An unusual view of the heroes in the poster. The most unusual theaters in which to visit

An unusual view of the heroes in the poster. The most unusual theaters in which to visit
An unusual view of the heroes in the poster. The most unusual theaters in which to visit

Literature lesson in grade 9.
A. N. Ostrovsky. Piece "Poverty is not a vice."
Objectives lesson:
 identify the features of the island drama on the example of the analysis of the conflict in the comedy
"Poverty is not a vice".

Develop the skill among schoolchildren to think logically: find the main thing, compare, to summarize, do
Develop the ability to discuss on a given topic;
Develop monologic speech;

 to bring up the right attitude towards the moral values \u200b\u200bof Russian mentality;
 educate interest and careful attitude towards Russian literature.
1. The introductory word of the teacher. Today we have to meet with the playwright Alexander
Nikolayevich Ostrovsky and his play written in the early period of his work, "Poverty is not
vice". Write down the topic of the lesson in the notebook: "A. N. Ostrovsky. "Poverty is not a vice". In older
classes You will study his famous play "Thunderstorm". But now the name is new for us, therefore
a few words about the playwright itself.
 Show important community problems through family - household conflict;
 bright, recognizable characters;
2. Place the conflict of the play.
(Shot. 9) Today we are starting to get acquainted with the comedy of the Ostrovsky "Poverty is not vice."
Name. So poverty is not vice.
How do you understand this saying?
What genre is this expression?
In addition to this name, among the Pieces of Ostrovsky there are also such: they will find their own!, On any
the sages are pretty simplicity, not in your sleeves do not sit down, in someone else's a hangover, an old friend is better than new
two, their dogs gnaw - someone else's not stick, not all the car carnival, there was no penny, yes suddenly Altyn,
No guilt is guilty.
From fifty drams. A. With a dozen plays called proverbs. More this you will not find neither
one writer.
 The originality of the names.
Work with 9 slide.
Reading the text of the slide.
You read the play. You know that any dramatic work is built on a conflict.
The conflict is conflict, the collision where the development of the plot in the artistic
Anya, remind, what is the basis of conflicts in the plays of the young Ostrovsky.
Find antonymic concepts in this suggestion. (Patriarchal (old) life - innovations).
What, the History, Is Ostrovsky sees the ideals of folk morality? (Family Family Resources,
child confidence in parents, inviolability of customs reigning in this merchant family, integrity and clarity
What is this world opposed? (innovations, modern, so-called "civilization").
Record in notebook (missed lines):

Comedy conflict: the patriarchal world of folk morality is opposed to the modern
the world of power and money.
So, we marked the problem of communional, which is shown through the family - household conflict. Who is
does it participate in it?
(Shot. 10). Poster. Reading the names and surnames of the actors.
How do you explain what one of the Torch brothers by the author gave the name to love, and the other is the city? What kind
the qualities of people are prompted by the names and surnames - African Korshunov (predator), love, Huslin,
Plumber, Mitya?
(Gordes - proud, rich merchant,
Love - loved by everyone, good man, but loser,
Husslin is a simple, cheerful guy (from the word "husli" an ancient folk instrument),
Plumber - a simple, funny guy (from the outdated word "picked up" fun),
Mitya -. Dedicated to the Greek goddess of Earth and fertility Demetra)
P. Already in Afishe O. hidden commented on his heroes. How?
W. - gave them speaking names and surnames.

Speaking names.
Once again I draw your attention to the author's representation of the heroes in the poster.
What name does not fit into a common range of names? Why? For what purpose O. thus indicates the status
characters? Why among familiar names the name of the city does not cause positive associations?
 An unusual representation of heroes in a poster determining the conflict that will develop in
Which characters are the main conflict? Why?
(A merchant of Gordea Karpich of the ends is fascinated by the Korushun manufacturer, wants to live in fashion, pronomous and even
ready to give a single daughter for the old man)
What is the mother? (Inconsolable, haired, indecisive, she can't resist her husband)
What is the role of loved in this family conflict? (Exposes Korshunov - predator, frustrating
the wedding of love and Korshunova, joined love and Mitu, helps to overlook their brother.)
What words do conflict neglected?
(Consider: D. 1, Yavl. 12
Love Krapych (takes). He needs. Everything is silver, I don't need silver. You give me a semitch, here
and it will be in real tact. (Mitya gives.) That's pretty. You are a soul, Mitya! (Falls.) Brother does not know how
appreciate you. Well, yes, I'll make it a thing. Fools wealth - evil! Give a smart person money he is
make. I looked in Moscow, I saw everything, everything ... there was a big science! And the fool is better not for money
come on, otherwise he lands ... Fu, Fu, Fu, TRP! ... Here's like a brother, yes, like me, the cattle ... (half
voice.) Mitya, I will come to spend the night.
Mitya. Come. Now the office is empty ... Holidays ...
Love Carps (falling asleep). And I will make a funny thing with my brother. (Falls asleep.)
(Shot. 11 - read as a result of a response to the question)
5. A brief overview of actions.
Task: Distribute by actions: exposure, tie; development of action, climax; junction.

(SL. 12
) 1 action. The first act is a volumetric, bright, spectacular printing of the entire upcoming action.

This is the initial moment in the development of events prepared by the exposition. Here the reader gets the first
representations of the characters depicted, about the conflict between them.
In the first act, the words are important for the development of the word Love Torotov about Brother: "His, fool, science
need "," Well, yes, I will do a thing with him. Fools wealth - evil! "," And I'm a funny thing with my brother
i will do. " The conflict is scheduled. In a secret letter addressed to Mita, the love intrigue is indicated and the love intrigue: "And I
love you. Lyubov Torotov. "
P. How do we get acquainted with the main characters: with proud carriage and beloved carps?
W. - We hear about them from other characters.
About proud from the neighbor: swears, he is angry with beloved Carpsch,
from Pelagia: Drinks with African, as if replaced by him. (d. 1, yawl. 3)
About loved by Egorushka: launched everyone at dinner, the Gordes kicked out, I loved in retirement, I became known: I became with
by the cathedral.

"Prepared appearance" of the main characters, others speak at first.
P. What replicas take directly our heroes?
W. - The first replica is loved (I saw Gordevna and Mitu in the room in the room), closing my face with my hands:
"Stove! What kind of person? What kind of mind? What work? Take Under Self! I, niece! What,
scared? Stay, do not be afraid! I'm not a prover, but put everything in the box ... "(D.1, Yavl. 11)
The first replica of Gordy (D.1, Yavl 7), enters the room where younger have fun: "What are wept! Gorlanyat
exactly man! (Mita) and you go there! It seems, not in such a house you live, not in men. What kind of salvo!
So that I did not have it forward!
P. - What can be said about the characters on their first replica? (L. - jokes, additives, "not a prover"; G. -
grubit, humiliates, "Guy" curse).

The significance of the first spell of the hero
) Second action. The action is developing rapidly, involving new characters, and all

they play their role in the drama and development of the conflict. The atmosphere of shared young love,
holidays and cheerful horses with songs and music, fortune telling, rich, ideas with a bear and
goat is destroyed with the appearance of Proud Carpits and Korshunov. The possibility of happiness for young heroes
it becomes illusory. "Saint African Savich" is sure that he has no reason to worry, orders
girls "wedding" song. Love Gordeevna in alarm, girlfriends surround an agitated girl.
P. What is the holiday speech? Sky. What holiday? For some notes you can guess what it is
Why is the Ostrovsky of the play of the play relate to the celebration of the shin?
W. - Compliance with people's religious traditions. The main sense is holy. Popular period
the ideas were the revival of order in the world and in the life of every person as a particle of this world.
(Traditions of oral folk creativity - folklore)
 Folklore moments.
) Third action. Conflict drama, the collision of the acting persons is completed. Despite,
(SL. 14

that the denouement logically follows from the development of action, it is non-other wearing an unexpected character: it
really emphasized a happy end, because the development of action was dramatic.

"Pie", which I had invented love, cuts out a young couple. This "thing" saves and proud of ruin,
which threatened him, he is breeding with dishonest in the cash of Korshunov. Thus, the junction
directly related to the development of action in the second act, it is the final moment in
development of conflict and intrigue. Love the ends interferes in the natural course of events, prevents
celebration evil. Protest against the strengths of this world, he has been following: "It's good in the world
to live, who has no shame in the eyes. "
Again the proverb!
This is said that the theater is Ostrovsky - speech theater. He has beautiful, poetically rich
language. In fact, the Ostrovsky has poetically who in the soul of the poet. At the island each
the character tells his tongue. The speech of the heroes is the most important means of their characteristics. We prove.
Reading passages. (Pelagia, love)
GORDES KARPYCH. No, you say what: everything is fine with me? Elsewhere
he serves well done in the young man either a girl, and I have a fiction in the filament gloves. This
fitiot, he is a scientist, from Moscow, he knows all orders: where to whom to sit, what to do. And others what!
They will gather in one room, boils into a circle, the songs will sing Muzitsky. It is, of course, and fun yes
i think so it is low, there is no tone. Yes, and but what, by not forming your own! Patio
there, the cherry are different ... but they do not understand what champagne is on it! Oh, if I live
in Moscow, Ali would be in St. Petersburg, I would seem to effect any fashion.
Explain the features of the speech of those characters whose monologues we read.
(Sorred illiterate, believes that the formation of nothing, the main thing - to live in fashion.
Love: His speech is inherent in an element of undoubted intelligence; His speech is not patriarchal, not
folkloren, and belongs to modern island urban culture; one of all actors
it consumes kakieto fragments of foreign phrases is quite correct and appropriate).
 The peculiarity of the speech characteristics of the heroes.
P. - If I asked you to reveal the features of the similarities and differences between certain characters of the play,
who would you compare, compared? Why?
(Mitya - Korshunov. Similarity: The intention to marry Lyubov Gordeevna; Difference: Honesty Mitya -
the actions of the KORSHOVNA;
Love the ends - the mountains of the ends. Similarity: the brothers, in the end, the city is clear, it turns out not
alien truth. Difference: G. - Samodor, is the external gloss, and not the human soul; L., in youth
also, amenable to allegedly mandatory maintenance of status and strolled everything, realized,
that the main thing in life is not money, because it is possible and without money to remain a good person;
Love ends - Korshunov. Similarity: former companions. Difference: honesty first and dishonor
 Parallel consideration of the compaled heroes.
6. This is a comparison and will be your homework, and also need to answer the question: why love
Okotov is a favorite hero of Ostrovsky?
7. Let's summarize the lesson.
(Shot 15) We list the features of the drama of Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky:
If time is allowed, you can discuss the words of A. I. Goncharov: "You alone completed the building, at the base
which was put on the cornerstone of Fononovin, Griboedov, Gogol. But only after you we, Russians,


  • Ostrovsky

  • Alexander Nikolaevich

  • Born March 31 (April 12 N.S.) 1823. In Moscow, in Zamoskvorechye - the merchant and bubbling area, in the family of an official who deserved the nobility.

  • Ostrovsky's mother, Love Ivanovna, nee Savvina, was a priest's daughter.

  • Died in 1831.

  • Children's years were held in Zamoskvorechye, the merchant and Meshchansky district of Moscow. Got a good home education, since childhood studying foreign languages. He subsequently knew Greek, French, German, and later - English, Italian, Spanish.

  • 1835 - Alexander Ostrovsky was given to the 1st Moscow Gymnasium.

  • 1840 - Ostrovsky finishes the gymnasium and enters the Faculty of Law of Moscow University.

  • In 1840-43 he studied at the Faculty of Faculty of Moscow University, where they taught at that time

  • M. P. Pogodin, T. N. Granovsky,

  • P. G. Rarkin.

  • "You alone completed the building, in the foundation of which they put the cornerstone of Fononvizin, Griboedov and Gogol. But only after you, we, the Russians, can be proud to say: "We have our Russian, National Theater." He, according to justice, should be called "Ostrovsky Theater."

  • I.A.Gongcharov

  • The Piece of 10 years was under arrest, because in her, according to Dobrolyubov, "... was defeated in the dust and brazenly made by self-alignment of human dignity, the freedom of personality, faith in the love and happiness and shrine of honest labor."

  • "Thunderstorm" (1860) - a play of an awakening, protesting person, which no longer wants to live according to the laws overwhelming.

  • "Forest" (1870) - the play puts the eternal questions of human relationship, trying to solve the problem of moral and immoral.

  • "Snow Maiden (1873) - a look at the ancient, patriarchal, a fabulous world, in which material relations (Bobyl and Bobylich) also dominate.

  • "Dustpannica" (1879) - the view of the playwright in 20 years to the problems raised in the drama "Thunderstorm".

  • We listen to individual tasks prepared by students

1. Talking surnames

  • 1. Talking surnames

  • For example, in the play "Thunderstorm" there are no random names and surnames. Tikhonya, a weakweight drunkard and Mamenkin Son Tikhon Kabanov quite justifies his name.

Speaking surnames

  • Speaking surnames

  • The image of Lazaror Elizarycha Podkheluzin from the play "His people will be thrown!".

  • Vladimir Dal gives her a rather clear definition: "Podkaluza - prolazes, a clever passer; Cute, secretive and flattering man. "

  • Poverty is not a vice. No guilt is guilty. In someone else's a hangover of sin, yes, someone does not live for anything for what you go, you will find quite simplicity for every sage. There was no penny, yes suddenly Altyn. Not in your sleeves do not sit down all the cat Ollennitsa.

  • Not so live, as I want the truth - well, and happiness is better. Festive sleep - shining until lunch, but it does not warm his people - to tear. His dogs gnaw, someone else's not stick!. Heart is not a stone. An old friend is better than the new two end - the case of the crown

  • Unusual representation of heroes in a poster, determining the conflict that will develop in the play

  • Specific copyright remarks

  • The role of the decorations represented by the author, in determining the space of drama and time

  • Folklore moments in Pieces A.N.ostrovsky.

  • Parallel consideration of the comparatable heroes.

  • The significance of the first spell of the hero

  • "Prepared appearance", the main characters do not appear immediately, they say others at first. Examples.

  • The peculiarity of the speech characteristics of Heroes A.N.OSTROSTROV

  • Is it possible to talk about the modern Pieces of Ostrovsky? Prove your point of view.

  • Why are modern theaters constantly turn to the play of playwright?

  • Why is it so difficult to "reflect" the plays of A. N. Ostrovsky?

  • A. N. Ostrovsky opened an unfamiliar viewer page, withdrawing a new hero - merchant on stage.

  • 2. To A.N.ostrovsky Russian theater history has numbered only a few names. The playwright made a huge contribution to the development of the Russian theater.

  • 3. Creativity A.N.ostrovsky, continuing the traditions of Fonvizin, Griboedov, Pushkin, Gogol, is distinguished by innovation in the image of heroes, in the language of the characters and in the raised socio-moral issues.

  • Drama "Thunderstorm" (text + tutorial)

  • History of creation,

  • the image system

  • receptions of disclosure of characters.

  • The originality of the conflict.

  • The meaning of the name.

Group 1.

  • Group 1.

  • The story of the creation of the play. Messages of students (homework with additional literature).

Group 2.

  • Group 2.

  • The meaning of the name of the play "Thunderstorm".

Group 3.

  • Group 3.

  • System of acting Pieces

Lesson 30. Subject: Life and creativity A. N. Ostrovsky. Traditions of Russian dramaturgy in the work of the writer.

Objectives lesson:


  • cause interest in the life and creativity of the playwright;
  • introduce the main stages of the creative path of Ostrovsky;
  • tell students about the features of the drama genre, about the creative history of the Piez "Thunderstorm";
  • find out what the essence of the main conflict;
  • get acquainted with the acting persons, determine the meaning of their names and surnames.


  • contribute to the education of a patriotic attitude towards Russian literature;
  • rail up the moral reader's position of students.

Developing: promote the development of students' imagination, mastering self-analysis skills; Develop the skills to compare, compare, generalize.

Equipment: Multimedia screen (presentations of the biography of the island and history of the creation of "thunderstorm"), a table, a genre scheme.

During the classes


Why lie, is the island "outdated"?
For whom? For a huge set of island, it is still quite new - moreover, it is quite modern, and for those who are exquisite, looking for everything new and more complicated, Island is beautiful as a refreshing spring, from which you will die from which you will be able to rest. on the road.
Alexander Rafailovich Kugel (Theatrical critic)

I. Motivation.

-There of our lesson will be a conflict between the eldest and young generations, which voiced the most famous playwright of the 19th century Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky in his work "Thunderstorm". The problem is old as the world, but nevertheless it is relevant and still for us.

The main goal of our lesson: to get acquainted with the main stages of the life and creativity of Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky, as well as start working on reading and analyzing his work "Thunderstorm". At the end of the lesson you will need to write in writing, and then verbally answer the next question:

II. Studying a new material.

1) Teacher's message about the main stages of the life and creativity of Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky.

Teacher's story + presentation of Ostrovsky biography

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky was born on March 31, 1823 in Moscow. His father, Nikolai Fedorovich, worked most of his life in the judicial department. Mother, Love Ivanovna, died when Alexander was eight years old. The situation in which A.N. lived and was raised Ostrovsky, contributed to his acquaintance with the life and nuts of the "third class": Customers of the Father, Zakoskvoretia's neighbors, friends were mostly merchants and incense. On Slideyou see manor Schelikovo, in which Alexander Nikolaevich spent every summer. Here it is written nineteen plays. The main house, built in the XVIII century, was never rebuilt. It accommodated memorial Museum A.N. Ostrovsky.

On Slide House-Museum A. N. Ostrovsky in Zamoskvorechye (Small Ordina, 9). In this house, where the island took the apartment at the Decacon of the Church of the Intercession, that in Goliki, a great playwright was born.


In 1835, Alexander entered the Moscow provincial gymnasium. He showed a special interest during his studies to literature: the father had a rich library. An important event in his life was the appearance of stepmother in the house, Baroness Emily Andreevna von Teszin. She paid great attention to learning children to music, foreign languages, secular manners.

After graduating from the gymnasiumin 1840, A.N. Ostrovsky entered the Faculty of Faculty of Moscow UniversityHowever, he studied here for only three years: the passion for theater and literary creativity prevented.


In 1843 A.N. Ostrovsky entered the service of the scribe to the conscientious courtwhere criminal offenses and civil lawsuits were considered on complaintsparents for children and children on parents. In 1845, he was translated into a commercial court.

Family life

In the 1840s, A.N. The Ostrovsky became interested in a simple bureau of Agafei Ivanovna and in 1849 introduced it to the house on the rights of his wife. Despite the difference in raising and education, Agafia Ivanovna contributed to his life order and comfort. However, Father A.N. Ostrovsky was against - he ruined the Son of Relations and refused to him in material assistance. Unfortunately, all children born in this marriage died, and in 1867 the Agafya Ivanovna itself died.

With the second wife, Marya Vasilyevna, A.N. Ostrovsky lived happily until the death. They had five children: Alexander, Sergey, Love, Maria and Mikhail.

Cooperation with magazines

In the early 1850s, A.N. Ostrovsky reached the "Young Edition" of the magazine"Moskvatik". Her members (Poet and Critic A.A. Grigoriev, writer A.F. Pisemsky, artist of folk songs G.I. Philippov, Artist P.M. Sadovsky, etc.) acted for the preservation of the identity and nationality of art.

In the late 1850s, frequent rides from Moscow to St. Petersburg, in connection with the productions in the Alexandrinsky Theater, led by A.N. Ostrovsky to a new literary circle - Salon I.I. Panayev. Here he met L.N. Tolstoy, I.S. Turgenev, F.M. Dostoevsky and ranked in the authors of the magazine"Contemporary". For many years, A.N. Ostrovsky collaborated with him, and after its closure in 1866 began to publish his plays in the magazine"Patriotic Notes" (Chief editor of both magazines was N.A. Nekrasov).

Social activity

November 14, 1865 A.N. Ostrovsky together with composer N.G. Rubinstein, playwright and translator K.A. Tarnowan and writer V.F. Odoevsky opened in MoscowArtistic circle. Music and literary evenings were held here, plays were performed, works were read, costumed balls were arranged. With a mug, an amateur orchestra was formed, and then amateur choir, a library was opened.

In 1863, A.N.ostrovsky published in the North Bee newspaper the article "Circumstances that prevent the development of dramatic art in Russia" about excessive severity of censorship and the milestones of authors. In order to solve these problems under his leadership in1874 Society of Dramatic Writers and Opera Composers was created.

Creation of folk theater

In 1882, A.N. The Ostrovsky sent to the Special Commission "A note on the situation of dramatic art in Russia at the present time," where the opinion was expressed about the need to create in Moscow of the Russian People's Theater: "We have a Russian school of painting, there are Russian music, allowing us to wish and the Russian school of dramatic art ... The National Theater is a sign of adulthood of the nation. "

The petition was satisfied, and A.N. Ostrovsky has begun to implement the project. However, it was not possible to complete.In 1885, A.N. Ostrovsky appointed the head of the repertoire of Moscow theaters and the head of theatrical school of the Imperial Moscow theaters, and 2. June 1886 he diedbehind work in your office in the estimale.

Ostrovsky style features (entry in the notebook):
- talking surnames;
- an unusual representation of heroes in the poster, determining the conflict that will develop in the play;
- Specific author's remarks;
- the role of the decorations represented by the author, in determining the space of the drama and time of action;
- peculiarity of names (often from Russian proverbs and sayings);
- folk moments;
- parallel consideration of the compaled heroes;
- the significance of the first replica of the hero;
- "Prepared appearance", the main characters appear not immediately, others speak at the beginning;
- originality of the speech characteristics of heroes.

"All we have learned about the life and work of Ostrovsky undoubtedly reflected in his works." In addition, Alexander Nikolaevich is an innovator in the development of a traditional genre - drama, to which the work of "Thunderstorm" belongs.

Therefore, for a start, let's still analyze the features of the drama to understand the features of the "thunderstorms".

Drama - It is a difficult race of literature not only for a writer, but also for the reader. It is necessary to form a figurative thinking to present the hero in one way or another. This reader makes the work in understanding the character of the hero, which the actor does in the process of working on the role.

Everyone on the table is a distribution material, let's turn to the diagram in which the drama is analyzed(Scheme of childbirth and types of literature).Read the features of the drama.

So what is the complexity in the perception of a dramatic work?

The drama is characterized by entertainment and acting. Also, the text is divided into actions and phenomena, we learn about the events from the replica of heroes, there is no author in the play. That will be the complexity when reading "thunderstorms".

II. Creative story "Thunderstorm" (prepared student)

- In fact, every work has its own creative history of the creation, and the "thunderstorm" is no longer an exception. To understand what moments and details from the life of Ostrovsky affected the writing of "thunderstorms", let's now listen to the history of this work.

The creation of "thunderstorms" was preceded by the Journey of Ostrovsky along the upper Volga, undertaken on the task of the Maritime Ministry. The result of this trip was the island's diary, a lot of provincial upper allegiance in his perception of life.

"Merry starts with Pereyaslavl, - he writes down in the diary, - land, rich in the mountains and waters, and the people and the tall, and beautiful, and smart, and frank, and mandatory, and the free mind, and the soul of the Naraspa.

"We are standing on a circular grief, under our feet, we have a Volga, and the ships go back and forth here on sails, then burly, and one charming song pursues us irresistible ... and there is no end to this song ...

The impressions of the Volga cities and villages, from the most beautiful nature, meetings with interesting people from the people were accumulated in the soul of playwright and poet before such a masterpiece of his work was born as "thunderstorm."

For a long time it was believed that the plot of the drama "Thunderstorm" island took from the life of the Kostroma merchants, and the work was founded by the sensational case of the canine.

Up until the beginning of the 20th century, many Kostromichi with Hornevia pointed to the Katerina's suicide place - a gazebo at the end of a small boulevard, in those years literally hung over the Volga. Pointed to the house where she lived.

A. P. Klyova was issued sixteen years in a sullen merchant family, which consisted of old people of parents, a son and daughter. The hostess of the house, harsh old supplies, forced the young snow to do any black work, refused to see her to see her relatives.

At the time of the Drama, Klyova was 19 years old. In the past, she was brought up with his beloved grandmother, was a girl cheerful, lively, cheerful. The young husband her, fangs, carefree, an apathetic man, could not protect his wife from the mother-in-law of mother-in-law and treated them indifferent. There were no children in the canine.

And here on the way, another person, Maryn, who serves the post office, got up. Suspicions began, scenes of jealousy. It ended in that on November 10, 1859, the body A. P. Klyukov was found in the Volga. There was a noisy trial that was widely published.

Many years have passed before the researchers of Ostrovsky's creativity accurately found that the "thunderstorm" was written before the Kostroma Kuchakha Klykov rushed to the Volga. But the very fact of such a coincidence speaks of the brilliant volatility of the playwright, deeply felt the dramatic conflict between the old and new, the conflict, in which the Dobrolybov seek "something refreshing and encouraging" in the merchant life of the top Volga.

Ostrovsky began to write in June - July 1859 and graduated from October 9 of the same year. For the first time, the play was published in the journal "Library for reading" in the January issue of 1860. The first representation of "thunderstorms" on stage was held on November 16, 1859 in the Small Theater in Benefis S.V. Vasilyeva with L.P. Nikulina-Kosicina in the role of Katerina

- In the end, it can be said that it was the journey along the Volga left a certain mark on his work at the island, since it is the beauty of these places that he describes in the "thunderstorm". And how do you like the story about Cang? Here the Ostrovsky is already acting as clairvoyant.

III. Reading and analyzing actions "Thunderstorms". Role reading 1 action of the play.

Questions and assignments for analysis 1 Actions of the play (1-4 phenomena)

- Where is the action? (The city of Kalinov, which is located on the Volga River).

- What picture appears in front of the audience when the curtain opens? Why does the author draw this pictorial picture before us? (The beauty of nature emphasizes the disgrace, the tragedy of what is happening in the world of people).

- The value of the first 4 phenomena 1 action? (Of these, we learn about the orders reigning in the city of Kalinov, about the most influential inhabitants, about the love of Boris to Katerina).

- What did we learn from the read about Wij, Boris, Kuligin, Kudryash?

- What characterization gives the Kuligin life of the city?

Questions and Tasks for Analysis 1 Actions of the Play (5-6 phenomena)

In the fifth phenomenon, acquaintance with the main characters of the play - Katerina and Kabanchi.

- What conclusion about two of these heroes can be made from this dialogue?

- Why Kabanova hates Katerina so much.In what Is the conflict in the play?

- What does the word "order" mean in the mouths of the kabani?

IV. Summarizing

- Our lesson is suitable forcompletion, but in the next lesson we will continue to work on the "thunderstorm", disassemble the conflict, about which we just started talking today.

In conclusion, let's answer the question that was put at the beginning of the lesson:What is the importance of Island's Dramaturgia for the culture of the Russian people? (note on epigraph ) What was he continuing the traditions of the Russian theater?

Evaluation of students.

V. Homework.

Task in groups:

1 group - the meaning of the name of the play;

2 Group - characterize acting persons;

3 Group - Find examples for speech characteristics of heroes (Kuligin, Wild, Kabaniha, Feklush, Tikhon, Boris)

On the stage of the theater created in 2002 put basically documentary plays of young playwrights. The documentary genre implies a favorite annotation "based on real events". These are the plays on the evil of the day, which are based on real stories of people, diaries, letters, etc. From the scene talk about love, sex, offices, politics, murders, migrant workers, medicine - in general, about everything, from which our a life. Be prepared for the fact that there are obscene vocabulary in performances. In this theater often lectures and discussions of the plays.

Address: ThreePrudral per., 11/13, p. 1 (m. Tverskaya)

Ticket price:from 500 rubles.

Theater "Practice"

The experimental theater center of the new drama was established in 2005. And in April of this year, his artistic director became the director Ivan Vynepayev. In the center put plays of modern playwrights and writers: Yuri Claudiyev, Mikhail Dneenkova, Sergey Medvedev, Alexander Gelman, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Vladimir Sorokina, and others. In the theater there are constantly exhibitions, concerts, film pictocas, etc. where you can be at least every day, and not only when there are performances.

Ticket price: from 600 rubles.

Theater "Corner of the Grandpa Durov"

Last year, this unique theater was one hundred years. Actors here are different animals, among which: hippos, elephants, tigers, dogs, cats, pigeons and even crows. With the theater, there is a museum and the famous attraction "Mouse Railway", where everyone is filled with white mice. The theater building has survived to this day in almost the same form, which it was at the beginning of the XIX century. The front staircase is decorated with prehistoric animals figures, which Durov cut off himself. It's good to come here with the whole family on a tour or play.

Address: ul. Durov, 4 (m. Color boulevard)

Ticket price: from 400 rubles.

Theater of Music and Poetry P / R Elena Camburova

For more than twenty years, this theater has been popular with those who appreciate poetry and author's song. Monospectorates, literary evenings, evening of poetry, chamber music concerts, performances of jazz teams, etc. The hall is very small, and in some performances, the audience turn out to be practically participants in the action and can sing artists.

Address:ul. B. Pirogovskaya, 53/55 (m. Sports)

Ticket price: from 600 rubles.

Children's Music and Drama Theater "A - I"

Here you can give children since three years. Plays put on Ostera, Schwartz, Ural, Griboedov, Kryonov, etc., while trying to choose not the most famous of them. The theater hall is very small, the kids are planted in the first rows, and in many performances actors turn directly to them, sometimes even involving them into action.

Address:Petrovsky per., 5, p. 9 (m. Chekhovskaya)

Ticket price: from 400 rubles.

"Studio of theatrical Art"

This young theater created eight years ago graduates of the workshop Sergey Genovac. In the repertoire - a little-known and previously not staged works of classics of world literature. Here "Moscow - Petushki" by V. Erofeev, Potudan River Platonov, "Three Years" Chekhov, "Boys" of Dostoevsky and other performances are nominees and laureates of the Golden Mask Prize. Another reason to visit this theater is the building in which it is located. In the XIX century, at this place was the Alexseev family's gold factory, in which Konstantin Sergeevich Alekseev, known to the world under the name of Stanislavsky, was born in 1863. In 1904, Stanislavsky opened the theater on the territory of the factory, the premises of which remained to this day. This is exactly the renovated building and occupies since 2008.

Address:ul. Stanislavsky, 21, p. 7 (m. Marxist)

Ticket price:from 600 rubles.

Theater for the whole family "Semichetics"

The theater began its existence two years ago. Here you can come with children from two years. In a small cozy hall, the chairs put as much as the audience came. Almost all performances are interactive, so even the smallest children will not have time to get bored and tired. In the "seven specials" conduct and theatrical holidays for children. Nearest are timed to Halloween.

Address:ul. Timiryazevskaya, 10/12 (m. Timiryazevskaya)

Ticket price:from 500 rubles.

Moscow State Historical and Ethnographic Theater

This year, an unusual theater celebrates its 25th anniversary. In his repertoire, ritual mysteries, Russian folk fairy tales, spromes of epic and heroic-romantic ideas. The theater has performances and adults, and for children. Everyone is like a trip in the time car.

Address: ul. Rudnev, 3 (m. Babushkinskaya)

Ticket price: from 100 rubles.

Moscow Theater of Children's Book "Magic Lamp"

Puppet Theater, created in 1989, the main task believes education in children of love for reading and literature. The kids will meet with their favorite heroes, famous for the books: Kitten Gav, Princess on the pea, Winnie Pup, Elephant Horton and others. Here are often meetings with writers and presentations of novelties of children's literature.

Address:Sretensky br, 9/2 (m. Turgenevskaya)

Ticket price: from 700 rubles.

Theater "Man"

Next year, this theater will celebrate the fortieth. Here they put ionesko, Harms, Mrogod, Bonaventure, etc. and these performances are designed for a very small number of viewers. It will not be indifferent to remain indifferent: the actors, as one critic said, play literally on the nerves!

Address:Tablement lane, 23a (Arbatskaya)

Ticket price: from 700 rubles.

Moscow Jewish Theater "Shalom"

The American Foundation Sholoma-Aleichem called this theater the best Jewish world theater. The repertoire of performances in Russian, but with the elements of Yiddish and with a Jewish flavor - dancing and songs. Here you can come to the "evening of a salt and low-headed joke", on the musical, on the ballad, etc.

Address:Warsaw sh., 71, korp. 1 (m. Nakhimovsky Prospect)

Ticket price:from 400 rubles.

Chamber Music Theater. Pokrovsky

Already forty years here you can hear the classic and rarely executable operas. Fans of this type of art come here from all over the country, and touring troupes abroad always pass with the anchelages. A large selection of performances for children, comic operas, opera jokes, serious operas, opera-parable and opera-phantasmagorius. Even if you are not a connoisseur, look a few performances and be sure to visit the children and adults "Let's create Opera."

Address: ul. Nikolskaya, 17 (m. China-city)

Ticket price: from 350 rubles.

Goal and tasks:

1) to reveal the role of A.N. Ostrovsky in the development of Russian dramatic and theater on the example of educational material using ICT;

2) show the innovation of Ostrovsky - playwright;

3) form the skill of students of independent work with educational material, the ability to identify the main thing, compare, compare the content of the material submitted by the educational literature and the replenished internet materials

4) Cause the interest of students to the life and creativity of the writer.

Type of lesson:Lecture with interviews and staging. Study lesson and primary consolidation of new knowledge about the great playwright and his work.

Lesson plan:

  1. Consider the epigraph teacher to the lesson.
  2. The introductory word of the teacher on the lesson.
  3. Speech of students with facts from the biography of the playwright (independent search engine work with encyclopedias, sources of the Internet, textbook).
  4. Study student passing out of the play "His people will tear." An unusual representation of the heroes in the poster, which determines the conflict that will develop in the play.
  5. Reveal the meaning of the comedy name. The originality of the names (often from Russian proverbs and sayings).
  6. Parallel consideration of compaled heroes with speaking surnames.
  7. The significance of the rover of heroes; The significance of the first replica of the hero.
  8. The originality of the speech characteristics of heroes.
  9. The relevance of the topic of the play today.
  10. Conclusion on the subject of the lesson.
  11. Installing estimates for the lesson.
  12. Homework.

During the classes

Epigraph to the lesson: "You alone completed the building, in the foundation of which the cornerstone of Fononvizin, Griboedov, Gogol laid. But only you, the Russians, we can say with pride: "We have our Russian national theater ..."


(Slide number 2)

1. The entrance word of the teacher on the role of A.N.ostrovsky in the development of literature and theater.

In the middle of the 19th century, in Russia there was a need to create a national repertoire in the theater. The theatrical public of the end of 1840-1850 did not satisfy the repertoire, where the "plays from the Russian life" was only some share, and from Russian classics they were established on the stage only "inexpensive" D.I.Fonvizin, "Auditor" and "Marriage" of Gogol, scenes From Comedy A.S.Griboyedov, "Woe from Wit". That's all.

The National Repertoire for the Russian Theater was destined to create A.N.ostrovsky. Powerful giving a great playwright answered a time prompt. But it is impossible to study the work of the great Russian playwright, without becoming acquainted with the important and interesting facts of his biography. (Slide number 3)

Presentation of students who prepared a report on the biography of the writer.

Student: March 31, 1823 in Moscow, in Zamoskvorechye, the son of Alexander was born in the family of a successful official. He imperceptibly smasted in small rooms, in a house with narrow windows, with creaky floorboards. They ran to play the courtyard and the street - a quiet, deserted, not cobbled small ordinance - summer dusty, spring and autumn dirty. I watched on the holidays moved to the late dinner Mattering crowd, the ladies, cuzzers, burghers, young officials in trendy trees and simple people. (Slide №4)

Pupil: Moto, color, wild, bizarre, strange and cute Zamoskvorechye, firmly, the island, has pressed his soul first impressions, left in the memory of the writer for life. (Slide number 5)

Pupil: Portrait of Mother Alexander Ostrovsky is in front of us. She was out of the poor clergy, was distinguished by unusual mental qualities, but it died early (in 1831): the stepmother was from the old nobility of the ribbed Swedes, transformed the Patriarchal Zamoskvoretsky life of the family to the noble way, took care of the good home education of his children and steps.

Student: In 1840, Ostrovsky graduated from the first Moscow gymnasium. Then he studied at the Faculty of Faculty of Moscow University. In 1843, at the insistence of his father left the university and entered the stationery in the Moscow Secretary Council, where property disputes, juvenile crimes were sought. In 1845, he was transferred to the Moscow Commercial Court, from where he left in 1851 to become a professional writer.

Student: Work in the courts significantly enriched the life experience of Ostrovsky. What was placed for years behind the tested fences of merchant houses, behind the gate with double bitter grains, - all this splashed in front of the table of the judge and fell under the pen of the office: the passions flared up, the languages \u200b\u200bwere unleashed, family secrets pronounced out louds, relatives did not gear each other.

Pupil: Ostrovsky gained here the opportunity to cry out from the very thickness of life, to get acquainted with her hidden springs. A serious writer does not need to specifically "study life." She herself goes to him, he lives her and - will or unilietes - absorbs her.

Pupil: For many years, Ostrovsky lived on the verge of poverty. Being a recognized head of Russian playwrights, he constantly needed on the slope of years, extracting funds to life with tireless literary labor. The writer died at the desk in Schelikov (this is the estate of the Father), working on the translation of the play of Shakespeare "Anthony and Cleopatra". (Slide number 6)

Pupil: 47 Pieces created Ostrovsky. Small theater for three decades introduced his audience with these works. The Small Theater was not accidentally called the island house. His wall has a monument to the great drama.

Pupil: Working on your works, Ostrovsky realized that the whole strength of the comedy in the language. Heroes should speak naturally. And at the same time, their speech is Staromoskovskaya, flowery - should leave a joyful feeling of art. He focused all his efforts, working on the play "Bankrupt" (1849, in the magazine "Moskvatik"). (Slide number 7)

Teacher: In the modern bankrupt language, this is a ruined dealer who is not able to pay his debts. This word has a figurative meaning. Bankrupt is a person who suffered spiritual wreck.

Teacher: The topic of bankruptcy then rushed in the air. The play with this name was forbidden. And Ostrovsky on the capital sheet sent by the censor, wrote "bankrupt", and below the large handwriting "his people - to tear." So the play received a second name.

The theatrical season began, and there was no permissions for a comedy. Finally, from St. Petersburg came the news that the play is prohibited. The censor made his verdict: "All the actors: a merchant, his daughter, a strish, clerk and swash - seizedlands. Conversations are dirty, the whole play is offended for Russian merchants. " And the comedy was delivered only after the death of Nicholas I, in 1861. Her success was huge, unprecedented.

Teacher: Let's now try to survive some interesting moments of his comedy with Ostrovsky.

(Students stage an excerpt from the play of Ostrovsky "bankrupt").

Action 1. Living room in the House of Bolshaya

Lipochka: What a pleasant occupation these dances! After all, how good! What could be delicious? I don't like to dance with students with orders. Whether it's different with the military. Ah Charm! Delight! Both mustache, and eaps, and uniform, and many have even spurs with bells. One murderous that saber is not!

Agrapan Kondratyevna (entering). So, so, shamelessness! .. Neither the light is neither dawn, not so much of the bread of God, and even for the dance immediately!

Lipochka. How, Mama? I drank tea, and chewing chewing. Look, how well? Once ... two ... three, time, two ...

Agrapan Kondratyevna. I tell you, do not turn back!

Lipochka. What kind of sin is! Now they have all this. Once ... two ... I'm not you, I need my husband! What it is! Means to meet familiar ... Hear, find me the groom - all others and others. Who will not attend the living ... And then it will be worse for you: there will be no one for the same way, you've called, the secret of the teacher, I will lose weight with Gusar, and we will get sly.

Agrapan Kondratyevna. What, that, bless ... Oh, you, a dog grizzle! Well, nothing to do! Seen, you have to call my father.

Lipochka. Only lack that the father call; Boyguck you at it to talk something, but try-coh yourself!

Agrapan Kondratyevna. So, I'm a fool, do you think that? What are your hussars, shameless your nose!

Lipochka. I am very bad, and you yourself are what after that! What do you want to shoot me on that light first? Limit with your whims? (Crying). Well, perhaps, I'm just like a fly, coughing! (Crying, then sobs).

Agrapan Kondratyevna. Lipochka, well, will be! Well, stop it! Well, do not be angry with me (crying), Babu is stupid ... Unaccustomed (crying together) Cutters buy ...

Lipochka (crying). What are your servants for me ... and you buy bracelets with emeralds.

Agrapan Kondratyevna. Buy, buy, only you cry, stop!

Lipochka. (Through tears) then and stop, how to get married!

Agrapan Kondratyevna. You will leave, you will leave, the dove you are mine ... Now I wanted Ustinya Naumovna to come, we will ceil.

Ustinya Naumovna enters.

Ustinya Naumovna. UV, that it is with you, silver, the staircase is what cool: we climb, we climb, raveling crawling!

Lipochka. Oh, that's it!

Agrapan Kondratyevna. Well, that new, is there anything, Ustinya Naumovna? Clear, I had a girl at all.

Lipochka. And in fact, Ustinya Naumovna, you walk, go, but there is no sense.

Ustinya Naumovna. Yes, here you are, with you soon you will promise, the bragistic. Tatteno, something gets in the rich. Mama, too, thoroughly strives for his pleasure: give her to her about the merchant. You also have your own mind.

Lipochka. I will not go for the merchant, I will not go for anything. Then I really brought up, I studied in French, and on the pianars, and dance! No no! Where do you want, and find me noble.

Agrapan Kondratyevna. Here you are and push with her.

Foubroom. Why did you give these noble? What is in them for a special skist? He sits naked on his goal ... But you walkers and married, and you get tired of you sauce with a slide.

Lipochka. You, Fominichna, was born between the men and the legs stretch the man. What is to me in your merchant! What can he have weight? Where does he have ambition? His urine, what, do I need?

Foubroom. Not a urine, but God's hair, madam, so-smo!

Lipochka. What you stuck. I said that I will not go for the merchant, I will not go!

Ustinya Naumovna. Perhaps, if you have such a screwing, find you and noble. What do you mean by Ali Podjarius?

Lipochka. Nothing thoroughly, I would not be small, of course, it's better than any mukhortik. And the rest of all, Ustinya Naumovna, so as not to smoke, somewhat brunette; Well, a clear thing is to and dressed in a magazine.

Ustinya Naumovna. And I now have the bridegroom, like you, the Bralyante, sign: and the noble, and the convex, and Bruel ...

Lipochka. Ah, Ustinya Naumovna! Not at all Bruel, but brunette!

Ustinya Naumovna. Yes, I really need to break the language in old age in your age. You look like, are lined up, and we will remember this business and my mammy.

Lipochka leaves ...

Student. The Ostrovsky elects the plot, which is based on a fairly common case of fraud in a merchant environment in Russia of the 19th anniversary of the 19th century. Samson Polechu is bigger than the interests of his fellow merchants and since he does not want to return debts, declares himself with bankrupt, insolvent debtor. He translates its state to the name of the clerk of Lazarus Podkhaluzin, and for the fortress of a fraudulent transaction, he is married to his daughter of the sticky. Bolshov plant in a debt prison, but he does not lose me, because it believes that Lazarus will make a small amount from the capital. However, he is mistaken: "His man" Lazar and his native daughter, the sticky do not give the father a penny.

Teacher: Let's reveal the meaning of the comedy name.

  1. Find a scene in the play, where are the words support this name? (p. 91, action 3, phenomenon 7).
  2. What fragments of the text 4 actions clarify it?
  3. Does the name of the comedy reflect the essence of the main conflict.

(Yes. The main conflict of comedies is the boring of social relations based on property inequality and the thirst for profit. In the play there is another conflict - this is the conflict of fathers and children)

Teacher. Now read the list of actors. Is there no "talking" surnames?

  • Most - from the peasant "Bolshak", i.e. Head of the family. Mostly - the first-generation merchant. Samson Stolech means strong, his power is in power, in the money.
  • Lipochka (Almpiad Samsonovna) - Lipovy, that is, false.
  • Podkhaluzin - three times a despicable surname. Compiled by the playwright so that from each syllable it seems to be worse: under and Hal and even in addition to Susin.
  • Sysh PSOCH Rispalinsky - Syst, dog.

Teacher: One thing is a surname, and what are these heroes actually? Let's start with Samson, the power of the majority. Consider his social status, actions, speech. He is a first-generation merchant, a man in the nearby past (p. 32, Words of Ustinyi Naumovna about the Breast Family) Samson Stolech - Typical Samodor.

  1. How do you understand the washed of this word? (In the Comedy of the Ostrovsky, the concept of "Samodoria" becomes synonymous with the words "despotism") of the comedy shows how they grow supras. The play introduced three stages of a merchant biography.
  2. Through what images the author shows these stages?

(The small merchant itself is in the youth of youth, she suffered from self-made, good people were swaying, they were fed up. Raughtyev, he began to give Podzatili himself. The same way did and Podkhaluzin did the same way. In the comedy there is another acting person - the boy is Tishka. He is driving, without a score receives subtletiles, but it turns out to him. He still tolerates everything and secretly collects the capital).

Samodogrya is not knowing any borders until he feels a solid soil - wealth. But greed, passion for money lick him. Bolshaya is planted in a debt. It can be saved, paying lenders a small part of debts. But the son-in-law and native daughter refuse an old man in help.

  1. What do you think you can explain such cruelty? And the speech of the main character? Let's see how he talks to his native people).
  2. What conclusion can be done? (It is not surprising that in the family where relationships are based on fear and humiliation, there can be no mutual love and respect for a person. Such a money calculation, of course, cripples human souls).

At the end of the play, the majority is from the pit, disgraced and unhappy, even becomes sorry for him. But what can he punish? After all, he himself ordered his cruel and her daughter to live according to such a law: "If you do not deceive, they deceive you."

Truly noticed Dobrolyubov, potential Samodor sits in Podkhaluzin. This is a calculating, unspacial dealer of the new era, in front of which the most of them may seem naive simple.

Teacher's word: let's make a conclusion: A.N. Ostrovsky opened the unfamiliar viewer to the page, withdrawing on the stage of the new hero - the merchant. Before him, the Russian theater history numbered only a few names. The playwright made a huge contribution to the development of the Russian theater. His creativity, continuing the traditions of Fonvizin, Griboedov, Pushkin, Gogol, is distinguished by innovation in the image of heroes, in the language of the characters and in the raised socio-moral issues.

Guys, what do you think the topic of bankruptcy and self-use is relevant for our modern society?

Recently, the event in our city happened, which cannot be silent today. The "Komsomolskaya Pravda" newspaper published an article "Kalacheevskaya Saltychikha": the case of bloody millions "( Thirst for profit, greed, deception, killing of relatives and loved ones - all Vices on the face.

So it turns out that the works of the great playwright, unfortunately, are relevant and our 21st century.

Homework: Write a slight essay on the topic: "Why do people lie? Is the island outdated? "