Interesting tasks on logic for children. Interesting question for logic

Interesting tasks on logic for children. Interesting question for logic
Interesting tasks on logic for children. Interesting question for logic


Bestca is a kind of puzzles, which are a description of strange, unusual situations. To solve the task, players can ask clarifying questions to the leading. The presenter has the right to answer only "yes" or "no".

More information about this ...

Bestca is a kind of puzzles, which are a description of strange, unusual situations. As a rule, the ignition is not a clear question. Just playing need to find out how such a situation could arise. To solve the causes of the occurrence, or the background, this situation, the players ask the leading clarifying (leading) issues. The master has the right to give three types of answers "Yes", "no" and "does not matter" (options: "insignificant", "no matter"). Hence the name of the game.

These games are simple in nature. At the same time, they form logical thinking skills. Experienced shaders of this form their own chains of questions - algorithms. That is why the nonsense is often used in computer science textbooks.

Close-like in meaning to the laws of the game - "heat-cold", "Yes, and not say, you don't take black with white." In a certain sense, the last game is inversely within the meaning of the inference, since it cannot be responsible for clarifying questions "yes", "no", "white". "the black".

Who are the inventor of this type of puzzles, it is probably impossible to find out. However, there is an author of books on non-standard, outstanding thinking, which created a whole series of mysteries on the principle of penteches. This author is Paul Sloan. In this section, we will introduce you to this from the book from the book of P. Sloena "Original puzzles for non-standard thinking" (Lateral Thinking Puzzlers), as well as with the letters collected on the Internet.

Interested issues of non-standard thinking we advise you to read another book P. Slone - "Art of thinking outcomed."

How to solve laters ...

It is said that when the North American Indians saw the riders for the first time, they took them for some unknown creatures with four legs and two hands. Very often, encountered with a new situation or problem, we appeal to the previous experience and form a quick, but erroneous judgment. We accept too many assumptions, ask too few questions and eventually come to incorrect conclusions.

Functions are designed to become a funny antidote from any bad habits of lazy or inflexible thinking. These puzzles, if you try to solve them in small companies, can become an entertaining game and training of brain flexibility. Someone can know the decision, and others - family members, friends or colleagues - ask questions to find this decision. From the asking greatest success, those who have rich imagination and logical abilities are achieved, who checks all assumptions, and then tries to narrow the search area, asking common questions, before proceeding to specific details.

As a rule, puzzles do not have obscure solutions and do not require special knowledge. They are not intended to deliberate the reader with a sense. The exceptions are "Tests Valve", which contain special questions, where in order to confuse you, various dishonest tricks are used.

These puzzle Designed to verify your ability to formulate questions, logical abilities and perseverance. If the direct approach leads to a dead end, try to approach the problem from different sides. Do not look for direct answers, otherwise you will lose all the charm of the game. If you have nothing at all, contact your prompts.

Remember that there are no answers in the end of the book!

Guys, get into a row

To guess the riddles,

To check knowledge

Nature and universe.

You will be attentive

You will be diligent.

IMIG then you will understand everything

Fully and answer will find.

Questions and tasks:

1. 4 birch grew, on each birch - 4 large branches, on each large branch - 4 small branches, on each small branch - 4 apples. How many apples hung? (None, on birch apples do not grow.)

3. Why is the head back looking back? (Behind there is no eye.)

4. What is the shortest month of the year? (May - 3 letters.)

5. What will remain in the box if you get all the matches? (Bottom.)

6. What is thrown into the pot before you cook in it? (Sight.)

7. Why is the cat running? (I can not fly.)

8. Why are hat wear? (She does not go.)

9. What to do with the sky? (Look.)

10. Why is the dog running? (On earth.)

11. Why fly birds? (By air.)

12. Why go to the forest? (On earth.)

13. Why in the mouth language? (For teeth.)

14. Why do we eat? (At the table.)

15. Why, when you want to sleep, go on the bed? (On the floor.)

16. Why water in a bottle? (Behind the glass.)

17. What web does not save your shirt from? (From the railway.)

18. What chain cannot be lifted? (Mountain.)

19. What year lasts only one day? (New.)

20. What is needed for lunch? (The spoon.)

21. Why don't you sit on the place that I sit down? (Because it will be occupied.)

22. Can the rain go two days in a row? (No, the night shares them.)

23. Who has a hat without a head, leg without boot? (Mushroom.)

24. Why does Cow lie down? (I can not sit.)

25. When the car goes, what wheel does not spin it? (Spare.)

26. What happens to a red silk scarf if it is lowered for 5 minutes into the water? (Wet.)

27. Why is a dog barking? (Can not talk.)

28. When the watchman happens to flower? (When it is not-in-mail.)

29. How should the branch be broken in order not to knock the birds? (Wait when they fly away.)

30. Three calf, how long will the legs? (How many not three - he will have 4 legs.)

31. How much is the letters "g" to get a big bunch of hay? (Stack.)

32. How to write "dry grass" with 4 letters? (Hay.)

33. What is the Heron in front, and at the hare behind? (Letter "C".)

34. What do you need to take from the locomotive and from China so that the boat sailed? (Sail.)

35. What do you need to do so that the fish salmon turn into an animal? (Remove "CO".)

36. What two pronouns spoil bridges? (I - we.)

37. In what word, consisting of 8 letters, contains 4 letters "T"? (Certificate.)

38. Where do we go to the most? (Forward.)

39. What kind of man can we talk about alone? (O Si-up.)

Logic in a child should work! Do not prevail over creative activity, but be with her in harmony and balance. Therefore, as well as creative abilities, the ability to think is logically needed in children to develop.

And those riddles are logical with the answers that we have collected for you on this page, we hope you will help you. Some of these mysteries are very simple, they are for the swing or for very small. And others - more comprehensive. Although, of course, not so complex, as for adult children. But the kids will still not cope with them without your help and without answers. Help them, do not be too serious! 🙂

However, quite conversations, to business!

1) Grandmother Ani Grandfather Serezha, a cat's cat, a dog bobby. How many grandchildren have grandchildren?

Answer: (one)

2) The thermometer shows plus 15 degrees. How many degrees will show two such thermometers?

Answer: (15)

3) How to say correctly: "I do not see the white yolk" or "I do not see a white yolk"?

Answer: (Yolk can not be white)

4) Truck drove to the village. On the way, he met 4 passenger cars. How many cars drove into the village?

Answer: (one)

5) the child of my father, I do not brother. Who is it?

Answer: (sister)

6) In the vase lies 4 oranges. Question: How to divide these 4 oranges between four boys so that each boy gets to one orange, and that 1 orange stay in a vase?

Answer: (Leave the fourth orange in a vase)

7) twelve brothers
Friend roaming
Do not bypass each other.

Answer: (Months)

8) The famous magician says that he can put a bottle in the center of the room and crawl into it. Like this?

Answer: Everyone can crawl into the room)

9) What kind of scallop can be combed?

Answer: (Petushin)

10) My name is Misha. My sister has only one brother. What is your sister's brother's name?

Answer: (Misha)

11) Can the rain pour two days in a row?

Answer: (No, between them - Night)

12) What month is shorter than everyone?

Answer: (May, since in it just three letters)

13) Tell the word that contains in itself 40 vowels.

Answer: (Forty, namely forty "A")

14) 8 benches in the park. Three painted. How many benches became in the park?

Answer: (eight and left)

15) In a box of 25 coconuts. The monkey pulled all the nuts, except 17. How many nuts remain in the box?

Answer: (17 nuts left)

16) What hand is better to stir tea?

Answer: (Best tea is stirred by a spoon)

17) Each of the 5 sisters had two brothers. How many brothers were everything?

Answer: (Two brothers)

18) You were ahead of the skier, which was in the second position. What place now do you take?

Answer: (Heated the skier, you become in his place, namely on the second)

19) The hostess must be baked 6 pies. How she can cope in 15 minutes if only 4 pie is placed in a pan, and on each side, a pate should be a stove for 5 minutes?

Answer: (first put 4 pies and frying them for 5 minutes, then 2 pies turn over, and 2 remove, we put 2 new pie and fry for another 5 minutes. After that, we remove the 2 finished pie, do all the others

20) Where was Moses when the candle went out?

Answer: (in the dark)

21) The magician has 2 pouch: in one there are cards, and in the other - balls. Each of the bags signed: one with cards - right, the other with the balls is obviously false. 1 says: "There are no balls in this bag"; On 2 - "balls and cards here." In what bag card?

Answer: (Maps in the first bag)

22) What from the floor behind the tail you do not raise?

Answer: (tangle of thread)

23) There is an elevator in a 12-storey building. On the first floor there are only 2 people, from the floor to the flood, the number of tenants is doubled. What button in the elevator of this house is pressed more often than others?

Answer: (Button on the first floor)

24) Baton was cut into three parts. How much did the cuts made?

Answer: (two cuts)

25) Who walks sitting?

Answer: (Sitting chess player)

26) On the edge of the table was put a saucepan, tightly closed with a lid, so that two thirds of the pan hung from the table. After some time, the saucepan fell. What was in her?

Answer: (in a saucepan there was a lot)

27) The more you take it, the more it becomes ... what is it?

Answer: (This is a pit)

28) What wheel does not spin at the right turn?

Answer: (Spare wheel)

29) She walked husband with his wife, brother and sister yes Shurin with son-in-law. How much is all?

Answer: (Three)

30) What is the most as much as half orange?

Answer: (on the second half orange)

31) What can be prepared, but you can not eat?
Answer:( Lessons)

32) Two boys played checkers for 2 hours. How much time did each of the boys play?

Answer: (two hours)

33) What do all people on earth do at the same time?
Answer:( Become older)

34) How can the abandoned egg fly four meters and not crash?
Answer:( You need to throw an egg more than four meters, then the first four meters it will fly the whole)

35) What can travel in light, staying in the same corner?
Answer:( Postage Stamp)

36) A story about a small boy, who, having received a New Year's gift, asked mom: "Remove, please, the lid. I want to stroke a gift. " What is this gift?
Answer: (This gift was turtle)

37) What kind of dishes do not eat?
Answer: (from empty.)

38) If it rains at 12 o'clock at night, is it possible to expect that after 72 hours there will be sunny weather?

Answer: (No, after 72 hours it will be midnight again)

39) What kind of elephant does not have a trunk?

Answer: (Trunk is not at chess elephant)

40) What do we eat?

Answer: (We eat at the table)

41) four birchies grew, on each birch - four large branches, on each big branch - four small branches, on each little branch - four apples. How many apples?
Answer: (None, because on birch apples can not grow.)

42) A grandmother went to Moscow, to meet her three old man, in the elderly - on the bag,

and in each bag - for the cat. How much went to Moscow?
Answer: (Only grandmother went to Moscow, but the old people went to the other side.)

43) When the black cat is easiest to get into the house?
Answer: (Cat is easiest to get into the house when the door is open.)

44) What question cannot be answered "yes"?

Answer: (Yes, you can not answer the question "Do you sleep?")

45) Freed a flock of ducks: two ahead, two behind, one in the middle and three in a row. How many of them are all?

Answer: (Three ducks flew)

46) Freed a flock of birds, sat down on two on a tree - one tree remained; Sakes one - one lack. How many birds and how many trees?

Answer: (Three wood and four birds)

47) On what expensive half a year go and go half a year?

Answer: (on the river)

48) What always increases and never decreases?

Answer: (man's age)

49) How to make four out of three sticks without breaking them?
Answer: (Fold from them figure 4.)

50) carried a grandmother to the Bazaar hundred eggs, and the bottom fell. How much remains in the basket of eggs?
Answer: (No one left: after all, the bottom fell)

51) knocking, knocking - do not be bored.
Go, go, and everything is there like here.
Answer: (clock)

52) Why do birds fly?
Answer: (Birds fly through the air.)

53) Irina dreamed of chocolate, but she lacked 10 rubles for her purchase. Lesha also dreamed of chocolate, but he did not give only 1 ruble. The children decided to buy at least one chocolateer for two, but they still did not have enough 1 ruble. What is the cost of chocolate?

Answer: (Cost of chocolate 10 rubles. Ira had no money at all)

54) What can not increase the magnifier in the triangle?

Answer: (Loupe in a triangle can not increase the corners)

55) What will happen to the raven when she is 7 years old?

Answer: (She will go to the eighth year)

56) If you had only one match, and you entered a room where there is a kerosene lamp, a fireplace and a gas stove, what would you burn first?

Answer: (match)

57) How to say correctly: "I do not see the white yolk" or "I do not see a white yolk"?
Answer: (Yolk can not be white)

58) How many peas can enter one glass?
Answer: (Not at all, because pea do not go)

59) under the roof - four legs,
Over the roof - soup yes spoon.
Answer: (Table)

60) What is lighter than 1 kg of wool or 1 kg of iron?

Answer: (they weigh the same)

These are interesting logical riddles for children. We hope that you liked. In general, we have a collection - on the sights! Check yourself, you will not regret!

Of course, the parents do not always want to bother the precious child and invent the new riddles for him. Nevertheless, such questions over which it is necessary to reflect, useful and need for children and adults, regardless of age.

Why make sideways a child complex riddles

Moms and Dads can wonder whether it is worth misleading a child and include in the program not easy tasks. Nevertheless, having studied information on how well-worthed riddles for children of different ages, parents will immediately change their former opinion. Riddles on logic and with a trim needed for the following reasons:

These are just some factors that indicate that children need difficult questions for which you need to find answers. This will help fully develop and be competent.

What should be the riddles

It is clear that complex riddles are somewhat different from simple logical questions. Thunder the program of developing classes with such tasks should be preliminar than that the process passes with ease and without a chandelier. The newest riddles must be:

  • With trick.
  • Ambiguous.
  • Such, above the answer to which it is worth thinking hard.
  • Complex riddles must be selected by the age of the child. This will help boys and girls to find answers in terms of knowledge. From here it follows that the kids do not need to make up very complex riddles, for the smallest it is better to choose questions with trick. For children, older can choose such questions as adults.

It is worth considering the above factors by selecting logical questions for their Chad.

Riddles on logic for the smallest

For children of preschool age, you can take into account the following riddles:

On the birch grew three apples, and on the topolate - five pears, how much fruit on these trees?

(None, on birch and popoles do not grow fruit)

How can I find a black cat in a dark room?

(To turn on the light)

What will be red with white embroidery handkerchief, if it is omitted to the Black Sea?

What can not eat for lunch?

(Breakfast and dinner)

What will happen next year with a dog that turned five years old?

(She will be six years old)

Whose hair is not wrapped in a torrential rain?

(Bald man)

How to say more correctly: not visible white yolk or see the white yolk?

(In no way, the yolk is not white)

The duck standing on one paw weighs three kilograms, how much will the same duck be weighing if it becomes two paws.

(3 kilograms)

Two eggs are equipped with 4 minutes, how many Ten eggs will be cooked?

(4 minutes)

Near the bench rests the cat. And tail, and eyes, and mustache - everything, like a cat, but this is not a cat. Who is resting near the shops?

Guess what disappears if you eat a bagel?

How can you light the match when you are under water?

(You can, if you are in a submarine)

In the hall, 30 candles were grilled. Going to the room man, redeemed 15 of them. How many candles remained in the hall?

(There are 30 candles, plugged candles are still in the room)

The house has an uneven roof. One side is lowered more, the other is smaller. The rooster sat on the top of the roof and demolished the egg, in which direction it rolled?

(Will not ride anywhere, the rooster does not carry eggs)

For what tree hides the fox during the rain?

(Under wet)

In which fields is not growing a single plant?

(On the fields hats)

Such complex riddles on the logic for the smallest will cause the whirlpool of emotions and interest. The most important thing is to give a child hints, thanks to which he can find the right answer.

Complex riddles with trick for schoolchildren

School children can find questions even more difficult. Very sophisticated may be as follows:

You are on the competition on the run. When did you overtake the one who fled the last thing you became?

(This can not be, because the last runner can not be overtaken, because he is the last and behind him can not be someone else)

Three car owners had Alyosha brother. But Alyosha had not a single brother, how is it possible?

(Perhaps, if Alyosha had sisters)

How will you become in a row if the second moves the runner?

(Many will answer the first, but it is wrong, because there will be a second runner to overweight)

Such complex riddles with trick will certainly like schoolchildren. Considering over the answer, it will be easy to sound.

Adult riddles with trick

Sometimes adult people like children. Therefore, very difficult riddles them will also like. People of school age can be asked the following logical issues:

Rides a tram with five passengers. At the first stop there were two passengers, four cameras. At the next stop, no one came out, we entered ten passengers. At one station, five passengers entered, one came out. On the next - Semen came out, eight people came. When there was another stop, five came out and no one came. How many stops were the tram?

(The answer in this riddle is not so important. The bottom line is that all participants are likely to consider the number of passengers and is unlikely someone will decide to count stops)

The door calls. You know what your relatives are behind her. In your refrigerator there are champagne, cold water and juice. What do you disable first?

(Door, because guests first need to let into the apartment)

A healthy person who does not suffer does not have a disability and which is all right with his feet, put on his hands from the hospital. Who is it?

(Newborn baby)

You went to the room. It has five cats, four dogs, three parrots, two guinea pigs and giraffe. How many legs is in the room on the floor?

(On the floor two legs. In animals Paws, legs only in humans)

Three prisoners, not knowing planned to escape from prison. Prison surrounded the river. When the first prisoner ran, shark attacked him and ate it. So died first of running down. When the second prisoner attempted a disaster, he was noticed by the watch and the hair dragged into the prison territory, there he was shot. The third prisoner ran into normal, and no one had seen him. What is wrong in this story?

(Shark in the river does not happen, the prisoner could not drag the hair because they are shaving naked)

Such riddles will enjoy adult participants in the event.

How to motivate a child to participate in the developing lesson

It is clear that children necessarily need motivation in order to participate in the game was gambling and desired. It is enough just to promise a child some present and, of course, hand it at the end of the game.

Riddles with trick with answers represent a conventional puzzle, but with a non-standard answer to it. At first, the question seems slightly strange and wrong. However, if you reread the riddle several times and think a little, it will be quite logical. Menate such riddles to your friends, and you will spend more time.

Riddles on logic with trick.

2 people approached the river. Near the coast there is a boat - it can withstand only one. However, each of them was able to cross on the other side. How?

Answer: both people were on different shores.

Semenu, Ivan, Alexander and their wives Lyudmila, Anna and Natalia together 151 years old. Each of her husbands older than his wife for five years. Semyon for one year older Anna. Semenu and Lyudmila together for 48 years, Alexander and Lyudmila together for 52 years. How old is each of them and who is married?

Answer: Natalia 21 years old, Semen 26 years, Ivan 27 years old, Anne 25 years old, Alexander 30 years old.

Where can I meet that one horse jumped through the second?

Answer: in chess.

Which table there are no legs?

Answer: Dietic.

Which animal can drive cars and walk people?

Answer: By Zebra

There is such a word in which the word "no" is used as much as 100 times. What is this word?

Answer: The word "moaning"

Which elephant has no nose?

Answer: Chess elephant.

Mr. Jake found killed in his own office. The cause of death was a bullet wound into the head of the head. Inspecting the place of murder, Detective Robin discovered a cassette voice recorder on the table surface. The detective turned it on and heard the voice of Mr. Jake himself. He spoke the following: "Says Jake. I recently called Mark and said that he would be here in 10 minutes. He said he wants to shoot me. It was useless to run. I understand perfectly well that this entry helps to arrest brand. It seems to me that I hear his steps on the stairs. The door is already opening ... ". Assistant detective proposed to arrest brand due to suspicion of murder. However, the detective was in no hurry to do this. As a result, it turned out that not in vain. The killer was a completely different person.

Question: How detective guessed about this. Why did he not believe the words on the film?

Answer: Cassette film was rearranged at the beginning. If Mark would really be a killer, he would take the film.

Two houses are standing: one rich, the second is poor. They begin to burn. Which of these police will extinguish first?

Answer: Fires extinguished firefighters, so the police will not extinguish neither the first nor the second home.

Riddles with trick for children

If you want to check out the non-standard thinking of your child, then offer him a riddle of trick. For completely simple questions, quite non-standard answers may hide. Questions are formulated in such a way that the kid is distracted from an obvious question, so he will have to "run" his logical thinking. Children's riddles will be an excellent entertainment for the whole family!

What is the difference between Volga from Pop?

Answer: Volga is Mother, and pop is a father.

Strange riddles - fun and interesting.

That the hare is behind, and the heron is ahead?

Answer: Letter "C".

Why do people walk in London with saddles?

Answer: On the ground.

What person will never wet her hair during the rain?

Answer: bald.

What is the difference between a person from the locomotive.

Answer: A man first begins, and then whistles, and the locomotive, on the contrary, whistles first, but only then rows.

The more you take, the greater it becomes.

Answer: pit.

How many gingerbreads can you eat an empty stomach?

Answer: Only one. The rest will be eaten not on an empty stomach.

In what place a person pays for what he is selected?

Answer: In the hairdresser.

What river is easily placed in the mouth?

Answer: Desna

Which object behind the nose has a heel?

Answer: Shoes

Vulgar riddles with trick

Any of the riddles proposed by us has a completely decent answer. It is rumored that all these riddles were once published in the magazine "Murzilka", but the evidence of this, unfortunately, was not found - copies of the magazine were not preserved.

Not horseradish, not carrot, but there is a red head.

Answer: Pioneer in a pilot.

Long on the back - and no one needed, but leaning her to the wall - and she will immediately come in handy.

Answer: Staircase.

Take two hands, Sun between the legs, 5 minutes Popothe, and then myself baldness.

Answer: Bike.

It can be cold, it happens hot, it happens to hang, it happens.

Answer: Souls

Which well done drops from the end?

Answer: Samovar

From what type of dishes are never fit?

Answer: From the empty.

Funny riddles with trick.

5 apples grew on the Christmas tree. Protein came running and thundered 3 apples. How many apples stayed on the Christmas tree?

Answer: A bumps grow on the Christmas tree, and not apples.

By which tree will hide the hare, if it rains?

Answer: Under wet.

All the names of Russian origin ends either the letter "A" or the letter "I". However, there is such a Russian name that does not end with these letters. What is this name?

When is a black cat easier to get into the house?

Answer: Everything is very simple - when the door is open.

On the table there is a gum, a circulation, a pencil, a ruler. It is worth the task to draw a circle. What should I start?

Answer: First of all, you need to get a piece of paper.

On the table lie 2 coins. Their total amount is 3 rubles. One of the coins is not a ruble. So what is this coin?

Answer: One ruble and two rubles. That's right, if one of them is not a ruble, then the second one is definitely ruble.

Riddles are complex with trick

The roof of one of the houses is asymmetric: one of the slopes is located with a horizontal at an angle of 70 degrees, and the second - at an angle of 60 degrees. Let's assume that on the roof crest rooster puts the egg. Which of the sides the egg rushes - in the direction of a steep or gentle scat?

Answer: Rooster cannot postpone eggs.

The 14-storey building has an elevator. Only two people live on the first floor. With each floor, the number of people increases twice. Which of the elevator buttons is most often pressed by tenants?

Answer: Button at number 1.

The boy fell from 6 steps, as a result of which he broke his leg. If he falls from 30 steps, how much does it break the legs?

Answer: If you're lucky, but not one. And in the worst case, only one, since he is already broken.

Chicken goes on the road. If he goes the road, where will he get?

Answer: On the second side of the road.

What car wheel will not spin on the right turn?

The tin jar was covered with a lid, put on the edges of the table in such a way that 2/3 banks began to hang. After some time, the bank fell. What was in the bank?

Answer: a slice of ice.

Riddles are funny with a trick with the answer.

A large truck was driving on the way. The moon and stars did not shine, the headlights did not burn, but at the same time he was able to see and miss a woman who passed the road in front of him. How did he succeed?

Answer: The event happened during the day.

They argue that they do not glue, but they never even tried to glue them.

Answer: Cases.

At one of the islands there is a hospital with a grandmother, on the second - there is a boy with apples. Between the two islands there is a bridge. The boy needs to bring a grandmother one apple, but the boy can walk along the bridge with one apple. As soon as the boy goes the bridge at least once, the bridge will collapse. It will not be able to twist back, because sharks live in water. How does he pass the second apple to her grandmother?

Answer: Turning the bridge, the boy will need to juggle.

There is a prison, around her river. Three prisoners plan their escape, while they do not know each other. The first prisoner runs away from prison, but when trying to twist the river, it eats a shark. The second prisoner saw the security during the escape, pulled him over his hair and shot. And only the third prisoner still managed to escape from prison. Question: Where did the author deceive you? If you give 3 correct answers, then he promised you to treat you with a candy.

Answer: All prisoners in prison are bald, in the river are not a shark, no one can be treated with candy.

Logic riddles with trick with answers.

Lena wanted to buy chocolate, but for this she did not have enough 10 rubles. Seryozha is also a dream about chocolate, but he lacks only one ruble. The children decided to fold the money and buy one chocolate on two. However, they also did not have enough one ruble. How much is a chocolate?

Answer: The price of chocolates is 10 rubles. Lena did not have any money at all.

This word can be reflected mirrored, write the top of your feet, record right left. However, it will not change.

Answer: it.

Answer: Secret.

What can not be held even 10 minutes, despite the fact that it is even easier than a flock.

Answer: Breathing.

Cool riddles.

Why does the Soviet wipers have rooted the brooms?

Answer: So that they do not stand, rubbing her.

On the plate there were 5 apples intended for 5 children. Each of the children approached and took her apple. At the same time, one of the apples still remains on a plate. How can this be?

Answer: The last child took his apple together with a plate.

A person does not really want to do this, but at the same time absolutely does not want to lose it.

Answer: work.

This item is thrown if they do not need it and raise when there is no need.

Answer: Sea Anchor.

While working, it is hanging without work, and after work - the whole wet.

Answer: umbrella.

In France, this is on the second, and in Russia - in the first place.

Answer: Letter "P".

What hand is better and more convenient to stir sugar?

Answer: That hand in which a spoon is located.

The room had 2 chicken, 1 rooster, 2 cats, 5 puppies, 3 rabbits, 12 chickens. The room entered the owner with a dog. How much did the legs become now?

Answer: Two legs, because all animals have paws.

Can the ostrich say that they are a bird?

Answer: No, since he can not speak.

How many raspberries can enter the glass?

Answer: None, because raspberry berries can not walk.

Serious, small and elephant is very similar. Who is it?

Answer: Elephant.

What kind of subject is like half an orange?

Answer: To your soul mate.