The next trading ended in the phylatelicistic auction of Chercristown. Filatelicual auctions Latest auctions postage stamps in the world

The next trading ended in the phylatelicistic auction of Chercristown. Filatelicual auctions Latest auctions postage stamps in the world
The next trading ended in the phylatelicistic auction of Chercristown. Filatelicual auctions Latest auctions postage stamps in the world

Schwanke auctions (Hamburg), Ulrich Feltsman (Düsseldorf), "Coffin and Lange" (Hannover), "Pupinmayer" (Kirchlengern), "Hadersbek" (Berlin), "Harald Rukhut" (Mülheim-on-Rure) , "Gert Muller" (Karlsruhe). In the unlaspidic table about the ranks of the seven of the auction firms in our field of view, it is not by chance, by no means "middle peasants", the more there are no outsiders. Attracting Russian lots, they, in our opinion, are becoming more noticeable at the "Advancet of Philateli", which consider the auctions.

The company "Schwanke Briefmarken-Auktionen" started in 1973. Now in Hamburg, where competition is particularly strong, it firmly holds leading positions. Since 1991, Hans-Joachim Schvanke is the president of the Federal Union of Filatelistic Aultivators (BDB). In the field of view of its regular auctions, the philatelia is classic and modern. Special merit of Mr. Shvanke - Concentration of lotterity lots.

Russian Mail - the desired object of interests of the company. It is not remembered that somewhere surpassed the phenomenal success of the sale of a meeting of our domestic brands 1858 - 1945, which is exceptional completeness. A few years ago, it is estimated at 4,600 marks. A collection of envelopes 1818 - 1870, which included a lot of domestic mail, was then sold for 1500 brands. Recently, the 259th Auction of Hansa Yoachim Shvanke was especially successfully successfully passed. There was proposed, in particular, the 5th number of Russia. Prior to that, he enjoyed fame among the experts of the Russian classics, a copy of this brand with a divination on October 28, 1858 - the dates of her release. This time he left the hammer envelope with this brand, repayed on September 19, 1858. We also mention a selection of 30 lots - postal documents of the Russian-Japanese war period 1904 - 1905.

In Düsseldorf, founded in 1976 "Ulrich Felzmann Briefmarken-Auktionen". Since then, three auction is held here annually, each is offered on average 10 thousand lots. About the commercial success of the company also says sales turnover: more than two and a half million euros at each auction.

One of the sustainable traditions was to carry out accompanying auction sales of autographs of celebrities in different countries. At this field, they reached rare results of the sale of the original letter of Heinrich Heine (16 euro ooo) and autograph Goethe (10 euro LLC). If you go deep into the story, then a noticeable event of the recent past was the "challenge" of Russian autographs. The most expensive of them - the autograph Trotsky - started with an assessment of 2000 grades, but was not sold (it was about the document headed by the Trotsky Commission, which was submitted to the SNK). "Lucky" by the autograph of Beria on the recommendation of drug addicts of March 23, 1942 with a note: "Persened - t. Stalin, t. Mikoyan." Estimated in 1000, it was purchased for 1250 brands.

Fieldelectical "highlight" among Russian lots was foreign airmail departure from Moscow (15.5.1931) to Berlin, a franknown for a complete unsubstantial series of grades "Airships in the USSR". This letter was sent shortly after entering the unreleased series. Start assessment - 250 euros.

At the auctions of Ulrich Feltsman, copies of the favorite frequenter of many other sales - the mail "Mail" (with such a name it entered various phylatelicual dictionaries) is often offered. Since this brand should be made in the lists of "Russians", talking its history.

Immediately after the Second World War and the separation of Germany to occupation zones, the authorities of the province of Eastern Saxony, in a hurry to establish a postal case, released a series of brands without teeth in June 1945 from 3 to 20 panenigs. The peculiarity of the brand of red color with a rating of 12 panenigs began the inscriptions: at the top - "post" of Pononetski, below - "Mail" of the Mail (it was, however, not on the whole release). The error was immediately discovered, and the Soviet indication followed on June 23 on June 23 military administration about the withdrawal of printed circulation.

However, as usual, some part of the Mail stamps managed to get to collectors (not always through the postal window), and then at the auctions of a number of firms. Sometimes email shipments or cuts with this brand appear here. In all cases, they were repaid by a calendar stamp Dresden (Saxon Capital) of the date "23.6.45". And if single copies are estimated at auctions on average 150 euros, and in pairs of 350 euros, the price for postal is increased in two or three times.

The Auction House "Interphila Grobe und Lange" is formed in Hannover as a result of a merger in 1972 by two old philatetic auction firms. Now the leading cases of Gerd and Volker Lange three times a year organize major international auctions. At the same time, 12 thousand copies are sent to regular customers in many countries. catalogs. As a rule, entire sections are discharged numismatics. The sphere of traditional preferences includes brand auctions with occupying inspections and similar postage. On the wave of increased demand for such material, customers who acquire it in fantastic prices are always located.

It is not observed that in the selection of the Russian philma material the firm adhered to certain principles. So, at the 219th auction in Hannover, both polar "papanine" postcards of the 30s were offered, and the famous, rarely found "closed letter with ads", sent from St. Petersburg in 1898. Incredibly, but the fact: while a series of postcards from 16 copies was estimated at the start of 300 euros, then the letter mentioned was offered for 150 euros.

An example of a company that retained the old name, but has changed its auction credo, can serve as located in Kirchlengerne "PumpenMeier-Auktionen". At one time, she was formed by the spouses of Claus and Hilda Pupinmayer on the basis of the famous Russian collectors of the Polar Philateli Club in Bielefeld. The first auction was carried out - as a specialized - in 1971, then the owner and enthusiast of polar theme began to publish his magazine "Polar Pilatelist".

Specialized polar auctions in Kirchlengerne lasted for several years, surprising raritets saturation. And when it did not become the founder of the company, for a long time he fell to the bidding of the Arctic Post and Antarctica. It continued until that time, until the new owner of Bernd Yurkevich brought the former clientele. Some recent auctions saturated to a large extent completely different material, nevertheless reminded the former fame of the company. This was especially manifested at the 112nd auction. Interesting lots filled the section "Spacelin Mail". The famous series of brands with comprehension "Polarfahrt", for example, frankned mail on one envelope, which is extremely rare.

As for the polar mail of Russian origin, then the material is a little bit. Preference is given to the airmail of the North and Siberia.

One of the youngest filatelectical firms in Germany - "Hader-Sbeck-Auktionen" is located in Berlin. The first field of activity of its founder of Wolfgang Hadersbek was a philatetic exhibition in the GDR. As a resident of East Berlin, he managed to go to professionals and since 1975 he spent his first auctions. The full-blooded firm was founded in 1991 after the unification of Germany. Naturally, a comparatively long auction was held with a noticeable emphasis on the Filmaterial of the GDR and the Soviet occupation zone.

Recently, brands and letters of Russian origin appear more often. Among them are very rare specimens. Thus, on the 31st auction among 7,300 lots, rarity, who left a big impression from the author of the auction reviews on the pages of Deutsche Brifmarkentungung journal: "Extremely rare, re-certified and unusually well-preserved integral item of the city's post office of St. Petersburg 1847. Since 1990, only three similar ones appeared on the market, but partly a dubious instance. " Start score - 8000 euros (see Figure).

At the 33rd Auction of Wolfgang Hadersbek in October 2005, the first airmail stamp RSFSR (release of 1922) was exhibited. The brand is negared (known as the color-changed thumbnail with the image of the worker near the granite board and applied with the red print of the aircraft contour). With a starting assessment of 300 euros, the brand has gained a new owner for 600 euros.

Since 1988, sells sales in Mülheim-on-rure Auction House "Harald Rauhut". Defining his profile, the firm abstained from specialization. On its sales, customers have a wide selection of philmasters - from the classics to modern topics.

Often sets whole collections from heirs. At the 91st Auction in May 2005, the company introduced a set of marks of Russia of the classical period. It consisted of many rareness. In addition, Ukraine was represented by the "almost compusted" collection of "Highly Feature".

The first auction of the company "Gert Muller" took place in Karlsruhe in 1951. But since 1970, regular sales were established, which took place 1-2 times a year. No more than two or three thousand lots are made to the auction, most of these are the classics of different European countries.

On a number of auctions, Herrt Müller was given the materials of our domestic cosmonautics. These are mainly envelopes in honor of the launches of manned ships. But at the 55th auction in November 2005, in addition to the kit of the Olympic Tourist series of 1980 in sheets of 25 brands, estimated at the start of 100 euros, the cosmic lots appeared in another form - envelopes with autographs of astronauts. Among them, Gagarin's autograph on an envelope with the severity of the first anniversary of the flight (12.4.1962), an estimated in 70 euros, and a set of three envelopes of the group flight of the Soyuz ships in 1969. These envelopes containing autographs of seven cosmonauts, including Volkov, were estimated at 180 euros.

Speaking about the appearance of cosmic philateli materials in foreign auctions, it is impossible not to make a substantial reservation. The fact is that a certain part of these materials, in particular piloted flights or fixing the Baikonurian launches, perceived not so unambiguously, as in the years of "space romanticism". Likewise, there is an almost magnificent absence of an examination. This is a minus that reduces confidence in the materials. No examination - no trust. May say: this is a question of conscience of auctioneners, as if taking advantage of the authenticity. Alas, the clientele suffers anyway.

Further, distracting from the "cosmic filling" of Harald Rukhut's auctions, it is necessary to determine the virtual lots associated with specific launches. At one of the auctions, a selection of three-envelopes "Dogs in Space" appeared. The first one is the "second artificial satellite" and a dog husky with Baikonur's gash 3.11.1957, the rest - "Ship-4" and "Ship-5" again with the Baikonur junction - fabricated.

Go ahead. Here is the lot of space section: two envelopes of the "East-3" group flight and "East-4" with a quenching again, Baikonur 14.8.1962 and the simplicity of the circulation: 25 copies. Brilliantly! Or a set of four envelopes of the spacecraft flight "Voskhod-1" depicting three astronauts. All redeemed a stamp Baikonur 13.10.1964 (this does not mean, however, they felt in Baikonur!). As usual, you did not forget to specify the circulation: 50 copies. However, it's time to put points over I - with the help of our foreign colleagues.

The topic of one of the publications of the magazine "Philatelie" - the official body of the Union of German philatelists (No. 253) was the efforts of experts with the help of documents and investigations to clarify the "Asfer of Falsifiers" with dubious envelopes of the Soyuz Space ship. The goal of these measures is stated in the publication of the journal, the collector's defense and a reminder of the seriousness of thematic philateli, for which the documentation of modern and relevant political events becomes the main content. This implies the logicality and obligation of the involvement of the expert group not on the case of the case, but the introduction on the ongoing basis by the post of expert in the Filatelicistic Expertise Commission.

The publication reported that such a person was found in time - this is Mr. Walter Hopfersvizer, a specialist who takes the burden of responsibility for the decision of the crowned problems. And since this area requires not only special knowledge, the so-called "Expert Order: Space Mail" is formed. Examination objects are: onboard and stationary stamps, autographs (handwriting, used written accessories), using stamps on Earth, etc. "Certifications are subject to and flying incomplete materials like onboard mail without postal payment signs, photos, etc. The authenticity assessment applies to quenching or autographs produced on Earth only when it is clearly recorded in the certificate. "

Unfortunately, the publication of the journal of the Union of German phylatelists took place in Russia unnoticed. A few words about Walter Hopfofevizer, whose authority refers to the magazine. It should be noted that this collector with great experience living in Austria is known in Russia. With the exhibit "From Rocket to Space Mail"), he participated in the World Philatelic Exhibition "Moscow-97" (large gold-plated medal).

Interested in philatelee and always dreamed buy brands at auctionBut could not afford to go on the fashionable sale of cherished lots? Now you have such an opportunity thanks to the Internet auction of! We fulfill the dreams of collectors and invite you to take part in exciting and advantageous trading. The auction of postage stamps in the global network allows, without leaving the house, replenish their collection with interesting instances or set a part of its assembly as a lot. Everything is simple as possible, quickly and honest!

What are collectible stamps

What are collectible stamps, prices for which are significantly higher compared to other postal payment signs? These are copies that have a certain collective value, greater or small. In order for ordinary signs to be interesting to collectors, they must comply with certain criteria. One of the criteria is their approval by an authorized organization of any state as an official means of postal payment of this country. Some specialists have the requirements even more severe - so that these signs are repaid by printing and, accordingly, passed the mail.

The second criterion is some preservation. There are such types of safety:

  • clean payment signs. They have the designation of two stars (**), not repaid, have original adhesive on the back side;
  • clean payment signs with sticker. They have the designation of one asterisk (*), not repaid, but for certain reasons they have damage to the glue (glued themselves or pasted);
  • haired payment signs. They have a circle with a small point in the center (.), Repaid by post stamp. The reverse side in this case does not matter.

In addition, the copy should be value for collectors, it should be in perfect condition (including without supervisors, punctures, thin places, fungus on glue, contaminants). As for, for example, teeth, then all the teeth should be present. Signs with defects, as a rule, have a low cost, few of the collectors of postage stamps allow such copies in their meetings.

Filateli - Hobbies or Serious International Business?

Admiring the usual posts of postal payment, few can even imagine that the collecting of postage brands is actually not only a beautiful and interesting hobby, but also a grand business with a colossal turnover, which reaches hundreds of millions of dollars annually.

According to very approximate and unofficial estimates, all over the world has been from fifty to one hundred million such collectors. And they always have the need to update their collections, in connection with which they are looking for ads "buy, sell collectible stamps" or "online postmark". For permanent satisfaction, their needs there are many shops, whose specialization is the sale of brands. The website on the Internet is another fashionable direction in this area. After all, now it is not even necessary to leave the house to find a believed instance to replenish the collection.

And while in the world there are a huge number of philatelists who are ready to generously pay for their cute passion, the philatelic business will continue to exist and active activities in different countries.

On April 19, 2014 in Moscow in the building of the hotel "Sheraton Palace" at the address Street 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya, D 19 took place the first auction on the competitive sale of brands, letters, postcards, bon and other paper documents.

The event was caught up by the Auction House of Pugachev. The basis of philatelic lots are the brands of the Russian Empire, Zemstvo, the USSR, "of the Greater Russia and the Russian Federation, as well as postal cards, letters and other postal documents.

Among the themes were the greatest interest of rare material on the topic "Olympic Games"

Sections Filatelicistic auction

Marks of the Russian Empire Lots 1-96
Marks of civil war Lots 97-232.
Marks of the RSFSR Lots 233-349.
Marks of the USSR 1923-1941. Lots 350-691
The USSR brands 1941-1991. Lots 692-868
Marks of the Russian Federation 1992-2012 Lots 869-893.
Olympics 1896-1952 Lots 894-930.
Envelopes and postal cards of Russia and the USSR Lots 948-1054.
Stamps and envelopes classic Europe Lots 931-947.
Postcards Lots 1055-1095.
Lots and collections Lots 1096-1206.

Despite the sufficiently large number of lots the auction passed exactly on the schedule, with a slight break to the buffet and the hour break for lunch. The greatest interest and struggle was observed in the lots of the pre-war period of the USSR. Here, record rates were noted in the amount of more than 150 thousand rubles.

website - online auction, which is an excellent place for anyone who is engaged in collecting and collecting postage stamps. Wide capabilities, modern functionality, an abundance of information and simplicity of management - all this is possible thanks to the site.
The catalog of collectible brands, placed by our visitors, provides complete information, indicating the price and amount of rates. The electronic bidding system embedded on our web page helps people from different parts of the country to find common interests, share knowledge and impressions.
Purchase to this collective. Purchase new experience and knowledge. They will help improve the collection, find new rare specimens.

Would you like to buy collectible stamps?

People have long sought to communicate. The invention of paper and ink greatly facilitated it. The letter is the possibility of transmitting information, thoughts and emotions over long distances. In order for it not to get lost, and the brands were invented for payment for its delivery services.
Almost from the very beginning of their existence, many collectors realized their importance - both cultural and informational. They did not lose!
Collecting postage stamps, which continues for centuries, allows you to learn a lot of useful information that concerns the life of the past days, prices for products, significant events or well-known personalities of the past.
Website - which will help embody all your ideas in searching or selling unique postage stamps. Approach your dream with us!

Auction postage marks: photos, description, prices and other information

Philately is a whole scientific direction, whose specialists devote their lives collecting brands and other postal payment signs.
Thanks to this area of \u200b\u200bhuman knowledge, anyone can touch the story of the story, see what he read only in books.
Buy postage stamps at auctions is very difficult. Thanks to the service presented on the site website, you can easily and quickly go to the desired section and make a favorite thing.
The catalog of stamps that participate in the auction contains information about postal signs, high-quality photos and the specification of the price of each individual brand or a whole collection.

Before becoming a professional brand collector, you need to study a lot and understand. First of all, it is worth finding the definition of philately. This passion is rooted in the past, because many in childhood collected stamps. Particularly philately was popular in the Soviet Union, where it was easy to acquire or exchange cultural values.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, collectors became more opportunities to realize their ideas. In this regard, the demand for cultural and historical values \u200b\u200bhas sharply raised. Many of the lovers have become experienced philatelists.

To date, there is a huge number of portals and resources, where it is advantageous for itself to realize rare specimens. Most collectors choose Internet auctions, as it is profitable, efficiently and operational. As a rule, there are many different lots in such places, allowing you to meet the needs of users. Sale of anniversary brands occurs with a hammer, the exhibits receive the one who offers the highest price. The best portals are those who are created by real professionals and have a positive reputation. Usually, there are always many major market players on such resources that regularly participate in the auction, creating demand for instances. Auction postage stamps - this is the best way to sell or buy a favorite art item.

To make it easier to figure out the range of goods, on the Internet auctions there is a specialized brand catalog. For a detailed study in the catalog, there is not only all information about any other exhibit, but also photos. Each series of brands is divided into categories and price options. It is worth noting that the philatelation auctions of rare stamps prices for rare stamps are compiled by experts who analyze the latest market trends. Only after careful study of the brands, the portal specialists exhibit real initial prices for products. Especially for this purpose, Internet auctions conclude agreements with professional philatelists.

As for the final price of the brand, it is installed at the auction. In this regard, the auction of postage stamps takes responsibility for holding an honest and transparent deal.

However, certain factors play the final cost of products: preservation, circulation, year of manufacture, rarity, anniversary date, defects, adhesive and other important things. It is important to remember that storing stamps is in special albums that can be purchased in online stores in the "Accessories" section. It should also be remembered that any defects can instantly devalue historical art objects, so it is necessary to carefully and responsibly do with stamps. Important moments are the place of production of products and the year of publication.

For example, collectors highly appreciate the brands that were made with a small circulation. Whole collections, as a rule, are much more expensive with the hammer, rather than single specimens. Brand can be issued in honor of a particular event or state, this factor may also determine the total cost of exhibits. The topics of the brands are important for someone, therefore the price for such products can be high.

The first time to disassemble in all the subtleties of philateli is very difficult. The main goal of Internet Aukitzonov is to help profitably realize brands with a hammer. A high-quality portal must have reasonable competition, and for this it is necessary that the resource has a sufficient number of participants. This approach allows collectors to quickly and profitably collect a unique collection.

Internet auction of postage stamps helps market participants to navigate in price and find the desired specimens. Although a large number of fraudsters appeared with the expansion of the market, which are trying to buy cheaper brands, and then sell them more expensive. At the same time, the exhibits are not always the original, most often the buyer receives a fake. In this regard, the philatelist should take the best shopping platforms, protecting itself from sudden problems in the future. Professional collectors who communicate on specialized forums can help with this question.