A selection of the best jokes from Marvel films. Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthrop: David Lynch as a versatile identity of genius billionaire playboy

A selection of the best jokes from Marvel films. Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthrop: David Lynch as a versatile identity of genius billionaire playboy
A selection of the best jokes from Marvel films. Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthrop: David Lynch as a versatile identity of genius billionaire playboy

Hughes was born in Texas, December 24, 1905. Parents - Ellin and Howard Hughes-senior - gave him a nickname Sonny - "Son". His father at that time was in search of promising projects - business was so-so. Mother, brilliant and witty to a marriage, with the birth of Sonny fanatically closed on it. The boy was late at once in school: before the release of Ellin was supposed to test his ears, teeth, nails, the results of the toilet visit. The meticulous inspection was exposed to all sleepy - his personal space did not remain.

In the meantime, the invention of a new type of drilling machine brought solid dividends to his father. Life looked beautiful. Sonny tried to imitate dad - a successful businessman. In his twelve, he adjusted parts of the steam car to his bike and thereby formed a kind of children's motorcycle. Sonny even gave his school comrades to ride him, however, for MZDU in several cents.

At sixteen, young Howard loses his mother - she, all his life was afraid of disease, did not woke up from anesthesia after a light operation. Two years later, his father dies from a heart attack. Relatives plan to patronize him until the age of majority, and therefore, dispose of his condition. However, Howard makes judge the law on which at 19 he can have access to his money. The result of consideration is predeserved by the Judge Party in Golf. So, Howard has a huge fortune - the inheritance of the rich soon after his birth of the Father - and brilliant prospects. He marries the former classmate Elle, seducing her solid money. After the wedding, most of the time they spent separately. A few years later, Ella left her husband, motivating it by the fact that he ignores her. Howard had to pay her more than a million dollars in compensation. Howard formulated their goals like this: he wants to be the best golf golfer in the world, the best pilot and the best producer of movies.

He did not become the greatest golfer, but in the history of aviation and cinema he left his mark. His first comedy about the First World War, "Two Arab nights," brought "Oscar" to her director Lewis Mailestone. Inspired by success, Howard put the following picture of the "Angels of Hell", dedicated to the same First World War. For filming, he purchased 78 aircraft - they had to participate in the scene of air combat.

Photo: Frame from the "Angels of hell"

Three pilots died during filming, Howard himself miraculously survived. The cost of the picture was about 3.8 million dollars. And, although it went with great success, having broken records of cash fees, becoming one of the brightest projects in cinema against the background of the Great Depression, one and a half million amounted to non-returnable losses. Soon, Hughes learned with amazement: he is ruined. The inheritance seemed to be inexhaustible, came to an end. I had to sell planes and seriously take for business. More precisely, the business manager is engaged in the business, and Howard himself is busy more interesting: he bought from the Military New Boeing and decided to make the fastest aircraft in the world. The most interesting thing is that the company who has been given to the deposit itself soon began to make a profit and the threat of ruin passed by Hughes as suddenly, as she came.

Howard, again, is busy completely different things, more interesting. What could be better than the beginning of the novel with aviation, and soon - and with a girl who will make love of his life, according to many. (However, later, Ave Gardner was attributed later, and Ave Gardner, and Jin Peters - the subsequent lover Howard). He flies on his "amphibian" across America and once, landing around, meets a young actress with a thin waist and a boldly accurate face. This is the future superstar Catherine Hepburn. Like Howard, she was distinguished by oddities. Walked in pants, not out of the ground, but because she was so warmer and more convenient. In college smoked on the roof in nude. There were rumors that she does not even make a manicure! By the way, she played in golf no worse than Hughes himself.

They almost got married. However, Catherine, like Howard, too wanted to become famous. And when she had problems - films with her participation reluctantly took into cinemas - Catherine threw everything, including the groom, and went to the east coast of America . Howard remained on Western. They were still good friends.

"Howard and I were, of course, a strange pair. What kind of sin - among unoccupied men, he was the smartest, as well as I am among unmarried women. We were a colorful pair. And naturally, we were together, although now it seems to me that we were too similar. We were from one street, so to speak. We grew up free. Both of us was inherent insane desire to become famous. It seems to me that it was the main thing in our characters. Those who want to become famous, in essence, alone. Or should be such, "Katherine led the line in his memoirs.

At this time, Hughes began to lose hearing. The reason for this was one of the plane crash, in which an eccentric billionaire hit. At the same time, during treatment, the doctors generously fed him with Morphy and Codene - and Howard was addicted to them. In 1941, he was treated from Syphilis, removed the fighter "Outside the law" and tried to invent the invisible bra for Jane Russell, who was playing the main character: she was distinguished by impressive forms, and Howard wanted to demonstrate them in all beauty. True, his creative search was not crowned with success.

"I understand - you do everything to demonstrate the chest Miss Russell. But I just want to say that she looks awesome, and it is not really true. I want her breasts to move naturally, and were not frozen as cement. This is an engineering problem, and I will deal with it personally, "he said.

Photo: Frame from the film "Out of Law"

During the war, Howard Hughes Aircraft was not busy in the supply of aircraft. A government representative, inspected by her, put a merciless and accurate diagnosis: this is just the hobby of the owner. However, the company supplied cartridge tapes. In parallel, Howard developed a interceptor for the US Air Force called D-2. The work was tight. He managed to demonstrate in 1943 the son of President Elliot Roosevelt, and he was impressed - however, the aircraft was not going to break away from the ground. Another task was the development of a "spruce goose" - a large flying transport worker for soldiers. Work on him was stretched for four years.

From hard work Hughes got a nervous breakdown. For several weeks he did not leave at home and did not communicate with anyone. He happened to fly without warning over America. Once he left home and disappeared - he was discovered by the police, accepted by the homeless. But the "fir goose" was not ready even to the end of the war. The scandal hit, Hughes accused of embezzlement and bribes: After all, he received 40 million dollars from the government. Only in 1947, Hughes demonstrated the performance of his brainchild, but the plane was not adopted. It was used only to stand in the hangar.

His mental illness is all sharpened. It closes in a small house, tightens the windows with black curtains, hides from light and sound, does not let out of foreign people. His fear of microbes, obviously inherited from the mother, reaches apogee. The glimpses sometimes arise, in 1957 he marries the actress Jin Peters. But soon returns to his house, in his refuge.

His old age was crazy and terrible. Hughes constantly accompanied the manic horror in front of the microbes, he erased his hands to the blood with napkins, he demanded that the surrounding staff strictly observe the instructions in purity, even to cut meat and vegetables - a certain size of cubes.

He wrote the notes to himself, did not change the bed, clothes, did not wash and did not shave, but constantly ter hands with napkins, but borrowed from them on their feet. Wife divorced him. At some point, he begins to feverishly travel, changing one city to another - and, finally, quietly dies in the plane, which is lucky from Acapulco to Houston. His body, lowered to American land, has a completely wild and unrecognizable appearance - the FBI agent even had to remove fingerprints to make sure that this is the most Howard Hughes, merry, playboy, idol thousand people. He had no children, and the wills did not find him. For many years, relatives quarreled because of Hughes's inheritance, and he himself continued to live in the memory of Americans, in art, in cinema, serving the prototype of not one hero. For example, the legendary "Iron man" Tony Stark from Marvel comics - as you know, genius, billionaire, playboy and philantopa.

Anna Dolgarev

Tony sighs, wiping sweat from his forehead. He hopes for nothing forgot, this time. Yes, yes, this is not the first time, when he unobtrusively proposes to make the relationship with a stamp in the passport. Does anyone understand that for Tony Stark means - to tie themselves with someone's moles? That's exactly what - bonds. Something, at first glance, non-destructive. But Tony is like a teenager. He likes breaking bans. He loved, very. And the fear of him is similar to claustrophobia, because the marriage overlaps all the cracks, when so much I want to sigh ... His opinion was heard with due respect and quilted well, which is optional. That it is not necessary. That the place in the life of Tony Stark is already there, but more and not necessary. And then Tony just wanted it himself. I wanted to push the new appeal, wanted something permanent. In the end, why is it justified, and in front of him? I wanted, and that's it. Want. How did the mother in childhood infuriated from this now, "I want! ..". How many cries of the house because of this - but he did not have learned anything. He did not learn, they learned. At that very moment, when Tony rests on his forehead in a cold armored glass, his consciousness throws up associations that are already not remember - and suddenly breaks, do not think, feel and realize. He slowly settles on the floor, just without feeling. "Not! Only not now! " - This is not a thought, it is almost an understanding, but it is also such a mad disappointment in itself, which is almost hurt. He stops seeing the usual hall of the upper floor of the Tower Stark - he just worns in his consciousness. Rather, no longer he. "Good everyone," the old man is bowed with still burning eyes. "The unpleasant time of the day," the teenager inflates a bubble from the chewing and loudly chpokes him, grinning. - Hello! - Fun waving a girl with a teddy bear handle in his hands. - Finally! Wamp sighs, swingly smiling. True, her smile disappears - the old man does not look at her, the teenager hengulically chews the "gum", and the girl is torn the lamp of the Bear - that and looked will break away. "Your truth, Natasha," the elder nods, "we waited for a long time. But, think about it, maybe it's for the better! After all, this means that the structure of perception is changing, and this leads to ... - He is interrupted by a teenager, keeping the chin up. - Do not start Antonio. Otherwise, until the morning, ask him, and to do it any other offer ... - Here the teanager smiles, rolling his eyes. - There would be a pause, Stark, - a rocky woman smiles. "Even all your billions are not enough for the mind of Antonio, so you are silent and listen to you, it is useful for you: we need to force Tony to marry," said Natasha with a solid voice, but with some kind of prosperity, which was not completely combined with her words. - Die my libido, a woman, - Stark bounced off her, shouting up, - Do not dissolve his vicious fluids on me, I did not update the will! .. - He instantly confused his entire porridge and expressed extremely extreme dissatisfaction with the situation. - I did not understand, this is this creature Small now politely called me with a night butterfly? - Natasha was angry. From a rage, she almost immediately lost his whole gloss, the smile looked more cleaned, the eyes drank, giving out the already appearing wrinkle, the perfect hairstyle broke out. She looked like insane. Actually, they were all such. - Night Butterfly - Too gently for you, you are usual ... - The statement of Stark was interrupted by the top of the little legs. - Pretty! Do not swear with yourself, - surprisingly peacefully said already forgotten girl, throwing into Natasha Mishka. - Secret, do not climb, - with the softness in his voice, Antonio said and without any effort picked up the baby on his hands. - I have long been a number of experiments, according to which I found out: the more attention to them, the less they swear, the attitude somewhere thirty-eight to sixty, plus the error ... - He climbed behind a notebook, but almost dropped the baby And immediately changed his mind. - And you, small, is still for the love of all and peace world? - Smearly stressed Stark, having twisted. "I hippie," Sanya gave a smile, "peace-friendship, and all that." Help everything! "It was even said without that very naivety, which is inherent and so dies in the speech of little girls." "Hippie is sex, drugs, rock and roll," Stark nerded under his breath, but Natasha's fist, and did not decide to voice it loud. "That's right, secret," Antonio clapped her more comfortably, and then sat at all on his shoulders. - You need to love everyone. This increases the level of endorphins in the blood, which leads to the state of euphoria. "Do not teach the girl in bad," Stark is shrieking, grinning. " - I still do not understand why he tie his life. It's pointless. "It is also stupid to believe that he will keep loyalty," Natasha agrees nod. - But the amount of popuga will decrease, the health will correct, - as always, Antonio objected reasonably, somewhat intercepting secret. - And then, it's love! - The girl jerks in the hands of the old man. "Love does not happen," Natasha straightens melancholy, "but, be honest, I missed someone else's caress." - Marriage something thoroughly change in his life? "Suddenly, Antonio simply asks, throwing his head." It seems he is trying to predict the answer in advance, but it turns out too well. "No," Stark says carefully, instantly confused all his peeliness. Natasha defiantly yawns and straightens the dress, exposing a deep neckline at the bottom. - Then what is the matter? - Previously, always remains on the side of the scholar secret. "In anything," Stark shrugs and snorts - obviously, he still considers this idea rather stupid, but why doesn't oppose. - In general, listen to you, there in the crypton! You will try to see - I'll take the body, I will make it, I will wander all that you can, Oda, an ultra-shut-off dress and fly to Amsterdam on an unsolving street! - Natasha shrews it somewhere up and smiled at himself. Tony emerges from saving oblivion, looking at the clock. He sighs reliefly - only a dozen minutes passed, his second "I" occupied surprisingly little time. And already made all the consciousness, leaving only a long headache. The opening door of the elevator is heard. It's time. - Did you call me? - With a smile, with the same as always. Just it is still unknown that he wants to make Stark. However, everything has long been accustomed to his insane ideas, so, Tony thinks, and this will not surprise anyone. The time has come. The one that you put yourself. It was also the decision to which you were so pushed and repulsed. Calmly. Quiet, neat. Tony sighs. Yes Natasha just will not forgive him the lost opportunity! - You know, I love you very much. Perhaps you are of those who are more expensive to life. Lyubov: You are more expensive than all of them. I do not know what I could hook so much ... honestly, I do not know. There were many people like you in my life. Only there was no better than you. And there will be no. I can talk. I can invent speeches on the go. But I frowned as a schoolgirl, trying to ask what I didn't want to say so before, and I want now. Will you marry me? And about what pushed his madman, a teenager, a nymphomaniac and a child, he will tell some other time.

Iron man - genius, playboy, billionaire, philanthropist. He captured, got a reactor in his chest and created an iron man costume. It was from him that the film marvel began.

The black widow is the Russian operative of the KGB, recruited by a falcony eye. While we are waiting for her solo film, she is famously distributes tumaks in the avengers.

Loki - God of deception. Alcacy and power-loving, but insanely charismatic. In constant coupling with the torus. He kidnapped the vessel from the station's repository.

T "Challa is the King Vacanand, the most technologically developed country in the world. Wears a suit of black panther and claws from Vibrano.

Dr. Stephen Strøndzh - a former surgeon who fell into an accident and lost his career. In search of treatment, he went to the Kamamar-Taj, but found something more: the purpose and opportunity to conjure the endless stock of beer.

Vizhen created Altron using one of the slightness of infinity. Android refused to submit and rebelled against his creator. Now Tanos hunt him.

Alay witch is a magneto daughter in comics who fought on the side of Altron. But at the end she betrayed him and twisted the novel with a vibrant.

Hulk - a green monster, whose body lives a scientist. He loves to twist and hot shawarma.

Drax The destroyer is a big alien with a big heart. Does not like dancing and metaphors.

Gamora is an ideal murder machine. As a child, she kidnapped and raised Tanos. Gamora joined the guards of the Galaxy to take revenge on the reception dad.

Stan Lee is the father of an iron man, a spider man and other famous characters. No MARVEL film is without his cameo.

Star Lord - Hunter Heads, Master of Dance and Karaoke. His mother died of cancer, and Pope turned out to be a lively planet ego.

The rocket - the raccoon, which was collected and disassembled as many times that the roof went. Despite its character, sometimes he is cute.

Spiderman fought in the Civil War on the side of Tony Stark. Then in the alteration with a vulture, but everything ended well.

Captain America is supersyl, super fast and super super, especially with a beard. After the Avengers split disappeared, but it will surely show himself in the war with Tanos.

Tor - God thunder. After the death of Asgard went to fight space on the ship. On the way I came across the Tanos and I regretted it much.

Nebula - a killer cyborg grown by Tanos. Mad Titan mocked her. Now she wants only one - revenge.

Warrior is the best friend of Tony Stark. Fucked in the Civil War against the captain of America, until the Vivalent damaged his costume.

Falcon is a friend of Steve Rogers. He has no superpower, just wears a cool suit. Responded as soon as Captain America asked for help.

Wong is a librarian in the Temple of the Kamamar-Taj. I did not know about Beyonce, until I met Dr. Strange.

I have a sad - an alien creature. After a noble death during the battle with Ronan, a small twig was left. We are waiting until it grows.

Falconary eye is a cool archer and an exemplary family man. In good relations with a black widow, although they have repeatedly had to fight with each other.

David Lynch as a director of advertising, artist and musician: on the occasion of the participation of the cult director in the advertising campaign of Christian Louboutin "Paper" Explores not the most famous parties to its activities. After David Lynch stopped working in the cinema (the last film was the "inner empire", and the director did not express the desire to do another), his stormy activities did not stop at all. Lynch is constantly busy: reads lectures on transcendental meditation, manages the course of the direist with a bias in New Age, produces music albums and coffee (naturally) and a couple of years ago, opened Silencio Club in Paris, stylized under the same name from Malkolland Drive . Since the new films of the director are not foreseen - although the other day the scenes were published, which were not included in Twin Pix, - we decided to tell you what else should investigate him fans.


The other day, the fashion house of Christian Louboutin presented his Lacquer Line for Manicure. In this news, there is nothing interesting for those who do not think very think about the glory of nails, with the exception of one fact, the advertising video for the launch of the line has not taken off anyone else like David Lynch. The director's handwriting in this minute video is not that you know, but something is still characteristic: it is the most strange advertising of the manicure that you have seen in your life, and if it is removed from it the last frame with the product name, then about the purpose of video You can not guess. This is not the first advertising campaign in which Lynch took part. Already after the "blue velvet" in the late 80s he took a series of rollers for Calvin Klein, the heroes of which were classic writers (for example, roller with Hemingueem.). It is still quite traditional promotional videos, although they are visible to the master of the master. For example, these videos are black and white. In the future, Lynch took another number of commercials, some of which are pretty striking for a commercial television video: here, for example, advertising Swiss Cigarette Parisienne With flying fish and shooting, lusted in the opposite direction. This is a part of a big campaign, in which Roman Panthansky also participated, Cohen's brothers and even Jean-Luke Godar. An even more psychedic video Lynch took a PlayStation for the game console: alarm video searches In the spirit of his film "Head-Eraser" ends with the appearance of a duck person who utters "Welcome to third place". Of the recent works of the director - a fifteen-minute video for Dior, a full-fledged short film from Marion Cotiyar in a strange Shanghai hotel.


Lynch began as an artist and studied at the Academy of Arts in Boston and Philadelphia. Actually, and in the movie he came as an artist: what is considered to be his first filmmaker, it was rather a video moment - an animation video with an outstanding name "six times six times". As for the actual painting, Lynch did not cease to do it from youth. His paintings usually have paradoxical plots, unlohabitedly combined with the names of the work (sometimes the inscriptions are applied to the canvas themselves, creating a text and image dialogue). He writes in an intentionally rough primitivistic manner and uses little colors: "The color is too real for me: the smaller it, the more it looks like a dream. In black there is depth. " This quote, by the way, says a lot about Lynch's directorial methods.


Lynch's films (and serials) are known, including the music of Angelo Badalamerty. In fact, the director himself often took part in its creation - as, for example, it was in the "wild heart", "Malkolland Drive" and the full-length prequel "Twin Pizes" "Fire, go with me." Lynch's musical tastes are known to anyone who watched at least one of his film - the other electric stuff, preferably with female vocals. For example, one of his favorite performers - Julie Cruz, for which Lynch sighs several albums and at the same time wrote texts to her songs. Lynch himself made his debut as a performer in the Inner Empire, where he played and sang the song of his own essay by Walkin 'on The Sky. His follow-up Career of the musician in style is the continuation of the soundtracks to his films. Now in the discography of Lynch already two albums: Crazy Clown Time and The Big Dream. Synthesizers, distorted vocals, simple texts on familiar topics ("tired of the fire, tired of fear, went to me an angel, I want to have a good day today"): In general, all you have been waiting for the Lynach musician there is there .

Bonus: Another three director, known not only to the movie

David Fincher and Clips

Fincher is from those directors who feel comfortable in small form (for example, he made an outstanding author's trailer to "a girl with a dragon tattoo"). An important part of his portfolio is music videos.

Gas Wang Saint and Painting

Another director who seriously studied painting. Wang Saint is quite successful as an artist (and photographer) and periodically set down in the galleries.

Jim Dzharmush and Music

Jarmushe plays in professional and not very groups since the 80s. Now he is part of the team called Sqürl, whose music can be heard in his last film "". Jarmushe's music is similar to his movie: a marginal, with dirty guitar sound and long, rhythmically monotonous compositions is emphasized.

    So, it happens, you will come to whose colorful instagram on someone else, wake up how many people travel how well owns the composition of the frame, which saturated life lives. And in the biography it is written: "Photographer, model, writer, actor, singer, etc.". Well, you think - talent, not otherwise. And hundreds of thousands of subscribers, zombie-looking video of the human-orchestra video on an empty stomach and before bedtime, it seems to agree.

    And then it turns out that there is a similar account and your colleague, which really does not lose time, and leave competently takes, and the hobby does not count. But for you he, first of all, some Maxim. Perhaps graduate MSU. It is known that a loving husband and an exemplary father. The business card says that the analyst (although which of us is not an analyst). But Maxim defined himself as a "blogger" and, perhaps, it seems to meet.

    Elevator-Pitch is a format when you need to sell your project during the trip to the elevator, that is, no more than a minute, and on Speed-Dating almost the same will take it when all communication is limited to four minutes. But how to accommodate your whole life in one word or in one phrase? Yes, not all of us are worthy of articles in Wikipedia, where it would be possible to list: "Honored ...", "People's ...", "... Order of the Red Banner ..." And yet, what to choose?

    Who is the first of Griboedov? For some - the poet and playwright from the school program, for others - the author of the Waltz in M \u200b\u200bMinor, for the third - diplomat and the Persian peacekeeper, for someone, probably, the canal in St. Petersburg. What, for example, to do with the chall of Perra, who wrote poems all his life and worked at the court, and on the 71m year of life decided to start writing fairy tales? It is much easier to hang on someone a label "breeding", "Podkinnik" or "Yazhm".

    On the grave Conan Doyle written "Knight [Cavalier]. Patriot, doctor and writer ", just above the epitaph" True steel, straight blade ". It is believed that engraving is made at the request of the widow, and, it means that it is also a choice of priorities in the life writer, who was in addition to the political activist, Mason, often played cricket and was looking for revelations in Esoteric. Moreover, "Dr." Conan Doyle called himself a failed ophthalmologist and only a little practiced medicine after study, and he wrote during the patient's waiting, "which allows us to judge the scale of these breaks.

    The famous British designer Alexander McQuein could not accept the death of the mother and committed suicide - does this mean that it was "Son" defining his word? In my pedigree opposite the year of birth and the life expectancy of the ancestors, the "tailor", "Housewife", "Military", but whether they wanted to remember? For example, my aunt who achieved significant career successes in a completely not female profession in Russia, considers his main achievement that she is "crazy mother," and the main project: "Son, and Son".

    10 years ago I was a schoolboy, 5 years ago - a student, now all sorts of abbreviations from the Magistribute series and the "certified one" series are beginning to add to my surname in the signature of Imeila. But I still have in someone's memory Fatchcharge, and for colleagues - "This Russian". Although adjectives are not enough to stand out from 8 billion people, I would probably chose some one that at least described my motivation to life. For example, "inquisitive."

    What would you describe yourself in one word?