Assassin Creed Unity: Nostradamus riddles and their solution. Unsolved riddles of Nostradamus

Assassin Creed Unity: Nostradamus riddles and their solution. Unsolved riddles of Nostradamus
Assassin Creed Unity: Nostradamus riddles and their solution. Unsolved riddles of Nostradamus

The beginning of the riddle is located in the central part of the sieve. The riddle has a complexity of 2 squares from 5 possible. Consists of 3 puzzles. Award for the decision - 500 Livr.

Mystery of Nostradamus Mars

We use rapid movement to the point of review notre-ladies de paris on the island of Sita. We jump into a stack of hay, running one quarter in the northeast direction. We climb the roof of the building on the left. There we find a symbol of Mars and read the first puzzle.

First puzzle

On a peaceful field, dried stones
The winged observer is waiting.
Friendly look meets the souls,
Looking for peace.

The second symbol of Mars is very close. Next to the building on which we are now located, the cemetery is located. Go back there. In the far left corner there is a sculpture to which the puzzle is referred to - "Winged Angel". The look of this sculpture is facing the tombstone on which the second character is drawn. We use "Orliny vision" to see it. We read the second puzzle.

Second puzzle

The Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God looks at their daughters,
One pressed between the lady and San Chapel.
Where the face of the son
Addressed to his faithful flock.

Using fast movement, transfer to the roof of the Saint-Chapel (the eastern part of the island of Site, the area of \u200b\u200bthe Palace of Justice). Turn the face to the Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God (Notre Dame de Paris). We see the "daughters" of the cathedral - two churches. We need the one that is closer to us and, if you look at Notre Dame de Paris, is on the line of sight. Get to her. Over entrance door The church is hanging the French flag, and a stone "face of the Son" is slightly higher. We use "Orliny vision" and see that the third character is right on it. Learning it and read the last puzzle.

Last puzzle

DOFE Blue Ribbon
Divide the paths for the beast and man.
The victim of the killer tested a bold deal and got the city.
Casket lies under the mountain.

Re-transferred to the rapid movement on the roof of St. Chapel (district of the Palace of Justice on the island of Site).
This time we turn with your back to the Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God (Notre Dame de Paris). We see the area of \u200b\u200bDoughne. The far corner of this triangular area indicates the sculpture of the rider. Get to this sculpture. The last symbol of Mars is drawn on the pedestal of this sculpture from the northeast side. Do not forget to use "Eagle vision" to see it and complete the riddle of Nostradamus Mars.

The beginning of the riddle is located in the eastern part of the District of the Palace of Justice Island. The riddle has a complexity of 2 squares from 5 possible. Consists of 3 puzzles. Award for the decision - 500 Livr.

Mystery of Nostradamus Saturn

We use rapid movement to the point of review notre-ladies de paris on the island of Sita. We jump into a stack of hay, run two blocks in the northern direction to the Notre Dame Bridge. To the left of the bridge, at the foot of the obelisk, find the beginning of the riddle. We interact with the symbol, read the first puzzle.

First puzzle

In my possessions two blade,
Law and justice nearby.
I am an hour for an hour with honor Bew
For kings and for peasants.

The puzzle hints at the clock cloudy. We follow along the bank of the river in the north-west direction. Having passed one quarter, we stumble upon a high clock tower. They are the symbol of Saturn. We climb the tower to the clock. We use "Eagle vision" to see the symbol of Saturn on the dial, read the second puzzle.

Second puzzle

Our mother in the heart of the rose.
Silently, like a stone, so she looks at the flock.
Petals from light around our mother surround.
Petals - 24. Look, how shine.
And take a look, as a light rose shines at sunset.

Reggerer moving back to the review point of Notre Dame de Paris (Sita Island). We jump with a stack of hay, run a little forward, we turn around and carefully examine the facade of the cathedral. Above the central inlet arch is a circular window consisting of 24 petal fragments. It is on it that the following character is. We climb around the facade of the cathedral to it and use "Orliny vision" to read the last puzzle, interacting with the symbol.

Last puzzle

Stand between two streams, looking at our mother.
On the road from roses before the transput - the Pentague will help you.
Arch five and five nightmares - widely opened eyes.
Under the latter there will be a treasure: gates in infinity.

We climb by the facade of Notre Dame de Paris on his roof. We run forward and climb another slightly above, turning to the roof with sharp rods. On the left and right, we will see many arches. We are interested in the fifth right Arch. The last character is under it. We go down two levels down under the arch and use "Orliny vision" to see it and complete the riddle of Nostradamus Saturn.


Competition complexity: 3/10

Offline: 45 (32, 11, 1, 1)

Online: 6 (6)

Approximate time to receive: 30 - 50 hours

Minimum number of passes: 1 + sweeping

Achievements that can be skipped: No (level selection)

Does the complexity affect the achievement: Not

Not knotted / All achievements: Not

Cheats turn off the achievements?: No chet


Assassin "S Creed Unity - the next step in the franchise. The action of the game unfolds in a par, during french revolution 1789. You take on the role of Arno, who lost almost all relatives and appeals to assassins for revenge and revenge. But his goals will be difficult to be carried out, as Paris is covered by street uprisings and enraged citizens fighting for freedom. This is the first game in the series, Where there is a cooperative mode. This mode allows you to perform missions in the company with other assassins, up to 4 people. The city also gives freedom of action. You can freely go to almost any building in the game and see about 10,000 inhabitants on the screen at the same time.

With the achievements, everything is easy. You must pass all the tests in the plot missions, as well as collect 402 collectible items. It may sound like a damn difficult task, but they are all marked on the map. In addition, you need to complete everything sided missions. Finally, there is a cooperative in the game. It does not take much time, you need to pass 18 missions alone or with a group (the second option is better and easier). There is no prosperity in the game.


Step 1: Scene line, passing tests in memory.

The first step will be the passage of history and tests in it. They are very lungs: kill two goals are secretive and so on. The plot part is very short and passes in 10 hours. Also, pay attention to collectible items. Collect them if you have on your way. Finally, if you see some "events in the crowd", then pass them. They are generated by chance, so you can pass 10 of them as the game is passing.

After completing the first step, you will receive:

A LONG TIME AGO / Long ago

Rebirth / rebirth

First Blood / First Blood

Mystery Solved / Riprage

Bloody Trail / Bloody Track

Curtain Call / Bis


Help Me! / For help!

The Bells! The Bells! / Bell! Bells!

Step 2: Side-mission, collecting andresttrofi.

The most time-consuming step. You must repair all social clubs and complete all missions with the club, complete all theatrical missions, solve all the riddles of Nostradamus, solve all murder secrets, complete tasks with cracksHelix. , collect all 128 kocard, synchronize all points, open all 294 chests and finally achieve the rest of the achievements. This is the main part of the step and you spend about 20 hours on it.

The only thing for you will need a guide is the riddles of Nostradamus. These are side missions associated with the decision of the riddle and if you have modest knowledge in the history and architecture of France, then welcome to Hyde. After their attenuation, you will open the medieval armor that stand in the basement of the cafe "Theater".

Approximate goal for this step:

  • Perform all side tasks
  • Collect cockades, open chests
  • Synchronize views of the review
  • Perform other achievements

Thawed /Heat

Networking / Socialization

An Old Internet Meme / Ancient Mem

From the PAST / From the past

Know-IT-all /On teeth

Curiosity / Curiosity


Panoramic View / Panorama

Tricolore / Tricolor.

DON "T NEED IT / without need

Room With A View / Room with View

Poked! / An injection

Chopped! / Rube.

Master Architect / Great Architect

Guillotined / Cassen

MUST "VE Left It Open / Close Doors

Step 3: Cooperative

The note:You can pass a coo mission alone if you want. But it is not recommended. Go through the mission in the company to pass them quickly and without difficulty.

It will be the shortest and last step towards the latest achievement. In total, there will be 11 cooperation and 7 tasks"Out" . Each mission takes about 20 minutes. You must also collect all the synchronization points on missions. They are marked on the map in the form of the coat of arms of Assassins and are needed to improve skills. The rest of the achievements require killing in a certain way, to revive the player and so on. Finally, to get the maximum number of mission, you will need to cross it 3 times. Choose the easiest mission and overpow. After you have finished with a cooperative, start spending your skills sync glasses.

Achievements that you get for this step:

Visited ONCE /

Share The Wealth / Shower Shower

Never Say Die / Never say "death"

Merciful Killer / Mercy

Choreography / Slavness

I GOT SKILLS / Master All Hands

Master Assassin / Master Assassin

Get all prizes.

Get after you open all other achievements.

Youth in Versailles / Childhood in Versaille

Complete all memories of part 1.

Rebirth / rebirth

Complete all memories of part 2.

Scene achievement, get along the plot.

First Blood / First Blood

Complete all memories of part 3.

Scene achievement, get along the plot.

La Cour Des Miracles / Courtyard Wonders

Complete all memories of part 4.

Scene achievement, get along the plot.

The Root of Evil / Root Evil

Complete all memories of part 5.

Scene achievement, get along the plot.

Secret Meeting / Secret Meeting

Complete all memories of part 6.

Scene achievement, get along the plot.

Mystery Solved / Riprage

Complete all memories of part 7.

Scene achievement, get along the plot.

Bloody Trail / Bloody Track

Complete all memories of part 8.

Scene achievement, get along the plot.

Road to Starvation / Path to decay

Complete all memories of part 9.

Scene achievement, get along the plot.

LOVE AND DUTY / Love and Debt

Complete all memories of part 10.

Scene achievement, get along the plot.


Complete all memories of part 11.

Scene achievement, get along the plot.

Curtain Call / Bis

Complete all memories of part 12.

Scene achievement, get along the plot.

No man "s Land / neutrality

Perform all tasks "Race".

Faults open in the plot when Abstergo tries to clean you. After that, you will open the tasks for faults. Go to the label in the form of a mask and pass the tasks.

Needs More Data / Not enough data

Get bonuses for collected data in 3 faultsHelix.

To earn a data bonus, you must fulfill the second requirement after the first. The first faults are the best for this achievement, since you will have a lot of time and there will be no enemies trying to kill you. Try to stick to the roof to get 50 green clusters. As soon as you execute the second requirement, you can stop modeling and get a data bonus. Do it on 3 missions and your achievement.

Thawed / Heat

Free the 100 stuck in the assassins faults.

In total, in the game 7 missions in faults in which you can release by Assassin. To free 10, you need to replay any 3 missions and save the remaining three to gain achievement.

Blade in the Crowd / death in the crowd

Kill 100 enemies.

Only secret murders are considered without detection.


Complete All single-playing tests.

As in all assassins, starting with the blood fraternity, there are tests in the game. But they are very lungs and boil down, for example, to the murder of silently or to two killings from above. All tests are described in our.

Networking / Socialization

Restore your first assassin club.

Cm. " AN.Old.InternetMeme. / Ancient Meme"For information.

Falling from The Sky / Kara Heavenly

Take 10 murders from the air.

I think everything is clear here. We climb on the hill, press the kill button and that's it. Repeat 10 times.

The Baguette Boyband / Team A

Perform a task for a joint game mode.

Achievement can be obtained in a cooperative or alone. Notice that the achievement you do not get if you have chosen a coop mission, and your partner came out on time. Even if you complete it to the end.

Know-IT-all / for teeth

To achieve achievement, you need to fulfill all learning tasks.

In the game 21 mission and they are performed in the training room in the cafe "Theater" or in the skill menu. Note that most missions require pumping a certain skill, which the game will certainly notify you.

Gentleman Cambrioleur / Mr. Robber

Open 20 chests.

Cm. "Curiosity / Curiosity" For more details.

Curiosity / Curiosity

Open all the chests.

Very long achievement. Total in the game 294 chest. First you need to visit all the views of the review, and then go to the red chests in hacking them. I advise you to goscene part And pump the third level of hacking, so as not to get stuck at hacking cheeks.

Visited ONCE /

Perform all tasks "Having” and a joint game mode.

You need to fulfill 18 missions: 11 Coop and 7 missions "” . I advise you to undergo these missions after passing the scenery so that there are no difficulties.

Business and Pleasure / Fucking

Earn 50,000 livra.

Get as the game passing.


Use "Jumping” .

You can get the achievement only after passing 9 parts. You will have the opportunity to finish your enemies after purchasing the appropriate skill.

Video guide you can see.

Panoramic View / Panorama

Synchronize all points of view.

Easy achievement, go to the review point and synchronize.

Help Me! / For help!

Perform 10 "tasks in the crowd” .

These tasks appear when you run around the city. Catch the thief or kill criminals - these are the main tasks. Someone shifts from the crowd of thief or murder, and you get a label target. Get as the game passing.

Hand of Justice / Justice Hand

Investigate the murder.

Murders are marked on your card in the form of a magnifying glass. Come to the place, collect evidence and take your verdict. In a reward for this, you will get a weapon or part of the armor.

Ransacking Versailles / Ruins of Versailles

Complete all actions in Versaille 100%.

Achievement You can knock out in 1 part of the plot tasks: "Childhood in Versailles” . Here you need to assemble 8 kocard and 20 chests to obtain achievements. If you have already passed the scene and did not have time to stay, then it will be possible to return here if you use the carriage near the cafe "Theater” .

Accurate PREDICTION / accurate calculation

Reliating the riddle of Nostradamus.

Cm . "From the past / from the past for more details.

Tricolore / Tricolor.

Collect all cockades.

Total in the game 128 Cocardians. Only there is one nuance, on the map they are displayed only when you are next to them. So more often use eagle vision and check the card.

DON "T NEED IT / without need

Reset 20 wallets on the street.

Go to the long battle branch and pump the skill: "Thusing: Wallet” . After that, use just so or to escape from the guard. Get as the game passing.

Patron of the Arts / Appanator

Look at the performance in the cafe "Theater” .

You can make this achievement after the 5th. Go to the cafe and come to the left scene to see the performance to the end. Get out the seagull and your achievement.

Share The Wealth / Shower Shower

Get all rewards when performing tasks in a joint game mode.

Just move one mission three times and the achievement will be yours.

Safe and Secure / Safety Sap

Perform all assignments of the Assassin Club in one block.

If you take any game that refers to the Assassins Creed series, then you will naturally be able to enjoy an incredible storyline, as well as various techniques that your character can do. You can run on the roofs, make incredible jumps, fight with crowds of opponents and so on. However, it is worth paying attention to that in most games of the series you do not need to follow exclusively scene line - In the open world you can move around own willing. This means that you have time to open and find a variety of secrets. Searching them is an incredibly exciting occupation, and this article will consider related to Assassin Creed. Unity Riddles Nostradamus, about which absolutely all gamers say.

Bonus Content in the game

If you play Assassin Creed Unity, Nostradamus's riddles are most likely to worry. As you understand perfectly, they are not among the obligatory tasks that you need to go to reach the final game. They belong to side quests, but what will they give you? After all, the situation is as follows - in the games of this series there are constantly various minor tasks, but each of them can lead you to some bonus content, that is, new weapons, in later parts - to a new ship and so on. Naturally, in "Assassins Creed: Unity" is no less relevant, and here you can also take on various tasks to get a certain award or rare items. These tasks are among the Assassin Creed Unity of the riddles of the Nostradamus. But what will their decision give you?

New suit

Like any other by-Quest In Assassin Creed Unity, the riddles of Nostradamus will gradually lead you to something unusual. But what will it be? In this case, you can definitely try, let the tasks may seem rather difficult to you, but the award will be really worthwhile. The fact is that if you decide absolutely all the riddles, then you will be issued a suit of the master - Assassina Tom de Rioreon. This is an incredible suit that attracts the attention of absolutely all gamers. And by whether you own such costumes, other gamers can determine how well you have mastered this game. Why? The whole secret is that the fulfillment of this quest will take you a lot of time and will require constantly thinking and solve quite complex puzzles. High complexity and duration are those words that can be described in Assassins Creed Unity Nostradamus's riddles. The passage of them is not easy, but as you already understood, the award is really worth it.

Riddles Nostradamusa

It was all the introduction so that you could understand what is in Assassins Creed Unity the riddles of Nostradamus. Passing them will be described further, but only in general featuresBecause the riddles are really very much, and they all often require good orientation in space, which is hardly able to describe in words. So, first of all, you need to deal with how much is in the game of mysteries that will lead you to the suit of the assassin masters. Here everything is quite simple - all the riddles can be divided into two groups - relating to the planets and to the signs of the zodiac. Total in the amount it turns out 18 mysteries, but that's not all. The fact is that each riddle is divided into several parts, which can sometimes be quite a lot, for example, four. But it is worth noting that in most cases there are still two parts, but it is enough to take a dozen hours of time for the passage of them all. You will also need to seriously strain the brain to solve this secret of Assassin "S Creed - the solution of all nostradamus mysteries will require considerable knowledge and developed imagination, as well as the ability to figure out.

Riddles Planet

The passage of all the riddles of the Nostradamus in the Assassin "S Creed, which belong to the planets, will take you much less time, since they are simply twice as fewer than those relating to the signs of the zodiac. Moreover, you will need mainly only attentiveness. Since your task is to search for signs that mean these planets. And they will be in the most unexpected places. One will be on the roof of the theater under the vane, the other on the clock tower, the third in general on the famous in general, you will have to spend a lot of time In order to find the desired symbols on the back descriptions of the Nostradamus. However, in Assassin "S Creed Unity, the solution of all nostrudamus mysteries will lead you to incredible treasureSo you should strain and do everything as you need from you.

Riddles Zodiac signs

So, when you collect all six characters that belong to the planets, you will be available for another twelve, each of which will be related to the sign of the zodiac. Accordingly, you will have to spend twice as much time in search of signs in the most unusual places Paris - However, in parallel you can admire the work of the artists of the game, because the graphic component is simply great. But what do you need to do when you collect all eighteen signs?

Final Quest

When you perform absolutely all tasks, you will have four parts of the Nostradamus disk that you need to connect together and attribute to the sanctuary. There you can use this disc, install four columns on pointsSo that he worked, after which you will have access to the most suit, which was discussed initially. That's all, now you can change appearance Your character and enjoy the fruits of your hard work.


First puzzle

To the right of the cell from the armor, read the book where it will be reported that it is necessary to collect symbols. After that, on the right before the entrance to the weapons, the first character and puzzle will be on the wall.

Housing housing

Evidence of arrival care

From a throne like a lie,

Looks from the top of the stairs.

The symbol that we need is located on the second floor of the cafe "Theater" immediately how to climb the stairs, see the statue and portrait of a woman, there is a symbol.

Second puzzle

Humble sinners, such as we are all

And they strive in heaven.

At the top of a non-permanent silhouette

Indicates the city lying below.

Clear the roof of the "Cafe" theater and under the vane will find a symbol.


First puzzle

In my possessions two blade,

Law and justice near

I am an hour for an hour with honor Bew

For kings and for peasants

If you have been performed at least one investigation in the game was in prison, where the lattice sits evously Francois Vidok and where we give a reward for the capture of criminals. As soon as you go out, turn left and see the clock, on the Palace of Justice, and the symbol is on them.

Second puzzle

Our mother in the heart of the rose.

Silently, like a stone, so she looks at the flock,

Petals of light around our mother surround

Petals - 24. Look, how shine.

And take a look, as shines the light rose at sunset

Puzzle is on the cathedral Parisian Mother of God.Make up before the entrance to the statue, on it will be a symbol.

Third puzzle

Stand between two, looking at our mother.

On the road from roses before the transput - the Pentague will help you.

Arch five and five nightmares - widely opened eyes.

Under the last will be treasure:

Gate to infinity.

The roof of the Cathedral of the Paris's Mother of God consists of arches. Relieve and on the right side under the arches in the center (exacting under the fifth) will be a symbol.


First puzzle

On a peaceful field of dyed stones,

The winged observer is waiting.

Friendly looks souls

Looking for peace.

In the place where you took the task Mars, on the roof right in front of you there will be a cemetery on it and find the symbol on the tombstone in the center.

Second puzzle

The Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God looks at their daughters,

One pressed between the lady and Saint-Chapel.

Where the face of the son

Addressed to his faithful flock.

The symbol is between Saint-Chapel and the Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God, climb to the statue of the head over the entrance, where you will find a symbol. Location See on the map.

Third puzzle

DOFE Blue Ribbon

Divide the paths for the beast and man.

The victim of the killer tested a bold deal

And got the city.

Casket lies under the mountain

Run to the Dafin Square. In the center there will be a monument - a man on horseback, before which it stands and shouts the crowd on the right side on the monument will be a symbol.


First puzzle

In the palace once belonged to August

I got a shelter art and beauty,

Days of the sovereign counts the clock -

Until the term, but not after him, Louis.

Run to the Louvre, under the synchronization point there will be a clock, on them and the symbol is.

Second puzzle

In the name of the spirit of the ideas of the king equality,

A citizen of Rada is always in the royal gardens,

Where the great Helios day lights up from day

The man-made power of destroying things.

The symbol will be in the gardens of Pale-piano, see the area of \u200b\u200bthe Louvre. Suggest to the center, there will be a monument to Helion (in general, in the center of the monument) for his back in the lawn and there will be a symbol.

Third puzzle

Their fortresses of destroyed stones

Place consent connects:

In one - their minds united,

In another 0 from the bodies of their heads

Run on the area of \u200b\u200bthe revolution, on the bridge and find a symbol


First puzzle

Built, dedicated to the Sun,

Square of the brilliant nobility,

Four walls are bloomed by the tricolor.

Now decorated with signs of freedom.

Run on the Vandom Square, the symbol will be right on the statue of Louis XIV.

Second puzzle

Wishing to enter the ELISIUM FIELD,

First pay the duty of landpashers,

To pass through the Western Gate

There, where the triumph will be erected very soon.

Run to the Western Gate, the symbol will be directly on the pavement in front of the gate and the turned the wagon.

Third puzzle

Major Tower

Where the greatness came up with watch

Behind the subjects and heavens.

Earth and sun are concluded in iron.

Run to the bread market, the sign will be under the point synchronization, on the post on which there is a cell for a bird.


First puzzle

Fenced in his garden

The winged warrior is worth

Fixed and indifference

In the heart of the Cross.

Together, where they got the task look around and look down, see the statue of the girl in the cross, jump to it, where you will find a symbol.

Second puzzle

Now and always

She leads its continuous battle.

The right spear is scheduled only to goal,

Ready to hit demons.

Look at the statue on which they received a puzzle, her weapon points to the tower, climb that tower. On a small platform and find the following symbol.

Third puzzle

In search of punishment Ile Entertainment,

Looks at the green heritage Dadal

Majestic IPIC, whose outlines

Maores are spent on chess fun.

From the place where they got a puzzle Look down to see the tower and the labyrinth from the plants. (In this labyrinth, we protected Eliz in part 5 of the memory of 2 "ambushes of the Templar") in the center of this tower and there will be the last sign.


First puzzle

Wise rulers facade

Face to stones that everything in blood from executions,

One day shake, and inside

He will burn everything in furious fire.

Go to the City Hall, you will find a synchronization point.

Second puzzle

"That will, it will be," echo calls.

Such is a terrible turn of fate.

Now there is no different darkness here,

But only break the neck every day.

In the place where you got the task Look down on the square in front of the town hall, see the guillotine for execution, see the symbol.

Third puzzle

Oh, lonely tower, can you stay alone?

Here the path of Pilgrim begins.

And Chimera wears scraps of memories.

There are two of them: about atmospheric pressure and about alchemy.

Rear to the Tower of Saint-Jacques, where at the very top in the floor will see a symbol.


First puzzle

Above gloomy shadows

Vintage bastion.

Stores silence angular guard,

And his blood in the 9th month of shed

Sense in a big shuttle, pick up the corner tower, you will see a symbol in the floor.

Second puzzle

Victim Herod

In his immortal temple:

Found a refuge in the alchemist stones.

Round in a silent, terrible death dance.

Go to innocent cemetery, where you will find a symbol, the map is accurately shown on the map.

Third puzzle

In the womb of the world

Consecrated deer

Everything is waiting for South Lant

Help to reach the skies

Relieve to the Saint-Estash church on the opposite corner from the roofing point on the roof, you will find the last symbol.


First puzzle

In the sanctuary of defects

Dancing light and shadow.

High-threatening carries name,

Which he was sin.

After scery task You will kill the king beggars, his place will take Marquis de Garden. In the courtyard of miracles in the same place where he is lying around and you can get the task "The kingdom of my for the damnitz" look among the crowds will find a symbol in the floor.

Second puzzle

Fallen in mud

Decomed divine symbol

Light sheds on heresy

Fake king.

In the center of the courtyard of miracles, on the stenter.

Third puzzle

On the usual intersection,

Where is the decline in price,

Print seller

Blush blush.

In the very center merchant market At the intersection, on earth.


First puzzle

Unhappy man of Christ

From the top of your stone dungeon

Sends its loyalty

In the direction of Jerusalem.

Go to the Tampl Fortress, the sign will be under the synchronization point on one of the towers.

Second puzzle

Life source

With a cup of crescent

Quenching thirst

Solomon defenders

Go off the tower, find the fountain next to him and will be a symbol.

Third puzzle

In the bowels of the Earth

Between flame twins

Found the last shelter

First Great Magister

Here on the territory of the Tampl fortress, go down to the catacombs, where you will find the desired symbol on the grave


First puzzle

At the foot of Saints Twins

Tree of justice

Hides ancient roots

In the fear of heavenly anger.

The symbol is located on the square behind the city town, right near the tree.

Second puzzle

The sanctuary of neborn bishops

Citadel great knowledge of life

Majestic building

Whose name fools feelings

Go to the mansion de Sans. Climb on the roof and on the wall of the turret will be a sign

Third puzzle

Square hundreds of names,

Replaced the battlefield

On which the Vladyka was overthrown from the horse.

Now the bronze rider

Waiting among the trees.

Mail on the Square of Vogzov in the center on the monument will be a symbol.


First puzzle

The palace, separated by once, the fourth Henry united.

Stone couples will adopt the doomed sovereign

In it latest walk According to these alleys.

The king, once united, will be divided by the will of the people.

Rear to the middle tower of the Louvre, the sign will be between stone statues

Second puzzle

Last beam from the Great Sun

Lost the Son, divided with others.

Sad, soldiers, authorities, bastards

Waiting when the sun falling the blade will fall

Go to the area of \u200b\u200bthe revolution, in the heart of the execution of the execution, under the soldiers you will see a symbol.

Third puzzle

Magdalena looks like death

Never blinking eyes

Indifferent and fixed

Behind her king buried

Run to the church of Madeleine, where in the center you will find the grave of the king, on it and there will be a sign


First puzzle

On the hill of Saint Genevieve

My face with Roman features.

Calling angels fly away

To my northern top.

Go to Pantheon (she is the church of Saint Genevieve). If you move to the synchronization point, then go to the wing on the right side on the roof, where you will find a symbol.

Second puzzle

Looking for a halo, look

Rings inside the rings

High on top of the building

With the city underlying below

Here on the roof of the pantheon, go to the columns holding a small roof (under the synchronization point) where you will find a symbol

Third puzzle

Pillars support my face

Together with the dreams of the people.

Square, not round

They are covered with eyes

Here, where the Pantheon is already down the building around it already square columns among them is a symbol.

Fourth puzzle

My goal has changed,

Vigilate from the top of the nef,

How secular heroes come

Replace heaven

Go inside the pantheon, pick up the construction forests under the ceiling of the building to the frescoes. Under one of them will be a symbol.

Fifth puzzle

The remains of glory lie

Medium of woven air.

The greatest of the great

Voltaire's grave.

Go to the pantheon basement, from central Hall There will be a corridor, in one of the corridors the first door to the left.


First puzzle

At the top of the palace

Where Bourbon's daughter lived

Where is the meeting

And the bridge is drawn to the south

Go to the Bourbon Palace, upstairs over the bench will be a symbol.

Second puzzle

Rich and poor

Before the wheel of time.

Go south to meet

Water river styx.

Located in the quarter of the House of Disabled. Run to the river, the sign will be located near the rotating water wheel of the mill.

Third puzzle

There is a barrier

On the other side

Souls pass the bridge

On the way to southern lands.

Run to the bridge through a small river. On the bridge itself will be a symbol.


First puzzle

Tree and rope,

Gate signals by air -

News to friends hat.

In the place under the bridge where you took a task just to go left at the bridge immediately and climb the stairs, there will be a sign.

Second puzzle

Everyone must go

Through gates leading

To the fields of war

The following symbol is on the Mars field, on the central column of the arch.

Third puzzle

False idols give performance

On the scene during the festival.

The supreme is, the creature,

What does it say so

Run to the large tree (holiday Higher creature. Here you will discredit Robespierre in the plot task) on a wooden pedestal there will be a sign.

Fourth puzzle

Magnificent minds

refract the battles.

Through the shoulders of their angels

They look at the field of war

Look on the map where is located. Look at the place where they found the third symbol will be a building, get taken to the main entrance to the top, where you will find a sign.


First puzzle

On the church that is like

Another thousand years and more

Three spiers reach heaven.

And the truth is covered at the highest

Go to the church Saint-Germain, is under the synchronization point

Second puzzle

On the site for the rich

Equipped with a Medici clan.

Solemn foyer will meet

Only the most famous know.

The symbol will be in the Luxembourg Palace, go inside the palace and in the center on the floor will be a sign.

Third puzzle

Kupper knowledge

Toy angels.

In the garden of life

Man knew the original sin.

Choose in the garden of the Luxembourg Palace, you will find a symbol near the fountain

Fourth puzzle

Under your feet

Richie keep their secrets.

Sunclock countdown days spent

Between worms and bones.

Near the garden there is an underground entrance, descend to it, where and using the eagle vision, find the symbol.


First puzzle

Great minds crave heaven,

Southerners look north

Four nations are looking for the truth.

Run to the building Institute of France (I do not know how in the game it is called), at the very top of the round tower, you will find a symbol

Second puzzle

The rising sun looks

In the face of School Robert.

Eyes drawn to the sky

From the top of the dome

Run to the Sorbonne building, on one of the races there will be a symbol. On the map exactly indicated on what

Third puzzle

Land about Tracks

Those who observe

Look at the stars

Penetrate the Paris Observatory, at the top where the telescope will stand and find a symbol.


First puzzle

On the outskirts of the capital

In the shadow of the wall

Swamp sorrows burning

Fires outcast.

The symbol is on the swamps, the location location is shown on the map.

Second puzzle

Where the dead peace is the last

Looks like a stone eye.

And vigilantly guards stored

They are in death as if in life.

The symbol is located near the fountain near the dead houses, see the label on the map.

Third puzzle

In fetzional mud

Where the dark stream meets

Your running mother

Find your goal

At the foot of the old tower.

Run to the Tournel Bridge, where you will find a symbol on one of the base.

Suit Assassina Tom de Kneeona

After we fulfill all the riddles of the Nostradamus we will have a disc. Video How to get to Brani, put the pillars correctly, and see the armor itself as it looks like.

Suit screenshot