The heroes of Russian literature and their real prototypes. Historical prototypes of literary heroes: "There is no fiction without truth"

The heroes of Russian literature and their real prototypes. Historical prototypes of literary heroes:
The heroes of Russian literature and their real prototypes. Historical prototypes of literary heroes: "There is no fiction without truth"

Almost every literary character has its own prototype - a really existed person. Sometimes this is the author, sometimes - historical person, Sometimes - a familiar or relative of the author.

1. Pachatsky "Mount from Wit"
The main hero of the comedy Griboedov - Chatsky is most often associated with the name Chaaadaeva (in the first version of the comedy Griboedov wrote "Chadsky"), although the image of the Chatsky is largely a social type of era, "Hero of Time". Petr Yakovlevich Chaadaev (1796-1856) - participant Patriotic War 1812, was in an overseas campaign. In 1814 he entered the Masonic Life, and in 1821 he agreed to join the secret society.
From 1823 to 1826 Chaadaev traveled in Europe, compiled the latest philosophical teachings. After returning to Russia in 1828-1830, he wrote and published the historical and philosophical treatise: "Philosophical letters". Views, ideas, the judgments of the thirty-sest philosopher were so unacceptable for the Nikolaev Russia, that the author of "philosophical letters" suffered an unprecedented punishment: he was declared the highest decree crazy. It happened that literary Character I did not repeat the fate of my prototype, but predicted her ...

2.Taras Bulba
Taras Bulba is discharged so organically and brightly that the reader does not leave the feeling of his reality.
But there was a person whose fate is similar to the fate of Hogol's hero. And this man also wore the surname Gogol!
Ostap Gogol was born in beginning of XVII century. On the eve of 1648, he was a Rotmistrome of "Panzer" Cossacks in Polish troops, deployed in Uman under the command of S. Kalinovsky. With the beginning of the uprising, Gogol, together with his heavy cavalry, switched to the side of the Cossacks.
In October 1657, Hetman Vyhovsky with General Stashina, whose member was left Gogol, concluded the Korsun Agreement of Ukraine with Sweden.
In the summer of 1660, the regiment of Ostap took part in a wonderful campaign, after which the Slobodishchey Treaty was signed. Gogol began to the side of the autonomy inside the speech by the compulculation, he was made by Shkhatyich. In 1664, the rebellion of the Poles and Hetman Tetych broke out on the right bank of Ukraine. Gogol first supported the rebels. However, he again switched to the side of the enemy. The reason for this was his sons, which Hetman Pototsky held hostages in Lviv. When Hetman became Doroshenko, Gogol moved to his beolava and helped him a lot. When he fought with Turks under Ochakov, Doroshenko at the Rada suggested recognizing the supremacy turkish SultanaAnd it was accepted. In the late 1671, the Crown Hetman sorely took Mogilev, the residence of Gogol. In the defense of the fortress, one of the sons of Ostap died. The colonel himself fled to Moldova and from there sent companion about his desire to obey.

As a reward for this, the Ostap received Vilhovets village. A diploma of the wisest of the estate was the grandfather of the writer Nikolai Gogol as a testimony of his nobility.
Colonel Gogol became the hetman of the Right Bank of Ukraine on behalf of King Yana III sobular. He died in 1679 in his residence in the Daughter, buried in Kiev-Mezhigorsk Monastery near Kiev. Analogue with the story is obvious: both heroes are Zaporizhia Colonels, both had sons, one of whom died from the hands of the Poles, the other moved to the side of the enemy . Thus, the distant ancestor of the writer and was the prototype of Taras Bulba.

The Orlovsky landowner Spiridon Maznev was to the extremes of a stingy, walked in a fearful bathrobe and dirty clothes, so few people could identify a rich barin in it.
The landowner had 8000 souls of peasants, but Moril's famous not only of them, but also himself. This is a stingy landowner N.V.Gogol and brought to " Dead souls"In the form of a plush. "If Chichikov met him, so unfolded, somewhere among church doors, then probably would give him a copper penny" ...
"This landowner had a thousand with a blind souls, and would try to find someone else with a grain, fluff and simply in the bedding, who would have pantry, barns and dried were cluttered with such many canvases, Sukon, sheepskin isolated and raw ..." . Shame Plushina has become a nominal one.

4. Silvio. "Shot" A.S. Pushkin
Prototype Silvio - Ivan Petrovich Liprandi.
Friend of Pushkin, prototype Silvio in the "Shot".
The author of the best memories of the South Link Pushkin.
Son of the russian Spanish Grand. Participant napoleonic Wars Since 1807 (from 17 years). Collector and buddy of the Decembrist Raevsky, a member of the Union of Benencies. Arrested in the Decembrist case in January 1826, sat in the chamber with Griboedov. "... the personality of him was undoubted interest in his dating, fate and an original lifestyle. He was gloomy and sullen, but he loved to collect officers and a widely treat them. Sources of its income were covered for all mystery. Thank youth and a book, he was famous for his work, and a rare duel took place without his participation. "The same time Liprandi, as it turned out, was an employee of military intelligence and a secret police.
Since 1813, the head of the secret political police under the Army of Vorontsov in France. Closely communicated with the famous Voc. Together with the French gendarmerie, he participated in the disclosure of the anti-government "society" Pins ". Since 1820, the main military intelligence officer at the headquarters of Russian troops in Bessarabia. At the same time, it becomes the main theorist and practice of military and political espionage.
Since 1828, the head of the highest secret passage police. Since 1820 - in the immediate submission of Benkendorf. Provocation organizer in the circle of Butashevich-Petrashevsky. Organizer Arrest Ogarev in 1850. The author of the project on the establishment of the universities of the School of Spies ...

5. Andrey Bolkonsky
The prototypes of Andrei Bolkonsky had several. His tragic death It was "written off" by Lv's thick with the biography of real prince Dmitry Golitsyn.
Prince Dmitry Golitsyn was recorded in the Moscow Archive of the Ministry of Justice. Soon the emperor Alexander I complained him to the chamber-junkers, and then in valid chamberlers, which was equal to the general rank. In 1805, Prince Golitsyn entered military service And together with the army, I did the campaign of 1805-1807.
In 1812, he filed a report with a request to enroll him to the army, became Akhtyr Gusar, Denis Davydov served in the same shelf. Golitsin participated in border battles in the 2nd Russian army of General Bagration, fought on Shevardinsky, and then he was on the left flank of Russian orders on the Borodino field.
In one of the shacks, Major Golitsyn was seriously injured by a pomegranate fragment, he was taken from the battlefield. After surgery in the field climb, it was decided to carry on the East. The Vladimir did a stop, Major Golitsyn was placed in one of the merchant houses on a steep hill on Klyazma. But, almost a month after the Borodino battle, Dmitry Golitsyn died in Vladimir ...

6. Assol
The Slean Dreamer Assol was not one prototype.
The first prototype - Maria Sergeyevna Alonkin, the secretary of the house of the arts, almost all the living and extinguishing in this house were in love with her. Love, rising the stairs to their service, Green saw a low dark-tissue girl, who spoke with the Korniem Chukovsky. In her appearance -To unearthly: flying gait, radiant look, sonorous happy laughter. It seemed to him that she was similar to Assol from the story " Scarlet Sails", Over which he worked on this time. Summary of 17-year-old Masha Alonkin occupied the imagination of the Green, reflected in the story-extramonie." I don't know how much will passed years, Only in Capern, one fairy tale will bloom, memorable for a long time. You will be big, Assol. Once in the morning in the sea gave, the scarlet sail will sparkle under the sun. The shining romance of scarlet sails of a white ship will move, cutting waves, right to you ... "
And in 1921, Green meets with Nina Nikolaevna Mironova, who worked in the Petrograd Echo newspaper. He, gloomy, lonely, was easy with her, he was amused by her coquetry, he admired her in love. Soon they played a wedding.
The door is closed, the lamp is lit.
In the evening she will come to me
There are no more aimless, dull days -
I sit and think about her ...

On this day she will give my hand,
Trust quietly and quite.
The terrible world is rapid around,
Come, beautiful, dear friend.

Come, I'm waiting for you for a long time.
It was so sad and dark
But winter spring has come,
Light knock ... My wife came.
She, his "winter spring", Green dedicated to the enjoyment of "Scarlet Sails" and the Roman "Shine World".

7.Sostap Bender and Children of Lieutenant Schmidt
A person who has become a prototype of Bender's Ostap.
This is Osip (Ostap) Veniaminovich Shore (1899 -1979). Shore was born in Odessa, there was an employee of the throat, a football player, a traveler .... He was a friend of E. Bagritsky, Yu. Oleshi, Ilf and Petrov. His brother was a poet Futurist Nathan Violet. Ensure, the nature and speech of the Osta Bender were taken from Osip Shura.
Almost all the famous "Bender" phrases - "Ice started, gentlemen jurors!", I will "command the parade!", "My dad was Turkish ..." And many others were asked by the authors from the vocabulary of Shor.

In 1917, Shor arrived at the first course of the Petrograd Institute of Technology, and in 1919 he went to his homeland. He traveled to the house for almost two years, with a lot of adventures, which was told by the authors of the "Twelve Chairs".
Stated by him stories about how he, without knowing how to draw, settled on the agitation steamer by the artist, or how he gave a session simultaneous game In some deaf town, introducing an international grandmaster, reflected in the "12 chairs" with almost no change.
By the way, the famous leader of Odessa gangsters, a Japane Bear, who struggled by an employee of the Ugro Shor, became the prototype of Beni Creek, from Odessa story stories"I. Babel.
But the episode that has given the ground to create the image of the "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt". In August 1925, a man with an eastern appearance came to the Gomel Gomel, a decently dressed, in American glasses and introduced himself as Chairman of the CEC of the Uzbek SSR Fierzuli Khojaev. The Chairman of the Gubspolcom Egorov said that he was riding from the Crimea to Moscow, but his money and documents were stolen on his train. Instead of a passport, a certificate was a certificate that he was really Khojaev, signed by the chairman of the CEC of the Crimean Republic Ibragimov. It was warmly accepted, gave money, began to carry into theaters and banquets. But one of the police chiefs decided to compare the identity of Uzbek with portraits of the CEC chairmen who found in the old magazine. Thus was amused Lzhahodzhaev, who turned out to be a native of Kokanda, who followed from Tbilisi, where he served the term ...

In the same way, issuing himself for high-ranking official, former zek Having fun in Yalta, Simferopol, Novorossiysk, Kharkov, Poltava, Minsk ...
It was a fun time - the time of Nap and such desperate people, adventurers, like Shor and Lzhodzhaev.

Timur - Hero of the Kinoscena and Tale A.Gaidar Timur and his team. One of the most famous and popular heroes Soviet children's literature of the 30s - 40s
Under the influence of the story of A.P. Gaidar "Timur and his team" in the USSR arose among the pioneers and schoolchildren in the beginning. 1940s, Timurovsky Movement. Timurovtsy assisted the families of military personnel, the elderly ...
It is believed that the "prototype" of the Timurov team for A. Gaidar served as a group of scouts, which opened in the 10th year in the country's suburb of St. Petersburg. At "Timurovtsev" with "scouts" really much in common (especially in the ideology and practice of the Knight's concern for children about people around people, the ideas of performing good actions "secret").
The story told by Gaidar turned out to be a surprisingly consonant mood of the whole generation of the guys: the struggle for justice, the underground headquarters, a specific alarm system, the ability to rapidly "on the chain", etc. Interestingly, that in the early editorial office the story was called "Duncan and his team" or "Duncan Hurry to the aid "- the hero of the story was - Vovka Duncan. Obviously the influence of the work of Jules Verne: Yacht "Duncan" on the first alarming signal went to help Captain Grant. In the spring of 1940, while working on a film on another afflicted story, the name "Duncan" was rejected. In the Cinematography Committee expressed bewilderment: "Good Soviet boy. Pioneer. I came up with such useful game And suddenly - "Duncan". We consulted here with comrades - you need to change the name "

And then Gaidar gave a hero name own sonwhich in life called the "small commander." According to another version, Timur is the name of a neighbor boy. But the girl Zhenya got a name from reception daughter Gaidar from the second marriage.
The image of Timur embodies the perfect type of adolescent leader with his desire for noble actions, secrets, pure ideals. The "Timurovets" is firmly entered into everyday use. Until the end of the 80s, Timurovs called children who have disinterested help in need.

9. Captain Lunnershel
From the story of Andrei Nekrasov "Adventures of Captain Lunned".
The book on the incredible marine adventures of the resourceful and non-vantage captain of Transnunhel, his senior assistant scrap and sailor Fuchsa. Christophore Bonifatyevich Lunner - the main character And the narrator, on behalf of whose story is being conducted. An old experienced sailor, with a solid and reasonable character, is not deprived of ingenuity.
The first part of the last name uses the word "lies". Vladunhell, whose name became a nominal - marine analogue of Baron Münhghausen, telling noby on his adventures in swimming. According to the stories of Nekrasov himself, the prototype was his familiar with the last name Vronsky, an amateur to tell the maritime stories of non-residents with their participation. His surname was so suitable for the main character that the book was originally and was to be called the "Adventures of Captain Vronsky", however, from the fear of offending a friend, the author chose another name for the main character.

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Prototype (from Greek. Protótypon - Prim), real face, the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich served as a writer primary when creating literary type, the image of a person is the hero of the work.

The image of a person not only reproduces the individual features of the prototype, not only reflects the type of personality generated by the epoch: it is exercising new personalitywho acquires independent being. This explains his ability to become a "prototype" of the special breed of people in the life itself ("Turgenev women") or a prototype for the works of another era (the image of Griboedovsky Molchalin in the works of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin).

Directions and genres can affect the role of the prototype. Maximum "Equality" on the prototype - in the "documentary prose"; However, there remains a meaningful difference between the hero and the prototype, which detecting the "personal" point of view of the author (for example, "How Steel" N. Ostrovsky or Essay Tale A. Yashina, E. Dorosh, and others).

The value of the prototype study depends on its nature. The bigger phenomenon of society and history is the prototype, the greater the meaning becomes its study and comparison with the image, since it is reflected in the art of an extremely important, meaningful, typical phenomenon of society.

Prototype can not speak real personalities, but also characters from other works.

Prototype in children's literature

In children's literature is a common situation when the prototype is a child, which is told by the story (as if about him). Lewis Carroll told the story of Alice in Wonderland, rushing in a boat with Alice Liddell, James Barry told the fairy tales about the little girl in Peter Pan to his older brothers, just as Christopher Robin became a character of Alexander Milna's fairy tales, and the daughter of Kira Bulyuchev is Alice Selieva. Obviously, on such heroes, the features of a real child are not so much tolerated, as the desired features are concentrated. But the name, on the contrary, always remains real.

Examples of prototypes of heroes

  • The prototype of the hero of the film "Some old people are going into battle" The commander of the squadron commander of Captain Alexei Titarenko ("Maestro") - Hero of the Soviet Union Vitaly Popkov (1922-2010).
  • The prototype of the hero of the film "Shield and Sword" Johann Weissa - Soviet intelligence officer Alexander Svyatogorov (1913-2008).
  • Prototype Hero of the Books and Film "Denisian Stories" Denisky - Denis Dragunsky, Son Soviet children's writer Viktor Dragunsky.
  • The prototype of the hero "Tale of the present person" is the hero of the Soviet Union, Alexey Maresyev (1916-2001).
  • The prototype of the hero of the song "Kombat" performed by the group "Lube" - the hero of the Soviet Union Valery Eastotine (born on November 20, 1952).
  • The prototype Hero of the poem K. M. Simonov "" Lieutenant Petrova (Lönki) - Lieutenant I. A. Loskutov (1918-1994).
  • Possible prototypes of the Hero of Roman Julian Semenova "Seventeen Moments of Spring" and the legendary Motheric Soviet artistic telephone "Seventeen Moments of Spring" Standardfürera SS Stirlitsa - soviet scouts Jacob Blumkin (1900-1929), Alexander Korotkov (1909-1961), Isai Borovoy, Anatoly Gurevich, Norman Borodin (1911-1974), as well as an employee of Gestapo, Hauptsturmführer SS and criminal inspector Willie Lehman (1884-1942).
  • The prototype of the Hero of Roman Alexander Duma "Three Musketeer" Chevalle D "Artanna - Charles of Rude de Batz de Castelmore D" Artanyan. Also, the main character of the novel "Countess De Monsoro" Louis de Clermont Count de Burstie Senor D "Amboise is written off with real man With the same name.

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  • Altman M. S. Russian writers and scientists in Russian xIX literature in. // Articles and materials / N. A. Dobrolyubov .. - Gorky, 1965.
  • Andronikova M. I. From the prototype to the image. - m., 1974.


see also

Excerpt characterizing the character prototype

- Guys! I shouted with a loud, self-confident and cheerful voice of Miloradovich, apparently, to such an extent excited by the sounds of firing, the expectation of the battle and the type of young people of Absheronians, still their Suvorov comrades who looked past by emperors, which forgot about the presence of the sovereign. - Guys, you are not the first village to take! - he shouted.
- We are glad to try! - shouted soldiers.
The sovereign horse gone from an unexpected cry. This horse, wearing the sovereign still at the views in Russia, here, on the Austerlitsky field, carried his sediction, withsting his scattered blows with his left foot, worked out the ears from the sounds of shots, just as she did it on a Mars field, not understanding These heard shots, nor the neighborhood of the crow's stallion Emperor Franz, nor the fact that he said, thought, felt the one who was driving on it on this day.
The sovereign with a smile appealed to one of his approximations, pointing to the young people of Absheronians, and something told him.

Kutuzov, accompanied by their adjutants, went with a step behind the carabineers.
Having droves with the pillar in the tail of the column, he stopped at a lonely abandoned house (probably formerly tavern) be branched two roads. Both roads descended under the mountain, and the troops walked.
The fog began to disperse, and vaguely, the versts at two distances, the enemy troops on opposite elevations were visible. Left at the bottom of the shooting became heard. Kutuzov stopped, talking to the Austrian General. Prince Andrei, standing a little behind, peered into them and, wanting to ask the visual tube at the adjutant, turned to him.
"Look, look," said this adjutant, looking at the long army, and down the grief in front of him. - This is the French!
Two generals and adjutants began to grab the pipe, pulling it out by one of the other. All the faces suddenly changed, and horror expressed at all. The French were assumed for two versts from us, and they suddenly appeared, unexpectedly before us.
- Is it an enemy? ... no! ... yes, look, he ... probably ... what is it? - Voices heard.
Prince Andrey simple eye She saw at the bottom right rising to meet the apicheronians a thick column of the French, no further than five hundred steps from the place where Kutuzov stood.
"So she came a decisive moment! It came to me. ", I thought the prince Andrew, and hit the horse, drove up to Kutuzov. "We must stop the Absheronians," he shouted, "your high movement!" But on the same moment everything was stacking, a close shooting rang out, and a naive frightened voice two steps from Prince Andrew shouted: "Well, brothers, Shabash!" And as if this voice was a team. On this voice, everything rushed to run.
Mixed, all the increasing crowds fled back to that place, where five minutes ago, the troops passed by the emperors. It was not only difficult to stop this crowd, but it was impossible not to go back along with the crowd.
Bolkonsky only tried to keep up with her and looked around, bewildered and unable to understand what was done in front of him. Nesvitsky with an embittered view, the red and not similar to himself, shouted Kutuzov, that if he would not leave now, he will be taken pronounced. Kutuzov stood in the same place and, not answering, I took a handkerchief. Blood flowed from his cheek. Prince Andrey protested him.
- Are you injured? He asked, barely holding the shake of the lower jaw.
- Wounds are not here, but where! Said Kutuzov, pressing a handkerchief to the wounded cheek and pointing to the running. - Stop them! - He shouted at the same time, probably thinking that it was impossible to stop them, hit the horse and drove to the right.
Outlooking the crowd of the runners captured him with him and led back.
The troops fled such a thick crowd, which, once in the middle of the crowd, it was difficult to get out of it. Who shouted: "I went! What has been labeled? " Who immediately turning around, shot in the air; Who beat the horse on which Kutuzov himself was driving. With the greatest effort to choose from the flow of the crowd to the left, the cutuzov with a retinue, reduced more than twice, drove on the sounds of close tool shots. Selling from the crowd of the runners, Prince Andrew, trying to keep up with Kutuzov, saw on the descent of the mountain, in smoke, who had yet shot the Russian battery and running to her the French. The Russian infantry was higher, without moving forward to help the battery, nor back in one direction with the running. The general rode separated from this infantry and drove to Kutuzov. Only four people remained from Kutuzov's Sweets. Everyone was pale and silently overdid.
- Stop these bastards! - choking, spoke Kutuzov to the regimental commander, pointing to the running; But at the same moment, as if he was punished for these words, like a swarm of birds, bullets flew over the shelf and Kutuzov's retinue.
The French attacked the battery and, seeing Kutuzov, shot it. With this volley, the regimental commander grabbed his leg; Several soldiers fell, and the subpenser, who was standing with the banner, released him out of her hands; The banner was stunned and fell, lingering on the guns of neighboring soldiers.
Soldiers without a team began to shoot.
- Oooh! - With an expression of despair, Kutuzov was washed and looked around. "Bolkonsky," he whispered from the consciousness of his senile powerless voice. "Bolkonsky," he whispered, pointing to an upset battalion and at the enemy, "what is it?"
But before he agreed, Prince Andrei, feeling the tears of shame and anger, who approached him to the throat, already scored with a horse and ran to the banner.
- Guys, ahead! - he shouted the childish piercingly.
"Here it is!" I thought Prince Andrew, grabbing the banner of the banner and with pleasure hearing whistle bullets, obviously directed precisely against him. Several soldiers fell.
- Hooray! - shouted prince Andrei, barely holding a heavy banner in his hands, and ran ahead with undoubted confidence that the entire battalion would run behind him.

0 0 0

James Heller's daughter

0 0 0

0 0 0

One of the developed. Heller's invoice was invalid, but later doubted him, trying to prove to Merzera that James was useless. Absorbed Heller

0 0 0

He was the founder and chief researcher of Gentk, a biosextric Corporation sponsored by "Black Guardians". When "Black Guardian" drew attention to him, he was more interested in learning Elizabeth Green and the "Red Light" virus than in the development of viral weapons

0 0 0

0 0 0

First Assistant Arm. Absoring him, Heller for a long time in his appearance tried to find out more information until Rux suspects

0 0 0

A priest. Led a hidden game against the "Black Watch", has a big connection. Mercer killed for frequent intervention and help Heller

0 0 0

Code name of the Paria, so painted his BlackWatch employees. He is the only son Elizabeth Green and the perfect embodiment of the virus. The Faria is Son Elizabeth Green, which was captured during the outbreak in Idaho in 1969. He is the only one who differs from the forms of other viruses, different from Elizabeth, Alex, James Heller and other infected, since Elizabeth is an imperfect edition of the non-corrected genome regions, and Alex Mercer is an artificial genome. Some scientists suggested that the Paria could become an infinite goal of the whole world.

0 0 0

One of the developed, Mercer's favorite. Betray Heller, in the final, giving Alex his daughter

0 0 0

Prototype without code (more often called "experimental"). Former Marine Sergeant USA, and after - a black light infected with a virus. In the military, Ninja 3.3 was called. Remained man, despite the initiation. At first, believes Merves, but later becomes his opponent number one. Heller freed the red zone from infection

1 0 0

Key character character. The perfect medium of the virus "Red Light". I wanted to infect the entire New York. Absorbed Alex. There is a son of a paria, which is a new creature on the planet and the only one, according to scientists who can stop Alex Mercer


Prototype (From πρῶτος - first + τύπος - imprint, print; Primo) - Prim, a specific historical or modern author, personality that served him by the starting point to create an image.

Directions and genres can affect the role of the prototype. Maximum "Equality" on the prototype - in the "documentary prose"; However, there remains a meaningful difference between the hero and the prototype, which detecting the "personal" point of view of the author (for example, "How Steel" N. Ostrovsky or Essay Tale A. Yashina, E. Dorosh, and others).

The value of the prototype study depends on its nature. The bigger phenomenon of society and history is the prototype, the greater the meaning becomes its study and comparison with the image, since it is reflected in the art of an extremely important, meaningful, typical phenomenon of society.

Prototype in children's literature

In children's literature is a common situation when the prototype is a child, which is told by the story (as if about him). Lewis Carroll told the story of Alice in Wonderland, rushing in a boat with Alice Liddell, James Barry told the fairy tales about the little girl in Peter Pan to his older brothers, just as Christopher Robin became a character of Alexander Milna's fairy tales, and the daughter of Kira Bulyuchev is Alice Selieva. Obviously, on such heroes, the features of a real child are not so much tolerated, as the desired features are concentrated. But the name, on the contrary, always remains real.

Examples of prototypes of heroes

  • The prototype of the hero of the film "One old men go to battle" - Vitaly Popkov (awarded the medal "For his other).
  • Iogana Weissa (film "Shield and Sword") prototype - Alexander Svyatogorov.
  • The prototype of the hero "Denisian stories".
  • The prototype of the hero "Tale of this man" - hero Soviet Union Alexey Maresov (1916).
  • Prototype Hero of the song "Batyang Kombat" - Commander 9 Rota Valery Eastotine.
  • The prototype of the hero "Don-Zhuana" - Count Grigory Aleksandrovich Stroganov (1770-1857), apparently served by Bairon with the prototype of the title hero "Don Juan".
  • The prototype of the hero of the poem K. M. Simonov "Son of Artillerysta" Lieutenant Petrov (Lyanka) - Lieutenant I. A. Loskutov.

Prototype (from Greek. Protótypon - a prototype), a real face, the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich served as a writer primary when creating a literary type, a person's image - the hero of the work.

The image of a person not only reproduces the individual features of the prototype, not only reflects the type of personality generated by the epoch: it is the implementation of a new person who acquires independent being. This explains his ability to become a "prototype" of the special breed of people in the life itself ("Turgenev women") or a prototype for the works of another era (the image of Griboedovsky Molchalin in the works of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin).

Directions and genres can affect the role of the prototype. Maximum "Equality" on the prototype - in the "documentary prose"; However, there remains a meaningful difference between the hero and the prototype, which detecting the "personal" point of view of the author (for example, "How Steel" N. Ostrovsky or Essay Tale A. Yashina, E. Dorosh, and others).

The value of the prototype study depends on its nature. The bigger phenomenon of society and history is the prototype, the greater the meaning becomes its study and comparison with the image, since it is reflected in the art of an extremely important, meaningful, typical phenomenon of society.

Not only real personalities can prototype, but also characters from other works.

Prototype in children's literature

In children's literature is a common situation when the prototype is a child, which is told by the story (as if about him). Lewis Carroll told the story of Alice in Wonderland, rushing in a boat with Alice Liddell, James Barry told the fairy tales about the little girl in Peter Pan to his older brothers, just as Christopher Robin became a character of Alexander Milna's fairy tales, and the daughter of Kira Bulyuchev is Alice Selieva. Obviously, on such heroes, the features of a real child are not so much tolerated, as the desired features are concentrated. But the name, on the contrary, always remains real.

Examples of prototypes of heroes

  • The prototype of the hero of the film "Some old people are going into battle" The commander of the squadron commander of Captain Alexei Titarenko ("Maestro") - Hero of the Soviet Union Vitaly Popkov (1922-2010).
  • The prototype of the hero of the film "Shield and Sword" Johann Weissa - Soviet intelligence officer Alexander Svyatogorov (1913-2008).
  • The prototype of the hero of the book and the film "Denisian stories" Denisky - Denis Dragunsky, son of the Soviet Writer Viktor Dragunsky.
  • The prototype of the hero "Tale of the present person" is the hero of the Soviet Union, Alexey Maresyev (1916-2001).
  • The prototype of the hero of the song "Kombat" performed by the group "Lube" - the hero of the Soviet Union Valery Eastotine (born on November 20, 1952).
  • The prototype Hero of the poem K. M. Simonov "" Lieutenant Petrova (Lönki) - Lieutenant I. A. Loskutov (1918-1994).
  • Possible prototypes of the Hero of Roman Julian Semenova "Seventeen Moments of Spring" and the legendary Motheric Soviet artistic telephone "Seventeen Moments of Spring" Standandfürera SS Stirlitsa - Soviet intelligence officers of Yakov Blumkin (1900-1929), Alexander Korotkov (1909-1961), Isai Borovov, Anatoly Gurevich, Norman Borodin (1911-1974), as well as an employee of Gestapo, Hauptsturmführer SS and criminal inspector Willie Lehman (1884-1942).
  • The prototype of the Hero of Roman Alexander Duma "Three Musketeer" Chevalle D "Artanna - Charles of Rude de Batz de Castelmore D" Artanyan. Also, the main character of the novel "Countess de Monsoro" Louis de Clermont Count De Burstie Senor D "Amboise is written off from a real person with the same name.

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  • Altman M. S. Russian writers and scientists in Russian literature XIX century. // Articles and materials / N. A. Dobrolyubov .. - Gorky, 1965.
  • Andronikova M. I. From the prototype to the image. - m., 1974.


see also

Excerpt characterizing the character prototype

- Oh, please, forgive me! - Hasting, I exclaimed. - You shouted that I rushed with a fright, where I look ...
- Well, nothing, next time we will be careful. - Soothed Stella.
I got on my forehead from such a statement! ..
- And what will be the next "next" times ??? - Hoping for "no," I asked carefully.
- Well, of course! They live here! - Friendly "reassured" me brave the girl.
- And what are we doing then? ..
- We save someone, did you forget? - Stella was sincerely surprised.
And I can see from all this horror, our "rescue expedition" completely flew out of the head. But I immediately tried to gather as quickly as possible, so as not to show Stella that I really frightened very much.
- You do not think, I have a whole day of braids after the first time! - More cheerful said baby.
I just wanted to kiss her! Somehow, seeing that I was ashamed for my weakness, she managed to make so that I immediately felt well again.
"Are you really thinking that there may be dad and brother a little Leah? .." From the heart I am wondering, I asked her again.
- Sure! They just could steal. - Stella answered quite calmly.
- How to steal? And who?..
But the baby did not have time to answer ... because of the dense trees, something becomes funny than our first "familiar". It was something incredibly yurt and strong, with a small, but very powerful body, a strange sticky "network" from its volute neat nest. We did not even have to be frustrated, as both in her got together ... Stella with a fright became similar to a small disheveled council - her big blue eyes were like two huge sauce, with splashes of horror by interior.
It was necessary to come up with something urgently, but for some reason my head was completely empty, no matter how I tried something sensible there ... And "Spider" (we will be further called it, for the lack of the best), meanwhile, pretty dragged us, apparently, in his nest, preparing "dinner" ...
- Where are people? - I almost choking, I asked.
"Oh, you saw - the people here are full." More than anywhere ... But they, most, worse than these animals ... and they will not help us.
- And what should we do now? - Mentally "knocking his teeth," I asked.
- Remember when you showed me your first monsters, did you hit them with a green beam? - Again, again, ozornokly sparkling with his eyes, (again, faster it across it!), Stella asked hersally. - Let `s together?..
I realized that, fortunately, she was still going to give up. And I decided to try, because you still have nothing to lose ...
But we did not have time to hit, because the spider at that moment stopped sharply and we feeling a strong push, with all myah we got on the ground ... Apparently, he dragged us to his home much earlier than we assumed ...
We found themselves in a very strange room (unless of course it could be so called). Inside was dark and reigned full silence... very smelled mold, smoke and bark of some unusual tree. And only from time to time some weak sounds were heard, similar to moans. As if "suffering" had no strength at all ...
- You can't you somehow light it? - I quietly asked Stella.
"I have already tried, but for some reason it doesn't work ..." Baby answered the whisper.
And immediately right in front of us caught fire a tiny light.
- That's all I can. - Girly sighed sadly
With such a dim, stingy lighting, she looked very tired and as it would have matured. I forgotten that this amazing wonderful child was just nothing for this - five years old! .. Probably, her such times a serious, nonsense conversation or her adult attitude to life, or all this combined, forced to forget that in reality She is still a very tiny girl who is in this moment It should have been scary to horror. But she worried everything courageously, and even she was going to fight ...
- See who is it here? - whispered baby.
And looked into the darkness, I saw strange "shelves", on which, as in the dryer, people lay.
- Mom? .. Is that you, mom ??? - quietly whispered surprised thin voice. - How did you find us?
I first did not understand that the child was addressed to me. It is completely forgotten for what we came here, I only realized that they ask me when Stella pushed me with a cam in the side.
- And we do not know how their name is! .. - I whispered.
- Lia, what are you doing here? - I was already a man's voice.
- I am looking for, daddy. - Vote Lii mentally answered Stella.
- And how did you get here? I asked.
- Surely, just like you ... - was a quiet answer. - We walked along the shore of the lake, and did not see that there was some kind of "failure" ... so we failed there. And there I was waiting for this beast ... What are we going to do?
- Leave. - I tried to answer as calm as possible.
- And the rest? Do you want to leave them all?!. - Shella whispered.
- No, of course, I do not want! But how are you going to take them from here? ..
It opened some strange, round laz and viscous, the red light blinded his eyes. He squeezed his head with ticks and a deadly wanted to sleep ...
- Hold on! Just do not sleep! - Skrew Stella. And I realized that it went to us some strong action, apparently, we needed a terrible essentially, we needed completely inappropriate, so that he could freely make some kind of "ritual".
"We will not be able to ..." Stella herself. - Well, why not work? ..
And I thought it was absolutely right. We both were just children who, without thinking, went into a very dangerous journey to live, and now they didn't know how to get out of this.
Suddenly Stella removed our superimposed "images" and we again became themselves.