivered and relieves people from the passion of winepitia, and now addiction.

Martyr Voniphati Tirssia. Icon, XVII century

Tropar, voice 4th

Kondak, voice 4th

The bias defaulously brought you to you, and from the Virgin to you for the sake of the sake of the time, holy vencycles, the wisdom of infirplay.

Prayer martyr Vonifatiya

Oh, long-suffering and all-willed martyr's vonifiance! To your intercession now we are resorting, the prayer of us who sing you, do not hold down, but we hear us graciously. We have a brotherhood and sisters, our grave ailment of pianism obsessed, to tempt the sake of the sake of his mother, the christian church, and the salvation falling down. Oh, the Holy Martyrchi is a vonifinti, touching the heart of them by this, thanks to God, will soon argue from the falls of sinful and the saving abstinence bring them. The mind of the Lord God, the Entry for the sake of the sake of the sake of our sake, will not turn away the mercy on his sons, but it will strengthen the sobriety and chastity in us, and it will help his desire to the sober salaries, in it, in it Cheerful and good response to the terrible trial of Dati. We accept, the waters of God, the prayers of mothers, about the children of their tears of sheds; Women honest, about husbands of their sobbing, children of sirah and poor, from Pianitsa left, all of us, to the icon of your fallen, and let this cry will give our prayers to the throne of the Most Himmago to give everyone to the prayers of their health and salvation of souls and televisions, the same kingdom Heavenly. Steply and observe us from Lucavago Locking and all the goat enemy, in the terrible hour of the outcome of our Poszo, the inconsistent air of Nataria and the prayers of your religious condemnation. The sovereign of the Lord to give us to the Fatherland of our love is unlitched and unshakable, before the enemies of churches are visible and invisible, and the mercy of God in the endless eyelids will take us. Amen.

Prayer Second Martyr Vonifatia

Oh, holy passionerpheric of Christ, the warrior of the king of the sky, earthly voluptuousness is despicable and to the city of Jerusalem by the suffering of the occasional, martyr's influence! I hear the sinsmangigago, brought from the heart of prayer singing, and the mind of our Lord Jesus Christ forgive all my sins, in jurisdiction and in ignorance I have been made. To her, the martyr of Christ, the image of repentance with his shown sinning! Budi Mi on the zlago of the skeleton with your prayers to God Assistant and the Intercessor: a lot of bangs to avoid the networks of his shuffles, but the wild sinful is caught and firmly vocatively from him, I can not get rid of it, it's not that you are trying to endure in the circumstances, and inhabit Sculpture, but a lie before God would be. Something for you to resort to you and praying: Save me, saint of God, from all the evils of your context, the grace of the Almost Full of God, in the Trinity of Slavimago and Pokhokhamago, Father and Son and the Saincho spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer martyr Vonifatia Tirssia:

  • Prayer martyr Vonifatiya. There was a servant of the Romans of Aglaid, and before the appeal to his faith, Christ spent time in drunkenness and debauchery. Once sent by Mrs. to bring into the house to her a particle of the relics of the Holy Martyrs, confessed Christ, and he himself took torment and death. On prayers to it repeatedly saved and relieves people from the passion of winepitia, and now addiction

Akathist Martyr Vonifatia Tirssia:

Canon Martyr Vonifatia Tirssia:

Zhitna and scientific and historical literature on martyr Wonifation Trensky:

  • Martyr Voniphati - Orthodoxy.ru.

Read other prayers from drunkenness:

When using our original materials, please indicate the link:


Holy Martyr Voniphati

In the years of the origin of Christianity in Rome, a woman named Aglaid was known to many. Young, rich and beautiful, she could be an enviable bride, if it were not for the carnal passions. Days and nights of the Aglaid was spent in drunkenness, cunning and other sins with their managers, faithful in voniphati.

But vonifaty, despite such a lifestyle and addiction to alcohol, was good by a good man. He did not regret the money to those who especially needed, generously distributing alms with alms and striking. Voniphati sincerely wanted to correct and constantly turned to God with a request for help in getting rid of vicious life.

Christians at that time persistently pursued the Genthers rulers. Many believers took martyrdom for confessing the Christian faith. One day Aglaid, who came to his drunkenness, decided to chain the power of one of the martyrs of Christ, so that they would help her get rid of sins. She even decided to build a temple in the future for the speedy atonement of sins. Aglaid really wanted to have his heavenly defender, a praying god about her forgiveness.

Voniphati agreed to find the power, took gold for their redemption, aromatic oils and a clean canvas. Before going to the road, he turned on the threshold and asked the Aglaida, as if in a joke: "If I can't find the body of a martyr, do you accept my body with honor, tortured by the Christian faith?" But Aglaid, laugh in response, called Wonifatia by a liberter and drunkard.

Voniphati went to the venue of Christians. In the way, crushing about their sins, he constantly prayed and fasted. When Voniphati came to the city of Tars, which was famous for the cruel persecution of Christians, he left slaves in the hotel, and he immediately headed to the place of execution. The fact that he saw there, shocked his soul so much that Vonifaty approached the martyrs, began to hug them and openly and loudly glorify the Lord. He raised the Most High Prayer to also gain a martyr's crown. The judge immediately drew attention to the unusual behavior of the stranger. He called Vonifati and ordered to bring the victim to the pagan gods. When Voniphati refused, he was subjected to the same cruel torture as other Christians. The saint did not say a moan, but looking at the torment of others, even more strengthened in faith.

The judge ordered the molten tin in the throat, but he prayed to the Lord tirelessly and asked him any signs about the victory over sins. When tin poured martyr in the throat, it was not harmful by Vonifatya. Zvaki in the stands were disappointed, and the judge had to hide from the outrageous crowd. Wonifati locked in the dungeon.

In the morning, a new execution was invented for a daring martyr: the judge ordered it to a barrel with a boiling resin. But this time, the vonifaty remained whole and unharmed. Resin, splashing when boiling, burned only standing near the boiler. After this, the judge ordered to cut off the martyr's head. When the execution was accomplished, another miracle happened: from the wound on the neck of the vonifati splashed blood mixed with milk. Seeing this sign, many pagans immediately appealed to the Christian faith. They were 550 people that day.

Meanwhile, slaves, waiting for infiasis in the hotel, scolded him for the fact that he did not appear for a long time, deciding that he was always drunk. But the day passed, the other, the third, and I didn't have everything. Slaves went on his searches and heard from passersby that some stranger was executed on the square yesterday. They showed the place of execution, and soon slaves found the body of vonifati. They were ashamed that they did not think about him at a time when he tolerated such terrible flour in the name of the faith of Christ. The slaves migrated in the influence, bought his body, smeared his incenses, wrapped in the canvas and went back to deliver the righteous to their Mrs..

Aglaida on the day of the execution of Wonifatia saw in the sleepy vision of the angel of the Lord, who ordered her to prepare for the meeting "Who was before you had a servant, now became our brother and servers; Accept someone who was a slave with you, and now will be your lord, and reverently read him: henceforth he is the keeper of your soul and defender of your life. "

Waking up in the morning, Aglaid remembered the prophetic joke of his manager. She invited the priests to himself and went on the road to meet the honors to meet Wonifati, who returned to her house Mr. She tirelessly thanked the Lord for the fact that Vonifatiya was accepted by him as God's waters.

Soon Aglaid built the temple in one of the estates, consecrating him in honor of the vonifatia, and placed the relics of the saint. After prayer, the saint swony phenomena began to be made: the patients were healing, the suffering acquired peace of mind, and everyone who prayed with faith in the coffin of the righteous, received from him what they wanted.

After the martyr's crown of Aglaid's martyr's crown, he renounced all worldly, handing out everything that was poor. For 18 years, until the most mortal hour, she lived in great repentance. After the death, the blessed Aglaid has connected with the voniphatium. Her power was laid next to the coffin of the saint.

The martyr witness should pray to get rid of the addiction to the alcohol.

The memory of the Holy Martyr of Wonifatiya Orthodox Church celebrates January 1 (December 19 in the old style).

Tropar (voice 4th)

Martyrs sent to the class, the martyr was attached to the victim for Christ the tight, unwanted, the power returned to be faithfully sent, the viciousness of Blessed, the moths of Christ the sin of God forgiveness.

The bias defaulously brought you to you, and from the Virgin to you for the sake of the time for you, holy Venzennosche, the wisdom of infirplay.

Prayer (option 1)

About the long-suffering and all-willed martyr's infinity! To your intercession now we are resorting, the prayer of us who sing you, do not hold down, but we hear us graciously. We have a brotherhood and sisters, our grave ailment of pianism obsessed, to tempt the sake of the sake of his mother, the christian church, and the salvation falling down. Oh, the Holy Martyrchi is a vonifinti, touching the heart of them by this, thanks to God, will soon argue from the falls of sinful and the saving abstinence bring them. The mind of the Lord God, the Entry for the sake of the sake of the sake of our sake, will not turn away the mercy on his sons, but it will strengthen the sobriety and chastity in us, and it will help his desire to the sober salaries, in it, in it Cheerful and good response to the terrible trial of Dati. We accept, the waters of God, the prayers of mothers, about the children of their tears of sheds; Women honest, about husbands of their sobbing, children of sirah and poor, from Pianitsa left, all of us, to the icon of your fallen, and let this cry will give our prayers to the throne of the Most Himmago to give everyone to the prayers of their health and salvation of souls and televisions, the same kingdom Heavenly. Steply and observe us from Lucavago Locking and all the goat enemy, in the terrible hour of the outcome of our Poszo, the inconsistent air of Nataria and the prayers of your religious condemnation. The sovereign of the Lord to give us to the Fatherland of our love is unlitched and unshakable, before the enemies of churches are visible and invisible, and the mercy of God in the endless eyelids will take us. Amen.

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Prayer Vonifatia from drunkenness, against strong alcoholism

"Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our site before starting to study information, please subscribe you to our group of VKontakte prayer for every day. Also visit our page in Odnoklassniki and subscribe to her prayers for every day classmates. "God bless you!".

A person who suffers from alcoholic or other detrimental addiction completely loses its meaning of life and interest in it. And its main task is to find a new portion of alcohol. In vain, they say that alcoholics are weak. After all, they are capable of incredible, just titanic efforts and a variety of tricks only for drinking. And at the same time they suffer from anyone, like relatives and relatives. What methods they just do not resort to help the dependent native person.

When fate collapses, a family breaks down, a person suffers and all this from alcohol addiction. It is worth contacting the prayer of the Holy Martyr Vonifatia. It will help in such cases:

  • When a person suffering from alcoholism does not recognize his alcohol addiction. In this case, it is recommended to hold a rite without its knowledge;
  • Holy is able to help in healing without publicity, and a narcologist will necessarily put the patient. In some types of professional activity, it is unacceptable;
  • With limited financial capabilities. After all, the prayer of Vonifatia from drunkenness does not require any financial costs. But treatment in specialized clinics is quite expensive;
  • It is also recommended to handle the prayer to the Icon of Vonifatia as an additional treatment. After all, you not only faster healed from strong alcoholism, but also be able to support a balanced mental state. To that prayer attaches a sick confidence that he does everything right and takes a true right decision - no longer drink alcohol.

Prayer from drunkenness by Saint Vonfatia

Already many generations of Christians, with dependence on the guilt of a loved one, turn to Vonifatia Tirssia. The thing is that the martyr at life led a very sinful life. He was a slave and lover of the Roman Empress Aglaid. This woman spent the whole life and enjoying carnal joy.

The Holy Martyr felt that he lives very sinful and therefore he was constantly fascinated by God to send him to the right and true path. The Most High heard in vonifatius and gave him the opportunity to clear the soul with the help of the Divine Father.

When the saint saw how the Christian was trying and tortured, he admitted to his faith. Then he was exposed to terrifying bullying, tortures and torture. After that, almost nothing of the felt martyr was sentenced to the death penalty from the sword. When the sword pierced him on the square, from wounds saintly blood and milk.

Many pagans seeing such a divine miracle, accepted Christianity. Aglaid repented in sins and dedicated to the Lord. She gave all his state to the poor. And in the place where the Trysky martyr killed, she erected the temple. To date, this monastery is kept by the holy power of infatia.

That is why the prayer for witness is considered the most effective. The following words will get rid of you or your loved ones from fearful passions:

"Oh, holy and long-suffering martyr inthiff. We resort to your intercession. Graciously hear us and do not reject our prayer. Healing our son (name), obsessed with a serious illness of drunkenness, for the sake of his mother of his church. Oh, the martyr of Christ, tire the heart of his God's grace. Bring from sinful falls to the saving abstinence. The mind of the Lord God does not turn away from us, and will strengthen us in sobriety and chastity. May will help his handful hand. The example, the intercession of God, the prayers of mothers, about their children. And there will be a cry of this prayers to the throne of the Most High. Save us from the evil and goat enemy. At the time of the outcome of our, do not leave us. And God's mercy will cover us forever. Amen".

God bless you!

See also the video prayer to the Holy Martyr Vonfatia from drunkenness:

Prayer vonifatia against alcoholism

Get rid of alcoholism is quite difficult. The effective method is considered to be prayer with vonifaty from drunkenness. After all, alcoholism is a very common problem in today's society.

The origin of prayer

Now we know Wonpathy as a saint, which is resorted by people dependent on alcohol, or their relatives and relatives wishing to help their neighbor. It is known that this saint repeated before God was forgiven.

The legend narrates that the vonifatius, although he managed the estates, was at all no noble origin, on the contrary, served one of the noble Romans of Aglaid. And they had a big sin: they lived alcohol and loved alcoholic beverages. Such a lifestyle they led over the years. And even when they began to be aware of their terrible sins, repent of them still could not and continued to live the same way.

One day, the rich Roman was evaluated that the relics of martyrs helps to abandon evil addiction. She decides to try and sends his servant to the city located nearby. And although the road was not long, on the road Voniphati realized all his sins. The repentance of him was so comprehensive that all that time was on his way, he cried and rushed, praying. In his prayers, he applied to God with a request to give him temptation and suffering, so that he could atone for all his sins.

And God did not leave vonifati. He heard his prayers, forgiving the sin of alcoholism and debauchery, but sent a test. Arriving into the city where they were power, he saw how mocking over one Christian, and came out for him. For the intercession and for faith and the very infinacy, they were subjected to strong abuse. And then he was executed, overwhelming the sword in the chest. And then a miracle happened: no blood was made from the wound, and milk.

At that moment, the pagans on the square believed in God and adopted Christianity. Aglaid, having learned about what happened, repented in all his deed and until the end of the life served her Lord. She gave all his huge wealth to be a poor and sick. And on the place where the Rev. Vonifatius was killed, built a temple. And today there is stored with the power of the saint.

The prayer of the Holy Martyr Vonifaty from alcoholism is the most efficient. And the most unfortunate himself is considered a touch and patron of drinking and lost. The day of reverending his memory January 1 (December 19, old style).

How should I pray?

Before resorting to the prayer of the martyr with drunkenness, you need to know in what cases it will be effective. There are many examples when a person suffering from alcohol addiction does not want to recognize it. Then prayer will help, but the rite should be carried out so that he himself did not know that. If you resort to the help of a narcologist, then the alcoholic will be registered. Prayer will help to cope with the problem without her disclosure.

In addition, it is known that when placing a patient, a specialized clinic will have to lay out a considerable amount of money, which is not all. And the prayer of Saint Vonfatia requires only perception with soul and heart, that is, faith in it. If a person tried to cure an alcoholic disease in many ways and failed, the appeal to the Holy Martyr will help to cope with indecision, uncertainty, and will also help to find faith in itself.

  1. To resort to the help of prayer, preferably after healing from the illness of alcoholism.
  2. Sometimes already "knitting" alcoholics lose faith in themselves and begin to drink again. So that this does not happen, you need to constantly pray.
  3. Prayer will help to believe in their strength and correctness of their thoughts and motivation.
  4. If a person is aware of his addiction to drinking and is ready to proceed with treatment, then prayer can serve as an addition to the main course of therapy.

In addition to all of the above, you should know how to properly ask the Holy Deliverance of the dependent person. First you need to contact the priest with a request to bless it. In the event that son suffers from alcoholism, the mother should read the prayer of the mother. In addition, she must ask the priest to pray for her son in front of the Lord. When a person prays for the salvation of his soul, you need to turn to the Holy Father with a request for a blessing and ask him to pray for him before God.

It should also be ordered in the church of the lunch about the health dependent on alcohol, constantly lit candles in the saints. If you read the morning prayers, you need to constantly remember a person who requires help.

In addition, it is necessary to order in the Church of Prayer Jesus, during which water is being consecrated. This water must be given a patient in the morning on an empty stomach.

Store water is in a closed jar. Such prayers are recommended to order at least 3 times.

  1. To get rid of the drunkenness of her husband, son, father, or himself, to make prayer follows at least 40 days in a row.
  2. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to pray for up to 40 weeks.

As you know, no disease (physical or mental) cannot be defeated in a short period of time. Therefore, it is necessary to have patience. The one who patient will be able to get rid of himself or their loved ones from terrible alcohol addiction.

MOTHERAL MOTHER SUPPLY FOR ASPORT TO MUCHENKIA MOTHERS SUPPLY, as alcoholic children are terrible grief. Praying, the mother should also stick to several tips. First, all the time to support the son or daughter, even if they immediately refuse the alcohol, they do not go out and there are breakdowns.

It is necessary to visit the temple as much as possible, listen to the words that the saint pronounces during the service. In no case cannot be desirable and fall in spirit. It should be explained to his son, which is constantly not to lose control of their desires, not to idle, to engage in useful things and hourly contact God.

Prayer of the Holy Martyr Vonipatia

"Oh, holy and long-suffering martyr inthiff. We resort to your intercession. Graciously hear us and do not reject our prayer. Healing our son (name), obsessed with a serious illness of drunkenness, for the sake of his mother of his church. Oh, the martyr of Christ, tire the heart of his God's grace. Bring from sinful falls to the saving abstinence. The mind of the Lord God does not turn away from us and strengthen us in sobriety and chastity. May will help his handful hand. The example, the intercession of God, the prayers of mothers, about their children. And there will be a cry of this prayers to the throne of the Most High. Save us from the evil and goat enemy. At the expense of our outcome, you will not leave us. And God's mercy will cover us forever. Amen".

This prayer helps to free themselves from alcohol dependence, narcotic, as well as depending on gambling. The most important thing is to have patience and the desire to free yourself or a native person from illness. Belief in the Lord gives strength to solve any problems.

  • Abstineent syndrome
  • Breakfall
  • Treatment methods
  • Effects
  • Signs and reasons
  • Family and society

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The great trouble of modern humanity is alcoholism, almost every family meets with this ailment. Many people do not know the methods of combating the disease, but believers are resorted to mission, regularly attend the church and turn to God. To those people who sincerely believes in God's fishing, honors moral and spiritual values, open the way to eternity. Their prayerful work, namely the prayer of the Holy Martyr of Vonifatia from drunkenness, works wonders.

Prayer from ailment

When the body is sick, the soul suffers at the same time. An obsessed with alcoholism, a person becomes dependent on the dark forces, tempting people. To resist this evil will help faith in God.

Holy Martyr Voniphati Tedrics

Tropear, voice 4

Your martyr, Lord, the influence, in the suffering of his crown, they will bring an unprecedented God from you, having your fortress your fortress, reaches the reserves, the crushes and demons of the gentleness of that prayers to save our souls.

Tropear, voice 4

Martyrs sent to the class, the martyr was true, the sufferment for Christ the tight, all the way, the power returned to be faithfully sent, the influence of Blessed, the moths of God of God to have sins forgiveness.

Kondak, voice 4

The bias of the immaculate self-esteem was brought to you, and from the Virgin to you for the sake of you, holy vencycling, wisdom of infirplay.

Kondak, voice 6

The star brighter appeared to the unpainst world, the Sun of Christ announced in charge of your, passionerpher, and the charm redeemed the whole, we were given the light, praying incessantly about all of us.

Martyr magnitude

Major, the saint invention, and honor the honest suffering of yours, the fact of Christ was also pretended for Christ.

About the holy passionerpheric of Christ, the warrior of the king of heaven, earthly voluptuary desigted and to the city of Jerusalem by the suffering of the occasion, martyr's vonifiance! I hear the sinsmangigago, brought from the heart of prayer singing, and the mind of our Lord Jesus Christ forgive all my sins, in jurisdiction and in ignorance I have been made. To her, the martyr of Christ, the image of repentance with his shown sinning! Budi mi on the zlago of the skeleton of the dialer by your prayers to God assistant and the intercessor; Many boiled to avoid the networks of his shuffles, but the wild sinful is caught and tightly wetted from him, could not get rid of it, it's not that you are trying to endure in the very circumstances, and one is attempted to repent. Something for the sake of feeding to you and praying: save me, solestely, from all the assesses of your victim, the grace of the All-Fivalo of God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Save, Lord, and the surviving slaves of your (name) with the words of the Divine Gospel of your Divine Gospel, reading about the salvation of the slaves of your current (name). They fell, Lord, the terrain of all the sins of them, free and involuntary, and yes the grace of yours enlightened in them, enlightened, which cleans this person. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Other prayers from drunkenness:

  • Prayer in front of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Insprivitary Bowl"

From the life of martyr

A certain husband, named Voniphati, led a rampant lifestyle. Being in slavery from one of the noble Romans of Aglaid, he coited with her, indulging in the carnal love and often knocked wine.

One day the lovers came the thought of the need to purify the soul from sins. Aglaid decided that the best method of exemption from them would serve the presence of a large number of icons and the relics of holy martyrs in its home. She instructed Vonifatia to find the holy remains, to which he gladly agreed. But going on the road, the man asked a girlfriend that if he himself would suffer for the faith of Christ and will be devoted to a painful death, will she accept his power with honor? Having received a positive answer, the traveler went on the road.

Holy Martyr Voniphati Tirssian (Roman)

Vonifatius was a kind of man, with sympathy treated the beggar and helped them in every way. In the way, he observed a strict post, and in churches, on the path of his following, he asked for the Most High Jack of Sin, despite the fact that Christians have suffered for their faith everywhere.

Arriving in Tara, the sinner supported believers and also declared himself a Christian, for which the numerous suffering suffered and was beheaded. The comrades accompanying his comrades bought the remains of the righteous for gold, which gave them to the path of Aglaid, and brought her a broken body.

Voniphati Tirssi

Soon she had a sleepy vision, in which Angel ordered to take his former slave lover as a heavenly patron. A woman with honor accepted the holy relics, betrayed them and at the burial site was built the temple in honor of the Holy Martyr of Wonifati. And herself, handing out all the property to poor people, adopted the monastic tonsure and held the rest of the earthly life in an unceasing prayer and repentance.

Since then, VoniFatiya is an intercession of drinking people, libertines and wetting. He is praying for the term before the father of heaven relatives as dependent on the sin of people, and the patients themselves, suffering from these severe ailments.

Prayer first

About the long-suffering and all-willed martyr's infinity! To your intercession now we are resorting, the praying of us who sing you, do not hold, but graciously hear us. We have been brachy and our sisters, the grave ailment of pianism obsessed, to tempt the sake of the sake of the Mother, the christian church and the salvation of salvation falling down. About the holy martyr's invention, tap the heart of their given Ti from God to grate, will soon argue from the falls of sinful and to the saving abstinence, bring them. The mind of the Lord God, his sake suffered from the sake of our sake, but we will not immediately disdain the mercy on his sons, but it will strengthen our sobriety and chastity in us, and it will help his desire to the sober salaries, about the rest of the accomplishment It is awesome and good response to the scary trial of Dati. We accept, the waters of God, the prayers of mothers, about the children of their tears of sheds; Women honest, about husbands of their sobbing, children of sirah and poor, from Pianitsa left, all of us, the icon of your fallen, and let this cry, our prayers will be given to the throne of the Most Himmago to give everyone to the prayers of their health and salvation of souls and televisions, the nearest kingdom Heavenly. Miscellaneous and observing us from Lukavago Luckavago and all the goat enemy, in the terrible hour of the outcome of our pumps, they are incredibly aircraft and the prayers of your religious condemnation. The sovereign of the Lord to Give us to the Fatherland, our love is non-estate and unshakable, before the enemies of the church, the victims visible and invisible strength, and the mercy of God in the endless eyelids is covered. Amen.

Prayer Second - from drunkenness and any passion

Save, Lord, and the surviving slaves of your (name) with the words of the Divine Gospel of your Divine Gospel, reading about the salvation of the slaves of your current (name). They fell, Lord, the terrain of all the sins of them, free and involuntary, and yes the grace of yours enlightened in them, enlightened, which cleans this person. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
(Read the chapter 15 of the Gospel of John daily).

Prayer Third

About the holy passionerpheric of Christ, the warrior of the king of heaven, earthly voluptuary desigted and to the city of Jerusalem by the suffering of the occasion, martyr's vonifiance! Uslippi's sinning, bringing the heart of prayer singing, and the mind of our Jesus Christ of Christ forgive all my sins, in jurisdiction and in ignorance I have been deemed. To her, the martyr of Christ, the image of repentance with his shown sinning! Budi mi on the zlago of the skeleton of the dialer by your prayers to God assistant and the intercessor; Many boiled to avoid the networks of his shuffles, but the wild sinful is caught and tightly wetted from him, could not get rid of it, it's not that you are trying to endure in the very circumstances, and one is attempted to repent. This is for the sake of feeding to you and praying: save me, Saint God, from all the assesses of your concern, the grace of God, Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids of the centuries. Amen.

Triphar Martyr Vonifatiya

Tropear, voice 4

Your martyr, Lord, the influence, in the suffering of his crown, they will bring an unprecedented God from you, having your fortress your fortress, reaches the reserves, the crushes and demons of the gentleness of that prayers to save our souls.

Tropear, voice 4

Martyrs sent to the class, the martyr was true, the sufferment for Christ the tight, all the way, the power returned to be faithfully sent, the influence of Blessed, the moths of God of God to have sins forgiveness.

Kondak, voice 4

The bias of the immaculate self-esteem was brought to you, and from the Virgin to you for the sake of you, holy vencycling, wisdom of infirplay.

Kondak, voice 6

The star brighter appeared to the unpainst world, the Sun of Christ announced in charge of your, passionerpher, and the charm redeemed the whole, we were given the light, praying incessantly about all of us.