Laima Vaikule - biography, personal life and discography of the singer. Biography of Lime Vaikule Early years and the formation of Lime Vaikule

Laima Vaikule - biography, personal life and discography of the singer.  Biography of Lime Vaikule Early years and the formation of Lime Vaikule
Laima Vaikule - biography, personal life and discography of the singer. Biography of Lime Vaikule Early years and the formation of Lime Vaikule

Vaikule Laima Stanislavovna (born 1954) is a Latvian singer and actress; in 2011 she was awarded the Russian Order of Friendship of Peoples for her contribution to the strengthening and development of cultural ties between Russia and Latvia.


Laima Vaikule was born on March 31, 1954 in the city of Cesis. Then it was still the Latvian Republic of the Soviet Union, now it is a separate country of Latvia. Laima's family was very simple, dad Stanislav worked as a worker, and Yanin's mom was a salesman in a store. Only my grandmother, who took part in church singing, had anything to do with music from the whole family.

Laima also had older half-sisters and brothers and sisters. So the Vaikule family was big and friendly. When little Laima was three years old, they moved to Riga. Here my mother was taken to work as the director of a large store.

The love of singing was passed on from her grandmother to her granddaughter Laima. The girl sang almost from the cradle. She remembers how in the kindergarten she did not like to sleep during the quiet hour and sang softly while lying in bed. When acquaintances and friends came to visit them, the parents asked little Lyma to sing songs.

Laima's childhood passed, like most Soviet children, in the yard with friends. She was not at all like her older sister Yana, who preferred games with girls and dolls. Laima liked to run with the boys more.

In the family, she was everyone's favorite, because she was the youngest, but she grew up stubborn and wayward. Already at the age of five, if something was not for her, she packed her things and left the house. Not far, of course, around the corner of the house, where her parents quickly found her, but in this way her character manifested itself.


When the girl was in first grade, the teacher advised her parents to buy a piano, since their daughter clearly has a musical talent. But Lyme herself was not going to connect her future with the professions of a singer or artist. The parents never bought the musical instrument, not because the girl did not want to practice on it, it was just that there was nowhere to put it in a one-room apartment.

All subjects at the Lyme school were easy. Until she was seriously carried away by creativity, in the diary there were only "excellent" marks.

As a teenager, Lyme really wanted to become a surgeon. She believed that this is exactly the profession, the result of which is visible and truly benefits people. Her mother was very often sick, and the girl wanted to treat her herself, to help her loved one recover. Lyme was fond of natural science, wanted to go to medical school, but was afraid that she would not be able to pass a big competition, and therefore went to school.

She had to work in the ambulance and go to the anatomical theater. She really liked all this, but the music took its toll, the singing interrupted all dreams associated with medicine. And many years later, somewhere in the depths of her soul, Lyme regrets a little that she did not take place as a doctor.

The beginning of the creative path

When Vaikula was 12 years old, her first appearance on the stage took place in her life.

A competition for young singers was held at the VEF Riga plant in the house of culture. Lyme not only took part in it, but also won a diploma. After the competition, she was invited to sing with a big band. She agreed, and creativity gradually began to drag the girl into its whirlpool.

Speaking with the group, Laima also began to take music and vocal lessons from maestro Zakhodnik, who worked with the singers of Raymond Pauls - he sang and gave them voices. Vaikule was a favorite student of Zakhodnik, so he decided to show her to Pauls. At the age of 15, the girl was selected and began to solo in the Riga Radio and Television Orchestra, led by Raimonds Pauls.

When Laima was 18 years old, she began performing in restaurants, and in 1979 she began soloing in the famous variety show "Sea Pearl" in Jurmala. In addition to performing songs, the girl herself was also engaged in staging dances, selecting musicians, and designing costumes. In those years in the Baltics, the show of this variety show was considered the most colorful, and Laima Vaikule became more and more popular among the audience.

In 1984, Vaikule left for Moscow and became a student at GITIS, chose the directing department. By this time she performed with the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Laima", performing pop songs in Russian and Latvian languages, as well as several musical compositions from the Western repertoire. The poet Ilya Reznik drew attention to the young performer and offered her cooperation - recording the song "Night Fire". The composition was then often played on the radio, and it also entered the final of Song-86.

Fame and success

At the end of 1986, Laima recorded the composition "Vernissage", which she sang in a duet with Valery Leontiev. The song quickly gained popularity among listeners and Lyme became famous in an instant.

The following year, the singer's success was consolidated with the song “It’s not evening yet” and participation in the recital of composer Raymond Pauls, which was held in the state concert hall “Russia”. In the spring she went to Czechoslovakia to the international competition "Bratislava Lira", where she won the Golden Lyre prize with the composition "Vernissage".

Lyme is an incredible hard worker and experimenter. Thanks to these qualities, her path to the top of fame turned out to be short and fast, others take years. Already in 1988, her big solo concert took place at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall. The singer is very diverse, in her repertoire there are both comic songs and lyric ones, but they all certainly became hits in their time:

  • "Sherlock Holmes";
  • "Street of Love";
  • "Shalyai-go ahead";
  • Summer Garden Tango;
  • "You and me";
  • Charlie, the funny weirdo;
  • “The clever will not go uphill”;
  • "Chestnut Branch";
  • Fiddler on the Roof;
  • "I went out to Piccadilly";
  • “I pray for you”;
  • Acapulco.

Laima Vaikule is constantly invited to the jury at the international song contest "New Wave", as well as at the KVN contest "Musical Kivin".

The singer toured a lot in Europe, worked for a long time in Japan and the USA.

Personal life

In 1970, Laima Vaikule and Andrei Latkovsky met at one of the discos. The young man was a bass player, was born and raised in an intelligent family, recently served in the army. His dad taught political economy at the university in Riga, and his mother worked as an expert at the Latvian Chamber of Commerce. Later, Laima and Andrei crossed paths several times, working in the same musical group. There was no relationship between them, except for the workers, but Andrei liked Laima right away at the first meeting.

Fate brought them together again in Leningrad in 1978. According to Andrey, from the moment they met, Laima became even more beautiful and brighter. He began to look after her, she reciprocated and so they went through life together.

Terrible disease

In 1991, doctors diagnosed Lyme with breast cancer. She was asked to undergo surgery, but the doctors did not hide that the chances of defeating the disease are only 20%. The husband assured Lyme right away that, despite the outcome of the operation, the duration and severity of the illness, he would never leave her, he would be there every minute.

After the verdict of the doctors, Lyme at some point became embittered with the whole world of healthy people, with those who are constantly dissatisfied with life, always complaining about small everyday trifles and troubles, thinking that these are grandiose problems.

Then the anger gave way to shock from the diagnosis and severe depression. Later, incredible fear appeared. For the first time she felt how scary it was to die and how she didn’t want to. At first, Lyme refused the operation because she did not believe in its positive outcome. She wrote farewell letters to all her beloved close people.

But then faith in God came, the woman began to read the Bible, it saved her.

The operation was difficult, but it ended successfully. Opening her eyes after anesthesia, Lyme saw her husband and she was seized with unrestrained joy, she realized that she was alive and that all was not lost. But then there was a long and painful period of treatment. This is again pain, nerves, depression, the disgusting realization that you are not like everyone else, that you are a cripple.

But she really wanted to live, and next to her was her beloved husband, loved ones and faith in God. Lyme managed to defeat a terrible disease.

Long before her illness, she caught the eye of the words of sages who said that a person's personality grows and develops in suffering. She did not understand then the meaning of these words. And only after the transferred illness, the whole essence of the phrase came to her. Lyme turned to religion and saw life from a completely different side.

Then there were morally difficult 10 years of observation by an oncologist. Every time she went to an appointment, she was seized with panic horror that everything could happen again. Now she remembers it like a bad dream. The disease greatly changed her inner world, Lyme learned to appreciate every second spent with her family.

When asked what happiness is, Vaikule answers:

“For me, happiness is to remember my childhood, when mom and dad dress me up beautifully, and we go somewhere to visit. It’s happiness that I won a terrible disease. It is fortunate that my most beloved and devoted husband, Andrei, is next to me. And I also want to make all people happy - to give them joy, to sing and dance for them, to help someone. Good must not end. ".

Lime out of music

After the collapse of the USSR, in addition to creativity, Vaikule decided to go into business and opened the Laima-Lux hairdressing salon, which is located in Riga. The singer herself has been recognized as a style icon more than once. Despite the fact that she is already over 60, Lyme cannot imagine her life without running and yoga, and therefore is in excellent physical shape.

She is a vegetarian, loves animals, especially dogs.

Laima has three American Bulldogs - a girl named Feria and a boy named Ginger (champion of Latvia). When the dogs had 15 adorable puppies, Laura Laima kept one little girl for herself and sold the rest. The price for puppies was high, because Vaikule believes that if a person can pay big money for a dog, then he will take good care and take care of it.

Here's how the guys from the team tell about her:

“If we come on tour to another city, then the route that Laima walks can be easily determined. There, on the corners, stray dogs are eating everywhere. ".

On the entire post-Soviet stage, there is no more ardent animal protector than Laima Vaikule.

Lyme adopted the Orthodox faith, despite the fact that all her family and friends are Catholics.

Laima is a popular singer and actress. She became famous for her extravagant manner. Neither father nor mother had absolutely nothing to do with music. Lyme's dad worked most of his life as a worker, and his mother as a salesman. The only one who at least a little related to music is grandmother, who sang in church.

When Laima was just a child, the family moved to Riga, where they had a small apartment. In Riga she went to first grade, and at the age of 12 she made her debut on stage. Until this age, the girl's only listeners were her family and friends. The first competition in which the girl managed to participate was held for the children of workers. Here it was received first award at the song contest. It was from that day that the career of the young artist began.

The girl had no desire to become a singer, she, a girl from a poor family, could not even imagine that one day she would be able to become a singer. Lyme has been planning since school years go to a medical university. After graduating from school, Lyme applied to the medical school, but over time she slightly revised her views.

As it turned out, the girl simply had no other choice - the music had already chosen her. Apparently, it was her vocation - to become a real artist. At the age of 15, she auditioned and became the soloist of the local orchestra.

Since 1979 she began performing in Jurmala. Over time, the girl became a soloist in the team. Laima did not even think to stop, she understood well that in order to achieve the desired result, it was necessary to work hard. In 1984 she entered directing department.


In 1979, Laima's first performance at Juras Pearl took place. The work of the young performer begins with this performance.

As a student of the directing department, the girl was noticed by Ilya Reznik. The composer saw something fresh and new in her manner. Reznik wrote the first song "Night Fire" for Laima. Lyme's songs first began to appear on radio waves. A few months later sang a song as a duet with Leontiev“Vernissage”. After this song, the popularity of the young performer increased significantly. Vaikule began to appear on the covers of glossy magazines.

In 1980, the popular song "It's not evening yet" appeared. The song performed by Laima immediately took the first positions on the radio waves.

In 1990 she was invited by an American producer to the USA. The girl recorded an album abroad for seven months. A film about a young performer was shot in America. Vaikule continues to sing in a duet with many artists. She is a regular guest competition "New Wave".

The next memorable duet was the collaboration with Moiseev and the popular track “Baltic Romance”.


Misfortune came with popularity to Laima Vaikule's house. As it turned out, the young performer had a tumor. Lyme managed to cope with the disease, but there was no longer a desire to stay in the United States. The star decided for herself that, no matter how many years she was allotted, she wants all of them live in their homeland.

Upon returning to her homeland, the performer noticed that everything around had somehow changed. The USSR collapsed and she was even considered a scout, but the vocalist did not pay any attention to this.

Very soon the whole country learned what the Latvian singer had to go through. Lyme shared in one of her interviews that she had to go through, with what eyes she now looks at the whole world and only after cancer she had a desire to enjoy every day she lived.

Lyme said that a terrible illness helped her learn to appreciate such trifles as: a sunny day, delicious coffee, kisses of a loved one, the sound of rain, the smell of fresh baked goods. It was after the illness started going to church.

How does the artist live today?

In the past few years, Laima has not only sings with performers, but also helps young talents learn music.In 2016, Vaikule sang a song with Stas Piekha “I close my eyes”. The song was first performed on New Year's Eve.

Lime loves animals. That is why the artist found the strength to give up meat. Vaikule is opposed to natural fur coats, hunting wild animals.

Personal life

News about personal life rarely falls into the hands of journalists. The girl never wanted a scandalous reputation for herself.
Lima had one common-law spouse, who is its producer - Andrey Latkovsky. Andrei and Laima met 48 years ago and to this day together.

Andrei is not only her husband, but also her best friend, comrade, support and support. They were able to withstand a fatal illness. Andrei did not leave her for a minute.

Unfortunately, the couple and children did not appear. But Lyme gives all her energy to young performers who need it.

Laima Stanislavovna Vaikule (Latvian Laima Vaikule). She was born on March 31, 1954 in Cesis (Latvian SSR). Soviet and Latvian pop singer, actress.

In Latvian mythology, Laima is the goddess of happiness.

Father - Stanislav Vaikulis, a worker.

Mother - Janina, a saleswoman and then a store director.

Has two older sisters (including one stepbrother) and a half-brother.

Grandma sang in the church choir. As Lyme is sure, it was from her grandmother that her singing talent was transferred to her.

When Laima was three years old, her family moved to Riga.

According to Laima, as a child, she was a problem child - proactive and unpredictable, her improvisations often turned into pranks. "You know, I am such a gypsy for whom a train, an airplane, and a hotel can become a home ... Mom always says that as a child I was unbearable," she shared.

The first performance on the stage took place when she was 12 years old: she took part in the competition of young vocalists in the house of culture of the Riga plant VEF. Received a diploma and started performing with a big band. "I was already special then. I went on stage and sang accompanied by an orchestra. Then a rock orchestra, a band with which I also toured and gathered halls," the artist recalled.

After graduating from eight grades of high school, Lyme entered medical school.

At the age of 15, having passed a competition, she became a soloist of the Riga Radio and Television Orchestra under the direction of.

The meeting with maestro Pauls became fateful for Laima. She recalled this significant moment in her life: “It happened at the Philharmonic. I was 15 years old. At that time I was studying music and singing with maestro Zakhodnik, and he worked with Raymond Pauls - he sang and played the singers of Raymond. The teacher loved me, I thought I could sing well, so I took Pauls to audition. I remember how I sang in a dark philharmonic hall, it was probably six in the evening, and suddenly a man came up to me from behind, patted me on the shoulder and said: “Kid, I'll take you. ”That was Raymond Pauls.”

Since 1979 she has performed in Jurmala in the famous variety show Jūras pērle, which means “Sea Pearl” in Latvian. At first she sang in a dance orchestra, then she became a soloist in a variety show, the artistic director of which was Mark Gurman.

"All popular artists, directors and rich people knew me. Diplomats and even foreign heads of state came to my show. It was the most popular place, and everyone came to see my program. Juras perle was a must-see nightlife attraction in Latvia. I entered GITIS, the teachers already knew me, "she told about that time.

In 1984 she entered the directing department of GITIS.

As a soloist of VIA "Laima" from April 1986 until the collapse of the USSR she was a soloist of "Azkontsert" and lived in Baku for some time.

In addition to the western repertoire and a number of modern songs, accompanied by the instrumental ensemble "Laima" she began to perform Latvian songs, in particular, R. Pauls "Verokoko" (in the Russian version it was sung by Valery Leontiev - "Verooka").

The singer was noticed by a famous songwriter. He offered her a new song "Night Fire" for recording on the radio, the singer got not only on the air, but also on the TV show "Song-86".

At the same time, in 1986, at a Soviet-Italian concert of pop stars, Laima Vaikule performed together with Valery Leontyev a new song "Vernissage" (music by Pauls, words by Reznik).

Laima Vaikule and Valery Leontiev - Vernissage

In 1987 Laima Vaikule recorded another song by Pauls and Reznik - "It's not evening yet", offering her original interpretation.

In February 1987, the singer took part in the Pauls evening at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall, after the television broadcast of the concert she received all-Union fame.

Soon she received the Golden Lyre prize at the Bratislava Lira international festival in Czechoslovakia for the song Vernissage.

Simultaneously with his studies at the faculty of the stage director of GITIS, preparations began for a large solo program, which premiered at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall in early 1988 and which proved that the actress is subject to lyrical, characteristic, comic, grotesque images.

Lime Vaikule - Yellow Leaves

Laima Vaikule is one of the founders of the Jurmala competition for young pop song performers.

She has recorded several successful music albums in Russia and Latvia, sold over 20 million discs in Russia, Europe and the United States. She has performed several times in the countries of the former USSR, Europe, Japan and the USA.

The singer is a regular guest at the New Wave music competition, as well as on radio and television, at festive concerts. She is regularly invited to the jury of the KVN festival "Voting KiViN", which was held annually (until 2014) in Jurmala.

He is in business. Has its own perfume line called "Lime-Lux".

In 2011 she became a Knight of the Russian Order of Friendship - for her great contribution to the development and strengthening of Russian-Latvian cultural ties, the popularization of contemporary Russian musical culture in the Republic of Latvia.

Laima Vaikule in the "Alone with everyone" program

Growth of Laima Vaikule: 167 centimeters.

Laima Vaikule's personal life:

The singer does not like to share the details of her private life, she explained in this regard: "I believe that personal life is called personal for that. I do not want anyone to enter it with their dirty feet."

The actual husband is Andrei Latkovsky, a former bass player, now her producer. They met in 1970, and have been living together since 1978. Played a modest wedding in Las Vegas. In 2012 . "We got married in Las Vegas in an ordinary temple. We did it as a joke. In fact, we are both free, independent people," Vaikule said. Have no children.

An active animal rights activist, vegetarian.

Beauty secrets from Laima Vaikule:

"Now the main thing is to create an image, to find exactly what suits you - this is fashion," says Laima.

“You don’t need to become a slave to your own appearance. There are several components of beauty in any person - healthy teeth, decent shoes, good manicure, well-groomed hair and shine in the eyes. If a person has this, he will be beautiful,” she said.

"If I feel that I have gained over four pounds to my weight, I go hungry for a couple of days: I drink only water, tea and coffee, I don't eat practically anything. If this does not help, then I go on a 9-day diet. The first 3 days I eat rice. without salt and oil, the next 3 - white chicken meat, and the last 3 - only apples. I discovered this diet for a long time. The effect is amazing. Once a week I arrange fasting days when I drink water and eat apples ", - says the artist ...

Among the bad habits of Laima Vaikule is smoking. “Yes, I smoke. I tried to quit many times, but nothing worked,” she complained.

Filmography of Laima Vaikule:

1979 - Inspector Gull - singer in the bar
1980 - The Rico Brothers - singer
1985 - Dancing on the Roof
1991 - In Russian style - Anna
1997 - Old songs about the main thing 2 - Mrs. Laima
1998 - Military field romance
1998 - Old songs about the main thing 3
2001 - Women's happiness
2001 - Old songs about the main thing. P.S
2003 - The Snow Queen - The Snow Queen
2004 - House by the Salt Lake
2007 - A very New Year's movie, or Night at the Museum
2009 - Little Red Riding Hood - Mother of Little Red Riding Hood

Discography of Laima Vaikule:

1987 - Songs to verses by Ilya Reznik - Vernissage
1992 - I pray for you
1993 - Laima Tango
1994 - Dear, goodbye!
1996 - I went to Piccadilly
1996 - Viss nāk un aiziet ...
1998 - Latin Quarter
1999 - Mirror
2000 - Best Songs
2002 - Names for All Seasons
2005 - What is the pianist playing about?
2013 - Atkal Mājās

Laima Vaikule is a famous singer and actress, who also mastered the production business, and just an amazing woman. Her creative path from her youth to the very peak of fame is really impressive. Many people think that the life of a celebrity is cloudless and filled with nothing but happiness, but in reality it is not.

As the title of one famous film says, the rich also cry. Ms. Vaikule's life is also not devoid of bitter moments. But she still managed to achieve incredible success.

From the very beginning of her career, Laima Vaikule impressed the fans with her appearance, and everyone immediately wondered what her height, weight, and age were. She herself does not hide how old Laima Vaikula is. This talented woman is already 63 years old. And she manages to maintain a surprisingly good figure. With a rather high growth of 176 centimeters, the singer weighs 63 kilograms.

She really looks after herself carefully. However, if you look at the photo of Laima Vaikule in her youth and now, you might think that she had plastic surgery. At least, this is what fans suspected of her when they saw her video congratulations on March 8 on Instagram.

Biography 👉 Laima Vaikule

Laima Vaikule (real name - Vaikulis) was born on March 31, 1954, in the Latvian town of Cesis. Her father - Stanislav Vaikulis and mother - Yanina Vaikulis - were ordinary working people. The singer also has a couple of older sisters and a brother. She herself did not plan to become a singer. The only one in their family who was somehow connected with creativity is their grandmother - she sang in the church choir. And Lyme sang simply because she liked it.

The family moved to Riga when Laima was only three years old.

The girl's talent for singing manifested itself in childhood, but Lyme herself saw herself as a doctor. It is worth noting that the girl's character was rather rebellious - she preferred running around with the boys to games with girls, and at times even ran away from home.

If we talk about school years, then study was given to her very easily, however, over time, the school lost its priority for the future singer. She began to devote more time to creativity.

Laima Vaikule's biography as a singer began when the girl was only 12. She performed in a group at a young talent competition.

Without losing the dream of a doctor's profession, after graduation Lyme entered a medical university. But even during her studies, she did not forget to sing. Even when Lyme was 15, she was taken to sing in the city orchestra, led, by the way, by Raymond Pauls.

In 1984, Laima decided to join GITIS at the directing department. At the same time, the girl continued to sing various compositions, from foreign ones to those that were in Pauls' repertoire. The manner of singing has become her kind of "calling card". She can be recognized even with closed eyes, only by her voice.

Recently, fans began to wonder if their favorite had had plastic surgery. Queries like: "Laima Vaikule in his youth photo" often began to appear on the Internet. We have to admit that the woman has really changed.

Vaikule began to take her first steps to fame in the 80s, when she met the songwriter Ilya Reznik. Then the young singer sang completely new songs for the first time, which quickly gained popularity. The young performer was simply bombarded with proposals for radio broadcasts and filming in television programs.

But Lyme really became famous after her performance at the author's evening of Raymond Pauls. One of the most popular and truly memorable songs was "Vernissage" - a duet with Valery Leontyev.

In the early 90s, Vaikule became known abroad as well. Namely, in America. They even released a documentary about the singer, which only strengthened her popularity in the States. Fun fact: American fans even compared Vaikule to singer Madonna. But in the end, Lyme made the decision to return home. Then the Soviet Union had already disintegrated, and Latvia became an independent state.

Throughout her career, she has released ten music albums, which were listened to by fans almost all over the world.

And in the famous competition "Jurmala" Vaikule not only sang herself, but also constantly entered the jury.

One of the most memorable performances was "The Baltic Romance" in a duet with Boris Moiseev.

Few people know, but Vaikule even starred in thirteen films, which proves Laima's talent not only as a singer.

Personal life 👉 Laima Vaikule

If you thought this woman was having a lot of whirlwind romances, you are wrong. The entire personal life of Laima Vaikule consists of her first and only husband, Andrei Latkovsky, who, concurrently, produces her activities. Vaikule met him back in the 70s and, by the way, was not at all worried about the absence of a stamp in her passport.

They got married only after 30 years (!) Of relationship. Moreover, without making this event a special holiday. And they still live, in perfect harmony.

Family 👉 Lime Vaikule

Laima Vaikule's family - her parents and sisters with her brother - were ordinary working people. My father worked at the enterprise, and my mother started out as a salesman, but eventually grew to the director of a store. Later, a producer and a common-law husband, Andrei, became a family for a woman. It is known that in the 90s Vaikule was diagnosed with cancer, but she overcame the disease, thanks to the support of her lover.

The singer adores her husband, but it is interesting that she does not express her feelings for him in public, preferring simpler and more modest names to “husband” or “beloved”.

Children 👉 Lime Vaikule

The true reason for this was and remains unknown, but the children of Laima Vaikule are something that the singer and her beloved husband never had and does not have to this day. Maybe it's all about health. Or maybe the reason is that she decided to devote herself to the stage and creativity.

One way or another, both Lyme and her husband do not give any intelligible answers to questions on this topic. And generally they try to avoid this direction. Nevertheless, they have been happy together for over forty years. And young people should definitely follow their example. The spouses live happily, even despite the absence of their own children.

Husband 👉 Laima Vaikule - Andrey Latkovsky

Laima Vaikule's husband, Andrei Latkovsky, is the only man she has ever loved. For three decades, the current spouses lived in a civil marriage. According to the performer herself, she simply did not consider the presence of a stamp in her passport to be something really important. But still, about ten years ago, they got married with Andrei.

Latkovsky for her is not only a spouse and producer, but also a loyal friend, and a very close person who really follows her into fire and water. The couple is happy together, even though there are no children. Although the press suspects that the singer's sterility is to blame, neither she nor Latkovsky himself reveal the true reasons.

Instagram and Wikipedia 👉 Laima Vaikule

The performer does not want to lag behind life and other celebrities, because Instagram and Wikipedia Laima Vaikule can be easily found on the Internet, in the public domain. For example, over 180 thousand people have subscribed to her Instagram profile. There, the singer uploads pictures and videos from various events and from behind the scenes. Often, young performers with whom the artist performs in a duet are included in the frame. Laima is a positive and cheerful person, because in the photo she always smiles brightly.

And from Wikipedia you can learn a lot of interesting facts about Vaikula. For example, such that Lyme does not eat meat. And is an ardent protector of animals. Also, she does not wear natural fur. And also the fact that Lyme smokes. And although he admits that the habit is bad, he is in no hurry to get rid of it.

Laima Vaikule is a famous singer and actress, who also mastered the production business, and just an amazing woman. Her creative path from her youth to the very peak of fame is really impressive. Many people think that the life of a celebrity is cloudless and filled with nothing but happiness, but in reality it is not.

As the title of one famous film says, the rich also cry. Ms. Vaikule's life is also not devoid of bitter moments. But she still managed to achieve incredible success.

Height, weight, age. How old is Laima Vaikula

From the very beginning of her career, Laima Vaikule impressed the fans with her appearance, and everyone immediately wondered what her height, weight, and age were. She herself does not hide how old Laima Vaikula is. This talented woman is already 63 years old. And she manages to maintain a surprisingly good figure. With a rather high growth of 176 centimeters, the singer weighs 63 kilograms.

She really looks after herself carefully. However, if you look at the photo of Laima Vaikule in her youth and now, you might think that she had plastic surgery. At least, this is what fans suspected of her when they saw her video congratulations on March 8 on Instagram.

Biography of Laima Vaikule

Laima Vaikule (real name - Vaikulis) was born on March 31, 1954, in the Latvian town of Cesis. Her father - Stanislav Vaikulis and mother - Yanina Vaikulis - were ordinary working people. The singer also has a couple of older sisters and a brother. She herself did not plan to become a singer. The only one in their family who was somehow connected with creativity is their grandmother - she sang in the church choir. And Lyme sang simply because she liked it.

The family moved to Riga when Laima was only three years old.

The girl's talent for singing manifested itself in childhood, but Lyme herself saw herself as a doctor. It is worth noting that the girl's character was rather rebellious - she preferred running around with the boys to games with girls, and at times even ran away from home.

If we talk about school years, then study was given to her very easily, however, over time, the school lost its priority for the future singer. She began to devote more time to creativity.

Laima Vaikule's biography as a singer began when the girl was only 12. She performed in a group at a young talent competition.

Without losing the dream of a doctor's profession, after graduation Lyme entered a medical university. But even during her studies, she did not forget to sing. Even when Lyme was 15, she was taken to sing in the city orchestra, led, by the way, by Raymond Pauls.

In 1984, Laima decided to join GITIS at the directing department. At the same time, the girl continued to sing various compositions, from foreign ones to those that were in Pauls' repertoire. The manner of singing has become her kind of "calling card". She can be recognized even with closed eyes, only by her voice.

Recently, fans began to wonder if their favorite had had plastic surgery. Queries like: "Laima Vaikule in his youth photo" often began to appear on the Internet. We have to admit that the woman has really changed.

Vaikule began to take her first steps to fame in the 80s, when she met the songwriter Ilya Reznik. Then the young singer sang completely new songs for the first time, which quickly gained popularity. The young performer was simply bombarded with proposals for radio broadcasts and filming in television programs.

But Lyme really became famous after her performance at the author's evening of Raymond Pauls. One of the most popular and truly memorable songs was "Vernissage" - a duet with Valery Leontyev.

In the early 90s, Vaikule became known abroad as well. Namely, in America. They even released a documentary about the singer, which only strengthened her popularity in the States. Fun fact: American fans even compared Vaikule to singer Madonna. But in the end, Lyme made the decision to return home. Then the Soviet Union had already disintegrated, and Latvia became an independent state.

Throughout her career, she has released ten music albums, which were listened to by fans almost all over the world.

And in the famous competition "Jurmala" Vaikule not only sang herself, but also constantly entered the jury.

One of the most memorable performances was "The Baltic Romance" in a duet with Boris Moiseev.

Few people know, but Vaikule even starred in thirteen films, which proves Laima's talent not only as a singer.

Laima Vaikule's personal life

If you thought this woman was having a lot of whirlwind romances, you are wrong. The entire personal life of Laima Vaikule consists of her first and only husband, Andrei Latkovsky, who, concurrently, produces her activities. Vaikule met him back in the 70s and, by the way, was not at all worried about the absence of a stamp in her passport.

They got married only after 30 years (!) Of relationship. Moreover, without making this event a special holiday. And they still live, in perfect harmony.

Laima Vaikule family

Laima Vaikule's family - her parents and sisters with her brother - were ordinary working people. My father worked at the enterprise, and my mother started out as a salesman, but eventually grew to the director of a store. Later, a producer and a common-law husband, Andrei, became a family for a woman. It is known that in the 90s Vaikule was diagnosed with cancer, but she overcame the disease, thanks to the support of her lover.

The singer adores her husband, but it is interesting that she does not express her feelings for him in public, preferring simpler and more modest names to “husband” or “beloved”.

Children of Laima Vaikule

The true reason for this was and remains unknown, but the children of Laima Vaikule are something that the singer and her beloved husband never had and does not have to this day. Maybe it's all about health. Or maybe the reason is that she decided to devote herself to the stage and creativity.

One way or another, both Lyme and her husband do not give any intelligible answers to questions on this topic. And generally they try to avoid this direction. Nevertheless, they have been happy together for over forty years. And young people should definitely follow their example. The spouses live happily, even despite the absence of their own children.

Laima Vaikule's husband - Andrey Latkovsky

Laima Vaikule's husband, Andrei Latkovsky, is the only man she has ever loved. For three decades, the current spouses lived in a civil marriage. According to the performer herself, she simply did not consider the presence of a stamp in her passport to be something really important. But still, about ten years ago, they got married with Andrei.

Latkovsky for her is not only a spouse and producer, but also a loyal friend, and a very close person who really follows her into fire and water. The couple is happy together, even though there are no children. Although the press suspects that the singer's sterility is to blame, neither she nor Latkovsky himself reveal the true reasons.

Instagram and Wikipedia Laima Vaikule

The performer does not want to lag behind life and other celebrities, because Instagram and Wikipedia Laima Vaikule can be easily found on the Internet, in the public domain. For example, over 180 thousand people have subscribed to her Instagram profile. There, the singer uploads pictures and videos from various events and from behind the scenes. Often, young performers with whom the artist performs in a duet are included in the frame. Laima is a positive and cheerful person, because in the photo she always smiles brightly.

And from Wikipedia you can learn a lot of interesting facts about Vaikula. For example, such that Lyme does not eat meat. And is an ardent protector of animals. Also, she does not wear natural fur. And also the fact that Lyme smokes. And although he admits that the habit is bad, he is in no hurry to get rid of it.