The similarity and distinction of fairy tales and epics are the main differences. What is the difference between the epic fairy tale

The similarity and distinction of fairy tales and epics are the main differences. What is the difference between the epic fairy tale
The similarity and distinction of fairy tales and epics are the main differences. What is the difference between the epic fairy tale

The epics and fairy tale are genres of folklore, in contrast to the story, which is the genre of the literary itself. This means that neither the epics nor the tale have the author as such. The author in this case is considered consciousness; This is a certain generalized image of the author. The story is invariably accompanied by the author. For example, Chekhov "bishop" or the story of Edgar on the "Mask of Red Death".

Story and fairy tale is epic. We werena, despite the epic plot, still does not lose touch with the lyrics, as presented in the poetic form.

The time depicted in the epic, always past. The story allows the placement of the plot at any time. The fairytale space in the evening is universally.

Hero epics Bogatyr. But this is a collective image, it is captured by the appearance of the entire people. Heroes of fairy tales are also collective images. This may indicate the absence of any accurate indication on time and place (chronotope) actions that is described. In addition, the names of the heroes "wander" from a fairy tale in, the names of the heroes of fairy tales about animals accompany permanent epithets. That is, the heroes of fairy tales are simply transferred to popular consciousness from one storyline to another. The hero of the story is unique (mainly), the episode is precisely from his particular life becomes plumming.

There are reflection of those or other historical events and even the heroes (mostly the figure of the prince), but with the prevailing fraction of fiction, because, despite the historical type of attack, this component real story People rethinks. Here, the epics partially intersects with a story, which can also find a reflection of real facts (both modern and distant time), familiar to the author. The rest of the story, being a genre of literature as special view Arts, this fiction, other reality, intersecting, of course, with reality, but rather poorly (otherwise the essence of art as a type of activity disappears). This is adjacent to a fairy tale that is an irreality in pure form and which opposes the episodes that admits "reality".

Epic and fairy tale are different types folk creativity. We have repeatedly had the case to make sure that the Epos has properties that immediately distinguish it from all other species of folk poetry, and including the fairy tale. Tale and epic covers different areas folk culture, meet different aesthetic needs. Better than many other differences between the fairy tale and the epic identified V. G. Belinsky. Belinsky writes: "There is a big difference Between the poem or rape and between the fairy tale. In the poem, the poet as it would respect his subject, puts him above himself and wants awe in others to him; In a fairy tale, a poet on his mind: the goal of him is to take idle attention, dispel boredom, to reclaim the others. From here there is a big difference in the tone of the other production: in the first - the importance, passion, sometimes towering to pathos, lack of irony, and even more so - vulgar jokes; Based on the second, the reverse thought is always noticeable; It is noticeable that the storyteller himself does not believe what he says, and internally laughs over his own story. This especially applies to Russian fairy tales. "

This definition of Belinsky should be recognized extremely subtle and insightful. The fairy tale is determined by the fact that its aesthetics is based on fiction, deliberately emphasized as fiction. This is all the beauty of the fairy tales. M. Gorky emphasized her value as "fiction." The people himself determines this by the saying: "The fairy tale is a fold, a song". In reality, events occurring in the fairy tale are not believe, and they are never issued for reality. From this, the good-natured humor, a light mockery, so characteristic, as Belinsky noted, precisely for the Russian fairy tale. This, of course, does not mean that the fairy tale is divorced from reality. In it, the fiction is precisely as fiction is determined by historical reality, and the task of the tale researcher is to establish this connection. Humor and mockery, characteristic of a fairy tale, make it an excellent satire agent.

In the epic, the attitude towards the pictured other. If you ask the singer if he believes what he sings, most of the singers will answer unshakable confidence in the reality of challenged events. "Song - Free." The very word "epics" gives this attitude, as well as the word "old", which the people designate epics and which means that everything is happening about, indeed, although in deep old old.

True, the researcher cannot trust all the testimony of singers. When collectors or researchers ask the artist whether he believes in reality of challenged events, the question is incorrectly. The artist believes in the vital and artistic truth being performed, that the song does not lie. This he expresses with the words - "Everything was as it walked."

For this reason, the fairy tale preserves prehistoric antiquity than the epic, it is archaic her. That which is no longer possible as reality is possible as an interesting fiction. Therefore, for example, in the epic, the snakes is replaced by the historical enemies of Russia, this does not happen in the fairy tale. For the same reason, in the fairy tale, the oldest chapecological views are preserved (spouse animals, talismans, etc.), these performances disappear in the epic.

But Belinsky emphasizes another difference between the fairy tale and the epic: the difference in the content. In the eponym, the poet "will reveal before his songs." The Epos expresses the highest ideals of the people and seeks these ideals to transfer to the listeners: the singer "wants to excite awe in others."

Above, we have already seen that the ideological content of the epic is the blood connection of a person from homeland, serving her. In a fairy tale, mainly in the magic fairy tale, the content can be different. If in the epic hero beats the snake and the more saves Kiev from the disaster, then fabulous hero Snake wins to marry the girl liberated by him.

Events of classic epics always occur in Russia. Fairy tale events can localize "in some kingdom", "in some state." And although ultimately the Events of Russian magic fairy tales Also occur in Russia, this is not emphasized in it. Ideological content fairy tales - moral appearance Russian man, his life, domestic ideals, his struggle not only with the enemies of the Motherland, but with evil in all his views. The artistic incarnations of this evil serve as the most fantastic creatures, like witches, witch, snakes, and the most realistic as pop, landowner and king. But the struggle against evil, the struggle for the truth, justice is also the content of the epic, although basically a fairy tale and episodas cover different types of struggle. It follows from this that, with all the differences between the fairy tale and the epic between them, there may be proximity, it may be rapprochement in the folk medium, and this explains that among the episodas of the Russian epic, there are those who are peculiar to fabulous painting that have a fabulous nature.

The degree of proximity between the epic and fairy tale may be different. We have considered the epics, especially the early, as Sadko songs or about the flip, to some extent, also had a fabulous character. But there is a group of the epic that stands to the fairy tale even closer than the episons already considered by us. With a fairy tale, they bring them closer to the fact that the tone of most of them is a harsh, slightly ironic. In those considered by us, the idea of \u200b\u200bKiev state triumphed Kievan Rus; In the epons of the group under consideration, the question is not worth it. Kievan Rus in them does not threaten either snakes nor Tugarin, nor idolis, the heroes are not at risk of different chavernits. The sorcerer in Russia is no longer there, and they do not penetrate there. But such "poisons" is still in distant countries, where, for example, Gleb Volodievich. In the epons of this group are often allowed sophisticated questions Family and personal order, as in the epics about Ilya Muromster and Son, about the Star of Godinovich and his wife and G. D. In them, as in the fairy tale, the hero shows his high moral qualities, his resourcefulness, strength, and courage. From the proximity to the fairy tale, the epic is acquiring an entertainment. The execution of it gave her rest from severe peasant labor, introduced into hard life The jet of festivity and sometimes fun. But in these cases, the epics did not serve as entertainment for entertainment. In it expressed folk thought and morality national estimate human characters and actions.

All this shows that such epics, although they are beautiful in artistic terms, are still not typical for actually heroic eposa. Of these, only one is distinguished by severeness and monumentality: these are the epics about Boy Ilya with her son. She is of all epic intermediate character closest to actually heroic songsAlthough it is not less close to fairy tales. The fabulous nature of the rest is pronounced more brightly. All this gives the heroic epic researcher the right to consider them less thorough than actually heroic epics.

Epics fabulous character Less degrees are subject to change than actually heroic epics.

Due to the specified properties of the epics of this group, their dating, even in that conventional sense, in which it is stipulated above, is very difficult. In the vast majority of cases, the plots of such epic are very ancient. Often they go back to the community-generic rank. Such plots as the story of the husband at the wedding of their wife (Dobrynya and Alyosha), the battle of his father and his son (Ilya and Sokolnik) belong to the oldest Russian stories. This makes it possible to argue that they had in Russian folk poetry at the very beginning of the formation of Kievan Rus. The same can be said about other epic fabulous plots. All of them are extremely ancient and on this side belong to the early Russians. The processing of them and some details relate to a later time, which should be installed in each case separately. But all this does not hesitate the allegations of early education These epic in the repertoire of the Russian epic. Along with these early fabulous epics There are a number of late epics of fabulous content, representing, actually, not so much epics as a fairy tale in the epic metric form.

Fairy tales, epics. They are probably everyone, even a very small numerical nature. IN Ancient Russia, for example, paramount importance in oral creativity People have a fairy tale and epics. Similarities and differences between forms are certainly found, albeit that, and the other is initially perceived as oral worksThe author of which are the people. What is the difference? Let's deal with!

Tale and epics. Similarities and differences

According to the classification of researchers, they cover and conclude various areas of culture, differ in the aesthetics of needs and perceptions. We will analyze similarities and differences in more detail.

Definition of V. G. Belinsky

Russian classic literary critics Very subtly determined in his statements, and epics, similarities and differences in these forms in the literature. In the poem (epics), the author seems to express respect for the subject of the description. He always puts him on a high pedestal and wishes to awaken the same reverence. In the fairy tale, the poet pursues the goal to take the attention of the reader or the listener, to reclaim, entertain. So, in the first case, we have the importance of narration, lack of irony and jokes, sometimes pathos. In the second, the narrator internally laughs at his narrative, as if not believing what he says, which is particularly typical for many Russian fairy tales.

What is the difference?

The similarity and distinction between the fairy tale and the epic can be defined in several key nodes. The fairy tale for the most part is based on fictions. In the epic, a completely different display. The name of the "epics" is already the name of the author to the described as to the realities. That is, this is what happened, but in the older time immemorial (characteristic one more national title Such works are older, that is, what was deep in the old ones).

Where do events occur?

In classical epics, actions almost always occur in Russia. In a fairy tale, events can be carried out in some kingdom, the thirtieth of the state (but it is optional).


The fairy tale displays the appearance of a Russian man from the point of view of morality, his life and ideals, fighting evil in all its manifestations: real and fantastic. Considering such forms of oral folk creativity as a fairy tale and the epics, similarities and differences between them, it must be said that the topic of struggle against evil unites both literary forms, although sometimes the various types of its appearance. And justice, their restoration is the main idea of \u200b\u200bmany epic and fairy tales. With all the difference in works between them, it may occur in the medium of the people. This can also be explained by the fact that among the epics there are works that have a fabulous color and character. But some epics are even closer to fairy tales in their essence, as they have an ironic or comic tone of the narrative, where there is already entertaining character from the proximity to the fairy tale. But at the same time the epics of this kind (rather atypical for the Russian epic) were not purely entertaining in their genre. They expressed morality and folk thought, evaluation of the actions and character characters.

The epics and fairy tale: similarity and difference. Table

To better understand the topic discussed, you can bring a small table.



Form of Russian oral folk art

Fantastic narration of household or magical character

Description heroic feathers Bogatura

Both genres exist for a long time

Prose art


They were told, told, sang

Generalized transmission of events of deep antiquity

Initially existed only orally

Displays the fight against evil and moral values

It displays the basic similarities and differences. literary forms folk art.

The fairy tale is magic historywhich teaches the reader only positive. Tales are most often written in prose. The characters of fairy tales often become unusual heroes, on the path of which appear magic evil power. In fairy tales, good always wins evil.

The epic represents folk song About the adventures of heroes. There are often rhymes in the eponym. A distinctive feature of the epic is bright description National flavor and historical events from the past. The basis of the plot of the epics - heroic deeds And the feats of the hero.

What is the difference between epics from a fairy tale

There were epic ancient Russian song of the people, which tells about real events in the history of the XI-XVI centuries. The main goal The epics is to tell the reader about the heroes and heroes of ancient Russia.

Examples of the epic

    The word about the regiment of Igor.

    Dobrynya and snake.

    Kalin King and Ilya Muromets.

    Russian bogatyrs.

The fairy tale is a fictional story with a fantastic, heroic or domestic character. The plot of fairy tales as a rule never happened in reality. The main purpose of the fairy tale is to teach young generation and the impulse of moral and moral norms through fictional story.

Examples of fairy tales

    Tale of the Pop and Worker Bald.

  • About white bull.

    Princess Frog.

The difference of fairy tales from epics

    The style of the narrative in the epic poems is usually read under string accompaniment with a solemn recitative. The words and parts of the verse go in a strict sequence.

    "Sen on Bel-Guryuch stone
    And he plays in the testicle of the Yarkov.
    As here, in the lake, the water was cunning,
    It seemed, the king of the sea "

    The fairy tale is written and narrated usually in a conversational manner and has a free style of presentation.

    "Mal, My hut is small," says bunny. - To jump nowhere. How do you sweat and then fisk? Did not let the bunny fisk in the house. Fox was another time and began to walk. I soldered every day to Zaineka walk. "

    In the eponymics, such techniques are often used as triple repetitions, hyperboles, synonyms, frequent epithets.

    For those for your great things for the great, for your game, for the tender, gentle.

    In fairy tales, traditional trails are usually used. Template starts. (Lived, were. In some kingdom. Baba Yaga bone Noga. Tent pulled.)

    The epic epic songs are most often written in the genre of folk epic song.

    The fairy tale is usually the narrative epic genre.

    In the eponym, as a rule, the character and event were indeed written off from previously living heroes. (Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alesha Popovich).

    The fairy tale always describes a fictional history, event or character. Often the fairy tale has absolutely fantastic character. (Princess Frog, flying ship, The Little Humpbacked Horse.

Epics - Special song epic genreForesting in Russian folklore at the turn of the X-XI centuries. As in the folk fairy tale, there are ethnic elements of life-ending and myth-making, but its distinctive feature is not an entertaining or moral story, on which a fabulous story is based, and the description is historically meaningful eventswho embodied the people's idea of \u200b\u200bthe Bogatlish strength and valor.

IN fairy tale Characters have lost direct communication with real heroes And they acquired an abstract meaning expressed in the confrontation of good and evil. The plot of fairy tales - the fiction created as a transformation of reality into a wonderful image associated with mystical ideas of a certain ethnic group about the world around.

Epic specifies the heroes playing important role in historical events or famous among the tribesmen special advantages and deserves.

The style of narration in fairy tales and epic is significantly different. The content of the fairy tale is transmitted in a conventional narrative manner close to spoken Speech. The episons are fulfilled by a solemn recitative for string accompaniment, thanks to which the narrator has the opportunity to preserve the rhythm of a silhlor-tonic verse inherent in the epic text.

Peculous means artistic expressiveness Also have differences from traditional trails used in a fairy tale. Hyperbole, repetition of sustainable revolutions, the injection of words-synonyms, an abundance of epithets, antithesis - all these forming techniques are used in the episons to be emphasized and maintain scene line. For example, the same type of situations in bogatyric epic Kiev cycle have triple repetitions; "MEDETSKY POWER" "Nice" Bogatyr Ilya Muromtsov opposes cunning "Rogan's rearrangement"; In Novgorod epic, Vasily Buslaevich has incredible powerAnd Sadko is able to fall on the bottom of the sea and get out dry out of the water.

Fairy tales were created as instructive and simultaneously entertainment stories. They told in the circle of households, could have an ending with the subtext: "The fairy tale is a lie, and there is a hint of a good young lesson in it."

The eponymists glorified the heroes of the heroes. They were performed with a large coherence of the people, in the squares and urban walls.

Epics pro beautiful Vasilisa Mikulishna

Conclusions Site

  1. The epic songs are a folk epic song, and the fairy tale applies to small narrative epic genres.
  2. The plot of fairy tales - fiction, epics always has historical foundation and real prototype Hero.
  3. The fairy tale uses the conversational style of the narrative, the epics is executed by a recitative.
  4. Story - prose works Oral folk creativity, epic has a poetic size.
  5. The main reception of epics - hyperbole, repetition, sustainable formulas and speech turns.