Make-proof profession. Heaven and Hell

Make-proof profession. Heaven and Hell
Make-proof profession. Heaven and Hell

Packer A, m. Pastiche. Packer-make-up. Sl. sn. 1988. Natalia Sergeevna carried two men's
Old tombstone. // NA 1997 9 61. Packer-make-up. Sl. sn. 2002.

Hair "nonsense". I realized that she packer- Standard, makes wigs to order. N. Cherkashin Mysina

  • make-up

    Grimor -a; m. Specialist for machism. Artist Grimer.
    ◁ Grimursh, and; g. . Grimersky ,y ,y.

    Explanatory dictionary of Kuznetsov
  • make-up

    sUB., Number of synonyms: 3 Grimor 1 packer 1 Facing 2.

  • make-up

    grimer m.
    Theater worker involved in artists.

    Explanatory dictionary Efremova
  • make-up

    Grimor, Grimør, · Husband. (· Franz. Grimeur) (Theater.). Grimitic man.

    Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov
  • artist-maker

    sUT., Number of synonyms: 1 Artist-Grimer 1

    Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  • grimor

    sum., Number of synonyms: 1 make-up 3

    Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  • make-up

    grimyrash. .
    Wives. By land. make-up

    Explanatory dictionary Efremova
  • grimyrash

    and, g. .
    Female. to make-up.

    Small Academic Dictionary
  • grimersky

    aya, one.
    arr. to make-up.

    Small Academic Dictionary
  • grimor

    a, m.
    Murming specialist.
    Artist- make-up.

    Small Academic Dictionary
  • grimyrash

    grimyrash. .
    Wives. By land. make-up

    Explanatory dictionary Efremova
  • artist Grimer

    sUB., Number of synonyms: 1 artist make-up 1

    Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  • facing

    sUB., Number of synonyms: 2 make-up 3 Folder 1.

    Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  • visagiste

    Makeup artist, m. [From fr. Visagiste, Visage - face]. Specialist-cosmetologist, artist make-up.

    Large dictionary of foreign words
  • make-uprix

    grimor admission
    make-upassociated with it.

    3. Belonging to Grimer.

    Explanatory dictionary Efremova
  • grimersky

    grimor admission
    1. Related by meaning. With land make-upassociated with it.
    2. The characteristic of the grimer characteristic of it.
    3. Belonging to Grimer.

    Explanatory dictionary Efremova
  • Angehan, Anton Iosifovich

    Angehan, Anton Iosifovich
    Rod. 1892, mind. 1974. Artist make-up. Worked in 1925-27. At the studio

    Large biographical encyclopedia
  • Visagiste

    from Franz. Visage - face) - making face; artist- make-upcreating a certain image with

    Encyclopedia of Fashion and Clothes
  • universality

    entrepreneurs and director, mechanic scene and wonderful germer. But universality in no way

    Small Academic Dictionary
  • grimor

    Grimer A, see Grimer. 1. Theater worker involved in artists. BAS-2.<�make-viewers
    . Who hides or makes less noticeable limitations. CM-84. Make-viewers Local

    Dictionary of gallicalism of the Russian language
  • grimier

    Grimer A, m. Grimer. Study. The same make-up. He was a "stupid artist", that is, a hairdresser

  • The course program includes:

    • Grimm and cosmetics in the history of makeup and peoples
    • Basic information about makeup and cosmetics
    • Preparatory work for make-up
    • Varieties of makeup. Portrait, national, fabulous makeup. Grimm for a circus, cinema
    • Grima schemes. Sketch.
    • Classification of grimy paints.
    • The relationship of the grima, hairstyles and costume
    • The value of the maintenance products when creating a stage makeup
    • Classification of Packaging Products, Wigs, Shignon, Spit, Beard, Mustache, Lining

    At the end of the course and the examination is assigned qualifications "Make-up - Sheer"

    The makeup makeup is a high-class specialist of a wide profile, working in movies, on television or in the theater. With the help of special paints, stickers and other professional attributes, it changes the appearance of leading actors, gives the necessary appearance to persons of participants in group scenes and extras, creates portrait and personalized articles on sketches and descriptions or in accordance with the instructions of the Grider artist.

    If for a role or stage image you need to make or pick up wigs, mustache, beard or beanbards, this also deals with a make-up.

    Profession "Make-up-Place": what are taught in classes

    The course is designed to meet the most progressive requirements of modern cinema and television industry. You will receive basic theoretical knowledge and practical skills according to the most relevant and in-demand technicians of the dressing room and combine art, such as:

    • basic rules and principles of work with artistic and plastic grima (the specificity of the application of makeup in cinema and theater, materials for the manufacture of artistic grima, anatomy of the face and mimic features, aging / rejuvenation of individuals with the help of makeup, characteristic and fabulous makeup, illusory effects for male and female images, animal makeup);
    • plastic (how to properly use specific tools and materials, how to create plastic effects of bruises, burns, frostbite, etc., plastic makeup for movies and television, commercials of the participants of thematic show programs).
    • fitting skills (initial hair preparation: washing, combing, primary sorting, hauling, etc.).
    • rules for the creation of compensation products (manufacture of crepe, cras, shinon, braids, curls and strands from a sarlybal or artificial hair).
    • delivery of hair on strands, cheat on Cocnels of different diameters, curling wigs, etc.
    • distinctive features and specific properties of paints and materials used in the manufacture of combustrial products.
    • mustache, beards, mugs, eyelashes, eyebrows (what materials are needed for them, approximate consumption, principles of fixing on the face).

    All listeners who attended occupations, at the end of the course will receive a certification evidence of the established sample.

    No creative stage specialty, no artist or singer, without the help of a specialist who received a glorinae who has received a degree, now learn.

    What you need to know about the specialty

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    Professional make-uprode is a master capable of makeup, special stickers and paints to change the appearance of any person. Most often, make-up artists operate in theaters and film studios. Wherever a person's reincarnation is required.

    Most often, the grimers have to work with a change in the appearance of the actor. Especially if it requires a role. To do this, not only specially prepared makeup, but also wigs, mustache and other devices can be used.

    In addition, the More-term can deal with an independent manufacture of the necessary props, such as wigs, overhead beards and mustache. This specialty is called the mark. And therefore, it is very often possible to meet the name of the dress-fledder. But most often, special workshops are responsible for the release of props, according to the application of a grimer or a person who develops what should be made for this performance or film.

    Features of the profession

    Value in professional grimers is very high. They are needed where the change is required. It may be a film studio, television, work with the stars of show business.

    Moreover, it is often one just overlaying the makeup does not cost. Its task is to explore the locally, where the action will happen, how the light falls, as the actor should move. All this helps to correctly apply makeup. In addition, the make-seeker is obliged to consider wishes.

    What should know and be able to make a makeup

    In order to be a professional, a dressing version or a make-up, the joke will be obliged to know and be able to:

    1. impose different types of makeup;
    2. options and ways to create hairstyles;
    3. prepare all the components for the future change of the appearance of the actor;
    4. know all the rules for storing wigs, overhead beards and mustache, other inventory;
    5. in a timely manner, replacing the requisites worn or unfastened.

    If we talk about makeup, then it can be picturesque and plastic. In this case, picturesque makeup allows you to almost completely change the appearance, highlight certain features or add new ones. This makeup or mustache, wigs.

    The highest pilot is the use of volumetric or plastic grima. With his help, the actor becomes very unrecognizable, turning into a completely different person.

    If the make-up works on television, here it is a specialty here is a make-up makeup artist or. In this case, the complete change in appearance is not necessary. It will be important to emphasize all the advantages of appearance, hiding all available flaws.

    Personal qualities of a specialist

    Based on the above, it is worth named the main personal qualities that allow a person to become a real professional:

    • the desire to work creatively;
    • the presence of artistic abilities;
    • excellent visual memory;
    • possess thin color;
    • have a good shallow motor
    • be attentive and neat;
    • sociable;
    • friendly.

    As you can see, possessing all the listed qualities and skillfully using all available funds, you can become a real professional in the specialty of the makeup who is this, we told in this article.

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    As repeatedly mentioned in the classroom, to be able to make well make, it is not enough to know the theory on the anatomy of the face and the general layout of the plain makeup.

    First of all, you need to understand perfectly well that the schemes, like the ideal, are useless in practice) they can only give push to the fact that you understand the anti-algorithm. The fact is that there is not a single person. Accordingly, there can be no identical makeup. Face griming - the task is always creative, you always need an individual approach. In this regard will save, of course, practice. But before this practice in a more or less significant amount you will be available, develop artistic vision. Face-oriented, of course. Consider the faces of people, study them. Always. When traveling in transport, communicate with friends, sit on lectures ... Calculate for yourself, as located on different faces of the differences of light and shadows. Learn to "see forms." Understand how the shape of a flat line will be distorted if it is done on your face. Explore, due to which some features of the face look like otherwise. For example, what dresses of light and shadow are determined by cureness, high cheekbones, cool forehead ... consider what distinguishes the faces of people of different ages. Imagine, as it would look like a given face in old age, in childhood, in youth ... how it could hesitate or shut down. Considering the persons strangers, try to imagine who the owner of such a person is; What life he lives, what his fate has happened, what is his character and attitude to life. Think that it was in this person that indicated some features of character. Try to understand why, with age, people are developing precisely certain wrinkles. Mimic wrinkles are in the nature of another person in the nature. In general, consider, notice, study, think, remember ...

    Next, of course, the ability to "work with color" must be necessary. We learn this in the classroom, when laying out the cards of different colors when we train to create smooth light transitions from griming paint. These skills can be worked out additionally and independently, for example, also getting a color card for themselves and folding them. From light to dark, from bright to dim ... But I assure it if you become more attentive to consider the world around us, at least look into the person, you will learn and more accurately notice and determine colors.

    Well, and then the case concerns technology. The grimera should have a good hand. This denotes the ability to draw quickly, clearly, conduct lines uniform, smooth and neat, accurately reproduce symmetry. In addition, the hand itself should be trained, "Hard": drawing on the face of the artist, the grimer holds a hand on the weight. Therefore, dump draw, "carrying a hand on paper. Of course, while you are not a professional grimer, your unprofessional artists can forgive you if you put your hand on your face in search of support, but know that if you do not learn to keep your hand on weight, you can't develop in the direction of the grima. And you can't create something really good on other people's faces.

    I give a few exercises to the house on the work of technology. It is necessary to have to each lesson (if I remind you of this and I do not give another task) you brought two a4 sheets filled with a 4 (well, or any other format, but the work should have about the same volume). Since you have no grima, unfortunately, use any paint - and a thin brush.

    On one page you can put "spots, blots" of any paint. Task: a thin brush to circulate staining along its contour, continuously smooth and uniform line. The thinner and more accurate the line will be, the better.

    On another page, draw arbitrary lines. Again, it is important that they are uniform on the entire length. You can combine this work with the development of the Symmetry, which is lower.

    To develop a drawing skill symmetrically, you can draw any schematic symmetrical objects (two eyes, lips, butterfly wings, etc.). In addition, the freeing line or draws an arbitrary object, threw the line from it from it and outside the line, draw exactly the same figure, but in mirror reflection - symmetrical.

    Remember that I advised to accustom to keep your hand when painting on weight. And even remember that what material you work with what material is important. Draw, say, a gouache or watercolor on paper is much simpler than make-to-skin ... If you buy yourself a makeup and perform these exercises at home, for example, on your hand, photographing the result, I will be very happy for you)