Russian Matryoshka: folk fishing. History of Russian Matryushki

Russian Matryoshka: folk fishing. History of Russian Matryushki
Russian Matryoshka: folk fishing. History of Russian Matryushki

When and where did Matryushka appeared, who came up with it? Why is a wooden folding doll-toy called "Matryoshka"? Which symbolizes such a unique work folk creativity? Let's try to answer these and other questions.

From the very first attempts to find intelligible answers it turned out to be impossible - the information about Matriuska was quite confusing. So, for example, there are Matryoshki Museums, in the media and on the Internet, you can read many interviews and articles on this topic. But museums or exposures in museums, as well as numerous publications, as it turned out, is mainly different art samples Matryshki manufactured in different regions of Russia and in different time. But little says about true origin Matryoshki.

To begin with, I remind the main versions of the myths, regularly rewritten under the carbon and walkers on the pages of various publications.

Frequently repeated well-known version: Matryushka appeared in Russia at the end of the 19th century, he invented her artist Malyutin, I drew the stars of stars in the workshop " Baby education»Mamontov, and the prototype of the Russian Matryushka served as a figurine of one of the seven japanese gov Good luck - the god of learning and wisdom of Fukuruma. He is a fururochum, he is a futukoo (in different sources Specified different transcription name).

Another version of the appearance of the future Matryoshka in Russia - allegedly the first to reach a similar toy a certain Russian Orthodox monk-missionary who visited Japan and copied the composite toy with Japanese. Immediately agree: accurate information from where the legend of the mythical monk came from - no, and there is no specific information in any source. Moreover, some strange monk is obtained from the point of view of elementary logic: would the Christian be copied to the pagan, in fact, the deity? What for? I liked the toy? Doubtful, although from the point of view of borrowing and desire to remake on their own way, possibly. It reminds the legend of "Christian inquins who fought with the enemies of Russia", but we we called (after baptism!) For some reason pagan names Peresvet and obscure.

Third version - japanese figure As if they were brought from Honshu Island in 1890 to the Mammoth Manor in Abramtsevo. "The Japanese toy was a secret: in the ancient Fukurum hid his whole family hid. In one of the environments, when the art elite was running in the estate, the hostess showed a fun figure. The turbulent toy interested in the artist Sergei Malyutina, and he decided to do something similar. The Japanese deity he, of course, did not repeat, made sketch of the peasant young lady in a colorful handkerchief. And so that she looked like her believed, painted her black rooster. The next young lady was with a sickle in hand. Another one - Carable Bread. How sisters without a brother - and he appeared in the painted shirt. A whole family, friendly and hardworking.

It was ordered by the best turner of Sergiyevo-Posek teaching workshops by V. Star. The first Matrius stores the Museum of Toys in Sergiev Posad. Brushed with gouache, it looks not very festive.

Here we are all Matriot and Matryoshka ... But after all, this doll and the names were not. And when the turner did it, and the artist painted, then the name came by itself - Matrius. They also say, on Abrahamsky evenings, tea served a servant with such a name. Try at least a thousand names - and no better to this wooden doll is suitable. "

Let us dwell while at this moment. Judging by the above passage, the first Matrista dulp in Sergiev Posad. But, first of all, the starrel turner did not work until 1905 in Sergiev Posad workshops! This will be discussed below. Secondly, other sources say that "she was born (Matryoshka - approx.) It was here, in Leontyevsky Lane (in Moscow - approx.), In the house number 7, where the workshop" Child Education "was previously located, Beloved Anatoly Ivanovich Mamontov, the brother of the famous Savva. Anatoly Ivanovich, like his brother, was fond of national Art. In his workshop, artists constantly worked on the creation of new toys for children. And one of the samples made in the form of a wooden doll, which was turned on the lathe and depicted a peasant girl in a handkerchief and apron. This doll was revealed, and there was another peasant girl, in her - another ... ".

Thirdly, dubious the fact that Matrista could appear in 1890 or 1891, what further will be said in more detail.

There was already a confusion, according to the principle of "who, where and when was, Ile was not." Perhaps the most painstaking, careful and weighted study conducted Irina Sotnikov, her article "Who invented Matryoshka" can be found on the Internet. The arguments that the author leads the author of the study, the most objectively reflect the real facts of the appearance of such an unusual toy as Matryoshka, in Russia.

ABOUT accurate date The appearance of Matryushki I. Sotnikova writes the following: "... sometimes the appearance of Matryoshka dates 1893-1896, because These dates managed to establish on the reports and reports of the Moscow provincial Zemstvo administration. In one of these reports for 1911, N.D. Bartram 1 writes that Matryushka appeared on the light of about 15 years ago, and in 1913, in the report of the Bureau of the Kustar Council, he reports that the first Matriuska was created 20 years ago. That is, it is quite problematic to rely on such approximate messages, so in order to avoid mistakes, the end of the 19th century is usually called, although there is a mention and 1900, when Matriashka won recognition at the World Exhibition in Paris, and the orders for its manufacture appeared abroad. "

Further, a very curious note is followed about the artist Malyutin, whether he is actually the author of the sketch of Matryushki: "All researchers, without claiming, call him the author of the sketch of Matryushki. But the sketch itself in the heritage of the artist is not. There is no evidence that the artist has ever done this sketch. Moreover, the starrel turner attributes the honor of the invention Matriots to himself, absolutely not mentioned Malyutina. "

As for the origin of our Russian matretory from the Japanese Fukuruma, then the starrel about Fukurum does not mention anything. Now you should pay attention to an important detail, for some reason escaping from other researchers, although it is seen, as they say, a non-equipped eye - it is about a certain ethical moment. If you take as the basis of the version of the "origin of the Matryoshka from Fukurum's sage", there is a rather strange feeling - she and he, i.e. Russian Matryushka, they say, happened from him, from the Japanese sage. A symbolic analogy with the Old Testament fairy tale was suspiciously suspicious, where Eva created from Adam's edge (i.e., it happened from him, and not vice versa, as it occurs naturally in nature). A very strange impression is developing, but we will talk about the symbolism of the Matryushki below.

Let's return to the study by Sotnikova: "This is how the Matryoshki Star Tokar describes the emergence:" ... in 1900 (!) Year, I invent three- and six hundred (!) Matrius and send to the exhibition to Paris. Worked for Mamontov for 7 years. In 1905, V.I. Borutsky 2 writes me to Sergiev Posad in the Moscow workshop provincial leaving as a master. " From the materials of autobiography V.P. Star, written in 1949, it is known that the starbank entered the workshop "Children's Education" in 1898 (he came from the village of Schubino Podolsky district). So Matryushka could not be born earlier than 1898. Since the memories of the masters were written almost 50 years later, for their accuracy, it is still difficult to vouch for their accuracy, so it is possible to date the appearance of the Matryushki approximately 1898-1900. As you know, the World Exhibition in Paris opened in April 1900, it means that this toy was created a little earlier, perhaps in 1899. By the way, at the Parisian exhibition, Mammoth received a bronze medal for toys. "

And what about the shape of the toy and borrowed the starring the idea of \u200b\u200ba future matryoshka, or not? Or all the same, the original sketch of the figurine created the artist Malyutin?

« Interesting Facts managed to collect E.N. Schulgina, which in 1947 became interested in the history of the creation of Matryushki. From the conversations with an asterisk, she learned that he saw somehow in the magazine "Suitable Chock" and for her sample I drew a figure that had a "laughter's kind, reminded that a monastery" was "deaf" (did not reveal). On the advice of Masters Belova and Konovalov, he pulled it out otherwise, then they showed a toy Mamontov, who approved the product and gave it to paint the group of artists who worked somewhere on Arbat. This toy was taken to the exhibition in Paris. Mammoths got to her order, and then Borutsky bought samples and distributed them to herds.

Probably, we will never be able to know exactly about the participation of S.V. Malyutina in creating Matryushka. According to memories V.P. A starrel It turns out that the Matryoshki form came up with himself, but about the painting of the toy the master could also be forgotten, many years have passed, the events were not fixed: after all, no one could and suggest that Matryushka would be glorified. S.V. Malyutin at the time collaborated with the publishing house A.I. Mammont, illustrated books, so that he could well paint the first nestling, and then other masters painted the toy for his sample. "

Let us return once again to the study of I. Sotnikova, where she writes that initially there was no consent in the number of matryoshki in one set - unfortunately, and on this expense there are confusion in different sources:

"Tokar Stargirl argued that he originally made two matresses: three- and six-bed. In the museum of toys in Sergiev Posad, an eight-month Matrista is kept, which is considered the first, the very round girl in Sundar, the apron, a handkerchief in a flower, which holds in the hand of a black rooster. Three sisters are followed behind her, brother, two more sisters and an infant. Very often it is argued that the dolls were not eight, and seven, they say also that girls and boys alternated. For a set stored in the museum, it is not.

Now about the prototype of matryoshki. Was there Fukurum? Some doubt, although why then this legend appeared, and Lee Legend? It seems to be a wooden god so far kept in the museum toys in Sergiev Posad. Perhaps this is also one of the legends. By the way, N.D. Bartram, director of the toy museum, doubted that Matryushka "was borrowed by us from the Japanese. Japanese large masters In the field of turning toys. But they are not similar to all of the well-known "cokes" in the principle of their construction on the Matrius. "

Who is our mysterious Fukurum, good-natured bald sage, where did he come from? ... By tradition, the Japanese on New Year Temples on luck dedicated to the deities of good luck are visited and their small figurines are acquired there. Maybe the legendary Fukuruma contained six other luck deities within himself? This is just our assumption (rather controversial).

V.P. The starrel does not mention Fukurum at all - the saint figure, which laid out into two parts, then another old man appeared and so on. Note that in Russian folk crafts, the ribbed wooden products were also very popular, for example, well-known Easter eggs. So there was Fukurum, there was no it, it was difficult to know, but not so important. Who remembers him now? But our Matryoshka knows and loves all the world! ".

Name Matryushki.

Why was the original wooden doll-toy called "Matriotka"? Alsomely, all researchers refer to the fact that this name comes from the female name of Matrön, common in Russia: "The name of Matrön occurred from the Latin Matrona, which means" noble woman ", the Matron was written in the church, among the diminutive names: Motya, Motina, Matyusha, Matyusha, Olya, Matusya, Tusya, Musya. That is, the theoretically, the nepheusca could be called and Motka (or Muska). It sounds, of course, strange, although the worse, for example, "Martushka"? Also a good and widespread name - Martha. Or Agafya, by the way, the popular painting on the china is called "Agashka". Although agree that the "Matryshka" name is very successful, the doll really became "noble".

Matron's name itself does mean "noble woman" in Latin, and included in Orthodox church calendar. But as regards the approval of many researchers that Matrion - female name, very beloved and distributed in the field of peasantry in Russia, then there are curious facts. Some researchers simply forget that Russia is big. And this means that the same name, or the same image, can enter into both positive and negative, allegorical importance.

So, for example, in the "fairy tales and legends of the Northern Territory", assembled by I.V. Carnukhova, there is a fairy tale "Matrius". In which it is narrating about how the woman named Matrön was almost mistaken. In the published text, the passers-by-potential is eliminated from the lazy and harmful women and, accordingly, in the future, scares it.

In this context, Matrön is a kind of an evil wife, which the damn itself is afraid. Similar descriptions are found at Afanasyev. The plot of an evil wife, popular in the Russian north, was repeatedly recorded by the expeditions of GIIS in the "classic" versions, in particular, from A.S. Krashninnikova, 79 years old, from the village of Meskarevo Perenets County.

Symbolism Matryushki.

Considering one of the versions on the origin of the Matryushki, I already mentioned the Japanese Beginning. But is it suitable for generally in its symbolic meaning to our Matriot, the mentioned inrogen version?

On one of the forums on the subject of culture, in particular, expanded on the Internet, sounded literally the following: "The prototype of the Russian Matryoshka (also Indian roots) is a Japanese wooden doll. For the sample took a Japanese toy - Darumu, a doll-nevoshka. In its origins, it represents the image of the ancient Indian sage Daruma (Sanskr. Bodhidharma) in the V century who moved to China. His teaching in the Middle Ages was widely distributed in Japan. Daruma urged to comprehend the truth through silent contemplation, and in one of the legends he is a cave recoor, sipped from immobility. On another legend, his legs were treated from immobility (hence the rude sculptural images of Daruma).

Nevertheless, Matriuska immediately gained unprecedented recognition as a symbol of Russian folk art.

There is a belief that if you put a note with a desire inside the Matryoshka, it will certainly be fulfilled, and the more labor is invested in the Matrius, i.e. The more places in it and the qualitative paintings of Matryushki, the faster the desire will be fulfilled. Matryoshka is warm and comfort in the house. "

With the latter, it is difficult to disagree - the more places in Matriashka, i.e. The more internal figures, one less than the other, the more you can put the notes there with desires and wait when they are executed. This is a kind of game, and Matryoshka here acts as a very charming, cute, home symbol, a real work of art.

As for the eastern sage Daruma (here's another name of the "predecessor" of Matryoshki!) - Honestly, sipped from immobility, and even with the legs taken by the legs, it is extremely poorly associated with a Russian toy, in which every person sees a positive, elegant symbolic image. And because thanks to this beautiful image Our Matriashka enjoys great fame and popularity almost all over the world. The speech is not at all about the "matryoshki" in the form of male political figures (!) Floor, caricature of which enterprising shutters in the nineties flooded the whole Old Arbat in Moscow. It is primarily about the continuation of the old traditions of various schools in the painting of the Russian Matryushka, about creating different quantities (the so-called, "terrain") matretory.

In the process of working on this material, it was necessary to use and adjacent sources, not only dedicated to the topic of Russian folk toys. Do not forget that in antiquity, and not only in Russia, various decorations (female and men), household items, as well as toys cut out of wood or made of clay, played a role not just objects, causing life - but were also The carriers of a certain symbolism had some meaning. And the very concept of symbolism is closely intertwined with mythology.

So, amazing manner The coincidence of the name of the Matron, swinging (according to the generally accepted version) from Latin to Russian, with ancient Indian images:

Matri (Dr.-ind. "Mother"), the emphasis is placed on the first syllable - in Hindu mythology, divine mothers who personify creative and digitious forces Nature. Active idea female start He received wide recognition in Hinduism in connection with the spread of the Cult of Shakti. Matri was treated as female personification of the creative energy of the Great Gods: Brahma, Shiva, Scanda, Vishnu, Indra, etc. The number of matties ranged from seven to sixteen; In some texts, they were discussed as a "great set".

Does it remind you anything? Matryoshka - She's the same "mother", which symbolizes, in essence, family, and even consisting of miscellaneous number figures that symbolize children of different ages. This is no longer just a coincidence, but the proof of common, Indo-European roots, which is directly related to the Slavs.

From here, you can make the following conclusion: Figuratively speaking, if a symbolic "journey" of an unusual wooden figure begins in India, then gets its continuation in China, from there the figure falls into Japan, and then "unexpectedly" finds his place in Russia - the statement that That our Russian Matrista was copied from the figure of the Japanese sage, untenable. If only because the figure of a certain Eastern sage is not an original Japanese. Probably, the hypothesis about the extensive resettlement of the Slavs and the spread of their culture, which subsequently had its influence on the culture of other peoples, including manifested itself and in the language, and in the Divine Pantheon has a common basis for Indo-European civilization.

However, most likely, the idea of \u200b\u200ba wooden toy, which consists of several figures inserting in one to another, was inspired by the master who created Matrius, Russian fairy tales. Many, for example, know and remember the fairy tale about the Koshee, with whom Ivan-Tsarevich is struggling. For example, the plot about the search for Tsarevich " wagon death"Sounds At Afanasyev:" To make such a feat, you need extraordinary efforts and works, because the death of Koshiga is hidden away: there is a sea on the ocean, on the island on the butane there are green oak, under the way, the iron chest buried, in the cheeter cheese cheese, in the duck hare, in the duck egg; It is only possible to crush the egg - and the wagon instantly dies. "

I agree that the plot is grathed in itself, because associated with death. But here we are talking about symbolic meaning - Where is the truth hidden? The fact is that this, almost identical mythological plot It is found not only in Russian fairy tales, and even in different versionsbut also from other nations! "It is obvious that in these epic expressions, a mythical legend is tied, echoes of the prehistoric era; Otherwise, how could they of different nations So identical legends? Koschey (snakes, giant, old magicians), following the usual reception national Epos, reports the secret of his death in the form of a riddle; To resolve it, you need to substitute the metaphorical expressions in general, ".

This is our philosophical culture. And therefore, the likelihood that the master who endured Matrius, remembered and knew Russian fairy tales well - the myth on Russia was often projected in Russia real life.

In other words, one in another is hidden, concluded - and to find the truth, it is necessary to reach the essence, opening, one after another, all the "head-head caps". Maybe exactly in this and lies true meaning such a wonderful Russian toy like Matryoshka - reminder to descendants about historical memory Our people?

And it's not by chance a wonderful Russian writer Mikhail Privhanin wrote once the following: "I thought that each of us has a life like an outer shell of the folding easter egg; it seems so great it is a red egg, and this is the shell just - you will open, and there is a blue, smaller, and again the shell, and then green, and for some reason it is always a yellow egg, but it is no longer revealed, and this The most, our most. "

So it turns out that not so simple Russian Matryoshka - this component Our life.

Goncharov Konstantin Yuryevich,
valid Member of the FSA and Raen, All-Russian Heraldic Society

Report at the First International Congress "Docyrillovskaya slavic writing And prechristian slavic culture"Leningradsky state University named after A.S. Pushkin, St. Petersburg, May 12 - 14, 2008

Russia is impossible to imagine without matryoshka - sharpened wooden doll with several liners.

The first matryoshka is a complete round-rolled cheerful girl in the Russian folk dress and a slant - appeared not in ancient times, as some believe. Her prototype was the figure of the Buddhist wiser Fukuruma, which at the end of the 19th century was brought from the island of Honshu to Abramtsevo. The wooden wiser had a good-natured face and an elongated head. Inspired by this wonderful toy, tokar Vasily Starglass created a Russian nesting. Then the artist Sergey Malyutin began to paint the dolls under boys and girls. A girl in a downtown costume was drawn on the first matryshka: a handkerchief with a rooster, sundhene and apron. There were eight figures in this toy. There were images of girls and boys. The last toy was in the form of a baby.

In about 1900, Matryoshka "got" to Paris. There they were exhibited at the World Exhibition and got there a medal and world recognition. After a while, many dolls began to "walk", only for this they had to be put on an inclined plane.

What makes the nephews make. Manufacturing technique

Per long years The existence of matryoshki principles of its manufacture did not change. They are made from birch and linden. Usually, the first thing is the smallest nesting. It can be the size of rice grains. Cutting the dolls is very subtle art that needs to be studied for years. Many craftsmen even learn to pull them blindly.

Matryoshek before painting is ground, and after painting - lacine. For painting used to use gouache. Nowadays, their unique images are created using watercolor, tempera, aniline paints. However, the gouache still remains the most beloved paint artists who paint nesting. As a rule, first paints face and apron, and then - a casman and sundress. From about the middle of the twentieth century, these toys have become also decorated with straws, pearl plates, and later - beads and rhinestones. However, the first dillers did not have such jewelry. Therefore, still a real Russian matrychka is considered to be a wooden painted doll, without "linings" and inlaid.

Where Matreshek is made

There are several cities and villages in our country where matryoshki are produced. These dolls everywhere have any features. For example, craftsmen from the village of Croyts conduct experiments with the shape of the matryoshek and with the coloring room. Matryoshka from the village of Plukhovsky Maidan is a support and feed of the village, as its inhabitants live on income that receive from the sale of the pupa. From this village, Matryoshka is famous for their drawings. The main element of their ornament is a rose flower. Matryoshki, created in the city of Semenov, learn on a bouquet of flowers on apron and unpainted planes. Such a matryoshka traditionally consists of 15 dolls. The most spacious doll in our country, which is made in Semenov consists of 72 dolls. Moreover, the largest of them is a meter in height. The most "northern" matrychka is Vyatka.

In Russia, there are museums that are dedicated to matryls. Their first museum opened in Moscow in 2001. It is located in Leontyevsky Lane in the premises of the Folk Field Foundation. Larisa Solovyova, his director, a few years dedicated to the study of matryoshek. She wrote two books about them. In 2004, the Museum of Matryoshek also opened in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Subsequently, he collected more than 300 exhibits under his roof. In this museum, the largest matryoshka is a member. It consists of 40 pupa. The smallest of them is the size of rice grains.

Museums Matreyshek

In the form of matryoshki, love for Russian culture and art of masters are connected. Nowadays, on the streets of Moscow and St. Petersburg, you can buy various souvenirs for every taste. For example, dolls depicting famous musicians, politicians and grotesque characters. However, every time you get a conversation about the Matrechka, we immediately remember the fun Russian girl in a folk costume.

The folk suit of our ancestors was amazingly beautiful. Each part of his detail was evidence of a lifefriend, a particular parish. Clothing and festive, and everyday suitable lifestyle, welfare and family Regulations. The color scheme was diverse - combinations of red, blue, yellow and green flowers, with bright floral worldEmbroidered on the alers, scarves, on the sleeves and podol of the shoes. All this gave the festive view of any woman, even in a gloomy winter day. Somehow celebrated from the Russian landowner foreign travelerLooking out the window, I saw an extraordinary spectacle: "What is it?" - Only he could put off. The landowner exclaimed somewhat in bewilderment: "Yes, it is women from my villages to church for Sunday service go." Foreign guest was amazed by a colorful spectacle, festively smashed peasant women. He did not have a job that a simple woman was so elegantly dressed.

Here, and the famous Russian matryosha apparently borrowed these outfits among Russian beauties and craftsmen - masters who were gladly fantasized and painted with different patterns of wooden dolls.

History of creating a Russian nesting

And where is the birthplace of this whole favorite wooden toy that has become one of best souvenirs from Russia. It was the Moscow county that is the birthplace of the famous Russian Matryushka. Although, if more, - in end xih. A century of Alexander Mamontov brought the Figure of the Japanese old man-sage Fukuruma to the Moscow Factory of Children's Education. The toy was interesting because there were several figures that were invested in one another, in size, less and less, while the latter did not turn out to be very small. So the local masters decided to repeat this fun for their children. Vasily Zvezkkin drew a toy that consisted of eight figures, and the artist Sergey Malyutin painted figures. But the first toy consisted not from some Russian beauties. It alternated images of Russian beauty, dressed in a sundress, apron and a handkerchief, with the images of state-owned men, and the smallest was a baby - a babe.

Called the doll "Matriotka" - very popular then was the female name - Matrön (Matrona). In 1900, production moved to the county town of Sergiev Posad.

Sergievsky county, called so since Catherine II, was in drechy forestsAnd in all villages, the fishing of wooden toys flourished. Matriots cut out of aspen, birch, limes, alder, painted bright colors Their outfits are: cheap dolls - adhesive paints, and expensive - enamels, watercolors. The people loved these bright beauties and bought not only children, but also for their collections. And in your collection of dolls there is a family of matryoshki or at least one of them?

Bag from House Chanel in the form of a Russian nesting

Designer Matryoshka, created for the anniversary magazine Vogue.designed for sale with auction, with an initial cost of 5,000 euros. Each matryoshka is devoted to the work of one fashion house. (Auction charity)

Matryoshka is one of the famous and beloved by all Russian souvenirs.
The first Russian matryoshka appeared at the end of the 19th century and discouraged unprecedented recognition as one of the comprehensive images of Russia, the symbol of Russian folk art.
The figure and prototype of the Russian Matryushka became the figure of a good-natured bald old man, the Buddhist wiser Fukuruma, in which there were several more figures embedded alone into another, brought from Honce Island. The Japanese, by the way, argue that the first toy is the first toast on the island of Honsu.
Russian wooden detachable doll was called Matriotka. In the pre-revolutionary province, Matrius, Matreysh was considered one of the most common Russian names, which is based on the Latin word "Mateg", meaning mother. This name was associated with the mother of a numerous family with good health and an amorrant figure. Subsequently, it became nominable and began to mean a turning detachable colorfully painted wooden product. But now Matriuska remains a symbol of motherhood, fertility, because a doll with a numerous doll family perfectly expresses the figurative basis of this ancient symbol Human culture.
The first Russian matryoshka, crazy by Vasily asterisk and painted by Sergey Malyutin, was an eight-wool: a boy followed the girl with a black cock, then a girl and so on. All figures differed from each other, the last, eighth, depicted a ripe baby.
As a rule, matryoshki is made of wood hardwood trees. The most fertile material is Lipa. Trees designed to highlight Matriots, spill early in spring, usually in April when wood juice. Spokey trees cleaned, leaving necessarily in several places of the rings of the crust. Otherwise, when drying wood cracks. The logs prepared in this way with smeared ends are laid by stacks so that the air clearance remains between them. Harvested wood withstand at least two years old. The logs ready for processing are cut on the blanks for the future matretory. In the hands of Tokar, the blank passes up to 15 operations before becoming a ready-made matryshka. Typically, the first is pulled out the smallest unopened figure, then all other figures are already. The finished dolls are ground with starch glue, dried, now Matriotka is ready for painting.
Until the end of the 90s of the last century, Matryushki was pulled out and painted in the Moscow workshop "Children's Education", and after its closure in the Sergiev Posad near Moscow, the ancient center for the manufacture of toys. According to legend, the first "Troitskaya" toy carved the rector of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, founded in 1340, Sergius Radonezh. He personally gave the toys of children. Even among the toys of royal children there were wooden Trinity. They were bought in Sergiev Posad, where the monastery came to the Troice-Sergiev at the Bogomer, the Russian kings with their Chads and households came.
In 1900, Russian Matryushka was exhibited at the World Exhibition in Paris, where he received a medal and world recognition. From the end of the 18th - early 19th century to us reached wooden Toysdepicting a peasant girl in Kokoshnik, a dancing man, elegant ladies and hussar. The first matters of their forms and painting also record a variety of life: girls in Russian sundresses with baskets, sickles, bugs of flowers either in winter serpets with a shawl on the head; the groom and the bride holding the candles in their hands; Cowgirl with a sweater; Old man with a salad beard. Sometimes Matryoshka was a whole family.
Matryoshka is a work and sculptural, and picturesque, it is the image and soul of Russia.

Description Matryoshka, perhaps, no one today will cause difficulties, this toy is so popular already around the world. It has a fascinating story, products are produced in huge quantities And today, and in some cities there are even museums dedicated to this unusual painted doll. In this article we will give a description of the matryoshki, tell you her interesting. And you will learn what role it plays in the development of children.

Description Matreshka

It is a wooden painted doll, inside which are similar products, but only smaller size. The number of dolls embedded inside - from three and more. Russian matryoshka, as a rule, has an egg shape and consists of two parts - lower and top. Thanks to the flat donss, the toy can be placed in any suitable place. By tradition, on wooden blank Draw a woman in a scarf and red sundress, although today you can find many different other options. There are many topics for painting: it is girls and families. Today, the Russian matryoshka is very popular with the image of a portrait on it or a pattern of parody. How did this doll appear, which became so popular? Description Matryoshka B. general features We looked at, now let's plunge into history, which will give a more specific idea of \u200b\u200bthis product.

Version of origin

In the 90s of the 19th century, Russia experienced a period of turbulent cultural and economic development. The society has been improved increasingly showed interest in its culture and the art as a whole. As a result, it appeared artistic direction Russian Style, which paid great attention to the creation of a peasant toy. In Moscow, even opened the workshop "Children's Education". It created a variety of dolls to demonstrate national outfits, ethnographic features. In the bowels of this particular workshop, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a wooden doll known today appeared. Such a thought arose after the wife of Mamontov brought a detachable toy from Japan. Sergey Malyutin offered sketches. That's how a matryoshka appeared in Russia.

How did the name of the doll appear?

There are several versions on this. Some historians say that the name of the toy went on behalf of Masha, others are confident that from the nickname of Matrain. The last variation seems more plausible, since the name of the Matrena refes "Mother". Knowing a description of the matryoshki, which has fewer smaller products, we can already make a conclusion yourself, which version is correct. Wooden doll is a symbol of fertility and maternity.

How do nesting makeup?

Today they are made in many workshops, since dolls are always in demand. First, the material is chosen soft wood: alder, a lamp or birch. Trees, as a rule, be chicken for these purposes in spring, then remove the bark with them, but it is not completely that cracks do not appear in the drying process. Then the masters store logs and withstand them in well-ventilated premises for several years! After a certain time, the manufacture of dolls begins. By the way, the first make the smallest matryoshka, inseparable. When she is ready, proceed to the next one to which the first will fit. Etc. Each billet passes through dozens of operations. The number of dolls can be different, it depends on the fancy of the wizard or a specific order.

Why do you need a toy?

Any psychologist or teacher will tell with confidence that not only the baby plays the toys, but the products themselves are important for the full development of the child. It turns out that collecting and disassembled such a unique design, the baby learns the cyclicality of being and its infinity, the postulates of the universe and the image of maternity. Thanks to Matreshka, he understands the model of the emergence of a new life. The doll is able to identify creative inclinations, form labor skills, representation of the world. For example, such favorite and popular cubes, turrets, pyramids can be diversified by presence in the general arsenal of nesting. The baby will develop hands, as children's nurseries will help to create interesting scenarios for puppet performances. Experts call this toy multifunctional, universal. They recognize all the advantages of matryoshki and recommend it to all children as a toy, especially those who are lagging behind in development.


It is worth mentioning that in 1900 the dolls "reached" to the most Paris, where they were presented at the exhibition and received medals and world recognition. If we talk about records in this direction, I must say that in 1913 Nikolai Bulychev made a 48-seater matryoshka. We hope, as a result of reading this article, you will know more about this unique toy and be sure to acquire it, if so is not yet in your home.