Near the curvaceous oak there is a green drawing to the proverb. How to draw a green oak near the sea in stages using a pencil

Near the curvaceous oak there is a green drawing to the proverb.  How to draw a green oak near the sea in stages using a pencil
Near the curvaceous oak there is a green drawing to the proverb. How to draw a green oak near the sea in stages using a pencil

Ilmira Grigorievskaya

Target: learn to understand piece of art, be able to choose from several acquaintances fairy tale character, a plot for your drawing.

Place the drawing on the entire sheet, highlight the main thing with color, shape. Strengthen the ability to distinguish and use colors correctly. Perform all stages of the work sequentially. Carrying out the work to the end. Be able to evaluate your own work and the work of your comrades. To cultivate an aesthetic perception.

Preliminary work: getting to know tales A... WITH. Pushkin. Drawing characters based on fairy tales A... WITH. Pushkin and Russian folk tales... Examining illustrations for fairy tales watching cartoons. Decoration of an exhibition of drawings by fairy tales A... WITH. Pushkin(work children, parents and caregivers).

Material: watercolor paints, brushes, pencils, jars of water, napkins, paper, flannelograph, sample drawings, envelope with riddles.

Course of the lesson

Educator: Guys, say hello to the guests. Now let's sit down and listen carefully. Now we have a lesson in drawing.

Today I invite you to take a trip to amazing country, which is not on any map of the world, where peace, goodness, beauty reign and where the impossible becomes possible. Even death retreats if they come to the rescue faithful friends... You guessed, of course, that I suggest you take a trip to the country fairy tales.

Fairy tale either one person can compose - then it is called the author's, or the people passing it on from mouth to mouth. Such the tale is called folk... You and I also know folk fairy tales and author's.

Now I will show you a portrait of one of the greatest Russian poet, and you tell me what his name is.

Portrait display and response children

This year the whole country celebrates 214 years since the birth of the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin... Everyone knows him, although he lived for a long time. And they know him because he wrote many poems and fairy tales that both adults and children love to read. Throughout the year, we talked about the life and work of this wonderful poet, read all of him fairy tales and memorized the lines we loved from these fairy tales, painted some episodes from fairy tales which you like the most.

Yes, guys, this morning, when I was going to work, the postman handed me a large envelope and asked me to open it exactly at the lesson on drawing in your group... Let's see who sent it and what it says.

What a weird return address. Listen and prompt me:

Have Lukomorya green oak,

Golden chain on that oak,

And day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything goes around in a chain.

So it turns out it's a cat - the scientist sent us this envelope. Who invented this cat?

Answers children

Now let's open it and see what lies in this envelope. There is a letter here.

"Hello children! Since I cannot come to you myself, I am sending you my portrait. It is not simple, but magical. Cat who painted on it is me... I will look at you and see how you play, live, work in your group. I am sending you riddles and I really want to know if you can guess which fairy tales these lines, and also drawings for these fairy tales.

1) The wind walks on the sea

And the boat is urging on.

He runs to himself in the waves

On inflated sails.

2) Lived old man with his old woman

By the very blue sea.

The old man was fishing with a net,

A the old woman was spinning her yarn.

3) Lived - was pop

Thick forehead ...

4) And the girl,

Shamakhan queen,

All shining like dawn

Quietly met the king

5) My light, mirror, tell me

Yes, report the whole truth:

I am the loveliest in the world,

All blush and whiter. "

Children guess fairy tales and exhibit drawings to them.

And here's what else the cat writes - scientist:

“I want the children to make their own drawings on these fairy tales, sent them to me in Lukomorye, and I will choose the best ones and put them in a new book. "

Children give consent draw their drawings and choose a theme.

Physical education.

Think, children, which episode from fairy tales are better to choose, define the background, color. You can use simple pencils and paints. If will be to use these instruments correctly, they will become excellent helpers for you, as well as the music that will sound in the lesson.

Enable gramophone.

In the process of work, pay attention children to the stand with drawings based on fairy tales, advise which techniques are best to use.

At the end of the work, make an analysis of the work together with the children. Determine which of the drawings they would place in a future book.

A tree drawn by children usually consists of three parts: a trunk, branches and foliage. In order for the tree to be recognized in the picture, two of its components are enough. There are no leaves in a winter landscape, and in a summer landscape, branches are often hidden behind dense foliage. The easiest way pencil draw oak- mighty, spreading, with a rich crown. But one oak is probably not enough, so let's add an acorn to it.

How to draw an oak step by step?

Four steps - and an oak appears on the white page. Two more - an acorn falls nearby. Check with your child! This picture will succeed on the first try.

  • The trunk of a large tree. It will not be even, and even more so symmetrical: in nature, oak trees take on very bizarre shapes. As it turns out for a child to draw outlines on paper, let it remain.

  • From above, the trunk passes into branches. We outline them with a large arc in the middle and two ticks along the edges. Now anyone looking at the picture will distinguish a tree, even though it is not finished yet.

  • We limit the crown with small "curls". The height of the crown is equal to or greater than the trunk (we are depicting an old tree).

  • Draw the branches with the same wavy lines. A hollow for a squirrel would also be appropriate, but for now let's not complicate the task for the young artist.

  • The oak is ready. If the kid doesn't know yet how to draw an acorn, please him with the opportunity to do it in no time. One is the hat and the fruit itself. Two - a small spine and dashes on the cap.

When the child can draw an oak step by step, offer to illustrate M. Katsev's poem "Don't be sad, oak". Or make a picture for an excerpt from Pushkin's poem (the same one where the curvature is).

This children's master class will also help to make blanks for the applique. Only it is created illogically. What do we usually do? We glue the trunk, branches, and then “dress” the tree with leaves. But in the case of oak, the opposite is better: first, we cut out a lush head of hair from green velvet paper, and then we impose a brown trunk with three or four "horns" at the top. The crown may remain monochromatic, but it will be more interesting to supplement it with oak leaves carved with a curly hole punch. This tool is safe for children and greatly expands their creativity.

Who can explain more precisely - so what is "curvature", where the oak is green :-)))?

All the merchandise well, I don’t know what and, most importantly, how you can play with a child a year and one month .. I don’t know .. Tell me and tell me how to play ... how to show all sorts of colors and animals. the roof went if only the animals explained to me on this .. and the colors here are the color machine, three colors well, I show what the machine calls colors, but it seems to me that this is a complete useless .. In general, it looks like it's not mine, but you need it ... Poems I'm dry I try to read but on the second line ...


I don’t even read poetry, I don’t show or name colors. Why does she need it now? In stock? I ask how a cow hums - she says "MUUUUU" and so funny his nose wrinkles and lifts up)) But about a pussy, if you ask a dog, he won't say - she doesn't like them, only a cow pinned her) Apparently, in my image there is a cow It turned out more cool) Yesterday I began to ask her how she laughs and how she cries - I demonstrated it first. So this is how he laughs - he tries to portray - however, it turns out so far as a donkey, taking in air) And refuses to cry - I, you see, portrayed her badly. And it's boring for me to show the colors - I can't talk about it already on the third round. Therefore, I am looking for other pirouets without straining) She also dances, wherever she hears music. And she also paints simple pencil on paper F-4, at the computer, in my hands. She showed how to draw asterisks - soon there will be a compstol in the hole) She showed how weed - until she liked it) She also "writes memoirs" - she displays some small scribbles in her thoughts) Lately drew attention to dolls and soft toys - sometimes furtively hugs them and hugs them. She knows how to regret and hug) Usually this happens to a request to regret after she starts to drag someone else's hair) Eyes and nose shows, but this is because I started repeating this to her almost from birth, in the order of communication - from my previous repertoire)

I thought I was the only one :) true, I immediately brushed aside poetry for myself, I read fairy tales to them aloud, as a background, when they play and when they fall asleep.

Talk to me pzhl. Yesterday on the occasion we got to the master class of the Academy of Success in the Dostoevsky library on Chistykh. It was conducted by a writer (I don’t know the surname, but oh well) Oleg Zhdanov. I was not present for the entire two hours because I didn’t want my 12-year-old to look back at me and be embarrassed. The master class was something like "I am a writer". Creative task I found. The guys (about 10 people) read their little essays about Moscow: they had to get an acquaintance or friend interested in coming to Moscow. U ...


I do not know of an example of motivating schools: (I only know those who are in the family, but I definitely will not pull it, because it is difficult for me to carve out my time for such a project (I work while my son is at school), it is difficult to talk about subjects that are not interesting to me. ...
The experience with the elder has shown and the younger confirms that the main thing is to convey to the child that the school is an episode, that there is life in parallel, before and after ... and "adulthood" is incl. and understanding that this work just needs to be done ...
And my task, as a parent, is not to get hung up on the child, but to "organize" the appearance in the child's life of people with a "burning gaze", an activity that is interesting for the child ...

Oh ... I spoke at the meeting yesterday (as a psychologist). I touched on the topic of motivation, but where without it. My parents were ready to tear me apart: "We are already dancing lezginka in front of them, but they still do not want to study." And I can't tell them that school is true, discourages the desire to study: (((Here is my personal child, for example, hates history, well, how is that? :(
In your case, I am glad that, in addition to school, the child has a zone of success, and the spirit of rivalry and ambition is not characteristic of everyone, and not everyone needs it.

Little artist - drawing lessons

Flowers can be seen in the paintings of many famous artists... Painters saw the soul in flowers, compared them with people. That is why these paintings are considered treasures of world art. Priceless canvases were created over 100 years ago by the artist Vincent Van Gogh. Van Gogh often painted flowers: branches blooming apple trees, chestnuts, acacias, almond trees, roses, oleanders, daisies. The flower, according to the artist, symbolizes gratitude and gratitude. In his "flower" paintings, Vincent was looking for ...

Once upon a time there were pencils (T. Mikheeva, ill. O. Brezinskaya)

Once upon a time there was a Wizard who was very fond of drawing. Somehow not so long ago, "Rech" had already published a book "Three cheerful colors" ((provided it here), in which gallant heroes-paints - blue, red, and yellow are fighting for freedom and joyful colors in the world. "Once upon a time there were pencils" is not at all like that. Well, it is not at all like that. Not here revolutionary struggle, but the mixing of colors is more clearly presented in the form of creating a whole colorful town. And they are also very clearly and clearly presented ...

Drawing for beginners: master class step by step
...This is very important point! When the paper gets wet, it is strongly deformed, goes in waves. In order for your drawing to be even in the future and, you need to let it dry while it is fixed with tape - then the paper will straighten back. Let's move on to the next step. Draw a preliminary pencil drawing. This is a sketch, a plan for your painting. One line is the horizon; there may also be a landscape element, for example, a mountain. The second line is the coastline. Next, you need a wide, about 2-3 cm, strip of tape. We glue it so that top edge located along the horizon. There is one important point here: to speed up ...

Such a thing. Daughter 2.10 - obsessed with coloring. For the first time, she took the brush at 2 years old - she liked it, since then she has been "painting" with pleasure, there are periods - 2-3 hours a day (paints and brushes are always available, lie on the children's table), quite neatly (I quickly realized to wash the brush, do not spill, etc.), now he is actively mixing colors (I show and explain everything to the best of my ability, although I already feel there are not enough of them). But! Only coloring pages. On the clean slate- not in any. "I don’t want to, don’t ...


If I were you, I would be happy. Coloring pages are great for developing fine motor skills of the hands, which is beneficial for the development of the brain. I got the impression that your girl is an esthete. She is still small, in order to draw as beautifully as in the coloring pages, and worse, she is not satisfied. So she improves in where she does well. I think she will gradually mature into independent drawings. You know, there are such wonderful children's books in which the whole process of drawing different animals, plants, cars, etc. is shown step by step. I remember my son and I, when we were 3 years old, were fond of them. They took a book, I reproduced some animal step by step, as described in the book, and he watched me do it. And then he tried to make his own drawing or painted mine, saying: "Mom, I cannot draw as beautifully as you, so you draw, and I will paint." And another thought. It seems to me that it would be good to send your girl to a drawing circle for painting. There she will be very interested: mixing colors, drawing transitions, everything is very colorful and joyful, while there are no clear forms. I think there are such clubs or schools in any area.

From my point of view, your daughter just entered a certain period of creativity - free play in complex external rules. This is also creativity, so I would not worry about hobby for about six months.
If you want to speed up her entrance to another level, invite her to paint in an ornamental way - curls with flowers, leaves, silhouettes, whatever she thinks up.
You can still paint complex shapes- stones, cones, sculpted figures.

Do you know how we fall asleep for 3 days already? Under "Near the sea a green oak ...." In a kind of mournful, drawn-out voice .. 5-10 times ... We cut out both. Yesterday I was the first to pass out, only my conjugal duty lifted me out of the children's bed .. Cool way euthanasia. Now I think to learn poems, Mtsyri, Ruslan and Lyudmila, the giants of the classics are preferable .. Here :)))))


And we sing the lullaby "Tired toys are sleeping" 5 times :))) I put her to bed yesterday, left the room, and my husband told a joke: grandmother rocks her grandson, sings, sings, and he says to her: "Granny, you certainly sing well, but can I sleep now? " :))))

Yes, we also had a period of falling asleep under the onions and under other poems, fairy tales. (long) But then our son preferred to perform all kinds of songs by his mother. At one time he even said which ones. Ie I started, and he said no, if he wanted another. So it was possible to sort out for a long time.

Mothers of 3 years old, please tell us how you paint with your children. What are you drawing? My daughter is already creating masterpieces with felt-tip pens and pencils :), but paints are a continuous daub. Maybe this is not the result, but the process is important, of course ...


Can you share your masterpieces, please ... How do the creations look like? Is the theme of the drawing first set or fantasizing based on the result? Are there any favorite colors? Which? Show off more, and with examples. It is very interesting for us !!! You can't figure it out all the same!
From my own childhood memories - watercolor is very difficult to listen to. It is impossible to make a clear border of saturated colors, which was very important for me then. If that's the case, try gouache. But with it, you also need to wait a little until it dries up. (Also, by the way, life experience) You can learn to dry the border with a brush, but this option did not suit me as a child. Be-e-e. The color fades, it turns out disgusting. ;-))))
IMHO, in creativity, the process is almost always important, not the result. Give more options - paper, paints, brushes, time. Let her throw out what she doesn't like herself.

We are, however, two.
And I was engaged in drawing, at least, with five-year-olds. Maybe for 3 years there is some specificity .. I don’t know.
But how do we do it.
Of course, at our stage, the process is immeasurably more important than the result, but when the child gets enough familiar with the process, you can wait for the result. :-)

Well, first of all, I always give all children very high quality materials for work. From the "g .."

When drawing with a brush, the hand works differently than when drawing with a pencil or pen. Therefore, the sheets are large, the brushes are good, the paper is thick and rough.

There are a bunch of everyone interesting exercises not to create masterpieces, but in order for the child to understand, you can do that !!

For example, you draw in advance with a candle on a sheet of animals, and then a child fills the sheet with colorful watercolors and with delight sees an animal that has appeared from nowhere.

With a brush, you can make strokes, like bricks, rains, paint the earth, sky-clouds and then finish the little things, stamp, stamp, glue.

You can do an incredible amount of manipulations with a brush. Depending on the consistency of the paint, you can smear, splatter, splash, pour.
and then watch who turned out.

In order not to make dirt, masterpieces must be removed in time and replaced with clean paper.
When painting with paints, you need to be close and try everything together and you will succeed.

Oh, I can write a lot about it .. :-)))

Please comment on our drawing lessons with my two-year-old son. I'm not sure I'm doing it right. So. The child sits at the table in the kitchen. Before him is an album and a pile of felt-tip pencils. Loops through them. Takes off and puts on the caps. (by the way, his favorite color is orange, he chooses in 80% of cases). While Grisha is busy with "business", I quickly grab the felt-tip pens. I draw on one side of the sheet little bunny... In the other, a carrot. Grisha watches with interest. I suggest Grisha "Come on, we have a bunny for a carrot ...


We are 2 years 8 months. We draw from about 1 year and 8 months. mostly paints. The process was controlled a little, the sea of ​​gouache was spoiled, the wallpaper, tables, aquarium, toys were painted. I washed the child and the apartment. Gray-brown-crimson "pictures" were enthusiastically shown to acquaintances and hung on the wall. Now we switched to coloring and watercolors. The green-yellow-brown kitty was painted recently. Those. learned to use sometimes different colors... Rays and rain - we started with coloring pages. Pencils, markers, pens - as an addition. Basically, there are many lines, circles, etc. that fill the sheet. Or an imitation of "letters", if she is lucky enough to find something engraved. The child wakes up and falls asleep with the thought: "draw". But how to develop this further? If we do not paint with paints - as a rule, it is a lot of bizarre lines and spots that are called a house or a snake or just a drawing ... Very beautiful abstraction, I can't do that! ;) I'm afraid to even interfere with the process. I'm afraid to give template houses and Christmas trees, the child himself is so original ... And there are enough coloring pages from the "sun". Is it worth telling that first you need to do a drawing with a pencil, and then paint? Or not touch?

02.08.2006 11:02:47, Irina and Marina 2.8

:-)) no felt-tip pens are needed. Truth :-) Try to build this - tie on a stick or a short pencil or stick a piece of sponge along the edge with tape. And pour the paint into a saucer. Well, or a watercolor. Paint consumption will be large anyway, so see for yourself. Be careful with images. Do not finish painting it "kalyaki" - it is better to turn them around and come up with something ("cloud", "apple", "grass" - come up with different things), based on color spots. There are books for "finished" pictures. :-) You can still paint on the tiles in the bathroom - it’s fun to wash off right away, and the child feels paint on himself ...

07/28/2006 15:59:53, the teacher herself

I was told that it is very good to draw with your fingers with gouache, that there is such a special gouache. I ordered this in a Successful Purchase. And now all in thought. What do you think for a boy of 1.5, is it too early to have such art? How old is the child starting to draw consciously?


A question about stereotypes !!! I don't even tell the child (1.4): "draw the sun". But she very often gives me a pencil, paper and screams demandingly. What, you ask, should I do, except how to draw the sun, a house, a little man, and so on? Or can you draw yourself? And when I draw and tell, he loves it very much. And the eldest lovingly keeps her first drawing, when Zhenya said to some kind of kalyak: "in-in-in" (car). And what amazes me is that the pencil takes the right one! The elder was taught much later in battle :).

Well, at your age, this is all the same, the so-called "pre-pictorial" period. Testing the material for color and taste, awareness of one's "I" through the conscious leaving of "traces", in a word, a pure experiment. Paints are not required for this, nor gouache, nor such as in the "best buy". :-)

Paints for finger drawing have two advantages - they are bitter (you cannot eat much) and are easy to wash.
if you are willing to pay for these dubious advantages, paint with them.

In fact, a child at this age can paint with anything. Better with food paints - beets, yogrts, jams. Print or smear.
Brushes are just one of many materials - I would not focus on them.

yes, deliberate drawing begins when a child can voice his thoughts in terms of "and now I will draw" .. and it does not matter what he ended up with. It's age from 2 to 4 - everyone has different ways.

I will warn you that baby drawing is a dirty and ungrateful thing. There may not be masterpieces (drawing unconsciously), but dirt will definitely be important. Therefore, experiments should be performed with this in mind. :-)

We have such a subject " folk culture"According to him they gave the task: to draw a god, as you imagine it. (This is 8-9 years old.) Well, firstly, according to the Jewish tradition and Muslim, the image of God is generally unacceptable. And in the class not only children from Christian families. But, how did you dream, from Christian understanding God this quest is just as far away. They, as I understand it, were talking about a pagan version, like God is the earth. water, elements and in general everything that is around us. I was outraged by this ...


Draw the sun. Here he is, the god Yarilo :)) From Ostrovsky's fairy tale "Snow Maiden" and from the beliefs of the ancient Slavs. All this has a direct bearing on folk culture, because folk culture is a reflection of religion. IMHO, the child should either be sent to a religious educational institution, where the study of other people's gods does not threaten him at a tender age, or take it for granted that studying in a society educational institution one way or another will confront the child with different religious beliefs. Otherwise, there is a danger of getting the honorary title of "crazy mother".

I read ... maybe not all posts, but the main ones.
There is no point in studying Russian culture without touching religious concepts, Orthodox and pagan. A lot is involved in religion. The same ornaments for embroidery on folk clothes have religious meaning(pagan). Origin of many fairytale characters- pagan. It is important, of course, HOW the teacher gives it. But, in general, I do not think that she preaches paganism there. Orthodoxy is also unlikely to be, with such and such tasks :)

Slavic image pagan god- I do not see this as a particular problem. What was the wording? Surely you heard her in the transfer of the child. And if the task was formulated "to draw as you imagine ...", then it's okay. Do not the images of the Greek (ancient Roman) gods confuse you? Mars-Apollo-Venus ... And if a child were asked to illustrate something from Greek myths? So it's the same here.

What else can there be for the religious? Yes, a lot of things. Painting easter eggs- almost certainly. The study of icon painting - it is very likely that for a long time after the baptism of Rus, only icons were allowed as painting (I hope, nevertheless, the children will not paint icons on the instructions of the teacher). Singing carols, making Christmas stars - maybe. In general, this will all be correct within the discipline. Can you imagine Russian culture without icon painting? Me not.

If this still bothers you, you have your own religious traditions that will be violated by teaching this subject ... then you need to give up the subject (if this is possible in this school), change the school, the teacher ... Whether the teacher is a child's brain in terms of religion, or everything remains at the level of cultural studies, now, probably, it is rather difficult yet. One task taken separately to portray a pagan god would not have alerted me.

the child finally became interested in drawing - she asked for a piece of paper and a pencil .. how to help her so that at least something will work out right away? He is very worried about failures, gets upset if something does not work out ... maybe there are some coloring pages to which you need to add something? so that the result was immediately visible, at least for some reason :))) and in general, where to start? circles-stripes?


Our drawing is hard, but I would add the following: simple shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle), at first we just draw a figure, and then we paint or finish drawing so that there is something new. From a circle, for example, a watermelon, the sun, a bun with eyes. But I myself think about it all the time.

well draw with her first. as you can. coloring pages with large pictures buy, print. there are a lot of them on the internet ... but better let him draw as he wants :)

Can you please tell me how best to paint with paints with a two-year-old? Doesn't want to fingers (does not like dirty fingers), cotton swab or with a brush - the paint quickly ends on them, you must often dip it into the paint, plus everything when you mix colors (the brush does not wash) you get a dirty color.


1. For one drawing, let's give one color first.
Example: "Sun" - yellow gouache; "Grass" - green; "Water (sea, river)" - blue gouache; "Fence" or "Wood" - brown, etc.
2. When drawing on " free topic", ask what the child wants to paint, specify what color it is," give out "the appropriate paint. Be sure to give one or two more sheets AFTER the main one, for the kalyak with the selected paint.
3. After 8-10 sessions, move on to two-color pictures.
Example: "Red flowers (dots) on green grass", "Brown tree with green leaves", etc. Here you can already show that a different color is not smeared on the dried paint. (I remember how our dad got lost when the child was "drying" the paint, apparently after peeping at me - he blew on the drawing and said - "Moko isyo?"
4. Having learned to draw the sun, grass, trees, etc., you can take a larger sheet and boldly make up "compositions", saying along the way - "we draw the sun with yellow paint, wash the brush and dry it on a napkin, take a white one and draw a cloud, wash the brush and dry on a napkin, etc. " Only the first time you have to work as a parrot, then it enters the child's machine.
Good luck!

It is best to put a separate brush in each jar of paint, then the colors do not mix.
Or is there more watercolor technique- quickly wipe a sheet of paper for watercolors with a wet sponge, and then the child can take any paint and put dots, draw stripes, etc. such beauty is obtained!
Come to my reg (folder "Pictures"). Dina loves to draw, and she and I have already come up with so many things!

All the same, I can only pile something efficient when there is a great need. Thanks to the beginning - we gave the task for the holidays with the children to draw covers for fairy tales, so at least I remembered how to hold a pencil in my hands, portrayed Petson and Findus :) Do you have something that you can, but the kick is not enough?

Daughter 2 years 9 months. Houses from 1 year. 7 months Now he hardly speaks, only a dozen words. The speech therapist has been strongly sent to the speech therapist since September Kindergarten motivating this with possible serious problems. With whom did the children speak late? At what age? To some negative consequences did it lead?


3.4 g. Burst through after 3 days in a Russian kindergarten, such a mess was, it is not clear, but the child wanted to speak. Sadik is very good, and mentors. Before that, there were a dozen words. But our bridle was short, which no one wanted to cut. The last letter P was set firmly by the age of 9, after 6 years of classes with speech therapists in kindergarten and school. At school, it was impossible to tell by speech that the child spoke late.

Bloodline in 2.9 did not speak - a dozen highly distorted (unrecognizable) words and sounds. I went to the garden, where I studied with a speech therapist individually - from the age of three, speech began to appear. Until the age of 5, outsiders practically did not understand her.
Consequences - at school, terrible reading, terrible Russian, speech therapist already at school ... But in general, nothing, normal :)

How to draw New Year with a pencil step by step

1. Draw your album sheet in half, only with very light lines, they will help us when drawing. There will be a sleigh on one side, a horse on the other. Now draw the snow with a wavy line and the sled ski. 2. Draw a carriage. The horse is in the right part of the sheet in the middle, we draw circles indicating the head, chest and back, the location of the legs. 3. Draw the horse's head, body. 4. Now legs, hooves, mane and tail. 5. Draw more horse hooves and proceed to ...

How to draw bullfinches on a branch

In this lesson, we will draw a card for the New Year with bullfinches, or you can simply draw this picture on the theme of winter. So, how to draw bullfinches on a spruce branch with snow in stages using a pencil. For the lesson, take colored pencils or felt-tip pens, you can also use a simple pencil, it doesn't matter. Let's take this postcard.

Step by step drawing with a pencil. Smeshariki

Today we will learn to draw characters from the TV series "Smeshariki"

The topic was created to discuss the article How to draw everything in the world: books for children with drawing lessons. Children's books for an aspiring artist with phased drawings pencil

How to learn to draw a dove

Dove is good character for drawing a wall newspaper for Teacher's Day, especially for May 1 and Victory Day - May 9. Everyone knows that the dove is a symbol of peace and happiness. Pigeons are not only white, but also gray and black. But for wedding pictures, you need to draw only white doves, since White color it is a symbol of cleanliness and health. How to draw a dove? It is not difficult at all if you draw it with a simple pencil in stages.

Next, look out the window, but at a distance of no more than 50 meters. If there is a tree, take a good look at its branches. Then move your gaze 100 meters into the distance. If there is a house there, consider its windows and balconies. And only after that, look far into the sky - as if looking beyond the horizon, into infinity. Step by step return your gaze to the palm, looking at the house, tree, frame in reverse order. Repeat the exercise: palm, frame, tree, house, sky. And vice versa: sky, house, tree, frame, palm. Each time, fix your gaze on the object for 5-10 seconds, forcing the accommodation device to turn on at the required distance. Then we “galloped over the step”: palm - tree, frame - house, sky - tree, to ...
... And in combination with Step Gymnastics, it perfectly removes the so-called computer visual syndrome. Method 3. "Spot" Aimed at improving visual acuity. Take a regular sheet of paper and with a sharply sharpened black pencil draw 10 black dots on one line with intervals of about 5 mm between them. With very poor vision, the interval can be increased to 7 mm, but no more. Place the sheet in front of your eyes at a distance of 40 cm. You should clearly see all the points and be able to count them. Now ask the assistant to slowly move the sheet with dots away from your eyes, stopping every 20 cm. As soon as you stop clearly seeing all the dots, and he ...

How to draw a rose?

HOW TO DRAW A ROSE? Don't you think that in our pragmatic times we lack a little romance? Poems, candles, declarations of love in the twilight and ... flowers. They were replaced by live wallpapers on iPhones and icons on T-shirts. Well, if yes, then we will try, at least to portray a little bit of beauty! If you are already drawing some romantic flowers, then only roses! After all, this is not only the most popular gift girl, but also a symbolic image of tenderness, love and beauty. How to draw a rose? In order to...

The first step to knowing your own internal structure can be done by drawing a house in which your emotions live. You can imagine it mentally or depict it on paper. We have always actively used notepads and markers, so we advise you to arm yourself with them for the implementation of this project (we promise that it will be interesting). Over time, the walls will have to be changed: the personality grows and changes, and with it the house. The most convenient may be in ...

How to make an oak tree from Pushkin's poem "Lukomorye": [link-1] The craft itself Lukomorye: [link-2]

Drawing lessons

How to draw a bear? We offer you to study simple and understandable steps for drawing a bear, which will be clear even for a preschooler. We draw a bear together with the site Your child with a pencil and in stages! How to draw a hedgehog? We offer you to study simple and understandable steps for drawing a hedgehog, which will be understandable even for a preschooler. We draw a hedgehog together with the site Your child with a pencil and in stages! How to draw a pig? We suggest studying simple and clear steps for drawing a pig, which will be clear even ...

Child development program. Blog of user white-dove on

Mathematics A child aged 3 to 4 years should be able to: 1. The child should be able to count to three and show the appropriate number of fingers on his hand. 2. The child must be able to master the concepts: one - a lot, big - small, tall - low, etc. 3. The child must know the basic colors (red, yellow, green, blue, white, black). 4. The child must know the basic geometric figures(circle, square, triangle). 5. The child should be able to compare objects in size, color ...

Something mine, it seems, can not draw anything by himself ... Only paints coloring pages. What do your children draw at this age?


My child is five years old, he does not draw at all, only does scribbles and speaks badly, help me a hundred I need to do and where to turn

16.12.2018 23:53:07, Lena Mamoyan

does not draw anything, paints, but even then only recently started.

It's just that the diapers were not tightly wrapped in the maternity hospital. He was shocked in the car, so he prepared a surprise for you. Swaddle him tighter and wrap the diaper tighter. - Phew! - we sighed with noticeable relief. - Why is the color like that? - all the husband tried to find out. - color. Do not worry. If only not green. Managing to answer our questions, Natasha, meanwhile, swaddled our son with the dexterity of a circus magician. - Well, here, get it! What was it called? - Anton, - we answered in unison. - Good name... The son looks like dad, ”she said, handing a warm bundle into the hands of the happy father. - I ran, I have one there Anyutka. If anything - call! ...


Eh, it seems written about me. And how much water has flowed under the bridge since then.
Thank you for the kind memories.

04/14/2005 13:35:00, Yana

What a delight, how good it is that your neighbor, who immediately supported you, advised you on your way.
Your story is a good parting word to other novice parents that it is not so scary to have a child.

How to develop your imagination? I don’t know how to get rid of drawing using the algorithm. The child likes to redraw this way, the quality of the drawings has increased dramatically, the hand has become firm. But the child does not see, cannot draw things more or less as they are. That is, a carrot is always a triangle, an apple is always a circle. What antimethods exist to teach to see. How to create an image not with lines, but with spots and shadows?

I can send an archive (300kb) to those who wish. There is a program and lessons in preparatory group Moscow Academic Art Lyceum. Teacher Yu.V. Smirnov

Glass, an object behind the glass, close one eye, trace the contour, as you SEE - this is to get away from the triangular carrots. To work with shadows, shading, you can, for example, sketch black and white photos. If you have Photoshop, take pictures of the same carrots and remove / return the color ... But children still pay more attention to the outline and to the color, and not to the tone.

And you know, it turned out to be such an exciting activity. This technique was not completely new to me, but then I saw that it was possible to create paintings in this technique (this was new for me). Having rummaged through the Internet, I really saw picturesque paintings made with isothread. I do not use ready-made schemes. I usually pencil with back side cardboard (or velvet paper) I draw something, then poke holes in the process and embroider where necessary. The work that I presented to you, I embroidered for about two weeks (there was time on vacation). I tried the same way as to draw: immediately in color, as the paint lays down (i.e. thread). Embroidered immediately, without prior pencil drawing. Now mine autumn landscape decorates our room. For those who are interested in this technique, who have not tried it yet ...

Next, let your child's imagination run wild. Options 1. Snowman You will need larger balls of cotton wool, and the bucket, broom and carrot nose can be drawn or cut out of paper and pasted on. 2. Winter Scenery Draw or glue log-cut houses, trees, and wadding snow. 3. Dandelions Stick cotton balls on a green sheet of paper, let dry. Part of the dandelions to paint in yellow, draw stems and leaves with anything you like. Paper Mosaic Learning this technique is very beneficial from a developmental point of view. fine motor skills hands. To make a picture using the mosaic technique, you will need: Paper ....
... Dandelions Stick cotton balls on a green sheet of paper, let dry. Paint some of the dandelions yellow, paint the stems and leaves with anything you like. Paper Mosaic Learning this technique is very useful in terms of developing fine motor skills of the hands. To make a picture using the mosaic technique, you will need: Paper. Pencil. Colored paper or a colored two-year-old copes with it; or, say, red and blue - the sea at sunset - you can make white lambs on the waves - it's also very easy ... drawing on large sheets colored paper (for example, on yellow - brown - a camel (whatever, the child understands that it is a camel, or on blue - white (snow); drawing on a large roll of wallpaper from the back side - in ...


And our daughter is very fond of the kitchen and wax crayons I easily grated it at 2.3 g, and started drawing early, tried everything, our walls are washed with homestos, wallpaper for painting, I allowed to draw on them with fountain pens and pencils, thereby the spirit of creativity manifested itself throughout the apartment, in a convenient Lizaveki time, as he finds inspiration, and draws. And we will recognize figures with 1.5 g thanks to my drawing in Word. Now she draws circles and other figures calmly herself, we turned 3 in March. I give permission to draw on the dolls, I painted one of my beloved with a felt-tip pen, it didn't work, now I don't draw on others, it's a pity. How more freedom in expressing any feelings now, the more experience will accumulate later. And we parents can only help, with their, excuse me, permission.

"It is not necessary to rinse the current rice, it will not stick together anyway." - this, of course, the author is wrong. For the same pilaf, the most suitable rice for him - dev-ziru has to be washed many, many times .. It is not necessary to rinse only steamed rice, but it has the same relation to rice as Doshirak - to food ...

Gee))) I still cook rice for a side dish in the same way - "in Chinese" (though I have already learned to determine the required amount of water and amount of time by eye).

He is not bored alone, because he loves to reason. He gives himself entirely to friendship, because he prefers to give rather than receive. However, one "but" should be borne in mind. Sometimes children choose blue not because they are calm, but because they want to calm down. Green - the child is independent, persistent, stubborn. Green for him is the color of calmness and security, to which he aspires. Red - The child is eccentric, aggressive, active and easily excitable. Yellow - the kid is an inquisitive optimist. Purple - the child loves to fantasize, he is emotional, but at the same time very sensitive and vulnerable. Brown - the child often experiences negative emotions. He is slow and physically undeveloped. Black is a child ...


I agree with Lilek, children's drawings are a great opportunity to find out the child's mood, to reveal his fears and anxiety, to understand how he reacted to some life situation... I really love to watch my 4-year-old kid draw, in the process I ask him leading questions, what is what, he begins to explain, and thus, with the help of words and pencils, a picture of his today's world is created. I completely agree about the choice of colors and the drawing of details, the kid will certainly not carefully draw an element that is not important for him, even if the hand fell off. And, forgive me, I will never believe that a cheerful child will choose only black color for his drawings, which means that parents simply do not care what happens in the soul of their baby, since they consider the only black color to be normal. Thanks to the author of the article!

20.08.2008 22:49:29, Anya

Analysis of children's drawings

You have one minute to consult with the team and write down their names. (The jury evaluates the resourcefulness of the teams on a 10-point system) Host: Where will you live on the island? You need to build yourself a house. Each team will draw their house on a piece of paper. Get creative: maybe it will be a bamboo hut, or a hut under a palm tree, or a house on the branches of a tree. The main condition: each player must take part in the drawing. Write your names next to them. (Each artist receives felt-tip pens as a gift. Drawings are hung side by side. The jury evaluates both houses). Host: You have built houses for yourself. It's time to explore your island. Not far from your homes, a trickle of clean drinking water... Walk along the brook ...

Drawing lesson for expectant mothers Imagine that you have planted a seed of an unknown, but beautiful flower and are looking forward to its blooming. Now try to depict on paper how you imagine this flower. You can draw several stages of flower development: here the first green sprout appeared, then the leaves, then the bud, and finally, it blossomed beautiful flower... Draw a green meadow, a blue sky and a yellow sun around the flower - this is the care that you will surround your own child with. Psychologists and color therapy experts say that drawing such a flower relieves internal stress and helps expectant mother realize and feel all the beauty of your position. This tutorial will help you save ...

By the side of the sea, a green oak; A golden chain on that oak: And day and night, the cat is a scientist Everything walks on a chain around; What color do you imagine a cat? For some reason I always saw him as black.

E. actually examining works created by real masters with the kid). Believe me, one is inseparable from the other, and the creativity of your kid, even superficially familiar with the history of art, will be richer and more diverse. Where do you start? Of course, acquire materials - both for practice and for theory. Drawing Drawing requires paints or pencils - different types, varieties, tones and shades. Practice has shown that gouache is best for the smallest. Its advantages: easy to clean and washable; dries quickly on any material; over dried gouache, you can paint in a different color - gouache is opaque; this paint is harmless - none of my little students were allergic to it; finally, it tastes bad ...
... Try the same thing with your fingers! here is the kid dipping his finger in blue paint and draws, say, a cloud. Then he wants to make the sun next to him and dips his finger in yellow paint... What kind of sun is it? That's right, green. And then he draws a red bird. What kind of bird comes out? Dirty, that's what it is ... It's not very convenient to go to wash your fingers after each smear, and even more so your palms. This is why we prefer brushes. Graphics Pastels are good drawing materials. You can do with pastel crayons line drawings, hatch and paint over ...