Items in Japan. Ancient Japan Items

Items in Japan. Ancient Japan Items
Items in Japan. Ancient Japan Items


The culture of Japan has developed as a result of the historical process, which began with the resettlement of the ancestors of the Japanese people to the Islands of the Japanese archipelago from the mainland.

Modern Japanese culture experienced the strong influence of Asian countries (especially China and Korea), later Europe and North America.

One of the features japanese culture It is its long development in the period of complete isolation of the country (Sakoku policies) from the rest of the world, which lasted 200 years until the middle of the XιX century - the beginning of the period of Maidi.

The culture and mentality of the Japanese has a great influence influenced the influence of isolated territorial position of the country, geographical and climatic features, as well as special natural phenomena (frequent earthquakes and typhoon), which was expressed in a kind of Japanese with nature as a living creature. The ability to admire the momentary beauty of nature, as the peculiarity of the national character of the Japanese, has found an expression in many types of art of Japan.

Prehistoric period (40 thousand years and up to 300 n. E.)

1) Kyu: Skki, He is a doctor period, he is the same period Ivadzyuk, he is a proto-jemon (from 40,000 years. BC er - about 13,000. BC. er)

2) Dzemon (8 thousand BC - 1 thousand BC)

3) Yoya (300 Gg. BC. E. - 250-300 year n. Er)

Ancient Japan - From 300 years of our era of 1185 (3-12th centuries).

    Yamato (300-710 years of our era).

Kofun. (300-592gg)

ASUCA (593-710gg)

2) Nara(710 - 794 years of our era)

3) Hayan (794 - 1185 years of our era)

Medieval (feudal Japan) - from 1185 to 1868

1) Kamakura (1185-1333)

2) Restoration of Cammu (1333-1336)

3) Muromati. (1336-1573)

4) Period of Admitty Momoyama (1573 - 1603)

5) Edo (1600 - 1868)

Modern Japan - The period from 1868 to the present.

1) Maidza (1868 - 1912)

2) Taisoy (1912 - 1926)

3) Sywa(1926 - 1989) in this era allocated occupation period (1945-1952) and the period of Japan after the occupation (1952-1989).

4) Hasey (1989 and to the present).

Prehistoric period: In 1949, in the town of Ivadzuka, the Gumba Prefecture, from the layer, which was below, in which Kanto's plain was usually found ceramics, the stone tools of labor were extracted. This discovery marked the beginning of the search for the remains of the Paleolithic culture in Japan.

The oldest monuments of the art of Japan refer to the neolithic period -Dzemone (VIII thousand - middle I thousand BC):

    ceramic dishes with lush dress decor,

    stylized figurines of idols,

    anthropomorphic masks.

    There is a mythological system.


    Tribal communion The population of the Japanese islands was gathering, hunting, fishing.

    It is believed that during this period there is a syntoism (from Japan. Coto - the "path of the gods") is a religious-mythological and ritual-practical complex associated with the worship of the gods of Kami.

    The origins of Sintoism are folk beliefs, myths and rituals of ancient Japan;

    As a dogmatic doctrine, syntoism developed, starting from 7-8 centuries, as an answer to the teachings of Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism.

    The first samples of ceramics, figures of people and animals dog..


Most of the Japanese myths known to date are familiar with the "Codziki" (712), Nihon Syuki (720) and some additional sources. These vaults were the official SINTO's official mythology, partially adapting, and partially pushing local shaman cultures into the low mythology.

"Codziki", or "recordings about the acts of antiquity" - the oldest meeting of myths and legends today.

Japanese mythology is directly related to the cult of the emperor: the emperor is the direct descendant of the gods. Term tanno (天皇), the emperor literally denotes the "divine (or heaven) ruler."

The myth of the creation of the Earth:

Completion of the cosmogonical process falls on the share of the fifth pair of these gods of Idzanaki and Izanami. By the time of their appearance, "the Earth has not yet left the infancy" and rushed through the sea waves, so the highest heavenly gods entrust these gods to turn the liquid land into the hardness that they do, having a spilling water with a spear. Then, concluding the marriage, they give birth to the islands that make up Japan, and then - the gowns of spirits that should inhale this country. The world gradually acquires its usual look: are mountains and trees, plains and gorges, fogs in the gorges and dark clefts, and the "hosts" of all objects and phenomena of the world become born here.

When Izanami gave birth to God of Fire Caguiuti, he laid her Lono, and she died. Izanaki, grieving about her death, went after her after the kingdom of the dead Yoy, but Kuni to bring it back. But, seeing what his wife turned into - a corpse, covered with worms and larvae, fled from her and poured the entrance to the kingdom of the dead with a big boulder. On Earth, Izanaki made cleansing, during which many gods were taken into the world. Three great deities were born: from droplets of water, which Izanaki washed left eye, the goddess of the sun appeared Amateras, from the water, washed his right eye - the goddess of the night and the moon Tsukuyumi, and finally, from the water, washing the nose of idzanaki, the God of Wind and Water Prothesia Susano. Idzanaki distributed their possessions between them: Amateras received the high sky plain, Tsukui - the kingdom of the night, and Susano - the plain of the sea.

Amateras presented the land control to his great-grandfather, Prince Ninigi..

Myth about the creation of people:

O Oho-pit had two daughters: the eldest - Yakh-Naga and the youngest - Ki-Nohan. The eldest daughter on Yakha Naga was far from being so good as her sister. Oho-pit wanted to give the prince of both daughters and the oldest and younger. The mountain spirit wanted that the offspring of Prince Ninigi lived forever, like rocks, and was blooming, like the color of the cherry. Therefore, O Oho-pit sent his daughters to ninigi with luxurious apparels and precious gifts.

But the prince loved only the wonderful princess of Ki-No-Khan and the gaze did not dare Yakha Naga. Then the latter exclaimed in a wild anger: if you took me to my wife, then you and your children would live forever on earth, but since you loved my sister, then your offspring will be prescribed and instantly, like Sakura flowers!

But the prince of Ninigi did not listen to her and married the beautiful Princess Ki-No-Khan.

Zemon ceramics is distinguished by a rope pattern ("Dzo" - Rope, "MON" - pattern, and "Docks" - pottery)

Statuette Dog Height from 8 to 30 centimeters has already been found for about 15 thousand. They refer to the era of Neolithic (IV-II century BC) of the period of "Dzemo". Value "Dog" - device, tool. Among the dog are found both images of various animals and very conditional interpretations of the human body. Slap and schematized, almost completely covered with carved and stucco magic decor, they are close to the vessels in their ornamental solution.

Yay (300 years. BC - 250-300 GG. N.E.)

1884 In the area of \u200b\u200bYayoi, ceramics was found, characterized in style from the period of the Dzevel.


    bay drawback,

    the use of a pottery circle and a weaving machine,

    processing of metals (copper, bronze and iron) -

    construction of protected townships.

    Bell-dotaki (analog of drums, associated with agricultural cult)

To date, it is reliably unknown, whether the culture was made to call the "culture of Yoyui", was listed in Japan as a result of migrations from the Korean Peninsula and the territory of modern China, or was developed by residents of the Japanese islands, which imported some "know-how" from the continent .

Agriculture strengthened the settlement and social structure of society - agricultural community.

Country (Kuni)  Village (Mura)  House communities (courtyards - KO): 5-6 dwellings (Tatean), sometimes pile buildings (Takayuki) used as a granaries, subsequently turned in Shinto churches.

Ancient Japan (300 - 1185)

1) Yamato (300 - 710 years).

Kofun. (300 - 592gg)

ASUCA (593 - 710YG)

2) Nara(710 - 794 years)

3) Hayan (794 - 1185)


The era of the formation of a centralized state


The country was united under the authority of the emperor by 300 AD.

The appearance of Kurgans who served for the burial of the rulers (Yap. Kofun).

Expansion of the country from Kyushu to Kanto.

Fastened in historical sources.

Small plastic - figures of people and animals (Haniva).


Buddhism was brought to Japan between 538 and 552 years. The appearance of writing.

A huge role in the spread of Buddhism was played by Prince Sitoku-Taiya, regent during the reign of the Empress SUYKO. He is credited with the created in 604 " Seventeen articlesin which he preached Buddhism and Chinese statehood ideals.

In 645 were held taika reforms:

    implemented chinese schemes of the device of the state apparatus and administration,

    earths were redeemed by the state and equally divided between the peasants,

    introduced new (by Chinese sample) taxation system.

At the same time, Taoism, Confucianism and Hieroglyphic came to Japan and Korea. kanji, Local religious system began to make shape - syntoism.

In 622, Emperor Tenti accepted "Code Tenti" - The first legislative code in Japan known for us by the chronicles.

Period ASUCA marked strong the influence of Chinese and Korean cultural traditions on the development of the culture of Japan.

However, at the same time the original Japanese style was produced. So architectural ensembles of the temple Khorosh-ji.which was built by Prince Sockerel in 607, have no analogues in China and Korea.

Buddhist temple complexes They differed on the planning depending on whether they were built in the mountains or on the plain.

For temple ensembles built on the plain, characterized by the symmetric location of buildings.

In mountain conditions, according to the nature of the terrain, the symmetric location of buildings is usually simply impossible, and the architects had to find a specific solution to the problem of the most convenient arrangement of the buildings of the temple complex.

The Japanese monastery church originally consisted of seven elements:

    external Gate ( samon),

    chief, or Golden Hall ( condo),

    hall for sermons ( code.),

    drum or bell tower ( koro or suro.),

    sutra repository ( kojo.),

    treasury, ( sisoch) ,

    multi-tier pagoda.

Covered galleries, as well as leading to the territory of the temple of the gate, were often remarkable independent constructions in architecturally. Also in the complex included residential premises for monks, dining room.

For all shinto templesit is characterized by approximately the same layout. An important element of the synthist cultural architecture is the gate to the temple - toria. Thorii are arches resembling the letter "P" with two crossbars, the top of which is longer and slightly concave. Previously, they were built only from wood and always painted in red. For them, the pair statue of the Korean Dogs should be driven by evil spirits.

An ordinary Shinto Temple Complex consists of two or more buildings.

    The main sanctuary intended for kami, wears title hondan.. Closed to visit the public. The clergy is included in Hondan only for rituals.

    Prayer room is referred to haiden., where is altar.

    In the main room is located gosintai (literally - "Body Kami"). It is believed to sintai Mixed soul kami. Tel kami There may be a stone, a tree branch, a mirror, a sword or a wooden plate on which the name of this God is written.

ISE Temple Complex - the earliest Shinto Construction of Japan: it reached our days thanks to the custom of rebuilding and updating temples every 20 years (from the 7th century).

Epoch Nara (710-794)

Began with the restoration of the capital of the state in the city of Hage - Ko (Sovr. City Nara),

ended with her transfer to the city of Hayan-ko (Sovr. City Kyoto).

According to legend, after the proclamation of Hayse-ko (the old name of Nara), the capital of Japan, the god of the sanctuary Kasuga Taiya arrived to defend this city on white deer.

Yamato  Japan

The first written monuments (with the help of Chinese hieroglyphs): Codziki 712g and Nihon Syuki 720g; Collection of 4.5 thousand poems of love and sacred places Asuki, Nara, etc.

Main temple ensembles of the city of Nara

Todaji (743-752)

it is considered the largest wooden structure in the world. Buddhism is already a state religion.

In the main hall of Todaji, there is a statue of Buddha Vairochan, which is the biggest sculpture of Buddha in Japan (437 tons of bronze, 150 kg of gold, 7 tons of wax)

Tosydaji (founded in 752)

Its foundation is associated with the name of the Chinese Buddhist Monk Chienchen (Yap. Gandzin). Tosydayji can be translated as the temple of the invited Chinese.

Tosydaji is known in that it has been preserved within the greatest number structures of the Narest Epoch.

Heian (794 - 1185)

    To the era of Heian refers to the formation of the Institute of Samurai ( beads).

    At the end of the years, the imperial palace became the center of prosperity of culture. His rest was decorated with works by the arts of the best masters.

    The time when the festivities were arranged for which the best poets of that time were invited, musical and poetic tournaments were held, various games borrowed from China were held.

    In painting, the national style won great popularity yamato E.

    Vintage folk songs that performed according to the rules of Gagaku included.

    There is a Japanese writing itself.

Buddhist Monk, Writer, Calligrapher Kukai. (Cobo Dissy) created a slight alphabet haragan Based on a Chinese intelligent hieroglyphic letter. Later, the sounds of the same alphabet began to sign up signs of another system. So born katakana (The system used to record the borrowed words is applied from the VIII century)

The first schools and universities for the metropolitan aristocracy were created. Training was conducted on the Chinese pattern and turned on by six confused arts : ritual, music, literature, mathematics, archery and chariot control. Own schools had some noble aristocratic families, but university education remained the benchmark for them.

Literature Hayan

In 905, by order of Emperor Diago, the canonical text "Kokinsuy" was written ("Collection of old and new songs"). With her release, the leading poetic genre of the century ("Japanese songs"), known as the tank ("short song", containing 31 syllables), took shape.

The brilliant court prose of this pore created women, because the man should write exclusively in Chinese, and if soooing, only poems. In the XI century Saw the light of the genre narrative novel. The first outstanding sample of the genre was the novel of the court writer Murassaki Sikibu (978- 1014) "The Tale of Prince Genji" (1010). Widely popular becomes also genrelyrical diary (Nikki), who had a tendency to turn into a lyrical story about his life. At the end of the city. One of the first famous women's diaries appears "Battipeli Diary".

In the 9th century, two new Buddhist schools appeared in Japan: Tandai and Singon.Both teachings united the provision on the presence of the Buddha nature in each individual phenomenon and universality of "enlightenment", that is, the disclosure of each "entity of the Buddha". The task is to open the nature of the Buddha in itself, what can be done throughout one life.

Tandai (Lotus Sutra)it originated from the Chinese school of Tiantai-Zong.

In 805, the Japanese monk of the site (Yap. 最 澄; Also Dangy Dissy 伝教大師) almost again brought and distributed to the Tandai school. IN further school Tandai has undergone significant development and began to differ significantly from the original Chinese school Tiantai.

In 785 Site , disappointed in Buddhism of that time, got out with several students in a small monastery on Mount Haye (Yap. 比叡山). Having shot at 804 to China, he received San Tiantai School Mentor, and was devoted to some rituals of tantric Buddhism. When the site returned from China with new texts Tiantai, he built a temple on Mount Hay Temple Enryak-Dzi. (Yap. (延暦寺), which became the center of the Japanese school of Tandai for many hundreds of years.

The essence of the exercise:

Buddha Shakyamuni after gaining awakening was in the Samadhi "Marine Reflection", where he saw the whole world as the absolute unity of the endless mind. Buddha's vision has outlined in Avamamsaka-Sutra, and then in the form of "Lotus Sutra." Before the final departure to Nirvana Buddha also preached "Mahapaarinirvana-Sutra", which at the Tiantai school is considered to be a confirmation of the highest truth of "Lotus Sutra".

Avamamsaka Sutra, as the Tiantai School believes, is available to people only with developed intelligence, while "Lotus Sutra" available and understandable to both people educated and simple.

Two most important ideas Tiantai - Doctrine "In one act of consciousness - three thousand worlds" and the concept of "one mind".

Singon-S.- One of the main Buddhist schools of Japan, belonging to the direction of Vajrayana. Word Singon (Keith. Zhenian) means "True, correct word" or mantra - Prayer formula. The school arose in the period of Heian (794-1185). Founder of school - Monk Kukai.

In 804, Kukai went to China, where he studied Tantra and returned back, bringing with him a large number of texts and Buddhist images, on the basis of which he developed his own teaching and practice, which is primarily associated with Buddha Vairochan (Mahawairohana Tathagata).

Temple complexes: Muro-Ji, Diago-Jzi

Amidaism(Buddhism of a clean land) One of the ways leading the living beings from the shackles of Sansary to Nirvana, proclaims the practice of a sincere, based on the deep faith of pronouncing the Buddha Amitabhi Buddha (Amitayus), which ensures the subsequent automatic birth to paradise - in the land of the Buddha Amida. Since salvation due to their own efforts and virtues is impossible.

Painting an ancient period:

The earliest of the preserved outstanding works belong to the Nara period (645-794) is the painting of the temple of Khoryuji. Fixed with flexible lines, with light tint, they echo with Indian and Chinese samples.

During the Hayean period (794-1185) in Buddhist painting, the mandalas were widespread, which are symbolic schemes of the universe.

The first periods include the first samples of light painting, presented in horizontal scrolls illustrating the aristocratic stories and novels.

During this period, the National Japanese style of Yamato-er begins its development.

b\u003e Japanese house:
In Japan, the construction of a traditional Japanese house has developed in the Middle Ages. It was a wooden frame with three rolling and one mobile wall. They were not supporting and could freely take off. In the warm season, the lattice structures were used as walls, semi-translucent paper; In the cold seasons - wooden panels. Since the humidity in Japan is very large, the houses were raised over the ground for about 60 cm. The house was standing on the support pillars with stone bases. The framework of the building was light and flexible, which reduced the devastating force in the straws. Roofing, tiled or reed, with a large canopy, under which the veranda was located. All the details of the latter were thoroughly polished to prevent moisture from exposure. The garden broke around the house, symbolizing the unity of man and nature.

Usually the house was divided into two parts: a living room and room at the entrance, although the size, the number and location of the rooms could be adjusted using internal partitions. An important part of the residential room is a small niche designed in a fixed wall in which a scroll of painting and a bouquet of flowers hung. The place next to it was considered the most honorable in the house. Paul in such a wooden dwelling is covered with special mats. On the floor and sat, and slept - on the mattresses that the day was removed into the wall cabinets. In general, there were almost no furniture in the house.

Japanese kitchen:
The traditions of Japanese cuisine are 1500 years old. The basis of modern Japanese cuisine is vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, repa, eggplants, potatoes, soy, various types of legumes), rice, fish, seafood (mollusks, trepanga, octopuses, crabs, shrimps, seaweed). Almost at all the fats, sugar, meat, milk.

Meat and milk in the Japanese menu were allowed to approximately until the end of the VII century. But since Buddhism has become one of the main religions (VIII century), there were strict restrictions on animal products in the country. It was then that at the tables of secured Japanese appeared the first semblance of Sushi (we pronounce as sushi) - rice kolobkov with pieces of raw fish.

The three of the following centuries, Japan was under the strongest influence of China. It was from there that the art of cooking tofu came. This cheese prepared mainly from soy protein and resembling the type of cottage cheese. Almost ubiquitous dish for breakfast. China was homeland and soy sauce sow. From China, in the 9th century, the Japanese came to the Green Tea. Like the Chinese, the Japanese courtie to know that time eats at the table and sits on the chairs. All use spoons, the truth of the Japanese type. It seems to bring them to a higher Chinese culture at that time. But the courts became not so much gourmets as the gourmets, to the usual two-time diet for the country, they added numerous intermediate snacks and tea drinking.

In the century, national kitchen utensils appear - a pile for each type of food (tea, rice, soup), wands. All the devices were purely personal, but the pile for tea could be common, which brought people sitting at the table. From everybody again - and now for a long time - chairs, higher tables and spoons disappear.

In 1185, the country's government moved to Kamakuru, where he reigned is harsh, even the ascetic lifestyle of the Samurai warriors. Zen-Buddhism Samurai demanded a much more modest and healthy eating. Buddhist vegetarian cuisine, taken over in Chinese monasteries, has become typical for that time. A wide variety of vegetarian dishes was compensated by the fact that there were such dishes with small portions.

In the XV century, the structure of the Japanese dinner changes again. Additional soup, marinada are supplied to the main dish. This period is inherent in excessive luxury treats. The abundance of additional dishes should have achieved such quantities so that it was impossible to eat everything at once. Hot dishes cooled and lost their taste and attractiveness, for this reason again the reform of the "Art of the table" occurred, and received further development tea ceremony. It turned into a kind of ritual-philosophical mini-performance, in which each detail, the subject, the order of things had its own unique value.

Tea ceremony:
Tea brought to Japan from China in the VII century. In China, it was valued as a medicinal plant that helps with fatigue, eye disease, rheumatism. Then, as a sophisticated pastime. But such a cult of tea, as in Japan, probably was not in any country. With a tea ceremony of the Japanese, he introduced the Japanese monk Eisai, the founder of the monastery in the Samurai Residence in Kyoto with the support of the emperor himself.
In the XVI century, the game - "Tea Competition" entered the samurai circles. Tea brought from different places. Drinking tea cup, participants had to determine his homeland. Since then, tea has fallen in love with the Japanese, the tea party entered the custom. Permanent tea plantations appeared in the UDGi area near Kyoto. Until now, the best varieties of tea in Japan are collected in UDI.
Since the XV century, Japanese monks are mastering the technique of a tea ritual, and in the following centuries it reaches perfect. The tea ceremony becomes the art of the embodiment of the grace of the voids and the goodness of peace (te -u-nu). In turn, this ritual gave rise to such arts as Ikebana, the style of ceramics in the spirit of Vabi, Japanese gardens, had an impact on china, painting, the interior of the Japanese house. The tea ritual influenced the globalization of the Japanese, and, on the contrary, the globility of the Japanese of the XVI century caused the style of Vabi, determining the measured way of life, tastes, the Mental Warehouse of the Japanese. The Japanese say that anyone who is familiar with the tea ceremony should be able to regulate their behavior in all cases of life with ease, dignity and grace. Japanese girls before marriage took the lessons of the lessons, to buy a beautiful posture, elegant manners.
There are various school art schools. The tea ceremony's character in many ways depends on the meeting and from the time of year. Participants are dressed in calm tones: in monophonic silk kimono and special white socks intended for wooden shoes. Each small folding fan. The whole ritual is divided into two acts.

First action.
Guests (as a rule five people) first accompanied by the owner follow the special path through the twilight of the garden. The closer to the tea house, the more they are moving away from the vulnerable world. Going to a small basin with transparent water, wash hands and mouth. The entrance to the tea house is low, and guests have to literally crawl through it, humming their temper.

A small tea house is divided into three parts: a tea room, a waiting room and a utility room. N.S. Nikolaeva in the "Japanese gardens" perfectly described this ceremony: "Lowly leaning, one by one, they pass on the door, leaving shoes on a special stone. The last one of the door logged on. The owner does not appear immediately. Guests should get used to lighting Rooms, carefully consider the hanging picture, evaluate the sophisticated charm of the only flower, internally feel, guess the subtext of the ceremony offered by the owner. If a scroll of calligraphy, executed by any method, is placed in a niche, then the painting of the cup will be marked by the same properties. Outflow of delicate autumn lines Herbs in the bouquet will be a subtle refinement of the drawing on a ceramic dish.
Only after the guests were mastered with the situation, the owner appears and the guests welcomes guests, silently sits in front of them, the worry, which is already suspended in advance of boiling water. Next to the owner on the mat, all the necessary items are arranged: a cup (the most precious relic), a box with a powder of green tea, a wooden spoon, a bamboo whisk, which is knocked down tea, filled with a slightly cold boiling water. There are also ceramic vessels - for cold water, for rinsing and other items; All old, but immaculately clean, and only water bucket and a flax towel new, glittering white. "

Entering the tea room where it is a roar for the kettle, the guest is politely bowed. Then, holding a folding fan in front of him, expresses admiration hanging in a niche switch. Having finished inspection, the gratitude guests sit down and welcome the owner.
All ritual stages are strict. Singing, guests are starting to sweets. Then the owner invites them to the garden. The beginning of the ceremony announces gong - five and seven blows. After the gong, guests leave the garden and return to the tea room. The room is now lighter, the bamboo curtain is moved over the window, and instead of a scroll in a niche - a vase with a flower. The owner wipes the team and spoon with a special cloth and washes a mixture in hot water, which pours from the teapot with a bucket. Then puts three spoons of the powdered green tea in a special porcelain mortar of powdered green tea, poured hot water with a bucket of hot water and whips tea with a stirrer until the tea thickens. All the movements of the hands, the housing, special, truly ceremonial, with the face of strict and fixed. The end of the first action.
Strong green tea is preparing from young tea bushes aged twenty to seventy and more years. Tea laying rate on average - 1 teaspoon of tea powder for 200 grams of water. An important feature The Japanese method is that not only the kettle, but the water itself for brewing tea should be from seventy to ninety degrees. The brewing time does not go beyond 3 - 5 minutes.

Deal Second.
The main guest is bowed, puts the bowl on the palm of the left hand, supporting the right. Dimensional movement of hands, the cup is slowly taken to the mouth. Making a small sip, evaluates the taste of tea; It makes a few sips, wipes a diagnosed place with a special paper and transmits the cup to the next guest, which after several sips sends it further until, having passed in a circle, the bowl will not return to the owner.
The taste of tea is extremely tart. Its concentration corresponds to about 100 - 200 grams of dry tea per 500 grams of water. But at the same time, such tea is very aromaten. The presence of aroma in tea the Japanese attach crucial.
For the entire circle, the cup is completely bought and this procedure should take no more than ten minutes. The conversations in the second act is not conducted and everyone is sitting in genuine poses, in strict front-end robes. The final. In general, the tea party process itself is a very long ceremony that takes place entirely in the eyes of its participants.
Thus, Japanese tea is not as a gastronomic reality, but as a ritual group action, having deep historical-philosophical roots of nationwide Japanese culture and is one of the types of art of Japan.
The Philosophy of Tea "philosophy formed in the XVI century (TADO) is currently becoming more and more popular in America and Europe. The reason for the popularity of the tado, the author of K. Iguty, known in the west, explains that "people are tired of the mechanical civilization and a mad rhythm of life. And when life becomes too restless, voyage, we are looking for calm, freedom for the soul. If We will follow the etiquette, then the behavior, man's manners are equal to, the feeling of beauty will be back. That's why our time cannot do without a tea. "
There are four main rules for tea philosophy on Ricky, famous Masters of the Tea Ceremony of the XVI century: Harmony, respect, purity and calm.

Harmony is the atmosphere of the tea ceremony itself. When you come to a tea house, see mossy stones, overgrown with a water-free nature, which a person has not imposed herself. A teahouse with a straw roof, supractions from a rough tree or bamboo - a natural continuation of the garden. In the room twilight: the low roof almost misses light. Not a single excess object, not a single color. On the shelf in the tea room there is a jug with water, a stand for a scoop, a cup for water. On all Patina Starny, breath of eternity. Time as if stopped. Only a bucket from a cut bamboo and a fresh linen tablecloth. The whole setting is designed to distract you from everyday life, lead the spirit into the state of peace, equilibrium.

Respectors suggests comprehensive, good relations between people. Tea house is not only the abode of simplicity and naturalness, but also the abode of justice. Renewing prescribes everyone to feel equal and notable did not sift his knowledge, and the poor was not ashamed of his poverty. The one who enters the tea room must overcome the feeling of superiority.

Cleanliness should be in everything: in feelings, in thoughts. The origins of the cleanliness of the cleanliness go to the rite of great purification.

Cartsbye implies full peace, external and internal, balance, serenity. No wonder the hieroglyph Dziaku (calm) is translated as Nirvana.
Of course, the tea ceremony in Japan is not a daily ritual, and the Japanese drink tea more often than the tea action described above. In these cases, they prefer green tea, and not black, which is widespread from us, but in everyday life sometimes consume it. It is noteworthy that, the Japanese, like the Chinese, drink tea throughout the day, before eating, whereas we drink it after eating. Well, in all other things we are not much different from the Japanese!

Samurai appeared in Japan during the Middle Ages. That is, Japanese samurai is almost the same thing that European knights, samurai considered only a military affair worthy of benefit native man. However, there is a difference between the European knight and Japanese samurai. And this difference is in the Code of the Samurai's Conduct, the collection of rules and traditions, which is called Beanido.
Busido claims that the main, and the only one, the purpose of the samurai is to serve the owner. This is exactly what the word "samurai" - "serve a great man" is translated. The warrior, brought up in the spirit of Busido, was to evaluate his actions himself, to decide what is right, and what is not, and to punish himself.

Bouusido takes place the most famous rite japanese samurai -Lelandar Harakiri. Actually, Harakiri is suicide. Samurai had to end with him if he had violated the rules of honor, wash off her shame. But not only: because to serve the owner - the main objectiveIn the event of the death of the owner, the samurai should also make Harakiri. By the way, it is for such a barbarity that this rite was banned.

Busido is not a book of rules, he was not studied on textbooks. Basically, Busido exists in the form of legends about samurai, which correctly behaved. And by the way, according to this tradition, the samurai had to not only fight, but also to learn.

Taiko drums:
Japanese drums "Taiko" - ancient tools. There are already more than ten centuries. The manufacture of drums are trees that are not less than five hundred years. The barrel hollow out the core, give it the shape of the drum, and then stretch the specially selected skin. By the way, the power of sound depends on its release. And the height of the sound of the drum is adjustable using fasteners.
Such careful work on the sound capabilities of the tool is quite explained. In the old days, with the help of Taiko, the Japanese treated the gods.
Today, many types of Japanese theaters continue to use them, in addition, Taiko play a significant role in national festivals.

Traditional costumes:
Kimono (Traditional women's Japanese clothing) has a two-thousandth history.

In Japan, they love traditions, so they dressed in accordance with the established rules: first wrapped the tiders with a cloth, then they put on a lightly tight dressing robe, on top of it, a floral bathrobe, followed by a kimono and a jacket, and decorated the entire belt design. The number of belts on the Waist of the Japanese have always been seven, on their back they were tied to an elegant bow, resembling a butterfly, severly relax. Nature and animals in a special place in the Japanese, they do not like various decorations, but but richly embroider their clothes, using trees, flowers, fabulous mounds and dragons.
Nowadays, Kimono has few people wears, the elderly people are quite often, but youth dressing kimono only in special occasions, for example, at a festival or a wedding in the chapel (these kimonos are usually white and very expensive).

Kimono's sleeves can be judged by the age of a woman and her material supply. Girls or girls wore multicolored kimono with long, free sleeves (such kimono is called Furisode). Married women wore kimono with shorter sleeves.

Summer kimono is called yukata.. Mostly yukata of dark blue or white, but girls and girls more like to wear bright yukata with a pattern of flowers.

Abstract prepared a student of grade 11 "B"

Simakov A.

Neolithic and the appearance of metals .............................................. .................................................. ... 3.

Decomposition of the generic layer ............................................... .................................................. ........ five

Religion in ancient Japan .............................................. .................................................. ........ 6.

Shito (path of gods) ............................................. .................................................. ..................... 7.

Ancient folk beliefs ............................................... .................................................. .. nine

Buddhism in ancient Japan .............................................. .................................................. ..... 12

Confucianism in Japan ............................................... .................................................. ...... fourteen

Writing in ancient Japan ................................................ ............................................. fifteen

The influence of Chinese civilization and statehood on neighboring countries and peoples was very tangible. It, in particular, stimulated the acceleration of the social, economic and especially the political development of the close neighbors of China throughout his history, whether the ancient nomads of Syunna (Gunns) or Xianby, Zhurzheni, Mongols or Manchura. But it touched on not only nomads, especially those found in the orbit of his immediate impact. This effect was much more significant. Through Nanyuzho, it reached Tispers and Tibeto-Burmese tribes, and in Vietnam it simply defined the tone, determined the internal organization of the state and society.

Japan is largely close in this sense to Vietnam. We are not only about borrowing someone else's, even a higher culture, although he played his role and this. Meaning something other: proximity highly developed civilization Inevitably provided its impact and directly, and indirectly, with a particularly important role to such an impact played in those periods of history of a country, when the main parameters of the existence of this society and the state were determined. For the Japan's Chinese civilization area, the influence of this kind was completely obvious, of course, for granted. The only question is what role it played in the process of becoming both countries. So, as it was.

Neolithic and emergence of metals.

Japan is an ancient, distinctive state. Without exaggeration, we can say that the European reader knows Japan simultaneously and very well, and is still very weak. The latter refers mainly to the region of the spiritual life of the Japanese, their national psychological characteristics.

The history of Japan begins with Neolithic. Located on the archipelago, which stretches from the north to south along the east coast of the Asian continent (her main islands: Hokkaido (the least inhabited) - in the north, Honsu and Sikoku - in the center and Kyushu - in the south). Japan contains more than three thousand islands.

Eruption of volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, mountain colors and hurricanes of time imagines accompanied the lives of the Japanese; not least natural disasters contributed to the development of such national qualities as courage, patient, composure, skill. It is worthwhile to be surprised that Nature causes Japanese and a sense of doom in the souls, and at the same time a sense of reverence.

Although natural conditions Japanese islands and had a noticeable impact on the formation of the National Psychology of the Japanese, but the defining factor here, as well as everywhere on Earth, was certainly produced by the method of production.

The Japanese Oncewood was engaged in hunting, marine fishing, animal husbandry, but most of the population had rice fields in centuries.

The issues of ethnogenesis of the Japanese and are currently still disputes, giving birth to the most controversial hypotheses and theories, none of which can be explained by the whole totality of the accumulated science of facts.

Apparently, already in V - IV thousand to N.E.V. In Japan, there was no neolithic. The ancient Neolithic monuments of Japan are shells, common, mainly in the Pacific coast. According to the contents of these coup, it can be concluded that the population was engaged in the advantage of collecting and fishing. They meet the remnants of edible shells and fish, harpuna, sinked and fishing hooks. In later heaps, bones of freshwater fish, deer, wild pigs, birds are often found. Together with the tools of hunting (obsidian tips of arrows, grinding axes and daggers) and fishing in these piles are occurring ceramics made by hand, richly decorated with a typical rope ornament for early Japan. Clay women's figurines indicate the existence of a matriarchy. The population lived in villages in large dugouts and buried the corpses right there in the shells. The bones are lying on the back in a rapid position, they are often sprinkled with red okra. The Japanese neolithic is characterized by a relatively high level of culture in the total slowdown pace of this development at the last stage.

In more advanced, southern regions in the I millennium BC. e. In abundance, grinding tools for the late neolithic appear, and in the burials - metal products. Ceramics are well burned, sometimes made on a pottery circle, most often smooth or with a simple ornament (type of Yay). The population already settled the inner parts of the islands and was familiar with agriculture and recesses of cattle breeding.

With the onset of the metal era, the property differentiation is planned, which is indicated by the burials in double urns and rich funeral inventory (bronze mirrors, swords and daggers). This differentiation is intensified into the so-called Kurgan Epoch (Early Iron Age).

The ethnicity of the oldest population of the archipelago has not yet been completely clarified. The formation of Japanese people was attended, as already indicated, both Ains and other southern tribes, and - later - the tribes of Mongol-Malay origin.

From the middle of the first millennium BC. e. on the Japanese Islands Through the Korean strait from the south of the Korean Peninsula, the so-called protoyopon tribes penetrate. With their arrival on the islands, pets appeared - a horse, a cow, a sheep, the emergence of a culture of irrigation rice also applies to this period. The process of cultural development of the seed tribes, their interaction with the local car of the village took place until V c. The main direction of the economy in the Japanese islands finally become drawback.

In more late period The island population finally perceived from Korea, as well as from China the elements of Chinese and korean culture. By this time, the assimilation of the remains of the Aus-Ronezian population was completed in the south of Kyushu. At the same time, the process of settling the wooded north of the island of Honshu began. The local axle population of this island partially mixed with the aliens, partially was pushed north.

These processes led to the fact that at present, Japan is one of the most uniform ethnic composition The countries of the world, the basis of the nation (more than 99 percent of the population) make up the Japanese. Aina are now preserved only on Hokkaido, their number does not exceed 20 thousand.

The history of Japan with I c. BC e. Known already on written sources. The earliest information is contained in Chinese historical monuments: in the "History of the Han Senior Dynasty" and "Hang Dynasty Story of the Junior Dynasty" information about Japan I B reports. BC e. - P in. n. e., in the "History of Wei" (Vajzhi) and "Song history" (Song-Shu) - information about Japan II - V centuries. n. e. Japanese chronicles "Codziki" (VIII century. N. Er) and "Niyongi" (VIII century) more details, rather than Chinese, with regard to the Japan itself, but less accurate. The chronology of them is very configured to the VI century. n. e. little reliable. In addition, there are many later layers.

According to the Japanese belief system - Sintoism, the Japanese nation began its origin from the goddess of the Ama-Taras sun, the direct descendant of which was the legendary Emperor of Japan Jimmu (Dzimmu-Tanno), who ascended the throne of the state of Yamato in 660 BC. e. and placed the beginning of the continuous dynasty of Japanese emperors. In Japan, it is customary to divide the history of the country to the era of the rule of one or another emperor. The identity of the emperor, the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe imperial power has always performed as the most important cementing factor national self-consciousness Japanese.

Decomposition of the generic layer.

At the beginning of our era, the Japanese tribes settled the entire territory of the archipelago, but only a part of Honshu and Kyushu islands. In the north Honse, Aina (Ebisu) lived, in the south - Kumaso (Hayato). It is clear that such a cohabitation of the tribes on one territory could not have favorably affect the further fate of the weaker. While the Japanese tribes were at the stage of patriarchal kind, prisoners and migrants from the mainland were taken into the genus and became its full members. Korean and Chinese artisans migrants were especially welcomed. The bulk of free members of the genus was engaged in agriculture. Sowed rice, millet, beans. Agricultural tools were stone or wooden.

Throughout the II - III centuries. Increased childbirth, separation for large and small and settlement separate groups In different places of the country, as well as the development of exchange contributed to the strengthening of inter industries and intergovernmental ties. This, together with the struggle against the surrounding Neyapon tribes, caused a tendency to larger interpretable associations. The process of the association was not carried out by a peaceful way, but during a fierce interdoral struggle. Weathequent childbirth absorbed stronger.

Japanese chronicles report submission large number Gifts that inhabited the central part of the Honshu Peninsula, the strongest group of childbirth - Yamato. The same breeding associations arise in the tsukusi.

Significant changes occurred inside the genus. IN economic Life The main unit becomes a community - Mura, which is a union of several blood-study groups at 15 - 30 people each. Gradually, these blood bonded groups are allocated from Moore to special family communities.

Another nature acquired wars between the tribes: the defeated began to be treated with tribute, the prisoners contact slaves. Slaves or used inside the family community, or exported to neighboring countries. The "History of the youngest Dynasty Han" reports, for example, to send in 107 N. e. From Japan to China 160 slaves. The atmosphere of permanent wars grew the importance of military leaders, a conventional leader ("king") and elders of the largest births. Most of the military prey and the captives fell into their hands. At the same time, continuous wars were seriously reflected in the position of ordinary members of the genus and caused significant damage to the farm. The decomposition of the tribal organization was accompanied by further changes in the socio-economic strict. Along with slaves, preferably used as home servants, a new category of non-free - BE appears. They were originally simple dancy of the winning race, later in BE transform Chinese and Korean immigrants conquered by childbirth.

Despite its island position, Japan constantly experienced the impact of a higher Chinese and Korean culture. Traceable historical monuments The beginning of Japan's intercourse with China refers to I B. BC e., and in the III century. n. e. Japan and China from time to time exchange embassies. These ties of Japan with China, and especially with Korea, had a big positive value For the historical development of Japan in this period.

Religion in ancient Japan.

Buddhism penetrated Japan from India through Korea and China in the VI century. Buddhist preachers immediately appreciated all the benefits of the Union with Sintoism. Where it was possible, they tried to use the Shinto beliefs to propaganda the ideas of Buddhism. The essential imprint on the psychology of the Japanese left the Confucianism, who came to Japan first through Korea - in IV - V centuries. And then directly from China - in the VI century. Then the Chinese language became the language of educated Japanese, the official correspondence was carried out on it, literature was created. If the penetration of Confucianism entailed the spread of the Chinese language, then the Chinese language, which was in the highest spheres of the country, has largely served as the goals of propaganda of Confucian influence. It is not surprising that the Confucian doctrine of deification of the ancestors, reverence of parents, unquestioned subordination of the lower higher education, the detailed regulation of the behavior of any member of society is firmly crashed into all spheres of people's psychology. Confucian ideas are well pronounced in the following spout: "Relationships between the higher and the lower are similar to the relationship between the wind and the grass: the grass should be bowed if the wind bursts."

Buddhism and Confucianism began to play in Japan the role of a peculiar ideological and moral superstructure. However, in the system of religious doctrines of Japan, a truly Japanese religion of Coto occupied the most important place.

Shito (the path of the gods).

This is an ancient Japanese religion. Although the origins of it, according to admission, are unknown, no one is in doubt that it originated and developed in Japan outside the Chinese influence.

The Japanese usually does not seek to delve into the essence and the origin of Cinto, for him it is history, and the tradition, and life itself. Sinto resembles an ancient mythology. The practical goal and the meaning of Sintoism is to approve the identity ancient history Japan and the divine origin of the Japanese people: According to Coto, it is believed that Mikado (Emperor) is a descendant of the spirits of the sky, and every Japanese is the descendant of the second digits of the second category - Kami. For the Japanese, Kami means the deity of ancestors, heroes, spirits, etc. The world of the Japanese is populated by Miriada Kami. The pious Japanese thought that after death he would become one of them.

Sintoism is free from the religious idea of \u200b\u200bthe "central government" of the Most High, he teaches mainly the cult of ancestors and worship in nature. There are no other commandments in Sintoism, except for hostel prescriptions to comply with the purity and stick to the natural order of things. He has one general rule of morality:

"Do in accordance with the laws of nature, at the same time the laws of public." According to the Shinto concepts, the Japanese has an instinctive understanding of good and evil, so observance of duties in society is also instinctively: if it were not so, then the Japanese "would be worse than the animals, because no one teaches how to do it." Information about syntoism in the ancient books "Codziki" and "Niongy" gives a sufficient understanding of this religion.

In such writings, two ideas are combined - the idea of \u200b\u200bblood tribal unity and the idea of \u200b\u200bpolitical power. The reflection of the first - in the expansion of the tribe in time: in relation to the past, in conjunction from birth at all of all things; In the inclusion of the entire foreign one, in the composition of the tribe, in submission to it, in attracting the genealogical line on the main representatives - the gods, leaders, kings - as a manifestation of the unity of the tribe. The reflection of the second - in the presentation of political power as fulfilling the gods, leaders, the kings of the will of the highest gods.

Japanese chronicles claim that the chaos originally reigned in the world, but then all acquired slightness: the sky separated from the Earth, the female and male start: First - in the face of the goddess Izanami, the second - in the face of her husband Izanagi. They had a goddess of the sun Amateras; The God of the Moon Tsukimi and the God of Wind and Water Susano entered among themselves in the fight. Amateras won and remained in the sky, and Susanoo was expelled to the country of Izumo to Earth. Son Susano - Okuninusi was made by the ruler of Izumo. Amateras did not accept this and forced the Okuninusi to transfer the reign of her grandchildren of ninigi. Ninigi from the sky and accepted the management of Izumo State. In the sign of power, he was given three sacred subjects - the mirror (the symbol of divinity), the sword (the symbol of power) and the Yashma (the symbol of loyalty of the subjects). Ninigi occurred Dzimmutanno (Tenno title means "Supreme Ruler"; persists for the royal home to the present day; transmits in European languages \u200b\u200bto the word "emperor"), the mythical first emperor of Japan - Mikado. The mirror, sword and jasper since once again remain the emblem of the Japanese Imperial House.

The emperor Mikado in the consciousness of the Japanese thanks to his "divine" the origin is related to the whole people, he is the head of the nation-family. Even segunov who dominated Japan more than three hundred years called themselves by Mikado representatives. The idea of \u200b\u200bMikado, consecrated by Sintoism, did not disappear from the consciousness of the Japanese today, although, of course, its regulatory force weakening significantly.

Even modern Japanese, outwardly, as if, without giving the serious meaning of this idea, subconsciously sincerely reverend it. Until now, various rites are committed in the synthoshic temples in honor of the imperial family (according to some data there are more than one hundred thousand).

Sinto formed a special look at the Japanese on the world of things, in nature, relationships. This view is based on five concepts.

The first concept argues that everything that is the result of the self-development of the world: the world appeared by itself, he is good and perfect. The regulatory force of being, according to the Coto doctrine, comes from the world itself, and not from some supreme being, like Christians or Muslims. At such an understanding of the Universe, the religious consciousness of the ancient Japanese was resting, which was surprised by representatives of other denominations: "What is your faith?" Or more - "Do you believe in God?"

The second concept emphasizes life strength. According to mythology, the first sexual convergence occurred between the gods. And therefore sex and moral guilt are never associated with the consciousness of the Japanese. All that naturally, according to this principle, should be respected, only the "unclean", but also any "unclean" can be cleaned. It is for this that the rituals of the Shinto temples are directed, which produce inclinations in people to the adaptation, adaptation. Thanks to this, the Japanese turned out to be able to take almost any innovation, upgrading after it is cleared, adjusted, coordinated with the Japanese tradition.

The third concept approves the unity of nature and history. There is no division into a living and non-living on the world to the world, the Xoto is all living: and animals, and plants, and things; In all natural and in the man itself lives the deity of Kami. Some believe that people are kami, or rather, kami are located in them, or ultimately they may later become kami, etc. According to Campo, the world of kami is not otherworldly the abdomen other than the world of people. Kami are combined with people, so people do not need to look for salvation somewhere in another world. According to SINTO, salvation is ensured by merging with kami in everyday life.

The fourth concept is associated with multi-grade. Shito originated from local cults of nature, worshiping local, generic and breeding deities. The primitive shamanic and witchcraft rites of Coto began to come to a known uniformity only from the V - VI centuries, when the imperial yard began to take control of the activities of the Shinto temples. At the beginning of the VIII century. In the imperial courtyard, a special department of Coto affairs was created.

The fifth concept of Sinto is associated with the national psychological basis. According to this concept, the gods of Shinto, kami, did not give rise to people at all, but only the Japanese. In this regard, in the consciousness of the Japanese from the very first life of life, the idea that he belongs to Sino is rooted. From here there are two most important factor in regulation of behavior. First, the statement that they are most intimately connected only with the Japanese nation; Secondly, a shintopic point of view, according to which it is ridiculous if a foreigner worships kami and confesses Shito - such a behavior of a non-pump is perceived as absurdity. At the same time, Sinto does not hold the Japanese themselves from who confessed any other religion. It is not by chance that almost all the Japanese are parallel with the synthism consider themselves adherents of some other religious doctrine. Currently, if you summarize the number of Japanese to affiliates to separate confessions, then the number exceeds the overall population of the country.

In ancient times, a cult action in Sinto was to worship the deity of a particular temple, which, in essence, had no relation to other temples. The rituals of the Shinto temples consisted in the advice of the local deity. This simplicity of the ceremony, requiring people only offenses and the simplest ritual actions, was the most important cause of stability of Coto for centuries. For an ancient Japanese, who lived in countryside, your temple, his rituals, his annual colorful holidays became the necessary part of life; So lived his fathers and grandfathers, he lived himself, not making any effort to this; So it was started, all relatives and neighbors do this.

Despite the lack of unity in the worship of the deities, the device of the shinto temples is nevertheless uniformly. The basis of each temple is Hondan (the sanctuary) in which the syntine (shrine, deity) is stored. Khaiden is adjacent to Hyden, that is, the hall for praying. There are no images of the gods in the temples, but some temples are decorated with images of lions or other animals. In the temples of Inari there are images of foxes, with chie-monkeys temples, with Kasuga temples - a deer image. These animals are considered as envoys of the respective deities. All this indicates a link of Coto with numerous specific folk beliefs.

Ancient folk beliefs.

Usually under folk beliefs understand an ancient religious practice that does not associate with the church hierarchy. This is a complex of representations and actions based on prejudice, superstitions, etc. Although folk beliefs differ from the temple cult, but the relationship here is obvious. We turn, for example, to the ancient cult of the fox, which the Japanese worship from time immemorial.

The deity in the image of the fox, believed the Japanese, had a body and a human mind. In Japan, special temples were built in which people were gathered, allegedly possessing foxes. Under the rhythmic sounds of the drums and the uphold of priests parishioners with "fox in kind" fell into a state of trance. They believed that this spirit of the fox would instill their strength in them. Therefore, people with "fox in kind" considered themselves in some kind of sorcerers and visionary, predicting the future.

Wolf has long been worshiped in Japan. This animal was considered the spirit of the mountains. People asked others to protect the crops and the workers themselves from various misfortunes. So, fishermen still ask him about the feeling of a favorable wind.

In some areas of Japan, especially on the coast, starting with antiquity, the locals worshiped the turtle. Fishermen considered the Turtle (Cee) by the Deity (Kami) of the Sea, from which their luck depended. Huge turtles off the coast of Japan often came across fishing networks. Fishermen carefully pulled out of the networks, they saw Sake and released back to the sea.

Also in ancient Japan there was a kind of snake and mollusk. In fact, at present, the Japanese can eat them in food, but some types of snakes and mollusks are considered to be sacred so far. This is Tanisi, the inhabitants of rivers and ponds. Some scientists believe that a reverent attitude towards Tanisi came to Japan from China. According to legends, in the area of \u200b\u200bAidza once stood the temple of Vacia Hatiman, at the foot of which were two ponds. If someone caught Tanisi in these ponds, then at night I heard a voice requiring her return. Sometimes sick specially caught Tanisi to hear the voice of the pond at night and demand for themselves recovery in exchange for the liberation of Tanisi. In old Japanese medical books, it was indicated that Tanisi - good tool from eye diseases; There are, however, legends and that only one who does not use Tanishi in food are cured of eye diseases.

There are places in Japan, where they still believe in the sacred fish of Okodze. This little girl was given in ancient legends a very large place. She was considered a representative of Kami Mountains. The hunters wathetally wrapped in white paper and uttered something like spells:

"Okodze if you send me good luck, I'll send you and give you to see sunlight". Many fishermen hung at the door of their horses dried Okodze in the hope that they would be accompanied by luck, and the house will be protected from evil spirits. When the fishermen fell into trouble, they promised to bring the sea to the gift of Okodze, if he was walked and saved them.

Also there were beliefs that luck and happiness to the Japanese will bring Dragonfly Tombo, which was associated with courage and even with the National Spirit. Dragonfly perceived as a militant insect, so it was customary to wear objects with the image of dragonfly. This custom has been preserved now; Image of dragonfly can be seen on things, boy clothes. This attitude towards dragonfly comes from depth japanese historyWhen Japan was called "earth dragonfly". And now you can still meet the word "dragonfly" as Synonym for Japan.

In the ancient times, shark (Sama) in Japan was considered a creature endowed with divine power, i.e. Kami. About shark went various legends. In one of them it says that one day the shark bit off a woman's leg. Woman's father in prayers asked the Spirits of the Sea to take revenge on the daughter. After some time, he saw in the sea a large flock shark pursued one predator. The fisherman caught her, killed and found his daughter in the stomach.

Fishermen believed that Shark could help avoid misfortunes in the sea and could even bear drowning to the shore on her back. They believed that kosaks of fish were drawn behind the sacred shark. If the fisherman was lucky to meet her, he returned with a rich catch.

The Japanese also guarded the crab. The amulet made from its dried shell, defended from evil spirits and diseases. They said that one day the crabs appeared in the coastal area where no one had ever seen them. Fishermen caught them, dried and hanged on the trees; since evil spirits Party bypass these places. Still still lives a legend that the warriors of Tyra, who suffered a defeat in the civil war with the Minato clan, plunged into the sea and turned into crabs. Therefore, in some rural areas it is also considered to this day that the belly of the crab resembles a human face.

Along with the worship of animals in Japan, the worship of the mountains, mountain sources, stones, trees, etc. For the peasant, the nature has long served as a reliable source of life, so he deified her in his ideas. Contemplation of individual stones, trees, etc. caused a true pleasure from the Japanese. Among the trees is, of course, Iva.

The Japanese was guarded by molding Ivi (Yanagi). Her graceful thin branches, quencing under the slightest dungement of the wind, cause them high aesthetic feelings. Many poets have sought Yanagi since ancient times, artists often portrayed it on engravings and scrolls. All graceful and elegant Japanese compare with the branches of Willow.

Yanagi Japanese treated trees that brings happiness and good luck. From the willow made wands for food, which used only on the holiday of the New Year.

Initially, a huge impact on beliefs, as already mentioned, had to be rendered to Japan with the mainland of religion. This can be shown by the example of the Kosin Cult.

Kosin (year of the monkey) is the name of one of the years of an old cyclic chorer, used in Japan until 1878. The chosings are consisting 60-year cycles. Cult Kosin is connected with Taoism brought to Japan from China. Daoists believed that on the night of the New Year's night, Kosin inhabitants in the body of each person a certain mysterious being during sleep leaves him and rises into the sky, where he reports to heavenly Vladyka about sinful matters. Based on this report, the Heavenly Vladyka can deprive a person of life, so it was recommended to spend the nights of Kosin without sleep. In Japan, this custom got very widespread. Gradually, he also imagined the elements of Buddhism and Sintoism.

Many deities from Buddhist Pantheon entered the folk pantheon of Japanese deities themselves. So, in Japan, Buddhist Holy Dzizo was gaining great popularity. In the courtyard of one of the temples in Tokyo, the Dzizo statue was erected, excavated by the straw ropes. This is the so-called Sibarara Dzizo - "Knitted Dzizo"; If a person kidnapped some values, he tied Dzizo and promised to free it when the disappearance was found.

Researchers as follows classify the ancient folk beliefs of the Japanese:

· Production cults (related mainly with agriculture and fishing);

· Healing cults (providing alleged curability from diseases);

· Cults of patronage (aimed at defencing epidemics and other troubles from the outside);

· The cult is the keeper of a homely focus (who has protected from a fire and supported the world in the family);

· The cult of good luck and prosperity (which gave the acquisitions and good of life);

· The cult of scaring evil spirits (aimed at getting rid of different uncleanies - devils, water, ledges).

It should be not particularly told about the so-called tea ceremony (in Japanese Town). This ceremony refers to the most distinctive, unique and ancient arts. It plays a significant role in the spiritual and public life of the Japanese for several centuries. Straight - strictly painted ritual, in which the Master of Tea is involved - the one who brewed tea is distinguished by him, and those who are present at the same time and then drinks. The first - priest, making tea action, the second - the participants of the action, bringing to him. Each has its own style of behavior, covering and pose with the seat, and all movements, and the expression of the face, and the Maneru of Speech. Aesthetics pull, his sophisticated ritual is subordinate to the canons of Zen-Buddhism. According to legend, she originates from China since the first patriarch Buddhism Bodhidharma.

Once, the legend says, sitting in meditation, Bodhidharma felt that his eyes clung to and against his will clone to sleep. Then, angry with himself, he snatched his eyelids and thrown to the ground. At this place, an unusual bush with juicy leaves rose soon. Later, the pupils of Bodhidharma began to brew these leaves with hot water - the drink helped them to keep cheerfulness.

In reality, the tea ceremony arose in China long before the appearance of Buddhism. According to many sources, Lao Tzu introduced it. It is he in V c. BC e., testify the legends, offered a ritual with a cup of "golden elixir". This ritual flourished in China up to the Mongolian invasion. Later, the Chinese brought the ceremony with the "golden elixir" to the simple brewing of the dried tea bush leaves.

In Japan, the art of Taine received its logical conclusion.

Buddhism in ancient Japan.

This religion penetrated, as already noted, in Japan in the VI century, when Buddhist monks began to penetrate the Japanese islands. Buddhist sacred books written in Chinese were the first to appear in Japan. Traditional forms of Japanese Buddhism have their own features.

As already mentioned, the founder of Buddhism (Buddha) was born in the VI century. BC. In the princely family of Shakiev (powerful), he was called Siddhartha, and when he reached the age of majority, he was given the name of Gautam. That is, the Japanese legend about Gautama take completely. Just like the fact that the father of Gautama kept the heir's son away from worldly workers, drove him on a gilded chariot, hiding from strangers. The young prince did not know worries, bought in luxury and did not lead a real life. Once he still saw a beggar old man, another time - cripples, in the third dead man and in the fourth - stray hermit. Winned shook Gautam and changed his fate. He refused a rich inheritance, left his wife and son and in 29 years old became a wandering ascetic.

Six years of Gautama, according to Japanese interpretation, spent in the wandering, living by the alignment. Somehow at night, sitting under the Boy Tree (Bodhi, which means "knowledge") in deep thoughtfulness, he understood the meaning of being - enlightened to him. Gautama knew the four holy truths: life is basically suffering; The cause of suffering is passion, needs, people's desires; To get rid of suffering, we must stop preparing all the desires; This can be done only by care from the reality and achievement of "higher enlightenment" - Nirvana.

Since Gautama became Buddha (Buddha in Sanskrit means "enlightened", "reached insight", and the Japanese also borrowed this concept), he was called Shaky Muni (holy from the family of Shakiev).

Buddha devoted to the preaching of his teaching. He died in 80 years. Followers, including in Japan, began to endow it with various supernatural abilities: he could be invisible, fly through the air, walking on the water, to keep the sun and the moon in his hands, and so on. Gradually, Buddha acquired in people's ideas and other divine qualities .

The main thing in the Japanese Buddhism is to care from everyday reality. Buddhism preaches renunciation from passions, proclaims the futility of worldly concerns, calls for peace of mind.

Buddhist, as follows from the canons, you should escape from Sansary (material, sensual world) to go to the world of Nirvana. According to the teachings of the Buddha, Sansara is illusory world, and Nirvana - the world is genuine. Reality, as follows from Buddhism dogmas, this is the movement of specific particles - Dharmas. Everything in the world is formed from the Dharma combination. Buddhist scholasts are from 70 to 100 varieties of Dharmas. Also identify certain groups of Dharmas: Dharma of Genesis and non-existence (what is born and disappears, and what exists forever); Dharma of the excitement and peace (what is subject to passionality and bustle, and what seeks to calm); Dharma mental states (feeling of a favorable, unfavorable and indifferent attitude towards the surrounding); Cognitive dharma (sensation, perception, performance); Dharma of consciousness and subconscious (controlled abstraction consciousness and what is non-controlled by consciousness).

Dharma, according to Buddhism, never disappear, but only connect to various structures. In this regard, human death is understood as the decay of one structure with Dharmas and the appearance of another in the image of a person, animal, insect, plants, etc. Life, according to Buddhism, is a chain of infinite rebirths. To secure "good rebirth", not reborn, say , In a snake or insect, a person must comply with the prescriptions of Buddhism. The idea of \u200b\u200ba person's place in the world is outlined in the numerous messages of the Buddha. Their essence is clearly visible in circulation of the Buddha to their students before death.

"Lowering the teaching illuminates the way of life! Rely on it; Do not believe anything else. Be yourself light yourself. Naughty only for yourself; Do not look at others. Blute your body, take care of your cleanliness; Do not give up temptations; Do not you know that temptations will bring you suffering? Take care of your soul; Know; that she is eternal; Are you not convinced that oblivion of her, your pride and self will bring you innumerable suffering? Be careful to everything that surrounds you; Do not you see that all this is the eternal "self"? Do not you know that all this will overcome with time and will be dispelled? Do not be afraid of suffering, follow my covenants and you get rid of them. Make everything with a soul - and you will be my faithful disciples.

My friends ... Do not forget that death is only the bodies of the body. Body gave us parents. It is focused by food, so diseases and death are inevitable. But you know that the Buddha is not a body, it is enlightenment. The body will disappear, and the wisdom of enlightenment will remain forever. Enlightenment will live with you in the form of Dharma. The one who seen my body has not yet seen me. I saw the one who knew my teachings. After my death, your teacher will be my dharma. Follow this dharma - and you will be faithful to me. "

Of course, early Buddhism differed somewhat from the one that penetrated Japan. So, in Early Buddhism, the emphasis was not focused on ideological questions, but on the norms of human behavior. These norms have not denied what was kept in an acceptable ethnos already tested codes of life. As a result, Buddhism quickly won numerous supporters. His victorious procession from India in South and East Asia It began in the III century. BC e. At the turn of the new era, Buddhism spread in China, in IV century. in Korea and VI - VII centuries. Approved in Japan.

Naturally, the religion could not keep such a huge in the number of adepts and soon began to crush into sects. The most significant split occurred in the i century, when two directions were determined within Buddhism: Cryana and Mahayana.

In Japan, many Chinese and Korean monks who brought Buddhism created their sects. Between the sects launched the struggle on the soil of the doctrines of Krynyna and Mahayana. The latter was perceived by the Japanese as more acceptable, so Mahayaist temples began to arise everywhere.

Mahayana (letters. - Large chariot) means in contrast to Hynyne (letters. - Small chariot) "Wide Salvation Way". For the teachings, Mahayana, can be saved not only by a monk, as in Krynyan, but anyone who will comply with certain commandments and prescriptions. Buddha is not considered as a teacher, but as God. It is believed that there were countless Buddhas that the next Buddha will replace the currently existing one more than eight years. In Pantheon, Mahayana has more than a thousand buddes that will come to people in the future. More consisted of Bodhisattva.

According to Buddhist canons, Bodhisattva is an enlightened person who refuses Nirvana to help all people achieve enlightenment. Bodhisattva "bring together" people with a Buddha, come to their aid for their call. Arkhats help Bodhisattva, that is, the saints, who achieved the knowledge of the fundamental truths of being and distribute the teachings of Buddhism among the masses of the population.

The number of buddhism adherents at the end of the VI - VII century. AD It has increased by such a rapid pace that Emperor Kamma, fearing the monastic "invasion", in 794 he moved his capital from Nara to the county.

Of course, its further and deeper transformation of Buddhism in Japan has undergone much later. But at the beginning of this transformation, Japanese Buddhism, focusing on internal problems man recommended a national approach to the experiences of reality. Unlike the classic Buddhism, preaching the refusal of desires, the Japanese promotes a reasonable attitude towards them. According to the canons of Japanese Buddhism, only unrealistic desires are the cause of anxiety and anxiety. "Enlightenment" (Japanese Satori) is not related to the abandonment of the charms of life. Having reached enlightenment, as already follows from the practice of modern sects, the Japanese should enjoy life.

Buddhism for the Japanese ethnos, therefore, with deep antiquity was a life-affirming religion.

Confucianism in Japan.

Usually under Confucianism understand the religious and philosophical system arising in China 2500 years ago. However, during the time of the victorious distribution of this system in various countries of Asia, including in Japan, in Chinese, there was no separate word to designate the concept of "religion": the Heroglyph "Jiao" system (Japanese "Ke") in The translation indicated and religion, and teaching. It was in such an understanding that the Japanese perceived Confucianism.

According to the teachings of Confucius, the hieroglyph "Zhen" consists of two sense elements: "Man" and "Two". Confucius believed that a person had a congenital sense of humanity, which manifests itself in communicating with another person. In the broad sense of "Zhen" means a set of principles of relationships: mercy, restraint, modesty, kindness, compassion, love for people, altruism. Debt, according to Confucius, means the highest law "Zhen", it unites the amount of moral obligations that a person accepts voluntarily. In the norms of behavior (etiquette, rites, decency) is a sense of debt. That all this has been manifested in the relationship between people without tension, people must have the foundations of moral and aesthetic knowledge. Such knowledge is acquired by Confucius, only by learning the assimilation of legal establishments, realization and imitation. In this regard, loyalty in the sense of humility and unconditional following the authority should be unshakable. A special principle that permeates, by Confucius, all society, this is "Xiao" - a sonal respect, the love of the Son to parents, and above all to the Father.

As in traditional Confucianism, the Japanese followers of Confucius believe that, according to Xiao, children should not only perform the will of their parents and truly serve them, but also to all their hearts to love them. If a person does not like his parents, and even more, he does not recognize his sons of their duties, it is a worthless creature.

Confucius taught to die better than refuse to read parents. This provision was perceived in Japan as it is impossible. In addition, the ideas of Confucianism were set forth in Japan in special treatises, which were strongly introduced into the minds of people. The state took care of the spread of the ideas of "Xiao" among subjects. This was due to the fact that the principle itself included not only the relationship between the Father and the Son, but also by the Company as a whole: the relationship between the emperor and the ministers, between the local authorities and the population. Sonstitude (unconditional submission to the Father) was distributed to the entire state hierarchy, meaning submission to the existing order. It should be indicated that if Buddhism can be considered an individual psychological system for regulating behavior, the Confucianism - the moral and ethical, on the basis of which the behavior of people in society is being built. In addition, Buddhism dominated in Japan and Buddhism turned out to be significant obstacles on the path of Confucius's ideas. Therefore, in antiquity, Confucianism did not convince wide circles population. In general, Confucian monuments were translated into Japanese only in the late Middle Ages, after which this teaching gained massiness.

Writing in ancient Japan.

Although Japanese is built on the same hieroglyphic basis as Chinese, the community of two languages \u200b\u200bis limited to writing. The same Japanese, its grammar and vocabulary are not analytic, as Chinese, and agglutinative. Yes, and genetically they are different. The Japanese did not have original Japanese writing and their ancient chronicles were recorded by a Chinese letter. Chinese hieroglyphs were not adapted to the phonetic rank japanesethat has made great difficulties not only in the system of writing and reading, but also in understanding the Japanese text. Chinese hieroglyphs in the Japanese text were read on the Japanese PLA and often denoted completely different realities than in the Chinese text. This prompted the Japanese to appeal to a syllable alphabet, two phonetic varieties of which - Hiragana and Katakana - are combined under the general name of Cana. With the help of Cana, the Japanese began to record words for which there were no Chinese semantic hieroglyphs. In addition, the Cana turned out to be convenient for the designation of service verbs and grammatical particles. A unique combination of two writing systems - hieroglyphic and phonetic was created.


1. Fedorov I. A. "Ancient civilizations"

2. Kabanov S. E. "History of Ancient Japan"

3. "Encyclopedia for children"

They say what your friends are, and you yourself. And how in that case be with the ancient legends? "Tell me, what were your gods in ancient times, and I will say that you imagine now?" Is it possible to argue that there is a direct dependence of such a long time and present? Probably not. But something from it in us is still left. Well, and if this, let's look at the example of the history of Japan and the role that in the formation of the spiritual culture of this nation played a spear, a sword and ... The most ancient her heroes.

Let's start with the fact that the ancient Japanese books "Codziki" and "Nihon Syuki" recorded at the beginning of the 7th century report that the first gods were invisible, and no one knew their names. Then two Gods appeared idzanagi and Izanov, brother and sister - the first of the gods, whose names became known to people. The older gods instructed them to create the land and gave ... Magic spear. They got up to the heavenly floating bridge, immersed a spear into the ocean, wrapped up with this spear of his water, and when they pulled it out of the water, the drops were broken from the tip, which fell and turned into a one-garden - "the thickened island itself." Then brother and sister settled on this island, and Yashmov Spear was used as a support pillar in their home. That is, without a spear of Japan, it would simply have no existence!

Literally follows the first mention of the sword. He belonged to God Izanagi, who killed them his own son - God of fire, at the birth of which Izanans experienced strong pain. The goddess of such a "care" strongly upset, and she went into underworld. Well, and Izanagi repented that he made the first murder in the world, and went down to the underground kingdom to return it. But the evil spirits and gods of the dungeon did not give him to do it, although he fought with them with this sword. Returning, he made numerous ablutions to be cleaned by the hellish badge, and had another three children who later became the main Japanese gods and played a very important role in the history of the Japanese. So, it was his daughter - the goddess of the sun Amateras, sent his grandson of Ninigi to Earth ("Yunoolu - God of Rice Kones"), and gave him three magic subjects: The bronze mirror (with the help of which the gods once lured her from the cave), pendants from Jasper and Swim Tuchi's sword - a gift of her brother, Terrible God Susano.

Three sacred regalia of Japanese emperors

But that's what's interesting: Susanoo this sword took not so much by force how much cunning. At that time on Earth in the field of Izumo lived a certain giant snake, which had eight heads and eight tails (in Japan eight lucky number!), And he was so great that his tails were filled at once eight valleys. The eyes resembled the sun and the moon, and the forest grew on the ridge. Snakes went to people with whole villages, but the young girls were especially likely, and Susano and volunteered to kill him. Choosing a beautiful girl as bait, he armed with his father's sword and hid nearby. However, in addition to the supplies for the monster, the fair amount of SACE. Serpent Shipzes and, not paying attention to the girl, immersed all eight heads in the cups with sake (apparently, these cups were suitable for him!) And drank everything to a drop. Now drunk snakes became easy prey of Susano, who immediately cut him into pieces. When he reached the tail, there was another magic sword there, who presented his sister. And since it was found over the tail, where he was found, black clouds were sworn, then he was given a name: "Ame-But Muracomo-tongue", or the "sword of whining clouds".

Still philosopher Socrates noticed an interesting feature of modern greek mythology: Her Olympic gods behave in it, as it could not come to mind any normal ancient Greek. They are curly, they are depraved with earthly women, and the gods children will overthrow the gods of the fathers instead of respecting them. Children of the gods, for example, the same herak, not always be in the myths as an object of decent imitation in the myths. Do not believe? But after all, he also uses the arrows poisoned by the Lerneysian Hydra poisoned, that is, applies a weapon that the valiant soldiers always condemned. What is it? Accident? Or so it was done specifically to show simple mortals, how to do should not be done, and what is allowed to Jupiter, not allowed to the will?! Interestingly, the gods in Japan behaved in the same way.

The same God of Susanoo, wanting to annoy his sister Amateras, firstly, demolished the mixture on her fields, and the irrigation canals poured. And, secondly, in her resting, designed for meals, was worked out and scattered outfect. Moreover, the goddess, as a true Japanese, did not blame him for it (although it is impossible to call it ugly, it is impossible to call it), but it was like that: "It seems to be a penalty, but this is my brother - God, probably, who has made Spy, you did. And what a mefi demolished, the channels fell asleep, so it probably sorry my God, you regretted the land and therefore did it, that is, for all his disgraces found a decent justification.

Statue of Yamato Terker in Kenrogen in Kanasava, Isikawa Province

We encounter the same in the legends on the exploits of the legendary prince Yamato Town. His courage he could compete with the knight Round Table. Lancelot lake or one of the old Russian epic warriors. That's just the truly knightly spirit he did not have in risen, and many of his acts seem to be simply strange, if not more!
So, he began his feats with the fact that he killed his older brother just for being late for dinner. And not just killed, but strangled, touched the limbs, wrapped all this in the mat and threw it out! This act was so shocked by his father, Emperor Caico, that he sent his son to Kyushu Island, where he would fight with the enemies of the emperor. The first to whom he had to kill on the orders of the Father, were the Kumaso brave brothers. He came to the house of the enemy, and, discovering there three rows of guards, changed clothes in women's clothinggiven to him by his aunt, after which he joined the victims of the enemy leaders. When those inxicane, like a malfunctive snake, he snatched the dagger, hidden under the clothes, and killed them both, that is, did not act as a samurai, but as a real sneaky and descended ninja. Then he defeated another leader in the province of Izumo, and again, not by force, but a cunning. At first he became friends with him so that he began to consider him almost his brother. Then he made himself a wooden sword and began to wear it, shouted into the sheath as if real. Well, and the trusting leader he invited to swim in the river. They left their swords on the shore, and here, coming out of the water, the prince of Yamato offered him in a sign of friendship to change with swords. The leader agreed, and then accepted his cunning proposal to cross swords in a friendly duel. Of course, he immediately discovered that his new sword was made of wood, but it was too late, because the prince of Yamato immediately killed him.

It is clear that all these actions of Prince Yamato frankly do not correspond to the ideal image of a samurai warrior, but he also behaved at all at all as it would like a real samurai, that is, "Knight without fear and reproach"! Having received the orders to go on the road again, he again visited his aunt, the Supreme Priestess of the Great Sanctuary in ISE, and received the sacred "sword of whining clouds" from her, that is, the most powerful weapons from all those who existed at that time. But, even possessing such a sword, the victory in this campaign Yamato did not at all with his help. By the way, a huge snake, which Susano killed, it is incomprehensible how again rested, I demanded it, I demanded it, to return the "sword of whining clouds". However, Yamato jumped through the snake, and did not beat him. Then he met the girl Iwato-Hime (well, what about without a girl?!), Which is passionately loved. That's just instead of going with her marriage and live long and happily, for some reason he left and headed to the Sagam region, whose ruler decided to destroy him. The heter of the trick was lured into the valley, peeling with dry high grass, and then set fire to it. Here, the prince finally used the sword, squinting her grass around him, spent her and was escaped. Naturally, everyone who wanted his death, he killed, and their bodies burned. And his sword began to be called "Kusanagi, but Tsurugi" ("Sword, Spreading the Grass").

Here he came again to Iwato-Hime. But knowing (from where, it is not clear!) That he will not be able to stay with her, again he left, giving her the "sword of whining clouds". Iwato-Hime sword took and with tears in his eyes, for some reason he hung on a tute tree. Here on the hero again attacked the omnipresent giant snake, through which he again jumped out, but at the same time he threw his foot. From this he had a temperature rose, and he redeemed in a cold stream. The fever slept, but he could not recover, and the anticipation of an ambulance ending, wanted to see Iwato-Hime. And she immediately appeared in front of him, because all this time secretly followed him in his walnia. The prince took the spirit, but only better did not become, and as a result he died, after which he became a white bird that flew south.

So strangely finished his life Prince Yamato, and this end, we note, contains all the features of the epic tales on samurai exploits, as well as the Knights of the Round Table, which are constantly: the hero is our alone, he is pursued by the enemies, and in the end he dies with the ridiculous Accident. Moreover, the image of a single warrior-hero's samurai is alive in Japan today, and Prince Yamato stands in the series of her heroes first. Moreover, his name is in the most early stories Countries - semi-corporate "codziki" ("Notes on Actrics"), written in 712, and "Nihon Syuki", 720 years. Surprisingly, the Japanese story simply abounds with such "heroes" and losers. And it is not clear why the image of Yamato, from whom, in fact, everything began, was created by such contradictory and rolling? Perhaps this was done specifically, and in this case again we are dealing with the "principle of Jupiter and Ovea", and he had to show samurai, which is in their history and such examples, which are clearly not needed?! Or, on the contrary, the heroic in it (although what it is, is it the most "heroic"?) Should it be overshadowed by everything negative in his image? As a result, the sword was the "soul sourai", but for some reason he did not make a spear! Interestingly, in christian Bible It is not specified by which Cain's weapon killed Abel. He could curse or make a symbol, and its creators clearly did not want it. Therefore, "rebelled and killed" in it is given without details. Not so in Japan, only the heroes of her ancient history with spears and swords turned out some very strange.

Ancient Japan., like others, begins myths. She generously scatters hundreds of centuries to the reign of the gods A on Earth, - he holds the ranks of half-skinned heroes before us, and only with a certain epoch takes terrestrial character. We must recognize this epoch with the actual beginning of the history of ancient Japan.

Ancient Japan.As a state, formed in the 7th century before AD. Obviously, she could not arise from nothing, take the state device right after the era of wildness. There is no doubt that there was a period of generic and breeding life, but we almost do not know anything about him. It is known only that under 660 BC. The chronicles mention the foundation of the Mikado monarchy in the southern parts of the current Japanese empire, from Kiusi to Jewdo Bay.

The first emperor they call Djimmwhose ancestors, of course, were heroes, demigods and even the goddess of the Sun, the Supreme Divine of Japan. Jimmu taught the people to different crafts, established a division of time for years, months and hours, gave laws, arranged the government and so on.

In addition, he was both the conqueror, because, having passed from Kiusi, seven years was engaged in the conquest of the country that formed the territory of his state and before the people already occupied by the people, but who had weapons, leaders and fortified buildings. Was Lie Djimmchinese outcomes, as claprot believed, it is difficult to say; It is more likely that his fatherland was.

At least, Japanese chronicles say that foreign gods have already penetrated into the country, and, therefore, the servants of them are priests. You could only come the latter from the Heavenly Empire.

Per Djimmmikado followed:

2. Sun-this, Contemporary Confucius (581-548) and the third son DjimmWhat can be seen that even then the birth of the birthright was not particularly important in such a state as.
3. An-her, who died in 510 BC.
4. And current - 475 BC
5. Kosio - 392 BC. His reign was marked by the first war, which Japanese chronicles know; It was the inter part of two regions, i.e. Their governors, IET and go.
6. Koan - 290 BC
7. Korea - 214 BC In his time, Japan was divided into 36 provinces, although he had not yet occupied the entire state.
8. Cooken or Kogen - 157 BC, the contemporary of the Chinese emperor Sino, who led the expulsion to Japan, under the leadership of the CI-Fu doctor, to find the grass of immortality; Three thousand Chinese, which then remained within the Japanese state and probably the first to introduce it closer with the industry and the culture of China.
9. Cairva - 97 BC
10. Siou-Zin - 29 BC. This Mikado in 86 BC First introduced the position in the state seguna, that is, the commander in chief of the troops in the case of uprisings or external war. Position This was given to them alone from sons. The first folk census was manufactured in the same reign, the Japanese began to start a trade and even military fleet.
11. SININ - 79. In the reign of this contemporary Augustus, the Japanese began to dig a pond and conduct ditch to handle rice fields. Then Buddhism entered the state for the first time.
12. Caiko - 113
13. Seim - 192
14. CIU-AI - 201

15. Zip-gu-kva-gu - 270. This famous Empress was the first woman on the throne mikado. She had the intention to conquer Korea and herself commanded the army sent to this peninsula. Its name is very popular in Japan, and some features of the life of the Japanese are connected with it. She is attributed to the category of gods.
16. O-Sin or Sin - 313 Mikado, in the Japanese chronicles, famous in the war and the world and also propulsioned. With it, a Japanese writing, borrowed from China, originally without any change. Before the Request in Japan, all laws and commands of Mikado declared the people who were verbally and passed into the offspring of legend, as well as the stories about the events.
17. Ning-current - 400 g.
18. Licio or Riceiu - 406
19. Background-Sees - 412
20. Inkio - 424
21. Anko - 457
22. Juriaku or IU LAK - 480. The first coins were knocked out in his reign of some blue.
23. Seine-Nei - 485
24. Ken-SO - 488
25. Ningen - 499
26. Budret or Mute - 507. The cruel sovereign of Ancient Japan, who himself revealed the belly to pregnant women.
27. Kei-Tai - 534. Very virtuous mikadostates and died by all migrated.
28. An-Kan - 536
29. Seine-kva - 540 g.
30. Kin-Meus - 572. A very religious sovereign and a great patron of Buddhism, who since that time was firmly established in the state.
31. Fitatza or Bidac - 586, no less zealous fan of the teachings of Shakyamuni, the famous statue of which was then brought to Japan and put in the Kobuzi temple. He even opened against himself an uprising of the National Party, at the head of which was stood by Moria.
32. IO-MEE - 588. Winner Moria.
33. Siou-Zioon - 593. Under it, the division of the state for seven roads or large areas was established, the division is not administrative, but geographical.
34. Sum-Ko or SIO - 629. The Empress, in the reign of which the Japanese first learned the gold brought from christ.
35. ZIO-MEE - 636
36. Quo Goku - 642; female.
37. Ko-current - 655. He first installed the Japanese tabel about ranks and the signs of the differences of officials. Since his time, in the state, the ancient Japan has become in chronology to use the bill not from the beginning of the monarchy, but by reigns. Another did not distinguish anything.
38. Sai-Meus - 662
39. Ten-qi - 673
40. Ten-MU - 687. This mikadogot his title of state ruler after a civil war with his younger Brother. Such internecine wars were in the order of things, because the birthright did not give the right to the throne, and many of the sovereigns of Ancient Japan were from younger sons, nephews and other relatives of the reigning Mikado, bypassing the nearest relatives. With the Ten-Mu on the island of Tsushim, the first Japanese mines of silver were developed and began to be developed. Then the custom is set to celebrate the days of patrons of different cities so-called matsuri., so favorite Japanese people.
41. CITO - 697. The woman, in the reign of which the Japanese first learned to prepare their drink - sake.
42. MON-MU - 708 G. Province received coat of arms. Then the exact measure of bulk bodies is kept.
43. GEN-MEE - 715. With this Empress, a census is made in populated state places to establish permanent official names.
44. GEN-SIO - 724 G. The state given rules for cutting and wearing women's clothing.
45. SIO-MU - 750
46. \u200b\u200bKokhen - 759; female. For the first time gold found in Japan.
47. FAI-TAI - 765
48. SIO-current - 771; female.
49. Ko-Ning - 782
50. Kwan-Mu - 806
51. Fairies-Qio - 810
52. SA-GA - 824
53. SIUN-VA - 834
54. Nin-Mo- 851
55. Mont-current - 859

56. Saila - 877. The chronicle tells that in the reign of this contemporary of our Rurik, the Confucian doctrine made great successes in the top classes of ancient Japanese society. Self mikadospecial pleasure was preparing to read the works of the Chinese philosopher.
57 IO-Zey - 885
58 kva-to-888
59 Uda - 898
60 Dygo - 931
61. Siu-Zau - 949
62. Mura-Kami - 968
63. Rei-Zen - 970
64. Yen-B - 985
65. Kvass - 987
66. Icy-Qio - 1012 G. Blooming Age of Japanese Famous Writers lived at the court of icy-cio.
67. San Qio - 1017
68. Go-izzy - 1037
69. Go-Ziu-Zaku - 1046
70. Go-Ri-Xen - 1069. Rebells in the province
71. Go-San Qio - 1073
72. Siro-Wawa - 1087
73. Fori-Gawa - 1108
75. Sin-current - 1142
76. Kin-Iey - 1156 in the abandonment of this mikadoin the state there was a famous inner war between the prince's houses of Feki and Genja, which threatened to completely empty the country. This war is obliged to their new elevation at the courtyard of Mikado commander-in-chief of the troops, or seguns, for they
We were the assimiors of rebelled specific princes. Of particular fame received the Eerito, to which the emperor gave the title of the Great segunand with the authority to lead to the end of a civil war. Prosperous in this order, at the same time almost deprived the authorities themselves mikadoand made the title segunaschard with the title of Sultans under Baghdad Califa. Long his career was compiled in the reign:
77. Go-Sira-Gava - 1159
78. NI-QIO - 1166
79. Rok-Qio - 1169
80. Tanker - 1181
81. An-current - 1184

82. Go-shoba - 1199, from which the last title actually gave him sea-Söguna.
83. Tsuzi Mikado - 1211, in turn, granted the same title to Son Yerito, five years after the death of the famous Father. In 1206, a typography was introduced from China.

84. Zion-current - 1221. Under it, the side son of Yerito, Sonetomo, has already supported his claims to the position of Segun and for this purpose, a military fleet has started.

85. GO-FORI-GAVA - 1233
86. CIO - 1243
87. Go Saga - 1247
88. Go-Fuka -Kuza - 1260
89. Kame-Yama - 1275
90. Guda - 1288 with him, in 1284, a Mongolian fleet was appeared off the coast of the state from two hundred forty thousands of a thousand, who used the goal of conquering this country; But the storm was broken.
91. Fuzimi - 1299
92. Go-Fuzimi - 1302
93. Go-Ni-Qio - 1308
94. Fan Zone - 1319
95. Go-Dai - 1132. The death field of the 96th mikado, Quo Gena, he reigned the second time for three years. The beginning of new interdudes, which led to the fact that mikadohe renounced the throne, which turned to the Quo Genu.
96. Quo Gen - 1337
97. Quo Mio - 1349
98. Siou-HVO - 1352
99. GO-CVO-GU - 1372

100. Goyen-Y - 1383
101. Go-Co-Matsu - 1413 at the end of the 14th century, Japan had even two mikado, northern and southern, of whom the last, however, voluntarily refused in 1392. From his claims and went to the monks under the name Tai-Thale-Oh (transition mikadothe monk is not uncommon in Japanese history. At least three emperors first tai-cio accepted the monastic rock. This custom embalved in Japan since the introduction of Buddhism).

Adsekura, Treasury Mikado, VIII century

102. SIO-CVO - 1429
103. Go-fan-zono - 1465
104. Go-Tsuzi Mikado - 1501
105. Casiva Bar - 1527

106. Go-Nara - 1558. With it in 1543, the Portuguese arrived in Japan.
107. Ogoki-Mazi ~ 1587 in his reign, in 1565, Songun Josi-Tire made himself harakiri, and songun Nobunaga He was killed with his eldest son, in the Miako Palace. By death Nobunaga rank segunand for some time we wore San Fozi, but in 1586 I finally approved according to this post, received from mikado Title Canbuku, i.e. Vice king. Phideo was the son of a peasant, with his dating and courage to people. Having made the Lord of Japan, he, by the custom of the country, changed the name and began to be called Taiko-itself. The aristocrats who rebels against him were mostly grave and even deprived of possessions; Mikado themselves lost their position.
108. GO-IOO-SSI - 1612 in his reign Taiko, then almost the actual sovereign of Japan to distract the attention of the aristocracy from the internal affairs, weaken its expenses and subjugate at least for the time of the military dictatorship, decided in 1592 to go to Korea to Korea, under the pretext of delivering new devices to the princes that were deprived of those during civilians. The conquest of almost the entire peninsula was completed, despite the opposition of the Chinese, but in 1598, before death, Taikowithdrew the troops, and the conquered lands disappeared from Japan.
109. Go-Mindzu-Novo or Dai Zeo-Zhu - 1630 in his reign. The only son and heir. Taikoit was besieged in the Osquest Castle formerly his teacher of Ieyas and betrayed himself a flame, so as not to surrender, or, according to legend, disappeared into the ownership of Prince Satsumum. Iehasubecame segunohm, and when the aristocracy rebelled against the capture of the authorities, then resorted to the same measures as taiko. She packed with weapons with weapons, took their possessions and gave his adherents. In 1614, however, the remaining birth to know, namely eighteen daimoy, together united against him, and then Iehasudecided to go to the transaction, lit then agree mikado and known under the name "Gongersama laws". This act was the nature of the constitutional charter and was maintained in force to the most recent events our time. Iehasuhe was the founder of the Minotono dynasty, who managed Japan two and a half centuries.
110. Nio-Te-1644 Empress, in which the extermination of Christians and exile from Japan of all foreigners, excluding the Chinese and the Dutch.
111. Go-Quo Mio - 1655
112. Blue or Gao-Sai - 1664
113. Kin-Xen or Rei-gene - 1687 for the belief of the government that there were no Christians in the Empire left, with him there was a census of the people for religion, and the persons consistent with the adherence to Christianity were imprisoned for life.
114. Figasi-pit - 1710
115. Powa-Mikado - 1736
116. Sakura Mazi - 1747
117. Mamo-Sono - 1763
118. Go-Sakura Mazi - 1771
119. Go-Mamo-Sono - 1780
120. SEN-TOT - 1817
From the reign of one hundred fourteenth to one hundred twentieth mikadoJapan remained closed for foreigners; She herself begins little to grave its territory to the north and bases the colonies not only on Matsmaai, the southern part of which was acquired in the 17th century, but also on Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands.
121. Ku-SIO ... - The name of this Mikado ends the Hoffman Table, which serves the main source of Japanese chronology. The names of the subsequent Mikado are unknown to us, except for Osa-Phyto, which, however, was called before joining the throne. It is wonderful that since the strengthening of the hereditary power of Segunov in the names of Minamoto Mikado very often renounced the throne, barely reaching mature age; The government obviously lost all the appeal.
Zibold and Hoffman give a table of seguns from 1186, that is, from the time of Iorito. To repeat it seems to me too much, but as from the end of the 18th century. Japan has become the subject of foreigners attempts to discover access, and at the same time they had to deal not with Mikado, but with seguns, then for a better understanding of the events we give the names of Taikanov since 1787
Ye-Nari 1787-1842.
Ye-Osh in 1853
Ye-ask for - 1858
Ye-Koski for - 1867
Stambashi for - 1868

During the 19th century, the seguns themselves were already lost almost all importance, and the actual power in public affairs moved to the first ministers, Chairpersons of the Taikunov Council, who, in turn, were heirs of the names of Ikambono to 1861. Since March 1868, the rank of seguns is abolished.
Let's make some conclusions:
1. The Japanese state region never emerged from the limits of the Japanese archipelago. The exception is two short-term conquests of Korea.
2. In turn, Japan was not conquered by foreigners or even available throughout the territory, but only partly, which continues and today. This circumstance and the political system system did japanese nation Completely homogeneous ethnographic.
3. Japan Correspondence was one state and the monarchical one. Republican forms The Board was not known to her.
4. However, since a long time, the form of government in Japan is a constitutional monarchy, where the monarch reigns, but does not manage.
5. As in any non-despotic monarchy, in Japan, Corious was the nobility that owned land owned by the land owned by large political rights and often boring for them when the power wanted to break them.
6. But the same nobility sometimes led internecine wars.
7. Centralized power in the struggle with the federalism of the aristocracy resorted to weapons, "the power of military leaders was sublined, then to opposition to the hereditary nobility of officialhood (often in the form of spying), which led to the extreme regulation of social defendance and life.
8. The Constitution of Japan and its social system, however, have not changed significantly in the continuation of its history so far. The most important change occurred at the end of the struggle of seguns with princes in the 17th century, but here the society remained aristocratic, and the folk masses were politically dysfect.
9. Chinese civilization had a great influence on the development of culture, industry and education. Already 1000 years ago, Confucian rationalism was popular in Japan.
10. The influence of other countries was expressed by the introduction of Buddhism and, at one time, Christianity, but the latter, being accepted in the people, was, however, is eradicated.