The letters of the alphabet with numbers in order. The number of letters in the alphabets of different nations

The letters of the alphabet with numbers in order. The number of letters in the alphabets of different nations
The letters of the alphabet with numbers in order. The number of letters in the alphabets of different nations

The basics of knowledge seem to people so familiar that we melt dozens of curious facts from the species. It happened with the Russian alphabet. How many entertaining stories does he hide?

The answer about the number of letters of the Russian alphabet lies on the surface. A total of 33 letters in the Russian alphabet. They are divided into two groups: consonants and vowels.

In the modern Russian alphabet of 10 vowel letters: a, and, y, o, s, e, o, e, yu, me. I agree more - 21. Where are 2 letters from 33? There are two letters that indicate only hardness or softness of sound. This pair today is called - solid and soft signs. And yet, initially they had other "names".

What hides the story of letters to and b?

The letter "Kommersant" to the revolution of 1917 was vowel. She sounded in the alphabet as "EP". It was used to write words with consonants at the end, for example, "labor". In this letter, deaf oh, e, s depending on the situation. She is also called "muted" or reduced.

Her sister is a vowel "b" ("Er") often replaced the letter "E" in more "deaf" versions.

These letters were used where there was a cluster of consonants and could not be "compromised" the robust vowel letter.

What letters of Russian alphabet still have an interesting fate?

The letter "E": caused a lot of disputes about their need if it occurs. The letter suggested using the princess Dashkov.

The current defenders liteers even put her a monument in Ulyanovsk in the middle of the two thousandths. It seems that their efforts were crowned with success. The letter was recognized as a full member of the alphabet, and she gratitude to the city once again.

Who have ever been in the summer: letters remaining only in history

Tsarist Russia had much more extensive alphabet than now. So, the disciples of that time hated one letter and even nicknamed her "mandes." She became the vowel "yat". Sometimes she replaced the letter "e", and the sound gave the same, so the rules with her writing was so difficult to remember. Poems and lists with this letter even gave life to a new aphorism: "Know on yat." This means that the literacy of the person in spelling does not occupy. After the revolution of the twentieth century, the letter remained in the past.

"Firth" and "Fita"

Two letters giving one sound, "spread up" with the Russian people, too, after the overthrow of the Russian monarchy. However, they did not like to use them before, they made confusion. Yes, and the "Pose" of letters was ambiguous. "Walking a fucking" and still means "idle, to make a fear."


The modern Russian letter "and" three ancestors. To remember the rules for their use, a lot of effort was required. One of these three letters is "Izhitsa" - it was consumed at least, but the image resembled the whip and entered the story. Instead, the word "stroke" was often used phrase: "Register Izhitsa." The letters predecessors "and" were abolished by Peter first.

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B. ukva "E, E" It is the 7th letter of the Russian and Belarusian alphabets and the 9th - Rusinsky. It is also used in a number of non-Slavic alphabets based on civilive Cyrillic (eg, Mongolian, Kyrgyz, Udmurt and Chuvash).

If possible, means the softness of consonants, being after them, and the sound [o]; In all other cases - sounds like.
In the original Russian words (in addition to the words with the prefixes of three and four-) is always under the emphasis. Cases of unstressed use are rare, basically, these are borrowed words - for example, Königsberg Surfingists, complex words - Lorsonic or words with the prefixes of three- and four- - for example, four-participatory. Here the letter is phonetically equivalent to unstable "E", "and", "I" either possesses a side emphasis, but may also reflect the characteristic features of writing in the primary source language.

In Russian (i.e., in Russian writing), the letter "E" is, above all, where the sound [(j) o] occurred from [(j) e], this explains the form that originates from "E" Letters (borrowed from Western writing). In Russian writing, unlike the Belarusian, according to the rules of use of the letter, the stroke of the points above the "E" is optional.

In other Slavic Cyrillians, the letters "ё" is not. To refer to the letter of appropriate sounds in Ukrainian and Bulgarian languages, after consonants, "BO" and in other cases "Yo" are written. Serbian writing (and based on its basis of the Macedonian) do not have special letters for yotatated vowels and / or mitigating the previous consonants, because to distinguish the syllables with solid and soft consonants, various consonants are used in them, and not different vowels, and iot is always written Separate letter.

In church and old Slavonic alphabet, there is no letter equivalent to "E", since there are no such combinations of sounds; Russian "Okanny" is a common mistake while reading church Slavonic texts.

Superior element and its name

The generally accepted official term for the existing "E" existing element is not in the letter. In traditional linguistics and pedagogy, the word "colon" was used, but most often in recent years they used less formal expression - "two points", or they tried to avoid separately mentioning this element.

Apply foreign-speaking terms (dialytica, dieresis, three or worry) in this situation is considered incorrect, since they relate to diacritical signs and designate, first of all, a specific phonetic function.

Historical aspects


For a long time, the sound combination (and after the consonants are soft - [o]), which appeared in Russian pronunciation, was not expressed in the letter. From the middle of the XVIII century. For them, they introduced the designation by the letters of IO under the total lid. But, such a designation was cumbersome and rarely applied. We used options: signs O, Iô, BO, IO, Ió.

In 1783, instead of the available options, they were offered the Literon "E", borrowing from French, where she had a different meaning. However, for the first time in print, it was used only after 12 years (in 1795). The influence of the Swedish alphabet is also intended.

In 1783 on November 29 (under Art. Style - November 18) at home at the head of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Knyagini Dashkova E. R. - one of the 1st meetings of the recently formed Russian Academy, where Fonvizin D. I., Prinjin Ya. B., Derzhavin G. R., Lepёhin I. I., Metropolitan Gabriel et al. Discussed the draft full version of the intelligent dictionary (Slavic-Russian), subsequently - the famous 6-Tonnik "Dictionary of the Academy of Russia".

There were an academician gathered at home, like E.R. Dashkov asked, can any of them write the word "tree". The scholar men thought that the princess joked, but she wrote the word "Іlka", spoken by her, and asked the question: "Does it legally portray one sound with two letters?" I also noticed: "Sia's reprimandments have already been introduced by custom, when he does not contradict a sensible reason, to continue to follow." Ekaterina Dashkov "Newborn" letter "ё" suggested to use "to express words and privileges, with this consent beginning, like Matіory, Іolka, іzh, іol."

She in his arguments turned out to be convincing, and to evaluate the rationality of the introduction of a new letter, offered Gabriel, Metropolitan Novgorod and St. Petersburg, which is a member of the Academy of Sciences. So, in 1784 on November 18, the official recognition of the letter "E" took place.

The innovative idea of \u200b\u200bPrincess was supported by a number of advanced cultural figures of that period, incl. and Derzhavin, who began to first apply "E" for personal correspondence. And the 1st Publishing, where the appearance of the letter "E" was noticed, in 1795 it became the book "And my bass" I. Dmitriev, issued by the Moscow University Typography, H. A. Claudia and H. Ridigra (in this printing house since 1788 They printed the newspaper "Moscow Vedomosti", and it was located at the site of the current building of the Central Telegraph).

The first word, printed with the letter "E,", became "everything", then - "Vasilechik", "Prenok", "Ogonok", "inland". For the first time, the name with this letter ("Potemkin") was printed in Derzhavina G. R. in 1798.

Fame received the letter "E" thanks to Karamzin N. M., so he until recently was considered the author of her until he was widely published the story described above. In 1796, in the 1st book of Almanaci poems "Aonids", published by Karamzin, who left the same typography of the university, the words were published with the letter "Yo": "Zarya", "Mothylak", "Orel", "Tears" ", And the 1st Glagol -" Pot ".

Only it is not clear, it was the personal idea of \u200b\u200bKaramzin or the initiative of some employee of the publisher. It should be noted that Karamzin in scientific papers (for example, in the well-known "history of the Russian state" (1816 - 1829)) did not use the letter "E".

Common problems

Although the Literon "E" was suggested to introduce in 1783, and used in print in 1795, for a long time she was not considered a separate letter and in the alphabet she was officially not introduced. This is very characteristic of the newly introduced Liter: the same was the status and symbol "th", it (compared to "E,") was obligatory for use in 1735 in his "Russian spelling" Academician Ya. K. Grota noted What these letters both "should also take a place in the alphabet," but this last time remained only good wish.

In the XVIII-XIX centuries. The dissemination of the letter "E" was and then the attitude towards such a "appearing" pronunciation, like a burgher, leisurely "Church", was considered to be more noble, intelligent and cultural (with "Ekanem" "Fought, for example, V. K. Trediakovsky and A. P. Sumarokov).

12/23/1917 (5.01.1918) was published (without the date) Decree, signed by the Soviet Commissar of Enlightenment A. V. Lunacharsky, who introduced as an obligatory reformed spelling, in it, among other things, it was said: "Recognize the desired, but optional consumption of the letter" E " "

Thus, the letters "ё" and "y" formally entered the alphabet (having received ordinal numbers) only in Soviet times (if not to take into account the "new alphabet" (1875) of the Lion Tolstoy, where there was a letter "ё" between " E "and Yathem, on 31st place).

12/24/1942 Application of the letter "ё" by order of the People's Commissar of the Education of the RSFSR was introduced into mandatory school practice, and since then (sometimes, it is true, 1943 recall and even 1956, when they first published spelling regulatory rules), it is considered to be officially officially in the Russian alphabet .

The following 10 years, scientific and fiction was produced with almost solid use of the letter "E", and then publishers returned to the old practice: to use the letter only at extreme need.

There is a legend that Joseph Stalin influenced the popularization of the letter "E". She says that in 1942 on December 6, I.V. Stalin brought an order to signature, where the names of a number of generals were printed not with the letter "E", but with "E". Stalin was angry, and the next day, all articles of the newspaper "True" came out, suddenly, with the letter "E".

July 9, 2007. The Minister of Culture of Russia A. S. Sokolov, giving an interview with the Lighthouse radio station, expressed an opinion on the need for a written speech to apply the letter "E".

Basic rules of application Letter "E" / Legislative Acts

12/24/1942 People's Administration of the RSFSR V. P. Potemkin Order No. 1825 introduced the letter "E, E" into the mandatory practice of consumption. Shortly before the issuance of the order there was an incident when Stalin cost rudely with the managers of Sovnarkom I. Schadaev for the fact that he was 6 (or 5) December 1942 to sign a decree to him, where the surnames of a number of generals were printed without the letter "E".

Chadaev informed the editor of the Truth about the fact that the leader wishes to see "E" and in print. Thus, already in December 7, 1942, the number of the newspaper, suddenly, came out with this letter in all articles.

Federal Law No. 53-FZ "On the State Language of the Russian Federation" of 01.06.2005 in part 3 of Art. 1 states that when using the Russian modern literary language as state, the Government of the Russian Federation defines the procedure for approving the rules and norms of Russian punctuation and spelling.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for approving the norms of the modern Russian literary language when used as the state language of the Russian Federation, the rules of Russian spelling and punctuation" of November 23, 2006, No. 714 establishes that, based on the recommendations given by the Interdepartmental Commission on the Russian language, the list Directories, grammar and dictionaries in which the norms of the Russian modern literary language are contained, when it is used in the Russian Federation as a state language, as well as the rules of Russian punctuation and spelling are approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Letter No. Af-159/03 of 03.05.2007 "On the decisions of the Interdepartmental Commission in the Russian language" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, prescribes to write the letter "E" necessarily, if you probably read the words, for example, in the names of your own, since This case ignoring the letter "E" violates the requirements of the Federal Law "On the State Language of the Russian Federation".

According to the rules of Russian punctuation and spelling, in the texts, in the texts, the letter E is used selectively. But, at the request of the editor or the author, any book can be printed using consistently letters E.

Sound "E"

The letter "E" use:

To transfer the shock vowel [o] and at the same time indicate the softness of the previous consonant: youth, a rowing, crawl, oats, lying, day, honey, dog, all, burul, Fedor, aunt (after g, k, x it applies only for borrowing : Höglund, Goethe, Liqueur, Cologne, the exception is the only Russian word TKEYE, TKEM, TKET, TKEAT with derivatives, and educated in Russian from the borrowed word panicker);

To transfer the strike [o] after the hissing: Silk, Zhzh, tickle, damn it (in this position, the conditions for choosing between writing through "O" or through "E" asks a fairly complex system of lists of words of exceptions and rules);

To transmit a combination [J] and shock sound [O]:

At the beginning of the words: Capacity, Yozh, Christmas tree;

After consonants (the dividing sign is applied): Volo, climb, linen.

After the letters of the vowels: her, loan, bore, tire, spit, kuket;

In the original Russian words, only the percussion sound "E" is possible (let the emphasis and side: Lorsonic, four-storey, tribal,); In the case, if during word formation or word, the emphasis moves to another syllable, then "E" will be replaced by "E" (takes - choose, honey - honey - on honey, what is nothing about anything (but: nothing about )).

Along with the letter "E" in borrowing, the same sound meaning can be transmitted after consonants - the combinations of LD and in other cases - Yo. Also in borrowing "ё" may be unstressed vowels.

E and E.

In § 10 in force officially since 1956, the rules of Russian spelling and punctuation are determined by the cases when "E" is applied on the letter:

"one. When it is necessary to prevent the wrong reading and understanding of the word, for example: learn unlikely to learn; All in contrast to everything; Viedro in contrast to the bucket; Perfect (Communion), in contrast to the perfect (adjective), etc.

2. When you need to specify the pronunciation of a little-known word, for example: Olekma River.

3. In special texts: tanks, school textbooks of the Russian language, orphoepling textbooks, etc., as well as in dictionaries to indicate the place of emphasis and proper pronunciation
Note. In foreign language words at the beginning of words and after vowels instead of the letter it is written by Yo, for example; iodine, district, major. "

In more detail regulate these issues of § 5 of the new edition of these rules (published in 2006 and approved by the ORFographic Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences):

"The use of the letter E can be consistent and selective.
Sequential use of the letter E is necessarily in the following varieties of printed texts:

a) in texts with consistently supplied stress signs;

b) in books addressed to children of younger age;

c) in teaching texts for students of junior classes and foreigners studying Russian.

Note 1. Sequential use of it is adopted for the illustrative part of these rules.

Note 3. In the dictionaries, the words with the letter E, are placed in a general alphabet with the letter E, for example: barely, rod, Christmas tree, spruce, choking, Christmas tree, Christmas tree, spruce; Fun, cheerful, fun, fun, fun.

In conventional print texts, the letter E is used selectively. It is recommended to use it in the following cases.

1. To prevent the wrong identification of the word, for example: everything, the palate, fly, perfect (in contrast to words, all, the sky, in the summer, perfect), including to indicate the place of stress in the word, for example: Viedro, learn (Unlike bucket, learn).

2. To indicate the correct pronunciation of the word - either rare, not well known, either having a common misuse, for example: Gone, Surfing, Fleur, Live, Cloth, including to indicate the right stress, for example: Prices, guess , condemned, newborn, Fileur.

3. In its own names - surnames, geographical names, for example: Konenkov, Neelova, Catherine Denovev, Schrödinger, Dezhnev, Koshelev, Chebyshev, Voshenskaya, Olekma. "

"Ё", "о" and "yo" in the borrowed words and the transfer of foreign names of their own

The letter "E" is often used to transfer sounds [Ø] and [œ] (eg, denoted by the letter "Ö") in foreign language names and words.

In borrowing words to write a combination of such a background as / JO / usually apply the "BO" or "Yo" lettering:

After the consonants, simultaneously softening them ("broth", "battalion", "Mignon", "Guillotine", "Senor", "Shampignon", "Pavilion", "Fjord", "Companion", etc.) - in Romanesque languages Typically, on the ground after palatalized [n] and [L], "BO" is written.

At the beginning of the words ("Yota", "Yod", "Yogurt", "Yoga", "York", etc.) or after vowels ("district", "Koyote", "Meiosis", "Major", etc.) writhe "yo";

However, in recent decades, it is all wider in these cases "E". It has become an already regulatory element in the names of names and names (transliteration) from a number of Asian languages \u200b\u200b(eg, the Korean language system for the Korean language and the Polyvanov language system for the Japanese language): Yoshito, Songun, Kim Yonnam.

In European borrowings, the sound is transmitted to the letter "E" very rarely; It is most often found in words from Scandinavia languages \u200b\u200b(Yörmungand, Yutun), but, as a rule, there is a way with the usual transmission through "Yo" (eg, yormungand) and often it is considered an abnormative.

"E" in borrowed words is often unstable and in this position its pronunciation is indistinguishable from the letters "I", "and" or "E" (Erdesh, Sögunat, etc.), because, its initial clarity is lost and It turns into, sometimes, only in the indication of a certain pronunciation in the source language.

The consequences of the option of using the letter "E"

The slowness of the letter of the letter "E" into the practice of the letter (which, by the way, did not take place to the end) is explained by its uncomfortable form for the curtains, which contradicts its main principle - the fusion (without breaking the pen from the paper sheet) in the paper, as well as technical complexity of technology Publishers of DocksComputer times.

In addition, people with the names having the letter "E" often appear difficulties, sometimes irresistible, during the design of different documents, as some workers are irresponsibly referring to the writing of this letter. This problem was especially attracted after the introduction of the EGE system, when there is a danger of distinction in writing a name in a passport and in the certificate of the results of the exam.

The familiar necessity of use led to the erroneous reading of a number of words, which gradually became generally accepted. This process affected everything: and a huge number of personal names, and numerous names are nominative.

Stable ambiguity cause written words written without letters such words as: an gigner, everything, lynic, pecked, lightly (flight, not taped, past), performed, planted, fly, learn, the palate, solitir, confessed by other more and more widely applied The erroneous pronunciation (without it) and the displacement of the strokes in the words of the cooler, the newborn, etc.

"E" turns into "E"

The ambiguity contributed to the fact that sometimes the letter "E" began to use on the letter (and, of course, to read [`about]) in the words where it should not be. For example, instead of the word "Grenader" - "Grenador", and instead of the word "scam" - "Aphora", also instead of the word "guardianship" - "Operance", and instead of the word "being" - "visit", etc. Sometimes such an incorrect pronunciation and writing is made generally.

So, the famous chess player Alexander Alehin, the world champion, was, in reality, Alekhin and was very indignant if his last name was pronounced and wrote wrong. The surname refers to the noble genus Alekhina and is not a derivative from the familiar variatives "Alah" on behalf of Alexey.

In those positions where it is necessary not to be, and E, it is recommended to stagnate emphasis in order to prevent the wrong identification of words (everything, takes) or an erroneous pronunciation (Grenader, Scam, Cresis, debrose, Olesh).

Due to writing words without it in the 20-30s. XX century There were many mistakes for the pronunciation of those words that people digested from newspapers and books, and not from spoken speech: Musketer, young people, driver (in these words said "E" instead of "E").

Orphoepium: the emergence of new options

Due to the option of using the letter "E", words appeared in Russian, allowing the possibility of writing and with the letter "E", and with "E", and the corresponding pronunciation. Eg, faded and bluish, maneuver and maneuver, whiten and white, bile and horizon, etc.

Constantly similar options appear in the language due to the action of contradictory analogies. For example, the word pronunciation has pronunciation options due to dual motivation: testek / thread. Application or non-use of the letter "ё" here does not play roles. But, developing naturally, the literary language, as a rule, seeks to learn options: either one of them will become non-leaturated, incorrect (bare [l`o] dits, from [D'E] VKA), or various values \u200b\u200bwill acquire pronunciation options (IS [ T`o] Koshe - IS [T'E] Kigh).

It is mostly uttered "Planter", but "glider" (shock 1st syllable), since the following trends are available in Russian: in the names of the mechanisms, machines, different devices are preferable to emphasis on the 1st syllable, and more precisely, then in the penultimate , i.e., Glisser, Trier, glider, tanker, and on the latter - when specifying the acting person: Combineer, driver, Watch.

The inconsistency in the use of the letter "E" is faster artificial than a natural factor. And it contributes to the slowdown of the natural development of the language, giving birth and maintaining non-internalized causes of pronunciations.

The Khmer alphabet is registered in the number of letters in the Guinness Book of Records. It has 72 letters in it. In this language they speak Cambodia.

However, the greatest number of letters contains the Ubya alphabet - 91 letter. The Ubyssky language (one of the Caucasian peoples) is considered one of the record holders on sound diversity: according to experts, it has up to 80 consonants.

Under the Soviet authorities, serious changes were made to the alphabets of all peoples living in the territory of the USSR: in Russian in the direction of reducing the number of letters, and in other languages, mainly towards their increase. After restructuring in the alphabets of many nations living in the territory of the former Union republics, the number of letters decreased.

In modern Russian - 33 letters. According to official sources, the reform of Kirill and Methodius in Russian there were 43 letters, and according to unofficial - 49.

The first 5 letters threw Kirill and Methodius, because there were no corresponding sounds in the Greek language, and for the four gave the Greek names. Yaroslav Wise removed another letter left 43. Peter I reduced to 38. Nicholas II to 35. In the framework of the reform of the Lunacharsky, the letters "Yat", "Fita" and "and Decimal" were excluded (instead, e, f , And), as well as a solid sign (Komme) at the end of the words and parts of complex words, but remained as a separation mark (lifting, adjutant).

In addition, Lunacharsky removed images from the letter leaving only the phonemes, i.e. Language has become without figurative \u003d ugly. So instead of the bookpiece appeared alphabet.

Until 1942, it was officially believed that in the Russian alphabet of 32 letters, since E and it was considered as options for the same letter.

The Ukrainian alphabet includes 33 letters: Compared to the Russians, it is not used, ъ, yu, uh, but are present ґґ, є, ІІ and її.

The Belarusian alphabet has 32 letters for today. Compared with russian alphabet The letters I and ў are not used, but also are sometimes considered to be considered the status of letters Digrafa J and DZ.

Alphabet is used in Yakut language based on Cyrillic which contains the entire Russian alphabet, plus five additional letters and two combinations. 4 difthong also used.

The Kazakh and Bashkir Cyrillic alphabet contains 42 letters.

Now the current Chechen alphabet contains 49 letters (composed on a graphical basis russian alphabet In 1938). In 1992, the Chechen leadership decided to introduce an alphabet based on Latin graphics from 41 letters. This alphabet was limited in parallel with Cyrillic from 1992 to 2000.

Armenian alphabet contains 38 letters, but after reform in 1940 ligature "և »Immediately received the status of a letter not having a title - thus the number of letters has become like" thirty-eight and a half. "

Tatar alphabet after translating in 1939 by Tatar writing with latinized alphabet on the alphabet based on Russian graphics contained 38 letters, and after 1999 the alphabet based on Latin graphics of 34 letters is widely used.

Kyrgyz Cyrillic alphabet adopted in 1940 contains 36 letters.

The modern Mongolian alphabet contains 35 letters and differs from Russian two additional letters: ө and ү.

In 1940, the Uzbek alphabet, as well as the alphabets of other nations of the USSR, was translated into Cyrillic and contained 35 letters. In the 90s of the last century, the Uzbek authorities decided to translate the Uzbek language to Latin and in the alphabet was 28 letters.

The modern Georgian alphabet consists of 33 letters.

In the Macedonian and Moldavian Cyrillic alphabet of 31 letters. Finnish alphabet also consists of 31 letters.

The Bulgarian Cyrillic Alphabet includes 30 letters - compared with the Russian, there are no letters in it, E and E.

The Tibetan alphabet consists of 30 syllables letters who are considered consonants. Each of them, making up the initial letter of the syllable and without having a different vowel sign with him, with pronunciation is accompanied by the sound "A".

In the Swedish and Norwegian alphabet - 29 letters.

Arabic alphabet contains 28 letters. In the Spanish alphabet - 27 letters.

In Latin, English, German and French alphabet - 26 letters.

The Italian alphabet consists of "officially" from the 21st letter, but really numbers 26 letters.

In the Greek alphabet - 24, in the standard Portuguese alphabet - 23 letters.

In the Jewish alphabet of 22 letters, there is no difference between capital and lower case letters.

The smallest number of letters in the alphabet of the Rotockas tribe from the island of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea. They are only eleven (a, b, e, g, i, k, o, p, t, u) - of them 6 consonants.

Taking into account how many letters in the language of one of the Papuass tribes are interesting, the fact that in all alphabets the number of letters gradually change, as a rule, towards the reduction.

The change in the number of letters in the alphabet in all countries of the world, as a rule, is happening with the arrival of a new government so that the young generation turns out to be cut off from the language, literature, culture and traditions of their ancestors, and after a while spoke in a completely different language.

The alphabet of the Russian language has a centuries-old history. And although this is a well-known truth, few know who and when he invented him.

Where did Russian alphabet come from

The story of the Russian alphabet will dip in deep antiquity, during the times of the pagan Kiev.

The command of the creation of Russian alphabet proceeded to the emperor Byzantium Mikhail III, who instructed the monks brothers to develop the letters of the Russian alphabet, named afterwards Cyrillic. It took it in 863.

Cyrillic went to the Greek writing, however, since Cyril and Methodius came from Bulgaria, this land becomes the center of literacy and writing. Church Greek and Latin books began to translate to the Old Slavonic language. In a few centuries, he became exclusively by the language of the Church, but played an important role in the formation of a modern Russian language. Many consonants and vowel letters did not reach our days, as the alphabet this Russian has undergone many changes. The main transformations touched the alphabet during Peter and during the October Revolution.

How many letters in the alphabet?

However, it is interesting not only who invented the Russian alphabet, but and how many letters in it. Most people even in adulthood doubt how many of them: 32 or 33.And what to talk about children! There is every reason for this. Plunge into history.

In the Old Slavonic alphabet (as he reached us in writing sources) there were 43 letters. Subsequently, 4 letters were added, and 14 were removed, as the sounds that they denoted were stopped pronounced or merged with similar sound. In the 19th century, the Russian historian and writer N. Karamzin introduces the letter "E" into the alphabet.

For a long time, "E" and "E" was considered one letter, so it was customary to think that in the alphabet of 32 letters.

Only after 1942 they were separated, and there were 33 letters in the alphabet.

The ABC of the Russian language in today is divided into vowels and consonant sounds.

We pronounce vocabulary: Sound without obstacles passes through voice ligaments.
The consonants for their creation require obstacles to the way. In modern Russian, these letters and sounds are in the following ratio, while the number of sounds and letters will be excellent:

  • - Sounds: vowels - 6, consonants - 37;
  • - Letters: vowels - 10, consonants - 21.

If you do not go into details and say briefly, it is explained by the fact that some vowels (E, E, Yu, I) may designate two sounds, and the consonants have a pair of hardness-softness.

By writing, the letters of capital and uppercase distinguish:

Their writing is associated with the need to allocate in the text of the names of their own and nominative (the capital is used for the latter, as well as to write words in general).

Learn the order of letters

Even if your baby knows how the letters are called, a problem occurs closer to school age due to the fact that you need to memorize letters in order in the alphabet. Most children confuse letters for a long time, and cannot arrange them in the right order. Although helping the child is very simple. For this, several ways will be suitable.

Photos and pictures for kids

Help learning the alphabet can pictures and photos with letters. You can download them on our website, print, stick on a tight cardboard and do with the child.

What can be useful pictures and photos attached to the designations of letters?

Beautiful decoration, bright colors will surely attract the attention of kids. Children are interested in all unusual, colorful - and training is faster and more exciting. The Russian alphabet and pictures will be the best friends in the lessons for kids.

Russian alphabet in pictures for children.
Table with Russian alphabet cards.

Another option - table letters with numbers, numbers

Download and print it also easy on the site. The numbered list of letters for children can significantly facilitate the study of the order of the alphabet for those who know how to count. So the guys remember firmly, how many letters in the alphabet, and the associated photos and pictures, which include the table, help build an associative series. So this is someone perfectly invented - learn the alphabet with pictures and photos.

The Russian alphabet with the numbering of letters.

Educational cartoons

No one will argue with the fact that all the children adore cartoons. But after all, this love can be applied with benefit and learn the alphabet with the help of specially created developing cartoons. They include excerpts from Soviet cartoons, bright signs of letters, pictures, songs. Musical accompaniment causes children to hum and rhyme the alphabet, and so it is remembered much faster.

- "Alphabet in cartoons"

This cartoon can be viewed here:

This is a great video allowance for children. There is not only writing and reading of letters, but also excerpts from cartoons, images of what the words mean to one or another letter, etc. The baby will no longer have anything else, how to memorize the song and the order of the letters.

- "We learn the letters: ABC in verse"

View this cartoon can be here:

In addition to colorful cartoons, melodic musical accompaniment, cartoon "Learn the letter: Azbuka in verse" offers simple poems, easily memorable and prompted by the baby, which letter in the alphabet is next.

- "Alphabet for kids" Studio Berg Sound

This is a wonderful cartoon for those children who are already familiar with the alphabet and try to read. Here we teach the alphabet and the words of writing words with a computer and his assistant file. They tell the kids on the example of words, how to read, and what place the letters occupy in the alphabet, as well as how many letters in the Russian alphabet. This fascinating cartoon is calculated for 30-40 minutes, so you have to be patient. But for children it does not need: the material is set forth in the game form, and the guys are not bored.

You can familiarize yourself with the cartoon here.

- "We learn letters with a cat beads"

Download cartoon here

The main character is a cat Bushya, published from the illustrated lettering to demonstrate to children, how letters look and read. The cartoon has not only colorful drawings, but also musical accompaniment. Cat Busya reads short poems dedicated to a separate letter.

- "Learning the Russian alphabet"

View this cartoon will be easy here.

It represents a view of an illustrated traveler, and a male voice is pleasant and slowly reads small poems dedicated to the letters.

Thus, learning the alphabet should be interesting for children, then they quickly and easily ease the material. Learn exciting and unobtrusive

On the letter we use letters, oral speech - sounds. With the help of letters, we denote the sounds that pronounce. There is no simple and direct conformity of letters and sounds: there are letters that do not indicate sounds, there are cases when the letter means two sounds, and the cases where several letters means one sound. In modern Russian, 33 letters and 42 sounds.


The letters are vowels and consonants. Letters Soft sign and a hard sign do not form sounds, there are no words in Russian, beginning with these letters. Russian language is "volatile", in Russian words many vowels (o, e, and, a), voiced consonants (n, l, in m, r). Noisy, deaf, hissing (w, h, sh, sh, c, f) significantly less. Glasny Yu, E, it also uses little. In writing instead of the letter, it is often written the letter E without loss of meaning.


The letters of the Russian language are listed below in alphabetical order. The title and capital letters are shown, their names are indicated. The vowels are marked in red, consonants - blue, letters b, b - gray.

A b b v in g g d d e e zh zh z z and i y y k k l l m m n o p p p p r r s t t u in fd x x Ш Ш и щ ъ ы u u u u i

The letter l is called "EL" or "El", the letter e is called "e-reverse".


The numbers of the letters of the Russian alphabet in direct and reverse order:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1