Aseev epics for the head of the Bogatyr. For the head of the Bogatyr

Aseev epics for the head of the Bogatyr. For the head of the Bogatyr
Aseev epics for the head of the Bogatyr. For the head of the Bogatyr

Under the city of Kiev, in a wide steppe of the cition, stood a Bogatyr wrap. Ataman on the outstanding old Ilya Muromets, rebuilt Dobryny Nikitich, Esaul Alyosha Popovich. And the warriors are brave:

Grishka - Boyarsky Son, Vasily Dolgopoli, and everyone is good.
Three years are the warriors at the outpage, do not miss any hiking, nor equestrian. Past of them and the beast do not slip, and the bird will not fly.
Once I ran past the oblast of Morneetka, and he left his fur coat. Falcon fluttered, fell dropped.
Once in an unkind hour, the boat worshihs were scanned: Alyosha went to Kiev, Dobrynya went to hunt, and Ilya Muromets fell asleep in his white tent ...
Dobrynya rides from hunting and suddenly sees: in the field, behind the head, closer to Kiev, a trace of Konsky's hoof, and not a small trail, but in a stick. Became Dobrynya trail to consider:
- This is a trace of the horse of Bogatyr. Bogatyrsky horse, but not Russian: I drove past our outpost, mighty bogatyr from the Kazar land - I was hobbied in their own hoofs. I put a kind of Dobrynya for Zava, gathered comrades:
- What did we do? What are we for the observation, how did you go past someone else's warrior? How are we, brothers, did not treat? We must now go to the chase after him so that he does not do in Russia.
Steel warriors to judge, rod, who to go for a stranger warmer.
Thought to send Vaska Dolgopologo, and Ilya Muromets did not tell Vaska:
"Vaska has a lot of vaska, Vaska walks on the ground, brazed, in a fight, in vain will die.
Thought to send the Boyarsky Grick.
Says Ataman Ilya Muromets:
- Very, the children, they decided. Mushka genus Boyarsky, boyars is scratched. Start in battle boasts and dying will die.
Well, they want to send Alyusha Popovich. And Ilya Murometh does not allow him:
"It's no offense to him says, Alyosha Rod Popovsky, Popov's eyes envy, hands rumbling." Alyosha will see a lot of silver yes gold, causing and dying in vain. And we send, brothers, better than the good Nikitich.

So they decided - to go to Dobrynushka, to beat Alienna, cut down his head and bring you to make a younger.
Dobrynya did not learn from work, said the horse, took the closet, joined the saber sharp, took a silk whip, drove to Mount Sorochinskaya. I looked at Dobrynya in the Tube Silver - sees: something drawn in the field. Dobrynya rushed right on the hero, shouted him with a loud voice:
"Why don't you pass our feeding, Ataman Ilya Muromets people don't beat, Esuul Alesh duties in the treasury do not put it?!
He heard the Bogatyr Dobryny, turned his horse, crushed to him. From his scope, the land was crying out of the rivers, the water splashed out of the rivers, the horse of Dobryni fell on his knees. Dobrynya was frightened, turned the horse, crushed back to the stamping. He comes nor either dead, tells all comrades.
"It can be seen, to me, old, he himself will have to go to the pure field, since even Dobrynya did not cope," says Ilya Muromets.
He was going on, saddled the borushka and drove to the mountain Sorochinsky.
Ilya watched Meldetsky's fist and sees: he droves the bogatyr, tears. He throws the blind weight into the sky into the sky in ninety pounds, on the summer she catches the terrace with one hand, turns it, like a pedestal.
Ilya was surprised, he was thinking. Hugged him a brush Kosmatushka:
"Oh, you, Burushko my kosmatinsky, serve you to me faith, so that I would not quit it alien to my head.
Burushka nailed, crushed at the tag.
Ilya drove up and shouted:
- Hey you, thief, pitching! Why do you boast?! Why did you make a stamina, Esuulu did not put our duties, I did not beat atman, my chela?!
His pussher heard, turned his horse, crushed to Ilya Muromet. The land shuddered under him, rivers, lakes spilled out.
Ilya Muromets was not frightened. A brush stands like inserted, Ilya in the saddle will not get drowned.
Cut the warriors, hit the shutters, - the shutters fell off the knots, and each other was not wounded. The sabers hit - sabers bouquet were broken, and both are intact. The sharp spears broke - shouted spears on the making.
- Know, you have to beat our srawle!
They agreed with horses, grabbed her breasts.
Begging all day until the evening, fights from the evening until midnight, fighting from midnight to a clear dawn - no top takes.
Suddenly, Ilya waved his right hand, slipped with his left foot and fell on the crude land. Pickup plugged, sat down on his chest, took out a sharp knife, mocking:
- Old old old man, why did you fight? Don't you have warriors in Russia? It's time to you on peace. You would build a loaf of a pine, I would collect alms, the would have lived, waiting for early death.
So the pichalmale is mocking, and Ilya from the Russian land is recruited. Ilya has arrived in the middle of the power - it will jump how to throw a plow! It flew above the forests of standing, above the clouds of walking, fell and went to the ground in the belt.
Tells him Ilya:
- Well, nice you are warmer! I will let you go to all four sides, only you come away with Rusi, yes, another time I will not make a couple, Bay Broma Ataman, pay duties. Do not brow in Rus plower.
And Ilya did not chop his head.
Ilya looked at the boys.
- Well, "says," my brothers are cute, thirty years I drive around the field, I fight with heronts, I try strength, and I didn't see such a hero!

At the head of the Bogatyr. Epics

Under the city of Kiev, in a wide steppe of the cition stood a Bogatyr wrap. Ataman on the outstanding old Ilya Muromets, rebuilt Dobryny Nikitich, Esaul Alyosha Popovich. And the warriors have brave: Grishka - Boyarsky Son, Vasily Dolgovoly, and everyone is good. Three years are the warriors at the outpage, do not miss any hiking, nor equestrian. Past of them and the beast do not slip, and the bird will not fly. Once I ran past the oblast of Morneetka, and he left his fur coat. Falcon fluttered, fell dropped. Once in an unkind hour, the boat worshihs were scanned: Alyosha went to Kiev, Dobrynya went to hunt, and Ilya Muromets fell asleep in his white tent ...

Dobrynya rides from hunting and suddenly sees: in the field, behind the head, closer to Kiev, a trace of Konsky's hoof, and not a small trail, but in a stick. Became the Dobrynya travelers to consider: - This is a mark of the horse of the Bogatyr. Bogatyr horse, but not Russian: I drove past our outpost mighty bogatyr from the Kazar land - in their middle an hoof. Skazed Dobrynya for the stamping, gathered his comrades: - What did we make it? What are we for the observation, how did you go past someone else's warrior? How are we, brothers, did not treat? We must now go to the chase after him so that he does not do in Russia. Steel warriors to judge, rod, who to go for a stranger warmer. I thought to send Vaska Dolgolovoy, and Ilya Muromets did not tell the Vaska: - Vaska is long, Vaska walks on the ground, woven in battle and in vain.

Thought to send the Boyarsky Grick. Says Ataman Ilya Muromets: - It is easy, the children, they decided. Grishka genus Boyarsky, boyars boastful. Start in battle boasts and dying will die. Well, they want to send Alyusha Popovich. And Ilya Muromets does not allow him: - No offense is told to him, Alyosha Rod Popovsky, Popov's eyes envy, rush hands. He will see Alyosha in alien, many silver and gold, will envy and dare in vain. And we send, brothers, better than the good Nikitich. So they decided - to go to Dobrynushka, to beat Alienna, cut down his head and bring you to make a younger. Dobrynya did not learn from work, said the horse, took the closet, joined the saber sharp, took a silk whip, drove to Mount Sorochinskaya.

I looked at Dobrynya in the Tube Silver - sees: something drawn in the field. Dobrynya rushed right on the hero, shouted him with a loud voice: "Why don't you pass, Ataman Ilya Muromets people don't beat the duties to the treasury in the treasury?! He heard the Bogatyr Dobryny, turned his horse, crushed to him. From his Skoka, the land scared, from rivers, the water splashed out of the rivers, the horse Dobrynin fell on his knees. Dobrynya was frightened, turned the horse, crushed back to the stamping. He comes nor alive, nor dead, tells all comrades. "I can see, the old one, myself will have to go to the pure field, since I didn't cope with Dobrynya," says Ilya Muromets. He was going on, saddled the borushka and drove to the mountain Sorochinsky. Ilya watched Meldetsky's fist and sees: he droves the bogatyr, tears. He throws into the sky to the sky with an iron weight in ninety pounds, on the summer she catches the terrace with one hand, turns it, like a feathel. Ilya was surprised, thought

He hugged the Burushka-Kosmatushka: - Oh, you, the bruss of my cosmodest, serve me faith-truth, so as not to quiet me alien head. Burushka nailed, crushed at the tag. Ilya drove up and shouted: - hey you, thief, pitching! Why do you boast?! Why did you make a stamina, Esuulu did not put our duties, I did not beat atman, my chela?! His pitching pulled, turned his horse, crushed to Ilya Mu Romzka. The land shuddered under him, rivers, lakes spilled out. Ilya Muromets was not frightened. A brush stands like inserted, Ilya in the saddle will not get drowned. Cut the warriors, hit the shutters, - the shutters fell off the knots, and each other was not wounded. The sabers hit, - broken bouquet sabers, and both are well. Sweet spears broke, - shouted spears on the gloves! - Know, you have to beat our srawle! They came up with horses, grabbed her breasts.

Begging all day until the evening, fight from the evening until midnight, fight from midnight to a clear dawn, - no top takes. Suddenly, Ilya waved his right hand, slipped with his left foot and fell on the crude land. Pickup plugged, I sat down on my chest, took out a sharp knife, mocking: - You old are old man, why did you go to fight? Don't you have warriors in Russia? It's time to you on peace. You would build a loaf of a pine, I would collect alms, the would have lived, waiting for early death. So the pichalmale is mocking, and Ilya from the Russian land is recruited. Ilya of the power twice, it's how "will jump, as the pupil throws up! Flying the above" the forests of standing, above the walking clouds, fell and went to the ground in the belt. He is telling him Ilya: - Well, nice you are warmer! I will let you go to all four sides, only you S. Rusi away Leave Yes, another time I will not make a minute, Bay Broma Ataman, pay duties. Do not brow in Rus plower. And Ilya did not chop his head. Ilya looked at the boys. - Well, says, -Bracts are my lovely, thirty years I drive around the field, I fight with heronts, I try strength, and I haven't dressed such a hero!


Bogatyr audio fairy tale "For the Outstation of the Bogatyr". 1. "Under the city of Kiev, in a wide steppe of Citsak, the Bogatyr wader was stood. Ataman on the outstanding old Ilya Muromets, Dobryna Nikitich, Esuul Alyosha Popovich. And the warriors are brave: Grishka - Boyarsky Son, Vasily Dolgopolny ..." missed once, There were no cheerful heroes of the mighty hero. "From the Kazar land - invested hoofs of the hoof ... became the warriors to judge, to ride, who had to go for someone's warriors ... - Vaska floods a long, Vaska walks on the ground, in vain will die in battle. .. Grishka genus Boyarsky, boyarine is boastful. Start in battle boasts and dying ... Alyosha Rod Popovsky, Popov's eyes envy, hands rumbling. He will see Alyosha on alien Silver and in vain, ...
2. Dobrynya was frightened, turned the horse, rushed back to the stamping ... Ilya was surprised, he was thinking. He hugged the Burushka-Kosmatushka: - Oh, you, Burushko my (horse Ilya Muromets) Kosmatinsky, all the way you faithfully, so that I could not quit it the head of my head ... I went down the bogaties, hit the shutters, - the shutters fell off The warriors were not injured. The sabers hit - sabers bouquet were broken, and both are intact. The sharp spears broke - shouted spears on the making. - It is necessary to fight in hand! -... plowing calves, and Ilya from the Russian land of the forces is recruited ... how he will jump, how to throw a spiker! .. And Ilya didn't chop his head ... "

the town of Kiev, in the wide steppe of the cition stood a Bogatyr wrap. Ataman on the outstanding Old Ilya Muromets, under Ataman Dobrynya Nikitich, Esaul Alesha Popovich. And the warriors have brave: Grishka - Boyarsky Son, Vasily Dolgovoly, and everyone is good.

Three years are the warriors at the outpage, do not miss any hiking, nor equestrian. Past of them and the beast do not slip, and the bird will not fly. Once it ran past the oblast of the Mountains and left his fur coat. Floating Falcon Yes Pen dropped.

Once in an unfaithful hour, the warriors of Karawychiki disambled: Alyosha went to Kiev, Dobrynya went to hunt, and Ilya Muromets fell asleep in his white tent ...

Dobrynya is going with hunting and suddenly sees: in the field behind the head, closer to Kiev, a trace of Konsky's hoof, and not a small trail, but in a stick. Became the Dobrynya trail to consider.

This is a trace of the horse of Bogatyr. Bogatlish horse, yes not Russian; I drove past our outpost mighty bogatyr from the Khazar land - the hoofs are hobbied.

Skazed Dobrynya for the stamping, gathered his comrades:

What did we do? What are we for the observation, how did you go past someone else's warrior? How are we, brothers, did not treat? We must now go to the pursuit of the spinner so that he does not do something in Russia.

Steel warriors to judge, ride, who to go beyond the pulp.

Thought to send Vaska Dolgopologo, and Ilya Muromets did not tell Vaska:

Vaska floors long, Vaska walks on the ground, woven, in a fight, in vain will die.

Thought to send the Boyarsky Grick. Says Ataman Ilya Muromets:

It is impossible, the children, they decided. Grishka genus Boyarsky, boyars boastful. Start in bat boast and dying will die.

Well, they want to send Alyosha Popovich. And Ilya Murometh does not allow him:

No offense, if he was told, Alyosha's family Popovsky, Popov's eyes envy, rush hands. He will see Alyosha on the spiker a lot of silver and gold, envy and dare in vain. And we will send, brothers, better than the good Nikitich.

So they decided - to go Dobrynushka, to beat the piquer, cut down his head and bring you to make a younger.

Dobrynya did not learn from work, said the horse, took the closet, joined the saber sharp, took a silk whip, drove to Mount Sorochinskaya. I looked at Dobrynya in the silver tube - sees: in the field something drawn. Skagal Dobrynya right on the praise, shouted him with a loud voice:

Why do you miss our feeding, Ataman Ilya Muromstsu brow do not beat, Esuulu Alyosha duties in the treasury do not put?!

He heard the Bogatyr Dobryny, turned the horse, he poured to him. From his scope, the land was crying, from the river-lakes the water splashed out, the horse of Dobryni fell on his knees. Dobrynya was frightened, turned the horse, crushed back to the stamping. It comes nor alive, it tells all comrades.

It can be seen, to me, old, he will have to go to the pure field, since even Dobrynya did not cope, "says Ilya Muromets.

He was going on, saddled the borushka and drove to the mountain Sorochinsky.

Ilya watched Meldetsky's fist and sees: he droves the bogatyr, tears. He throws in the sky to the face of the Iron Weight in ninety pounds, on the summer she catches the terrace with one hand, turns it like a feathel.

Ilya was surprised, he was thinking. He hugged the Burushka-Kosmatushka:

Oh, you, Burushko my Kosmaty, allowed to me faithfully, so as not to quiet me alien head.

Burushka nailed, rocked on the pulp. Ilya drove up and shouted:

Hey you, thief, pitching! Why did you make a stamina, Esuulu did not put our duties, I did not beat atman, my chela?!

His pussher heard, turned his horse, crushed to Ilya Muromet. The earth shuddered under him, the lake rivers spilled out.

Ilya Muromets was not frightened. A brush stands like inserted, Ilya in the saddle will not get drowned.

Cut the warriors, hit the shutters - the feet of the handle fell off, and the hectares did not hurt each other. The sabers hit - sabers bouquet were broken, and both are intact. Sharp spears broke - shook a spear on the gloves!

Know, you need to beat our srawle! They came up with horses, grabbed her breasts.

Begging all day until the evening, fights from the evening until midnight, fighting from midnight to a clear dawn - no top takes.

Suddenly, Ilya waved his right hand, slipped with his left foot and fell on the crude land. Pickup plugged, sat down on his chest, took out a sharp knife, mocking:

Old you old man, why did you fight? Don't you have warriors in Russia? It's time to you on peace. You would build a loaf of a pine, I would collect alms, the would have lived, waiting for early death.

So the pichalmale is mocking, and Ilya from the Russian land is recruited. Elee forces arrived by twice, - it will jump how to throw a plow! The top of the forests of standing, above the clouds of walking, fell and went to the ground in the belt.

Tells him Ilya:

Well, nice you are warmer! I will let you go to all four sides, only you come away with Rusi, yes, another time I will not make a couple, Bay Broma Ataman, pay duties. Do not brow in Rus plower.

And Ilya did not chop his head.

Ilya looked at the boys.

Well, "says," my brothers are lovely, thirty years I drive around the field, I fight with heronts, I try strength, and I didn't see such a hero!

So Dobrynya was held eleven caves, and in the twelfth found fun with Putyish: hanging the princess on the crude wall, kicked by gold chains. Talling the chains Dobrynyushka, removed the princess from the wall, took him on his arms, made free light from the cave.

And she stands on her legs, it closes his eyes from light, does not look at Dobrynya. She launched her Dobrynya on green grass, fed, drove away, covered with a cloak, he himself relax.

So the sun rolled in the evening, Dobrynynya woke up, saddled the Burushka and woke up the princess. Dobrynya sat down at the horse, put fun in front of himself and went to the way. And there is no circle of people and the score, all the best to the belt is bowed, thanks for salvation, in their lands rushing.

He left Dobrynya in the yellow steppe, spurred a horse and leaving the fun of Putyish to Kiev.

Dobryny Nikitich in the departure

Little, a lot of time has passed, the Dobrynya was married to the daughter of Mikuly Selininovich - Young Nastasya Mikulishna.

Only the year of Dobrynya and his wife lived in a quiet house, he sends prince Vladimir once behind him and tells him:

"Full up to you, Dobrynya, sit at home, you need to rule the prince's service." Go, to calculate the right way to the Golden Horde to Beketu Beketovich. On the way, the evil black raven flies, does not give Russian people to nor pass. And then go to Chud Bolanosis, get a tribute from it for ten years and go back to the Sarazinsky kingdom stubborn, so as not to dare to go against Kiev.

Dobrynya has seal, but there is nothing to do.

Returned home, Mamelf Timofeevna passed to Mother and became her bitterly complaining:

- Why do you need me, Mother, Unhappy, gave birth? It would be wrapped me in a flaxed rag, yes would throw a pebble in the blue sea. I would lay at the bottom, I would not go to distant countries, I would not kill people, I would not pee alien mothers, I would not be sirred by small kids.

Mamelf Timofeevna answers him:

"I would be glad, Dobrynyushka, to crumble you in courage to Ilya Muromets, by force in the Sagitra's hectare, trick in Wolga Vsovlavovich, beauty in Joseph beautiful, but it is not in my hands. And you yourself are not bad, Dobrynyushka, there is no need to nose on someone else's happiness. What did you get so sad?

- She sends me the prince in other people's edges, to beat with black raven, to put up with Sarcins, with the ballowee-eyed to take Dani.

Mamelf Timofeevna, ran in the terrace to Nastasya Mikulishna:

- What are you sitting, Nastasyushka, shit gold? We had trouble on the courtyard: our clear falcon departs, Dobrynyushka is leaving for many years.

Nastasya mikulishna ran out of a terche in one white shirt without a belt, in thin stockings without smoking, soldered to the tears of Dobrynyushki, began to cry bitterly, asking:

- Where are you leaving, my falcon, will you wait for a husband for a long time?

- Expect me, wife, six years old. And six years will pass and do not return home - it means I folded my bright head. Well, then you want to live: even a widow, even marry go. Want - go for the prince, for Boyarin, you want - go for a simple peasant, do not go only for Alyosh Popovich.

Dobrynya waved and was such. It's not a path, he went, not a gate, but rearranged through the city wall, only the dust in the steppe wondered ...

The day after the day it rains rain, a week for a week as grass grows, year after year as the river runs.

Sitting Nastasya Mikulishna has a terry window, the eye does not descend the eye, a cute husband waits.

Three years have passed - there is no good one from the pure field.

And again the days go, the weeks are running, years stretch ...

Crying Nastasya Mikulishna, the eye does not dry, it does not leave the window.

Three years have passed - there is no good one from the pure field.

Not two gray clarops fly together, not two white winchs fly away, sit down hugging a mother yes wife, bitter tears pour. Suddenly, Alyoshenka Leontievich comes to them and brings sad news:

- I was driving past the Safat River, I saw the good Nikitich. Lies Dobrynya in a clean field, head in Rakita bush, legs on the nick grass. Through the yellow curls of the grass sprouted, the flowers were blooming.

Gorky cried Mamelf Timofeevna, became her hair from black silver. And Nastasya Mikulishna became Vladimir-Prince to persuade:

- Bad to live a young widow, let me suck you, at least for the prince, at least for Boyarin, even for the Russian mighty hero.

"I waited for a good one for him for six years, in his will I would wait for another six years." And it will not be home, then - your will, prince.

Here, Denechek for the day, how rain will rain, and the girdle behind the little one like falcon flies.

Flying and six years.

End of a familiarization fragment.

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